Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Higher Cablei and Cath Sties bring
Out Good Buying Orderi. ,
.Grata V aloes Aavaaca Readily, with
taa Crawa lacllaea to Ba BalU
Ilk, aaa Baaler Keeling
Develops Later.
OMAHA, April 30. 19ts.
' Higher cable and som heavy cash sale
lata yesterday brought out some good
buying orders at the atart thla morning,
and with light offerings, grain value ad
vanced readily, with' the crowd Inclined
to be bull lull. An easier feeling developed
later, and toward the close prlcea slumped
brk with soma pressure.
Wheat opvned strong In sympathy with
higher cables And a heavy demand for cash
Prices were advanced easily at the open-
' Ing, but fell 'off gradually near the close
on pressure or longs. May wneai openeu
at Sc and closed at 97c.
Com opened nervous and ruled some
weaker, owing to very little support, A
'good cash market strengthened values and
. the market steadied at the close, with
. values higher and showing good tone. May
corn opened at Ho and closed at 61,e
Oats opened practically unchanged, with
heavy offerings of the further futures for
sale. Msy oats opened at 49c and closed
at 49e.
Primary wheat receipts were Wl.OOO
bushels and shipment were 829.000 bushels,
against receipts last '.lr of M,000 bushels
and shlnment of Sno.o" bushels.
'Corn receipts" were I4fi,fl00 bushels, and
shipment were 3WiO hushels, against re
ceipts lset year of 808.000 bushels and ship
ments of WiJUO bushels,
Clearance were 2,000 bushels of "rn, none
or oats. nd wheat and riour equal to mk,
000 bushels.
Liverpool closed to Id higher on wheat
snd H1 higher on corn.
Sesboard reported 103,000 bushels of wheat
rn Ren lor exporx. 1
'. , Local range r options:
Articles.! Open, High.' Low. Close. Tes'y
Wheat ( I
May... M 97 M . 97 M
July... n n 32 M 82
Sept... 78 7 78 78 78
May... H n 0H B1H H
' July... 59 W K9 '(, ' R
' Bept... bS 66 64 B64 661,4
May... 4M 49 4fl 49
Osaalha Caalt "Price.
i SH'rt!c; No. 4 hard, 899;ici No. 3 spring,
. 7c& 11.00.
CORN-No. 3, 61Halo; No. 4. H4fclc:
No. I yellow, elViStilc; No. 8 white, 61Vitf
? OATS No. 8 mixed, 477c; No. 3 white,
x e: wo. wnite, 47"4fM7e.
RYE-No. 2. 7576c;TJo. 3, 7173c.
Carlt. Receipt.
i- Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago ,J 8 105 18U
Minneapolis .. 141
Omaha . 28 11
,,''19uluth ". k.i. 9
rratarea of the Trading; and Closing
Price oa Board of Trade.
. CHICAGO.; April 30,-The local wheat
market closed strong today because of a
lively export oemana, final quotations oil
the July delivery being up lc. Corn was
k'SSo higher. Oata were lower and
provisions 2tt lower to 21o higher.
. 'The wheat market was nervous, but bull
ish sentiment predominated. The market
was firm early In 'the day because of cold
weather In the wrai and southwest and for
v a' time the market was strong. About the
middle of the day prices declined about lc
- h the report of a local crop expert that
the fall-sown crop Is one. of the best ever
. recorded. Another sharp bulge occurred In
the day on the improved demand for cash
- Wheat and liberal sales In New York for
'export. The close wss strqng. July opened
' higher at Mtte, sold off to Mc
and then advanced to tsc. The -close was
at 88Tc. Clearances of wheat and fieur
I were eqtal to 121.000 bu. Primary receipts
r wera 2&1.MM ba,. aaatnst 646.000 bu on the
same day last year. ' Minneapolis, Duluth
- and Chicago reported receipts of 168 cars,
, against 46 cars last week and 432 cars on
year ago. V.
The corn market, was strong the greater
part of the day. Considerable weakness
- developed in the first half of the session
owing fr the general selling brought about
i by an estimate uii the amount of corn to
be exported from Argentina this week,
S which placed the total shipments at 2,400,OiiO
8 bu.; compared with 317.0uO bu. the corre
' sponding day year ago. July opened Wi
, Wo higher at 3VViiSlHiC. sold Off to 63HiC and
X then advanced to klc. The close was at
j, ti4c. Local receipts were M6 cars, with &1
? cars of contract grade.
Oata were quiet and steady. July opened
; unchanged at 46s. advanced to 46! and
j then; declined' to 46w, where it closed.
! Local receipts were liiO cars.
Provisions wer firm early in the day be
' cauen of a l-lBc. advance In the price of
'". live hogs. The close was steady, with July
' " pork Vo higher at 13.60,- lard waa Zfta
' lower at 88.66: ribs were a shade higher at
' 7.27W7.W. -. v
. icsttmated receipt for tomorrow are:
" Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 82 cars; oats, 192 cars;
hogs, 15.0' head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlclea.1 Open. Illgh.l Low. Close. 1 ea'y.
"V j 'Wheat 1 " I ' I I
S, U May . 98f- . 99if '98 9H 7i
1 July fV(iV y 8H 87'a
I " Sept. . 84tS6V.lir V1 84 84' 84
V i. 'Corn- J
i ) I May 1 67 I 66 67S 674
V BeptU - ttfVl WHl&.VU'H 61
I . 'OatH-r - I
aMay 63'4 ' W,x 634! 63V 63i
.) ' bMay 62 "" 63 62;62Tfct!W 62
V' r "July 4fS 46 46l 46 46
, t bJuly 44 44 43 43 44
l. Sept.'. '87 7' "36a 37 36'&37
' - ' l'ork-'. A , .. -
1, ' r May " 13 27 13 27 18 15 13 15 13 12
J ' July 13 66 U 66 13 60 13 M 13 47
f 1 Sept. BIO' lltii 13 80 13 80 13 80
i. ) ' May 8 40' 8 46 8 S2 8 36 8 37
. I Julv , 8 60 8 66 8 47 8 66 8 67
' J. Sspt.-V ,IU. 8 86 8 70 8 72 8 77
J . Ribs
t May 6 97 . 7 07i 97 T 00 7 00
J July 7 27 7 85 I 7 27! 7 27 7 27
1 "' Wpt,4 Z82i 7D 7 60 7 66 7 62
Na. t aOld.- bNew.
Cash quotations were as follows:
KLOUJV-lady; winter patents. 4.30?
4u; stralgliU. 83.KXq-4.40; spring patents,
$.').uc6.Ji; slrglguU, KOvg-1.60; bakers. 83.10
WHFAT-No. 2 spring. 96c(g1.10; No. 2
red. iOtilSMkC.
CORN No. ,j, 678c: No. 2 yellow. 68
OATS-No. t. 62T4c; No. ! white. 63c; No.
8 white, 6032c,
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 70tfr76c.
CKKDA-Flax. No. 1 northwestern. $121.
prime timothy, $4 26.
PROVISION- Bhort ribs aides (loose.
K70WT.W. Mess pork, per bbl.. $13.2'1J 30.
.lM-4. Pr HQ lbs., 68.36. Short clear sides
. tbuaed), 87.3707.63.
, . roliowing were the receipt and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
I"jur. bbls..,..., 2K600 90 6)
Wheat, bu ... 22.0110 lll.suo
Coin.. bu ,. ..........116.200 1H9.2UO
Oata. bu... 2.6.600 3l6.2U0
Rve, bu I.OijO
Barley, bu 49.5O0 47,710
On -the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creameries, 19ti26c;
dairies, l'24c. Eggs, steady; at mark,
cases Included, 14c; firsts, 16c; prime
.'Irsts, lbc. Cheese, steady; Utrl2e.
v - peorla Market.
TEORIA. 111 . April 30.V-OOBV Tfrh-r:
No. 2 yellow, (TigMtc; No. 2 yellow, 6wui;c;
No. 3. K(i6c; No. 4, 64c; no grade.
"SAl-Hlfherr 'No. S white, 60'S6Oc;
- No. white, 44fa0c.
WH 16K V-1.35.
- v '.Ivarvool Grala Market..
firm; N- ' western winter, 7a 3d; No.
!Cfi;pont!o3 Bands Ttelr legilitf ead
r " -:YiHditi fiyiriatni.
Tbe American Guaranty Company wi'l
attend to all the detail of an isue of
( bonds, relieving ffu-era of Issuing corpcr
- at ions of all annoyance Incidental! thereto.
. and asume ;i)ll rusponcihillty fur the le
' aallty and validity of the Issue so pre-
pared, toe aim nd otilet being to make
inveaiments In uch eecurltles popular and
, safe. lt service are of opeclal value to
electric railway, light, power, telephone
avd (auali ujl''U- ,ParUcUi on
U.aexai Offloe. XT1 Ia U -, Colo ago.
1 Csllfornl. 7a M: futures, stead v. May,
s SM,d; July. 7s 6Sd; September, s lVad.
COKN 8doI. firm: new American mised.
klld dried, fie 914,1 American mixed, old.
6s 10d; futures, quiet; May, 6a M.
Pair Tonight and Hot Mark Change
la Temperatare. ,
OMAHA. April SO. 19c.
A very slight rise In temperature Is
shown this morning throughout the Mis
souri valley snd west over the mountain
districts. A "moderate fall Is general over
the extreme northwest and the outlook is
favorable for continued cool In this vicinity
tonight snd Friday, with probably light
front tonight. It is slightly cooler In the
middle Mississippi valley and west gulf
states. Killing frosts occurred In the mid
dle Mississippi snd Ohio valleys and lighter
frosts In the lower valleys snd througnout
the southwest. Bnows sr fulling In the
Ohio valley and In Wyoming and Colorado.
The weather Is clear In the upper valleys
and northwest, and will probably be fair
In this vicinity tonight and Friday.
Omaha record of temnerature and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
IP!. I9"7. 111. 190S.
Minimum temperature.... 3. 27 61 4
I'recipltatlon T .00 1.69 .00
Normal temperature for today, 67 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1,
2.67 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1907,
2.91 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1906,
.68 of an inch.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Cora and Wheat Hefftoa Balletla.
For the twenty-four hours ending at I a.
m., 75th meridian time, Thursday; April 30,
Temp. Rein
stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb.... 55 34 .02 Cloudy
Auburn, Neb 66 27 .00 Cloudy
Columbus, Neb.. 69 34 .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neh.... 69 30 .no JH. cloudy
Fairmont. Neb... 67 27 .00 Cloudv
Or. Island, Neb.. 61 41 .03 Ft. cloudy
Hartlngton, Neb. 65 3") .00 Hear
Hastings, Neb.... 69 43 .00 Cloudy
Oakdiiie, Neb.... 67 32 .00 Clear
Omaha, Nob 62 36 T Cloudy
Tekamah, Neb... 64 2 .10 Clear
Altu. la. 46 3K T Cloudy
Carroll. Ia 61 T Cloudv
Clarinda. Ia 52 26 .00 Cloudy
Plbley, la 44 28 . 00 Clear
Sioux City, Ia.. 60 36 T Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 p. m.
No. of Temp. Rain.
Station. Stations. Msx. Mln. Inches.
Chicago, 111 26 60 82 .01
Columbus, 0 16 46 34 .34
Dcs Moines, la.... 14 4 4 26 T
Irdianapolls, Ind.. 12 46 36 .It
Kansas City, Mo.. 21 64 S2 T
loulsvllle. Ky 16 64 84 .92
Minneapolis, Minn. 28 44 28 T
Omaha. Neb 11 54 32 . 01
St. Louis, MO 13 48 32 .14
Snow is falling In the Ohio valley and
frecslng temperatures, with killing frosts,
ere reported In the middle Mississippi and
Ohio valleys. Light precipitation occurred
In all districts within the last twenty-four
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Quotations of the Day oa Varlons
ceipts, 11,380 hbls.; exports. 6.876 bhls. Mar
ket quiet but firm. Minnesota patents,
NEW YORK, April M.-KLOCR-Reeelpf.
12.600 bhls. ; exports, 2.000 bbls. Market
quiet but firm. Minnesota patent.
35.10tii6.60; winter straights, 34.2iir4.40; Min
nesota bakers, 34.lorg4.60; winter extras,
83.60410; winter pstcnts, 84.60$ 4.80; winter
low grades, 83.4O-S4.00. Rye flour, firm;
low grades, 83. 40tj4.00. Rye flour, steady;
fair to good.' 84.4txiH.90; choice to fancy.
$4.9695.15. .
CORN MEAIi Firm; fine white and yel
low, $1.46Li1.50; coarse. 31.40(31. 46; kiln dried,
3. R5.
RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 90c, f.
o. b.
WHEAT Receipts, 4.0no bu. Spot, market
firm; No. 2 red, Il'.u6, elevator; No. 2 red.
3108, f. o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du
luth, $1.11. r. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard win
ter, $1.13. f. o. b. afloat. As a result of
high cables and continued cold weather
west, wheat advanced lc before noon. Re
acting on liberal Argentine reports, it re
covered again on purchases and a good
milling .demand, closing c to c net
higher. May, 81.06, closed $1.06; Julv.
96a'7 15-16, closed 97H; September, !'2!
iwc, closed 2c.
CORN Receipts.- 3.226 bu.- Spot, market
f int. ; No. 2, elevator. 72c to arrive. Op
tions were, more active and generally
stronger on light stocks, closing c to lc
ret higher. May. 76tr77,.4c. closed 77c;
July, 72VgT3c, closed 73c.
OATS Receipts, 31,600 bti. Spot, market
steady; mixed, 26&2 pounds, 54c; natural
white, 36&32 pounds. 6&o68c; clipped white,
824N0 pounds. 56S5Sc.
HAY Firm; good to choice, 857e.
HIDES Steady; Bogota, 17c; Central
American, 17c.
LEATHER Quiet; acid. 19!j27c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family $18 50
(517.00; mess, $34.00rftC4.50; beef hams, $26.00
28.00; packet, fH.lS 00; city extra India
mess. $24.orvij"2S.O0. Cut meats, quiet; pickled
bellies. $9.0TKfllO.OO; pickled hams. $10.00.
Iard, firmer; western prime, $H SOW. 60; re
fined, stronger; compound. $7.75(W.0O con
tinent, $!.1(); South America, $9.75. Pork,
firm; family. $1650rtT07.6O; short clears.
$16.00(917.00; mess, $14.60(Srl&.60.
TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg), 6c;
country (pack, free), 6&(c..
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 8
6c; Japanese, nominal.
BUTTER' Steady ; process, commnn to
special, ltV23c.
CHEESE Easy; winter made, 9(J10c;
skims. 8c.
BOOS Fresh gathered, storage packed,
PQIJLTRT Dressed, weak; turkey. 12
17c; fowl. 12g'13c. .
Rt. l.ool General Market.
BT. LOUIS, April 30.-WHEAT-Higher:
track, No. 2 red, cash, $1.01 1.02; No. 2
liard, 96cig9L.04; May. 96c; July. N6c.
CORN Higher; track, No. 2 caah, 66i
61c; May, 66c; July, 6.'S.'ic; No. 2
white. 67c.
OATS-Firm; track, No. 2 cash, 9c;
May, 4ac; No. 2 white, 63c.
FLOCK Red winter patent. $4.864.80;
extra fancy and straight, $i.lua-4.'50; clears,
$3.56(69 70.
SEED Timothy, steady; $3.0ng.50.
CORNMEAL Steady; $3.0o.
HRAN gulet; sacked, east track, $1.18
HAY-FIrm; timothy, $10.00S16.50; prairie,
$10.01 jl'U. 00.
BAdOlNO 7c.
PKOVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
$13.26. Lard, lower; prime steam. 87.964.
6.06. Dry salt meat, higher; boxed extra
shorts. 87.62: clear ribs, $i.50; short clears.
$7.87. Bacon, higher; boxed extra short,
$8.37: clear rib. $8.25; short clear. $9.00.
POULTRY Firm; chicken. 10c;
springs, 27Ji31e; turkeys, ll(jjl2c; ducks, 9c;
geese, 6c. -
BI TTER Wcik: creamery. 21ft26c.
EIKJ8 Higher at 13V, case count.
Receipt and shipments of flour and grain
were as loiiows:
Receipts. Shipments.
4.0iK) 8,01(0
.... 25.0tO 35.1X0
42.000 39. ill
..... 29.0H0 H.OU0
Flour, bbls..
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Kansas t'lty Grala aad Provisions.
KANbAS CITY. Mo., April 30 WHEAT--Unclisnged;
May. 92c; July, 82c; Septem
ber. 7V'; cash. No. 2 hard, 97cjjl.u0; No.
3 hard, Mttjxhc; No. 2 red, 9899e; No. 3 red,
CORN lS'lHo higher; May. 81c; July,
69c; September, 67c; cash. No. 2 mixed.
64'aio; No. 3 mixed, 64fr4c; No. 3
white. 64c: No. 3 white, 63a4c.
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 4848c;
No. 2 mixed, sj'47c.
RYE 741 TSo.
HAY Firm; choice timothy. $11 50g 12.00;
riione prairie. i nigiter, tiuivgiupo.
BUTTER Weak; creamery, 25c; pack
ing stock, 14c.
EGOS Firm; fresh extras, 15c; current
receipts. I3c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 43.0tu 66.001)
Corn, bu 4.0i 14. on)
Oat, bu ll.tsj t.uw
Quotations at Kansas City, as reported by
Logan A Bryan, No. 12. Board of Trade:
I Open. I High. Low. Close.
May........ July
" July
81 V 2
bl Ci2
. o!
A aaked. B bid.
Oalatai (.rata Market.
DULUTH. April JJ8.-W H BAT-No.
northern. $1.7; No.
Mav. 8104: July, $104
$ nurUtvrn, $1(4;
:; Bej'temuer, "jc.
j OATS--.
8i . - ;
bi k:jI
)7 1
to 68
Volume of Market Only About Half
that of Wednesday.
Opening Is Lower and Last Prices
New Farther Material Decline
Demand of Rnort
NEW YORK. April 30 -Th shrlnksge of
hslf in the volume of today's stock market
from that of yesterday was significant of
abatement In the demand for stocks. The
resctlonary tone, at the same time, was
more pronounced than yesterday, most of
the day sale being effected at price be
low the closing of the day before, and last
prices showing material declines. It Is well
understood that the disclosures In connec
tion with the latest stock exchange failures
have served to force covering by the bears
to an unusual extreme, many lenders of
stock making peremptory demands for their
return hy borrowers for delivery against
short ssles. These disclosures have had a
disquieting effect on the speculative tem
per also owing to the fears that they would
discourage operations by the general pub
lic through commission houses. The prac
tice by commission houses of short sales
In a stock which their customers are long
on I discountenanced, and the suggeatton
that some of, the recent short ooverlng was
of this character ha caused an unpleasant
Impression. The net result has been an
unusual exhaustion of the short Interest
and thla waa held largely accountable for
the drooping tendency of prices todsy
Of the more active factors, the most Im
portant was th rapid accumulation of Idle
freight cars reported by the American Rail
way association's committee. The number
of these on April 16, 875.770, is pronounced
the greatest total In the history of lAmeri
can railroading, having risen from 297,042
on March 16, when Increased freight move
ment had been bringing additions I cars into
service and compailng with 343,928 on Febru.
ary 6, the highest figure touched In the de
pression following the panic. So emphatic
sn evidence of renewed trade reaction did
not pass unheeded In speculative circles.
Amongst the less tangible influences In
the day's market waa an Impression sought
to be created that powerful banking and
financial interests which have supported
the market had achieved the desired pur
pose of securing the underwriting of pro
posed bond Issue snd saw no further ne
cessity for fostering the rising tendency
of prices. This view obtained added force
from the action of new Issue on the out
side, where they are dealt In, when and If
issued. Quotations for the Pennsylvania
Consolidated 4 per cent bonds and the In
terborough Rapid Transit notes both re
acted In that market. Reading's poor re
port of March earnings affected one of the
conspicuous leader In the recent market
movement. On the other hand, the state'
ment of March earnings of the Harrlman
roads gave signal evidence of the effective
measures of economy In force, which over
reached the fall in gross earnings In the
cases of Southern Pacific and went far to
meet In the caae of Union Pacific. Copper
receded In London again. Crop news was
ravorante. Tlie weak return of the Bank
of France hardened the open market dis
count rate there, and lowered the Iondon
exchange, thus adding to the pressure for
gold In New York. London exchange here,
however was heavy although but little
ciiHttged in price.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value, rnlted States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Following were the ssles and range of
prices on the Stock exchange today:
Adama Exprcas 171
Amalgamated Copper .) 4IS M (S
Am. C. A r 4,900 K Ut 31 H
Am. C. A r. pfd 1K"4
Am. rot ion nil t,9u0 ltA 28 27
Am. cotton Oil ptd M
AmsrKan Exprera 1X1
Am. H. ft L pfd 40 1 1 II
American Ire .. A l.nx) ) 224 :24
American Ltnaeel Oil ftty;
Am. Llnaaed nil pfd 29
Am. Locomotive l.ano 47a, 41, 4H4
Am. Locomotive pfd 2oo 100 10 f
Am. S. a R JS.vo im 7ft 10H
Am. 8. A R. pfd .wo S7 M4 m
Am. n tar Retinitis lino 1204 1M
Am. Totwcco pfd cifa i 1 0i to
Anaconda Mining Co 1.4im 3H 174
Atrhlnm ., I.sno B014 7 (4
Atrhlaon prd K
Atlantic Coast Line "t M HI II
Baltimore Ohio l.ew I4 M M4
Bal. a Ohio p(d 5(io 81 n U
Brook I vn Rapid TT..... 6.100 4714 t 1
Canadian Pacific i.100 1M4 15S4 1('4
Central of New Jersey W
Cheaapeaka Ohio s MH U14
Cblcaso Ot. w son t 44 t
Chlraso N. W .r 1M14 14t' IWI
C. M. ft St. P M.POO lit li7 1174,
Chicaso T. A T ri
Chliaso T. T. pfd U
C. C. C. ft Bt. L 1D N7i 67S M
Colorado F. ft I I. in t 541, 244
Colorado A 80 32.000 II 14 SO',
Colo, ft Do. lat pfd ton M4 i4 c
Colo, ft go. IA pfd 4H
Consolidated Gaa 300 if1 4 114
Corn Producta. rf 100 M4 14 14S
Corn Producta pfd too 4
Delaware ft Hudaon IVW lit U
Pel , L. ft W 4M
Panver ft Rio Orande loo In V
D. ft R. O. pfd V M'4 MV, .-.(1
Platlllers' Sacurltla 4(KI .US Xl'a !C4
Erla l.JdO 18 17' m
Erie lat pfd 200 134 U J3
Krte 2d pfd a
C.maral Klectrlc IdO 1U 111 1J
Illinois Central 1,100 1H 114 131
International Paper . 600 10 4 4
Int. Papar pfd 11
Int. Pump W4
Int. Pump pfd 100 10S 704' ,
Iowa Central 300 H IK 14'4
Iowa Central pfd 324 3!4 W
Kanass City Bo KM S4 234 I.'4
K. C. So. pfd , "4
Loulavllle A N MW 1044 1034 103 4
Maxlran Cantral (00 lf 1444 144
M.. A Bt. L, 100 4 244
M , 8t. P. A . 8. Id 111
M , Bt. P. ft 8. g. M. pfd 120
Mlasdurt Pacific 1,700 4 4f.4 tr,4
M , K. A T 2,oo 84 8S
M., K. A T. pfd &( N4 ' M4 14
National Lead 2.C00 64 E8 M'4
N. R. R of M. pfd, aaked 411
New York Cantral too 1C0 4
N. Y.. O. A W M0 34 (.144 3
Norfolk A W 400 464 t si
N. A W. pfd 0
North Amerlcao CO Mi H'4
Pacific Mall tt
Pennsylvania 1,400 1H 1I7S HM4
Peopla's Oaa 400 814 I4 14
P.. C. C. ft Bt. L 7
Pressed Steal Car 100 t4 r4 t
Preaaed 8. C. pfd MO m 844 4
Pullman Palaca Car 100 1.M 1M IU4
Reading 1H.700 110 'i IOS44
Reading lt pfd :
Raadln fid pfd eft
Rapubllc Steal 900 174 IT 17
Republic Steal pfd o 47 44 4
Rock laland Co J.7O0 lfi'4 H4 if,H
Rock Utaad Co. pfd 1.404 124 114 114
Hi. L. ft s. P. M pfd too 91 274 !74
St. Louia W -0 14 13 I84
St. L. 8. W. pfd 100 13 13 SSS
Routhara Pacific 31.(00 M 144 74
So. Pacific pfd 1O0 lit 1 IK 114
80. Ratlwav I.CtO 164 14'4 14
80. Rallwar prd T" 404 l !
Triaa ft Pacific N IM 18 II
T., 8t. U A W ' 144
T., 8t. L. ft W. pfd ("0 41 4( 404
t'nlon Pacific 114.400 187 IK 1
t nlon Pacific pfd M ( (04 80
C. B. Ripreaa 85
V. 8. Raaltr 100, 40 40 1
V. 8. Rubber loo 11 Sn
I'. 8. Kjibbar pfd (3 81 82
II. 8. fctsel M.) 144 H 8i
I'. 8. Bteal pfd 4 101 1004 100
Va. -Carolina Chamlral 40 tt w'4
Va.-Caro. Cham, pfd loo M4 K14 S84
Wabaah 10 I04 10
Wabaah pfd W0 114 I !
Walla-rario Eiipreaa '.
Wratlnshouae Elacirlc 7.3oo M 44 4
Wcatern Inloo SflO 60 ( io
W. ft L. g 400 1 44
WlK.onla Central 14
Central pfd $00 40 41 .!'.
Northern Parlfla
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd....
Sloaa-Ohefllald Steel ...
Great Northern pfd....
lnlerhorough Mat
Int. Mat. pfd
31.100 )12 131 Ul 14
14 ZU 1
I'w rev ao i
.to irr 136 is.
Utah Copper
Total aalaa tor the day. 6M.60O aharea.
New York Mining; I tacks
NEW YORK. April 30. Closing quotations
on mining stock were
Adama Con I Little Chief .,
... I
... 15
... 46
... 11
ail Ontario
10 Optair
10 Pvioal
17 Savage
41 Sierra Nevada
100 8s.all Hopes...
8 ' ftieadard
Brunewtek Con. ..
Comelock Tunnel
Cnn. Cal. A Vs..
Iron Silver
Leadvtll Cos
Bank ( t.aglaad Statement.
tiONnON. April 30 The weekly state
ment of the bank of England show the
following changes:
Total reserve. Increased, 276.000; circu
lation Increased, 104.00); bullion Increased
A.3i9.441: other securities, decreased. 732.
uuu; other deposits, inctessed, 370.U10; pub
lic deposits, decreased, .l,i.nw; notes re
serve, incressed, avJ3t.oj; govtrnineni se
curities. increased. 464.0uu.
The pro nirt 1011 of the banks reserve to
4) liability una week is bl.oti per rent, com
cared with aOii per cant last wee.
The Bank tit England S rate of discount
remained uncnanged todsv at $ per c nt.
The Stock r.v.hani'i V.U1 u clossl to
morrow. ,
Treaasrr Statement. .
WASHINGTON. April 30. Today' state
ment ot th tirssury balances in t lie gn-
eral fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve shom-s AvtllaHi run h. i,n,
$360.801. ; gold coin and bullion. $16,071,937;
gnia renmrates,;,r.
yrr York Money Mnrket
CANTILE PAPFR-4tf4 fer cent.
OIH11.I.W lvAtM AINI.hJ MeSVT, wun
actual business In bsnkers' bills st $4.87Q
4.8706 for demand and at $4.84r0$4 $4T6 for
Ixty-dsy bll's; commercial bills, $4 K4.
niL. r, rv uar, a-c; Mexican deiiara. 7C.
BONDS Government, stesdy: railroad. Ir
MONEY On coll. easy, 1VU2 per cent:
ruling rste, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per
cent; offered at I per cent. Time loans,
quiet but firm: sixty days, 2 per cent;
ninety days, 2i3 per cent; six months, S
per cent.
The following are the closing Quotations
on bonds:
V. 8. ret , rl " L. N. snl. 4s
So coupon ft4 Ms. e. g. 4o
It. . u. reg lno, Met. Central 4a ...
so coupon leit o lit inc
V. I. n.w it. re....mHMMlnn. 4k St. L. 4i
do coupon 1324 M.. K. A T.
Am. Tobacco 4s "It 'io is
, 7
do IOMiN. R. R
Atrhlton sen. 4 74 N. T. C. I
Sf M. 4 II
(4a 4
-do tsj. Hi "N. j. c. a. M...
Atlantic C. L,. 4i T No. Psciflo 4s...
Bat. A Ohio 4s 7' do la
. do la 1HN. A W. c. 4a..
flr. R. T. ct. 4s ... Tt O. 8. U rtdg. .
Ontnil of Oa. 6a. .. .UW. rean. ct. tv....
da 1st tne Readlns sen 4a .
.. 71
.. 3
.. 44
do M Inc 4 Pt. L A 1. M. o. a..l044
do Id Inc r St. U S r. f(. 4a.
Che. A Ohio 44a M St. U 8. W. c. 4a.... 4
CdIcmo A A. ! ... n seaboard A. U 4s.... 4
, B a Q. n. 4a ... tt'tBo Pacific 4a M
C, It. I. A P. 4a.... H do tat 4a ctfa M
do col. la 714 Bo. Railway it 17
OW. 8t. L. I. 4a . Telaa P. 1i 1(W
Tom. Ind. a. aer. A. !tT.. St. U a W. 4a.. J4
Colo. Mid
.. Vnlos Piclfle 4a 10u
Colo. A Bo. 4a
Cuba fie
n. ft R. O. 4a...
Dlatiliara' Bee. 6a
Brie p. 1. 4
do sen. 4a..... ..
Hockln Val. 44a.
Japan 4a
do 44a ctfa
do Id narlea
Bid. Offered.
. 84 do ct 4a 17
.154 V. 8. Steel Sd 6a 7
. 4 Wahaah la 107
. 714 Weaiarn Md. 4a M
. S4 W. ft L. K 4a M
. ss wia. Central 4s ... H
.1014 Atrhlaon cv. 4 M
.77 do 6a 11
. 16 Int. Met. 44a. (3
. 6
Doatosi Closing Stocks.
BOSTON, April $0. Money, call loans, 2
6-4 per cent; time loans. 3ir5 per cent.
The following were the closing price on
stocks and bonds:
Atrhlaon ad. 4a...
do 4a
Mea. Central 4a...
do pfd
Ronton ft Albany..
Boaton A Maine...
Morton Elevated .
Pitchburg pfd
Mailcan Central ..
N. T , N. H. A H.
Union Pacific
Am. ArRa. Chem..
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tube...
A mar. Sugar
do pfd
Am. T ft T
Am. Woolan
do pfd
Dominion I. ft fl..
gdlaon glee. Illu.,
Oeneral Electrle ..
Maaa. Klactrtc ....
do pfd
Man. Oaa
United Prult
United S. M
do pfd
C. 8. steal ,
do pfd
Aaked. "Bid.
... 14 Allouei
. .. W4 Amalgamated ...
... 78 Atlantic
... 7I4 Rtnsbam
...94 csl. A Hecla..
...103 Centennial
...14 Copper Ttangs ...
...117 Pair Weat
...1M Franklin
... 14 laia Rnvale
...1364 Mass. Mining ...
...US Mlchlsan
... 18 Mohawk
...88 Old Dominion ...
. .. 6 Oereola
...155 Parrot
...121 Quinry
...117 Shannon
... Tamarack
... 83 Trinity
... l4t'nlted Copper ...
...Ill V. 8. Mining....
...1M tl. 8. oil
... Dt'tah
... 44 Victoria
... 61 4 Winona
...1384 WolveHna
.1. 61 North Butt
... l Nevada
... (r4 Cal. A Arlfnna..
...lot) Oraana Cananes
.... 1
.. 0
. . 21
.. 47
.. 1
.. 104
.. 474.
.. 14
.. II
.. 14
.. (14
.. 11
.. 61
.. 134
.. II
.. 38
.. S
.. IS
.. '.
.. 67
.. 11
.. I
London Cloalnsj stocks.
I.ONDON, April 30. American securities
declined to during the early trading
today. Transactions were light and at noon
the market was dull, with Readihg
higher snd the rest ot the list unchanged
from the opening.
London closing stock quotations:
Conaols. money .... 8 7-14 M., K. T l'-'4
do account (4 N. Y. Central 104
Anaconda 1 Norfolk A W (7
Atrhlaon 82 do pfd :.. 81
do pfd 11 Ontario A W 36
Baltimore ft Ohio 81 Pennsylvania .a..... 81
anadlan Pacific 164 Rand Mlnaa
bee. ft Ohio 14 Reading M4
Chicago Ot. W 4 - Southern Railway ... 16
M. ft Bt. P 1.(14 do pfd 41
De Reeve
.... 0 "out hern Pacific ....(14
.... 21 Union Pacific, 140
..... M4 do td II
.... 1 V. 8. Steal 11
.... 14 , do pfd 103
.... 24 Wabaah 11
....154 do pfd V)
... 138 Seamen 4a 12
...1 1! -aVmal. Conner 424
Denver A R. O..
do pfd
do lat pfd
do 3d pfd
Grand Trunk ....
Illnola Central .
Loulavllle ft N.
SILVKU Bar. quiet, at 24d per ounce.
MONKY 2fj-.'; per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short hills la 2 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2 per cent.
Bank Clearing.
OMAHA. April 30. Bank clearing for to
day were $1,662,271.68. and for the corres
ponding date last year, $2,298,004.03.
Cotton Market.
tures opened firm; May, 8 41c; June. 8.44c,
hid: Julv. 8.60c: August. 8.46'&8.47c: October.
8.44c; November, $.44ti8 f!e; December, 8.49c;
Jnnuary, 8.60c;- February. 8.61c, offered;
Snot closed slesdv. 3D points hither: mid
dling uplands, 10.30c; middling gulf, 10.66c;
ales, 6.31 bales.
Futures closed firm: May. 8.08c: June,
8.64r; July, 8.70c; August, 8.b'c; September,
8.60c: October, 8.84c; November, g.Mc; net-ember.
8.66c; January, 8.69c; March, 8.76c.
GALVESTON, Texan, April 30. COTTON
(steady: 94c.
ST. LOUIS. April 30. COTTON 8teady:
middling, 10c. Sale, none; receipts. 98
bales; shipments, 363 bale; atock. 29,004
Spot market firm. Sale. 2,760 bale. Low
ordinary, 6 ll-16c, nominal: ordinary, c,
nominal; good ordinary, 7 16-16c; low mid
dling. 91-lo; middling. 10c; good middling.
10c; middling fair. 11c; fair Uc, nom
inal. Receipts, 0.S.53 Dales; stocg, iw,n
Coffee Mnrket.
ket for coffee futures opened steady at a
decline of 5410 points In response to lower
Kuropean cables, and Increased the loss
slightly In the absence of bull support and
of scattered offering, part of which were
aid to be against firm offer from Braall.
The close wss steady, but at a net decline
of (0H points. Sales were reported of 28,
250 bags. Including May at s.7543 0e. July
at 6.W41S 90c, September at 6.8o.96 and
January at t.OOc. Spot, quiet Mild quiet;
Cordova. 9tf 12c.
St. I.onls Live Stork Mnrket.
ST. IiOlUS. April 30. CATTLE Receipt,
1,600 head, including 425 Texan; msrket
trong to steady: native shipping and ex
port steers, $ii.3S(97.15; dressed beef and
butcher steers. e5.6H 15; steers under 1.0 10
pounds. $4.7&rj.&0; stocker and feeder.
$3.36166.36; cow and hulfers. $3.7688.40; can
nera. t2.00rbdl.Mi: bulls. $3.26fi6.00: cows and
ners, $2.00-0.3.00; bulls, $3.26ri6.00; calves, $3.f0
416.60;; Texas and Indian steers, fv.-wao.w;
cows and heifers. $1 7bi&4.25.
HOO8 Receipts. 6.600 head; market 10(gp
15c higher: pig nd light. $3.705.60; pack
ers, $4. 755. 80; butcher and bt heavy.
f 78(rifi SO
SHliEP AND I.AMBS neceipis, ruu
head: market 6c lower: native muttons.
$3.6oi 25; lambs. $4.60fj7.; culls and bucks,
84. Joseph LIT Stock Mnrket.
ST. J08EPH. April SO.-CATTLE Re-
inii KS heirt Market steaov: natives,
$5.767.00; cow and heifer, $2.00a 40; lock
ers and reeders,".
H OO 8 Receipts. 4.903 head. Market 104)
16c higher; top, $5.70; bulk of sales,
SHEEP ANl UAStlo-neceipie, . ncau.
Market nominal: lambs. $6 5057 20; year
ling and wether. $8.i;ica'.60; ewe. $5.25
Total Valuation of
U. P. Ry. n Valley
U. P. Ry. in Waterloo
V. P. Ry In Elkhorn. .'
V. P. Ry.. Jn Millard
U. P. Ry., So. O. ft Western . . .
C. B. V Q., Omaha
C. i. N. W.. Omaha
C. & N. W.. Bennington
C, St. P.. M. A. O., Omaha
C, St. P.. M. O., Florence...
C, R. I. tt P.. Omaha
Missouri Pacific, Omaha
Chicago Great Western, Omaha.
Omaha Bridge & Ter., Omaha.
Total ,
Total railroad returns
De$irble Fat Cattle Generally Steady,
with Cow Stuff Strong;.
Trice Palsl Are rally Steady with
.Yesterday, Tkoagk l.ewer
far th Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 30. 1908.
Recelot were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Official Monday
Official Tuesday ....
Offlclsl Wednesday
Estimated Thursday
.... 2.5a 6.0O8 .8hl
... 6.350 10ei9 8.8
... 3.6M 9.7K: 16.4H4
.... 2.16S 8,067 S.ft'4
Four days this week.. 12.723 33.848 88.184
fame days last week ... .fi?7 28.474 24.837
Same days 2 weeks ago.. 12.5.'8 S8.5HO 18.7M
Same dava 3 weeks aao. .13 :D7 26.06 2.1.277
Same days 4 weeks age. 17.725 20.844 27.27$
Same ihvi Isst vesr i 719 41 .094 i'
The following table show the receipts of
eattl knva - Bitnlh Omaha
for the year 10 date, compared with l.t
year: 1808. 1117. Ino. rec.
Cattle 304.473 36.237 80,786
Hogs 978.618 812,784 1 86.765
Sheep 499.349 674,034 174.68:i
The following table show the average
price of hog at South Omaha for the last
several day, with comparison:
Date. I 1(0$. 18O7.lO.l06.l04. 1803.1902.
April 30. .
April 21..
April 2-2. .
April 23..
April Z4..
April 26..
April 26..
April 27..
April 28..
April 29..
6 63 I
6 42
6 431 I 23
t 28!
1 101
6 43
a I
6 3(i
4 80
7 11
$ 19
6 S3
4 61
7 07
7 02
6 8
6 88
4 82
0 "
6 84
7 061 $1
7 06 $ 93
7 00
8 85
6 8' 6 31
$ i
6 V
6 23
4 76
4 78
U 34
8 29
6 2 I
4 2S
6 83
6 38
341 6 18: 4
s sft a 10 a Tz
6 831 1 07
& 11 14 60 8 7i 1 '
April 30.. I 6 44!
1 6 28 8 2D'
14 R2
84 6 93
The official number of car ot atock
brought In today by each road wss:
Cattle. Hots. Sh'p. Hor's.
.. m. ft st. r
Wabash ,
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific
C. ft N. W., east...,
C. A N. W., west...,
C, St. P.. M. ft 0
V., R. Q., east
C B. ft Q., west
C, R. I. ft P.. eaat..
C, R. I. ft P., west
Chicago G. W
3 3
1 8
(I 1 3 ...
, 14 27 2
1 2
34 38 2
,2 10
,5 3
,20 25 7
, 1
. 1 1
,7 1
, 98 111 20 9
The disposition of the day's receipt wa
a follow, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 444
Swift and Company 431
Cudahy Packing Co 624
Armour ft Co 427
Lehmer Rros
Cudahy P. Co., f'm K. C. 104
Pchwartichlld A Stilsb
Vansant ft Co 33
Hill ft Son 65
F. P. Iwls 18
J. B. Root ft Co 67
J. II. Rulla 63
L. F. Husi
F. O. Inghram 4
Sullivan Bros 14
Aleck Buchanan ft Son
Cincinnati Packing Co
Halstead Packing Co
Wood Bro
Hlmmotid Packing Co
Klngan Packing Co
Other buyer 108
1 Totals
.2,284 7,373
CATTLE Receipt thi morning
bercd only ninety-four car, but that was
not a bad run tor Thursday, as compared
with recent weeks. The supply, as has
been the case practically every day this
week, consisted largely of beef steer.
Buyer started out talking lower prices On ,
neei steer tnis morning ana lor a time tne
trade wa a little dull. When the market
wa once warmed up, the trade became
more active, especially on the handy light
weight cattle, which were all disposed of
In good season at steady prices, a com
pared with yesterday. Big, heavy cattle,
on the other hand, were a little bit sticky,
and they were not only a little hard to
move, but holders in some rases, at least,
felt that they were not doing quite a well
a might have been done yesterday. How
ever, taking tbe market a a whole, there
waa no very great change.
Cowa and, heifers were In light supply,
snd they sold freely at prlcea steady to
strong, everything In that line being cleaned
up very oon after the market opened.
There were only a few stock cattle or
feeder In sight, and they did not show anv
very material change. The market aa a
rule was quoted steady by both buyer and
Quotations on esttle: Good to choice
steers, $1 408 70; fair to good corn-fed
teer. $&.9d'TTi.4fl; common to fair corn-fed
ateers, $4-86'ff6 .90; good to choice cow and
heifers. $4.8Stf!O0; fair to good cows and
heifers, $3.86'?4 86; common to fair cows and
heifers, $2.263.R6- good to choice stockers
and feeders. $5.0(Vff.a0; fair to good wtockers
and feeders, $4.6Ofr6.00; common to fair
stockers and feeders, $3.264.60.
Representative sales:
No. At. P. No. A. Pr.
Ill ItO 4 M 11 1045 4 (0
21 114 4 IS 14 11S I JO
4 tot 6 15 K 1178 4 10
14 Til 6 3 41 111 I to
T IM IM SI Ill 8 20
I 885 ( (0 II 1174 4 80
4 1441 I 4$ 1107 S
M 141 S 80 IB 1104 4 15
9 854 6 (f 80 1141 I 11
17 78 I U II 447 8 88
1040 I 10 12KS SO
1 1104 I II 11 S I to
I Ill I 00 II 1217 4 10
14 1374 I 00 If 11?4 4 (A
II 1195 I 08 M i:7 I (ft
II Kill I 08 II ltw I 40
11 118 I 06 14., Ill 49
19 1057 4 06 M 1281 I "
21 1104 I 10 1 7 1487 4 41
64 1011 4 10 II .' 1401 45
7..... 1101 4 10 it 1241 I 60
II 1087 I 10 67 1104 4 60
II 1177 11 II ltd 4 60
14 1077 4 16 10 I I 66
16 115 I 16 17 127 4 86
1 1156 4 16 HI 1144 I 66
18 1164 4 16 20 1141 4 40
16 1164 4 16
3 136 8 7 s 87 4 40
t 1010 I 00 4 1141 4 PI
1 870 ( 16 3 1188 4 AS
I 186 1 36 t man 4 10
1 180 ( 16 4 1017 4 76
I 44 I 40 1 100O I no
It M I 4 1112 t 10
I t90 ( 75 8 1115 6 16
1 75 ( II t 1100 I 13
4 1012 ( SO 4 1 I 26
1 1186 4 00 1 1182 I 16
t 104 4 10 I. lt.4 I 15
1 1II0I 4 40 I l:0 I 16
1 1180 6 00 4 1414 6 60
I tX I 14 1! 1106 6 40
7 1021 4 16 1 12 6 60
1 1016 4 U 1 1174 6 60
II 1117 I 40
t 745 1 60 I MO 6 80
I 4 rat I 60 1 64 6 14
t 36 4 90 1 6M I 7a
10 140 6 ti 1 1100 I le
14 Ill I 26
1 10 ( 50 1 410 4 7
1 1240 I 1 1(64 4 74
$ 1110 1 76 1 IM0 4
1 1140 I 76 6 444 t 00
1 110 4 00 1 1ia I On
1 IM 4 W 1 U10 6 16
1 490 4 10 1 7"0 6 J6
1 1OI0 4 .'i0 1 1770 I 16
1 1Si4 4 40 1 (60 I 76
1 1044 4 44
Railroad Terminals
o g K
e , t
tr 5
5 eft
. o
1 50
90 .
6 5'
i a
I$2 ,999,786 $ 636, 00 $ 606,185i$ 623,805 $ 65. OuO $436,475 $ 2,700 .. $1,316,100 $ 6,676,350 I1.3S5, 270
12.450 82,475 7.680 650 5,000 6.250 11,100 .. 60,450 176.065 33.211
6,775 28,800 3,800 825 39,300 7,860
4,200 I 30.235 2.660 25.875 900 ' 63,870 "12,774
7,550 18.030 2.186 375 760! 2,675, 31,575 6,316
14.460 350.-. 15,815j 3,163
651,035 281.320; 342,250 144,170 67,750 10,700 $ 1,9 40 L 39,175' 1.528,3401 305,668
189.025 140.640; 87.4S0 12.800 260 ;. .... - 430.095 86,019
2.980 16.0751 3.535 4,925 27.515 5.503
326.385 168,2801 64,880 4.000 1.550 600 , 1 556,695 111,119
10.280 44,450! 1,8951 15 '. 3.6501 '" 60.290 12.058
I !' 55.690 j 1 1,500! 57.090 11.418
356.610 260,2001 21,335 965 10.475; 3.300 1 594.885 118.977
184,735 ' 34,400 9,050!, 106.065 191,700' 10.500 75 350 536,875; 107,375
79.060 33.750; 7.650! 137.820 1 20,000 1 . 150 278,430' 65,686
.,$4,7211,870 ,$1,774,855 $1,150,6S5 $1,12
. I ! I
. m 4 60 1 no ( "
(JO 4 76 I " ll
lit I 1 lao I DO
ai I ( 1 MA fr
SO I H J 170 ftl
IN t 11 I IM tft
im ( ot 1 no
l? on 1 le (k
110 I S I ITS I (6
.160 OS 1 . IM (6
1MI 00
2 tt 4 On 1 taa 4
4 7li 4 40 1 IM 4
17 471 4 4 0
E. K Carl. South Dakota.
11 heifer. .. 646 8 fM 34 feeders. .Ill 6 60
2 rows.... .lHt IK 8 feeders.. 777 4 76
4 steers. ...1160 4 60 7 cows t("tt 4 36
3 bulls 1S3 3 16 1 steer loot) 4 36
HOOS Hogs sold 10515c Higher this morn
ing and the trade was sufficiently active
t the dvnce to cause an early clesrsnce
The hogs sold largely at $6.40136.60 as sgninst
$6.3016 .86 yesterday. The best hogs sold up
as high at $630 as against a top yesterday
of $6 46.
Yesterday's and loly's advance makes
up for all the decline of the first of the
week and carries the market back to where
It wss early Isst week.
Rcpresentstlve sales
Av. 8h. Tr.
At. 8k.
. an
8 4f.
...a ... I 88
...lw ino I 17
..lao w 1 u
...III 110 6 40
...Ml at I 40
...104 16 6 40
...tail ... 6 44
.. t!S ! 6 40
.. .ISO 40 6 40
...226 to I 40
...171 U-0 6 40
...tit tO 6 4U
...zoi ;au 6 40
...111 80 6 40
...217 SO I 40
...184 240 t 40
.. .141 SO 6 40
...txt 330 I 40
.. 171 1J0 6 40
...181 ... 6 42
...191 1S 6 42
...ISO 80 1 42
...IM 40 I 4
.. .143 140 6 47
...114 44 I 42
.. 2SI ISO I 4i
82 ..
SO. , .
8T. ..
84 ..
84 ..
2 ..
8J ..
7r. . .
s. ..
. I7
. . S 4 .'.
40 I 4f.
N Ili
... I 4
... 6 45
1W a k
... I 4f.
8.1 I 4i
0 4H
. . . I 4"
. . IU
40 I 45
. .K4
. Wn
. .I7
. .IM
. ,i
so ...
14 ...
5 ...
41 ... .
M ...
in 1! i 44
... 40 145
...JM I0O t 44
.. m to 4f.
...! 120 ti 45
. . .ICO 40 I 48
...114 ... i 4t
...181 ... 6 45
. . . IM ... I 46
...I Jo ... iti
...143 111) 5 48
...148 ... 145
...IIS 70 I 45
...J70 ... I 45
...141 IO i It
...'.44 SO i 4714
...til 10 6 47
.. 84 180 i 17
...rt ... 6 47
...16 (0 I 47
...2v SO 6 47
...201 50 I 47
...!7 ... 147
...2 110 i 47 11 I 47
..124 120 I 47
..330 40 6 42
. .IM l.'' 6 42
40 6 42
..(13 240 6 42
,.1I IM 4 42
..141 ... 6 42
.114 80 6 42s,
. .44 130 I 42
. .217 110 I 46
..227 1 JO 146
..m i 6 46
, .232 ... 141
h 104
40 I 47
.25 10 I 46
.174 ... I 46
.104 120 6 46
.144 ... 6 46
.! (0 6 48
.111 200 6 46
.188 110 S 46
.117 10 6 46
.110 40 6 49
... S ao
.180 ... I 10
.18 240 ( 60
.111 ... (60
....141 40 6 to
.. 8 80
. . I Ml
SO 8 Ml
1 6 50
40 8 50
.. I 60
10 IM
.. I M
40 6 U
40 yn 1!0 6 45
76 (81 120 I 45
41 274 m 6 45
84 356 120 6 46
1 271 ... 6 46
(8 183 40 6 45
II ISO 10 I 44
it. 24
10 114
SHEEP There wa a fir run for Thurs
day, but the quality on an average was not
overly good, thst is. there were not many
really good killers. The market, as a whole,
was without any new or interesting fea
tures. It might best be described as a
slow, steady market, without any very note
worthy change In any direction. Most
everything waa cleaned up in fair lesson in
the morning.
While the sheep market, st this point
as hss been previously noted In these
columns, Is larking In life and snap, the
market being quoted slow every day, still,
prices have held up remarkaniy wen com
pared with other markets. Oood stuff has
sold all the week right close up to Chicago'
Quotation on lambs: Oood to choice
wooled, $7.0001.50; fair to good wooled
lambs, $8.601.00: good (hearing lamb car
rying flesh, $6 60 6. 75; good shearing lamb
thin, $0 (KxJivi.oO; shorn lambs, 50o under
wooled stock.
Quotations on sheept Oood 10 choice
light yearlings, Bhorn, $6.00t.16; fair to
good yearlings, shorn, $6.6ftfiT.0o; good to
cholc wether, horn, $5.60ji. 86; fair to
good wethers, shorn, $5. 2645-6.50; good to
cholc wes. shorn. $&.1686.60; fair to good
ewes, shorn. (4. bono, in; culls ann Ducas,
shorn, $3.0034.60; wooled sheep, 2&&40O above
shorn stock.'
Representative sale:
Representative (ale:
38 western lambs, shorn
437 western ewes, shorn
14 western cull ewes, shorn....,
39 western cull ambs. shorn...
170 Western lsmhs, shorn
104 western lsmhs. shorn
447 Colorado-Mexican lambs ....
30 Colorado-Mexican iHinbs ...
61 Colorado-Mexican lambs ...
246 western lambs, shorn
27 western lambs, f'dera, sltorr
19 native ewes, shorn
66 native lambs, shorn
Av. Tr.
68 6 10
95 i 20
87 3 75
.19 4 sr.
75 10
74 10
69 7 10
9 7 00
78 6 SO
78 10
'85 4 85
111 6 25
88 A 13
119 6 75
72 6 26
380 western feeder ewes ,
668 Colorado lambs, shorn
Cnttle Steady Hog- Higher fhecp
nnd Lamb Loner.
CHICAGO, April SO. CATTLE Receipts,
about 6,0u0 head; market steady; steers,'
$5.007.25: cows. $3.75ti6.36: heifers. $3 60rt'
8.76; bulls, $3.60(a4.50; calves, $2.505.7o;
stockers end feeders. $3.26(93.75.
HOGS Receipts, about 16.000 head: mar
ket lOflj'irjc higher; choice heavy shipping,
lfi.6Mi6.H5; butchers. $5. 70.87', light mixed,
$0 nrr6.70; choice light. $5.70fi6.80; packing.
$6.2fv,ivV76; pigs. $4.(rfj-4.26; bulk of sale.,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, about
16,000 head; market 10c lower; sheep, $6 00'i
6.26; lambs, $6.0007.60; yearlings, $S.50ti 25.
Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. '-
ceipts, 3.600 head, Including 300 outhem.
Steers steady, cows strong; choice export
and dressed heef ateers, $8.40i6.90: fair to
good. lo.SOrg'vl 30: western steers. $6 V(i.76;
stockers and feeders. $.1.75c1i.75; southern
steers, $4.5u&V50; southern cows. $2.76f4.00;
native cows, $3.206.K); nstlve heifers, $1.00
4.60; bulls, $a.4"Kti6.60: calves. eXSTT 25.
HOGS Receipt. 8.000- head. Market 10(?
15c higher: top, $5.70: bulk cf Sales, $3.50(&
6.S7H; hesvv. $6.6O(&'6.70; packer and
butchers. $5.605.70; light, $5.35-6.57; pigs,
$3.6O(rr4.50. .
8HBKP AND LA MBBt-Reeelpts, 6.000
head. Mnrket weak; iHmbs. $rt irKPi". 16 : ewes
and yearlings, $6.0Wt.S6; western yearlings,
$5.50g.50; western sheep, $4.258.60; stockers
and feeders, $3.604i6.u0.
Slon City l ive Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. April 30 -(Speclal Tele
gram.) CATTLB Receipts. 600 head; mar
ket 10c higher; beeves. $5.&tr6.98; cows and
heifers, $4.2aC(l6.K0; stockers and feeders, l.u0
94.86; calves and yearlings. $3.2fV(T4.70.
HOOSSr-Recelpta, 2.6H0 head: .market 10c
to 16c higher; range, $5.3Cty6.S0; bulk, $5.40
. Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock st the six princi
pal Western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
TViuth Omaha 3.1M 8.(417 3,964
Sioux City ; 6fo 2.8 O
Kansas City 8.6O0 9.0T0 0ho
St. Louis - 1.6"0 660) 80O
St. Joseph 6.3 4.fro3 ii
Chicago $.000 16.0-0 15.0IM
Total 14.311 47.320 ti,78J
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLF.DO. Aprlt 30 -SEEDS Clover, cash
and April. $13.00; October, $7.65. Timothy,
prime, $2.15.
in Omaha and Villages in Douglas County
o o g
e C B
- e vj
! t
) 0 O
: -t s
o- 7.
0 t
B f
. P
: a.
tt "
e- 19
9,545 .$263.050i$590.625 $29,316, $2,015 ,$1,412,125 $ 1 l.072.'0hO.$2.214,4 16
1. V. .! : f.. 1.. -..'.:.-..-.-$ 9.944.684..r...-
Value of Ttng-ible' Property in Douf-
lat County for Terminal Tax.
(oaatr Assessor floe to Lincoln to
Present Ilia Hetnrn to tk
tale Hoard ot Hqnalt
antlon. Coiuntv Assessor Bhrlvcr Thursday. Com
pleted hi assessment of railroad property
In Pouglss counl, exclusive or oouirt
Omaha, whose assessment Is mde by
tsx commissioner there, tinder the new ter
minal Uxstlon law. showing the value cf
railroad tangible property In Dougl county
to be $il,072.,0SO. Until th State Board ot
Kqualliatlon dds Douglas county' har
of th franchise value or the roQ ana
their rolling toik, no figures will be avail
able for comparison with last year, but M
the tar.glblo valuation greatly exceeds the
total valuation for last year It I certain
the assessment of railroads for taxation
purposes In this county will greatly exceed
that of any previous year. '
Iast year the. assessed valuation of rail
road property In the county for taxation
purposes wss $1,861.03". figured on a one-
fifth basis, or $7,806,186. on a full basis. II
County Assessor Shrlver's ' figure stand
the assessment of tsngibla property alone,
will amount to $.',214,416, figured on g on-
fifth basis, or $11,072,080 on the full valuation.
Mr. Shrlver went to Uncoln Thursday
morning to deliver the return to the tate
board. This board will proceed to fix the
value of the intangible value, such a the
franchWe right, and the rolling atock nd
prorate It according to th number of mile
of main track each road ha In th county.
Thi amount will be added to the vlu of
the local tangible property.
The figure of the-county assessor repre
sent an Increase of $1,127.S98 over th figures
returned by the railroad. The railroad re
turn totalled $9,944,64. , Tragically every
road In the county wa Increased aubUn
llally by the assessor over the valuation It
returned. Thi Increase amount to about
12 per cent.
Trackage of Each Rosa,
The following tabic show the amount of
trackage each road has In the various pre
clnct of the county, the column showing
the trackage, the doublo tracks and the
side and spur tracks:
Road and City. Main. 2d. 8ld. Spur.
C, B. A Q., Omaha.... 6.04 ....
C. A N. W.. Omaha.... 3. 61 1.47
C. A N. W Ben gton .78 ....
C. St. P., M. &. O.,
Omaha 408 ....
C, St. P., M. & O.,
Florence .2.22 ....
C. A R. I.. Omaha....
Mo. Par., Omaha 10.19 $.03
C. O. W., Omaha
Oin. B. & T., Omaha.. .35 ....
Union Pacific. Omnha 6. 88 2. 93
89 01
3 64
.87 1.1
81.1$ 17.(6
1.07 .14
134 .23
l Union Pacific. Valley.. 2.04 .33
I'nlon Pac, Waterloo n .is
Union Pac. Elkhorn.. .77 .77
V fa If lllaiael Af
t 111UI1 DU. jnillBIU V a..S A'" t.a
Total miles 37.34 9.S3 168.22 18.67 j
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Aorll 30. METALS The
Ixindon tin mrket lost most of yesterdy
advance, with spot closing Bti.' 142 16s, and
futures at 142. The local market was weak
In consequence, with quotations ranging
from 831.60 to $31.IC14). Copper w lower
In London, with spot quoted at 57 10s, and
futures at 57 2s 8d. ICBlly the market
was dull and unchanged, with Lake quoted
at $12.62fll2.87V; electrolytic at $12.504J12.7,,
and casting at $12.2.V(il2.60. Ixad wss 6s
higher at 13 5s In London.' The local mar
ket was firm, btil' no further change wss
reported, quotations rsnglng from $4.05 to
$4.10. Spelter was unchanged at 21 In Lon
don, and at $4.80'a5.65 In the local market.
Iron waa lower In the English market, with
standard foundry quoted at 49s 3d, and
Cleveland warrants at 60s 9d. The locsl
market was unsettled, with No. 1 foundry
northern quoted at $17.i18.flO: No. 3
foundry northern -at $17.0Offl7.6O; No. I
foundry southern soft st $18 5fl7l7.25.
ST. LOUIS. April 30. M ETAI.Sj-ticad,
firm, at $1.00. Spelter, firm at $4.55.
Wool Market.
ROBTHN, April 30 WOOIi The local
wool situation continues unsstlsfactory.
Trade is qulot And transfer have been
few. dealings being almost wholly con
fined to small lots.. The leading western
quotations range a follows: Kentucky,
Indiann and Missouri three-eighths blood,
2tif27c; quarter blood, 3'(iC6c. Scoured val
ues: Texas, fine 12 months. 6tg)c; ( to 8
months. .4Vt60o; fine. 4&)&0c. California,
northern, 6ofi67c: mFddle county, 6o(62c;
southern, 63(o66c; -fall, 4rV86e. Oregon,
eastern. No. 1 staple, iWfWie: No. 1 cloth
ing. 63(riri6e; vslley, No. 1, 48n60c. Territory,
fine staple, 68i7vVie; fine medium staple, 6641
66c; fine medium clothing, 4eVfi60c; fine
clothing. 506 ft5c; hslf blood. MJ': three
eighths blood, 48t60c: quarter blood, 42
fa-43c. Pulled egtra. 60ffl2c5 Ilne. 6oe63c;
a-supers, 444480.
ST. 1X1U18, April 30. WOOIr-Oull: me
dium grades, combing and clothing. lHt?
17c; light fine, ,1.1il4c; heavy fine, fctflOc;
tub washed, lSaoi '
Oil and Rosin.
OTL CITY. April 30 OHCredit balances.
$1.78; runs, 21!9.229 bbls.: kversge, 173,100 bbl.;
shipments, 1852 bbl.; average, 181,874
SAVANNAH. Ga., April S0.-OIL Tur
pentine, firm at 4nifi4ve.
ROSIN Firm: 'A. B and C, $rffl.l: P,
$3.iVV3.?0i E. tt.lii4.26: F. Iv.f74n.: .
$136: H, $3.75Ui$.80: I, $4.50H.70; K, $5.60;
M, $6 40: N, $6.7516.80; WO, $5.80rfl.86; WW,
$5.8566.96. 1
Philadelphia Prodaee Market.
Fair demand and unrhan.'-ed: extra west
ern rreanvry. 2nV: extra nearby prints, 80c.
KOGB-Clood demsnd and unchanged;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, WM'.
at nisrk; Pennsylvania and other nearby
current receipts. In returnshle cases. 18c.
at mark; western firsts, 1H, at mark;
western current receipts, 16c. at mark.
CHEESE Steady: New York full creams,
choice, 1411 14. r: New York full creams,
fair to good, l4iUc.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
May, $1.06(51 .'; July. $l.064; September,
leV; No. 1 hard. $1.10; No. 1 northern.
$1.08: No. 2 northern, $1.050 LOG',.; No. 3
northern, 9Kc(81 08. '
BRAN-In bulk. $21.00(21'.25.
FLOUR Unchanged; first patent, $6.3o'
5.50: second patents. $5.25Ci6.40; first clears,
$4.10fr4.28; second clear. $.303.40.
agar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK. April 30 SUOAR Raw.
nominal; fair refining. 398c; centrifugal,
96 test. 4.48c;. molasses sugsr, 3. 180. Re
fined, steady; crushed. 6.20c; . powdered,
fc.bOc; granulated. 6.5uc.
. &
. r
' o
: t ?
e Ct