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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1908)
THK OMAHA DAILY RKKf TUESDAY. MAY o. 1!H)S. 11 REAL ESTATE riTT profkhtt fo SALS (Continued.) ' MOTtTG AGES FOTS SALE -1 . . . . W have sarveral splendid pf cent fsrm mortgagee tbt Mle. These mortgage were tskKExas part payment on the sale of farm and .are the trery bMt kind of eecuritlsa . ' 1VAYN1E ' INVESTMENT CO., ' ' '- Ftm Floor N. T. L. Bldg . I VAffT an offer on the property . 1128 and 1IM 6. tint St ; two modern houm and flood barn; Well rented. 1 hie property la owned an eastern naffy who must sell ''"!,:V IHOMAS bhesa::, ..' . Room . York UI. Bldg FOR tVALK Soven-room hmiee o large lot: riptern and fruit. lnatannT-nTs Curby SL ' US MS77 6k THE RJJED -ABSTRACT CA.. est. ISM. J uuwpt ,rvlce- , Uct cur prices. h arnam. , , ni 4 ti ?.. nui. uihic r arm. and nncn land for salb ' Nebraska. l"'Arnfc3 near good town In eastern Ne braska; extertent dairy, ho or poultry farm; fair Improvement: price. 1 per K-rei cash and balance at 6 pr cent B. B. DIERER 4c CO., 411 BEE BLJ1. (XI-SM 4 ,.' IP- TOf WISH TO BUT or trada for ranch property In. Nebraska, w have aome propositions which It will par yoai-t Investigate. Also writ as for price of western lands. :B. E. IJIEREB & CO., ' ' 411 Bee bid. . , (30) 404 8 3. FOR SALE OR TRADE Nine quarters. !ortd tc.getrt.-f, fair Imfirovementi, block V-am -aoil clay aiibsoii. blue stem Bra from level o "mug If. central Nebraska. eforTc." alfalfa and grain land, no sand or rock: 1 mile to Rood town and ratlroad ; T per rrt- Graham & Neal. Kearney, Neb. . - - - - H"HMMI Nertb Dakota. OUT THET JO -Cn tha new C. M. St. P. Coaat Railway, through Adam county. North Dakota, which m attracting homeawekers to aa - unejvceJ led ; lapwing .country. Sunshine. flee coal, pure water, aure crops, a homi kiit TTofilablo occupation for you. Land Lut fie to UO an acre row. Easy terms. Wo . liomealead rellhqulahmeiits tor eie.1- feHi m. ii. -Hiwku Co, Hay owl ol alotu Ncrta Dakota, or til LaBella BU Cl.loagd, lit. kiapa tree. Mention this I ape,. Or ivrlle our alndao. North Da kota, oil ice. toi; msae , t ... oath Dakota HA'Vr5rgit 'th chblcwt farm landa and bov;iada H South Dakota ; infnrmation tree. N. bkrtver, iKi DoOge Bt. Tel. Doug laa 4ohi tJ0 USA x iJO-ACHh. Improved larrn. Broavn county, HOVrtk t Irnkota lin.UM per acre. Two mailer farina at bargain ,iners. Sev eral quarters unimproved iand. -All fin invmwnienta ami- ti bunu 4.ot 1Q- auection. Cash or terms Box :a,.Ater deed. A. D. J0) tl Ms TeSaa. TEXAS LA.VDanw 'to get them. Send M C Umax. Austin, Texas for iopyof lexaa Land Law and Instructions liuw to buy. 1 til fur ten years chief of Und dLaitmenl ,atato treasurer's of flea. Know tba lands, whao they come ou th lunrktU hjw to get them for my clients. Reference': Austin National bank, Austin, iexas. West 4nds to bs sold next threo mouths. e roasonabla. ..... . . ()-M396 UT.T , o :' .WjwisinaoT.' WANTED TO FELL 1S7 acrea of good -land, ciieapi rasy terms Address owner) H A iux-mit ureybulk. Big Huro- CoiHUr-, w ywiBirig. . tu UM ax M laeellaaeoaa. VTESTERN LAND, largo and email tracts; aalo ana exchange. .National lnrt. Co, Prandala Bldg. 0) sol REAL ESTATE LOANS . IImv '4 1 elv.viM iMMUat prumpUy. tr'. Wcad Ulile.. 11 a and Jaruaui. L. Weed. tE A) VKIVATIS MONEY NO DELAT. : OAilVtN Bttua, laut FARNAM. W-l IlliNfciX TO LOAN On Unproved city prop, arty fauildiug Ivaaa a spacialty; no oelay. W. H. .IhuiT-as 1st Nat l Bk. Bldg. . .. . ' - - - ' tU-atittAU WANl'BU-AX'plitatlon, .-for 5.M). F. t. 'Wead. liKtt l'rruna.St. . 2 M 10 u. I Kit CENT money, to loan on eastera Nebraaka tariua ana good bualncss vtop srty iu omaha. ALTIllwO C. KENNEDT. Ill Flrt jsaUonal Bank Building. Tela. ',- . pftoue Douglas 7a. tm-sri LOWtai . XiATJUWBamla, Pax too Block. LOANS on lrt proved O' AeeXe: M. 4, I Omaha property, i K. S Life Bids. - I1UVATK MONEY-CASK ON HAND" NO DELAY. J. li. X'.- 1ST NAT. BA2ib ULini. itL DOUO. 127k. to-7i WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fsrnani buajth at Co Farnam St ' a tat tltKKY to toan an Improved city property. las'.Ui4S at tleydeu. 1;ih Farnam St. . ' (S-74 ANTtkx-Clty loana Peters Trust Co. iu-ni llOXBY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. E-87 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember it lakes iul an extra stroke or two pf tlie in to mention the fact that you nw tlie ad In The Bee. KEAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy some rental property or tili ejre or acreaare near Omaha from parly who will take an electric automobile as part' payment and balance on time. VMress H V care of Pee. (B M b WANTED TO BUY t-'KST rr,c ps'd for Idhand furniture, car-r-tts, gtoves, clotting, aboea Tel. Red HtA. WANT TO RUT Good f-room 'house; must be a 4nap for cash. Min Marr a m. Zitf Dougtis. tJ3 MvO 5x WANTED, to buv, 1.J0 pound horse. Ad dress B itK care Bee. . t-3i MU12 6x W ANTF.pIghern and Plymouth Rock last' spring pullets. See W. H. Thomas, Bisivdct .Store. HIGHKST prk-es for second-hand furnl 'lr. -rarpeta, clolhea and shoes. Tel. I"ug r:i. - (Joi 16 WANTED TO RENT tAyrET'to buy h iu 4"or- cash. General Iel!verv, a', modern 8 or l-room Address 8. Msndelaon, thuahs ' til-MKJ4 x WANTED SITUATIONS PotslTluK Banted by voung man as book. gas per air cuaiecloi kave had experience; ' (iwl Iwabaa, can give retrreuoe. Addreas N atl. care B-e. ?T I7 Kx v ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS WILL" BE RE HvjJ fy i'. H. Johniann, village clerk ot ;n,.a. i.h-. trbtH Ma.18. p- m.. for the rurvaaae. of IK.uoO I per cent 6-30 year top-tirmatt- etrrtrtr light plant bonds, dated February I. 1. U.mds draw Inlereat at llia'Sabr'af 4 per cent per annum, payable aintaHy. Trtey arau of IVu denoaimaiiun ana inquire TVbmary . Ha, optional after Febraary L )1 All bids must be anoiu pniLl bv cemfi-d cherk for 5 per c-nl of bid. made paable l O. E. OKIKS. Vtl la.c Tivanuiif M jJ'.H GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONfTRIi."riNt QI ARTERatAHTKR B OftK-e, Fort I S NMiwt, la., April . foaled prr.posals. In triplicate, will be recelred here until I p m.. "n1rtl Thiiredav. Mil n. 1". and mew ojened, for rtmatructlng a on shed at fort Dee Molrve. la. mrormmion inr-nlh-d on sliplicatton here. I'lans and spwlficat ions ill be sent to Intending bidder upon their d'po'tlhg the sura of P' pecirk-atlnna are returned. Fropoeaio should be eniWeed. "Propoaala for W'aarnn Fhed.1' and addreaeed. ronstructing quar termaster, Fort Des Moines, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Henry Miller to Joseph Matia, lot I. blok 14. Clifton Hill N. Kmert to Ida M. liahlaren, part lot i. blork I .la. Smh omana i Axel Dnhlgren to Nets Kmert. pan lot ft. blork 1.T. South Omaha 1 John Neblt to L. B. Scott, part lots and 7. Mock 11. Waterloo a.f.v E. J. Neehit to Alice K. Pcott, lots n. and 10. block 1. Waterloo 3,a George Voting and wife to Isabel!" K Kir'hmonrl lot H D mi i . UlRin Place l."0 Cora Burt and husband to T. A. Be- tim. lot Ifi. block t. atavne s 1st add. Jji' Ella Burt and huehand to Cora Burt. same Warren A. War to Mary F. Way. uart lot IS. Hodae's add 4'"' South Omaha Land company to Ida Conrad, nart lot 10. block iz. South Omihi 250 Bvron II. Hastirvera. trustee, to Zoa Z. AKann. loi .. Di.x k 5. Military add.. J'l Nebraska National hank to Marie Rc-helbrl, lot 4, blo;k l. West Lnd add I.S30 George A. Bennett to N ttlonal Build ing and Ivan and Protective union, lot la. block I. Cherry Hill 4W B. Wallace to F. Roesnik. lot ll. block . Wilcox add Sarah I. I'attrm to John Kopera. part lot IT. Oak Knoll M. Monta-omery et at. to Annie M. Kennedy, part lot l. block l. West Omaha i.SnO Alexander C. Reed and wife to Oti- tav A. Freeman, lot S. 4. is and Is. blork I. Institute Place I Reed Bros, to same, same TaO Nellie Brtrim and husband to neore-e H Pwobod a. lots I and t. Phelao's add l.SnO Harvey J. Grove and wife to G. A. Bergiu1t. lot 16. Bensonhtirst 3.y Edward. Raich and wife to John H. Ieve. lot 10. Godfrey's add... 10 Dundee Realty company to Lora Power, lota M. 37 and SH. Farracre.. - 1 Lora Power to Dundee Realty com- .pany, lota 3. 19 and W. Falraerea.. ' 1 Wilson T. Graham and wife to H. J. Peterson, lot 7, block O, Shinn'a add. 1.009 Joseph p. Brown to Frank Jlndra. lot . block 7. Potter A Cobb's id add.. 4 Jonmal-8tockman company to George r. Flton. lot 4. blork a. Brlggs Place SiO Charles H. Christensen and wife to Martin Dohlquist. part lots t and , block 1. Pope Place C. M. Schlndel to E W. Bllne. lot 11, Vlhsourl Avenue Place , 740 Mary Harrington to Hatva Nelson, tot 9. block t, McGavock & O'Keefe's add T 1.S75 William Fetser and wife to Charlee Syas and wife, part lot 1, block D. Ixwe'e"ndd 1,050 John A. Dtiff and wife to M. Andres . sn. lot -T, block 1. Missouri Avenue Park 1,250 Han Johnson to Dora Johnson, part section 2t-l-u 1 Anton Semik et al. to Frank Karl- ovsky, lots St and 27. block 6. Van Camp's add l.yK) Total. ,.,37i7 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOX STATION 10TH AND MARCT lialoa PaclSe ' Leave, Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a I SO am a 1:40 pm Tha Colorado Express.. a !:& pm a &:00 pm Atlantic Kxpreis al0:15 am The Oregon Express . ..a 4:10 pm a H4 pin The Loa Angelea Llm...al2:65 pm a :1S pm The Fast Mall a :N an :4e pm The China it Japan Mall a 4:00 pm al tOpiri North Platta Local a 7:41 am a 4:46 pm Cohx-Chicago Special. ..aU:lt) am a 7:1 am Beatrice Stroms- burg Local bl2.30 pna b 1:40 pm HLllats-Caatral - - r - Chicago Express a 7:15 am ' a 1:45 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a tM am mmu,-Di .Af. ...... i.i. , Mino.-Bt. Paul LUn.....a (:vo pm a 1:10 am Ckteago Great 'Weatera ' St. Paul-Minneapolis I: JO pm 7:30 am St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 7 ft) am 114J pm Chicago Limited f : pm am Chicago Expires 7:30 am ll.aSpm Chicago Express 2 2i pot l.aipia Caleaaro t Northwcstera Chicago Daylight a 7:S am St. Paul-Minn. Kxp a 7:60 am Chicago Local all .30 am Sioux City Passenger.. a 7:M am Chicago Passenger a 4: JO pm Chicago Special a 00 pm BU Paul-Minn. Lim a l: pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 1:90 pm all:4t pm alO:J pm a 1:3 pm a 1:28 pm a 45 am a 8:23 am a : am al2:3l pm a :a am a 1:15 pm a :20 am a 8:00 am a C:40 pm alo am a 1:40 pm a 6:40 pm b 6:40 pm b 1:35 pm Overland Limited.: al0:o0 pm Faat Mail Sioux City Local .. Twin City Limited. ...a 1:50 pm ...a 8:28 pm Norlolk-BoneeteeJ . Lincoln-Long Pine Dead wood-Lincoln Casper-Lander .... Hastings-Superior Fremont-Albion .. a 7:14 am ,.,..a 7:4a am a l.-tio pm a l:uo pm b 1:00 pm b i-S pot Cklcage, Bock lslana Pacltl , EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:00 am Lincoln Local Schuyler - Plattsmouth.b 1:10 pm Bellevue - Plattsmoulh.a 8:00 pm plattsmoulb Iowa b 1:18 am Bvllevue Plattsmouth. Denver limited a 4:10 pm all:06 pm a ; m pm bio: J0 am a M am bl-jopn, a 7 : am Chicago special .... Chicago Express .. Chicago Flyer .... . Iowa Local 6t Louis Express. ..a J : am all 45 nm ..aiiiii i:muii ..a4J0pm a 8:30 am ..a 1:15 am all:J am a 4:46 pm all 40 am Kanaas City at St. Joe..al0:46 pm a t Ju am Kanaaa City te St. Joe. .a 8-4 am a 4.10 pm svansaa as ou ra . . m i w yiu W EBSTER ITA 1ITU WEBSTER, tklemsH St. Faal, Hlaatlpslla s aft Oasaka Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. . b :Jo am b 10 pm Sioux City Paaaengtr..a l:u pm alO so am Emerson Local o 8.4 am c 6:65 pm Miss art Taclti Auburn Local b 1:50 pm bll:25 am Iowa Local a 7:uo am a 4:30 pm Dee Moinea Passenger, .a 4.00 pm ali: pm Iowa Local bU:40am t l:e6 pm Chit ago t Eastern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm Chitagti Flyer a 4.10 pm, a l. am WEST. 1 Rocky Mountain L t d..all :15 pnf a 2:50 am Colo. A Cal. Expreaa. ..a 1:10 pm a 410 pm Okl. & Texas Expreaa. ..a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm tairaia, mmaaaLeo ac at. ria Chic. A Colo. Special... a 7:25 am all Mpm vat. at orr. r.Aprtrss w pm a :a pm Overland Limited a 1.58 pm a I ll am l'erry Local a 6.15 pin all.OO aiu W a bask 6L Louis Express.... ot. Louis Local if rom .a :30 pm a 1 .15 . m Council Diufis a 1:00 am all. 15 pni Stanolwrry Local trom Council Blulfs b 6:00 pm blO lS am MlaMarl raclllc K.. C. A BL 1 tip a 1:00 am a 8:45 am iv. c k bt u cxp an. is pm a 6u pin BI RLISGTOX 81 A. -IOTU A MASOX Berllagtea Leave. Arrive. Denver A California... .a 4:10 pn a 1:45 tun Northweat Special a 4 10 pm a 1.45 pm Black llllla a 4:10 pm a 3 45 pro. Noithweat Expreas ....all An pru al:l6 pm Nebraaka pmnla a 8.46 am a 4:10 pm Kebraaaa Express a 1:18 am a 4 10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail k 1:4a pm al2:ll pm Lincoln Loral b : am Lincoln Local alo li pm D C. SCOTT, D.V.S. tBUB r ta Dt, H. L. Rsiwaortottl) AaUBaTTAn sTTATB OfTba Mat XaarpttjaL alt BtsaeA. Call Promptly Aaswcred at All Havre. -ornoe zurmay toy. Jms. stoaa-iaa 44aw CSaii, 1:1 , . SHa4rla FsT THE OMAHA DEC Dwa.4 In West &Cl th DETROIT SHUTS OUT $T. LOUIS Tiger i Make Only Una in fame in th? First Inming. HITS ARE BUNCHED ON WADDELL Aeeooot of Ftalaeere at Otker Asaerlraa I.eagoe Co as re. ST. LOCTS. May 4. -The game was caljid tn the alxth on account of rain. By bunch ing hits In the first Inning after two were out. Detroit scored tho only run f the gsme. PSTROIT. tT. DTT'lf). B B OA H O A C. Mrlstrre. If. Shefr, l. a t e l t l t 1 12 1 1 1 1 Hefrmin. rf . I 'C JotlM. ct... I stone if I wtiiissM. te. SWallsc. si... I rnrt. Sb I T. Jossa. la.. I Seww. .... I Wad4U, p... I Crswiord. rf t'ohl rt Rniwstaa. lb. Ceustilln, Jb.. Tbmnu, c... O Lrtrr, M . luoiaiers, p.. Totsls.... St. Louis T IS 11 S Touts. ...te i it it . 0 0 0 00 00 ..1 00 00-1 Detroit Two base hits C. Jones, O'Leary. Coh'o. Stolen bases: C. Jones. I,eft on bases St. Louis. J; Detroit. 4. Hit by pitcher: by Summers. 1. Struck out: by Waddcll, . Time: 1:19. Umpire: Lnughlin. WASHINGTON, May 4-mlth was hit hard and timely today bv New Tork and Waahington Icet. 11 to &. Doyle lasted only two innings, but Manning, who relieved nun. was almost a complete pussie, his work being Die feature of the game. Man ager Griffith and Moriarity were ord-Ted olf the field for disputing umpire Con nolly's decision. Score: NEW YOHK. WASHINGTON. B.H O A.g. B.H O A E Kilt. 2b Kelr rt Hxnehlll. Chste, tb. 4 111 Milan. rf . . . i 1 1 4 ... t ef. 4 .... ( 1 1 14 t 1 11 1 t t 1 1 1 a Ganler. If.... 4 t t 9 Pl'k.rtng. rf. I I I I 1 lAltiier. 2b . . 4 1 1 t t 1 rYeemat. lb.. I IU I 1 0trf. t 4 0 7 1 0 OMrBrtila, H. I I I I I lnrhiphat lb... I 1 I Stskl. If 4 Conw. Sh.. . . I Rail. m....0. t Kiel row t ,. 4 rl. p 1 MaDslDg. p... 4 4 Smith, p 4 1 1 4 Tmili 14 7 n ll s 11 V 1 Washington 1O0O20O0O5 New York 2 S 0 0 0 0 S 3 -11 Two base hits: Pickering. Chase. Nilfs. Three base hits: Freeman. Hits: otf Doyle. I In 2 Innings; off Manning. 2 in innings. Sacrifice hits: Ganlev. Keeler. Hemphill. BtahL Stolen bases: Pickering, A K tier, Hemphill, Z; Chase 2. Lert on banes: Waahington, 6; New York, 5. Bases on balls: Smith, 5; Eovle. 7: Man ning. 1. Baaea on errors : Washington, 1: New York . Struck out: by Smith 6; by Doyle. 3; by Manning 1. Tlm: 2:to. I'mplre: Conolly. Athletlee Win Close name. PHILADELPHIA. May 4-Althouph otvt batted by nearly two to one, Philadelphia today defeated Boston, 3 to 2. In six con secutive innings the home team went out in order, not a man getting to first base, but in each of the first and eighth they touched up Young's curves for three hits and scored enough rune to win. Boston hit Vlckers hard, but the hits were scattered through seven intiings and he was accorded great support. Score: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTOV B H O A E. B H O A E Hanset, if ... 4 Tsonejr. If... 4 SLort. Sb 4 I Nichala, aa... 4 rolllna. lb ... 4 lb I 0 t 1 4 1 1 IS 1 -0 1 1 4 4 OMK onsell. lb 4 SMrHals, rf... 4 Oaaeler. rf ..: 4 41'nslaub, lb.. I SWaaner, a... 4 eoarnsas. c... 4 Murpbr. :b... I Ribreerk OI4rln(, rt. Koran, rf .. Vlckers, p.. otouns. p 1 BrrU s Teuii. I 4 57 11 4 Totals.. M 14 24 11 1 Battod for Toung in ninth. Boston 1 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 1-1 Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 I Two-base hits: Thoney. McHale. Unglaub. Sacrifice hit: Unglaub. Stolen base: Murphy. Double play: Nichola to Davia. Left on baaes: Rnston, 4; Philadelphia, 1. Struck out: By Y'oung, 1; by Vlckers, I. Time: 1:26. Umpires: Hurst and Sheridan. GAMES IX THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston Mist One-Sided Coateet from Broaklyxt. BOSTON. May 4. Boston today defeated Brooklyn in a onesided contest. I to 1 The locale batted Pastorlous freely, while Dorner was Invincible until late in the game. iScore: ' . . BROOKLYN. BOSTON B H 0 A g. i 4 tipattes. Zb ... 4 u 1 4 0 0 4 igheehaa. Ib..t S 1 1 4 1 1 "Uimlfy. rt ... 4 114 1 4 1 Joreaa. lb ... 4 1 ll S 1 4 1 OHummall. If.- 1 1 .1 1 4 1 1 OLewia. aa I 0 4 1 I Malonjr. rf . t 1 0 1 4 S CRliler, r 1 S. 4 1 4 1 vBeraen. r 4 4 4 Hannlfas. If . 4 1 Beaumont, cf. 4 Ratt-m, rf McUann, lb.. Rltrhrr. 2b.. hleD, aa... veener, tb. Bowerman, e Doraer. p Murrb 1 4 4 0 Totala. U W 17 4 4 PsMertiM. p.. t 4 I I Burca 1 4 4 4 Totala rt 4 14 la 4 Batted for Ritter in tne eighth. -i Batted for Paatorious in the ninth. Boston ... 11112000 t Brooklyn 0 0U0001O1-2 Two-base hits: McGann. Lumley. Three- base hit: Hannifan. Home run: Lumley. Sacrifice hits: Dorner. Daiilen, Sweeney, Hummel. Stolen basts: Beaumont lit, Bheehan. Double play: Dahlen to Ritchey to McGann. Left on baaes: Boston, 10; Brooklyn. 2. First baas on bulls: Off Pastorlous. 4; off Dorner, 2. First base on errors: Boston."!. Struck out: By Dorner, 4: by Paatorious, 1. Time: 1:31 Umpire: Klem. New York riles l Bis; Scarf. NEW YORK, May 4. The local nationals d the game well in hand today al tha end of the sixth inrlng and Manager Hr. Grew withdrew Mat hem son and Ureanahan. ueecner and Nredham were aubstltuted snl rhlladelnhla scored twice in the ninth Score: NBW TOftK. PHILADELPHIA. B.H. O A ti. B.H. O A E. Shtnaoa. If.. 4 i I ICaab. 2b... 4 (Irani, lb... OTHua. rt Miaw. If . NuaJla. If ... S 4 4 Tennry, lb... I I It IX-nlln, rt ... 4 1 I Seyaaour. cf . . 6 Breaaakaa. c. 4 Nad&aaa. ... t txiar-urwa tf 4 Branadeld. lb 4 srwolla. tb.... 4 SEMIS, c 4 1 Sparta, p 1 Iwvlia. ib. ... 4 Doyle, 2b 4 Bnawall. as.. I v Totals IS 8 14 11 1 4 Mathewaoa. pi Beotnsr. p.. .. 1 Totals....;. It 14 :t 12 I Philadelphia 0000000022 New York 504)224)12 12 Two-base hits: Doolln. Dooln. Rraanalian Bridwell. Beecber, Tenney. Three-base hits: nransrieia. J It us. Ma nee. Mathewaon. lliis: Off Matriewaon. 3 in alx innings: off Beecher. 6 in three Innings. Stolen baaea: Doj le, Devlin. Bridwell. bresnahan. Double play: Bridwell to Doyle to Tenaey. Lett basea: Philadelphia. : New York, s First base on balls: Off Mathewson. 1: off Beecher, 1: otf Spark. 2. First base en errore: Philadelphia. 1. Struck ouf By Mathewson, I. Time: 2:04. UniDirea: Rigler and Email. Games Postponed. At Cincinnati Cinclnnati-Pittsburg game postponed; wet grounds. At Chicago St. Louis-Oik-ago game post poned; rain. OCEAN STEAMERS Par root, pie sura ar busl It swya te travoi oa the) FRENCH j LINE ... 1 To Altlal. tha City Bee tt, Tssate It a Paris w the & utltut. Compaenl Cn4rl4) Tranaatlantlqu Pass Uanst Baail tirwil agwi Toaa to raaia la s oava ria Havre oa gigantic twia-acrew express steamers, aailmg: every Thuraday to a. so. Thrte loaaOc-s of saadera iaveaiioas ksve all the cooaeairace aod lasury cat snost palatial avoid a eat a (sore Knaaewae scale passenger elevator, roof cafe, gymnasium, elegant auitca abd aingle apananeeta;daily aewspaper. orcaastra, wtreics uiegrapay, knoui cuiaiac and anrcrv arovxiiuja Set aalcty and cutniost. La Unaiaa ... star 14 I La Pnwaau Jaae 4 l Taaarwise ... kw tl I L Larrmua ... Ja:Hi 11 La Ihom May 14 I La S. tot Jum U saar urn isuons maBM. rwr caer f hiutee book of tiana aa4 raaa pip as HAKat at ttuuasa. - - laat fuua I a a.rMoLXe. - - - - i"i rm sc W. at. Sue a. laaa Pa W O ItAVIDOOSt. ..... tat Pi LOll . ears rust KtUual itaaa. Get It Early t The 'HeRlMilB- Bel S3 Suaoard hsl nlia Tha" McIiktSir1aJ"Hel 54 TtMba4Ut4 , . .. tlnaaUUdwiah.tUs Sold rrvcrywherv? STANDING OF THE TEAWS. NAT L LEAGUE AMER. LEAGUE. W.UPct. W.L.Pct Chicago ....11 1 .-TM New YoTlc.10 Pittsburg 4 New York.. 7 Boston Philadelphia Brooklyn ... 7 I1) Cincinnati . i 7 KL Louis.... 1 13 - ,iti niilartolphiafl 7 .;! ,f63 Cleveland . ! .B.'S Rt. Louis.... 1 ' .bit .dm Chicago .... I 8 .aO .412 Boston ..... 7 In '.412 .417 Ilroit i 9 .3A7 .IS?" Washington. 6 11 .14 GAMES TODAY. Western league Omaha at Pueblo, Lin coln at Denver, Dcs Moines at Sioux City. National League Brooklyn at Boston, Philadelphia al New York, Cincinnati at Pittsburg. American League Detroit at St. Iouls, Cleveland at Chicago. New York at Wash ington, Boston at Philadelphia. American Aasoclatlon Columbus at Kan sas City. Toledo st Milwaukee, Indianapolis at St. Paul, Louisville at Milwaukee. GAMES IX AMERICA?! AU( I ATIO.V Mllwaakee Stakes It Four Straight from Colanaboa. MILWAUKEE. Wis., May 4.-Mllwaukee made it four straight today by batting Hall at opportune times. Curtis on the con trary was unhlttable in every inning but the fourth. Roth's home run. scoring two men was one of the longest hits ever made at Athletic park. Score; MIL.WAIKRE. COLl'MnrS. B.H O. A.g. B.H O A F. flnbtnaon, as. I Green, rf 4 114 irwarell. rf ... 4 1 0 114 Krusrr, If ... 1 4 1 0 1 lel. ,1b 4 1 1 0 I 4 . 4CoaaltnD, rf. 4 V 1 1 1 .1 SKihnv lb 4 0 13 1 1 ('RK1. aa 4 0 M'Chera'r. It 4 Bsn'lall. cf .. I Roih. e 4 MK nrm k, Jb 4 t'larkr. :b ...4 tit 1 Jam -a. c i 0 1 Brown. h....4 ill 4 U W ruler. Ib.. J 1 2 Curtis, p 4 I 4 4 4 Hall, p I o 0 . Roxera. p 0 0 0 Totals M 11 17 14 Total! 32 3 :t 14 1 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 1 -$ Columbus , 00 0200 0 0 0-2 Two base bits: Clarke, Brown. Home runs: Roth, Clarke. Hits: off Hall, 8 In 6 innings: off Rodgers, 3 in 2 innltii:. Sacrifice hits: Robinson. .Kruegrr. Stolen basea: Friel 2; Robinson, McVhesncy, Mc cormick. Double play: Hall. Raldy to Klhm. Left on basea: Milwaukte 7; Col iinibua 4. Base on balls: Curtis 1, Had 1, Rodgera 1. Struck out: Curtia :; Hall "; Rodgers 1. Time: 1:S5. Umpires; LIhi and Hayes. St. Paal W'lae la Eleventh. ST. PAUL? May -4. St. Paul won the second game of the" scries from lndlaan apolis today In the eleventh inning. Mo Cine singled with onb out. stole second and, after Leroy flew out. scored on Dunlevy's single. Lerov relieved Minalian in the ninth and pitched fiae ball. Score: ST. PAt'L. - ' 1KD1AKAPOLIS. v B.H. O A g. B.H.O.A E. DusleaTT. rf. flood, tb Wheeler, tb . Tlemeyer. 3b. Dal. rf Oeler. II...... Plerera. c Row-an. .lb.. . . MK'una. aa... Minaha. p... Leroy, p 6 11-1 enu.h. as. 1 ! 4 0 4- f ook. 11 61 J SWarors. rt,. 4 t 1 4 CCutT, lb .... 1 i.h. c ill III : l i L. 7 l.wmvuns. 2b 1 li 0 4 : ,fhtpa. 4 o : atjlaal. .,... 4 2 2 1 0 S 0 Totali. ..S4 -432 1 Tauls. .....' IJ 13 Two out when winning run scored. St. Paul 0 000100200 1-4 lndianapolia 1 vOOOOOOSO 0-3 Two-baae lilt: Davie. Home runa: Meyers, Carr. Stolen bases: Flood. McCune. Carr. Williama. Double plas: Geyer to Wheeler; Rowan to Flood. Hits: Off Minahan. 7 in eight and one-third innings; oft Leroy, 1 In two and two-thirds innlnRS. aBses on balls: Off Minahan. ,3; off Slagle. 2. Hit with pitched ball: By Minahan. Leliy t2i. Struck out: By Slagle, 2: by Minahan, 4; by Leroy, 2. SacrifKe hits: Geier. 'Bush 21, Hayden. Left on bases: St. Paul. 10; Indianapolis, 8. Time: 2:25. Umpire: Owens. Distillers Win In Thlrteenlk. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 4-Costly errors by Minneapolis gave lAiuisville the game in a thirteen inning battle here ty day. 8ore: LOl'ISVILLC. - MIMNEAPOI.ia. B.H . O A K B.H .O.A.E Harley. rf.... Woodruff, if. Perrtne, 2b... lb.. Burke, tb..., Stantar. cf... Oatnlaa, a-. Pelts, c Slevall, p 4 14 4 OQuillin. Jh .. 2 2.1 7 4 4 4 SO'Netll, cf. .. 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 I '4 14 1 14 1 1 1 4 WVIdav. If 4 OO'Brlen. 2b... 4 Barlow. Ik borlrr, aa...... Prwrmas, rf. 4Hlnrk. e 4 14 4 Pattanoa, p. Ka Totala. . .61 If J 1. 1 Total!.... ..44 12 it it Batted for Buelow in thirteenth. Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Louisville 000100020000 2-6 Two-base hlU: O'Neill. Welday, Oyler. Sacrifice hits: Oyler. Freeman, Burke, (rfulnlan (2), Stanley, Hariey, Pelts. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 1; Louisville, ft. Baae on balls: Off Patterson. 10; olf Stovall, 3. Hit by pitcher: Oyler -2. Struck out; By Patterson. 6; by Stovall. S. Passed ball: Block. Time: 2:20. Umpire: Kane. KANSAS CITY. Kansas City, ToleOo American aasoclatlon game postponed, rain. TROG IOWA TEAM IS HISY MeClellaa Team Woa flood Game from InvlarlUlea Saaday. McClellan won a well played game from the Council Bluffs Invinciblca at McClellan Sunday, the score belrur 7 to 2. The experi ence of the veteran MrCellao aggregation told ever the younger playera of t lie visit ing team. The Invinclbles had tiie game Weil In hand up to the seventh ici n ii aj. when the hard hitters of the home team bunched their Ita. The game thoughout waa fast and snappy. Brilliant playa shown though out by both teams. The Invincible are hlgly pleased over the result of the game. aa McClellan ta one or the fastest semi professional teams In the stale of Iowa. The pitching of i' Cooper for the. Invin riblea was I lie feature of the game, as he struck out f ight of the McClellan alugers and litsid thia dowr. to seven hits. Hia ork showed that he Is one of the coming youngsters. Ecore: MTLKLLAS. b H.O AC U 11 M A C Perry, aa Jones, if HM(n. If wuaBot. lb .. Duff, t Bennett, lb... Hi. key, !b... Btrphuay, p.. Kaed. rf 1 4 Roblnaoa, aa. Ullilliiu, lb. . 1 bo)ne. cf C looper. p. 0 I W". l ouver. If I o 11 OKLkilaen. 2D.. 4 1 V. Snillb. r. 1 4 Phnhn. lb . I 4An4oa. rf.. I Totals It 1I11I I Tall Z I 24 11 4 Invinclbles 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 McClellan 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 7 Three-base hit: Reed. Two-base hil: Hiligins. Hits: Off Cooper, 7; off Siephney. 3. (Stolen bases: Invinciblca, S; Mct'iellan, 7. Baaes on balls: Off Siephney, 6: off Cooper. 4. Struck out: By Cooper. 8; by Siephney. 4. Batteries: In vmi iblei. C Cooper and P. Sinith: McClellan, Stephuty and Duff. Umpire: T Quick. Playgroaad Ball. "Playgrouud Ball" la the latest book pub lislied in Spalding's Athletic Library. 1' 1 1 laa book treata tn an exhaustive way of the Utcat iniiovaiiou " in the line of outdoor sports and haa been edited by R. I.- Welch, who la aecretary of the National Play- Srount Kail association of the United latent Playground ball la a modification ot the great national game so arranged that tt may be played in limited arras The coat pf eviuipment ka insignificant and ten players constitute a aid, lt as distinctly a game for pleasuie and rurreation wiiuh may be enjoyed by voting or older men. The diamond may be laid out on a school lot or a go'f field. Ho Games la waiters l.ragse. All the ganiVs in the Weeuru league were pctponed yterday on account of enow at Denver and Pueblo and rain at Bioux city. INTERCITY LEAGUE OPENS Four Garnet Played in Cold and Fani Were Oat BENSON EAGLES MADE-BIO HIT Assesred In Merry Widows- e flay Opening t.ame la ew Ball Park Opposite Krag Park. V Although the sun did not do Its share there was plenty of wsrrcjh In tha opening of the Intercity bsso ball league Sundly Uwhen th four games were played accord ing to schedule. The cold wind kept ths crowds down st the vsrlous r8,''. nut fans made up in enthusiasm what they lacked In numbers. That the Benson Eagles have the hearty support of that thriving suburb was shown by the attendance of the fsns of Benson. The Eagles turned out In force en coa tume, being adorned with Merry Widow hats with gorgeous decorations. Thu new Benson ball rfk. situated across Ibe street east from Krug park, has s commodious grandstand and large bleachers' benches. The field will be fine ss soon as It is worsted a little-more. Manager Kennedy has a good park with grandstand and bleachers at Fortieth and Q streets, South Omaha, and a fair crowd considering ths cold. U rut out tha par ade part of bis program because of the In clement weather. t.ood Crwerd at Diets Park. A double attraction at Diets park called out nearly 1,000 fans, who completely flUrd the bleachers and part ot the grandstand. The elifu house verandas were also well filled. The Diets team had easy picking with the Sterlings, but when it came to the Indians It was a different, proposition. The grounds were In fino condition. The Florence management also suffeted from the cold weather as far as the box office receipts were concerned the opening game gave good evidence of the Interest that suburb will take in the league. Arthur Metx, president of the league. and Piter Jesscn, secretsry. .made the rounds of the various parks and win ac corded a warm reception wherever thy appeared. 1 Frank Handle, register of deeds and hlm, self an old time ball player and fan, has offered the league a suitable emblem or pennant "to be presented to the team win ning the championship. Mr. Bandle has made this offer and will leave It to the club managers to name the sort of an cm-' blein they desire. The league games will be played each Sunday at the parks at Flor ence, South Omaha, Benson and Dlelz park. Florence Loses First Oae. Florence was defeated by the Townsend Gun company team by a score of C to 3 Te game was fast and very intereslioy from the tap of the gong till the last man marched hack drearily to the Florence bench. A crowd of K enthualsstio fans were, amazed at the spectacle of 8 Tt s hatters being defeated by the sprlfhtly Townsend. Atkins led In the batting for the Townsends. Synek pulled off some professional stunta on the Initial Sack. Manager Siert appeara to have discovered a phenom in Broatlbeck, who haila from last year's Mets team. His speed is b3 wllderlng snd his curves very sharp. Mixed In with straight ones, breaks and an effective low hall, and his pitching waa a feature. Young as usual pitched a steady game, holding ills opponents safe at eth ical stages. The Merry Widow hst display did not materialise, a large number of the fair sex came out despite the bad weather, but they left the wide brtsnmed sight ob scurer at home. Good for them. Score: TOWNSENDO. FLORENCE. B H.O.A.E. AB H O.A E Alklna, Ik.. a. I 4 Krsneyr.s. ,. 4 1 H us Ilea. Sb:. 4 1 1 Elliott, 2b... Lyneh. lb.:.. Doaark,. If... brown. c-... Quiglei. rf... Poran, aa Barr, rt Young, p.... 2 1 4 1 4 4 1 0 1 4 4 -4 4 4 4 11 4 1 4Trobr! 4 4 Biker, cf.. Carlo. II...... 0 Anderaoo, lb. 1 Ryaa. rtv.... t fiausa, c 4 brudberx, p.: 4 4 Totali. II I 21 11 Florence Townsends 1 Totala it I 27 4 4 000020010-3 02003Vl- Three-base hit: Brown. Two-baae hits: Kinney, Baker. Carlo, .111011 t;i. stolen bases: Atkllll (2). Elliott 4.21. Lynch, tjulg ley. Baaea on balls: Off Brodbeck, 1: off Young, 3. Struck out: By Brodbeck, 14; by Young 3. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Bell. Stock Yards Starta vcltk Wla. Sunday witnessed the opening of the City league at South Omaha. The cold threat ening weather kept the attendance down to S". but these were rewarded by a good exhibition of the great game. President Mets and Secretary Jesaen were visitors st the opening. Both teams showed lack of practice. Collier was Invincible for seven innings, then passed ntne men in two. John Kelley of the Union Stock Yards team was the special feature, getting three htts out of four times up, each time driving In a score. Fast base running by the Stock Yards team helped swell the score, they stesling eight bsaes. Score: WTCWK TllUll MERCHANTS. AB. H O S E AB HO It Keller, tb... 4 Talbot, lb... 4 Mayfleld. a.. 4 Carsaauffb. e 4 Van CUT. If 1 Hawkins, tb. I I 1 OMneller, tb. 4 4 10 Mcllun. tb... 1 1 SMrGoaraa. ct. 4 1 ewkiie. aa.... 4 4 OWalllng. pc. I 1 4 Howell, rt... 1 4 4 Ronan, rt.... 0 4 OKapllm, .... 1 4 OK.iiir, p I rrano.ll, ct.. 4 Murphy, rt... I Collier, p.... I Rateker, cf... Totals. U IDU I Totals 1 24 11 I 1. 8. Yards 0 0 111 Uerchants 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 J-4 Basea on balls: Off Collier, 8; off Wal lenx. 1 Struck out: By Collier, 8: by Wal lenx, 7. Hit with pitched ball: By Collier. 1. Wild pltchea: Collier. 1; aliens, 1. Passed ball: Koplln. Two-base hlte: Col lier, Talbot. Wallens. Thre-baae lilt: Cav anaugh. Left on bases: Stock Yards. 6; Merchaate. 8. Stolen baaes: Kelley, Talbot Ut. Matfield, Hawklna (li. Collier. Howell, Waltena. Time: 1:60. Umpire: George Clark. Scorer: Kennedy. Attendance; 100. Eagles Make Gaed for Fane. Out on the new park, .where the Benson i Eagleo were endeavoring to change their names to the 'Merry widows,' the team made good ami won from the Diets Lum ler Company team by a ecore of 7 to 4. The batteries were: Benson. Whitney and Rice; Diets Lt"'Jer Company, Mathews and Krander. W hltney allowed five hita. wiiil nine were' recorded kgatnst Mathews. Each team made seven errors, while Whit. ney of the Benson team made a home run. Score: Benson 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 7 Diets Lumber Co....; ovo i o l o sterling Easy for Association The Diets Association team defeat 1 the Sterlings by a score of 12 to 1. The Sterl ings were unable to do anything against the pitching of Protwt. he having ten strikeouts to bis credit, while the Dietg tutu-bed Utigeraia up lor ten safe ones. which, combined with poor eupiH.rt. tells the fiory. The work of the Diets team was good at all nines. Score; ItlKTi STERLINGS. AB H O A E AB 11 O A E Hall. 2b Laffeny. It. Etitiuu, aa. taelianaa. c. tin.-n, cf.. Lsrb lk... ehaatak. r( . t 4 1 1 4 1 11 4 Et)lMa, rf 4 1 L ve), lb . . 4 MeO'an. rb-cf 4 STwiKkell, aa. 4 ip 4 l a i t i i l 1 4 4 Sag, ib. 4 is 4 Hinkla, c 4 Wan.. It . NaBtlehubU.tb 4 Prooat, p 4 PKteral4. Vincent .41 1121 I 1 Totala. Tola la S3 t 24 14 I Dletx Association...! 4 0 110 11 Sterlings 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Earned runa: Diets, 6; Sterlings, 1. Two base Inta. Lynch tli, Dineen, Leevey. Huma run; Inneen. Stolen baa.: Lafferty 3i. Hall, SpellmaD, McGuigan. Double play: Lecvey to McGnigan to Sage. Bases on balia: Off Vincent, 2. Struck out: By Probst, 1"; bv Fitsgerald. 2; by Vincent, 1. Passed txall: Spelinian. Time: Ul Umpire: Morrison. Cambridge Wine Field llrtt. CAMBRIDGE. Nb.. May 4 (tfpexial.) The annual meeting of tne Moiitnwesiei n Nebraska Atliletio asewtation was held in this city Saturday at Mc-Kmley park ami tiie Haywood track. Cambridge won 3b pol.ita, witn Beaver (t' a close second l.ael yeaur CanabrKlae and beaver City won the same number of pomta. but tt was agreed t tiio aaatjaviaition that tf either of these teams won the first this year that the Mine should carry with it the decision of Uxt teal n s gillies, and aa Cambrid;e won in yesterday a -ontM the rhampmn ahlp oa to them for lTT- William K.n-luw- dt til), who an. vnv of the Cob leslant. won the medal fcr the hl.het number pf Individual potrts. haitrg oT-d In additkn to the atbt-tc vtctury won bv the -earn of this cltv. M " .Vda Muthi. who reprented the Caaihrtila ltiK booi In the drlamatnrr contest held le4 een Ihg, was the winner of th silver niertsl. HARDWARE DEALERS BUMPED ladlaae Oadateld Weatker rst I re Glaaar Aaetber 4. a me. Th le-Clas-Andreecn team axslfl brent down to defeat Sunday before C.ia o a kturdy redskin, the score bing lt to 7. I'eld weather had a tolling elfcct on the I-G.-A.'a fleMUig. and the way the In diana walloped JeVns' corves put the hard ware men out of the running. The Indiana played a good, steady game, but the hon ors for fsst work fll to Lawlcr, who fig ured in three double playa Next Sunday the Ije.GIaj-Andreesen team ply the ldeal-Huatlei at Council Bluff. The Indian leave tonight on their stern trip, their first stop being al Hcd Oak, I Score: INDIANS LO -A AB H O A K AtH 9.1 g Neno, wilt, aa. Toh'whtew. f 4 sc,it. tf. I t 4 1 IBmdforl. rt. SLawler. a.., Mlnlku. tb.. lOikm. rf.... SC. t lair. lb.. tb I ;.. 4 I 11 karkie. It. Juryneaa, tvlria. e. Crow, lb. rle, rt fratt, p.. Its 6 I 6 I 4 li Stonfbty, cf 4 fg t lair. t.. s 1 1 1 Scully, p t 14 4 Jel-a, Totala 44 H 27 11 4 TMala... Indians ... " 1 2 f 1 L.-G.-As 0 0 10 0 ir. 4 17 11 7 0 3 4 1-13 0 0 157 Two-base hits: Tolvanheheahlck Jiifvonna Pylvia. Lawler Three-base hit: larklc. Stolen baaes: Indiana, 4; L.-G.A., 9. Double plays: Jucyonra to Tobasheheshiek to Syl via; Lawler. to E. Clair to C. Clair: Law ler to C. Clair (2). Bas-s on balls: Off Pratt, s; nrf Scully. 1; off Jellen. 1 Wild rltch : Pratt. V Pissed ball: Svlvis, 1. Time. :00. Umpire: Slianahan and Sego. BREWERS CORKED WRIT SIDERS Skat Oat 11 ask y Rlvale In Good Gam riaya. 8ldrx Coronas had an easy time defeating the West Sidea in a game that waa charac terised by heavy hilling and f-avat fielding on the part ot the Stars Coronas and a score of 12 to 0 waa made. Bogatts pitched In splendid form, allowing but two scratch hits. Mcljean s timely hitting and Kucera s work at short were features. Hodge's home run drive in the fifth Inning was the longest hit ever made on the grounds. Score: CORONAS. WgSTSIIIES. AB H O. A g. AH H. O.A Z. M'Lean. ib Perater, c. Bogatra, p.. Heas. If . Uiniili. cf I I tlrreser, e. . . 4 4 ltawle . lb .. 4 Stimmmy, Sb. 4 vHoeaais. lb.. I Ot' 2 ti ttatxlei, rf . . . 1 4 N-on. if.... I l W'ikjer, If ... 0 8rrmelTwin.p I 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 12 t I 4 a 2 t llathten, lb. Kutvrs. aa., Piii4o, rf gin. :s Ts'als ... J 11 !J 23 2 Tolala M 1 27 10 4 Slorx Colons 1 3 1 3 1 0 0 3 01; VI est Sides 0 040000000 Earned Yurie: St or Coronas, 6. Two-bars nits: wciean. Kucera, Kill. Home run: Hodge. Bases orr halls: Off Sehneiderwind. 1. Struck out: By Bogatts, ; by Sehneider- winn. i. nit by pitcncd ball: McLean, Hodge. .Double plays: Sehneiderwind to Haw ley r Sanders to Greener. Sacrifice nut: rerster, 2. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Mullen. rORMUKKEHt I,0K AT AMES Slow a ad Make Many Errors, While Plteber Is flit Freely. AMES. la.T May 4 -tSpeclal Tihgram.) In a seren-lnnlng game on a wet fuid Ames defeated Nebraska, 19 to . The Ne braska irujn Were slow and made niany errora .emd Ames found Stevenson's pitcii Ing :wslly. The game was played under the old rules. Burkhsrt pitched for Ames, striking out nine men. Denslow, backstop for Nebraska, made a sensational run an 1 catch ot a foul ball. Beaunlnaton Defeata Haaerome. BENNNINGTON. Neb.. May 4. (Special. K Tfii iianscom Park team headed by C. B. MrManus of the Interspinal Harvester company met defeat at the hands of the Bennington Athletes yesterday, score 19 to 9. as follows: r h. Bennington 2 0 2 2 7 0 2l bgka ul Bennington 2023714 .19 22 Hanscom.Park 1000084 1 5 Features of the game was the nitchinsr of Petersen of the home team, against two opposing pitchers and three home runs. Mickey Petersen and O Mangold. Doase Defeata Kearney Normal. CRETE, Neb.. May 4 (Special Telegram ) Doane began ita official base ball work this afternoon by defeating the Kearney normal scnooi. i to 4. in seven Innings. The field was very muddy. Score: R.H. Doane 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 7 10 Kearney 001300047 Umpire: Ed Parsons of Crete, natteries: Doane, Moore and Wendland; Kearney, Daily and McMahon. Omaha llorae Played Up. The current issue of Bit and Spur. Jh leading horse show journal, contains a splendid rut of Whirling Cloud, the beau tiful mahogany stallion owned bv W. H. McCord of Omaha. He has a record as u winner In the horse show blue book. Mr. McCord is pffering his horses for sale, as he says lie expects to retire from the horse show business. itf.'i! !!f":r!ir,,.,,!iiii!!::i!!!:i! a WXJwJl LOOSS FITTING COAT CUT UNDERSHIRTS . KNEE LENGTH DRAWERS. You will ieel coolrt than vou kave ever (eh, be lor B. V. D. anaenU elliJ perfect freedom of anotioa and permit fresh, eeoLng ao 4o peach the pore. SOf 1X41 mmA SI. BO A GARMENT. Ths wockmanaritp, cut, touah, aod avalenal ol B. V. Loose Fating Under GariDcnU ate unaurpaaaed. Look : ll tho B.V.D. Red Woven Label. It correctly cut. well snade, perlect hmnf anda garment. Don't take aa imtauoa. W nta fat Booklet. ERLANGER BROTHERS. Wartk sad CkwrJi St a. New Yanrk. Maim,ak, at B V. D. Uiaoa sua. ( Pat. 4-iOA)7 ). aad B. V. D- Slpig uiw MAeToirfHtri H'liiiiliiii!i't"''i!'j!tii,,,",,"ir;ijf"H,!j;' nrrr rftaii Teanr in i. ii'."- iiiiii.;::!i:i!i;!l!iM!i:iu::i!!!J!Gi!iiIi:!l!!l!!li:;!l, WE CUBE IviLii'J i-Qira v 'i?Lf " ' 4r u 15 2V. i Vv,'4.-. y irlr VTiFR Examination and consultation. Write to waAa syinptc..n Blank for home treatment. Dr. Searles & Searles, 119 S. 14th. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. , i i i i i . . i - . i a n ' ' Ni. ' ' ..'V j Dr. EDWARD 17. TARKY, 333 Cij?3 r 0:.V.l fEB; CRACK SHOTS FOR. TOURNEY Many Good Gun ULtn from Various Sections Arc Here. COMMON SHOOTEX HAS CHANCE t.eorae Rnsrra h tke llsly Maa Able Keep Anna Ike' Mwety Mark la ( old aa Wind Saaalag. Many cf lhe mack phoU of th countri have arrivrd for the annual amateur tour nament ot ths Omaha Gun cluh to be held at the Townsend Gun cluh grounds at tha east end of the Douglas street brldga Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. Sfllrie ot these partlelpated In the shoot of the Pottawattamie Utio club Sunday after noon. - - ' Amateurs sra taking misre Interest In Ihla shoot thsn la any stmllsr hoot In years because of the oomliUons which gives the moderate ahooter a chance as well ss the more experts. The system of paying 11 cents for every target broken seems to ba quite popular. ' , : The cold iand wind Kept down the scores Sunday artemoon. Oorg Rogers being the only shooter'ablo lo' reg-lsteT above the mark. ' ' The out-of-town shootcra who hare al ready arrived fr the shoot are J. L. Dy son and party of 1'ehling. Neb : O. W. Ford of Central Citv, la.; George Maxwell, New Tork; Chris Gotllelo. Kansaa City: J.. M. Hughes. Milwaukee; R. R. Barber. Pauline, la., and Jaek Oilleepie, KanvCtty. The events will be run oft morning and afternoon. The scores: Damon Its per ...-. Smith, M. R. Hmith. H. H Crable. F lingers Weatlicrhcad Crable. C Skinner Glacomtni Townsend ; Allen Woolman ......... Walsh ,.. lwls Hughes 17 1 1 22 71 W 11 2--74 ia 14 14 20 Tl 14 H 1 17 79 18 17 1 2-"l C4 22 ?1 SJ-P1 1 It ! 14-71 19 14 23 l-7 1 1H 14 'JO 72 17 31 1 2174 2rt 21 2 22 1 24 J 22 2287 14 DO 2d r 2.1 20 15 lt IS 24 n 30 Mld-Cltys Wla, Doable-Header. The Mid-Crtys woe a dmibl-header by easily defeating the Twentieth Stare, taking the first game bv the evcue of 21 to S. and the last gam. 14 tn 9. In a seven-inning game. Score last game: . . Mid City' . , .4. 1 K -14 Stare 0 0 2 0 3 0 4- Batteries': Mld-C;lty. Miller and Hansen, Stars. McMasler snd Sims. Home run: R. Stacy, rhree-baae hlM A. Carter. for Mtd Cltv. Hits: (.iff Stms. 12t off Homan. 2. Stolen bases: E. Stacey Zi, Struck' out: Bv Homan. 10; by Sima. S. The Mid-City team would like te hear from teams with players not averaging over 10 years of age. Write Roy Stacey. 837 North Twelfth street. South Omaha, or telephone Frank EuKlvair. No, ISO. Field Meet at Grlawell. GRIN NELL, la.. May 4 -t Special. )-Th grandstand was a mass of glowing color and The class spirit ran high at the annual home field meet of Iowa college on Satur day laat. The day and the track were well nigh perfect and the meet was pronounced mu unusually good one. Home records were broken in the one mile relay, the hammer throw and the pole vault and almost equaled In sevrsl other eventa. The present out loog is very encouraging' for the state meet. The summary by points for classes Is ss follows: Academy, 1l I. 8; 19o9, 64; 1?10, 4S; 1911. 314. Yale. Snrlalep lalare-if. NEW 11AVEN'. Conn.. May 4.-The Yale team haa sustained a loss which it is feared may cost the college the dual games with Princeton this Saturday and the games with Harvard at Cambrlde a week later. Lester Barber Stevens f Milwaukee, the best sprinter at Yale for yeara, has injured his knee and will be unable to compete In the sprinta. He. has been running the 100 ' yards in 10 seeonda flat, and waa counted on to win the sprinta. In both seta of games. Stevens was stepping on a car ' when he fell and a tendon .snapped. Walking; for at Record. GLEN WOOD. la.. May 4 (Special. )-J. B. Chase, T. F. Bourke and D. B. Bruny. three Omaha young men, walked from Glenwood to Omaha Sunday. They made the distance of twenty-eight miles In five hours and fifty minutea. thus making a walking sver sge of four snd two-thirds miles per hour. Gore Regain ( hasuploaahlp. LONDON. May 4.-A. V. Gore., the Eng lish player, today recaptured the cham pionship In the covered court tennis cm test, which haa been-In progress at tha Queens club here. He defeated the holder of the title. A. F. Wilding of New Eng land, three games to one. 'ii! uJllLLuiiiiimiiiimi' iiiiiii sua rant era yoa .'HlW'le, Mit'iiiiUJ.tlUiii'lutil r, MM (W) x a L' LJ IS mi t i -n; By the Old Reliable Dr. Bearlea & Searles. EsUbllahed la' Omaha for 16 yeara Tb'o many thous and of caaea cured by us nuke us the moat naer. lenced Specisllats In the West, in all diseases and all. ments of men. We know Just a list will cure you snd cure yo.i quickly. We Cure You, Then You Pay Ui Our Fee. We make no misleading or false statements, or offer you cheap, worthless treatment, our reputation anal i,aiue are loo favorably known; every ease we treat our reputation la at slabs. Your health, life and happinees Is loo aerious a matter to place In the hands of a IUiSL188" DOCTOA Honest doctra of ability use their UWS VAMS IU TKXIB Bl'&IHSSaS. Sfarvcas : Debility, Blood Jroiaon, Skis Ouaeasas, Kidaay and Blad. sa aueoiat uissasta and Ailments of Maa. WE CURE MEN "heS" Will enre yoa for LE83 M0KT5T tbsa any other apeclaUat axd aceepb the money la any way yoa wish to pay. IVcrvons Debility, Blood 3wlaon. lu Xkissaseo, Kidney and Bladder Dlseaaea, Stomach, all Special Xtiseases tvad A1U a.sota ef ansa. . Established in Omaha 25 Years. ; We Iiiakn no nilleadins or false slaternenta "T . cft-f ou ( heap. Wul ll. leas treat uwuL' Kxnniinatlot. I, Tn ( and cor.sultat on rile for n:iluln blauk fol I M I hoii.e trcatnn iit . I WW DR. McGREW CO., 215 S. 14th St., Omalia. Neb. No Lloney Till Cured FISTULA. ULCERATION snd all RECTAL DltW (ASEa sud wiianat t Imnf. Permauai cass guarsnteeA 14 years periiee lA'ru tor free I Lisa ' irated beoaea kactai Lnaass'-w sa . xosicaa - ii i . .