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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 2f., IPOS. 5 X SEATING'. PLAN'S AT DENVER Fourteen Thousand People May Wit " 'tits i Democratic Convention. . ELABORATE TELEGRAPHIC PLANS Umm Ulilfi nil to Aadlterlem f t tar for Tfewasmner Mea, t JMli Will Have Aaeqaato ; AccomnsWatlone. I- 'V . , DENVER, Colo., April -Plana for the aeau.tit the now city auditorium, which it rtdw nearlng Completion; have been Bent by Secretary MH1 of tha Dnver Cham ber of Commerce and Convention league 1 Secretary Woodson of tha democratic Rational committee, for hl guidance In tasking tha Beating arrangements for the 'democratic national convention, which net In Denver July 7. There ara"" 11.521 chalra ahown In the plana, and by placing thfr In alalea or In tha apac left for tannin room. It will be poaslbla to aaat It.bOO people. . Thla la a greater aaallng capacity than that of tha Chlcaxo Collaeum, Madiaon Square" Garden. New Tork. or tha Mormon tabernacle In Bait Lake City. Mr. Wood- on, whoaa home la In Oweneboro, Ky. will tie aasistcd In tha work of arranging places for tha varloua delegation by Col onel John I. Martin, seraeant-at-arme of the democratic national committee. An aa latant. to have apeclal charge of tlcketa for the preaa. la yet to be chosen. On the first floor eight aectrona of aeata, S.DlO In number, all within eaay hearing dletanoo of ' the apeaker'a platform, riavo. been, set aaide for delegatea and al ternate, the number of which It eatlmated at 2,000. Odd numbered aecttona of thla pec will ba occupied by tha delegatea and even numbered aectlont by the alternates. pn tha platform, within plain tight and hearing of all parta of tha immense struc ture, a fa reserved MS teata for dignitaries. Immediately adjacent to tha platform apaca la that reaerved for tha preaa, where soats have' been provided, with four desk for : noiseless telegraph equipment In all, 1,143 aeata have ,been provided for Hhe general public, divided a follows: ,70 wif tha first floor. J.899 In the balcony 4nd M4 In the gallery. Space haa been provided for all telegraph companlee and tor private wires, which Is easily reached from all parta of the preaa reservatrbn JTha Western Union and Foatal companies .drew, lota for the apace or vantage, ana the Foatal won, being assigned to the first reservation ot 1,700 square feet. Other aspacea In tha line of reservation are then assigned 'aa follows: ' Tha Associated Press, 800 square feet .two-other preaa associations, 800 square feet teach, and the Western Nowspapcr Union .1,709 square feet. Cables of Immense elg fare being laid to connect with all public 'and private wires, and It la aaid that the general telegraphic equipment will surpass anything that haa been attempted by other .cltlet whera national conventlona have been beld.'; ' , Tha tTibcommittea of the democratic na jrtonal. commit tea in charge, of the national .convention, will meet In Denver May , to Jmuke tha final arrangements for tha gath -erthtf. - . A JFIerea Attack . -rff, malaria, liver derangement and kidney trouble, la easily cured by Electric Bitters, the, guaranteed remedy. 60c. For Bale by Beaton Drug Co., '. v. Fern Camp .Boyat Nclgbore win lve a card party next Friday. May 1, Barlght't h&& Admission 16c, refreshments. , t ' Knnift Sal. Tha lunch committed of tha t. W, C.A. will have e- rummage aala. commencing Monday. April J7. to raise money for tha furnlahtng of the lunch room in tha new bunding. They earnestly request .all per aona who hav articles which they ara willing to .contribute to tbla purpoee. to ae,nd tham to the Y. W, C. A. rooms at tha Paxton block on or before Saturday of thla week." "Bundles too large to be car ried wilt ba "called for. 'Phone Douglas im .r '- ' -v . ,. . PERSONAL" PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mriz-'-.W. J.' Btudenham of Nor folk and H.A."8irrttU: of Kearney are at tha Henahaw...., . -' - Colonel Crawford Kennedy of Lincoln la an Omaha visitor registered at the Mer chanta. He la looking after his money Interests. " '' '' H. A. FYtetX'OI 'OlumDUW,' r . Dllifiu ) ot Beattle, V.l-Q.,.Hartman .of. fitaplehurst, ' Ft A?- Lonwuranof . Broken Bow, R. J. ' Tat-i rit -Fremont and Ki BlgncU pf Lin- W , k...Ha Hfilittrri ... cult are at the Millard, R.' VhllJira of Arapahoe. Mre.'A. Tonalea a nit 'ho if Curtis. Mr. ind Mrs. Wetsel of Baton,' H.- CV Koundti? of Lincoln. Q. D. Haywood, Ham Starlser and J. R. Wll aon of Papillion are at the Murray. Mr. and Mra. F. J. Feyenhauaen of Tulsa, Okl.: H. O- Fletcher -of Grand Junction, iL -H. Jtfohr of Pierce. J. P. Murphy of Denver, J. B. idoore of Lincoln and Edgar Howard of Columbua are at tha Paxton. C H '"Wilson of ' Humboldt. H. C .Mc MaWen ot Plattamoiith, William Emsracn of North, fiend, J. F. Brady of Atkinson, A. Texter of . David City, B.. W. Yoho, T. ir thf nf l.lnroln. B. K. Latta of Te karrt end A. "Wilson of Bprtngfleld are at Ui-, Mercnania.. . . . Y j. Puck of Wiener, a member of tha ..,Mv rnmmltlet Of the Wisner Com- merc'sl okib. My( hi city will take par ticular Interest In . hooating '-ttio National Corn Bliow Omaha is to hold. The club was releil three weeka ago and haa already laid r lane for an a.tive buainess campaign for inr. Tha Wiener atock nhow, held eaa' fall Is one of lha recognised atock xhiim..iia of Nehraska and the work of the tnniercll will be directed to ruh1n t; tntereMa aUo. Former Stat fcenntor ' A. -ft. Oleaon la president of the club and Henry Klnser eecratary 1 I-,.. 5 ; . . 'THaI Facktg of .'Woaderful Pyrawlfl Cur fM-nt to All Who Send Name and Addrft. There are hundreds of cst of pile which have laated for JO and SO years and have been cured In a few days or weeks Jwlih the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. iidob an operation aa the only relief. Bun fiperetiena rarely cure, and often Uad to 'fearful resulte. e-Tne Pyramid File Cure curee.- It re llevea the awelling, stops the congestion, heals the ulcera and fissures and tha pljea aiappa.f- There Is no form of piles which thtt remedy Is not made to cure. The "Pyramid Pile Cur can ba uaed at home. There la no lose of tlm or deten tion from bua-lneae. There ia no caae of x I'ilea ao tever that the Pyramid Pile Cur will not bring relief. We make no chars for a trial package o Pyramid Pile Cure. Thla sample will relieve tha Itching. . aootUe tha Inflamed liwrnbrana and atart you on your way to a cure. After you have uaed the aampl ' tot to the drunflet for a 0-cent box of the remedy. Write today. The sample coeia you nothing. Pyramid Drug Co., lit J'j rfcirid Bidg Marshal!. Mich. BRIEF CITY TiTiVS atae oot me It, Bndolpb r. arweeoda. Accountant-auditor. Tot Coagreat, Tbee. W. Blackbnra. adv Voice Curture, Delmore Cheney, Boyd Thr. Douglat ahoet. $J.S0. r oarke for Quality clgare, lit 8. lth .' Klfiehart, photographer, llth A Farnam. Tlalt Myara-DUloa (12.000 aoda fountain. At the Paxtoa Xotal Cafe For a mod ern meal, for a modern lunch. Faats to Order. IS ur: coats and pants. 20 up. MacCarthy-Wllaon. 104 B. 16th. lopular Frioea at the Hat Grand Cafe- White waiters. Open I a. m. to II p. ra. Christ and Baddha W. II. Lynchard of Council Bluffs will uddress the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at I p. m. In Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam atreeta, on "The Christ and the Buddha." Dennisoa Twin le Twin boya were born to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dennlson Wednesday night and one of the boya died Thuraday afternoon and the other Friday afternoon. Mr. Dennlson la eecretary of the boya' department of the Toung Men'a Christian asaoclatlon. So Tot Want Boad to Croas Track- Mary McCormack, John H. McCormack and a number of other property owners have asked the district court to enjoin the Union Pacific from crossing their property atong the rlvef bank In the eastern part of tha city. Dinner for C A. Balaton C. A. Ralston promotor of the new enterprise at the town of Ralston, remained In Omaha Saturday and attended a dinner at the Commercial club which was given by Shlmer Chase that business men ot Omaha might meet Mr. Ralston. Alleged Toiafaaa Bound Over Cleo Smith, the colored denJsen of tha Brown flats, charged with stealing a pocketbook containing W0 from the person of Oeorga Davis, a traveling man from Portland, wsa bound over to the dlatrtct court under $1,600 bond after a preliminary hearing' in police court Saturday. Under Bond to Bap port Tamily Hugo Fraisslnet, a young laboring man residing at 2911 Amea avenue, waa placed under I1P0 bond In police court to support his wife and three children whom he' la accused of abandoning.' If he contributes M a week to their support until May. 80 the charge will be dismissed. -Old Kaa Of fart Bo Bafanae Henry Bar ringer, a respectable-looking old man, made no defenae when he waa charged In police court with beating his hotel bill at the Merchanta' hotel. Even when accused of registering at other hoateirlea under other namea he had nothing to say. He was aen- tenced to thirty days In jail. Argumanta for Callahan Trial Argu ments on the motion for a new trial In the case against Daniel C. Callahap, who waa . convicted of . .grave desecration were heard Saturday morning by Judge Sears, Thay occupied most of the forerjoon ses slon Of court. ' Judge 8eara took the motion under advisement and will pass on It next 8alurday. . . . , s Photos of Hew Znglaa Iji Action The Ahrens Fire Engine .company of Cincinnati from which the new engine, "James C, Dahlman," was bought, recently aent a number of photographs of the scenes at the trial of the engine. The photographa are framed and on will be presented to the fire department, one to the mayor and one to each of tha fire commissioners. Hegro Btlll Benlea Charge Ben Mar shall, tha negro charged with attempted criminal assaulta on Mattle Q'au and Anna Qrabowski. was arraigned before Judge Bears Saturday morning and pleaded .not guilty,, He i, is without moAe? and Judge Bear a appointed laidor Zelgler aa' hla at torney. C. F. Jones, charged with forgery pleaded guilty, but . sentence was deferred until next Saturday. ' tPuneral Services of John A. Boe Fu neral aervlcca for the late John A. Doe, leading Omaha bAalneaa man, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late home, 1120 South Thirty-first street under the auspices of the Christian . Science-" church. Interment will be In Foreat Lawn. The following will ract aa pallbearer: Frank Lehmer, C. H. Chlsam, J. O. Martin. B.. B. Brownlee, John Forbes and A. O. Foster. - J. X. aCarkel la Town J. E. Market of Chicago Is In Omaha, a guest at the Pax ton. He Is the well known hotel man and has for uiany years been interested in the aerlea ot railroad eating houaea throughout tha United States and was one of the early proprietors of the Mlllarl hotel. Ha -aaa also lntereated In certain. hotel conceaslona In the Panama canal rone. Mr. Markel said hla business In Omaha waa simply of a privet? character. - Miaa Watson ta Bald to Anewer Ella Watson, colored, 1-13 Cass street, was bound over to the district court Saturday under 8&00 bond on a charge of larceny from the person. Ella is a welt known police character, but In' stealing a pocketbook con taining 135.7 from the person of John Pluso at Thirteenth and Davenport atreeta Friday aha waa so Careleaa as to allow Detectlvea Mitchell and Sullivan to aee her and they placed her under arrest. . Theodore Shares' Moving Big The Pacific Coast Car Mobile Sign company, formed to exploit Theodore Kharaa' moving street car algn In tha Pacific coast atates, haa filed artlclea of Incorporation with the county clerk. The authorixed capital la llOO.OuO, but It may, begin business when 25.(00 is subscribed. Mr. Kharas la to re ceive I10.0W) In stock for the patent rights. L. B. Klnne, C. d. Saunders and N. J. Rice are the Incorporators. A. T. Strona Bay :tom Millar Tract A. F. Stroud, manufacturer of grading ma chines, has Just bought through Harrison V Morton what la known aa the Rome Miller tract, a little north of Grand ave nue on Florence boulevard. Thla ia a beau tiful wooded knoll on .the . west side of Florence boulevard containing about two acres and covered with native trees. It Is reported that Mr. Btreud Is to build him a beautiful home on the spot. Case Pre Along Without Hsarlna- The injunction suit of John W. Whitley agalnat D. H. Tolman, a chattel loan man, to prevent hla foreclosing a chattel mort gage In a Justine court at .flout h Omaha, la still dragging In the distrk court, plough it wss iued over a month ago, It ia still unheard anu Saturday morning Attorney Lambert for the defendant asked another continuance because he ia engaged In an other court. The case went over until May . Tfclrty-eae Tea re and Btvoroe Thirty one yeara of ma.-rted life will end-in the divorce court If the petition of Mary J. Millett ie granted. She wanta a' divorce from Frederick-Millett: -whom aha married ftt Beattte, Kan.' in 1877. She saya he has not supported her for twenty yeara and la quarreUome and cruel. She wanta the custody of their two minor children. Min nie Quldmulth wanta a divorce from Leo pold A., charging cruelty, nonaupport and drunkenneaa. - Who Owns the Oleander The owner ship of three oleanders was the iVibject of dispute In a ault brought In the Juatica court of W. V. :!. man by Emma Morand agalnat Max - Qeltlcr. Oelsler bought a piece of properly from Mrs. Morand at 4 Dodge atraet. The oleardera were left in the cellar and when a man waa aent to take tnem away Oelsler refuied to give them up, holding that they were a part of the property. Justice Eaatinan held that U the oleaadera bad been planted In the 11 COUM Given Away to Counters Do You Waivt to Win a Prize Counting Contest of Prizes Will Dc One celebrated Steger & Sons piano, valued at $400; one celebrated Cabinet Piano Player, valued at $250; one beautiful high top Schmol ler Mueller organ, walnut or oak case, fully guaranteed fpr 25 years, valued at $125, $25 IN GOLD, and other prizes amounting in value to $4,200, in order of merit, making a grand total of $5,000. . Remember it costs nothing to try, except the use of your brains. Our reasons for distributing" these valuable prizes are as follows: 1st We want the name of Steger & Sons to become a household word in the musical families of this city, Nebraska and the West. 2d We want to test the relative advertising value of the Omaha newspapers. . - , 3rd We want everyone who is intending to purchase a piano or organ to call at our sales rooms, 1311-1313 Farnam St., and examine our matchless stock of high grade instruments. 4th We want to convince every intending purchaser and visitor that we have the largest stock of instruments, that we are the oldest and most reliable Piano house in the West, and that we grant the most liberal terms of payment One Dollar a Week. The conditions under which this great contest will bo held are as follows: ' " ' ' It Is Easy; Use Y our Brains. Just Count the L)ots that Appear in the Outlined Steger Piano. , The correct number of dots is only known to the judges, the repre sentatives of the three daily papers of Omaha. The correct answer has been deposited at the Bee Office by the manufacturers. We do not know it. Each answer will be numbered consecutively as soon as received, and will remain sealed until opened by the following representatives of the three daily papers of Omaha: Mr. E. II. James, of the Bee; Mr. S. J. Ranger of the World Herald, and Mr. W. J. Mahoney, of the Daily News. Any one residing in the United States, is entitled to one answer. When more than. one answer is received from the same party, all but the first will be discarded. " ' This contest positively closes Wednesday, May 6, 1908, at 6 P. M. Every one entering the contest will receive a Souvenir Scarf Pin, also a Neat Little Book Mark. All answers must be written plainly and the coupon filled in, giving name and address. Also state whether you have an organ, square or upright piano, giving name. No one engaged in the music. business, nor any one employed by this firm will be allowed to enter. the contest. More than 10.000 People Attest to Our Fair and Honest Dealings, who have purchased pianos from us Bloce 1859. We Can say beyond successful contradiction that we have the largest piano business in the west. The prices on the famous lines of pianos we handle are well established, and are marked la plain figures. We carry by far the largest slock of pianos in Omaha, comprising: - " r ' ,y SCBMOtLER & MUELLER PIANO CO.. 131 Mil J Farnam St., Omaha, The number of dots la Name Address Upright Square 11 Name of instrument . City ' i Date yard, they would have belonged to Oelsler. but as they were potted they were not a part of the property. Display pf Court House naa-Arrn-menta have been mfde with the county commissioners to have them, exhibit the plans for the new court house for which bonda are to be voted. They will explain Just what the bond proposition means at the Toung Men's Chrlatlan association as sembly roomsnext Thursday night. In vitations have been aent out to many to attend thla meeting, but all voters who are Interest d In learning of the plana of the commlealon ara Invited to be pretent Tlyrraday night right to Btop Sewer BnUdinT Tha Magio City Realty company haa asked a restraining order In district court to pre vent further work on the sewer now being conatructed at Twentieth and N atreeta, South' Omaha, asserting it Is undermining the foundations to a building owned by the company. The building is on filled ground and the petition says fuulty con struction work has made the ground "run,' causing damage to the building. The city of South Omaha and Dan Hannon and George Craig are the defendants. Trouble Among Btockholdara As tha outcome of a" disagreement aa to the own ership of some of the stock in the Hutton Investment company Edward T. McCarthy hns asked the district court for a restrain ing order .to. prevent the officers ot the company from voting the dividends he claims belong to him to anyone elae or to transfer hla stock certificates, lie aaya he and Kowland AY. Bailey, president ot the company, secured 12,241 aharea of tha atock while they were partners In a com pany promoting mining properties In Qua raw reserve, Indian Territory. Goes to Vlpao House Instead of Jury- One of the grand jurors drawn to serve at the beginning ot. the May term of court will not be present to answer to his name when court convenes May 4. lie Is Fred C. Watson, 314 North Fifteenth street, and he haa J' been committed to the dipso maniac ward of the ineane asylum at Lin coln by the Insanity commission, lie waa drawn on the grand Jury about two weeka ago. . Hla commitment to the asylum waa made at the request of hla relative, who aaya he Is addicted to the uue ot liquor to au excessive degree. Quinsy fees Pit to Appeal Caae Laurie J. Wulnby haa not dropped hla fight against the payment ot printing bills to Klopp & Bartlett company. Saturday morning ha flltd notice with the county clerk he would appeal to the dljtrlct court from the action of the commissioners allcwing the claims. The claims amount to ll.t.'S and were for printing furnished lb: "ovnty cleik, the county aasfnr nd the comptroller. ' Mr. Qulnby objects because the bjard did not advertise for bids. Several weeks ago he applied to the district court for an Injunc tion to prevent the payment of tha claims, but Judge Redick refused the writ 'on tha grounds the proper course waa to appeal from the allowance of tha bills by the board. 11 rap -9 Awarded as Follows: Neb. , Organ . . . State..... Coupon. B. TOPICS OF THE' DAY OF REST Firit Methodist Will Complete Easter Musical Program. LIGHTS WILL SHINE TO THE END Immaauel Baptist Will Hold Its Aa aaal Klectlon el Offlcera Mon day Evenlaa" at the Charch. Mualo at the Manscom Park Methodist Episcopal: MORNING. Prelude Dal Two Btellato (from "Moses of Egypt" Rossini 8olo-It la the City Beautiful Rodney Mr. Charles Lang. OffertoryAndantino Schumann Postlude March of the Friars. ...Bonheur EVENING. Prelude Impromptu In I Aahford Anthem with Solo Quartette Sing with all the Sons of Glory Marso MUs Fulton, Mise AVesterfleld, Mr. Newell ' and Mr. Lang. Solo-Come to the Land of Light.... Wilson Miss Mabel Fulton. - Offertory Romansa Ashford Anthem with Soprano and Alto Duo Kin of Kings Shelley Miss Fulton and Miss Campbell. Anthem Hallolujah Chorus (from Ora- torio of "Messiah") Handel Postlude Uebea Ued Ashford Mrs. Grace N. Burllngham, Organist; Mr. Lee O. Krati. Director of Muatc. A mission will begin Sunday at 11 o'clock mass at St. Cecilia's pro-cathedral, Fortieth and Webster streets. It will be conducted by the two Jesuit missionaries. Father Donaher and Father Ryan, and will last two weeks. The first week will be devoted to the women of the parish, tha second week to the men. An Illustrated address upon the Hawaiian Ialanda will be given In the First Congre gational church at S o'clock Sunday even ing. Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, the pastor, whose 'home was formerly In Hawaii will give tha lecture illustrated by nearly lu beautiful dissolving views. The subject la "The Redemption of Hawaii." That part of the Easter music which was not rendered at the Firat Methodist church last Sunday evening, owing to the electric lighta suddenly going out, will be given Sunday evening, Including the Halle lujah chorus. Lee f. Hanmer of New York, field aecretary of the National Play ground association, will apeak in the even ing. r The annual election of church officers ill ba held Monday evening at t o'clock at Immanuel Baptist church. The revival being conducted at the North Side Christian church by Evangelist Bur ton continues to attract large audiences each evening, and the number of additions Increases with almost every meeting. Mr i TV Y T r (TT)(TT)(TT) Niav o by Usin Your Brains? If so, Enter the Great the SchmoUer Mueller Piano Co. Firs! L Stein way. Steger. Ilardmfcn. SchmoUer. Mueller. Emerson, McPhall, A B. , Chase. Davis .Son Singer. Arion, Reed . Sans and 23 other Makes. ' 7 ADDRESS ALL mm eai aa aa as aa OMAHA, Burton haa been an extensive traveler and thla aids him In hla platform work. He is both a poetical and a practical thinker. An Important feature of tha meetinga Is the alnglng of Mrs. Wllee, the contralto' aolo 1st, and the song -service each evening, led by the choir. . .. Y. W. C. A. Motea. Mra. F. W. mallard will speak at the go" pel meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:30 and Miss lone Barnhart will. sing. The social hour will be observed and light re- freahmenta aerved at :30. The house committee haa arranged for another "noon mualcale" at te rooms, from 12:15 to 1 o'clock, Thursday. This mualcale la under supervision of Kffa Kills' Illustrated Music school, and Is free to all women. The following . program will be given: "Tarantella" Raft Miss Kffa Ellia, Miss Elva Howard. Prelude McDowell Miss Elolae Wood. Concert Walts for Guitar Buckley Miss Mary Gertrude Miller. Andante, from Surprise Symphony. .Haydn Mlsa Effa Kills, Mlaa Elva Howard. "Devll a Sonata". Tartlnl Miss Frances Bradshaw. "Slumber Song" Newcombe Mlsa May Wetherhill. "The Swan" Saint Saena Gypay Darce Agnes Tschetschulen Miss Frances Bradshaw. "Springtide" Backer Miss May Wetherhill. - "Chevalier March" Foden Miss Mary Gertrude Miller. V. M. C. A. Notes. Athletic meet with Bellevue, Saturday. Dr. J. l. Bryant of St. Louis will speak at the men's meeting on Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. All men, especially young mn away from home are cordially in vited. - The practical talk of Mr. Charles Ross, civil engineer of the Union Pacific on Tuee day night waa largely attended and greatly enjoyed by those present. Mr. Koss spoke on what it means to be a civil engineer. Mr. Herman Gaumer who has been troubled recently with symptoms of appen dicitis left this morning for his home at Philadelphia where he expects to be oper ated on. Dr. J. M. Scott left Thursday for Butte, Mont where he has been a p- pointed chief surgeon of the largeat hospi tal in the. northwest, also chief surgeon .of several large mines located near there. Thla makes Dr. Scott the youngest chief surgeon in the world. J. F. Bailey goes to Aurora. Monday. It will be a young men's rally day. Tueaday he meeta C K. Olier, field secretary of the national committee at Hastings, and will spenA two wevks with him over tha atate, vlalting varloua assoclationa, both college and city, being in Omaha for dinner Saturday, May 2, and will meet the aaso ciatinn men, and will apeak Saturday after noon in the association assembly room. Mr. Bailey was In central City last week vhen the association there celebrated their Second anniversary. Dr. F. L. Loveland wat, pres ent and delivered the address. The asso ciation closes Us year out of debt in every particular. Illseellaaeoae Aaaaaaeeaaeats. Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New tr.n Mnnn. Minister tWvlce at 10:45; aer mon. ''The Grace of Moderation.4' Sunday school at noou. Bethany branch First Baptist, S&'J Ia venworth Sunday school at 8 p. m.; gnapel meeting Thursday 8 p. m. ; industrial achool aiuturdey 1 p. m. First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Harney, 8. D. Dutcher, Pastor Bible school at noon. W. A. De Bord, superintendent, 'reaching at 10:30 a. m., auhject, "Dugen- ILIEB T t YP-rr (D)(D) Given Away to Counters I ? ! .ale ee'eli'a Prize, $400 Sfcger GUESSES TO CONTEST. PIANO CO. v 1311-1313 Farnam Street. eratlon and Regeneration. Evening service at First Baptist church In the Union meet ing. Peoples, Charles W. Bavldge, Pastor Morning, "Cast Thy Burden on the Lord." Evening,. "Clinglrg to God in Prayer." Prof. Mertea has charge of the muaic. At Kountze Memorial at t p. m. the choir will repeat their Easter music. Mlsa Lucy Lacosta Godsey will sing tha "Inflamatiua" from Rossine's atabat malre. The 10:30 a. m. services as usual. Firat Church of Chrlat, Scientist. Twenty fifth and Farnam, Chambers Building Sunday achool at 9:45 a. m. Sunday aervlcea at 11 a. in. and 8:00 p. m. Subject of lea eon sermon, "Probation After Death." Second Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas Rev. 11. H. Maynard of Cedar Rapids, Ia., will preach at 10:30 a. m. and in the evening at 8 o'clock: Young People's Society Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Firat United Evangelical, Franklin, Near Twenty-fourth, T. A. Deck, Pastor Sunday achool at 10 a. m. : worship, 11 a. m.: theme, "Kade?h Barnea. ' Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. ; armon 7:80 p. ta. by Rev. J. F. Hen dricks ol Oconto, Neb. First Congregational, Nineteenth and Davenport,) Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning service at 10:30; subject, "Uod'a Handiwork;" in the evening at 8 o'clock the pastor will give an llluHlrated address upon "The Redemption of Hawaii." St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth and burdette, L. Groh, pastor Services Sunday, 10:45 a. m., "Who is a Model Disciple? You or 1?" 8:00 p. m.. "The Pleasurea of the Disciple." Sunday achool at 12 m. Young People'a at 7:16 p. m. Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth, The Very Rev. George A. Beecher, Dean Holy communion at 8 a. m.; Sunday achool and Bible cluss at 8:46 a. m.; morning prayer and aermon at 11 a. m.; evening prayer and aermon at 7: Jo p. m. Third Preabytertan, Twentieth and "Lea ven worth Preaching by the pastor; 10:45 a. m., subject, "The First Temptation;" 8 p. m., subject, "Friendship;" 4.30 a. m., Sunday school; t p. m Junior Christian En deavor, 7 p. m., senior Christian Endeavor. Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and Blnney, Fhlletus H. McDowell, Pastor 10:80 a. m , "Health of Soul;" 6 p. m., "A Crisis Night In a Life of Obedience;" Bible achool at noon; the Baptist Young People'a union at 7; . prayer meeting Wedneaday evening at 8. Trinity Methodist Episcopal, Twenty First and Blnney. E. T. tieorge. Pastor I Sunday achool 8:30 a. m.; preaching 1:45 a. m. aermon by Dr. J. E. Moore; tt.wortn league 7 p. m. : temperance meeting 8 p. m. ; adureea by Prof. J. G. lliff; prayer meeting Wedneaday, 8 p. m. Westminster Presbyterian, Mason and Twenty-ninth The pastor. Rev. W. 8. Ful ton, D. !.. will preach at 10:30 and 8 p. m. ; Sabbath school and Bible classes 12 noun; Young people's -Society Christian En deavor at 7 p. m.; Installation ot elders and deacons at the morning service. McCabe Methodist Episcopal, Farnam and Fortieth, Rev. J. Narver Gortner. Paator Servicea at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. The pastor will preach to the children ot the Sunday school at the hour of the morn ing service. Subject, "Spiders." Evening theme, "The Kepcnlenco of Siiiuial." . Flrat Methodist Episcopal, Twentieth and Davenport. Rev. L. Loveland, Paator PreaMiing at 10:30 a. m , by the pasu r, from he theme: "An Overflowing Rell Kioii. at T: p. ni.. Lee F. Hanmer of New York, field secretary of the Na tional Pi ground association, will speak. St. Mary's Avenue' Congregational, St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh Morn ing worship at 10 So; sermon by the pastor. Rev. Balr-1; subject, "Modern Society and Family Lifa;" Sunday achool at noon; ves pers at 4 30 o'clock; Young People'a Society of Christian Endeavor at 8 o'clock p. m. Grace Baptist. Tenth and. Arbor, B. F. Feilman, Paster 10 4, aermon, "The Voire ot God In Sping Awakening;" 7 p. in.. 2 1L Upriflhl Si DEPT. B. of mam II NEBRASKA 2C young people'a prayer meeting; 7:45, gospt I acrvice; Sunday school No. 1, Tenth and Arbor, 12; Sunday school No. 2, Fourth and Cedar. 3:30; Sunday school No. 8, Thirteenth and William. 3:30. Knox Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. Hlfrbee, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30; theme, "The Lord's da)." Sunday school at li m. Junior Christian Endeavor at 8:0. Young People's Society ChrlstUn Endeavor at 7.7)0. Evening worship at 8:0o; theme, "Tearful Sowing. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00, Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and Nicholas; Rev. Nathaniel McOlffln, D. D.. Minister Communion of the Lord's Supper, reception of members and the ordinance of baptiam at 10:30 a. m.; Sabbath school at 12 m. ; Christian Endeavor at 8:30 p. m.; Jireachlng by the pastor at 7:30 p. m.; aub ect, "Not Far from the Kingdom." North Side Chriatlan, Twenty-aoconcl ar4 Locust, H. J. KlrSchateln, Minister Morn ing worahlp at 10:80. Mr, Burton's aubjec' will be, "The Peace of God." Bible school at IS o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 15 r. m. Evening service at 7 45. Evangelist Burton will sneak in the evening on, "Ths Greatest Problem Confronting the Church." First BaDtlat. Twenty-ninth and Har ncy. Rev. J. W. Conley, D. P.. Pastor Dr, J. It. Brandt will rreach at the 10:80 aervlce on "Our Debt to Christ;" Sunday school at noon: union revival aervlce at 7:45 p. in,; Dr. Brandt will preach on "Christ Before Pilate;" Prof. Gefger and union chorua will alng; union young people'a meeting at 8:3) p. m. Union Gospel Mission, 112 South Four teenth, S p. m Bible study and young con vert's meetloR; 7:15 open sir service. Four teenth and Douglas; 7:46. Charles F. Robt-1. superintendent of the mission, will speak; Monday night the meeting will be con ducted by the Young People'a union of the Grace Baptist church; evangelistic service every pight In the" week. First Presbyterian, Dodge and Seventeenth, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. L., pastor Morning service at 10:30; subject, "The Golden Calf." Evening aervlce at 7:M; sub ject, "Thlnga Approved of God." Members of Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodgea are in-' vlted to attend the evening aervlce. Bun day achool at noon. Chrlatiaa Endeavor meeting at 8:15 p. m. Central United Preabvterlan. Tw.ntr. fourth and Dodge, R. B. A. McBrlde, D. D., Pastor Morning worahlp at 10:30; sermon, subject, i "The Wldness of God's Mercies." Evening' worship at 8:00: aermon subject, "The Parables of the Hid Treasure, and the Pearl of Great Price." Sabbath achool at noon. Young reople'a Piayer meeting and teacher; meeting at 7:00. , Grace Lutheran. Twenty-sixth, Between Poppleton and Wool wort h avenues, Rev. M. L. Mellck, PastorChurch services at 18-45 a. ml and at 8 p. m.: morning theme, "Give Knowledge That You Have Been With Jeeue;" evening text, "Take Heed That Ye Despise Not One pf These Little Ones;" Sunday achool at 13 and Luther league at 7 p.,m; prayer meeting Wednea day night. Calvary Baptist, ' Twenty-fifth and Hamilton. ' Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Services at 10.30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Bible school at 13 m.-Haraca clasa at 13 m. for men. Young People'a aervlce at 7:00 o ni. Wednesday, 8:00 p. m midweek praise and p.aver aervlce. laiverv Baptist Branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward, I. Bundayi S : p. 111., Bible scnooi: 1:46 p. in , Oop service. Friday: 8:00 p.' nv, DevotlonaJ service. i Swedish Methodist, Nineteenth and Burt -Rev. Carl Kromen of West Hill. Neb., will preach at 11 a. m.; Rev. Leonard Strom berg of Keene will deliver an addreaa for young people at S:iW p. m.; Rev. Fred Strombeig of Looking Glasa will give n addresa at the Fpaonh league meeting at 6 3rt p. nv. and Iiev. K. Norberg of Swede Plains will preach at 8 p. m., and Rev. John Galaielaen, presiding elder, will alao de liver an addreaa. . Use Bee want ads to boost your busincaa.