Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Oom Into ttf Horn
Best & Vest
sing ix corr five cents.
S Beginning Tomorrow the Big Annual May
2nd Week of the Sale of 8100,000 Purchase of
New Merchandise from Overstocked Jobbers
H Sale of Muslin Underwear and White Goods
i YW mm&T W&Y SALE!
4 I
Best Selling Books
T;ie Coa-t of ( A flQ
The Black Ba? i V(J
Iady of the Mount. . .
A mTntrh'p t" P.-tiu' lt
ritirm Library nil with -rh
Never in the history of Bennett's has a sale meant so much to you. This store has some brilliant sales to its credit. But these two great May events coming sim
ultaneously promise you the best bargains it has ever been the good fortune of any store to make. The essence of a good bargain is its seasonableness.
Every woman is directly concerned in these sales for they bring her the very goods she is needing now. Alert watchfulness, coupled with the ready cash secured for
us carload aftar carload of most desirable merchandise the markets of America afford.
You buy your summer needs at Bennett's lower in price than you ever dreamed possible at this season of the year. Monday the selling opens with renewed vigor.
Correspondence Paper
Fine quality, put up in at
tractive boxes 124 sheet?, 24
envelope, regular.
75c values. Mondav
on sale at. tox . .
AJ V V a . ,
May Sale of Undermuslins at "Touch Bottom" Prices
Note for a week of erithr.ia-ti- lm'.lin underwear s-llinr. The annual a!e tlii y-ar
I trine bargains unprecedented. The daintiest shot; white cannert. more lahoratelv trini-
med. better materials and better finished than u have ver knnwn. Divriptiins wmil. 1'
tiresome. "Ye will imply say that wt- boutrlit thfv aniiit- at the mM fa"raM' )ri'-e-known
to the trade. Take us at our word. - ymi always d and ynu'll n-4 !-h diaMwlnlfd.
Monday will be Petticoat aLid Gown Day
Entire department will be devoted to thee two lino Monday, (,'onie rNjfi-tini; ithmI
hone-rt Bennett bargains. You'll find them here in p;fuion.
The Gown Sale
Tne Skirt Sale
Here are the pettiest and best
skirts we have ever had. The-e
prices are honest prices. See the
$1.00 Skirts- will be: S9
$2.50 Skirt? will he SI. 19
$2.15 Skirt? will be S1-S9
$4.50 Skirt? will be S2.48
$6.50 Skirts will be S3.S9
Monday you buy iiowu.s n? vu
never Uiucht them before.
75' iown? will le 39
$1.k (.iowns will be 69f
$1.75 (Jowns will be 9S
$2.50 downs will W 1.48
:!.. (iown will be S2.39
$4.5t (inwi will Ik 2.98
$G.5'J Gowns will be $3.75
On Tuesday all the Corset
Covers and Drawers will be
on sale.
Un Wednesday all the
Matched Sets and Combina
tions will Ik? on sale.
If jl
Dress Goods and Silks Ridiculously Low
New York importers make sensational sacrifice on fine dress
goods and silks. Bennett's ready cash secures values such as were
never known before. This week new lots from our great $100,000
purchase crowd the counters' Read: Have you ever seen the equal
of such seliirg as this?
High Clas3 Imported Black Dress Goods tVitively the mot
beautiful yoods ever displayed at $2.5u and $2.X) a yard. In
eiudinsr Fiendi voile. enibroilereil voile-. Ivondon twine cloth?,
silk warji taffeta-, silk Kolienne and other rich
black fabric: a'l at oik-c ri'e Moi;day. yvv yard,
at .'
S1.25 New Novelty Dress Fabrics Le than half. Most desirable
weave- and eolorinir brought out thi year. Strictly high jrrade
all pure woo! material. In a resrular way never
known to ell less than $l.x) to $1.25. n Monday,
i-hoice rf scores of pieces at. yard
. t ' , t m
Most remarkable sales Omaha or the entire West has known. Crowds attended the sale
last week. Not a woman but who did not feel that she got the silk bargain of her life. Monday
new lots are brought forward. Note these values:
Will bur Monday .c Mescaline
and bouifine silks: $100 colored
taffetas: Bilks. Crre de chines;
stunning new plaids and p'sin pongees.
Will dtit Monday Tussah rouph
Silks. 3l-inch colored dress Taffe
tas, in iri' and checks, hand
some Foulards and many others:
all this season's choicest styles
and colors.
Will huy Monday New Coin spot
roueh Silk?, worth ll.Io, rich
Loui&;n's: Taffetas. Pongeea and
a worl l of novelty effects. Every
yard actual SI. 23 value.
Laces and Embroideries in the White Sale
Every item here tells of a stirring bargain. You cannot fully appreciate
these-values unless you see the goods.
Eleven thousand yarda of ainbiic m
nroideriet. edgings, and insertions to
watch; aeason'i choicest patterns, two
" to nine Inches wide; all from recent big
purchase, worth to Sc. in Wilt
Sale at, yard
Embroidery flouncing?. 27 inches wide,
very beautiful effects, suitable for sum-
trer dresses, petticoats and confirmation
wear, actual l.;a values,
in White Sale
.. 5c
KnibnilT-l Robe Bonght up. manu
facturer's sample line, larce variety of
evguisae semi-made robes, values to S:
each. In Monday's Sale.
Valenciennes Laces, large import ship
ment of the daintiest French and Ger
man Valenciennes lace, edgings and In
sertions to match, regularly 50c and 7.-c
qualities, in White Sale, dozen
Point de Paris Laces, five inches wide,
with, band to match: very fine quality
and effective patterns, worth to Zhc, in
White Sale at,
Torrhoo Lf en Wide and narrow ba
to match the edganes purchased from
porters at one-fourth actuel values
worth to 10c, Whit6 Sale at,
Handkerchiefs in the White Sale
K1fty dozrn woman's tK-mtitcfcfd and embro4derKl and callrpKl embroldtred Swiss Hand
kerchief, imported to ih-11 at 25c, In MoixJar ' at each 15c
?lric4 1y pur )ian hetnatiichrl and embroidered Handkerchief . as Importers 'irplu tork
vt uiitcunlinu4 pattrraa, every out worth from 25c to uc MoDday, each lc
dKT - . r - - rrjv i.-m k sja. - .M
2c mw mi w
11 I l f
Monday's Great Wash
Goods Sales
Buy your mmmfr dre-r w-M!e yeu
can make fKd savlna. Jupt ihmk
of buying.
ToUa da Kord OingluuBi Tn newest
atve. evervwiicre filing at t
lc. Monday, fur
lie BiXk atttlla Over 1ft dainty
ptvlt-e. tiMuiifui nimy Ttrir.
KrTrhodv fn!hu over thrnj. I C.
Monday, dewn to
BatlatM T'C tat-Va f'Jl
Mf-nda . fcr
Border Batirte
iifht and
rtiirk .tl-s. Kepi Hr ftrir. c
p-.j.,uar. t ie aortn nt. eierj (tO"d
evict. i:v,v. J 5c. if-.- 2Se
Biached Shft-ts. TTxiift. ood e.rl"'t,
at :
Bl'-whui E nesting. S-inc h. 1 Cc qual
ity. at o
Pillow Ur. ii45-inrh. launder well.
a.Kd qualiiy. Monday Tja
J& rs dg&.
f I til 1,1 V L K w
.Vsale w-ith'
to Omaha
effe1. da
ier in all
'roal' bararains: Bennett's put on sale Monday over 2.CXK) mo.t beantffnl ever hrouKftt
rKeu white lingeTle vait-t trimmed with Baby Iri.h inrticm.. embroidered and medallion
intiet lace and embroidery insertions. Kvery waist new, rreih ana fnp; niaae in oeM pocsinie nun-
newest style. Vou will do well t buy as niany a half a down.
Daintiest and nxt leautifnl
trhite Waists, inade in all
America for two dollars and
fifty cents; Monday, for
Lingerie Waist s, -worth
$.1.."0 to $4.0. SLmily ex
quisite garments; in Mon
day's sale for
Tailored Suits worth $35
Sec Harney Strt Window
Greater and greater grow the suit liar
gains. More new models just arrived
from the East; stunning Prince Chap
and Butterfly models many styles
never shown before in this city. We
never had tatter suits at $35.00. The
fact that every one is strictly new and
up-to-date makes this the h?gget suit
bargain of the year.
Monday 25 suits in
every good color and
fabric none worth
less than $35.00, for.
Bennett's have all the novelties In Xan Oxfords
Complete new in popular tans, and two rery special sales make Monday a best shoe news.
Sale tas anl black Oxfords for
women, newest effects In choco
late kid and tan Russia calf, vicl
and, patent leather, sizes 2H t9
6, $3.00 Talues.
le-it? of tan Oxfords aain.
Just o:eaed new assortment late
is. in Brown. Uiu, cioculaic
and casmpACae abae
2.19 to 5.00
Women's tateiit coVt Oxfords, dis-
cvaUsalcg ttis line, splendid
band welt, sewed, perfect fitting
and comfortable, four styles,
Monday at, 1 Q
Pflr .OJ
S-f g)95
rer Jwaa wwldiaf f-lfra. SipaiaBt
cl X.ibbr'a mnt eattmra .mat as
packed. Tiarwt cut (lass HJQ; -cioaiTclj
akowa at CuiMt t. Trsa
ar Xbtr'a uwttt ttku:
twila j-iDch Hov's for ?5.00
OtHJa Sugar and t'reaius. set. . -SS-fW
run la Sugar and Creams. ft. -S40
Jacona 5-inch Nappr for S1.39
Kbuore -iach Bowl for
Venetia Water Bottle for.... S4.50
Comf leie new line of UhUry's uew de
slcns in stock.
May Sale White Goods and Linens
Sale Satin lamak.
Har.di.ome ,all 1:n-a bleached linn.
two wic!e. no napkiDs. rrsalsr
11.0 quality, holiday's sl. . . . 75
All l:iien Nafkios. bleached. :0-imh
sixe. very serviceable, well worth
11.00, in white sale, for doi. Sl.-43i
White Good and Linens.
Exceptional Monday salos. See Win
dow UiEr'ay-
Littt and Batistes sheer dainty ma
terials, embroider d and check."" or
stripe styles. Zlc raluem 1J
Long tToth. 36-lnch beet Joe quali;y,
in white tale at 12 C
l-in. French Un A beauilful -heer fabric for summer dresses, for gxa Ill
ation or confirmation, the regular price i 3c, in the May White sale,
Monday Sale
White Hats
Bnntt's intke pjrpcial exhibit
mrA t la nf Hfctlrtf! v a at1 la in
white, lirht blue, rink and chara- t
pague hats for fair graduates and
Jane brides.
Tomorrow a big new lot Just infi
from New lork. bought at a fjftive
that permits of senBaticnai unaer- Qy
Hm worth IT.iO, will
be on aale for
Hats worth 112.50, will
be on sale for
Each hat is a model of the mill
inery's art depleting fashion's be-t
SUA-. r-ri J rT
White Glaves
la Moniay's Szle
You cab buy your sutumer supply
for less niuney Monday than you
can later oti.
Whit lialt Gloves, twelve button
length, two clasy fastenets at
nt, regular 75c qualities, Mon
day sale 49
White Silk Glore. best double
tipped fingers, fall elbow lengths,
regular value 1 50. all sizes.
Monday, pair.. SOc
Utile flosiery
White lisle allover Jace and lace
Uxt styles, best ioc kinds, im
ported, in Monday's white sale.
Iir -.. 33C
Plain white gauze lislea, full seam
less, excellent lie qualities, in
Monday's sale ......... oC
Women's Sunner Vesls
WLita rtbbd llaia Vmiv akecly trtm
mi with VaX tnMi-tiooa aad tiw 1
ln raa wUb ailk tapx at neck aad
arm. aauai ic ala4. Mimdar aX SS
Baa4 crochar4 wla. aiU tapca at
ntt and anna, aold verrwner at
Sic; la toa Uw Saia at
Monday's Great Sales Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Etc.
In addition to these very low prices we give S. & H. Green Stamps with our purchase.
No other store offers yon so much for your money as you get at BENNETT'S.
'Reed Rockers Finely lui It. ! Kitchen Uacinets h !! nzt,
j large anl rtHiiny. Monday j $'J.j.i. ealiiM. fur. .16.50
I sioial Sl.OSIOak Dressers, with lrJ inch
rocker and wttee $12.50 -Carts .VJ3 kind. ..$1.39 ' 1vel j.late uiirror S6-89
Porch Furniture Solid white
oak, lo!ted and screwed, iiair.
$J.).fW Pedestal Dining
Table, 45 inch top, 10 inch
f-ost, LiifLIy polihed, quart-?r-fawel
Inflrain Carpets
Extra heavy half wool Ingrain, ail
new patterns, -or quality for. -30c
Smyrna Riii Strictly all oji,
choice of. three patterns, 11-5t
values for SI. 39
WashaUe llath Mat Blue, pick ur
-green effects 27i54 Inch.
30x60 inch 83.19
VeUet Rug- Three by six fert. tun
floral colorings. $4.50 goods,
for S2.59
KiHmi Size Fibre Rug Very deair
able for bedrooms. ti feet. $4
1x12 feet S6.98
Leather or Telour
upholstering JJ7.S0
values fok
Ui BRASS Bt:iS .
Heavy rnaasive posia
Curtain Swiss. Zt inches ide. white
grounds with pink stripes. 12?!
Quality, for 6c
Cable Xrt Curtain Very strong and
durable, white and ecru, neat parlor
patterns, all the new spring styles.
, ...... -.
IH1T WAIST lOXIS: Vrry Urgr a
aurtmrnt of r-d ct-dar chia. polih.nwl
or vipLoli'trd in art d-nima. cruur.un.
burlap or Jap n.trn. a atrajt'.t rf-
Bennett's Special
Sewing 4 -3 gQ
Machine JLA
Brnnett s spec
ial Seming Ma
chines, every
Monday this
splendid $:C 00
drop head m
ihlue. fitted with
five drawers and
a f jll bet of nick
eled attachments, at ac extraordinary
low price. Mondsy on sale at f 11 JO.
Monday's Sales in the
Hardware Section
New "Norka" Bill Bearing Urn
Mowers, as jood a $5.00 mower as
uu will find anm fcere, fourteen imh
cutter axd nine inch wheels, very
light running and guaranteed perfct
in every respect. Monday ft"
on sale at
And double trading stamps.
Sale cf blu and wblt rminrl ar.
t imonrd cra'lc- Krir t-v -
Berlin k-ui- ai.d rof.k pt'ta, ret .
and Ti-, in Monday ta.c
at S C
fccrro Iocra at....rc. 11 i i aa. . 1.T$
St-j Garaen Hiwt. f
lie Stt-; La a Rakea. f jr a
&rr-n Wire Cloch. iq;ir fx.t ta
Poultry Wlr. full roll', 10 tj SOc
Carpet btraiera Uk . 1 i ;( and.., a&e
And .'6 tHatcja
One quart of Jap-a-lac
will make your
old chairs, pk-tore
frames, iron beds
and other furniture
look lias new. All
s'.ie lie to I Z SO.
FIt hundred sam
pim cans KRt'K on
Big Grocery
Bnnrtta Gn'.Aen Ctttr. pound.. S
And ! SLazcpa
Bik"t PSrwd Japan Taa. pound.. ,.M
And ! Staciipa
Tm StfOaca. -pcBnd ........Us
And it iXMmvt.
J-C-O Ice 03 Pr-aT. i pAxw. SOa
A&a t rr.v
XatKtesm. one dosea az.4 greater, ,10a
And i unpL
Tnjla. for laandrr. li
AnJ it isuili.
Adruna Jama, aaaurtnd. can. ...... lOo
And i ftaiiipa.
Daffy's Apple J aioa Tnecxr. boulo,
And : S!n.p.
SniJ-r'a BiUud Bear.a. larte caa..aOo
And 1 ruiri
Nw Tork Onam Char. pound... SOe
And 29 Btampa.
alra.t-rs' f'd'Wii.jn Paad-r. ran...B5
And SLa.lia.
Ailc-fi s Brum F'r4 "jr, Ik . . la
Asd i ?'-at.a.
ftnifm'u ct,i:ji Baw:na- Pawrr.
c:. a.
Acd TO ria-tnB-Becrn
a ("i.iinl Oaia ikg 11a
Aod It d i An. pa
Brd K .". poiiT.d p lt
Aod Zi) EUCl
BajW Picka U.tiie low
And II 8'-n.-a
T'-M Gard-fi J'twtthl uiit't Jar, SOo
And : ty Sins
Sawda. ne1i off". pa 1nr. .. So
Lr. a lirikiai Ki.d. J (.ara S
Flonr Special
Baaaatrs Captvol TUcr. m