Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Ribbon Bargains
Thursday an exceptional opportunity to supply your rib
bon wants at a great saving in price. Sale commences at
8:00 a. m.
These ribbons are Just what you
work, hair adornment, etc.
Bee the special display of High Class Lace Curtains In our
Howard Street windows. Curtains up to $67.50 a pair.
Newest styles, newest
Kayser'a 2-clagp silk i Kayscr'S 2
loves, In heavy quality, Gloves, In
blnck, white, tan, brown,
and colors,
mode, pongee, navy, rt'd
and reseda, per pair, 1 1.
75c and 50c.
SPECIAL 12-button length lisle
worth 75c, on sale Thursday, Main
per pair
imall town, or. If It did overturn them,
he usual destructive, flies did not ensue.
. ; Wlrei SarTer Dadlr.
I Telegraph and telephone wires were hadly
I hit. Communication was cut off between
1 Dmaha and all the nearby towns so serl
; umlv stricken and It was Impossible to Bet
nnr,.rtion .mill lf. Wertne.rtav. The street-!
(railway, whose line between Bellevue and
! Fort Crook, was out out of service for a
j few hours, did heroic work In re-estahllsh-
ing service, having cara running by early
i Wednesday morning. Tralna had their dlf
i flcultles, though none entering Omaha met
i with serious results.
L Omaha and Douglas county were spared
uch of the grief that fell to the adjoin
ing counties and surrounding towns. In (he
Ifclty the official loss was placed at about
ta.500 to paving and the Ixard street aewer.
trhe latter had a pipe hurst, which may yet
prove a good thing In the way of solving
he acrimonious controversy that has wated
Wver it. Some private losses were reported.
-nostlv bv iiavlna or Dubllc works con
tractors. But the wind In Omaha did prac
tically no damage, not reaching any great
j Scores of irron Rscapea.
1 The story of casualtlea la succinctly told
n the accompanying table. Put this
jjUorjr ia deficient In one of the thrilling fea
'' urea of its aubject. It could not depict
.he acorea of narrow escapes from death
pr serious injury. It does not, either, sur
est the devastating sweep of the storm.
A party of five Italian laborers employed
m railroad work about six miles below
'-'Council Bluffs at Island Park-saw the
litorm approaching from Bellevue and ran
L'or shelter. The storm overtook them, but
fortunately none of the men was sertausly
injured, though all received more or less
flight Injuries.
1 A. Wright and his daughter and a Miss
Wlcholl had a narrow escape. Aa the storm
struck they ran to the cellar of their store
in the old town of Bellevue. They had
lust reached the cellar when the building
jWas blown away from their heads. The
I jloor of the structure caved in and they
s-scaped Injury because they happened to
kneeling close to a barrel in the cellar,
.Which held up the debris. Mr. Wright lost
his house and store and all he had In the
.world. He was reported quite 111 Wednes
day morning. He Is about 70 years old.
I Story of Bellevae College.
Bellevue college, though aerlously Injured,
I ound cause for congratulation and thanks
giving In the fact that Ita property losses
Were covered by Insurance and not a stu
dent or member of the faculty was Injured.
The property loss to Clarke and Lowrle
balls, the president's residence and other
lormttorles, not one. of which escaped some
Jlamage, waa placed at about 110,000, and it
a offset by SX.OflO, ao distributed over the
arloua buildings aa to cover each one.
This la regarded a sremarkable in the ex-
reme. The Inaurance waa held by Creigh,
rlaldrlge St Co. Joseph Baldrlge said tie
hougla the Insurance would entirely cover
he losses,
Scarcely had the storm done Its work at
the college until an army of faithful per
sons waa at work clearing away the debrla
and preparing for reconstruction and re
habilitation. The atudenta, under the lead
ership of President Wadaworth, jumped Into
the task early Wednesday morning of over
coming the effects of the tornado and made
uch great headway by night that It waa
(announced class room work would be re
sumed this morning.'
Presldeat Wadsvrorth Talks.
It Is a rem tikable thing 'hat no atudenta
per Injured In all this wreckage," said Dr.
JWedsworth. "With all our students and
snost of them in these buildings which you
Carry Them With
You Don't Wait Till VSiAUt
Cathartics are. taken at bedtime, be
cause they cause griping. You want
v it to occur at night.
So you go through ths day with a head
ache a dullness. And the day Is
That is wrong because it is unnecessary.
There is a laxative that never gripes
that gives instant help when you
need It.
A laxative in vest-pocket boxes, so one
may always have it ready.
That laxative is Cascarets.
Don't delay helping the bowels until
you need a -violent physic.
Harsh physic wrecks both the stomach
and bowels. It lead to dyspepsia
to coutipaUta.
Heavy silk ribbons, in
floral effects, in widths
from 4 to G inches, regu
lar prices 40c, 50o and
60c a yard, in Thursday's
clearing sale, at, per yd.,
only 25c
Fine quality of plain taffe
ta ribbons, in red, sky,
pink, navy, brown, Cop
enhagen, black, green and
white, 5 and C ins. wide,
regular price 40c yard, in
Thursday's clearing sale,
at, per yd., only.. 25c
will want for sashes, belts, fancy
colors and best makes.
- clasu Silk
Kayser's 2-clasp Mi
lanese Gloves, In black,
white and all colors,
per pair, 75c and 50c.
black, white
per pair
finished Gloves, In grey only,
floor, n
0 - 14 - 5
see wrecked around here not a soul was
hurt. School will reopen Thursday, according-
to regular achedlue, as wa have ample
rooms ready for class work. It la a good
thing that It is warm weather, because the
heating plant la put out of service by the
loss of the smoke stack."
Rev. E. H. Jenks and Robert Dempatar
of Omaha, trustees of the college, were
on the campus to lend a helping hand.
Many other Omaha people went down.
Words of praise were heard on all sides
for the splendid nerve and coolness
shown by the college girls during the
storm. They went to the basement of
their halls and listened to counsel, although
some wanted to go Into the open. Had they
not listened to 'wise counsel they would
have been caught In the debris from Clarke
hall and many probably would have been
The Japanese cook In the kitchen at the
Fontanelle hall rushed madly out In the
storm to go to the rescue of Mrs. Craln
and her baby. Mrs. Craln Is the wife of
the business manager of Bellevue college
and the cook thought Mr. Craln was In
Omaha, so his first thought waa for the
rescue of Mrs. Craln and the baby.
When the Storm Came I'p.
Chester Jonks and several of the s:l
dents went onto the hill west of the col
lege to watch the storm aa it was passing
over Fort Crook. The storm swerved and
came in their direction, but they escaped
Injury by lying flat on the ground. From
their position they could see the roofs be
ing torn from the buildings at Fort Crook
and also saw several houses to the west
blown to pieces.
The boys, who- had gone to the hill to the
weat of the campus for safety, said they
were able to see three distinct funnels
traveling along which were lifting and
twisting everything which hsppened to
get In the way. These funnels, probably
accounted for the different directions In
which the roofs of the buildings were
Six of the atudenta thought it would be
morn anfe to get out of the building and
lie flat on the campus. "The six got hold
of one big tree for protection, when the
wind blew the tree away.
One young woman waa taking her bath
when the fury of -the gale struck the hall,
fcnd she was forced to call for help and
clothes before she could get out. She
was rescued.
Prof. Jones generally has a music class
In the room at the top story of Clarke hall
He had postponed his class because of the
ball game and consequently was saved an
he might have, been In that room when the
storm sirucK. coining or tne room was
Old Structures Stand.
The old Bellevue court house, which wss
the first capital of the state of Nebraska;
still stands, although right to the wake of
the storm. It Is built of stone and brick and
has stood since the early "SOs". being the
meeting place of the first territorial legis
In the old city hall yard, the building
where the first territorial legislature met
the bottom part of the treea were Intact
but the top of the huge cottonwoods were
cut off as though trimmed.
ine nouse or Mrs. Estes. which la sit
uated on the edge of the cliff near the
river, was blown over the cliff and com
pletely demolished. The house was about
to be aold for 12,000, but nothing of the
house can row be found.
- The Interuiban A Southwestern Railway
company had a largs force of men working
an night and by morning had the track
between Bellevue and Fort Crook repaired
so mat cara were running at dajiight. Bo
- an 1 tAAa,
And think of the days you biff.
Keep yourself always at your Ijest, by
taking one Cascaret the moment
you need it.
U a little time all will b right.
You can't do this with cathsrtics, but
ybu caa with Cascarets. For Cas
carets are as harmless as food.
Cascarets are r.i .ht...
get the with CCC .. every tablet
Tne boa U marked like M.,
The vest-Docket ba i in
The moath-ireatnieat bos VJ cants.
U.vf boas told aaaJaS.
great are the crowds going to view the
devastation that Superintendent Nash hat
six cara In service between South Omaha
and Fort Crook.
Oar Killed, Two Fatally lalared aad
Great Property Loss.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb., May W.-tSpecIsl
Telegram.) A tornado forming near the
German Lutheran church, five miles South
west of here struck Louisville about 4
o'clock Tuesday afternoon and damaged
residence and business property to the ex
tent of about $75,0iiO. The first effect of
the storm's fury was felt at a clay pit,
two miles southwest of Louisville, operatod
by the Avery Brick company, where the
8-year-old son of the foreman, E.l Hester,
was Instsntly killed. The residence was de
molished and Mrs. Hester and another of
her children wer so aerlously Injured by
flying timbers that their recovery Is In
The storm cloud moved slowly toward
Louisville and Its approach was noted sev
eral minutes before It struck the north part
of the business section, which was directly
In the path of the tornado and this saved
a great many of the business houses. The
west side of Main Street sustained the
greater damage. Alloway'a livery barn was
wrecked and six horses were burled under
the debris, but none were badly hurt. A
small dwelling adjoining the barn was over
turned and blown to the rear of another
building. The fronts of John Burns' tem
perance hall, Drake's restaurant and the
Farmers' meat markets were blown out.
The Bank of Commerce building was badly
shaken and may have to come down. The
Burlington depot Is a complete wreck, only
a small portion of the building being left.
The semaphore was blown down, but th
operator had crawled undera small culvert
nearby and escaped uninjured. A string
of box cars were blown off the track, the
Free Methodist church was overturned and
rests on Its roof within six Inches of the
beck door of a nearby dwelling. The two
barns belonging to Charles Phelps were
destroyed, but his house was untouched.
George Woods cashier of the local bank,
had Just " completed a fine barn on his
premises which was totally destroyed. The
only person Injured In the village, beside
the Hester family, waa Mrs. Masters, an
aged woman residing near the Burlington
depot, her arm being broken by falling
tlmbera when the storm struck her houfte.
Main street was lined on either side by
large trees, these were hurled Into the
street, adding greatly to the wrecked ap
pearance of the town.
A relief train was run down from Flstts
mouth, and people came from all the nearby
towns under the Impression that help was
needed, but owing to the fortunate escape
of the townspeople their Assistance was
not required.
At the Lyman ft Woodruff sand pits,
which are operated by Loulavllle laborers,
considerable damage was done. Seven
loaded sand care were lifted from the track
and thrown into an adjoining pond. A
horse was carried nearly 200 yards and
dropped to the ground uninjured. A por
tion of an elevator was blown away ,but
no one was Injured there.
Many Interesting experiences were told
and numerous peculiarities of the tdrnado's
work Is coming to light. Most of the mer
chants and others stayed in their places
of business, holding the doors against the
wind and hoping for the beat, which was
all they could do. Many Uvea undoubtedly
would have been lost If the storm had been
as severe in that part of town aa it was
near the depot.
A man driving Into town Just aa the wind
came was blown from hia buggy Into a
large tree and just then the tre blew down
and he was deposited on the ground with
out a scratch.
It ia a hard blow for Louisville and some
time will be required for its cltlxena to
recoyer from, the shock, but ' the town's
progresslveness will soon assert Itself and
new bulldlnga replace the ones destroyed.
A large force Is already at work clearing
the streets and private Individuals who
lost their homes and other property are
receiving assistance, both financial and
otherwise, so all the sufferers will be taken
care of. All telephone and telegraph lines
were blown down, but all the companies
ave forcea of men at repair work and
communication will soon be re-established.
Several of Them Have Wsihosli, bat
one Reports Fatality. t
Missouri Pacific railroad officials re
ported that while their bridge at Louisville
was "somewhat twisted and damaged by
the storm, prompt work had put them In
condition to permit trains passing over It.
The evening passenger to Weeping Water
and . Auburn, wtilch passed Louisville
shortly after the storm, got over without
trouble and returned Wednesday morning.
Three freight trains were also passed over
the bridge during the night.
The damage to Missouri Paclflo prop
erty at Louisville was limited to freight
cars being blown Into the aand pits and
The Burlington road had a washout on
the Iowa side between Council Bluffs and
Paclflo Junction, which made it neces
ssry to run all trains by Plattsmouth
from 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening until about
10 o'clock Wednesday morning, when the
tracks were repaired and passed the trains
to Kansas City.
Burlington passenger No. 1, which runs
by Plattsmouth, Louisville and Ashland
and passed LiOulsviue aDout S a. in., was
reported as being on time when It reached
Ashland, while the fast mall from Chi
cago arrived In Omaha half an hour late
Hail at tne Burlington station was so
hard that It broke the tile on the roof, the
first time the root haa been Injured
by any storm atnee the station waa erected.
Trains at Vnlon station from the west
were generally on time, but almost all
trains from the east were late. Repairs
were made on the Rock Island tracks dur
ing the night and early morning and the
trains passed over In safety. The wash
out on the Great Western was near Car
roll, while the Rock Island was out near
Neola. '
Government Gang Makes it Only
. 1.20 lnraa for Storm, i
The amount of rainfall as indicated by
the weather bureau rain gauge for the
storm in Omaha was but 1.20 Inches.
Prlvat rain gauges In the southern and
western part of the city register from 1.80
to I Inches. The rain, while heavy in ths
northern part of Omaha, did not nearly
approach the volume of precipitation In
the southern parts of town. Ths greatest
recorded velocity of the wlrd here was
twenty-four milts per hour.
The storm was local to eastern and
southeastern Nebraska. No rain whatever
la reported at Kansas City nor at Sioux
City. Rains out In the western parts of the
state were comparatively light. At Des
Moines the rainfall reached 1U Inches.
Enow reported In southern Colorado In
the vicinity of Durango. Reports of snow
at Laramie, Wyo., come from miscellan
eous SOlTCtl.
Telephone and telegraph wires are In bsd
shspe along the track of Tuesdsy night's
stotm and reports are meager from those
district a
College Baa Ball (ceres.
At New Hsven Vale. I: Westleyan. 1
At Philadelphia University of Pennsyl
vania. &: Columbia, 4.
At Princeton Princeton. I; Cornell. 4.
Ai CambrlUae mhersl. I. Harvard, 0.
H. Earriman Sayi the. Company
Will Pay Them.
This Will Depend Largely Vpoa Mar
ket Coadltloas Twenty-FlTo
Millions !tere Bagatelle
NEW YORK. May W.-Before the meet
ing of director of the Union and Southern
Pacific Railroad companies today, E. H.
Harrlman said he would recommend the
declaration of regular dividends. Mr. Harrl
man said It was not probable that any
communication regarding 'he new financing
plan will be made today.
Following the meeting of the director.
E. H. Harrlman was asked about the plans
for Issuing part of the IIOO.OOO.OOO In bonds
recently authorised by the I'nion Tacltlo
stockholder. He said:
"Everybody la trying to do the Vnlon
Pacific financing. It does not need any
When he was asked about the t2!.000,000
which he was reported to have said that
the company required, Mr. Harrlman
"What is IK.OOO.OOO to the Vnlon Pacific?"
The time of offering the bonds authorised,
he said, will depend largely upon market
The regular dividend of 24 per cent
quarterly on Vnlon Pacific common stock.
Of H per cent quarterly on Southern Pa
cific common and of m per cent semi
annually on Southern Paclflo preferred
stock were declared by the directors of
those companies today.
Report of Their Drorrnlaar Fro Tea to
Be False.
A report of a second case of drowning
was brought to the South Omaha police
station last evening about 10 o'clock, but
proved to be erroneous. This report
wa that two children, a son and
daughter of Mrs. Gallagher, living In Sarpy
county, wer drowned In the same washout,
where Martin Tlgha and hia oldest son met
their death. A driver at Mosher's barn had
a message written by the neighbors whom
he declared had found the bodies, and he
was sent to find Mrs. Gallagher, who waa
visiting during the afternoon in South
Omaha. Mrs. Gallagher's children wer
not injured.
The storm in South Omaha was very
severe and hall fell in quantities to cause
some damage. Three hundred window
glasses In the Henderson green house were
broken. Borne of the stones were an Inch
and one-half in diameter. A bolt of
lightning struck the ateeple of the First
Preabyterlan church, shattering It. Another
Struck the house of Officer Joe Ballew In
Albright. The Intersection of Twentieth
and N streets was badly damaged. The
aame Is reported from several other Inter
Three Brick Bnstness Balldlna-a
Blown Daws and One Man Injarrd.
AUBURN, Kb.. Msy 12.-(Spclal Tele-
gram.) The storm which swept over ths
enstern portion of Nemaha county this
evening blew down two brick store build
ings and a brick bank building in Nemaha,
twelve miles southeast of her snd dsm
aged a number of other buildings. X N.
Cooper is reported seriously injured.
Damage, to farm buildings, orchards and
live stock is probably heavy.
HERMAN. Neb.,, May 12.-(Speclal.)-A
very heavy hall halted this vicinity this
afternoon, hail as 'large as a hen's egg
falling for about fifteen minutes, followed
by about fifteen mlrutes rain. There
seems to be little damage'' done except to
window panes, several of them being
broken in the depot.
CRAIO, Neb., My 12.-Carl H. Dudley of
Oberlln, O., and Miss Hortense P. Mapes
of Craig were married at the residence of
Dr. Alice W. Ooldsberry, the bride's sister.
The service was performed by Rev. O. H.
Bchleh of Omaha. Mrs. Alice B. Schleh
presided at the piano and played the wed
ding marches from Lohengrlr. and Mendels
aohn. Out-of-town guests Included Judge
Nell H. Mapes and Lewis Mapes and wife
of Schuyler, Neb.; Ellsworth Mapes and
wife of Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. McVlckar of
Alma. Mich., and Dr. F. A. Graham of
Lincoln, Neb. A throng of people accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Dudley to the depot
The Junior Christian Endeavor of the
Christian church, of which Mrs. Dudley
has been superintendent, showered the bride
with wild flowers as she entered the train.
The couple will spend a few days In Chi
cago and then repair to their permanent
home In Oher'in, O., wherj they have large
manufacturing Interests.
A hood-Sutherland.
The marriage of Edith Abood to William
Sutherland took place Tuesday at the home
of the groom's parents, 2310 Avenue D,
Council Bluffs, Rev. Charles W. Bavldge
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland will
occupy their new home, 2300 Avenue E,
Council Bluffs.
Miss Myrtle Hope, daughter of John T
Hope, and George Welburn were married
by Rev. Charles W. Bavldge at his resi
dence Tuesday at 1 p. m.
Work on Mitchell Bnlldlng.
MITCHELL. 8. D., May 1J (Special.)
The first work on the federal building
to be erected ln Mitchell by the United
States government commenced ' today,
when the ground waa stsked out by Con
raetor Darner of Kokomo, Ind., who
arrived a few days ago to start the work
Mr. Danner expects to let several con
tracts at once for excavation, concrete
work, etc., and it is very likely that
ground will be broken by the latter part
of the week. The building is to be con-
structed of granite for the foundation
pressed brick and terra cotta for the two
stories of the structure. The govern
ment appropriated 190.000 for the Mitchell
building and the contractor said that the
amount will give Mitchell a very hand
some building. He said that If everything
went well that the building would be en
closed by October 1 and completed next
Esthervlle Men Make Captare.
ESTHERVILLE. Ia., May lJ.-(SpcciaI.) -Martin
Schwab, who was arrested here.
has proven to be the murderer who
wsnted at Lake Benton, Minn., for the
killing of John Lorensen. a mill hand and
the father of thirteen children. .The crime
was committed for money which Lorans?n
had on him at the time, about 120. Ae re
ward of tWO waa offered by the cltlsens of
Lake Benton, which was divided by th
three officers who were Instrumental IA
caoturlna the man. It Is said that the
wife of the murdered man will soon glv
birth to another child, ebs has absolutely
no means of support.
Schwab's parents live at River Falls,
Minn., and have made many advances to
the young man to return to his home. H
would rather tramp. It seems, and waa a
hard drinker. Whea under the Influence
of Uquor ha la very quarrelsome.
u Ji jijihwi . id ii. n sin i a j
Wc are now placing in the market a Coupon Hook, the holder of which is entitled to
a 10 and 5 per cent discount on some of the lending stores in the city. The book has an
actual valuo of $50.00 in. trade and is sold for $1.00. Our agent will call on you. The
following merchants in the city will honor the coupons on any article purchased in their
Bailey & Maeh, Dontista, raxton Block.
Beaton Drug Store, 15th and Faroam St.
Birmingham Slorl Bango Co., 1308 Farnani St.
Brorle-gaard. P. Co., Jeweler. 115 9. 10th St.
BrodeRaard, F. & Co., Jewelers, lift X. lClh St.
Central Meat Market, 210 X. 16th St,
Chabot Shoo Company, 203 X. 18th St.
Iloiialiue, A., Florist, 1607 Farnani St.
Breaher, The Tailor, 1515 Farnam St.
Forhy Trunk Factory, 1400 Douglas St. '
Friedman, J., Skirt Store, 822 X. 16th St
Goodyear Raincoat (t., 22.1 X. 16th St.
Hardy's 0 Cent Store, 151S Dodge St.
lleyn, The Photographer, 818-17 S. 15th St.
Ulllcr Liquor Co., 1300 Farnam St.
Consumer's Cash Coupon Company
G2i Paxton Block
ViawHW mil
Brandeis Buys an Immense Stock at
Far Below Ita Value.
Thousands of Room Sis lines of High
Grade, Together with Unas of
Smaller Slsra ever Sach Bar
gains In Rusts In the l!ls
ory of Omaha.
The Brandeis store has held many rug
sales in the past, but never has there been
a sale of fine rugs In which the rugs were
so desirable and the bargains so immense.
This was the entire stock on hand of a
very prominent carpet and rug manufac
turer, who needed the money arsd sold to
us on a spot cash deal. This stock, to
gether with our big purchase of rugs from
the Alexander Bmlth & Sons auction sale In
New Tork, makes this sale of most extraor
dinary Interest. The entire stock invoiced
more than $22,000, but we bought at Just
about 40c on the dollar.
Twelve immense windows are filled with
our showing of rugs from these purchases.
Bee the Douglas street windows See the
Sixteenth street windows. To give you an
Idea of the wonderful bargains, we will sell
000 Axmlnster rugs, (Xx72), usually sell
a high as IS we wll sell them Monday, at
11. G.
Another exceptional bargain will be those
9x12 seamless velvet rugs, hat sell as high
as 29 each, which we will sell at 116.96.
And hundreds of otler great specials,
next Monday. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS.
Officers of Mitchell Clans.
MITCHELL, S. D May 13.-(Speclal.)
Three of the women's clubs of this city
have suspended operations, having con
cluded their winter's course of stutjy.
Each has elected Its officers for the ensu
ing year. The following are the officers of
the Today club: President, Miss Mamie
Ogln; vice president, Mrs. Grace Jebsen;
recording secretary, Miss Ethel Lyons; cor
responding secretary, MIbs Keo King;
treasurer. Miss Llxale Brown. For the
Round Table: President, Mrs. S. H. Seal-
lin; vice president, Mrs. 8. J. Moore; re
cording secretary, Mrs. H. E. Hitchcock;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. D. Milne;
treasurer, Mrs. F. M. Hammer; historian,
Mrs. A. E. Hitchcock. Mrs. C. A. Davison
was elected as the delegate to the Federa
tion of Women's clubs, which will meet
fet Pierce In August. For the Twentieth
Century club: President, Mrs. R. E. Ruth;
vice president, Mrs. J. T. Morrow; secre
tary and treasurer, Mrs. Jay A. Dundas;
historian, Mrs. I. Wlndle.
Play mt Coantry Club Saturday Will
Be for Trophy.
Oolf st the Country club Saturday will
be for the Directors cup given by the
Boa i,1 of Directors of the Country club.
The first contest will be Saturday and the
succeeding contests about three weeks
apart In order to gft in eight contests
Derore uctober 1. i ne cup win oe a Deauii
ful one and of original design and is in
tended to be played for at eight different
times during the season. Tim contest will
be medal handicap play and when a mem
ber has won a low score at any of the
matches he will not be eligible to play In
the other matches. In this way each content
will develop a different winner, and the
eight names are to be engraved on the
cup. After the eight contests have been
accldeij tne eigm rqen win men coniesi
at match play for the personal ownership
of the cup.
Restlgonche Comes In Secoud and Don
Creole Third.
BELMONT PARK. May 13. Jack Aatkin,
carrying the top weight of.128 pounda, won
the Metropolitan nannicap xoaay. nesu
Souche was second and Don Creole third.
The race attracted a large crowd. The
weather was clear and the track was fast.
The time was fast. Jack Atkin covering
the distance, one mile. In l:3hS-
High School Track Team.
The higll school athletics who will repre
sent Omaha in the state meet Friday are
hard at work getting Into final trim.
Wednesday afternoon they put In most of
the time practicing how to start In the
runs. Captain George Brown is out now
after being kept In fer two weeks by his
doctor. He will enter the high lump and
pole vault, In which two events Welrlck Is
also. Burdick Is developing fine form In
the discus and other weight events and
Mattson Is also shomlng up well In them.
Kennedy and Neavles are entered for the
distance runs. Deems and Payne for the
dashes and McKlnney for the broad Jump.
,ll- All-around 7
t0 Farorlte if
The Waldorf AatorU tj
Importation Co. f
New York Jy
Xs. au (, tr
Hiller Liquor Co., 1403 Douglas St. , .
Katskee Ice and Coal Co., 1101 Davenport St. .
Knlakofsky, I., Groceries, 1011 S. 10th St. J
Omaha Bicycle Co.. 10th and Chicago Sts ,
Peoples Store, 16th and Farnam St.
Iteuhen, Harry, Groceries, 514 N. 10th St. '
Iloacnbera; & Co., Groceries, 24th and Davnport Sts.
Schadell & Co., Millinery, 1522 Dougla St.
SrhadHl, P. M. & Co., Hairdressing, 1522 Douglas St.
Stephens & Smith, Men's Furnishings and Hats, 307
H. 1,6th St.
Stephen & Smith, Men's Furnishings and llata, 205
X. 16th St.
Vollmer's, Clothiers, 107 S. 16th St.
Wardrobe The, Cleaners and Dyers, 2016 Farnam St.
Whltmore, II. B., Art, 1517 Dodge St.
I JiJuwaismmiLSMa u Ji-iimu ni.iuiu j-H1iiiujijjiihiiiui.iii
i. zra
From Kilpatricke
Commencing Thursday at 8:00 a. m., we will place
on sale all
7l2C Standard Calicoes, at, yard 5c
12l20 Fine Ginghams, at, yard. 10c
15c fine Ginghams, at, yard .120
12M:c yard wide Percales, at, yard. . .'. 10c
15c yard wide Percales, at, yard 12VzV
18c Imperial Chanabrays, at, yard 15(?
Note particularly these reductions are not on job,
old or damaged goods, but our entire stock is included
in this sale
It will pay you to call, for you'll discover scores of
other bargains something important going on every
Thos. Kilpalrick & Co.,
The superior taste which estab
lishes agreeable relations be
tween artistic designing and
fine materials Is found nowhere
.better exemplified than In our
"Good Clothes." We would he
pleased to demonstrate this
fact to you and show you the
distinctive styling, the perfect
fit, and the superior tailoring
of these garments.
S20to $35
NicolPs Cutters
and Tailors
We only employ the most skillful Cutters
and Tailors that high wages can attract.
There Is not a man In our employ who Is
not a SPECIALIST In his particular line
of work.
Should we fall In any of the details that
are necassary towarda producing satisfac
tory garments fabric, fitting of tailoring
you'll not be asked to accept same.
Have you noted the new weaves and
colorings this season? They're most tempt
ing in style as well aa price.
Trouiers $8 to $12 Salts $25 to $50
200-11 Soatb lSth SL
It makes tl e toilet soaieth;ng to ba en
joyed. It removes all stains and roughness,
prevents prickly heat and chafing, and
leaves the skin whits, soft, healthy. In the
bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
do common soap can equal, Impsrtirg ths
rigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish
ath- vAli Goccas and Dfuocuts.
I9IO PARNAM, jjjjjljy.
Big South Omaha
Shows and Attractions
May 18 to 23
May 13. 14,15.16
Friday. May 13. Ladles' Day-.1
, DOtC
Matinee Dally BUS. Every Xignt SilB
Positively last American abearance of
Da Witt, Burns & Torrence, Beymora
& Dupree, John & May Burke, Gorman
& WeBt, Cogan & Uanrroft, Brown ft
Nevarro and the Klnodrome. : '
FmiCBBl lOo, 8c and DOo. '
at. lght. May lSta, Awataer glow.
li I H jL m a yM 4- Si 1
fliuiiw; otil. Iinug. lbuu. lad. AltuS,
Mitln-es TL'F. THI'Ri., BAT. an Bl'M
Matlness Thnrs. an4 BaV The ravorlte
rum wooDwiBO stock ooMrajST.
. Presenting Julia Arthur's Success,
rrloes lOe aad te
Veal "Week. BST.OMT JAJSB.
THl R.-l'te Barvlaa aad tUa Lady.