0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 10. '008. 1 a 0 re 14 til vi ti If I s 01 K 3 Si P 1 31 51 i at I3? 131 !i a i HELP WANTED MALE Tmrtorj Tradea -ContlBtinl. WANTED M EV ANH HOTS to learn plumbing and bricklaying. Pay J5.00 tn n 00 per 1h ' after three month' prac-th-al Instruction. Positions secured. Easy term. Free catalogue. Original Coyne Trade School. John F. Wens, I'rop.. 490B Kaaton, St. Louis. (9) WANTED Two palrter at 10(7 Leavenworth St. Monday morning Avery Co. ( M231 10 CARPENTERS wanted; good future. Send lamp for reply. Rex Building Co., Ran aaa City, Mo. (9)-12 10 Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES NAVT wanta young men of good character, between age 17 and 25; men with special trade accepted up to 35 yeara; must be American cltl rens; good opportunltlei for promotion for efficient men; ray $16 ,0 P'r ninnth. practically clear of living expenses. Free Illustrated booklet on application, "The Malting of a Mnn-o'-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Kecrultlng Station, postof fice building Omaha, Lincoln and Unit ing Neh., Sioux City and Council Bluffa, la., and Sioux Fall. 8. L. (9)-M618 31x FRKR employment dept., UtiFlnrss M-n's Asa n; no fees. Call C.2S N. Y. Life Bldg. t M612 W' A NT ED Energetic young man. work In city, $2 or mire per day. Call 9 a, m. to 5 p. m. Koom 6. 107 So. 17th. () M2o9 lOx YOUNG man for soda Plel, 18th and Farnam. fountain. W. A. (10-173 l"x I WOT'LD like to arrange with aome good, hustling land man or firm to sell my lands exclusively. Will make net prices If desired and give god terms. Have an established land business, but have not the time to attend to It. Over lno.uo seres to select from. Several tracts of K.ofO to lO.GeO acres In a body, near a rHllrond and In well settled communities, near town, churches and schools and in the best part of the northwest. Title perfect anil land clear from Incumbrance. Address Ltd Pioneer Press Rldg., St. Paul, Minn. ( 285 10 THIS paper and every other dally want" live correspondents. We start you In the work. For details address The Conti nental Press Ass'n, 532 Colton Hldg Tjled.i, O. ' WANTED A gardener to work on ranch; steady work the year round; must have experience; alsc blacksmith for general ranch hlacksmlthlng; must be able to shoe horses; stidy work. Address Platte Valley, Sheep Co., Orin, Wyo. (9)-J 52 12 ADVERTISING writer wanted, reliable young man. to take c harge of local busi ness; give details. E. W. Fowler Co., 1 East 42d St., New York City. (9) 298 lOx WANTED Infectives; shrewd. reliable man for profitable recret service, to act under orders; no experience necessary. Write H. C. Webster, Indiunapnlls, Ind. (9 295 lux DELIVERER and collector; Swede, fa miliar with Swedish settlements: $75 cash monthly; no experience or capital re quired Engwall, 733 Lakeside Bldg.. Chi cago. (9) 247 lox ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary; no canvassing Send for full particular. Preas Syndi cate, Lockport, N. Y. (9) HUSTLERS car, make $100 to 1500 monthly representing us. Send 10 alamps for full particulars to Overland Co-operative Realty Asaoclutlon, Box 477, Seattle, Wash. (9i M372 10x YOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions. Superior lnstructons by mull. Established 14 years. Thousands of suc cessful students. Sample questions and "How Government Positions are Secured" sent free. Inter-Stale Schools, Cedar Rapids, la. (9) M3G4 l 'x WANTED Everyone to understand that we have solved the problem of a "Good Meal for the Money.'" Our prices are right, our service Is frond. Home Dairy Restaurant, 151! Capitol Ave. . (9t-M4?l LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses nuil Vehicles, FOR 8ALE 3-'0 carriage for $100. Used short time. 1?J4 No. 20th St., South Omaha. Tel. 471. (11) M197 11 RUBBER TIRED runabout In good condi tion, for sale cheap. Apply at once. i:c2 S. 2d St. (11) 320 lox FOR SALE Family horse, thoroughly city broke, absolutely sate for lady. Also ruh-ber-tircd bike-wheeled surrey an I Imr ness. A high-grade outfit throughout. Can be seen nt stable, Ti2l Leavenworth St., or address D-503, Beo. (11) M383 l' X FOR SALE A fine, iiulet driving horse; good traveler and nice ladies driver. Phone .JOUglus 1J41. (11) M234 12x FOR SALE A thouroughbred Shetland jioii;, 4 yeara old. city broke: can ride or drive. Can be seen at Jackson & tiunnun stablv, 2fth and Leavenworth Sta. (11) M 109 12 Poultry, Eaas and Squabs. ROKK COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch lug. Penj headed by prlxe winning cockerels from North Star Poultry Show, Minnesota; 1 CO to $2 per 15. Mrs. James K Halplne, 4W2 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney 358 (ll)-M9l M22x SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not handle, call Doug. 1142, isd. B-3458. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 10th. (ID lui FOR SALE Horse, runabout and harness; a young sorrell mare, a splendid driver and saddle horse; rlbber-tircd high run about and a set of good Imruex. For Immediate sale price $175. Can be seen at any time during next few davs. Dr. Mc Millan, Quarters No. 19, Fort Creek. Neb. (ID 214 RINGLET Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, $2 ner setting; satisfaction guar anteed. F. C. Ahlqulst, Webster lu2S. 27."-2 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. OH FOR SALE Homer Pigeons, fancy bred; SliO pairs guaranti-ed mated birds; market established. Address B-470, care Re. (1D-M2H1 llx LOST AND FOUND LOBT Lady a gold lace pin, wishbone clover ie. suitable reward for return. Tel. Web. 757. (12) M172 LOHT Blue gray alligator purse, Saturday venli.tf, between 4 and 6 p. m. Flhder return to i uy savings Bank. Reward. (12l-Mlt;3 9x UHINPUK and white male bull terrier; liberal reward for return or information leaaing lo recovery, 'f hone Douglas SfM'i. (12) Mid 9 LOBT Kin a tooth watch charm. Return to Nebraska Electrlu Co. and secure re- ra- (121-177 9x Le-FT on Sherman Ave. oar, Thursday evening, black silk umbrella, with silver handle. Initials A. C. H. Return lo 13 '3 Martha St.; reward. Tel. Douglas 6666. (12) M430 lox jOST Ladles' solitare diamond ring; ladles' toilet Union station; finder return to J. O. Young, 6S2 Brandels Bldg. receive , liberal reward. (12) M247 10 LOST Gold stickpin with old English mon ogram. Reward for return to lfcH No. 2e.Hl St. (12) M42 10 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creigiitdn Medical college. Dili and Dav--niH.it a is. ; special attention paid to con finement caseload treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 117. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 aN Y poor girl in need of friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Argiy Home for Women at 3!24 N. 24th au, Omaha, Neb. (13) MIob fliKUT nerve brace for men. '"Oray's Nerve Food Pills,'" $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman A McCoujiel! Drug Co., Omaha. (13) tnt) L'SIS "Foot Sweat and Sruell Remedy." This remedy la prompt, safe and sure fjr sweat and smell; 3r a box. post paid. Leon Jueigti.s, p. o. Box J6, irauioot. NeU (U;-Mso II MEDICAL (Continued.) M J. OA II AN, M. D. Tel. Auto. Office 202 Marker Pluck. A 37.3. (13)- DR. HUTCH INFON Specialist of women and children. 2024 Burt St. 'Phone Doug las 3A (13e- MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security: easy pay ments. Offices In 03 principal cities, lol man, room "14. New York Life Bldg. (14 462 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, l'l Douglas. Q4i 43 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Furnam St. (1D-404 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loftns. 633 Paxton Block. "Phone Douglas .45. (14) 465 P. O. NIELSEN & CO.. Phone Doug. 2204. 14 4 LOAN a. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms ; eafo. (15) 46 WE DO prices. Mueller expert piano moving at lowest Tel. Douglas 16:'5. Sc hmoller & Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15) ICS SOUTH room, suitable for two, choice lo cation, large lawn, private family, mod ern. 627 Park Ave. (15)-M423 DEWEY European Hotfd, 13th and Farnam. 115) 109 TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with or without board; modern improvements; good board and room for young men. Terms reasonable. 2215 Howard St. U5J 381 M16 BOARD and room; large room, suitable for two; also single room. 114 S. 19th St. (15)-G96 NEWLY furnished pleasant rooms and board, modern, on car line; terms rea sonable. 2416 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web ster K12. (15) MXfiti 9 FIRST-CLASS ROOM good loeationi 618 bj. with board; close in; 19th St. (15)-M199 15x ONE nicely furnished room; one suite of rooms; board; all modern conveniences. Hanscom park district, 1031 S. 3oth Ave. (15)-M2S5 10 ROOM, with board for two. Park Ave. The Grant. (15) M397 1015 10 LA ROE COMFORTARLE ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS BOARD. 201H FARNAM ST. (15) M42j lex Furnished Rooma. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday. week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 S. 13th St. (10) 470 ROOMS 205 South 26th Ave. (1,1)-M336 11 FURNISHED crenCes. 640 S. 24th St.; ref (15) M 139 Je6 NICELY furnished flat. 214 N. 25th St. Independent B-2997. rooms, new, modern Tel. Douglas 3'.'9S or (15) M922 llx FURNISHED rooms, 1214 N. 26th. (15)-M992 12 FURNISHED room. 1950 S. lOtn St. (16) M987 Ju5x NICELY furnished rooms, In excellent neighborhood, walking distance; suitable for one, two or three gentlemen terms reasonable. For particular", terms, etc., Tel. Harney 2224 or call at 122 N. 26th Sc. (15) M9S5 lOx SOME nice rooms. 218 N. 19th. (15)-M904 12x NEWLY furnished rooms. 2221 Dodge St. (15-997 12x FOR RENT Finely furnished, cool rooms flat 4 Davidge Blk. (15) 91)6 tx $.'10 per month, 5-room modern cottage. In Dundee, one block from car line, all newly decorated and nicely furnished. $60 per month foT strictly modern 9-rooin house, near High School, furnished throughout, tf months lease to private family. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. (15) lf-9 11 NICELY furrJshed rooms, Blngle or en suite; suitable for three or four gentle men. Easy walking distance. 2319 Har ney SI. Phone Douglas 49i3. U3)-101 12x 3 ROOMS, centrally located, $2 up. 1201 Farnam, over turnltuie store. (15)-MS24 9x LARGE south room, all modern. 2f.l0 Dodge. (lb)-t9J 2 ROOMS, furnished; house new and strictly moaern. 316 N. 19th St. (15)-M211 15x PLEASANT room in new, modern house facing Turner Park; gentlemen only. 205 8. Central Boulevard. Tel. Harney 3836. (15) 218 lax NEATLY furnished sleeping rooms, firBt floor; modern; $2 per week: references. 2575 Harney St. Tel. Douglas H179. (15)-215 llx NEWLY furnished rooms, in modern home; 2704 Farnam 8t. Ted. Harney 3031. (15) M327 12 Fl'RNISH ED ROOM trpe parlor room on first floor, elegantly furnished, walk ing distance from business district. 127 8. 25th St. (15) M237 12x ELEOANTLY furnished room to gen tleman employed days; walking tlbi tH'iee, two blocks from new Tweii-t-fourth street car line; no other roomers; home comforts for right Farty; references required. Telephone ouglaa 6670. (16) M250 12x TWO connecting front rooms, strictly mod ern, walking distance, private family. Telephone B 2047, Independent. (16) M392 12k 218 N. 19th St.. $5 per week; nice front parlor with adjoining bedroom, desirable for gentlemen or man and wife. (15)-M)26 16x V'nf arnlahed Rooma. FOCR or rooms, 1214 N. 25th; no children. (15)-M993 13 FOl'H 4265. clean, modern rooms, 'phone II (15) M910 10 FOI R ROOMS, 1120 N. 17th St. (15)-96t) S ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished oi second floor. 650 8. 26th Ave. (15)-175 14x HOUSEKEEPING) rooms. 2223 Burt St. (15 174 14x THREE rooms for rent. Tel. Web. 3900. (16) 17V) lox 2 rooms in St. Mary's Bldg. 1 room In Withnell block 3 rooms In Withnell block.., 2 rooms In Withnell block.. 15th and Hurnev N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 $ 6 $15 $30 $15 Hts. FARNAM ST (15) Apartments and Flats. NEW 4-room brick flat, modern, steel raie, 1st 1108 N. floor. 22d St., (15)-472 APARTMENT8. T rooms. In Ql'lVET. rti?. v-ll rarnam oi.; steam neat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS. 1 and ( rooms, in ulaiiiju, oouin (imaha; steam beat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Nat l Bk. Bldg. Red T4u6-A44o8. (15) 471 $ls 7-room flat, 184 N. 16tn St., corner 16th ana urace bis. inquire ai tailor shop. (16) 99 BEACTI FX'L apartment, i rooms, modern St. Louis brick, hard wood $37.60. 321 i'ark Ave. telephone Red 6148. (lo)-M2 12x FOR RENT North semi-basement flat of four rooms. In The Dunsany, $12. Conrad Young, agent. Uli Dodge St. d5)-M972 OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flnta Continued. SPLENDID PRESSED DRICK HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. We are headuuarters for the best pressed brick houses and St. Imls apartments In the city. If you until something strictly modern and right up to date, with mini mum expetis.) for beating, It will lay you to see us before moving. We quoie the following from our list: Pl! Park Ave.. S-r.. newlv decornt-d throughout. A snlemlld bargain at 112.6"). 12x-;t S. 36th St.. 9-r.. right In the West Farnam district; ry flue houses, for the most fastidious. Sec us for special In ducements. 6oN N. 2lst, 9-r., beautifully decorated, very close walking distance. A splendid place to rent out a room or two at lancy prices. Only $-"i" twr month. 612 N. list, exactly the same style of house a above, at $47.50. 32d and Pacific Sts.. 6 and 6-r.. new apart ments. Just ready for decorating, the most beautiful anil cotnpleie apartments ever built in Omaha. Tenants can select own decorations nnd move r:ght in, with rent dating from June 1, thus saving from 2 to 3 weeks rental. 10"7 8. 30! h Ave., 6-r., new apartment. In the beautiful Loom Is building, tight up to date. Immediate nossession. at $37.5). Don't fail to s us alwiul these houses. We can make It worth your while to deal with us. PAYNE, HOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 8-ROOM, modern, brick flat, a '03 Pacific St. Inquire 13e6 S. M.ith Ave. Phone Harney 32K). (15)-M:io 12 ROOM modern flat, Tel. Red 455N. 1337 Park Ave., $17.50. U5) M233 llx 6-ROOM Modern flat. 112 S. 11th St. (15) MR92 Housekeeping Rooms. CENTRAL location, 3 choice furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern. 2-' No. 23d St. (15) MS58 TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. New house, all modern. 2612 Woolworth Ave., Tel. Doug. 6.V4. (15)-M124 13 FURNISHED apartments. 3 or 4 large, handsomely furnished rooms, parlor floor, every convenience. 60") S. 2Mh. (15) 953 llx 2 or 3 elegantly furnished rooms. 21t No. (15) M162 14x 22d St. FOR RENT 2 newly furnished light house- Keeping: rooms, modern, lei. A-.itn.t. 26iJ Farnam St. (15) M937 11 EXCELLENT, modern, furnished rooms for housekeeping; 'phone in house. 2574 Hat ney St. (16) M5D3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2215 Califor nia St. Tel. Douglas 4479. (15) M926 11 LARGE, beautiful, all modern rooms, 218 (15) 117 12 N. 23d St. 2218 CHICAGO. 2 south-front parlor rooms, modern, unfurnished for housekeeping. 'Phone Red 5578. (15) M913 10 THREE choice rooms, newly decorated and very nicely furnished for light housekeep ing; modern, no other roomers; refer ences required and given. Address O-4t;3, care Bee. (15) M917 llx TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping; walking distance; everything rw. Call Doug. 3940. (15) 91)5 12x TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. modern, 2115 Capitol Ave. (15) M227 13x Furnished Houses. 10-ROOM furnished house for the summer. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (16) M728 HANDSOMELY furnished house. West Farnam district, June 1 to October 1; rei erenc'8. Telephone Harney Hi, morn ings or evenings. (15) M7S9 9x Houses and Cottages. MODERN, 6 rooms and bath, cement walks, new house. 2222 Fowler Ave. Apply 21ol Ellison Ave. (15) MSX0 1320 N. 40TH, 7 rooms, all modern. C. E. Herring, 411 New York Life Bldg. , (15)-8S9 2522 REESE St., 3-room house, $S. 3210 N. 24th St., 3-room flat, $7. 6-room flat, all modern, within walking distance. BEMIS, 306 PAXTON BLOCK. Phones, Douglas 65; independent A-15K5. . (16) 1S4 C-ROOM, modern except furnace, 91S N. 26th St., $22; 6-room, 2d floor, 192 N. 26th St., $11; 8-room house, partly modern, 409 Wil liam St., $23; S-room modern house, 2107 S. bull St.. $40; storeroom, 13o6 N. 24th St., $15. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) M2H0 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. ll'th, office 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1:09. (15 476 A FEW apartments are for rent In the new apartmunt house just being completed at 33d and Farnam Sts. Steam heat, hot and cold water, Juultor service, every modern convenience. Strictly first class. Wm. K. Potter. 301 Brown Block. (16) M130 CHOICE-Central, N. 23d. 4-room, corner flat. 220 (15)-M927 HOCSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. ExpreHsmen'a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. 15) 477 Maggard Van & Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, 11. H. goods. (15) 4S2 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L Bldg. (16) 481 FINE HOl'SE. nil modern, hot water heat, large lot. shade, barn, oak flrdsh, best re pair; KounUe Place, near car. 'Phone Webster 928. (151954 2967 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms; thoroughly modem, oak finish; $40. A. O. Elllck, 5e'2 Bee Bldg. (15) 181 FOR RENT The brick house, 2DK Dewey Ave. Inquire Moyer Stationery Co.. 1616 Farnam St. (15) M729 FOl'R rooms with hall, closet, ground floor city water and sewer; half block to car line. 915 N. 26th Ave. (15)-648 FOR RENT Modern 9-room house, close to car line, south front. Inquire 2.M4 Cald well St. (16) M23 9x NEW modern 7-room brick house; oak fin ish; $46. 601 Park Ave. Tel Harney 1510. (15) 102 9 FOR RENT 9-room house, modern except heat, large rooms, good repair, 1450 South 17th St. $3.5tM. Caasel Realty Co.. 32S Board of Trade. (16) 113 10 1317 S. 32d St., 8 rooms, all modern $.:o 2462 8 . 20th. rooms, all modern $18 20n6 Bancroft St., 6 rooms, all modern $'s N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. (15)-- CPPER four rooms In residence No. 3So2 N. 17th St.; separate entrance, separate bath. Tel. Webster 3169. (li)-156 ROOMY modern house, stable, 2flth and Capitol Ave., $30. McCague Co.. lino Dodge. (lb) .M2'i3 llx FOR RENT ii-room cottage, modern except rurnace. mo. a)iu bi., -. o. c. oi sen. lid So. lGth St. (K) MISS 11 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. ltVrt Farnam. (15) -474 FOR RENT 7-room house, 211 N. 2th Ave., modern except furnace; $25. Eight room house, 513 N. 22d St.: all modern; $35. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. (15)-M297 Hr4TTSlV! Ir n'l parts of the city. IlUUrSIiO foreign gone & Co., Bee Hldg. (15) 479 1008 Pacific St., S-room flat, city water, gas. $11.00. loio Pacific St., $-room flat, city water, gas. $11.'"). B1RKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. Both Phones. (15)-M167 ( FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, two blocks from 24th St. ear line, south front lot. 6"'xl6S; 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26u6 Poppleton Ave. (15) M183 FOR RENT 8 rooms, 84th. W. 8. Stillman. bath, barn, 2164 8. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (IS) 480 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breeh Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15i-4-sJ , COLONIAL residence, opposite east side Hanscom Park, rooms W. 'Phone Harney 166i (lSj-bOl OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and I ntlnar ( ontlnsed. $li) p r 4 rooms, 111 per month. 3d floor 'J.:! Douglas St. modern except furnace. month each, iit floor -'19 and XX Doegl St., 4 rooms, modern except fur- nace, $;'J per month. .1. .12 R. "ilh Ave., rooms. modem except furnace. .) per month. 11. U N. 17th St.. 9 rooms, city water. secr ami gas. $.) rcr month, id tloor 21 2 Farnam St., 6-rooin modern flu I, best of repair, 137.5" lT month, P4 Spruce St 6-room ri' w modern house. Ho per montn, :: Pacific St., 9 rooms, moiu i n. $t6 per month. 41 S. 27ith Ave. 6-room heated apartment, onk finish. $r) each for 1 -!;) S. 35th St., 9 rooms, strictly rnodrrn, oak finish. Kl llMfliKli HOI SES. $30 per month, 5-rnoin nicuhrn cottage In Dundee, one block from car (line, almost new bouse, nlcelv furnished. $"i ter month for strictly modern 9-room house near hign s hoid. furnished through out, six months b ase to private family. GEORGE Ac CO., Hal FARNAM ST. tl5) REAL BARGAINS IN RENTALS. 827 So. 24 Hi. 5-r., close in, modern. $20. 2325 So. IMIi, fir., modern, a snap at $1S. 110 So. 35th Ave., tt-r., verv choice at $35. 164S So. 27th. 7-r , all modern, will be va cant In a few davs; only 2o. 542 So. 30th, all modern, 7-r $32.50. 3172 Farnnm, S-r., a:l modern, only $37. o0. 572 So. 2Hth. h-r.. all modern, close in, $3o 3o6 So. 3Mh, S-r., strlc'tly all modertu, right In best of West Farnam district, $50. 2017 Howard. 10-r.. all modern, close In, $40 32nd and Pacific Sts.. splendid 5 and 6-r. new St. Louis apartments. Just finished; $42.60 to $45. 1017 So. 30th Ave., very fine 6-room St. Louis apartment, only $37.50. Mtt Pnrk Ave., K-r. pressed brick strictly modern, new:v decorated. $42.60. 12H-30 So. 35th St.. 9-r.. strictly modern pressed brick houses; special induce ments to right tenants. 60S and 612 N. 21st. 9-r. strictly modern, very close in and right prices. PAYNE. BOSTWIUK A CO., Sole Agts., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) lsit N. 22d 6 rooms, modern except heat, $22.;.". :!"io N. "1st. 0 rooms, modern. $26.60. 27SS Curitol Ave.. 0 rooms, modern except heat, $25.00. 3110 Corbv, 7 rooms, modern, oak, $.0O. Lll N. 2Mb, 7 rooms, modern except heat. $25.10. 'jvvl Webster. 7 rooms, modern, oak, $10.00. 512 N. 2:d. 8 rooms, modern, $:15.00. 32t2 Sherman Ave., 9 rooms, modern, JIj.OO. FLATS. N. 21st, 5 rooms, modern except heat, $25.50. 2J'I N. 21st, 7 rooms, modern. $22.50. lsixu, Mnple, 7 rooms, modern, heat and janitor aer Ice furnished. $36.00. 3.132 Harney, !' rooms, ino'lern, $55.00. rooms in the Majestic apartment buildlngr and 5 rooms in the Sherman. HASTINGS & HEVDEN, 17o4 Farnam el Ask for Rental Dept. (15) FOR RENT PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 2325 S. 11th St., 10 rooms all moderru, $40. 3224 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, $35. 201 N. 21th fct. 214 Hamilton $27. P". 3041 California 6 rooms, all modern, $30. St., 9 rooms, all modern, St.. 7 rooms, modern ex- cept furnace, $25. Burt St.. ; rooms, all modern, $25. 'i17 Dewey Ave., 7-room flat, modern ex cept furnuce, $22.50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Fltjor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; lnd. A-11M, (1.)) 1337 S. 27th, 6 rooms, modern 2930 N. 26th St., 6-room cottage. $25 $21 $18 newly pn- $16 $12.50 $10 4118 N. 26th St., 7 rooms, barn.. 6 rooms, 2d floor. 304 S. 17th, pered . . 2319 S. 16th, t21 8. 24th, S25 S. 24lh, 22'4 N. 27th, 1522 Canton, 2210 8. 42d, GARVIN 5-room flat 3-room flat 3-room flat $10 4 rooms, 2d tloor J 4-room cottage $-S.50 8 rooms H BROS., 1004 FARNAM ST. (15) 5-ROOM stone cottage in Florence; tur- nace. bath, electric light; two lots, nice yard, large garden; block and a half from car line and west of bank $22.70. Inquire at residence of G. J. Hunt, ad joining premises, or 'phone Florence 3W. (15)-M378 llx FOR RENT. 1920 S. 34th, 8 rooms, modern, $25. 21o3 Ohio, 5 rooms, good location. $18. lii.MH S. 20th, upstuirs), (i rooms, modern. $IS. 2720 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, modern, $22.60. THE BYRON REED CO., "Phono Douglas i97. 212 S. 14th St. (15) 26TH AND CALDWELL 6-r. mod. ex. heat, $18. Sherman flats. 6-r., $45; 5-r., $40. 1312 Park Ave., 8-r. brick, near Popple ton. $40. 61)7 Park Ave., 8-r. all mod., with barn, $4.. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1"X)1 N. Y. Life. 'Phones D. or A-2152. (15) FOR RENT 831 S. 2Mb St., 8 rooms, mod ern; nice yard, trees, shrubbery, etc.; $32.50. Applv to Wm. Fleming. 211 8. lKth. Phone Doug. 179, or Doug. 6(40, after 6 p i (15) M403 10 1710 No. 34th St., 8 rooms, newly repaired. Pino for st irs und home or for two fam ilies. $22.60 and water rent. Apply at JKS Parker St. 05) M 112 5-ROOM house. bath. gas; strictly good home; $17.00. 1513 North 28th. (15) M257 lOx 6-ROOM cottage, modern except beat, J2) per month. Also 5-room basement, $10 3112 Marcy St. Inquire 708 8. 17th St. (16) A1259 12:: FOR RENT Modern 8-room hou-ie, close to car line, south front. Inquire 2I.14 Cald well St. (15) Mb57 IHx 311 WEBSTER street. 8-rooms. modern ex cept furnace, $23; 3128 Chicago St.. 8 rooms, modern, burn, large yard, $45; 2416 Fai nam St.. 11 rooms and 2 both rooms, hot water heat, $85. Ringwalt Bros., 306 8. 16th St. tl5)t-M353 11 8-ROOM, modern, on Douglas street, first house west of 42d. Price, $?7.6o. SH1.MER & CHASE COMPANY. 1609 Farnam St. 'Phones, Bell, Douglas 3867; Ind., A-3642. (15)- HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. (15) 479 SIX-ROOM cottage on Dundee car line; all mwlern; splendid location. Apply to nwnvr. 3859 California St. (151-M248 10x SIX-ROOM house for for sale. Call at 816 rent and furniture 8. 19th St. (15)-M246 12x FOR RENT 7-room house, modern exefpt heating plant, J25. W. H. Thon.ns. So.1 1st National Bunk Bldg. (15) M224 l.lx FOR RENT 911 S. 31at St., 5-room cottage, bath nnd giiH. $20. J. II. Sherwood iil6-0l7 Brand" Is Bldg. (151-M2I3 10 BRICK houses, otic of my modern In f VHry way. Keys on premises. 20 d Capitol Ave. 1'r. F. SwartlbtndcT. (l'.)-M379 ISx Buildings. retailTocation 1c0s-10-12 hahney st. One of the best buildings in the retail center, with C( foot frontage on Harney St., 5 stories and basement, over 5L000 sq. ft. of floor space, steam heat nnd first class elevator. If interest ed in a smaller space, see us re garding a part of the building. Necessary alterations and repairs will be made to suit tenant. Lease for about ten years at a very reasonable rental. UE0KGE & CO., lbOl Farnam. (15) FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of the business district; trackage facilities and electric elevator: suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing liUiposia. AddreM W-&, care Bee. . . (.3x M565 OFFERED FOR RENT nnlldinaa on tinned. FOR RENT Warehouse at 1M7-I9 Sherman Ave.. 4xln), four floors, hydraulic eleva- tor. ttaikag" put In first storage or leare. ; recently overhauled and class condition: suitable for Jobbing business; long term BENSON & MYERS. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-s TENANT WANTE11-W11I erc-t building suitable for any purpose on Cuming streei between K.th and loth. A, B. Alnirn. tul Farnam St. (15) Ml 92 11 Ufflres. . A GOOD BUSINESS di serve a good office. We have them, modern and well located. In the wholesale nnd banking district. Some especially at tractive suites on the third floor of the U. S. National building. 12th and Farnam. Low rates. SPECIAL. Ground floor In above building, facing on 121 h St.. l.L" square feet floor space, fine"" large windows for display, electric light. Call at once. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. ("has. E. Williamson. Pres., Ground F'loor U. S. Nat l Bldg., 1201 Farnnm (15I-M23!. 10 DESK ROOM, 605 FAXTON BLOCK. (15)-MJ7 OFFICES OR PARLORS R and 6 rooms In Qulvet. 1W7-9-U Farnam St.; suitable f ir artists, physicians, dentists, dressmikers, etc., who wish their homes adjoining; steam heat, hot watery and telephone Also offices or parlors. 3 and 6 roims, in 8cargo Bldg., South Omaha, sullabl . f of lawyers, doctors, etc; steam heat anl hot water. HALL. 317 First Nat'l Bn k Bldg. Red ;4"i-A-4to6. (16)-4-6 OFFICES In Apply R. Room 105. The W. Bee Building for r nt. Baker, Superintendent, (15) M 16) Stores. STORE ROOM In Scargo blork at 620 N. 24th St., South Omaha; steim heat, mod ern, show windows, excellent location. Also 2 basement rooms In same building, cemented floors, steam heated, suitable for billiards, barbers, baths, restaurunt, etc. HALL, 317 First Nat 1 Bank B'dg. Red 74"6 A-4406. (15) 487 FOR RENT Large store room, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sts., $15. C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Block. (15) M509 )0ri So. 13th St.. basement, $40.00. large store room, with B1KKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Lldg. Both Phones. (15) M166 9 111 S. 15th. steam heat. 19i N. 24th, new brick. $25. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPF. OLD P. O. Room 5, Frenzer Blk. (15)-M212 FOR RENT Store room. Inquire 1123 Farnam. 309 So. 12th St. (15)-229 10 ISIS HARNEY ST. New front $40 1307-9 Howard St., 3-story brick, electric elevator, thorough repair; the best liar gain In the retail district. Rent $150 N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. (15) $,15 per month 2127 Furnam St., 20x60 feet. good basement. $40 per month, 1403 Jackson St., large store room and double basement. $100 per month. 1015 Howard St., store room and basement, ioxfio feet. GEORGE & CO., hiul FARNAM ST. (15) OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. DRESSERS, $4.50; sanitary couches, $2.75; roll-top desk, 6 ft. standing dpsk, child's Iron bed, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, rugs and carpets. Call Sundays only. 2618 Cuming St. (16) 176 Wx HOCSEHOLD goods, buffet, table. chaliH, etc.. practically new; cheap. Address J 608, care Bee. (16) M408 12x Pianos, Organs, Masical Instruments, NOTICE! PIANOS FKEE FOR SIX MONTHS Owing to the lack of wareroom space for our immense double stocks, we will rent fifty choice pianos to responsible families and allow one-half years rent paid, tj apply on the purchase of any of the follow lug tnstrumerts: America's oldest and best pianos: The Chlckerlng & Sons. (Boston). Ivers & Pond Everett, Packard, Henry & 8. G. Ltnde man, Kurtzmaun, Mehlln, Starr, Sterling, Huntington, Harvard, .Richmond, Mendels sohn, Kohler & Campbell, Chase and others THE BENNETT COMPANY. Piano Department. Third Floor (16)-MS84 9 Typewriters and Sewing Machines. FOR SALE High-grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $', Call room WS. Bee Bldg. (16) 671 FOR SALE Chrup, two Oliver typewriters used very little. P. O. Box 4:sa, Omaha. (16) M223 10 FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; only used short time and in A No. 1 condition; for sale nt very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee Office, 17th and Farnam. (16)-89J FOR SALE-Cheap No. 4 as new. A'idress P. O. I'nderwood, good Box 436, omaha. (16) M223 10 Itlscellaneous. A LOT of sti.no for coping, window and door sills; also fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg, (16) 951 VTtVdif at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connel Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 4sa FOR SALE 66 volumes Lawyers' Reports, annotated, new, $2.25 per volume. Address I. V. Reasoner, 927 S 13tli St.. Lincoln, Neb. (l)-220 l.lx IVCMBFR AND PRICK cheap from d's. mantled Omaha Packing company n'ant Alplrn, "Phone Douglas 2474. (16) M 119 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 493 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES I.arnest. most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the city; select now. delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. liURGESS ORANDEN CO., Jli 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 6S1 (16) 4M) ICE: ICE. MINNESOTA ICE in car lots. A. G. Uilbett. Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M374 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th ana Douge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (16) 494 NOTICE Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the probate court of Sedg wick county, Kansas, I will receive writ ten bids at the address below up to and including Saturday. May 9. 1908. for twenty-five shares of the capital stock of State savings hank. Council iiiurra. la The right to reiect any and all bids Is preserved. MELISSA OOCI.D. Admllis tratilx. 0(9 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb, (15)-MS53 9 FOR SALE New and seeond-hnnd billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easv payments. BruiiBWlck-Balk-Colltiider, 407 S. 10th Si. (161490 2-3 Rl'CKER and Weston news rases and stands for sale cheap. Call at Bee of fice, Omaha. (161-693 30-HORSE power wltii propeller Courcll Bluffs. Marine gasoline engine. Address C. Omaha Mee, la. , (16) M90 9x I WILL give to anyone paying for tills add my 5.5 credit ccrllf Ic-'ute gold bond to apply on new pluno. Address G 4i2. eaie Bee. (16I-M1-3 1U DASHBOARD LINE1IOLDER Safe, prac tical and neat In appearance. Every driver wants one. Price 25c. Illustrated catalogue free. J. Frank Co.. Station C, Oakland. Cal. (161-M191 11 FOR SALE Store building, located In vil lage of Alvo. Neb., 'x6ft feet in sixe, with ball overhead, and good basement. Will he sold at a bargain. For particulars ad dress E. M. Stone, Alvo, Neb. (16)-M201 OFFERED FOR SALE M lirrllsnrom-t on tinned. THE best thing on earth as a delicious food and appreciated by all classes of people Is the Ice rfam Cornet ami chariot Russian cups rqade and sold w holes. ilo anil retail by the Duqticsu- Making Co.. Pittsburg. I'll. Orders solicited. 1 1; I 32 b"x HAND MADE drawn work: als long, new ostiii h plumes; would exchnnge for trill ing stamp books. Address H 5i 1, cxrc n, e. tlt -M339 lex Elevator for Sale For sale, second hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete: platform ahout 4x5; can be used in a building (!0 ft. high. This elevator is first class in eveyy respect and will be sold cheap. (SEOKCJE PAHKEK, Engineer Dee Bids. M6) 9.19 $75 OOLD bond ereill! certificate issued by SclimoelleV Ar Mueller for $Ul cash. Ad dress N-512, care Bee. (1)-M410 llx HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (10-492 SEND us your mail orders for drugs; fndght paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (1)-491 FOR SALE Good steel range, $!". 'Phone Red OHIO. (hi) 219 11 NEWLY furnished 7-room modern flat, verv reasonable! 14 N. ifdh St Tel. Ind, B 2W7. (101213 16x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 (17) 19.i LARSON & CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17) 490 II. A. S'.urges. 519 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 3469. (1!) .M41. .114x PATENTS THAT PROTECT-3 books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage R. S. & A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1S69, (17)-497 PATENT your Invention through old es tablished firm of patent attorneys. Send sketch for free opinion as to patent ability. Send for free handbook. Munn & Co.. Scientific American Office, 3"i9 Broadway, New York. (17) 323 lOx PERSONAL M A fl VVTT ( 1 treatment and bath. Mme. AUiVUiMliXlVv amllh, 118 N. loth, 2d floor. (18)-627 A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers cannot cara for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft St 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18)-M,1G3 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair nnd sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18)-7S6 MASSAGE and baths. Room 2. 1204 Farnam St., 2d Floor. (18) M131 Je. 6 J WILL retain and grow hair or pay $100. Write Dr. Oliver K. Chance, scalp spe cialist, 395 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Mention Omaha Bee when writing. (18)-M929 J4x PRIVATK CONFINEMENT IIOMK Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th'. Tel. Webster 3f59. 418.1 498 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 15m Farnam St., where they will be directed to sultahio boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 499 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian masFage, 620 S. lGth, Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas 6845. (18) M0S3 18x OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bl'g. (lhl-Seo WANTED Three first-class stock com panies: play alrdomea for the season; state everything In first letter. Phoenix Amusement Co., Hutchinson, Kan. (IS) M329 lx GILLETTE and other safety razor blades keenedged better than new. Two cents each. Send address for convenient mail ing wrapper. Keenedge Co., 25 Henrietta Rldg., Chicago. 18)-324 lOx PROF. POLK. Room WW, old Boston Store Bldg.. French masseur and suggestive therapeutist: treats all chronic diseases without medical surgery, pain or absence from business. Consultation In eight lan guages; first treatment free. Tel. Doug las 9o9. Sunday and evenings by appoint ment, or any time during dav or night. (18) M332 IHx SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity: con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss ADendsr. 624 Bee Rldg. (18)- PUFFS. pompadours and switches trail from your combings; puffs. 15c each. Mrs. Matthews, 1018 S. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 6726. (18) BLEMISHES, pimples, eruptions, rashes medicated by Satin skin cream soon dis appear. (18) LACE curtains done neatly. T.d. Web. 3035. (181 M3.18 12x WILL take 3 for my 175 Sehmoeller & Mueller credit certificate. Address K 509, lip,,. (1S)-MI19 llx Jl WILL luiv m.v "i gold bond certificate Issued hv Sehmoeller & Mueller. Addresfl 0-513, care Bee. I IK) Mill llx 1Y YOU want satisfaction get E. L. Love Joy to repair vour sewing machine; a'l work warranted. 2302 N. 21st St T.4. Webster C58. (IS) MI31 10 REAL ESTATE HEAL IISTATK DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. IJfe. (19) 601 GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754. (19) 502 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 6"3 CITY PKOPKIITV FOIl BALK ABSTRACTS F TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. tl9) 04 A SPECULATION IN CLOSE IN PHOFERTY. Nets 20 Per Cent Near 16th and Burt Hts. we have a good D-room cottage and a 2-stoiy flat holid n ;. Two stores below, rented to a first-clafs tenant and 4 apartments of 3 rooms each, with city water, fcewcr and gas. Willi proper care this property will 1 ring ITS per month. It Is right in town, near railroad 1 racks, and will be term tin! property without any doubt. We otfei this for tl.7'1). We will place a mortgage on It for 2.00i) for 5 years. ROBINSON & WOLF PAXTON PLOCK. (19)- FOR TWO 7-ROOM HOUSES S. E. com. r 28th and Woolworth Act., with 92 feet fronting on Wuedworlh Ave. and 50 feet on 2Mb. with an extra strip of about 29 feet Tills Is a big bargain for someone for this corner, livu In one bouse, lent the other one and some day you can put up nice flat building on this corner. Can sell you 6u feet on the east for $l,25o. HASTINGS & HE Y DEN, 17"4 Farnam St. (l'J)-M-205 12 FOR quick sale list your property with Walter Wllle. 414 Bee Bldg., Hentals and Insurance. (19)-lol Jl REAL ESTATE CITY PIIOPKRTT Ktin "AlIS (Continued ) . n;(JATj.:s Room '1". Nr' York Lift' Hldg. 'Phone Dotiplus Kill. $ir,oo Flvi'-rooni coUait wtth wntcr, sower nnd un's. ll.oOO- K ivr-rnom cottage at 273.1 Fowler Ave., well water, cherry tree", prape. currants and a Btrawhorry bed, all henrlng. $2.0d0 Seven-room house and half art e of ground. $2.000 KliiM-room house, city water, on 43d and Orand Ave.; largo grounds, barn and fruit. $2.1! no KiKht-room house, modern except furnace, on 19th Ave., near Ohio; lot iiO-ft. front; on terms 300 cosh, balance $23 per month. $2,600 Seven-room house, modern except furnace, at 2105 Miami. $3,200 Seven-room modern house, with hot water heat, on 22d, near Lake; lot 4 0x140; paved street and permanent walks, all paid for. $2,t50 Six-room house, most new. modern except furnace, well built barn; lot 48x127, just north of Bemla park. $3,500 Nine-room modern house. on Kmmet St., east of 24th. In pood order, front and hack parlor, library, dining room and kitchen, and four bed rooms upstairs; two mantels, with fireplaces; barn: lot 50x124. $2,(!00 Seven-room house, on 24th St., near Evans, modern, bath; lot 45x 124; barn; paving paid for. $0,000 Kight-rooni modern, up-to-date home on Wirt St., oak finish, hot water heat, old mission combination gas and electric fixtures, laundry, stair way to floored attic; lot 50x124. Anx ious to sell and will take cheap place as part payment. (ID)) FIVE CENTS" Spend a nickel: ride out to the er.d of the Renson car line; see Keystone park. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. Y. Life Rldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; Ind. A-11M. I). V. SIIOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Hide. Tel. Doug. 49; lad. A-X49. (19)- LOANS TRUSTS. WILLS BONDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We invest our motjey in farm loans. Re fore Investing we know that the title is good and our mortgage is a first lien. $7,800,000 of other people's money we now have safely invested. During twenty years' of business 110 investor with us has lost a dollar nor taken an acre of bind. We now have for sale $2uti,onO of choice mortgages, bearing 64 per cent. We care for property as well as mnnev and accept trusts. If you wish propcrtv held for any particular use we can do it for you and the terms of the trust will be carefully observed. We prepare wills 'and act as trustee for the distribution of your property If you wish. Consultation is entirely confidential. We have some very good small Issues of school bonds. PETERS TRUST CO., New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (19)- BEMIS PARK NEIGHBOR HOOD We have a fine largo lot on N. 3:lrt St., large enough to build three houses facing east on 33d. We have also several other lota in this line residence district, ranging In price from J70O to M.2uO.(let our list. BEMIS PAXTON BI jOCK. Douglas 55. Independent A 15S5. (19)- If You Want a Nice Home Investigate the Following. fj.3" New tilx-rooni house near 2.M11 and Patrick Ave. Nice shade and large lot: all niodi in except heat; Jd.lo) down, balance mont hly. $2,Hm-5-room ALL modern house, near 'iiith and Seward, nice south front. Note the location and linn the price and come and see us. $l,(iil down, "balance monthly. jih1 5-room cottage, near 15th and Cen ter, city water, gas. laundry, cement cellar, one block to car line and only l." minutes' walk from town, fono down, balance same as rent. $1,910 New 5-room cottage, mar 27th and Buggies His., all modern except heat, large lot, south front. $1,000 down, balance same as rent. $1, f.00 fi-room cottage, near 27th and Ijike streets, city water, sewer, gas. large cis tern, has plenty of fruit und ahaile. Th.a Is the biggest snap ever offered on Hie north part. Ask us about our suburban properties. KERR & MfKENZlE, 305 South 17th St. Phones, Douglas 6487, lnd. A-H7. (18)- A BARGAIN 29e2 N. 20th St.. 8-room all modern but furnace house, lot 45x130, corner. Cash, $1.4uw; balance per cert. $3 ,0ml. One of ti e most desirable homes In Flor ence at a low price and on terms. One fourth cafh recpjlred. Owner leaving the city. Two full lots, each finxl22 feet, one and one-half blocks from car; a sightly loca tion, surrounded by modern homes. Strictly modern 5-room house, excep tionally well built, about two years old; cemented cellar, slxe lix30 feet, divided for fuel, vegetables and laundry. Hot air furr.-acu, hot andj cold water In basement, kitchen ami bath room. A good chicken house. Apple, plum and cherry trees. Just coming Into bearing. Grapes, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, straw berries, all bearing; flowering shrubs of all kinds; mulberry hedge; nice lawn. Price, $3.5'). Adjoining 3 lots, each 60x122, $1,000 addi tional. Nels A. Lundgren, CIS N. Y. Life Bldg. (19- $3,600. For new, strictly modern 8-room house, on a fine corner lot. Just at tho edge of Hem is park. This house has large attic, full cemented basement, permatuuit walks, entire lot sodded. This property must 04 seen to be appreciated. 1413 N. 35th St. $3.50)1 for a duplicate of tho above tnen tlimd house-, except that It is an Inside lot and a III lie different designs in outside j construction. 14'i9 N. 3oth St. These houses I are within two blocks of Franklin school. una in a line ieiguooruoou. Inquire of G. W. GARLOCII, 3210 Hamilton (. ll'j)-M256 lOx ONLY $1,400. ONLY $1,400. COTTAGE HOME FOR CLERK OR MECHANIC. 35J0 Charles St.. 5 rooms, with close's, etc., newly paint. -d, papered und in fnni class rrpaii , on sixhtly terruced lot over looking li -nils I'ark; good neighborhood; mar liaiiuy car line-; small burn. If you are looking for a bargain, examine Una prupa-uy at once. Terms, half rush, bal ance on trd,y terms. PAYNE. l.OSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents, New Yoik Life Bldg. '1'b.yue Douglas 10IU. Only $l,lvo. (Ally $1.4oul i I '1