Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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The Best Spread
For Bread
Storage Schedules Show Up Beit Com
pared with Others.
Lzrr muffins, biscuit,
- buckwheat cakes
or waffles.
U COW J7?y U-S
The delicious extract of V irX.
whole com of unequaled Vv."'" NNrftJ
quality and flavor. Yv' f'J
lint and Dandy far ' S
k Grid J It Cakri t Candy "VW
laair-Ugaf tlM.10e.2Sc, Me. Nl-ir?"?y
Flans Kow Under Way Among Cream-
ery Interests.
Ikomai Fry i Appointed roanlflrr
cf One lr the ( ommrrrlil Cluh
to ( onfrr with Manufacturers.
run are being made by the creamery
itipn nf Omaha for the establishment of a
"merchandising" butter market In Omaha,
which will employ Inspectors and appoint
a price committee which will make the
price for a week, after carefully considering
renditions, as is done on the Elgin market.
Thomas Pry, district manager of A.
Booth & Company, has been appointed a
committee of one by the Commercial club
to confer with the butter manufacturers
as to the advisability of establishing a
market. Mr. Fry haa not yet submitted a
report, but It Is understood the creamery
men are generally In favor of organizing a
Speaking of the proposition. J. H. Rush
ton, president of the Fairmont Creamery
company, which will moke 15,000,000 pounds
of butter this year, said:
"In a broad way I believe a butter mar
ket in Omaha, which will furnish th basis
for selling the. high-grade butter of Ne
braska, Kansas, western Iowa and South
Dakota, to lie practical.
"It means an organization of the manu
faciurers, who will secure a room in which
to meet and where butter dealers will buy
and sell; the employment of a secretary,
sompetent inspectors and a price commutes.
Omaha, Natural Butter Center.
"To the general public the primary reason
would seem to be that a market is needed
because Omaha manufactures more butter
11 an any other city In the country, but one
of the primary reasons is that In making
the prices for the week at Elgin the condi
tions existing In the west cannot be care
fully gone into and they may not always
be the same as in Wisconsin, Illinois, east
ern Iowa and Minnesota.
"The price committee at Elgin has given
us very satisfactory prices for a basis for
Ihel ast'four' or ' e'.x years. Before that,
they did a. lot of fu:ny tilings and there
was soma speculation, but I believe the
prices to be conscientiously made now. The
only thing now is that Omaha is nearer
the grain dairying In the west
and could probably secure more reliable in
formation and keep closer in touch with
the territory.
"Should the plan succeed, It will be aome
time before a vast amount of butter Is sold
on the Omaha market that is. Sold on the
' basis of the prices fixed by the Omaha
commit u.
Omaha and Elgin would be merchandis
ing markets of the country, while New York
and Chicago would continue to be the
"commission dealers markets."
Other manufacturers are enthusiastic over
the movement and say that it Is sure to
come at no dietary lime, as Omaha Is the
proper place to make the price of butter
for the tranamlasouri country and a large
part of Iowa.
F., his sister. Jane, and his nephews and
nieces Thomas. Annie and Mary, who live
in New Haven and New York City. No
mention was made of the Indiana man w ho
claims relationship In the list of heirs.
One More 1,1st of Federal Co art Petit
Jurors Is Drawn la
An additional panel of thirty-five names
was drawn Wednesday morning for serv
ice on the federal petit Jury to serve dur
ing the present term of the l"nit d States
courts In Omaha. Omaha is represent, d
on the new panel with eleven names.
They are C. E. Black, the hatter: n-
Sheriff J. W. McDonald, I. C. Bradford,
president of the I3radforJ-Kenn d.v com
pany; J. N. Marsh, wholesale dealer in
fuel; W. H. lindcll, clerk; G. W. Hog- rs,
roofer; Harry D. Red, ex-county assessor;
Joseph Thlrtle. car operator, Omaha Ai
Council Bluffs street railway; E. C. Bwin
nerton. A. F. Rose and W. A. Watson,
occupations not given.
The new panel is ordered to report Mon
day morning. May 18, at 9:30.
Following is the Jury In full, with their
Joseph Berney, Columbus; AddtBon B 1
ton, Schuyler; George J. Busch, Schuyler;
Peter Baderow, Blair; C. E. Black. Sa'"S
Farnam street, Omaha; D. C. BradftrJ, ;23
South Thirty-seventh street, Omaha; Ik.
O. Bingham. Hartington; Frank R. Eaton.
Genoa; Simon F. Finnegan, Petersburg;
Wlllam FYahm, Fort Calhoun; George W.
Gray, Coleridge; Panic) Hartnett, Hub
bard; Charles Korb, West Point; Jarne
Livingston, Bellevue; Arthur Logan.
Tonca; J. W. Mclxmald, 218 Willis avenue,
Omaha; J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade.
Omaha; W. M. Martin, Blair; Reuben S.
Newman, Fremont; James Perrlgo, Albion;
W. II. rindell, 6006 Underwood avenue,
Omaha; Harry R. Pettit, Fremont; O. W.
Rogers, 422 Jones street, Omaha; H. D.
Reed, 132 North Thirty-eighth avenue,
Omaha; A. F. Rose, 2512 Chicago Sirtet.
Omaha; August Rakow, Ponca; Eugene
Saunders, Aten; David S. Shields, Cemral
City; Joseph S. Smatlan, Schuyler; E. C.
Swinnerton, 24i'l North Twenty-seventh
street, Omaha; Joseph Thirtle, 2J0S Oden
avenue, Omaha; Stephen S. Van Horn, Fre
mont; F. M. Weitzel, Albion; W. A. Wat
son. 1413 Harney street, Omaha; Charles
Webb, Fullerton.
From One Teat to Three Per Hiilrfi
Posada Are the Loading., Welsh
Isg aad Storage Rates
P.ates of storage were announced by ths
Omaha Wool add Storage company,
Wednesday, and comparison with the rates
In any other wool market shows that th
Omaha rates are the lowest In the United
TIm" first proposition was to make a flat
rate of 5 cents per lnO pounds per month,
which is the average rale charged In other
warehouses, hut some nf the eastern mar
kets, which are anticipating a decline as
a result of the establishment of wool
houses at Omaha, gave notice cf a sliding
scale of rates. The matter was taken up
at once with the Omaha company and they
decidej Xo make the lowest schedule of
rates In the United States.
The following are the rates announced:
Rate. Lbs.
Storage, first month or fraction. . .3c 100
Storage, succeeding months, or
'ruction Jc 10"
Unloading lc ion
leading lc 3K)
Weighing and certifying 2V 10"
An angements were also completed Wed
nesday for insuring the wool placed In the
Omaha warehouse at the exceptionally low
rate of 60 cents per tlOO.
Facilities Most Favorable.
The terms offered by the Omaha company
and the inducements extended, by the
Omaha banks are the most liberal of any
In the I'nited States. While the commis
sion houses of Boston have been advancing
from 35 to 50 per cent of the Value of the
wool In cash and charging Interest until
settlement is made, the Omaha Wool and
Storage company, In a letter to the growers
of the west, makes the following announce
ment :
Sworn certificates of weight will be fur
nished, making same negotiable for loans.
ArrHnccm nts arc hlng perfected to nego
tiate loans, if d.-sird, covering 60 per cent
of the value of your wool, at a rate of 6
per cent per annum and 1 per cent com
mission. It has also been announced that the
warehouse company will pay the freight on
all consignments, if desired, thus saving
the grower from advancing a cent and en
abling him to place the wool In storage at
Omaha, simply delivering It at the railroad
station nearest him and mailing the bill of
lading to the warehouse company.
This makes It possible for growers to
come to Omaha when the manufacturers
come here to buy, and each grower may
attend to his sales and see that the best
possble price Is obtained.
Babies Mrauitled
Ivy croup, coutfhs or colds are instantly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 5oc and tl.00. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
If Indiana Mas Is a Relative He Is
Blow la Claiming Hla
If Martin Moran of LagTO, Ind., is an
heir of Frank Moran, who died In Omaha
March 14, 112. he Is slow In asserting his
claim to a share In the property, as the
estate has been administered and closed up.
Moran wrote the poutoffice authorities
recently saying he understood Frar.S Moran
died In the county hospital worth S5,oo0.
No record of him is had at the county
hospital, tut the jif'bate records show he
died In l km v! rig real estate which after
wards sold for KM and personalty worth
1500. P, C. Heafy administered the estate
and the property went to his brother, John
Show Will Be Held la Every County
and Prise Corn (tent to
Indiana commissioners appointed by the
governor of that state to provide for ex
hibits at the National Corn exjxisition
have notified the association that every
county in the state will observe a coin
show day, tedneday, November 25, arid
the premium corn will be sent to the great
exposition at Omaha.
The shows will be held under the auspices
at the Purdje university which has In
augurated the movement in that state, and
will have charge of the exhibits at Omaha
under the direction of the commissioners.
Another bit of encouragement dropped
Into the corn expedition headquarters
Wednesday, when Governor Coe I. Craw
ford of South Dakota sent copies of the
proclamation which he haa issued for the
National Corn exposition, calling on the
growers of that state to participate and
carry off all the premiums possible.
The Omaha office of the Dempster Mill
and Manufacturing company has notified
the management of the show that the com
pany will contribute fc!6G In special prem
iums for corn, consisting of a gas engine,
wind mills and feed grinders.
Another Omaha Implement house has se
cured from manufacturers over $4,000 worth
of special premiums.
This assures Ihe growers that the prem
ium list will run to more than JoO.flon.
In addition to the regular premiums of
fered many bankers In different towns and
cities of Nebraska are offering to pay
growers of the counties in which they are
located, from $10 to $o0 If they carry away
a first or second premium from the Na
tion Corn exposition for the county.
Iowa bankers and manufacturers have
also taken this means of encouraging the
grower to secure premiums for their coun
fies and the man who brings premium
corn to Omaha will not be without honor
in his own county.
Rrlrises Wants Better Service
Throughout Rntlre City on the
Trolley System.
"My intention was to have an ordinance
providing for quicker street car service on
all lines In the city, but Ig. Dunn, assist
ant city attorney, who drew up the ordi
nance for me, specified merely the park
Ifhe because he lives there."
This is the explanation given by Lee
Bridges, councilman, for but one street car
line being mentioned In his ordinance pre
sented to the council Tuesday nfght re
quiring cars to be run at Intervals of every
three minutes during the busiest hours of
the day, and at Intervals of every six
minutes at other times, even up to the late
hour of 1 o'clock In the morning. The
councilman says he will have the ordinance
radically amended, providing It Is seen In
the meeting of the committee of the whole
next Monday afternoon that the provision
is liable to pasB. .
"If but one line was to have been picked
out I would have specified the South Sher
man avenue or the Fourteenth street line,
as that would benefit me personally," aays
Bridges, who lives In the Second ward.
"Better service on the Park line won't do
me any good. If better service Is to be
Installed on one line Install It on all lines,
I say."
Dunn excuses himself for picking out the
one l'ne on the ground that he Is not con
versant with the conditions elsewhere. He
says that the Park cars run about every
fifteen minutes, and that is altogether too
far apart. He goes on the theory that a
test better be made of one line before
bringing the whole system under the pro
visions of the new ordinance.
The majority of the councllmen knew
nothing of the proposed ordinance prior to
Us being introduced, but from comment
among the i .rs of the aldermantc
board It Is . ved that the ordinance
will pas, sta'.i.' members of the council.
Wife Wants Saloon Keeper and His
Bondsmen to Pay Thlrt y-" ine
Thousand Dollars.
Damages to the amount of 19,000 are de
manded by Mrs. Susie Taylor from John
Blanck, a aaloon keeper; William Brirt and
the Title Guaranty and Security company,
his bondsmen, for the alleged debauching of
her husband, Wlllam F. Taylor. She says
her husband spends all his time drinking
in Blanck's two saloons st 1419 Dodge street
and Thirteenth and Davenport streets, and
has become unable to earn any wages. Be
sides she says he has squandered $3,000 she
Inherited from her father shortly after they
were married.
She says he was a plumber and could
earn fl.SOO a year or $1,000 above their ex
poses. As his expectancy of life la M
years, she says she has been damaged to
the amount of t'if.,000, beside the $3,000 pf
hen he has spent.
& Sy4a aQ
Gwxi AnnucJl Sole oj
"TSi.'wl G-MaJ fl ,f JU. tCo
tWa.Wnnt. ttfe OM-jfj -tH.rrWftS
vie Wx JV
Things Are Unusually Quiet at Clubi
for This Time of Year.
Practically AH Entertainment Has
Been Planned Complimentary
to Out-of-Towa Gurats or
the college?" While the general feeling
among the members appears to be in favor
of women's admission, there is known to
be a party strongly prejudiced against It.
The prejudiced ones are said to have Is
sued a circular urging the members not to
answer tbe questions.
JJ -w- im Mm
! " ?v 0;
Informal affairs made up the calendar
for Wednesday, and, although small, sev
eral enjoyable parties were given. Mra.
Joseph M. Cudahy was hostess at one of
these, giving an Informal 4 o'clock tea at
her home at Thirty-eighth and Dodgre streets
for Miss Canby of Chicago.
Mrs. Clarence T. 6mith entertained In
formally at two tables of bridge Wednesday
afternoon, at her home at Fortieth and
Harney streets. The guests included Mrs.
Samuel Burns Jr.; Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe.
Mrs. Eva Wallace, Miss Ella Mae Brown.
Miss Jeanne Wakefield, Mrs. E. S. West
brook and Mrs. Thomas Latham Davis,
laformal Bridge,
Mrs. Alfred Darlow was hostess at an In
formal bridge party Wednesday afternoon
In compliment to Miss Alice Crelghton Mc
6hane, who is to be one of the May brides,
and Miss Batten, who returned last month
from an extended eastern trip.
Surprise Party.
' Miss Sophie Arktiv wss the recipient of
a pleasant surprise party Sunday evening
at the home of Miss Pauline Goldgreber.
At the game of whist, the prise were won
by Miss Annette Gllckman, Miss Paulina
Goldgraber, Mr. Charles Nathan and Mr.
Louis Kaplaln. Those preesnt were Misess
Sophie Arkln, Paulina Goldgraber, Nettle
Glickman, Dora Grean, Liable Brown. Zelda j
Brown, Millie WlrthaarTer, Tena Feltman,
Dora Goldstone, Ida Hurwiti, Anna Wallen
berg; Messrs Charles Nathan. Louis Kap
laln, Maurice Bernstein, Louis Bernstein,
Frank Spigle, Henry Goldstone, Julius
Newman, Abe Levlne, Dick Bhlaes, Harry
Pill, Abe Byron, Maurice Kettleman, Dave
Goldgraber, Henry Newman, Arthur Gold
graber, Ike Gllinaky and Louis Glickman.
At the Field Club.
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. McClanahan will
entertain at dinner Wednesday at the Field
club for Mrs. Lawton of Houghton, Mich.,
and Dr. and Mrs. James Jackson of Los
Angeles. Covers will be laid for Mrs. Law
ton, Miss Anna Plckard. Miss Katherlne
McClanahan, Mr. Stockton Heth, Mr.
Frank Parmer, Dr. Hclllster, Dr. and Mra
Jackson and Dr. and Mrs. McClanahan.
Prospective Plea a re.
Mrs. W. A. Paxton, Jr., will entertain
at luncheon Friday at her home for Mra
McCaskell of Salt Lake City, who Is visit
ing her sister. Mrs. Ben Gallagher.
Mrs. Florence Voss entertained Inform
ally at dinner Wednesday evening at ths
I Country club for her slater, Mrs. Edward
C. Smith of Kansas City. Covers were
laid for twelve.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess will enter
tain at dinner Friday evening at the Coun
try club for Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
6m!th of Kansas City.
A few dinner parties were glvs at the
Field club Wednesday evening, although
the regular table d'hote dinners do not
start until next month. Dr. and Mra Mc-
Clanahan entertained ten guests; Mr.
M. E. Serat, six; Mr. Lee 6pratlen. four;
Mr. J. W. Robb. four, and Dr. William
Shearer, two.
The Sunshine club, which was to have
been entertained Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Frank Welngand. has been postponed
one week. Mrs. Welngand will t we
Come and Cm Gossip.
Mr. Edward C. Smith of Kansas City is
expected Friday to Join Mrs. Smith, who
is spenulng the week the guest of her psr
ents. Mr. and Mrs Henry Tates. at Hill
side. After spending the week's end here
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will return to their
home in Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Smith spent
the week's end in Lincoln the guests of
Mrs. William Tetter has as her guest for
the week Mrs. William Lownan of Hastings,
Colonel and Mrs. Thomas Swobe and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Gukou are at Excelsior
Springs, where the- expect to stsy until
June 1.
Mr. and Mrs. August Mothe Borglum ex
pect to leave about June 1 for the east,
where they will sail for Parts for the sum
mer. Mr. and Mra John O'Keefe have re
turned from their wedding trip and are at
home at S06 North Thirty-ninth street.
Mirs Sue Walter is visiting friends and
relatives In Denver.
Mrs. Mailander of Salt, Lake City, who
haa been visiting Mrs. O. L. Hart, will
leave Thursday for her hi;jfc.
Mrs. Will Clifton of Kearney, Neb., and
Mra O. K. Campbell of Gibbon. Neb., are
spending the week with Mr. and Mra G.
W. Cherrtrgton, $14 Nirth Tweity-thlrd
Even the Severest of Tailor-Made
Show Much Variety This
The day of monotony In coats Is past
snd this season even the severest of tailor
mades show considerable variety, while
among the dressier costume coats and
separate coats fancy runs riot. Never
was there opportunity for greater inll
vldusllty and originality In the proinc
of the coat, and yet as the Paris season
advances a very definite tendency Is mani
fest, a thread upon which are strung a
majority of the greatly diversified coat
The dlrectolre period has asserted itself
emphatically, and Ideas gleaned from this
period are developed by all of the great
French dressmaker, sometimes dominating
the whole costume, sometimes toned down
to mere suggestion of picturesque possibili
ties. Friends write us of having seen at
the race tracks 'round about Paris anl in
the various fashionable rendesvoua of that
city many costumes almost purely dl
rectolre, with short-walsted coats cut
sharply away Just below the bust In fr nt
and sloping to long talis In the back, with
collars high at back and sides, with huge
reveis and wide cuffs and with scant cling
ing princess skirts slightly draped.
These, of course, are the extremes, but
details from such costumes are Introduced
upon models more conservative. For ex-
ample, though the high dlrectolre collar Is
too uncomfortable In warm weather to at
tain actual popularity, revers are being
made more and more prominent by the
famous makers. i
Group of Smart Sprlns; Wraps Are
Shown by a Fashionable
The handsome Dlrectolre costume of the
cut was worn at one of the spring meet
ings ot Longchamps, and, though by no
means purely of Its period, it is fairly
typical. Here the skirt was of chiffon
broadcloth in the lightest and supplest
quality and in the shade of green which
the French call water green. A band of
taffeta of the same shade was the only
trimming, all elaboration being reserved
for the coat of green chiffon taffeta, which
was heavily embroidered In white silk.
Four handsome enamel buttons orna
mented the front of the draped girdle and
beautiful old lace crossed In surplice
fashion Inside the revers. The draped
girdle worn outside of the coat is one of
the late spring fads and appears not only
upon such models as the one Just de
scribed, but upon coats of various types,
being usually of sash or scarf character
rather than a soft rlrdle without enda
Shower for Bride.
Invite guests for dinner; have place cards
for each. On the "bride-to-be" card at
tach narrow ribbon, with the end long
enougli to reach under the table. This one
thing causes quite a good deal of guessing
as to "why" she has ribbon and others
none. At the end of this ribbon tie one
end of a spool of heavy thread and begin
to unwind over the house like spider web
parties, and place along in obscure places
gifts tied to the string that will be of use
and pleasure to her. Gifts you can make,
that she can put on as soon as she finds
them, add greatly to her Joy. The excite
ment grows as she winds up the spool,
finding here and there something more,
until the spool is wound and she is the
possessor of a dosen or more gifts.
By using the various departments of Ths
Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returns
at a small expense.
Policeman Stull Says "1.1 Hoodooa
II Ira and He Must Have
(hfl ngc.
"I'm hoofloood, chief, that's all there Is
alio- t It, and I can't carry the burden any
Thus spoke Policeman Stull In the office
of Chief of Police Donahue Wednesday
morning. The officer held in his hand his
badge. It was No. IS.
The officer came to the force about four
months ago. He had his misgivings when
he was given badge No. 13. But he took
It, thereby proving that he possessed the
courage which is required in a policeman.
But what is human courage against a
hoodoo? Answer, Nothing.
The policeman found that In spite of his
best Inte ntions misunderstandings occurred;
in spite of his greatest care, accidents hap
pened; in spite of his supremest efforts to
do his duty he was misunderstood.
"I know I reported on time every day.
but I was marked late seven times," ha
snld to the chief. "And there's been a lot
of other things gone wrong. There's no
telling what will happen unless I get rid
of this badge. I can't go on this way."
The officer was very much in earnest and
as his record on the force is excellent
Chief Donahue did not consider It right
that he should be burdened with a hoodoo.
Therefore he relieved him of the badfte.
"I'll take it. myself," said the chief.
"I'm not superstitious and I don't think
this hoodoo will do me any harm.'
The chief's number is now 13.
After the officer had left the chief's
office light-hearted because he had a num
ber free from hoodoo Art Shields, secre
tary to the chief, looked at the calendar
on the wall. A close observer with a large
amount of imagination might have seen
him start suddenly, tremble and turn pale.
Whether he did this or not, it is certain
that he remarked:
"This is th-s thirteenth of the month."
Just Getting; Set and Is Not Hit by
Men who were deluded Into setting their
watches by the postoflice clock Wednesday
morning came very neir going daft. In
side of an hour or two the old clock indi
cated any kind of time from II around
to 12 again. Then It would go back and
give time backwurd from 1 to 1. Things
b' pan to look serious and there was an
impression that the tornado had some:hlnj
to do with It. The trouble was finally set
tled, when It was discovered that the clock
was undergoing repairs at the hands of
Mawhli.ney & Ryan, The clock la all
right now.
When you find yourself In a disagreeable
humor that is your cue to visit your enemies.
Question of Admitting; We men.
The question of tbe admission of woman
to the Royal College of Surgeons In Eng
land is to be decided by ballot within a
short time. Of course, only the members
ef tbe college will be permitted to vote. A
circular has Just been Issued asking, "Is it
desirable tt women be admitted by ex
amination as members of the college? Is
it desirable thst after admission women be
of the most
and its
by the
Syrup gfFigs
Hanufactu r o by Trie GtUfORNlA FIG SYRUP CO.
A . . . n - ejte
Jmuu4 a a