TTTE OMATIA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1003. PREACHER SICK OF FARERS Rer. C..W. ETidfe Adocatei Sanity in Curbing Vice. APPEAL TO SENSE ON SOCIAL EVIL XVmmi rrnlirn Oaalaea la Dlalrlcl, that Taar Mar Mlal maa Assaaat at Harm ta . th Caasssaattr. "Id my Judgment, tha bad woman. ques ton In In the worst condition It has been inc I cams to Omaha twanty-slx years o," said Rev. Charles W. Savldge, pastor and founder of the Peoples church. "And this is so. bscausa a few unthinking and overaealous peopla who call themselves re formers have talked too much. When Elmer Thomas stands up with Police Judge Crawford and aaya these women should be run out of tha Arcade and similar houses ' In the proscribed district he does a terrible Injury to hla city, that he professes so passionately ta love, and re flect a gross 1 ot atudy of his subject. When Wilber Crafts, who knows nothing about Omaha, nor any other city except as ha catches a glimpse of It on his flying visits, comes here and says the millennium has come because these women are scat tered all over the city, he ought to go and knock his head against the stone pavement. I think my record In this city will permit me to speak plainly of this or any other question without my motives being Im pugned. I nava gona Into this thing and am prepared to talk of It. I had a man get ma tha names and addresses of every bsd woman In Omaha and from that I learn that since the women were run out of the proscribed cribs they are scattered through out, our best residence districts and they do not, in'tfdme cases, maintain a residence longer than a week. Its flitting from this place to that, spreading their odium. Pats aestlaa ta Baae Ms. 'Now. tn all candor. I ask the sane, lien aible, thinking men and women of Omaha, thosa who really cara something beyond the limit of promoting soma selfish political or business scheme. Is this the best condition? Doe this state of affairs tend toward cor rectlng an evil or magnifying It?" "Of1 course.- there It but one answer to that Question. The best way, so far a oTTMi-kmra and the best regulation In any city In tha United Bute lias taught to handle this evil la to have It under police surveillance, have It concentrated where the law of tha 'city can lay Ha hand on It That Is simply not possible under present conditions. And I want to say that those persons or ' concerns that are constantly hammering Chief of Police Donahue, or walling for a grand Jury to deal with this evil, are doing so for some other reason than the welfare of Omaha. They have a 'sinister motive somewhere. "Only a few months ago, w had ' It drummed In our ears that the police were recreant ta their duty, becausa many such women were occupying houses In residence districts. 'Tha police corralled them. Then the hue and cry arose' for the abandonment of thosa cribs and tha women were scat tered. Now tha same old cry Is raised for their concentration. "Really, If t Were not so serious a thing, it would ba ludrlcrous. It Is a shame to bat about the sacred Interest and welfare of a community In such a flippant manner, '"I .could tell these persons that soma of the women they run out of . that nether world ara today occupying houses In li trlcta where only. the strictest respectability Is supposed to exist." Death . fram Blood Poison was prevented by O. W. Cloyd, Plunk, Mo., who healed his dangerous wound wl'h Bucklen'a Arnica flslve. 26c. For sale by teuton Drug Co. D EUROPEAN MORMONS TO UTAH Missionaries Ursa Aaother Party from Scandinavia ta Fallow Joseph Smith. The t nie-n station presented an animated appearance Thursday forenoon when an other large colony- of Mormon converts waited for the afternoon train of the Union Taciflc for Utah. The party numbered about a hundred and the members were from Norway. Sweden, Germany and Eng land. A similar party of one hundred passed through Omaha last week, making a total of 1,600 of the Mormons who have passed through ' Omaha enroute from the old country since last June. The Mormon church has i.SOO mlsslonar Irs at work 'In the European countries se curing converts. Most of them are young men, who' are' supposed to work for two yesrs at that work without pay. The emigrants are all : well-to-do people, with means for' buying farm lands In Utah. The church advises ll these people to settle on the farms and to stay away from the jltiea.' " " D o D o U o n o D o D o u o n o D o D o D o D o D o a o D o D a a o a a D c D o D o U o D o a o a o D o n o D o D a Kidney .complaint kills more people than any other disease. This Is due to the dis ease being aa insidious that it gets a good hold on the system before It is recognised. Folen'4KJdney .Cure will prevent the de velopment of fatal disease If taken In time. AH druggists. Homosookors, Excursions Southwest The first and third Tuesdays of each "month , to all points in the "Land of Opportunity." Round-trip tickets with long return limit and liberal stop-over privileges at very low- rates of fare. It will certainly pay ybix to look over the situation- ' in this growing country, where thousands of people are gaining homes and wealth i from the abundance . of the' soil. " Iet ret help you plan a trip of investigation. F.P.Rsfefcrd, IMS 13C3 g GAe Biggest Store in the West g On the first of every month it is a good thing to remem ber! this: Every Ten Dollar Bill will buy as much at Brandeis as three Fives will buy anywhere else.' Bran dels Buys in Greater than others so wa buy bet ter qual ities for less Money. ft , rff-, - (- "' '- ' uiaarrf"7"? Braodela sells In Greater . quanti ties than other because we can sell bet ter qual ities for less Money. REMNANT DAY Every Remnant SacrificedEvery Price a Special These and Many Other Special Bargains In Basement Friday 25c Dress Voiles at 10c yard Mercerized Plaid Dress Voiles, plain shades, blue, brown, tan, lavender, black, flf . A V v 2 and White, yard Soft clinging lingerie cloth most desirable of all plain 'white ma terials for dresses, waists and fine undermusllns, from f II the bolt, at, yard ...... la2v Pretty floral, dresden, spray, and dotted mercerized chiffon on white ground. See Douglas St. window, 25c value, IM. at, yard 1UC An unusually fine grade 36-Inch long cloth, would readily f fl a w v sell at 15c yard, at, yd 8 TILL 0 A. M. Standard prints that you always buy for 5c yard, light or dark styles. In mill remnants, yd. Exceptional bargains In striped lace effects, white poplins that are worth 2 5c yard, from , Q 1 the bolt, yard OjC Just received India Llnon and 40 Inch white lawns that are reg ular 15c values, In mill C lengths, yard JC Scotch and Chambray ginghams in lengths suitable for skirts, dresses, boys' waists, etc., yard J2 lc 0 TO 10 A. M. We will sell mercer ized sateens that would bo worth 16c off the bolt, remnants at yd3ic IX THK AFTEKXOOX. Beginning at 1:30 Rem nants of Dottod Dresa Swiss, also fine Bat iste, printed patterns. worth 15c yard, at 5c Specials in Dress Goods 66-Inch new suitings at 48c yard entire dress pattern om beautiful new 56-Inch suiting at one-third the regular selling price neat checks and weaves, only 5 to 6 yards needed fur a suit, yard 48c 42 to SO-lnch all wool Dress Goods. Imported tn sell for 1.25 to $1.60 yard, only the assortment Is some what broken, the prettiest line of spring; dress xis we ha-e ever shown Friday, yard 58c "We have about 1,500 yards of all kinds of all wool and half wool spring and summer dress 'goods in checks, stripes, and mixed effects; two large bargain squares loaded up with these 50c and 75c dress goods, not t JJ m remnants, as long as they last, yard v'JLaV Q n o D o D o D o D o D o n o D o D o D o D o D o .1 Embroideries and Laces Remnants and odd lots of all kinds of embroideries, narrow, medium and wide edges and insertions, worth up to 20c yard, on three big bargain 1 r A squares, at . . : I 2C-JC-lUC WIDE CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY Flouncings, Skirtings, Insertings .and headings, large var iety of new designs, 19V n 1Q worth up to 35c yard, at, yard lfi2'IaC Remnants of Laces Remnants and odd lots of French Vals, Torchons, Clunys and Filet, worth up to 16c, C yard All Over Laces Samples and Remnants some al most 1 yard in length, white and cream, all kinds, at, each 10c American Beauty Rose Bushes at 10c Each On Sala Saturday at Brandeia 5,000 American Beauty Rose Bushes 3-year old plants, all follagcd out and full of buds. They wIU be blooming immediately, as they are home grown and arrlimatrd to Nebraska weather. SATURDAY Great Sale of Genuine Alligator Shopping Bags Ever Held in Omaha, Thousands have admired these bags In the window, SATURDAY We Will Sell Men's Fine Nl0l.t Shirts and Pyjnmns at 50-75M8-$1.50- 81.98 Less Than Half Regular Price, I L IN WbHVV grot 5i -VjC i jy.- Housefurnishing Departm't Basement Old Store Seven Items of Every Bay Use Specially Priced for Friday 1 inr-. ,"vw . 42. IS, at GAS STOVE Tl'BING With patent rubber ends special, per foot . Tea Kettles Seamless, and nade from beat quality XXX tin plate, r-coated with . pure GAS 8TOVES The genuine "claa slc" with two sawed burner, which burn less kbs but give more heat than any lhnr style of burner made; strictly a high made stove, sold Kularly at f Atk block tin and then lilikcl - plated quality at - vvo. Alcohol Stove 33c Celebrated U'o- gan's, a boon for light housekeep ing, t r a v I era, tamping, dent- ikts. etc. Latest. muht useful and L'loverest alcohol move of them all, stove of the all, We are sole selling agents for the Celebrated "Tlle-Uke" V arntah Main which niakea all vour old furniture and woodwork look like new It re flnlshea everything In your house from cellar to garret at very Ulti coat. Haniples free. PAINTS- Wa carry only atrlctly high grade makes tO$l30 Beater Wonderful lightning bearter. As an egg beater or cream whlp per. It has no equal. Will do its work In half the time of any other beater. Jar Is also a graduated meas ure for dry food or liquids reg ular 60c artlcte, at . 3ic rP:i.:tfJ V I i f I I mm 0 TnTnT .TV l I I 1 f s. rf h v mm. m i:-.itrar6rrB-ra-'ri TTC?w?ri s Silk Sal Extraordinary Silk Bargains That Knew no Parallel In the Entire West Are Announced for Friday These silks are part of the big pur chase our silk buyer secured lust week while in the Ka-stcrn markets and rushed out by express espe cially for this Friday sale. Never wa there a more startling silk sale put on In Omaha. These prices make even the famous Ashley-Bailey . Auction silk bargains we had several months ago seem Insignificant, considering the high quality of each and every piece and the desirableness of the patterns. These are by Ions odds the most Im portant silk values advertised hereabout in years. Four great lots arranged on tables 'for W quick PRICE PER YARD 59c buying. IX)T ONE INCLUDES: $1.35 rough silks, new coin spot designs $1.25 roueh KllUn In atrlns, an4 rht. ...... . i . un u v. . i v. o ..i $1.25 fancy taffetas, 27-inch, stripes and checks. . . . 1 ti.uu iouisines, and novelty effects , $1.00 Pongee dress silks, every good color. $1.00 shirt waist silks, scores of styles IX)T TWO INCLUDES: $1.00 rough silks in all colors. l$l fancy striped and checked silks, 27 inches wide, fZ4-lnch Foulard silks, worth $1.00. j White Foulards, with black dots, worth $1.00. Handsome' plaid silks, till widths, worth $1.00 Silk voiles, double fold, all colors, 36-inch colored taffetas, worth $1.00. . LOT THREE INCLUDES: PDirF PI fit 86c Messaline and Peau de Cygnes I Klvl rttK. 27-inch colored taffetas worth $1.00 19-inch colored taffetas, worth 69c and 815c. Crepes de Chine; in all colors Fancy taffetas'and Novelty Loulsines ........ Plain pongees and brilliant plaids PRICE PER YARD PRICE PER YARD 49c YARD 39c LOT FOUR INCLUDES: One very large assortment plain, fancy taffetas, plaids and novelty silks of every description, includ ing the new black and white checks, silks that ordin arily considered splendid values unwarri tn 7Kn ith. day in one big lot. your choice, per yard 29c. ,' t, , "LACK TAFFETA SPECIALS. 2 7-inch black taffetas, $1.00 quality for R 36-inch fancy Louisine and taffeta suitings, worth '$1.35. 'Friday at Per yard 29c A Dress Goods Furore eOc Mohairs, embroidered dot designs, in various colorings r rlilay s sale at . . 5.1i1- X1Tm heok. and'stflp'esVilVh't o'r d'a'r'k col Just to add Interest to the bir Bilk Bala wa off.. vssrssrztiss: ess. irfA Vi tusnjtrMa 19c able for children', u.r ir-iHoT,-- i" " "al" , auii- Q 60-lnoh and 46-Inch Dress Fabrics lnnl..rf'r.,'J ' ' J j V." " ' ! ' mostly dark colorings, everv niii. T'.V ., T'u V. " -' ? L:. Panamas, FrldHi'e ' " i a yara. B H Friday Is Remnant Day Greatest Piece Goods Bargain Day of the Week. mwm THE WIUABLK Tf WB Unusuallly Interesting Barffairf Op portunities This Week. In Our Famous Domestic Room About 23,000 yards of all the new and up-to-date Wash Goods, White .Goods, , Ginghams, Long Cloths, India Linons, Muslins, Sheetings, Linens, Etc.,' at a trifle of their cost. 50c WASH GOODS 10c YARD. Arnold's 60c Organdies Silk Warp; 60c Silk Warp Ginghams: 39c Silk Striped Challles; 39c Silk Striped Di mities; 39c Imported White Fancies; 25c Anderson's Scotch Gingham, and other goods up from 60c a yard, in remnants from 5 to 10 yards, at yard !() 25c WASH GOODS 5c YARD. Poplin. 32-Inch wide; llc Percales, 2r.e r.c Madras. 19r Prs;nndlps, silk Warp; 124c Batiste. 10c HlearHsd Muslin, loo India I.lnons, 15c 41-lnoh Lawns, all tn Kg, good long lengths, at. yard 39c il0tih,'L,arK'!, lof 'm,hr";c' several hundred piece's' of 'fancy dress'ioods' either in 1 ght or dark colorings, Including RO-lnch rainproof sullln,Knone' Tq7. worth less than 1.2S, all go In Friday Sale at.. 48C Friday, Corset Specials Thl Beflarttbtutf is replete with every aaw model for prlng. JnJkdlag th new broken bust efects and hlplss !.Yie; MJru' "rtmnt of front laoad T corsets. The departmena 1 to charge of aapert oorsetiers who can tit you perfsotly ana no charge for thl servloe. Tot rriday w offer these very special inducements I One large lot of white tape girdle corsets, with good utrnni huse supporters attached, ideal garments for sum- mer wear, 1.U0 quality for OtfC Whits Katln orsets, a miscellaneous lot. high bust, med- v i.-in, u.niuuy irimmea in val lace and hahy ."" vv iiiiv v. , uiicr incso i j mi ribbon values for Corsets of Batiste or Jean, new hih bust, long hip effects, for 59c 50c We also show In this department s complete line of OCT, bust ruffles, at 85c, 76c, 60c, and nDC 60c Table Damask For 35c This splendid special for Friday only. 70-Inch bleached Table DamaHk .. ceptlonally goml weiglit and nice assortment of patterns. There are tivo lots in this collection worth 60c and 60c a yard. mere are two Friday at J5C Mercerized Napkins, full bleached, 20-Inch sir-e, very nice weight and'aualitv . , .. . ' . iivuvro uoumiy uuy III large quantities, worth $1.25 a dozen, Friday Turkish Towels, unbleached, with red border, extra large size, good' quality, 13 Ho goods for, each 89c 9c White Geods Special Checked and striped lwn and Dimities, also figured Madras, all worth 10c a yard, Friday at half, yard 5c Boys Knee Pants for a Quarter Friday we have on sale five hundred pairs of Boys' Casslmere, Knee Pants made of good materials, and well made and finished, just the kind for romp ing boys, sizes five to sixteen years, regular 60c quality, Friday buy OPT. aa many as you want, at, pair AQU Friday in the Art Needlework Department This la quit aa Interesting spot for tha loTar of dalnt embroidered needlework pieces. A few rriday' speolala that will appeal to youi Hand Kmbroldered Pillow Slips, Noarfs and Center Pieces, all finished, worth to $10.00 per piece, selling at, each v0" $3.60, rl.98 and UOC French nand Kmbroldered Underwear Pieces, Including Corset Covers Skirt H Chemises, also Shirt Waists, very attractive, worth to B1 4kO f! $9.00, for $a.4 and ipl.UO H Fancy Porch Pillows, Art Denims, beautifully embroidered effects, ,4 O M washable colors. $1.00 kind for UC J REMNANTS OF LINENS Remnants $1.00. KSc snd 7c, all I.lnen rnmn!ik. blnachrd unblpached. and silver blenched, in rminants from ! In yards, in four lots 25c 39c 49c and 59c yard MERCERIZED DAMASK Hemnants of Mercerized Damask, worth BOe. at g& Remnants of 39c Damask 18 Hcmnants of Cotton Damask 15e Remnants of Turkey Rod Damask lMc 25c AND 39c GOODS 7VJc YD. 39c Fancies; 25c Fancies; 26c and 39c Organdies; 15c Percales; 19c Wash Goods; 25c Arnold's Swiss Ap plique; 26c Drap de Linde; 26c Pon gees, silk finished, and other goods up to 39c yard, at .74 i ' 1 EXTRA SPECIALS.' M 7c Apron Checks .3Vc 7c Prints .2 VsC rj'2c Silkoline .2V-:C 10c Batistes ...SVaC 121 --c Batistes 5c 10c Towels 5c 1 5c Towels ... . . V; . . 7VuC 8c, 9c find 10c quarter un bleached Sheeting . . . .12Vc 12Vi:c Toweling , Cotton Toweling "Wash Rags 5c SVsC! lc Table Oil Cloth Kemnants, SVM Remnants of High Grade Wool Dress Goods FROM 9 TO 11 A M. 7,500 yards of all kinds of Wool Dress Goods, all colors and black. 36 to 68 inches wide; Panamas, Batistes, Suitings, Cravenettes, Halnproofs, Serges, Broadcloths, Etc., from 3 to 6 yards; in four large lots, at Lot 1 J,ot 2 JiOt 3 lot 4 25 39t 49 50Md FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. Another Sale of entirely new goods at 19c 25c 39c AND 49c Another table of wool dress goods, worth up to 75c yard, at 15c A YARD. i Notions Friday at Half IN MANY CASES LESS THAN HALF PRICE That our weekly Notion Sales are certainly appreciated ia evidenced by the crowds attending each Friday. Don't fail to supply your needs in thi3 sale: Picture Frames M Less Than Half . Just the time to get a frame, for that odd picture.. Small Metal Franies-e-tJIlt or black, great variety of oval and other styles, values to 35c, Friday, choice.. 15 80c tiilt Frames Suitable for two photos, largo number to select from, choice 19 Large Frames Worth to $3.50, man.v. different finishes, shapes and Bt'tjes, a big snap in Friday's sale, at. .jRsc 20c Gilt Frames For single photos, a number of styles to select from, choice 10c 25 Discount on Mouldings for Ono Day, Friday. Bring jn your pictures Lot us do your framing. 25c Dresa Shields for .10 Gold-Eye Needles, pnekage for...J Warren's Silk Covered Featherbone, In colors, at, yard g Aluminum Thimbles, each Corset Lces, each g 60-inch Tape Measures, each J Shoe Laces, per pair Darning Eggs, each 2Vi Silk Flosti. skein for l King's Thread, per spool 2 Merrick's Spool Cotton, at per doien spoolii 50 Pearl Buttons, per doz 2c and..l 10c Tooth Brushes, each. .. . 4V4 Crochet Silks, per ball ...2Wc Hundreds of Staple Notions nt cor respondingly lovy prices. II kinds of Stamping dons. Wa hara a oomplrta saw Una of Braid d Patterns, for all kinds of sprint: fabrics and fancy work, at Tory raaaonabls prioss. Dennett's Dig Grocery 50 20 100 Stamps. Stamps. 80 Prlds of Bennett's Flour, sack ...91-BO, And Queen of Pastry Flour, aark 9oo, And Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 5-1 b. can al.00. And Bennett's Capitol Baking- Powder. 1-lb. ran a 4c And SO Rennett's Best Coffee, pound 3So. And Bennett's Best Co'fe". pounds 91-00, And Tetley's Sunflower Tea, pound tin 70c, And Tetley's Sunflower Tea, half pound tin Soo, And Tetley's Sunflower Tea. quarter pound tin 18o, And Alien s Brown Bread Flour, package 16o, And Jersey Buterlne. two pounds 38c, And Premium Butterine, two pounds 45c, And Blue Ribbon Seeded Raisins, pound packages. 15c, And Ginger Bnaps In barrels SSo, And (ihlrardelll's Chocolate, H-lb. can 10 o. And Wort-ester Table Halt, sack 10c, And Advona Jams, assorted, tin loo, And stamps. Stamps. - . Ptamps. 100 Stamps. 50 Stamps. 20 Stamps. 10 Stamps. 10 Stamps. 10 Stamps. 10 Stamps. 20 Stamps. 20 Stamps. !0 Stamps. 10 Stamps. 6 Stamps. 10 Stamps. Minute Gelatine, assorted, three pkgs S&o. And Vegetable 8eeda. six Dackages for 6c New Potatoes, pound 6o Roasted Peanuts, quart .....Bo Cucumbers, each fro Mixed Candy, splendid quality, lb. 10c Engllstt walnuts, pouna -ioo Meui Bon on Muxes, eacn ii i a j n mtmn SILKS SATURDAY SILKS For the Special Benefit of out of-town customers and those unable to do shopping other days, wo begin Saturday instead of Monday, our Great Bargain Sale of Silks, offering valuea. superior to any we have ever shown or you'll find in other Omaha Stores. ' See Window Display. Make it a point to be here early Saturday Morning. 1 . SEE FRIDAY EVENING PAPERS FOR DESCRIPTION AND PRICES. , Grocery, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Prices That Cannot Be Duplicated In Price or Quality Tha best Ture Cane Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers' cost. 10 bars Beat Brands laundry Soap.. 25c 10-lb. sacks best White or Yellow Corn meal lSc 6-lbs. choice Japan Rice 'Ac 4-lbs. brut Pearl Tapioca or SaKO....20c 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 25c Gallon cwns New York AppUs 25c i-lb. cans BOlid packed Tomatoes, Hominy, Pumpkin, Squash, or Baked Beans.. 8e 1 -lb. cans assorted Soups 7ViC Brntnangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per package Jc The best domestic Macaroni pkR....SSc Choice California Prunes, per lb....4c h'lakes. Dkjr Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. , .5c ,15c Tho Best Tea Siftlngs, per lb. ,..., 169 BUTTE B, CaTSESB AI9 BOOB. The best Fancy No. 1 Rggs, doien . . . . 1 5a Choice Lalry Hutter, per lb 18o Fancy lairy Butter, per lb jlo Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb. ,.23o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb...,. 168 rKESH TEOETABLB and nVlX niOIl Freeh Spinach, per peck H 2 hiincheit fresh Asparagaa ........... 5a 4 bunches fresh Radishes S 2 bunches fresh Leaf lettuce ..Bo 12 bunches freh Parsley ,...Sr 4 bunt-hea fresh Fie Plant 6, bunches frevh Celery Sc freh Beets or Carrots, .ba Vfao Ida o c 0 o o Highland Haval Orangaa, par doisn, Ho, loo, 17 Ho and sot l.1-.a i'lu w KlUOat I'm It A SI Ilk " .,r..:i. Mr h ' ' i:j'r bunches r,""f, Mn.iul Rulhim tier lh il. Mny ripe Tomatoea, per lb. ..7 ta y.iV.i- . lIri;'": i K,n(y Wax or Green Beans, per lb..... Fancy Seeded Raisins, per Ug 7 tov piro It'Kr aCh-'--;; Fancy Crisp Pretzels per lb..... Ec t"cyPF,"rtVs oer Fb 7W Fancy Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb 5c ew Potatoes, per jo 7V The best Soda o? Oyster Crackers. lh..c New Cabbage, per lb. ... A,.oi,, nut. rnmninv Toasted Wheat Iarge Juicy lemons, per doien 14 IM HAYDENS' si BASEMENT OLD STORE SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for . TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; 3 doz . GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. 30c; 50 for . CINNAMON VINE. Extra Large, each 10c; 12 for DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10c; 12 for ... . 11.00 51.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 THE NEBRASKA SEED GO.. 1613 Howard St. WHEN ALL IS SAID and aummed up. tha nama Lindsay, The Jeweler, stands for square dealing. hpend a few minutes In his store. Ixtok for tha najna. $1.25 Guckenheimer Rye Whiskey, 89c M'W win mil Ii n mi l t La Have some good Whiskey in the home. It is much better than to have to go out for a drink and there will be a considerable saving besides. Soe that you hava-a bottle on your sideboard. Special for Friday and Satur day Only a S1.2S Cuckan- halmer "Bottlad In Bond" Ry Whlahay, for.. 89c HILLER LIQUOR CO. u 1300 FAKNAMSt IT IT COMES mOM HILLER'S IT MUaT BE GOOD - - Phont Douo. 4 . ,t I ra A3341 Ii $ ! i t i i n 1 r fat n (I No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It ; . IX v, Pu. Agt. Omaha. Neb. I IMS TAMMAM ST. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler . 1310 DOUGLAS STKKEX 4 i - . ...