a V J V O KJ KJ KJ K-J KJ KJ ta J V v lj V V v v. t j t j v. J I HIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATCRDAY. MAY 2. W. 1 o O () O () C) () () Women's New Tailored Suiis Q1Z U Not S12.50, S15 nor S17.50 but ... . V And worth fram S20 ta S50 CO Those women who Lave vn waiting for high c!a.s suits 3 big sensational bargains in our ladies' cloak dept. for Saturday's selling. We must have room for the new wash goods now arriving. S 0i" " 9 161 & FADNAM STREETS, OMAHV. THE PEOPLES FtTOTITRE AD CARPET CO. ESTAB. 1MT. We Trust est extent tomorrow. "We have never offered such stunning O raits at such remarkable reductions, and we know that the suits offered in this sale are the best values in good, depend Qj able apparel ever offered in tiis citv. O This sensational sale gives yon the handsomest $20 to $30 Suits Qj Z.Z Cash mr Easy Payments mJ O O S9.50 Fine Panama O Skirts Saturday 3.95 .Maue oi me rest quality oi chiffon panama. all colors, including the new Copen hagen; dozens of beautiful htyle? to select from. Ke?r- r.Iar $0.50 value?, y 55 Saturday only, at '.. O O o o e " r www WW 3; J12J0 34 Ungth SpriM Coats Saturday S4.95 Here i. an opportunity for you to procure a new spring coat at less than half our former selling price. "Ye only have a few of them, so come down early, $12.50 spring coat?, Saturdav o C) O' the People g AU Goods Exactly as Q advertised and marked in plain figures o One More Week f'kfi- .'.I o o o o o o o o 14- g BojV Doable Bre.itc. Saits Q With knickerbooker pants. Many new f pattern? received this past week, $7.00 values Saturdav, t. Gfl for O Extra Speei&l Announcement Just received another shipment of our f" of eur big sale of - Men's High Class 3 wlotnins v .- v ManT new lots have been added to this v f-;-r-' ! stock, and we are still able to show you a very large and handsome as sortment of men's up-to-date spring suits. Regular $20.00 values on sale Satur day: specially priced. . . T imnrc m r c r. ! o t nnn tan i;r 1 . ta values, only three pair to a cus- C CJ tomer; Saturday. rer pair JC I ; y -"' ; ' ft I '. ' li.A f 1 V. - Ji T'-jfi--La f?j : V V- r NEW BROWN SUITS OOO You just ought to sec the new ar rival of "Browns," they arc the handsomest, even And any one of them, regardless of price, is a specimen of the highest art of cutting and tailoring. We call especial attention to the great assortment of exceptional values at 515, 18, 20, $25 "All" good dressers keep an eye on this store. wwwwwwwwwwowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww FIGURES OX TERMINAL TAX Aissor in Buffalo ETideatly Hj Made a Xistike. ALL CT3XFS 15 CE LAST VAIXES Prap.nr i Ikil CBtr retr 1 t TroTi a Staff CcrriJ5clr,t UIXCOI-X. M-y I. 'S;r j Th r prt of county avor of ra.iroad p-rop-.-ty iwJ nnlr th prcvigona of th trrn:Ml Mi law e3tryar"i with lh rr-1 Jnnis marf ti th city awon, in Jk i ca oi t-' I'nioo Pactric ranri show rcisartLa! thiccs at Irax?. Thia is ! ?h only road whrii iraJ tte line re-I ! lo ifce state, beard ttaj f i'd to fH' -tty arror. t : a if--" H j i a'iiy rad wfcre fiie!n cotRar'.aoTu I in -n '!. In pract;caj)y all of th eoun- ; 1 frwn vhirii rTnrn har to mad a' i-ht !wt haa been mal icepl in J tve caje of Bjff; cructy. Tbrt th re daf?'n cf ra:!ma4 pro7rty br the a--.r is if ruch a character that it U rirpos-i " assessor has rr-J sot rrts- taie or tho who hare Jooke-l ia:o n-.alter do not understand h.s reprrt. 5Vr nistanc t!i t'nion Pc:fic returned ! property at Shehon at a to'.aJ t a. xation of M !4 wh the aaeasor retumej ft to the state board at a valuaXV cf OXt The various itms of tha Coiog Pacific reported to the county aseasor a.) led t a total of riM ii. Id jctlr. the Taiue cf the r:ht-of-way. &43. the total within 3S cents is the tntaJ riven by the rai'roajs Te tMal of the various items returr.e1 by tho cocitty as yr of BaffaJo ctanty for the property at Shelton a.Ud :n the auditor's cffice is il.TP. there bel.-.c cse brxjje in his it errs vaJiied at r r.?t re ported t y tht railroad. The foi'owlr.f table shows a comps-nseB of the rcures made by th I'cioa Purttic and returced to tie sta.! board by the county assessors: P.road Assessor's ll ' ir the wo-s ! kmt.t : " ', J .. - J.i: , tVvj w::i be h'id at Oxfnr-J. 'Xr:--ers e.e-r.d P"Ib la Telewsjoae Rate. j t()r tb .y.,-' ptr: Ttr:.-t urr.-trd-An iafonc; d-.sc-si--n -enrred before j fr Mj Jer.r-e CosV; cf Orfrd: d:tr-t !the Rai:way ron-taission today by r7re- , -.t.rT jfr. Lyd.a er.n-ns cf Orforl: tentative, of the Nebraa Te.eFhooe I d;Jftri.t treaifur.-. Sirs. A-ista Aatotse of corapacy ard tnire'ieTit companies re- I ji, t icardirc a chaxr tor m(rffr servi'e- j ! v:-,ere a mnun cemes into a town eW: j tkruU ews Sole, tre Neaska teptore wires and the, gj7W"ARX Sewird i-iay-l Or i'.an party is caiied over the ladepecdeet !t , here yestr!y. Srore. Z to for ewarl. ! has been the ct?ra for the Itidej-etuJera i coirpajiy to ciarfe a fee for ir-essenr ser-iice. The discission m ever the abolition of this charge. The cemmis- ' tion has istsed ro crrier 12 the matter. Salt Over Bridge. YORK-Wa.rer and -.hr --n of A'Urty. Is.. he FurUt l-".e " Jii-J ar .jxa( bus;n. WTMC'RE Se-reral cases scar; fever !n t town are beira; afpt urer prtt guarantiee SEWARP G. W. p-.ckenr.K of Bivf They have learned to expect the best from us, because they always get it And we will consider it a favor to show you the hand' some Xezv Brozvns, Tans, Olhe and Elephant Shades for spring and summer wear that we have just received. CoJ-JTBhTlS . Hon-pfcrey .... Vonroe ..... Platte Center.. Tinor O-ard Island.. wi River . K'nbarf M.J!er , Amfcerst ft Edward Oiboow E":?n Creek PVasaatoa Ehe tcn Retvrt. est vr. i - OTX aa ck: n 14 C I" 17W -ZXA e ! , ?y m. :4 Report SJ0 v M S.T . !:i MM 4 5 v e ,ve r dav. of IHS Ctot M s--id h dry -jo-is bus.ness reverbated ttrouh the s-.pr-tne court th'.s TrTr, r . r.,,,,. v.. I tr-orniag wben a brief was fUed ia the vj pt ' 13 hu-.ress with fc.s fthr ar.d 'rase of Buffalo rcuilA ivSee. aaJr.s: t tte Sum w-.;i be knjwa as B-if.ert k. irerr-ev rauntT. aroeilant. It probably . Co- ! t-Us of th. last Una-rim bi:h.t th-t s WTMOP.E-Couacfl nv-t 'f . . . j -rv- rajed reo)-jt!crj or4 r.g in over a n- e rests on the land of the boom dsyv The ..j w, k one strp is eleven b-jcas Slt IS al at5Ci a nip ftnrj t ift.f the Piatte between Kearney and Buffalo t tork Robert Reckord of Waco was coantles and whltS formed the entrance i wurd over to tre lirrxm cotrt m Uie sum .- i rf.-r. to the .nnttl ; t e Mr. Be- a--rd cih.rr-d w,ti. keep- street of Kearney, throngh which ai. ln- I tt-. urar.tv from th north asd south tead- tn- for the free lajrfs westward had to r Now the bridge Is no longer a feeder or a nemiitr to a growing city i and the question U should Kearney county mg tor sje icloxjcatrrg uwi. At'Bt'RN Super.ti-.rc-Jer.t E. O-y S.xp son of tli:s city critically iil wttn arpec axri' j at hs hotne. H- was taken n-)iw on last Mrscay and taa ben rap-.diy worse each day. rilRHIHT-gh.er-'f Chcrrswl iriv4 Silas Weiier at Hirtitne yesterday. Wed ey be forced to pay tir bait its Keep, wnen wa-.ted at Stith Center. Kan.. t answer lit was constructed rnmaniy for the : the charge of stafjtory uuxt. T-e snert't benefit of Kearney city and Buffalo of Stntii county m:.i con-.e a:.er i--county The distnet court say. Kearney J "Tp.K-kev. W C. Bre.er. ;ror of the conty must pay its raxt. . vn.ted Evanjje..jrj cLurrh vl York, has Saresr CwasMar Is Trwabte. I res.gned and wi.l tak- cr.arge cf a farm. L ' ' exrLt.rg to tk- a rest ano ef!y out j-r Insuraxce Deputy Pierre has notified f egercise for ai at a year, vhea be w S certain surety toa;ay. wr.ose naune he , fcg.n er.gejte ua tr.e mintry. 1 is net ready to make public, ts show j BEATRICE H- V. Riesen of tha c ty. ...... . . ' . .... Vohr. .ha P -- r r ctrcu.I. caui-e cn or cerre May u wny s uctdk - . s,,u,d not be reveked. It has boen re- ported to the insurance depoj-unent that .an t, j prospects are they w.U b Uie this ccrr.pary was reoeatiy a defendant . test yet u be he.-i in tne state i . .iit on a bord. For answer the s cw aRD-V rs. J. Warner, wife of o OMAHA'S Industrial Snburb A Home for Mills and Factories fOI?iT5 socixiw rmcrrV e of ai Beaver Crcirg s oifirft relenLS. dved her '.ate tott Tviesoay n .t. -ne funeral serv:.-es wi:i &e c-jcd-:ej tiay .! te Gera-.an cnurca of Frtend. Neo.. A fico ntu-'-; ff-13 a aiso cime-i out. FliEMONT- T.-e fj. c-fr'Tn wu ciiieU ojt tKt -mr-i&y re f.rt t:n-.e ate-ut I p. nt. to N . ! J S"c.ers avnue. T: f.re pt out tefwr t :e -t. go: tK-e T? last "ts. shout was in t"e kitrren of t FepVe s caf". norta of ?.te court hus"'. cn F?"h sreet- Th bu-i-j-tg was to-u;ied by Mrs. L.ra H rt and owned hT Oliver Rvn..trf Ixss rr-.a-cipaily by ra-k acd atr FRKMC NT Th e rt- .-r. r : i reair for ar.y profssionai tramps that may s.vi-w up. The oid wr foundation of le smcke . k. which had to be biown o-Jt bv vrim:". is r'-g hsuied to t.-e t i.t ti-e rear C the rity hn Cfci-f Fr'r-rs- n h been f-i-r.ihe.l with ba,"i and chsm out fits and cmd strong hammers ard tee neit iot of vax wil have to brk --me stone f&r road rta.,ra petty cr-.nt:na.s ill be sent o t -e rk pile 'rstead of kal mc in the city or county ia. TECTTMSEH The rg-j'-ar rprtnar term cf the dj-irxt rourt for Johns. county ad urned ;at ever.ng. after 6e:sg m vion s.nce Monday aftmcn. Jutge J. B. Raper w-is cn the bench and t.-.er was ro j'.rr. The irket was sn-.iii. bt con.'Jeraiie business was d ped cf. Ai;ourr ment ws taaen to May X. at w-.:ch time m-i.orj f r charges of venue in t he iwi c.-hi of t e staie c-f Nebraska aga.nst "..ie M. '"Usb::iT cas.-.ier o t.-.e fa.!-d Ci-.antber-tank:-g t-oua of th:s city. w:j. be argru-d. TORK As.cr are br rgtrg :n c e very queer a.ewmer.t. r.e nan srred u.ed ha hoer.c'.i goods a-..i per..na; proprtv worth ti and r.:c- l h ownej as wrh fo-jr t:"es tr.'S an-oijr.t. A rv"t -r ass.vr was aked by a taifyer ti a5ess e t h i-z at ti". ria: Tf that r'.s wtrh was .i t ' rti-nai rtrv o-tuie of t ow trt a worth a.? ? rg ard that was t n rt . ; s Wl : F.F.-The case cf F-e-1 Whining f.T up f -r trial e;ri.v rr.o-n.ng. Wr. t i -r ;.i sr-iy t- :e cnars;e of res-st-irg an officer, and n--t sruiity to the charge c cj: jrunc? f t"e ;eace and dmiu nea H wa. fined fS n-J costs am"unt in a.i to l.th w-.i.:b h pa.d Wnn lirjt i the rr.aji mno was nv"e.j Tusdiy aftr r Mm had ca.d tne ir.arstta wnen w ,thng mas bea'.rg his w fe SHWARX At a 3t.-f c "he P-rd of Ei.cai-n Tueda" n:g-.t. Ms E-taabe: Catc of Prc-ken Bow was e oy-.ej pntnarr tacheri Miss Mi,cr-i Aurie.si of U'.yrse. first gra i-. M .-- &es An t-non se-.d rra-fe; M s Ona -1 i. tend gra.ie. M:s Bertha Madson. fD-jrua rraie; M -s Rjncne Hoiiar.d. fiftn rraie and Ms ju a Sp-ar and Miss Mitl tiom.ey. atn and e.a-.tn grade i?a. hr. M-eS Matei SiiEnoi of Tn;t Neb., was r'."t-4 to take M-ss Fraac-.s Huntir.gn s pice ;n txe fcgii schoiL NEBR.K5KA CITT Thursday momng the mercury was 4.:rs to ard iast c:-.t t y. aJ it is f-a-d thai tr, Sru:t cr-.p has beer. 'UraiM. Mucn ian-.age hs bee a i!-ir t- t e tri?s fr a heavy frc: v--;te-i t --!i.-.n h.i.n right. Manv cwr.r ti -.-rar:s Hui t fires tt.- n g.-.ts r.iurg M.e trir Jrit by renson of t.-e .T. S--me cf the c wrens of orchards on r. S3 ;cds cia.ns the cri is n't i-jjrej. whi.e ot.-ers cn t-e k-w .a n.is cla m l"e ca.". pia.-niy see where area- djirafe has be-n c o ar.J t,e -res s-.ow ! NEBRASKA CIr-Tve large .Ttry and iri ta.-n opera' ty fcitwari Jorr.wn an-I ewne-d bv Fred Rwnitii was destroyed bv f-re last even, r.g. The fire is stipoosed to have c jg.-t from a defective esetne iuiht r-. Tre ( r caught m the j-.tt aa-i a 1 of the worses and vehicle mere saved, tut a ! of the f ame, feed and hay was lost. The loss ia swethm, over with a-m-,e ir.suraiace. lie fire was kept ithtn this and a few a ijotnlrg bo i-iirl The f(ne damaged sevral iarge telephone cahIes ih.s ;uttmg many pr.ones out of comm-jt-sion. BEATRICE Jon Kerr, who attended s-jjetde at t .e Pa.-flock hotel last night by shooting hiirself in tae fceal back of tne r gh.t ear. r.ir recover When founl n his room by William Kentner. proprietor of the hotel. Kerr rrrarked; "Go y and let me aiore; I want to d e." He and bsa wife seeairatfd recent'.y at Sen-ca. Kan. and stnee that t-me he has Neea r,in ch"!y. His father lives t Cliy Cuter. Kan. and has b-en not;f.ed of tho saoot irg The surgeons re-aoved tr.e bali last n-gh.t. and are of the optnjon that Kcrr U recover if no complicauons ariae. NEBRA3KA CTTT At a p".al meet ing of t.-e civ council this morning, h cenae was granted to George Bader ard the Ot Brewing company, ai rrcoair4ncs being with.draan ty the min:ster wto f ied them against ail the saiooris. Ail of the saiions i.ave secured lice na s. but ane. and that was tne one arpnd for ty O A. Gross, who recently purchased the sa ws owne.1 by Perkins Brothers and was situ ate! at ti-.e ccrner of Teeth street and Cen tral aver.je. The n-ir.iters refuei 11 wi h draw t.nejr remots-rance aara-nut t.us sa ii All screen, a in ard mine roofs ci.-l and tr.e troub.e seems t be a.l ever company set lp that it had no legel right to do a bond-writing business la matters l of the kind in tie suit The evidence showed, however, so Mr Fierce taa been , by Rev. Iat-cf Beaver iros..-.-informed. that the company s agent at-! cOLrMBl.' Word has Just been received Nattonat . :iy. . ai.. aars. a. as or of tne o.a-r cttiivr-j had dd at the rte old ace charter of the company on Hie la the a, years. Stve was th mother of Cole&el ff-r of the lnsurmxvco deputy shows It '. A. J. Arno.d. one ol' our old aettlem. ceited the money for tne bend and sent trial at Natr. it to the company headquarter-. Th- ; J wtick It has a nght to do the business said it could not legally do. Objee-tloa to Bill of Eswatriau W. J 1 Conceit, attorney for Tom Den- -i . i th fnii1- m Taiiv lusoa iuv - - ' , Newn. apcea'.ed to th rupreme court, filed ,TR,rrjf- Ha! aa affidavit this morning with. th cierk , jjnjoo t'omeuy company, was brocht m-p , T-Vi V. A. Bamey died last e-v mr.g at tae re.let.-e of t-r daughter. M-s. r I- Burred at t" cf 72 years from appopsy. She came hers) from B"-.fgev-.ne. Wis.. ver. .. tt aaj her rnira ui be tak -a tu that p.ac for I a member cf the LIVED Id THREE CENTURIES VIGOROUS AND STRONG AT 108 IRE ONE LOT IN RALSTON AND OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES We "want the Bet Names for the streets of V j this new industrial town. Select ten snit- able street names and watch for announce- ment5 in W ednesday evening papers. V this new industrial town. Select ten suit- o J al'le street names and watch for announce- f Y ment5 in Wednesday evening papers. JK j v Ralston Townsite Co. SHUMER & CHASE CO, Agents, j s. 1609 Farnaia St, Omaha. ff V TI 1c- WT- SJ r ' a 1 of tV court, in which t obyc94 t th- tow yeri7 from i ioj: u'?er lis? utt 'Fait sni-.m1 yeaVr! tne ewspsLper. Ia the affidavit it is set I iAT ull f rie-rcls are go-ei f jf h j -e- out that waea tho Mii oi icep'.ior.s was covery. ' handed over to Mr. Connell. it ror.tauned I TECtTfSEH Mr. Courtney M Al.ken j no certir.cauon from the cerk of the diav- rl Miss E.a C. Murphy, me.l kn. wn . r. . . . , i voting people of tins communry. were n-.ar- inct court of Douglas co-nty. was rot fa- j .I At-dr-Ws Cair.,.i e.-.rcn 'n : lend-rd toaretber and in no wise a legal doc- 1 m;s city yestrtiay toraiitaj at i ecixl untEt The instrunsecu the affjiavit set the ceremony t.rg prt .rmci ty F.ev. , out. mas examined by Mr. Cocnea ia the Tt0, Barden. presence of W. N. Gi!r. Previous to lie time the Jastrtxiaent was given to Conner! it tad been in poaaesmion of t.-.e sterner a for the DaJy News, the afflaTit sauU. Wliea the case Is ca.ied ia the supreme i cccrt at tho next mtr g the question first arg-ued wlU be the aegali-y of t.-.e bi! cf exceptions t llvs-r Vrriee BerelTtd. FAIRBl'RT Fr-t growrs report thc damage di.'.e by frvet aj'.d freeing as i.ir.L Tr.ere has been severe loss c reaches, bur ee.vigh fru t left ea Iiji 1 tr-s to traa a g 1 cr-p if f.i:ir. ee f.appecs to tnern i .-e meai..er is wami and pieasant l-joiay. P!.ATT?0!TK-T Wotra Wjcd-.er of Cass coje'y m:.l r.c-i.d t..e r anr.'al i-g roll rat m Kima'v.-J on Sit jrday J .ce JT. at w.-.m.-.i :.:e Will am Jt-ncirgs Brian w i Tto A. F. &r-..tj company of Omana. , ave Plattsmout". in "the inomtsg and i: wcich sold to tr. state the silver servicaw.li stop at a-i.i rist.on 01 tr.e war. for the battleship Nebraska, wrote to Art-1 BEATRICE Fol'owmg is - m.-rtgig- ir.g GewnKT Sasaiers today tvat a leuor t?" fjr tr.e wris of A;rl: Xaarbr of r t Kee. r-.t r- v--. " farm n.or-g.ge f:d. Ti hoik. V. T1 7 " 1 " .-iteou , ,txW it nvortaag-s r-.eased iT saying ire service had been reoelv r-i in a9d shape. The service was aest out in J a jvanco cf th-a governor s par-y by e- V fssiaieseesieal T ECU MS EH. Nea. May L (Special. -Thai oommencemeet season of the Tectmaeh H.gh school is at ha .id- Tuesday evecing. May ti tho ciaas play -Jl bo given At ,c. Smith theater. It is Merchant of Venice l"p to rte.'" each member of the class will appear ia the cast. Sunday. May K the hau-ca lareats aer mow wJ be delivered at the CanaWiaa church by tho pastor. P.ee. H- P. Tousg, It :U bo grvea at 11 clock a. m . and tha members cf tha class i!l a'.tcr.d ia a body. Tho g-ad-atirg exercises will be held al the Smith theater o Vedns.lay evening May IT. The acted lecturer L. B WKker- iit, will adirsa the claas. De-arrew of Hsasr C oavemtiesi. CAMBRIDGE. Neb. May 1 Special i Tl e sixtu annual d.strvt ? entur-a o Jia tgree of Hctor its sesoica in this city last evening The grand chief ef koccr. Mrs Mary Lately, aid about Hs rasHors r ia attendaavce. Most of the lolges m t :.e Fifth d si rv t were represenu-oL Te sen aa opened by Mrs. Minn. Ijiwnt soa. cf!tr-t aperratener.t. at t Ta Weln-e-4a y r-x-tn-ag The lr-..l teara frvm Morons. as aa a'.tendaB- assstj-g is. exn-Blify- i-tj.f.. I. .. c"-c-r of c.-.t -.ic r-gagej filed. i arotnt. T. ! cumber of .:.: mor-gaar-s re-d. ; atnojnt. IlfiL? FREMONT A n -;atr cf Fremcrt-rs went over to Arf.tg'.'- rear.crlav to u.: m tr.e cere-n. n.e cf l.ie sai r.s ax.d rer-i a .:v! .- t.m'. Eer s i two f r a nick.'e aa i wniky t cents a crirai. T". stoj k was r-eetty we.l c. aJ out by sn.f u.ght and t-.e bcay rs ifi r.ad l.-je ptj- t-'v. a a supthy h.T. with tr.-ns. TORK Tl.ere rrn..ses t be an fsvres. irg rucinwtny if i e i ty ro. il and tv t'iil lir :ir rp: to n.ake a prt al '.j mg of t gar cve.ect-ner-y. h.tel filar status Jrua: store t aar ar.d totti.o se.vis and o".hr pla.s Tne cigar oea.er saa- that .f Uiey are d mtn ii'H a?a.i.t t.-.ey prr-pjave to p-t in a 11.1WR cxiu:i--r PLATTiMOlTH-r sr tig t.-.e meiir.g cf tr.e city couit- ii T'.-r-iav everirg seven sa.oMi licer.a-s were t-rt-r-d i.i for t.-r enswtg jrtr tr.e nnt Wj.g one l-a thar. Ust 1 ear. Two d--g s'-rfs were a.- given p rf aei-.n tj sei! i. ;ar Five b-t were rece-.Ted for i.wer.rg ar.J repaTi.'.g Talava ar.d i.x!h stree: and referred to t.-.e rooi mi'tee J BEATRICE A.l the salooc .9 B:t I te m aumjer were ri-vTl Last At j the recent city necuoti tle town wnt , I prohiMtioa by a m a c r-1 of gaie-n 1 and at a .n Hrrg ft tre :ty r i.n!l ti--a." i:gnt. five aao.n rr w r- r-fueenf i I senses ay a :- ef T to ! Tr s is i ftrat n.tne Beatrice res hea " iry ' in j about twewD-ttte irs NEBRASKA C!TT ?pec-a. in .la: n ' armors were f.e.d ai t i.e Pr-S'-v-.er.ar i ccrcft last even.ng -rd- r ire d.rwtK'a f j R-v J. H &alstr-rt (.! P a usTou a. R.-v. j W. Ii. Km. tt B. atrv . and hn. C I I Bragaw of PauTra at wu-r. 11- R-v j AnMir E f erry . ' rew pat.r --f I rrvstjtcr-.an csjrca was f -rma. j u a.i I '- . "".' .-w lj . 4 jt"." - .. - "?'! '''-. aa,'-'.4 - 1 V'' ; '.';5'at . I ' 4 : tc.j-i. --. - Y-een'-' 1 i V a?, ' ."..' , .1 - ' i . ' . i tt ,: .,' - - i 't :" . L r fJasr. w ; -i I -4 "- - ' r 'tit J ? i " --i 1 '- ' : ' " V i - ','. e- a-4-r-- V W..f - . '."V: . w ' J MRS MARY WILKIN'S. 10? yarj o! i Sa a- Mrs. Wary ;Uia$. of Reminftoa, !al, mother if Dr. John A. Wilk ins of Ddta, lai, is one of the oldest residents cf tne state bavin; liv:d ia tbree centuries and bein; ia her 109th Year She was born !a Conatr Tyrona. Ir Iasd. S"ptstcber 2th. 1719, and came to t&U coaniry with fcer bus band la liiD. She is the moUi.'r cf four chil dren. :i liviEC- At the prewst tlm he Is Tisiune a davs'iter in Indiana and is ia pcdid health. She es joved as aatoocile ride a few days age and was gmtlj pard at the speed Mrs. Wilkin recaemberi the crowning of Queen Victoria, and enjoys telling of the experiences and conditions of a hundred years ago. On January lath. Margaret Watson, daughter cf Mrs. Wilkin sect the fo: loaing letter from her raothen DEAR MR. DUFFY: I want to tea you aboat yor tredicine. it U dying me ao much good. 1 am sow a very oil woman. I tare taised tsy 10th blrth dar. Since takicg your Pure Malt Wnia key cty aped:3 is better, and I am stronger. I rest better and my daugh ter who is T i years old, says I am get ting yoacger every day. I feel that your whiskey is a food and that it will keep me alive for a great many years Eore. Yoar MaJt Whiskey makes to ttink of the whiskey they cake in Ireland. Yoa n.ay rut this la tae pa per if yoa want to." and wo cn. to cannot say Ux much Tho3an-l of letters like Mrs. Wilkics' are received from gaufil n.ea ia praise of Duffy's Part Malt Whiskey for the tr:i:ef:t de-rived from 11s ue. uffy's Pure Pilait Whiskey is an absolutely r'Jf d.suKation cf caltej grain: great ta'e t?ms used to hate everv kernel thoroughly msa'ted. thtts destroying the germ aa 1 producing m j,rnd --ted i:;j:d ?ol ia the form of trait eteecre whim is the nr.ost effective torn? stimulant atd ipngorator Con 10 ttiezte: softened by waraith td Ei'.s'urs its ;-la-tab:;nj and freedja frtjra injurious aac-UEcw renai-r U t-i ttst it can be retained ty the ciost seCiitiTe stomach. It is ir.aliabi'r for overworked men. delicate women and Mckir chilJreti. It strengthens and s.ata.ns the system; is a prtn-o'er of health and loneeTity: n.akr-s tt old yourg and keeps the young st.-otg. AITION WW jos av-k. yur dniM, gro.e-r t d'W f-r I miry "a Paire Mali Uha-key be ware yo'a et the gv-Buioe. It t the owly alaeolutriy pure swdtruLal mat iakey as-) K autd ia aeateej botilew wa!y; seter ia hwlk I'rke 1 K. Ixtow. Ur live trade-mark, the "oil etaa-tn tm the labrl. mmtl snake sare the seaU over lb curk b aal-evkra. Write. IH. IL l ama. 1 oiaxaiiia lti; Kiaa. fic free copy lllu.-1aJK-d taedical too4iet aavtl grew avafs lice. IaXfy MaJt ltL.ej to, IUxhe-lcr. . V