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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1908)
12 TTTH OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY. ATOTTj CO. l!K)fl. 9 1 ft P. t ,f" 1 i r-. 8 i 3K-:-:.' SPECIAL SALE-WOMEN'S SPRING WORTH $7.50, $8.50 nd $10 Our Ncw York buyer secured all the ei-irplns stock anl samples from two prominent, skirt manufacturers Among this splendid stock are Voiles, Chiffon, Panamas, Serges, Wor steds and Taffeta Silks. i All the ncuesl spring style features, every stunning' new pattern. lirtrwn.sMucs,4 whites, mixtures and Mack?: - . - ; , The smartest, newest spring ekirts th'is sea-' son, regula , i.w, .?f.;ju ana t $1 0 values at ::..!. .. . Silk and Covert Jackets- Prince Chap and Butter fly' models, plain or slia-' low striped cfoths and the stylish new Sf 98 silks, at...., mm 03 Ilr ' 55 ENGLISH WILTON RUG at $39 Many peoplo throw away money when they buy a rug. Did you know that Brandeis is selling the newest, rich est real on Rugs in light and dark oriental and Persian': patterns seamless and 9x12 size- a: regulflr $."). to $(0 rug for. 39 A GREAT SALE OF sKianss fLtillXCIXCS , CORSET COVER WIDTHS j I Emhrfcidc r'd !' Turn Over Collar, over 50etylej,f al. It Wednesday we pile our bargain squares high with the finest embroideries, in widths from 17 to 44 Inches many: very elaborate and showy patterns, as well as other neat and dainty designs thogq elegant embroider- .. lea are worth up to 75c a yd. 3 lots at. 12ic-19c39c Udi and Narrow Edgings Embroideries & Insertings Swisses, Nainsooks and Cambrics; good quality, well made new lots on bargain tables, very spec ial for Wednesday at, yard. ........ lie-5c Valenciennes Laces 41 In tertinrfs, odd lts. 0 til, worth up to 8o. at., 10c Voa w ill want a new dress of this new. desirable wash fabric a beauti ful Variety of floral, figured, spray and polka dot patterns, it: lishC fc rounds, with corded strlpo effects full pieces . ' n,v tuid. .1, ..U '. .. t..' .'.'.... iM'.ih vide Shirting Madras pietly strlpo and corded patterns (ti white grounds, worth regular- Jv :!! a yard factory 71c )e Rtha, per.vaid, nt. : Mill remnants, but desirable lengths pattern lluti.Ntc, that was made to sell lor Wednesday at, yard Striped, checked and plain color Dress Ginghams; enough in piece for dresses, waists and children's Wear would be cheap is at 10c a yard per Til yard, at .. V light and dark styles, pretty at 15c a yard 5c d V ' .(' indi B !;;" . S i 4 V"'' ' ' 'i L" t - - r - 10c saieiy razors Just as good and satisfactory a razor as you ever want. Ask any of the thous ands who are using them. . Dlade Is fine Sheffield steel just same quality used In the nicst expensive rassors. The dpnianJ for these razors and extra blades Is so ctioriiiiHiti e liave wired the factory for an other big shipment and we will continue this kale all this week. Your money Lack It the razor isn't satisfactory..!., r.y Mail 12c. lUtKrincdt, Old Store. IUC Wall Paper Hooiu I'apers, at, toll . 3c luo heavy Gilts, at, roll. . .ftc 20c Parlor Papers, at, roll, lOc Stic Two-tone Papers, roll, l.V 50c Duplex Papers, at. roll, ;Or JOtli Century Paste, enough to purer a room Free Cooking School EveiV day in Basement, old store come ' and see demon stration In scientific cake mak XKAT H,TI'R!AV rA Great Hperial Hale' of MKX'8 Sl'ITS, north un to ijo.i, ni .... . w m S7i?a$10 pty eg awtu w . PjTonrapIiic Busiest Wask Goods Store !n Our Basement Because wo offer Bpecl&l bargains every day 9 new, up-to-date fabrics of dependable grade. 4 mi or of k vlu. II J ut & IX AVOID DANGER WAIT UNTIL THE CAR STOPS ALTHOTJOH this warning has been con- FKirm;rcVo,CUOTlsb'iisplayed in our open cars for years, -it passengers each year sustain injuries by- 'rardins it. TRADtS. i'K (blue for. .. wai t A Oiprpfnrft wish to repeat with emphasis T fcttrj 11.!, V NV Jt 1. R .d 1HJU. 3 D::CER WAIT UNTIL THE CAR STOPS !CHI3T US IN PREVENTING ACCIDENTS riAIlA Q COUNCIL BLUFFS VSTPsEET RAILWAY CO; Gcs-o Pens THY lor 25c Onnlnn Pyro ,Pn, capable of 1oln fine work, on Wednesday, &0c its for 25c drmonstratlon. T3 ibT i fiat i jyx i IV A ' I1' Woods Manr hnrjf plwn In ' nKwcirt pattern, rlpftrlnn up at grry rw prices, sale Wednesday $1 IN GREEN STAMPS FREE 1 J 5c 10 49c RED LETTER DAY WEDNESDAY. BRING YOUR COOK. Wednesday the monthly Red Letter' Day for S. & II. Green Trad ing Stamp Collectors at BENNETT'S. Bring your, book and get one dollar in Stamps FREE with our compliments. Many1 fine specials are aho made for this day.: Read our advertisement carefully. It means big savings in just the things you are needing most. . . , s 1 nli iIWi Hi J Tlie Silk on Last iuyer Cleans Up Grea weefc Trip A Silk Sale Wednesday that dwarfs in comparison any Silk Bargains you bave ever known. Twenty thousand yards of the finest faney dress tlks of every conceivable kind, newest rough silks, and plain taffetas, picked up by out buyer at the most radically reduced prices ever made by a New York silk house. There are so many kinds and colors that descriptions are simply useless. Everything that anyone could wish" for is In the line and they are the best $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 silks that were ever shown over any counter anywhere. On Wednesday you get these magnificent silks at c, '49c A Black Silk Sensation RICH BLACK TAFFETA SILKS .Worth to1 $1.50, at the price of the commonest kinds. They are brilliant and lustrous Bilks of excel lent weights and run 27, 32, and 36 Inches wide, absolutely most service able taffetas made, w at-k. Wednesday on sale Hj Marvelous Drcs Goods Selling Here are hundreds and hundreds of yards of strictly all wool taffetas and Panamas In every color that is popu lar. Beautiful black and white check materials in every size check. Many fine novelty check stripe fabrics nev. er before sold at less than $1.25, your pick now, yard. . . . I Purchases on Wednesday III : L 5h ifH V 48.c XOSIZBT BFCCIAI.B Women's fant black, aeam lfm Hone, II Rlit weight, a fine 17c quality, "I'M'o Wednesday for KIT TOOT SdRI. full fhlnnrl quality aa is made, at pair as on Wednesday And Double Green Stamps. good a S5o 21c KATBKB BIX.X - OLOVI-Two clasp, cuaranteed rL''aco'loT.".8: 50c 75c $1.00 KATIES fe TOWIE'I lonr allk glove. 12 and 1 but- ' uutoZT: 1-25. $1-50, 51.75, $2, $2.25 And Double Green Stamps. Did You Ever Buy Notions as Cheaply as This? Best 23 cent kinds Satin Belt Hose Suppporterp, white,, black, light blue and pink for 15c Black Skirt Braids, five : best niuality ina.le, i-pkuI; 16c kind, at four piece Admantlne Pins, full count, worth Sc paper, at 12 papers 1 flf w - Notions of real merit positively were never sold so low. Such selling must be revelation to you. See them on the bargain tables Wednesday. ' COTTON BELTING W inside 6f skirt in 10 yard . pieces, worth 60c, white, gray and black, Wednesday price, per piece . ; . .in it l ; I 4 White Tape, in full ten yard pieces, , never sold at a penny less than 12Mc in a regular way, Wednes day at pieces 25c for Pearl Battons, floren. for .. 3 cards all sizes, worth I So per 5c uallty, qual t two BlM Seam Tap best .always sells a.t 8c, at ptooe ,f or . ,. . . . , Drees Shields all Bises light weight and stockinet P'QttJi 26c, Ki t pail .,.(,.w.,.,.(f Books and Byes, black or white, hump, all sites, worth 6c card, tare card for. , same as 5c with 5c 5c Safety Pine, worth 6o a dozen, at tare doses for Peatberboue, silk Grongraln In aray and black, only, worth -12Ho yard, at II yard for. . Cotton Tape, English blocked, full assortment of widths, worth to 10c each, at two 4 jr for ......-..., XXTT UHDEXWIAB, exoeption&lly nice quality and finish, low neck, sleeveless vests, full -,12Vn(' taped. 17c kind for ....,,.....,X''-.V Women's fine Crochet Lace Trimmed Vests, low neck and sleeveless, lull tapea, hoc ........-.,. And Double Green Stamps. value for HAWDXBBCaXrjCPS--Hundreds of dozen fincy 8wtss embroidered Handkerchiefs, Imported for TTn Y 25c selling, at v. V Pure Linen Cross Barred Handkerchiefs, for women, worth 1 to, Wednesday, 1oi at each , ,. X'SC And Double Green Stamps SHOES LOWIUO P BICES ABB BPS CIA ! BSD ISTTSB BAT STAMP OPPEBS With every pair of 93.00, 93.50 or 94.00 Shoes or Oxfords, wnether for mea or women, Wednesday we give loo Oreen Trading Stamp. . (Almost BVfc pages. ) Hand turned Lace Shoes, with tipped . or plain toes for nurses or people with tender feet, regular 13.00 shoes Wednesday, (Including ffO - f fiO stamps) for Children' Shoes, also boys', youths and mlHsea, all leather shoe, no cut iff vamna. all are 11.76 value' Wednesday (including 60 PI ff ....... f Stamps) for STATIONERY SPECIALS Wednesday this very special Pencil of- fer. A lot of good 6c Pencils - fl. while they last, at per dozen . . AJV And lit Green Trading Stamps. Bennett' Old Amsterdam, corre-. OKf pondence Pajer and Knvclopes -t-'J' And 10 Gieen Trading Stamps. Envelopes, three packages for - An And in Hreeii Trartlnir Stamna . XVVy Shelf Paper, . 2 pkgs, any color ' And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Lunch Paper, one roll for. . ... . ,1 A.t And 10 Green Trading Stamps. lvu Napkins. 60 dooorated paper "1 Of - Napkins ; for .s," XVV And 10 Green Trading Stamps. 10c , EIsJi Quality Corscls X.ESS TKAB RAX.P Lot broken sizes Kaho, La Grecque and other high priced models that were: 11.60, closing out for. 93.50 $3.00, closing out at 91.60 BATISTB OB COUTTX COB8XTS A firmly constructed' and serviceable model with long hip and high bust, supporters attached. Positively you never bought such quality at PTtCgt so low a figure .' Ov We have expert fitters who know your corset needs and can fit you to a comfortable model. Ask them about It. i Hardware lowest at Bennett's V Everything In seasonable Hardware specialties Inst a little lower than any other place in town. No. S Galvanized Tubs, the R9c quality for ....... No. 2 galvanized Tubs, the 7!o quality for.. 10 quart galvanized I'alla. the 0a quality for ... J 2 quart tralvanlzed Palls, the 25c quality for ... 14 quart Klvanizea fans, mo sve i Mop Sticks, eacn . . Wash Boilers, each la here Child's Garden Sets Lawn Rakes, each . Shovels, long handle, itv for Pandsllon Pullers B9o 49o 140 17o in 10o and 10 Green Stamps. . .96o upward and 10 Green Stamps . lOo, 15o, 86o and 20 Green Stamps. , 380 and 20 Green Stamps. square or round, point, the 76c uual ' .490 7 So end 0 Oretn Stamps. Gretin Stamps. Green Stainps. OO (Irani IslckleK, extra quality ton aua Bird Cages 76o upward and 20 11 a Mt.trkH roeuinr So kind St Bread Boxes, at . ...3o, ?3s, 3a and 10 Green Stamp Hemp Clothe Lines ,...840 ana zu oreen ruainps. Scrub BrtiHhes, lie kind for lOo and 10 Green -Stamps. Garden Trowels lOo and 15o and 10 Green Stamps. m n i,,.,r i'iaani.r ner ran . .15o and 10 Green Stamp". " ' " r . . ,. , .. ma mi alter wniie jlu n.ariv Mixed Palnta. ration Mo and 91.30 pn nm w Sta; PAINTS- JAP-A-Z.AO, 16 Double it amps on All Paint. Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound S8oand 80 Stamps Teas: assorted, pound .1 68o-and 60 Stamps Dozen Nutmegs and Grater ..j lOo-und '6 Stamps SEED SPECIALS Beets. Squaxh. Cabbage, Water Melon, Hhubarb, Herbs, ( packages , .So Batavla, Gloss Starch. pound box for 45o-and 20 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Ha kin Ponder, lb. can S4oand 0 Stamps Alien's Brown Bread flour, package for lSo-and 10 Stamps Allen's Cornmeal, 10 pound sack . ... .40oand 20 Stamps n uuuiioi-R macaroni, jo. pacKage loo ttiut 10 Stamps Pkg. Bennett's Capitol Oats, package Ghirardelli's Coooa, pound can Worcester Table Salt, sack .... Advona .lams. axnorted. can ... Triplets for Laundry, package . Hlirn Hlhhon Seeded Kaislns, lb. Suider's Pork andl Beans, can faratofca imps, nounu ror SaratOK Chips, nplf pound Saratoga Chips, quarter pound Corn, lied Clover, y-an ,. , Vegetable and Klokver Seeds, package Kngllth Walnuts, Vound I'eanuta, fresh ronated, quart ........ it: Ilousefurnisliers can Save Money flcre Wednesday Prom a Tew , .934.95 . .9JO.OO . .940.00 ,.955.00 VllLOl 8 CITES lecent Purcaaae Only Zrtft 37.60 Suites for Mi.iKt Suites for.... i.'i'i.IlD Suites for..... IVa.uU . Suites for. . I And iniirie mamin. OAK CBIPPOBIEBS, PTJZiTi SICB i'tve drawers, brass handles, filled with caftteis, construetton same as em I20.UO kinds. No need to tell you this is a real bargain. See as 4 &Q it and you will buy it ..H?-u-' And loiible Green Trailing Stamps. Bil l A BABOAlDT rKIBX OP I'TI A solid oak Dresser, three drawers, brass handles; top 3SK19; bevel plate mirror,. lRxl'O lnehea: irolden oak finish: fitted with castors, wonder- . (Tft fQ value at ww And Double Green Stamps. ful W are. discontinuing all yard Carpets mi they coat. Tuesday we sell Lmnlap's stiii pure wool velvtit carpets, in a large line et beau J73c 130.00 at tlful colorings, floral and oriental dreM many new and original colorings. J1.00 I h price for this quality. We oiler them 1... tli a n f mirth off. Or VHId Alex Smith's fine Aminster parlor carpetai In choice floral designs, same quality km )! you see In all carpet stores at Qtli a m.. 11 SR. Closins at vard Roxbury Bruasels and Smith' Hrussela room rues. x!2 ft. lutely fast. and very desirable, Ctf? K best pstterss 22.50 values, at i'iu,u Wool Fibre runs, durable for dining at bedrooms: size lil ft, fast colors. most satisfactory floor SXo.O Electra nd Sapford Axnilnster rugs. 9x1 f verv rlrh and beautiful colorlnss. rus that regularly ell.for 1 Seam le 44 Size, ahsef litest; 4 JLT-i: . ? t N dtittt Values Than Ever Wtdncsisf I tu t . ..IV ULi ml u Hi- ii iuy THE RELIACLB TII8 - Sav Ing Chances You'l Z Find Un-mihhtd. GFeaf EmhFoidcry Sac Wednesday t.ftO Skirt noonringw, 59 A full lino of handsome 45-Inch em broidered, skirt flouncing, beautiful new patterns, actually worth to I1.&0. All fresh, new good", every yard Bon. Come eariy Wednesday. , . MANXKACTIHKKS OVEKSTOCK Lot 1 Edges. and Insertings. r 1 I liot 2 Edges and Insertings 75c Skirt Kloonclng, 29 ' An elegant lot of deml flouncing, 24 to 27 inches wide, values never be fore equaled In Omaha.. . perfect. Greatest bar Rains of tho ea . i OF KDGKS AND INSKnTINOS. Ijot 8 Kdges and Inbortlngs. , , . . 3 Lot 4 Edge and Insertings 5? Wednesday in fAevSiKSub Entire surplus .stock of the Fashion Mfg. Co.rN. Y.". Several hun dred garrnents in the lotsccured by our New'York buyer at one half to one-third actual values; all newest styles, made of fine taffetas, in plain colors, fancies, checks or stripes, '-splendid as sortment of colors, including evening shades, lape applique and insertion trimmed; all sizes 32 to 44; suits in the lot worth up to $30.00, all at one price Wednesday, choice.",..".'. 9.90 Men's Underwear 1 Bargain unequalled elsewhere; sea sonable underwear at less than usual mill cost. ' Men's Lisle Union Suits, worth to $2.00 garment, in ecru, blue, pink or fancy stripe, all sizes 34 to 48, at, choice .69c Men's BaJbriggan Underwear Shirts and Drawers in all sizes, worth to 75c a garment, plain or fancy colors, drawers have reinforced seat and are satin faced; sale prioes, 19c, 25c, 39c Men's Madras Dress Shirts Black and white stripes or fig ured, values to $1.00, on sale Wednesday at . . . ,29c and 49c Men's Work Shirts, in black abd white twills or 'blue chambrays, Wednesday !, ' . . . . i ' . . . , , , 39c Men's Hose, worth to 25c, blacks, tans and fancies; on sale at, per pair ..i.;,..5c, 10candl2c feiv Cluny Curtains The , correct curtain for parlor o dining room, made on extra heavy -net, linen lace and hand sewed. Cluny Curtains, white or Arab ian, some with double row of in sertion, others .with insertion and edge, at. .7.50 Cluny Curtains, 3 yards long, 48 inches : wide jWith ',3-inch , nem ; splendid bargain at. , . .6.50 Cluny Curtains, 4$. inches wide, 3 yards long, linen,' lace and in sertioni at ............ 5.50 Cluny Curtains, wide hem, hand made; special, pair.. . . .4.98 Cluny Curtain,, extra heavy net, with insertion' and- deep bem, at, pair,. $4.50 and . VI t . 3.98 Other Cluny Curtains unmatch ed values at"$2.D8 andT $2.50 Y - : , For enrtains , of all descriptions It pays to try Iiayacn's first, , . CHILDREN'S BAY ' ' - : '.' In the Infant's Wear Department, 2d Floor. Infant's Short Coats, $2.25 values, all slses, 6 months to 3 years; on sale at 31.39 39c Infant's Presses; long or short styles; special .... ..f 19 Infant's SI. 50 Silk Crochet Bonnets Silk lined; special 70 Infant's 85c 811V Veils; special Wed nesday .10 Infants' Ilootea, all colors; snap Wed nesday at, palr..., 5 Infanta' Bibs; regular 10c values, Wed nesday at, choice. , 85c Croched and Flannelette Baques, big assortment Wednesday. .. .1J Wash Bonnetii of all descriptions, very special values Wednesday,, each, at from. ........... ... ,15 to 08 llo-and 10 Ptamia ,33a-antl 40 Ntamps .lOo-ttnit 10 rltanips . lOo-and '0 Stamps .J6o-aiid 10 Htsmps ,15o and 10 Plarnps . 16o-uid 10 Htamps 300 lOo So a o 6o l52SZSHSZSZS2SHS25HSZS2SZSS2Sr!SSr. rloarinj them out regardless of what ny an. Exlra Specials Wednesday in Famous Domestic Room Z From 0 to 10 A. M. One case of full standard prints, regular 7c grade, 10 yards limit, at, yard 3tt Apron Checks . . 15c Twills . 59c Bed Spreads , $1.00 Spreads . . . 15c Black Satine 16c Zepers . . . . i 13 He Percales . For All Day From 2 to 3 P. M. 4Dne case of brown muslin, regular Tttc grade. 10 yards limit, at, a yard.. ...4? 7 250 500 OK. ...5f 19c rerslan Lawns 10 19c Long Cloths V.....V.; 10c? 15c Indll Llnon X. '. . . . . .. .IQt 25c Fancy White1 .110 25c Checks .it A". i'..... 10 40-ln. Lawns .10 rrrr mn Weak NERVES and nervous man their vowir is work aud youthful vigor Suns as a result of over work or mental exertion should laks GRAY S NtHVE FOOI P1L.LS. Ihey will maks you cat and sleep and t a maa sgaio. V. fl Boa 9 koxsa fi 10 bj mail. BXI.asfAMf II SicGOBTBi t-LT, XJUUk CO. Cor. 16th and body s. owi, bbtju cotrisr Co. ISta and ILaxasy fcis Omaha, D. c. scott.Tdlv.s. (Suoww or t Dr. EL 1m Ramacdottl .MxnajrT mvA.rm TTmrstsii; Offto a4 XosTDttel, S810 Kwoi Calls jTompt ly Answered it All Hnira, Ttm OWoo trnT ft Xtvus-laa s. READ THE BEST ill, tiX PAPER ..iMw...ijr.rywaaBS?',.- " 1 - ' 11 111 1111 ' 1 ' , USfSSW SUf.lf.lER FLOWEjllNG BULB S r.AlADMMS. Mammoth Bulbs, each 2t; 5 for TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Peart, dot. 35; 3 dot . GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, dor. 50c; iSO for . CINNAMON VINE. Extra Large, each ilk; 12 for DAHLIAS, Assorted, each iOc; 12 tor A . . . THE r.E&nft&Kft SEED CO.. 1613 I toward St. 51.00 H.OQ $1.00 51.00 51,00 sfrr"iTi'''""" r c P. a. m BAILEY & MACH nrmTicTc 1 j THIRD FLOOR I . PAXTOJt BLOCK V Cornev Idib and Faraam Street. i Et equipped Dental office la th middle vMl Kit test grad IXmtiatry at IteaaonauU Frlcaa mmmm. ''.-FINE. FELT JIATTRESS AT $6.45 :, "Costs No More" than an ordinary mattress, has all the. goad qualities of ths high priced felt mattresses. 'v have teeured the exclusive aKency for theaa mattresses .for Oniaha and have Just reot-lved our first, big shipment In order to introduce them we will offer them Wednesday tor oae day at, each ,., i '.."......",'.. ? . '. . , . . . Several carloads of gapjtary titeel Couches, secured for rash at a bar gain, $4.50 lue9r, on sale at $2,05 Other fcpocials advcHlwHl KunrUy for Monday will continue Wednesday, " Hayden's Grocery Prices . THE GREAThiT STOUK 1 V THE WEST FOft ECONOMICAL BUYEItS. fjranuiaftrd Husrar. at less than jobbers' cost. I lour, Flour, Flour 48-lb. sacks of the FineHt High Patent made, and retailed everywhere for $1.60 a sack: our price, this sale. ;. k . 81.25 Quaker Oata Company's Toasted A'hoat Flakes, per pkg. 6 Tho best Domestic Macaroni, pkg ?o Malta Vita, per pkg. Tha best ertsp PrcUcls, per lb The best crisp Ginger Snaps, per 10 Faney Cookies, regular lie and lo eil- 1 1 bun. hes fresh O. lery .y 10oV',lrke bunches fresh H rrssb sgsiabla aad rralt Fncss i or woajassaay. Fresh riplnai-h, per peek Ho a bunches fresh AnraraKas " ...So 4 hunches fresh hadtfth.' bo I bunches fresh Leaf Lettuoe. ......... So I bunches fresh TarMley , So 4 bunches fresh JMe 1'lant.. Sects or Carrots. .So Pr lb "J "7L" a-(t''rM'y ripe Tomatoes, lb. 7t, Haarman's Pure Mall vinegar, "" "H'mry Wan ir tireen ltans, per 1j.....10o .THo I.aiK Florida Cirape Fruit, each.. rancr rara iitun, rer id. . ,.... ni-w fuiatues per iu. . New CahhaKf, per Ih. i.ik eana Aaaortea Doups. -lb. cans fancy Sweet tSuar Cori.,..0 l ib. cans solid packed Tomatoes. .. B'sO Gallon Can N. Y. Apples.. Tha bsat Tea Hlftlngs. per lb... ...... .IS c.nrv Mantos Coffeo. per lb. ,.. X0 The Balance of thit Rose, Bishts Villi B$ Oh Sale Wednesday Til ''ii av.o I.ttrifB tiilcv lemons, txir den 12a Klfhlsnd Bfavsl Orangss, r dossa, lao, iio, lTis and...,., &o TRY tmmm FIRST i: 'Yi I ,S rwrcelaia tUilaa. just Uk Us toUu aspsy eaarrlSPS 1st Owafta L a 1 1 B