THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 10. IPOS. r x 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET V ''Values Steady After Heavy Advance of Friday. ( , profit takujg a featitee Vheat Oprna strily, nllh Cables Atronar and rntlanf-nt nnllUh Other Grain Hold Valaes. OMAHA, May 9. I?. After the extreme advance of yesterday grain value ree rlv .1 some HIUh itetbacK today. rt.llliiK early In the si-ssiim vaa general and was fr irofli on week-end tiiininwFH. Offeriras were fairly well taken and mar ket became narrow at the cl'tite. Wlieat opnnid, with e-abl.s strong and aentiment bullish after yesterday strong ailvance. Profit taking lecaine a feituit nn.l prion cased off sliKhlly. May licit opened at Imc and closed at Sj'jc. (.'urn opened easier nu heavy selling by ccmiipsMun houses and general sales for the wiek-end profits. The market was It t . ui eles atl overly active. iljy Corn opened at t7c and closed at CTc fits were stonily and unchanged, witli selling of the distant futures the f.-ntiire. I'rlniary wheat r.-celpts were i.n.Q bjsh elK and shipments were i4.'( against rcci Ipts last year oi bln.01 bushels and shipments of M'.t.orJ bushels. I'nrn receipts wer.- 2.2.",i bushels and shtpiin-nls were 4",2.') bushels, aKainst re ceipts last year of 4'6.'i bushels and ship ments of TWO bushels. Clearance:! were ",im bushels of cm, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to Xi. o, bushels. Liverpool closed lUftld higher on wh.-at and 1,4.1 tilghiT on coin. 8eabonrl retort' d bushels of wheat taken for export. Local range of options: i Art!cles. Open. MIkM Low. Cloie. Yes y. 1V1;I-I I ( May... I W 99 I .1 1 1 1 v ... . vr v"i .i 5 s.'it...i m h ! w 1 tt Com-- , 1 1 M.v...; i : j tr? .',llv...i W .' , h. pt..! ist ;,! ms. Oats- i I I M.iv...! 4!V II'Y 49V A W Cu Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHK.AT-.N'n. 2 hard. ftTV'WV; s l aid. . i ;?c; No. 4 bard, p..)! .; No. ( spline r '.'t 5"! I'ditN-.No. j. rTV',!"Hc: N". 3. "c; No. 3 veliow. .7V"oV ; No. 2 white. to,c. OATS'-No. 3 mixed, SuStifriAc; No. 3 white. No. 4 white, poU'nfdc. KVK No. :. 74'u75c. No. 3. 7-:tl73c. t'arlot Iteretpta. Wlieat. Corn. Oats. 121 ZA 17 "8 Chlcngo .. Mlnneapol' time In .. Luiur:i ... n tllllM.U ;IIAI A.'U PHOVISIOX9 Feat urr of the Trading and C'leMlnar Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May 9. The local wheat mar ket was weak today owing to the liln-ral reulizlng sales, the July delivery rinsing at a Pet lo-s of IV'. Corn was olf :'nli. Oats were lyriNe lower. lrovlsions unchanged to i',7e higher. rcnt .in.tu In the wheat pit was bearish all ciav and prices at the close were almost at the lowest point. The failure of Kuropean markets to respond to any great extent to the 3c advance here yesterday was one of the chief depressing Influences. Through out the entire session there was free sell ing by longs. Several times the market rallied moderately on covering by shorts, but each advance brought out Increased offerings, which soon caused a fresh de clmo. A number of reports were received telling of damage bv Hessian flies In the wheat fields or Kansas, but they were given but scant consid. i at ion. inasmuch as the injury is Kcm-r.illy bcl'cvcd to Is- confined laru-e y to small and scatl-red Hfeas. The market closed wtak. July opened 'k'ac to fythV lover, at ; sold at Mc, and ti.i.i dnlined to ;)J'c. The close was S'ufc IL-c. ('Iiuiancta of wheat and flour were eu-ial to il..'i bu. rriniary n-oripls, 313.1X0 lut . rumimrrii with iil.i,i)(J bu. t lie- cotre rT" ni'.i.-'.- Jay la.-t year. Minneapolis, Uuluth et.'! l'l',u lejioitcil reieijits of 7 cars, ut-.' -l'( can Uibt n 1 1 k and 615 cars a j i ur tao. v 'j p.:: c Tn market was weak. July opened ' '.'.r to Ktj 'ic lower, nt 4!L,'S"ic; sold off to iU"c, where it lsed. May ranged ! I we en 7;',jc and 7Hy. . Locul receipts, 1-2 cat , with 19 contract. Tiading in outs was dull. July opened tte lower, at 47VI-17V-: sold off to 47V, and iloKid ut 4VV i loic. lcal receipts, '11, cars. 1'rovisloiis were n trifle weaker early In th - dny, bjt rallied n little during tlje last liour. At the close July pork was un changed at 113.05. Lard was 2' higher, at si'..",, (lilm w.-re a shad- higher, at 7.37'4- K.stirrnted rerelpts for Mot. day: Wheat, 53 :.; corn, t) cars; rats, jui cars; hogs, V i-o In ad. . The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles Open. I High. I Unw. I Close. I Yes y. Wheat Mav J.ilv Sept. Corn May 1 'W.' 1 l'': 1 f4,i 1 vJ l ns'i 67, .S7w, xsijlj'. i-o4-HL, I I 'K)-tl-."i I I 7l'i, Hi I M I 47'i I7! 72a :STi-l 74 ti4' "".VVllt,. lull V Pcjt. f -Oats I uVnv I Sl'4l sr-.i 47f- 4 I 55', B54 64 5ti 47: 475 'uM 4.'.! r.'.i 5 &5 4S 44 37 IS 50 13 fio IS 90 R S 524 S 71 7 It 7 374 7 S' b.May H JuIV I.July Fept. Pork- I37if, 37V. 37'-. Mav July Pept Laid Mav Julv Sept. lilt'S- May July Sept. 11 52'ii 13 12 65 I 13 7Vi! Ui I 13 '.ir I IS 45 13 45 13 Hi I 13 5 13 87Vjl 13 'JO I S 45 8 ,V R 67'. s 5 I K f.71,,' s 7.'',: 15 45 s r.5 8 w K C71' K i.m ' 82 V-1 7 T-V 7 '"'i 37 U; 61 " ' 6J 7 fi.v. No. 2. uOld. bXcw. Cash quotations wete as follows- FLOCR Steady: winter patents. 4.2ol 4.6; winter stra'ghts. SI 9-r; 4. 10; spring pat ents. $." I'u5 ..?; spring sti ai-thts. 4. fin; bakers. 1.1mi4.10. WHEAT-No. 3 spring, 9C&S1.C9; No. I red. II o44til.ii64 CORN No. 2. 72"4c; No. 2 vellow, nr. OATS No. 2. 5.V, ; No. S white. ajnVj. HAIII.KY Fair to choice mailing 67ii75c. BKKOri Flax, No. 1 northwestern, $123. Prime timothy, t PROVISION- Short ribs, sides (loose), f-.747.25. M.'fs pork, per bhl., 113. &" 13.624. I-ard. in r lot n,s.. $.45. Short clear sides I boxed i, S7.374 'i7.S24. Following weie the receipts and ship r.icnis of Hour ami gr.fii. llecelpts. ShlpmentK Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bj Oats, bu.: Rye. bu Barley, bu 5.wt 16. T'O . :'3..i . i "3 o .2:t.M 1 MI . le.TuO 1 -t2. 3oa 3" ;.'i 0 1 11. .hi On the Produce exchange today the but ter nturket was 'ak; creameiies. lric: (lalil-H. lv?(23c. Fgs. Hrni: ut inaik. rtses included. lli 144c: I'll sis. 15c; prime firsts, l.Vc. Chi e, easy, I040HC. 1 in ura pall rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 9. WH EAT May, SI 194; July. tl.o'A, 11 l.e-4; Septemtur. Wyi-; No. 1 hard. Sl.HV'; No. 1 northern, J. l.-; Nj. 1 niiithern, Sl.l; No. 3 uorthern, W-14'til.ti- P HA N In bulk. S-I.755i22.00. FI-Ol'R l")ul!: 5c iilher: first patents. Si"'6"iv-7o; seciinds. So. 41. 50; first clears, 112 yl 3;; s.-cund clears. tn.aayi.i. Mllasskrr l.ralu Market. LIVERPOOL. May firm; No. 2 red wesurn winter. 7s 4d; No. 1 California. 7s t"4d; future steady: Mav, 7s 7V1. July. 7s l'4d, Sejit, mber, 7 44d. COKNSpot firm; new Am rican, kiln di cd. ia lOd: old Amerlcar. mixed, 5s Ud; futures quiet; May, 5s lo4d. I'eorlu Market. PEORIA yellow, 7U May 9 CORN Firm; No. 1 No. 2 yellow, 71c; No. S, 74c; No. 4. SVc. OATS Ixiwer ; No. V HISKY-S1 55. 3 white, tk4'a54c. lluluth tirala Market. i IU'l.rT Vi-n. SI 11. TH. May 9 -WHEAT-No. 1 north- No. 2 northern. Il.c; May. S1.0&4: Julv. tl t'N's; St ptrmuer, 93c. OATS 6c. Mllwaakre tirala Market. MILWAIKEE. May 9.WH EAT Firm; No. 1 BWlUiru, 1 11 jl 1.4; Nu. 2 northern. July, .ti9:t;c bid; put, 91V; call. MSc HAULLY-Hi(hrr; No. 2, 75c; aample, W i T.'c. 'nN Irfiwer; No. 3, cah, TOSTlr; July. sew Ioiik ukm:rai. M4RKi:r ((aotatlons of the Dar Varlooa Com rand l lea.' NKW VOrtK. May -rLOCH-Re" Hpts. 23.i bbls. ; exports, 6.6in bbls. ; market, quit, but firmly held: Minnesota patents, SAtiii; winter straights. $4 3Twg-4 6i: Minne sota bakers, m.'n4.ti0; winter extras, t3.o"? 4 Id; winter patents. (4 5"u SO; winter low grades. 13 Kye flour, firm; fair to gool. 4 iM.9n; choice to fancy, $4.95ii6.15. COKNMi;AI Firm; fine h1te and yel low, S1.4fll.50: coarse, Il.4iyai.46; kiln dried. KYB-FIrm; No. t western, 9nc, I. o. P., New York. V 1 1 K AT Receipt s, 119,ono hu. ; exports, 4lw bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2 red, II tfci,, elevator; No. 2 red, 11.11, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Iiuluth. I1.19. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 11.17. f. o. b. afloat. I'nder heavy commission bouse sell ing and better crop news wheat broke lc early, but rallied on large export sales, and closed pnrtlv 4c lower. May. $1.1C4ij l.lo', ; dosed, $llii4; Julv, S1.niSft-l.02: closed, HV; R -pt-mber, ;'3il4c; closed. WV- CORN-Receipts. KM bu.: exports. 2.500 bu. ; spot market, firm; No. 2, nominal, ele vator, and 75c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 white, nominal, and No. 2 yellow, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option market opened at new high levels for May. due to manipula tion, eased off with the west and then rallied a little, closing Vtc lower to 4c higher. May, K24t(83,'c; closed, 24c; July closed. 73V; September closed, 714c. OATS Receipts, to.5u0 bu.; spot market, firm; mixed oats, 2i to 32 lbs., 574c; natural white, to 32 lbs . 5n456oc; clipped white. 32 to 40 lbs.. 6"Va64c. HAY Barely steady; good to choice, 9&c Jl Of.. HOPS Steady; state common to choice, 4'u'ic; J'aclfic coast, 1907, Ki7, 6p 12c; L'dVc; 19o, 3ti6c. HIDKS Firm; America, 174c. Bogota, 174c; Central LF.ATHKR Quirt ; acid. liHt-.Te. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, SlK.5'fP 17. U; mess, $l3.5o'g14.'J; beef hnmi, S-Vo"!1 packet, S14.Do5ia5.iXl; city extra India mess, M. OuoS.). Ct meats, firm; pickled belllrs. 9'nloc; pickled hams, 10r. lard. firm; western, S.tVii.iW; refined steady; iontin-nt. JH95; South America, pi. 75; compound, 7de 4o. Fork, steady; family, $17..''j 17.50; eliort cleer. SiB.iiOijUT.Oti; mess. H4.nO?ul5.6u. TALLOW Steady; city (S.' per package), 54r; country tpackagts free). 54'95C RICK Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 3U.'r7;i.c. Fol'LTRY Alive, dull: spring clilckms, 3iK'; fowls, 134c; turkeys. 11c: dressed, steadv; turkeys, 12'i17c; fowls, i:Mil4e. HI TTEH Cieamery specials. 2i.fi2Ti4c extras, 244c; third to firsts, 17ii24c; held, common to special, 171j23c; state common to choice, 1724 process, common to ape cliil. l4i4c; western factory, firsts, 14 filH-. CHKKSFy Ster.dy and unchanged; weekly exp.rt. t,442 boxes. EUQ8 Mrm; fresh gathered storage packed, 17410. WEATHER IV TUB GRAIN DELI Pobablr Shonrn Saaday and Mariner, Says the Colonel. OMAHA. May 9, 19- 8 The eastern disturbance is moving slowly off over the New England states. Unset tled weather continues with this disturb ance and rainy and cloudy weather con tinues over the Ohio valley and lake region. An area of high pressure, with clear weather, overlies the central portion. This high pressure is followed by an area of low pressure, with unsettled weather, over the mountain district and this depression will move over the central valleys during thn next twenty-four houra and will prob ably cause showers in this vicinity tonight and Sunday, with warmer tonight. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1908. 1907. 19". 19i. Minimum temperature.... 45 49 41 34 Precipitation 00 .10 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 60 degrees. Ietlclency in precipitation since March 1, 2.9S inches. Deficiency corresponding period In lf07, 3.76 inches. Excess corresponding period In 1906, .52 of an inch. L. A. WELSH, Loral Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Rearloa Bnlletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m.. 75th meridian time, Saturday, May 9, 1908: OMAHA blSTRICT Temp Rain- Stations. Max. Min. fall. Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Ashland, Neb.... 67 S .00 Auburn. Neb 6 S5 .00 Columbus, Neb.. 614 37 .00 Falrbury, Neb.... 6S 37 .00 Fairmont, Neb... 64 37 . 00 Gr. Island, Neb.. 68 42 .00 Hartlngton, Neb. 70 35 .00 Hustings, Neb.... 66 38 .00 Oakdale, Neb.... 67 31 .00 Omaha, Neb 66 44 . 00 Tekamah, Neb... 69 .16 .00 Alta, la 66 39 .00 Carroll, la W 32 .00 ICIarinda, la 67 85 .00 Sibley, la 6 33 .00 Sioux City. Ia.. 68 3S .00 t Not Included In averages. Minimum temperature for twelvo-hour period ending at a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill 26 50 40 .02 Columbus. 0 18 60 40 .11 Les Moines, Ia 14 60 36 .00 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 50 42 .04 Kansas City, Mo.. 21 66 42 T IouisvllIe. Ky 19 50 44 .06 Minneapolis, Minn. 28 72 3 T Omaha. Neb 15 68 36 .00 St. Louis. Mo IS 56 42 T Light showers occurred In all except the Omaha and Oes Molnea districts. Light frosts occurred In the Chicago, St. Louis, Des Moines, Minneapolis and Omaha dis tricts. ' L. A. WEIiH. Local Forecaster. Kansas City Uraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 9. WHEAT Un changed: May, 9f4c; July, S4V; Septem ber. Mo. Cash: No. 2 hard, 98cfill .08: No. 3 cash. i-4iS1 01; No. 2 red, SI 024 1.03; No. 3 red, 99c?il.o2. CORN' Unchanged to 4c higher; May, iV.c; July, 6040; September, &f4c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, ti94i70c: No. t mixed, 694c; No. 2 white. 7f7''4c; No. 3 white, ti?4.'o70r. OATS I ncbanged ; No. 2 white, 61ti63c; No. 2 mixed, &o"a51c. RYK 7V. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $11. 50 12. 00; choice prairie, SlO.OoGi 10. 50. BI'TTKR Weak; creamery'. 23c; packing stock. 144c. FjOGS Steady; extras, 154c; current re ceipts, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 46.ft 27.000 Corn, bu 15.0") 80.UO 4.mtS, bu SOuO 12.0J0 Quotations at Kansas City, as reported by Logan & Bryan. No. 12, Board of Trade: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloa. Wheat- I I I July I M! 1 !R4fiA.1 R4'i Sept IWVT4 s2T'JH3: ll I Corn- I I I July I 004 6fV6044i6i14'!j ! Sipt :584tl4'&Vtt7sl 684i WA St. l.oals General Market. ST. UHI3. M 9 WHEAT Weak; track. No. 2 red rash, SI 04; No. 2 hard II o4'ul i7; May. 99c; July, 874fj87ic. CORN Weak: track. No. 2 cash, 73'or734c; No. 2 white, 734c; May, 71c: July, taw. OATS-Firm: track. No. 2 cash, 514c; No 2 white. 55c; May. 494c. FlAJl'R Strong; red winter patents. SI 65 ti4s: ixtra fancy and straight, S4.1'; clears. S35ii3.70. SEEIV-Timotbfy, steadv. S3. 50b 4 75 CORN M EAL Firm, S3 SO. FRAN Firm; sacked, east track, SI HAY Steady: timothy, SlO.OOfr 16 00; prairie. 19 IKON C OTTON TIES SI. 00. BAGGING 74c II EM lTVINE-c. PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing. S13.(.24. Lard, steady; prime steam. Stwa (..In. Dry salt meals, su-ady: boxed extra sho-'s, 7.b4; clear ribs. S7.50; short cl.srj 17 .87 4. Bacon, steady: boxed extra aborts' $s 374, clear ribs, SJ..20; short clears, tS 00 POULTRY Weak: chickens, 104c; spring 26u3c: turkeys. ll't12e; ducks, 7c; geese 6c BI TTER Steady ; creamery, aOric. EGGS Higher at 14c. Receipts. Shipments Flour bbls , 6. On) 7,(,i Wheat, bu 23.a) 55.UIU Corn, bu 67 w Oats, bu 93,OuO J0.CW) Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 9. METALS The metal markels were quiet and nominally uncharged. In the absence of cables. Tin, S' 2i"ua5 45. Copper. easy; electrolytic! 1 12.3.4(1 casting. SI 2.12412.374. Lead was firm at U u4 J5. Speller was easv at tl 5i84.o6. Iron was quiet and uncharged ST. 1-OIJS. May t M ET.L Lead higher; Si la. Speller, firm, $4.65. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Week Closes vrith an Animated and Buoyant Market. UNION PACIFIC STILL IN LEAD Metal Industrials Are ol t spienous In the Advance Bonds Firm and Slightly Lower. NEW YORK, May 9 The week closed with an animated and buoyant slock rur ket. In which Inter, st was manifestly broad ening, and new iiolnts being developed in tho upward movement. Advantage was taken to effect distribution of speculative holdings of some of the stocks which have led during the weak In strength and ac tivity. In Reading and Union Pacific th.' volume (if the trading was on an undi minished scsle, but the price variation was held within narrower limits, d.-m ind being fed judiciously. Even in stocks in which realising was most pronounced, th day's business was effected at prices higher than yesterday, and In fact, at the highest prices of the year. No definite news accompanied the furth r advance, but rumor continued busy. Much of It dealt with the anthracite gioup Hnd supposed change of control of the R-nd-Ing, in spite of the reports of the sales of I.ake Shore holdings of that stock. The coming t'nlon Pacific bond 1-tsue was a sub ject of active discussion, but with no au thentic details as to the amount or terms of the Issue. A sudden spurt in Chesa peake A Ohio was unexplained, but was as cribed by some observers to the terms of the working agreement between the rail roads and the government authorities for non-enforcement of the commodities clause of the Hepburn law. pending litigation to test its validity. The metal industrials were not conspiclous in the advance. Tip price of copper was lower in London, and rose again on circulation of a report that the agreement on the main prices of pg Iron had collapsed. Assertions were cur rent of tho forcing to covt r of some large short Interests. The bank statement of averages showed much less than the ex pected gain In cash holdings, but It ap peared In the statement of actual condi tions on Friday night, and in that of oUpt banks. The S23.623.3oo loan expansion of the latter Institutions indicated clcvirlv. also, that the burden of the week's syndicate fi nancing had been borne by them. The de crease for the week of S2.7''." in I'nit-d States deposits shows the nrly r. sp ui-ei to the call for repayment of ti..) u of these deposits, which fell due today. Tue items of deposit arid of specie holdings In today's clearing house statement stand at record figures. Bonds were firm, but reflected some profit-taking in low grade issues which were advanced yesterday. Total sales, par value. S3.7Ki.inO. 1'nlted States 2s declined 4, while the 3i coupon advanced 4 ami the registered, 4 per cent on call during the week. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales. Hlta. Low. cioea AUms Express ... U'.i -H 3-. 4 IMS 4 t o :4 9 2", SI 4 1"2 7? fl 124 14 :4 614 tl W4 474 i.; ij 41 144 1344 It Amalsamatfil C'nppr Am. F Am. t r. r'd Am. Coiion oil Am. Coitun (til pW ExpreM Am. II. A L. pfd. Amert.-an !- American Ire pfd Am. LlntM-M ou Am. Locomotive Am. bocmtitlve pfd Am. S. R Am. 8. A R rfd Am. SnRar Kftnlns Am. Tobacco pfd etfs Anaconda Mining Co Atrhlton Atchlon pfd Atlantic Coan bine Baltimore A rHiio Bat. A Ohio ptd Brooklyn RspM Tr Canadian Pacific Central of New J Tmfjr Cn-aapeal;e A Ohio C'hlcaso fit. W Chicago A; N. W? C. M. & St. P Chicago T A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C . C. c. & St. L Colorado F A I Colorado A So Colo. A Sn. 1t pfd Colo. A So 21 pfd CotiFolidated Uaa Corn Product Corn Product pfd Dflaware A Hudaon Del.. L. A W Penver A Rio Grande P. A R. G. pfd Dlalilleri' Sfcurillea Erie Erie 1t pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Ilhnota Central 11. 5'0 i.0 6-4 3..', S14 ii."i it... 4 S n :.o :.?.' Soo 5.5 t ii-v.-i 2 ? o 23.2") TS4 7 4 12H 9; -4 :7 ': 4;;; i, '43 4 1-44 127', 51 3-S V':l vr, 4 ' 1ST. 4,4 :3i". l.:rl ro 1.7m 1.1"0 SM 3 1 l.i'O I'M So ; V) 1 J.' 7.4 0 !,, liioo IKXI I.' I 4'" ) V4) 1 . J'l l.tsoo 31 l. 0 "-, Wij 1'04 164 (, w 5)0 !44 a4 SH Z"4 3:. 4 ?i ir4 13'4 in r.4 24 7J l-"'4 34 -44 ;r.H 10X 15 w-4 not, U'rt 44 24 i'l 4 4 !0: 3'-4 (.514 DO 61 i4 12' i f.9 ;4 ill d'l 161 ; 9 3 s h-i, .141, 24 S 116 Mil lu 24S 34 24S :4' 804 i' K International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central ptd kanfiaa Citv p K. C. So. pfd Ixiulevllle A X Mexican Central Minn A St. L M . St. P. A n. 8. M M. , St. P. A S. 3. M pfd.. Miaaourl rarific M . K. A T M . K. tc T pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M pfd, offered NVw York Central N. T . O. A W tiorfolli A W N. A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall :w 314 314 1 ! 7 - 'M 0 'tM 4.7 .''0o '"4i J.t 10.1o 4f4 4 tit M4 iiii" 394 7.) (..4 62 i2 6714 til H M 4 li' Penna Ivania I1i"4 People'! Uaa 1.3m 91 f P., C . C A St. L 70 Pressed Steel Car S'M :94 SI ; Pressed S C. pfd H5 Pullman Palace Car IS Reading 114,l U, 1144 1'5 Rtadlng 1st pfd 1") 84 M Reading 2d pfd 7-K H4 W 2 Republic 8te.-l 1 14 lO, 1 Republic Steel pfd S" IT'i Rk Uland Co S.501 174 is 17 Rmk laland Co. pfd 7.1 344 344 St. L. A S F td pfd 7. J r4 St. Louis S W IS IS IS St. L. S. W. pfd 0A 54 364 14 Southern Pacific J2.6' 64 '-4 :i So. Pa. Iflc pfd S l'S4 :'' ' It '4 So. Ralloar 1F. 1S4 14 So. Railway pfd 41 41 4"4 Texaa A PjcHic l. 0 .24 214 214 T , St. L. A W 17 T . St. L A W. pfd I'D 414 4:4 414 Union Pacific 71.3"0 141 14'4 lt'. I'nion Pacific pff) 1 S2 M4 "4 I. S. Expreta , 5 V. 8. Realty 3D V. S Rul.oer o 23'-, 24 2.4 V. S. Ruboer ptd J"0 S4' l4 k4 f. S. Steel ll.(" V4 3fiH MS V 8. Sleel pfd 6 ! 1" 4 1" 4 Va. -Carolina chemical 4W 224 22 S2 Va -Caro. Chem. ptd -... 944 W4haah T IS 114 "4 Waba.-h pfd I fK) 214 S'4 2l Wella-Fargo Express '5 Weatlnghouae Electrio I,M 47 4J4 4'4 Weatern Inlon fc! tl 1 Wheeling A L. E 4" 74 74 74 Wleconatn Central IO 17 17 17 Wla Central pfd l' 4' 4 '4 Northern Pacific .! 13- 4 134 4 134 4 Central Leather 1 t" 274 24 27 Central L-alher pfd 9'. Sloea-Rheffleld Steel 47 Great Northern ptd T.'.i'JO 1314 1 -4 1 '' Ai lnterborouah l.s 1"4 )"4 l'4 Int. Met. pfd 5V 2' 4 SH L'tah Copper 24 'i 1k4 Total aalea for the dar. 497, eoj aharea. Hoatoa Hocks and Bonds. ROSTON. May S. Money, call loans, 24 per cent; time loans, 24'o per cent. The following were the closinx prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon ad 4a S4 Atlantic do 4a 7 BU gbam Mea. Central 4a 7 Cal Hecla... At.-hlaon 81 Centennial au ptd Mi , Copper Hange .. Boston A Albany J"34 Paly Wen Host. mi A Maine 13S Franklin Boaton Elevated 13'4 (iranl.y Fl'.hburg pfd 12S Iale Royal Mexican Central 14 Maa. Mining .. N. Y., N. H A H...f4 Ml.hlgan Vnloa Pacific 14t'4Mohak Am. Art. Cham t Milt C. A C. do pfd Old nonunion .. Am. Pneu. Tube t4oceola Aiiti. Sugar i: Parroi do pfd 144tluiny Am. TAT 11"4 Shannon Am. Woolen 2t Tainara k do pfd "44 Trinity rvomlnion I. A 17 Tailed copper . Kdlaon Klcc. ll'.u . ...2'S t' S. Mining lencrl ktlsvtric 13UV. 8. Oil : Maa. ElKtrtc 94 l u da ptd 44 Victoria Maaa Uaa M Winona I nlted Frull 1S Wolverine t'nlted . M S14 North butt .... do pfd r. Hull Coalition r. 8. Steel :t4 Nevada do pi 4 1"1 Cal A Antona. Adtantura 1 s-16 Ariaona Com. .. Alloaaa ..: 14 Grvena Caaanea Airalfc-amaed k.'4 Aaaed. Bio. 13 4 "4 R.1 14 24 P. 44 U is k4 7' tc 1! M 134 4 S7 22, Je i tst t 4 114 1 174 Movruesti of Specie. NEW YORK. May . Imports of mer chandise ard dry goods at lite port of New Tork for the week ending May 2 w. te valued at SU.4.2. Imports of specie for the port of New York for the week ending today wtie t.i.127 silver and S147.toO fcoid Exports of specie from ti.e port of New Tork for the wrk endina tn.lay were 77. tt silver and 111.'"") a. .1.1. er 1 ork Money Market, NEW YORK, May !'. M iNEY On call. n.-mmHl; tune loans, uul.t and softenlim: sixty .Itiys. .4'c'-' per cent ; ninety days. :.''!.! i-r c.nt; six months. 34u3.'h per cent. 1RI.ME MttKCAN l ll.E l'AI'LR-34g44 Per -r.t. 8TERLINO EXCIIANOE-Firm. with nctuiil business In bankers' bills at S4.S72S for demand and at $4 V. f..r sixty-day bills;, commercial bills. SI.MSV4 M. SILVER Hue. Mexican dollars. 47c. BON Lis Government, steady; railroad, firm. The following are the closing quotations on bonds: 1' 8. ref. ts, reg .. do coupon I". 8 3a. reg do coapon V. S. n 4a. reg . . . do coupon Am. Tobucco 4 do At'hienn gen 4a.... do ad). 4a Atlantic ( L. 4a . . Hal. A Ohio 4a do 34a Brk R. T 1 4t... Central of Cik. ij . 'I 1 let inc do Jd Inc do 3d Inc t'hes. A Ohio 44f.. 1 hi.aso A A. S4 C, II. A g n 4s . C. H I A P. 4.. do Col. r-a 1134 L. A N unl 4a .ITS Man e g 4a I' S Mex. Central 4s .f'4 0o lrt Inc .1194 "Minn. A St. L. 4a .HI', M . K A T. 4a . 7t do is .l'4 N R. R. of M c. 4 . 974 X T. C I 34a .... . 7 N. J C g. . S" No. Pacific 4s . 7 do 3 . 52', X. w. c 4a 7 . tl r.4 vo 4 .1234 .1014 - 714 73 o s. L. rfdg 4a t4 Penn cv. 4a 944 . Iu Reading gen 4a 9T . St. L. A I. M. c. ia .1.17 . 4.. St. L AS F. fa 4k '4 1""4 St. I.. S W c 4 . . 6-4 'SealH.ard A. L. 4a 49', . !4 "So. Pacific la . .. 674 do 1st 4a clfp . .. 73 4 So. Rallay Sa 4a Texas A P. la 91 1.0 1124 4... 72 I'll C C. A St L. g Colo. Ind, ta. sr. Colo. Mid 4e Col... A So. 4a ... 'ubo r".. . I' A R. O. 4a.. Matlllera' Sec. &a Krle p. 1 4 do gen. 4e A. sn T , St. L.. A W. . . tl I'nion Pacific 4s . . . S do ct 4a . . 1"2'4 f. S Steel 2d S. ... S4 Wabaah la . .. 714 do. deb. It .. . 95 Walern M l 4 . ... 7"4 W A L. E 4 . . . 4 .. i4 . .'."1.4 . . :.4 . . 6 . 61 4 , . 2 .. M .. 664 H.cking Val. Japan 4a .... 44a ! 3 Wla. Central 4 . 77 A'chlann cv. 4a... V'S do K Int. Met. 4 4a do 44a rtfa . . . . do 24 eerlcs Bid. Offered. Clenrluki House Dank Statement. NEW YORK, May 9-The statement of cearitiK house banks for the week shows Mat the bunks hold Ki.K3,47.'. more than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This is an increase of SI .'.3, ,57.r. in the proportionate cash reserve us compared with previous account. The statement fol ic ws: Amount."i.n42.2i"l l,27e.;t;'4 :! f",;irr,'i'i r.v.i'iu.jKi 3!.Vo4.r.i 1.4,4.;'1 317.eM.22S f.JAM.475 Increase. S 6.SW7..HO 12.Sf.r..7m.) ..ll.rtK) :-.-. 5.2.".9.5"il 4,ir72.iiO 3.1f.l.4a l.s',575 Ixuins , l.eoosits Circulation LCKal tenders Specie Reserve) Reserve re.iuired .. Surplus Ex. -I . S. deposits. et.t74.ii75 !i7'M2o The jercentHK- of actual res.-rve of the clearing house banks at the close of busi ness yesterday was 30.02. The statement of banks and trust com panies of lireat. r New York not members of the clearinK liout.e shows that these in stitutions have Hgxreaate deposits of S5. S5W0; total cash on hand. S''o,0.s."'i, and loans amounting to Js.".2.75o,r0. London (loslns; Stocka. LONDON. May 9. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Consoia. money ... do n.'.'ounl Anaconda Atchiaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific .. 1 ho, oi (Ihlo Chicago fit W C M. A St. P.... I... Il,.era it. a it. ; do pfd Er.e do lat pfd At 2.1 pld Grand Trunk lilfioia t'cnlral .... k: 1-16 M.. K. A T Ik 4 Si -! N. Y. ( entral 1 .. "4 Norfolk A W 6S . . :S do pfd U . . 944 Ontario A W .. t"4 Pennsylvania .... .1624 Rand Mines . . 39 heading . r-4 Southern Railway .136 do pfd . . 94 Southern Pacific . . -'4 r n tun Pacific .. n4 do pfd . . 14 f. S. Steel .. 34 do pfd .. IS Wabash .. 16S do pfd . .1.49 Spanlah 4a . .11'". Amil. Conner . 34 r-'4 c4 . M.4 . 154 414 . 7S .1444 . M . 374 .1" 54 li . 22 . H24 Lou'avlile A N S SILVER- Bar, quiet, 24 1-16.1 ler ounct MONEY- 12 Per cent The rale of discount In the open market for short bills is 24 per cent; for three months' bills is 2s per cent. flank Clearings. OMAHA. May 9 Rank cl arlngs for to day were Sl,772,e-9.1S and for the corre sponding date last year Sl,5Kn.3o.ll. The clearings for tho week, compared wun ine corresponuing weeK 01 were: 1:1ns. Monday J2.2-s.716 31 Tuesday" .. 1.753.2i32 Wednesday l,M2..T7.-i5 Thursday l.Svr!,2 4 21 Friday 2.2"i.e2fi.ll Saturday ,T72.oM.lS last year, 19-17. I1.S92.53S.14 l.M7.i:a.2ti l.sM.fi7i).99 1,744 791.9.1 l.oflii .61.101 1.75.3 4.11 Total Sll.tV4.79.1 J10.5SJ.519 37 Increase over the. corresponding week :a4t year, S1.0!2,2tj9.81. New Tork Mlnlnsj Storks. NEW YORK, May 9. Closing quotations on mining siccus were: Adama Con. i Little Thief ... Ontario Ophlr Potoal Kavape Sierra Nevada Small Hopes.... Standard . ft .4 -t .230 . 8 . 31 . 35 . II AM Alice p 1 eece Hrunfwt'k fon. . Cmstifk Tunnel Ton. Cal. Ac Va.. Horn silver Iron Btlver Leadvlllt Con .2.'.'. . 10 . a . 3 . 3 .100 . s Foreign Financial. RERI.IN. May 9. Prices on the Rourse were sliglitly lirmer today. PARIS. May 9-Prlces on the Bourse to day were firm, with the exception of copoor shares. The private rate of discount was 4c lower at 2 7-lfi per cent. Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON. May 9-Todays state ment of the treasury balances In the ger eral fund, exclusive of the S150.tKiO.Ouo gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, S35tt. 190.203; gold coin and bullion, S17.4SO.731; gold certificates, S21,Cs7,100. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May 9. COTTON-Spot, good business done; prices steady and un changed; American middling fair at 6.:i5d; good middllnar, 6.99d; middling, 6.69d: low middling. 5.3id; good ordinary, 4.37d; or dinary, 4.4"d. The sales of the day were 14,tnt bales, of which 700 bales were for speculation and export and Included 12,90 bales American. Receipts, 1,oia bales, In cluding 14,700 bales American. Futures opened easitr and closed steady; American middling, g. o. c. May. 6.24d; May-June. 5.24.1; June-July, 5.23d; July-Auguat, 6.21d; AuKU8t-September. 6.11.1; September-October, 4.97.1; October-November, 4S94d; November-December. 4.fc;d; December-January. f.M4i; january-renruary. 4M.1: February March. 4.K34d; March-April, 4 Md. NEW YORK. May 9 -Of TTi )N-Futur s opened f'rm; May. 8S"r)9 tioc; June, 9c, bid; July, 9o3c; August. (t.97c; October. 8 Sic; Decembei, S.sSc; January, ti.hbc; March 8.92c, bid. Futures closed steadv: Mav. 9 02c: June. 9.05c; July. 9.08c; August. 9.9Sc; September, 8.K4c; October. S.vtio; November, Ss'lc; De cember, 8.i9c: January, 8. Sue; February, 8.93c; March, 8.97c. Spot closed steady. 10 points higher; mid dling uplands. 10.t5o; middling gulf. 10.90c; sales, 21-' bales. The cotton market closed steady, with prices net 12al'i points higher. UAEVESTON. May 9. COTTON-Higher at le-c. NEW ORLEANS. May 9. COTTON Spot. steady; ordinary, 6 l-16c. nominal; good ordinary. 8 5-16c; low midultiiij, 9 7-16c: middling 104-: good middling. 11c: middling fair. 114c; fair, 124c: sales, l.k;.0 bales; receipts, 3.5S2 bl'-':J stuck, 14 2.292 bales. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. May 9 -EVAPORATED A PPEES Market Is practically nominal, in the absence of business. Fancy are quotel at loo, choice at r.4'4c prime at 7riT4c tommon to fair at t1i4c. Prunes are unchanged, with quotations ranging from 1'ullc for California and 64ilic for Ore gons. Apricots are unsettled, witn choice quoted at 13'u 134c, extra choice a. IVyllc and fancy at 15m 16c. Peaches are dull and easy, with buyers holding off fir lower prices. Choice are quoted at 9c, extra choice at 940. fancy at 1091114c and extra fancy at llull4c Raisins are dull, with loose muscatel quoted al 6'uh4e. seeded at &4ic and Eondou layers at Si 251.35. Soger aad Molasses. NEW YORK. May 9 -SI CAR-Raw, steady; fair refining. 2Wc; centrifugal. 9 lest. 4 3oc molasses sugar. 3 Sic; refined, steady; No. S, Slue; No. 7, onto; N'o. 8. 5c; No. 9. 4 95c: No. 10, 4 K5e; No. 11, 4 sue; No. 12. 4.75c; No. 13. 4.7'c: No. 14, 4 sic; confectloneis' A. S.Jv: mould A, 6.s5c; cut loaf. ;?; crushed, tioc; Kiwdered, 5.6ic; granulated. 55-; cubes. 5.75c. MOLASSES yul. t ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 2.s.i4?c. toffee Market. NEW YORK, May 9. fOFFEE Market for coffee futures cloak-d steady, net un changed to S points lower. Sales were re- rurted of 12.2uO bags, including June at l"c, July at LVijo.j'ic. Decemlx r at 6 20c and March at 6.25c. Spot, steadv: Rio No 7. 6-lt,c; Santos, No. 4, 87,0. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 94 'u 124c. Wool Market. ST LOFTS. Mav 9. WOOL Steadv medium grade al4c; light comtilng and clothing. It fine. 13 & 14c ; heavy line, VHJ'K, tub washed, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Beeves Higher, Heavy Weights Steady and Stockers Lower. HOGS CLOSE UP WTLEX HIGHER ehern and lambs In l iberal Supply for the Steel., Isniha r re do 111 Inat ln rrlers Fifteen to Tnenty-FIxe lliaher. BOl'TH XjMAHA, May 3. ". Receipts were: wattle. 11 gi. bhe T Mondav it,LU3 b.oSi Official Tuesday 8.3,"2 Official Wednesday T.jxl Official Thursday 4.IM l:t.'.i-'o Official Friday .' I.i.ti2 Estlmuicd Salurduy Ii7 t.'i7 3."-! 1.N17 l.v.i 1 -.'.'" 6ix days this week., fame days last week., riame days 2 weeks .mo Same days 3 weeks ami IS. tine days 4 weeks ug.i fl.tme days lust enr... ..10.7:4 . .l"."l 12 !!l4'22.. ..l:l.4.4 f.4.:;a i.4.ll ;v. ;; i 42.W.2 4i."i 4.i.;'oi 2;.7t7 7. .;:ls 2H.SI1 2-.:tt"i The following 1st 1e shows the . Ipts of cattle, hotts and sheep at South Oiii.iliu .or ine year to .lute, compare, I wun in ' year: isaw. lit' Inc. I'c Cattle 322.419 1A.3.77.J 632.640 413 AC !nj.ii,;..U 713,323 91.1m". Hoars . Sheep 173.211 lso.'X; The followlnR table shows the price of hogs at South Omaha for the las several days, with comp.11 isons; Itate. I ISfJS. l'7.!19O6.;l90:.!19 4 1 "3. !!.' April 2?.. 1 5 3314.1 6 301 4 tsi 6 77 1 7 "3 I 4 u2, ti 9; 6 S3 6 i May 5 41, 6 :4 6 jj,, 5 H - i 344 24 6 27 May 3.... (! 2H 6 27 May 4.... 6 264, 2o, ti 21, May 6.... 6 37! 6 la, May 6.... 5 3v'4 6 24 j May 7.... 5 C;i b" 27, ti 15 May 8.... 5 344 6 2i 6 21 1 May P.... ,, .,.. ,, . ., 0 l-'j 4 57 1 4 to'. 4 i.l" 4 t 4 ti. 0 1j 7 V) I 7 vl I 19 r. T.s 5 3i 02 'i .,'j ti 1.3 t t)4 4 'M 5 17, 1 t ' Sunday. The official number of cars ..f stock bruuRhl in today hv each road was: Oatt'e. Mors. Sim u. H i s 1 ".. M. A St. P Missouri Pacific .. I'nion Pacific C. & N. .. east.. .. & N. W.. West.. C. Pt. P.. M. & i) C, H. & (j.. cast.. r. 1 41 1'. t .. P. oi 41 . West 3 12 C R. I. Ai p.. east.. .. . C R. I. & P.. west.. .. 2 Chicago Q. W 2 Total receipts 5 92 3 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Hops. Sheep. .. 1.2-3 Omaha Parking Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Cudahy. from Kansas City... Armour & Co Hchwartzchlld Pulsberger. Klngan Packing Co 2.'d 2.143 4 us 2sS 211 o3ii Totals 6,sta 77i CATTEFJ No cattle of anv consequence were reported in the yards this morning, but the receipts for the w.-ek show a toiHl considerably larger than for last week, al though considerably short of last car's record. The receipts have cnsisied v.-rv largely of fed st. . rs. w ith a liberal sprink ling of stock catile and a moderate number of cows, heifers and mixed Mock. The market on be. f steers has been In very fair condtlon throughout the w.ek. the trade on most das being reasonably active, with prices firm. In fa. t. during tli" first half of the week vnlues on handy light steers, which were the most sought after. s'fa.Illy strengthened until they wen I'iloc higher than last week. I.lght to m" d'um weight CHttle have been firming up until on Fiidny cattle weighing under I 20. 1 pounds sold at the top price of th'- (lav, bringing more money than heavyweights The heavy cattle, which have not been in so much favor with buyers, have neverthe less remained stationary throughout the week. On Monday as high as JG.S5 was paid for choice heavy cattle, which Is the high est Of anv (lav Since Anrll R A f..i,,. i , the week's trade was the- nn. venness of the maraet. 1 his was especially true of the lightwe'ghts. prices showing quit, a wide range for cattle of about the same quality. On some days when light cattle were not very plentiful cattle of the right weights sold very high, even though lacking some-w-hat in fU-sh. Other days when the sup ply was more liberal or the demand not quite so brisk the same kind of cattle wer" more or less neglected. Cows and heifers were In moderate sup ply all the week, the demand lielng in ex cess of the offerings practically every dav In consequence the market gradually strengthened, being quoted strong and ac tive every day and at the close of the week Is safely lnfiJOo higher 'Imr. :a.t week. It will be noted "rnm tl quotations that good to choice cows and heifers are selling verv close up to steer prices. Very few fleshy feeders were received during the week; in fact not enough to rtallv nnk a test of the market. Such cattle can be safely quoted steady fo- thn week. On the other hand, light" stnckrs were in pretty liberal sunplv, espee'ally rturing the first half of the 'week. Ha rlv In tho week there was verv free buying on the part of speculators and nrlees were very satisfactory, but as th anticipated count t-v demand did not develop the market eas"d off. being at the close right around 5c lower than last week. Prices, however, are stMl high and entirely satisfactory to sellers. Ountatlons on cattle: Good ti choice corn fed steers. M.5nti;.S5: fair to good corn-fed steers. St.onrfi6.r1O; common to fair oorn-fd steers. $4 ff,Ti .00: good to choice cows and heifers, tl orvfi.15; fBr to good cows and heifers, Slo.vf?6 00: eommorj to fair cows and heifers, S2.25tf4.on: good to choice stnekers and feeders. S4.5.V54.75: common to fair Stockers and feeders, S3.2iV.i-4.5". HoGS lloga sold ic higher this rr.ormns and the trade was fairly active al the au vance so that practi. ally ever, thing in sg .t changed hands by 1 o clock in tue ni.un liie,'. 1'l.e boss Bold largely at fc.3.'4 ,iu.4i. with the latter puce very popular, and witn a top as high as ST..474. Vcstcrday the must of the nogs broui.t $5.3-4 'iO.ij, with a top at So. 10. lUc-ipis of hogs this we.-k have been quite libtral, b.Iiq; just about on a par with last weeks 11111 and larger than a ag by 19....i head. The week opened Willi a sharp de. line, lir.idng up again on Tuesday, only to -n- off and sireiiKtuen again at the close. Thus it has h., n an up and down market, prices being haidiy steady any two dajs In succession. At the close uf the week the market on an aver age Is a good 6c higher than it was one week ago. Representative sales: No. Av. Eh. lut 171 o M 171 4J 71 Jut ... to 17 ... r; ias ... 7 ic to 67 !"1 12) 61 ZM el) 1"1 142 . . tt '& J2' 1S.3 ... H 211 ... 7 ... VI !,J lfr) 7k Ifci li'i 7! it; 74 ... 5 241 . . " i"S l!u 7 2.-: mi se , si k4 sw n is :r. 7 'l ... 7 241 4 1 M !! 4 72 211 J4-. "t J-4 m kl 1.1 ii 1 : k't n iu su kl .7 l.M 7 ; iw 61 IkO 4U is; ... 74 SM Si ci ;ii k'i n 40 ti m ... hi...:... .7 i.o 7 z ... 74 :4i ... l-k 2S1 10 l! 231 4 ' "7 tit kO Pr. 40 i 4-1 5 40 6 4) I 49 6 4.1 I 4-) $ 4-1 i ' i ) i 4J 5 4" S , 5 4.1 t 41 5 4) 5 4 . S 4" 7. 4-1 5 41 5 4. i 4 t 41 i k 41 6 4 i 4.1 : 4 . 5 4,1 5 41 I 4.1 6 4-, 5 424 5 4.-, 6 4.-, 6 4:', 6 424 6 4.4 5 424 6 42', 6 4o t 4S 6 4 bllEEl 1 in 1 e were three cars rep.uud In this morning, two of them direct to .1 packer and one ct them bougnt to arrive so that Ihere was really noii.u.g un sale. The receipts for the week, while falling way snurt of last week's very heavy run, foot up ery nearly as laije as a year ao. The arrivals have consisted largely of lambs, Ihe greuter pruporliou final Colo rado, while sheep have been very scarce, with only a moderate sprinkling of ew.-s. The week opened out with the market very dull and generally a little lower. Com mencing with Tuesday the trade took on more life aind continued more actWe until mo cioae, wiuie pries grauuauv tinned up until they aie liu25c higher. Thus on Fri- 1 day choice Mexican lambs sold as high as I ST.tij. the liesl price raid the middle i of April. Tue market lias been cliara.-t.-r- ' Ized by unevenneai during the week. Huy- -rs would pick out such stuff as in" y , would happen to need at stronger prkes. while other offering, equally ba goud. j Pr No. Av. Sh. t 4 -71 an 6 77 2i4 l.u t 15 M ...2,7 . . 5 7't 2'3 ... 6 3i 69 2,2 12.) t S5 71 2..J 120 5 35 91 1 ... 5 36 Su 2"2 4'i 6 35 77 ?.7 4f 5 874 274 kj 6 7v, k4 ;.-: 4.1 S 37 s, tt 2,1 iai I 37, f,7 st ; 5 t". 1S 21 .' 74 72 HI 4 i 374 7 tf ... 5 374 k2 2:'7 .4 '4 , u ' 5 37 7a u 21 t 6 3'.'4 7 ;i m 6 7-a :;s ku 5 7 a 7' ::( ... i S74 7 2 1 k Ifi'l 70 2.'lt ... 6 7V, . 17i ... i 7v n in m 5 7V ' 2l.'l k. 6 371, M ...J jo i 4 i :k ... 6 o7', 74 2i ku 4 -' XH ... k 37-, 7V 1H ... ill U i ... 6 4. 7 2 7 I" ! :. kO 6 ki tl ... 6 i rt 1 . . 5 40 75 .Iki SO IW 7J 247 ke 6 4i U 3 !2I it" 2' Uv t l 72 ... 5 41 tei 2J . . . 6 4' I . . 4i ii Ill ... would he nrgle. ted nod would b.ive to sell lower. An.. it r nl'n- tv of ti.e market Is I' e fact t1 ut it fiss slown l-vprovcni. nt as ttoleil at.ove. while the at rssn ni mt ...... ull .I,, ..u.l.. at C'liMimmc p.' nts I ss t.. en none to-i sircni;. Tukmi; ever) t I1I114 into account tin- nuclei b. re for the we. k ).Hs been sittls f.n t .r. t-fiiniali.a on lambs: f'c'.od to choice taoo'.e.l. $," S "iT.V., fair to k.mi.1 woole.l. f.. ,V. 7 .r, k...1 sbearlna l.imbs. carryli'K fl- sh. i .4i' iS o;,; a 'M,d sh.niira lambs, t'lii. I... Vt . sh. rn lambs, 7.V under w tolcd slock. Vuntitt I. n on s 1 . i 1 : 4 1 to choice btiht yi-arlir.KS. fts.rn. $:.. iil. Ift; fair to R d yearn-,!.-, shorn. . .T. '.ift4'; poet to holce II . is. shorn .', 00, in : fair to fio.i.l wcthcta whom. i." 1 .", 00 fie . krood to choice ec. sboin. J4 7"-'io.f., culls sn.l bucks, shorn. S3 ""'o 4 '; wcol. d sheep, 2fif 4.V above shorn st '. k. Representative sa'.rs: ( IIK Kill l.ltr. Tt4 K MtHKF.T t sole, Mieep and l ambs Mrady llous Irnnix, "HI("A;o. Mac 9 ('ATT I. E - Receipts. 4"i b.-ad; niatk.t steady: beeves, Jl?r'i7 2".; T'X-in. $4.i',i;'. .V.; v.-.'. r", t-i. ".!.. o, siockcis and fc.-ders. S l.7"'.i".7.': cows and hcifci s. J:. fesi 6. !"": calves. 14 7'" -i4" 2.'. Hi ",S Receipts. l:'.c li. a.l: mark t str..n; light. $-",:.-, '.". ; mixed. 30'. 1.1 7 ; heavy. V.. 2:. 11 i. 67 4; I'OiiKh. S."' 2u." 4..; lats, S4 ',i".2r; good t.i heavy, S'.4f'(i i.f.74: b ilk of sa!e, V,. SHE EI1 AXU I.AMliS - Receipts. 2 f0 head; mark',; st-'ady; ra'ivpa, j4.""'if.;.l'i; wtst-rns. SI "'.Hi b; ' xearlinns. $'". 1." uti 7.'., lambs, Jo 7.tx; westerns, .". a''-! 7.70. Kansas t lt- I. He Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May P. CATTLE Receipts. 2tk' l.cad. mi snut herns, market st'-ady; choice export and dressed beef steers, y 7."0. lair to jr.d. a"i,0(,iti.2f.; Western s'c. rs. Ji...- iH.t"; st.'iihern cows. ?! ' 'il.N-': pa live cows. U.T"ih so; native ii'.-is. St fV -il :r'; bulls. S3 .; calves. !.'!.:.V.i.-.Tr. R. ccipta lor the w.ek. 'A.itO head f Hi ;S Re , ei,ls. f.."io h ad; market f.c h'cli. r; top. '',-4: bulk of sales. S.S.4f'.f : letvy, S",..'.v,i:...',.i7; r sicker an. I butch- is. S". -!".....-; lici.i. s.7 :r.''if...V': pia-s. S4 Oiii 4 7.1. Re. einis for the week. Vi.S't. load. KIIKKP AN I. EA.MItS -IS. . elnts. none; lambs. S.lO',i7.2'.: .-w-s and yenrilnBS. ".' 'i.S 7.'.. T xn yearHnes. ti.: ..'', Texas slie.'P. !.." -if, (c sto. k( rs and feeders. t ' I' '".".. X,. Receipts for the week, 43.01 I-, ad. St. I. on Is Lire Stock Market. ST. I.firiS. May 9 -CATTLE -Receipts, 2i head, including 1ii Trxans; market -low; native si i plug and export steers. IS..M17 r; dressed b.-ef and butcher steers. S.V4o'i 5 '; steels iindet- l.ii pounds. 51. '.7,1,1. ."O; st , ck ts and f. edrs. S:!.'".ir 2'.: cows and heifers, :'..7"o.i.T:.; cann.-rs. J2."o:i;!.ii; bull". S3 .'.' 6"0; calves. S;.5."u7.nO: T.-xans and Indltn steers, Sl.ini7."o; cows and S1.76JI Ht;s-Reci Ipts. ttivo bead: market steady; pigs and lights. f3,7T,'i.'. ''; packers, fi .'.", OS"; butchers nn.I l ist heavy. !5 5i iir,.c-, SHEEP AND LAMP.! Receipt held; market steady: native muttons tt 7." H ' 25 lambs, $l.-i-.',; culls, and biicks, Sl'O.r 4.50. SI. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. M v. May 9 -CATTI.K-Re-c-'pis. 4; h.arl; mark, t natives, !0.15'u7.1 ; cows rind he fers. J? 'u6.45; sKck- rs nnq feeders. $ 1 ""'-i j.."..t. lit u;s Hci-t ipts. 3.7;c. h. a l; market 5c high, r; top, $', r.4: bulk.'.ijO. SHEEP AND UMHS-Receipts, 275 bead; market nominal, lambs, S''.4"'(t 7.."; yearlings and wethers. i:,.2V((.;.2.'. Slonx City I.lve Stock M'arket. SloCX CITY. Ia.. May 9. (Special Tele gram t-CATTLE Receipt". :il h. ad: ma--k.t steady: beeves. cows and hiii'trs. !4 : ".1 :.!.; feeders, S4.o-"i.2.'.; calves Hiid veurlitiLis. S3.75'r4.75. Hi i"5S Receipts, 4,fi" head; mark t 5e higher; range, S.V2F,; bulk of sales, !5 Slock In Sight. Receipts of live at the six pilncinil Western markets yesterday: Ci't'Ie. H 'C-.Shee-. .-.on 1 11 . oiia 11a ih, Sioux City "01 Kans as city 2 St. Louis St. Joseph 42 Chicago 4,0 fcl I 375 ,0"J Total 1.199 39.2C2 3,101 rhtlailrlpliln Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 9. BETTER VI oak, 2c lower; extra western creamery 21c; extra Western nearby prints. 2Sc. E.JUS Firm, good demand: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts. 174" at mark; Peiir.ylvatua and other current receipts In returnable casts, 17c at mark; western firsts. 1.4c t mark; western current re ceipts. i,c at mark. CHEESE Quiet, but steadv; New York fu creams, choice, H4'i 144, ; New York lull creams, fair to good. Iiul44c. Oils and licaln. NEW YORK. May 9 ( I LCott indeed st-ndy; prime el ude. 3.". 4.-; prime yd '-vv 43 4c Petroleum, t-t.-adv; r. fined' i."-'V I'liihidel,,),iu and Haltiu'ioie. ? ,', :. ',h.i:adeip,a and HaHiinoie, in bulk. 14 9a. Turpentine, quiet 454.. ROSIN ('iilet; stiaintd, coirlinoii to good. J3.40 hi 3.10. SORT OF PE0PLEY0U MEET Most of Them Develop Some (.ood Ouallly If t.lvt-n the Chance. "There are people, old and young, who are so dull that you can't move them at all." said tho philosopher, "and then you run across some people who are naturally savage brutes w hom it would be a waste of time to try to move: but the very great majority, and including many whom you might think hopelessly dull or stupid or savage or chronically glum, have in them some good, that can' be got at if you go at It In the right way. "As a matter of fact we often mistake for sulleni. ess. We run across youmj people who are silent and who pay no attention, who seem to shun us and who nev, r smile. Put with a little patience on rart, a Hub- waiting nn.I an unbroken geiitl.n. ss there comes along some day eonifth'ng that breaks the Ice; something that you smile over, spontaneously, to the young person, and then the young person smlVs back at you Joynu-ly. lie wasn't sullen, but only shy; and he a glad to know you. "Tjike older people. How many millions of people have gone through Ihe world with this or that two persons thinking each of the other that be was the most stuck up person on earth, when the fact was that they were both shy and each was waiting for the other to speak first; No end of mis understandings and hard feelings pave been bom in that way. "Take the stubborn man who can't ! made to se- things as you do. The chances r ' that you are stubborn with lilm. "Take the mm who resi nts your Inter ference as an intrusion and shoos you away rudely. Perhaps you are an Intruder. "Tike the man who not only seems sullen, hut wiio seems disposed to stay sul'en. Perhaps a lung course of harsh treatment at the hat.ds of other people has hardened him, mid maybe you don't get at the right Joint :n his armor. "And then you met people who are I11 diff. relit, and. to be s ire, s.-lfisli people; but the great bulk of people like to have flier. Is. and while they mav be hard or crops grain..), yet ill thdr hearts they crave sympathy, and you can gel Into their hearts if you go at it the right way. "Hut to do this you've got to be a wind s' me, natural, i.nolc rusiv e chan yourself, wi'h a Lean of your own, the real goods j We all know irmtlnctiv ely tl'..- oountei f.jil 1 or tho half-hearted, and resenting them j we conic to form a Libit o." r.-s.nti'is all and so cure to encase ou.'-clvcs in a sort , of shell We meet many -rsciis who hav. j thus shut th. -ins Ives in and who aro. s. resent mi nt in us because tl.ev sec in to b Z. CUDDIISJGTOINJ Successor lo Ooyce Commission Co., 108 Board of Trade Uldfj. Margins X cent cm grain. $2.00 on stock. Public and privato room! for customers. Best service In Omaha. A reliable company. impervious to ewry approach, indifferent to all and suspicious of rvcribodi. Rut there are few of us but have som spark of ( I. few. Ind. . d. that will no' ri spot., I and come out if th. y sic sure 01 us. As 11 wise friend f mine puts It: 'Most people de. lop things If you She tin 111 a tun for their money.' " ONE OF THE IDLE RICH Wllh Money to Throvr at Ihe Hlrdl He Finds l ife it (.real llore. Not long ago a voting man In the Idle rich class. an intellectually pov.rjr stricken chap with an Income from hii father s estate of more than SWK per year, spoke to me about going to Spain; but h admitted that he hadn't the faintest Ides where It was or how I.o could get thcie. He knew It was "on the other side"' 11c had be. n to Europe several times, but never got beyond the allurements of Taris. Examination of a map didn't appear to as. sist his meager and undeveloped intelli gence. He said he hadn't seen a map sinct he was at Somelxxly's private school. He couldn't find Paris on the map! He ex plained that In the only geography h.i had seen Paris was in the center of a country colored green. This sounds incredible for n man ol "j. raised In luxury, until one understands that he was also brought up In utter Idle ness. He has five automobiles, but he doesn't understand the simplest principle of their construction; he couldn't tell which are electrical and which are gasoline motors! About books he knows nothing; said he hadn't r. nil a novel or a travel book In his life. "For (Tod's sake. Johnnie, what do you do?" 1 ask. 1 In desperation. Nothing. 1nst nothing." was his reply. And he told the absolute truth, lis Is hot e dissipated youngster; doesn t drink liquors because he doesn't like their taste. Doesn't smoke cigars, because they make him sick; likes cigarettes, hut will not use them be cause they discolor his . aref ully manicured fingers. He is ,fond of the fair sex and spends Sio.ono a year In flowers. His tailor has a standing order for three suits of clothes a month; but he waives the pleasure of selecting the goods or of trving on the finished garments. 80 far as I see. his valet gets most of the garments after thev have been worn half a dosen times. 11c has to change his dress thrice, every dav-a morning suit for the forenoon, when he arises before 12: a prince albert lor the afternoon, and evening dress at night. Therein centers his most acute ac- "Vb.nestlv. life Is a great bore to this wretched voung man. with almost S10...000 a year to throw away.-Julius Chambers In Rrooklyn Eagle. PLUG HAT PARADE IN JAPAN Tiles of the Vintage of Flftr Year Ano Make the Mlkados Sub ject Frond. There Is one sight which you must not Miss when you go to Toklo." said t ho seasoned traveler. "That Is the rare dis play of anthropological plug hats. "Some people arrange to get to Japan In cherrv blossom aeason. and others want to get there In time to receive an Invita tion to the emperor's garden party In chrysanthemum time; but take the tip of one who has batted about the world considerably and land In Toklo cither on New Year s day or on the emperor's birth day. On both ou can see something unique In the line of headgear. "When Japan began to get civilized It bought all the accessories of civlliiatlon that England did not want any more England sold Its old-fashioned. out-of-date, narrow gauge railroad stock, an tiquated tram cars und other second-hand Junk, including the then current styles of plug hat. "The tile of those days has remained the ruling fashion In Japan up to the present. Japan may build Dreadnoughts, but tho plug hut of fifty years ago still reigns supreme. i "Only on such ceremonious occasions as the New Year's festivities, tho emperor birthday or possibly the racing meets at N'egislil. near Yokohama, does the Japa n se gentleman bring forth from his cam phor wood chest his plug hat. a heritage from his forefathers., It may be warped with twenty summers, dams or green with the shine of antiquity, butthat matters nothing. "Once this superstructure to his wrinkled frock ( oat and bagged trousers Is added, the Japanese gentleman feels that no dignity short of a decoration of the Order of the Rising Sun can be added to his person. That crowning glory of a plug hat may settle around his ears or it may perch upon his head like half a peanut tihell. but no matter; it la the hat of civilization and the badge of re Bpectablllty. "He trota out of Ills house looking like one of the ancient daitnios stiff with the dignity of two swords:. All that fearfu; day he wears this hat of ancient vintage like a crown, and in the end he stows It away in his damp-proof chest awaiting (neither festal occasion or held as an as set in his estate ufter d ath." New York Sun. WE OFFER INVESTORS (WILL DIVIPE CERTIFICATES) 4V.0 Bin FIVE T. (1. H. A T , Ceil, It (.' PIIA'KH LEAK. I 'OB ALT 1 . l. v-i IN NEW STATU TBI ' PKO l I- I'. i or 4 C.Kit AVER COKFEE f.1 l'"l EL FAVOK ir Ht'E STOCK) n J'"(OS JEWKKSi.N ' ( BARGAIN : EAST SNfiVVSTt'RM. IPA 0 (XiKt'R Ii-ALKNK EAfii.6 I KINO SoUiMON T. fc i IS ie'.-n OH EAT WESTEKN OIL, IFOR BLOCK).. .01v t: PH I LA. L1KK ivs t.q 10 CENTRAL l.l V HER I'll s .' t HICAU.I N Y Alii LINE 7 75 JO IlNI.iN-AR10NA 14 l.w MONEY METALS 14 Sqt AKE liKAL. COL 6 ' AI.HAIOH IlleoS IeiVER CO fu V sT ives lEkSiMi. .-.inn t4j trw ravvhim: hvix'.n vni tiov i .1 LITTLE Fl.l llEN. K ujH I It SEND FOR OPR FREE HI'LLETIN. WE BIT ANIl SELL ALL 6TO K8 Western Eusirie5S Exchange 12'. LASALLK ST. rmrA(l'). ILL. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bands, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam St TEL. Bell, 10C4; Xadspsndeat, 1064a n l." ITHAT Vol' MAV KNOW THE TP.ITH, fc I. . j We :: a nd jnu un- rn..! ealuabla fl. nan. lal put'll.-atinn fraa. on trial. W fiva ttia latest bt-wa uf all niu.lus 'kliiba a.i.1 ti.' r,,n -rrirtif In v.atrnaiita. llt-l anj unlm.-1 Hir ;al Information k-tl a.l.l.a r. Hiring any an., k .,u own or i-ouiam. rlat.- bkjyii.g- a.i.1 in. g:in w, thoLil .Lais. Sand our ao'lir-a aril re. w Una tAluau.r 1 ubli, ation for kia Ui'iotha fi - A' lr.--. TI;E IIV4MIAI. 1'ININO RE'"ORD. I-aal Ld ft , Ne Vo.k. J