in Tim OMAHA DAILY HEE: RATFRDAY. MAY H. 100. 'fx- - . A- VffilJn These are the extra heavy now tans, all sizes, actually worth $2.00 n pair, Saturday at . . . Women's Fine Long Silk Gloves VI ,'ind 1! button length 1 clasp fasteners or pearl buttons, Mark only. These gloves are worth up to $2.00 QO at. BRANDEIS Special SaJe of Hosiery Women's Pure Silk Hosiery Plain blacks as well as the favorite light shades includes many lace foot pat- QO . terns, worth up to $'2.00, at OC 50c Hosiery at 35 e Women' Tim nnd IUju k Embroidered Hosiery Also plain and lace lisle IP effects, worth up to a Do, at jDC Fine Cotton and Lisle Hose Women's fine gauze cotton and lisle Hos Iriv. fast black, double solo and spliced 1 1 - -1 Mini tin', at. a pair JC Women', Men's and Children's Hose MIshi-k' und Hoys' f I no and heavy ribbed Stockings Women's hosiery In plain black and colors -Men's host', in tan and .'.r: ?:.?: hmsc Women's Summer Underwear Lisle thread and Swiss ribbed Union Suits, umbrella style, lace trimmed and Jj cuff knee t'C Women's Lisle dieted yokes and lace edges white and fancy colors, each Women's Fancy Vests Also plain lisle thread; white, pink and blue. . , 11 Women's good quality, low neck ami sleeve- "t less vests ltfC Guarantee of 10c Cigars for 5c Every smoker of domestic 10c cigars who will come to our splendid new store and invest Be for a cigar we will guarantee to supply with smokes equal to any 10c cigars sold In Omaha. WE HAVE IN THE LAST TWO WEEKS PURCHASED OVER 100,000 CIGARS AND WE INTEND DOUBLING OUR PRESENT IMMENSE CIGAR BUSINESS. Come In and have a talk with our cigar man. We feel cer tain he will be able to diagnose your taste and supply you with what will suit you best. t Remember 5c is not a great amount of money and it we can supply you with- smokes that will suit your taste you will surely not be prejudiced and cannot refuse to become one of our patrons, or at least take a chance for a nickel. In the past we have been handicapped with dry cigars, but since building our immense new humidor (capacity over 600,000 cigars) we have entirely done away 'with that bad feature. We wish to call attention to one purchase which has Just arrived: Tlnf Ti!..! We claim absolutely that this The Literary Digest vTL'Ya.T.'z our many customers are urged to order a box mmediately, as they will not last long. (Add 22c for postage.) A few other Items: All well known 10c brands cigars we Bell 3 for . 25 3 for 25c clears we sell 4 for 25 10c Literary Digest Club House, 6c; box of 60 for 8250 10c Literary Digest Perfecto, 5c; box of 60 250 10c Duke of Normandy (same brand as Lady Byron), 6c; box of 6U for '. S3. 50 10c Goniola Clear Havana (same as Plnzons), 6c; box of 50 S2.50 Jc Hazel Kirk Bouquet, 8 for 25c; box of 50 Sl'O 6c Hazel Kirk Bouquet. 25 for "...VX :c Hazel Kirk l'anatello, 8 for 25c; box of 60 for "81.50 New bargains coming. Watch our ads. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. TT HATE t IC. Alt DKALKRS. Iflth and Faruaui Sis. irjirjinriiii'fr - "ssMnni DETTER WALL PAPER Come to our salts room and we mill convince you that we can give ou better j ain r for less money. FKKK FSTIMATF.S OX ALL MORK SIM HFWM1N Taa CVT 'Bio will rrz majt A Want Ad EE Will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms or secure boarders on short notice at a very small cost Telephone Douglas 233, Bee Office, 17th and Farnam Sts. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY Women's Long Silk Gloves 1f button length gloves of silk, double tipped. The browns, leathers and Marks 98c $1.50 Long SHk Gloves it 69c Pr. These arc ll! nnd 1f button length gloves, double tipped, pure silk brown, tan, white, black and fancy shades, I Q worth to $1.50 a pair, at 0C ft Thread Vests Hand cro- 35c 25c Children's high neck and long sleeve vests, fine cot ton, all sizes, 11' at. l2v FOR LESS MONEY Omaha's Pure Food Center A Restaurant on Necona Moors Sit J? Small tables at plessnnt wln- dunn. where dainty meals arc'-' served at moderate prices. v !; Saturday Specials i V Large Manzanllla Olives, quart 2Ac$ poc size Bottled Olives MV?'' 50r p.e Bottled Olives 25c y 1-lh. cans Steak Salmon lrc, 3-lb. tins. Roston Baked Beans. IOcjjj English Walnuts, per lb ,,v,- Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt.ftc$ $ Best Creamery Butter, per lb. .2H 'f., A Country Butter, per lb. . . .22c-2lc$ $ October Cream Cheese, per lb. 20c ft 1-lb. package Argo Starch. .. .Be'-' V 4 S-lb. aark Excellence Flour .91. an ft V Strawberries, ( fancy t, per box at I Or and 12 SHrft. ft Per Case, 2 4 boxes ".2.5(1' e CAUNATIONS J 5 Assorted Colors, per dozen 30r ft 9 CANDY 5 GOe Allegretto Chocolates, per r.y pound 40c sp 1-lb. box Berry's Chocolates. '1 20c American Beauty Fruit Drops, 5 ? at lOcjjjj 20o Peanut Nuget lOci.2 1 Old Fashioned Gum Drops, per $ $ pound 10c;-, KKAL AX KOLA COFFKF, " Hundreds of pounds roasted ft $ dally at our Coffee Department; ') on Main Floor. Ankola is sold $ 5f5 here warm and fresh from the A toaster and is the best value for$ the price possible to produce. g a 35c lb., 3-lbs. for 91.00 Tetley's Green Label Tea; M lb. ft 35c value, at 20c 1-lb. tins, 65c value, at 4cft : S MKAT DFl'AHT.MF.XT fttiUDAT l'OHK HALF. SATUKHAV X 'Two tons Pork Loins, (young plgjj; ft4 pork), at, per pound O&cr One ton Armour's Star Hams,$ 5 regular size, per lb i'2tc V Leaf Lard, 11 lbs., for 9I.OO$ ?! From 9 to 10 p. m. we will sell'.. our fine Country Sausage, at per? ffi pound 5c ft ffomtiiey & Go. 17th and IMuglus Sts. Phone Douglas 64 7. i ft ft Private "5 '4 Exchange Connects All Departments. NO MONEY DOWN CLOTHING ON CREDIT Simply tell the clerk to charfje It to you, then come In and pay us a little each week, or on your pay days. It's the easy way to buy you never miss it. Ridgley's is Omaha's great cred it store. The store that sells at cash store prices on terms that you make. Pay as you can. See Our Big New Spring Stock Ladies' Department Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Skirts, Ladies' Waists, Ladies' Hats, Jadles' Shoes, Ladles' Cravenettes, Ladies' Vudersklrts, Misses' Suits, Misses' Skirts, Misses' Waists, Little Girls' Dresses, , Ladies' "urnisliings. Men's Department Men's Suits, Men's Shoes, Men's Huts, Men's Pants, Men's Shirts, Men's Rain Coats, Men's Duck Coats, , Boys' Suits, Boys' Odd TantB, Youths' Suits, , Youths' ltain Coats. ' Wo mousy down, pay as you can. Ridgley Credit Clothing Co. 1417 DOUGLAS STREET UOIEI.I. "Compost Without ExTavOANCE. HOTEL WOODSTOCK W.43-SMSEN5WY0RX E! ! C I ''U S3 Q TRAN8IIKT ElHifia : a! PLAN 'tii ,r. .it iSJti m i ouTit f.oos with sunnino watt. $1.60 and up With atm, j ano vp. suitis, is and up WHITt fOM fAMTICULARS. WkMa fOR MCSESVATIONS, OuS tXtNSt. W. H. VALIOUETTE, Manaoim. UK) THfe BERWICK. RUTLAND. VT From "Maker lo Wearer" ONIMOD o o OXFORDS THR best shoes for stylish men are a pair of the Onimod Specials Tlie Spring Styles in both high and low shoes are now In. Dress yourself prop erly, comfortably and stylishly by DRESSING UP. Start right at the feet. All Onimod and Over-All Shoes are sought for when pnre worn. PHICF.S 52.50. S3.00. $3.50. $4.00 $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 event 203 ThoeGsjsxsz If our navy lad Grows any bigger He surely will Cut quite a figger. President Roosevelt is deter mined that our navy should cut a proper figure as a world power. One of our classy $25.00 Suits will look well on most any figure. Let me show yout W. T. BOUUKE Men's Fashion Shop; 819 South 16th St., near Harney. THOSE HEALTHY ROMPING BOYS. KOW ABOUT THEIR SHOES? We never tire of telling of our boys' shoes. Jf you knew as much about these Steel Shod Shoes as we do, you would be here at the store Saturday accom panied by the boys. This year we have put In several new styles in this particular line and we want you to see them for your own satisfaction. The Sizes and Prices Range Little gents' sizes, 10 to at S2.00 Youths' sizes, 1 to 2, $2.25 Boys' sizes, 2 j to 5 l 82.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam Street 60G POUND BOXES SMART SET CHOCOLATES 29c SATURDAY ONLY. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. J HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA (4 Th Br. t Tar Frl.ata. JUST RECIEVED BY EXPRESS A NEW SUPPLY or MEN'S SUITS IK BROWNS AMD OLIVES THE COLORS THAT EVERY OTHER STORE ARE SHORT ON. OUR SPECIAL PRICE If you should find these shades elsewhere they will cost you from $20 to $25. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-21 DOUGLAS ST. Misses' Shoes TIip younis laity who want s sho that's neat, trim, stylish and com fortable ran find nor Ideals here. Shoes for street or drons occasions the choicest leathers the finest shoe making lace fir button models $1.50, 93.00 to $3.50. Oxfords, Hihbon Ties, I'unips and Colonials black or the new golden brown tan l.SO, $3.00 to $2.60. Our misses' shoo are shared to fit the feet correctly, and we're" experts at fitting-. Don't buy poorly constructed shoes because they are a "bargain." It won't pay. FRY SHOE CO. THE IHOI1I 16) and Douglas Sis. A Word to You About Fashionable Spring OXFORDS -ino S3.50 or S4.00 ivtiitid iir a vaib or WALK -OVER SPECIALS WIX.X. QIVB YOU COMFOBT, JEmVICS AMD INDIVIDUALITY. BOLD OVX.Y AT THE Walk -Over Shoe Store 314 Booth 16th BtrMt. (Four doom ho. Uvalnn Draff Co.) ED. B. TI3HHOI, WU Ott Man. TOB BAI.I AT ALL OBOCXBB BUTTKB BUT BBEAD" Th. first cholc. of ail who hl trt It. Th. Uh.1 1. on th." SPECIAL SALE OF Men's Suits $10 and $12,50 A well known manufacturer offered us I F4 are ainin every day in popular favor the classy dcsiirns, perfect fit, and superb quality of workmanship ;md material are a delight to those who appreciate the best. They're made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx, guaranteed by both them nnd llavden I'ros. See the special values we're showing :;Si::,:rl;-: $15.00 and $n.oo Young Men's Long Pants Suits Regular values up to fl.'j.OO special, at $7.50 and $10 Try Hayden's Firsi A Music Sale Without A Parallel Music teachers, students nnd all loverB of good music will find this a great opportunity to buy Just the kind of music that suits their fancy (in book form) at a price lower than the cost of pro duction. Six beautifully bound volumes containing the moHt cele brated compositions of the great masters and the old songs we all love at 12c a volume. I5V .MAIL 5c KXTKA PKIt t'OPY. r.YOi;iTK HOMK KOMiti 12c. A book containing the following. "Annie Laurie." "Alice, Where Art Thou." "iilue Hells of Scotland." "Dixie Land." "Down In Mobile." "Darling Nellie Gray." "Home, Sweet Home." "Home, Home, Dear Home.". "1 Live Sweetheart for Thee." "I Wish I Was In Dixie." "Killarney." "Listen to The Mocking Bird." "My Old Kentucky Home." "Alassa's in the Cold Ground." "The Old Oaken Bucket' "Tell Me What I Long To Know." "Then You'll Remember Me." J AVOItlTK DI KTS FOK THE PIAXO, 12c. A book containing over $3.00 worth of music for four hands. Our price 12c. YOI XG FOLKS KK.F.D ORGAN POLIO. lio. A book containing several of the best Reed Organ pieces. FAYORITE PARLOR SONGS, 12 A book containing fifteen stand ard ballads of the kind that never grow old. We will hold our usual Saturday Sale of Popular Hits at 19c, Includ ing the following. (By Mail Add One Cent extra per copy.) "Teddy Bears Picnic," big march hit. "I'm Starving for One Sight of You." "There's Another Picture In My Mamma's Frame." AND ONE HUNDRED OTHERS. QUALITY THE M Trr HIGHEST The high standard of quality we maintain and the extremely low prices asked is responsible for an increase of more than 100 per cent in our meat sales this season. Volume of RiiMiickk Not Rig Profit (Jives I's Our .Margin. SATURDAY SPECIALS Mutton Leg ft r I Pork No. I, to. ivt Roast, Pork i (- Picnic Loins, lb. i U2C Hams, lb. OC 5lbs.for25cSPARER Try HAYDEN On the niht of May 3d two highwaymen "held up" the conductor of ono of our cars on the llanscoin I'ark Line and rohhed him of what money he liad in his pos session. We herelty offer a reward of $in).iH) for tho arrest anil conviction of the guilty persons. OMAHA AHD COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADtUMS. Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for $1.0) TUBE ROSES. Mammoth Pearl, dot. 35; Idol $1.0) GLADIOLI, in Superb Minlure. dot. 0c; 50 for Sl.OJ CINNAMON VINE, Extra Lare, each 10c; 12 f J- . . . . $10) DAHLIAS. Assorted, each 10c; 12 for J1.0J niF. NEBRftSKft CO.. 1613 Howard bl. his surplus stock of men's Spring Suits at a cash price fully '2brr to oOr below their actual worth. We accepted the offer nnd will p'noe the entire stock on salo Saturday in twe great lots- not a suit worth less than $1.1.00 and up to $18.00, at $10 and $12.50 All the popular new shrulos of hrown and grey included in these line. You'll never find better qualities and styles at Saturday's special juices. The "Varsity Suits 9 9 Boys' Odd Knee Pants Sizes H to 1( years; great assortment of fabrics and cloths, worth to 75c, 35c at PAVORITK GK.MS FOR THR PIANO. 12c. A hook containing the following: "Battle of Waterloo" Anderson. "Buds and Blossoms" Kedere. "Convent Bells"---Ludo vie. "The Dying Poet" Goitschalk. "Flower Song" Lange. "The Fountain" Bohni. "La Priere D' Une Vierge" Bad- arsewzka. "The Maiden's Prayer" Radar- sewzka. "Remember Me" Brlnkmann. "Sorella" Borel-Clerc. "Sagawana" Gray. "Waves of the Ocean" Blake. "Doll's Dream" Ousten. FAVORITK MASTKHPIKCES FOR THE PIANO, 1'Jc. A book containing eighteen com positions by such composers as Chopin, Schubert, Rubinstein and Mendelsshon. YOUNG K OliKS V A V O R. I T E PIANO CLASSICS, 12c. A book containing twenty-four compositions in the second and third grade. "When the Winter Days Are Over." "As Long As the World Rolls On." "Old Faithful March," by Holz- man. r-rp PRICES THE i-f-a. jl LOWEST lb. C Bacon Strips, lb. 10c Moreil's Summer 1 f)r Sausage, lb 1 lL BS--5 lbs. for 25c BROS. First ID) 1 REWA