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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1908)
I Till: OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL - 190S. --If--- 1 I ) i REAL ESTATE tiTT rRopF.nTT ron sit.H . (Continued..) :-- y -'ACRES s Three c rcn, 7M. itour acres, ti3. ... Fivg nVres,'i,i3r' . , $!wM,'t2.a.K f -. -f " Seven acre. $2,30. . - it. , ,t ' . Ten acres, Cfio?. ,' -. . i - In Keystone Park, thrce-quar-teifl of a mile vest of Benson.' -TermfrDnelilrd cash,, bal- '-.,- .1.T- . ancc fire, annnaj. installments. PAXNf INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N- T. Life Bid. " r ' . ..- v-i . , "thon; poutlJTBljInfpeftdent"A 1188. ... . . . ' " . - D.y.-SliOLES CO., ; : ..119 pear, fltf, Trad BMg. 'Phones Douglas -5 j; Independent A 9H3. - . OJ1CJIAKD HILL. i rimmi practically new, all modern, ex cept. Iiert.;c4jrnefl Irttj pave! afreets, close to car; one of. the best locations In Omaha. Located at fnh and sward. Price, Q'rQr 4f IIaBERG, x . vi- J-. U N. T. Ufa Bldg. .. . . .... . (19)-M41J 28 FOR SALEr-.Or -.Jong term lease. .4-room i irrnderri cottae-e. For terms address T. B. Batanu. S33t JC.Kd. 'Tel. Webater ISMS. . .... . . (l)-89l LIST yeur property with Carls Borer. Z2& and Cumins' Sta. . .'.. V- " . , (liD-Oa . ' SEVBRAE. CHOICE! LOCATIONS y- ON HIGH-SCfllOOL HILL. .'... FOR FLAT3. Dug."31. V Y""r ' t-. f, f ? -V' "! s.-- - ."59 Board of Trada.' ' "V - (19) 0. S room and bath; Jipusa in rood condi tion; south front,! loCbOxlS?,- near 87th and Ruggles. iC-G, 0AtlLBERO, ' ' 811 ft. Y; Life Bldg. . r .... , (19-M414 2 TJSAl'' 'FSTAta' ' TITLTO TRTST. O . , CHAS . K, XViLWAMaON, Prea. VJ- TH 3 ' REED ABSTRACT C&-. 18M. Prompt Mrylve. Ut cur . ftrtrea. 171 amanv' US-64 NJ5W Joratloff. 'penlwnln R. SL Co.. 4T1 KranUen. BIK. Jloth 'phooaa. flS 1637 J VAtNUTmLIi IIOLIE. f roflma'. ait .modem, ttouae la fine condl tlonr lo-ftoi2S; prlc. I2.200. lt will pay you to investigate thla property Mt, ' 0tr. CARLBERG, 'X - -"i U N. T. Llf Bldg. ' ' . . . . (19) M411 2 t WANt n" ffef' on th property. 119 and 1130 0. 21 at ft.; two modern houaea and ' good barn. "well rented. Thla property la owned by an eaetera rartr who must aelL '.' . ' THOMAS BRKNNAN. ' Room L. New torle Lit J3!dg. i t - . r u' i rrn : i i "i1, : ' ' : ,"rr i ": REAL ESTATE ,7" r ARM Air nAlfCH. land ron f ALIO . - ... T Jt'l'J . .- . 1 V' 19 .1-1 FIFTY THOUSAND ACRES AT A ' 3REAT - SACRIFICE v y. ; . -. i a - Muct be (old. In tract of Jiot less than 19,000 gcres. . ... ... ; ' Prlcei re reduced to a figure that make thla ttie brt :' baTgaW Jn. the Canadian markettoday.l..: HERE'S AlCHANCE To Jnvlsst ' la etrlqtf first clasa land In ona of v wpaCorRl.-Cacil btat-.dletrlcta. now'belhg opened up by the new Trana Continental railway, th Grand Trunk, Pa clflC. 1 ' . , - For full particulars apply or .write Ito to fc' . i.. . .. f, - Thomson -Beattie, .!. . . .k . , t .. I.e.- 'Rome . Hotel, Omaha OUT THET QO Cn the new C. M. A lit. P. Coast Railway, tlirou&h Adams toumy. North Lkol, wbtclt la attracting homweekera lo ao uutcell laruilng country, budihiu. tie coal. pm wr, aure exopj. a how and troHtable oci.ue.aUon lor you. Land l,ut )iu lo Uv an cr row. ICaay tlnil. We iiav )iomiea reiiuquUltiuiua lot eale. Win, It, brown Co., liayuua vi Merita Iaaot. or Hi Laulw to, ni. Map tree. Meniion tnu l.jof. v.r write xur Uandau. North kwia, oiliue. t Mm Seats Uakatau OMB choke far e In eastern Souta Da koia tut Mle or claaiia4. iay lerma. U, J. Licks btoae .City, a.. OA - - iaal4 lls UA U got the' rhoicet fana lands nj uoiueuaa la boum Dakma; intorinatiou N. barlvcr, Wi iou Bt. lei .iasgaX . . iau4 J. 1-AVt,,,,",,,rvd farm, Hrown county, buuth lnkotk, par acre. 1 m.tLt m et tarKHin orloea. tv. t... MUrin umui)rvwt land. All tine m.uei,i.. ai,u fcina c.tMul iu- fcvectioo. Ca or tiimi Box :J. Atxi UM.n. a, ,. -(iO)Ml. Mil , . , . ..Teaa.' . TirfA? IjAXDS-iltw to' get them; Brrd II W to K C. I.a, Aualln Tuu if or .-oiyof tou UnJ U. muJ Inatruutions how to buy. I u for tun yat c,,-f of UnJ dopartnent . state Uciurer i olfiri Know Uim lnu, liu. Uiey come on the iM.rket, l,w l.i get ll.-m for n.y rlintZ fteterenre; Austin Nti,)nl benk, AuaUn ixna iMnoa to Ih, ol4 coi ttUe t'f'H BALK-hKJ acres -jna tin.her in at. .,,.!, . jii.i-.iiy to rnanu let'uj, luuib.r ad fruit t 't.r V tiiiyurr; M mi u t... Aji;nj-it in, .-, M U ax VtltN 'jj' r u aJvrriiMra, REAL ESTATE rRM AT flATtCH lilD FOR K4LR (Contlnnod.) tUmCasteei, - WFSTFRN I.AKr. Jarge and antalt trmrtsr, ote and erhrga. National Invt. Co, M Braadele Mdg. JD ( REAL ESTATE LOANS Hil T Uti.tMi made promnly. U. WeaL Wead Bki.. Utb and Faroarn. . (0-; rRlVATB WONF.T-NO DEUAT. UAKV1N UK08., liM FARKAM. UZ Ifc) liONluT TO LOAN On Improved city prop. rty; building toana a tpwlajty; do rieiay. W. H. Iboniaa, eug lat Nat I Hk. Hldg. tZS-M7fl Alt PER CENT money te loan en eaatera Nebraska farma and good buslnesa tt,wp erty in Omaha. ALFKKD C KKNNKUT. 109 First National Pank building. Tele phone IXuglaa lt. fHl-STl INVraTMKNTS-Money . at per cent, and 7 per cent net eaat and west of the Mirwourl river;- ample security; 2 yt-ars Int this llni'i personal inspection. . Aibo Inrliis at bedrock prices.- Brown Bros., Aberdeen, H. l. -' . CK) M5D0 ix LOWKST AlATES Bemlm, Paston Block. LOANS on Imprere Omaha- property. O'Kecfe R. SL Co.. 1001 W. Y. Life B)us PRIVATH MONET CASH' ON HAND NO DELAY. 1. H. Ml I HEN. a-t 1ST NAT. BANK BUt. IkL. JJOUO. 12TM. (22)-i'i WANTK1-Cltr los anq warrants. VT. t arnam Smith A Co.. U& Faroam St' MONEY to lean on improved city property. Haatinga A Ueyden. 1704 Faruant Sc. 2?J 7 WANTED City loan a. :.. Potarm., Trust -Co. ta 7s HONEY. TO LOAN Fayne Investment Co. i . ,.a-7 WANTED--T0 BORROW- WANT to borrow "3,000 at per cent on Omaha real estate worth Address W 4i. care Bee. . (:'4 Mi.l I WANTED-T0 BUY WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, oook and heating stoves, carpetat lino leunia, ufflce furniture, old clotnea, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your .house complete. The highest price raid. Call the right niao. Tela. Douglas iirri. Independent A-I9T1. BK8T price paid for, 2d hand furniture, car- pets, stoves, clothing, shoes.' Tel. Red 5401. UM Mai HARDWARE, Implement, merchandise and dry goods Blocks wanted; have owners of 'good lands that want dnala on cash val ues; give full details In first letter or na attention paid. Address . F. M. . Joelln, Frederick, 8. D. . (25 MS94 4 WANTED Bulck auto, slightly used, 1 .model, .or 1 or 4-cylinder runabout. Ad dress T-439, care Bee. (J5 M543 lx WANTED-rTO RENT WANTED Finely furnished rooms, wtth or without table board, by a gentleman . and wife; must be modern bouse In every respect. References given and requirei Answer stating- price and location ' re ceived under C428 Bee office - - tap-MM jtx ElAMSXa SHIRT STUD LOST utwiw mrrov statzov ah rosTorrxca . $183 G3 REWARD bad Capitol Avenne. r' Q QtJETIOJBTS ASk-XD. ir JL Let me gee tbe Dent Rubber Tired.'. . r . . - . in the city 'or " .. 075 ; and that Ham res for , Glod to gJUow- fot-Com on DRUMLIOIID'S 18tti nd Harney 8t. ' Tbe pUce for the beat cr rice and Auto repairing and painting. LEGAL NOTICES. v.ii ' FPn ALE-BONDS. I- tl! f B1"y (Nebra.ka) water bond fu?iPly..? "H8 NECBAtER: Vlllaga Clerk. Sidney, Uchi-W&14. GOVERNMENT NOTICES K.hiAI)VATEIt3 DEPARTMENT OF nii,1'Tl!rl' .ff,.('B ch,ef Commiaeary, Omaha. .eb.. April 25, Vj.A-sled Vri, ft?."jf",h,.irl,,"ca"'' for 'umlahing end de, livery to-the commiBHartea et the followlrg pot., vl.j K.f Crook, Neb.; Fort Dei Moines, 1; Jerreraon Barracks. Wo.: Fort t"tl,rtln- Kar-1' 8- M''"-y Prison, tort isweawwth, Kn.; Fort MacKenxie. i r.t t?"1u,,V Kn-; Fort Rohm w l?rl3- A- aaell.-Wo.. and Fort Vtajlmhie, Wyo., such quantities of freeh beef and taut ion for the period commencing July and endu.g iAwrmber Jl. H. aa may he rituird hy the comminaaries at tn-j evral poela above-g anted, and iu accordance' with SPecuWaUons and condi tions b-t tortlv InU-irchlar No. 4. v'r Lv yaiuiuut, niin-e of the Coramlaeary Oen 8iAT:r asnington. D. C. March f!' j tl 'rcuved at ttiis office until 11 o'clock a. m. ilay J, l, . ,,,, tnel, opened. viil lnfoi tnaiion, biunk propoaa's guarantee bono and copy of circular No i, above referred to. cn be had on applica tn,n to tni. ortice or the po.t comnui.kry at any of the poet named, tuvelopee con taining propvaala muat be i.'isrked "Pro. poBal. for t resh Beef ud Mutton, to be j.pened Wiy JB..lie.' and be addresaed t' l undeirigneo. T. B. Hanker. Captain Coiuniaiy c. 8. Army. Chief Commiaeary! AW. - jo . CUNHTKCCTlNa VI L'Ahlr.riMAaTt.K tS uftlc. Fort Mtiade. S. U., April ilf Setile-l propoBulB. iu triplicate, will be i V ceived at th,a office until 1 . ,., mountain "". May ftJ. 11MI, andhen opened lor conitrui ting one toncivte root bous re inforced v.ith steel. PUns and epecvf (ra tions may be een at the offices of the CI. I.f ' wuartermicuier. J)et.rtment of tne Mmmiuri. (n.iaha, Neb.. D. partuieiit of n ltkee, Chi.-iuto, 111., Department of Da. hota, 8t. Paul, Mum., and Una office at win. h Uiter place. ll Inf.utnad.m way b obtainrd ui pJu alion. . The t'nited Rlt. B TtBi i van the right tui reject any or all birta. or to except any part of a bid that may he advan(iKii.s la the govern ment toiveloiu ' containing' proposals Mould b" ei,i-.r. d -Pri.iioeals for Itoot Hon . K.,rt Nt.adc.,S " ui..l a-'dre-s-d tJ U. C; tili.-nr, attain and Qi t. Kuilitii Ca,i rn. ,ng Wuailei-rnaater, A -' .'J M 1J-U srakMiieaaaeaMsaif IM1 r a L GOVERNMENT NOTICES tConlinued.f OFF I' 'ft CONKTRVCTTNO QUA R TKR M ASTER. Fort lavenworth, Kaneaa April si, l. ied pro.oeal.i, Iu tiiplWate. will be re eirpd here until ll irt a. m , Cen tral time. May 22. liiH, and then operd, for ronaimctlmt the following buildings. In cluding piflmblna. heating, electrte. wiring nd elvirtc iighling fixture: Two sen Fitd Officers' Quarters snd three double sts Captains' Visrtera, at Fort Leaven worth. Kanaka. Full Information and blnnk forms of proposal furnished on api'llcation to this efflce. I'lans and epeclflrntitma may be seen here; also In offices nf Chief Quar. termaciter at Omaha, St. Paul arm Denver and lerKt Wunrtermaster, ftlnt luis. I'nlted Htstes reserves the rlirttt to accept or rcj'-ct any or all proposals or any part thervof. Fnrelfipes to bet endorsed "Pro posals for Public Uuildlngn" and addressed to Captain William D. Davis, Quarter' master. AS-n-M M 1-30-21 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. A. McClanihan, " special master c tcnmlfxioner, to John F. Flack Co., lot 4, block 2, Hanwo'm 1'ark 6sme to same, lot 1, block 8, llanscom Park Same to same, lota V and 14. Mock t, Hanscom Park ...T... -. Bnrae to same, lota 15 and W, block a. Hanscom Park Same to same, lots 10 and 11. block , Hanscom Tark Same to same, lota 11 and 14, block , llanscom Park .,. August Conrad Davidson to James P. Ford and wife, part iot 20, Par ker's subdivision nd other land $ 1,860 Frankte P. Glenn and wife to Ella I.. Mssson, lots T and , block 47, South Omaha N j Maud McDonald and husband to Dana Morrill, lot 6, MoClure a subdivision.. 1,260 South Omaha J .and Co. to Bridget Hlgglns, lot 10, block 359, South Omaha . , goo Clinton H. Brigga and wife to Callle l.e Epley. lot 1 block S. Brlgga ' Place 250 Sarah H. Benton to Edward E. Ban croft, part iot , block 2, paddock 1,875 Reserve Realty Co. to B. D. MKJIn nls, lot 3. block 15, Hitchcock's first addition jjj Oscar Peterson to Charles Bielger, part lot 0, block 7. Improvement As sociation addition goo James . Mines- to Continental Trusl Co.. lot 14, block 12, Calklna' aub dlvisiom , 2j South Omaha Land Co. to Peter Ne'i sen. lot 6, block 294, flouth Omaha... 226 James II. Farrls to Florence Farts, lots J. 4, (, (, 7. , kit 222, block 223, r lorence g 354 Charles It. Washington And wife to McCagua Investment Co., lot Li, blofik 2. Institute Place , WO W. Hiese to Charles Jiieae, nw. t4 section 8, except 60 acres off south side, township Id, range 12 J Same to Guelav Hiese, a. Vi aw. H aw. , 1-16-12 and other land 1 Anna C. McCague to Oeorge Michael . Wolf, part kit 15, block 4, Campbell s addition .' 2,060 A. H. Amstead and wife to Joh I Bladellofe, lot 20, block 17,. Bedford ' riace 2 000 Mary A. Blubaugh to Fred Vaverka. ' lot 1 and part lot and part lot 20, block 8, Rivervlew Park addi- - Hon .. L100 Ouy D. Thomas to Shlmer A Chaae Co., lot 142, Seymour Park 1 Margaret M. Silver and husband to Dean T. Gregg, part lot , EiUstone Park Place Hastings A Hoyden to Leroy W, Hnrrlng, lot , Hastings A Heyden's third addition 426 Hulda 8. Bolton and husband to N. P. Dodge, Jr., lot 35, Nelson's addition. 1 Herbert Oarlow to N. M. Morrill, lot 6, block 117, South Omaha 1,000 Total ; SH.163 OCEAN STEAMERS Fee pest, eleasura ar baaliisaa n smya ie 1 revet on ine FREHCE- , ..J' To PARI , the City weeutlful. -V Tharrs In .11 mams m Sa ttAttHsM S 'r , Trangtlantlqu -sic Fast UmtleS) Malt asartitoe . . Htm VORK TO SAI IN g BATS via Havre ea sicantte twin-screw exprei etesmers. esiiiiur evenr Thursdsv lo a m. These woaderi ol modern inventions have all the convenience and luxury of most ft! sua 1 noteis on more immenee scale, assenger elevator, roof cafe, gymuesium, elegant suites and single apart inenta; daily newspaper, orchestra, wireless telegraphy. rsmous cuisine ana every proviuua Ed esicty ana conuorr. La rroreaca May l La gavsle ......Mcr a La lsmlne.... Mar 14 I La rreveues J una 4 La Touralns ..Mar U ( La Lerralns ....Juua 11 K.rly marvatloos resomaieaavd. Fur aoer of illoswataa took of tievsls asg rates sislv ta HAS K If n MOURK3, - - - ltil reua tt, I. b. KCYNOLDS, - - It'll rirnia SI. W. M. BOCK. lbM rinaa ftt. W. O. PAVIDaON, ..... uit rarsaa BL LOUIS NECSC ears lint MaUeaal Baas. CANADIAN PACIFIC Stnpresa Xdne ef the Atlastlo I.XSH TXAtT rOVKi DATS AT BSA The . Empresses sail from Quebec to Liverpool In six days; two days on the rnajeatio SL Lawrence. Speed, comfort, elegance and safety are combined la these splendid express steamers. Ask any ticket agent for particulars. Call or -write for illustrated booklet describing personally conducted Euro pean tours. o. b. BEgrjAMng. oes. Act, v. Telephone Varrlson JTla. 39 Bonta Clark Street, Chicago, 111. EUROPE ffiVSS All Xxpeusse. Bend for Booklet. . THOO. COOK & son gs aoADWiT, mvr tosv. Travslsr s Checks -i- Bagrag xteat. Aatoa Shipped. SCAmWU!.-AL?EEICAI. UKl WfM Tea Twln-Serew Passenger Steamers ' Dtrectte . - Korway, Sue. fa anj Cennark saliiaf (ram New York at sose. ' Halllf Olav.... Mty 14 I C. r. T1atga ....Juse 4 (.sited Stain. ...U n Onr II j. jT Salooo 174 anil up: Ssrond eaMs liT.M ' . A. B. JOHWaO ft CO., 1M XL Eluct MLt Chioago, HI. TWELVH IXMSOJ AT BBLI.BVIE Aaslty ef lews Defeats Locals by Seoro ef Five to Thre-e. In one- of the fastest games yet played on the local field, the base ball team from Amltv college defeated B.llcvue by a eeore of to 8 in twelve Innings yester day afternoon. In spite of the cold weaCier and A ama l crowd the game was snappy and f ast - from start to finish. Crosaiuan for Bellevue played In fine form and waa reepoiiaible for the three runs, due 4.0 timely hitting. In fielding the locals ex celled.' while they were weak In wielding the sllrk. The Iwoans were heady playe'-j and easily won on Iheir batting itco Ohman pitched the gamefor Belle.ue in fine form, and had perfect support. Amity has made a base ball record already this spring, defeating Tokio, 14 to 1; Takver " to I; Camilla, I to 4. While beaten thd locala put up a good fight and only In the twelfth Inning did they weaken, In the last half of the twelfth .Belli-vue filled the bases, but was unable to get !i man across. Score: licilevue 00000102000 Amity 00002000100 24 First (.asses at Atlaatle. i ATLANTIC la. April 2S.-Speeii,I -The fiiat real base ball game of the f-eaaon waa won by tne Merchants' Grave, when they defeated the Berg Clothing Company team lioiu Omaiia by a score of l to 2 The game was played In a dami. cdd. ctiilly wind ami but few people witnessed It. The Atlantic lllnh school bove lost their first game of the season to 4,'arrmi. t Carroll, by a score of 3 to 1. I'a to the K 1 1 1 V I ll innln. th. a .... . t . ... .. .I. J of Atlantic, when the Carroll boy made- two ecuree. Detch Wla Frees Y. M. C. A. BEATRICE. Neb.. April .fSxA ia! TeJ li.s Young Men's Christian As Kocuttion and iH.ich teams of t lie ciiy league pla ed this afternoon, reauliing in a acute of Dutch. 13. ioui.g Menu Chris tian Association, f - LINCOLN TARES ONE MORE Omahi is Oatpkyel ia All Depart me&ti of the Game. EEEOKS, IHTS AJfD PASSES MIXED Cawtew at Denver and Paefela Are) Past Boned aa Aeoaaat f Saewstornt Wtttrh Pre-vatla la Men a. tala Cenntry, LINCOLN, Neb.. April 28. Lincoln had the better nf today's game, outplaying Omaha in every department, and wlnninz by a score of t to L Jones should have had a shutout to his credit, but an error by Thomas gave the visitors . a run In the ninth. Pitcher Hall waa fairly effective, but his three bases on balls, errors behind him and Lincoln's ' hits ' were bunched. Score: LINCOLN. . AB. R, H. O. A. K. Fox. 2b...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 Reddlck, 2b 1 1 0 0 0 0 Oagnier, ss.i... I 113 4- 1 King. If 3 , ft .g I a Fenlon. rf 4 1 1 9 Thomas, - lb A' 0 1 15 1 1 Dsvidson, cr 3 113 0 0 I'rltchett, 2b 4 . -1 t 1 Sullivan, C 4 0 11 10 Jones, p 4 11 4 Totals it--7 a U "i OMAHA AB, R. It. J. A. K. King. ...,... 3 - g . --I 6 1 Frsnck, 2b 4 0 0 8 1 Autrev, lb 4' 1 3! 1 0 Householder, - If 4 .0 0 1 0 0 Welch, cr 4. 0 0.0 0 1 ' 2 0 0 Belden. rf Austin. 3b 8 0 114 1 (Ion ding, c... 4 14 1 1 Hall, p J V" ,' 0 3 1 Totals ........:.. .5. 24 14 "i Lincoln 1 JO, 3 0 1 0 6 Omaha 0 0 , 0 0 11 Three base hit; Fenlon. Two base hit: Sullivan. Sacrifice lilts: tSkgnler 2). Stolen bases: Fenlon, Thomas.-- Davidson f2, Pritchett. Double' play: Oagnier to Fox. Bases on balls: Oft Jones. 2; off Hall, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By HnH, 2. Struck out: By Jonen, 3; by Hall, 8. Wild pitches: Hall. Passed ball: Oondlng. Umpire: Haskell. Time: 1 JO. Attendance GOO. Post pea eA Ctaaae. At Des Moines Sioux City-Denver game postponed on account of know. At Pueblo Des Moines-Pueblo game post poned on account of cold. - I GAMES IX THE AMERICA l.aAGCE Brawns Win Eacttlas- Contest Front ' Wkll. nw 1. K.-1. ..W I ST. LOUIS, April 38. St. Louis defeated Chicago in an eleven-innings game today, 4 to 8. Graham was relieved in the eighth by Dineen, who allowed Chicago but one hit. Score: ' f T. LOfia. CHICAOO. B.H O A B ' B H O A K. Hoffman, rf.. 4 1 I Douthertr, If 1 t 0 C, JnnM. et.. ( r. J on st. cf.. 4 ! 0 Rtvns, If I I 1 1 DtTit. s 1 0 4 ( 1 Williams, lb. I I 1 I SAnaerssa, rf. I 1 Wallace, H... 4 OSS (Don ottos, la.. Jl 4 ferrit, b....4 1 Ait. ...... I t I 8 1 t jooet. lb.. 4 0 1(1 Tsnnhlli, b. 4 I 14 Stephens, c... 8 4 4 4 ! SulliTtB. S...6 14 4 4 Oraham, .... t 1 A Smith. 4 (14 4 ninsoa. .... 4414 Rpesoer, C...4 4 1 4 4 TotaU N lM 17 3 Crlsa 1 4 4 4 0 TetaU .87 " tt U 1 Batted for Stephens in ninth, Winning run scored with no outs. St. Louis 0 0400 1 0010 14 Chicago 0 l6.03OO00-3 fTwo-base hits: C. -Jones, .Smith. Hits: Off Graham, 7 in seven innings; off Dln een, 1 In four innings. Sacrifice kits: Davjg (2), Anderson, Wallace, Graham, Daugh erty. Stolen bases: Dougherty, Anderson, Ats, Stone (2), Williams. 1 Bases an balls: Off Graham, 4; off Smith, 2; off Dtneen, 2. Struck out: Bv Graham., 6: by Smith. 3; by Dlneen, L Tlmfe 3:25(lmplre: Evans. Senators Defeat' A valetles. . k PHILADELPHIAArli,.vVataungXen beat Philadelphia today, uj,l, by bunch ing hits on Plank. The home team could not locate C. Smith'a curvea-untll the clos ing innings, and DelehantsMeaved the game for Washington in the ninth by aijumplng catch of Collins'' liner, with two men on bases. The locals In the first Inning made the first triple play ever made in an Amer ican league game here. With first and second occupied, DaVia scooped up a fly by Delehanty, threw to Murphy at flrat, retiring Ganley, and Murphy threw to Nichols, who put Milan out before he could get back to second. .Score) ' . WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O A E. B.H.O.A K. Milts, cf 4 14 4 ORartanl, 'It... 14 4 0 Ganley, If.... 4 14 VNUhola. aw.. 4 4 14 4 Dslshsnty, 8k 4 1 t I 1 Coinns, b... . t 14 1 C It mar, rf.... I 3 4 4 Davit. 1 ....' 1 1ft t 0 tores. 4 18 1 vMurphi. Sb,.. 4 114 4 Fr-sraan. lb.. 4 4 14 4 Coooil, . rt. 1 I 4 1 Kdlrlds. sa.,4 4 i t OOldrlox, cf. . , I 4 1.4 4 Bektpke. 3b... 4 til Powrs. ....! 4 4 4 4 C. Smith, f..l 3 4 4 44. Smith. ., I 4 1 4 flsnk. g 1 4 4 1 1 Totals U U 87 14 1 M.iwsll. ... 1 4 4 14 Carter. 4 4 4 8 4 g. Colltae... 4 4 4 4 4 ctlrk t 1 4 4 4 . T0U1......m"4 87 8 Batted for Maxwell In seventh. Batted for, Cacter in ninth, . Washington 0 4 1 0 4 0 1 0 04 Philadelphia 0 0 4 4 0 0 1 4-4 Hits: Off Plank, In five Innings; off Maxwell, 4 In two Innings; oft Carter, 1 In two Innings. Two-base hits: Street, Schlpke, C. Smith, J. Collins, Davia. Sshreck. Three-base hltr Street. Sacrifice hits: Ganley, C. Smith, 'Coombs. Double play: Delehanty and Freeman. Triple play: Davis, Murphy and Nichols. l-ft on bases: Washington, 8; Philadelpdhta, 8. Bases on ballot Bv Plank, 7. Hit with pitched ball: By Plank, 1 Struck out: By Plank, 3; by Carter, 1': by C. Smith. 2. Time; 2:00. Umpires: Connolly and Hurst. I Nans Pile X'n Big Score, CLEVELAND, O.. April , 28. Cleveland made it three out of four from Detroit today. After Clarkson had allowed De troit to score fivo runs, Joss, replaced him, and In addition to blanking the visitors the remainder of the game, his-batting was largely responsible for Cleveland's addi tional runs. In three times St bat he made a triple and two doubles, the first being wtth ina bases full. Kllllon was knocked out of the . box, and Mullin glen was hit hard. It rained continuously throughout the game. Score: - , CLEVELAND. , i ' DETROIT. B.H.O.AK. J. Darke. If. 4 1 4 4 Mclnt;re, If.. I tits Braalsr, tb.. I 14 4 t'ht-ler. , Jb , 4 3 1 4 giovsll, lb... I I 14 I c'rmwlurs, cf.. I 0 1 s Laiols, fb.... 111 iCoM. r(......4 till Mil .SB t 4 t"4 R.rao. lb. 4 8 11 I 4 Benila i I I 4 1 roujMin, b. 4 4 I t 1 Birm'ham, el. 4 4-14 IThomas. c... 44144 Hlnrhiaas. rf I 4 'I bO'LasiV, sV. I 4 4 1 CUrksos, ... I 14 4 Kllllao, ....t 4 4 14 Jos, r I I 5 Ahtullia, 1 111 Toult a) II II II ' -Ti.ula.'.. .'..M 7 14 12 I Cleveland 0, 1 4 0 0 $ O S It Detroit .1. 0 4 4) 4 fi Hits: Off Clarkson. 4 In two-trlrds In ning; off Joss, 3 in six snd two-thirds in nings; off Kllllan, 7 in three Innings; off Mullin, 5 In five innings. ; Two-base hits: Bradley, Joss (2). tttuvull, .Cobb; Kchaefer. Kossman. Three-base hit: Joss. Sacrifice kilts: Mil. Lajoie. Stolen bases: Bemia (). , Double plays: Joss to Lajoie to Stovall; Joss to Kill; Ktovall to Lajoie. First base cn balls: Off Clarkson 2; off Killlan. l;-off Mullin. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Clarkson, 1; by Mullin. 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, 8; Detroit, 4. Struck out: By Jons. 4; by Killlan. 1; by Mullin, 1. Time: 2.02. Umpire: O'Loughlin. Highlanders Beat Oat' Victory. NSW YORK, April 28.'-Good batting won another game for the local Americans here today. 1 hey beat Boalon by a score of 7 to 4. The home team knocked Glase out of the box In the first inning. Kicinow's home run was the battling feature, bcore: NEW YORK. BOSTON. B.H.O.A.E. . st.H O A g. Nils. Ik .... I I TkiMier.. H-,. I 8 4 4 Keriar. H....4 1 I 4 euro. 4 4 3 S'atiL II I 4 4 4 OM.Il.i, cf... 1 4 3 4 Moriarttr, If . I t 4 oslr, rf.... I J Kibsrfcld. sa. 4 1 I I 4Lat-te. 2b.., 4' I 14 1 laaaa. Ik 4 1 14 1 ei ualnuh. 10 .4 i i a htiuKhtll, d.l I I I liir. is :. I 4 I I 4 Cusmr. IB... 4 14 4 t'arrltaa. a... 4 1 I 8 4 K..U-. a... 4 lit 4Glas a. 4 4 4 bsvtsa, a... t 4 4 4 lBwuAUl, ... 14 1 Tocita ,3U1I Tola..'!..." M 14 "I Boston . .. 0 0 1 4 1 1 4 0 44 New York 0 0 2 4 1 1 0 4 47 Twd-base hit: Nllcs. Three-base hits: Hemphill. Cynroy. Home run: Klelnow. Hus: -Off tilsse, I Iu seven Innings: Stolen base: Mrrfrfej ,;.? v baaea: New York, 4' Boston. 3. ' Baaes on balls; Off Glaae, 2; off Newton X l-iaee on er rors: Bosion. I; New Yok, 1. struck out: liv Glase. 1: ..iv Burchel!. I; bk New con. 1 STANDING CF THE TEATTS. WEST. LEAOl'K AMUR. ASSN. W.UPct. . W.IPct. Denver '. 10 8 .? Columbus ...11 3 ,74 Sioux City.. 4 4 .4ndlananolia t .?.' Omaha 7 6 .5- ToMn 8 3 .7:7 Dee Moines.. I 7 .417 I-o.iUvllle ... ( . Lincoln ,...,8 8 .HM Milwaukee .7 f .5t Pueblo f 8 'vKsnsss City.' 4 i .a7 . Minneapolis 8 10 .17 1 St. Psul .... 1 11 .OK? NAT L LEA CIV'S AMER. LEA OCR. W.UPrt. W.L.Pct. Chicago .... t 3 .778 New Tork.. 8 4 .7 New York... 4 .4K7 Cleveland .,7 4 .C-'w Ttittsbttrg ...g 4 .40Ft. Louts.... 8 8 .! Pblla .froPhlla, 7 8 Cincinnati ,)l I .g Boston 7 .4a Brooklyn ... 7 .417ChlcHgo C 7 Boston ( 7 .417 Washington 8. 33 St. Louis.... 3 .0 Letrolt 3 t .378 GAMES TO DAT. Western League Omaha et I.ln.-oln, De Molnea at leblo, Sioux City at Denver. National Leaarue New York at Boston, Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at Chi cago, Bt. Louis at Cincinnati. American League Chlrsco at Pttrolt, Cleveland at HL Louis, Washington at Philadelphia, Box ton at New York. American Assoclstvon Milwaukee at To ledo. Kansas City at Columbim, St. Psul at Indianapolis, Minneapolis at Louisville. Passed ball: Csrrigsn. Wild pitch: Bur chell. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Sheridan. GAMES IJT THE H ATIOX At. I.EAGIR Jlaw Terk Wlaa Slaw Uasse Fran ( B oaten. Three ta Tvra. BOSTON, April 28.-Boston waa beal'hj by New York today in a alow game, 8 to i Al though wild at times. Dorner did not al low tlie visitors a hit and-had them well In hand until forced to retire In the seventh, when a hot liner from - Devlin's bat -hit his ankle. Kelly was put oft the field for disputing a decision and Hannifan, purchased from New Tork yesterday, played first base. Score: NEW YORK. ROSTON. B.H.O.A.K. B H O A. It. hannoa, rf. .1 4 a aftrewne. rf... 4 4 8 1 4 Teener, lb... e It 1 4asaamont. et. 4 1 14 4 Dnnlla. It..,. 4 ( 1 apuln.. ir 4 13 4 4 Beymour. r.. I 111 IKeller. lb.... I I 11 I I Bmsaahaa. t. 4 4 I 4 Hsnalfaa. lb. 1 0 4 4 4 Ilerhs. b.,.. 4 4 1 I flmtcheT, Jh... I 4 I Mcklln. tb... 3 4 8 8 1 Pahlsn. as ... 4 1 i t 1 Rriflvsll, aa. . 1 J 1 Svasnsr. lh, . 4 1 3 8 4 '"y'or. 1 0 2 1 Bswerman, i. t 4 I 1 4 Msrkle e 4 Pemer. .... I 4 4 8 4 Malarker. ..4 S 1 1 ft I .inrtamaa. . 1 1 t 14 Hsnioc 4 4 4 4 4McQana ....I 4 4 4 4 lltss. 44444 . , Totals IS I 81 14 3 Tatals a 4 87 It 3 Batted for Taylor in fifth. Batted for Malarkey in eighth. ' Batted for Llndaman In ninth. New Tork 4 4 0 0 1 0 4 2 0-8 Boton f i a a 0 08 Two-base hit: Seymour. Three-base hit: Kelley. Hitat Off Taylor, I In four in nings; of Malarkey. 1 in three Innings: off Wlltse. 3 in two Innings; off Dorner, 0 In six snd one-third Innings; off Llndaman. 2 In two snd two-thirds innings. Stolen base: Bates. Sacrifice hit: Bridwell. Double plays: Dahlen to Rltchcv to Kelley; Brown to Kelley; Nil kiln to Bridwell In Tenner. Left on bases: New York, 5; Boston, '". Baaes on balls: Off Dorner. 4; ofr Tnvlor, 1; off Melarkev, 1; off Wlltse, I. Rnses on errors: New York. 2: Boston, t. Hit with pitched ball: By Undamnn, 2. Struck out: By Malarkey, 6: bv Llndaman, 1. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Emslle. Brooklyn Loses Again. BROOKLYN. April S.-Anolher defeet was administered to tho-licme team thla afternoon, Philadelphia winning. 5 to 1. Wllhelm-was batted hard, while Sparks, after the first Inning, was most effective. Score: s . .. . PHILADELPHIA BROOKLYN. B.H.O. A E. a H 0 A K Ktiahe. 8b..... I 117 'iftttse. .... 4 4 4 1 4 Great. b I t 8 t nMaloney. et..4 14 4 4 Tltas. rf 4 114 Burek. rf 8 1 4 t 4 Maree. If 4 I 4 4 Jordan, lb.... 4 17 4 4 Otborn. ef... 4 1 t 4 OHhrfhaa. Jb.. 4 1114 Rran.fleld. lb 4 4 11 4 Hsmsell. If.. 4 114 4 nanlln. a.... 4 1 I 8 Lewis, sa 4 4 4 1 1 Deots. e 4 8 8 4 0 ftenaan. ...... 1 1 I I 1 Bparka. p..... t 4 4 4 1 Wllhslm, p... 8 4 " 3 4 Ttl MI7 1 t Totals... 88 T 2T 14 2 Philadelphia .1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 (V-S Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Knabe t2). Magee, Shee han. Stnlnn bases: Grant, Dooln. Double plays:-- Khabe to . pooln, to . Bransfield; BransfleM (unassisted i. Left . on bases: Philadelphia, 6; Brooklyn, 4. First base on balls: Off Wllhelm, 1; off Sparks, 1. First base on errors: Philadelphia, t; Brooklyn, 1. Struck out: By Wllhelm. 3 by Sparks, 8. Time: 1:32. Umpire: Klem. Games Postponed. At Chicago Ptttsburg-Chtcago game post poned; cold weather. At Cincinnati St. Loute-Clnclnnatl game postponed; cold weather. GAMES- t?f AMERICAN AS80CI ATIO.t Minneapolis la Unable to Maba Hit aid Is Bhat Oat. IOuisVILLE. April 28. Stovall ' Shut Minneapolis out today without a hit. It being the first no-hlt game pitched at Eclipse park since Louisville became n member of the American association. Score: LOC'lBVfLLC. MINNEAPOLIS." n.H.O.A.B. B H O A B. Barley, ef ... 4 1 4 0 40'Klll. ef... 4 4 4 4 Vooeniff, It. 4 8 .3 4 OUtiiuiu, lb... 3 4 4 1 4 Perrlna. lb... f 8 8 1 4V.sldar ,lt... 8 4 4 4 1 S-illlTaa, lb,. I 4 14 8 4riMma. lb., f 4 I 1 4 Burke, lb.... I 4 8 1 Kar. rf 8 4 4 1 Stan 1st, af... 4 3 4 4 40 Brian, tb.. 4 4 4 8 4 Qulnlao, ta... 4 4 14 ORmlth, aa..... 1 4 I t 4 Hushes, a.... t 17 1 IRioek. e I 4 I t 4 kuirall, p.,.. 1 4 8 1 40berlla, p.... 8 4 I t 4 . , Baolow, c..i.4 4 4 1 4 TsUla. II 14 37 1 eorsham, .... 4 4 4 1 4 whltiaore ..1 4 8 4 4 risae 1 4 4 4 4 Totals 14 4 M 11 1 Batted for Oberlln in eighth. Batted for Welday In ninth. Louisville V 0 0 4-0 0 1 1 4 2 Minneapolis - 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 4 O 0 Stolen bases: Woodruff, O'Brien, Qulllin, Stanley. Sacrifice hita: Smith, Stovall, Buelow. Twolbase hits: Burke if). Double play: Hughes. Burke and Sullivan. Struck out: By Stovall, 7; by Oberlln, 4V Base on balls: By Stovall, (; by Oberlln, 2. Wild pitch: Oberlln. Passed ball: Block. Left on bases: Louisville. 8; Minneapolis, 4. Hits: Off Oberlln. 8 In seven Innings; off Graham, 3 In one inning. Time: 1.37. Um pires: Owens and List. Batchers Win Clasa Game. COLUMBUS, O., April 28.-Kansaa City hit Geyer hard in the first three lisjilngs and the eighth, making just enough runs to win. Manager Cross drove in Knitter With the winning run. Columbus sent Swan Into retirement In the sixth, trhen the score was tied. Score: . KANSAS CITY. - COLL'MBLS. B.H.O A. E. . B.H.O.A.E. Hallaiaa, cf.. 4 114 COdwall. cf... . 4 114 Murpbr, if... 4 4 8 4 lKrugsr, It.... I 114 1 B.kly. Ik.. I I 14 I 4rrlel, lb I III Braahrar, b. 4 1 t 3 lrnngalton. rf. 4 14 14 Ksrvls. rf... 4 114 OKIhm, Ik.... 14 14 4 KrkSfvr. so.. 18 14 1 Kaidy, aa 11 1 Cross, ta t 3 I I OJaaiea, c 4 1 4 4 4 Crisp, s I 4 4 4 W rials, tk. . 4 1 I i Eaaon. p 3 t 4 I 40vr, 1 4 4 4 4 Brandos, a.,,1 4 4 4 Hall, a ,. 4 4 4 4 4 Hill 1 4 4 4 4r'ohl 1 4 4 4 4 Totala 14 U n 11 3 ' Totala t II 87 11 "l Batted for Geyer in frinth. Batted for fc'wan In seventh. Coljmbue ..: 4 0 0 3 1 2 4 1 0-4 Kansas City 2 3 1 0 0 4 0 2 07 Stolen baaes: Becklity. Kerwln. Sacri fice hita: Murphy, llrashcar, Cross. Base on balls: Off Geyer, ; off Hall. 1; off Swan, 1: off Brandon. 1. Two-base hit: Brashear. Cr. Threa-baae hit: 8sn. Double play; Cross, Brashear and Heck ley. Struck but: By Geyer, 8; by Hall. -1 ; by Swan. 2; by Brandon. 1. Hits: Off Geyer. 1, in eight innings; off Mall. 1 In one Inning: off Swan, 8 in six innings; off Brandon, 2 In three Innings. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Kane. Ifooslers Kkat Oat Saint. INDIANAPOLIS, April 28-St. Paul was Shut out today by Indianapolis. Scores INDIANAPOLIS. BT. f At'L. B.H.O A E. B.H.O. A S. Buak, as 4 t 4 I Medina. ....4 I I Coulter, If.... I 1 4 4 Davis, ef 4 13 4 1 Hayooa. rf ..I 14 4 Whssler. aa..l 4 4 14 (arr lb 4 4 14 1 4Usier, II 4 18 4 4 Darllaoa, cf. 8 1 3 4Tlemyar, lb. I I 1 I 4 l..b. a I 1 I 8 Obunleary. rf. I 4 I 4 HlWirnt I I I I vHow.n, lb..., 1 4 14 4 Hspna. I4 ..4 14 1 Hed. lb..... 1 till 4iai. .. I 1 kaosbauah, a I 4 0 I 1 TotaU 11 Unil I Toials H 8 84 1 3 Indianapolis. 1....0 13 10 4 14 4 bt. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Struck out: By Rodebaugh, 8; bv Blade. 3. Wild pitch; Rodebaugh. Hit with pitched ball: Rowan. Two-base hit: Hopke. Sacrifice hits: Leahy, Williams. Baaes on balls: Off Slagle, 2; off K'Hle bauah. 5. Stolen baaas: Harden, t'arr. Mood. Pasas-d ball: MrCune. Time: 1:40. Ulyipire: Hayes and Bierhslter. v Gaare Pastauaed. Af Toled.t Toisdo-Mllwauke game post poned; ov!d weav INTER CITY LEACIE READY Opening- Caraci of Sction Will Be " . rigytd Sunday. EIGHT TEAMS WILL MAKE ST AIT Presldeat -Meta Iwstraeta Vanplres nasi Arraages far Vlsltlaa the Parka ta Order ta Be at the - stamp Off. AH arrangements for ths crpenlng of the Inter-City league were completed Monday night at a meeting which was largely at tended by the directors and those Inter ested In the league. The opening games will be played Sunday afternoon, the S:er linga playing the lt'lets association team at Dloti park, the Townsr-nd Gun. company team playing the Florence Athletics at Florence, the Merchants playing the Union Stock Tarda team at Fortieth and Q atreet. 8outh Omaha, and the C. N. Diets Lumber company playing the Benson team at Benson. President Arthur Meta has appointed J.' B. Gelaen,' Santly Morrison', Oeorge Claik and William Bell as 'official umpires, snd these were Instructed as to their duties at th meeting held Monday Bight. Mr. Meii will visit all the parka Sunday afternoon, making the rounds In hi automobile. All the manngerg turned In a list of their players, with the contracts with, the play ers, and a strict enforcement of the rules of the association In regard to players will b4 Insisted upon. Th names and positions of the players whose contracts were turned In and the positions to be played In the opening ' games Sunday a re given below. The lineup: , AT D1ETZ PARK.- . Dlelx Aes'n. Position. Sterlings. McManlgal .First bsse.., Sage Hall Second base McGuIkhii Nestlebnsh Third base I.c-eny Eastman Shortxtop Twlchrll l.Afferty Ift field WsUrf Dlneen., , Center field. ......llemard Shealak Right field Hlnkle Lynch Catcher Fltr.gorald Spellman Pitcher ; Vincent Probst Pitcher Hagcnsack Pitcher AT FLORENCE. . . . Athletics. . Position. Townsends. Anderson First base...- ....By nek Slcrt ....First base....- Trowbridge .Second base.. Elliot Hughes .....Third liase Atkins Kinney Shortxtop Dworak C'arloW Left field.; Qulgley Baker Center field R. Young Ryan..,; Rlarht field Barr Danxc...., Catcher Brown W. Brodhcck Pitcher Y'oung Gustln Pitcher Welberg AT SOUTH OMAHA. V. Stock Yards Position. . Merchants. Talbot v,... First base Moeller K e i Icy Second ba se White Hawkins Third bac Mellirm Mayrield Shortstop.'... W. Kill Van dure Lert field Rablnovits Murphy, Crandal Center field H. Henry Bodura.. Right field. ..It. McGowan J. Cavanaugh Catcher McDonald Collier Pitcher , Reilly J;t. Cnvanaugh.. Pitcher Walling Hinkle Pitcher........ Konan Pitcher.........' Howell ' AT BENSON. C. N. D: L. Co. Position. - Benson. Welder Fira -oase Creighton Anderson.......... Second bascBruggerman Second base FttrgeralU Doup Third base Durkee Faber M Shortstop Valleaw Spellman. . Ijeft. field Ratisseau Blgelow Center f It-Id.. ..Rclnshrlber Mullen RiRht field Blackwell Right field Ranacker Kranda. .Catcher... Rice, Fitzgerald Mathews Pitcher Whitney Stafford ...Pitcher Smail ATHLETIC! AT IOWA COLLEGES Ball Teams at Tarloas School Roaad- , , ' lngtato Form.. ; OSKALOOSA, Ir., April 28. (Special. )- The Penn college base ball team of tlila city la beginning the season auspiciously, with prospect of a, , flrst-tisss team. Three practice gamea have been played With neighboring teams, all resulting In victories for Penn. and there aro twenty candidates still . working for the tesm. Hawks in the backstop iiositinn and Beach and Brown in the box are doing especially good -work. The following schedule will be played: May 8, Highland Park at Des Moines; May 11, Wesleyan at Penn; May Li, Iowa Wesleyan at Prnn; May li, Penn against Ottumwa High school st Penh; May 22, Iowa Wesleyan at count Pleasant; May. 23, Iowa Wesleyan at Mount Pleasant; May H Ottumwa High school at Ottumwa; June 5, Des Moines college at Penn. INDIANOLA. Ia., April 2. tSpccial.) The Simpson college bell team has been chosen for the season, and have been put in good playing form by Coach Green. Proudfoot ia doing fine work behind the bat, and West rone, in right has been field ing In sensational form. Miller will piny second, and ia a strong hitter aa well aa a fast man lh the field. Baer at abort Is playing good ball, and Is hatting near the head of the column. Dyke Is at third. Head at first, Pembln In deft field and Culver in cehter. The twirling depurtment la atrong this year, with Brourink and Nlms doing the heavv work on the slab. MT. VERNON. 2a.. April 28-(Speclal.) Coaclt Dennis Is rounding his bunch of ball tossers at Cornell college into a fast team. The men have greatly Improved In their hitting since ths opening of the sea son, and the bleachers have already begun ta call "stonewall' ti the Infield. Coureon In center ia hitting st the top of the list, and McNammee and Cole are following him closely, is doing the heavy work in the box. and I.ane Is developing Into a good man on the slab. Koseherry Is a reliable catchor and a good hitter as well. The Infled. as at present arranged. Is Cole on first. Beadle second, Clemens st short, and Christie on third. McNammee la In left and Bird-In righL The rooter are already seeing vis ions ef the state championship, which has not been won by Cornell for some time. IOWA CITY. 1.. April 2s. (Special. ) The co-eds have arranxed the difficulties In the wsv of their iisa of the athletic park, and will begin regular work In hockey and other sultahia field gapies In the near future, under the direction of the new director nf physclal culturs. Mis Alice Wilkinson of Chlcsgo. The girl learned the rudiments nf the game last full and will plsy a regular scries of games this semester. gel Jed Sokal at Plattemnalh, PLATTRMOt'TH. Neb.. April 2. (Spe cial. The annual exhibition or tne western division of the Tel. Jed fcokol was held 1n the Bohemian hall In this city. Janrta's orchestra furnished .fine music. Joe Mik of Omaha, president, spoke of the advant ages to be derived by turning In the strengthening of the bodies of the ypunz. A calesthenle .drill bv A class of twelve bovs was aond. which wss followed by a class of twenty-four young men. which aas louilly applauded. Then was alven some skilled work on the horizontal bars bv the Omaha team, and then on the parallel bars by the South Omaha and liatlsmoc'.h teams, FluUsnjouth and outh .Omaha did ' ; - 13 GOLD MEDALS -M E "jnr. WHISKEY with a wefiTTfow I : V... .. HIOHEST AWARD'AT";, iuiti- International Pure Food Inhibition. Paris, Franc) St.'Loul Worlttiarry Wright, cur Lewi and C ark Epoi.uoii, -ori!ai.d. Oreaou. Could tbera lkis auhstltute lovia j uior couyiacing sviaeuc Ol 1(4 4upnorilt , .. ..... S3 onivm uim ovr -v... . ' .. ' K. Wick, cairltr; m w a. a.,. aaaa-aaa- avaw tm ausumiiy ffUr, psjritJCfl W tag fQ , TO7l r t XQuUito nvor. tfor Ml . latvUlui trt. CJ4 bVa.4 Ur. iiorci. - KUtC. Ina. an. was . A S. IIIRSCII &. CO. Cr '"-' - e - e - - - vrer. ' '"' """" -mil n.. n .i D. A. Sampsonj.Gcn'l somo good turning Met Ilia long hmse, nhile toe Onisiin t.-sin old s-uih fins w.nk on tlie Sid" horse. Fvsnk Hil.a dlrevted the Onisha turners, sad Klnvifttlfisky bad gnu. eral disrate of 4ha extoMifon ii district niirnHmi will ( held In atma'm Jo'y t and Auaoet 8 and 8. which Inrimtca Ne braska. Nona sod Soirth Dakota, lc ahd K annas: The IlsttswiwuHi class will be V. Pllney, R. Itcbal, J. eUebel, C. Iladiaba and It. Holly. RVr.wTS ON TUB RO.tPJtd TRACKS , Berry Btald, T Win Sepaard v Rare at Asjaednct.. : NEW YORK. April Kerry Maid, well supported at i to A won ahe. second event at Aqueduct, t coixlitlon race for 8-year-olds and upwards at five furlfmgs, todH.v, besting a gofd field of sprinters, Including Rosrbvn, holder of the world's record at sewn furlongs, s Sassmaryt First race, 8-ycnr-olds and up. selling, six furlongs: Pig Chief (ln.1, .N'otter, to 5k won,' Black Sheep tW4." Mustravv-, II to second, Prln-e f Castile (III. tL Burns. 00 to) third. Time:,. 1:13. Bfulyaney. frank !id. Tlcro, Vjucott Mnrgucrita and Wed ding also ran. ' ' tweond race. S-yenr-ohls and np. tive fur longs: Berry Maid Musitrav, 7 to 2 won. King Kohall t McCarthy, 12to 11 eind. Bed River tlt. K. Duxan', 4 lo 1) third. Time: 4:!k,f llneebs.ii, Perrot, Hot ace and Besom also ran.,. , Third rajcr. the Wooflhaven Makes, i-vear-olds, four and dne-liait furlonsrs: Fllaherbert tl2. K. Dawani 8 lo 1) won. Trance 1109, Musgrave. " to 10) second. Pre ceptor 7, t). Iturpa, 8 to It third- Time: 0:634. Uncle Walter, Arionctte, Rampler and Erbert alse r. ' ' - Fourth race, linadlcapt 3-year-olds, six furlongs: . Aletheuo (IIS B. Dugan, 11 to won. Oxford tll. Notter. 8 to 1) second. Colonel Jack. (l:. BurYin. 11 to 6) third, lime: li.rta. Minnie Atlama,. Golden IVnil, Black Oak and Listless Also rn. , . Fifth race, B-vesr-olds ' and up, selling, mile: Zl (lit. MCDsnlel, 4 W 11 wdV, Mas ter of Craft (HIV Muexrsves 3 1 It second, Dennis Stafford (as. Francis. 3 to 1) third. Time: 1:41. Robader, poquesslna. . Greeno, Umbrella and Chief Hayes also rnn. Sixth race, maiden J-year-ohl. selling, six furlonars; Hartfoid Wov nil,. W. Burns, Jf) lo 11 won. Fl.ider t)r. It. Dngan, 7 to 1) Second. Trtunttih G6. Grncr. 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:15.; Liopll 4VI,, Danger, lonakoe. Black BrUxe", IfoSsrlo, Okltau ,4nd Hlum hcrless also rap, Hacu'elte andVRed Bon net feii. " ' ." v" : . OAKLAND, April 18. -Srtfpniry: " ' First race, six furlongs, gelling:" Green Goods !t. Harris, to ';t won. 4-ord Fili grane (100, MrInLvrea 10 to 1.1 second. John C. Gratis (US, .Dekrborh. ,'3 to D third. Time: 1:13. Cslla, HilbA Myet, ' Bauhle, Arthur Hyman, Iiaitity "Morsel, .Dt. Crook, Marian Louise, Alice Carey and Klrkfleid Belle also rsn. Heoond rsce, four furlongs, fnirse : Can tain John (110. WAJTIller, 7 to 1 'n-on; Bill Eaton (il. Rettlg,1 & to 1) tfeeond Phlllls llna (107, Charlmneali, 20 to .) fldrd. : Time: 0:48. Tanma, Pomare, Flying Dance, Mis Bootless, Nasmerlto, Caronia and Wlldwood Belle also ran. - ' Third race. nille"nd Seventy yards,' sell ing: Bardnnta 15, Kent, SO tit' II nrf, Ed Sheridan Ht Kelly.'IO to'1) aecohd,- Clinrley Paine (110, W. Miller, "S to I) thlrdV Time: 1:44. Farl Rogers, Woolen. Miss May Bow. dish. Confederate, J. R. l.augliroy, Ganncl, Tarp and LUrrece also rsn. - i . . ', Fourth race, the Martin handicap, seven furlongs: The Mint (KIO.. Mclntyro, 5 to D won, Svdney F. C8I, Ooids(ein.l to 1) sec ond. Suaar Maid fh9. Buxton.- I to : third. -Time: 1:35 Fred Bent.i Domln lus Arlvl,- St. ElmWood and Ocean Shore also ran. .. " '- , Fifth race, mile and a quarter, selling: Leiratee (110, W. M'ller.' 11 to TO) won. Nadsu (105, Hayes, 8 to t)e sacond, Jos Covne (102. Harris. 5 to 1) third. Time: 1:6. Markle Mayer, Orchara, Roy al River, Elie, Mandator and Rosininl also ran. Sixth race, five and one-halt .furlongs: Security tlOJ, W. Miller. 2 to 1) won. Sll verstocklng (100 Mclnlyre, 4 to 1) eond. Hereafter (W. Kent, 20 to I) third. Time; 1 :0ft. Don Domo, Kokomo, "Booget Red. Burning Bush, Marion Rose ; and Salvable also ran. ,' ' LEXINGTON. Ky.,. April IS. Summary: First race, four furlur.sra: Romp . GOT, V. Powers, a to 1) won, Maker Lawrence, 1107, Hell, 7 to 1) second; Wooibinder (1U6, Burton, I to 1) third..-' Time! :6f. Colum bus, Ben Howe,- Tooy W., Slrvcrlte, Soilti tor, Mazo, Jack Combs -and Mad Rose also V Second race, six furlongs: Ira May ol1. Gauget. 4 to 1) won, Kstllla C. (1U5. . Powers, 3 to 1) second. Lexington Lady (103, W, Ott. 8 to 1) third. ' Time: 1;V Variety, Night Mist, Carlyn B., Ellst. Al satian, Tartar Mald : Goci , Friar and Brown Mary also raat-.. - -. Third race, alx furlong: King's Son U"9. Fogarty, 4 to 1). wonV Top Lbfty-199; F. N Burton, 10 to 1) second, Merrifleid (107, Lee, 7 to 2j third.' Time: USV Heron, Royal Chance, Ansopla, Bramble Lad, condtce, Verdoe, Flyon and Fred. Mayer also rati. Fourth race, four and one-halt furlongs: , Alice Balrd (107. J. Lee,vl0 to l)won, Miss Hapaburg (101, ' Sklrvlr.. . 8 to 1) second, Cluard Allen (106. Taylor. to 1) third. Time: 0:51. Serenade, Mi.ts Imogene, Vio let Pearsall, Abbey C. Vancena7 Icarla, Dusky Dame, Veriblue and Annax Howard also- ran. s l . , i . ;. Fifth race, one ifflle: ' Hostile Hyphen (92, A. Morgan, 8 to 21 won, St. llario (10.1, J. Howard, 6 to I)-second. Ed -Kane (1I3, Minder, 4 to 1) third, Tlmo: 1.44H. Rustlu. Halbard, John Louis, Durable, Ht., Valen tino, Ftarrey and Camile also rah: 'Sixth race, nillo and ono-slxtecnth: La fayette G10, ' Warren, , 18 Ho ;! won, - Katie Powers (103, Glassner, W to U aeo,ond, Groat (111, Troxler, 20 to I) third. Time: l:li,. Doubt, Haacl . Patch,. Tinkers Nancy,- Royal Legend and. Roger 8. also ran. , '-, . 1 , , - f . ' . ROLLER THROWS WESTERGA ARD Seattle Maa Take Straight Fall from . Iswa Aslant. , . SBATTLE. Wash... April ''28.' Dr. B. F. Roller of Seattlo defeated Jess WeAlergaaTd . of Des Moines, la., in a catch-ss-catch-cnn wrestling match -hero last night in two straight alls. The firsifall was obtained ;n 30 minutes and 20 eechnds. The second was won in 20 minutes and 61 geconds. . WITH THE BOWLERS. '" ' The Onlmods finished "their sessun last night hy taking two gain'rt ,fYm the Reed Brothers' team. CI. . Francisco had the top single game, with 233, and led Reynold by one pin for the hlnh total, with 582. - Tonight the Storx .Blues and Gate CUy roll their last match. Score: , . ,., . . ON1MODS, - ..' , ' t ' ' vi"t." Sd. ." M. "Tp. Elliott ; ......137 'f-lMi'-'-i ! '! 033 Maglll '.;.- J? ' 14"-I4 t4 Heaton t ....110 '1:1(1 '15 -"-m Carman- 14 1S7 ' -l''- M4 Francisco ...............171 y,H --!Oi 6S3 Totala ...'...'..'...'.,".8B7 -'(Wg-' 83 itfit REED BROTHERS 1st. :.m ..140 ..S---7 ' ..13 . -id.'. " ftt m 1ii5 ' l',i M 154 1K4 175 Tt. :i19 il!5 5M , ul.i ' '418 Chatalene .. Greenleaf .,; Reynolds If. -D. Heed Straw -Totals ,.-.., .:...;rt20 srs- 'sa-i u Thlatt Bkr. Willi 'ton :.'W'WitiV' LCJNDONl April 28-There were further' negotiations, today with the Idea of trfang Ing a contest between 'Jack Johnson and Tommy Burns. After reading the condi tions under which Burns deposited 810.41 with a sporting newapept-r. for a meeting with the negro, Fltipairick said today: "Thera la no use in trying to do anything until Burns gets the klea.that ha 1 to have tjO.uto aa his share of the purge out of his head-"' . s . - - ...... V'.dftCd -Ave boea '.Islatiou of A thf city ut v Capital. ..c, who liiise been veral days, has la in Omaha, ty carriers appointed: route 3, Charles A. rat Hamer, suhstitui.. vilie. route H. James V out E. Mitchell. oute 1, David J. R. Jonea, aubsti William B. Hum. -. 4mjstA utAB inr a j ' vi II I 7tA Kansas, City,r7..,r.r - w . r- - , , - .it : IXebrasTkay bj it , , , . . . . Sales Agent, Omaha, y