XII O'LUIA DAILY r.FE: TUESDAY. AfFAIiti AT SOTH OISBA fc- v I V c?..-"i." ? Biraiag Hay Git-s the F-rmra Tirs 2a Smc :! y. , TZCUGHT TO SZ IJCnT V HAT J) Y il heyRbiwg Cars We esaat tao Fliw Liastns aa llr !() Call: lava . tw w-r Tw a Wtrala larl aT 1 as with crrru3 hearts and srr.ilir.g c:s tney re and pi ay when in health and hcv conducive to health the irr.3 in wr.4ch they ir.cu!?e, the cutdcer life they enjey. the cleanly. rer-Iar hahits they zhcuid be taurht iz term and the wheiescme diet cf which they shculd partake. Hrv tendehy tze:r health shcuid he preserved, net by censtont rr.edicaticn. tut by careful avcidar.es cf every medicine cf an in j un cus cr ctjecncnacle narure. and if at any trr.s a remedial agent is required, tc accict nature, cniy these cf knewn KceHencs should be used; remedies which are cure and wheiescme and truly beneficial in effect like the pleasant laxahve remedy. Syrup cf Figs and Elixir cf Senna, manufactured by the Calif crr.ia rig Syrup Cc. Svruc cf F;s and Eusir cf Senna "has ccme ir.to general favcr in manv millions cf weil informed ::.;es. wncse estimate c: its quaury anc : ceiler.ee is tased uccn personal iencwiedge and use. Syrup cf f :gs and r.'.ix:r cf Senna has also met with the accrcval cf physicians gene-ally, because they knew it is wholesome, simcle and gentle in its action. We inform all recutacle physicians as to the medicinal enncipies cf S.tuc cf Fizz and Elix:r cf knevn t; ienrra. cctair.ee ty an criminal . . . . W w A rem tj act meet "beneficially, and presented in an ag-eeahle syrup in which the wnciescme Cal ifemian blue hg3 are used tc rrcmcte tne pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret remedv. and hence we are free to refer to all well informed sicians. wnc co net accrcve cf patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-meeicatien. Pease to remember and teach your crileren also that the genuine Syrup cf rigs and Elixir cf Senna always has tne full name cf the Ccmcany Caufcmia Fig Syrup Cc. plainly printed on the front cf every package and that it is for sale in bctties cf cne sire cr.iy. If any dealer effers any ctr.ef than the regular Fifty cent (' sirs, cr having printed thereon the name ci any ether company, cc not accept it !i Ji you fail to get the eenuine ycu will net get its beneficial effects, iivery family shcufd always have a bottle cn hand, as it is equally beneficial tor the pa vthe children, wheaever a laxative remedy is required. SOILS 05 OMAHA SCC1ETY Week Begs wita Bonnd a' L.ehean tad Closer Parties. e-xa b clt thz eosgss Min Warn u4 am mt tu wly SUurrlimi (M la tar - at A tlsaosa Iuient and Hra. CiTti. wno ar tne. fammtm at Genera, and Sirs. J. C. Csana. w b muca ii?rtminl dunn car hm. W'tUtmmdny n:ntc Mr. and Ilia. JnHpn Bariurr all emT.JUJ at tmaer and Wwral ntl Mn. Cnwm wli f.'vm a aox sacir a Ataud A ja.Ti itm- iay -aauaf . - 7rr M:nm ATwwi -""-no a tim -aewt of ys-rm Ma-nn Hallrr. Mr. BrrsnJ Hnifn an Tffr. f"lBr4 wt'i rma.I uat pr party M"mlar vmjiti. Hra. M- W Rivlrhu lmnifd cards Trrr m hndaa hinrawn Thurwia- ootnpiumsniary a; Forty-airi and E-unnf srr'.a la f tr. and an. H. C. Samnrv. w.io aav htti !rt-:n nn SniT:i Th!rty-r,x:;i air. ."iav Lajipn apa:-Tmpyii ar ui Rome 'lotei. M. Eina Saiipr. wnn uaa hvn a-ji ( X.m ajcim McH and M m Znuw P-rk dur-rn :m w r"firaed Siinday nrr how m Int ntn. Mr Hariey Mxir".pai and Mr T""i TVirr.an waraH Sundav Irm Iintoin iriifp xarv ai:pTind !. banuurt aivn tv t;i Phi iiran E)t fratmrt-- at tjip L.ncit ii hntH 9ar-ar-lay vnin. Mr Fr-d Thomas nniflnrd his oiur1 at uui ' ti!it t?-.ia wp'ruyrT and baa rrt-amed ta Omni to ride. Mr. Arraur Ktilno t fjimdinn a tay :n Counrii E;uTf. rae nn9 'if Mr K-line s par-ms. Mr Kwiin. wnu : Ji Ct". :h xtch1 to return tn lant of t wk- Artw a ifciinrt bxjiv hr b wiil Timt hia raiu-ii at Gnprr. TVyi. n"!T0LAIAX ft 5IW TROUBLE Omaia 3Lny Loan San Csnter af Tirs at Xaisaa City. 1 Tkn arnan Ealr "T Hiaa r In Aimn ta taa AlHMn af T-ir Ia PASSING Cr A!B AHXY MUHSE Aaat Bvrrr Tm aiat ta Hw avka Waawa la II f:r"t to xa A.:c - w.u, l. w(w,n TjM v:1 wr arnl(. iut d)-J .j. .. Mr. WOllam CoiUn ta pi-" T - mt h nom. , diana t.T fr!.l and aim in cnmpiim-Bt To Mm Su:n. annlv,- f m4I ar. 3,, wan a wno r-w:y r-fi.-ned frrnn a ati mnnuir m..:rM)t t,si-nr f y. war Van. viast in t at. Hr . for cnur.ir" tv man- Mr. and Mrs. N. H. 'Wood mr;ir!et bnaac and pun-na !iai a:irr t:imii tin Hamjony -.iun Monaay aveninar as tneir , nn, ham an irrtrnpiL ithuc- Afr a w mnmns s" i:af-l to a to Mna Julia Hunt of Vuvmcr. who w'il t ; f.,ri aj, nar f -r t.w aica arm an of tiim bran f the w-it. wai nnmrr wian)-d- wja mnin;.mg . m :::n gunt t a iofor-nal mat:n lunrn-in 1 ,,1. tnnuK.i P'or-nf N.t:it:neic Manna? inan hy Msaa Ottiia Nainita at nid dnn- n aurri tnp ;!i:m-ar. war ti kar home in FTrt Onuuia. TUe gur w-r : t ,v middi ' a. Aawv Bft-n rrn-mui Jul Ixtnct.-J to Mum. uraui pinj , a.I ill tnr-.r pow-r ti d:nrniraa arr, uu! Triuliic in hr-wne m KmM Cirr t"'f , t.ii" mraif loaain bumntsa and word baa , ht s :n CtnaJia tnat tne affice f Z H. Tnma. wio majs hia home m ;ina c-:iy if th ci ni?r ef troume. uae rouna imni u:trs ajvni arrested and cirH wim.Jsur'- T- ltnan aonict:me art brnail a -at asamm a enttrd man in urt :nu.ii 10 ics: t.js rjs.ita m t.-ie tn::er of ioar..ng m-ncv .in '-in- m-art !i" -.-epts and coi . n t:m :nK'iMl ae fr.arj'S. T' mux1 aa.;nat M:sa Wiliia. clerk :n . T '.man Kiium C:tr offUre. was made av a- m-e B. P'tsnn and cnarpea her ; w:i;i uaur-. M.bh W i'.ia was nnt :n and ; anci.Ti-r war-ant ta. Kurd for M. Camp ur:. tJie nam- t.ie ynuna- wimaa ui Lae ili.i-e ai. .trraaat af It. C. Caaa. T'i Kan! t":7y rwr of Liie r!it. 1 w:i:rn r.:tm cajm-i anneti:in ot ""- j t.on T:ier. :s stvti aa imiibw wj '-' '- P. H. "T 'lina:! ifaa ff;c 1 in rrwim t;. :n t:i. Hi) mn.iiinE. T toiui women t..' jj tu. ..(f i r v'-si-MUT wien a vtan.ir L-fi.:i. ne fif '!"Ti watt tuw w-T"na wtti it tvwir-!r. Tf ..,;irr u wora:n ki ..m- papt-rs at a !. A uirac mn r-aj. iar auheTTHi of yellow wan up1. a laras- I t I h'inrft of'tafnviila- fnrm.nii an alTrci:f 1 . ennwpwfa fnr Cie laote. Cffer wrm laid Jor Miaa Kant. Mrs. Et.U. M m Fltir-nr J Otaiau4 and Dim Verai.th. Later tne- I am )otne bv M.m A:ic SwitHfr and 1 iaa Mav Maiitmev at an Orpneum party. Mlaa rimerire Clmstead waa haateiia ciuumiRX lunrnwon Fr-jlar. etanplmentarr J to Mi Julia Iiunt A rotor afneme of mna j aai uaad and mwri wtw laid for ten. ' Fw wjaai arokaai. j Mm. "W. X Foy and Mrm, W T. Barai ' ntartaUMol ax luncueon Monattjr at tne bnme 1 of Mrm. Bums, in compiimrnt to M aa A.ioe ; Cmgntcra MaBliaiar. 111 will tx one of tn 1 May bndea. Tbe ;ina wr aeain at a , round taxue. wm.c u had an arraivi cen terpieea of pma and wijta awt pf am. in I a lane, rut Ajiaaa h.t'l. Pai rtxr-ia in XJiB aiiana of wiamff beiis. maraed tn. ptacsa tor ten ireaia. la huni'i' af M:aa Verwnira Iouriery. j wim aftar-saa Ui Mr. Laa I-iff man. wi b anw-aaniimi Wwtiiftwaj". M:m Mimm : Tt-d&Tigr: aa" a k:!i- :er! aii'nsrr Fday j arainit at her aomf. ! iai aarf 4i ttiinalau ! Mr. ;id Mra. 'v:ant- Hoiwwat r-r ari ' dauarter. "harStT Rowwaicr rt 4rntd Sundar frvna a rcr tu Jrat-aiown. N. T-. and .V T.rk (!iy M aMr'on A 1 WMii of tTiufiaa. Cmn.. ' wu ia ta C'jeat of Miss Marinn H&lfr anil iaava T in rr mom i.'liv ! sur will wr.t arfttmi fT-enda. Mra. Julia A. AlfiH and Mum M Ijtm McSIiane ierr Sunday fo alar ia N T-r Oitv. , fiilnws tne ftm ' of V Ktt X-w Mr. and Mrs iwvn r-ofierr-- r--urrnvt , Life P"ila. Uie painieaa r-ariiatnrs .:ia: an uie:r a-tid;nT rr-p and ar atay-na ' tr"nT?ien you. Gnaram- d. 3.-. Pr mi ;w iW-irs-Ji ivmw umJ t'leir twnjuu j aa.e toy Beaion Dm "u. STMPT.E StoU'iEJ. it dirr .ler an wan UriH on i.iewa.1 "wive be oeiut. It t in a T'Btor -oter-t ue or'-'-- tne wui,i ai t;:- oea fie T .urn. Sue waa atxmt -a.-a 0111. ene luu utin hiiir and an -:! drtrsnea. Hjt a sai. sue aa;d. "I will be :Jiii:'. ;a a inuinent." A."-ee rearrausTnat : pi.r ai: nn.t;onci to tJie rusitiM- uj 1 wa:ii to siee aoout arranatna tor m 'ar-r )" MiHi aa tie tio a m-ml nea: ner oe.:. "How inufi muncv do rv.i waat i.K-1 .11 a ;t.uun-- manner I pcaverad. ani .-riv ittilldn. o H in. j . -- -. 1 - M lefp ar Till ."nuill'vtj air . Tie f r JeTJafme-it had ftr eaila raj- ; rerdBT mmnf tri f"Ta which ctraid n" ha r-acred wtii pi" m lit aurnjtr of !toa. an ;t bad tne f".r awTed tn T 11! . m -enrh and O arria. wber how ermid be jud. and eamlr ertina-jialied trie Eamea. The firm caul waa tn Thirtieth and G arre-ta at . P m. whwre a itrm of hay ear waa bar-iin Tbe Sre had. rn fact, marred in one car and bd not yet r-ached tie itthen wben The aiarm waa arxn. T?ie -teca merit went to tr arene. but d!artr erd it "tiuid not reaih tne fir. A TTmmt 3tok Tardf enarne wa pr-ml -.nto aerT 're. iinked ;tia-;f m tie biax-.na car and niianed :t to a muTnem point ander tile 0 etreet rimiit. In 'he meantime the dppar-ment r-fumed and ia:d hoar to t-be new matron. T'le woodworlt of the car and the hav w-r" pra.-titny rained. AJlother rar waa f!r-d at tne aame loca tion artnur ten nr.naiaa later than the r.rat Aaam at o cioe 't a third rar waa fmind burtima- and It waa conaumed to tae tracka W't.b the continued iiraii the deteetlw . 0t buT. hopina: to diarrrrer tile 1 ctw of tna tnwervma Crwa. ar-wta ' were made laat n.a-tt. Oeaahwa r laaaianaeata, MiiTir Franit Kantsav aaid laat niant he ; vaw no proKtiert of a-ttiina- tite deadlock rr the ctT aonoinrmenta. "! have trade no advuicea to tne ornomtion and hold tn t my 01-w.nM belef t.nat I r.ave tne rtht to ' maae rnv own irnutuitiieii, Theae men have tj worn under my cr-Jr-s directly, and I do not intend t.i atmoint men wno w-U. . frrr tne shae of tbeir pary prjudicea. con-un-.iaily oppope me. "I am aui 1 v atate of affa:r x:'a. ;t :a bound to aar t.be aroBraaa of the cry. The cirr haa boiida ) aril and pub lic imnrov-roenta to compete. Until tbe ' irpmntawit ar eonfrmed. tki one will in terest himaeif in tne Souta Ctnana aecun- 1 ' ttea. , 1 ' "I noilre acme roiiavi cr.txian in wne of the da.2y paoera berauae of Uic a-leaed ' fact SVmth Omaoa has no milk maoertor ; What t.i mm of apnointtna- a ai.ik in- j anector !f he cannot be confirmed. The cntic seta ma -w-rea criaeed' :f my meraory 1 ar-1 me v.gi-.u Lesa man a wek aan : ctimpiaint waa made Uiu we intended ! (Treat eirraTaaant-e. and would keen a.I the ', office! and add a fw. Now ,t appears w- hav not enoua-n. Are w :n a coon trap : to be caiurht both rrnninf and nin" j "We save dienenaed win he nolle court bailiff, a amtor ir the dry ha.l dur-ns; t.-e summer months at 'earn, and w. in tend 10 rwij the ordinance creating tbe 1 office of city wsnmiater and mails :t a I fee office, as it was. 1 'A.I my apnomnnenta ha'ee been honored in tnat uie appointees are dmns; tne work n "Inout interference, flei ei ai of tiiem have reeved or-iera fr"m tne are wept council as to t:ieir dunes, aoonrr or iaier they w-;ii.( set their pa? " The wmonaur w-na ef the eoimcil has m-ide no oreruirs awparent.y. and ae- , cwtingr to uie pmarara of the demorrair leader t-ie- will not be allowed to Comoro- : mise :f they can help rt. ! Mrrmm aa tavak Saaaatr. WJiiam Jenninas Bryan will apeaa Sun- i 47- May IK at the auditorium of the South i Oma.ia KIgn acjiooi. He has been enaaawl ' to deliver T.-e terr-jre. "The P-inre of : Peace," for tiie bene;r of the ioeai Toun ! Mn s Chrrsuaa association. The mnetmc ; w-.U begin promprrr a: i p. m. The ad miasion is free, bui by Uc. The ticaets j may be secured by any one wno applies at ! toe UWH..011 rooms It is unneceasary to : say tiiar aopiicania k.wuid come early. A: tne Sundav af:eraoon meeting yester- j . day it was decided to diaconunue the Sun- aay afternoon meet:ns; lor tne summer sea- : . son. Thu advisability of an evening meal- ' ng waa a.so discussed. ! - ne association nejd two interesting meet- , Jigs iast Jiignt. one ar the Workmen, irapie '; 1 ana Tne uuier at ia aapiist cn urn. ! ta ry Ba-iey epotie at the cnurch for . imeresi or tne women s auxiliary, cnuly. Secretary Oer spoke at the aTork men temple. aira. fcearsja Ssalcai Dead. ) Word was receive! from Chirago yesf-n.;,- announnag the death of Mrs. ieorge Sn-4tn. teiearann ue repued. ixnerai t-e. without avaiL Siie w 4irnl. wno airtw Other womei follwe.t a'V'-'-r n ner foot ( steps ana at tne rmw of tje war. iMjtn t :n the Tspr:i snd t-ie wmitn. remamett at their work unt.i the last soldier waa ante , to be sent Iiome and trie doors of tne l emergency n.t iuh cUai forTer. a r of nov vJomea Can eep Themselves Cheerful Vvimea lire ttt'ttvir: thw exwrciae lirrle. Thev aoed laxatises aiure riaa aien. Thrtr headaches. Their i-iT, lays, their feine4" are f-nera.lv dje za tae boeiB S itch etind:ruin ire wrong rjecacse thev are mini 1 sa 1 . Cce Caacam taac-a rust wfaea vou neei It sets everrthiao; r-jht. One caarfv taaiet tim corcpieteiv most at cur minor ills. Taev'ne as harmless u fond. Von aew kraosj you have t-i.---i one save (or ti gnod rasu.ts. One ten-emt bog w'.l chanifs six ua- happv days mto six dys of good cheer. Aren't tfaer auitit it ' 1 .ooti.iir .11m nvr criisraiiT "1 i;w-t tn go tu wont f-3r company in tile morning. All taw a "W.ia- sauarv w.U a rece-v ane iniu It a liiie a teaciier aaaing tita r ; -l a uavil. A.- y.oir ;ta oaya semi-monthiy m" ' 1 HfV a.ij oe M w- :iv iHi S3 loana. The nearest thitsu 10 ; ii a: is a a man-." " A ia: icims ' - -i-.j itan Tna: in ten a? mi-monthiy flu e-3f 'if fi. :!i or nim st-tra-...m ti'- n iwbi! ui '.' eaci A3 y u ii- ii,;i,oi"i :u is. A wil oe necrsurv ; . u vrti nr'na sonifoie ;ip to aiKn tne r.iaii-rs won vou. 1:1 caj- 'S :or any reason v.w t-ouio r.o. wouiu .'mt or aiti not me-it wur pjvnfii.. iiits nuiirsT jiaiu proitrct , y.mr pjiy-ilenla 1. h : ir nt-ceafcary qua-ifiiiauun 1 "i-i iiisiRi '"m- Mnpioi-e-.t n hia present p- i sil.ui: sin w an and :ie rr-viijB pokiuon nix llwmi on. .l-ivifli empti'VH ov a Data-; -11 n'juM-. raiirfid or uinir c-siaoie lirm ' 0 at-c-enio aN an mlorfH-r. ' (e iiiei-v an .iara tor maaing out the , B- yaa. Fsw sw. "i.ii. ys- W. "!idrge a tee for maatng 01. t.i. dftp1!1 ai 1101 tisp-T. rbe tee mi ai. r :a amouiii a . cio-r -be cnaraea tori K" :i vi. ur w-i aim yntr eitmfMt 1 papier. ' I h- oo-ro- mm. .l jatH-r. ' W..t-!i C(Ml.l 1 art l :i wine" ! "l! yon jfn . e yur ipitiu-kiina iait you cn ai your 'iiioh-v i onorrow It usuaiiy I r-iuir m a -lav u wa a rw-ism up.' j ! 1 ja mrr-w ir riain if iviu desire . i t pv .t sm-i-h .n tour aKvntlia tt is . r ::.. for jl.1- Ti:im" dnou1 yni a eep . :1 mont.iM it c im vapu tt'-r -oi no ; not rvt-tw ITi:!. tor 'iir or nse moniaa. j , Vou !- pa .1 bai-a one montti arvr 1 . you ge trie nooie: It ooes noi taas nsanx i ui vu rnlB u ia ' lavx wnal ou oncina iv ; r. .t-ri.i. Toe munno is proiii 1 r aVr. ' T 'i))u. m nn.-! ucr-ma . - m. sunoay morning. She was the W5f of Ci'uige Smita of t.e ' firm of Smith Brothers. UVeatnqk ciramis- 1 si on men. Mr. and Mrs. Smith sera nasi- ' dent of South Omaha for twelve years, j ; Moat of tiiia time dey llvad at Twenty- 1 j uth and E streets. I About a year agn the family moved tn , .uiaan. jars, smita waa taaen ill soon j sne ; after tney settled in Chicago and Haver ' bang must of t.ie time bed ' duen. Mrs. Smith was aOnut 7 rears nU I She ia survrred by ner austiand and three ! chdaren. Marguenu-. Perry and Campoeil. j The funeral service will pronaoiy be aeid 1 Tueanay. j City JetTers BM-lt Beer ueiivered to aay Are You a Smoker who is looking for quality and extra value for your money? If so you'll find it in a CONTRACT 5-cent straight ciar. CONTRACT cifjar costs more to produce than any other 5 cent cijar on the market. The dealer pays more for it's unusual hijzh quality -he must sell it at 5 cents straight to make a fair profit. The only 5 cent cigar with a genuine long leaf Havana filler, no scraps, dust or tobacco sweepings, A strictly hand-made cigar, always fra grant, free-burning and delightful. Trv one and be convinced. C7"3 B 1 .- ' "1 ' i i W i V r P a av .O t Et-r3 iLn.UolrA 111 V ft: pxip m Fm RINT ( -iki i?r-r?zrr 1 1 ii i to if u ibfm i ill iT " ',rl ,! I." I (life Jo .- .if8 hmhm. ; 3 House hunting used to be toil. Many a woman has endured hardships during the period of house hunting preeeeding the period of mov ing that has told heavily on her strength. Do not wear yourself out looking for a house. Save your strength. You will need it in these first few days when you want to straighten up your new home. Instead of tradLrnu up on? street and dorm a2oth?r. siznpi" nm to tiie Ga.-ifil Cciumna cf thi? csrarer. Tli?re vou will find all ai the available hous and fLdta that are for rent. If the kind of a dellinr: that von -wart i cot pub lished, place vour own advertL?enient tatinz "what you vrant in tomorro-w-'a paper. Some landlord will see your advertisement and will come to you. V I JaV 'wasB ar f : S i' I i omer aatainat carpet beaung an us lawns of riigt.ianu para. si tne my TeieononeNn. k. ! An jnrxirtAnt meeting of tne South Omana ntl Paper hanatng. "SVindow c;aas anil Hin ax'nMi A.umni aanx-uuiun is ca.ied : aaaina. tor. t fa-i to ctne and see uur J'jr tail fvong ' an- and nr-res beffre ouy -rv. ..,- i-..h. T i i i "' ,lm"" B.rd ..f Edurai.on .:.; k: . " TT:. TT: r-- ' ;.n. .vi:M a: t ie .ngn atni.M.i u oraamse. Tie miard ias i."ir.w rTiulm--in memner and it nriianiT wil be traan- Miss E-t!ta Cartenter enterrainad tbs P ' sed unri tnat ;lne T'ier seems ti lie n E. J. snriety uun aaiupaay arternHi a: '-fUi-aee r hk, former burning controversies tier resKitni:. lis N ir-.a TweniT-atumd ; ui svuience. atreto. lege stMise tn tne inietwt of tiie arnoui be- lU I t fore t:ie Preaoytertan ctmgregauan rtunuay ' morning. i mtm Deaf aaa . 'ie anam or urecxors er tis Eagle ciub , ws Jk met Teateraav aftemmiu at tne ciuo raaims tn iIiitim liie nrnnintlrm nf rum niim.. dr-r" ciun romna. Tiwiugb AAiatttt putting desf and diunn Bmre Sii-illiK-b and OaiM Ta.hot haea ran d:mul- rie peace and tne e-o-munMl rrmii a near nunc in tne Big hitrn . pjeins court- Fnuay was -nc'iuH'e mnuniiica T'lev r-rw-rt it Barely p,,aiiie , (m tnim amre t:iat He Xaa sentenced Ut fiat a near msy st.u cut; ia tnuse muun- aawawaasinwaBBaWawaawasaasasBBSBBSBB TA3HEY-GIVES POUCE A ' kaseki Bswa Tlawara aaal "a ssi Mlsai swa tm Tan la larsUr Aasrsa. RUN :unfl" aI M-ss Tiiiny a u:i a.saptx-anng down Liie c-e:lar stera Ira DISTUR3S THE FEACE DWSB tartiaat at ef. Paaa I ten day a in I lie ami :i joi jesr-.;n . v.nws's- ex- jrreia 1 Sunuay mwiini at 1 a. aa. at tie ana of j streets. sjb deaf and dumn. aptvearen .lis atm. TNimu 1. '"ureway Tie Jon era! j against aim. Her tittle son. ail extr-mely semre wi!i ne .leia T'Jewiv at a. m. oandsome and br-.gni nov . i .nl as imer from the resiaerir. ta St. ijnoget . cnurra. , , ,,,-ier u t:t- Sign fi.oa!ss fr jatest J"Te. of waJl paper . a.nr...ni( to ,.ur!. Mr at greaiiv rednrad pni-ea. peatv mixvl , ' paints u r iw ga-njn. Ws do taiating ! tra-nng tiwn. n.-ronmg to I lnm statamerts at Mra P-u-ner, Guituig j ruts been annoying ner anil on Saturiay appeared at tne iums1. imii a w nmiw ami trml to enter. Gutting hmn out it .e ia say ei-en wtien prrvidf-d aim a pcnt-U and i a pad of paper. .nnne-nt nf ail wril -.nter.t a pet nt near-y caused us rmstre' iieart t.lur- Sunuiiy n:gnt. wnie on a TJite hunt fnr mn in tne k:ti-nen at ts aims at !U Caaa street. While stertnni; etageriy aiong tae stieiv m tV.e pantry. I w-niii wr enrpred a-:t.i Unwur. M.ss ; Ta-iby ma-lvertenrlv kncK ked a f"W "f t.-m I :n vi'ssi is ornii the Tiwir. T'le ciat'er t antUM-a T;if miKtresa f the bouse, win m- i aiMiMin y o uie impraiiHi mat bur ! giars r.4.1 hr a-n into tne bnuwe. i'a.hng ' -ml in a inid rmre i;ib tnterrgaiion. "o " tne"." Ud rwirnj no re Minse stie granned ne tr4etibnmi and raikid up tne poiir-e aiaiHin and notified C!i 5er-g'-at Mursfcu.l tat a ourgiar w.xa ran i sai'Kir.g f.ie knebt-n. Emergi-n-y ( ffii'er ?ey broke a:! fat ni a speed r"trn m reat timg tne nnuee and. burst. ng into ae a.uttien. just caugnt . i Eiiririt tn nave , A Taa af fi. "tuid bui" nottiina H-t-r for nenwie . H- lame nai-K anil a;im-v tt-uiie t iiaai Enters, jar K r e ny Si at.m fe- want alftr t'l th1iel taar" iSea 1 len. Tr 4r t:ian IT. ie.i 1 reTW-' ami 4 rwnil $. .ion wan jn. ir'lt-1 m lir-H k.Kix f.ir n '-nf--ri' .11 S-ilU -'Hl- 1 tiui- '.. ov tu- plain jr. wliii .Hi 'll- "im of -.it. n.ie 11 t.j iu. a n-jr .-on rauii m-n-te.t -rrv "f WjiltT t."l!ll lilt- pt"l .11 It VHl ,ltl .1 Urtl l illH 'i "t.i'-m ' a r-wrl'sln-In niiiil :j t-uili- T ;e ITMtJ.j;. jj, 1..:,., ' t-unaii Tu Minun H ' al ,ier was pronj-.i.ei 'f aiuse iiuroig ' :e i-ii" !ir no nr-ir K-wt a iniijji a i-u'i' 'n itj.'' Ttic i-n( i."-!t- :,,!. wi-r rTiijt.v f C1' aim t inti;njji ..nw. ani a..r- ; Tiiio.-w.i iroi.n ' .uu i rt-- i;i tm I'v.rnta w'hi runn i i Ua. mnni. Fi!nuir--: i i.i" oiuj.naiU T'lomreJrtti. -m. it ':ii. j.-'t. i .'.-ra war nut ;.i-r. r-iiii tvJ u'ti'n 'AQU,, PRISCfs ir.SPECTCH; rtiisk Haas er at Laat Hall s OtaCJtrars-afw su m '. . ao aatuxai , nu "en4j-uTjeit tt yu doc t ta tnem. Tbtt ire aot Uie -sai's aaii pi!! cxtaar taci, watta tn-ure lias wutxiat-b mad Uf wejia. .Ths ara aot U anf hri pny, tei ilii a toy j-ptu aod pa.g. rsai aian are i aiati taaaaa Tare ani aokt sv ati itrazgijaa. aai asu baUv. a. an ta gaf tti. sauB. wa C CC aa sai , TanaL Taa baa is avaraag j 5 I I,- i r r Mary Luise oirdiin of ndva has ' been appointed tnspertur of prraons and , luntant insfierur nf state aad eernf.ed :aeiraic letnmiiiiirt It ta ttiu first time : tnax me Br-tisn H-w ofrVe Has aptuanted a woman t. sut-n an atizve. and cne appuuit mt nt ia iutiKd upon aa an impurtant atep j pr-.jMti rel.trm. For many years t.ie : nas been a demand tor a womaa insnaetur ' a ws af tne rait tnat on an aver. a. of : ju.Mi women and guns are aent tn ar-ana . :n I-jjnaiin jwe yar. Ew liansB aaa ,10. for saeerai year-9 a vtsMor of stats nrlmiu rafDrsjauirea and ia aa auUaim jm Ui. treamenr at in nun E3 Cl rr..T fuls czleht ts a perfect food, is it contains the most essential clenmrs to sup pi energy fzr the pcrfcrrrr.ee cf the Tirioi body fhrcricnt. Its daiW use cernia to strengthen and rrzul the bowe's. u Vawa- baa S GIRL UKES LCTS CF PEOPLE j Llctaa BaiUwt Duew aaja l aart . , sat Claim Her ta a Iturt f a.i i "Send me . j Geneva, judge. I want ' gn wner t.lera are luls ot peinie." a:J ; ii 1 1 aa Huffman. a !-?jtr.ui ba.it: ' dancer to Juog- Ei-iln of i:u- ;uv.n.le iruurt Monday morning. "T'nn t put me on j a farm. I dun t want -a go wirr txier ) ar. omy ts or tnr- peoinr " firr-aa has been trav-j-ing fir ivn, j yaars witn var-ous t.ii-atr-ra. irouw. i tnougn ans is or.. y '4 years ojd. Aci,:ir'tin4 ! to juvenile aatntr-ties wau 'nv-jit.gsjtwd iier 1 tiaae. tnia baa not nnumveu ti-r view ut j !ir. Juuge ajteiie granitr'! ler -e.i-J-i u i ba aa ui Vum lnuustra. scnjoi ax Genera, i j x Every weman zozs j j i shapeiy SsTirc. and i ! U nrany cr u.sm - T 7TTs TwTl TTVr feras ?r.mar- mcncr s shaptdmeas. Au cr can be avuuied by rhe use of Mather's Friend before baty comes, this linirner.r prepares the tocv far the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mather's Friu 1 makes the dirjer of cr.Jd-tirrh less, and carres. her saicly thrcuj! this enncal penol Thousand-i jratelly tci! of the benent and relief derrved from the use of this remedy. at C OS bjw aaola Owr iiii a ass) las. TU MMAOnXLD UGCXATO CO. i-ey nlGhiliy