Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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oot mi n.
Bs-doXpfc T. gwebodn. Accountant-Auditor.
.w Congress, Tfcos. W. llMtHn. adv
oioe Oartmif. .- Ciieney. Boyd Thr.
''wbu.UiM rauglaa shoes. 1 10.
otunn for Q-aii-.y cigars. tl S. lUfe
Blaekert, photographer, llln rnrnam.
Tlfdi atysrs-BUlom W.00 soda fountain.
xt to OMf, Ik up; coats and pants,
Zapmlat Frtcea at Uie Her Qrand Cafe
waiter. Open. a. m. to 1J p. tn.
Bivorue After Little Over TniwMr.
Jennie tsuorne bus begun luil for divorce
!-om toward H. 1'ibnrrif after uls. months
f r.rrlf d l.f . Thrv were msrnd Ortobrr
lr. anl she hr?" cruelty and non-
X Bryson Indianapolis Postmaster
' y- Jiryson of the Uste City Malt nm
rar.y hns received word that his brother,
jinlwrt H Bnon, has been appointed post
master of Indianapolis. Ind. Ths position
ernes with it a salary of some . per
Elevation Changes Caia Again Notice
lias bern irtrr by the Interstate Cnmmerc
Commission tht the mjior f eleratinit
hurt f 9 pa'il th Tesvy Elevator company
i.l" t nton P. if;,- Railroad company.
re-open-d in Washington. Friday.
driver for the M. T. Cadv Lumhr eomranv.
felt from his wsgon at Tenth and Fsmam
abeist i .w and "true tn his head. H" j ,
was stunned bv the fall and was tan to i
the police station unconwlonf. It la be(iev-d j Yitli Secretary of T. JC C. A. GirTI
be suffered a r-nnrusainn of the brsln. H" , , , "Dn.t
lives st Fourteenth street and the railmsd : fleOrtil t JfOOIl.
tracks and has a wife and two children. I
Bow Bradstree .mperlnteaden H. u j OMAHA ASSOCIATION STK05Q
Dillon rf tWrolt has been appointed to j
ucceed D. K. Rich as superintendent of i
the Omaha branch of R'-sds'reet'a Commer- I Ufaeace of l.weal rroolsalrw la
At the Theaters
cal agency. Mr. Rich, who hss been at j
tiie head of the Omaha branch for sveril
years, is going to Seattle. Mr. 1'illon was
romieriy or sioux city, nut nu oeen tn tne
"en-Ice of the company long enough to be I
assigned to one of its most Important of
fices. He is known lo a number of Omaha
business men.
rork for the Wary The Vnited Ststes
navy purrhissng bureau ha Just closed a
contract with the Armour Fsrking com
pany of South Omsha for IS".'1") pounds of
pork loins for the use of. the battleship
fleet on the Psctfic coast., The shipment Is
to be made at once and Is one of the heav
iest mat purchases made hers In recent
years. The Inspection of 'the meat will be
made by the purrhsstng commissary de
partment of the army at this point as rap
idly aa possible. The shipment ia to be de
livered at San Francisco early In June.
Canning? Company la Wetress Trie
Florence Canning company, which was
started aeveral months ago to handle th
j product of the market gardens near Flor
ence, la In the hands or Sheriff Brailey as
the result of two executions secured by
bank to which the concern owed money.
The Merchants National bank has a claim
for IT.5fii.74. and the Bank of Florence for
tl.PJi.77. The sheriff has levied on both the
real estate and personal property belonging
to the company and will sell the personal
property Mjy 13 and the real estate June 2.
Moy Welkin Over Coma try H. C. Lar
sens and A. M. Clark. Omaha boys who In
tend walking all over the Vnlted States
durina; the coming- year, have arrived in
Denver, where tliev are a-uests of the
1 v
e. ill N
Xaa Clainrs to Craxy aad Bad Pat
'm;n aptxiared ar the police station gun.
' ay cwminc and announced he vu Insane
an. I Try lieoperale. He diiin t look the
but Tbe officers humored him by
rurira; him U Innd :he bars. He was ui-
i'ii-Kwd M'.uday.
Ba4 oys ar KalUd m Harris and
ilarrj. ah. rvsi. two young fellows wipo
e;.t"d n a arrcr as lioid had men by; :vi?ral vests from Pease Bros',
eto e on Farrmm street Saturday, were
f ined tJ; tscto in police court. Harris was
taught by clerk -ivnn tne vr.
ia Waal B. Crowd Invitations are Tnuna Kni'i Chnst:sn assoclstion. They
t.etr.E; sent ti ail Klk I'd (res In N-brks had somethins; like n when they arrived, i mor
anit w-tern luwa asking that as large
!"Katious aj possible be sent to tne stag
swiii to be givrn bv H! Elks of Omilil
at t!-.e Au llt.iriimi May 13. The Elks expert
eniertjin nearly S.mi on that occasion.
WeaJtky XHUdioTa riaod C, Collins, a
"je).t!-.y landlord of the north part of the
yfly. wTio has been setting Into considerable
t.o.ibla latt-ly u.h the . iiy health depart
rr nt nvcause of failure to comply with the
r-li;ian4;s regarding sewers on his prop-
and though they entered Denver on a tram
for convenience, they will be escorted to
the limits of th city by some enthusiastic
Denver walkers snd shown the way to
Meslco, the Pacific coast and Nome.
Alaska, for one of which placea they will
Sella airl st Comrt Xonao County offi
cials can once more meet their 'ritnus
fnm tlie city hall face to face without an
apology. The court house, following In the
relt All Ovss two Stoto Wken
Otker Balldlaars Ara Belaar
Ertetis. 1
Senior Field Secretary C K. Obex of the
International committee of the Toung
Men's Christian association, and brotbor of
former General fecretary F. W. Obsr of
the Omaha association, was the principal
spesker at the men a meeting at tlia as
scdation roorr.a Sunday afternoon.
There was a. larga attendance of youwg
men at the meeting, which wa presided
over by M. C. Steele, treasurer of tho state
executive comna,:tee. The presence of the
Elks' quartet o' Council Bluffs gava addi
tional Interest to the meeting, tho quartet
singing a number of selections.
State Secretary James P. Bailey of the
state executive committee read tha scrip
ture lesson, and gave a short sketch of the
work of Mr. Ober throughout tbo country,
and of his recent work In the state of N
brska. Mr. Ober was Introduced iff tho audience
by Chairman Steele.
ew Workers la the Field!
"It seems like old times to bo hors In
Omaha again, although It haa been si
years since my last visit here." said Mr.
Ober. "It is not so much like old times,
either, for a new generation of workers
baa come Into tho Omaha field and taken
up this work. It has often been asked:
What is the object of the Tounjg Men a
Christian association" The answer may
be found In observing what It has done
among railroad men. business men, college
men, tho army and navy and wherever
1 advancement of a community pas
taken place. It la a great brotherhood or
Christian men designed for tha advance
men of Christian morsls. Christian athletics
and to bring out all the ood there Is In
a young man and to help him continue to
bo a credit ti himself and a pride to his
"Thero are 5 associations like this of
Omaha in the larger cities of the country;
70" railroad associations- and 3P0 in college
and 3 or more at industrial points. Tho
I work la world wide. ' Twenty men hare
out by tho International corn-
work' and establish associations
A week of splendid entertsinsint awaits
the lovers of "'RaiTl" at the Poyd. The
Woodward Stock company disposes of thst.
thrilling piece with credit to Itself snd
evident satisfaction to ths audience, if the
results of last evening may be taken as a
rntertcn. Aa many persons as could be
seated and some who could not gave un
stinted prals snd unmistakable evidence
that they were satisfied and more even
delighted. Mr. Morrison appears fully
equal to the task of Raffles, meeting Its
exacting demands with the freedom Indi
cative of no special stress or exertion. Hs
seems fully to measure up to Its stature
and present the part aa well as some who
have gtven It much more of their thought
and time and patience. Certainly he has
ards none of his popularity by lending him
self aa the vehicle to this part. And close,
very close, to Mr. Morrison stsnds Mr.
Danithome as Bedford. 'Rarhlyt" he does
give sent to the whole performance. In
every detail of his maneuvers, in his
physical appearance and particularly in his
speech hs must come mighty near the bulls'
eye of what was Intended for this psrt.
And if this i true he. like ' others who
have played this role, does a grest honor
to tho American detective when placed
'alongside his gnmahoe couain over the
"Wye." It'o a real pleasure In Itself, (this
acting of Mr. Denlthorne. Mlas Coletta
Power finds little difficulty. It appears. In
keeping: up her share of Interest as Mrs.
Vidal. and as much may be said of Miss
Allies Fleming, who plsys Gwendoline Con
row. Miss Power has given an artistic
touch to her part In an adroit make-on
while her general expression is good. Each
number of the cast fits well the part.
The company continues the piece for the
week with the usual performance. It is
doubtful. if. with tho exceotionsl
Woodward's have had thus far since open
ing at the Boyd, they have hit udoh a
chord which will vibrate to a arrester re.
sponee than in "Raffles."
Brmdeii S caret Entire Stock of X,
H. Puisey, 315 5th Atc, 5. T.
. i -tire, was lined tj in police court Monday, j f,,tirpa of the cilv hall, now has a "hello ' . ,
He appealed the cajj as he has others j ,;r. The switchboard of the Nebraska i " ,
... ...... . I.;--, i ii mil i ee 10 . xri,.p,one company was connected Monday )n forejgn
'; s-ossrpenoo .t tne re- ; morning ana is now in running oraer. in-
tii.-i J Colon.! J. H. Pratt the bearing j stead of calling for individual numbers pa- WORLD
. t, i divuree u't brought sgainet him by trons will call for the court house and ask j
Mor.tgurariy Pratt in Judge Ken- forhe person wanted. The telephone op- Every Good Maw or Waaaaa Trnas
: -.!;. co in was delayed Until Wednesday. ! erator will also act as general guide to salts Good to Haasaaltr.
w':en t iilcss a farther postponement ;s j the public snd will conduct a small bureau ! "God haa given more thought to the sav
ira'if .i the trial will begin. The attorneys , of information for the benefit of all seek- j i,- of(the world than to the creation of
t : .lis. Pralt announced they were ready . era sfter information about the court house tne world." declared Rev. R. Scott Hyde
ti go to" trial. ' offices.
Xardlnra Will Baild Warsh
Harding Son, rag buyers and shoddy
tlealera. will rect a two-slory brick ware
house Lt Fifteenth and Cuming streets,
which will be used exclusively for their
luinw.s. Tha building will bo 44xL feet
and .ho contract has been let to Wallace
'" farlsh, contractpr. Work will begin at
once and the building will coat H.TO, 1
Agitation for Bike Moms George P.
"Miwre. Instigator of the movement among
the E!ka of Omaha to secure a home of
their own. arrived Monday morning from
Mexico and will talk to the hustling com
mittee of the lodgti Tuesday evening- and
outline the best method of raising funds
nevekeary to complete the purchase of the
firanita block. Mr. Monro ia a member of
Omaha lodge, but lives in Chicago.'
evsr rsasl a loo Ella Fuller says
in her petition lor divorce filed in district
court that Walter K. left her In December,
and promised to send for her aa soon
as lie found a place to live. Since then
she lias heard from hint once and he did
not say anything about sending for her.
Sho says he haa never provided a home for
iter any place. Elisabeth Watson wants a
(divorce from Burton Watson on (rounds
uf desertion.
Didves Crrta Barlows Tall Biexed by a
sudden convulsion of soma kind, Anton
Kajic, otherwise known as Jauk Rabbit, a
in nis sermon ouuyo uiviniui . .
Modern Woodmen la Spada! Train The 1 Park Methodist church. He spoke from
the theme. "The Soul Illumined and Illuminated."
"Light 1s a positive entity." said the
minister. "and darkness la nothing. Death
is the absence of life and life is a positive
entity. If death ia nothing, we cannot meet
deatli, as we cannot meet nothing. As long
as life is. death is not. Will life ever cease
to be? Never.
"There ia nj death. What we call death
ia mere transition. We need not bo afraid
of death. Paul tells us that the very God
that made light out of darkness gava ua
light in the soul, light of the glories of God.
"Predisposition to wrongdoing Is deprav
ity and must not be confused with guilt.
Guilt cannot bo transferred from one to
' another. There ia no such thing aa hereditary
special train conveying the Omaha Modem
Woodmen of America camps to the state
tamp meeting at Lincoln will leave Omaha
by special train at 1:30 a. m. Wednesday
from the Burlington depot. It Is expected
that about 2f Omaha Woodmen will com
prise the party. Green's band will accom
pany the Omaha Woodmen. A delegation
of fifty Woodmen from Plattsmouth will
arrive in Omaha Wednesday morning In
time to accompany the Omahadelegation,
bringing with- them the crack Plattsmouth
drill team. The special train will leave
Lincoln returning at I 38 a. m. Thursday,
to enable those who wish to return to their
work Thursday morning to get hero in'
time. Another train will leave Lincoln for
Omaha about 7 a.
1 fnjit. What we do inherit is a depraved
SIKttl UAK MAN Id hLLU Ur cature. If thia flow of pollution Is- to bo
stopped there must be tho interposition of
a higher than human power. There la.
through Jesus Christ, a tendency to good
which can bo Introduced Into the human
soul and by the help of God goodness will
win out. Wa must remember that good
nesa is transmitable, the same as depravity.
A single individual may leave its trsce of
goodness on the race. The world is grow
ing better in spits of what pessimists may
"It is God who reveals us to ourselves.
What will we be and what could" we bo
without God? w e shall never know In
Most Kxsjwtelt laswnrted silks, I
Goods. Trtsasstara and Lares, I n
lade snsd Partly Made Gowns,
4 Waists.
Brandeis bought for a very smsll cssh
figure tho entire dressmaking stock of M
II. Pussey, IIS Fifth avenue. New Tnrk.
Pussey catered strictly to the most fa.m
lonable Fifth avenue trade and msde noth
ing but the finest and most exiv.irsite at
tire. He Imported every yard ft h:s ma
terials expressly from Europe..
In thia purchase w"rj a!l the model
gowns, evening coats, evening contumes
and dresses. togher with many beautiful
street gowns, many Imported evening
waists and many partly made linen suits.
The dress fabrics, silks, trimming. Isces
and ribbons are the most besutlful effects
and will be sold at extraordinary bargains.
Sale ia Thursday. Watch for tater an
nouncements. J. L, BRANDEIS ft SONS.
A 32-pair booklet, ettltled "Cake Se
crets," is being sent free to those of our
lady rendurs who will send their grocer s
name to Igleheart Bros.. Desk 8. Evans
ville, Ind. It tells how to bake most de
licious angel food and other cakes.
at Ike
Jepoi nnd His Brothers-'
Crowded houses continue to greet the
productions presented by the Frsnk Bros
Yiddish Opera company at the Krug. At
the matinee performance. "The Two Vag
ranta." was the attraction, and in the even
ing the Biblical story of "Joseph and His
Brothers" was admirably presented In
operatic form. Tho last performance of
thia company hero this season, will bo given
tonight in tho presentation of "A Smart
Scholar." '
.toted Traveler and Writer ieo In
Oaanks to Visit Editor of
Tbo Bo.
Frank G. Carpentrr. the noted traveler
and writer, was In Omaha Mnnriav rvr .
short time, part of which he spent in The
Bee office.
"I have been back from my African trip
several weeks," said Mr. Carpenter. "It
was one of the most interesting I have ever
enjoyed. I shall go from hero to Kanaaj
City and then back to Washington. I have
not formulated my plans for the summer as
yet. I just stopped over here to visit Mr.
Victor Rosea at er. I have been working
pretty hard during the last year, getting
out about 10.000 words of matter each week.
My health la better now than for several
years and I believe 1 am good for many
yeara yet. I am only 33 now."
Mr. Carpenter's appearance indicates that
his African trip has tremendously agreed
with him. His appearance ia much im
proved over that of two years ago when he
last visited Omaha.
Rah. fee rs tcrsrt Tweaty-Faar Dollars
nnd m Wttrk frwsn Coadaetor
Two highwaymen, who boarded a north
bound Twenty-fourth street csr at Thirty
second and Vinton streets about 10:59 Sun
day night, held up the conductor, C. W.
Holtzmun. at the point of a revolver,
robbed him of his money changer and cash.
In all amounting to 124. Ms watch, and then
jumped off tho car at Arbor street and dia
appeared toward tho east.
After tho men had boarded tha car It had j thl ,lfa that, m only God knows
tloaa li
Clafc raaseo Rnsls
i ' Favor of tha
".111"' f . ... ,ti fte V
. I
r.. f - .
proceeded but a short distance when one
of tho two pulled a revolver from his pocket
and leveled tho weapon at Holtxman's head,
accompanying tho action with the com
mand. "Hold op your hands." which tho
I conductor did. The other highwayman
then took tha money chancer and watch
away from Holtxman, and aa tho car slowed
down a Arbor street to take on a passenger
tha two Jumped off and ran east.
The motorman was unaware of anything
unusual until told of the holdup by the
conductor. A fairly good description of the
highwaymen was furnished ths police by
tha conductor and a woman passenger,
Hattie Winslow. 130 Park avenue, who wit
nessed the affair. The passenger who
boarded tie car just after tha robbers
leaped off, Roy D. Cathtnwood. verified
tho description given by tho conductor and
tha other passenger.
TLe nerrous strain through which
dressmakers hare to paaa at certain
seasons of the year seems almost be
yond endurance, and freqaentlr
brinjrs on nervous prostration, faint
ing b pella, dimiess, sleeplessness t
and p. genes&i. braking down of tha
ferairuQa system, uuLii life seem
altogether miaer&bla.
... Foe ail overworked women there
is one triwi and true remedy.
restores the feminine iTstem to
strong', healthy, normal condition.
Mrs. Ella Griffin, of Park St, Can
ton, X.Yn writes to Mrs. Pink ham :
I was trembled for Uira voara with,
female weakness. bacVache,-pjaa is
nay side, ani headaches. I wan moat
avisdrablend discouraged, for doctor
rave me no relief. Lytlia, E. Pinkhsjn a
Vegetable Compound brought hncat mj
aeaitVand maio na fowl better Oiaa
ever before." -
Tot thirty years lydia E. Pink
hara's Vegetable Compound, made
from rooU ard herbs, has been tha
Itantiard remedy for female iila.
and ha positively cured thousands of
worsen who have been troubled with
diaplaoe merits- inflammation, uicera
t'orv fibroid tumors, irrfsrjdaritien,
EriLeiio iair9, backache, that bear-e-down
feeling, tUtalency, indiges
ii ri, dimness or nervoi u "prostration.
'fiycont you try it?
.11 ra- "Tlnihana tavitM all aiek
womrg to wr.!e her tar nylru"-.
Nhe liavs cnidrHl taousaods to
LoaUUs. vAddre, Lyna, Jla-
that. Tho mors of Hia glory wa see the
more of our own glory we are enabled to
see. Every sprituaily enlightened soul is
to be a light unto other souls. It Is im
possible to overestimate the power of soul
upon soul. So the hope of the nation and
of the world la tn the men and women who!
have divinely illumined souls and who are
scattering the light of Ufa everywhere."
Bottles no ta Qaaatlty of
Thirteo nsaloon keepers of Omaha were
fined VI and costs each In police court
Munday for selling whisky in bottles with
out labels telling tha amount of the fluid
therein contained aa provided by the new
pure food laws. Inspector Frank Nichol
son of tha Pure Food commission was present-
Ha exhibited ths bottles which ho had
purchased. Tha bottles were displayed on
tha desk of tho police judge, which imme
diately became s, sbiina at which wor
shipped a number of the hoboes who hap
pened to bo tosfuig In the room. Tho bot
tles were heavily guarded, however, against
a concerted attack by policemen. to say
nothing of the cordon of saloon keepera
surrounding tha desk.
Several of the saloon keepers pleaded
guilty. Those who did not were fined the
sams after their trial, the fine imposed be
ing the minimum provided by the siatute.
Tho following: were fined: Juhn Wright,
John C Klanik. Callons a Paracrhlnt.
George Reif. Cantoni A Bertjeint. J. I.
Parrott, Carl Callrsen. Fred Ingeraoll. Nel
son A gtringfe'llow, Charles Chleborad. Oa-
W itaraaiag for Christ Involves Indi
vid aal Daty and Cars.
Rev. Nathaniel la cG If fin. D. D., pastor
of Lowe Avenuo Presbyterian church,
preached a strong sermon Sunday morning;
on ths text, "Witnessing tor Christ." His
theme was individual responsibility. He
took his text from Acts IA tha key to this
But ye shall receive power sfter the Holy
Ghost is come upon you, and yo shall be
wlinvsars unto mo both in Jerusalem and
in Judaea and In all Samaria and unto ths
uttermost part of tha earth.
"Ths Christian and church member should
know the goapel and testify to it," said Dr.
MoGirfin. "He should study ths word of
God and be able and willing: to tell others
of It. This is witnessing for Christ."
Laying tho utmost stress upon ths Im
portance and necessity of a close unity of
action and co-operation between tha clergy
and laity, the pulpit and pew, he added
"Tho ministers who are to lead cannot
lead unless the people will follbw. Unless
you give me your most earnest help and
co-operation I cannot accomplish what
ought ro'accompllsn and you cannot fulfill
your purpose- or perform your duty. It ia
essential that wa both work hard and to
gether. Ira no other war can wo possibly
expect the results we should achieve.
"I have heard It said that ia the next
two years the Lowe Avenue church ahould
have Sift) Instead of 3M members. It should.
But let me tell you if it does It will bo be-
cajse every one of the present So makes it
his duty to work, to speak- to spine friend
or neighbor and see that at least one new
member is brought In. Don't dspend too
much on the pew next to you, or your next
duor friend. Get in and work yourself.
At an enthusiastic meeting of the Bohemian-American
Improvement club, held
Sunday afternoon for the purpose of discus
sing the issuance of n.WKtHK) bonds for the
proposed new court house, ail of those
present were heartily in favor of the new
court house and the following resolutions
wet unanimously passed:
Whereas, The Bohemian-American Im-
Srovement club haa been called together
unoay. May I 1ft. for the purpose of con
sidering the proposed issue of HjWMM)
Donas lor me Dunning of a court houac;
Whereas. All the members, ls in number
unite in declaring unanimously thst there
a great need of additional SDace more
hygienic conditions and facilities for the
etnploves for the transaction of the coun
ty a nusiness- therefore, be it
Resolved. That each member act aa a
committee of one and exert all efforts to
induce registered voters to vote st the
election next Tuesday. May S. IX. for the
bonds to build a new county court house.
Starts aa Friendly erte aad
Winds Tm mm a "Heal
As the culmination or a private exhibi
tion of the manly art, Harry Swanson, 3919
California street, snd Leo Gannon, 619
North Twentieth street, two bovs It years
of age. were taken to the poUee station
Sunday night to have their Injuries dressed
by Dr. Harris. One of the boys possessing
a pair of boxing gloves, suggested, that
they have a friendly tilt for' the amuse
ment of a choice few of their friends. The
only article of agreement waa, that neither
was to hit hard. Before the end of Round
1 thia article waa forgotten, the gloves dis
carded and a real battle was on. when
Kay W. H int was a visitor In South
Omana Saturday and Sunday.
City Councilman Harry B. Zlmman is
back from a business trip east.
Miss Mitchell V aikcr. Mr. sou .r a. i
N. FuU-r of Denvei snd W. W. Madison
of Toronto are at the Her orana.
O. C. Holmes left for Burlington. Ia-,
Sunday night to sttend the funersl of Ins
mother-in-lsw. Mrs. F. W. Newman.
Charles H. Wslter of Sioux City. Henry
Knight of Wisner and C. H. (iererke of
Hastings are at the Henshaw.
A. OObonox of Atchison. H. M. Carl of
Chickaaha. Okl.; O. F. Ray of Pecos, Tx..
and C. Weber of Spalding are at the Mur
raj. G. B. Tavlor of Hastings. Russell Klein
of Spirit Lake. P. Berkey. jr.. of salt u
and -Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Flatx of Arlington
are at the Schlltx.
Mrs. A. C. Wich of McCook. G. F. Field
of North Platte. D. E. Green of Lincoln.
Mr. snd Mrs. R. M. Meeker of BoW. Mr.
and Mrs. Chsrles F. Goei of Denver are
at the Rome.
K. D. McMillan of Hastings. Frsnk De
Frsnce of Ellsworth. Miss Msry Ryan of
Wisner.' Max Bovec. Frank Siewan of Val
ley Falls and C. W. Mitchell of Sidney are
at the Merchants.
A. Z. Espev of Kearney. Ralph Williams
of Tankion. B. E. Haffmeister of Norfolk.
W. Z. Warner of Beatrice. W. Everett of
Portland and G. H. Bathrlck of Battle
Creek are at the Millard.
James W. Orr. general solicitor of theJ
Missouri Pscific railway, of Atchison Is an
Omaha visitor, registered at the Paxton.
He Is railed here to look after some per
sonsl damage suits in litigation tn the
United Statea circuit court.
Charles C. Rosewater, general manager
of The Bee Publishing company has re
turned from the east, where he had been
on business. He attended the meetings
of the Associated Presa and the Newspsper
Publishers' association in New Tork.
Charles Miller of Chicago, srrlved In
Omaha. Monday, and will be one of the
clerks at tiie new Hotel Loyal. Mr. Miller
was formerlv clerk at the famous Cataract
hotel In Sioux Falls. 8. D.. snd later clerk
at the Mondamin hotel tn Sioux City.
George H. Machen of Los Angeles. W. D.
Hngan of Aberdeen. Frank G. Carpenter of
Washington. A. S. Hanford.' J. tj. Boyd
of Sioux City, M. B. Thompson of Almon, !
Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Huiion of Seattle f
and F. M. Donahue of Portland are at the i
Paxton. !
Mrs. Ellen E. Dodson of Lincoln, grand
matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, i
is a guest at the Rome. She opened her )
njcariuuartera there Mundav morning pre
paratory lo the meeting of the grand chap
ter of tho Order of the Eastern Star, which
convenes In Masonic temple. Tuesday.
Relstlves in Omaha have r-ceived in
rrmation of the death In Cleveland of
Mrs. Joseph Rosewster, who hsd visited
In. Omaha and had friends here as well as
relatives. Her husband is a brother of the
iate Edward Rosewster. of City Engineer
Andrew Rosewster and Pr. Charles Rose
wster. AaiHtnt Attorney Genfral S. R. Ruah
and I'nited Stales District Attorney Charles
A. Goss left fur St. Paul. Mmn.,
Monday evening to argue against the grant
ing of the appeal tn tha land fraud rases
to be heard there before the I'nited States
circuit court of appeals for the eighth cir
cuit Tuesday. The caa sre those ara.nnt
Bartlett Richrd. W. S. Comstock. '. C.
JameMin. A'lUilla Tripiett and T. M. Hunt
ington. Fred Hoyt and A. B. Todd. The in-
Tereets or tne rirsi tour nameo win oe
looked after by R. 8. Hall of Omaha aa
the principal attorney, and those of Hunt
ington. Hoyt snd Todd by Attorneys Gur-
ley and oodrough. of Omaha.
I 'ml
i lis 4
! l"kTl t ,
wa . l
Men's Cravcnelle
Late models Very smart and
dressy. Suitable for all sea
sons, but especially adapted to
changeable weather Special
Every man should have Cravenette.
No garment will give him more pleasure,
or afford him more comfort.
If you hare never worn one, begin now.
You'll feel like you have added another
friend to your list you'll laya keep
It near you.
Our Crarrnettc are rspecinlly attract
ive 'Very uauftanl value at
0 os2S
& Building Association
celebrmtea its 25th Anniversary on May 6th in, its own hom
located at the Southeast corner of lit& and Dodge Sts.
aaHi I1.8TM00 lwyi Pay ftr Qnl oa Saviaai Acesaata
Reirrvt f aad 4 JM
a. W. KOOMTS. rrsstdent. 1893.
a. SC. lAlTUail. Bseretary, 1383.
Jaka K. Batler, 1881
W. at. Wna-ht. 1BS3.
W. weott King. 189.
K. B. BITSOI, Tlcs-wrae, lWs.
W. B. ASATJa. Asst. kWy, XOT.
. A. Farmelcs. 1W7.
H. J. Fenold. 1894.
M. BL 2oortaca. 1S0T.
Railway etea and Peraaaala.
Hal RiiskMighsm. chief clerk in the
freight department of the Burlington, has
gone to Kansas City to attend the meeting
of tfie Transmissouii Freight bureau.
J. H. Hunter of the claim devrTment of
the Northwestern haa gone to Deadwood.
tV. FT. Murray, assistant s-eneral naaaen
rer agent of trie I'nlon Pacific, haa returned
(mm a week's tnp to Colorado points snd
Alfred Fsrlow. manager of the advertise
Hn department of the Union Pacific, ia in
W. T. Canada, eoecial scent of tha T'nlon
Pacific, will leave for Lexington to attend'l
the meeting of the sneciai agents and
Officer Willi, hove In sight and took the j n.dw7,;;do'h';d"0l-
participants In custody. I come of the governor.
ft I a;v aaropt Laux Model "Raaiger" txewie tunnUml be ua. I "ix asests mtywhiss an.
r iu- Wnu ftr fU tmrttrMtm mmd ttmml t0r ml em.
it! i yaa rcet and apv
sit HO.'lEI UUl lalO uii I m nam ini nmc so KTtla. wssMt
to aayoee, aniwhqe in tli U.S. mtikmtt a ontf drpmv ia advaara, prtjaf eetr'. snc
allow TLN 1AXBV WVLhJL TIUl.dwuictucatunswwauTnas(haBa:yciauc
pus tt m any test yo iwi. 11 you are thee not pcrtnuiiv aiunH ar oa eta wwa M
Verp lbs barrcic saip it im k lo a at oar vxpetua atta aea mtU met at ear eea cmbC
rspyrrnw IDiftra w hmuah do h cit cnuu ratycurs u u poraibM ta sin
rftsUII riiirU a car anil pnm torn smi UuiT as. Voa sav is
to tm raiiliilisiiia a sarmts or bur" eintrt ol aa ana aa lha iMrfTmww raf
saraa beruaa faarr DKrcM. IXi OT Hill btrrcis or a pan- ol urra tna m
til voa mm oar tauiuruas ana wan eat unsure as ;na
to rtaar acanta.
whra yoa rcuie ow eaautihil eatVvS sad
may oar auprro uudea at tne
can be prepared instantly by simply
stirring" contents of ope package into a
pint of boiling water.
No soaking, sweetening, flavoring or
fussing. Everything in the package.
The Dainty Dessert
a trial and you will never use gelatine again.
7 flavors. Sold by all good grocers,
ioc. per package.
Illustrated Recipe Book, Free.
Complies with all Pure Food Laws.
Highest award, gold medal. St. Louis and Portland.
TEX COS EE ri2E rCCD CO, Le Eoy, N. Y.
rsr V. Johnson. Ted P. Hunter and Qohn iYm cannot possibly escape your own In
A Barmina
lac a
Hs not to have Bmklen's Arnica Salve to
cure burns, eorea. piles, cuts, wounds and
ulcers. SUc- For sale by Boston Drug Co.
Batldlag; Peraalta.
Bjahman block. 8ixteeutn aril Doug'.aa
streeta repairs to rru-k building. R..t.';
Charles L- Hopper. Nineteenth avanue snd
Coruy streeta. frame dwelling. Cuuu,
France Pargetted. Nineteenth avenue be
tween Clark and Uraca atreeta. frame dwell
ing. Cuuv; Paul Thumpavn, Tlnrty-fourtn
and Seward atreeta. frame dwelling, tZ.'W.
bvron Reed company. Tnirty-flftn street
and Dewey avenue, tmrae dwelling. 12iu: j
J. H. Parry, r'or! y-sveund and Piuaaey
i reets. frame dweiUnar U.e: Emilv T
McKeil. Slu-13 Nortk ii'eeutn street, knra
tJiltiM to stores, ft Joan nwanson. i
Ten!'-r:fth and B'jroette atresia, irama
dweiui.. (Z : Carol. ne t. liu.lin.
Ni ii I juj -i x'a iu.e, Irama,
tJWL . . 1
dividual burden of responsibility and you
will bo doing a great injustice to others
and injury to yourself to attempt It."
Leetsve at north aids Ch rtatlaa.
Tha capacity of the North Side Chiianan
church waa taxed to its limit Sunday night
by the large audience which assembled to
hear the lecture of Evangelist Burton on
"Impressions of Oberammergau." the Ger
n an city where the "Passion Play" Is pro
sed tad. Many commendatory remarks at
tha close of the lecture were an evidence
of the appreciation of the audience.
Howes' fee iMrw SwaTeswew.
WASHINGTON. May . The senate today
j passed without amendment a houae resolu
tion appropriating fcS.00S for too relief of
the sufferers frofn the cyclone In Georgia.
Alaoania, M.a:aippl and Louisiana. April
J fnrm aad rwii llln xpmwmi ,&m to I
.yfe 'ij YC3 K31 K JUTCRKSO
'J irwraasaecuBuaarsathis year. Wt
ell hottest Kixic bKivicska leraa
thu anv athar uk-iott. W ara siuanad with Bias srolH abaet ratturr wt
tut. ICU KK.ALm.lut. yoa oa aril oar nrrfcica snosr jsesr owa I
wtoctb mica tne oar
tXU H.4HD Bit Tt LKS. wa da not nrlariy nsadle ssDsad naoa Brceriea. nst
ftllv aava a auauiw oa nana tir ra m not Dv ear eiucua retail
Broaiptif m vntmm ransuaj tmia wa ro awt or wtw. j
atagia wnaaia, uaaarua ruuer
u nam at
; oa ail
aaf are
0. Ic9cnptive btnr' I'Btr suttad tree.
Umr clkaJee aad yv.iait sans, ssssus sad
asraW wliilrKa.
50 nftssTncsn pa?!cninr-Fnc57 i
V," ' J Th Tttmlmr reUil prtct of that ttrm ts f "-"." ii
ttiO are aoxr, Dnt to mtrocmum wt wtii tm "''"' U
ia i:::Enc:2LE fes tzzzkzzz
"JAIU, Taaaa we Class will ne la tsa
air Ml, Sixty thrraaand pairs sold last year.
Over two kimored tnoaasnd pairs now ta sac.
DCSBftimOMt Made in all sises. It is lively
y ruiing.verydutaoieaaa uaeatnaiaewitn
3ai auaiiiy os
porous sac wbaji dotrm up
aityof rubuer, whira
tng tbeairtoeaaoe. We hare ta
ten ctrstomrrs wai ing that taeir
apoaoeortwKsiaawhoiraraicai. They
ral paactorea wit trout allow.
azMtreoa mi letters from aal
aad castoaaers Mating that LOeirUrrs have only been pumped
aa ordioary ere. the puncture resisting qualities being given
tw srveral lav-era ol thia. spectailv pnnared iaiinc ua the
tread. The regular pnee of thearuresutB se orr pair, but for
adwertiatne troaee we are D&luos a .txx lartoi v r- tee to
Use naer ol only st-ss per pair, ai oroera anippea aaaie oay etter ia iiuirui. we snip c o. d. esj
5crtina tbo talek rstboasr taoarl
aaat suavturs saetpO &'
"Im, aaae Haa atano H-
prwe U rtns eettaog. Tale
) tire srVi amllaat any sure
snake-Mrr. sXAaXlO savd
approval. Yral oo wot pay a cent until yoa nave examined and fauna urea stner y as rewreareteo.
We will allow a eaah dlaaouat or per ceat (thereby making the pocc Bevas per patn if yew
arnd fCLX, CASH n 1 1 It OsUfc.ft and eoclwae this advertisement. We will also and oao
aickel otated bnue hand now. Tires to be raornaa at L at exuerue if for aar iwaaoa ttaev aio
bank. If you order a pair ol Ibeae Urea, you will knd that they anil ride raaier. raa (aster,
wear better, last toeger and look 6arr than any tire vou have ever uard or sera at any once, w e
know that you will be ao well pleaard tnat when yoa want a brevcie yoa will gTV us your order;
We want you to send ua a trial aider at once, nm this rrmarkaule tire orirr.
.mm v.a mffm Vm"? "baysykiridataovpnreul yoa Knd for ess of
IF TfmtU ImmtmLU I jWrtr) Ueogethorn Pawcture-fraof tuea en approval sod Iris, a
the special introductory pnee quoted abwve: cr write Kar our big Tun end Sundry Caialogaa wbasai
oescxioea sad quotes ail mar-r aad kinds of tires at about aait t ke aruii prv-e-r.
,v m ff butwrne oa a postal today. LK rr THIS k. or BCTIXQ a birvr-te
tU kJ I IIMI a or a pair of tuea from aayone until you know the ore aad f-lrrf
edeni wa are making. It only ouau a postal lo kara cvcryUuna Wait it bWVf.
Want Ad
Will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms cr iercrt
boarders on short notice at a very small emt