Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1908, HOME SECTION, Page 3, Image 23

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    tite omaha1 Sunday bee: may 10, ioo5.
What the Women Are Doing
t lo Mnlhrr'n Thrift.
I iKll'-STINcJ tl.i.l prem hrr'a
"n, like K. II. ll;irrlmnn and
J 'tm 1). Arclidold. rcd their
millions to t hr1 ft Inherited
, from mothers forced lo mnko
both ends mci-l on rnlrroscpic
salaries, the wife of Rev. John 8. Allen of
Collegiate church. New York, tolil the Pres
byterian preachers of that city, at one of
their weekly conference, something of the
life of a pastor'! helpmate. In part she
"in passing let us give credit to the 'pss
toress' as an expert In economics. We
Wonder how It is that so many preachers'
Sons, like Harrlman and Archbold, Income
millionaires and captains of Industry. Is
It not because of the inbred gift of careful
management. Inherited from mothers who
know how to accomplish tho seemingly
impossible by stretching small Incomes to
cover large outlays?
"I have often thought when attending
the Installation of a pastor that I should
like to be permitted to make a brief charge
to the people aa to what not to expect of
the 'pastoress.' I shall never forget the
wave of responsibility that crept over me
when a young pastoress." .only a little
past 2D, on my way out of c! urch after the
installation of my partlruh.r pastor, one
of the good women of the church, a large
and ponderous person, said:
"We are glad to have'a minister's wife
gain, and we hope you will take your
place among us In all the various societies.
Our last pastor waa most unfortunate In
his wife; she devoted herself entirely to
him and did no church work whatever.
Then, looking me over, she added, 'Yon are
Very young.' Before her accusing gaze I
began to feel It a crime to be young. How
ever, I was naturally young and mis
cnevlous, and I replied: 'And does the
Church pay a salary to the preacher's wife?'
"It seems rather hard that no matter
how charming or capable the preacher's
wife may be, she cannot help the pastor to
obtain a place, but she may easily facilitate
his losing one.
"If the 'pastoress' Is to be happy she
must not be'ieve all she hears among the
people and not accept It even when she
knnw anything about their husbands' af
fairs or to r.hjnct to their llaisnns or any
thing that they may choose to do. They
may dispose of their wives' patrimony
to suit themselves, and they may not evea
Inquire as to Its disposition.
Americans know all these things, and
still they yield to the blandlshmpnts and
flattery spoken in a foreign tongue and
lose sight nf the lack of sincerity of the
ipeaker. Thty are blinded by glowing
descriptions of castles and extensive es
tates, the titled gentry usually neglecting
to mention thnt castles and estates have
been long unrared for, as It waa discovered
In at least one case when a lovely Ameri
can girl contra-ted an Illness, the final ef
fects of which were to cut short ber young
Taking Tare of Husbands.
There's no romance left In the world
anyway. Time was when girls dreamed of
Prince Charming, and didn't bother about
anything less Important than the color of
his eyes and the way he tied his cravat
Now they're thirklng of a bank account
so large that almost any man will be
quite Indistinguishable hidden behind it.
They're doing worse than that. I over
heard two mites of girls, neither of them
older than 13, exchanging confidences re
cently, says the Washington Herald. The
taller one was all for marrying money.
The shorter one said she meant to be an
architect and earn her own living. '
"But if you'd marry a rich man you
wouldn't have to," objected the taller girL
The midget screwed up her face
"You can't never tell about money," she
said. "He might go and lose It, and then
where'd I be with hlra to support If I
couldn't work?"
"And would you try to support him?"
asked the first girl, a bit awestricken.
The other nodded.
"I'd give him car fare every morning and
15 cents for lunch," she said, magnanl
Women in the l'nlplt.
More women would occupy church pulpits
Knows it to be true. To keep happy In her u tne theories of an Illinois girl were
heart and her home the 'pastoress' must more generally possessed by the fair sex.
persistently look for good qualities In the Miss Myrtle Parke of Staunton, 111., north
parish and overlook the unlovely. The first east of Bt. Louis, believes that femininity
duty of the 'pastoress' is to the pastor, to can be employed successfully In the pulpit
mane tne nome a place or real rest ana as well as In general church work
reiresnment lor all whose lives center she is a living demonstration of her be-
tnerein. Ana now is this to be done in the ijef, having preached for five years.
miasi oi complex ana complicates civinxa- 6he wlll be ordamed ln Bt Louis this
non as inn oi me oayr eimpiy ny me month a mlnl8ter , tn, christian de
P .I 1 . I nomination. She has already accepted i
complicated and lo be drawn Into outside
Female Sherlock Holmes.
In deciding on her life calling she crossed
the wishes of her parents, according to
American police officers are being taught ""'"V " lu" lamiiy. oae is i
th i.tut m.thnA of criming detection hv d"hter of W. A. Parke, a large land
a woman. It Is the lot of a member of owner of Moupin county, who lives two
the weaker sex to show the men detectives milM north of Staunton, and for whom
how science Is reducing h. capture of con- Parkevllle. a ,uburb , th4t clty WM
firmed law breakers to a mathematical de-
Auction. The remarkable woman In ques- Myrtle delivered her first sermon In the
tlon Is Mrs. Mary K. Holland of New York church at Barnett, 111., five years ago,
and Chicago, world known consulting d-- wben ,ne wa 17 year old. Since then she
tectlve, who Is accounted one of the fore- has Preached at many neighboring towns,
most authorities living on the thumb print For tho iaBt tw0 years she has been the
system of Identification. pastor of the Christian church at Worden.
At the Jamestown and St. Louis exposi- She waa 22 years old on the 29th ult., and
tlons Mrs. Holland was placed ln charge tha anniversary was made happy by the
of the criminal exhibit, a signal mark of Worden church extending her a formal call
honor which attracted International notice, to occupy Its pulpit for another year.
Tn VT Unllanft'a nHvlta nll4tinn am ffe
mora than 10.000 thumb nrlnta and Dhoto- Kansas Woman Probate Judge.
graphs of noted law breakers, the majority
Governor Hoch of Ksnsaa has settled the
of which she has gathered first hand. Her Mitchell county probata judge fight by ap-
collection is said to be the most valuable vi cooper to tne job.
private display ln the world.
Mrs. Cooper la the widow of the late
Frnm T. Rertmtnn. tha noted Paris crlm- Probate Judge, who died about a week ago.
Inologlst, Mrs. Holland was given personal rlng her husband's life she waa deputy
Instruction ln his unique methods of thief probate Judge and thoroughly understands
catching and sha has put her lessons to th wor ' th office. When Mr. Cooper
substantial use. dled' p - Chubble and Cyrus Gaston ,ap-
' In nearly every country of Europe Mrs. Plle fr the place, and each one agreed to
Holland has made use of her remarkable leave Mrs. Cooper In as Judge pro tem.
powers, as well as In all parts of America, "I lot to thinking the matter over," said
and she has a reputation extending over Governor Hoch, "and decided that If Mrs.
two continents. The outfit for. taking tho Cooper was so valuable ln the office there
Impression of a human thumb Is really very was no reason why she should not be ap-
slmple, consisting of a small copper roller, pointed herself. So I have Just decided to
an Inked pad and a sheet of white paper, appoint her and settle the contest that
Mrs. Holland always takes three Impres- way. So far as I know Mrs. Cooper Is the
slons of the thumb and hand before her, first and only woman probate Judge ln
one of which she sends to the secret service the state."
office ln Washington and another of which
i. left with the 'authorities of the city In H Hateaet Her Fertane.
which the criminal haa been arrested, the Two hundred thousand dollars has been
third beina- retained for her own use. earned by the noted woman saloon smasher
Mrs. Holland says that there are not two Carrie A. Nation, since her sensational ap
thumbs in a list of 68,000,000 which era pearance In the public eye. if the state
alike, which fact renders two Identical ment of one of the confidential agents is
thumb prints practically Impossible. Al- to be taken as the truth. This is the
thouah the hand may be deliberately ma- amount which Mrs. Nation "is said to have
tllated with the Idea of changing the ap- made as a lecturer and author, ln many
pearance of the thumb, the torture Inflicted instances her income reaching several
Is all In vain. When the wound heals the thousand dollars a week. In nearly every
marks of the thumb remain exactly aa be- case, aha has given a percentage of the
fore. It Is absolutely Impossible to change receipts In those cities where she appeared
their appearance. , during the earlier portion of her career.
$ During this period the crowds which flocked
The Title Gew-Gaw Mania- to see her could not be accommodated.
Writing of the mania of American In spite of this Income, It is said by one
heiresses for foreign titles, Mildred Stuart near to Mrs. Nation that It has all been
makes these forceful remarks In the St. spent as fast as It was earned ln the sup
Louis Times: , port of family relatives.
America has been given back one of its
most lovable and attractive daughters, now sprint Throat,
a wreck of her former self, with naught Reasonable and persisted care would
1 to rheer her broken heart but her children, make impossible most cases of the "ln-
who have been accorded to her on the evitable" spring sore throat, says the
promised payment of an annual royal sum. Brooklyn Eagle. Where there is a constl-
What has It profited her to mingle with tutional or hereditary tendency to this
royalty, receivethe favor of the king and annoyance the preventive measures have to
queen. If while her father paved, the way heroic, at times. Strict ventilation and
with golden ducats to procure for her sanitation are the best prophylactics in all
profligate husband the recognition which ca,e. Dut the lndivlduai ,jwa,,. Inclined
his title should have accorded him she to uk col(J ,hould carefuUy resuiate his
learns that his dukeshlp was at the same learn ,0 dreM ,,roperlv ,nd ,CCUstom
tune lorie-uing ever tiaini uimjii iici
tlon by his treachery .and disloyalty aa a
husband? One can easily Imagine that
every feeling waa outraged before a proud
spirited American girl would sever the tie
himself to the "cold tub," unless there Is
too severe a reaction. Persons of gouty
tendencies are usually very susceptible to
sore throat, because their systems are In
that hound her to the man whom she had Pr C"ii"n their habits of life.
sworn to honor and obey. There seems to 'At lhl ". . heavy clothing Is as
be an Indescribable Infatuation on the part Daa 100 "nl ,na m n caj" suouia
of American girls for the gew-gaws of a
title, whether it means anything or not;
whether the man be worthy or unworthy.
there be a sudden change ln weight. The
distribution ot warmth should be as even
as possible, though It is well for one who
Ills reputation may have preceded him. He bas always "bundled up" the throat, grad-
may be a bankrupt morally and financially, ually to accustom the neck to exposure.
He may even boatt of the fact and demand fihoes should be thick enough to resist
a settlement of honestly earned American unexpected dampness and large enough to
dollars, enough to liquidate his financial give the fool plenty ot room though few
indebtedness, and boldly declare his In- people' connect the slse of the shoe and a
ability to cancel obligations Incurred 1m- cold aa a light shoe arrests circulation,
morally, and yet he is accepted "for better an(i an arrested circulation U a- very poor
or worae," generally the worse predoml- resisting agent when a persor.s throat is
Dating ln his makeup.
The beautiful, innocent virgin is led to
the altar and the father pays Che demands,
knowing that tn a brief time hs is likely
to have to come to the rescue to save his
ri,IM frrtm an 1 1 n I i m.-1 irrmvm anfl hrlnv
. . . . . , , , church or lecture room
jrr ana ner oiisiimig m ncr nauve lana.
She comes a mere shadow of her former
self, hroken In fortune, health and spirits,
to eke out the remainder of her days in
vain regretting her marriage to a foreigner.
exposed to danger.
Among the Immediate causes, of sore
throat are exposure to great heat or to
sudden cold. Infection, Irritation caused by
dust and bad ventilatiou. An overheated
itb closej win
dows may be responsible for a perfect epi
demic of pharj ngitis, plain "colds" and
toniliits. When the lirst sympto.i s a feel
ing of chilliness or a slight fever, acconv
America, where women receive the love,
confidenue and Indulgence of fathers.
brothers and husbands.
l - v .. ... . nanld by a tickling sensation la tha
Aiicie jiss ucen sewrceiy an exception oi v, j-.., .. . , In International marriages, and throat and pow.bly some d.fficulty In twa'-
wl y- Simply from th. fixed Incompatible lowlng-appe.r. the simple,! treatment may
clspvs.tions of women born and reared In ,ha "'I"d", a,l-lk- ,
After a noi vapur uutn iiiv paueiii .nuuia
be put to bed. 'Tin re he should bo given
very hot lemonade a id perhaps a few
They are taught from Infancy to resent grain or quinine or euin. uinrr i
Infidelity and olaloyalty. They know noth- medicine. If possible he should be kept
lng of being set aside at the convenience in bed for twerty-Iour hours. If the gore.
of the men they have chosen as husbands n" ot W or dissipated a
or of meekly submitting to their divided the end of that tin,, h. should gargle well
.fractions, while foreigner, look upon their with lUt.rln. wal" J,
wive. a. creature, absolutely subservient Wtn grain- ot
ta toelr Pla.ur., who bay. riiibt U Wta sugar to wUr. laaaling the vapor
This Week Is a Week of Wonderful Pricing af the Hartman Sforc
Many out-of-the-ordinary offerings arc here presented for your consideration, but tho story isn't half
told here. So numerous arc tho specials prepared for this week's sale that wo cannot begin to tell you ol
all of them in this announccmcnt-not half. Then the values are of such high character-of unusual
merit. Fortune smiles on you now for in every offering there is presented an opportunity to savo from
one-third to one-half.
Our New Open Account Credit Plan is at Your Service
(I SOUP OAK 1280
Catalogue tree
to Out of Town
Catalogue Free
to Out of 2 own
A very handsome combina
tion Bookcase and Writing
Desk of superior construction
nd finish, fancy shape lYench
beveled mirror and handsome
carving. It Is a tremendous
China Close
This China Closet Is Just
like illustration, is of hand
some bent end design, made
of selected solid oak, neatly
carved and highly polished.
mmm. t m mm
at 1
ri i J w M zL m-
Good Sold
in the U. S.
on Our
sJSJSwassMi.mjaiiSiH ti.njs .! mi ii11w''mjmawnMlBBs
IteS JWm mm
ma kt t f .M jb -v, x ww m r,M v vwuh . i i gfi iiiii n1 ': ri
This Elegant Dresser JCJ
" MT 1
For 0 - .
This Chiffonier Is made of
Imitation oak or mahogany,
extra large base and fancy
shape mirror, serpentine
front, very roomy drawers,
an exceptional value.
This Sideboard Is extra mas
jlve and of very elaborate de
slirn, has swell front and mag
nificent carved ornamentations,
claw feet, large French plate
beveled edge mirror.. Drawer
lined for silverware.
This Elegant Dresse
75c Cash; 50c Weekly
This elegant Dresser Is made of polished oak or mahog
any finish. Is of expert workmanship throughout, serpen
tine top drawers, carved mirror frame and elegant French
plate mirror. You can Bee at a glance It is worth double
tne price we re asking.
As Pep-resented.
1,55 CO-CART
With Hood $8.63
This is the famous Allwin Go-Cart,
the lightest and strongest collapsible
go-cart made. All wheels double under
ts shown in the Illustration. Can be
Dpened and closed with one hand. Has
heavy rubber tires, steel wheel, and
louble steel forks, is of sufficient
Itrength to carry 600 pounds. You can
not duplicate this value in Omaha, $3.00
sxtia with hood.
Il Rooms $j
Qi Furnished
$7.00 Cash, $5.00 Monthly.
This Is a handsome reclining
jkvCart, made of the beat Kast
India Reed, body and reed up
holstered, large steel wheels.
Heavily enameled gearing, and
large rubber tires. On sale
low at about half value.
Fancy Parlor Table .15
This table Is extra well made of solid
ak and haa a beautiful finish, top
ncasures 24x24, fancy shape legs. The
.able Is of superior construction to any
sver offered at the price.
One special offering from our extensive
line and from our numerous bargains.
This Refrigerator is constructed with a
new scientific cold air circulation and is
a wonderfully economical refrigerator. It
ia lined with galvanized iron and packed
with charcoal.
This Is a folding reclining Go
Tart with full reed body, cane seat
ind back, large steel wheels with
rubber tires. It folds compactly
ind Is easily converted into a
tleeper cart.
fA Few of the Many R.ig and Carpet Bargains
Prices represent a remarkable saving,
in Oriental and Floral designs.
.I)U art 1"
mags, 13x9 ft
most wonderful
bargains, this sale,
K,cn 6.75
Fully 35 per cent. Many handsome patterns 1
Axmlnster stags,
slse 12x9 feet
Rich patterns and
beautiful colorings
sale J LC
Boyal Wlltoa
Bags, SU. 12x9 ft.
Best .quality
wear the longest,
beautiful dt'Rlgns,
sale V7 Crt
i ii is ii ,iyWHi ' yi'siNsias n n n"
jr..'- w: TfltH . , IT- - W. rT Isl
rr rw Mr ..a. V w . m ,j - 7 - H
t jirtiit i ii, tn!
neavy Ingrain
Carpet A choice
selection of pat
terns, price per
yard -37c
Brussels Carpets
Splendid quality,
new spring pat
terns, price A1
per yard UJC
TelTet Carpets
Extra high pile,
soft and luxurious,
pyrde v;:. 95c
Handsome Brussels Ruts 12x9 Feet. No Miter Seams
Compare this rug offering with the best value of any other store ln Omaha and
vnn mill learn tn shut m wonderful extent we will undersell all others. These
Rugs are made of the best all wool and worsted. They are made without miter seaKj
weave, ana or exiraorainary aurauuuy,
are of firm
5 Rooms $
n 7-;..
$9.00 Cash, $6.00 Monthly.
ler v.' i: mnni
Has six large eight-Inch holes and high
warming closet as Illustrated above. It's
made of the beat cold rolled steel and beau
tifully trimmed In nickel. It has a large
oven and Is a splendid baker, equal to any
$30.00 range in Omaha. A marvelous
value at the price.
TTffj( m
s,,r"-i ii in i n r i i i inl
22 Great Stores Throughout the U. S
1 -rWn.
m r
r. Tit
Or It ijnt Qr.ui
1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street
No article of furniture ever designed bas
helped so greatly ln lightening the labors
of the housewife as the Kitchen Cabinet.
One of the best known lines of Kitchen
Cabinets ln the country today Is the Mc
Dougall line. For general utility, for con
venience of arrangements and for durabil
ity there are no better cabinets made.
Specially priced for this week.
frcm boiling water and friar s balsam will to make arrests, raids, serve papers and
also give relief. One chlorate of potash even go Into the field on special duty,
loienge every four hours may be taken if "When she took the oath of office she was
the case be obstinate. After this treatment asaea II sne wouia go oui ana ne an r
it Is well to build up with the help oi a
tonlo containing iron.
Woman Deputy Marshal.
Beulah Reynolds, deputy United Slates
marshal In the eastern district of Okla
homa. That ia the way It reads on the pay
roll, and the petite, handsome girl who an
swers to the name Is a real deputy marshal
rest if it was required, and if she would
take part ln a real f.ght if it came to a
showdown, and it was pointed out to her
xJust what duties are sometimes required of
a deputy marshal ln tight places. Her re
ply was short ard to the point,
"I will-lake the oath, and I am not a
The next morning when the marshal came
down he found lying on the desk of his new
Wltn aumon.j iu - - - . ,., ,.., u .i..i,tr nf o.l-
aervlng under -
lent make ana naiiuuouieiy engrswu, wnu
privilege which she usfs,
Grant Victor, marshal of the district.
Mlfts Reynolds was born in Moberly, Mo.,
and educated at Uexlngton. Mo. She was
In Oklahomu City when Oklahoma was
opened. She is a stanch republican) herself
and has friends who have Influ.-nce. This
got her the position she now bolds. She
every chamber loaded lie waa Informed
that It shot pretty a ell and that it was
belter gun than It looked. So far there
are no notches on this gun.
Leave, front Fashion'. MotcUaok.
The hat for the lingerie blou&u is rather
ftrmt m. itcnoniDhnr. but when she siarilinir thin tn a wide-brimmed salkr
went in sh. Insisted on taking the same "EM SSST
oath that any other deputy maiahal takes, w th- brl(TL u u ,rlmmed with a mass
and she also is subject to the same rules 0f wing at one side.
and dutlea Bo far as known sha U the A great deal of attention Is belrig paid
ana ui .... .,.., to the back of the waist, which ia mad.
only woman actually tn servlc. as a deputy a Uy ,1le ,n. trvau is the same
fulled 6tataa marshal. Sne has authority amount of trunmiug and tha back Is Just
as carefully finished. Indeed, It Is impos
sible to distinguish tha front from the
back in point "f elegance. In trimming, in
mult-rial, in dole, cut and finish the back
enuuls, if. Indeed, It does not excel the
front. ,
For traveling the new thin serges come
first, unless one lakes note of the pongees,
which ure exquisite in texture and In color.
Never were the pongees so beautiful, nor
wre they ever so rich In quality. The
best of the pongees are as expensive as
satin, and there come grades that are as
soft aa Henrietta, which, by the way. Is
being worn a great deal in black and ln the
standard colors.
In the violet materials may be enumerated
the creamy stutfs wltn violet flowers run
ning through the detlgn. LHtle lace stripes
with violets and delicate while flowers all
upon a cream background are among the
pretiy novelties. And there come mulls,
lawns, chain, and silky cottons that nuik
up into the most fascinating ot lingerie
waists and skirla
The tall wired stocks wllh the point com
ing up back of the ears have grown ln
popularity. There la a slight dip front and
back, while a full lace ruffle Is pinned on
ai the throat with a fancy pin. There are
guimpea with tall wired sucks, and these
are worn with the pretty prlnceas gowns
of various materials. Frequently a long
Wee frill of softest, filmiest lao. of velvet,
or of deep blue, or brown, thus bringing out
the quality of the lace.
Tha Jumper suits which are her under
various names, but which are varieties of
the jumper, are worn over lingerie blouses
and which must be very elaborate for the
sleeves, the yoke and sometimes the entire
front and back of the waist are fully dis
played. And It is so with the piincets
dresses which are cut off at the yoke, or
a little below. They depend upon the blouse
to make the gown complete. 60 upon the
elegauc of the lingerie blouse a great
many gowns actually depend.
Chat Ah-mt Women.
Lady Ernestine Huijc. eldest daughter of
the marquis ot Allesbury, owns and oper
ates a horse ranch at Calgery, Alberta, on
a strelcu of land nearly 4u,0u0 aores ln ex
tent. The legislature of Massachusetts has
passed a bill pioviding that married men
shall not assign their wages without the
consent of their wives and their em
ployers. Miss Elisabeth K. Jackson has been claim
agent clerk for the Mobile, Jackson 4k
Kansas City railroad In Mobile, Ala, for
the last two years. There is but one other
woman in the state holding such a posi
tion. A shop for the simpler forms of dress
making and to fumiah seamstresses and
menders fori the home by the hour Is the
latest verxura of tha Woman's Trade IJnlon
league of New York City. It is an attempt
to attack two problems at once that of
unemployment and that of th difficulty
of getting work don to order for th
The automobile Is said to be responsible
for the fact that all the American so
ciety women are acquiring an excess of
avoirdupois. In consequence and aa a
counter Irritant, society women In the east
have taken 10 horseback riding. This Is
said to work very well as a combination,
and there Is hope the typical American
woman may regain her former slender
ness. Virginia M. Walker, who has been in
spector of th commissary department of
the Panama railroad, has "mothered" as
many as &ou children In her life. Left pen
niless at the ag of 12 with an invalid
mother jto support, she accomplished mar
vels, w (Tin Lng a small home and getting an
education in five years. After she had
made a good position for herself, she began
her charity work ln New York, then going
to Fans and London, soma child always
claiming her care.
Miss Grace Meigs, a young woman of
Keokuk, la., won in the competitive ex
amination at Chicago recently a place as
interne ln th. Cook County hospital. This
is considered quite aa honor for a woman,
and, moreover, sh. won first place, out
classing all male rivals, this being the first
time any woman ln any hospital In the
I'nited States tut won such an honor. She
Is a graduate of the Rryn Mawr class of
1H3, mid will graduate from th Rush Medi
cal college ln June.