Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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I 1 "
, The Omaha Daily Bee
. I ' II . !
! Entered at Omaha fostoffTes aa eeeond
l clam matter.
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Dally Bee and Sunday, one year "
Sunday Lift, one year J?
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.Dally Hee (without Sunday). per
' Evening H (mlihout Sunday), per
: Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week...lOc
i ) Address all complaints of Irregularities
' In delivery to City Circulation Department.
Orraha The Pee Building.
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Cnmmunlcatlona relating ti newa and edi
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Only 2-cent stamp received in payment or
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State of Nebraska, Douglss County, aa.:
Oeorge H. Txschuck, treasurer of The Be
Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya
-that the actual number of full and complete
copies of The Dilly, Morning. Evening and
Sunday Be printed during the month of
April, isos, was aa riiowa:
1 36,940
( 36,980
2 36,900
I 86,750
i 37,010
B 34,800
7 37,840
JO 37,060
11 37,090
II 37,050
IS 37,940
It 37,330
IS 37,130
. . . ....... 36,600
19 36,950
JO 36,880
21 36,930
22 36,460
21 36,660
J4 36,880
25 36,350
IS 36,600
27 36,760
28.......... 36,980
21 86,990
tO 36,970
Total 1,108.830
Less unsold and returned copies.. 11,341
Net total
Dally average
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to befoie me tills 1st day of May, 190.
. Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving; the) city tem
porarily ahoald have Taa Bee
nailed to theaa. Address will bo
changed aa often as reqneatett.
"Is it easy to spend 11,000,000 a
year?" asks a reader. Never tried it.
Mr. Harriman says freight rates
) will have to be changed. He's right.
They are too high.
The sailors are getting the applause
and the bouquets, but the soldiers have
had their pay ralBed.
Irrigation will not be required in
the immediate vicinity of Omaha for
a few days, at least.
"Fighting Bob" found out that
storms at sea may be very closely 1ml
Itated ry storms ashore.
The authorities at Panama have de
cided to kill all the rata in the canal
zone If they can catch them.
Mrs. Guinness apparently was guilty
of about all the crimes in thecalendar
except wearing a Merrywldowhat.
Pa Rourke might find It to his ad
vantage to send the weather man a
season pans to the base ball games.
Governor Johnson and Colonel
Bryan traveled to Washington in the
same sleeper. . Both are claiming the
upper berth.
Sailors of the American fleet will
shrink from no danger that may face
them in the future. They have met
K r. .1 .... M .. I n V a J V, n MnntA M o
1 1,-..,, . n, n
, - i .
It the drainage congress can only
it $ devise means whereby the waters from
! ' E awamn lands can be transferred to the
. K - -
t l .1 ,li....tAA I I 1 . .11, 1 .
' aim uiBiuci no uiieaiuu win ue ouo oi
I L - ,
reui Bi'ivtrc.
Admiral Evans says we need more
warships and fewer statesmen. The
admiral has been at sea so much that
ho probably does not know how few
statesmen we have.
The Hearst party's national conven
Hon will be held in Chicago on July
27. Present indications are that Mr
Hearst will have the support of a ma
jority of tho delegates.
Of course the San Francisco paper
that referred to Congressman Hobson
; as the '"Spanish Was Hero" will place
i the blame on the printer and his co-
j conspirator, tho proofreader.
Out in Washington the school
boards are refusing to employ married
women as teachers, probably on the
tneory mat tne men of the state
6hould earn their own living.
A Sioux City Importer has presented
an argument to the Treasury depart
ment to prove that eggs are live stock
and should be admitted free of duty
He must deal only In ripe eggs.
' ' ' Fighting Bob" has retired from the
navy and may never tight again, but
I bU diua-nd for forty-eight battleship
; indicates that he would Ilka to be pre-
i pared In event bo is called upon.
"There is no reason why a sober
man should carry a gun," says the
Boston Journal. By the same token
there is every reason why a drunken
man should not be allowed to carry
Members of a Chicago church have
asked President Roosevelt to aid in
ameliorating the condition of the
Poles. The president is fond of the
big stick and deeply interested in for
est preservation, so the Poles naturally
I look to hi in for advice and help
The announcement that flovernor
Msgoon of CuTT Is to be transferred,
for a couple of months, to Fanama for
the purpose of nettling the disputes
that hare arisen between the republic
and Colombia throws a light on the
situation which has been 'more or leas
befogged in the public mind. It in
dicates that Panama Is about In the
position that Cuba was two years ago
whn the Palma administration col
lapsed and the government which had
been established by American inter
vention went to smash and made It
necessary for this country to send an
other army of occupation to take
charge and save the island from an
other revolution.
The trouble, it must be remem
bered, has no connection with the af
fair of the Panama canal zone, but
is confined entirely to the Panama re
public, which was created in a night
a few years ago, when the Panamans
seceded from Colombia and set up a
government of their own and elected
a president who has been unusually
happy in his management of the af
fairs of the toy republic. Recently,
however. President Amador announced
that he would not be a candidate for
re-election when his term expires in
November of this year. His with
drawal has resulted in the creation of
a series of factional parties and it is
freely predicted that the election, how
ever It may result, will simply be, the
signal for a revolution to be started
by the losers at the polls. To add
to the complications, each - of the
parties Is accusing the administration
at Washington of showing favoritism
to the other, and it is to be Governor
Magoon's duty to convince these war
ring leaders that the United States
has no interest in the contest other
than to see that order is observed and
peace preserved.
The United States was bound by the
terras of the Piatt amendment to take
part in Cuban affairs when the in
surgents arose against the Palma ad
ministration. No such obligation
rests on the government in the case
of Panama', but the American ' inter
ests on the canal zone are too great to
be imperiled by allowing any Insur
rection in Panama or any conflict be
tween Panama and Colombia. Gov-
Magoon s large experience with the
Latln-aVmericans, both In Cuba and
Panama, gives him special fitness for
the diplomatic mission to which he has
been assigned, and the administration
at Washington has every confidence
that he will be able to avert the po
litical crisis which appears to be un
pleasantly near at Panama.
The future historian will be com
pelled to give a prominent place in
the list of the world's really great men
to Francis Joseph, emperor of the dual
monarchy of Austria and Hungary,
the sixtieth anniversary of whose
reign is being celebrated this week.
'ew men are properly Judged by their
contemporaries, but the people who
are at all familiar with the affairs of
Austria-Hungary must give their meed
of praise to the determined old man
whose ability has held the empire to
gether and kept it on the upward
move for more than half a century,
urlng which the map of Europe has
been changed several times. His con
tinued power and success appear the
more remarkable In view of the condi
tions which existed when he gained the
throne, when the fires of revolution
were blazing on every Hungarian hill
and the people were' at each other's
throats, clamoring for blood of the
rulers and the redivlsion of the empire
Into distinct, if petty, principalities.
When Francis Joseph became em
peror of the dual kingdom In 1848 tho
Slavs and the Huns were fighting each
other at times except when they
ceased hostilities long enough to Join
n common warfare against the Ger
man element that was gaining supre
macy in Austria. insurrection was
running at flood tide over all Europe.
Austria and Hungary were torn to dis
sension and practically open rebellion
by the efforts of the dominating ele
ruents to Germanize the Slavs, the
Croatlans, the Czechs and all that
conglomerate of peoples that composed
the population of the two countries
France on the one hand and Italy on
the other, both anxious to exteud their
power, harassed and annoyed the new
monarch until the nation was forced
Into a disastrous war with France, In
1859. Eight years later came awar
with Prussia, which resulted in an
other defeat for the Austria-Hungary
empire and threatened its dissolution.
but the wily Bismarck, instead of as
suming control of the vanquished na
tion, became an ally of Francis Joseph
and aided him in bringing order out
of chaos. The defeat by PrusBln
really proved a blessing in disguise by
uniting the warring faction, of Austria-Hungary
and inspiring them with
the spirit of national pride which has
grown steadily, under the. wise en
couragement of the old manarch.
While most of the old spirit of dis
content has been eliminated, the em
pire still has serious economic trou
bles. Once a great agricultural coun
try, Austria-Hungary has fallen into
tho clutch of landlordism, the rich
owners having a control of nearly all
the tillable land of the empire. The
people are miserable and are giving
more and more time to the cultivation
of their religious and racial preju
dices, arising naturally from the union
of so many elements. In spite of all
this abundant supply 0f material for
antagonism, Francis Joseph hag re
mained in power and kept his empire
Intact. He is now SO years of age and
it is admitted that troublous times will
follow when he surrenders the throne.
The people respect him and the hostile
races composing his kingdom are only
stifling their ambitions and waiting.
Thry care enough for him to Join In a
determination to allow him to end his
days in peace. No greater tribute
could be paid to him.
run Kits vf the roLJCE iwaiid.
Since Its very Institution confusion
has existed to some extent in the minds
of the people as to the scope of au
thority of the Omaha police board. So
many differences of opinion have been
brought to the front at various times,
and so many varying decisions have
been rendered on one point or another
by the courts, that the misunderstand
ings are only natural. During the last
few years a more determined effort to
define the exact powers of the board
has been made, with the result that a
better understanding is rapidly being
It was long ago settled that the po
lice board is not the body to prose
cute. The police board may under
certain conditions, through the police
force, Institute inquiries and may pre
sent the result of such inquiries to the
proper authorities, but further than
this the board cannot go. The ma
chinery of the law for the prosecu
tion of criminals provides for other
hands to carry on the work altar' the
state of facts has been ascertained.
In assuming this to be the correct
attitude the Omaha police board and
Its subordinates, the Omaha police
force, are not shirking any duty or re
spoiiFiblllty, but are merely carrying
Into effect the plain purpose of the
law. Commissioner John L. Kennedy
very clearly stated this position of the
board at its last session, and the pub
lic should fake into consideration the
facts when forming conclusions as to
the attitude of the board. Certain
over-zealous' or Interested persons are
trying to make It appear that the po
lice board and the chief of police are
endeavoring to avoid their duty. It
was for this reason that Mr. Kennedy
so nlalnly announced what Is now gen
erally admitted to' be the correct ex
position of the law as to the power
and authority of the police board In
dealing with crime and criminals.
Unfortunately, under the laws of
most of the states and 'the general rul
lngs of the courts in police cases, tho
two women who were dragged from a
sleeping car at Utica, N. Y., at mid
night and locked in Jail, Just became
a traveling salesman, a sort of an ania
teur sleuth, though one of them re
sembled Mrs. Guinness, the. Indiana
murderess, has no1 redress for the out
rage perpetrated upon them. They
were promptly released, after they had
satisfied the police of their Identity,
and were allowed to proceed on their
Journey. Under the law the police
have authority, as a rule, to arrest and
hold for a limited time : any person
"suspected" of being guilty of a crime.
It is equally unfortunate that some
way is not provided for the punish
ment of the fresh traveling man who
ctused the arrest of the woman. He
has made an explanation, In which he
says both were dressed Jn mourning.
Mrs. Guinness always dressed In black.
The younger woman looked like the
newspaper pictures of Mrs. Guinness
Yellow Journals are never at a loss for
pictures of "the woman in the case.
They keep a stock of assorted pictures
for that purpose. Then, again, the
traveling sleuth says the women
seemed to be trying to escape obser
vation and retired to their berth at
7 o'clock in the evening. Could any
tning oe more conclusive of their
guilt? No trained police official would
hesitate a moment before arresting a
woman wh4 seemed to shrink from
the stare of men passengers in a sleep
lug car, and who sought the seclusion
of her berth as early as 7 o'clock in
the evening. If the women had been
innocent they doubtless would have
gone into the smoking department
swapped a few yarns with the drum
mer and had a cigarette or two before
retiring for the night.
The ends of Justice doubtless war
rant the arrest of persons on suspi
cion, but the privilege should be exer
cisea wun caution and never used
upon such flimsy clues aa those offered
to the Syracuse authorities by the sap-
neaued salesman.
The terrible storm that wrought
such havoc In the vicinity of Omaha
naturally excites great sympathy for
all the sufferers, but none will receive
a greater share than Bellevue college
This institution has been slowly build
ing itself up in the faco of much vlg
orous competition and was steadily
winning its way to success. Its pres
ent misfortune will be but a tempo
rary setback, for the energy that has
brought Bellevue college to-ita present
importance among the educational in
siitutions of the west is not going to
be daunted because of gtorm wreck
The spirit of the institution will fin
expression in hew buildings and out of
thu dtbiis left by the tornado Bellevu
college will rlsa brighter and stronger
than ever. Dr. Wadsworth and his
associates are already active on plan
for tli lehahllltatlon of the cchool
and in ihvs will find encouragement
and assistance from all our citizens
To the Individuals who have suffered
through the death of relatives or loss
of pioperty the same sympathy is ex
tended end they witf receive all needei
help. -
Turning water into the Big Horn
canal means that another large area
of heretofore Idle land la to be made
productive. The feature of chief In
icrest is that this new crop. producing
station Is Immediately tributary to
maha and will -become rart of the
commercial empire of which this city
s the capital. It Is on such surround
ings that the greatness of Omaha Is
Idaho republicans refused to send
lther of the United States senators
from that state to the national coirvn-
tlon at Chicago. The speeches of
Borah and Heyburn denouncing the
administration's forestry policy do not
seem to have made the expected hit
Ith the voters of Idaho.
Congressman Francis Burton Harri
son of New York is being urged as a
candidate for the vice presidential
nomination at Denver. Among his
Other qualifications for the nomination
Is the fact that he is a son-in-law to
the California Crocker's millions.
A :other new factory Is being built
In Omaha. Such things are of dally
occurrence now and attention Is called
to this merely to emphasize the fact
that Omaha Is going ahead steadily
regardless of the conditions elsewhere.
"If a thing Is disagreeable, we have
only to Ignore it and it will cease to
exist," says a new thought disciple.
That may be a good motto for a
Don't Worry" club, but bills cannot
be paid that way.
It is announced that Judge Parker's
friends" are seriously considering the
advisability of trying to nominate him
at Denver. No man who will under
take such a Job Is a real friend of
Judge Parker.
The computation of population
based on the number of names in the
new city directory is very flattering,
ut old cattlemen know what a wide
divergence there is between "book
count" and "range count."
The 1-year-old heir to the Spanish
throne has been named as a colonel in
the army. Rather rapid promotion,
in view of the fact that he has served
but a year in the infantry arm of the
Mr. Bryan declines to give the re
sult of his ride on the same train with
Johnson end Fairbanks, but the prob
abilities are that the same car will
never undergo a similar strain.
Slogran of Shady Crowd.
Chicago Record-Herald,
riatform of the Night Riders: "Let ug
Some Patriot Will Be Found.
Fittsburg Dispatch.
We violate no confidence In saying that
candidates will be found somewhere for
the vice presidency.
A Jumping; "tandpatter.
Fhlladelphla Press.
Many things era coming Speaker Can
non's way, but he feels It necessary to
dodge m 8t of tltcm.
Freak . Reform.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Old Soldiers' homes . can't have any
money from the government this year, If
they keep beer on the premises. That's
the decision of congress. , Consequently,
the old soldier will go down to the corner
a great deal oftenor than Is good for either
his morals or his health.
Couldn't "Let 111m Alone."
Chicago Record-Herald.
A young man has been expelled from the
New York Produce exchange because ha
advertised that he would guarantee profits
of more than 60 per cent to people who
would let him speculate with their money,
Add another to the list of people who think
It Is a shame that they can't be let
Not Inconsistent.
Minneapolis Journal.
The newspapers of the country are ac
cused of Inconsistency In demanding a
reduction of the duty on print paper and
Bn abrogation of the duty on wood pulp
while they uphold protection for other In
The charge does not successfully lie.
The press has very generally demanded
that all tho tariff schedules be revised
This Is not an attack upon protection but
an assault upon duties which. In addition
to legitimate protection, afford opportunl
tics for the control of prices by trusta and
combinatlona which are In themselves 11-
A Foolish Move.
Springfield Republican.
The scheme to Improve the finances of
the railroads by advancing freight rates Is
not having smooth sailing. Some Important
lines question the advisability of such a
step. The shippers are also to be heard
from, and they proni'so to make trouble.
Then, too, the pesky question presents It
self of how traffic U to be Increased by
making It more expensive. Only among
railroad managers apparently does the
theory have much If any footing that low
prices have no effect in stimulating con
sumption or high prices of reducing con
sumption. The Steel trust is arousing a lot
of criticism by Us policy of maintaining
the old prices for rails and the like. What
then would tw said If It should Increase
these prices?
Au Achievement to the Credit of the
War Secretary.
St. Louis Times (deni.)
The secretary of war Is now in the canal
lone, looking over the big work that Is be
ing conducted under thu general direction
of his department of the cabinet offices
Mr. Tatt will find that much digging has
f been done since he was last on the Isthmus,
lie will seek to see that the steam shovels
and dredging machines are brought to
even a higher state of efficiency, to th
end that new records may be made.
If Judge Taft Is nominated by his party
and this now seems among the certalnile
Of polities, the republican organisation will
have in the canal project a fine argument
for his election. The biggest public work
ever undertaken by this government Is the
Fanama Canal enterprise. The best work
that has been done In digging the ditch
has followed the transfer of the undertak
Ing to the War department. It will be ar
gued, and with reason, that the man who
has the job In hand should be allowed to
complete It.
On the theory that there sho.ill be no
changing of horses' In the middle of
stream a great many Americans who b
lieve In the Importance of ths Panam
canal will vote for Taft If he Is nominated.
for this if for no other reason.
t'arrrnt Kventa tileaned from the
Army aad Tfary Register.
The army signal corps oflcers will core
duct some experiments at Fort Leaven
worth with a new field wire. The present
wire is an 11-slrand sled wire highly In
sulated for laying on the ground to pro-,
vide commulnieatlon with mobile armor.
It Is believed that an Improved wire Is of
fered by a pMtented copper-clad article,
which has the advantage of being cheaper
and of higher conductivity and higher ten
sile strength than the present wire. Fam
ples of the new field wire have been made
up in different ways and sent to Fort
The re-armament of the army and militia
with the new Springfield rifle, model for
iise with the shnrp-polnted bullet, has been
able achievement on the part of the ordi
nance department, as all rifles In the
hands of troops designed for use with the
round pointed bullet had to accommodate
the sharp poin'.cd ammunition. The n-w
ammunition was not adopted until last
summer, and tho manufacturer of rlflea
at the Springfield armory and Rock
Island arsenal had to be expedited
In every way In order to re-arm troops In
time for use of the rifles during the cur
rent target season. About 150,000 rifles
were required for this purpose. In addi
tion to this, the problem of manufacturing
tho sharp-pointed ammur.ltlon presented
Itself. This manufacture has been accom
plished at the Frankfort arsenal at the
rate of about 3oo,ono rounds per day. This
necessitated considerable Increase In the
capacity of tho plant and a large addition
to the number of employes. Manufacture
of the rlflea and ammunition la being con
tinued at the same rate for the purpose of
accumulating a reserve supply.
The secretary of war has decided that a
retired army officer who was on duty at
the time of his death as profesosr of mili
tary science, etc., at one of the universi
ties was not In active service at the date
of his death. It Is conceded that it would
be within the power of congress to author
ize retired oflcers to be placed upon full
active duty that Is, to occupy precisely the
same status as officers on the active list-
but it has never done so. While assigned
to active duty, and especially when they
re forbidden to receive their full pay and
llowances, they would seem to be engaged,
It Is held. In an authorised employment
which differs In some of its material Inci
dents from active service and which is not
Inconsistent with their status as retired
The War department has decided that the
state which has In Its possession certain
ammunition which Is no longer of any use.
may exchange It for an equal amount of
ammunition which will be suitable for the
new magazine riflo which Is to be issued
to the militia. This Is an Important ques
tion which has been brought up by the
nilltla authorities In Ohio, and it opens
up a big question of the extent to which a
state may be reimbursed for useless pow
der purchased out of state funds or out
of tho allottment of federal funds made In
behalf of the militia. The War depart
ment has decided that the exchange may
take place, and the general application of
tho decision is awaited with much interest.
The War department Is renewing Its ef
fort to stop the illegal traffic In soldiers
uniforms. There have been In the last
year many cases of conviction of dealers
n clothing who have purchased equipment
from enlisted men of the army. For a
time the department encountered much dif
ficulty In accomplishing this, for the rea
son that the clothing was held to be an
allowance of the aoldler, who was entitled
to do what he pleased with something Is
sued to him and to which he was fully
entitled with 11 the effect of a proprietary
possession. In some recent cases which
have come to the attention of the War de-
pattment the purchasera of these uniforms
or equipment presented the defense of not
knowing that, their act was Illegal. In sev
eral instances the soldiers had pawned the'
articles, and it was understood by thosa
who accepted them that the poods wera
owned by the person presenting thein. It
has occurred to the military authorities
that It would be well to have this situation
fully known, and It has been decided to
communicate with the police authorities of
the leading cities and of the towns situated
In the neighborhood of army posts, In order
that dealers in second hand clothing and
pawnbrokera who would be likely to pur
chase this clothing may be made fully
acquainted wtlh tho situation. There Is a
decreasing amount of these transactions.
owing to the energy and determination
shown by the military authorities In prose
cuting cases of this class.
St. Loots Iloosters Get Their Wires
. Orossrd.
Kansas City Times.
The National Prosperity association has
made an extraordinary appeal to tho presi
dent. This association claims to have facll-
Itles for the interchange or Ideas among
hundreds of thousands of business men,
and Its obJ-t Is to restore confidence. To
this end it asks the co-operation of the
president, and the purport of the appeal
Is-, that the president may, If he will, con
tribute largely to the restoration of coi
fldence by his attitude toward Industrial
Yot the memorial addressed to Mr. Roose
velt completely exonerates him from respon
sibility for the recent depression, which
Is attributed to "gross violation of the law
by some corporations and grafting by some
public officials and a defective currency
system." What the president has done Is
approved. The laws he has been Influ
enzal In having tr.acted are upheld. Yet
the association "feels that the time has
now come to take stock, to call a halt on
radical, hasty and experimental legislation,
designed to regulate Industry." But why
make this appeal to the president, whose
policy has been approved In this same
This seems to be a case of waiving criti
cism In the hope of securing a change of
policy on the part of the r-atlonal adminis
tration. If the president has done well,
and If his well doing has had no part In
the recent depression, why should he be
asked to change his policy? It should
be said that whatever the real purposes of
this mixed appeal may be the present Is not
a time to relax the efforts to secure strong
and sound regulation of corporations,
whether Industrial, commercial gr financial,
so far as the operation, of these corporations
Infringes on the rights of the people. The
way to clean house Is to clean house and
keep on until order Is restored. It Is well
tnough for this and ether associations to
endeavor to counteract Irresponsible agita
tion, but with the house gagged and bound
by the agents of the trusts and with the
senate showing to corporate
greed, the country is not ready to see the
national administration take a backward
A Sooinlaif Heflectloa.
Washington Tost.
The report that stripes of a conspicuous
character are to be the prevailing style In
men's clothing for the coming season miy
ease the minds of those who see a posl
bllity of being compelled to wear them
with the sanction of the law.
tion of our daily food, must
be free from noxious ingredients
Complete purity and whole-
someness arc the unques
tioned characteristics ol
Its active principle, cream ol tar
tar, a pure, health-giving fruit
acid, Is derived solely from grapes
Poisonous Ingredients are found In the
low-priced baking powders. Their
active principle Is a mineral add de
rived iron) sulphuric aeld, oU ol vitriol
Study the label an buy
only baking powder mad
Irosa cream ol tartar
Waste that Conlil no Prevented by
Proner Construction.
New York Mail.
Too many buildings burn down In this
country. In 1?M the coat of fire, Including
not only property destroyed, but Insurance,
tho maintenance of fire departments, etc.,
was over $j00,oiio,0(i0. In the same year the
building operations of tho lending oTtles
amounted to about JfwO.OOO.OXI. On tho face
of It 80 per cent of the new building con
struction was offset by fire cost. Herbert
M. Wilson of the national geological sur
vey says on this point:
"This fire tax exceeds tho total annual
value of gold, silver and coal production.
The annual firo loss In tho United States
is, according to the National Hoard of Fire
Underwriters, $2.47 per capita, whilo th
average annual loss In six large European
countries is only .33 per capita, or om -eighth
that of the United States. The
greater part of this immense waste coul-i
be prevented by proper construction of
houses, factories and business building:).
Such construction would not only cost lit
tle more than the prevalent combustible
buildings In the first place, but also would
result in real economy In the long run."
The same excuse will be given for this
poor showing, as compared with our
neighbors abroad, that Is given for the
fact that mining accidents, railroad acci
dents and homicides are several times
more numerous per capita In this country
than in the most enlightened countries of
Europe, and that our architecture Is less
attractive, namely, that we are a "young
nation." But railroad building began In
this country at the same tlmo that It did
abroad; most of the mines that are worked
In other lands have been opened since, this
country took the field; tho buildings that
give European cities their attraction are
nearly all of modern erection of later date
than the brownstones of Murray 1 1 111 and
with more wealth, collectively and Individ
ually, than any Other nation, presumably
we have the means to build well and safely.
Whether It Is a young nation or not,
there are several respects In which this
country Is old enough to know better.
Attention of tho Syracuse police Is re
spectfully called to the fact that there are
still at large several women middle-aged
and fat.
What constitutes a gentleman? In a let
ter to the New Y'ork Sun we read: "Cooked
oysters are for those who Ice their wine.
Gentlemen know better."
E. II. Harriman, If he so willed, might
start today at Savannah, Ga.f and walk to
San Francisco without stepping off his
own property or property that he controls.
G. K. Holmes, chief of the division of
foreign markets of the Department of Agri
culture, has found that the automobile has
replaced about 60,0(0 horses In this country
up to the present time.
Joseph Taylor Robinson represents the
Sixth district of Arkansas In the house,
and has had that honor for two previous
congresses, though he Isn't yet quite 36
years old. His primary education was re
ceived In the common schools, and the
finishing touches were put on at the Ar
kansas university.
It Is related that In passing through her
husband's library recently tho attention of
the empresa of Japan was attracted by a
peculiar-looking machine. On learning that
It was a typewriter and having It explained
to her, she became Interested and began
to hit the keys. Now she does a good deal
of correspondence for the emperor.
Pr. A. II. Doty, health officer of New
York, who recently returned from Cuba
after an Inspection of Its seaports, said that
there Is no real need of establishing a
strict quarantine on passengers arriving at
New Y'ork from Havana. He said that
there was not one chance In 10,000 for an
epidemic of yellow fever to occur In the
United Stutes.
Browning, Ming & Co
15th and Douglas Xjvjfy 15h and Dsuglaa
Streets . w Streets
t : R. S. WILCOX lVtflr.
being In
in tho prepara
i c
SM 11,1 NO L1E9.
Oldschnol (pompously) Oratory, air. par
tlculnrly in the political field, is a great
oiKinc of progress unit power.
Youngblood (Irreverently) Yes, especially
If it is a hot-air engine. Baltimore Amer
ican. "Iturroughs lias a hnppy faculty of mak
ing new friends wherever be goes."
"lie has to. He owes all the old ones."
Houston Post.
Conklcy There's nothing like plenty of
exercises to reduce one's weight.
Joakley But there's Skorcher; the mnrs
exercise ho takes the more he runs Into
Coakley What exerclso does ho take?
Joakley Motoring. Philadelphia Presa.
"Speaking of tornadoes." observed the
boarder with the high forehead, "If the
one that visited Oklahoma tho other day
had happened along a few months sooner
there would have been a provision In tho
state constitution abolishing tornudoes.
That's about the only thing they over
looked." Chicago Tribune.
" beg jiardon," said tho new arrival,
"but It seems to me it's excessively warm
"Eh! what?" snorted Satan, "evidently
you forget where you are. This place Is
meant to be warm."
"Quito so, but there's such a thing as
overdoing It." Baltimore American.
"I tell you," said the promoter, "that
mine can be made to give -up money,"
"I suppose it can," said the small stock
holder. "How about the officers of tha
company ?" Washington Star.
New York Times.
Of all tho dandies whose array
Deserved the name of swell.
Not one was qulie so recherche
As l'hoebus Caramel,
His coat was Fashion's maatorpieca.
The pin he wore was Art's,
As for ills lie and trouser-crease.
iney iioiiuentiy uroKe nearts.
io oilier nudo could raisrvti
And bow to passing bell
With elegance approaching
his hat
UI t'liucbus t-aianu-1.
But once, when, flawlessly arrayed.
Upon his knees ho flopped,
And F.poke of marriage to a maid.
She laughed until she dropped.
"I'll wed," cried she, "no tailored doll,
"So, pray, your ardor quell!"
Ye gods that was a thundorUc'.t
For l'hoebus Caramel.
He disappeared; the lady wept;
Two years elapsed; two more.
(Don't be alarmed; her ago has crept
Not quite to twenty-four.)
At last one day she gave a whoop,
A happy, girlish yell.
For bodily striding up the stoop
Was l'hoebus Caramel!
His cheek was tanned, his beard unkempt.
His boots were rimmed with nails.
His coat was quite !eneath contempt,
His trousers flapped like saila.
And lo! he told of toll and strife,
of hardship hunger hell !
Which, he averred, had been the life
Of Phoebns Caramel.
He cried: "My ragged coat Inspect;
Observe my trousers, please,
And note the gas-balloon effect
They cause around my knees.
"How do you like me now? confess!"
She answered slowly: "Well,
If possible, I like you less,
O l'hoebus Caramel!"
LIEBIG Company's
Extract of Beet
not only nourishes but
assists in digesting
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taken with meals as
bouillon, will prove a
marvellous digestive.
Pure, safe and appetizing.
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In the details of style and finish, is to b found la the
clothing of Drow ning, King & Company.
Twice the number of styles and more than twice
the assortment of patterns that you'll find elsewhere.
Dut better still, the best made us well as the most
Btyllbh clothing In America.
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