Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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1 1
' c itt property ron SALE
(Continued. V
I? .3SA-A dandy pew A-ronm cottage parlor,
dining riKira, klichen, ln or hod ro'm
downstairs; I bo,l rornn nml and
hl lipetnirs; lrc c'mets snd panir.f.
; Ground 76x'2)l. 1 blM ks from Mr. Fruit
tree, mall fruit, ganien and blue grass
11 In. Modern excnjit heat. This In
cludes full-length serins t windows niirt
tlrors; Bow, best quality ilmiiiii, linoleum
an kitchen flour. large, now "Mrvil"
range, all connected, iao base limner.
Io you know whrrr you ran duplicate
" thl offer? Onlv t clown, hnlanc; I2
' per monlh. lasted o" Haleinn Ave . rec
ond house, south of Reed PL, runt front,
where th ntwr will be plearrij to how
It ny lime. Fhnn Fenson 4R.".
( MISS x
Safe Business
t2,6O0 for th ni:1 went cor
ner of 4t.h nd Jackson Pts..
M feet, with 3-story brick
hulldlng, In flrst-das repair,
netting a large rmo of. Inter
est. Reasonable lrmi.
GEORGE. 4k CO., 11 Farnam St.
, ., us) ius ;s
Beautiful i-rcom limine, part modern. In
elegant shspe; splendid neighborhood,
close to car line: walking tltatance. Kx
trellent very large lot. fenced; prrma-
nent wak; fruit and shade trees, lar'.-e
bam and chicken heme ami chicken
Only part cash required and at a lvke
, that will aurprlae you.
(82 Brandeia Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
, iA M135 ,
IN th West Farnam dlatrjret,- a. room
dwelling on lot 60x165, eajt front, 132
North ith.a.vnue; fine )iwn. tree. ce
ment walks and paving; Tiouae has been
-put In fU-st-clas conil.tion, iw roof,
plumbing, electric llgUt. new fixture.,
papering, ate, For tela tor t&,S00, or for
rent at A0 a month.
(!) M77j.
I4FTW (-room tiouae. (l.SQP. S434 Pahlor PI.
New, roomi, 3'th and Sprafua Sta, $(f75.
A. U. Heaoley, iiii Sahler Bt.
' u Mats
I WANT ,n "tC9t on the property, II and
1130 8. lint fit. ; two mod boite and
' good barn; well rentd. Thla property la
wpe4 ty an eaatarn narty who tpuat atlL
Room 1, w York Llla lildc '
A MODERN 8 -room houaa and barrf, bar
gain. . 82 8.. 17 th Ft. Bee owner
FOR SAIK Four $Tiio lota on can Una,
weil, for 3na aach. Mnat be aold Monday.
Trustee, room loj McCagua HUgr.
(i9i inu r,x
TJBAL. F.9TATF3 TI1!-,!? TF.rrsT pn
lik CI1AS E. WllXaAJ430N. Prej.
Prompt rvji;e. Uet our prices. 1714
Farnam. ' ! 8i
c-:,.-,tv-"",: , i .T7 :
Canada Lands
' i V. . . Il7',f J. at- I ...
1 Mut b aold in tracts of not leas than
iO.OOO acre." " '
I'rlcea are reduced to figure that makes
thla ' th beat bargain In the Canadian
market today.
To Inveat in strictly first class laud In
oms of we mem Canada's 1m at districts,
' now being opened up by tba new Trns
, ContUcntal railway, the Grand Trunk Pa-
,clfic. .... j '
For full particulars apply or writs lin
mediately to
j Thomson Beattie,
Rome Hotel. Omaha
. . . rth Osksta, '
On ths new C.. M. M. P. Coast Railway,
through Adams county. North Dakota,
vbtoa Is attracting homeavekers to an
vuexcelUd taruilug country. Buuj.1i me,
itt coal, pure water, aura cropa, a Iwui
iTo.tbl occupation for you. Laui
but tJi to 8.0 aa acts row. fcay tcrma,
V Jtv bmetea4 relUiiiuiahnieiiia tor
- oaun. Win. li. lixoaa Co., Uayua
r Mott, Ncrt Dakota, or Ui UtSallo 6t.,
i Chlvago, iiL stapa fro. Mention tins
T pr. O writ our liaudau. North Da.
kuia. offioo. . . U) Miw
general farming Itn.fe retailing from 814
to 8-U per acre. Lnd Ire iiem luiun
brajire and tills guaranteed. No equal
. u this) proposition In the northwest.
I Owner going to Kurooe and KX.Cfc.PT ION.
AlXr low figure will be quoted to re
liable partloa- I close out entire tract.
: For particular address box 34, Ht. PauL
' Urntt. ai-Mll 27x
seath Dakota.
cholco farm In eastern "South Da
kota (or sals or exchange. Easy terms,
h. J, lUtVa, Jb.g oloue City, 8. D.
C UiU Mix
0-ACIl3 ltr.provsd farm, bioarn cauaty.
asm a peawia, J6 I'd per Sere. Two
a mailer farms at bargain rica. fcv.
. oral quarieia uuimprovcd Zand. All fine
v invest uienta auu V-1 1 1 idnU vIo:Jt in
7 epeci.ton. Cash or terma. liyx xJS, Aber
' Stan, 8. P. t0i Mtlle Ai
M laoUasiowa.
trrBTCTN lNI, largo and small tracts;
els ' and exchtti ga, JaUwnai lnvt. Co
Ui Braodela bid.. iXiM
Bectlon good raw land I miles from counly
sent R. R. town; land around it aellmir at
' an acre; country aettiin uu er ft.
r-eluig to cnreatdenl and must he s-14
ft en.-e. Part sat m tli handle this and
Only an acre.
, 683 Frandoia tUdg., Omaha. NeK
i Jl - M1H7
IT TJ .H9 mads prmnnJy. jj. Wead,
W'ead ii.aa.. ia ac4 k aiuaot. uV
UAiiV.; 6-Oi iM fARNAM.
li.J Qui
ilONtlT lO LOAN On improved city prop.
'tj bglulmg lunne a illly; i,u dMi.
V. Ii, eve lat Viat t a. blug
(2i-M;u All
j Ftl CE T mcney to lusin oa atera lrms mui (uo4 bueiuees piuo
stl tu O"
Al c i i .. C. KTt'NNTTT.
U s"lf4-. j.,.i.'..-a i-aL 1 . .g, TaJe
( 4--. .. A
... V, Cil
l0: n rr.provd Omaha property
H. K. hM U. T.'Llfe HI,,.!
. (M-M
LxjVMCaT nATJ8-Kemla. Pajtton liloch.
NO LiKLAV. 11. WITHKN, Mt-I lfir
NAT. BANbl liUJli. ItU LUU ir.
WANTFD-City loana a1 warranta. W
rarnaai Smith ft Co., U: Farram Bt.
MONKV to loan on improved cltr property.
HanUnea at ileyOen. 1704 Karnan. (t.
(22 r
XVANTEU City kiana. rtra Trtiat Co.
etONBy TO LOAN Tayne Ioveet nt Co.
WANT to borrow M.ffsl at a per rent on
Onialia reul i'. i'c worth .Aririrots
W care Pie. t.'4-M17l 2
V ANTKD ttan t7" for nirntv days
from private party. Will pay roo.1 diii
tniaalon anil fiirniBli firat-ciais security
and refenncca. Aililrrss S"-4:', rue Hoe.
; ; (241-M177 27x
WANTED To buy secondhand furniture,
cook and beat inn etoves, rarpetat lino
leums. oirice tumiture, oin cmihef. quint
and all kinds of tools, or will buy tli
furniture o your house complete. The
HuheM prlre paid, (.'all tha right man.
Tela. Douglas 3371. Independent A-SS71.
C) M1S
BEST "price paid for 2dhand furniture, csr
pets, atoves, clotl:ln4 shoes. Tel. Red Mill.
. " 2M-M)i7s
WA NTED Throe ur.f urnished looms b
yoiina; -man and mother. AJilrefK P-4(i,
care Boe; (2i) 15i 27x
Office, Fort Mrade, S. i., April 20, Urns.
Scaled propale. In triplicate, will be re
ceived at this office until in a. m., moun
tain time. May Si, .l!w8. and then opened,
for constructing 1 aet of commanding of
ficers' quarters, V double act of lieutenants'
quarters, 1 aet of bachelor officers' quar
ters. 1 band barrack and 1 adminietratlon
building, and for inetalllng plumbing. Mourn
heating, electric wlrlnn ami vlectrtt HkIiI
Ing fixturea in bulldlnga spucifid. Pluna
and specif icstions may be seen by Intend
ing bidders at the otflcrs of thu cbief ituar
termaster, Department of the Miasoiirl.
nmh, Neb.; Department of tns Colorado,
Denver, Colo.; Department of the Lakes.
Chicago. III.; Department of Dakota, Si.
ThuI, Minn.; Depot Quartermaster. 8t.
Louia, Mo., and thia office, at which latter
place a'l information may be obtained upon
application. Tho I'nited States reserves
the right to reject any or all bid. or to ac
cept any part of a bid that bihv be ad
vantageous to the government. Envelopes
containing propnstils should be endorsed
"Proposal for Public pulldinga, etc.. Fort
Mrade. P. D.," and addressed to D. C.
SCUERKR, Captain and (Juarlermaater,
Fourth Cavalry, Constructing tjunrtermas
ter. Ap4--?7-;8-Mav3ft-21
EXPERIENCED, competent young adver-
tising man socks connection with leading
manufacturing, mail order or wholesale
house. Can plan and execute all details
Of advertising cairipaigna; thorough and
practical experience in preparing adver
tising copy, booklets,- follow-up matter,
e-u. Well posted tm to rstes and circula
tions of all clasaes of publications.- Ad
dress M 437, Omaha Bee. 27 M3t6 27x
sBtwisg rrsron statioit
ai pooXorriCB
i1S0.U0 fiEWASO '
Tot rotara to CaeUsy Brag 16th
aad Capitol ATsan. .
-eastgtfiw ,'efl
IsiloJi PoelAo '
Leave. Arrive.
Tha Overland Limited.. k:6o ant a i;4'J pm
Th Colorado Kxprvas.. :oU pm a ;o pm
Atlantic k.xnieas , ilu:la urn
'1 lie oreaun L.Kpres.,..a 4 : lit pm a 5:v0 pm.
i ns l.os AUifeiue piu a :ia pm
Tha Fast Mall a am a 6:a put
The cmna at Japan
Mail 4:00 pm 6:50 pm
Norm Platte local a 1.U aiav a 4:4 pm
Colo. -Chicago bpecla)...aU.w aui a 7:oo aai
burg Local
llllaoia Ceatral
Chicago Expreas ....
L'liicago Limited .....
Minn. -Kit. Paul Exp.
blL':30 pm b 1:40 pm
.a 7:15 am
.a :ut ptu
. t J :i am
a J 43 pm
8;J am
Mmn. -St. Paul Lim.
a :U0 Lin a kij am
tklcaio Urcat Weslera
SI. Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm 7:30 am
lit. Paul-Minneapolt.... T.9u am ' ll:id pin
Chicago i-imiteu ti.u pm S.i am
Clucaku k.xpreea ):im 11 pm
Chica Express pm i.Jn) pta
lkies ksrtkwestera -
Chicago Daylight 7:25 am ail:JS pm
Su Paul-Minn. Kip a J;iwm lv:2u pm
Chicago Local ail;su am a pia
loua City l'augtir..a 7:u am :) iia
Chicago Passenger...... 4.3d pm a . am
7nicago epeciai a :u pm v.iH am
Bt. Paul-Minn. Lim. ....a :a pm a :W) xin
1 .os Angaies Limited., .a ptn aUi:3A pm
Overlanu Limited alb:iAI pm a i:i4 am
fcaat Mall
i.'ii pm
t:iO am
t am
a 8:'i p.u
lvM win
: pm
a k:to pm
b :H Din
bioux City Local .
..a l:n pin
..a 8:M pm
..a 7:4j tin
..a 'i :8 am
,.lw put
, .a :uu pm
. .b (:U0 pm
Twin L'itv LJmuad
Noriolk-Buneatevl .
i.incoin-Long Pine
Caaper-Lander ....
k renftOUL.Ailjion
.b 8:m pm
b 1:3j pm
tairago. Hock lalajstt I'aclfi
Chicago Limited a 3 00 am
all:0 pra
a 4 WI pm
aU ao pm
b .m pm
a 1:18 put
:a am
Dea Mutnr i'aaovnger. .a 4:vs put
lowa uki till. sin
Ciucnao ( Eaatern Es l . e
Chicago, i Iyer a .W im
Rocky Mountain L i d.. all 15 pm 2.i0 am
Colo. A C'al. Expra...'.a 1:10 pm" a 4.4o pm
tiki. A Texas 4.) pm a l.u plu
(.btcaao. MUwaokoo (. Past .
Chic. Colo. Bperisl... 7:8 am all 50 pm
..a . pm a 8:iA pm
..a im pm a :ju am
..a 8.18 pm all.oo am
Dverland-Linilled ..
Perry Local
W a bask.
St. Louis Express
Bt. louia l.iM-al I from
.a 8 J0 pm J5 :m
Council Diuits a 1.00 am all.lj pm
Btandberry Local (from
t'ouncll Kluffai bi.Otpra bl0:18 am
Mlssvarl 1'srllio
K. C. & St. U Kxp..'.,.. :0 am a 8:48 am
K. C A tit- Le Lxp......all.l4 pm a i.t'4 put
Denver A California. ...a 4 I'J pm
Northwrat bpoctai a 410 pm
lilaek J t :11a a 4.10 pin
Nortliweat Express ....ull.fca pm
Nebiaaka poiuls a 8 44 am
Nebraska Express i 8:18 am
Ijneoln Faal Mail b pm
Lincoln lK-al , ,
Lliicolu Ixk1 ,, M ,,,
Lincoln Lo al
bchuyler - Piattsraouth.b 8:10 pin
lii lie v us PlaltauuoulU.a 8.W0 piu
liattsniouth - Iowa b 8.18 am
)ellrvuo - Piatismoutk. .........
litnvar Limited ..u,. .a 4:19 pm
Chicago iSswtel I 41 tin
Cnicaito I mpress a 4 20 pm
Chicago Flyer ....a 8.30 pur
looa 1hu1 a 8.15 am
8t. Ix.ul Express a 4 46 pin
Kinaitj I "try ft ft. Jt..kl0.4u pm
Kansas City at St. Jos., la am
Kansas City A bt. Joe. .a 4.4 pal
a 3:45 pm
3.4j pm
a 3 46 pm
aioas pra
a 6:10 pin
(10 pm
al2:ll pm
b 8 118 am
alO la pm
7 fco pm
blO 3D am
a 8.o0 am
b 1 SO pm
lie am
aJl :4o pin
a J .;o pm
8:1 ant
all.i am
atl:iK am
6 30 am
8.10 pm
WE88TC8I fTA. ll'IH WE85TEK,
Ckleago, tt. Fasl, Miaaeapolls Y
Leave. ' Arrfva.
Tala Cl'y Pseer.rr...b 8 t am b 8 10 pro
a.oux City 1 et.iatir. .a 8 "f pu aio 6- am 8.4S ji -e t. tm
Actirity Waj Noticeable at the Open
ins of the Market.
Liverpool t'ahlea Caaaea: at Fair Ad.
vanre, fk (he ' Crowd llav
las Decidedly Rollish '
OMAHA, April 3. 1W.
rtm Bt'miiT (IT lite fibrillin, nn-i nn- .
market rallied front yrhterrisy's H.ik clo. .
u aas a eciping market, However, whii
tli bulls in com rot. and tlioy realized a
fair advance on etrorx Liverpool rabies
and a verv nutlcenule Increase In demand
for all eraina. Interest died out Inter after
offerings lm,i been absorbed and the cash
dema i.l. , atln.fierl.
Wheel" np'ntd very a'cgreoalve. with
crowd f.tvorii.g the buil sine and bids were
sti'inR and Inniiet. baikrd by higher table
and bcHer deinHiid ltolh here and abroad
Offerings were readily ebartird and tile
early advance was lost by lack of support.
May wheat opened tit HSc and closed al
Corn op.r.ed steady, but run nervous on
general eelliiig. and no one waa willing to
take tfie looae offerinca. It was a dull
and llfel-ss market I hrmigltnut I lie slow
enlon. May com opened al tile and closed
Oata were steadv and unchanged, with
no feature ami very llltln doing. May
opened at 4rw4c and closed at !c.
Clearances were 5r.nro bushels of corn;
4.0tK) bushels of oats, and wheat and flour
equal to 2K8.00O bushels.
Liverpool closed Md to lUtd higher on
wheat and unchanged on corn.
Twnl ranee ft f iinllntli: "
Artlclcs.l Open. illgli.t Low. Close.1 Yes y.
Wheat I II I
May... I UrS ,!V 9- rSi
July,..! 83 s:i 3 k3 H
Eept...J 7 78 TS 78 7
Corn ,
May... . 61 i 61 ftl k A1
July... Rsi, ftsi4 v Mi fA'-sj hi
Sept... 57 67 ( 57 '
Osts ii I x
May... 43 19 ' 4SSi 49-
Omaha Caakt Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. W(!i7c; No. S hard.
82V&r-; No. 4 hard, 8Sft'J2c ; No. 3 spring,
CORN No. 8. fn4c; No. 4. 6OVS0Ho; No.
3 yellow, lfe61c; No. 8 white. oV(ii'e.
OAT8 No. 3 mixed. 47ifts7V,p-No. 3 white,
47KH7e; No. 4 white. 47Vi47'-c.
KYK No. 2. 73(ct7c: No. 3, Tl73o.
Carlet Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago ,. 9 . . m 2oS
Minneapolis l"n
(imaha 38 20 15
Duluto , 7 . ... , ...
notations of the Day on Varloas
Comnaodit Ics.
NEW YORK. April 23.-FLOCR Receipts.
7.7W hbla.; exports, ll.oiiO bids. Mraket was
firm, but quiet. Minnesota patents, 85.4y.
8.4S; winter straights. 34.1MI4.;ili; Minnesota
bksra, J4.(t4.W; winter extras, $3.fiOi'4.U;
winter patents, 84.50OT4.W; wiater low
grades, 8:i.40!i4.ixi. Rye flour, firm; fair to
good, 4 4(Wr!-l. P0; chcice to fancy, 8a.omri.o.lD.
t'ORN'MKAly Firm; fine white and yel
low. 31.4ixtjl.ev; coarse., 81.4oftl.4i; kiln dried.
HYE Strong; No. 2 wesiern. 4W. f. o.b.
WHEAT Receipts. 3,0iX bu. Spot market
firm; No. 2 red. ti.08Vk. elevator, and 81.0st,
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth,
31.14, A. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard wintor,
31.12W f. o. b. afloat Opliona opened4c
higher, nad further advanced c on cabfe
and strong Stat ml lea, but reacted under
fine crop prospects, and closed Sti'StC
higher. May, ll.C6S1Tl.07Mi. closed 31.liS;
July. G7t7Tfcc, cloacd STTsc; September,
I'lMl'iC, closed 3Vc. (
CORN Receipts, 875 bu.; exports. 2.500
bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, 7c, elevator,
and 75e.- f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white. 76c,
and No. 2 yellow, nominal, f. o. b. afloat.
The option market opened quiet and aold
off under realizing and bad weather.
Closed ea.yi-Viif(-,e dee litre. -May, 75&7oic,
cloned 75c; July. 71Vit72'4c, closed 71V-
OAT8 Receipts, 51 ,mm bu. ; exports, 3,300
bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats. 26 to
82 lbs., MV: natural white. 26 to 32 lbs., 55
&S7'v; clipped white. 82 to 40 lbs.. 86$ 62c.
HAY Firm; good to choice. 85ff97!c.
HIDHS-Dtill; Bogota, 17c; Central Amer
ican, 17c.
LE ATWEU- Easy ; acid. Iftff27c.'
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, 31850
17.00; mess, iU.blXu 14. P0; U'ef ham a. fci.0mtf
28.00; packet. 31 4.5tu 15.00; city extra India
mess, 3-4.Ouifr25.fiO. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies. S9.uOtQ10.00; pickled hama, 810.00.
Lard, barely steadv; western. 3a-!rVii8.2.'; re
fined, dull; compound, 37.75iSJ.00. Pork,
firm: family, t17.fciWr18.fi0; abort clears, 816.00
U 17.110: mesa. IM.dtwilo.2i.
TALLOW Steady; city (82 per pkg ), BHc;
country (pack, free, 64idc.
RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3tJ
6V(m-: Japanese, nominal.
Bt'TTKK Weak; creamery specials. 27r;
extrss, 20'c; third to first, llVcradc; held,
common to specials. IStj.'Sc: state dairy,
eommon to choice) lSfl-25c; process, common
to p.-clala. 18&'J4c; western factory f.rsts,
2Uc; Imitation creamery, flrats. 31JIii!2c.
CHEESE Easy; full cream specials.
15'tc; state full cream, small, white, fancy,
15c; ate full cream, large and small, col
ored fancy, 14'c; state, fair to prime,
lie; atate common, 8g9c; state, winter
made Hfliic
ECKJS Steady: state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected -white fancy, 18Higl9c;
good to choice, 17tc; fancy brown and
mixed extras. 17V4c: flrats to extra firsts,
MVttc; western firsts, fresh gathered,
ltioii,u,e: seconds. ltal5'7TC.
POULTRY-Allve, dull; fowls. 14c; tur
keys. 13c. Dressed, weak; turkeys, 12jfl7c;
(owla, lafJ-H'-fcc.
Mlaacapoll Uraia Market.
No. J hard. 81.084 ; No. 1 north,
em. tl 07 S1 1.07 8k ; No. 3 northern,
tl.0Stl 0oS; No. 8 northern, AttcQ
81.03; May. 310IS: July, tL04V; Sep
tember. 80 904C.
HRAN In bulk. 321.00 4T 21.25.
CLOI'R Cnchanged; first patent,
I5.uU(h6.0. second patents. $5. Ji 45 10,
first clears, 3 1.20 4 85; second clear.
. . Llverol CSrola Market.'
LIVERPOOL. Aorll 36. - WHEAT Snot.
!"., No. t red western winter, 7s 2d. Fu-
Missouri Pacific
Auburn Local b 3 50 pm bll:26 am
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Daily except Saturday, e Dally
except Monday. . ".
Foe real, oleaauro ar
H aaya to trawol a Ik
M. F R E T J C H
j ToFARiS, tho City atoatrtlful.
Tonc to all point a tna Caarjaeat
Zt?Jr Ctmpg itl) Qirivral
r Put Limit Mail fcenrier
v HaT ca gigantic twin-screw express
s'rsmcr, niliu every ThurUy to a. nx.
Trlce woode. of niooera inveutiont liave
ail Ike cooveMteace and luxury of most
fatalist awlela oa more imaieaaa scale,
aseecger elevator, roof cafe, gymnasium,
eiresat auitea atd single apart nicnta; dally
aewvpaper, oFrncairr, wireless leiea-rapitr,
famous cuiaise stul vxy psona4wa toe
aaicty auu etmiior
La Preera4) May II 1 Saroie May 81
La Lemma.... Mar 14 1 La Provencal Jus 4
La Vouralli Ma; U ' lui Lorrama Jaaa 11
Karly raaarvatloaa rewina4. or eorr st
liitMix-aiM koek et ta-4 a4 rata aeatr is
BAHkt . McoHka. .... Ivl r-areaw It.
I B niVNoLJJa, 1; Faraaax St.
W. B. B'lt'K. ike parse lit.
W U. liUVIMDN, ..... li.t Karnam .
IDl'ii X.a.g. - - - aats rUwl MaUaasI ataaa.
v Tmpraea J-lne of tk Atlsiitle
Th Empresses sail from Quebec t
Liverpool In aix day; two day on th
majreilo tit. Lawrsnca, hptad, comfort.
aieKnoe and aafety at combinad la the
piindia expras teamr.
At any u- set asent for partlrulara.
tall or Writ for lllual rated booklet
dea-rihlng paisoually Coiidaeled Euio
ptan toura.
a. n. gMjiwnr, ea art
Ti.-'E..ct k.errtsna 114.
833 eoolU -irkik t.ia.V, Ct..c-.10, XU.
luren. firm: May, 78d; July, 7sNd: Bp
temhrr. 7 ld.
ri;iN-Ppct. firm; new Amerleae ki n-rl-led.
6s-l; old Ainericea mixed, 8a lf1.
Pii, quiet; May, Re fld.
PEAfr-Canndlaii, steady, 7s V.A.
Feat ares of Oh Tradlaa- aadl Closing
Prlre aa Boarsl at Trade.
CHICAOO. April 35. A sharp advance In
tlin price of- wheat at Liverpool had a
strengthening effect today on the local
market, the July delivery closing at a gain
of c. Corn was off S4i r. Oats down '.,
and provisions iftiloe hlglii-r.
The wheat market waa extremely nervotie
all day. but a firm lone prevailed. Trading
nt times was uniieunly active. Tha market
opened strong, on brlKk demand by shorts
ami commission houses, which was based
on an unexpected advance at Liverpool,
where prices were tip ttrV In the noith,
notwithstanding the dpcllne of more than
1c here "yesterday. . The principal demand
at the start was for May delivery and that
option advanced nVsrly 2 cents within the
first few minutes. The upturn brought out
liheral offerings from longs, which caused
un equally quick decline- and a las of
nearly all the earlier gain. A feature of the
trading In the last l.atf of the day was the
changing from May to July and September
deliveries. This lisd a tendency to
.itrengthen the new crop months and to
weaken the nearby option. The market
closed Irregular, July and September being
flint, and May rather weak. May opened
at higher at 97-'4,70So. advanced to
ff'ic and then declined to 87V-. where It
closed. July opened S'"So higher at Rwrr
8'c, soM between SS-VftSiMc and closed
fWc. Clearance of Wheat and flour were
equal to ys.OfO bushels. Frimary rc-lpts.
ITs.ftln bushels, compared with 7S5.0WJ bi:shel
the corresnondinar rtav a vear iko: Minne
apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re-J
ceipts of 121 care againat 3M cars last week
and C9 car a year ago.
Th Corn market was weak nearly all
day. becauee of free selling by commission
houses and bull trailers. The close waa
easy. May opened c higher at 67c. sold
off to 66c, and closed at 6Sc July opened
a shade to 'o higher at ;2xf2c sold off
to 614C and closed at ;Sf'2MrC- Irfical re
ceipts. 326 car a. with SI rata oonlracl. Trade
In oata was moderately active, but the
range of prices was not so wide as In
wheat or corn. The close was easy. May
opened tc higher, at 63SC, sold off to
and closed off at th bottom. Julv opened
unchanged at 46V. ld off to ioc, where
It closed. Receipts, 2i8 cars.
Provisions were easy nearly all day,
because of liquidation of May holdings. At
Ihs close July Pork waa up 10c, at 813.324.
Lard waa 5c higher, at 382714; ribs also
uc higher, at 87.15
Estimated receipt for Monday: Wheat.
10 cars; corn, 350 cars; oata, 185 cars; hogs,
33,000 head.
Th leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open.l Hlgh. Low. Clos. Te y.
'V. "
May July
a May
May Julv
May July
May Julv
974 S
97 97
l 8S
Wish1 4
' 67
as i
. 4f.H
. 4-.Va
6114 '"S
12 t.J
12 85
13 00
18 82'
13 62,4
13 on
12 90
13 22
13 bo
8 02
8 SO
8 35
13 17
13 15
13 55
8 00
13 32
I J bo
8 00
8 0
U 62!
8 07i
8 27
8 27Vi
8 47j
8 17
8 40
8 40
8 47
8 80
8 87;
i 86
7 15
7 48
6 80
7 10 -7
7 07
7 35 I
7 10
7 40
1 on
7 36
No. t 01d. bNew. .
Cash quotation were as follows:
FLOCR Firm; winter patents, 14.20:
4.i; atraights, t3.90W4.40: spring patents,
85.ou4ju.2ii; straights, S4.oor4.60; bakers, t3.10
J-4.40. -i.'
WHEAT No. 1 prlng, 96c1.07; No. 8
red. 97&)c. . '-
CORN No. t, OHScr-No. S yellow, 6rt,c.
OATS No. 2. B2c;,No, t white, SiHy'iAlc
R A RLE Y Fair IditrKilct malting. 74(iMc.
SEEDJJ-Flax. Kol jtorthwestern, $1 1.
Prime timothy, 84.5, .0 1'
PROVISIONS Short ribs tride (moe,
tti.aMjii.87. Msa jrk, per bbl.,' . 313.00
13.12. jird.per 3i lbs., 88.06. Short clear
sides (boxed)', 87 2617.. ' .
Following were the receipt and ship
ents p( Hour and grain: . '
Recelnts. Shlnmasnts
Flour, bbls '. 24.200 19 7wl
Wheat, bu IS.onn 44.O11O
Corn, bu .....JUi, 141.0110
Oats, bu ,.,1.227.800 204.300
Kye, "bu .-...r. . l.OoO ,
Barley, bu .7S.. 73.700 15,300
On the Produce exchange today th but
ter market was weak: creameries. 30(2fir:
dairies, 20?i24c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases
mciuoeo. J4'ac: msis. 14-nc; prim xlrsts,
15. Cheese, easy, H4(12c.
' 1
St. Loals General Market.
ST. I3VIS, April vJ5. WHEAT Firm;
track. No. 2 red caah. 81.01: No. 2 hard.
7c(iiil.3; May. 97c; July, Sitf&,c.
LVMM-ixiwrr; track, mo. z caali, atie; No.
I white, rjlc; May, 64c; July. l(&lc.
UA1D-liwer; track. No. z caali, tSfiiooc;
No. 3 while, 63c: May, 47c; July, 4oc.
FLOCR Firm; red winter ratenta. 34.851
4.80; extra fancy and straight, 84 ltH.45:
clears, 83.5fKfi3.70.
SEED Timothy, dull, t? 90183.50.
ORNMEAU-8teady at ti
BRAN Strong; sacked, east track. SI.20M1
HAY Steady; timothy, , t9.50flU.rO: prai
rie, I9.50fa12.00.
BUTTER Weak ; creamery, 2428e.
EOC.8 Unchanged at 13C, case count.
PROVISIONS Purk. ateady: lobbing.
tl3.25. Lard hlghopj prime steam, 87.7544
7.85. . Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra
shorts, 17.50; clear rib. 87.37; short clears,
17 75. Paron, steadv; boxed extra shorts.
88 25; clear ribs. 88-12: short clear. 38 .87.
POULTRY rtrwi; chicken, 11c; springs.
Sfxyaic.; turkeys, 11'gUc; ducks, 8c; geaae,
-; Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl. 7,1100 .(l
Wheat, bu .2ii,0u 20.000
Corn, bu S2.000 13,000
Oats, bu. 9k.0u0 39,000
Kaaaaa City Oral a a at Pirovlsloa.
changed to c higher; May, 9c: July, 82Sc:
Seplember, 7S7a-. Cash: Nu. 3 hard, V;$
3100: No. t. S33i89c: No. 2 red. kScfltl.Oo:
JSo. J, 9fiijf99c.
corn unchanged to lc lower; May,
8oc; July, 67c; September, 86c. Cash:
No. 3 mixed, 62"83c; No. 8 mixed. 8"Ww!c;
No. 3 white, 2c; No. 8 white, e2(fCc.
OATH Unchanged to o lower; No. I
white, 48'v?i9c; No. 3 mixed, 447c.
RYK-7S-. V
HAY Eaay; eholc timothy. tll.50tg12.00;
choice prairie, 39j00ift;9.50.
BUTTER W2c lower; creamery, extra,
85c; pecking stocks, 14c
nUri Sieady; frU extra, 15 c; current
receipts. 13&
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu. 4.uo 62.0O
Corn, bu. 81.H1 16. OO
Oat, bu. 84,000 ,0j9
Quotation at Kansas City a reported by
Logan 4 Bryan, No, I Board of Trad:
Article. Open. liigh.l Low. Close,
Wheat I j T "
May 9? I 9I,I 91S 92
July 82 8 1S0X 83A
September ... 78 77!6S'eS-A
Corn- I
. May 8ns n4 ai! 0iA
July 6S 8"S 87-6T'ti-8A
Septsmber ...56a.-i 6!:5oS-.l 8B
A asked. B bid.
Prla Market.
PEORIA. April 28. CORN No. 1 yellow,
t6(ji7o; No. 3 yellow. 4nc; No. t, 84c; No.
4. tUo; no grade, 844ve.
OATS Lowr; No. 8 whit. S0tJ61c.
Philadelphia Pratt ae Market.
Weak, 2c lower; extra western creamery,
3bc: exria nearby prima, Sue.
BGGti Steady ; Wnnsylvanla and other
nearby flrata, fre cases, !-. at marier
current receipta In returnable cases, lie, at
mark; wealern flrats, free canes, Ibc, at
mark; weal era current receipt, fre case.
Inc. at mark.
Mllwraakoe Orala Market.
Xa. 1 northern. tl l0?111; No. I north
rn, ll bltilOa; July, ke bid.
BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 87c; sample, 1
fl c. t
Dalatk Grata. Market.
DULUTH. April 15 WHEAT No 1
portl.ein, ttOiS: No. t nonuern. 6101;
ay.. tl 04; July. 10t-, sclsbar,
81 c
OAT2 Ito.
All Kindt of Killing Cattle Higher
for the Week.
;ood Fat Lam ha Steady, wlrh Com
mon tirade Tea to Fifteen Lower
and r-aor Staff Flfteea t ,
Qnarler Lower.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 25, 1W.
Receipts were; Cattle. Hoks. fjhrep.
Official Monday 1.87ft 1.82. 1.te
Official Tuesday 3.6:1 .S90 8,914
Offical Wednesday 2.5!l T.53I .8M
Official Thursday 2.5l .0-.'4 4.4ni
Official Friday l.OnO 8.111 27
Estimate Saturday 215 6. 4:1
Six days this werk....10.sr3 S'l.tW 27.WW
Same days last week. ...12. 7W 42.HT.2
Same days 3 weeks go..l4.2C5 37,445 2&.S
Same days weeks Fgo..lS.410 3TI.273 ;.M8
Same davs 4 weeks ago..17.'.m 33.011 44.'2
Same days last yenr....25,0; 40.780 .'12,478
The following table howa""the receipt of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Otnaha
for tho year to date, compared with last
year: 190R. 1907. Inc.- Dee.
Cattl 291,743 871.013 79,270
Hogs 944.4H7 7 7X.672 165. 925
Sheep 40T.,Vi 657.7SS ........ WW
Tho following table ahowa tha average
price of hoga at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1908. 1907. 190. 19Q5. 104. IJHI. 11901.
April 18.,
April 18..
April 17..
April IS. ,
April 19.,
April 20..
April 21..
April ??...
April 23..
April 24..
April 26.
6 42fc
6 87
89 I 8 31
43 49
8 39 6 511 5 23
4 89!
7 161
8 95
8 91
6 95
6 90
6 97
6 86
6 86
6 93
7 07
6 42a
7 13
6 51
il AMIS 2
6 301 6 441 6 21
4 80I 7 14
4 75
S 5S
6 84
S 42 5 231 4 28!
7 10
7 11
7 07
6 42S
6 43 6 301 4
6 3.-
5 33 4 SI
5 31
8 38
8 34
6 341 I 4 82
7 fC
7 061
7 05
8 fl
6 291 6 SAI
8 3KI .11
I H M b 2i 4 751
The official mimber of car of stock
brought in today by each road waa:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Mo. Pacific Rv.... S 8
Union Pacific R. R 23 1
C A N. W., Ry,, (east) .. 1
C. A N. W. Ry., (west) .11
C. St. P. M. . O. Ry 3
. R. H. Ry., least) 3
C. B. & Q. Ry.. feat) t 10 1
C. R. I. A P. Rv.. (eaat) 1
C. R. 1. ft P. Ry., (west).. 1 .. Jl
Total 6 77 1 8
The disposition of the nay's recrlpt wa
aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle... Ilogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . 940
Swift and Company 1,106
Cudahy Packing Co 1.236 416
Armour ft Co 1,226
Hill 4c Son. 6
J. H. Bulla 1
Other buyer 3 COO
St. Louia Packing Co.. 352
Huss 378
A. O. Buchanan 82
Klngan Packing Co 5'0
lngrham 1
Total io S.Slt 916
CATTLE There was the usual Satur
day's holiday In the yards this morning,
there being no cattle of any oonsaoueno to
make a market. The receipts, forthe week
have been very licht, showing some de
crease aa compared with the Jprevlou week
nd a falling off of over onei-half a com
pared with a year go. MosC of the eattl
received during the week havwi been killers,
cornfed ateere predominating, with quite
a sprinkling of western hayfeds and cow
The market on beef steera. ha been Just
the reverse of what it was last week. It
will be remembered that ewn In the fc
of moderate receipt the market last week
steadily declined, reaching the low point
on Wednesday. During th last two day
of the week, with almost no cattle on sale,
prices reacted somewhat. Tha Improve
ment continued all this week, and at the
close prices are 2fttfi35c higher on the gen
eral run pf, lieef steer than they were on
the low day last week. Handy light cattla
of ,good quality In many cases .are 40o
higher. Beside showing a good Improve
ment in' prices, the trsdo has been more
active, so that on most day tho rattle
have been sold by 10 o'clock in th morning
at least.
' Good cow and heifer have advanced
lOb.'ISc during the week, which Just about
sets off th decline last weak. ' While the
good grade have been fairly active sellers
throughout the week, common and medium
kinds have been a little slow to move, and
the market on such has not shown very
much improvement.
The supply of Blockers and feeder on
most day waa so light as to attract very
little attention to that branch of the trade.
Tho demand, however, was fully equal to.
the receipt, and the offerings sold lulte
readily overy day at good, strong prices.
There appears to be a aomewhat betted
feeling In the market for stock cattle, due
to there having been general rain in sur
rounding territory.
Quotation on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steers, tn.3Mt6.75; fair to goad corn-fed
steers, t6.R6tjtj.i6; common to fair corn-fed
.1 r i r 89 V"
PHAT is vhat the Bee Wont Ad sco
tion is called by those vho watch those
columns every morning and take advantage
of opportunities they find to either make or
save a few dollars Why don't you adopt
this plan? It pays -
Do you want a Home, a Situation, a
good Investment a nice Farm, a fine
Driving Horse, anything good at a bar
gain? Then look NOWTODAYin
the Want Columns of the. Bee and
chances arc that today
' i a
rjust viicn you arc luuiuiig iur -j0"
Iff J
i r
- -i. i T Jw.
steer. t( T.?S.s. roM to eNii rows and
lift ft is, n.kni.Oii; fair to iiooil - i-nii'i and j
heisers. .M so-o 4 K.1 ; common to fair cows
and heifer. 82 2Mi3.88; good ,to chok e
stockcr and fei;ters. t4.7ni.30: fair to
gootl stockeis snd feeders, tl.titl T.. com
mon to fair stockeis and feeders, 8.kf4 .
HOGS Hogs o)a-ned with a good shipping
demand, and with deslrnhlo kinds, such as
shlpiers could use, polling st pieces that
were strong to 6c hluher than ytesierijay.
In other words, the earlv hoss sold largely
st 8o.4r'h6.46. Willi a top at 8S..W With art
vlcea from other points favorable packers
were not In the least Inclined to tollow
shippers' lead, and, accordingly, aa ship
filled their orde'rs srd dropped out, the
market weakened, closing 6'olOc lower, that
is. 7c lower than yesterday's g-onorat mar
ket. The Iste hogs sold largely at to 36t
8.40. Everything In sight wa cleaned tip In
good season.
For the week the receipts ha-ve ha-en very
light, showing a large falling off aa com
pared with the prevloua week and a suit
l eavler decrease as compared with a year
ago. , The market has had a lirwv tendency
thla Week. It will be remembered that at
the aiose of last week there was a little
reaction from the low point on Tliur.".day,
and that reactli n continued over into the
preaent week, hogs selling a little stronger
on Monday. Commencing whli liiesday,
the market traveled down hill rapid y until
Thursday, when the low point was "reached,
not only for the week, but for thri month
to date. On Friday there waa a eiabstantlnl
reaction, which waa fairly well maintained
today In spit of th weak close, 'i lia week
winds up a good l"c lower than tho cloa
of last week.
Representative sales:
No. A. 8k, Ft. Kb. at. Sh. fr.
: ju ) 8 m 7c t.j si ( 3:
4 IMi til 6 30 . t4 to bin
'l SIS (44 Ii SO 244 1211 a 411
tuo 4 8 so st : :40 6.40
lb in 240 I 2.Si ) i 40
$7 ;' 40 I J2'., :7S ... t 40
85 tfJ SO I Xt 19 ?tt mo 6 411
1. ...'....t. Ml t .Ij 77 214 11 I 40
7C 240 SO 5 Si 7.1 :is 40 5 40
74 '.,.K3 Jf f IS 87 S7 240 140
sb m.' K'o ( as 77 us n n 4.-14
til 2v0 40 I 35 7S 21 4 421,
111 241 40 6 J.S 71 1H! 4 i 4:i
71 17 0 8 Sit SIS 120 t 42U
H )3l i S5 H..U.-. U3 ... IliU
4 1t SO i 3h c 240 120 4-1,
7 24 I0 i 15 42 321 70 8 4s 4
71 2:t1 40 6 Sr. 5 )7 l t 42U
n at ... t ss si . im 6 4214
2 30 INI 8 174 7G j:i& ... t 411
II H 300 !'. d xsh . . 45
hi 2M1 an S S74 HI 2C 44 6 45
66 tit 174 N 242 im 4a
11 8 174 K SJ4 ,)U 1 45
62. ...... .274 40 874 71 lai un 6 4ii
71 W4 1 6 174 tS 274 140 .45
M lfl) h 34 8? 2111 40 ,-,4-,
M 7 180 6 S74 7 2M , ... 6 4S
2flt K0 I 874 75 m .. 5 45
64 217 M 6 87 4 67 2411 120 I 45
ii 1W) 120 t SI4 77. ..,.... H 111
71 lt-4 40 6 114 71 ..2tr SO till
W Hi ... 8 374 17 la 10 ( 50
il 293 ... 6 174
SHEEP Three car were reported in thia
morning, but they wers mostly stuff bought
to arrive, wethers belDg wolghed up t
85.75 and ewe at 85.40. whlcn were aiesrtv
price. For th week the receipts have
been quite liheral, showing a gain over the
previous week and a comparatively small
decrease as compared with the correspond
ing week a year ago.
Under the Influence of, a moderate con
suming demand for the mutton, the market
on sheep and lambs has. been rather quiet
throughout the week, hot only her, but
at U other points as well. At the same
time, prices have shown, a downward tend
ency, an to tne lacx or nuying support.
Still, strictly good woo'd lambs, owing In.
large par to the fact that they have betnn
far from plentiful, especially at this pot a,
have remained about aleady and the f tyar
arriving from day to day have met wsfih
quit ready sale. On tfha otiier hand. in ro
nton to medium lamb have eased orf, and
at the closn of the week are 0Ca15o leaver.
Shorn slock of all kind ha shown th
most weakness and . la iafely 16$r26o apwer
for th week.
Sheep men are by m means diseourtaged.
Thoy realize that strictly good killers are
now bringing good price, and thej- also
feel that a the supply I rapidly bain;
lessened, there Is a good outlet Dor the
future of the market on desirable laX abeep
And lamb. .
Quotation on lajnh: Good to choice
wooled, t7. 25167. 60; fair to good wooled, good sheatinr lambs oarrviua
j flesh, 86.504.78; good shearing lamb, thin,
J 86.0iK34i.t0; shorn- lambs. 60c under wooie
Quotation on sheep: Good to choice
light yearlings, shorn, tCOOfrt-S. 36; fakr to
good yearlings, shorn. $.Y75i,-i.oO; gihjrd ta
choice wether, shorn, Vi.7.'. iOS.00; fa,.r to
good wether, shorn, 85.b04t6.7e; got.d t
cholo ewes, sh-rrn. fl !5(S .ftO; fair to good
ewe, thorn. 84.76ii6.26: cull and buck,
horn, t3.0O4.5O; wooled ehoep, tSgWo
above shorn stock."
Rapreaentativ !:
Not. 1 Jir. Pr.
k Colorado ewes,..., no f 10
28 Colorado wetheV and year- -
ling, culls -. 88 4 00
223 western wether .108 8 76
6 western wether and ewsa,
culls 88 4 no
6 Colorado bucks - 158 ' 4 00
Kanaaa City Lire Stock. larkt.
celpta, 1,100 head. Including 100 southerns.
Market ateady; choice export and dressed
beef steers. .CrfMrf.OO; fair try good, 85.5ttl
6.60; western steers, to.fMKa.80; stockera and
feeders, t3.6O4j4.80; southern steera. t4.25iiy
8.50; southern cows. 82.766.00; naxive cows,
83.6vo.65; native heifers. 84.6i(.-0; bulls,
t3.66il3e.40; calves, !4.5Oif'6.00. Rucelpt fay
tho week, 23.409 head.
HOGS Recelpta. 4,000 head. Market We
lower; top, 85 67; bulk of sale, 86.356.80;
heavy, t5.45(&6.67; packer and butcher.
you will find
.V o
TABLE , .' ;
SajBxaw -a )avaai ajaa ajp tfteS mm ' J
8 Vm iV ii -f Tv ii
S.O SV.A-; . I It1
r i i jray I 3 V .
I I il I I r t i V
" - '-.J- ' : I I ii til l
ss :2,ri5: iioi,i. 8.v.7:,; p'. ri. tit...
Rroe!is for tho week. 17.' head.
. S 1 1 l-;i-. P AND LAMI'3 Receipt. .m
head. Market steatlv; Texas muttons, 116";
lamha, t'toott? !; t wos and yearling. t 2
ytl.25: western yeaiilnga, t.i.8'v'j4 75; western
sheep, 34 (i4i 25; stis-keia and feeders, ti 0
jo.O. Receipts for the week, 3.8ii bead.
tattle and .keep teadyHa Weak
to Tea t eal Liwsri
nlliotort A 1 .( . el4Tt LBM,lnll
brad; market steadv: heeve. t4 .nt7 2:
i- . , - n . . titXA m.
ifitnp, t.,."i.ui", -i oi.. . "..
Blockers snd feeler. t3.4Vffw.r; rew end
lienors. -.e'T?s it; cHtves, B4.rsi.n.
no. i 1 1. tiu. k. . . . .. I. , r aW
I T 'i c ros-,M.v , - - - nr,i, iiibib-v " " "
In 1Ao In. .f llvtt XT. 1AT. tA lv.1 V-tfl V, 26 f8
6.7:: heavy, tr lf.7: rough, . 88.18941. 8i
pure. M- bulk or sales, xa ini.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipt a. t Sot)
I I i .1 . 1 O . 4A.
iioi.ii, nmiK.' ei.tu.v, H"".r... ...rv...... ,
westerns. K.'7t.6i a-eerllnss. . H 8ifl7.10;
I I. a,- ft. - . . . . .. nn, .
lanu1!, r.i.t i . werici.iis,
St. Leal Lira Stoek Market.'
r- ... .M , i- . . .11 - OB f ITTI H 19 A.
it I , . I .V 'I I I . IIH II . ' A Wl
celpts. 300 head. Including 178 Texan;
market steadv: nntlve shipping snd
- . Art. J .. J W - n
pnri ei-iers, aasni t,t", rni.p u
butcher steer. t5 804T6 15; steers under
1.TO0 ranunds, t4. 760 6.40; trkr and
feeders. 83 0047 8 28; cows end-- hslfet.
tS75iff6.00; eanner. 82 003 3.00; bull.
3.25if 8.25; calves, 3. 80(3 7.00; ,TX8
Indian wteers. 82. 504ft. 25: cow and .keif.
era. t17.6?4.25. ' '
Hfiaa Rersipt. 1.80 hesd; msrVt
steadv; pips snd lights. 83.60 5.79: pack,
era. 14 rHT.70; butcher snd best bvy.
No sheop market. v
St. Josepk IJvo Stork Market.
ST. JtHSKPH. Mo.. April 36CATTLR
Receipts, 156 bead; market, nominal; na
tive, 86eOr7f: rows nd beifeea, tlftf
8,(i: stoclers and feeders, t3.754t8.26.
IIOGS ilocelpta. 4,014 head: market. W
loo lower; top, $5.55: bulk, f5 Xfsh 45.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, nor.:
lambe. 86.75;i7JO: yoarlinga and wetljer.
86.7696 75. ' , , , . ..
mons CWy l.lTO Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. 7a.. April 25.-l8peclal Tel
egram.) CATTLK Recelpta. 100 hetd:
market steady; beeves. t5.:5(ij6.So: cows and
heifers. t.7Mii .50; Blockers and feeders.
84 .(Wo 4 75; ?alves and yearling. 38 5Vu4.8).
HOGS Receipts, 4.000 hesd; msrket lower;
range. 35fr5.40; bulk et sales, t 3$ft 36.
: Stock la Sight. ,
Receipt eif live stock at th U prlncl
pal westem markets yesterday:
Cattl. Ho. .Sheen.
South Om-ah. 215 5.900 424
sioux City mo 4.000 . .....
Kansas City 1,100 , 4.000 . 1,$0,1
St.. Louia 800 1.800
St. Josephs, , e.. ; . . 166 4.014 .....
Chlcaro '-.. 200 8,0 . 2.504
.2.370. I.7U 4,121
Conrdltlaa of Trad aad Qaoratlon oa
Staple aad Faaey Prodace.
KGGS Fresh elllng eggs, candled, '13c
BUTTER Common, 1. ; fncy tub and
rolls, lonilitc.; creamen1. 28c.
CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin
twins, 17e; new full cream brick. 17e; d'
mestlc new Swiss. 18c; new limburger, loTj)
16e: young Americans. 17c, -
LIVE POULTRY-Sprlngs. 9c; rooster.
5c; ducks, 11c; ec. 6v; cupon.. 15c broil
ers, V.
HAY-Chole No. 1 upland, $7 50; nedlum.
t.50; No. 1 bottom. 15.00: ott grades, HOOT
5.00. Ry trw. t7.00. No. 1 allaiU,
CANNED GOODS Corn, etandard W'Bt
ern. 65c. Tomatoes, fancy, t-pound can.
11.46; standard 8-pound cans, 31.10. Pine
apples, gated. 2-pound. ,;''
tl.fcio 235. Gsilnn apples. UOA CallfojT
apricot. t2 6i.3. Fr. tilOJfj.
PawUie. U. C- PwH.
8.16. AlatCfa lmon, red, 8140; ,j,ncy
Chinook, flat, tt.lti; Tenoy ocke' f4t
tt.16. SapdlnaB. atairter ail. WJaf r.
quartnrs mustard, 8346, Swee' potatoes,
t! 9WL36. Sauerkraut, 95. Ptalmpklna. Sim
tftl 00. Lima boana. -pojr,d. rji-tttl .85.
Soaked peas, 2-pourad, Sec.-fancy. H-2&I&J.45.
FlriH HeJitout, Joe; ttout. 11c; pickerel,
7c; pike. 9c: white Plati, sas; -buffalo. 8c;'
bullhead, skinned rind dree efl. Me: cBtfiNh,
dressed, 11c; -MisdliiBn -cropote and yellow
aunfiah. 4Va9s large eronrles, 16c: herring,
froah frosen. 4c: perc. 8c; wblt bass.
14o; black ha. . 23c. - '
CALIFORNIA - DRrffe) rPTTS-'e'r tines
r-omwht unsettled by frer of fertnf a
from secwind hands, yho seem desirous of
moving aupplle of Ityimedlst grade, quo.
tat Ions range from ' do to 9c tor California,
fruit and from Fc to So for Oregon.
Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellows
quoted at 13V4e. .
SUGAR GraneMa red. cane, per sack, til 80;
bet,; cut--roay. 7cj -eubtjs, 8.We; pow.
dened. 6 60c.
C50FFEE Wosated. Wo. -SS, Kc; , No. 30.
tie; No. 5. IPC; 14c
BAJ8TK "BxrotlXTS etTaJMlVx'SSI).
Oltlaaaa Bank ft -frost Coaapaajr.
tat 3(os9tory, . SartlaaTtU, OUattexna,
DepsaHa la this sank OUARaVNTKKD hr th atats
af OkUkoma Ouaraaty Kirn. Maw aaat law er.
aidaa 4 aOUJl- ArTT to sstr ttepovrtort. Tka
iiat fsarasiM the ratura et tbelr mamr as.
sian anilartaay tlitmuaaN. Wa par tntarat as
Pm dcglta kak isnn lianas 4 aas. sana. . VU
tnfomi.xl lea eurniahe upon rniaaat,
Largust Stat Snjtk 4A Sawtwanm aUaakoaBa.
.i-; -ft.i"
,v ;
T8 1 V H r-
7 . i
t.i mi iiiiwnMa ine.aii i v i: j ,)ll ,, J
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