Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Image 17

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    Fhe . Omaha- Sunday
A Descendant of Eevclntiorista, He Patriotically Served His Cotry, ia the SoUi zzd in. th West, and Pisjed a Precunei Part as aa Z-pire Builder
C 1st tb Hwmi
Est West
TEE ancestors of Dr. Mel rill W. Stone cam to America
, wail th thirueea colonies wer Kill tnder the yoke of
Great Britain From their earliest residence in ti aewr
world tbey wer patriots ul chafed under the rot of
kings. Tbey enlisted themselves ani&xg ti first when re
bellion grw aad whea tie fight for liberty began. Dr. Stone's great
grest -grand father wa Thomas Su, on of tfce signers cf th
Declaration of Independence. There were also others of tit ancestors
to gave valiant service ob tie battlefield aid wise ooutel it sex
ttt will ti momentous straggle wa going on which resulted in
the it iepm ienc of th ooloniea and the establishiaent of tie stw
The descendants of thoe members of tie lii wis lived tn tb
revolutionary dan kept aa tt family fame for patriotism Tbey
were always substantial citiaent axd la timef Ttr tier were among
the cotr-try t defeadera Dr. Stone, himself, devoted t Urge jart of
ti lif to service la the amy during th- iH aar, and during tb
Miti'it dijs wbea civllined cii waa taking tie place of th
aboriginal ia- tie big country wet of the Missouri river ud was
platting tit ittttBUPBt and building tit industrial enterprises where
there had be-n aotiing before.
His father v ai a contractor and builder living in Delaware. 0
at tb Tiire MelrlDe wat bom. December 11, 1IS7. In IliZ tie farai!y
nrT-d to tie tori of Wattitrt-on. WastiLxtoa couttj. Ioa- Therm
tt Vt er.trieT.ed tit rrelinilEarT dijcatioB asd toot a f-o-yar
cptmf at tie acadTT atich at tien tie pride of tie frontier
covet;-. Tif be ttrpped oct of tie 'UderxeBt into tae rerter of
riTilisatior. tttinc P tit Dedical ataliet at Belierue coliege. New
ToTk City.
Ftotb that itttJtatioB te prtdtitted Trtti tit def;re in 1 V 1. Jtirt
before tie rivil ti; broke out. He return to til home La leva for
a rrrt Tiif and xhr-n in eoirjiany wVJh axother jotrg 'ett
north ar ("o'.Hftor for a larpe Bortoa xaercattile bocse. Tbelr ter
rrt"ry i;cd"il aertera Tetseasee.. Lonifiaiia asd nontieakteni Teata.
Lie Eetter Then Than Truth
While tbey -aere at tort ia GaJrertoft. dsrtas tie early dart
of tie ir. tiey trere takea ia ttarpe by lie coi-federate airtbor
"tet sad askf d to hoa- reason a by tiey fchotild cot JoiB tie releJ
arrLr. Dr. ttoie'a partner could ttoar ss good reason axd aat fortb
ltt forced to joiL ti ajmy. "Bxt I conKiderfd that a lie well toli
and imarioutiy FtBck to was better than tie trcti ia aotoe ca.
Vl tle'orre in whici we foead ourae-Te. nart Dr. Stone. And so
b t tp" a jifctaeaat little fairr tale atout tit tome beiEg in Ken
ti.ri wtre Ued hit aped father and aotiwer and where tit brotb-era
r T t:ting for htm to come and join a confederal regiment being
rt i tit: e.
It wat bt frttita that the roaap tnaa rbonld be penritted to
i- th nerrice In bit own ttate arooag tit friendt He was aJloed
'r so with tie frJaactioT) that be make tarte to ret to Kentucky.
t :- r h be jwtenoed be wat mct axriont to do He reelected to state.
lo-A'-rer. that hit jrrxcipal otjett la hasten ire to Kentucky wat to
gr;e otf core ajon tie beautiful Ohio riwer and that tit ofcject
in ies'.-in? to (caxe npon thtt hietoric stream wat not an aesthetie
me. hut the practical one of teekirg to eaxe without loss of tim
upon tie ttrfam from tie north era bank which -rfW anion aofL
He boarded a rerenne cntter at Galreftoa and tience rot on tia
frirate M;nncoTa -of ""'Ttj-ro g-ana. Tilt brongit him to tia
irouth of the Miasiffiippi river, and there be took a tug and tie tuj
took lira into Sew Orteara There be wat again cuescionod by a
committee of safety regarding bit trmpatiiet and hit Intentioat and
there be again related tit pleasant tale about tie regiment la Ken
tucky, tit aed fattier and motler. hia feretlrea and tit rtstert and
tne reaouIul ine CT7miEJivr di uwa urn jtt -in,i
artr'ted Mm that be would be given only three bonrt to depart fro a
y-w OWts. He took a rtrer packet for Mempllt In which city i
trr ; ir due fteaoa. There wat repeated tie little tale about tit
v -rent, the parents, tie hroth-ert and aiBtert and tie beactlful
C And thee again he wat ctvea throe hoars to leart tht city.
Poot the Only Way
There wat other meant of leaving exoept oa foot. Bat tia
aa:: i')g was good and before tie explratioB of tit tire boart ta
wat ten milet from tie Inioapitaila city azd rtlll making food rpeod
r.rer the tiet cf tie LoulFrHje k. Memptit railroad. A maa Joined
1 in, OB tie track. And at be wat ia a bardie country Dr. Stone re
garded him with the era of tutpicion. A apy sent out by tit eota
mittee of safety t follow him aad If poatitl to tra him and bring
him back to eater tie rebel army. This It what ha deddo ta waa.
The coarictioa wat farther strengthened by tie manner af tha rsaar
Hit rt-pliea were erasrra. Ht teemed to be w08aliag aometiing.
FinaJ'y be asked his nam.
Abe Tbotcpaoa," waa the reply.
-Well, that's Strang-. X knew a boy by that wery atat whea I
llrwd 1a Delaware, O" said Dr. Steae.
Vk"ht is yoar nam?" demaade the straager.
Dr. Stone told tin and the stranger grasped hit hand and
wTtng rt It drreloped that tba tnaa wat tb wery same Aba Thomp
son whom Dr. Ftx-ae tad kaowa at fc boy. JdareoreT. he was trying
at bard as Dr. Stone to reach tht berth. H had beea in tie aoath
at correspondent for tb New Tork Hrald.
How to proceed best, that waa tie nestloa. They had no era
dentiala Ttompaoa wat an lareatlT fellow and nlckly decidod t
j-,iB the same imagiaary rogisieBt to which Dr. Stone waa going c?
to join ia Kentucky. Bnt his imaglnatioa watt a aceh better thaa
Strne'a, and be immediately dcaded they ought to lave a bote from
-army bead Quarters" stating who they were. It waa ra Cm, for
rtandtng on proprtetiea, aad Tbojxpaoa immediatery wrote out two
ordn-s addremaed to Geaeral Backaer in command of a regiment at
rraalfort. Oa of tbea orders aaslgnerd Dr KelTSle W. Stone to tb
rerDn: as major aad tb other assigned Abe Thompson to tie tarn
as colonel Thus forttfled tie two aiTentnrert proceeded along ti
tra'-k m til tbey arried at Tale's Station oa the rut lis betweea
Keatarky and Tet mwn, where all had to deraia and stay orer
"That towa oertalnly treated as Caa." says tie doctor. "Some
how tb word got around that ww were two officers going to Join
the regiment at Frankfort. A bir crowds assembled In front at tn
hotel aad called erttBsiaatea!ly for ei W went out oa a balcony
and Thompsoa stood up tier and gar one cf the finest patriotic
ad dnaet oa behalf af th south I erer heard. It was punctuated
with cheers aad harraha. Tbea tiay called a me.. I axon and
thanVed them but told tbexa I was as talker and that tie colors-r
id tie talking far both cf aa. Tbey were satisfied and we retired
la a cloud of glory."
i - ' . '
t " W 1
hornly mutilated, whii tb atifcent-e of Red Bird tp'id tie rtory af
tit truarhery.
"I wat ordered from tlre to Lar-nce't Fok. atrre soldjers
were guarditg a cairp of tie ctttr," mi Dr. Stoce. -From Sjd
dt I procf-d d in company w it h Clxriie St. Claire, a a agotti.atter.
ttrccjrh tie mountains. At we mrgfd frora the caxypn out on to
the tbedittii a band of fifty Iniiant dashed into rirw. We had a
running Ztt aiih tlem for ttcty miit and eca;ed :th oar llrea,
Man LiYes Tho-h Sc&Jped
7n the tpring of 1KT a tgtt occurred at Fium.rreek. In which
J. Wiison. tie Utiot Tacific t ag tt at that piaoe, wat shot and
scalped. The Indian a ho took tie scalp a at thot and the icalp re
gaixied. The wounded man a at t roctlt to Orr,h at oukkly at
p.(-.t)e and It-re tie physicians nonked the scap and attempted to
s-w it on the i lat e hence it ltd been cut. The? tu?f3ed ia sea
tLg rt on, hut it refused to pre. Wiison. however, survived..
"In the summer cf lf two conductors on the I'nioa Pacific,
Tom Caloon and 'ftLkt dsu&d(ca. are fsliag ia Lodge Pol
ereek ntrar Siirey. a ten the Indiant surprised tlem. I took tin
arroat oct of Cab-cn ard v out of EdmuLdftoa. None tad pureed
a vital Fpot and the tufa turrived their awful eiperieaoa. Cahooa
waa afteravrd police judge in Ogden. Uttt.
"Tie Indiat? mad- a laid at Fort VrPterson ca ore oecatioa
and d"cv off I0i' bead of lorvt end mtW Loectertnt (to Oen
eral i TdoeuiJ of Fort Ixican. freth from West POiLt, purtaed with
tie Fi'th ctvelry. For five affkt 'e foiloaed the trail and taally
cam upon the hand at Surrn it Spring. Colo, la additioa to re
capTnr.Er all The stolen stck k ae camured tiere 4. CO bale of buf
fa mb.. iI in a liJe: 4 r . f-o r pcucdt of Crd buffalo meat and
bc ;"c-f. to ay notlitr of twenty-one Id bocks and squawa.
tr we fok to 'lite bof ai.d two white girts. The boys
wre Sccul. naed Join Carrrbell and Jame Camplell. Tbey had
1rn rxx'lv fr-m tome fie jetrt before when they were only S years
old. They had been taken hile at pity In a care nader a clay
bank. 1 returned tim to th ir parentt. though It wat hard to get
them to leave tie Indiana We took them to the entranr cf th
caxyoa where their cave hi.3 been. Suddenly a light of latellipeac
came into the eye of one of them. Tgh." be said. Indian-like, and
ran off at once, followed by hit brother. Straight to tie care he
went and be-gan playing again at be had been five years before wbea
matched cp and carried tT ly tie Indiana. The two girii whom w
car-tcred had become thorougcly Indianized, had forgotten their owa, tad each married an Indian buck and ch waa carrying a
child oa her back."
Pioneer cf Lincoln County
to take th army m&lraJ examiraUona. Ee passed these with credit,
wat ralaod to tb rank cf captain and ordered to join the Army of
tie Cumberland nxder General Kosecraxa. With tiia departmeat
of ti tglfitx ir.arl.1ift he remained until after tie battle of Clicka
mkuga. He was with General Sherman in hit march to tie sea re
turned from that hlstaric expeiitioa with General Thomas and went
ttroagh ti battle of Franklin aad of Nasi Till, Tern. At tie
doe of tb war h took charge of all th hospital and xsecical storea
at Clark as rO and Fort Donaldson.
Tb war wat ower . There was no more fighting amotg cmiised
men. But tier waa still fighting In the west where tie red man wat
resisting th ad-rent of ti railroad and other eontxiTances of tie
wilt nu lata his happy hunting groenda And tie white ia tit
benewoleBt plaa found it .necessary reQBatly to tin tie red tn
order to trwtoct The said lmproTomeata.
To th -vest. Ciea, Dr. Stone tamed his face, bringing with tim
lit youxg wife. Her he tad met la ti military hospital at Keokuk.
Ia Se wat Mist Margaret Cot a before he married her, Aagnat 22.
1 Hi. She had beea with him through som of ti scenes of ti
nri: war and did not go entirely unprepared t the wild scenes
which were before her. It wat the last of March. wbea Dr.
Stone received orders to re;ort to ti oc-mmandirg officer f ti
Department cf tie Piatt whose headtuarten war la Omaia. Ar
riritg in Omaha April T. IV 6, he recti Ti orders to proceed to Fort
Sedgwick. Oa tie wild plaint of. Nebraska and ti farther vest
he saw much of bloodshed and sarage iarror.
Boon after he arriTed la F'ort Sedgwick a band f twenty men,
with a lieutenant, set out for Fort Hayea, Kansas, commanded thea
by General Custer. They were guided by Red Bird, aa ladlaa ssb
ctiir. whewe protestations of loyalty war believed. Th men did
not arrive at Fort Hayes in ise time. A searching party of which
Dr. Stone was oiie wat sent after tieta and ti bodies were found.
"When their children were growing up Dr. tone and hit wif
decided ii would be nessary to abandon army life aad settle la
some town where school facilities could be enjoyed. For a whil
tbey lired la North Platte. While living there Dr. Stone took a
prominent part in tie organixarJoa of Lincoln county. Tbey mowed
to Osceola in 1SS and there Dr. Stone helped to organise Polk
county- They Hved there until 1677. during which tim Dr. Stoa
was engaged actively in practice of medicine.
At the solicitation of Judge Reese and other frVeedt Dr. Stoa
moved with tit family to Waioo ia 1S77 and lired tiere nata 1811.
wbea ie wat appointed superintendent of tie Hattinga Asylam for
the Insane, which he opened aad managed antn ltJ. whea be re
signed. In tie same year he wat appointed turgeon gee era! for Ne
bratka, a post which h held wader tire? gcvemort for twelve years.
Dr. Stone wat medical director for ti Grand Army of tie Republic
from 167J to lt0.
A consutntioa naturally Tigoroas for seventy years hat beea
aaAermiaed scaaeatat during recent year by a aervout disorder
and Dr. Stone is now Bring retired with his son-in-law aad daughter.
Mr. and Mra C W. Pieraon. 2 Oil Wirt street. Besides this daugh
ter Mr. and Mr. Stan have tire other children Edward Urea la
North Platte and FJliaer and Harry lir in Omaha and are ia th cm
ploy of the Cudaiy Packing company.
"I haT seen sevcB states grow oct of a country for which I
wotld at have giver 25 eetts aa acre wbea I first looked apoa t"
says Dr. Stone. That wat la the day before man had learned th
hidden value cf tiia country ia which nature had placed sach a prise,
only waiting for the hand ef man to dig for It. Whea I first cam
t Omaha It had a population of only a few thousand; it was not a
beautiful dty to lack at; th Taioa Pacific s wtarjoa consisted only
cf a box ear. Th differeace betweea ti Omaha of t tt day aad
tie Omaia of today epitomises tie dlffereao betweea tie voet of
that dty and th west vt today. - But no on wCl ever know what It
cost la blood, tn hardship, ta money, la all manner of in man end ur
ate to wrest this country from savag ianat and from tb bosom
of tie desert aad make ft a garden spot tar th most advanced peo--pl
oa tie far of th earth."
England and France Join in Opening a World's Fair
Themselves axd Honey Safe
Next aigtt tb yomng aaea arrivwd ia lioulrriri. Tbey took a
cab ai-ihe statloa drov tiroagh a dark street aad at ti darkest
spot on stepped out of each door of th cab. They made their way
to the river; found a boatmaa; fiered hint 12 ta take tiesn acroaa;
whea a demurred tireateaed to kill him aad thus gained th other
aide. Ther tbey were aa frteally soil and saickly mad their way
t Cincinnati and Dr. Eton weat ca to Delaware. O. lie carried
t . ia gold ia a satchel an tireagh his trip. Be bow forwarded
this to his firm ta Boataa, settled aa his afiairs aad proceeded to tit
bom ia Iowa wher oa July IS. 11(1 h entered ti Unioa army aa
a private ia Coapaay H, Seweath Xawa lafantry.
Tb regiment waa takea south ta St. Louis, to Arcada, to Caji
Girardeau, ta Bird's Pulat. eeiz.g axtica serricc throbghout. Oa
NoTmber C. lid th regimatt wat ordered ta Belmoat. Ma., wher
Dr. Sto was takea from tb ranks aad mad a me-dical effer with
th Ctl ( lieatenaat. Ia this eapaery h west with ti regimeat
ttrota ta battles of Fort Doaaldsoa aad Siiloh. Tbea h was
aasigaed to tak a boatload of waanded soldiers cp the riTer to St.
f e-r t Vpom his arrival char h was orderad t g-rooeed ta New Tork
LONDON. May 1. A great exhibition,
which a generation ago would bar beea
tic talk of two hemispheres, will opes
ia London on May 11. but it Is doubtful
if half tie population ef the metropolis
has beard f its existence. And yet Its site is'
witiia twenty Etiaatos walk of tb Bani at Eng
land aad more than flS,0e,6 bat beea spent
oa its architectural features alone la tie last year.
No fewer thaa 12 S large buildings have beea
erected, thirty miles of roadwaya baa beea con
structed tn a word, a veritable fairy city hat
beea created which snrpaabos ia beanty tie Whit
City of Chicago or Its later rivals at Paris and Si
Louis. A worid"s fair no leager appeals to the
popular tmscnaTloa. That is why tie Franco
Brrtiaa exhfbiuoa has scarcely beea heard of. Th
entmot cordial betweea Brttaia and Franc,
which has beea writtea about. pK-tared, sung
about, evea Joked about, at th real genesis of this
exposition. Franc and Its caionies are con
tributing great -vums of sracey as wall at exhibits
of maay sarta. Kaglaad la its desire to show tie
varld Its frtendHaess toward Franc hat don
Itself pro ad la th beaaty and art which have beea.
lavished am. tie exhihitioa grounds and bcildnga
All that tic artLBtic exoeUence, ti commercial
eiterpris aad the pleasure-giring ingenuity of
two aatloBiS could devise and contrive has sprung
Into being. Aa irregular area of It acres tat
beea wsed. aad to aatast risitors to get about boats
a 111 steals along- ti arrfiwtl car. alt, Biriatnr
railways wtU circle the grounds axd small omni
buses aad roller chain pasted ly mea will be at
ti bf wisHara.
Tier arc 121 print pal talldiags. and IH
miaof ones. Twecty-tws palaces bv beea
eewcted. sevea of which are som 71 feet wld by
14 long These win be devoted to wdaoatioa.
fine art, decorativ art, appbed art. tuusic.
womea's work, science, social economy, hygien.
cbemlcal tadastries. machinery aad botanical
prod acta.
It Is true that Jerers of regularity and adher
ence t form la architectsr may tear their hair
at ti medley of stykw ia the conarractioa and
arxJLmentatioa of ti baildinxa. Tex a wonitr-
fsl and beautiful efect haa been achieved in this
architectural Babel. Doric, Corinthian, Egyptian,
Turkifh, Byrantine, Criental and Ara.besc.ue dc
aigna are all easily recognised.
Tie Machitiery hall, covering over 3(,K0
aquare feet of fioor pace, if the largest ever con
Ftmclbd ia coantry. The Paiai cf Women t
Work will be at intereauig at it it beactifsl. Here
every branch of woman 't activities will be exem
plified, and dretfsikkers and milliners from
Franc will re a ith tieir Eritith 6itter artists to
gain tie attention of feminine -risitors. A model
of a hospital fully equipped axd a staff of anrbet
will another feature of this b -ail ling.
The Fine Arts Palace is to have a remarkahle
eC'Eection of picturea Trom ail tie prinrijitl mu
seums of Franc are being sett ty;es of tie mod
em movements and ia painting. Lille,
Nantes. Joi.s and Bcro-atix ttve consented to
Vend their treasured w-orkt of art and tit Luxem
bourg ia Pent will have many grett temjorary
gsps on itt wallt while tbe eihiljtitin is ia prog
ress. English arrest , too, aiil ie well rep
resented. The Palace of Decorativ Art will have model!
of roomi fitted with the interior decoration in
vogue at various historic times from Queen Anne,
Charles IL George 111. Inieo J one, tie hrotierl
Adam and Chippendale to tie present &y.
The Coart of HocTor it the mat bekDti!ul spot
ia the extii.:tiax It ia really a collection of pal
aces rather than one tijd:ng.
On either Bit of a space more thaa ll'O yards
ia width rise buildings of oriental design, all of a
dtxxling whitrneta. Ia tie center ia a T&ke
spanned ty a bride, substantial, but cf a light,
delicate design which tarmoniaes admirably -;tb
the sarroundiLga
Jutting oat from the shore and also from th
bridge are charming little paviljcn iu which visi
tor will be a tie to sit and etj-jy u.? musc cf in
famous Preach and British bkxds w hx-h have beea
extaged to jlay daring th exhititioa. Green
turf and fiowert scrrotad th Court of Honor,
a til tiindred of trwet were planted there over
a year age, and whea thousands cf shrubs are ad
Atd. aa tie win b a txtajana U Ui ta-tp gar
dexing vj have beea accomplished. At present
ilb French and 4E English expert gardeners ar
at tork in various parts of the grounds on ti
sixty arret of gardens which it is promised shall
be in order oa the opening day.
From France has come a magnificent display
of fruit trees, hundreds of peach, pear,
and plum trees from ti cifajtest French tureeri
have beta transplanted and are now thriving in
ef i-eciaily prejiared soil, w hile in ti gardtna of
tie Elite Court are hundreds of transplanted
French roe bushes of rare species.
Ey a ta; py coincidence it was derided ia 1H'(
during the tournament at Athena that the Olympic
fi.nes were to be held this year in London. Suita
ble ac-commodation hat beea found for them tt
the evhiiiition and the stadium which has bees
erected is worthy cf it occaalon.
The beautiful martie Stadiam at Athena,
though a third of a mile in circumference and af
fording space far 50. ('06 jerona. aouid ot touch
tie cinder jiath if it bt placed within the
Fraxico-Entish stadium. This attraorditary struc
ture has been put up ia a l;ttle more than six
mentis at a cost of ttSO.tCr. It wUl stat LP.f'bi
people and hat standing room tut many thousands
Lrloa the seats is a concrete cycle path banked
cp ax th curved ends to a height of Ben feet
and ttlrry-five feet wide in th home straight, oa
snub it aill be tosE.bje to attain a sjieed of sixty
miles an tour with safety. Witiia the cycle path
it a broad cinder path for foot racing, ne-tlird
of a mile la length, and oa tiia all running events
in tie Olympian game sill be decided aiti the
exception of the taenty-v-mie Marathon race.
The grass arena the cinder path is 22 S
yards Icng by li t yards broad, so aill give ample
scope for football, hockey and lacrosse niatcte.
Tfce atllerjc joruc of the Olmjian grimes will
ocujy a fortnight from July U At otler t.mes
ptyaical exercises on a scale hitherto axattempted
in Erf ai d will be jerf armed by large numbers
of Frenth and English toys and girls la the arena.
Oa three tiffct s week firework dis;j?s ar to te
snad alternately Vy French and British pyToterh-
ll Is a'T.tJt la itn: ti ta grr aa adc&uai
idea of th magnitude and aoop of th xiIbitioa
AH tie French eoVoale ar repreaexte4 by a
titiu la their special jialaees and by rfllaXBa la
the recreatiea part of th gronada. India Is s
aoonced In a beaotifcl baildiag. copied from a la
moat palace. There are als Iadiaa villages aad
baxaart and s theater wher IJtbto persona caa b
accommodated and ia which a darbar axd a tiger
hunt win be ti big spectacle.
Cey lon hat a large spaos reserved for tt aad
the houses erected are modfela of thus la th
Cutis t streets ef Colombo.
Ireland tat gon lata th aaifhitloa heart aad
socl. Besides itt Palac of Xadastries, It has coa
triluted an Irish rlliag, waich Is as in teres ting
at anything ia th a tola exhibiuo.
la the beginaing tt waa oaly intended ta haw
an actaal repreeeBtatioa of "McKinley's eottagw."
with the genuine aiadews, doors, stairs, floors,
the large Iron griddle aad eran. tie bed aad even
th lucky horseaho.. It was reasonably supposed
that tils woald apjeal ta an loyal Americans, axd
Irishmen whether loyal ar aoC .
From this original Mea grww tie present vil
lage of taiiy-Maclintoa. with McKinleys cottages'-11
as a racleus There wtU be a populatioa of
2fc0 linng there, and they win be able to feel
theme)ve ouite at home, for theyH se th
-wispt of smt ke" rising to the sky from th -wold
roof." aill breathe the fragrance of the peat aad
have s alacgh with Andy Feelaa" whii admiring
ti fa;r looks cf all tb latported Irish Bridget.
Moirat and Kates
In th 1 hatched cottage win be seea going oa
carpet aejving. lao making and embroidery.
There aill be a genuine Galway fisherman's cot
tage, aed'erf otrse one of the fam-oua round tow
ers w;H be reproduced. A herd of Kerry cowt will
r on tie oottkirts of the rilitge and the hlu
(. ed (oM--eYs sir i ;it item
All tLe gstt profit irom tfce viilsg.. at well at
those frcm tb sale of goods, aill be devoted ta
tie i!T-uuc.n of phthisis, atieh it increasing la
Ire lari
Canada. Ntw Zealand and South Africa
( Courted a Paa Fwax