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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1908)
TUT. OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNTTUY. AFRIIj . IPO?. NOTES ON 0M SOCIETY Math Being Done for Visiting- Women in k Quiet Way. AmZSOSJ TEAS ABE rOITLAS Vn. O. n. Klollaarer F.otertolne for Mr. Moor Mr. frk , Vrovrfersi for MIm Slattern. The lirrnt affair f - Tuesday was th tea given br Mm. O. D. Kipling.-, at her bomB Koutta Thirtr-eec-ond street between tbe tours r J snd compliment to ar g-aest. Mrs. beorge Fcrley Moore of Chics",- who formerly lived In Omaha. Tho hnunx n profusely decorated with flowers and shaded candles, la the dining room Urge - centerpiece of American Besutlral adore the table which n lighted by candles with shades to match. placed wrennd the room, while la the draw-In room where Mrs. Ktplinger and Mrs. Moor received the (ufitt, red roera were used. The hostess waa assisted by Mra. CW.. Downs. Mm. Karl Klpllnger. Mra. A. V. Kinslef and Mies Shirley Moore cf CooticB Bluffs. ' ' Fo Silas Battla. Mrs. Frank CTSwford waa at home Inform ally Tuesday afternoon tn honor of Mini Nancy Battln. who ha recently returned from tlx months" trip in the eaat. A color achema of green and white was used throughout the rooma. Sweet peaa, freesla and ferna formed aa attractive centerpiece for the table In the dining room, where Mis Elisabeth Williams poured tea. Spring flowers and ferns were used la profusion in the other roomaT which were also lighted ty green candles, which had shades of the . same color. About thirty-five guests called Vetween the hours of 4 and C '. k ,fimlt-Hant. The announcement is made of the date of . one of the flrrt of the 'early May weddinga. The marriage of Miss JuTla Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hunt of Klor- tnce. to Rev. Philip Salisbury Smith, rector f St. Barnabas church. Burlington, N. J., will be 'm solemnised Wednesday morning. May . at half after 10 o'clock at St. Mark's church, "Florence, Neb. Rt. Rev, Bishop Arthur L. Williams will officiate, asaisted by Rev. ' H. 71 B. Brown. The matron of honor will be Mra. Thomas Boynton Estill, sister of the nrlde. Miss Florence Olmstead au5 Mica Ottola Xemnllh will aerre as bridesmaids, and the flower bearers will be little MIm Zerlina Brlsboa and Master Lan sing Briebon. Her. George Palmer of Den ver, "will ' act aa beet man. Two of choir boys will serve as ushers. U Brtdsre Parties. Mrs. "W. A- Smith Will be hostess at a small bridge' luncheon Saturday, Mias Jo'ancy Batun to be the guest of honor. Mrs. A. L, Reed waa hostess for the meeting of tbe. Original Monday Bridge club Monday, when the hlg-h score was mad by Mrs. Arthur Remington. The next meeting wfll be with, Mrs. A. O. Beeson. r . Coaae ataxt fco Gooalp. Mias Virginia Lewis, who was brides maid at the CaafieM-Lrwia wedding, re turns Tuesday . is Springfield. 11L, where aha wiU.reauma her studies at the Betty Stuart school . Mr. B. ' Eim6n Bird, who was tbe guest of Colonel and Mrs. K. 8. Curtis for the his home is New ' York City. ' Mrs. a.' 8. Rogvrs leaves this week for the east. Kn route home she will spend some tune visiting her another in Michigan. Mrs. Ella Brail of New Tor it City, who rnrmeriy uvea m miatia, naa oeea rpeno- mt a few. daya the g-uest of Madam Barker and has been honor guest at several small luncheon ond-dlnne. parties givra by her many friends In Omaha. Mrs. Brail leaves Thursday for the east. Miss Edith Boss, who has been the guest of Mra. C H. Rich, Mrs. W. J. Bradbury and also of Miss Lulu Galloway of Kounlse Place for the last two weeks, returned Tueads y to -tir.r bfwna la Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Cleve and daugh ters. Miss Hedwig Cleve and Mias Emma Cleve, vailed Saturday for a trip to Eu rope, v - , . . , Mr. and .Mrs. Harry E. Burnam have gone te Excelsior Springs for a ten-day stay. , Mr. and Mra. D. B.) Williams announce the engagement of Lfctfir neioe. MUs Anna Madeline Anaaler, Mr Arthur Ferrier Forbes of Trsaa. Tbe wedding to take place nearly la the fall INVITATIONS BT ; TELEPHONE Woaabo tm Hl(k poelrty How Ea J Tails Coovealnee Kearo-. . lorlrt . ': ipley Ocoaaionally . worn -J k. 1U revolt agajnst the conventional oensarida of aortety. and the telephone la playlag a part at preeent In breaking- down tha stiff formality which has Auirked the extending of Invitations to dances, dinners and. other affairs. Mra. Harr Payne ; Whit y is responsible for the start of ths tfhono invitation in New York, calling b telephone all save a few of the .guests to small dinner party the. other night. j, Those who were not reached by tele phone were bidden tor invltalioa sent In ttoe usual wa, an4 when all the guests Assembled M;. Whitney's departure de- 1 i IV iS ':' ' ipiscriminatiag; CtiitpVnrrs wear it - w . i Hi I J i Vii,' V.'o I III LWV.J L.VU. v.isJ for 'Men, Women and Children . "Fits Like Your Footprint . Get a copy at our Art SpfUij and Use ' C GotZUn & velnrd sa advantage Hi that it provided a new enn)eet for lively discus'nn. Mn Lars Asdemea has employed the telephone for the ex tending of lnvitstl'ns In Wshlngion and or this means more than guests were Invited to the Ander son residence one evening during the Issf winter. While ihe telephone probably will not le used permanently for this eWstl of entertaining. Its use Jul now is rosn ifeslatlon of the growing rtJer1lon to the formslits- which hedge around society's business. LOVELY S0FT DRAPERIES ordered t nitrons mui Moossellaes I cft Colors oad si oral Teaee. Bordered chiffons snd moussellnes show ing yellowish browns snd pinks or pink and faded lavender tones tn the b ordure designs are much favored by the French deslgnem. snd these soft-bordered stuffs offer inspiration for experiments with the tunic effects, which are so steadily gaining; SATIN AND EMBROIDERED CHIFFON, ground and are so hopeless a problem to the dressmaker who la not an artist. Any thing lovelier than the lines of the modish drapery, provided It is skilfully executed. It would be herd to Imagine. Even the Greeks themselves, while their I more rational than ours, did not show more art in,the handling of drapery than do the French designers in their Graeoo- Parlsian creations. None of the awkward bulklneas of the polonaise and pannier is In evidence; the natural outline of the figure with corset modifications, blea en tendu is not obscured, and yet there is a gracious ripple and flow of soft, shimmer ing or fleecy stuffs, and the fashionable events of the Parisian season this year will show an originality and an art value In costume far beyond that of any recent years. PROTEST BECOMES REQUEST Cllftoa Hill Delegation Coaaartalsja to Psurlc Board, Wkleh Cow verte Proteetaots. "hey came to kick, but remained to pray." Objecting to the extension of the boule vard from Forty-fifth street te Ftratanelle park, a large delegation from the Clifton HOI Improvement club appeared before tbe Park board Tuesday morning to ask that the proposition bo abandoned. The Improvement-club thought the extension of the boulevard would Increase their taxes materially. The whole matter was threshed over thoroughly and after the board had explained the proposition to ths com mittee, the delegation changed front and asked the board to build tha boulevard. The extension of Florence boulevard along the ravine near Grant street was re fused by the board, a petition for tbe ex tension being presented by interested prop erty owners. Ths board decided to pay one-half of the cost of grading Thirty-first street north of Dodre street for the distance ot about one half mile. This action was taken as the reaurr of a request from Dr. George L. Miller. DRIVER IS . HURT IN CRASH lajarrel Wkra , Brakes Get Beyooel Cootrol ea' Deoge Stre-et . . , : . larllae. The brakes refusing- to work on a wagon heavily loaded wth brick and being dilven by T..J. Sullivan doan.tbe Dodge a tree! bill, the team mi unable to bold back the load and the wagon crashed into the Iron trolley post at the postoffice corner. Dodge and Seventeenth -streets, severely injuring tbe driver. Sulljvaa'was thrown out of the wagon and was wedged between It and the post when asaistaoce arrived. Police sur. geoa Fitaglbbon attended him and found that the bone In the right leg between the knee and the ankle was broken and the left leg badly twisted. He was taken to the Omaha General hospital. Sullivan recently came to Omaha aod lives oa South Fourteenth street. ir n l s.da,Ja( Sr It Boot, at your dValc i, or wrxs lews. Co S. rauLMm. n w if 1 4 en.1 BIENNIAL FLANS COMPLETE Local Ccrmr.itt'e Ittnei Full Instruc tions to Delegates tad Tiiitors. nmiiAmim to be lavish sites aod Vlrlalty Will Clvo Tbelr Beet for tbe Benefit ot the Crat ers I Federotioo of W oara's Clobe, The. press committee of tbe local biennial board of the Boston biennial has Issued the following bulletin of Instruction and tn formstlon regarding the entertainment of delegates, alternates and rinldng women at the ninth biennial convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, to be held In Boston next June: The ninth biennial of the General Federa tion of- Women's Clubs will be held In Symphony hall, Boston, June 22 to June Je. Ifna. inclusive. Every effort and every arrangement possible have been made by the women of the Massschusetls Stste Fed eration for the comfort, convenience nnd happiness of sll visiting club women. Mem bers of the trslns committee will boa rd In corning trains st Fprtngflcld. Worcester. FUchliurg snd other points and come tn to Boston with their guests. Members of the trains committee, commutes on baggage, on carriages and on hotels, will be on hand to look after the Interest and comfort of ths arrivals, and win bo ready to give any assistance In speeding the parting -eruest. Members of the bureau of local In formation will be present In the convention building at all times. They will be easily distinguished by their special badge. They will be ready to give information on all subjects from doctors, hospitals and den tists, to shopping and theaters, except trains, carrisges, excursions nnd hotels. Members of these committees will be In the building at all times to give information on these subjects. The committee on con veniences will have In charge the check room, rest room, writing room, articles lost and found, telephone, telegraph, ' nteog rspher, messengvr boys, postoffice. banking-, news stand and small conveniences. The morning- and evening sessions will be held in Symphony hall. Five evenings over flow meetings will be held in Chickering halL Four of the morning ressions will be duplicated in the afternoon in Symphony halL There will be conferences of the va rious committees four afternoons. The time and place will be given on the program Lin the dally papers and on bulletin boards posted by the bureau of local hnfonration. The Massachusetts Stste Federation will be at home to all visiting club women on Monday. June St, from 4 to C, at the rooms of the New England Women's club, Grund mann studio. Clarendon street. Monday evening. June 22, at S:30 there will be a concert In Symphony hall by members of the Symphony orchestra, complimentary to delegates, alternates snd visltinc; club women, by the Msssachusetts State Feder ation. The Boston Symphony orchestra is well known as one of tbe most noted or chestras in the country. Each season a course of concerts of the hlgrhest merit Is given by them in the beautiful Symphony hall, which is erected for their use. Each spring there is also given by them a series of delightful pop concerts. In presenting a concert by members of this famous or chestra the Massachusetts Stats Federation feels it is giving of Its choicest. The exercises for the formal opening of the convention will be held in Symphony hall. Tuesday, June 2. at :, CeaaaUttoea. ART COMMITTEE, The local art committee offers plans for delegates snd alternates to viiit four cen ters of artistic interest under the guidance of competent leaders. For eorb of the four tours three groups of twenty esch will be provided for, on June J4, 26. S, 27 and 2. with the exception of tour four, which will be omitted June 24. the dste of commencement at Harvard college. Tour 1 The Boston Art muaeum. through the courtesy of the director, two confer ences upon "Greek Marbles" and two upon "Japanese Prints'' will form a festure of the museum visits. Tour 2 Tbe Public library. Trinity church end tbe Central church. Tour s Arts and crafts room, the state bouse, the Shsw memorial. Tour 4 Cambridge, the Fogg Art mu seum, the Germanic museum, tha glass flowers tr the Agessli museum, Those desiring 4o take advantage of thia offer will register at place to be nsmed in local guide, stating choice of dste and time. BAGGAGE COMMITTEE. Baggage must be checked to Boston. Bag gage labels furnished by the committee efiouid be placed on both ends of trunks. Hand baggage must not bo checked. "Bien nial bagae" meti.will board incoming traiaa. "Biennial porters" will be st the stations. Aa a-measure of precaution, bar gage should be entrusted only to badged men. The baggae committee will be on duty In each station upon ths arrival of trains; during the -biennial at Symphony halt All complaints sliould be made to the baggage committee. CARRIAGE COMMITTEE. Arrangemrnte have been made by which carriages can be secured at the following rates: Fifty certs per passenger from either sta tion to any hotel. Members of the carriage committee will be at North and South stations upon the arrival of incoming train a, also during the week at. Symphony ball. COMMITTEE- ON CONVENIENCES. The Old Colony Trust company, the Is r-.-t depository of the funds of women's clubs in New Englsnd, will afford to visit ing club women the unusual accommoda tion of banking facilities at the federation beadduarters in Symphony hall. Drafts on New York or Boston, raahter's checks or personal checks of reasonable ajnount will be cashed at a special o(fir-e t headquarters. A cashier will be In at tendance every morning of the meeting and from 1 te S p. m., and club women may there avoid the nereesitv of a special trip down town for funds. Persona t checks of reasonable amount mill be cashed under the following simple, but necessary conditions: First That the club woman presenting the check shsl have with her a letter fryra her own home bank stating that she is s depositor In that bank, in good standing the letter te bear her sle-nature at the bot tom of it, and the aig-nature certified to be hers by the bank. ' Second That tie borne bank advise the Old Colurfy Trust company, i Temple Place. Boston. Masa.. that aurh letter has been issued by it, this letter also to bear her slgasture. During other hours of the day. checks msy be eashed tinder the same condition at Ihe Temple Place blanch of the Old tlny Trust company. Arrangemefits lisve been made with the posts! authorities for a substation at Sym--ony ball during biennial aeek. delearaira. Mternates snd visiting club women should lave thlr mall addrrBaed to Symphony hall. Boston. All telegrsms snd leUphor.e meaaages ornt to tniphy hsll during ' biennial week will reotlte prompt alien, linn, l'hysklans and nurses will he in st tendsnre In the rest room during the hours of the convention. THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE. The credentials committee will be in ses ion at Symptionjr lisll on the following dstes: Monday, June M: From M a. m. te 12 m -from 2 p. tn. to s p. m. : from 7 p. m. to. p. m. Tuesday. June 21: From a. m. to 12 an.; froia : p. m. to p. m ; fraui 7 p. tn. to p. m. Wedaesdsy. Juno 34: From a a tn. to 12m. lielegatca and alternates are requested to attach their visiting raid to t heir cred entials. A ropy of club receipt for general federation dun tor ilJt must be prt-seated nil credentials. fcperia! Noiine Honorarv mrmbera, aient bers of the council, general feoralion at ate secret arte, members of cominlttres, spa. rs and all other who rereive raids of so mission iaaued by the credential commit tee, must preeent them in person to said committee to be countersigned, in order to Biake them effect ue. Koto To gain entrance to the credential room, dciofcatoa and alternate will jUe If When the honeymoon days e , Are over, what is mora natural for the prudent young couple than to think of their 'own home? A mated man and woman yearn for the seclusion of tKeir own fireside and their own home. Boarding living with parents or dwelling in a rented flat or house is all right when it is preparatory to getting one's own home. No matter how numb!, no matter how small, there is a fascination about ownership. And there is the other side to be thought of. Ownership is cheaper than paying rent Through building associations and the accommodation of banks it is possible very iitue more tnan rent. . . . . Every day in the columns of TIIE BEE are advertised places where young people may go, where they may, figuratively epeaking, pitch their tent, dwell in happiness, and become tax payers and citizens of their city. use ths Huntington avenue entrance to Symphony halL Presidents of state and territorial federations and presidents of clubs, belonging to the Jneral Federation sns earnestly requested to send a complete list of delegates and alternates, as soon ss appointed, to the chairman of tbe credential committee. . MRS. CHARLOTTE V. BELL. IS Avon Place, Springfield. Mass. EXCURSIONS. The following afternoon excursions have been arranged; open to detegatea and alter nates, outside of Massachusetts.' Only one csa be taken each day. As arrangements for reduced rates, special care, etc.. must be tnede immediately . delegates and alter natea should make application as soon as appointed. The committee will be prepared with plans and suKgestions for dupliiste or other trips for all visiting club women; also with information as to placea of inter est. TursJay. June Ea. Complimentary salL "Imwii the Harbor." Weaueeday, June it. (A) To the homes of Emerson. Hawthorne. Ihe Alcotts, and historic points about Concord. Mass. By train to Concord, returning by electric' car, through Lexington, over the route of tse 'Britiak BUiier." Price lor round trip, M centa. The Concord Women's club will entertain the party snd escort it to the points f interest which msy be reached either by walking or by carriage, at as rents for each passenger. Whlttier Land B) Round trip tickets, II.. Luncheon will be served at Amesliury by in vital ion for the ladiea' of tLe Whittier Home asaociation. Saturday, Jucr 2T. Old Salem A Price for round trip. 4& cents. The club women of Salem will serve as hostesses and guides to :hs points of interest. After visiting these, the Bursts mil be driven, to Beverly. Historic Plymouth Bl PrU-e of tickets, ln- cludirg carnage drive, dumber is limited. Monduy. June S Historic Boston A) Tmo-lKur au'omoblie trip llrmih rei dontisl snd historic Bosi on. Tickets ' 11. Afler leaving I lie autimiobile, visila m ilt be made with auidt-s to Fntu 1 hl. eld stale house. Norm cliuuli. etc. Nuu M urn., d. I Hi Motor trip a ong the north sh rt. !' the rourtesv of tne i-luo ooineH vt iynu. Number limited. Party will go Ms Ln by tram snd return from Naiiunt by boat. Price of sound triu. td uis. Tuesiiay, Jvi-se . Boston Parka and Playrout.l--tA I By SKH-il electric cars snd barrtis. Prire ftr round trip, li. Cimbrx'lt B) The CaJitabiirir club Wiil rnter-iic .a and eacort the party. , COMMITTEE ON HALLS. tf!l the presidents of state federa.ioBj, wlto bava not Oiiie so. inform ths l.w., ! BVtti. whether tny wish state headquarters j rrarved for them or not, and vhe prolM of their deU-getiunr. As the -.ifiJiUr- Im. a r a I. Km Irwi. I I. SAOSt kRtDOIiaXlt 1 this b'forniathin be sent to the rl).r(nan at onte. A SMtiifHstios a? to t .t!jii.of lieaci Ouairr( will be seut to trttit-- prfrtii?.t, one rnith ore the ot.i):g ef the ti'dJi nial. MRS ELIA C. P.. WHI'iXN, CliairrfiStt, Mrii'iile Avenue, lxr lt!ter, Mass. COMMITTEE ON HGTiSLfl. The Veilome, which by vote of the lory.i biennial oas selected ss; ,ir ters tor 1n nintn biennial. t )KTV ego fliied. but-o'.her very d-siriiivk uotei si cowmodtlii, Irum It ii i a. tsjr oa U.s is iXlng NOTICE! MAYING completed arrangements for the transfer next Monday of our fine piano stock and agencies to one of Omaha's leading piano firms, we hereby give notice that from now until next Saturday 10.00 p. m,, we will sell any instrument in the store for spot cash, or part cash and balance short time, at figures absolutely regardless of the actual factory cost This advertiser ment means just what it says. Matthews Piano Co., Retiring From Business. 1513-1G HARNEY STREET. European plan are available. All club women, desiring accommodation will be provided for on application to the chairman of the hotels' committee. MRS. ANNA L. BAILET, 11 Richardson, Bitwl. Newton. Mass. COMMITTEE ON DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE. All literature Intended for distribution during the biennial must be endorsed either by the board of directors of tlie general Federation, ttie chairman of standing com mittees, or the local biennial board. Nothing- of a purely advertis ng nature will be allowed. Ail iackages musi tie prepaid and sent to arrive rot earlier than Monday, June 22. addressed to MRS MAY CRAWFORD CLARK. Chairman Distribution of Literature, Sym phony Hall, Boston, Mass. PRE8S COMMITTEE. The press committee regrets thtit lack of room prevrnts providing aeals at Ilia prcaa tattle tor all visiting press women. The number of press svals is limited by the vole of the executive board of tiie Geieral Fed eration, and the committee is orly a hie to provide for represenlstives of ths largest newspapers of the country. The press committee will have headquarters at &m phony hall. Members of the commiitee will be there on Monday, June Z2, from 10 a. m. to 12 noon, from 3 p. m. to S p. tn., and from 7 p. m. to (: p. m. Tueaduy, June 23, from 10 a. m. to i: noon, from 1 p. m. to t p. m. to meet presa representatives en titled to preos seats and to give them their hadgea. Credentials from the papers must be presented. Members of the press com mittee will be st- headqusrters during sll sessions of the biennial, and will be glad to meet all visiting press women, and to do everything in their power for them. COMMITTEE ON REGISTRATION. . AH visiting club women are requested te register ss early aa possible. T)ie regisira tlon committee will keep a card caialogue of home addresses snd convention sddreases of all delcaates. stternates snd club women. TRAINS COMMITTEE. 1. Members of the trains committee will be st the stations upon Ue arrival of all trains. 2. I.elerationa travelling by rpeclal trams are requested tu wire the train com mittee regarding probable hour of arrival. Address. MRS. H. JOSEPHINE HATWARD. Chairman trains committee, north or ruth stations. i L lielegatea, alternates and Visiting club worn sre requested to leave train only at nurth.or souiu terminals. All club wo men are reauested to wear, upon arrival. a knot of light blue ribbon on the shoulder. Ihis is fur identification by lha tiains eorami:tee. COMJilTTEE ON TRANSPORTATION. The presidents of state federations ran furnish all visiting club women, fuil lnfor-nttt,-i on the sutiject of railroad traipur tauou. - MRS. EDWARD L. JOHNSON. Irovidence, R. I., etiairman (General Federation trans(Krtai Kin commlnee. - If the allotment of circulars a-nt to stale and territorial prticienut. general federation stste secretaries and prtaa committees is rxit suffirietit more a ill b sent on ajplH-alion to the chairman prt-ss comiaittee .f the lix-al biennial l.imrd If slate ren,l. i ' citcted Sibco the ot tbe Krtsa cum- V for people to buy homes and pay mlttee waa sent out, desire a supply of cir culars sent to other officials than those designated, please notify the chairman of press committee.' This will be the final printed message of the press com mittee, except such notices as msy go out through the June cumber of tbe Federation Bulletin. Our next word will be the warm and heart-felt welcome which every woman of the Massachusetts Slate Federation eagerly waits to give to every women of the tieneralt Federation of Women's Clubs. 8ARA T. 8. LEiUH'TON. Chairman press committee. Ant lair Ciash should be covered with clean bandages aaturated wilb . Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. Jbc For sale by. Breton Drug- Co. HISTORY OF L0CAL STREETS r LIho of Talks to Be F rased t the Real Estate Kx . rbaaae. History of ths important streets of Omaha with a discussion of how the prop erty increased in value and the business and residence districts expanded, will be the subject of a series of short talks before the Omaha Real Estate exchange by dealers who know the stories of tba streets tbe best. Beginning Wednesday noon C. F. Harriaon will talk on "Famam Btree. Paat snd Future," and John L. McCague wiU discuss "sixteenth Street As I Havs Know It." Besides the two short addressee, Herbert Quick of Putnun's Magaxlne. has accepted the invitation of the exchange to discuss briefly -the subject of "Nsvigntlon With Relation to Real Eatate Valuea." President Graham has notified all mem bers to be present at the Wednesday meeting- if possible. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Ortns Laxative fruit Syrup, cures chronic coa stlpatlon by stimulating- tha liver and bow is and restores ths natural actios of ths bowels, Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not Muscat or grips and la mild snd pleasant to take. Kef nee substitutes. For aal by all drug-gists. sir Its tsaltsin M order. BIOLX FALLS, B. D.. April Jt-John Stella, alias John Clark, today confessed thst a murdered Theodore Bothman March 11 last, in a lonely cabin on the banks of the Big Sioux river, about three miles northeast of Sioux Falls. Sleltg also confessed that acme years ago he had murdered & man in Philadelphia. Follow ing the confession, fcieits was sentenced to Ufa In tiuui Falls penittn' roT-.-'J-: si We look after the shoe wants of rticulsr women. 1 pa The ranre of styles, the correctness cf shapes, the peifeti fining so characteristic ot our shoeis hs ve taken a step -nearer perfection this season thsn ever. Xlffc and X.ew Cut khess. Artistic Shoe uiair Tbe gat'i Best rrodactiens. S Xpert rtttlng. . Modsrats rrioes. $3.00 $3.50-$4-00 FRY SHOE CO. tii noiai i 16th and Douglas St. J1 SPKI.XG "FIXINGS AJ!K KKAHV New Spring Suitings taa nd gry and brown and smoke un finished worsted and cheviot suit ings made for us in Engl&n and bought at a enexrial price by our Resident English Buyer located In London and shown in our lately enlarged store. - '" We are making tbeni to measure for S3S. They are the' feame .. . . ' Qualities that used to tFt you 50 to SCO here in O in aba.-' ' Tailoring To" S0w-S00 SOUTH IdTH ST. Kear Southwest Corner 6tb and Farnam-Sis.'--- . rboae Douglss 1808. 0I1LY 0I!E CORE DAY OF LOU OIIE-VAY RATES to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and many other Cali fornia points. $80 $ To Everett. Belllnc am. Vancouver and ictoria. via Spokane. To Portland and As toria. To Taroma and Seat tle, rla Spokane. To Ashland. Rose burg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, including So. Pac. branch lines in- Oregon. To Spokane and inter mediate O. E. i N. points. TIA Union Pacific For full Information Inquire at - CITY TICKET OFFICE k 1324 Farnara Street. 'Phone Douglas 1828 Correct Fabrics The selection of thW .right,' mttern for your indlvldoal purpose J as Im portant as.tte cut of jour cltuhrtg. The air . of prosperity that is re flected by the Well Dressed 5:nine8S Man, the frrestible force that attaches itself to the Well Groomed Man of Society is largely due to the skill of the tailor. Our Sprinr display of Smart Fabrics Is now st its Best. The early buyer has the choicest picking. Suppose you make the other fellow pick after you? Treater. S to fit . . Baits f 23 to (50 WILLIAM JERRKMS' St)S 3 30 tH)9-ll booth lftth sC The Twentieth Century Farmer Best Faros Paper.