Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1908, Page 4, Image 4
Tim OMAHA DAILY WW? TIT.SOAY. MAY ft. 1f0fl. GRAND JURY GETS TO WORK s. Sixteen Mm Ordft-M to InTcstiputt Social F.til Chftrjrf. T. NT. HAZIN ACTS AS FOREMAN Jade ara IVHtfM (Mara. W Ik Irk Weter Bfirl rnd i Wkfk Met of IN.1W, w. ., rev, Si ITert -sr-ty-t at n-V real t I 4. -rrltr, it Worth Twenty fri erA, .e Owifc. W. K. Clark, ISO Soaik rwty-nrta T. OorlM T. Vra, .all rrtk Street, O. M. rw1, k.t roarteeat treet, r r'wy snail rric. 1. J. Mil ly str, tTr- Henry sTtoeee, I Xn'i tsiaeteeata B4r. krk .partiaaa, mfirtt. W. . MerrU, Baaeoa, rmrai Ire Arthar Wo. HI sjontlk TrestT-etlk Hrwk, eeoretars; klrtk Brewing- r"n P"T A. A. Wr-ii, Betivoa, nrtl free T. V, Wooku, 8XX Charl street, ta el.rk, CtsMr rri-tn. A. I oV a. BO Cnming trt, rl tat. O. f. trinlfT. tlOt otk Tklrtjr thtra. P. L. Taa rvorm, aoa Sent Twenty-aso o atr, etg-mr r. frtlea WrirkV Ssaaoa, Um, roast)- wivnr &, , IOM line atres. Thro grand Juror were wlivlofl Monday morning t the opening of tli Mv teem of ditnct court to msfc the pvoposod In vestigation In th eontfulons of th s.ioi! rvll and Vlnrtred wrongs In Omaha. Th Juror mm selected from th list of twenty-three, drum three week ago. JuriKe lcars appointed Tlioitiaa W. Hirn, ft real ? tat msn IwivHtM ith V. l d. as foreman and R F. Moor hRiliff. Tlw crfftMnfttlon of Jr Tx-mn l 10 o'clock i And by 11 th Jurr wrrr l work In Ihr rooms In i twomrnl of thr court houw which hrt brn provinlc for thorn. Of thr twrntj-thrt drn but ltrcn rrjortvt for thr duty, n.t of lhl numbrr (ind, Ir. R. K. Marlikv, rxcus.-d on o- count of hl prrtfrwrton. Thi tni1r It ' rrooMuin" to rtmw onr ll-f-m and Slnrlff I Brailey wrnt out In ararch of onr. He r lumrd wish Kdaard R. Vkonaon of HaM Inr lly.iloa, calatr dcalrrtk, and he aa acorptod. The rharr t thr Jury i rrd hy Judge Frara, and " (twn c)o attention hy th prand Juror. It w devoted almot rntlrrlj' t a dlaciwulciik of theocial evil nd to men w)m Imng around houaoa of ill fam. Tlx; Jiirtg-r 1ko aokrd the Jurj- to Invemtpare tha rrcrlctnii tt Ktolen property ly fawn ahopx and the runninK of fake auctions. Thr Inatrtkctionii dealing wiih thr social vll prr not a radical a had been rx twclrd. They declared In favor of alrlnsrrnt rrrularton In a pmacrlbrd district, krrptng the rvll out of thr residence district and free from puhlte advertising and from male hanfr-on Tl f tk rkarie. Judir tears referred In thr chars to the recant report submitted b)' Chief Donahue showing the work of the police drpartmrnt and uhmltted that report to the (rand Jury. 5he charge read by Judge -Sears 1 a follows: CJentlrmen of the Grand Jury: Tou have Wen eajlrd at this time for the purpose of uhesrvme the boitrrments of gnod govrm vnrnt tn IVtufrlas county. Th institutions let a people are wot. and m-Ul not Iw, any thing over and hevond what the people de mand. -The only tnauiattion for And oa be jialf of the people wherein they can have liiveailfrBfrd and declared the status of their law nforerment thr grand Jury, unless legislative Inquiry he Instltutrd. Therefore It tf proper amd of -the utmost 4itportancr to the good of tba ptiMir thst g-rand Juries be Oa-lled at utaied ttnies ts Inquire Into The Rose may blossom for England, The Lily for France un- fold, Ireland honors the Sham . rock, Scotland the Thistle bold. But the shield of the Great Republic The glory of the West Shall bear the bloom of The Tasseled Corn; The Sim's supreme be- ' . - " 5r . ir a. Shiise If thev ell and I vchnVs Ihem. To !r te pnblle they do no elt, ?f stl.'k the i se, sn.l thu irrtee to ttr an- r-1v rf I he peoi-le thst 1h p.iMic i hss Iwrn ir.sp cted and can fln.t inir.' ton tNtnlrTlv srsnd 1iry Service ss reilMl-d St rMV irim ( tle cotiit. loiter, ami for ft.nrtMr r-ei taentv rsrs. grsnd Juries ht IS'irelT ben flipiinsr-d (ih t-y ressn of ! Ik sdmtttlng of the freentment of offcrers for trm! bv InformsMops filed hs il'e 'irtv sttonv Ths hs b-en sn rffic'ent ar.d efonofTitcsl manner of prr sertment of olf.ndcrs. In Hie rosin, end rnlv lsislng In this b brltis without the tnq itsMtirlsl f1n-e. shnws l'l crep Into the public Iwxly snd setii-r. which csn only ho rrndlcatrd bv piscina tbe grand Jur with It force of mo'ii'y drclarallon sa sn ad.led arm. o-caslonallv, sgsln In eeiM, The resSon yon see cslled St this tern of the conn Is that In the opinion. of the Jiies of the court the senihlitg and lotViiri of tlie prsnd July and Its present ment If sn. would In soti'e msteilal do gree be condinur to the welfare of the rubllc. 1 ssld to the Inn gtsnd jury, and repeat to you. that wr are rnterlng tipn sn era of greater and better law cnfoi-ce-ment This Is because conditions tn thai regsiM Si-e rrijnlrrtt hy the people, Tlieie l, a n.l thire must be si ill greater, respect for law and law observance. Hut cttiscna must reslise and know that thr Institutions of the public service will st no time be of greater Mrtu and value than they deserve no mwipi iipiT. sav those few preliminary words to you that 5ou may know the Importance of grand 1urv service nd Its responsihllll les snd what by your Jurot obligation vou und"r tnke. Res sen fr last Jar. The grand Jury of the last term was cslled, for the reason thst It was b Moved It could aid the county attorney, snd the court. In the lmlnlsratlon of Jueitco; and that It could Inquire Into, and te, lare as M eondiltor cxIMIng. In such a that Us findings and r iorts and reconimemle tions coutd reach t h.e people, gs ould he srrl-ed st In no other v, and have weight uh the genet-al body of t He people ss no other means that could have been adopted, coiiid -have eight, because grand Juror. re from the Nly of tl-.e people called for and on behalf of the b.dy Trom shorn tlu-y are called The report of the last grand Jury. IS herralth suhnillted to you. I de sir to commend thr -rvtc of that bodv. as having N-cri of grel Value, to the court, ud genera I'.v . if, and to. t he matter nd of which that re poit treats, jour attention Is hereby di rsllv drasn. In the development of such communities. this, conditions In the past have been allowed to obtain, and contuwie. such as the letter of the law docs not countenance, but does domuime. legisla ture, the slate a.lministrat ion, and terms of court from the beginning have by silence, acjulssod 1n condition i1.Miiini-.M h Sialule. V.mbol.lencd by the' license of silcn.e. cond,l i.'!! have become bo smng, for further hosring. and lirme an effort along reasons hle nd cnsci vattve lines at ' betterment. lioncrsiiy ;i akir. conditions i.l br what the people demand, aud the law, will be administered, according to the mjuliv ment of the pople. So we need not find fult with the past, so we must address ourselvo to the future. I take It for grn.ofl. that' the r r"' t of the last grand Jury, tn which all Joined, declared oorsl.tions a then known. That bemg true,, nolUnut could be s swmly and proper, a another prand Jury, 'o find out, whether, or not, those condition have Improved. Resort f Ike fklrf. In this con notion I call our attention t the detailed rriorl of the chief of polio of the city of Omaha to the Kir and l' CommisMoiu r. transmitted by the com misMoncrs to the Judges of tlii court. 1 desire te call vour mention to the fact that it there disclosed thst of 4.14 arrests made, 1.4:' J werr suspicious cjisraitcrs: of thrsr l.tul were discharged. This would seem to declair thst -a Isrge number of persons are hanging around. unble to give an account of themselves, and undoubtedly, a to a great per cent, of the criminal class, salting an opportiinitv to ourimtl crime, in Omaha ant thr sur ounding c un ry. If you arr ol the same conciusu.n your ufsi a to a rrrn-edy would have weight with thr mayor and council of the city. This community owes it to Itself, and tn surrounding town whose good will - it is lrgely dependent upon, to prevent the chronic criminal class from finding a place of refuge here after the T-ommlssirm ot crime elsewhere or from hanging around waiting an opportunity to commit crime here rithrr upon rraldrnt or strangers. At tbr last term vf thr court thr grand Jury was charged a In seKf-sl specific matter of Inquiry. Amonglhrm were pimp. pwn shops and the open advertise ment of prostitution. The court eommenn these suhiecl to you likewise and add the matter of iuoilon shot whr. tw claimed. fke auction are rrogressirg for the purpoee of g-ulling thr unophirtKated. For Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creok, Michigan. V. If thT rs slill In Oiusha m-n who ie bv ptmpg. thst Is, ,.ff the esinu-ts ,.f flllrn soill.'H. the hsng'Mg SI'HOi'l f'r thst pn pose, and . I'ie It l our ilnn to ii. ill. I thcov iv f h shop that cel-rs t, ln proC'I'V I'O.I. r elr. unistnn. to be fVllV I I S'g-d ' kiowete .'f IIS bating been 1st. h t ii. Is guilty of r reiving stolen I P t' ,o.iilv brois to tour knWlede S-e,-lflo wbrte the pioofs Watmot, It Is t."1' d'Hv to In. It. t (f vour In.pitrv l-rlnss l your know hlge proofs thnt an. -Hon ats run tor Ihe ptipoe of d.ti an. ting trusting pt rson and vou know of apnctflc Insl mu n, ln.lit. Residence District I'nraed. All assiKnaHon houses should be removed from the residence district. If there ate anv still there If .m rind anvwhei in the residence district persona running such place, or owning, or letting them t.i othets. all such poisons sre guilty tif ninln talnlng and It Is your duly lo Indict such petson. The asm statute lw I'l-evsils a to nil su. h Places lirr"rr situate' However. 1 deem II proiier to tnsKe headway cotis.-t ailvn ly. t ntll Ihe tievt legislature nit els end an opportunity lo place In the Omaha charter that power which has la,s been In a manner as sume.!. I doubt the sdvlslblllty of doing otherwise thin has alwoj boon done, tluil la or ronlrolhng nnl : Ihe control should be auch as will i-ea!ly keep the district do. fined and rree from the residence dtstli.t and fre-e from otvett advertisement, diseased . person and pimps. Your duties si not confined to the mat ters to which the court has especially di rected vour attention. H you are dnlv n I 1sed or law vlolntloil It is your duly to indict offenders, either as to vnililc meanors or felonies, and II Is wliHn your province to in. pure as to how officers or the law are assuming the responsibilities placed upon them In their several st ulcus of the set vice It Is vour dutv to Inquire as to the eru dition of the public buildings and pla. ea snd those that the public bus an Interest In, to see that they are sate and smitarv slid properly conducted s to health and safety. (Vf su. h are the com t house. J ills or the count v and municipalities, theaters, school houses snd places of deientl m tnn der court orders! of children, hotels iin I the like. The count v attorney 1 vour loRl ad viser snd it "is his duly snd privilege to lx raesent and examine witnesses an I to bring matters of his knowledge to your gttrntlon. When von are considering upon Indictment vou ore to bo alone hv our selves While vour whole number Is s'x teen. vour quorum Is twelve, and twelve of your loimlx r must concur In any Indict ment. You- oaths duly Impose on you the dutv of absolute silence, ss asmhst divulg ing snv where, to anyone, what Ih'kcs p'ace In tour J.iry room, especially ihe counsel received from Ihe stale's attorney, or from each other, or what your own has been, or the fact of nn Indictment being found, un less you are called on in ft court ot Justice j to make disclosures mere, tvuv.ii.i nnyono approach you wuh n view of procuring from vo'.i a violation of duty It is vour duty to report the matter to the court The foreman is charged by law whh signing all indictments and reports emanating front the grand Jury. You are In oh.irge of your own hours of deliberation and action. A bailiff will be appointed to wait tipon you and a suitable place has been procured for your meeting place. The court will at any time be pleased to receive your finding or report or at your Instance will lnsiruot you further. Tlio court commends to the service to which you are alled your consideration in order that the public welfare limy be b. st conserved. NAMELESS INFANT MYSTERY Problem of CastofT Baby F.n gages .! rtr Hospital. Superintendent Ferrer of the county hos pital Is grappling with a mystery Involving a nameless Infant.. The head nurse at the hospital has received a letter referring to a baby -"that was found on the steps of th --hospital.". The letter is signed "A Krlend of the Baby'a," hut the mystery comes tn the fact that no auch infant ha been found on the steps of the county hos pital Tgcrntly. . The letter makes Ihe re qaeet that Ihe hild be. wrapped well and -slaved soma evening- this week on the steps of bouse on Dnvonport street, the num ber -of wbiei ig given in the -missive. "The boy will surely get good ckre there," ronttnuf the letter. "Many times' the oro- pie-that live there have been looking for j lSnby o .theft Jxjrch "anJ tlieJ. good I people." ' - reakffast, ILuoclh or g If IPSK ill $ 7" A Cu"Mound of Indian tWc c J WW Post 1 1 m r ;-.,:n SuSar "nd Salt Wl rubtum Cereal Co I .,:.. V mm tut Y BEARLESS, COMES OUR JIM Didn't Even Pre n Orirxly, Much tttt Shoot One. RIFLE NOT EVEN NEEDS CLEANING Inl Ihe Vn'or He Tarly of Trapper Hail lioo-l lime- lp In Ike Monntnlna. Hah. fl on your vguoled bear Hunter: .If Max or liaiilman cannot run faster ror the nomination as governor than he can for bear he s skinned now. Th mayor Arrived home Sunday night from his two week' bear hunt In the 1 lift Horn mountain of Wyoming and Mon tana, a mdder but a wiser mint. His gsme sack Is ss empty ns when bo started, hi stock or ammunition I a complete as Iwn wetks ago ah.t hla rifle no-cds no cleaning -for It was riot used. Mayor Pahlman and his twenly-five com panions never as much it saw a bonr. to sav nothing about bagging 'tie. an.l the Uar bnib.'cuC tor the Ihihltnan lvmocr.n y has been "Indefinitely postponed." The lutivor. however, does not consider his time wasted, fl the" trip tests him end he now r.-cls In fine fettle to grapple Willi llergc. Shall. uihcrger. lleck or any other as- pliant who want lo contest with him for gul-ernaloi ial honor. ' "We tried our best to get Bt least one War and hunted up slid down those can tons every dav from morning until tlaik In nil kinds of weather, some of which was mighty exasperating, but 1 am sorry to any we bagged no game." snld the mayor "W found two trails, but thry were evi dently those of female bears entering their dens. Tim weather was very cold, stormy and disagreeable, and experienced bear hunter assert that the "backward .sprltiK accounted for there being no bear, the beasts bavin not as yet come out from their long winter's hibernation. Hut we had to go jm this hunt now, as. the ranchmen will soon n it'd their horses for the round up. tlakrna ot Ike Artillery. "We had three wugons, seventy-six horses and twenty-six men. We estab lished our permanent camp on the tnlue lands above the canyons to which we re turned every few days. We stayed down in the canyons a long as possible, ns It look a half day to make the perilous de scent down Its precipitous walls. The cliffs and crngs rose thousands of feet above us on all sides and prittlcr scenery I never saw. That country, 'in the Crow reservation, will never bo good for anything- and 1 hope the government will make i it a national game reserve, for there Is plenty of game there even if wo did not see any." Mayor fiahlman fella a story on Jm k Walters of South Omaha who was a mem ber of the party. Walters had never ex plored as rouglt a country before and when half way down onr of the trails, where. If the horse would stumble, both would go crashing down thousands of foot to ihe Imttom of the 'canyon, he suddenly an nounced be had enough and returned tc camp. Send llm Tl urse Trail. "We Joshed uUu so much." says the mayor, "that . he pulled himself together and said he would go after the bear. There Is. another tt ail leading down Into the canyon and we told Walters that this was a wide path and.fXrded an easy descent. He therefore c)-.o it. but In truth the trail is much worse than the other, en cumbered with .uVad timber, over which tb horse must., be Jumped, and, bein? broken in several rlaces, the horso must be Jumped ' fix . or ' eight feet to a. law: level. Waling look thl (rail and when n got started b had In go on In th end, for It Is Ion narrow In turn a hor bn, 'A w were Jogging along t wag whl. Illng merrily, kut Wallers' fae kg a study, finally h said' 'Well, rnu rn whistle If you want In, bill 1 won t whlatl until t get hack It rmp. and maybe 1 won 1 whistle then.' " I'otinellinan t. ttrldgs, who acenmpg. nled Mayor t'ahlman on the bear hunt. stopped st Pherldan, Wyo., nn tha return trip to visit a, day or Iwo with friend I her., Hhetldan being hi old home town, Asldo rront Jack Waller ftniilh Omaha wa repreenled on the hunt by Marry Tagg. Kd Cahow, tlrues MoCulloiigh. Mnar Flynn. Claud Talbot. W. It. Cheek, Frank fond. Jam Hum and Jrk Sullivan. All the South Omahang have returned. LAW BOWS T0HYMEN'S ALTAR I'eal of Wedding- 1111 Drowns III of Avenalnar Voice of J Bailee. The peal of weddlngT hell drowned out lb his of the avenging law In police court Monday. Wllhcr Watkln. 19Z3 North Twenty-seventh treet, was Joined In wedlock to Fran ces (fciodrlch. 1W7 North Twenly-f mirth street. Th parties ar colored and they wero accompanied by a large bridal party. Including! the mother of the groom and tha father pf the bride, who had "chipped In" II inch to buy Ihe license. Judge Crawford laid aside th gtsrn frown of Judgment for about ten second nd assumed Ihe benignant smll of one who Is rngnged In making other happy. Tlure was a broad, composite grin on th fnc of the entire party, and Indeed the whole court room Joined In the happiness of the occasion. The moment the msglo word wer said th charge which had been filed against tho groom Saturday was blotted out and, followed by the good wishes of th entire assembly, the ratty lift amid much gig gling tind merrymaking. Sergeant Whnlen appointed .himself mas ter of ccremonlia. there being no ono el to lake that place, and Instructed the groom with great solemnity that he must take the bride's nrm In leaving- the bulld it g. a direction which tho abashed groom followed with the inmost dignity possible under the circumstances. Pled of rnrnmnala" Is never written of those who cure cough and colds with Dr. King's Now Discovery, Guaranteed. JV and 11.00. For gale by Ilea ton frug Co. UNSOAPED LORDS IN COURT Martini of Omaha and Martial of M. Joe Fall I'ader the Rod. Thr Martinis of Omaha and the Marquis of St. Joe were In police court Monday, not merely as spectators, but ss units of thp great unsoHped which cornea out of th bull pen. The two gentlemen are not member of thr nobility In spite of their names, which might lead to that supposition. The mar- nuls of Omaha Is known among men as W. E. Marquis and the Marquis of St. Joe Is his brother and Is known among" men as James Marquis. They are private cltl gens except on occasions like the present when they get Into police court and be come public personages. The two Marquises had bren arrested for fighting In their room at 9 South Thlr teenth street, where, oblivious of all frg ttrnal love and brotherly affection, they end sonrht to batter each other'a neraon. the one using a beer botfle as a weapon 1114! tjie other a water pitcher. They were u.e.l II and costs. LIGHT ON THE COLFASS CASE Affair of Woodmen Circle Official Comet Up at Meeting". . rOISONTNO CUTS NO FIGURE Uroerallr Asnllle Ik nmelal TosU Una of tr Colla la la Mesne rerll Ml tfcat III reel. In a- Ralal. Within a few day Ihe board of mana ger and sovereign council of the Woodmen Cirri, tha woman'g auxiliary of Ihe Wood men of lha World, will meet In Omaha and on official ssya among- other matterg of business will be a discussion bf Ihe board or council of tha affair of Pf. Jennl Coif, supreme' phylcln, who Is still sick an a result of poisoning at her home, Twenty-eight nd Taelflc atrerl. Should the council give out a statement after Ihe dellbrratlon. It I brllrved th mylry surrounding th poisoning will be rlrarrd up, or at least a reason developed for th condition of the woman. That her poaltlon suprrm physician of tha order, which paya hrr M,mo per year. Is In danger, I now th grnrral brllef around th Woodmen of the World build ing. Thn board of marsgrr will arrrlv within a day or two and examine the book and hear the reports of all officer of the Woodmen Circle. The meeting I In ac coi dance with the law of the order and I no special session. Following th mrrtlng of the board the executive council will hold It meeting behind cloied doors and hear the rerort of tho msragers, who will have completed a thorough examination of the book.. The women who will attend th meeting of thn board are Mr. Emma Manchester, supreme guardian; Iula A. Mark well, su preme advlaer, of Uttla Rock, Ark.; Mm. Ella D. ratterson of Houston, Tex., chair man of the board; Mrs. Adessa Johnson of Colutnbu. O., and Susie MoKlllop of Muskogee, Okl. The members of the executive council consist of tha board with Mary Taylor of Ban Antonio. Tex.; Mary La Rocca of St, Paul, Minn.: Ida M. Kelly of Davenport, la., who la supreme, banker of tha order, and Anna McDonngh of Detroit, Mich., su preme clerk. Mrs. Emma, B. Manchester, supreme guardian of the Woodmen Circle, discussed tha Colfass case and the meeting of the managers of the order. 8he aald no charges had been filed against the supreme pny slclan, but that the poisoning would have no effect on the board, nor would It In fluence the executive council In any way, should the case of the supreme physician come tip at the meeting. It has developed that there la consider able, friction between the office of the au- preme physician and the other women of ficers In Omaha and anything but a kindly feeling exists for the poisoned woman. "I do hope thla whole matter will be cleared up," aald Mrs. Manchester. "It should be cleared at once. I am certain the poisoning has nothing to do with the order and It la very unfortunate." Asked directly If either the supreme council or board would discuss Dr. Colfass' affairs, Mrs. Manchester replied: "I do not know." "Is her office under the control of the board V "Tea; all officers are." "Would the affalra of Dr. Colfass have been discussed or examined by the board had not the poisoning- occurred?" "The poisoning will have nothing Vo do with the board or council, not In the least." Dessert The delicious, "toasty" fla vour; the crisp, crackling flakes made of White Corn without the touch of human hand, have sent P 4 Ji OSirSttll 'way up in the hearts of the American People. They are an inspiration to the poet; a delight to the epicure; a breakfast "starter" of appetizing allurement, and altogether the daintiest toasted flakes yet made from Corn! "The Taste IM ORCHARD & WILHELM OPENING Hla- More r esse I Arlw Aar ar for lh A 4 real of 9mm saer MeasMta, ' i The, main floor of Ihe large Orchard Wllhelm etora ! ltWti an Howard" street, has brn lrnfarmaj Irrto a veri table ummr grdn for lite gunrVisr open ing which la being held this wk. Tn floor apae la given over tha natural plants aiwl palme with pnrrh furnltlrr. gummef hanging, floor coverings and all sort of summer furniture. On of the first nollcral.l displays I that of th Kalteg furnltur. mad fftim lough ned fibre chemically treated tn sha i ot r Then v trern. In srttrs. rockers and rhalt. Then I seen the rsffla futnllure, mad from a fibre whlrh come from Madagascar, braided In long strips In natural colors. The wiliowctaft furniture la also most attractive, and I mad Into odd and artla tlo articles for bedrooms, living room of porch use. Th old hickory furniture la a substantial rustic furniture for lh porch or lawn and vies, with the readrraft furni ture, which I designed lo harmonise wllh Interior decoration, representing all aorta of designs of the rerd weaving art. Summer draperies are also shown In pro fusion, and th matting display on the second floor Is also quite attractive. Another novelty whlrh la shewn Is a serving cart for lawn use, mad lo match the furniture of the different kinds of crafts ahown. The rockers, porch and lawn setters and novelty furnltur made a display which la attractive aa well as most Interesting. The exhibit of summer goods will b. continued during the entire week. BOYS JUST JO HILARIOUS Kol Bad, hat Imnlr Overtaxed vrllh Home MIrhlefMak lac Beverage, In th arrest of Krnest Duncan snd John Saxton, thn youths, near tlie Young Womrn'a Christian association building Saturday night. It develops the police were mistaken In thinking the boys were up to robbery or any other mischief of the sort. The fart la th Duncan boy was a bit too hilarious aa a result of undue use of liquor and the Saxton boy and Iwo other were trying to grt him home. Duncan la a mem ber of a most respectable family, upon which his conduct has brought keen grief. Moaey lo Be Spent oa Kallor. MELBOURNE. Australia, May t.-Refer- rlng today to the visit of the American fleet to Australian ports. Sir William J. Lyna. minister of trade and customs. Who Is treas urer of the reception fund, ssld that the bulk of the expndlture would be on the aallora. We are determined," he said, "that they must leave with a rood Impression." Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magaslns binding. 'Phone Doug. 1601. A. I. Root.lnc. ELLIS SUCCEEDS PENNIMAN Change of Chorister at First Coogrc. rational and Klrt Chris tian Charrhes. Ira B. Fennlman, whose wife died Sun day night at the Wise Memorial hoi-, pltal, has resigned aa chorister at the Firat Congregational church and will be suc ceeded after the summer aesson by Fred O. Ellla, who will leave the First Christian church to take the place. Mr. Fennlman leavea most cordial relations behind him at the Congregational church, according- to a prominent member. He will continue his arv1ca. probably, until the' approach of the summer aeason. 5 S.