Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha ' Daily
- '4
Sale ' of Pennsylvania Bond Issue
Points to Improvement.
Heavy Subscription Shows Strength
of Banking; Position.
Money Can Be Secured for Extensions
and Improvements.
Relief thnt Incident Insnre Sncf
Proponed Loan nesnltt '
Advance in Price l '"i Jj . .
Meek. -f
NEW YORK. Arrll Speculative sy
tlment as reflected In th securities nias
ket last week took heart decidedly ana
stocks and bonds weie. absorbed with
growing confidence and Increasing vol
ume4.. The dominant factor In causing
the Improvement was the betterment of
the Investment altuatlon, and the Inci
dent moat relied on to point thla Improve
tvient was the success or the Pennsylvania
bond Issue. It Is many yeara since a
single financial transaction haa been
Invested, with so much significance aa
this Pennsylvania operation. Aanologles
are drawn with the . 15 000,000. Lake
Whore and the $100,000,000 New York Cen
tral bond issues in the spring of 1SS7
which marked In a decisive way the re
extahllshment of credit and the start of
that growth of prosperity In the coun
try which ran ultimately to unprecedented
heights. The comparison offers soma
striking contrasts. , The Vaaderbilt Issues
were 100-year iVt per cent general refund
ing mortgage and the par value realized
for them wk heralded as marking a now
era in American railroad finance. The
event proved that thl new basin of in
tcreat return on capital was not to be
permanent and was due In large part to
the prolonged prostration which had pre
ceded It, coupled with distrust and timid
ity of capital, which had prompted Its
hoarding and accumulation to a point of
extreme redundancy.
Revival of Credit.
Tlio terms of the present Pennsylvania
issue indicate no such unwieldy plethora
of ld!o capital, the forty-year present
bond being Bold to subscribers at i,
from which must be deducted the un
known bankers' compensation to arrive at
the yield to the Issuing company. The
Pennsylvania bond sale, however, haa had
the effect of creating confidence that the
revival of credit of the railroads haa
set In and foreshadow the arrest of the
Industrial and commercial contraction.
Collateral Influences expected to flow
from Ihla chief development of the week a ' large -part In the (stock-market
Improvement. The participation to the ex
tent of half the new loan by the great
banking houses bf X. M. Rothschild A
Fins and Ha ring Bros, ft Co., limited of
London, has stimulated expectations of a
widening Interest on the, part of foreign
Investors in (he new Issue of American
securities wl ch are known to be Imminent
as conditions may become prosperous.
V'nlon Pacific had been especially affected,
as Ua plana Cor a coming bond Issue have
been announced already and It banking
connections are with Kuhn, Loch ft Co.,
through which the foreign participation In
Ire Pt niiHylvanla loan was enlisted.
HanWIuar Position fttrengr.
The heavy subscriptions for the new Issue
demonstratea the strength of the banking
position In New York and the betterment
111 the Investment pohltlnn. This has
brought announcements of other proposed
IsMiica of new securities, and of their pur
chase by the banking houses, and a gen
eral Impression nt returning confidence on
the part of investors and of re-establish-ment
or iiedlt was caused. Hope was
stimulated at the same time that Industry
would te revived with the supply of re
sources to the railroads to resume the work
of construction, Improvement and extension.
Interrupted by the financial crash last year!
The effect on the securities market, while
marked, has been sober and restrained and
without rymptoms of speculative excite
ment. Tlila restraint Is partly due to
nullifying couslderattona In the outlook.
The new financing, while reflecting marked
improvement in contritions over those of
tiio recent paat. d not indicate the full
restoration of norms) eondltlons. either of
credit or of capital supply. The Immediate
conditions .In Industry and commerce also
a p.- mil if cheering effect.
Store RalldiBata at Joliet.
JOI.IKT. 111.'.; Ann! rs.Vir today de
stroyed i,e Boston store and damaged the
Hammond building adjoining. The loss on
the Boston store U tsfl.non and en content
$l''.. The roof and third floor of the
Hammond luilMIng burned. The Hammond
h'fS !
Laramie toaaty Convention.
flll.VtNXK. .. April W.-(8pecial.)-Hie
l,aamie county republican convention
Was held Saturday morning at the court
house ami was one of the most harmonious
meetings or In kind ever held in .this
county. County Chuirnian Ed F. Stable
ull.'d the o. invention to order, the several
committees wcr appointed and 1n an In
trcdihly abort time reMirts were received
and adopted. Including the report of the
ccninilttee on resolutions.
Thu resolutions endorse the candidacy of
secretary of V,r Taft for the presidency,
md thn Ijirainie county delegation to the
stale convention at lender on May 7 la in
n'riicted ta work for an Instructed dclega.
tion for the Chicago convention.
The eii, eoui.ty nd state't an ad
u.' were hesrtily endorsed, and
Wjoinli.g-it ..,catlon ln congreae. Senators
V. It. l la k id Francis E. Warren and
Cciisve-en ..n Krank W. Mondell were
warinl. , onin end-d for their able work In
conferees In We interest of th etate. etc
He. ' "
Men Cjrt:s I.. H Inkle, deputy eer.,tary
eif stte. and one of the republican wheel
hoi'sts, was chosen chairman tf (lie Lra,
inle county delegation, which ta as follows:
C. I., Hinkle. Kd F. 8lahle. E. T. Clark!
Jacob Sherman. C. S'. Jtlner. P. J. Blsck.
H. 1'. Puller. II. W. Mitchell, W. C. fkm!
'fe. A. J. Parshail. K V. Stone, Q. E.
AbUitt. T. H. Kennedy. Cheyenne; R. p.
Allen Iron Mountain; (1. II Uilland, Kg
.bcrt; l. N. f,Wk. I- R Weed. Wheatland;
J 1.., TorrinfeUoii; M. II. Hurtunn;
iiiiain is nuniiuneti rur
the state cnlrtl con.iutUrs fiom
e on
laeeeu Promised for the Rig Display
Whit.- Takes Place at the
, Aodltorlnm.
- '
affair scheduled for the
the electrical show dur
y 4 to t. Omaha is the
try to give an elec-
such affairs have
nd New York.
W Is prarllcally
the exhibition
, Tias been engaged
( l..i! l : . .
tk .arly all the prominent
cle .y housea of New York, Boa-
ton, , . ..tin, Cleveland and Chicago and
other1, eastern cities will be represented.
All the local electrical houses will take
part In the show and make big displays.
The building will be decorated by means
of a vast and artistic lighting scheme
which will flood the arena with varied
colored lights, making a Veritable fairy
land, where electricity will be used In a
thousand different ways.
When Manager Glllan of the Auditorium
and several of. the electrical association
men visited the Chicago show and sug
gested an electrical show in Omaha, some
of the Chicago men smiled Incredulously,
but they are now beginning to sit up and
take notice. Chicago and New York elec
trical papers now recognize that the Omaha
show Is going to be a winner and they
are giving the show the finest kind of
treatment In the form of excellent notices.
The show will open Monday evening, May
4. and will . continue every afternoon and
evening during the week. It will draw
thousands of people from surrounding
towns and undoubtedly will prove to be
one of the most attractive and - entertain
ing expositions ever undertaken In Omaha.
To make the exhibition all the more In
teresting to the general public the man
agers of the show will put on some fine
music and vaudeville, as well as some
startling electrical experiments, which will
entertain and Instruct the audience from
day to day. The United States signal sta
tion at Fort Omaha will Install and oper
ate a wireless signal station" and both the
Independent and Bell Telephone companies
will put In working models of their planta.
An Ice machine will demonstrate how Ice
I frozen by motor power and clothes will
be renovated and cleaned by electricity. .
Kilty Ihonaand Dollar' Worth Par
chased la New Eaaland by
Local Firm.
The ubility of the west to buy low rate
bonds was demonstrated last week when
the American Safe Deposit and Trust com
pany of Omaha bought In New England
M.MW woi-th of twenty-year city of Omaha
The New England people have held these
bunds for nearly eighteen years and duriag
the recent financial stringency were anxious
to realize on them as they were In need of
the mony.
These bonds met with ready sale, all
having 'been dUposed of to Investors In
Nebraska. Richard C. Cushing was mayor
of Omaha, at the time these bonds were
Issued and they all bore his signature.
.tew Organisation1 la mn Aaxlllarr
' the llonglaa '. Coaaty Aaxrl
callural Korlety.
Twenty-five boys enrolled as members of
thu Paplo Valley Corn club Friday evening
at u meet lug which was held at A. Well
nun's Cremona farm. This club Is an aux
iliary of the Douglas County Agricultural
society. , John A. Wtllman was elected
president; Herman Williams, vice president;
Henry Jensen, secretary, and Kinil Doll,
treasurer. A space fo." exhibition at the
Douulas county show was promised the
boys before exhibiting at the National Corn
show In December. To mako the meeting
Interesting as well as Inatructive a base
ball turn was also organized and chal
lenges will be Issued to other Uube in the
Farmer I a j area Ijy tMallioa.
MlTCHfcXU 8. D.. April (Special.)
D. N. Smith, a farmer living In Han
born county, w as nearly killed a few
days ago by a vicious atnlilon which he
was leading along while ha was riding
a horse. The stallion la a vicious brute,
and while warking by the xlda of the other
horse he suddenly grabbed Mr. Kinlth by
the arm and closed down with his power
ful Jaws, breaking the aim of the man
at once. Mr. rimlth tried to beat the
stallion off with his whip, but he held
fast and finally lifted Mr. Smith from
his own hone and threw him to the
ground, trying to stamp him with his
ponderous hoJfs. In the act of raising
bis body to stamp Mr. (Smith the ataillon
lifted the unfortunate man . f.-om the
ground and dropped, him down again, no
that the animal missed his prey each time.
Finally the sta.llion laid Mr. S:iiith on
the ground and then dropped his heavy
eight on the prostrate man with his
kneec, continuing to grind the arm he
htld in his mouth. Mr. tinilth fought
the stulllon with his whip and punched
the butt of It Into the animal's eyes, but
he held on tenaciously. The horse that
Mr. Vmtth rodo finally started toward
home and the stallion released his hold
on the man and started after his animal
companion. Mr. Smith was badly bruised
and there were two holca through his
arm through which a man could Insert
l.ia finger.
v yuKK
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Motifohas .
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
l mi' i Hour. Dcg.
8 " 41
- ,,, , a. m 42
f 1 a. m ,
. s a. m '. . 45
a. m 4
V 2 1'B. m 4
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p. "i
Plea of Oklahoma Congressman for
Change in land Law is Effective,
Rareaa at Maaafaetarrs t Make
Inrestlgatloa of Coadlt lon-rrl th.
. View ta t'reattag Flour
WASHINGTON, April . (Special.) The
present session of congress haa been par
ticularly noted for the number of maiden
speeches made by the so-called new mem
bers, but It la safe to aay that none at
tracted more attention and made ft deeper
Impression upon the house of representa
tives than the maiden effort of Charles
D. Carter, a democrat of Oklahoma, his
nationality being seven-sixteenths Chicka
saw and Cherokee Indian and nine-sixteenths
Scotch-Irish. He Is a descendant
of that Nathan Carter, sr., who waa cap
tured when a small boy by Shawnee In
dians at the Wyoming Valley massacre,
when all the other members of the family
except a sister, were killed; afterwards
traded to the Cherokees and married a
full-blood Cherokee woman.
Mr. Carter's speech was a speech In
favor of wider opportunities tor the Indian
and it was listened to most Intently by
both sides of the chsmber. It was an ear
nest plea for the Indians of Oklahoma
particularly, the bill which called forth
this maiden effort of a seven-sixteenths
Indian being a measure providing for the
straightening out of land conditions in the
state of Oklahoma that will be equitable
to all classes concerned.
It was Mr. Carter's contention that a
large proportion of the Indians In the
new etato are fully competent to take care
of themselves and that they are able to
stand up and hold their own without the
atrong arm of" the fedeial government to
protect them. He said that In round num
bers there were 3D,OiK),O0O acres of land In
Oklahoma that is owned by the Indians
and those related to them. This land Is
nontaxable and Inalienable, the bill which
prompted the able effort of Mr. Carter
providing for the removal of restrictions on
the surplus allottment of the mixed bloody
Indian of half or more than half Indian
blood, but there the bill stopped, leaving
the entire allotment of the full-blood In
dian and the homestead of the mixed-blood
Indian of half or more than half Indian
blood In statu quo that Is to say these
lands are Inalienable and nontaxable with
the exception that the secretary of the In
terior may remove such restrictions upon
a showing of competency by the Indian, or
whenever in his opinion It will conserve
the Indian's best Interest to have a part
of such land sold.
Mr. Carter made the statement that the
Indian whose restrictions are removed by
the bill, which was under discussion, are
as a rule just such men as he Is. He said
that If one will go out to Oklahoma "you
will find that a great many of these In
dian are worth ten tlm. as rmveh. of tVIa
world's goods as I, and If you will attempt
to make a few deals with them you will
find when you are through that you are
not worth as much ss you were before,"
a statement which caused loud laughter
through the chamber. The bill passed the
house by a vote of 260 ayes and no nays. '
Mtlllasr Indastrr Abroad.
The Bureau of Manufactures of the De
partment of Commerce and Labor haa had
under . consideration for some time the
sending of a thoroughly competent person
to European countries for the purpose of
Investigating the wheat and flour milling
aa done on the other aide. Major John
M. Carson, one of the veteran journalists
of Washington, who has been the head of
the Bureau of Manufactures, haa been cast
ing about for a man who not only possessed
a practical knowledge of the milling and
flouring business, but who In a sense wss
acquainted with arts of diplomacy, and
after thorough investigation and at the in
stance of the recommendation of the Na
tional Millers' association, M. H. Davis of
Shelby, O.. haa been appointed a special
agent of the bureau to make a scientific
Investigation of tb milling business of
Europe., Mr. Davis, It la stated, "possesses
all of the qualifications for this very Im
portant assignment, having been In the
milling business practically all his life.
Mr. Davis will sail from New York early
In May, and his Investigations will Include
England, Germany, Italy and possibly Rus
sia. He Is charged with the gathering of
all Information which may be of aid to the
American millers In placing their products
In European markets. It is regarded as
of prime Importance to the great north
western wheat growing section of the coun
try that this Information be secured, for
It Is of greatest Importance not only to
the growers of grain, but to elevator men,
the millers, and In fact all interested In
the exportation of wheat and other grains
and their manufactured products.
Horatio A. Malllken.
FREMONT. Neb., April 2S.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Horatio A. Mulllkert of this -city
dropped dead of heart failure near the
corner of Main and Smith streets just be
fore noon Saturday. He waa talking with
friend and auddenly fell forward to the
walk. In the opinion of physicians, who
were at once summoned, death was Instan
tanerus. Mr. Mulliken was born in Ielcester.
Mass., In 1842, came to Nebraska over
forty years ago and located on a largn
farm In . Nickerson township, which he'
still owned at the time of his death. For
the last thirteen years he had lived In
Fremont. His wife died about alxteen
years sgo. He leaves one son. Warren
Mulliken of Waterloo, and four daughtera.
Clara, assistant librarian at the State uni
versity; Ruth. Helen and Nik it a.
Mr. Mulliken had traveled extensively In
Oils country and In Europe, Asia and Africa.
He war a member of the Ancient Order
of Vnltod Workmen.
ffaaaael FKastuaaas.
GENEVA, . Neb.. April 24. -(Special.)
The fnneral of Samuel ritsalmons, who died
Thursday after a short but severe illness,
was held today, conducted by Bishop Will
iams of Omaha. A abort aervlce was held
at his home and also at the Methodist Epis
copal church In Carleton. The body was In
terred In the Carleton cemetery. Mr. Flts
slmons was SO years of age. He leavea a
widow and aeven children, six sons and one
daughter, Mrs. Irving Augustine of Grand
Island, arlie were all with hlrn at the last.
He waa a devoted member of Trinity Epla
copal church of Geneva. He was president
of the Pruning German bank and a success
ful business man. Mra. FHulmona is lying
seriously 111 from the shock. i
l.lahtalasr Kills Father and sob.
HI'NTlNtl TON. W. Vs. April M-Ki.beit
Harrimiu aiel ins ( -year-old sun. Tlioinas,
were Will. -J bv lightning kl their boiue In
this cbuuiy l ijsy.
Publishers' Committee Appears nefore
WASHINGTON, Ajril m.-The act of
the investigation of wood pulp and print
paper question. Involving In prospect an ex
amination Into the affair of the Paper
trust to determine whether Or not It la,
as alleged by the American Newspapers
Publishers association, a combination In
restraint of trade and malntaing a mon
opoly of the print paper supply In the
United States; was begun Saturday byitne
aelect committee appointed by ' Speaker
Cannon, whose chairman is Representative
James R. Mann of Illtnoia, and th other
members of which are Representative
Miller,' Kansas; Bannon, Ohio, Stafford,
Wisconsin; Sim, Tennessee, and Ryan,
New York.
Representatives of a committee of fifty
appointed by the American Newspaper
Publishers' association arrived In Wash
ington today in response to a telegram
sent yesterday by Chairman Mann to
President Hermann Rldder of the associa
tion and General Manager Melville E.
Stone of the Associated Press,. Inviting tes
timony. The delegation rrom the commit
tee appeared before the Investigating body
at I o'clock In the afternoon and the. pres
entation of the publishers' case waa at
once begun by John Norrls of the New
York Times. i
Mr. Norrls said that he and his associates
had come before the committee In answer
to Its summons of yesterday. "We appear,"
aaid he. "as representative of all the daily
newspapers of the I'nlil-d States. We con
sume at least 80 per cent of the newspaper
print paper used In the United States. W
appear a representatives of the seventh
largest Industry in the country; an In
dustry that has been menaced by an ex
traordinary aggregation of law breakers."
Mr. Norrls declared that hla association
had appealed to the house, to the president,
to the Department of Justice and to con
gress for Immediate relief, and for montha
had been asking an opportunity to tell Its
story to congress. la reply he said his
association had been told at least twenty
times and in various ways that it could
not look for any relaxation of the oppres
sions which the paper makers, "As the ob.
jects of congressional favor had Imposed
upon the vast public interesta of the coun
try and that congress would not aid at this
time In correcting a gross public wrong."
Therefore, he said, the association was
apprehensive that' the Investigation, be
cause It had been "started la(e In the ses
sion, could only have one meaning, post
ponement und a continuance for another
year of conditions which are Intolerable.'
Mr. Norrls said that the association did
not intend to Imply any mistrust of the
committee's Intentions, and he asked under
what program the committee will proceed.
"Will It demand," he Inquired, "that nar
row, technical, 'legal proof, which 1 usually
obtainable only by the granting of an Im
munity bath to one of th participants In
the crime, or will It act firmly when the
moral certaif V of wrongdoing ia estab
lished?" H-9 assumed, he M,' ir t"ic Virdea o.f
proof would be upon t tier, association "to
show that the favor ' granted by congress
to the paper makera has been thoroughly
Mr. Norrls aald further that the associa
tion Intended to explain upon what theory,
congress should discriminate In favor of
newspapers and make a correction of the
abuse upon print paper consumers In ad
vance of an effort to revise the entire
"In short," he said, "we will show you
why you should at this time make a piece
meal revision. Also that you can do so
without precipitating a general revision of
the tariff."
Mr. Norrls then asked what was to be
the range of the committee's inquiries at
the present stage.
"Do you mean to cover the ground of
all the allied groups thst comprise the
seven companies of paper manufacturers.
all of which are more or less Independent?"
he asked.
"Shall we begin with the story of the
Baltimore publisher' whose price was arbi
trarily raised S12 a ton or of the Bangor
publisher who was made to put up II.SO
per ton more because he was within seven
miles of a paper mill? Or of a Paterson
(N. J.) manager who was told he could only
buy from one maker? Or of the Ohio rep
resentative who was refused a quotation
and forced to go to Canada, or of the 200
other stories In the whole ffle t have
brought with me? Shall I tell you tho
atory of the transformation of the Ameri
can Pulp association from a tame debating
society with an annual dinner and an
amiable Intermingling Into a group of law
breakers with 'power to force an Immunity
bath from the government whenever caught
in Its agreements? Shall I tell you the
story of the Parks pool and of John H.
Parks, who is now In Europe?"
The association, Mr. Norrls declared,
promised to satisfy the rumor that there
bad been no material Increase In the labor
cost of paper per ton per output. The In
creased -coat of wood, he- said, had been
only artificially atlmulated by the specu
lations or ihe paper makers and Is with
out justification. The annual report of
the largest paper maker, which discloses
an Increased cost of production of only
64 centsper ton, gives no excuse for the
rise of S12 t ton on the product, or threat
ened further increase of J2 a ton. Mr.
Norria charged that the Increase waa made
by the International Taper company In
the face of an announcement In 1!W that
a rainlne was due In August, famine
thst came according to scUdule, a famine
that had been foretold by paper-manufacturers
and paper Journals."
After Mr. Norrls had concluded his nre-
limlnary statement, Mr. Mann of the com
mittee said in answer that what the com
mittee wanted was Information and he
added that it was Investigating facts.
Mr. Mann said that what the committee
desired to get at once was whether the
publishers claim that removal of the duty
on wood pulp would, cause a decrease In
the price of print paper and whether the
publishers proposed to support before the
committee the charge that the so-called
caper trust is a conspiracy In restraint of
trade within, the meaning of the law. Mr.
Sims suggested:
"I should like to hear your reasons why
e should pass the Stevens bill, and what
the effect would be if we passed It. I
ask this question as one who Is In a
triendiy attitude toward the bill."
In reply Mr. Norria slated that the nrice
of paper to the newspapers is now $2.50
per hundred pounds, a recent advance from
th former price. He aald that publishers
would furnish the commit te , with exact
quotations showing what print paper was
costing publishers at practically all the
conejmlng points in the United States. He
said that the dally output of the Inter
national company is tons of print
paper, repre sentirg thu ouiput of I!0 mills,
and that this company Is actually pro
ducing les paper today than ten jejis ago.
Fruit Growers Say Fruit Will Stand
Low Temperature.
C'oanell Rlaffs Grower Kept Flrea
Bom In Until After Midalght,
aa III Fralt Via Not
All Forsed.
Though the weather forecaster predicted
a killing frost Sunday night, fruit growers
about Omaha refused to become alarmed,
not so much because they did not have
confidence In the prediction as because they
believe the fruit to bo at a stage 'where
even a few degrees below freezing would
not Injure It to any extent.
County Comptroller Emmett O. Solomon,
who has a fruit farm near Fifty-second
street and Ames avenue, said: "The fruit,
such as spples, cherries and plums. Is all
formed and I do not believe a frost would
Injure the crop.
"Cherrle are as large aa shot. I have
seen some on my trees as big as bullets.
The green 'cherries could stand frost, while
apples would stand a freeze even better
than the chsrrlea.
"Berries are not In blossom and would
not be Injured at this time by frost.
"Sleet Is what w fear. If It would rain
and freeze as It fell and cover the blossoms,
the fruit would be practically ruined, as It
was last year. The wind which has been
blowing since Sunday morning has dried
things out and there is slight danger of
frost doing much damage as long as the
wind keeps blowing."
Mr. Solomon said It would not be neces
sary to cover bushes or build fires and
tar "smudges" In the orchards and he would
take no precautions to keep his fruit from
being Injured.
Garden Were In Daasrer.
- Frank R. Martin, fruit grower and
nurseryman, said: "Some of the fruit Is
formed and at a stage where modorate
frost would not Injure it, but I am In
clined to think that a frost and temperature
four or five degrees below freezing would
do grest injury on the lotr lands.
"Strawberries are not far enough along
to be Injured by a 'killing frost.' but It
would not take much to put the pears and
peaches out of business.
"Gardens will be greatly injured by frost
and the loss would be considerable, but the
wind promises to keep away frosts."
Fire mt Cowaell Bin IT.
Frosts and snow May 1. or the last week
of April are no unusual thing, and some
fruit growers are prepared to fight for
their fruit, but Inquiry of a number of
nurserymen last evening -failed to find but
one who said he 'would build fires In his
orchard. B. R. Olmstead of Council Bluffs
"I have seen too much fruit ruined to
take any chances. I Intend to keep up
fires until after midnight, using hay, wood
and dry manure.
"Though my orchard is on high ground,
the cherries are very 4ender and I am of
the erMnfcnn t"it J'1' firet, will be needed."
The flurry of snow yesterday afternoon
lasted but a few minutes, but the tempera
ture In several orcahrds was within 6 to
degrees of the freezing point. The weather
forecaster gave the lowest temperature as
35 at 9 o'clock. .
Last year snow fell May S and again on
May 14 and 15. The snow of May 15 wss
heavy, but the temperature was about 36.
April 30, five years ago, snow covered
the orchards and the temperature was
down to almost 30, the fruit growers of, Calhoun and Blair keeping up
fires In sheetlron stoves and burning brush
heaps all night.
snowstorm at Pierre, 8. O.
PIERRE, S. D.. April 6. (Special Tele
gram.) A snowstorm v started . here 'last
night and has continued most of today,
growing worse this evening, but as the
temperature is not low, the snow is melt
ing as fast as It falls, and It ia not likely
that there will be any loss on account of
it unless to weak lambs and stock on the
Friends Seek the AM of th Police
to Find Bntrher Who Is
Friends of Frank Smith, a young man em
ployed as butcher at the Central market,
aro considerably won led over his mysteri
ous disappearance Tuesday last, and have
sought the aid of the police to ascertain
his whereabouts.
Up to three months ago Smith had' been
employed by the Cudahy City market and
the Central market, about six months in
each place, but left for his home in Cleve
land, O. Last week the management of
the Central market wired hitn to come to
Omaha and he arrived here Monday, going
to the place he formerly boarded, kept by
Mrs. Roland, 17 Central boulevard. He
started to work -at the Central market
Tuesday morning and left at noon, osten
sibly for lunch, but has not been seen since.
As he was a man of exemplafy habits ills
friends are at a loss to account for his
mysterioua disappearance, and although It
is not thought that he has met with foul
play it waa known that he had a consid
erable amount of money with him when
Ust seen. His fellow employes at the Cen
tral market all state that he waa appar
ently In the best of spirits when he left
Tuesday noon, and lie had told some of
them that he nUnded to be married
A letter, aupiiosed to bo from his fincee,
was received for him at the market Friday
and bore the postmark of Cleveland, O.,
under date of April , and had a return
address of 6U14 Utlca avenue: Cleveland,
O., on the envelope. The police worked
diligently on the case Saturday, but could
gain no Information concerning him, out
side of the fact that he waa aeen on the
streets Tuesday afternoon.
Joint C'oaveatloa Splits on Open
ehap anal ray of ft hot
SPRINGFIELD. III., April M.-The joint
tat convention of Illinois coal miner and
operators ended Saturday afternoon In a
deadlock. Today'a session lasted an hour
and In that time it waa decided to refer both
the snot flrer question and the closed
shop proposition to a referendum vote.
The operators of Illinois will vote on ths
closed r.hop proposition anil If they decide
to continue their stand on this question re
lations between the miners and operators
of the state will cease. Miners will vole
on tht shot firer question and if they decide
they will no longer pay these men a general
strike may follow.
Unless both miners and operators sgre
on thesa two points a strike Is likely to
folio r
Pimple tory of Omaha Woman's
Daalaeas Rsrreu Astaalahes
Rceic'e rsrrying off prises and securing
good prices for her poultry and pigeons
Lucie C Harding, secretary of the Omaha
Board of Trade, carried off the prize of S10
offered by the Chicago Tribune each Sun
day. for the business experience of women,
and her si'ory appeared yesterday. In which
she credited the success of her squab and
poultry ftirm largely to "judicious news
paper advertising."
Th story, which tella of how Mlsa Hard
ing has made pver 110,000 in a few years,
appears with the following comment from
the' editor of the workers' magazine section
of the Tribune: "For wonderful records of
the girl who depends entirely upon herself,
that of Lucie C. Harding ia the most aston
ishing that has ever come to this page."
The "sory" which took the price, says:
I mastered my first lesson In business life
when I learned that "nothing auceeeds like
success." Ambition, hustle and enthusissm,
with judicious newspaper advertising, have
earned for ma a position of trust at a sal
ary of 1150 a month and an Independent
growing business. During my "spare mo
ments" I have developed a squab and poul
try farm of ten acres' extent, which haa a
dally output of seventy-five dozen eggs
and two docen pairs of squaha. It is stocked
with 1,400 laying hens, l.WiO breeding pigeons
and other poultry, which require eight
large buildings to house, and Mother In
cubator haa just turned loose 2.000 young
chicks, bless them!
I mastered shorthand In three months
and became a teacher myself. Thirty dol
lars a month looked large when my first
employer offered that much. When a com
mission man gave me a position at 4b I
kept his books, wrote his letters and sold
a car load of fresh fruit and vegetables
every day. and was still looking for work.
Taking advantage of every opportunity, a
position tendered by a real estate man ap
pealed to me. I found Idle time on my hands
and took a contract to collect rents In a
large downtown office building In addition
lo my other work. Thst nearly doubled my
salary and I saved a neat sum every month.
Then I secured the agency for an adjoining
office building, which has paid Its owners
a smart dividend ever since. Mv saving
went Into the Seven Oak poultry farm,
which la five miles from mv office. I packed
eggs In cartons until midnight last night
and was at the office at ft this morning. Mv
Investments run Into five figures and my
friends flatter mo that I am still vnung.
Warren ftwltsler ftenda Oat CI re alarm
and Presbytery Will Take
The Christian Benevolent association. Dr.
W. O. Henry's society, has been called to
the attention of every Presbyterian minister
and church officer In the synod of Ne
braska through a circular sent out by War
ren Swltsler of Omaha. The circular Is a
reproduction of the special dispatch from
the presbytery of Omaha In session at Te
kamah published In The Bee April 82, giv
ing th news of what was done and said
about the association on the floor of the
presbytery. The dispatch also quoted War
ten Swltsler In an address before that
body in which he severely arraigned the
"C. B. A." aa destined to "split the church
thnt takes it up." snd pronounced the In
surance offered by the association an "un
sound aa a business proposition."
Mr. Swltsler commends The Bee's story
for Its re-ijjvt .quotation pf blp: spmvh and
says; ' "
"The Bee's account of the'entlre proceed
ings was eminently fair to both sides."-
This same statement haa been made by
at least three Presbyterian ministers who
attended that meeting.
In sending out these circular letters Mr.
Swilzler ears he wanta every churchman
In the synod of Nebraska to have a clear
and correct understanding of Just what this
Christian Benevolent association Is. In addi
tion to the hearing the association re
ceives through this medium It will be
given a hearing before the adjourned ses
sion of the presbytery at the First church
of Omaha June 2, when the congregation
of the Third church will be cited to show
cause for not accepting the resignation of
Its pastor. Rev. J. B. Cherry, Ph. D., who
resigned as a result of the Christian Benev
olent association. A committee consisting of
Rev. T. K. Hunter, Rev. M. V. Higbee and
Mr. Boggs of the Dundee Presbyterian
church, was named by the presbytery to
have charge of the Investigation.
Plans Being; Made for Three Concerts
at th Andltorlnm Next
The third annual festival, In the present
series of May music festivals will occur
on May 28 and 29 In the Auditorium. The
Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, ' Emit
Oborhoffer, conductor, has been engaged
for two symphony orchestra concerts and
for the accompaniment to Haydn's ora
torio, "Creation," In this festival. Mr.
Oberhoffer la prominent In musical activity
In Minneapolis. Ho la professor of the
theory of music In the University of Min
nesota., He la conductor of a large ora
torlal organization In Minneapolis, snd a
conspicuous private teacher. The tour of
the orchestra Includes besides Omaha.
South Dakota, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sioux
City and numerous Intervening points. '
In addition to this orchestra th manage
ment of the festival have engaged, four
soloists of known ability. Mr. Carlo
Fischer, 'cellist, who made such a hit in
tho festival last year, will be one of three
soloists to give the first concert of the
series, tho Thursdsy matinee. The other
two soloists of this occasion are Mr. Al
bert Borroff, basso, of Chicago, and Miss
Agnes Petrlng, soprano of St. Louis. Mr.
Borroff haa aung the "Creation", under the
baton of Mr. Pennlman, present director
ef the Omaha Oratoriul society. In another
city. Mr. Pennlman has expressed himself
enthusiastically in regard, to Mr. Borroff's
singing. I . r
Tho concert Thursday evening will be a
symphony concert by the. orchestra, as
sisted by the festival maennerchor, in a
very spirited male chorus selection. On
Friday afternoon the orchestra will play
another symphony concert with an entire
change of program and will be assisted on
that occasion by Mr. Frederick Carberry,
tenor. ' The closing concert of th series.
Haydn's "creation" will be rendered by
the Oratorio society. Miss Petrlng. so
prano; Mr. Carberyy, tenor; Mr. Borroff,
basso, with an orchestral accnmpanlment
by the Minneapolis symphony orchestra.
The festival will be held In the Audi
torium, with a specially prepared stage ex
tending forty-five feet In front of the
present stage..
Two rw tommlsslonera.
SIOUX FALLS, H. D.. Aprl: iC. (8p,'.
clal.) Two new United States commis
sioners have been appointed by Judge
Carland of the United Statea court In
the person of Fred L. Clark at Luu
low, Butte county, and A. T. Lyman ut
Grand River. Butt -county. The appoint
ment of these additional commissioners
will prove of convenience to homestead
era In the vicinity of the fwo town
as It will rnxb'e them to transact their
land office business befors t lie- new con,
mlsdloners and thus sine them the long
Journey to the United States land Off lei
fur the district.
Fire Republican and Three Demo
era tic Conventions to Be Held.
He Will Make Two Speeches ia New
York Before Leaving;.
Fracticallj Entire Week Will Bo
Devoted to Measure.
Attltade of Hon Toward Cnrreary
BUI to Bv Determined Rvaa
Rejoin Fleet nt Monterey
WASHINGTON, April M.-Comlng events
which promise to be features Of the week's
news include eight state conventions, the
centennial celebration of the Roman Calho
Ho diocese of New Tork. th visit of Secre
tary Taft to the canal sone for th adjust
ment of diplomatic matters, a national con
vention of the unemployed at New Tork
City, the movement of the battleship fleet
up the coast of California snd the return
to his flagship of Adlral Evans, and further
debate updh the supply bills In congress.
Secretsry Taft will leave on hla oulhrn
trip Thursday and will be gone for three
weeks. He will sail on the cruiser Prairie,
and will be accompanied by a detachment'
of marines. It is expected that a number
of questions pending between the United
State and Panama and otners concerning
th relstlnns of Panama and Colombia will
be settled during the secretsry' stay on
the Isthmus. The atste conventions will
be for the election of delegates to the
national conventions. Republican conven
tions will be held In Pennsylvania. Ver
mont, West Virginia, Maine and Maryland.
Democratic conventions will be held in
New Jersey, Connecticut and Texas.
.JThe democratic state convention In Con
necticut will be held Tuesday and Wednes
day In New Haven. It Is an open question
whether the delegates shall be Instructed
whom to favor for the presidential nomina
tion. Most of the Brysn strength will be
In the city delegations and will rally around
the New Haven delegates under the lesd
ershlp of Alexander Thrope, who Is one
Of Mr. Brysn' most intimate friends In 'the
east. Mr. Troupe was not chosen as a
delegate by the New Haven town conven
tion, but he Is expected td" sit In the con
vention on a proxy credential and with
former Governor Thoma M. Waller of
New IxmdOD. will be one of th command
ing figures on th floor. Th belief ta, th
Bryan men will not make a fight far reso
lutions of Instruction to th delegation, pre
ferring to hsve g harmonious gathering
and to secure several places on the delega
tion for personal friends of Mr. Bryan.
. . Bsr. in CoogrcM. .
In congress the agricultural appropriation
bill will follow the naval hill In order in
the -senate and It will' lie succeeded In
turn by the District of Columbia and pen
sion appropriation hills. The house will
give the entire week to the-consideration
of the aundry civil bill, which la really the
last of the big supply hills to receive the
attention of that body dusing the session.
There are two more of these bills to come,
the general deficiency and the military
academy bills, but they will carry com
paratively small appropriations.
The house currency caucus Is scheduled
for some night about the middle of the
week. Mr. "Watson, th republican whip,
says there is no , doubt the caucus will
Insist that a currency bill wilt be agreed
upon at the caucus and passed by the
house. The prediction is general among
republican members that If sny bill passes
It will be the Vreeland bill. If that or
any other currency measure receives the
epproval of the caucus It will probably
be taken up for consideration by the house
Immediately after the disposition tt th
civil sundry bill. There will be two days
of general debate on the sundry civil bill,
which, In addition to permitting: several
political speeches to bo made, will also
afford opportunity to consider1 conference
reports, of which quite a number are ex.
pected to be presented during the week.
The bill Itself will probsbly provoke no
little antagonism.
The naval bill will probably occupy most
of the senate's time Mondsy, aa there are
still several speeches to be made on the
four battleship, ainemliivent. The senate,
will met at 11 o'clock on Monday for tli
purpose of proceeding with the, bill, and
It ia the agreed program to conclude with
11 before adjourning for the day.
Three Kpeecbes by Taft.
Before k'svlng for the canal zone Secre
tary Taft will deliver three speeches. He
will speak at Bridgeport, Conn., on Mon
day. On Tuesday afternoon he will address
a meeting of the Red Cross society at the
Waldorf-Astoria In . New York City and
4ha same evening he will discuss before
the Civic Forum In that city th topic,
"The Influence of America Upon Popular
Government Throughout the World."
Governor Hugue will address antl-rac
(rack gambling mass meetings on Thurs
day night at Schenectady and on Friday
at Ithaca.
The battleship fleet will sail from Banta
Barbara on Tuesday, calling at Port, Mar
ford and anchoring at Monterey on iiny. 1.
At the letter port Rear Admiral fivans,
whose Indisposition Had necessitated a brief
rest ashore, will 'again liolst his flag ur,on
the Connecticut ,n4 onco more tttumi
bctlve command of the fleet
Saturday night th battleships w!'t sail
for Santa Cruz, where they will make' a
brief slop, proceeding for ' San Francisco
on May 6.
The announced -purpose of the national
convention of the unemployed to be hehl
in New York on Friday is lo "so attract
the attention of the people at large to th
necessity of securing employment for tho
many hundreds of thousands of men out
of work that they wilt Insist that congress,
before It adjourns, do otnethlng for then
Oteher meetings scheduled Include th
seventeenth annual session of the Gen
eral Society Daughters of the Revolu
tion, which will 'open In New York on
Monday and continue through th week;
the second annual banquet on Monda
of tli Independence league, which Isex
pected to give addd Impetua to tho
movement for a national Independents
Ml MirHrnsIs, Healed.'
LA RAM IK, Wyo..- April .-(Spec1al.)-.
It. Doaae. commercial agent if the
t'nion Pacific Coal company, was her yes
terday and staled that did not know
when the Hanna inlre, recently th seen
f terrible cxploK!un, ouid s ttoyatii,
' svtr. .