THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 3, 1908. 35x7 rAinwAM rrr. TIO 9 Pi Oft ..jSidll.SS ull AT Reduced Prio .P.SL.0..J This week we aiv nounce the most rad ical reductions on our strictly high class maivtaiiored suits for women and misses. AJl our fine serge, panama, voile and wool rajah suits, here tofore prioed and sold at regular prices, will be placed on sale this week at one-half their regular price. These suits are this sea son's most favored styles and are of superior material and work manship, having an individual ity that is not seen in most gar ments. Come early and get first choice of 30.00 SOCIETY READY FOR SUMMER Country Club Celebrates Annual Formal Opening for Season. DINNER AND DANCE DRAW CBOWD 0t-f-Door Wesson Inhered In with Wholly Informal, bat Alto gether Knjerable tisth-Frlaa;. $G0.00 and $55.00 Suits, on sale at $50.00 and $45.00 Suits, OCT Aft on sale at. . '. AV.VV $40.00 and $37.50 Suits, on sale at $35.00 and $32.50 Suits, on sale at $30.00 and $27.50 Suits, 4 P AA on sale at $25.00-and $22.50 Suits, 4 S) r A on sole at lfl.tfv A nominal charge will be made for alterations. 20.00 17.50 es on borate Goats j Women's black broadcloth or covert coats in lite itev striped or plain mater ials. These are the best semi-fitted strles, plain and well tailored and unusually at tractive values at regular priees) all go on sale at greatly reduced priees. Reduced Price: OBI kirte iiil 1517 FARNAM ST. AV have made radiiMd mluetioca a our entire line of tailored .skirts for wo- mec :id rc?sse? These shirts r thin season's mast favored n;od?te tsitorc! ty competent m?c tailors and (ho mt?mk are chiffon panama, FrvtKh and Altu?n voiles, black taffeta, fine serfoa and fi'.ncy men's wear materials Those skirts all go on sale, beginning Mocdsy mora ing, at great reductions in price. Many of them nearly half price. EAT BUSTER BROWN BREAD It's rich, delleleus and healthful; My Ilanband. I'd trust my hushand anywhere, she said; My faith In him is full, tin satisfied; I know that all hla thoughts are tnlr. she aald; I know he'd put temptations all aside. I know that he Is strong sublime, aha said; I know that all his love Is mine; for e'er I'd trust my husband anywhere, she Bald, Unless a woirmn happened to be there. 8. B. Klaer. The Social Calendar. MONDAY Mrs A. O. Beeson, Original Monday Bridge club; Temple larael sister hood, afternoon whist. TUESDAY Young Ladles' Harmony, club, dancing party at Hotel Rome. WEDNESDAY Smith-Hunt wedding at Florence; Nicholson-Barrows wedding; Hoffman-Doughtery wedding; Ladies' day at the Country club. THURSDAY Miss Jessie Millard, dinner at her home; The Mid-Week High Five club, Mr. and Mrs. R. U Chumley; Rose Card club. Mrs. Ohman. Formal opening of the South Omaha Country club.. FRIDAY New Friday Bridge club. Mrs. Herbert Wheelock; illustrated lecture at First Baptist church by Mr. Charles Mar tin, Friday club, Mrs. J. H. Royce. SATURDAY Formal opening of the Field club. Formal opening of the Happy Hol low club. Table d'hote dinner and dance at the Country club. The country club la open for the season and things have resumed their old-time ani mation out Benson way. The formal open ing Saturday afternoon and evening brought out a large and fashionable attend ance, and whlls the affair was entirely in formal It was undeniably the brightest thing of the spring. For weeks society has been looking forward to the opening of the club, and, unable to wait longer, several hostesses and hosts have entertained at the club .house during the past month, and, by the way, those who have enjoyed this hi s pltallty say that the attention they re ceived was all that could be expected, even In season. Upon request of the management, uttf nd- ance at the 7 o'clock table d'hote dinner was restricted to the membership, which prevented the crowd that at aome of the openings of the paBt has seriously de tracted from the pleasure of the occasion. As It was the parties were numerous and several of them fairly large. The Dutch treat was especially popular and several tables were occupied by parties of con genial friends who merely dined together. The Informal dance that followed brought out a large crowd. Dinner Parties. One of the largest dinner parties was given by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Smith whose guests numbering twenty were all seated at one table which was decorated with lilacs In the shape of a large mound for a center piece. The guests were: Mrs. Shiverlck, Miss Helen Davis. Miss Mary Alice Rogers, Miss Elisabeth Congdon, Miss Natalie Merrlam. Miss Louise Peck, Miss Baker of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorly. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, Lieutenant Nathan Shiverlck, Lieutenant Hlgley of the Sixth United States artillery, who is the guest of Lieutenant Shlveriok; Mr. Barton Millard, Mr. Walter Roberts, Mr. Robert Burns, Mr. Frank Wllhelm and Mr. Ed. A. Cudahy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy entertained In honor of Lieutenant and Mrs. William Cowin who have recently returned from the Philippines. The table was decorated with lilacs and daffodils. Covers were laid for Lieutenant and Mrs. Cowin, Gen eral and Mrs. J. C. Cowin. Gen-ral and Mrs. C. F. Manderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. Cudahy. Dining with Mr3. Anna Metcalf were Miss Eugenia Whltmore and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whltmore. Dr. and Mrs. Lake had as their guests Miss Ethel Tukey. Mr. Ross Towle and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 8. Caldwell. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed were Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McShane, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sprugue, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reming ton, Mr. and Mri. Isaac Coles. Mr. and Mrs. JoseDh Barker. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson and Mrs. William Redick. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Aycrlgg and sons were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hall and the Misses Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Blackwell had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beaton and Mrs. Martha Blackwell. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge. Jr., enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountie and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy as their dinner guests. The table had a dainty decoration of roses. Dining with Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brogan, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Gulou, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low, and Mr. Chat Redick. A large bunch of lilacs formed the centerpiece for the table. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert ent?rialnd Miss Flora Webster, Miss Ella Mae Brown, Miss Jeanne Wakefield, Mr. George Prins, Mr. Stockton Heth and Mr. Harry O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Popplcton. The table had a decoration of cut flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. George -nter-talned for their guest, Miss Calvert of Portland. Me. Covers were laid tor M'ibs Calvert, Miss Susan Holdrege, Miss Faith Potter, Mr. Randall Brown, Mr.' Ed, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott and Mr. aad Mrs. George. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe had a family party of four. Their two children, Robert and Marlon Howe dining with them. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Johnson entertained Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Martin and Mr. and Mrj. Goorge Rlbbel. tuning with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hoch strtler were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaines, and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney. Mr. Frank Keogh entertained a party of fourteen for Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Several parties filled up the odd tables with Dutch treat parties. One table In cluded Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Westbrookc, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swob. Another of these parties Included Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Wharton and Mr. and Mr. Men Cotton. A third conMsted or Cap tain and Mrs. T. It. Hacker, Captain end Mrs. Uuclian. Major McCarthy and Cap tain Clark. Aside from a few larger things, last week was comparatively quiet, and this week promises to h a repetition of last. Something la scheduled for each day, but few of these affairs are large and the opening of Happy Hollow and the Field club .Saturday afternoon and evening will be the only conspicuous events. The Los Angeles Times recently printed the following from Hollywood, which will be of Interest to the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Olbson, who were formerly resi dents of Omaha: Plans are being rapidly formulated for Hollywood's second annual tilting tourna ment, to be given under the auspices of the Hollywood club. This year In con nection with the tournament, will be held a floral parade. In which local Interest has already been aroused to the extent that a large number of organisations are lready arranging to enter handsome. floats. J. J. Gibson, the president of the club, has named the central rommlttea. Each gentleman Is chairman of subcom mittees on tilting, parade, ball grounds, music, etc. Tournament week will open with a society vaudeville the evening of Monday, April 27. On Thursday and Fri day, April SO and May 1, will come the plant and flower show, under the aus pices of the Woman's club, and on Satur day, May 2, Is to he the floral parade and equestrian tournament. The parade will be he;d In the afternoon, Just previous to the tournament, and will include floats, auiomoDiies, carriages, equestrians, pony carts, bicycles, etc. It Is anticipated that there will be a much larger entry list for the tournament this year than last. On Saturday evening will be held the tourna ment ball, at which time the queen se lected by the successful rider will be crowned with much ceremony and placed on a floral throne, attended by a company of ladles-ln-waltlng. The guests will be received and made welcome by the presi dent of the club, J. J. Gibson, and Mrs. Gibson and the other officers and their ladies." rieasnrra Past. Miss Marion Haller entertained Inform ally at dinner Saturday evening at her home. In compliment to her guest, Miss Meien Atwood of Wauregan, Conn., who arrived Saturday afternoon from Sioux City, where she has also been visiting school friends. Miss Haller has six guests at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chase entertained Tuesday evening to celebrate the 18th birth day of their daughter. Miss Emily Mar guerite, at their home, 8910 North Eigh teenth street. The Invited guests were: Miss Lucy Mack, Miss Madeline Fowler, Miss Louise Copeland, Miss Ruth Chase, Miss Helen Wilson, Miss Nora McGuire, Miss Ruth Sheldon, Miss Edna TaggarL Miss Mabel Walworth, Miss Mabel Whltfnore, Miss Edith Whltmore, Miss Ruth Covert, Miss Mary E. Chase, Master Jay Ledyanl, Master Dwight Chase, Mr. F. S." Sheldon, Mr. G. W. GarJoch, Mr. I. E.-'Ledyard, Mr. G. W. Covert, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Tag gart, Mrs. Buell, Rev. F. W. Leavltt and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Copeland. A decoration of American Beauties and lilacs were used throughout the roosa,,, .,.. ., A surprise party was given Miss Flower Alexander at her home Friday night In celebration of her birthday. Those present were: Miss Ona Krell, Miss Ruby Booth, Miss Mary Evans, Miss Josie Alqulst, Miss Helen Hath, Miss Jennie Jensen, Miss Grace Jensen, Miss Emma Slevers, Miss Elizabeth Flndlay, Miss Juanlta Meyers. Mr. James Christie, Mr. E. Danlelson, Mr. Forest Clark. Mr. C. Russum, Mr. Will Rogers, Mr. Earl and Mr. Harry McCas- slry, Mr. Robert Flndley, Mr. Paul Belsel, Mr. Carl Kaln, Mr. William Hazzard and Mr. Arthur Metz. Mrs. Walter Painter entertained Friday afternoon at a May party at her home. The table had for a center piece a May basket filled with spring blossoms. After luncheon the guests played high five and the prizes were awarded to Mrs. T. Mullln and Mrs. James O'Brien. Punch was served In the library by Mrs. Foster and Mrs. W. For- dyce. The guests were: Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Fordyce, Mrs. Mullln, Mrs. James O'Brien, Mra. I. Foley, Mrs. Samuel Walker, Mrs. John Llddell. Mrs. M. Carroll, Mrs. W. E Baehr, Mrs. Louis Piattl. Mrs.-P. O. Nel son, Mrs. E. L. Reed of Chicago, Mrs. J. A. Kervan, Mrs. L. Reeder and Mrs. H. Hum- fort. Mr. and Mrs. Painter entertained again In the evening, when the out-of-town guests were Dr. Dwyer of Gordon. Neb., and Mrs. Reed of Chicago. The prizes In the evening were won by Mr. and Mrs. For dyce. It's good down to the last trumb. It's baked la the largest cod moit unitary bahtrr la tb west. The little label Butter end his dog Tlge on every loaf. 5c AT ALL OUOCEK8 Baked by THE U. P. BAKING CO. Bee Want Ads Produce Resulls n i I a SiLlS Da r bbw- lBcnj F Bailey. Sanatorium This institution la the only one In the central west with separate buildings situated In their own ample grounds yet entirely din tinct and rendering it possible to classify case. The one building being fitted for and devoted to thu treatment of non-contagion and non-mental diseases, no other be lug admitted. The other. Rest Cottage, being designed for and le voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases, requiring for time watchful care) and spe (ial nursing. m FOUMETCLY .((.SCOFIELD OK; ,BROS 15 iO DOUGLAS ST. FOPMEPLY n.KSCOFIELD U iVCLOAMSUITfc (Great Redaction Sale OF ALL OUR. BEAUTIFUL TAILOR-MADE SUITS This sacrificing sale of high class new tailored suits, right in the heart of the- spring season is an unusual event, hut owing to the unfavorable weather conditions and with our .immense stock of tailored suits on our hands, we thought it best to start the price re ductions now rather than waiting until later in the season as usual. Read Below Our Great Reductions $65.00 tailored, made of fine French Voile, very dress models; also some plainer styles, made of fine im ported mannish suitings; reduced to li $50.00 tailored suits, made of fine plain or fancy materials, in all colors, in fancy trimmed styles, with Butterfly sleeves or plain tailored models, reduced to $40.00 tailored suits, a collection of styles represent ing all the new models, in fancy or plain tailored effects; reduced to $35.00 tailored suits, all stunning new models, made in fancy or plain tailored styles of plain or fancy materials; reduced to ggoo $29.75 tailored suits, splendid variety to choose from, in all the new fancy or plain tailored styles; reduced to 50 $25.00 tailored suits, all are perfectly tailored garments and made of all wool plain or fancy materials. A splendid flnfl variety of styles to choose from, in trimmed or tjtUU plain tailored effects; reduced to llUjr I, IH umijiy l INTRODUCTORY SALE Oriental Rugs and Carpets AT AUCTION Beginning Monday, May 4th, at 2:3 and 7:30 p. m. Sharp and Will Continue lor a Few Days Cnly 1609. Farnam St., Between 16th and 17th Intending to establish here permanently I have brought over one thousand pieces of Rare Antique Oriental Rugs, carefully selected by us throughout the Orient. The collection at hand is so large for my present store, that I am forced to reduce them by public auction regardless of their cost and value. Sale shall bein Monday, May 4th and will continue for a few days only. Auction 1 our8 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. each day. We trust that your visit to our auction sale will convince you of the wonderful buying opportunities that win be offered to you. A long list of quotations will give you no Idea of the true value, the collection must be seen to be appreciated. We advise you to bring your dimensions at said hours and buy these unique Rugs at your own price. N. V. S1MONIAN. V. S. BUCHAKIAN, Art Auctioneer of Chicago. I Coma and Go Gossip. Miss Kittle Roberts is visiting In Mexico City, Mex. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ma gee, Thursday, April 30, a son. Miss Calvert of Portland, Me., Is the Silent of Mrs. Charles C. George. Mr. Lawrence Sldwell spent Sunday at Coffman, at Dr. Glf ford s farm. Dr. J. J. McMullln will leave Tuesday to spend a few days In Des Moines. Colonel J. N. Cornish Is convalescing from a severe attack of the jaundice. Mrs. W. O. Sunderland left Saturday evening for Detroit, for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Alleman and family have removed to 802 W'orthlngton Place. Mr. and Mrs. Myron learned are oc cupying their summer home, north of Flor ence. Mrs. Nathan Sherwood has as her guest her sister, Mrs. J. N. Purse of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. F. Allen Dyer of the City of Mexico Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keeline. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash, who have bren In New York City, are expected home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. u. C. Peters have re turned from a three weeks' visit In Ixa Angeles. Mrs. F. A. Brogan leaves next week for Emporia, Kan., where she will visit her mother, Mrs. Perley. The Bev. Robert B. Bell was railed to Canada last Tuesday by the serious Illness of his sged mother. Mr. Clarke Colt, who went to Excelsior Springs a week ago. is expected home the latter part of this week. Mr. snd Mrs. Iuther Kountxe, who have spent some, time on the Pacific coast, are expo-led home next week. Dr. and Mrs. W. 8. Fulloti expert to leave Monday for a ten days' visit with Dr. Ful ton's father In Harper. Kan. Mr. snd Mrs. F. I.. Haller, who have been spending the week at Excelsior Eprlngn. are expected home Wednesday. burn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph HaniKlien of 3J7 Houth Thirty-seventh street, April 17. son, nernaru tiaiuxnen. Mrs. A. t. Edwards has returned from the City, of Mexico, where she spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Smith. Mrs. James Demsr and small son have returned from Ls Angeles, where they have been visiting for the last seven months. Mr. "d Mrs. Frank Bayre Cowglll and nuiaU son, Winston CowgUl, left rrlday 1 MILLINERY FOR A STYLISH AND PRACTICAL HAT FROM $3.00 to $15.00 GO TO F. M. SCHADELL CO.,, l5lS' Correct Wedding Usarjes THE WEDDING BIlfQ is used In most ceremonies, and the most ap proved shape Is the Tiffany or full oval of 22-K gold. GROOM'S GIFT TO BKISB may be ns elaborate as the purse will permit. We are showing an unusually large selection of suitable pieces, all of which are suggestive of elegance and refinement. BBIDE TO OB.OOM Will find many pretty things In Boarf Hu, I.ockots, roll Dress Buttons, or a set of Oriental Pearl Studs. BKIDE'S GIFT TO MAIDS Very dainty VaJllsrss, In Coral or Tur- quols, Karg-uersts Wreath Broocnti, a Bracslst or Bar Collar Fin. GROOM TO USHEBB Cuff tlnks, Studs, Parisian Stick Fins, Fob, or some of the pretty novelties in gold. Our selection of Wedding Gifts In Sterling Silver and Cut Glass ia the most extensive yet shown. Albert Edholm Sixteenth and Harney Toilet Creams and Lotions Monday at Beaton's 25c Allan's Rose Creame. Monday only loc & Casevera Crtyiin, the greaselen cream, Monday only $1.0(1 Derma-Royal, Monday only..... &9' Ec Velvet Cream, Monday only l.c 50c Pompelan Massage fleam, Monday. only ijC Me Woodbury's Massage Cream, Monday only -"' : Hind's Honey Almond Cream, every day 2Ml' 75c St. Clair's Perfection Cream, Mondav only, at Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam. evening for an extended isit In Louis ville, Ky. Miss Moore of B'.oux City, who la tne g.ieat of Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, will leuve tie first of the week for her home in fiioux Cltv. Mr. Riley lluggeldton and family, who i.uw. ..,1.. iii i in- u inter at Olt.imwa. la-. have returned to their home at lt10 bl. Alar) B svenu-. Miss Iaix. supervlxor of luminal train ing in the Omaha si IvioH, will leave the early part of June to rail from Hoxtnn with a party of friends for Nuples. From Naples they will work their way north. (Continued on Third Page.) Thie Ic I1UIIIU 1IUUI1 Nemo corsets are bdf-re-duclng and are made for stout women. Special display all this week. We guarantee a fit. Wf inlandfir & Smith 7 1 Wl.- W... V. .......... hm S17 Kot!t!i 10th Kt. H 9 cn a Woman's Face Xeck QjlArmsor ShoulJers I, Nol LULhM DEPILATORY (Liquid) will remove hair from any part of the body In i to 19 minutes leaving skin sort and white no smarting or burning: 75c pr Lottie. By t.iall. sealed. 1 Circulars fre a KM AST fc BCcCOHBBUi D&OG CO, Cor. lth and Dodge. Omiia, OWt SIVO CO.. Cor ltn said lUrntr Breakfast, Dinner. Supper You will find our restaurant un excelled for it appetizing menu and superior service; not for one meal, but for all three each day. We serve no intoxicating llquora and the surroundings are rrst pleasant and prices reasonably. Come in and take a meal and you will know why so many Insist ou "going to Balduffs." Sundays we serve a Table D Hate Dinner, from 1130 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Price 50c. in; nuuM today If you wish to enjoy some de licious ice cream today, at your homo, 'phone us and we will send you out a barrel by mes senger fr only 10c or 15c ad ditional cost. Quart biirrols . ..'10 Tint burrels 20? The Store re?? delicacies IMH-U I a mam St. l'lione luui;. 711. Ind- A171I. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER TODAY AT ' me CALUMET Ml 1 I