Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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1 -
Finn Undertone, with Untettled Con
dition! Predicted.
BraOalnttt' Br port fcw Lara:? Ie
rmi , la llmki at Wkeat"
aaaBall Take
tsar of it.
i a. ,
OMAHA. May B. W.
Ther wss firm undertone to the grain
market thin morning, with unsettled con
ditions predicted. Offerings wer light ml
there was a good demand from miller.
Bradtret'a report showed a decrease of
14.5"M'e Msriels : In stocks of wheat and
bulla were taking advantage of tMa and
reports of very irnsessonasi weather to
a ifane VIie.' The wheat market was
firm and all offerings were absorbed on
any di In the market. Helling was n.
ottered and the market ruled raxner ouu.
held steady. May whtit opened ai
Wc and' cloned at ?c
Torn owned. fjropr, with support gener
ally on the buying side. Very unfavorable
marketing weather over the corn belt,
coupled with a strong demand held prices
at yesterday- ragh point. May corn opened
at .Vc and rlost-d at Mc.
Oats remained steady, with buying more
general and a good ah demand for sample
oats. May oata opened at f c and closed
l i9v. ...
Primary wheat receipts were 1.0
bushels and shipments were 295,t bushels,
agalnsu-receipta last year of 651,uu0 bushels
ar.d shiprmrt of 6"4.0W bushels. ,
t orn receipts were C2.w bushels and
Shipments were 4.V.(iO bushels, against re
ceipts last, rear if 'aw,) bushels and ship
ments or U7.CMI bushels.
Oearancee were bZ.( bushels of corn,
none of oats, and. wheat and flour equal to
18. iW bufhets: .
I.ivtipool closed Vatr'td higher on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
i.oral.t ranto. Jt ptlon:
Articles. I Open. Hlgh.
V.'hcet-I !
May ..I (X
July ..I M M
S-pt ..j 7 TV
Corn- I
Vav .. g?V M
July ..I -V w4
Sept ..
Ot I I
Miy ..! 4!Mt 49l
Low. I Cloe. Tesy.
'i r-
tss! s
49J 43
17e at mark; current recltp. free cases. lc
at mark
CHKKSE-Quiet and barely steady: New
York full creams choice 14V6Ke; "
good. MGHSc.
Raiat its (nllases Cold aad Wtlirt
day Rlala Meraary.
OMAHA. May t. EH.
Heavy rains were general during tha last
twenty-four houra throughout Nebraska,
Kansas and east over the Mississippi and
Ohio valleys. Knows and ralna are falling
In Nebraska thla morntn and rainy and
unsettled weather continues general
throughout the eaat . and south. The
weather haa cleared In the mountain dis
trict and throughout the nnrthwetv and
heavy frosts occurred In Montana, Wyom
In and Colorado. Cold and unsettled
weather will continue in this vicinity to
night, followed by clearing and slowly ris
ing temperature Wednesday.
Omaha record of temperature and r-re-clpltatwin
compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
la. 1907. ljr
Minimum temperature.... 41 42 44 13
Precipitation .18 00
Normal temperature for today. 58 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1,
t. Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In '1907,
142 Inches.
Excess corresponding period In 190, .7t Of
an Inch.
L. A. WELSH. Local forecaster.
form as4 Wheat Regloa Ballctla.
For the twenty-four hours ending at 8
m . 75th meridian time, Tuesday, May
Temp. Raln-
tstlons. Max. Min. fall.
Wall Street Market Opens with
Effectire Support for Pricei.
Ashland. Neb.... 4 41 .b
Auburn. Neb 61 4-1 .42
Columbus, Neb., 4. 41 .R5
Falrbury. Neb.... fl 48 1 02
Fairmont. Neb... 48 4 l.
tar. Island. Neb. .. 39 .4
Hartington. Neb. 4 3 1.20
Hastlnga. Neb.... 4S SS .Rl
Oakdaie, Neb.... 4.1 S7 .
Omaha. Neb 44 42 .
Tekamah, Neb... M 43 1.1
Alta. la 63 38 1
Carroll, la 46 8 .!
Clarlnda, la 4 40 .50
Sibley, la 67 37 .4
Sioux City, la.. 4 38 1.04
Omaha Caafc Price a.
WHEAT-Nn. t hard. arfiSftc; No. 8 hard.
No. 3 yellow,
4 hard. 8Xjc; No. 1 spring.
J. 4tvffc: No. 4. 3g4H'3:
friVgc; No. $ white, M'i'ft
S mixed. 4SV34Se: No. 8
hlte. 4ynt9V,c: No. 4 white, 4VS49C.
RYE No. Z. 74j76c; No. t, 73J75c.
Arlt Receipts.
l .' ' '' WheaL Corn. Oats.
Chicago 36 S-3 34
8 10
i. nicasw v.
Minneapolis ..i.f......llJ
Omaha -.-.t-.,.?.. 29
Duluth 4
St P a
n r t a.
"rl Psrlfle ..
R. T
g T rM..
1 Not Included In averages.
temperature for twelve-hour period ending
at 8 a. m. 1
No. of Temp. Rain.
Ptatlon. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches.
Chicago. Ill 25 &2 40 . .40
Columbus. Oi...... 11 -.84 4! Ki
Des Moines. Ia.... 14 4$ 40 .
Indianapolis. Ind.. ll 68 . 4 .So
Kansas City. Mo.. 19 4 4 .M
ioulsvllle, Kr 17 7 M .12
Minneapolis. Minn. M M 34 .04
Omaha. Neb 16 4 40
St. Louis. MO..;.. 84 SO 1.18
Good. soaking ' rains were general
throughout the corn and wheat belt during
the last twenty-rour hours, 'ine weatner
continues coool.
I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
lea tares of tha Tradlaar aad Closlag
P'rleVa ea Board af Trade.
CHICAGO. May 6 The favorable out
look for the fall-sown crop tauxej mod
erate weakness today In the local wheal
market.' At til lose July wheat was
off J'ac. Corn waa. down He. Oata
were Sc lower. ' Provisions were a shaoe
to "Vicoaer .-,"'
The wheat market opened firmer be
cauke of higher prices at all the European
centera, but an easier tone soon developed
on selling by longs. -"Sentiment continued
bearish .the. Remainder., of the day not
withstanding the extreme bullish showing
of the statistics on the world's visible
siipplv, which showed a decrease of 14.
i3 000 bushels for the -week, against -an
Increase of IW.OyQ .bushels for the corre
sponding time -a year ago. The factors
chiefly , Tf.porulplft tor the .easier ww
were additional r&rns In Kansas and Ne
braska, absence of damage reports for the
southwert and the Ohio crop report, which
showed improvement of seven points
In the coadlUun. of-tha crop In that state
during April. Til' market closed easy.
Jnlv opened -.Wc hJSrt l
advanced to SlHc anrTthen declined, to
Sos "i 04c. The close was -t M49
HOS". Clearances of wheat and flour wre
ia huahels Primary receipts
were 251.000 bushels, against 861.000 hush
els on the same day last year. Minneapo
lis Du iith nt Chicaso reported receipts
of 182 cars, against 205 cars last week and
592 cars a year ao.
The corn .-market Inclined to be weak all
'day Ttrce' wh onv a slight trade In
h. W.v Hellverv and that option ranged
bela-een .a.V-4 lOiiJ.-- The market clocd
' caiv. ' Jtilv '"ffpehed "onchanged to a shade
higher, at '4'a 85e, sold off to 4Vic arid
chsed s 4Se. Local receipts were 32
m iih 3i curs or contract.
.1.1. aMk durlnr tile greater part
Of tan stuwion.- Jwly opened unchanged.
. 7U.r nd sold off to 4'c. w hwre It
-Im.b1 reeirta were 341 cars.
Th. . i,,AkiiiAn oiiLrket waa dull and
steadv - A 4j 10c -advance in live hogs
u tlie chief strengthening Influence. At
1.. Inlv nark wajl uo 2Wc.
imi.fil3 NS. Ird was a shade higher.
' IciiiL Rlba. wera. 2W higher, at
ItV. l.
i -TiimuieJ recelDta for tomorrow: Wheat
19, cars; ioru, ill 'cars;, oats, 131 cars
ho .lo.Ofi. Uesd. .
Tbo loading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. rOpeiM High. I Low. Oose Yes.
May -Jury
6ept. -
" bjiily
, July
1 Lard-
Mar '
Rlhs , ,
' ' July -Sept.
1 08SI l ( 1 oc! 1 K 1 (WS
pWVUsI 91S(e.riS'l0VJSI Mk
rS- XT'!
63 'it
13 &
8 8$
8 Li
'8 70
7 67Wi
34 53HI
2i W
; 3
IS 4rt
13 U
13 W
8 87HI
7 1!4!
7 5
7 67H!
53 I
U 8TH'
13 60
8 48
8 (3
8 70
7 K
7 80
7 55
II 40
13 67H!
13 85
8 45
8 55
8 72V
7 10
7 S.-4
T 55
18 ITH
13 55
13 824
8 474
8 55
8 ill
7 try,
7 30
7 55
j Konl -'."Old. i bi'ew.
' Cah nuotatlons were as follows:
VLOl'R 8te4dy; winter patents, $i.3tS
4 -Ai strata-tits. 83 9MM.4U: spring patents,
.,ttHi s4rattiU. 84.VJQ4.6d; bakers, 8X0U
WHEAT No 8 spring 7eS81.10; No. :
red. $1 0CN.1.08.- -,
- CORH-Na 2. 7'V; No. J yellow, 704c
OAIH-No. 2. 53Sc; No. 3 white, M'n64c
' ' '"BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 60'iic
' '" frKKI Flax. No. 1 northweatern. M il
l-NiV1810NaW 4hort ribs, sides tloosei.
16 7tu;.12'.- . Mess pork, per bbi., lU.SI'aiy
U 5a Lard. Iter WO Iba., J j. Bhort clear
ides boxed). 17.87497 24.
Following wera Mi receipts and ship-
Bieats at flour ana rrsin:
Receipts. Shipments
' Flour, bbls., , . U.tfW
.' 'Wheat, -'bu... V..'.. .-'...' .0 3
-4.'orn. bu....,..... 254.) ii
Oats, br.-..,...-...,v$''t, , 39 5)
Rye. bu , 8t) S.)
fcarlev: bn.J.....V...i'. 68.400 iu
". - Oil tha Product exchange today the but
ter jnukrt waa steady; creameries. la;
dairies. 1S.iS4c. t-gs. steady; at mark.
rases included." ' 14c; firsts, 14c; prim
firsts 154c -Cheaaa. steady; llQUc.
Avallabl gaaalles at Grata.
kf w XnmK. Wv S pineclal cablea and
teUrraphw inniunlcationa received by
lia.iirsvt sfeuw the. following rhang-s
in aawaila. aSiiHlixt- a compare! with
preloa -ai'ceasl : '
ue--'nted tatew. east Rockiea. dc
rriie4 !4 l4 bushela: Canada. de
. r...t 1 sO A.jt bushels; "total. I'ntle
ftiatea od -CwnaOa. " . decreased. 8.783,000
Ki .hi...,!i tar and - in rXirope. de.
creased 7 S'il) Oi'O bushels; total. American
and Eurofefjv JiJI'pl)' decreased, 14.i63.0uo
bushcia. rt -.' .-. -i-oi-i-i.tlnld
States and Canada, da-
pmu Vjh w40 bumbeis. -
iTTl. Laited tH&ias and (.Canada, de
creased. l. uad aaahels.1- '
. The 4adtng Increases and decree lea re
ln-rrM.'ii(t private elevators
54tuO hwilmi; siasS'toba, 373.0O0 bushels
illlHiaiikM rrmlt auevatora. 71 0 bush
tla, inaaertt-ll. D . bushels: tit. Jo-
M.h. MiM) fcushelfv; Cimaha. ll.Wt buah
fls. iiitiwiaan Louiavilla. 6D.0o0 buaiiels.
f the Day
NFJW YORK. Mar i.FLOCR Receipts,
ao.K.'S bbls.: exports. 1.732 bbls. Market
firm, with a fair demand. Minnesota
patents. 85.Waa.&0: winter straights, 84.25'8
4 : Minnesota bakera, 4.134.M); winter
extras, 33.5ttM 10; winter patents. I4.aOi4.N);
winter low grades, b.voi.wj. rtye nour,
stead v: fair to good. 14. 4t64.90; choice to
f j n - I liv
CORN MKAly f irm; nne wniio anu jei-
low, Sl.45ttl.6o; coarse, 3140SX45; kiln dried.
I t hi',
RYE Steady; No. z western, sc, 1. o. o..
Kkw Torlc.
WHEAT Recelpta, 46.000 bu.r sales z.iw.'w
bu. futures; bu. srpot. Spot market
steady. No. t red, 31.10, nominal, elevator;
No. 2 red. xi. ii.. r. 0. o., aiioai; no. 1
northern Duluth. II 1. f. o. b.. afloat; NO
2 hard winter. 31. 134. f. o. b., afloat. In
spite of a tremendous decrease in me
world's stocks for the week and a large
export tiade, wheat was quiet and no more
than steady all oay, retieciing an over
bought condition, which was Influenced by
the better southwest crop outlook. Last
nrlnoa alinafaul & Tta.rtta Vo Hat lOaS. May
3l.Vjl.rM. closed at 31-19S: - July. P9SC6
$1.00. closed at 94c; Septeniber. 83494c,
stosed at WVc T '
r CORN-ReceLPts. . Z.100 pu.: .exporta. oi.siu
bu.: sales. 5.("V) bu. Spot market steady;
: ftte. nominal, elevator, ana ,k, nom
Inal. afloat to arrive. The option market
opened steady on wet weather news, but
reacted rlosina- Vc net lower. May closed
at NOc; July. 73Si4c. closed at 73Hc; Sep
tember closed at 71c.
OATS Receipts. 57,i bu. Spot market
leatv: mixed oata. 28 to 33 lbs., 664
natural white. 28 to 32 lbs.. 874c; clipped
white, 82 to 40 lbs., 636c.
HAY On let: aood to choice.- tl.08Sl.06.
HIDES iuiet: Bogota. 17c; Central
America, 17o.
I.KATHER Oulet: acid. 19a27e.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $16.30
Ci 17.ii; be. f hams, ti.flrB 28.00; packet. $14.50
fi5i: cltv extra India mess, $24.O0& 23.00.
Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, t.1
IO.00: pickled hams, $10.00. Lard, firm
western. $S.56S.iO; refined, quiet; con
tlnent. $0n(: South America. $9.75; corn
no linn. 37.7543 8. 124. Pork, steady; family.
$17.50: short clears, tl8.0u317.25; mess, $14.50
Air, t
TALLOW Duil; city, 64; country, S4
ex.. iv
RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. 34
;ic- Jmtan. nominal. I
BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, 27c;
extraa. Ztttoc: tnira to nrsis, irax: neia.
oemmon to special 154'5c; state dslry,
common to choice. litgHbc; process, common
o specials, log Etc; w estern raciory, iutsis.
imitation creamery, firsts. 21C1ZSC.
CHEEbe, Bteaay; iuu creams. 01a,
necial. l'AC: lull crvaniv, uiu, siiiii, .uiia.
fancv. 15c: large and small, colored, fancy
144c; fair to prima. UV'U-13c; common, tg
tw: new 96104c: skims. lr,c.
EtiUB f irmer; siaie, rniiuTiH ana
nearby fancy, selected white, l4c; good to
choice, 174ifflc; brown and mixea, i.qisc;
fresh ssthered atoraga pacaea, itmi.wc.
POl'LTRY Alive, ateaay; spring emeti
nes, ae: towis. uc, lurarrs. 11c. iiTiia
steady; turkeys, liflLc; fowls, 114-1340.
St. Lals Ueaeral Market.
bt lins Mo.. Mav 6. WHEAT Close.
trsck No. 2 red cash. SLlMl-flS; No. z nard,
as, 'nit OS: Mav. 9Kc: July. Hic.
( ORN TtcK, KO. i earn. I'jc; lo. II
mhlie T.iT.-p-c: Mav. SSVc: July. UC.
OATS Track No. I cash. Sue; NO. Z White.
FLOI R Dull; red winter patents, n.oca
4 i; extra fancy and straight, K10B4 W;
Clear, t3.56-a3.70.
SEED Timothy, firm: n.!iTi.6Q.
CORNMEAL Steady: 83.00.
BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, 31.1!?
HAT-Steady; timothy. $10.0OS15.O0; -prai
rie, $.eoi2.oo.
H A OO I N O 774C
PROVISIONS Pork. steady: lobbing.
$13 65. Lard, steady; prime steam, $8. IV?
8.20. Dry salt meats, slesdy; boxed extra
shorts. clear ribs, $7.50; short clears,
$7,874. Bacon, steady; boxed extra abort.
8174; clear rlba. $8.26: short clears. $9..
POl'LTRY Firm: chickens. 104c; springs.
2Sii2J:; turkeys, Il'aUc, ducks, c; gecsa.
BITTER Higher; creamery. 34ff34c;
dairies. l4"ikc.
EOOS Uc. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bblf 9.W ll.
Wheat, bu M.U") 20.0i
Corn, bn 71. ft") (.)
Oats, bu t,0W 120.000
Period of Dallaesa aad gtagaatlna
"Which la Followed by Rally
Farthered kg Ooadltlaas
NEW IORK. Way . Effective support
for prices was forthcoming at tha outset
of the stock market today. Sentiment was
so far encouraged by this demonstration
that the selling of stocks, which was rap
idly Increasing when the market closed
yesterday, waa discontinued. The most
striking feature of the dealings after, this
prtliminary stand against reaction was the
profound dullness, approaching at tlmea to
stagnstlon. The rslly was furthered by
the Influences from abroad. London had
recovered from the uneasiness caused by
th news of outbreaks on the borders.
News of the military advance was respon
sible for this change of feeling, which in
duced a recovery In the price of British
consols and also some rebuying of the
American securities sold yesterday. Ar
bitrage brokers were purchasers of seversl
thousand shares of stocks here for foreign
Some of the late selling yesterday, espe
cially of Cnlon Pacific, was caused by the
Ilrst reception of the announcement that
authority would be asked to Issue $100.("J,-
ot) of bonds, the assumption having been
general that no more than $10ii.O would
be asked for. Borne of these sellers re-
bought today on further consideration of
the assurance of the president of the com
pany that no more than S'-o.OOO.OOO and pos
sibly only $J5,oO0.00O. would be sold Imme
diately. There were vague Intimations,
also, that further news of a favorable
character concerning I'nlon Pacific was to
ne rnrtneoming soon, implied as naving to
do with the plan for segregstiun of Invest
ments tor distribution to stockholders.
Houses which recently bought heavily In
Ct. Paul and conspicuous supporters of
prices were open buyers of I'nion Pacific
and Southern Pacific, and thla buying waa
accepted as a proclamation of Intended pur
pose to continue that support, which Is
attributed to the financial powers desiring
to further tha I'nion Pacific bond flotation.
me bears were Intlmlristed by this show
of force and refrained from attackinsr
valucs. Immediate news developments were
not Important. The rise of the earalnva
of the Vanderbllt lines for March was
given a great deal of significance owing
to Its striking demonstration of power to
economise to a sufficient extent to meet
the decline In gross earnings. For New
York Central Itself a gain of $U7. In
net earnings was shown In spite of the
decrease of tfl87.64 In gross, the difference
naving Deen made ud by the cut in oper
ating cost in excess of tha gross decrease.
A compilation appeared of reports for
March thus far made to the Interstate
Commerce commission reduced to a per
mile basis, from which it appeared that
cpi sting revenue of the railroads In March
nas risen wo over February and Mi nv.r
January per mile, estimated from the total
mileage reported in each case. As the
operating expense per mile In the same
period was- almost stationary, an Improve-
mwni in ine rate or ine net return over
the preceding months Is argued In the
average showing for the railroads of the
country as a whole. Sales of additional
New lork City revenue bonds on a de
clining Interest basis showed the Improv
ing investment demand of capital. Copper
nuvanceo m ixmaon. Discounts receded In
Ixindon and Paris. The I'nlted Statea Steel
stocks became conspicuous sustaining fac
ors in ine late market.
Bonds were firm. Total sales, nar value.
$2,704.00. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Following were the sales snd rsnra of
prices on the Stock exchsnge today:
alts, Hlsa. Law. Cloak,
NatlAMi Leat
n. g n m m ra
New York Oatral
M. Y , O. W
Knrtnlk A W.,
N. W. vti
N'nrth junarlraa
Pacific Mall
PanylTanta. x-41v .....
People s o
p . c. c. a 8t. L
preaaxl Si eel Car
rriw.i l C. trtS
Pullman raises Car ......
ftexllfif lt pfi
Retain M M
RcnMte feet
Republic Snl.pf4
Rork Itltnd Co
Rock tsirnd Co. fit .....
St. L 8 r 3d fl
St. Loull W
St. L S W. fi
Souther Ptrtftt
So. Faririe pt
So. ktllwtr
6v Raiiwtr 'a
Teitt A Pacine
T.. St. L. A W
T . St. X.. W. M
t'nloa Ptclfle
t alon Pacific pt
1". 8. Ecpraaa,
t. fl. Raalt? -
l". 8. Ruhbar
I'. 8 Rubber pfa
l 8. Steal
I", ft. Pteel pt
Vt Ctralint ( hemietl ....
Vt.-taro. Chtrs. pa
Wtbaak I4 ,
Wtlli Ftr(n Exrrast
Wtatinfhouat Electric ....
Wettera t'nloa
Wkeellrui L: K.
W'itronaln Centrtl
ii reetrtl pf 1...
Northers Pacific
Oatrtl Letlber .
Cenirtl leather f
ilott-Bheffltia tlfi .....
Great Northern pld -
lnterboroush Met. .,....
Int. Met. pti
Vtah Coppar
Total salts tor the Oar.
lit .
. tnt ti4 US ,
. u v ni
.' ira sa ' t? 4
. t-P l.tH hl )
4" M" XH
pa atu, st i tt
. H
a t P t
. ll.P lla !li
4"S P aH
. I") 4 f "
1 tt It M
. s.M 114 10M PH
tirti l 17 I'
I" 74 rts
. l.t'O U' 1 !'
liv : 11 4
) M ti
.Vn tS 4
. 40. 0 S.11, K 1
VI 114 111 lit
II H It 1S4)
4f't '
. l.n) X it
. " inn '401, 4u, tan
. ll.ino 1W 13 1S
'. 41
. ism N14 t,s H
. t han "2 11 l"4
1) lS lH 1
sra t lttt "
tt4 4IH
in ti tm t'S
ion its 114 '
. lt.?r0 inv, itt
. t.sno l 4 PHs
l M pai pi
7 no 4.SH w -H
. 1 it ir itth
1"0 1 tt,
:fm j r ft
. t.OM 314 n
44t.iM shtres.
Cattle of All Kinds Steady, with Soma
Kinds Strong.
aee aad I. a sabs la I.lgat - Sapaly,
wlh Ks Vary Great Caanae la
PreTalllag Prices P
Stroager la taa.
Receipts were:
Official Monday .
bsumaia Tuesday
last year
The official
Ktw Yarat Maaey Market.
TILE PAPER 3i- per cent. Sterling
Exchange Steady, with actual business in
banker's bills at $4 868564.8 for demand
and at 84 844.-4.844 for sixty-day bills;
commercial bills. 4.B-4.4V
SILVER Bar, RSVyc; Mexlcsn dollsrs. 4?c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad
bonds, firm.
MONEY On can. easy at per cent;
ruling rate. IS per cent: closing bid. 1H
per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time loans,
dull but firm; sixty days. 2g per cent;
ninety days. J'oSi, per cent; aix months,
lVp per cent.
Tha following are tne closing quotations
4a, reg.
an bonds:
V. 8. ret. is.
is ewipoa .
V. 8. It. reg.
dt eowpoB .
C B. BtW
So cotpca
Am. Tofaacoo 1
do a
Atchltos fta. 4
so i4). ...
Atltntlc C. L.
Btl. Ohio U
to l4
..1SU A N. sal. 4t M
..10MkVtB. C. t 4t NUj
. .lOKNMei. Ctntrtl 4s. II V
. lfS Mo ltt Inc lMt
. .11114 M. A Si U 4s Si
..U1'4M . K. T. 4a P7
Tl t4o j, s
1SN. R K. of M. t 4a II
1 r. T. C. a. It IPS
1 N. J. C. . tt 1M4
4 ... PtiNo. Pacific 4 lf
ton It",
1HN. W. e. 4a H
Rrk. R. T. c. 4t 1 TJVtO. I. U. rfd. 4a.
Centrtl of Ot. ia....l4wPaoa. cv. 1st
. 1 Rttdlag tea. 4t
. 4ttSt. L. 1. M. e tt .lMH
. It. L. a I F. fs 4a. t4
.10 St. L. I. W. e. 41... Mi
. U Stebntrtf A. L. 4a... 4
. Ml, So Ptrltle 4a S4
.In da ltt it cttt p
. T 'So. Rtllwtr tt p
Ttltl P. It 1104
vO let Inc
lo M Inc
de Id Inc
rtiet. a Ohio 4Ht..
Chlctto A. IVtt
C. B. A Q B. 4.
C , R. I. A P.
do rol. tt
ore. a st. l,. g
A. M
. -raakawltita PTd.e Market.
fHruAP.tX.mvK- ur 8,-bi'Ttkr-
Bieaf1)", fiijV lenii4: efa western crt-a
rlV ."..T' i.'iiiJa." AC.
LGCSiorvaiy; avstcra i.rsn, lie.- tat
Adami Bxpreas
Amtlfamtted Copper
Am. c. a r
Am. C. a F. pf
Am. Cot loo oil
Am. Col ion OH sfa.
A marl cat Etprtta
Am. H. a L. pfd
Araertcta Ice ,
Am. Unwed Oil
Am. Uattwd OH pfd
Am. LocomotlTt
Am. LaKOmotlTt pfd
Am. 8. a R
8. At -....
Am. Rustr Reftnlnt .......
Am. To ha ceo pfd cltt..... .
Aatcondt Mining Co
Atchltofl pfd
Atlantic Cottt Une
B lu mora a Ohio
Btl. a Ohio pfd
Brooklra Rtpid Tr
Cantdita Ptrlflc
Ctntrtl of v Jtrtey
Chettpetkt A Ohio Ot. W
rhlrtao K. W
C, M. St. P
Chlctso T. A T
Chlctio T. T. pfd
t. c. C. A Bt. L
Colorado F. A I
Colorado a So
Colo, a So. 1M pfd
Colo. So. !d pfd
Contolldtted Gtt
Corn Product!
Corn Product! pfd
Deltwtrt A Hudson
Del.. U A W
Den rap Ac Rio Grandt....
D. A R. 0. pfd
Dlatlllera' Securities
Ent la pfd
Erie Id pfd
General Cltctiie
Illltott Ctntrtl
Inttrntttottl Ptptr
Int. Ptper pfd
Itt. PwJnp
Int. Pump pfd
Iowa Otirtl
Iowa Oatrtl pfd
Ktnttt Cttp Ro
K. C. So. pfd
Uratarllle A N.
MtEkeaa Central
Mint. A St. L
nt II H S (144
UT0 Salt It
" "it ' in,
1 too Ms, tXH 8t
.0 4 47 4114a
ins v- vm at,
J.4) TJH 71ki 71H
tm xrv, -inv -...
l') Ui 177 JV
i pj tnt4 m
I. frt Jia, rra, 3414
i. sis sn', an,
4"A tt4 lH stv,
l'A M M Mi,
l.f tTV, 17 ITS
t ') 47tt 4i't 47
' 4.J J'V, Mil, iki,
4 4
. I S") HI l'a Ul
II. SO 11H4 12S 1S
l.fn !4H SS4,
"i"-a u, t)
i-'l tS it 5t
) to 4.)
"i 11. 1 11914
a" 14S 14V, 14
0 lMSa lttlt l.Ma
' :i
4"0 S74 S7 17
l 31 M C14
l.HO 1i, 'lit lii
MSa 11 IS
24 :t a
loo 11114 1SJ"4 111
100 1U Ui llfitj
IO U i M
r U J4V I4t4
. 1.1 lut 11S M
l"n M lf, hH
I0 r tt 24 S
T.. St. t A W.
t'nloa Pacific 4
.It do ct 4c
.K'31" 8 Steel td tt.
. M Wahttk It
, tl Western Md. 4t. . .
. 744W. At U K 4l..
wit. Centrtl 4a...
.1H Au hlton ct. 4t . .
. 71 "do tt
, M Int. Met. 44e
Colo. Ind. tt. ter.
Colo. Mid. 4a....,
Colo. A So. 4a....
cube 6
D. a R. O. 4a..
Plitlllert' Sec. tt.
Erla p. I. 4a
do sea. 4a
Hockinz Vtl. 4a
Japan 4t
do 4St etfi
lo Id terlet . ...
Bid. Offered.
Boatoa Stocka aad Beads.
BOSTON. Mav S Money, call loans. 2S
4 per cent: time loans, 31 per cent, aaked
The folloMng were the closing prices on
slocks and bonds:'
.104 V,
. 44
. v,
. I4V4
Atchltoa adj. 4...
do 4a
Max. Central 4a. .
AtchltoD .,
do ofd
Boatoa A Albany
Boatoa a Maine.
Hotum aglertitd
Filrfchars 4o-( ..
Mevictd Canlrtl .
wN. Y-. N. H. A
t'nloa Pacific
Am. Ante. Cbtia.
do pfd
Am. Pnta. Tubt...
Ante. Sugar
do pfd
Am. T. A T
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Pominton I." A 8. .
gditon glee. Ills
General Electric ..
Mitt. Rlectrlc
do pfd
Matt Oaa
I'nited Prult
Vnited S. M
do pfd
V. S. Bttel
"do pfd
Aike4. Bid.
... M Atlantic
... KHBieshtm
;tcti. a Htcia...
.... H4Vrileaiitl
stv. Copper Ring ..
..:. Dllr Watt
...AH Franklin
....lM Ortnhr
....lJS.rafe Rorllt ....
.... 1iV.latt. MlalBg ..
H..1M Michigan
.... II Moot. C. A C.
U Old Dominloa ..
.... tnceoU
.... 1I Parrot
...Alt Qnlncf
..,.117 Shtttos
.... ltiir'Timirtek
4 TWnltT
. 17V4 t olled Copper .
.114 , 8. Mining..,.
....lM4f. 8. OH
.... 44 Viclorlt
.... 1 Wlnoot
....1174k WolTertnt
.... ft", North Butte ....
.... J74Ruttt Coalitloa
.... MSNtvtdt
... l'0trl. a Arltoaa log
1Arloni Com 174,
j uresnt cananot
. i S
..... Z!
84 V4
New York Mia lag; forks.
NEW YORK. May S. Closing quotations
on mining stocas wera;
I Uttlt Cllet ..
A dims Con
Bruntwlck Con. .
Comttock Tunnel
Cos. Ctl. a Vt. .
I rol tllTtr
LctdTlllt Coo....
. 1
. I
. n
. t
. i
Sierra Nevada
Small Hoptt....
. I
. 14
. t
. w
.. II
Baak CI e a rings.
OMAHA. May 8. Bank clearings for today
were 81.763.2SJ.K and for tha corresponding
aaiw itti year si.soi.iaa.JB.
Bank Clearings for April
larger volume of payments thraogh tha banks at some leading; eitlas In tha West
lsdioate further slight tmprorcmant ia that seetkra, but la tKbar seetleas sf tha eeuatry
tha larfw loss of bank clearing la April dtnotas eoatliiutd raatrlotloa la sank
swnltmtota, total axchangaa for that raosth at all eltlea la the Uattad Slates, a rsportad
by & Q. Ptrg 4 CO., being 83,743,135,263, a daerease of 22 per cant spared
with a raar ago and tt.5 per aant compared with April, 1901 Tba loss at
Ksw York City, da In larg-a measure to tha rtdoeed rolama tf operation la tha
sptcnUtlTs market and to tha lower security Ttluea, stiU srertbtdowt tha loss la sthsr sso
tkms, though It U heary at moat New Kagland, Ulddl Atlantic. South 'Atlaatle aad Pseifle
eaaat polata. The small loss at Chicago, compared with a year ago, ahowi that tha volume
tf paymaata throagh tha baaks at that important dry ant again aearl as large as the hry
total la 1907, while la tha eomparisoa with 1906 there is aa laereata At number of cities
west of Chicago tiers ara eontiderabls galas oyer 1907. aotably at Kaaaas Oty, while at
St Paal the loss U very small j likewise at Detroit, Milwaukee aad Iadiaaapolia. Ths
reports from Philadalphla, Plttsbarg aad other leading troa centers Udleata Uttla Improra
raeat la that important industry, and at tha South, condition ars far from satis
factory, tha loea at Baltimore, Richmond, Atlanta sad Ksw Orleans beiag quit heavy,
though It Is small at St Louia, Memphis aad Chattanooga Th April statemsat Is Uttla
batter than for th preceding snoath thla year, as shown by th arerag dally figure for
th yaar to data. th loss being heavy la each month. Compariaoa ii mad below of baak
axchaagea by section eoTerlog Utras ysars; also th arsrags daily Igaraa for th year
t date:
hogs brought principally $S!MJSnH. "Hh
a top at $.v.jy
RepTTtentatlre sales:
OMAHA. May 5. 19".
Csttle. Hogt. Sheep
as i
l.t ..
1 .'.
1M 14 6
2.'7 7t STi"
tl JEW LtW
7 l.Vfvi l.4
717 71 723
67 a
147 .... 110
3.294 7.05 4.S6S
Two day this week.... .T3 14.W -
Same days last week 7.8T1 15.W7 13.71
Pame days 1 weeks ago.. 4,M 1 li
frame days a weeks ago.. 7.344 16 464 .11
Baine days 4 weeks ego.. $.1& P.M7 U.il4
Sam days last year ,1M UT-M 1.31
Th following table shows the receipts
Of cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha
for tha year to date, compared wttn tne
inns. hot. inc. l"
312.431) J?0)
1.T14.47 84S.7W) 1,6K
K4.71S VT,.0 171380
number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs-trheep.H'r's.
C. M. A Bt. P i
Wabash 1
Missouri Psclflo 1
I'nion Psclflc 46
C. tt N. W., east
A N. W.. west S
C ft. P., M. A O.... 17
C, R. A Q . east 1
C, B. A Q., west
C, R. I. A P., esst.. 8
C. R. I. P.. west.. ..
Illinois Central..- 4
Chicago Ot. Western 6
Total receipts 146
The disposition of the dsy's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omsha Packing Co....
Bwlft and Company
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour At Co
Vansant St Co
Carey At Benton
Ijooman dk rtotnscniia.
W. I. Stephen M
Hill Hon
P. P. Lewis
Huston At Co
B. Root At Co
McCresry A Csrey
Bam Werthlmer
H. F. Hamilton
P. O. Inghram
Sulllvsn Bros
Other buyers
v. u. p
Clevelsnd Pscklng Co.
Kegan Parking Co
Cincinnati Packing Co.
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning
were quite moderate, although auout on
par with yesterday a run.
The market opened with a much better
feeling and operators were generally look
ing for higher prices. Buyers were an out
early In the morning, but it soon became
apparent tnat everyone was looains; iur
hsndy light csttte of good quality. Bales
men who were fortunate In having some
thing of that kind which found special
favor In buyers' eyes, figured that they se
cured prices that were a little stronger
than yesterday, som of them quoting tht.':'
sales as much aa strong to 10c higher. On
tha other hand the medium to Heavy came,
especially those on the plain order, were
very much neglected all tne morning ain
they wera at the best no mors than steady.
ilh some sales lav tact looking easier.
There were no cattle her as good as the
tons yesterday, but there wer some good
enough to bring S6.7Df.Bi). Toward the
ciose heavy cattle instead of Improving
weakened off and In some cases sold as
much as 10c lower. Handy light cattle un
ites good were also easier at the close, in
fact they wera not sought after at any
Cows snd hellers were very much sought
sfter and the market waa active, with th
moderate offering all changing hands in
good season In the morning. The prices
paid were, to say the least, strong, with
salesmen In some cases quoting It strong
to loc higher. For the two dsys this week
the market Is safely 10c higher on cows
and heifers.
There was Quite a sprinkling of stockers
and feeders In the yards again today which.
in addition to yesterday s large run, made
the supply quite liberal for th two days.
In spite of the fact that the country de-
nd had not proven any too targe tne
speculative buying was pretty good and the
most of the orrerings sold early at prices
not very much different from those that
prevailed yesterdsy. It was noticeable,
however, that owing to the large supply
there was a certain undercurrent of weak
ness, although not sufficiently pronounced
to affect prices materially.
quotations on came; uooa to cnoice
corn-fed steers, M4'ttH5; fair to good
corn-fed Steers, t5.s6fiw.40; common to fair
corn-fed steers, MfeijoB; good to choice
cows and heifers. $o.t.R.); fair to good
cows snd heifers, t3.Si.ftS.0P; common to
fslr cows snd heifer. $2 locate; good to
choice stockers and feeders. 3S.OOS8.bO; fair
to good stockers and feeders. $4 6096 00;
common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.
Representative sales:
No. At ft. PY. Wo. At 8V P
rf !! S) IIH 74 t 1" I ri
7J I ... t to 14 M 4 t rtj
M its 4S I nv, at :4 4t rv,
tl 4 ISO I St 74 if, ... $ I'lt;
$7 iM a la at tu to t i;
r, SO 140 It U 14 S IP4
47 J4S I at Tl Ill 1.4 I 17V,
M M B lit 7 H IF4
74 t an it ! so nv.
It Ii 1 t tt 77 1H 10 I 17V,
Tl ) I It 14 It I ITV,
71 It W IIS 17 WO ... rv
tr- SM 44 . t 19 I' 1M . . II7L,
Tt NT SO t tl 17 tr7 MS I ITv
tt tl 9ft I 15 7 an t I7v
4 tWI ... 14 Tt til B) I l"!v,
a 4 Bt i is Ti it! no i nv,
u t ... I a tl ti i 4i
4 . h I IV 71. M lfn 40
M ...... 1-4 140 I It 70 TU M I 4
It Ml ISO I IK tn M Br 40
14 14 SO t St 1 I t 1M I 40
U M4 . . in 11 til M 1 H
l It BO I IS It I'l ... t 40
48. tnt IM III PS v ... I to
7 tl lto I at 71 r so t 4t
so n It I t M SO I 4
II it 40 I It U I J ... 14
rt IM IS I K It H7 SO I 40
4 MIT M I IS II IM 40 4 40
to n ... 1 1714 n itt is i
74 SO I ITS M 11 ... I 40
74 4 40 t r t rs ... I 4A
74 i4i to 7v, it m . . an
1 SO I 17 V, 71 S40 PM I 40
tt ri ... I ITV, 14 314 ... t )
t JM ... I TV II 114 ... 14
M HI IS) I ITv, II Mt ... 140
T 11 ... I ITV, Tt 14 4 I 40
M IS SO 17 V, St IM ... 14
7 4T 10 I ITV, W IMI IS) I 4
171 10 I ITv, to pa IIS 4
PI 40 t 17V, to. 141 N It
. SO I I7v, St. 1TJ ... 140
V Ill so I nv, in m to I an
0 II M I ITV, 44 PIT 40 I 40
T m to I rrv, s i ) t 40
T4 tl 10 I rH II 71 44 I 42V,
I4 ... t Hi, M Ill ... I 41V,
0 141 . . t ITV, SO Ill to 41V,
T KI IS I 17V, II W ... 4 41
71 121 ... ( 1TV4
steady In tli forenoon. Artlv Issue w re
from 4j to of a point over parity with
he eaceptlon. . however, of 4.anad,an 14
Iftc. which aaa weak on large trattlc K-
SHEEP-Receipts' of sheep this morning
were much lighter thsn usual of late, but
In addition to the fresh arrivals there were
a number of cars carried over from rester-
oav, so tnat tne supply wss quite iiDerai.
Th market did not show any very treat
change as compared with yesterday," al
though the stuff sold esrlter. which of It
self created a little better feeling. Some of
the hold-overs brought a little more than
was offered for them yesterdsy, which
caused sslesmen In some esses to quote
the market a little stronger. Pretty fair
Mexican lambs sold ss high at $7.15. with
shorn yearlings and wethers at f S and
straight wethers at $66. Pretty much
everything was disposed of In good season
In th morning.
Quotations on lambs: Good to choice
wooled, $7.(097.76; fslr to good wooled, 60
ti7.; good shearing lambs, carrying fleah,
$4.4tQw6; good shearing lambs, thin, fe.OO
(6.0, shorn lambs, toe under wooled stock.
Uuotstlons on sheep: Uood to cholc light
yearling, shorn, 6 4i II), fair to good
yearlings, shorn, $6 6ti6 90; good to choice
wethers, shorn, $6.i(t6.76; fslr to good
wethers, shorn, $6 16-g6 60; good to choice
ewes, shorn. $5 XQ6.60; fslr to good ewes.
shorn. $4.7606.26; culls and bucks, shorn.
t3.0OeT4.&0; wooled sheep, 26040c aoov shorn
Representative sales:
335 western ewes, shorn
161 western spring lambs
45t westerny'rlgs At w'thrs, s'hn
61 western ewes, feeders
40 western ernes, feeders
13 western ewes, culls
47i western ewes, shorn
479 Colorsdo lambs, shorn
11a western ewes, culls
t4 western ewes
290 spring lamb
601 Mexican lambs
Svtj western ewes, shorn
47 western ewes, shorn
ITS western ewes and wethers,
M western lambs, shorn
ia western wethers, shorn
(aadlllaw af Trad aad Qaatatlaava a
laal aad Kaaey fradaea.
KCKaS-r'reati selling eggs, candled, UV,
HI T TKR . ommon, 1; ; fancy tub and
roll, lo'fc; creamery, 7c.
CHEi.BE Kew luil cream. Wisconsin
wins, lcV. new luil cream cricg, lie; d-
mestic new Swiss, l.v; new limburger, laQ
Sc; young Americana. l.c.
LIVE POl'LTRY fprlng. tc; roosters.
6c; ducks, 11c; gse, tu capon, lie; broil
's. -' .
liA Choic p.o. l upiann. , to; medium.
MS; No, 1 bottom, $o.W: off grades, $4.0tal
im. io strsw. i, taiv ino. t anaiia. su sia,
heek cits.
No. 1 ribs. 16W; No. 1 ribs. 13c; No. 3
ribs, lie: No. I loins, l?c; No. I loins. lw?;
No. t loins, 13c; No. 1 chuck. c: No. 2
chuck. c; No. t chuck. iV; No. 1 round
loc: No. round, vc; No. 3 round. c
No. 1 plate, c; No. i plate. IV; No. t
plate, 6Vro.
CANNlil" iH.n.'.i-toin, standard west
ern. 6&c. Tomatoes, fancy, 1-pound cans.
$1.46: stsndard 3-pound cant, $1.10. tuafr-
a on es, aated. z-pounii. i; .i"di ', siicco.
i.c.itss. uauon appies, iuu t.aniornia
aorlcota li.i-6-u3.SUk i Bars. U-Wbt li.
leaches, $lu.l. La 1'eachet, ti li'
3 15. Alaska salmon, red, i.'; fancy
Chinook, flat. ti.H: fancy sockeye. flat.
$2 16. Bardlnes. quarter oil, $4 a); thrw.
quarters mustard. $J ba-eet pot a toe.
$1 a.fifl.35. Sauerkraut, 5o. Pumpkins. s"o
f$l on. Lima beans, 3-pound, T&ciin.l.
naked peas, 3-pound. (6c; fancy, tl 4tl 44.
F1BH Halibut, 10c. trout, lie; pickerel.
7c; pike. c; white nsn. lac; Durtaio, sc;
bullheads, skinned and dressed. 11c: catfish.
dressed. lie: medium croppies ana yeuow
sunflsh. 4jm; large croppies, 15c; nerrlng,
fresh froien, 4'c: perch, sci whit bas,
14c: hlsrk bsts Sc.
ara somewhat unsettled by freer offerlnss
from second hands, who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grsdws. Quo.
Hon range from sc to so ior csnrornia
fruit snd fronrv 6'4c to to for Oregon.
Pesches are veryMirm. with fancy yellows
quoted at UHC.
SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack. $5 W;
beet. $5 6; cut loaf. 7c; cubes. .70c; pow-
dererl. 6O0.
COFFEE Rossted. No. IS. 30c: No, ML
rc; No. 5, 19c; No. TO. 14,0.
Av. Pr.
. U t 40
65 I 00
i 101 t )
,74 $ 50
, 71 $ 50
, 1(4
. 110 6 jo
, S3 an
. 6 4 25
, M 6 50
,63 36
, SH 7 15
. Ill 6
, 1J0 6 30
! lot . tin
, 12 6 ZS
. 107 6 &
Kaaaaa City Grata aad Prwvltlaaa.
chaiiKed: May. 'BSc; July. (BT-c; September,
7.W.-. Cash: No. I hard. tWcfitl.OOW: No. I
liid. ac-Wfjy9c; No. 3 red, kvcii$l.uu; No. I
red. SrtnOKc.
CORN 1'nchanged; May, MSd Ju',
t'Jtc; beotember. w.'tiC. Cash: No. X mixed.
w-i"7c. No. I mixed, Va-Hc; No. t
white. 7c. No. $ white. (OVdWBtaC.
OAT8 I'nchsnged: No. i white, 45ti0c;
rvo. z mnerl, CTJV,
RYK 74ii7Sc.
HA V Steady; choice timothy, $11 k"
l!.l4: cholc prairie. $10.tVB 10.60.
H I 'TT R Steady ; creamery, Sc; packing
Lucia titeady; freah txtras, UHc; cur
rent receipts, 14c. I
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu Sl.GOO S5."
Corn, bu 14 Hal .
Outs, bu..... l.uuu 6.U00
Naw XnglB4...
Uhldl ,
SouUl AUaaUe
Oatrtl VTeat
tPtTsCaJaC a tn, ,
Total ,
Ksw Vark City
Called tl
ATTCttt dtllTl
aTCtStapry v tat aaaaa
7J 74 d 124
Siia77 u4
1 J6.4i 79
a. tin bso vii
. 6.tg77X)
375.1 o3.ix9
S7H.7J1 Aa)
43s.1Ums) '
l.U--i4. lJ,.S
l.7o7 Sag
Oa 470vH)
, 7.o7.ti.tl4
4 a, ".,70400
Si T
TT1 .42117
606.HI 4.1.14
1 S7.7?.77
41 Jl4.l
F. C.
-14 0
- It
-Ht t
- I
la tk Tar Waal th ImsroTemtnt U again quit atarked aad Kaaaas City aad on or two
smaller title report eoasidarabi lnertaaa. Thar U also a gala at Cedar Rapid n(j
Denrsr. wail th lot. at St. Paul 1 wsry amaU. Naariy all aitl Is taU asetloa report galas
rar April, 1906. Th agar la detail follow :
Llftrsttl rtrala Market.
firm: No. t red western winter. 73Sd; No.
1 t ani'irnit, ia avi. r uiurea. steady: May
7S4S-I: July, 7srd; tMrptember. Ts '
CuRN t-pot. firm; tivw American kiln-
dried, aaluv: old Amertcaa tnlxed. Mild,
sutures, quiet; May. i lod.
Paarla Market.
PKOKIA. May l-4-(iRN-H!llr: No. )
venom. n-,4i , rvo. eitow. SiVMSSac;
,i. . a,'' . .-'. a- war; uo grsae. njfi.ji-
tiATS-H gher; No. t while, lV.jjc; No.
4 wbilc. flv.
Miantanwn ....
ba. raul
twt atulat.,
tMOWI Cllf
CaaUt 1
Kakaatcivr ..
a. .
lu- kttda . ..
I.tnnMa .
ww aiia
1 T a
(aiaratt B ga
taul glOt
bauuad Uuta lull.
St 406.I US
1J 4s4
S l 744
a 7 lto
114 M-.HS
3u 4 14. IP
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lj-O.I Jl
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t.7t! Oct)
31 tSbt.Ht
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- 1 1
f 7
SMiS .414
. 7ib.j7
S0 tHa
4 4S
4 t
4 60.O
tt. A. Pr. K. At. Pt.
11 1141 40 V 1315 140
44 1M1 I It 23 1)41 40
II IM I 40 II Ill I 4.1
14 fT I 0 II 113 4
31 l-00 t Til 10 1114 4 44
t PPT I 71 II 1111 4
11 10 f 71 40 1114 4 t
It 11 I M IIH I t
14 lul t W 40 1J I M
4 IM I W 15 i:l I 14
II lmt I ft 1! HI I IS
II I"! I II 144 at
II 171 I I 44 1! tt
II 1.41 05 14 13U i tt
10 IU'5 I II U71 I U
II 1114 U 17 1JU t M
II lllrl I 1 11 0
17 1017 I t 14M I M
II 1140 II 11 1:17 46
II Illl 4 SB 1 1344 7
K IS tt II 1IM-4 70
30 7I I U M 141 I 7t
t3 1114 I II 145 I 71
IS 1231 t 40 St lt.HI Tt
Illl I 49 M 1413 SO
1 Pit I tt 4 114) i N
1 10U I aO 17 M i
1 M IU . I K U
A IN IN 1 1W I tt
1 1111 4 01) It 1141 1 4;
4 ) 4 4rt S I', it I SO
4 IH 4 44 t 1141 f i
I IM 4 1 4 1!M f to
I I 15 1141 t aO
1 1011 4 K) I )'W4 i 7
11 1- U 4 tv to I'M I u
I ) l t 74 I 00
4 145 I 41 I n tfl
11 tu I to T 71 I Ot
4 HO I U .". 114 I u
14. 171 4 It I fc I 35
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I IN 1 li 1 IS t ti
1 10 I M 4 loT t 2t
1 I'd I t I Ill IS
I t t to I tut t m
I... I Tl 1 la I t
Cattle aad "keep Steady Hojra Active
to Higher
CHICAGO. May 6. CATTLE Receipts,
t.000 head; market steady; steers, $5.U'.ig
i.itt; cows, u Dtrn.2; neirers, i oum
7s: bulls. $3 606-6.10; calves, $4. 764 6.74;
stockers and feeders, $3.26$ 6.76.
HOGS Receipts, ahout 13.000 head:
market actlv to 6 10c higher; choice
heavy shipping, $5.656.76: butchers, $5.75
3 s 80; light mixed, $5 0 4 6.70: choice
light, $5 6566 76; packing. $5.1ti65;
Diss. $4 1643 5.15: bulk of sales. $S 6t ,
SHEEP Receipts, about 15.000 iead:
market steady; sheep, $5 00 tr 6 25: lambs.
$6. 00 7.12 H; yearlings. $t.00.'5.
St. I.oals Live Stork Market
8T. LOUIS. Msy 6. CATTLE Receipts,
$.000 head, including 350 Tcsans; market
for natives strong. Tc.tans steady. Native
shipping and export steers. H16'o7.16
dressed beef and butcher steers. $5.I57.U0.
Steers under l.ft lb.. $4 75-&S 26; stockers
snd feeders. $3.25.26; rows and heifers.
$3.75ti.40; ranners. $2.0O3.00; bulls, li.S'U
6.00; calves. $36Og7.00. Texas snd Indian
steers, $3.636.60; cows and heifers, $1.76'a
HOGS Receipts, t.500 head: market 10c
lower. Pigs and light. $3.756.70; packers
$4 7ya5.70; butchers and best heavy, $6,600
head; market steady. Native muttons. $3.75
tial.ifc: lambs. $4.6o8.00; culls and bucks
Kaaaaa City Live Stork Market
ceipts, t.Oia) head, including 2"0 southerns
market for heavy steers slow. Choice ex
port and dressed beef steers, $C.Cd7.on: fair
to good, t5.tvrtti.60; western steers, , $5.2V?
ss: Blockers sna reeaers, at.tajrrio. is; souin
em steers, $4.60'6.SO; southern cows, $3,003
4.75: native cows. $3.2Mi6.ii; native heifers
t4.0og6.75; bulls. $3.40j6.65; calves. $3.6H.00.
HOOS-Receipt. 16.0t0 head; market 10c
higher. Ton. to.ti!1: bulk of aalea. $
heavy, ti. ta b. 6 packers and butchers light. $6.S:Wrj6.6U; pigs. tlan4 60.
head; market ateady. Umbi. t.Okf7.5
swes and yesrllngs. $4 754? ; Texas year
lings, t6.5faS.iiO; Texas sheep, $4-Ml6.iO
stockers and feeders. t3.6O4.00.
Live Stock Market
Mo.. May 5. CATTLE
Wool Market.
BOSTON. May S. WOOI-Tli4 local wool
market continues stagnant at lowest prices
New England woolen mills are still cur'
lllng and manufacturers are not In the
market except for odd lots. ery lltil
Interest Is msnlfcsted In the new western
clip. The leading western quotstlons range
as follows: Kentucsy. Indiana ana Mit
sourl. three-eighths blood. 2o"2c; quarter
Mood. ?.Vi24c. Scoured values: Texss, fine
twelve months, 5orWc; fine six to eight
morths. 4fifioc; fine fall. 43M4c. Cali
fornia, northern, 6fi63c: middle counties.
4Mi4c. Oregon, eastern No. t staple. 36
4c: eastern No. 1 clothing. BlfjWc: No. I
valley. 464148c. Territory, fine staple, 57?
ic; fine medium staple, SotfSfir; fine me
dium clothing. 4Mi4oc; fine clothing. BMTfiSc;
half blood. ISiittr quarter blood. 42iH3c;
pulled, extra. aJ752f; flne A. 63fl57o.
ST. UL IS. Mv t. wtHJl liuii; me
dium grades, combing and clothing. IS1
; light fine. 134iil4c; heavy fin. StTioc;
tub washed. 181T2SC.
t t 4 4 IT lal 4 Sf
12 1l4 4 10 T ti 4 t
14 til 4 66 I IM M
I tt 4 Tt Sf , M IN
10 41 4 7 M tat 4 tn
at 41 i t M 4 so
2 fe 4 Tt It 121 to
t .t. t'l I Tt II 1,4 t 00
14..... It U 4 U5 i ft)
at Tit IK It Tt IN
31 444 4 tt It W IS
Lakevlew Land and Cattle Co. Mont.
steers ...U8J I 76
J steel.. ..lit IM
54) steers. ...1.1-1 t Tt
HOGS Receipts of
points thu morning
smsll. tha estimate
erable larger 11..
4. feeders.. llos 6 3t
67 steers. ...1:134 i 7
1 steers... .1174 i 7J
hogs at all market
were diaappoln'l aly
naving been contij
what was rallsed
Larsely on this account the markets tonk
on a much belter ton this morning. Dlicea
at this point bting luc higher and In som
riMi litC higher, altn tops Im r.het.
The tra ) waa reasonably a live at the ad
vance and practically everything waa sold
early In the morning, the bulk going at
i fli.u, WUtk lop l ti t. VtUfvUy Ui
St. Joseph
Receipts. 6 $$ head; market stes.1y to
higher; nstlves. $6 7641 7 00; cows and
heifer. $2 0043 4 45; stockers and feeders.
14 no st 6 so
HOGS Receipts. 6.7$ head; market 10c
higher; tup, $5.(0: bulk of sales, .515 4
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.312
head: market steady to strong; lamlm,
$4 4045 7. iO: yearlings and wethers, $i.:iy
Rloag City Liv Stork Market.
SIOI-'X CITT. Ia Msy B.-(8peclal THt.
gram.V t Al I L.- weaay; imvn, to i)j
fH5; cows and heifers, $4 6066.30; stockers
and feeders. $4.25.26; calves and year
lings, $3.7i4.7t.
ItCAia neceipis. neaa; marset 10c
higher; range, t5.tb4jt.46; bulk of sales,
Stork la Sigkt.
Receipts of live stock at the six princi
pal western markets yesierasy
South Omaha.
Sioux City....
Kansss City..
St. Louis
St. Joseph
3.4O0 I $ 0 3,5i 0
t.K9 lt.OHO lS.OOj
t.O") t i l.fM
tVJi 1.763 4.3.3
t.OtO llCu) 15..aj0
ts.t"j 'M,'.a
Metal Market.
LONDON. May C METALS There was
quite a xlmrp decline in the London tin
market, spot closing at 141 15s und fu
tures st 1:140 17s The local market wa
easy, with quotations ranging rrom iJi.i'w
4x31.50. Copper was higher In London,
spot closing at X57 "tt 6d and futures st
5S. The lo'M market was nun inn un
changed. Lake Is quoted at $12.2Hi
12.75; electrolytic. $12 50J 1! 62H ; casting.
3.25 v 1 2.37 4. Ieau advanced 10 ti:
s td in the London msrket and was
also firm and higher locally, at $4.12Vti'
4.17H- Spelter was unchanged In Lon-(
don and locally unchanged, at $
Iron was unchanged, with standard foun
dry quoted at 60s 3d snd Cleveland war
rants at sis so in tne cngnsn
A slight decrease in northern graocs was
reported here. No. 1 foundry, northern.
quoted at $17.!Sfi It. 00; No. Z foundry.
northern, iit.itg 11.11; jo. wuinnn,
nd No. 1 southern, sort. 1 1 s ft" tt 1 1
ST. LOVIH, May 6. METALS Leatd,
strong, $4.06. Spelter, easier. 14
Caltoa Market.
tures opened steady: Msy. t.Tlr; . June,
offered 8.7t: July. 1 S.SOc; August. .74c;
September, (Late; October. S.32c; Novembtr.
8Mc; December. t5c; January. S.c; Feb-,
runrv. S.TlfiATSr; March. 6.72c bid. 1
rnfnx Soot, cotton closed quiet; mld-j
dling uplands. 10.40c; middling, gulf, lO.Obc;
sales tX bales. . .
Futures closed steady: Alsy. t ,x: june.
t.7c; Julv. 8.80c: August. 6.74c; 8"ptember.
S6?c: October. .c; November, t4c; De
cember. 8c; January, 8.87c; February,
8.70c: March. 8.74c. ..a.
r,ALVE6TtN, Tex.. May 8. COTTON
Hiaher st 11c.
ST. IXll'IS. May 25.COTTO?J ftteady;
middling. litc po sales; receipts. 5,4
bales; shipments,. It bales stock. 28,iai
bales. ' .
steady; sales. taloe;. low ordi
nary. 5V nominal: oidlnary. p-lc: good
ordinary. 8c: low mlddknaj. t'wc; middling.
10S-16C: good rnlddllng. Jl ll-lo; middling
fair. 113-lc: fair, 11' ft-ltc. ' nominal ; re
ceipts, 3.3SW bale; stock. 147.1U bales.
tsiar aad Molasses, .
quiet; fair refining". $.!Sc: centrifugal. St)
test. 4.4c. Molasses sugar. 3.73c. Refined,
quiet: No , t.loc; Tfo T. 6.06c: No. 8, t one;
No 4c; No. in. 4; No. 11, 4. ;,
No. 12. 4.75c: No. 13. 4.70r: No. 14. 4.65c ;i
confectioners' A. 6.3V: mould A, t 5c: ruti
loaf. t.SOc; crushed. lc; pvowdered.;j
granuiaten. D.aoc; cuoea, e. lac.
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, choice. :S4j4c. '
Oil aad Ratio.
OIL CITY. May 5-. OIL Credit balances
tl 74 Runs. 112, SHt bills.: average. 131 7f,
bbla. ; shipments, 214.119 hbla. ; average. 17
132 bbls.
SAVANNAH. Rt., May 5. OIL Turner,
tine firm; 4:t43c. -
ROSIN Quiet: quote. A. B. C. 106: D
t.2c: E. i.26c; F. 3.37V: O. t tftc: H. i.)ci
I. 4.75c; K. 6.5.: M. S.pur; ra. .tvc; v. VJ.
.00c; W. W. 10c.
ColTeo Market
NEW. YORK. May 6 -COFFEE Market '
for future closed steady at a net ad vane
of 54710 points. Ssles reported of On Daga.
Including May at ti'iic. juiy at e.mTjw.o'c,
rW-ptember at .t"(il.'i6c. I le-cenrher at .06J
tide and March at .10QS.2"r. Spot, steady:
Rio No. 7. ftc; Saros No. 4, Kc. Mild
coffee, steady; Cordova. ji:"i,c
Mlaaeapolta Grata Market.
$1 ife V. July, tlOT; Septemtjer, sitt!.;
No. 1 hard. li.U'w: no. 1 ponnnn, n w,
No. t northern. $l.7i; No. 8 irJHctttLOu.
FRAN in bulk, gzi.siaii. v.
FIiOI-'R Strong: first ixtlent. tSAVfitftO;
second patents, $i.S04io5o: first clears, H3I
64.30; second clears, UfUi-V.
Loadoa rioalasr Storks. '
LONDON. May t. (losing quotations on
mining stocks were:
Conaola. taontr t4 M , K AT...
t IMSOtDt U1I-'.4N T ctstrtt.
to f
Btitlmort A Ohio..
Canadian Ptrltle ..
( hatapttkt At Okie
hKaco Ot. W
c , m a sc. r
D Burs
d. a a
at p(4
to lat pt
M pr
Crait Truak
lllliK.ll Ctntrtl
Loulaalllt A "
. v,
. .
74. Norfolk At
. n't 00 pi A
. n odiiHo A w
. aS Pinni.lTttla ....
.14 P-tnd Mint
. Ii RttOlos
t tout arm Rtllwtjr
Illl do pt
. tlhera Pli-CIl .
. r V, t tloa Harlfle ....
. 6 o pl i
. USl' S. Statl
. 14 do ptd
. 14 Wlktah
.It tt pet
lit Spanlak It
.11 A on I Topper ....
steady. 24 t-ltd per ounce.
MONEY 1 Hal per cnt.
Th rate of discount In th open market
for short bills la iV, per cent; for three
months',, bills. 2Vi per cent.
Treasary gtaleateat.
WASHINGTON. May 6 Today s Slate
ment of th treasury b la noes tn the g n
eral fund, exclusive of the tl50.0ut.Ui gill
reserve shows: Available cath balance,
$25i.3M.tlnt: gold coin and bullion. $15.4t.el.
gold certificates, l2e.aV7.73D.
. am,
. IS
. ,1
. t-t
It' ",
. 11
. ".
Forelsa Kloaarlal.
BERLIN. May I Prices on the Bourse
todsy were depressed bv yesterday's for
eign sdvlces. but gradually grew firmer.
PARIS. May 6. Prices on the Bourse to
day wer firm on the advices from London
Loadoa Stork Market.
LONDON. May t Ra-tter Indian nea
helped to. slesdy the Stock exchange till
morning. Covering by the bears pushed
consols to tt. but subsequently they
ell back lo tj, American bet virtue wsi
Bonds i
at par hi sums of $100, fVQ aad $1000. la
tertit paid every aix nioatha at Amerlcaa
Tnut A having 4 Bank.Ctucago.isauad by th
Denver Reservoir
Irrigation Co,
Mortgag ea land lying clot to Dawr
art depotittd with th
aeove named Bank aa
collateral security to th
bond la th ratio ot 123
lo luo. Alto all th prop
nr ( th Compaay,
citimatad worth .
Two o Throa
3Iilllott Dollsrs
Cootlttlog of C snail. JUrvolrs, Sits.
W ait kighta, etc. , Beast
Plrt4 T4atl But Uldg. Cktsago, HL
ill swl satt rwfwrw Mil aoaawa taavt.
Trowhriws AV Mlatr Cm. D
First Kaaiotuai ttaak BUaC Aitvsao. I1L
Plaataao.t lltwattattatl oetmtittb Pt IMoti
. Stat .
Por further Information regarding
th abov bonds, call on or address
WAtin K. aVatODZa.
Braadios 3tldg. '- Osaka, at.