Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 3, Image 3
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THTKSDAY. MAY 14. lW. VI PFlJiflT? VlTV f fl'lM I IV 1V Crriminv Jr-ra J Ryder, re'- ' rear, of age tber. ar. n bope Beatrice Em t Better Eat Tina Thej on Grain. Vrt ef th UM:a ar. rtt on of M r k " . " orator, on fraterr.a.iaai in ,. ,.,M lM ,,,,.,; f,ra i- a-.- w.a ttak a bn addreaw. Mayor d!r,g nr Lnrlen. w as vtiiH 4n rr.r- Jsm WMroaa ef frmaha. ha acoepted riage thia iJim,w tf Mia MinLi M an r-v.-a-ino to r-k v- Era'irh will ' H'.t-w at to hoir of the r ,0 7e tr t-rg ir , wi,j , jlfcrr . u j.. cf B ;arg number sir irl fhtf rpeakers and trus.riar (.f relative and freda i.i t cm it program. MaioT IKman TiT;rKF-N KiwjfTir th bia- r-orm of LAMPHERE FREE WITH CASH f Dr. . A. Schell TeLU ef Acton cf Stupected Xai. Srrosmoxs n extfiss case fa" r h hu ruTra j n 't i r hu bhhtb kls. giiaalss altvx .4 ,.1. . 1 rift . ttmm mw A w V AnwnkrnntM - . .. ... m,iA V tfM Kalsbt f rttala .r,aot Cl aTTttea I though tb late f-oat lav undoubtedly Ft Offeer fr Kaia. Vrtr- I RH.r to .. j k' "ff ' rmiT part of th fruit. , m w , , ' - ' . " " ' FRCKEN FtoW-A r umber of ta-rps ELa ta Held Mrwmrlal iMIn Inr ef wbo jj.,r, .j, cr!.t- , Ua rrt al tr l,Mlj,, (1lr, j tn Ilrroln rrliT to r"t Jtti- Tijfr. j fuiirr Ict tN Ai'.rx-Lfn fen- Tras a F:ff C-rrwjnflf-rH T'f H irrW k. mho it t hv ! ikiuti'Tt to lwTn b'-rx-M ft toil. Ll.NOOLX. Kit IS ?r'-vl KlrraK ! rr.!.W-J a trwrlrr wr at OTr..a. It 1 : LINT AT Fl'hrr ?rtr!!.f Omaha m A t -tnrr t . ,r" .j. a i f tiartM that Jam TxArr ift a1 tniM : frtflTTM ta jirtii-a an Srarir All CTUtart OVtalaaWlr at rrt Rii Ma Pafcllr ItaalLa H 111 A 14 OM-raw- KiT Jl Mra. Jutrn" I flar. . r ,aT fcicMifra up xr anarr. m aa)3 rw nAf,w corirmtioii th Mhcp a turn irT"r.) r HUW ltinM( ar1ctv art rwvrn- , id an mintnoMit to AiMcm. Bufalnt-t tf Pur'irf-.oc rc4 m ac-'-oart of a char tf fmTn 1 to I of-n: r r hundrrS ' f' . ... .... i n Srla ka aa a fW ai i y.ra yrf-raay. rra waa owrr.irp ii ; iv ft bB mOJ Tir aiJc that K. rt a m:; 1 trar.r t j.-ivi for ! " romHn m4 tcainat ftfihmi 71a taara rf I i. u.d ta , Mra- T" k,r T4 'rotn th H I and tiaa "t ; (imf.i. wa f'viitd itii of th it'i i m t-ia rnrm j (mha Tr"r4ar and j t-jj lrtri rurty. Tb arill bf In i vfiitif-atf. Watrrlo Waaiia Mtnln Graaa Maa (! Br faaai. bar tr.a jrr Mg-, arid 5i jtnrr rxa ur F.eau-cf draaa toairfr;' frcTn ti-,r trrs try. TJ. railmfcS fmijurr i.tMr f-ra: fra vicmirr of Fvjritr t? Etru-e. tI U r.n ia la;r h ;if-d ;o ror-.b-ars:-ra Ntitalta- Tfe c-''-np)a:r.nt 6a :r to r pur rc ar. -'joa:,iy B ainc. Ti- road .a !'. tt-1 t . I.a-1 a- thr J.'m a? far wr.fn :1 tair U t B irV:' V' torrj'!a.iari; ar C. I- Phaw. T. C Jiftir. F. L Kjr and E Bikj ttifyfr.' F-naj'-r FjoSaU t!M4 f:-rmaJ afairiR Ncr".h f-r-i tf- t ckf It .aa a-oni xu'-d Sa'.urday and Sutiday jrlri t:fr. iiia acd S:r. rr. TTjrr'.r.j t'.r.'agb Nuiua Grcv. whrr f miopia '.rant puruf tiie otra-j Grand Iflsrd. jatjoti bar.krr ad larn.ix. tl:-T rir.m m diRa;iT-r'd. Jp.'orsj- m-rirp frtfifit of Mr. L-alr htit rarda ar.T)Oonr:r. hia roar- in Omaha. Friday aT".rnoor to V;af LA rOKTD. Ir.d hir4 man, Kay iiF"roaa:j- 6- r.ui cf ny-jn'or to- i n toay that ta d mad ar y crrl'- Jt waa mad ujtr a Liiday n-r tKm ir-':i)f!-i aty tt Rt. E a. 5rt,;i ct to any clr rran- Latr.jhr ia un- froan Omaha rmt tr um-. lnasr-af-a r.n rrr n c -" -.v- , m-p rot foarl br 1H rififm. A. , 11,, -.-.. - - ' TtntL d Hm and M . fi..a fisw r jut y roimH y Jor wiiaon in tn I t-erjr of two fnnda Tl -ddiDj a a a suj aifar and th rm;ni pec-t'-f )ft th,a city ca 1he:r wSfl:r. irlp and Vl ! r"rT) a rtti"ti or trr)r rtum. L'.cth ar r)dTta I U ia city. NEFF.AfK-t r-JTT ircnr Mir.;g and Hi Van6t-rsfi. t 0 and jKjujar yourit j--:'j al'.jrd away i f rrn trr rfii'.j arid fnTd at Ta.. 1 and tr ta rJty iart rrrrri; i aro marrifd ty Jucr W.ifc'a Thy hem totay ard i.J t' Fi'n a BRIDR OF A DT DHtfrEAR .;tim at th r.rrr of tt tnif i irr.t t.ia Tnir.aV Fbnff Br-,BT-r ia awnori-y It tr a:ai mr.t tJiat afral mrt a:lrba) of hara bn j.nid oat by Lotia Fchul;. d niinr arbo alujcin: th aj on tb GiiiTiTi farm. 7T aJvr.ff :a rr:ain that tb diarorrn a.r rrt-ir3 rf :'.a fJliti from th tth of Mra. Giiir.ri5, BALTIMORE. Md.. Majr li. Rt. rr. H. A. S:hI of La Pert. Irid.. in nk?Tir a4-a:n today about th farm tra ir. lr.a that I had aid that Ray lair!phr h:jtj to k.U the 0-uir.rf.a rhi)- F1.ATHICE-At a mwtjT.g w th t-ca-a , drFI1 j,,3 no ,Art aiaj lr ary ron kn .. .- t jrT.r:fT,Vni of t rp! H)!n. HA?T1.VGS. Nb, Jay 11 5.7rlaJ Ti- rf.c,-,-,, ,t Af.-iani!. Nti.. tndrd lit "1 hav inad no rtatrrrrit rrrl:r, tr.ia rrarsi Thr dar afir th:r dd.r.g. af.Joh ara j-forind in Osaka laat Patur-' Say. JJnt. Ad-r, Lrfri". hrid i a patrrat fat maxufacturw of tr.:a city. dria t:rn o at aa aduC.f-d frcv br haabar.a 13 Trjty rr n rut to tha c;tjr tn Mra. Lrr or ary dtai lit my tMrrw wth Daltiai ta Eiai I aa C A!tortT G-raJ TriTr.n ul ga to ( w T:k EatiJ-di. acvrxTr.iian.! by C IL Vt?ir. aoc jntaff't. to t proatri tu lh takir of arx)LKWia of oifiofra f HprM rwiiinK bf Jds J- J- Slivart rfr. apj'ctr.;4 by th aufrrr court of V.Ht-u.j rn t suit of Ih P!a.ta to T- foro lh P:rtr law. Th aitomT riTai arul lak JjK.r;-..ii.u Vay 3t tn two of th ca whira f.)l by aprfa rjo pEa Ic it fffit-al oouix and ariU th-n ilk , drrrt w-r.a in fiur f th oaat-a in ta ata. mprame court. Th tr,p to New I 10 rof hr ' n Ei m Ml.ntork of Waterloo. Ixiu.a county. Satnrdajr rmiR Mr. and Hit. Llr wnt from Omaha to Oracd Ialand ard took apar-.mKa at th Palmr bt-uw. Traji from Grand l.rjd. Punday Soon af:r dicir Sunday, Mr. Lrr )ft it bride at th ho; 1 and wnt to kt-p a appointrarrx. H apotd rrr.atitn i-r:rc:rl tt i - . . i v.4- - - ..A sr t; Hr,.iifWHii:w6 t:n aub.Wt to , Lfcrrpr-r txrvpi 1 y that Larrpbera a, I anion of tr rxiard at Kar-'ry. t rj i coTOrr'jr.icat.ioria to me r wroi r jirT prinT'a'ffT of which m.twA Mr. Bra re- j mkJ Bt), r ahajj hirwelf ir.ak the nt!y af-ort4- (tatrrnt to Pro-isfjt AttorT.y Srr,iti it of th . h-Od'-r of ih. Beatnc Fuilatrg 1 "-J oatntarr,J a an in.iW Tet. and Liari asMKrlation u h.d ytrdy. I IT. Srh- aj5dd tht, lik roary oth-era. T nt aaa: of to awia:ioti ar hf tw:ier4 thai Mra. Oamnm wa al'T. p"r.r77.f? yYoati wr j that he h.a t,c kw., of U ft. mad, amrantir.j tr Mf. "3.. Tl. r'i"ir )1 wa rnr!y hia pronaJ oturk.ii. .r f.-.-,,. -. P- ri'-r,t ; t Tornado Insurance Before a Lo?? tou uocd a ToiicT. After a Los tou ree the Money. Cyclones f-eMora arrive on S:ieiule Time. They have already happened this f-eain. M:en they d Mott in the man who has a tornaio policy can thank the acent for pivinc him the tip in time. The man -whose property is scheduled in the total los column of a cyclone i? us ually the fame fellow who was groinc to take hi in?nranoe out tomorrow. Better take it oat today. The premium isn't lartre and the comfort's mighty hie. Rates. 75c per hundred for five years on city and town property. Rates, $1.00 per hundred for o years on farm property. " Nebraska Underwriters Insurance CompaLiy of OmaxKa. Home Office, 1218 ram am St Telephone Douglas 31; Automatic AC3L VhakL v) rridnt; F- B. Phudrn. trrarurf-r; E. F K.siTrxrly. n-rr:nTy . H. E. Ra'kTt and C. A. Jausaen, djrc.tora; F. E. 5-h-iarn, attorn.y. BEATRIX:-Fcr th f:rrt time wnhln th memory ol f 0;6t inhabitant Gap county IP without '-?). At tvi lat i):'n Fa:ro and Wrtfnr were votd 'dT. and htrwncii h ialwn in lir for want of a.rri.ra for a iutn'ti to oprat a MKwin Tf-a-tr4ay at Citoria aom of thof who had aipnd a f -r a aaloon wr mdurd to withdraw, piaoira tat town on th "drv hat.. A rrty fr,-tn oca ha la .t la r.m to tak XJ iO T I - - - - .- ' , I K f 12 . . r . . Cw.i WmilJt .n . r t V. Ji fn.KT TiTl " 1 T'l J . '. 1 Ti M Tl'. llOn TTlhT Tort i taka bt-tauo th cffi:r of th I ' . ' , ; ronwJ In tabhahiLf a aaioon Uhtre t- cipirti cxrijana xd tzej roccxrda art ta that .Xf. (vaatan Perfect Orswalaattva. Th i.ircaitiitjtn of, ;a-e aciiatcra piT- f-td in Uncoln laat r4ht ajictd SrM- i t:-r f-f T"awr.o chairmaa, Snatr TboTT.a cf Louf Ua. -riary. tad i- ; Striklora C B. of Saline, Wali cf fhtrmiti and laveny of Rautioer. vicr j ridnta. The plan waa chared and ail i republican aenatcra and ea-arr-atoii and i Ut liijt;arit g-oTrr.iic and liia ji:cd- i cmukt n office will be airr.itted 10 m-m- ' brh;p. The oraraiiiutirm will hoid an-1 Par ai th oepot, ana. tiir unatiie to jf.nd any tra of tr at th bote! or ela whr. Mr. Lcler nolifiod the police. About " M in th evenjr.a" Willia Edyeit and Earner! Larkm of thia cttr were taken tween now and liU. BROKEN' BW A rair cf "trt'.tr on the fiata tf Jrnur Sirrf-n T'iayed haroc with tli countenanc of r.i courm. Elnr Giadaon. Th two oiir,(t rrn. whe are bth U i(in old. met nar Miit-urn and ocm- imo curtcfiy wtil on thlr way to church 1 m rjd charf'n and cctirter earh r-x. m. .-wrv m w - i other on an old laaa. Oiadar.n bor off aec- S;akir further roncen.ihf tli caae T'r. Brheil aaid: 1 Mra. Guinncra. aa I aajfl yer;erdBy. waa an attractive wuran In h-er way. Fhe drerped nrhly. end even, yoa m rht aay. . in irod taate, btrt ber manner of taikir and her pech :tief her vari of rram .ar Vetrred a low orir'.n. Fv crvld bj.t be described a "Mra. Sfanrh.' r I Laaaakerc Mara Xaaer. "Larr.pbere la a man who dr-j-.k rard and has borne an ur.p).Bart reputation. ; Ke wa the aon cf a drunkard and a man to I pitied because of Ma a"er.ry and training, or lack of it- On two or three ocoaajOTia reotnUr he i.t corr, Into twn witi a roll of billa. which he haa r-3er:'y manared to let rid cf over r.,tht. Some arrnrx-d relative to th rupposed abdurtion , danf eroualy cut fac ar, a broken twe. cual rturiona and may in time take aotre i of Vra. Lepler. They corresponded to the dear-r.ptioa of two men who were aua pectd in correction witjj th diaappear aDce .f the woman, but tbey immediately oonv.noed the office ra cf their inoooenoa and wtr reJeaaod. Th pcibc cf Grand lalajid hfr d.BOPT- part in ahapir.j th poiicie of the republi- 1 can party of th at at through their ar.nual 1 meet it fa. t Fitalaaa Caeet Graa OMeepa. 1 ered. they aJie, that Mra. Le-fler re mained in, hidir-a" $er tht city until yea- terday roomiric. wben ah boarded a train for Omaha, acc-cmpaxted by two men. tm a$o I corjiituted myw-lf a -rt of ocd honora in the conflict. ttkir,(t with him cjrir loa-poe ard went after certain ssloon a daiirnoua;y cut fac ar, a brckn re. . . . v. ,k- ' Tour. S:n-jton waa taken baft-re tiie conr.ty ;" '- " - " " ' 1 court yetrday ar.d put in a pia of p-uilty , law. and I fcrna a alot machine running in 1 charpea referred aaainat lone cf them in which Larr.phere had Icirt TORNADO INSURANCE S1.50 Per $1,000 CALL US UP IMaiFtlini Bros. k Co DARKER BLOCK Telephone Douglas T3S. Independent A-2735 ;ed the laauance it a raUon v fnr T-.fc-irijr at the metir.a cl Lrler at"e ip th aearch , Monday and Ue rdliax board neit week Th pro- the charcea rrfferred arsmat Judre Humphrey fined the boy t-V ?h:ie iriXl t 7il ITlr. th. alot macho., but the .ua two naioon. btit it ioc ka new aa if there , picion ia that be area drahk and waa Te wouJd o nor thr Cunr.r th comii.a iived" of hia money. year. It haa t-een condered the banner I ... , M , , . . .. v.a anu-prohibition rrecmct of the county! m'ere aent for me and told me h.a and haa rtever caat a prohibition vot atory and that ia how I rot mixed up in the atnee jt waa created A troteat r.a oef a ; caBe. rxapit tb adrtc of hia lawyera. a nrt or two bffore. Tey aay he lort Tbre oflJcera of the Kn.V.1 I pjr.Sia 1 , , --, XothiM v. Wn i-t tert waa filed by a woman whoa hua- ho hae brn ' . , , . M I band, ahe Iajma. ha aperl too much cf aioerable proj-eny in th j couiJty t'tiir.y, ; he haa reandcd thirty year. North 1 m- rraLhd oae for Nebratka aer Ir a th jiaat yr w ere re-elected at the fcirtnooa aeanon today. The elecura re- Anl -1 I . ..j : Lrler 3oiea thia. rnont. Vice Grand .CJianwlloc W. T. Oniaha. tf Grand lrelat Jofcn . Chaae, Berd. Grand Krper o Record and Soaia Will H lBi'e. Liinonin. re-ek-ct-d. Graiid Maater ot Ea-CJjeijuer John B Wewtt. r-vi-ctfi. ' Orwfid' MM-r at Arm W. T Morae.. Fnend Granw Irmrr Guard C. X. Power. Silver 'O-tk. Grand Outer Gaid J. 3. Gaiiaahr. Een- aixsan. 1 from him here- It ia rumored that Mra Lecler had aome O. c-f her fcubaia money when ah d-ituppeared Sunday. Ma, Mr. Leier owna oon- wher OODMEt HAVE A CI15D RtLLT at feaal hi lime in town while been n the fans and at h ahC'Uid ori hav Tare Raaded latttated at Iveatava-taa. LEXINGTON. Way 14 Social rrfcm ) Th Modera WcodmaB rf Amer ica lodcea f thia ditrict beld a ar-ftd ' . " V t " . v r- i- , ndr teatifled that b had placed hia ey wee Initialled. Iitrtct lepuly E. C Croaa ; . ... . , , , . . ... . ' Or.r.d T-jrt-e-W. E. Roaearrantx. Eita- c,f Miller la ia attendance ana also Mr. - " - Wehtr street, and I believe that be w ill 13 th whole truth when he poea cn the witbesa rtand. I did net know persor.try any of the F-4.ia( 3 victima of Mra. Gutarieaa Jennie CUsen, I am told, came to our Sunday acbciol once or twice, but I never met her. 1 had se-n th man H".refin he wa a bit. jnrarpir.j feUow but I did not kntiw him personally. I Of course. 1 knew very well aU the lawyera I connected with the case. .Prosecutor Smith i ia a member of my church and leador of a I larre bjhle clas. Ehtriff Smutaer and j family also attend my church. He 1 a Lutheran, but ha been refused communion WHY NOT Jhra Ari.r.rt Los If TORNADO WALLS HEAR AND FENCES SEE (ark la Braifkt Oat at Heariac af the Lid Liftlaar Caa ta Pllee Caart. Th very will have eara and high board fence hav. eye, when it come, to appra- h;f rturfb ydt)t m hecdlr.f aavoon keeper trjlr.: to pry up the lid ra Omaha on Sunday. Thia waa lit erally proven at th trial of H. C- Rann in police court Wednesday. Officer Wooid- inon i:irl . .... fence whica acreena r-.i,J hDtllf.r. rr. W L. Merriam e. v-.k v . 1 p.i . Rarji a aaioon. OiiJJ of 0.ha d H. E. Kimc of and rf prenutivea from ether i U'M "' he t4 l- err ectel aits sb successful aspirant. T- jodca. wr here and icial train wj. : a th back door carry lr a bottle of i-ote t-aulted: Cleland. K: Merriam. . e, r.rand Ta.and ..r,d North Piatt 1 whisky, which bottle he ao.d to a Simoa. 1"l 4 to Leairrton f th a-ccmmodaUon cf j reoeivir therefor 71 centa. On reccmaoendation of the committee on ' all th. lodrea located between Grand Is- ! A fe -itci.j, anomey icr j-nn. arroea rtate' of :be crder. lb rrand lcLe paased ' lan ard North Platte. Th LezliitnoB ' t lenrih m technicalities and in the end a reaiJ-oticm arpreormt mat IT 10 tl Pr- 1 band, oonristinf of twenty riecea. f-r- ' Jude CrawfcaTj deferred a decisic.n until ti t tb. attoraey can submit autlaontMsa cn the j propoitMia h put forward. Lyrac tdaar itcday afternoan. May iA. Waner Satkertaad. the Vletlaa, Will ateaer. RA&5ETT. Neb . May It (Special Tele gram. In Keya Paiji county, four mile eaat f Carta. A. K- Robinson about thian airters to t used in orcanation 1 tiahed music f;r the occasion, rwk. j , cf OBu.'u.paM nd chance kr touchy, ! ITXrVERSlTT PLACE. Neb, May UfHOOTI!G A FFRATI S KETA PaH tb. death of Part Grand ChaJxielJor George ! bfertai.e-La rvui.i in the 1 H. Crater of that city, which ocurrod April tb. Nebraska eaiayan l nneraity 1: . Cramer w aa a roneer In the Knicbta . f T exercise of the fraauatir.r cf Prfaia. tiavira planted the firsj lodae ; the achooO cf .expression were west .f Uia Alirhcy roour.taih at Omaha eia. Tb procTam a divided Into two nm VnrKi.. 'J Twci T fn.i!rti. . i una the first trtscBtma work ia th a oatr.jftr to arrar.c for the erection of t7 claical drama and th aectffid part j clock i ni-t4 .not earner tutrr.ano. a su.abae oMtttt to Ma memory w. : prawnttt.g a Hafct farce. Th. graduate j Both men ar resident cf that county and autbortked. .pres-oled two acne frm Hamlet. t th formerly lived -to Mad job county. Th.e Eaata Meaaartal aenleea. i the crave dra' acen. I rITt cf th affair reived hr is to th Th Frterr (er of FatW of L- I- Shaker.rea. role, th f .J5fr' ' l"' ... . ! .,.,.-t, a fa-riv mlL R. T McNeil 1 Sutirnd anth an attempted criminal a- ccuii wiu itcj mezzKirui mrmcwm aa ir - - ... - . . 1 Imrersonatma: Mamiet won in approva. , - cf th audience n a very enttusiastjc berficial orrar-itatior: Jtiown aa the Sci of Eien Har. That may gixe you an id a tf some of the 5'iH-Kior.a that, ac-.tai cur ccmmunity. "Worden. th lawyer enpaaed by Lamp- 1 her, is a law partnT -f Mayor T'arrow c.f La Porte."" Th hots In which Mr. Guinness lived, j Schn said, had borne a bad natrA for ( yeara. a "house of crime." he d-:cn'led ' it. and twenty year ao. " a place of rtaort 1 ;r the gi)6& youth cf Chiciro which j only fifty-clr mile away and for s?m. j jen of wealth and prominence who were not exactly youth. When the wotr.aa who ran it sold it. another took it up and it became a disreputable house of cheaper rrade. "Three year tro. wbea Mra. Oulnnes cam from E-;ton and bought the house Iople thought it character would, beraus at that time she was looked upon a entirely respectable. The place wa a jETNA Coat only C for H.WC' for three yeara. Call on. telephone or writ. J. W. Robbins 1S92 rarcact SL TcL Deng. 523 TORNADO INSURANCE k M Exrajfihw See llatchiiison-Bollard Co. 17A ii raraxm StcobI floor La Port. Tell is -said to hav had C. with him when he left the western town and i.J relative have heard nothing from him ainc. Ti writer of the letter net-lec-ted to mer.uon any physical iculiarity by which Tell miht 1 Identified. One of the watche found in the ruina of rather ltr-posing on., for the neightorhood, I tit Gujmes hum waa howa today to the house belrg worth r. or ts.M and be a watch of O Eudain;rg, on of the TToirirasidio I rn nn I5 si ttti c o Oar kdj-uttr wm on the grotjni at Bflkr-o mt WedneadsT raorxiLp. Ocr tcmado IokbvS in tie vlcititv of Pender. Nebratkk. were j.aJd b hours after tie terrible 3is.SE.ter at that toiiiL It is not llVe-ly that the rt-EideLt of Betne or Ptrider ntlri rated t-eiug visited by this disaster, even few micuW-s before its oc cnJTerit. and mtEj- cf them were not j'rote't.d by tortsdo inturncie. It U likely t, at you do cot aaticij.ate losisg your prorrty as a result of a siliiii&T norm, fcnt the r.ert tyclone n.ay sweep throcph your lm-medifc-.e feectlon nd det-troy in . a Cicioect yovr inTes.t&ett ol tboa sascs, or the frines of a lifeUce. Tou cannot afford to po without tornado Insurance. It torts you lees than a cent a day. Telephone or write this office, or see our spent. We are rei-reented in every town and village in Nebraska. The State Insurance Company of Nebraska Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omzvhn- We Write Fire. Ughtning and ,lad Storm Insurance th. farm containing seventy-five acres " rnnm af IaTenlntlaaa LA POETE. Ind. May lI--oroneT Mark ha rece'Ted and mad public th result upped vncum of Mra. Guinneas from Iojl. Wia. A letter w aa received today by Coroner Mack from lola saying that Buda t urg a watch wa an ojn faoe gold time . i -i : I The cond trt of th program waa a 1 farce cajd lb "XTnlW-ge Bread Pan,"- Written bv Ujj Edrth Harris. . Jor In U bo" William Bickler. went to Sutherland l bmmed bodiea found in tb cf th place arid called him out Sutherland denied j bouse are dead Jeu so far a further the accuaa-Uoti. and when be saw that Rob- j invertigatiOB by the coroner la concern inacn intended to shoot he started t. rtru 1 Vor of th other bodie. ha been lien- of hi investigations on all the loorg j piece. No. ITJWiax with a No. If Walthata bodiea. except that supposed to have btn j move.mtmt. seventeen Jea. No. la'-lllrt of Ida. Wia. The four : The dcr:phion talliea, accding 10 F'rce- oz,t of the watches found he reached th t if led to any degree and It ia scare y 1 the cclkege cf Litral An. This farce wa 1 gna a coijeg aettin; and a wen por- ; 1 rayed -ollege life that it wow the approval j cf adverse crttK-a Th autber of th j ply- hamlied o of lib moat sjbt part. ' and ttrr acting had a ting of th pro- fesa'oral r r. I The ! -f lirtt ef th ecbool ' eaprfan t-rr 7 acd e-f th following I '-mb- T? : E-kiL Martha Oarlock, t .. -jj. R. It. McNeill. I-u'i.le ! " Kit-i. lit rd-a. Winifred V lrUT. ! ' -ia tlafak-.a. O. Eavth Harris. Wilwia ! , ti. K;:y Varof neter. UH L-' rj Aiii a Lymt-a and W. W. 11 is hot. bouse a charge cf heavy abet from Robin- jely that they will be. Th. decompaaej sen grun bit him to the back and leg- fragmentary masaaa of and brut ar. It 1 also reported that Eickier shot .at J almost precluded. Sutherland talc with a nfi ana laned to wat development do coma rrobahly will hit ZiUB. Robinaon went to Fpringviw and aor rendered to th. a uthc-it iea. It is thought that Sutherland will die. Sutherland ia a Proof is irrc!iau;4LI that Lrdis C Fink ham Vegetable Corr.pwund earrira. wotuea aAfely throvsh t he CUarige of life. Ut -Rd the ie-ttier Mrs. E. ILinson, ! 11 l'T Z t, C'olurubas, utia, ; ntt s io Mrs. lintSam : "1 wis rts.dn? tLrorh th Otaew . f Life, and an fT ered from senoof xias. seadacK. aod other ataojinf artxipuna. Mr doctor load so that Lyi-a t Pisihaoat a Veretatle Cora pesrad waa food tor saa. aai fciaoa tak ing it I fl ao SBiarh better, ajad I caa ag-aia do tar rt work. 1 newer forrrt to ae'.l my f oenAa Ut Lj dia E. Piak kaa'a Vegetable Compound did fotr sm dartiif tiua trjiag- pcrUtd." FACTS FOR SICK WOUOl Ft thirty Tfar Ltdia K. Plnk harai Vee table Com pound, ana-io from rca-c ard brrt. Lad been tho m.n lard rerariy for female ilia, a- A La j.tti. e Jy cured thrUiaad of wonjfca wt-o Lave lrn trwibd wilh diepla.'y,Tn'r.ta, uiflaraTiiatvm, uloer. tKn ceroid tumors, IrrtulaTitift, trt lv psti-s, ba kiacbfc, that tear. k:gl.w-n frli'j:, fLituk-Dcr. irdipr-tn.t!:r:.'i-Nsnr nrrrcus frce-txaii.jri, yrtv dn ytu try it ? Mrs- rinkbam tnrite avll sick Vfwaax'a t write tier for avdttoe. tall Saskft KuUad liiOUk Bxla U , ajaua, jdAaaw Fanarr eiifc Maa leavet Dakota. S!Ol"X FALLS. S. D . Mav I! S, -jaI i f Aff i .f.r f t-i a c-ffKially ccfnnwcted J with the liarri'.nd Stat tia.-Ju cf. Eanxd. I for eom time. Getirg? L. CcJemLn. Jorm I erly f Ntljrt.. Ne. . ha ald hi interest in the institution to A. N Barber, j res. dent of th bar.k. giv!t.g in meciat. poast irl om Mr. Colecaa with hia family will leave tb. latter part vf thia wtk for Neih. whet, b w-11 ren-ia nntU ba decide ujxa hia future lis of b.niH. H-maelf and anvmbera c hi family becam. very poi" lar durmg t heir resuderra at Eamocd. and ttttrur Snanun i. regretted. kikraika ewa Xatea. BRC-KIlS EkW XnstrVt court u an aea siua thia weea. nil Jioge bruno Hosteller ot aleartiey swi(i.i Aa that ia riut a Jury term civii cum oxuy wul b. tried. BEA TRICE Tba funeral aerrice. for the lat tavtd 0 were hed yerterday irm ii i.on-t near Jlmrrric la terniiial la Evrgreea Hmu cemetery. BEATBlCB-tw aa inch of rata La f a.M-a aa tins VK-inhy th. saat tw data Tij ground la thoroughly auakd aad ia .Mr suae ti faraMkra ar. wuui to get icvo theu- tieloa BEA TRJCEf A receptloa wa tendered at the Frwaov trnti churrti lart et-iitig r j Kw. L r Temr and wife About wee preacst su-v. 1 our.g receauy cam I run Iowa t owcoeed Kv. W aattaer. Hold taiaiia. FEEMOXT. Nth., May li S;cll Ti.e Slit fcottiera awxitUdB, as organ tiktiC'n composed cf men etgaped in the manufacture and K-ttiirg of soca water, p. -a ai.d other tenperanot drir.k. met here yesterday afternoon at Frahm La.lL There mrre tuirt)-tmo members enro.ed. Tha buuta traiutacted ccmsialed cf a discus sion f matters oonntictad with the trade and cied.t aalta. Ti r.". lnlge trxdtjrd th vjeitor tt prtvueg of it club room last evenirg. The nxt starion will be held at Grand Island. F. J ad.C'k af f cer wa cheats i-ea.dent and H. M. Goj.d mg of Oiuiia sticretry. bere 11 LIXTtSAT Tb Ftatt Cooary Tearfc an' aswctataoa bad a aery lntraauKg meet. eeteg aa aitedaMr of about furty teacher. ilr t. 1 1 ami ef th traia Saturday J-t f Creaf sua were late and I revested ttn frcm -' KEBRAkvA CTTT Mra. Cvaacbear. k ... w. ..nasi 1. nuniiHtn .f tt.'.j ,-i.y. wa drvaet with mirli at lh bota ot be dagttar. Mra L) aaa at I'aiaaa. wbcr. aba wi-( ta atalU tit Tb. daiiy matinee at tt Orpheum this week ar proving so x.upuir wiib -Vanity Far" that they might b called lh. " ea "arura mat.nee a a n.a'k af iimtic- Uoa ta th tjentd English exumedenne. 4 aha it making them tb vogue. If thrr. Is any doubt about Omaha hating the dar -maun girt" and kit of them of tb real pretty kins, a visit to any of th matinee will di;4 K. It ta ra!y intereaur.g to La tea ta the girla goaata about Miaa Victoria r4 it u a cenuin. mark cf the talentd 1 lrformer abilily. ar. aome desirable seat left fc the anatUM and evtmr.g lerf ormanc to day and Friday and a th. domand fir th i M tun U anusualiy large it mht be wt 2 fur soma f tbos. who want t. bear Veata Victoria, ta axiz.d aw of these earner cut or EmiU in tn. ruin. Prosecutor Smith aald that tb silver watch takea from Larr.jhere when h waa arreted haa been declared by Aak Helge le:n to resem Ua th one which hia brother. Andrew, owned. waicb wa a present to him frrts Mra. Guinnesa. B. J. Hunter, tb snail carrier oa whose fee ta tb direct loo cf establishing identity rout the Guinness farm is situated, said , cf mora cf tb. snynterioaa men wh. were today th at Mra. Guinneas carried on ber . seen to enter to farm bouse, but neeer matrimonial business under three different to leave it Tesnerday three such trao-as namea He declared that he had delivered I were connected tip with th. Guiuit-s j score cf letter to Mra Guinneaa wilder , woman, lb vidence rtgarditig John Mr ' th name if -Mr Belle SirT.sen." 'Mr. . of Altiow Lake. and Her.ry Gerholt Belie Gurr.nea," and "Mra. Jenx. Kinkier" cf Sranimaria. W:a being almost conr.j- i Mack ha received the rr a a j rive. The fate of Georg Erady of Tukcj. I rei-ord ar.d Btrtillon rriea-jren-i!nt ct An- ' 111.. i lea certain. j drew HtlgeW-.n, who served ten year in j Moe wa traced to ty farm by mean the Minnesota peniter.tiary ftr burg'aT j cf the barking action which preceded hi , ana ar". n. visit. Tl.e fact thora were rtartlirgly A Pii.kerton detective, who gave out that simLar to those brvvht to ligt.t in the 1 h wa goirig to Warsaw to appear bef nre ' rases of Ole EL.dst.urg and Andrew Hel- i th grand Jury, ia reported to 1t gon. in i I gcleln.. Each lh men cashed a che k. I aei-rch c f letter which Mra. Gax&tu 1 j ! draft or r.01 for a ridrle amount at ! jd to hav had adlreaaei to her under I 1 one cf the local lr.k and at the deak j vanoua ahiasca. j of the caahiera all th trail en did. j C ff icit . cf th thre La Port bank te'.a I a corfererx today 10 determine the most effective way in aicir.g lie auth-ir.:.e in urtanglirig the mystery. It wa docided that tb First Nstiorl hank ef La Port, th Citiaen Kivt-.g tnk and th Stat of Indiana abemid f urmsb a list of all traxiaartjor. la a hich Mrs. Gair.nes paid 4 out. deposited or received Tav.ney. W"l;a a complete list of thia kind Prrtaecutor Smitn expert he will b. abla to aecur. vaiuab. trf icmattcn. Esatl Tell May B Vtetlaa. forooer Mack today received from Oaage Cl'.y. Kan., lnqulne corjcenung ExQ Tell, wb. left that city same time ao t. ctM to j o a TMOaieaOM c imir.vaew j rrrtunnr t am rn c a. r, taurwt e twajwt c o tmM. ajuimt ai aWTMOsrizeo casyt ax. $100.000. CASTTAX STOCK, iZOOOOO. fULUT sAJ9 MERCHANTS" NATIONAL BANK BUILOINO. TORNADO RATES: TOWX PROPERTT All projrry, Ftcxks and Goods aa well as Buildlte except Ele Tators and Lu tuber Tarda. 9hv per f lOO.OO Ckn Year. 54c per il(tO.(aO Three Years. 75c l-r lvaO.OO 1 1tc Yeara. FARM PROPERTY AU tTaaae-s of Farm Risk. Balia ltps. Lire ftcxk and Grain. $Z5c per IOO OO One Tear. SOc per 1 OO.OO Three Yeara. j Toe per IIOO.OO rive Year. THE COLrMBlA issues a raot-t liberal tornado rollcy at lotrest rates. Tornado insuranc costs so liule that no on can afford to be without JT Local agents everywhere. Teejhcne the Home Office, Douglas 4 51. for more Information. seven mine workers KiaEr 1 Liberal TomoLclo Policies Exalaaiaa ta Mawat Lakat ClUrr Sear TSaia(, r. Besalta ra tally. Ftr tba raanader af the weak star-la i loaht. Jam J. Corbact a ill be tn a:- I ttartiua at ti sCragbeatcr te h:a iateat sjocac The Barglar az.d tb. LaJy." Tb play ta Quest kj la a product cf ti pea of Laxgdea MacOorsaxik axd atdd frora K attracuveaeaa a a ataga at ury. It it aawl ta a nirfw 1U a a.jesdid lot of J dramatic astaatinria Thai a will L lb. I aaaal kattudajr nMrtnma f M . . . J World Wags Well tj AFTER BREAKFAST POSTUM "There's aEeAson." Read "The Road to Wrllrille.- ia jkra. WILJCEyBARP-E. Pa- VtthT 11 ven mine workers were inttantly killed ax.a moi than a donen injured thia af lemoin H, an xplcion in tl. Mount Lookout ,- , liery cf, th Ttmi Ciial and Iroc com pany at Wyoming, aekvr her. Tb nfiotion tcMrurrd to feet vndrr- j ground and IK'9 fet from the shaft up which the miner make their x:t Jtj ilosmiti, a miner. left a small gka licr" turn J" ' f,e eatreme end of a gangway all tf lfct Cigrt. which set fir to th tlm:r and the coaL Earlv thia morning when the fir boss started into the mine to make hi round h. e:coi ered 11 fir. He at one rep-oned it. and with, three men tr.t-d to aubdue th. flame, but they met with ga whil trjlr.g la ia aa. fchot'.y after a a.ight .xpiorion ocrurred. burnirg th. four men. but not aertouaiy Injuring th.ern Ti.ey tUu came out of th. mil and the jr.aide fort maa summoned a gang cf men t'-f.tur and went into lh mt to put out the f:r They w crked all day around th fiamts la order to arul them off and stos thaxa from X'reaidii They the let air f rem another gangway in to alkiw th. gas t. escape, and whu. a a hum axilwaioa fr-carrod. Issued ty the ORIENT INSURANCE CO. AT CI RP.EXT RATES. Protect your iroierty loss-hy Tornadoes and Wind StOTras by Uitariiig ta the ORIENT INSURANCE CO. A Li rum C. KENNEDY, S4r .teeil, tlrM alauavsj UaAk IJuUdibft. killirf seven of the men and Injuring tht othera IDAHO Btrf BLirtl FOB. TAPT Governor . ntlag and Ta Seaatan Left tT Dearatatlem. WALLACE, Ida . May lt-R.fulJicana cf Idaho in aiatt vent ion today eliminated Gocrnrr Gri r.g and f-natir Heybura and B-irah from tr hat of deiegau-a pro poaed to the national conventxai at ChK-go and leted a dlcatjin of U jmea, head-d tqr Jazoe H Brady of Poiatelio. th acknowiedcad Lead of the party, un.j poaed cax.1. Sat f-jr th tpvh"n aiiAt.;.: for governor. Ta deiegai.n u p.edgtd to una all bunurabm rr,a ia Wii ab.kt U. i ol betretary of War Taft fj j pea.dent. Tl other delegate are: B V. O NeJ j Wallace; Varren M-jcca; C C Nearanaa.; J tV. Hrt. E M of Weiatr. The waa et;r?y LarmonK.- tranaacttd all its l a.;,ea and kstened Xt f ur aj--.-.ta in than three Lcura. h.U every acuoa lakta a a t; v ut. Ortnk Badwewer Kirg of all bottled btra. C. . cr r.butara. hota L- RoaexJak cEsivrt'Ssg. AND XES. t-LA-P-L a 7 Atnts. HERMAN pans: n BVhXa.. ;