to THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: AVEDXESDAY, MAY 6, 1903. TTTSli iili il? You'H find Them Match less Values Note These Special Bargain Prices. Tl 0 1 j MS M AX NU THK RCLIABLS STORK $ S S s S S s s s S S S S s S S s s s i RUBBERIZED AUTO COATS Long, dressy, u!0 or storm coats, In 4 favorite color, extremely well made thoroughly shower proof In one spe- cial group at Ifw el a ft I I71M BlilM 98 SKM Women's Spring Jackets All the newest (stylos In thse spring coats and Jackets, made In Prince Chap, box roat and butterfly styles -- mixtures and plain cloths new arrivals '. at DRANDEIS GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF EMBROIDERIES THAT ARE WORTH VP TO 85o A YARD 18 and 27-inch flounciiigs, skirtings and corset cover widths; also fine medium and wide edges and inserting?, many to match fine Swiss, Nainsook and batiste fab rica specially desirable for graduation dresses, etc. WEDNESDAY IN FOUR BIG LOTS 12ic fl9e 29c 39c 5.000 Yards of Medium Width Cambric EMBROIDERY EDGES and INSERTIONS All new and fresh lots piled high on bargain square a splendid variety of the most attractive designs, n worth up to 12 '-c at, yard A Great Sale of Spring Wash Goods At the regular white goods sec tion, basement medium and pin dot white St. Gall dress Swiss, for summer waists, dressesetc. You can save 20c on every yard 69c I Swisses it, yard JJC At the rewalar White goods sec tion, basement 40-lnch wide Victoria la vns, that are O 1 always 12 yd., at... O2C At the regular white goods sec tion, basement fine white dim ities, single or cluster striped and checked patterns, ' P yard 1 J C At the regular white goods sec tion, basement ' mercerized chiffons, white corded grounds with pretty printed : f 1 o r a 1 sprays, etc, 26c values, t fi at, yard 1UC The Richest and Most Beautiful of All Room Size Regs THE ENGLISH WILTON RUG AT $39 In those light and dark Persian patterns that are so very pop ular these are all seamless, 9x12, genuine WUton t U ,.A1Uu o t K o a alnrovo artlri of PL Afl ". r and $60.00, will go at '. In our great daylight rug and carpet section we show the largest and best selected stock of floor coverings In Onraha. Prices always moderate. 39 Come to Brandels' great Corset De partment and let us show you the ' best line of the famous Nemo Cor sets 'In Omaha. This corset has won wonderful popularity because it is self reducing models specially adapted for every figure. It im parts the lines of youth and grace. , '' ' ! ' WALL PAPER Big May Sale and winner. Two-ton Puplex, worth 76c and 60c, at, roll 860 Tapestries, for hallH and dining- rooms, up from So 15c. llityc, 10c, So. 6c and 00 Papers, lit, roll, So, 7o, 60, 60, 3o and SHo Twentieth Century Paste, the kind that sticks, pr pkg lOo and 8O0 3 to $5 BR.ANDEIS I A 1 DRESS FOOTWEAR Onr display of Women's Dress Toot- weir is noming inon 01 a -wui OZrOlDS. A IB BO 17 TIES. FTTMPS Colonial In the now Klbuun and tturklfi efforts. Ilnndsnme Pllnnern. extreme medium heels, every d!ne a cholcr creation. All elzrs and widths in all the variation. We earnestly request every woman to come and see our Beauty Show of "llrea Footwear." $3, $3.50, $4 to $5 FRY SHOE CO. Til IIOE1I 16th and Douglas Sis. S5 0 nnf fl ill On the night of May 3d two highwaymen 'held up" the conductor of one of our cars on the Hanscom Park Line and robbed him of what money he had in his pos session. We hereby offer a reward of $500.00 for the arrest and conviction of the guilty persons. OMAIlA AE!D COUHCiL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY - i WEDNESDAY We Will Have Those Delici ous Lawyer Cakes on Sale Again for 25c These cakes are nine inches In diameter and made of two layers of rich cake filled between the layers with a thick generous fill ing and attractively decorated on top. You have a choice of seven flavors chocolate, maple, cocoa nut, Mocha, raspberry, vanilla, nut and marshmallow. We know you don't want to miss this great cake special for Wednesday. Come early before they are all gone. We pack them in dainty little pasteboard boxes, convenient for you to carry. Remember they are a regular 40c cake, specal for Wednesday, only, for 25. 'gaUuffir. flit store rog DmcAcif J 518-20 Farnam St. Thone Doug. 711. Ind. A1711. P OMAHA'S FUSl FOOD CIAIEI t Restaurant on Second Floor. Small Tables at rieaaant Windows Where dainty Meals are served at ft ; oiouuiaie j llcea. , 'Wednesday Specials & 2 Excellence ilour. per aavK $1,350 Genuine Maine Corn, 1 Ajk per can ' lUt.' Snlder'a Catsup, -i Kt,ii SB ner bottle lva jpj per bottle f ; Lemons, per dozen Knllah Walnuts, '.' Pr pound K Seven Oak Kggs, per dozen i5cy 15c 25c two for 15cg fk per doz n ;1 N. Y. Cream Cheese, Oct. jj made per lb., 55 Peanuts, , , ; ' ner ouart U Cuoumhera, , ff$ two for $ 5c8 phcrtney & Co K 17th Sonfflaa Bts. Vbone Bone. 47 rS PrlTate emehaBi eonaeeta all Septa, r) 0 XI mt m SCEK1C LINE 4 TO ivstone One of the most beautiful spots in America. No mat ter where you have traveled, or what you have ", seen, here is a trip that will please you as well, if not better. ARMS 6lrli.(je Very Lev Round-trip Ratss Will be In effect this Summer ' VIA THE union pacific .cy pprt6r VHow.tone Tark Leaflet and Inform - "w ' 1 tion regai dry BCS. . of good land tnt value. Give full nu altuntluu pa Kt. D. - 1 regarding the new direct, line' to Yellowstone, Inquire at KXCHi ii w. We handle ti.C City Tkket Office, 1324 Farnam St. rie coniiafren. J.v IHnnii Uouc u 1 H'! Jt . Irust Co., Hi. a vi WHEN writing to a it takea but an ri Hie fxen to mmiw . aw tb ad La 114 L mm y. "TAKES THE CAKE" Tor quality and flaror It Is thai neat to be nao. Try . . ' lo sale at all rrocera, Be. TS1 IS OV TSB X.OAT. RHEUMATISM AOCXPT Til X.IHXBAI. OTTEB BIIN O : SLa.SE BT BHZSMAJS Bl M'COVaTSU ' BKVa CO. AXD OWl BBVO CO. TEST BKOLOIBS WITH ' OUT EIFInil, 1 If you ar Buffering with RheumatUrn In any of its forma, you will not nbglect the 'liberal offer now being mailt, by bherman 4V McConnell Drug Co., mad Owl Urug Co. Just depuaii. one dollar With' these reliable drungial and get bottle of Kholoida, the new treatment for Kheumatlam. If, after uatng same, ycu axe not aatlafled with the reautU, they will return your money. Could a fairer offer be madeT You really try thia remedy without expenae. bucb an offer could not be made If Kholoida waa not an article of unuaual merit and one that would do all that la claimed for It. . 1 Being In globule form It la eay and fuuaaant to' take, and la highly aucceaaful a the treatment of Rheumatlam In all Ita forma. Neuralgia, Oout, Lumbago. Um Back, Kidney, Bladder and aucu dlaeaaea arming from exceeeive I'rio Acid. fcverr Kheumatlo auffe-rtr la invited to accept thla . liberal ofi-r today at Baanuaa MoOonaell Drag- Co, 1st aad Itodg- ana, a&4 Owl Prog; Co Mtk mm saner ana. ...... 11 I J TWO ,M WMITAXT SAI,F.S SATURDAY T SALE BIO JKWE1.HY H.Xht. ins 1 A. GREAT WEDNESDAY SALE SKIRTS 400 Fine Chitfon Pntm Skirli FROM NEW YORK MAKER CLOSE TO HALF This lot of Skirts comes from a small maker who needed money badly. His out put was small comparatively, but was building up a good business by making the best skirts turned out In New York at the price. The financial flurry pinched him. He simply had to raise money quickly. Sacrificed his goods to do It. Our Mr. Baldridge happened to be in New York at the time and secured the "plum." That's the whole story. That's why you can buy Wednesday beautiful chiffon Panama skirts In nine, thirteen and seventeen gored models worth $8.50 and $7.60, for only They are trimmed with five and eight taffeta straps and com e in brown, navy, leather shades and black. 1 J 36-Inch Fancy Tattetos AO cents Bilk tjultino-a In many beautiful Spring colorings, neat checks and "tripes, finest soft-finish fabric, just twice the width of ullk usually selling at this price. Wednesday you buy these choice silks, tvery C( yard worth 1.J!5 cut from the piece at, ' iZfC per yard ' New Bough Tnssah Silks, white and colored grounda with contrasting checks and atrlped denigns, most durable silks made; now very M f fashlonahle: launders like cotton; 'Wednesday, buy 4 JC 27-Inch Il liS qualities for w SI.OU and $1.25 Spring Dress Fabrics 49c Thousands of yards of the season's most desirable styles, every popular enaue in me line, scores or new noveuy cnecas, etc. Also a m am gfiod sprinkling of fine black materials included. No better 4lC $1.00 or fl.l!5 goods anywhere, Wednesday's starting price w Wash Goods Silk Mulls Attractive 35c goods, ex quisite color effects, from the f pjece, at yard Ji Cotton Voiles Plain stripes, pink, light blue, Copenhagen, tan reseda, champagne, 26c and 35c 10l. goods Arf'2C Batistas Best 1 5c goods on sale, dots ring dots, coin HDOts. floral and other choice styles, at Or j v- yard Domestics 6.000 yards Unbleached Sheeting, full yaru wiue, surprisingly gooa, -tf at, yard 36-Inch Cambric, finished jsoft, right material for underwear pones, worth 12 He, yard "Emmerich" Feather Plllowi feathers, odorless, quality sells reg ularly at $1.00 a pair, at each Jv NOTIONS ! rlSial WEDNESEAY IS NOTION DAY Ererr Wsdnaadar these littia nuitfui. on . special sal at surprisingly uttla prices. JTot a woman but who has use for some of the things adrertlsed today. Ton buy first quality notions at great savings In these sales. See them all spread out on the bar vm,vb ia )Uf aaain Aisie. tuu dozen fine new back combs, in shell or amber, worth to 60c, in Wednesday's Sale, at, fT. each (It Hair Pins In" shell and amber, crimped and plain, the regular price Is 2bc a dozen,. Wednesday, rr , dosen tll Best 25c kinds satin pad belt hose supporters, white, black light 1 K blue and pink, for J-uv Cotton Baiting for inside of skirt. In 10 yard pieces, worth 60c, white, gray and black, Wednesday - Kt, price J-tt White Tape In full 10-yard pieces, never sold at a penny less than 12c in a regular way, rf, Wednesday '. vy Black Skirt Braids, 6-yard pieces, best quality made, the, regular 16o ORs kind, at four oleosa M3j kind, at four places Hooks and Eyea, black or white, with ' hump, all sizes, worth 6c a card tr card, three cards for 3j Sampson Thread Heavy linen-fin ished thread, usually 6c each, 'Wednesday at, dozen 15c a. J Tan Oxfords Soft, chocolate kid, bluchers, tipped toes; A AO dressy styles, IalO Tan Oxfords Genuine Russia calf bluchers, hand sewed, A AA extension sole .till very stylish wevv Tsn Oxfords Chocolate kid and tan calf bluchers, q mi hand turned and ex- 7, Sll tension soles eWV Tan Oxfords Two hole ties, pumps Qlbson ties, also M AA hand turned champagne U II II kid, extension sole welts "vv Misses and Children's Tan Oxfords Too. at All sizes, many styles, sa.oo and Wednesday For Emmelware A big shipment of first quality Imported Enamel- ware, beet rour-coatea ware made; all at less than half regular prices. Lot Includes 12-qusrt palls, Berlin kettles with enamel covers, salt boxes, sauce pans, preserving kettles. wash balns. eo., etc. These goods as displayed In Harney Street Window, go on saia weanesaay 15c 28c 38c 48c and 58c Every piece worth over twice these prices. Universal rood Choppers No. O size: this article , will save Its cost in a month's time, chops all kinds or meats, vegei&oies ana toons or . 71). all kinds: Wednesday a $1.25 chopper for.... ' !C ' .rumri, .300. 3Aa. 4fia m.tA JUa OalTanlsed Tubs Special 78c Tuns ror eso so Tubs ror....66o 'Hew Eleotrlo" Ball Bearing Mower, SH.OO 14-infh cutter bar; S-tnch wheels; high grade hardened steel balls, cups ana cones; ground, polished and dust proof machine finished in gold. Guaranteed perfect in light running and ai m fi K S very durable. Special Ple Dollars. Just pur- M Gc I au n Safety pins; worth 6c a Aozen, ttr at three dosen for Cotton Boll Tape, every width, same as sells regularly at 3c each, in " Wednesday's sale, four rolls for Adamantine Pins, full count, worth 2c a paper, at -t fgt 18 papers for XVly Pearl Buttons, all sizes, worth 6o per dozen, ft three cards for Bias Seam Tape, best quality, same .as always sells at Sc. pr- at two pieces for Jv Dress Shields, all sizes, light weight and stockinet, worth 25c, fr at, pair Peatherbone, silk grosgraln, In gray and black only, worth 12 Ho Kf yard, at 13 yards for - Cotton Tape, Kunrlish blocked, full assortment of widths, worth to K 10c each, at two for -- Plenty of New Tan Oxfords Now Bennett's are well supplied again. Big shipment of lata styles are now on sale. The heavy demand for tan has created a scarcity of good styles. Tou'll find them here. But be prompt. Boys' Long Pants Suits Leas than the making alone Is worth. New stylish up-to-the-minute clothes. in single or double breasted models, tfie materials and patterns as a are excellent; sizes 14 to IS years; these are actual $7.00 and Ann iiita xt nMiriuv for ....w-v9vv Verv Uncommon Corset Sales Scheduled For Wednesday M A large miscellaneous lot of whalebone models, some of America's leading corsets In the line. Included are Kaboa, LaOreque and IMiRuxry. Theae are all high grade corsets, selling regularly at $1.04 JR1.KO aild OO and $ 00 Clearing up In Wednesday's sale at.... V1'"". ttuu 9t),UU New BaiLste ana uouui i uubjw m iuui ". t wim uu porters, lace trimmed. $1 00 qualitlea, all sizes, GOC ggJggSaBBSSsSisS DETTER WALL PAPER FOR LEOS MONEY Come to our sales room and we will convince you that we can give you better paper for less moneys FREE ESTIMATES ON AlJj MORK eill tiriMMIII Til CUT PSICB WALL PAPES MAST 5 AM n COT MAN, xm so. it st. rhons soug. 43 md. A-43ix Atn. ire, m t na BAILEY EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR . FAXTON BLOCB Comer lotb aad Fanum Streets. Bast equipped Dental offlca 1b tb mlddls wsL HUaeat g,rada DcntUUy st BaaaonabU Prtoaa, rsntl&lm IUUAA-. just UXs Us toott. 35c Embroideries, at, Yard, 15c Our entire stock of 3oc to 50c Corset Cover Embroideries with a fine line of Skirt Flouncings worth up to 50c',ynrl includetl; without doubt the most delightful lot of embroidery bnrgains ever offered in Omaha, on snle AVedncsdaj, at, ' "jlC- yard ..r.?ML Hundreds of beautiful pattqrns to select from. Thousands upon thousands of yards included in the sale. Xo lady in Omaha can afford to miss the opportunity. $12.50 Dress Skirls IVedncs day for $4.95 A manufacturer's stock in Panama Voiles and fancy mixed fabrics. All the nobby new styles and colorings; not a skirt in the lot worth less than $6.50 and many that would sell regularly at $12.50. Choice of the lot Wednesday, 95 "Merry Widow" Waah Suits The very newest idea in wash suit style, well worth $6.50, on sale "Wednesday, 7 AF J.JJ at SlS.OO Silk Suits $5.03 About In the lot. all will be closed Wednesday, at this price it 100 5LS Infants' Short White Ofessrs of pretty patterns to select from, regular $1.50 values, Wednesday ....... -Dozons E our PARTMCNT VIS1 CORSET D An educational event, teaching women how to be shapely and stylish without transgressing the laws of health and hyelene. The Nemo Self-Reducing Corset moulds and supports the abdomen, giv ing health and strength to women who are physically weak; reduces the hips and waist from 3 to 4 IncheB, gives stylish beauty of outline to the large figure, all with perfect comfort to the wearer. , There is a model for every stout fig ure; you needn't have your corsets made to order. Don't fail , to" visit our corset depart ment this week and let our demon strator explain to you the various ad vantages of the Nemo. Price. $3 49c Lace Curtains At About Half Samples and odd lots, several pain of a pattern, secured from the manu facturer at a great bargain. Nottingham Curtains 54 Ins. 'wide, 34 yds. long, also Harnett Curtains, worth $7.50 pr., choice, each 81.0S Nottingham Curtains Worth regular ly $6.00 pr; choice, each, . ... ,.81.75 Nottingham and Barnett worth $4.50 pr At, each, Nottingham and - Burnett worth $3.50 pr., at, oath. . 1,000 pairs of Nottingham all new patterns, full ' size; great snap at bale price, each,. f)S"73c OO I'airs of Lace Curtnlnt Scores of patterns to select from, four lots Wednesday, each, BOc, 7'4V ""' and 19 ic Curtains, $1.50 Cm (a I B, 31.25 Curtains, Extra Specials for Wednesday In Our Famous Domestic Room From 9 to 10 A. M. First call, a 6 He From 2 to 3 P. M. Ouo iHBe of 7 bleached muslin, yard wide, 10 yard fine Indigo blue prints, 10 yard limit.. limit, at, yard r , 7c Apron Checks.. 6c Apron Checks . . . . Shirting Prints L. L. brown Muslin.. 25c white Fancies . 15c dotted Swiss . . 39c Damask colors 35c Table Damask . lbc uress uingnams 39c Silk Mulls 25c Mousselines . . . 3Vig at. yard., ALL DAY i S t I 5 3V ...St .74 .10 15 lUf .104 104 6c Wash Rags 10c Towels . . : 1 2 c Towels 12 He Linen Toweling 5c Cotton Toweling . 25c Curtain Swiss . . . 15c Curtain Swiss . . . 12 c German Calico 15c Batts 12c Batts 15c India Linon lc 7!4c 7M0 -SVic 15 ...7C 10 .-7H? ...7W0 Special Sale Go-Carls and Carriages acaov for. use. closed 25 Discount Wednesd'r No exception, every cart and carriage In our stock,. Including all the newest es in tne popular roiamg go-carui !- niemnnt P,nm ...... O Regular Prices will be placed on sale for this one day, Wednesday, at Boys' Knee Pants Siz" fo 55c Read These Groceries Prices for Wednesday's Sae, 60 .81, e . .960 Granulated Sugar at less than jobber's cost. 10 1b. sacks best granulated white or yellow corn meal ISO 10 bars best brands I-aundry Hnap.. 86o The best hand picked Navy Beans, ier lb o Gallon cans N. Y. Apples B6o Quaker Ost Cos. Toasted Wheat Flakes, pKg t lb. cans solid parked Toma.oes . 4. lh. oans fancy tiweet Sugar Corn The best domestic Macaroni, pkg, 8l0 S lb. cans Baked Means , . Tia ?ll or Mustard Sardines, per can... 3Ho lb. cans assorted Hnups 7Ho The best bulk Laundry Starch 4o Triplets, the combination wonder wax, 16c else for 100 Malta Vita, per pkg 8Ho The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg. TH 2 lb. pkg. BreakfHfct Oatmeal , TUe rholce Kalry Butter, ier lb 18c Fancy Palry Butter, aar . : . . . . Slo Fancy Country Creajnery, per lb. . . 83o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb.., 16o XTeah Vegetable Vrtoea for . W4neadar. Fresh Bpinarh. per peck... ..'..",?..., . fie 2 bunches freah I,mf Lettuce.', So 4 hunches fresh Bsdlshea bo 3 large Cucumbers for So 1 bunches fresh Carrots or Beet, for,, J0o Fresh Wi or Green Beans, per lv.lOo Fancy ripe Tomaloee, per lb. fUg 4 bunches fresh I'leplant eo Fresh Green Onions, per bunch lo 2 hunches fresh Celery .,..,.. Bo Fancy new Cabbage,, per lb,. ;!:.. . 8Ho KJTSAP.BS! ' UrSaX,SStr The Most DeUoioai Tirut QrQwn. We have Just received oue flrnt7 car of the sesson. They are verv fine, flavored, rich, sweet and iury, nd will go on sale tomorrow, at, each fio, THt, 8e and ......,... 10 No rnmmlaslnn houses or. dealers sup- piia ii mwH prices. . ' f 1M HMBEMS SM SUMMER FLOWERING CULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for . . . . ' h $1.00 TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; 3 doz , . . . " $1.00 GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. 50c; 50 for . . . ' . , 51.00 CINNAMON VINE, Extra Large, each 10c; 12 for . . ' . " .' $1.00 DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10c; 12 tor . . 51.00 THE NEBRASKA &E&D GO.. 1613 Howard 8t. HOTELS. f , Chicago's Great European Hotel H lit T- IS IIP . f " II. i a JeSSSftg PSSaSt SU yS!Tm " -jt' .r- The Virginia Absolutely rirearaeL lalts, $MI ani Bp. A hlglxlaM Traoslsot aad KesUaatlal Hotel, sltaatad Is i one ot the most select parts ol the cur. Kotuadaa a barmoay I la itausa oaroHi, neuuiu siaraary aaa cathedral glees. tuO haadkomely turalkhed oatslde rooms, single or oo sane Large bright Dining Hall, with flaeet caUloe. It vary oonveo leooe that appeal to the most exaotlng patron. Far ODoaeh (rom city noise tor resrful quiet, yet within tea mioatee' wolk ot business center, bright, new at. cars (2 block away) in S i minutes take yon to the shopping dl.trlot. uui.. th d.,I i j;'..!!1 r?l;itIi,,J!;'' siet tn reqUt , " - CtO. W. KtYNOLDS. Fro... f)k m.mA Okil ii J rwi-' ) h i i