Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 7, Image 7
nir. OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MAY 14. 15Ct. BRIEF ClIY NEWS xt Boot rmt xv m-ripa 1. Swckodk, jditor. lor Cocgss Tao. -ay. Blackburn. A It. Toac Ovlt-ara, I irtort Cheney, Loyd Thr. Bjvbu, 117 X. IS , Doug. as shoes, i: lu. 7a Be-axa tor Qua .t- cipara, Jl 3. lith. B-sahart, tboii jrjp? r. l;h lui,i:n. ut to Order, li uj . costs and pant. up. MaeCart. r- ilon- Jf4 S. 161 n. WaWrhoua Kakaa aitnn A. H . " I " waa k5 and before then t- Collins WVarVSta. m"? tT !- the d.sirt Wn and stayed,, to ..e. ! ,!c-d T f n","r"-tr'rnf "" T V-' c. t . j n , cured a bond. Collins refupes to have his tv. ar.d Lout Awra. Board cf Tffct U. 1- , , Wat'rhowse will deliver a taper "Being a 4'ruri.h. STemher." at Ft. Mary avenue hutch. toniihl. Kit Sax Wife BmtM Bias Bee us tiTac-e Ca.t tai Ieit him and refusea to I ve t.l T..m an, lonr. Charlc. , I... arrlM to t:.e rtr rt court for a 'rce' ; Calr Xaa Cfcaara AManlt Frar.k 'i'-f-oa. rc..:f-d. r-t South Tl-irt jr-ttlrd j -rtet, nwt ojt a warrant ataintt T. J. I I'eaipon, cfiarg.r.g him with aseauitins i3r Wllon. UttU Osa Iaid at Beert The f uneral of John Tsjkir. Infant an of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor. SiZ North Tweety-fourtu waa held tVedt.f "-day afternoon. waa in Evergreen cemetery. Tkaeraa la 'Womaa'a Koosb ThieTt lie rex'm cf i&.rt L'aiay Piandard. . Corty rtreet Tueoday tlfht. and atoie t:,ree ringa Th y a:o tr.d to effect en trance to tnt Lome of J. S. Doi-glaa, next ow r, bui were frishtcned away. Arrert4 tax BttTflaTy P.ichard Brodie and Warttr M.lJer trri art-!-ted ty Detec tives Mltibe.l arid Sullivan tVtdm-sday fur ti.e burglary of a Missouri Pacific boi ear Ita dajt ago From the cur twenty-four pa is of shofa, a g-ar:tlty of dry srcKdsi and tobacco were stcien. Beit galast Soatk Omaba L tr'-rkrt. Council fciu'fs. has brought au.t aaa.rjat the city of P".:th Omaha for t:Q. ca.x.agfs for ir.jurl-. He waa thrown out of t.i wagon at Twenty-third u-i3 W tr-t, aa be allege in the ata'e-r-icnt tf Ln claim, by re-aaun of the rough iavlrg. Boy a Admit tbe Cn-ma Frank Swab. Leon firke and Am "id L.ooke are '-Lree t'y tounsta who cla.m Cnicagrj aa their horrt. Thty were arrpsted for breaking lnu a bo i car and sieahng a number of Diiri if (.raikera. When accused of It, .hey a-l.-r.itse-l the crime ard g've the very piaus.Dle tiiusp that thty were bungry. T:.ry turned over to the Juvenile trflittra. Old Horse ia Beatad An aged and 2e-rr--;..t h"rs which P.ev. M. Bchatx. a 4.i-r butcher waa using to draw a load of m at fro South Omahis, waa taken from iht anaita ty a policeman Tueday and tO'n-.d into a vacant lot at 1436 SouLh S.k-trt-nt."i ".r--t petjdirg further orders. The r. :rse got into a bole, was unable to gt-t out and whew the htavy rain came waa dro Led. Xaa Waata la7 from AaTaraary Julius gtoer aek the district court to make Hans Tbomaen pay Lis 11.100 for beating Buster Brown Bread It's a IXitb CrfMiJ WTiit Loaf. I'tlferent from the ordinary bread, c.aue oelicious and appetinng by the ur of a generous amount of purr swe-e-i milk and malt. Cmly the best northern hard wheat flour is um-d ia its making Me re-ep-etf ulH' solicit you to bui a trial )'af. Tou will insist on it aftrw ar-Sa. Th- Ifle lab 1 Et'STER and his dog TME on every kitf. OC AT iU OBOCXBB Baked bt U. P. Baking Co - mam - wwa M k a . w. 'I W ' 9 -m. ml t V- Ileili dictates the wtarinj cf Porosknit " uodena ear cooMng com fort against Summer hei.t 5eaand it. " rsrokJiit " ia a. wtjtidcrfuj fibric. bgtt, elistic. endohng g.zj iecidd!)r a-it:- All Kvles. ask venrr deaJer. Insist cpxta tha " Poroavkmit LiDcl i:'a yoiT fwatecuoa. If you ca.3 t tvl it write nv CMU.XERI 1CMTTIX1 CO. !. ! igsajpg '" J lit' TC-t. I rwitiwely Oarva .U(X)HOUC INEBRIETY. MOKTHIXE. OPllM, AtMl .VU tPtlarr ln-ug AddartioBV TwrTJiTT naM til COBTUVOUal SUCCBBS Prlntad matter sent ln p.aln n valop upoa rwisit All oorrvapon denoa ainctly ouafltaenuaJ. TKE KEELET IXSTITUTE Xttk aad Caaa sit. Onwah. Nj wassssaajQ2 1 :As4sj i ii Mm wp Mareh : He s.ya he re:eiv1 . friVC tflVTV I IpfTn V1VV cut ar-cv. the ere. his eye became ti.k!LA3j It .3 31 J L.itVljLlV J A 1 and Hue, hia'as-per Jaw was bruipd snj j r wa otherwise rr.irtreated. He k"-kt - fcr r w h lit a' for tme lost from work. and another li" f.r Ml ruined clothe. Sradmatad lu of rin X Celling wa I.ned again m police curt WfKlneJit for ma.ntair.tT'g a c-a.Banee on one of hia rreper.ies :n th north irt cf the cl y The fine in thia 'rs'anee was C!. Last and the department is fUinaj coa I'iamt after complaint in consequc nee. urdia for Oia Xaa Victor Schmidt. c.:herw.e knon as V.reri Schme: k. tt.e oid man, who irs taken in by the pMiie s, . .,..,;, ln h;, ' ktt 4, w h,v, a rj.rtiM ,0 f.,p tlVe tare. &J hi property. Juiics Wi:m AitfUd'. fed a pc-tiikon la county cr urt ak r g tor the a; poiatnsent erf the aaen:n that Schm.dt.. wto ia TO reara old. a to feeble In mnd to take care of h.s wealth. He ia raid to have between, !".( and in prnperty. Osws Be sewed rrom ta Kails Stray e Stray- j lrg by means of aa unknown ttif frcn the.r pasture to a packing bouse in outh Omana. two cowa belcra-tr.g to John Met s.r.ger. Camdea avenue and Fort atreet, and i. H. Howard. Th:ny-ehth and F"rt atrepeta, wt.e rescued from the butcher s I morning. The cows were j knife Tuesday tol-n from the pasture In the northern part of tiie city some time Monday night and taken to 6?uth Omaia and sid. The owxers of the cattle succeeded ln tracing their property and regaining possession, but they have as yet been unable to find the perpetrator of the theft. - MAN SHOT BY HIGHWAYMAN ! WlUtavaa Dlealac Attacked Wlthla Few Feet mt Hla Owi j Dses. ; I WilLam T. rtes:r.g. trr.r.Icyed tn the cf- ; flee of the Cudahy Parking company at ! South Cmr.aha. and living at U North Twenty-sixth street, was snot in the right ! side. Just abo the h.p, and dangerously j wounded by one of two highw ay- i men who attempted to hoid tin up Tuesday night about I o'clock as he o& his way from hie home to a drug store at Twenty-fifth and L-avenport streets. The ahocfting occurred ln front of the res idence at 2K Davenport street. Both of the highwaymen made their escape after the shooting, one running north on Twenty Sixth tnd the other east on Davenport, and was reen to go through the h!h echool grounds. Accord. ng to the etory told by Dieslng, be had Just left his home and turned the ! corner and started east on Davenport when Le was approached ty two young men. j one of whom appeared to be intoxicated, j The more aobe-r one of the two asked ! Dieaing for a match and as the latter i started to Land him a lew matchea the other ahoved a gun in s Ice and commanded him to throw up his Lands, which demaDd Diee.r-g complied with. The first highwayman then asked Dieting "What have you got on you?"' to which Diealrog replied 'Not much, but wiU give you what 1 have," then lowered Lis hands and thrust them ln his pocket with the appar ent Intention of bis valuablea over. He concluded, however, that he could make his escape, and giving the unarmed highwayman a shove he turned and started to tun, whereupon the on with the re volver fired. The bullet entered Dies.r.g's right aide above the hip, pkwir.g through the abdomen. The wounded man ran shouting Into the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. JaDe McMoiian. 24i Davenport street, and Dr. Louis Bchwartziander was called. Dr. Schwartxlender extracted the bullet from the abdomen Wednesday morning. It was found to be cf S!-caLber. It bad entered the back and penetrated tt.e abdomen a distance of e.ght incbea The surgeon was unable to determine whether any vital organa Lad been pierced. Mr. Dleging la resting easily at the home of his mother-in-law and unless he griws worse in the next three days his recovery is, very probable. A fair description of the highwaymen j was furnished the police, but there have ! not been any arrests yet Sklaaed frwai Head ta Heel was Ben PckL Threat. Ala., when dragged ever a gravel roadway, but B.uklen s Ar nica Salve cured him. lie. For sale by 1 Beaton iTUg Co. GERMAN WITH BLACK SKIN Frita Melwaeaberg aad Faailly Tell Hard Lark Tale t (aaaly Aatkerltir. With a complexion as black as that cf a aegro and unable to apeak a word cf any j Manage Mohjer of the Vnlon Pacific larguag but C'nnjB Frita rg. a i a, oeiegation of army officera from De-rec-ent imm.grant frora tTeaden. Germany, partmtnt of the Missouri headquarters related a story of hard lucg and hunger to vu at th depot to greet the admiral and th county authontie-a. V hiie he ia biaok. ha is cot a negro. He aaya hla father waa Arab and hia mother a dart -skinned German woman who lived m Leipsig. Meisaer.berg says he landid in New Tork 1th hia wife and two children several weeka ago and waa fleeced cut cf all his by an immigration agency which sent him to Armour, Neb., under a ruse thai he could find w ork there. hen Le arrived there no wcrk waa to be had. Un able to speak Er.giish he was shunned by the people there and being without funda he started to walk with hi family back to Omaha. When they reached Cfffmaa ata tion above Elkhona Mra. Meiaaer.brrg be came exhausted, and leaving her and the children there he w alked into Omaha to secure relief. He was directed to the office cf W. F. Wappich, who with Bernard gachsa raised a purs and got him some thing to eat. He refused to gro to the poor boua becauae be wanted to follow hia trad a a cabinet maker He La stow ocurei a Job and las pent for hia farruly, which, reached Omaha Wednesday morning. Meimt-rg la in a lonely poaitaon. Few whit peopi will aseoctate with him be cauae of hia black skin and ha can't aaso ciat with negroes because he can speak on?y German. On the way to Omaha he aaya th farajra along the way refused to gtve him aid cr shelter and were evi dently afraid of him. ' Our lady readers can tot a abort tim obtain a very valuable thiny-two-pag fre botkiet entitled. "Ck SVscreta." if tl.ey wtl at one eend their g-rocer'a nam tu Igleheart Broa.. Desk . Evanrrili. Ind. Thia firm manufacture the famoua Swas'a Ftowa Prepared fake Flo r. Palate raragraska. It's a wis dentist who knows hia cra teeth. Anything contiruou aoon become monot Ofiou. Thera la bo argraaoett able to discount a feelirg ot bapptneaa. eWrue men tuan-y at leisure, then hustl for th dirore eowrt Evea a cheap cur.g man tuy coat hi parent a lot of money. f.inauoiu are enough ta mak th wi.d wates aay tringa If a a-ur-st anake rtnself too much at bom hi kot as apt to w tah hint tbere The atwiaa of a hypoem m a a level with the laugn of a hyena and th tear of a crmrrmi:i. Eternal vigilance anay be th trice ef litwrtv. Urn t prv ef i!a ia a eertaia arrM.iil tat laaA ainr.rv. "l a Ktaa Dcclirti United Sutei Shod ETt Forty-Light Bttlehip. TIL ATT AIY3 Ef ST05l wliait rr C. II Bire Dvtaya Parts' Tw Itawr. kt riaktlaat B U la G4 lrlta aa4 Better. I 'Fhtmg Bcb nr rather hJ . Admiral RobUy D. Eiana, Evar.s " arrival Ctnaha appr.-aeh thereto, waa t.rnaliaed by a bm- i roficent eiectnraj storm and a triple tor- nwdo. and ln order that "Fighting 800 : should get the full advantage of the storm the.e was a washout ahead of Lla train rear GUmore. He f reached Omaha. Just two Lours behind schedule, at 7 ju. ' Turing the act 're trip frota Hampton Roads to Mf l ship fleet we d ii bar with the battle- i other words, cur rainfall fcr the past sn ot have as bad a storm j teen months was about 2t inches wn-n It as this one here a: Omaha," said Admiral Evans. "We saw the effects of the tor- , cado. but it was too far ahead of us to d3 j u rT fiamag-e. cicept the delay caused by the waehouL It must have been a . terror." j Admiral Evans bean the evidences of , hia recent ilitjess and looka much thinner j than he is represented in his picture, though the trip across the continent has i matervaily btnef.ted him. ' I am feeling rme; better than for several weeka," he I continued, "and wll! be all right again soon. The trip thus far Las Cor.e me good. 1 "Of the tr.p of the fleet, oh. It was great. ' We lost but s'x mn by death on the entire I trip, and they were from uatjral caueea. ! The men of the fleet -ajre the finest in the i (world. I am proud of them. At least Mjh.le Hamilton county pays i jier cent. ; I r-r cent of the entire body of seamen and i I Iterance on the part ef investors as crews were American born. About one-half j 0 f mto oa-iy io-UT monttJ from j ,be cornfieida of the west, and a fcaer ! f A , t tx.m: in th i yourg mtn don't txist in world. Why. at target practice there at MAgalet,a bay they made a record that CAaaot t t,y aBy vkry lne world. r "As regards the proposed appropriation for the better educatonal facilitiea ln tne navy. I do not wiah to pose aa a critic. ; It would be inappropriate for roe to do ao. . tsut my private opinion is that mere is j too much of a tendency to over-education I in America. I mean by that a classical ' education. 1 am an ardent advocate and ) belie er !n the system of Industrial eda j cation. We cannot go too far ln that. In : this great industrial nation we ahould give more attention to industrial education j of the young. It ia a fallacy to believe j that we can educate every boy to become I a president because Vice President Wilson ! was a cobbler or President Johnson was a ' tailor. There are not enough presidential Jobs to go around. Booker Washington has it sbojt right ln his theory cf indus trial education. I agree with the propo sition that young men of special natural Qualifications will rite to the top. but the tendency to educate young men for poai- tiona that they are not natura..y qualities io fill is not the wisest policy to my way cf thinking, it places them in positions of expectancy their life long environment will not realize to them. 1 am a firm be liever in the good, old fashioned methods cf our fathcts ln the education of our young men. Find what they are ppecial'y capable of and edjeate them accordingly. IXeewe Farty-Elakt Battleship. "America is in ned of a battle-ship f'eet of not les than forty-eight. Say sixteen for the protection of the AUa-itic coast and sixteen for the pacific coast and the remainder with the subsidiary fleet of cruisers and torpedo boats and terpedo boat destruyers to move arouod for what ever emergency they may be needed. America is rich enough to build such a fleet and not feel the cost. This is a big eouniry with big interests and we snouid be in a poaition to project these inlereata i emu-a We have the Deal l.eei in the world of' ita me and is manned by the attended the State Sunday srhool conven bert and bravest men tn the world. tion. I am no politician and must be ex- j George C. Wallace president of the Dng ... te-kina- ary poUUca whatever. las County Sundwy School assoc.ation. pre- I coulcin t if I would. During Lis talk Admiral Evans a ,.- . i,.-.o ir, hi. crtvate ear. and pttitu -ii '.--"I- aa ln excellent sparita. The admirals party consist of Admiral and Mra Evans; hi daughter. Mra Marsh; h'a eon. Lieutenant Franck T. Evans; Lieutenant Commander Lloyd H. Chandler. son of ea-6ecretary cf the Navy Chandler; Lieutenant Commander Gherardi. aoa of Rear Admiral Gherarui; Laeutenant Rua- and Naval Sungeon Dr. M.Dona.l BajBta froaa Oaaka Frtead. Vpon th arrival of the belated train ln Omaha the admiral and Mrs. Evan were presented with handaoro bocjueta of Ameri can beauty rosea by an Omaha friend and a : boa cf American beauty roaea by General j remained until it was aaeertainea that the i train had be-en dciayed by the waahout .fneMi Gilmore, and that the hour of ita arrival waa txtremeiy uiic-riiaiu aiia vnis tv toe storm coming up with increased aevtnty the army delegation left before th train came in. Those metir.g Admiral Evans, were two newspaper representativea and several ef the Vn.on pacific railroad cfrciaj and George West of the Northwestern. Admiral Evane' ear was attached to the second aection of No. 1 of the Nrthwesiern and left about 1.30 for Chicago. Admiral Evans and party will go direct to Wash ington. Traveling on the same train with Admiral Evans and party was a party cf tareivw or fifteen ";ackues" from the 1 ,c"" e. who were on t m "tMiint th. I with the battleship fleet. They wets men discharged for expiration of eniiatmcnd and were going to their various horoea The -Jackies" were enthuaiartic ln their of Adm-j-al Evar.a pronouncing him a the f neat man that ever commanded a fleet." they said, "and be was always looking after ur lnlerr st. Th Lord don t make any belter hearted men than the admiraL and you can tell th whole world that for ua" M aalaar f a lyaie. Don ! Jump at eoncluaion unlea you ar in tra-iur.g Every a man tel hi trouble it r-e-w worse. Lightning never tr'. twice In th aam place, and lu - i . gOid tit Lk Ughtnang;. New York 7 mew. EETTQ ff Cake Pudding or B Pastry U THE DAXXTY DESSZZT B ' dMBpcr mf M jOcemtsm package jff Our Letter Box Coatr.'butiona on tlnelT totlcs lrTl'aL TTrlre lef.bljr on ere ,e cf the prf m'r. with ra-ne and ad-n arpended. I'r.jid enmrir'uUor.a w!l. not nv turned Lettera eced:rt w rrda wl I be uir;ect to be:r ct dewn at t.'e prrtti' a tf tb el;tor P.b!ica'jon ot Wei of rorreepon Jen'j doa ret eota The rVe to ' c.-r endorsienittit. C water Coaatr resaltlsaa i ANSLET. Neb.. May 1. -To the El:tor : i cf the tee A r-!ck paper rnr.d a !.s-, patch frcaa Anaie-y May Sth. savlr.g that lh, ,jrr.utli cf sixteen montha at thia plare ! bn kea. We had a g od subwoil ' ar'aker W were rd It cine, as th ! g - round w aa dry. but the gr.ra crors wre not suCfermg from want ef rain .! I The facts are that .the annual rair.fa for Ansiey for the sixteen years the gcv ernment record were kept ia i 11 Inches, end flgurirg on that ba;a we had a defi ciency ln rainfall cf about ten Inches from the normal for the last sixteen moriha ln should have ben H.17 inches if we had received our avwrsg. We have received 1 Inches ef ra'r.faH so far thia May. Tie rain gootis had 1 iruhes of ra.n up ia j the clouds for us wlJeh we mv expect. The facts are that tl-e rinfall at Ansiey I Is only a little less than ln Hamilton an Tork counties and that the rai-fall Is ; not w herein tne d.fference in crop yield coms Grv standing st Give our county the same credit bread In retard to our real eatate securty and let cur county have the aame interest rate en.yfd by Tork and Hamilton counties and ycu will re-e a rr.ighty difference In the crop yte'd. We need cap-tal and labor. i Custer ecunty pays on an average of ... j tr cent interest en her choce irmi loans I 15 true conditions existing 1n Custer county as to the a-rfete c-f the first mort- i " "l estate loan security, and of tr.e j mistaken idea that our rair.fa.ll is nt puff'- eient to Insure reasonable safe crcp eon- J d.tiona is why Investors shun Custer county real estate security. We ask that the Bee ass st in removing ti.e cloud against ' tee safety and security of the f j-st mort- j gig? real estate loans in Custer county. , WILLIAMS MATT LET. j 1 ! LEADER OF BARACA CLASS M. A. Hadaaa Prtaeipal speaker at Caaatr mdar Scheol reaTeatlea. Th leading feature ej the semi-aaaual convention of the Douglas County Sunday achool association held yesterday in the irt Congregational church waa the ad Iress by Marshall A. Hudson of fyracus. if. T., founder and leader of t .e great Baraca Bible class movement. Mr. Hud son spoke of the beginning of the work in ISHfl. wben he, then a young mr.-hant, conceived the idea of the new e:as and put into effect starting with eighteen mem bers. "I did not push It mjch at first." a,d Mr. Hudson, "but it seemed to grow spon taneously . Today we have In Srra-u.-e aione ninety-nina Baraca and Fh.latbei j rtm!lm the latter being the class for women TheaeaJ-.ave more than 1"W mera bars. Next to New Tork. Caiilorr la haa thj largest number of classes Z?1. There are I.yw classes in the 1'aited States enrol line 146.0M women and men. The ciases are found throughout the worid. I have Just received a copy cf the constitution of a Japanese class. With our rig office f roe at the central office in Syracuse we ar? hardly able to care for the buslne-sa cf en rolling the new ones. "In th-s Nebraska perTtentiary at Lincoln, last Sunday. I had the pleasure of vls.tirg Ua first and only priPcm Baraca claf a in the world. We hope to have it tpread t aU pr.sona" Mr. Hudaon sold out his prosperous busl- ness in Syracuse thra years ago and now spends all his time traveling in the in terest of the Baraca movement. He came to Omaha from Wichita. Kan., where he J J auied at the afternoon meetirg, Mrs. T W. Stallard sp'ke on "Present Pay M?th- ! oda cl C'rgamratK.n or tne t.emectsrr re- i parvmeau - cv..u . ... TlM . ti . .v. . . . ev Miss Hrod of the Seeond Pres. ' rnu:Cn vim. r.m,l.rr Work.' Mrs. G. E. Mlckel spoke en 'The Cradle Roll." using charts and pictures. I Miss Gordon cf the First Baptist church I discussed "The Lson Taught.- I In th teacher training rjepartmert Mrs. P. C. John spoke of "How to Study the wora. attss WHt -nr gaie an inter- estir.g address on "Surne Experiences in Conducting a Teacher Training Class. At S o'clock waa a anort informal conference on adult claf work conducted ty Mr. Hudson. JIWS BRAVERY UNSURPASSED Mayor Daklaaaa. Bear Heater, Atteada Baatart wltk Elakt Haadred Waa aad Oaly Twenty xea. Mayer Dah'mcn ia a brave man. He afraid of neither bears or women. Whfle at Der-rer the Jan Jefferson club, a women's political orgar.ixstlori. healed by Ruth Leav-itt. Prypn a daughter, gave ' the democratic "big gun " a banquet 1 E.ght hundred women were at tne banquet ' and less than twenty men were invued. ! but a half doaea Wtl demixratj being asked to the spread given expreasly for j Iahlman. Roger Sullivan of Illine-ia. Nor- ! rraa Mack of New Tork. fry Woodson ot Kentucky and other members c-f the tee on arrangerwnts for th na tional conventiem. Dah' responded to the tost. "The Lad es," and say he did himee.f proud, and Norman Mack talked oa "DeTux racy a . Prnciriea No other toast were given. the msyor and Mack covering the ground COtr pletely. Dahimaa says that local j.litir-s m Ik n- -ver are in a deplorable atate and 1 party line are broken. Ha.f tne derooc-ata I re ti.e republican citr tKk't' tr.d half the republicans are -i;.portihg j thr-demcratc tic-ktt. Mayor Speer. d-no-cratic candidate for re-eieion. ia opposed ny renator X . erwn a two pajr. and the aenatcr, who is a democrat, is we.rk ing for the election of Horace P .eip, tne r;ubiKn caidxiaie. Wanted Fifty g.rn tj gD oa the Apply Lie ben. 1418 Howard atreet. atags. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. T. J. O'Ketfe. pbliner ef tt. Ai'ianc Hrraid. i in th city hoojobbing witr. tr.e poinit-iana R R Ruahnell of FVien.t T. V Sit of Kearney and B. Lake of Denver are at li. Merct.cta 1 Le Logerweil. a druggist at Naper. ip m the city to buy good anei assure "Gov ernor' Lobeek that he ote for t.;m next falL J. W. Babeoek ef Cambrwlge. C. H Mug ger c-f krpLtiii-aa Ciiy. t-rg Nren. R G of Ienver and F. E. Wujd cf Teivaman ara at tn M-.iard. Dr. and Mra N. B Riiirien Lave re turned from a trip around tne worli. l.r Rairdea wul addii" a meetirg at Ca.vary Baptan ehurcn togigtit at s ocKk. g a u. .j CMrnttirna gatbered e.n kia lo.r. Bescie Eimriena cf S.iu'k A'-bjrn. il-a J H. Neal .f t-e-rxer J. B Iei-r of V ooi i Lake. Mr. sd Mr A R t"hi'ley rf , i t .oeyerri I J Irriaa I Ll.'L.ll V-.oeyerrie. Tantr.u iliti tl c-i Him, ; ad H C H uae anil J. ii. Ai-e o arc al U-a 1 ajta. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS J Csuwt B?rtei Cocirade for liter ' raptir. Him While ia Chair, vAcccfinoj snx is mm) Etaat rawaellaaea y eie la rtr t Resal ( (filMrr Measwrs Mayer's Fark Bmirel Asslat- Bests Are Approved. vv-v ie ocrupv'rg the cha!: for a tefrnr- arr peri'-d at the mt:rf rf t"- cfty council lart Ccjnciirran Eleaer delivered kn epic t9 n s fellow council- men cr tie lrrprcpriety ef mterropt rg ths (- i- 'rT-t:T- from tv rhair'a ml- lrrs. T.e Elk? rrear.ted an tnvltarlcn to the council to et'end their Jollification porfal ' rext week. The council voted to aicept the ln itatlc-i. but the chair annoureed t,at the, 'motion Is accepted." Plage wh'ar.-s cf Invitation, inflation' were i th-cn heard on all siJea but EIe.aer stood by his guns and in the tone pecu.lar to that eo-ncilmar. fr .m the Tenth wa-d fleiared from Lis eieva'ed position ti at he was "if aid would have his say. I am wrrlre ef this g.rr.e." shouted the temporary chairman. brtr.g'ng gavel down with a resounding blow his "1 said motion gocl and loud, not invitation. And the motior, a.ind you, the motion is accepted. Li'.er when a communication frora the park board was referred by Eisasser to the city a'torner ovrt the motion of a councilman, the occupant of the chair an bounced that communleatlcna "don't amount to anytUng anyway, ana waa. a the in taking up our valuable tune botherir.g with tbm- lt the city attorney fx,j w,th them." a matter comic before the council; mfi. h amaasd the Tenth ward mettber j T1 d l..i-i to break out in a suoiesslon guffaws. toid Ma to kep H-..L whereupon Elsaseer replied "Well, it s furny if councilman cf.n t i H ich if he wi.eis to." -He haa ro r ght to make a fool of him- , sell, though." retorted ZJmmati. ! Deejue the vein of levity which was! n.nilest dur-r.g the greater part of the! meeting of the council. consid-raMe bus:- waa t arsacted. whi h was the t firal passage of the rule II of th htklta ine fcr corrtulsory ordinance ordinance, rrovid vaccination, was parsed. Countilmen Hansen. Brucker, , Davis and Eisasser votrd agamat repe'in ; the compulsory vaccination rule, the other i eight councUmen voting for the repeal. The council has been up and down the hill on the vaccination Question ! a couple of weeka I To keep its records atra-ght, however. , ! the council charged face on aaother propo- j ' anion, this beif.g the ordinance providing ' for the payment of a tax for the use of j the space under sidewalks. In committee i 'of the whole Monday ar.ernoon it waa j - voted to lay the proposed ordinance on 1 the tatle. but last evening a reversal was ! in ordr ana the ordinance Is re-committed ! to the committee of the whoie for re con side rat ion. Councilman Bridges introduced a new ! ordinance requiring the Omaha ft Cenncu . Eluffs Street Bjiiiway eomrany to run its cars at more frequent interv ala oa the "Park lire." and it was referred to the committee of the whole for consideration. The ordinance provides that ears shall be : run at lnterra'a of six minutes between the i hours cf I and 11.' a. m.. J and i p. m.. and 7 p. m. and 1 a. m ; and at intervals I of three minutes between the hours of ' and a. m... 11.30 a. m. and I p. nv. and I and 7 pm. The ordinance will be j j amended te lneruoe otner car unr., pays, ! Lfce fT!r the meastTre. : ! Th appointment of John L Nebie and ' F-rm :T " members cf the park ! bf'rd- s m&i tte m,J-or; ,p- proveo ry tne eouncu. jwr. .oema is in- . ! tereated in the Omaha Erkk company and ! is appointed in the place cf J. Y. Craig, resigned. Mr Miller, wbo last week re- 1 j ceived an appointment from the d-strk-t j ! Judge-s. is appointed in the place cf j George T. Mulls, whoae term haa ex- pired. : A resolution, introduced by Zimman, was '. paased surnntionjr.f F. P. Hillman to ap- rar t-efore the ec unnl on the momma at ' ' - M,y j, ,nd ,-ow C1UM wt tia new sum- mK theater at Eirnteenth and Douglas' , ,.,ee,. Etould not be de.ared a nuisance , ud torn 6ovn Resolutions awmaotwrit i Uit. Dtwn cf property at the foliowtng described atreet Cambers to appear on tiat ! ; ,am. a,le BT,4 fto. ctlukt whf lceir ; ( building! shoi-ld not condemned, were ; .al: yrr-jf-if Jackson street. tt-t-U , i Tenth street. Sle-ls-U South Seven- 1 t.n,b treet. :-h-k. North Fifteenth , r.fU 414 South Elghteeeith street. u I i North Sixteenth atreet, 91 Pierce atreet. i Arxourceroenta wedding stationery and I Lone Doug. 14- A. L RooUlnc. calling car da. black bock and magaauc Balldlar Persalta. Pnppie-hal, Fifteenth rd Hickory Cam Hm-llira t'1 ta'ifl V U S'V.mlr. John a I lin. Forty-aeccmd ftnel Cuning ureeta. streets. frame dweiiir.g C. !': J L. Uwev. 251: Sc-uth rwerity-rifth ptr-t frame dwell-ng. i $: ; Soren Noan. n S...uth Sixteenth street, trame cottage. I The Modesty of YVorneB Katnraiiy make thea shriek from tb tndelKaae tjueupn, the obiioiioui et arr.matioc, and unpVea.ant Ux-il treat icersrA, tvhich k-nc fiiyfitiari ct.aiOer e-aentia; ia the ircjitiiierit of uiaca cf wor-ier- Vet, if he lp csa be Lad, it it ltwr to g:;Lxit tc this iro -1 than let the dlst-aae grow srai spr.-i-i. The trothja. Is tLat o o.'ty.-3 tli" - ti.iiu uiieierg-oed aij the anncvihee ar.1 rtise fur nothing-. TbotiKisNJ wcrcen wto Live teen curi iJv Dt. Terce' Favoriie rretscrtp tion wr.tX in re-clita of tha eura which dif paNao the eaaaimation gnti local tTTAtr,cnt There ; r-o etS-r :c-e eo .,-re .'e v.r r- . i; Ft cr j-i ruiea vtLu.ui.f u: .. irr..aritT and Itmai vcakiiewi. It aJway bejp. It a most always eures. I, it irict!y noa g eohal.c, toa - sen-ret, ai! It lngreiiienu beiiig printed oa its bi-uie-w rapper; eoo ti'n no deiotr.'ous cr babit-forartig tlrurs. and every Eative medicinal rout htrnrag into lu com - tion La the fail ftjeit rv-ment cf tuna ai'jwt eatinent in tfct aererti schociao:; practire. bcaa o' th(a anmeroiii and atrocigeetof pr lessacnil er)de-ementj of ita lrigredM-cta, will t focud in a let wrapped around the Utt.e, also ia a trkit maiiad fe ob ri -, by It. E. V. Parrc, rf lizSkla, X. Y. These prjieaaiociai ea crv ujtiiu sbeuld Lave far more wkt tl-kB any anox.Lt o! llie crd.Lajy law, or X.on-prciiai brs' The most liteil.ft-eEt wome n now-a-dayi 4naat oa ktaowii tat they take al srd iLlDe lnateaa of c-peruns their aaotitha like a lot of ycmr.f h.rds ffuipicf dawn ttver i ofTernj Uiem. Favorite Pro-acr-puut:' i t-1 isuxi cYatfxaiTias. it cues weak acrsta atror.j aad tick: k omen we.L Ir. Pvrree'w Mrdiea.1 Ajrise-r la aent era en rarwipt of stamna k par expr cf rail r;g onii. .etd to la. H. . Pwrc, Jr. X. V SI oo-cev staa?p for pa-iT-co ered. e- si start p f jr rafLh-boutad. If nca eucstiA tb Ii v-. fr cf r targe v letter. A!i auch et!i.aiur:cAi.L4a axa Lejd sai-rJ)T prwifiae-nt-ai. I r Pierre' Prea-ant Peilets )nvieirtte rfad reCbl aawasacli, ilf kiad PwV4k t t I I B SHAPELY OXFORDS FOR WOMEN ! aBaBBBBSBBBBBaaaasBaBBBBsaBaaaBB ! 1 1 w fa I Yk smow Unr Mnita -Hawser- cncr. hrauiri b as. r are mil IMS arw M - i lit uiik mwt tia. U -m ftmi Mrttwm mmd vkWr mi 0mc- w v. St V ... M.kKR-w bp.u itinM,i.wifJitM.dwlMrk w a skis At. a I . . 1 k anvme. BTrvwfmr is th L . S. m yfc mt m erm all T IJi bill' rELKJt put It WD T row w-ibb. li hip M back to koeV the htrvT.le B1CTC1JE DEALaleLS. r aocbie our t" h ea. ceicn v.. tea tnc BHvsUB.IusiciVkU. ..r aa a BunDer on nana m r somntiT at wicaa ranror rrorn au ww C8ASTE14SA1ES, 2?lT& nrso iiFcsrn!G?Hi f nta f tiiaiitrw fin SELF-HE & JO Mr soaW-. prat I rrtarl aeaor tf tka ttrti tf p-. paat is nuratfatfa- aw mill aeixwa jwcpar pazrUrt JJvMikmmAardrrUJtSl. 19 KCEE TtSSSLE FKCU P.XiTbaX WAIIA. Taeaa ar GLaaa will ao ks ta air waa. Sixty thouaaad pairs stud laat year. Over two kandred Uaatuasd paira sow is aae. nrJHSTKa Made la all sues. B is Heely ad rmmv nmnr verrdarwtaVraiid haedlaaaoewwtk IMii If a aiM iimm iv r, i s v. i u w a aneoau qwaiuy of rwaber, which mere bcrncsea 111 nniit aaa which doaes Bp sacaU puncture wiiboat aTicsak r ' . - - 1 ..-. . ... keacuaaomers statng that tketr Ure barveenlybeea poaprd apaactatwxt ia a whole si aa wl Tney weigh tio more than as ordinary trre. the paactare resisting qnalities being gixs b srrrrai lai-rrw or tarn, aoeaauy prerawreQ iwurm n uie tread. Tiatrrg-alar price rf tlaeae ErBa JB OCT pa;birtj or SenSSrf oBjylEtSo per pair. AU ordersshipped same day etter is leceieed. We ship C. O D. m a I'iuswi. Yea do wot par a cewt warnl yoa have exaaused and lownd Uient sc-ici".T aa represe.wted. ''t will aUerw a raxk arnaawt of , per cewt (thereby awaking the prax per pair) if yow - n i l riui with iiUK& and ewekaae tJua adrertaWLiut ml We will akaa srad oaa Bucket plated brass band pomp. Tires to be maiaeti at Ol a expense sf tor aay rtaa oa tncy ara bo, auaWacuary oa examinatiaa. We are perfectly reliable and mcmey atst to at at aa safe aa ta a bask. U yoa order a pair of tkeat Urea, yoa will Bad that they will rid taster, ma faster, wrear better last longer and look naer thaa any tire yaw have ever wsed or aeea at any price, tt'a know that yoa will be bp weU phrased that whet yoa want a bicycle yoa w-Jl fire at your order. V e waat yoa as arnd as a tnal tarderat oace. 'agar this leutajkable rjreofler. Vni urrn -rrryr-O 0""t aay kind ai aav pttc itnl yon wwd s i pr rf ff wOU Fit ft imabO Redgeiaora Paactnre-Prorf Urea on apprerrwl and tna. at the apectal introBwctorr price qwotai above- cr writ lor our big Tire and Baadry Cataiogwe wkack acaensea aad owates ail makes aad kiada of tares at about half the weual pneea. "TV, m bat wmie aa a poaial today. BO SOT THLnL OF KTIFO a bievrV DO HUT IlMi i or a pair of tires from aavoae wtjtU yoa know tbe new aad wuadeiiel piijftnr "i it tmj sum a poatai to acaxa cvcryihiaf. WnwkkUW. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, D 259, CHICAGO, ILL. Rummage the old Trunk An hour or two txrnt over the old trunk will end in many unexpected profitable results. You'll find thine? that you didn't know you had, and all useles.- to yon. Don't throw them away don't destroy the old c-lothintr becaue it is out of date some one wants it will pay you a pood price for it. Books or magazines, even if the covers have leen torn, can be sold. You may find odd pieoes of silverware, dis carded when new designs came into use, or perhaps wme pictures you grew tired of. Sort thera tien read out who aa The cxThine ccluraa it fur to ia tore-it you. V - M v awaBjw. a a bw Would you like to rent Oa of ta detlrable larje roomt oa the e-Ait froat cf th Be Buildiat. aire 17Si32H. 'ibdiTidd wita j CrptiQB room aad to prlte effifea kad Larics a large fireproof vault A smaller otfice Sil aijoica oa the corth khich cay b re-nted ia ( tloa with the large roora ciakicr aa eleract auit of THE BEE BUILDING Applj to R. W. BAKES, Sapt, Eoca 102. If we did cot price thera at $2.50 yoa would eipect to pay $3.50 for Oxfords that look as well as these. Hie are very smart ap I aricsr shoe?; they are neat, trim and stylish. give the foot the rhapely proportions so much d e si r e d by -women who dres well. In tan, Russia calf and patent cr r ona colt lace, button and blucher style?, at. . . 950 b4h TklALtunia ut h time mmnmeike terpr nj ynm are ttma vm prtiw!tir mmv.Bori nr do wot van at hs cuv euietiw rmm wnH ntt tm , rTfB aeisrf " -Bih tu 1 na rru tmrfx-a a m parnna a anas rtlwlbll riLiWU at w anall cntra mtx Kitaai iarn-f ml Yea arwe so itnefciiaani'w pra bv buy or direct M m Ina bae th mmIi fwtiw uw bHidi4 pw aou DOfylBlI koueipatal twlwMf at mny fr antil voa rwww oiar otaH-M m4 Mam snw awiaata ai acxprw nni awl i inn lata kW 0i t wt rHimr arrata. Tea wai he lUTCiiasa zrz 'Ztr lew fm-maa awake woatbn year. W t sell t haiea rv hwrckea for Met saower thaa kt ether anurr. an sausfied with Ilia prom tbamt boor? KMC n m leu ov barrcias aaaar psar ewa aaaa plsas at clay raocivea we oo vaoe or ai ZTZLi PoncTflOE-pncoF $ npna xAMPtr pjtrrr I Katie tke thar rwbkar area "A" aai t aaitgre etrta "H" aad -U.' aiaa rtta atrip -H' rtaa twtttas. Tkia anr aw sflrT, m a alio avaas JUJUiatA 1 out thoa ytu wish to part with THE BEE Want Adi and fad use ttt-ra. t m : "- . 4 Wall I tT,T':T?;, v' 7 f j aa prwww-a t ' a tire arBi this office V 338 rooma. a ar al