Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 12, Image 12
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903. ; i 5 SPECIAL OFFERS THURSDAY Wash Suits us Presses '4- Practical NewSumnwr Styles Moderately Priced Women WtxsK Jacket Suits These suits are bound to be favorite? in the warm months. They are made of white, light blues and pinks many have lace insertion -trimming others have tailor straps, , XI 9o practical, serviceable sum mer suits, for Lingerie Dresses Many are in the one piece ' Princesse effects made of sheer materials and many are very elaborately fashioned. This is a f 98 special offer," at . . .' " Light Weight Tailored Suits You can't buy a more servicea ble suit than this made in new styles a good variety of colors such suits usually command $20 to $25 $ j C special, at . The Newest Effects in Silk Jackets The styles are the new Butterfly and Modified Prince Chap effects fk 98 makes a very desirable coat for all summer wear I I OMAHA 22 and 27-inch Ilijh French Batiste Embroidered Flouncings and Skirtings Also Norelty Frontings and Allover Embroideries Suitable for Graduation Dresses This is all high quality hand . loom needlework in this season's choicest designs worth up to $2.25 Cft a yard, at, per yard .VOv 3 Dig Lots of Wide Embroideries In these lots are 18 and 27inch fine swiss, nainsook and cambric flouncings, skirtings and corset cover embroid eries also fancy frontings, insertings and galloons very desirable for making graduating dresses worth up to 85c a yard, at, yard .19c, 29c and 39c Brandeis Millinery For Late Spring and Early Summer Extra Special Thursday In our millinery department on second floor we offer hundreds of pretty, new, up-to-date hata, in white and delicate shades for summer newest trimmings medium and, large "750 anapea, including Merry Widow and Soul Kiss hat . . . . In the Basement Trimmed flats for $1 Every hat is new, medium and large shapes hundreds to select from usually sell for C 12.50. at DON'T FORGET THAT EVERY THURSDAY Is Chocolate Day at Sweetl&.nd Our Regular 40o Chocolate for 20c Pound Brandeis la Sole Omaha Agents for the Famous Milliard's Chocolates 2?-;uw.-' huJ tWUx Salt &CxJ g 4 Great Specials In HeusefurnUhlngs Department Old Stere Take the New Entrance Leading from the Sidewalk N. W. Cer. 16th and Douglas It leads te money. Saving Bargains llWUIillfifl? ' 'V'mJSi Curtain Stretcher. Full size 6x12 feet, adjustable to fit most any curtain. 1 111 23 Bath Boom Beta. Steel nickel plated Consisting of four pieces on en pVna Thursday ammeled sheet of steel, one towel special bar ona soap dish, one tooth orush rack and on tumbler hold- JJT - g-m tr all heavily nickel plated CO. special for ThuraSav -special for Thursday Cl'RTAIN HODS Made of brass with silver tipped end . ; Extnds to 44 inches in length special for Thursday. A genuine Im ported Inlaid hardwood salt bo with nickel shield non corrosive a big- special for Thursday at Bo 9c c)cJLlJL -o "tlx GuaJt Next Saturday Our Greatest Sale of Men's Summer Underwear Actually worth $1.50 a garment all sizes See the wlndews, at 50c I 1 I riririri ANY lrk LAPIEH' HOMK JOl'KNAL Y Vs' aIIIjIj pattekn wKh ?rtr,Jr str,e JJk REMNANTS This Thursday the Ilcinnant Sale will have such bargains as are rarely offered by any store. Our recent sales have left an unusual amount of odds and ends of desirable Silks and Dress Goods that now will be closed out for a mere pittance. i SILK RKMXAXTS Must bo BOO of them, one and a half to three and a half yard pieces, all kinds fancy silks, rough silks, f Loulslnes, taffetas, etc., all worth $1.00 a yard; yard "lJ for. ' w DHKSS GOODS RKMXAXTS Black and colored goods, four to eight yard lengths, 44 to 60 Inches wide, finest $1.50 and $1.00 materials, plain and novelties, voiles, taffetas, panamas: Remnants $1.50 goods at, yard.....' Remnants $1.00 goods at, yard 29 WASH (i(K)DS RKMXAXTS Most extraordinary low prices on best grade fabrics, including 32-inch 25c ginghams, 25c and 35c Q Madras, 15c percales, 35c silk mulls, 30c cotton voiles, linen flC 5c finished suitings; good, desirable lengths at, yard I.IXIMt REMXAXT9 Best 20c black and colored linings, sateens, spun glass and percallnes; on Bale Thursday at, yard THURSDAY SALE FRENCH VOILES 58c A matchless bargain the best $1.25 black voile ever imported 44 Inches wide, beautiful rich black; new, crisp and with a firm wiry touch. Never anything like this in Omaha before at the price 3 S. & H. Green Stamps Instead of One on Domestics Thursday Want to convince every reader of this paper that we sell do mestics for loss money than any other Omaha store. A few illustra tions to prove It: Shirting Dark colors, 12 c and 10c grades, yard 5 Unbleached Sheeting Yard wide, a good quality, yard. 3 Cambric Fine, soft finish for un derwear, 12 V6c value, for...7 Bleached 9c Muslin for 6 Heavy nieached Sheets W 1 1 h seams, for 29? 2,000 Pairs W men's Sample Stockings on Bargain Tables. ThursdayHosiery Day . S1.98 495 2.95 60c Imported Hosiery, llslee, fancy colored lisle, lacs lisle, and split foot, fX( Thursday, at 75o Hoslsry hand embroid ered lisle and lace Cf lisle goods, for .... A"" $1.00 Hoslsry, very beauti ful hand embroidered styles, elaborately JQn tasteful effects, pr. tl.BS Silk Hoslsry, plain and fancy styles, Thuis- f!Qf days sale for .... 3.60 Bilk Hoslsry, exquisite DiacK ana coioreu inrrnu silk lace boot effects, pair , 15o Xlbbsd Hoslsry, double knee, 2x2 rib, sizes 6 to 84 for boys, g pair uyj 190 Rlbbsd Hosiery for boys and girls, all " Op sizes, pair USo Xibbsd Hoslsry, the Tom Sawyer line, andisome im ported Rood", medium and heavy weights, "i flf at pair X3Kj Just a small space to advertise a big sale. Big In moncysaving possibil ities. 2,000 pairs sample stockings and broken rQ lines purchased at groat K discount from St. Louis and Kansas City houses. On sale Thursday at tre mendously cut prices. Most important stocking sale of the year. Foreign and domestic goods, for S women, children, boys rC and ir iris: a .. . ... Black Cotton Hosiery, run seamless, plain and rib tops 19c quality - Op for XVy Sale of IVIuslin Underwear On Thursday the entire stock will be brought out for a grand clean-up. Summer Undermuslins have not sold at so low a price in years. Thousands of new, fresh, crisp garments all daintily trimmed with embroideries and laces. Thursday you buy them in this manner: $1 00 and $1.25 drawers, corset covers, gowns, chemise and skirts; your choice of hundreds of gowns of many styles at . 69 75c drawers, corset covers, gowns and short skirts; in Thursday's clean-up sale at 39 35c Drawers and Corset Covers (many attractive styles in the line, Thursday's sale, at 10 25c drawers, made of very good quality of muslin, nicely cut; Thurs day at -15J Chiffon Panama Dress Skirts in Thursday's Sale In this lot you will find every desirable color, Buch as black, navy and brown; also some effective colorings and mixtures, with gray and brown predominating. They are tailored with nine, thirteen and seven gore; some of them have self straps and folds, others are trimmed with taffeta straps. These are positively the best skirts that come from the New York markets and retail at $7.50. We bought these at a price that allows us to sell them Thursday at One Day Sale of Boys' Suits Mothers with boys to clothe will find in this offering one of the best money-saving possibilities of the season. The lot embraces a nice variety of new gray and brown effecta in many choice patterns; are made with double-breasted coats and Knickerbocker and knee pants, Bizes range from six to sixteen years and all are worth $4.00 to $5.00; Thursday's sale Bennett's Bio Grocery Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 86o and 30 Stamps Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound 18o and 10 Stamps Teas, assorted, pound 48o and 50 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Pepper, can 10c and 5 Stamps Best We Have Lima Beans, two cans 3&o and 10 Stamps Best We Have String Beans, two cans 3So and 10 Stamps Genessee Wax Beans, two cans , B5o and 10 Stamps Best We Have Kidney Beans, two cans. 35o and 10 Stamps Best We. Have Corn, two cans 85o and 20 Stanjps Bennett's Capitol Strawberry Beets, two cans 35c and 10 Stamps Best We Have Blackberries, can 830 and 10 Stamps Best We Have Hubbard Sijuash, two cans .....350 and 10 Stamps Advona Jams, assorted, two cans 80o and 10 Stamps J M Karly June Peas, two cans 3 So and 10 Stamps KAISIN SPECIAL Large Three-Crown Raisins, splendid for pies, regular 12VsC quality, Thurmlay price, pound 80 BiKIRO POWDER SPECIAL -Bennett's Capitol Bsklnr Powder Five pound can f 1.00 and 100 Stamps One pound can J40 and SO Stamps Half pound can 130 nd 15 Stamps TOE SWEET GIRL graduate, also the boy, ought to hare a gift of some kind to keep In memory of the day. Our store Is full of suggestions. Look for the saws. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler . 1310 DOUGLAS STREET ' ' ' II DR. BRADBURY, Dentist Extraordinary Outer Garment Bargains A Sale Surpassing Any of the Season in Saving Importance. .ua Famam. 17 Extracting... 25c np. Croana.... $2.S0 up. Plates 2.00 Bp. bridge Work fC.CO up. Porcelain TUllnga up from. . . . . $1.60 Same Offlc. Ptume, ears DougUa 1750. Alveolar Dentibtry a specialty. Loose teeth made solid. Nerves remored without pain. Work , Kuaraateed (do year,- . 3 pa-' inMui!Jos THE RELIABLE STORE 175 Handsome Tailor Suits Reg ular values up to $45 on sale at. choice 25 123 High Class Suit All newest style values, up to $35, choice, at S16.75 $7.50 Silk. 1'nden.klrU of Simond'a Taffeta, In all 'leading ehades, cut extra full, choice ...$3.05 $1.50 Percale Wrapper From 8 Till D A M. Women 11 50c dressing saques, on sale. 19 Begins Thursday, May Our cloak buyer in his recent trip to New York secured the greatest lot of garment bargaina ever brought to Omaha. The advance shipment will go on sale Thursday and other lots as they arrive. "Watch daily papers for further announcements. ll WE ARE I Shoers Extraordinary To Girls, Misses and Ysunrj Women Our large stock of fine footwear for Critical people la replete this year In all that Is new and good. Proper fttlng Is done here with extreme care and attention. We would especially call your atten tion today to our line of Oxfords and Boots for girls and young women. We have them In Vlcl Kid, Golden Brown Kid, Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Russia Calf in both lace and button styles. THE miCES RANGE FOR MISSES $2.50 AND $2.00 FOR YOUXGJ WOMEN $3.00 AND $2.50 Big Rug and Carpet Sale Saturday See Display In Sixteenth Street Windows V . 4 Sale f Men's Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street J $ Omaha's Pure Food Center 9 Restaurant on Second Floor ;: M Where Dainty Meals Are Served ati? S; Moderate Prices. .. !5 THURSDAY'S SPECIALS. O English Walnuts, per lb lo!5 Peanuts, per quart oc-J ?? Plain Lettuce, two for ,Bct M Spinach, per peck Radishes, per bunch .l0X Per doxen bunches 10c 5 tj nA rAamarv Flutter, ner lb 88cV Country Butter, per M Large Ripe Olives, lh asc. .( n , tlrta QOcK . . t afinV Si? ,va7. l. .... 1 niiivAfc' . BOo . 60c bottles Wueen Olives ...SSc fcj 3-lb. tins Soups JA , . .860" S2.60X .4.00$ Sj 2-lb! can Maine Corn.. '1 r"er aosen ifc 60c Bishop's Preserves Si German Mottled Soap, per box H Sunny Monday Soap, per box. Argo Btarcn, per pus ourtney & so Ssvsntssnth and Doaflas Sts. Phone Douglas 647. Private Exchange Connects All 1 ifpBnnicniB ft Intelligent People People of Intelligence who know the advantage of good Dentistry as well as apprec iate fair prices, always be come our permanent patrons when they have once tried our Dentistry. Many Intelli gent people come here. Why not you? 22k Gold Crowns $5.00. Taft's Dental Rooms y Gold Stiver andNickh J Metallic Articles shonld not be thrown away even if they are old. By the Electro plating process they can be made good as new. OHAPiTlMICfl 1898 1220 Harney StSb if) . pyi!J ! fMIifWiTi? i I IOO Braided Jackets Butterfly style In Copenhagens, browns, tans, navies and black, $20.00 values, at $12.50 96.50 Loose gilk Coats All sizes, remarkable bargains ...$3.05 5 Silk and Net Waists. . $205 From 0 Till IO A. M. Women's $3.00 moire underskirts. . .70 Special Sale of Infant's Wear ThurMlay.' Try HAYDEN'S First ASSOCIATED ADVERTISING CLVB5 OFAnERICA CONVENTION KANSAS CITY DOO'T MISS THESE SPECIALS mwES& THE RELIABLE STORE Crown Sh$es Continues Thursday is Muslin Underwear Day The greatest of a eeries of grcrt bargain events in this department. Values offered that will open the eyes of nil to the superior bargain giving power of our great buying organization. Every item a rouser. Skirts and Gowns Worth to $3.50 Fine quality Nainsooks and cam brics, elaborately trimmed, soores of styles to select from, at 98u and $1.50 Gowns, Skirts, Chemise, Drawers Trimmed with fine embroideries and laces, values up Ladies' Corset Covers and Drnnrn Of fine quality cambric, trimmed with embroidery, laces and wash rib bons, values to 60c at 13 19tf and 20 Children's Muslin Drawers Trimmed with embroidery, lace and hemstitch ed tucks, great snaps at prices . . . 10i 15 tnd o5 Ladies' Combination Suits E 1 t h e r corset cover and skirt or corset cover and drawers, handsomely trimmed with embroidery and laces hi bar gain surprises, at. .QS and $1.50 HOUR SPECIALS. 8 Till 0 A. M. Corset Covers and Drawers, values to 60c. trimmed with to $2.00; all at one price. Bargains beyond comparison, at 59c lace, embroidery and wash ribbons; choice 12 H 0 Till IO A. M. Clowns worth to $1.00 cut full and long, neatly trimmed; choice 29 10 Till 11 A. M. Gowns worth lo $7.50. for this hour, at 49 11 A. M. Till 12 M. Children's Skirts and Drawers, with tucked lawn ruf fles. 25c values, at 10 2 Till 3 T. M. Men's IlalbriKKaii Shirts and Drawers, garment. . .15 3 Till 4 1 M. Men's Union Suits, lisle or Egyptian cotton, plain or fancies, worth $1.50, at 49 4 Till 5 P. M Men's and Boys' Shirts, madras or chambrays. etc., worth to 75c; on sale In one lot, choice. .25 Thursday Silks, tc Per Inch Silks Thursday Over 3,800 yards of fine plain and fancy silks that would sell reg ularly up to $1.00 yard; all go in one big lot for Thursday's sale (r at, choice, per inch lc ' Pongees, Messalines, Taffetas in black and colors, novelty silks of all descriptions, worth to $1.25 yard, at 45c Bankrupt Stock Sale Embroideries from Fenkart & Co. Stock' Thursday, the second day of the great sale, we will add a big line of CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES, regular values 35o to 85c yard in three lots Lot 1 Corset Cover Embroideries, yard 12l2C. Lot 2 Corset Cover Embroideries, yard. . . .17Y2c Lot 3 Corset Cover Embroideries, varrl flir 7 sr Edges and Insertings A big line of regular 5c to 20c yard values ; on sale now in four lots at. .2V2C 3V2C 5c and 7C New Lots from This Great Pur chase Arriving Daily. Watch daily papers for announce ments. See the window disDlava. Greatest Bargains in New Embroideries Ever Offered. Extra Specials for Thursday In Our Famous Domestic Room From 9 to 10 A. M. 1 ease 71oc!From 2:30 to .8o one caso of io vd wide Muslin at rrl Wn Turklsh-Batn Towels, extra large and J Q Wiae JlUSlin, ai, JCl. . .JgC heavy, 4 towels limit; at, each. .KA 15c India LInons. .fM 12 c Long Cloth 7H 15c white Fancies 12 ViC Woven Swiss 5 12 c Voiles 5 10c Voiles 5i 10c Voiles 3H 15c Ginghams , . ,7C FOn ALL DAY 7 He Apron checks. .4 6c Apron checks.. 3 q 12 He white waitings . at ..7t 10c white Waistlngs 5 6c Wash Rags, each l 7c Prints 19c Batiste 1QJ I 19c Oreandles 1AA 15c Organdies . ..7Hc 12 c Batiste 5 65c Sheets SHc 75c Sheets 47? 15c Pillow Slips. .f)Ho 12 He Percales ,,7; 19c Persian Lawn? 10c Remember Thursday CHOCOLATE DAY IS Angelic Chocolates, Wc Quality at, JO pound IUL Get a "Merry Widow" Sundae. New, Delicious. iVeiv Hair Ornaments to i Less Than Regular Side Combs, Back Combs, Barretts Hair Rolls, Pompadours, Hair Retain ers, Ever-tidy Combs, etc.; special Thursday. H 15c Side Combs, pair ; . . . .7c 16c Back Combs, each 7H 25c Side Combs, pair 12 H 25c Back Combs, each 12 H 25c Ever-tidy Combs, each 1 Of 60c Hair Rolls, each 25 And many other special Items on sal at Notion Counter. Read These Grocery Prices for Thursday THE FRESHEST GOODS, HIGHEST QUAZ.ITT ISO LOWEST PRICES: D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Saoosssor to Dr. H. L. Ramscclottl) .UMUTAJTT VTATB TITBaDrilUK OfflM aad pltal. 8810 Kuan . Calls Promptly Answered if All Hoars. Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers llf'ba'rB best brands Laundry Soap for 2Bc 10 pound sacks best granulated cornmeal for 1 &0 6 pound choice Japan Rice for 25c The best Hand I'lcked Navey Beans, per ftound Be le best Domestic Macaroni. pk 'or 'He The best bulk Laundry Starch, lb. for 40 Gallon cans New York Apples for ....25c Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat Flakes, package, for 6c Malta Vita. Itreakfast Food, pkg. for tc Choice Hairy Hutter, per pound l8o Fancy Dairy Hutter. per pound -lc Fancy Country Creamery Hutter, lb. 25c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, white or col ored, per pound 15c PINEAPPLES. FIHEAFPX.E8. Now a the time to can them, owing to the small fruits being being destroyed by the frosts. They are bound to to much fcr no ingiHT. iiue imr prciinn cur innta wa will I'onimur i4 neii uimii, -S1 lg . 5c 7Ve SV2c and 10c Fancy Ripe Arkansas Strawberries, qurtii (,J0 s noxes rnr FRESH VEOETABltl PRICES TOM, THURSOATl Fresh Splnn.'h, per peck 50 6 bunches Fresh Onions for 5,, Fresh Asparanras. per hunch 3ViO 2 heads fresh 1-eaf lettuce for iu Fancy Wax or Oreen Beans, per lb. 10u 3 large Cucumbers for ,..4o Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per pound . ...TSo 4 bunches Fresh Radishes Fur .Ja Fresh Beets or Carrots, per bunch . . A BIO MEAT SPECIAL FOR THURS DAY! Fancy, No. 1 California Hams, per lb, Sa Fancy, No. 1 Bacon Htripea, per 'b. !iio Morrell's Fancy Summer tiausie, lb. lfo EX HMDENS' SEE n SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for . TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; 3 doz . GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. 30c; 50 for . CINNAMON VINE, Extra Large, each tOc; i2h: DAHLIAS, Assorted, each lvc; i tor $1.00 $1.00 11.03 $1.03 $1.03 THE NEBRASKA SEEP CO., 1613 Howard St. nuamjUMsaur AdvertlM la THE OMAHA DEC Best ':. West Turn tho Switch and you have power nlfht or day no delay no waste. INVESTIGATE. OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. Tslsphoass ottils lot 2. Is. A1278. T. M. C A. RlAf. ""'"""""" ' ""' mumj f