Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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r First National. Tork 7.M1.3
Almoit Half Million Dollm in Hindi
. of the Treasurer.
1 aloa Paclae Fllee of Yalae
f It Property William tonne
Held for 1awlaaaater for
Kllllas of Mlu Smith.
t From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April W).-(Spclal.)-The re
port of State Treasurer Brian for the
month of April shows a balance on hard
of IM..17 In all fund, of which all hut
t14.3n1.IH in on deposit in stste depository
hank. The balance on hand Arrtl 1 was
l'K.I53.nt. TV receipts during the month
Were Wn.9M.54. and the disbursements
amounted to Wt.n?... The largest bal
ance In any filnd la t31.731.08. In the tcm
porary school fund. This fund will be dis
butfcd the latter" part of May for the sup
j.ort of achool " districts throuBliout the
state. The receipt from tlie 1 mill levy
for the redemption of slate warrants were
t5i.!1S... and the payment. $17.29.1". At
the beginning of the month the various
Hate InatitoHnna 'had on deposit In the
alate treasury as cash funds. $t.7'.5. Dur
the month added to this and
t4..m.5 drawn out by the various Institu
tions, leaving a batanre of t12.iW.S7.
The atate now haa $.099.S.06 Invested
In Interest bearing securities, of which
, t;.Oi1.!7.59- is In bonds and tl. 165,700.46 Is
; In Nebraska state wart-ants.
The following statement shows balances
on April 1 and 30:
Funds. April I. April 3".
General ...$ 4"S.S7 $ 3t.S03.i7
Permanent arroul. 17.s:2.K!i hoo.m
TemporHry school. ..!...' 2x5.7. 44 31G.Tn.lK
Permanent university.. 12.4Llt.RS 17.SM.3!
Agri. College Endow,.. . 111.7o s,S5.K7
'temporary university,. 2.24i.7." 12.iSt7.36
Penitentiary. . ...... M 52 K3 2
.Itedemption '-"".M 6.2HU 4
Kearney Nor. Library.. . -t
Orthopedic hospital 37. M 37. SM
Fori st reserve ; :.2vs.M S.2W.W
. Ins'ltutlons. oash .7H8.2i 12.SW87
i Hospital for Insane 4473.15
Stsie library t9.i4 673.25
liilverslty. cash tl.4M.fc: MM. 11
. Normal l.ibrarv. Peru.., 3.422.i4 1.968.04
.Normal Endowment.... ls17.i )1.117.S7
I Normal interest S.W1.35 3.030.71
f Agr. and. Meeh. Arts... 7,M.50 s.741.60
'' L". 8. Exp. stfitlon 2.936.61 7.437.16
Totals til0.li3.58 $4M,096.17
Hank balances ending April 30, 19:
Cltlxcns 8tatV Alnsworth t 6.000. Co
Alliance National 6,(.U0
itixens State, Arapahoe
National Hank ot . Ashland &,uno.UO
First National, Albion s,ono.ou
Wattle Creek V alley bank 4.000.00
First National, Hazile. Mills
Citiscna tkai, Blair 5,'juO.utl
Bloumingtou. State 3,0l.o0
Custer National. Broken Bow 6.'Kl.0n
Security fctate. Mroken Bow 3.0""). 00
V Hist NaliouaJ. Blue Hill 6.m.(J
ft ......... ..... ....... i 1 iWk IMl
' i enirm tiiy BiHinAi.....,, u.-r-..-
-First National, Chadion 5,".oo
State Hunk. Coinlea 3,.i
Craig State 2.5iiO.o0
8tat bank. Curtla J.WW.tO
8. 8. llHolev Co.. Cedar Baplds.. o.Ow.oo
first National. Cedar Kapids S.O'iO.O')
Fanners State. Crals 2.W0.U)
Commercial Btate, Clay Center.... 2.0U0.U0
Danuchorii State 2.OW.O0
First National, Dodge 6.0"0. HO
Klgin Stahe bank 4,000.00
Pioneer Btate, EustM .' l.Ort.W
, Farmers and Merchants. Fremont 2.OO.00
Fliai National, Frc muni ,
Hank of OienWll.) 1.5"M.OO
First Natlcnal, -Gordon B.uW.O)
Grccl.y Btate 2.0"0.(l
Greeley National 3.0"0.00
Vnlon Slale. liarvatd 2.019.33
Harvard State S.M.Wt
Faimers and Merchants. Havelock 2.JH0.OJ
First National, Hnmlerson 4.0oO.OO
First Natlnnal.Holdrege 2.000.W
Bank of 'imaeree, Hastings 6.CJ6.24
plate Bank csl JurKHTV. 3.Ww.4
rentral Natlohul. Kearney- 3.0n0.
Farmers Hnnk. Keartjry 5.l'0.00
I.exinKton Bank .(.... ; 2,0"0.00
City National. Lincoln .. CJ.543.99
Farmers and Merchants. Lincoln.. 15.on0.00
4'enlral National. Ijnicoln 24,921.02
Natinnal Bank of Commerce, Lln-
colh y 24. 70S. 6.1
First National. Loomls 3..oo
Loup fltv 8tat 4.trt.f0
tteotrlty Bank. Meairow Olove 2.i).00
Norftilk National
Nebrn-ka National. Ncrfolk 5.0IO.00
First Nalional, North Bend fi.oiO.iH
First National. Newman Grove.... o.""0.'1
Antelope I'oimtv. Oakdalc 3.0".00
Cltisena Plate. i.rhIIhIh
J. I.. Bram1"iM Rons. Omaha.... I0.fi0.00
Farmers Hlate. OreliHrd 2.000. fk
Bank of Petcrsbmg
Fierce Sta' 4 .000. CO
Rising Cllv Bank S.non.oo
8outli rtmtiiK National 79.776.29
I.tve Htnck National. South Omaha 9.614. 3n
First Stle. pi rani 4 nno.fti
fhlver i'rlt State ;..VK).o
First Nailnal. Pralding S.twn.n-)
.oaldin Cltv Bank S.rtnO.nil
First National. Si-olt s Bluff 2.5O0.i
First Naltoiwl, Superior &.. Ort
PnttfMi Nii(1
Fank f Svrrtcu"
First vaiin. Harcent S.nnO.irt
First National. Valentine SofOOrt
A'alentine State 5.ono.f
Pa rs Conrtv National. W'ahoo S.nofl.fKI
FsrmTs and Traders. Wakefield.. 2.SXV,00
F'rst National, tt ii nc 4 'o.on
Ve PTnf National S.fOO.00
First Vatlonal. Wsner ftAY.A7
F'rst Nailonl. Walhach S..VW.0ft
""Vtrst Ns-'onal. Weeping Water....
T-ine- Piste r- S.ono.flp
Cltv Natlcnal, Voik S.OOO.oo
. - eatini. in, kf j. a. rr a o.
ItKin and clothing are en
tirely different things.
Naturally they require
entirely different soaps.
Jap Rose is essentially a
shin cleanser. Made from
the purest vegetable oils,
blended by our own pro
cess. Perfect for the bath.
V aaaaaasaBiBSsaaaBaaassBBBBs-aaa-a-aa
Jas. S. Kirll Q Co.
2C3 H.7ater St Chicago
Y" Sm4 a. 4m la'atassa tmr 4
r rec tntsszrtftoz:
CfUlar, aiiMat A4r4ltaa
rla Paelfle Ktalenaeat.
Th report of the I'nion raclflo railroad
to tne state hoard of assessment of the
value of Its property, shows thle railroad
has not depreciated In valua during the
last year. The gross earnings of the road
hara Increased over t5.ona.ono for the sys
tem, though the net earnings have de
creased over t-vw.ono. However tha road
not yet on the way to the poor house,
having declared dividends during the jaar
amounting to tl3.531.262. which Is over
t2.0ifl.0on in excess of the dividends declared
the year before. The operation of the road.
Including the taxes, coat about t4.(M).0X
more than the year before, though there
mas a decrease of about the same amount
in the betterment of the system. The fol
lowing statistics show a comparison of the
value of the road for the years 1 and 17
and the financial statement for the two
17. loot,
tlross earnings.. ..t4.l144?9 19 t47.S.Ti;..V.; 2J
Net earnings 7.tt2,670.29 n.ios.rir. 54
Oper. main. bet.... 34 fA1.n21. 36 2.!ir!l 91
Betterment lft.0K7.2w.;w s.Ortt. 370 Ik
Oper. inc. taxes.... 24.4M.7M.90 '.232 5-n 71
Dlvidens 19.532.156.00 13.531.262 W
IW. 107.
Oouglas $422,919 t473.512
Sarpy ,5.19 R M2
I'wlge 44.74 43. 4
' olfax 13..W 15.SM
22.8 3.4W
13..V") 81.33-i
67.701 ti.M
3S. 378 64. 3M
38.627 46.'60
Merrick .
Buffalo .
Itawson .
Lincoln ..
Keith ....
Iuel ...
90.174 K'
:4.1iJ 2K.643 11.3JI
43.9JO 69.7S9
Kimball 269 17,'37
Total tM6,394 tl ,047,743
Tot t31.971 tl75.17
T0'1 113.72S tlR,i32
Main line t4.292.7R7 14.653.676 21
O. R. V 622.172 661 1.69. 76
Kearney branch M.30S 46.421.66
Cooat Held for Maaalaagh ter.
By a conorer s Jury William Coon has
been held accountable for the death of
Nellie 8. Smith, who waa knocked down
and killed by an automobile driven by
Coons. The verdict of the Jury at the In
quest held by Coroner Matthews was that
the woman came to her death as a result
of criminal carelessness on the part of
Coon. County Attorney Tyrrell will at once
file a complaint against Coon charging htm
with manslaughter. Miss Smith was killed
at noon Wednesday at the corner of
Twelfth and O streets.
Coon is 61 years old and haa resided In
Lincoln only a few years. He is the head
of the Lincoln Automobile company and
was trying out a new machine when he
killed Miss Smith. The testimony regard
ing the speed at which Coon waa driving
waa contradictory. Coon himself testified
that the woman became confused and
leaped in front of the machine, while, if
she had remained still her death would not
have occurred as It did.
Dog Show on.
Lincoln is now enjoying Its first dog
show. The show Is given under the di
rection of the Yamarso Guild of the First
Congregational church at the Auditorium.
The show opened this morning with lio
dogs on exhibition, besides several ponies.
Ilekaeaa la Aadltor'a Office.
These are trying tlmea for the employes
In the office of the state auditor. Secre
tary Bennet of the Stale Board of Assess
ment Is confined to his bed with sickness,
and Henry Seymour, bookkeeper, is laid
up from injuries received In a fall from a
street tar. These two looked after the
matter of assessment. Insofar as answer
ing inquiries from county assessors and in
making compilations for the state board
is concerned. The reports from the as
sessors are Just now coming In. and dur
ing the absence of Mr. Bennet and Mr. Sey
mour the work of looking after the assess
ment business has devolved upon Miss
Bernice Anderson, recording clerk. John
Tulleys. a county treasurer examiner, has
been cslled In off of the road to complete
me worn or the final settlement wit.i
county treasurers.
The State Board of Assessment meeting
is scheduled for next Monday under the
law. but owing to the absence of the board
members on the California trip, the meet
ing will not occur until the following Mon
day. In the meantime. Mlna Anderson is
busy straightening out and compiling the
reports from the county assessors and the
rallroada In an effort to get the compila
tions made before the board members get
Mrs. IVnffr Fsssd ia St. Jo.rph and
Retarna to Bnry Ila.baad.
NKBrtASKA CITY. Neb.. April 30-(Spe-clal.)
Mrs. Kdward Fenner. the wife of the
groceryraan who blew the top of his head
off with a shotgun on Tuesday morning,
brcause his wife took their little girl and
left home, was located In St. Joseph and
arrived here to take charge of her hus
band's body and their worldly goods. She
says she left home because she could not
stand the strain of remaining awake every
night to prevent her husband from killing
hrr snd the child, as he had often
threatened to do. To show what
a go1 shot he was. he often
took the gun out In , the . yard and
ahot at a traget. The funeral was held
this afternoon under the direction of tha
Knights of Pythias, of which order he has
been a member for many years. The de
ceased left considerable money and prop
erty, all of which oes to the wife and
Attoraer f.eaeral Asked to Brla
Artloa Dissolve It.
YORK. Neb., April X -gpeMal.)-lf the
attorney general of Nebraska does not
commence action to dissolve the mers;r.' of
the Kansas City & Omaha railway the
Burlington steps to forca action r:.ay be
taken soon. The following communication
waa received from J. II. Jenson. county
clerk of Kearney county:
MINOEN N. u.. April 30. -To the 'count v
clerk of ork county: The Kearney County
Board of Commissioners considered the let
ter of the Commercial club at Wllv, nub'
muttina; a petition signed by hundr'.-ds of
business men and farmers protesting
agalnxt the merger and petitioning that
l-(ial step. I. taken to dissolve the merger
now exuding between the Kansas City &
Omaha railway and the Kurlington. A
motion was carried unanlmou.iy that
Kearney county take legal action and Inter
est the other counties through Llch the
road operates.
The York County Board of Commlsaiorers
mill act cn the same at Its next meeting.
Tins is a matter in which the state attorney
has been Informed and requested to act.
Faces sirs at Horse Stealing.
BEATRICK. Neb., April JU.-tSp.clal Tel
egram.) Oeurgs Saritser. a former Beatrice
resident, was brought back from Ienver
today by SJieriff Trade on the charge of
stealing a horse aivi buggy from Oerge
Arnold in this city to weeks ago. 8mUer
ass arrested by the officers at Denver
when lie called at the postoffice for a
package addressed to blm.
Dl. larked the roaarragatioa.
Tha person who disturbed the congrega
tion last Hmaiay by continually cough. ng
la requested to buy a bt(l of Foley',
tioney and Tar. All druggitU.
For Second Time Pursuers Are Balked
in Effort at Capture.
Sheriff Sammona of Bnflalo Coaaty oa
Way la Aatoruoblle to Relieve
Kearney County Officers
la Parnlt.
MINDEN. Neb.. April 3D. (Special Tele
gram.) Information that Bert Taylor, the
man who so brutally assaulted the sisters
of his deceased wife, was at a farm house
near Smith Center, Kan., was followed
up today by the party of Kearney county
officers, who ascertained Taylor had with
out doubt been at the place, but ha left a
short time ahead of tha pursuers and man
aged to change his method of travel in such
a way that when later bloodhounds weru
used, all trace of him was lost a short dis
tance beyond Kensington. Kan. The of
ficers believed they would locate Taylor
between Cedarvllle and Kensington, but
the latest Information today from the sceno
of the hunt, which is sixty-five miles from
Minden, is that Taylor again succeeded in
making his escape from a tight place.
The pursuit Is within such close quarters,
that the officers regard capture certain.
A reward of $1,000 waa offered today by the
Kearney Board of County Commissioners
and a mass meeting of citizens Is to be held
to offer an additional reward for Taylor's
This morning a party of Buffalo county
offlcera left Kearney In an automobile for
the scene of the pursuit In Kansas, where
they will relieve the Kearney county offi
cers. In the auto were Sherirf Sammona,
Fred Kingsley, Al Granger and Charles
Lawler. They will make a record run
across southern Nebraska and take the
places of tha men from Minden who have
been in interruptedly on the trail since the
alarm waa given.
It seems definitely established that Taylor
did not make his way to the Rock Island
right of way and board a train, which it
waa feared he might do. Should he suc
ceed in catching a train, this would ma
terially change the plana of the pursuers
and postpone capture or at least make It
( BBsag " CSSLVBBBsl
tx.arsuixa the best mmmm
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 1, 2 and 3.
Grand Ave., 33d to 36th Street
Take Ames Ave. car line and get off at 33d
St. and walk 4 short blocks north.
This tract of ground is well located as to street car facilities, school, churches and stores. The view is beautiful. You can
look all over Omalia, Council Bluffs, Lake Xakoma and the Missouri River. ,. c
You Cannot Afford to Miss This Remarkable Opportunity
It is absolutely the chance of a lifetime.' You will say so when you see these lots. You cannot'fail to be delighted with them.
You can have first pick. Others have doubled their money on lots bought from us at these sales. "Why not you T
This Is tio Best Proposition We Have Ever Put on the Klarkot
Conditions of Name
Tickets can bs cared on tha rronnds with dnplicata
nama yon select, deposit V In box (or that pnrpoaa
grounds and you keep tha other until tha contest is
disinterested judg-as at our office, Monday evening-, May
ona nama can ba daposltad aacn. day. .
" 'JSS efaJU. t
' ' ' '
more difficult. The girl's father is still
with the pursuers.
The elder Taylor girl today " slightly im
NefcraaUa Nem ote.
WACO Thirty were confirmed last
Sunday al the large German L,
church south of here.
' NKBRASKA CITY-Henry Sehwake. one
of the leading druggists of this city, in
dangerously III with pneumonia.
BKATRICE-A liKht frose- prevail! in
tills locality tins morning. It is tliouglit
the fruit escaped with slight damage.
. uriUK ROCK Vegetation, fruit, etc,
were Injured by the heverc front of Tues
day ' nighty following several days of liign
w ind.
YORK A t'lfcraro was received from
Hon. N. V. Harlan, 1'nlted States, attor
ney for Alaaka. announcing his arrival at
BKATniCE-Siiperintcndont Hrown and
Trainmaster Burleigh of the Him k Island
were III the city yesterday on a lour of in
spection. tll'IDK nOTK-Hr. C. K. Moranville was
fnjured by being thrown from Ins hi, to bv
its running into a ditch. II - ia now uiiiK
NKBRASKA CITY The members of the
F.Iks lodge in this city are arranging to
put on a home minstrel shuw the uudiic of
next month.
Ol'IDB ROCK-Royal Neighbors of Su
perior and Red Cloud will visit the local
camp here May t. Tlieii will lie Initial lull
and a supper.
BEATRICE The Kllley hall team de
feated the Irwitnn nine ycM.-nUv bv llm
w ore of 21 to 12. Rtirrnugh. the pitcher for
Kllley, at ruck out twelve m. n.
REA TRICK Tha Cltv Sunday Kchuol
Rafte Hall league opened e(rnlMr with a
Kani- t.eiween th- liji.i'a Usx of the
Mi ilv-dijl church and the nine from tin;
numbers. Writs tha
at our office on tha
announoed bj threa
4th, at 8 p. m. Only
Tresbyterian church. The former won. 16
to 4.
BEATRICE The uniforms for Company
C have arrived and were dUtributed among
the memhers last night by Captain Holling
worth. The company numbers forty.
HARVARD Information has Just reached
this city of the death of Mr. King 8u-er.
an aged resident uf this place who a few
waaks ago went to California for his health.
WACO Amended arth les of incorpora
tion for the Farmers and Tradeis hank
of Waco have been applied f,,r for In
creasing the capital not k from 5,u00 to
I'RKHiHTO.N Samuel Heekley. an old
settler, ded today. He was bnrn March
4. !.', and moved to Nehrafcka and set
tled on a farm at Mlllrboio, wifct of
NKBRASKA CITY John Gunn. an old
s.ttler residing near Dunbar, died yester
day, aged t ears. He leaves several
yrown children. Ills remains were taken to
Hamburg today fur interment.
YORK K. J. Orojean. proprietor of the
".lollo" muviiiK littiire show, left hefoiu
hia creditor had time to cabh the checks
lie gave them. The total amount uf .In
debtedness amounts to about ('uu.
I'Al'II.I ION Jamea 1iw rie of Fort
Crook, c'mrKed with maintaining scieeus
In his 8mIoi.ii. thiix reNlrUtiiiK I lie vew,
i trcd In county curt and held to the
diMrli-r court ituud was f ununited.
NKBRASKA CITY George Wachner. a
butcher, di-d lattt evening ol earner of the
stomach. He .aves a widow and several
children, and w ill Ih burn d tomorrow un
der the direction of the buichers' union, of
which he was a ineinlM-r.
a;AI.l.AI.A-At a meeting of the cill
Eens of OKallala. held Tin d.iy nitilit. an
organisation waa formed called the a:allala
U and Ord'-r society, the uhjc I uf the
organisation ting to have an organised
body to lock after the welfare of Inn town,
Ft I.I.KRTON At a m.-eting of the new
city Tuisduy fcvt-iiuife- 11. Cessna
$75 to $300 Each
TERMS: --$5. Q0 Cash, $5.00 a Month
No Interest. No Taxes
$10 a Day Given Away
. Each day to tha ona g-nsssing- tha corract numbar or nsarast to tha oor
ractlnumbar of tlckata dspoaltad oa tha (rounds In tha nama oontast. Tha
monay awardad aach morning; at 8:30, from our down town of flea'
.. in niice ana M. A
Hober overseer of streets. A resolution
halli. coum" to llose lhe Po "U1 billiard
BEATRICK In a blue rock shoot held
hero yesterday Tuck Rains wfn first place
by breaking sixty-nine out ofSieventy. El
.kh1 biglr waa aecond with a score of
tie yr"l2U.''. ind, FT"Lnk Hn John Mumford
their credit '' -eight each to
GRKELEY The new high school building
was dedicated last night and turned over
to the uae of the Greeley school. The
building and turnishlngs cost about $14 iui
being equipped with steam heat, city water
and lighted with gaa. The building ia two
stories with full-sized basement.
CRKIGHTON As the result of a run
away accdent at Verdlgre. thtrte-n miles
northwest of Crelghton. Mrs. Nels Ne.son
was fatally Injured and her daughter. M
years old. severely wounded Mary Nel
son Is the same girl that was in the run
away laat week while driving a team to
a disc in the field.
COM'MBI'8-The hall of Wildey lodge
No. 44. Independent Order of tdd Fellows,
and the Sinters of Uebekah was pweked
last evening to celebrate the eighty-ninth
anniversary of ih order I nihe I'nlted
Slates. There waa speechmaking, feasting,
playing cards and a fine time was inJocd
by the large crowd.
COI.CMHI H-Thls city will furnlfh more
than twenty-five candidates for the statu
meeting of the Modern Woodmen that con
venes at I-iiii-olii next Wednesday and
Thursday. Poat master Carl Kramer is a
delegate from heie and a prominent candi
date for didegate to the national conven
tion tkat meet at I't-oiia.
IRANI) 18UND-Mis May Bevier was
this rnorning united in wedlock to Mr. Au
giift Bauniann. one of the leading clerks of
the Grand. Inland postoffice. The ceremony
look 'laie a( the Catholic church and was
fuliuvtred by a weddilif breakfast at tit
home of the bride's parents. The hapaat
couple took a wedding trip to the south
York cii.,:.. u. i
f i i?r oun Men'a. Christian asso-
. ..,.,, iinb resiguea ana accepter a Ilka
position in Colorado Springs, Colo. Co
der the management of Mr. Stauffaclur
the Young Men's Chrctlan aasuciallun has
made great progresa In membership and
advancement both In athletics and gen
eral Young Mens Christian associullou
BEATRICE The Home Missionary so.
clety of the Christian church held a big
rally here yesterday, which waa addressed
by the following ministers: 11. C. Holmes,
ralrbury; C. A. llamm. Exeter; Z. O. Dow.
ard, Lincoln; Homer Young, Tecumseli; It.
I. McCance, Willier; Hugh Umax, Au
burn; W. It. Warren, centennial secretary,
and GeorKe B. Ranshaw, field secretary.
At the close of the rally last evening a
fraternity for the men of the church was
organised and a committee appointed to
draft a constitution and bylaws. These
officers were elected: H. K. Sackett. pres
ident; E. lj. Hevelone. first vice president;
W. T. Stockton, aecond vice president ; N.
F. Smith, secretary; 1. N. Faulder. treas
urer; T. H. Fulton, reporter; J. R. Conn
and M. M. Morney, stewards.
A powder to ba shaken Into the shoes.
Your feet feel swollen, nervuua and damp,
and get tired easily. If you have aching
feet, try Allen'. Foot-Ease. Ii recta tha
feet and niakxs new or tlfht shoes raav.
Cures aching, swollen. sweating feet,
blistera aad callous spots. Jo Ileies Chil
blains, corns snd bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort. Try It lodny.
bald by all Druggiaia rwij Shoe Rtare. ac.
fion't accept uny sulatituta. Trial lk
lite. Address .ilia I t-.oliuste4. L ltu,N Y.