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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AFRIL 26, 1908. 3 GOVERNOR OFF FOR COAST Epeolnl Traji Carriet FiTe Pullmani, Oberra;ion and Bafpape Car. . TASTY A REPRESENTATIVE ONE Carrie silver Service and Other Gtfte for Hattleafcl JTebraaka, Sow la Fraaclseo y Harbar, i (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 2. (Special.) They're off! Governor George L. Sheldon, Ma staff of colonel, state officers, busi ness men, farmers and professional men, representative a body of cltlsens as ever left the state. They are aboard the "Governor Sheldon Special," bound for San Francisco and intermediate paint -I, bearing a silver service for the battle ehlp Nebraska fro mthe state of Nel braska. The train of five Pullman cars, and observation cars left the Burilngton station at 7 o'clock amid the cheers of a large crowd of citizens, relatives and friends of the travelers. 1 Upsides the silver service -the party has numerous other tokens of affection from religious and other organisations to pre sent to the sailor boys of the Nebraska. The Christian Science church of Lincoln sent, along a Bible Inscribed with the name of the ship and the doner, together with a book, "Science and " Health," and a Christian Science quarterly. The Con gregational church, through Its pastor, l"r. Tuttle. sent along a Bible also In scribed with the name of the church and the battleship. . The Daughters of the1 American Revolution sent a silk flag for the battleship, whMi wfll be presented ly 'Mrs. Sheldon. The sliver service was sent , by express and has already been received by Captain Nicholson, though the formal presentation will not be until Way 8. Assistant Registrar Harrison of tha Statu university made a copy on parch. , ment of the appropriation bill providing for the purchase of the sllvef service and this 'will bo sent to former Governor Mickey to sign and he will forward It to Governor Sheldon, who will present It to Captain Nicholson. Secretary Metcalfe of the navy tele graphed an Invitation to Governor Shel don this morning to take breakfast with him upon the day of the presentation of the silver service. The unusual number of colonels on the staff of tho governor gave the party a very soldier-like appearance and they at tracted a whole lot of favorable comment and recalled to some that not many states could sport thirty-one coionels with only two regiments In the National punrd. And It was also discussed that prominent citizens of few states would put up $150 each, a total of about $13,500, to bo prexent at tha presentation of $3,000 silver service. Personnel of Party. Following Is a list of those on the train: Governor and rs. Sheldon and daughter. Martin W. Dlmery, secretary to Gov ernor 8he!don. Brigadier Uenernl Charles F. Schwara, adjuur.t general, and Mrs. Schwars, Lin coln. Colonel Charles J. Bills, Inspector general, Lincoln. Colonel Frank S. Nicholson, surgeon gen eral. Bt. Paul. . Colonel Charles B. Anderson, aide-de-camp, and Mrs. Anderson, Crete. Colonel Thomas C. Byrnes, aide-de-camp, and Mrs., Omaha. colonel Joiin P. Cameron, aide-de-camp, Tekanuth. I'olnm-l Charles H. Cornell, aide-de-camp, Yslenllne. I vIoih 1 . Charles Gro.tte, aide-de-camp, OmahH. Colonel George Lyon, r., aide-de-camp. Nelson. . C loiif 1 , Hrnat I.. Myers, . aide-de-camp, Newport. Cdlmu-l Fred C( Nielsen, aide-de-camp, Bancroft. l .n:el Henry J. Penfold, aide-de-camp, Om..i Colore)! Millard F. Perry, aide-de-camp. Colonel Landreth P. SJne, aide-de-camp, Lincoln. Colonel Herbert F. Shumway, alde-de-cunip, Wakefield. Colonel 'Arthur C. Smith, aide-de-camp, Orruitia. Colonel Andrew F. Sturm, aide-de-camp, and .Mrs. 1turm, Nchawka. . Colonel Frederick JL. Temple, aide-decamp, Ijcxlngton. Militant siachof. Nebraska City. Colonel O.. G. Home, Syracuse. Colonel W. C. Shinn, Lincoln. Lieutenant Governor, Hopewell and Mrs. Hopewell, Tekamah. ' . II. M. Laton, land commissioner, and family. . tieoi-RO C. Junkln, secretary of state. I.. .'. Brian, state treasurer, and Mrs. '.rlan. ' I-,. M Searle, Jr.. auditor. W. K. Mcllor and Mrs. Mellor. t". II. Cornell and family, Valentin. ,. r. Sheldon and family, Nehawka, Mr.' -Murphy and family, Crete. Mr. 'IVnipleton. Tekamah. s' Mr. Story. Tekamah. " Mr. r-ntith. Tekamah. . s" Mrs. A. M. Carpenter, Omaha. J. 1'. Cameron, Tekamah. V. Mrs. Khhey, Lincoln. Mies Jewoit. Omaha. K M. o. Johnson. Crete. C W. Kalev. Red Cloud. ' Ir. J. K. 61ats. Fairfield. ' T Miss Hardwiek, Lincoln; . . , t Miss Bess Marks. Lincoln. . i H . KolHom, Lincoln. J. T. I.atta, Tekamsh. Mr. Griffin. Tekamah. . M. Mittera. Tekamah. f K I- Brooks. Minnetoon. ; 1. W. Maekechnle, Indlanola.' Charles le, Newport. J. J. Keller. Newport. I. T. Byrnes, Lincoln. -K. K. Bradley, Nebraska City. Mr. BlMtur. I'lattsmouth. F. J. Mock. Albion. ' K. L. Mevers. Newport. H. I.urlmer and wife, les Moines. 1 J C. F. McKesson, Lincoln. W. C. Plalon, Omaha. W. T. Rounds and wife. Arcadia. P. H. Hopkins, Tecumseh. Mr. Rawls and family. Plattsmoutlf. (. A. Taylor, Llroln. ' A. Kennaid. Lincoln. ' ' H. 8. Kinaley. Arcadia. Mrs. Moraan, Piattsmouth. ' C. A. Patterson. Piattsmouth. H. N. Povey. PlattBmouth. ', V. L. Perkins and wife. Lincoln. Dr. J. F.. Tuttle. Lincoln. I I. . W. Pomerine and wife. Lincoln. Dr. W. L. Iayton, Lincoln. Mr. Comptor, Lincoln. " . 8. K. Csrr, Lincoln. 1 H. Herpolshelmer. Lincoln. George Oldham, Piattsmouth. J. J. Purcell. Lincoln. ' C. H. Sheldon. Columbus. J. E. North, Columbus. ' Mr. P.tgats, Columbus. Mr. Boat wick. Omaha. 7T1 a LLWTT&JIIIR of tba suffering and danger in eloro for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of tho coming erent, and casts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy roba confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-tend to all women at tha tim of their moat critical trial. Not only does Mother' Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its ua gently prepares the system tor the coming event, prevent "morning ickne68," and other dis- comforts of this period. H 1(77) TTP lYirW'? Sold by all druggists at UuJUJJ U if J UmUXk Kl $i.oo per bottle. Book cor.Uhunjr valuable information free. 1 P 1 ITi) TALKS ON TEETH DAZZLING TEETH ENDURANCE nv DK. K. 11. L. Ml'IirilY BIAUTLTUla TKKTX Hardly a day passes that we do not re. celva on or mora letters from patients who are congratulating themselves and us on thefr new TEETH. A lady recently wrote In and told us that her teeth were so natural looking and beautiful that they has rejuvlnated he'r face. Her friends and those who did not know her ao well were completely mystified at tha wonderful change In her looks. ' One of the prime factors In Dr. Murphy's METHOD of restoring missing, teeth Is that each tooth Is set In Its own socket, thus carrying out nature's plan of supplying teeh In the first place. These teeth are not only natural looking, but they may be used In exactly the same way that one can use nature's teeth: We wish to' Im press once more upon our readers that In supplying these teeth we preform no sur gical operation and do not bore or cut Into the gums. The very strength of the method lies In Its simplicity and In its conformity with natural laws. With a great many people, looks come first, but If these teeth almply looked beautiful they would not be the success that they are useless they were also prac tical. Another thing, we wish to empha size is that this Is not an expensive piece of work, considering tha fact that when it la completed the patient has to all lntenta and purposes a complete new aet of teeth that are Just as serviceable aa if they had grown In the mouth. We hope that we have said enough to cause you to come and eee what we can do for you If your teeth need attention or If they are loose or missing. We will make a thorough and careful diagnosis of your case without any cost or obligation to you. In that way we will be able to tell you exactly what we can do tjr you and what the cost will be. If you live too far away to come and see us now, do the next best thing and send for our free book. Beware of Imitations. Dlt. K. n. I MURPHY SiMe 510 New York Life Building, Omaha. Formerly consulting and examining den tlat with Q. Gordon Martin, Inc. H. Martin, Newport. J. W. Dale, Columbus. T, A. Henderson, McCook. . A. W. Smith, McCook. ' K. D. Rockwell. Omaha. W. L. Cramer, Arcadia. Schedule of Train. Following is the train schedule of the trip: GOVERNOR SHELDON'S SPECIAL TO SAN FRANCISCO. Leave Lincoln at 8 p. i m. April 26. ' Arrive at Denver at 7:45 a. m. April 26. Leave Denver at 12 m. April 28. Arrive at Colorado Springs 2:15 - p. m. April 26. Leave Colorado Springs 5:15 p. m. April 38. Arrive at Santa Fe at :H a. m. April 27. Leave Santa Fe at U:dO p. m. April 27. Arrive at Albuquerque. 1:40 p. m. April 27. Leave Albuquerque. 6:45 p. m. April 27. Arrive at Grand Canyon at 8:40 a. m. April 2. Leave Grand Canyon at 6:00 p. m. April 29. Arrive at Los Angeles at 7:00 p. m. April 90. Leave Los Angeles at 7:80 p. m. May 4. Arrive at Ban Francisco at 11:40 a. til. May 5. The return trip at the option of the pas senger. Limit of ticket, sixty days. . Woods' Sentence Commoted. Frank . Woode. sentenced to the peniten tiary for twelve years In 1304 from Dawea county on a charge of taking 14,000 from a woman, will be released some time next fall. Governor Sheldon this afternoon com muted his sentence to five years upon the recommendation of Judge Weatover, who was the trial judge when Woods was con victed. Tha prisoner haa a wife living In Iowa. Commends Attorney General. Chairman H. J. Wlnnett of tha State Rail way commission Is of the opinion Attorney General Thompson deserves great credit for tha able manner In which he haa attended to the legal duties of his office affecting tha commission and haa Issued a statement which contalna a history of the express company litigation. Agrrlcnltnral School Grad nates. At the graduating exerclBes of the State Agricultural college last' night diplomas were Issued to the following: Charles Henry Andrews, Earl William Bailey. Harrison George Barr. Arthur Billing Barth, Martin Oswald Relnhardt Beckord, ITentise Ell Beebe, Ross Wallace Breckman, William Harrison Cheek, David Dean -Clark, Robert Elmer Clarke, Kllsha Elliott Clifton, Herschel Burton Cummins, Roy Edward Francis, Howard John Grim llch. Joseph Gurney, Harry D. Hardin, William Gates Harding, James Henry Haug, Chester Joseph Hayward, Glenn Clair Hufmann, Everett Gay Kendall, How ard Scott King, Fred Norman Ijiub, Theron Theodora Loomls, Herbert Cleve land McNare, Lewis leoisom Marsh. Koy Kxlgar Marshall, Andrew Magnus M on son, Herman Oorge Julius Mullenhoff, - George N'erud. Herbert Spencer Nightlngald. John Glenn Parmenter, Lawrence, Poitevin, Wil liam Frederick Ramaer, Schuyler Ransom, Krederiek Augustus KlcKly, Homer Ben jamin Rupert, Walter Raleigh Schoenleber, Arthur Reed Shedd, Harry Horatio, Smel- ser. Charles t niig .Htreits, tjawara rorier Tinker, Roy Spencer Uhl, Karl August rimann. Evert Dewltt Vandenborg, Clar ence Charles Wertman, Edward Clarence Westover, Rudolph Witt, Ernest Franklin Woodard, Clark Webb Yates. The following received military commis sions; - Major, Edward Porter Tinker; captains, Joseph' Gurney, Lewis Folsora Marsh, Homer Benjamin Rupert, Everett Dewltt Vatidehbtig, Edward Clarence Westover; first lieutenants, William Gates Harding, Everett Guy Kendall, George Nerud, Arthur Reed Shedd. Charles Dig- Strelts, Roy Spencer ' I' ill: second lieutenants. James Henry Haugh, Chester- Joaeph Hayward, Herman George Julius Mullenhoff, Ernest Franklin Woodward. Hnrt la Attempt to Board Tr!n. FA1RBURY, Neb., April 25. (Special.) Ben Omdorff of Grand Island attempted to board a fast freight train on the Rock Island while it was crossing the bridge over the Little Blue river yesterday after noon. The attempt was not a success and he was thrown Into the river twenty feet below. He fell In shallow water, and waa badly hurt, Hla wife came down from Grand Island on tha morning train, and ia caring for him. Ever Try Tha Be 'Want Ad ColumnsT If not, ao so, and get satisfactory result. I. an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compares with tho paia and horror of child-birth., The thought FREMONT MAN PRESIDENT Nebraska TrarelenVFrotective Asso ciation Elects Officers. NEXT MEETING AT BEATRICE Parcels Poet Opposed ast Hotel la sertloa Endorsee Report of Tremsarer Del am tea to National Conventlen. HASTINGS, Neb., April 25. (Special Tele gram. )Tha Travelers Protective associa tion tonight concluded Its annual state con vention, one of the lsrgest and most en thulastlo aver held by tha association In Nebraska. Beatrice was selected as the' place for the next meeting. A resolution as ' adopted pledging the Travelers Protective association to do all it legitimately can to head off any legisla tion looking toward the establishment of a parcels post. A committee was appointed to work for the passage of a bill providing for hotel Inspection and making various other re quirements which are calculated to Im prove hotel aervlce. The Nebraska division report by the secretary and treasurer showed the receipts of the order for the year to be $14,799.92; ex penses, $13,808. M. This afternoon . the following state of ficers were elected: Pcesldent, E. M. Col lins, Fremont; first vice president, C. A. Wlrrlck, Lincoln; second vice president, A. M. Steam, Norfolk; third vice president. N. P. Schrlmpa. Beatrice; fourth vloe presi dent, J. A. Kees, Beatrice; fifth vice pres ident, A. D. Splrh, Hastings; secretary and treasurer, Charles L. Hopper, Omaha: Board of dlrectora for the ensuing year: Oscar Rehscurch, 3. B. Cunningham, Robert, F. Bacon of Omaha; 8. S. English, Lincoln, and O. N. Barnes, Beatrice. A. P. Whiting of Lincoln was elected state chaplain. The following were elected delegatea to the national convention: Post A, E. IT. Hall, C. J. Ochiltree, E. G. Eldrldgc. F. B. Holbrook, Omaha: Post B. H. W. Hawken; Post C, M. B. Elderman and C. F. arp- ham. Lincoln; Post D, George Schrempt and Al Leslie. Nebraska ICty; Post F, A. F. Stearns; Post G. T. B. Parker, Hastings; Post H, Jerry Duperslaw. Alternates, J. Tleborch, I J." Nedd, V. R. Watt. J. J. Houster, J. M. Plnkerton, E. B. Rousch, Perry Moss, A. V. Whiting. F. W. Rodman, O. A- Biachoff, L. P. Utterback. J. T. Thompson and O. I Ashlaln. Chairman of. various state committee were elected as follows: Hotels, E. Euel. Grand Island; employment, A. Rathburn, Omaha: railway, Fred W. Hawken, Fre mont; press, J. M. Plnkerton, Omaha,. The Omaha delegation left for home on a special .train at o'clock. FAMILY FEUD ENDS FATALLY Rob Fair Shoots Brother-ln-Law, En is Doar at Gordon. GORDON, Neb., April 25. (Special Tele gram.) About 10 o'clock this morning Bob Fair, a farmer living about sixteen miles northwest of Gordon, shot and Instantly killed Enls Doty in front of Trueblood Bros, livery barn. Fair and Doty are brothers-in-law and there haa been a family fued brewing be tween them for some time. This morning on the way to town they quarreled and Doty tried several times to provoke a fight out or Fair. When the latter reached town and drove up In front of the livery barn to put up the team. Doty, who had pre ceded him but a few minutes, came out of the barn and pulled off his coat and moved toward Fair with belligerent looks. Fair suddenly drew his gun out and fired, the pan mnaing uoiy in me moutn ana coming out at the back of Ills head, killing hiin Instantly. FW Immediately gave up hla run to the liveryman and surrendered to the city mar shal, who at once preceded with his prls- oner to Rushvllle and gave him Into tha custody of the sheriff. iJoty was unmarried and a man about 30 years of age. Fair has a wife and three children. Nebraska News Note. NEBRASKA CITY-WUllam Steele, an aged man, waa thrown from his buggy In a runaway and seriously Injured. BEATRICE The Beatrice base ball team arrived home last evening from Wilber, where It waa defeated by the score of 12 to 11. BEATRICE E. W. Poor and Mrs. Mary A. Wonder were married at Blue Springs 1'hursday, Rev. Layton officiating. The groom Is 70 and the bride 68 years of age, NEBRASKA CITY A. F. Yeager of New York City and Miss Katherlne Mason of Minneapolis, Minn., were quletlv married in this city Friday evening and left for the west on their wedding trip. . BEATRICE Miss Anna Day,, county au perlntendent. Is busy mailing seed corn for the corn growing contest, she having prepared packages to send out to seventy six boys throughout the county. WYMORE E. W. Poor and Mrs. Mary A. Wonder, both of Blue Springs, were married at the bride's home In that city last evening. Rev. Layton of the Evangeli cal church performed the ceremony. BEATRICE - Reuben Nance, a farmer, was arrested Friday evening on the charge of assaulting Terry Collins. Nance was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. His case is set for hearing Monday afternoon. FCLLERTON The Board of Education re-elected the entire present corps of teach ers. The fourth, sixth and seventh grsde teachers, however, have resigned their po sitions, leaving vacancies in these grades. BEATRICE Roy Boggs of Dlller and Mies Pearl Hofwlmes of Fsirbury were married at the home of the groom s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boggs, in this city. They will make their home at Diller. BEATRICE The marriage of Charles Eaton and Miss Mary James was solemn ized Friday In the presence of Immediate friends and relatives. Judge Walden of ficiating. They will make their home In West Beatrice. BEATRICE Frank R. Beera of the Bea trice High school will sever his conrctlons with that insiiiuiion at tha expiration of the present school year. Ha haa been honored with the offer of principaishlp of the Kearney High school and has accepted. NEBRASKA CITY-W. A. Hughey, Wil liam Blschof, Jr.. C. C. Brandt. Fred Arndt George bartlett. Rector Uisen, William Schrlmpf. I P. Utterback and W. H. Penn attended the meeting of the Travelers' Protective association at Hastings from this city, NEBRASKA CITY-Mayor C. H. Kressen has Issued an order forbidding the playing of base ball, by old or young, on the streets. Several persons have been run down and it is to prevent this danger from fast driven teams or runaways that the mayor has Issued the order. , BEATRICE The Beatrice Civic league haa incorporated with thene officers: An drew Andersen, president; Hugh J. Dobbs, vice president; F. D. Stone, secretary; j! C. Brlnkworth, treasurer. The league pro poses to make It Interesting for all per sons caught disposing of liquor Illegally. ELGIN The northbound freight train of the Northwestern ran Into a bunch of cat tle at the Perry crossing a mil north of town and killed five head. They belonged to R. E. Payne, a banker of NehVh. And were being brought to Elgin to b dipped, before being put on pasture. ELGIN A bad wind' and duststoi.n hss been raging here all day, and a decided drop in the temperature occurred during the day. It haa been so dtsagreeabl that but few peopl have been outside. It ' Is feared that It a change to th warmer doe not occur soon, fruit will be damaged. WYMORE Hail fell her tor about fif teen minutes about 8 o'clock Friday after noon. Although the pellet were quit large, It is not thought the fruit will be damaged. More than likely th bloasoms are imnnea enougn that the fruit that does mature will be much better. No hall fell gt Blue Springs, a mil north of here. ElGIN Regent George Coupland. of this place Is In demand as a public speaker. Last Thursday eight he talked to th Com mercial club of Alhlna. Wednesday after noon he s1lrsed the Northeimt Nebraska Hankers' association at Norfolk, and lat evening he delivered a lectur to the gradu ating class of the Nehrsska Stats Agricul tural school al Lincoln. NEBRASKA CITY-Rev. J. T. Roche, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church of this city, has been elected vice prenident of the Csthollc Church Extension society, which held a meeting recently in mieaao. He Is considered one of the best of the society's workers in the west and an able man. NEBRASKA CITY-Rev. C. Krekeler and Miss Edith Kloeckner were united In msr rlsre Saturday at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. snd Mrs. Kloeckner, near Dunbsr, the brine s fsther officiating. The marriage ceremony wss performed In the presence of a lerge number of friends and relatives. BEATRICE Mount Herman commandery No. 7. Knlahta Templsr. has elected W. W. Wright, eminent commander; C. A. Snellman, generalissimo; Charles A. Gllll land. captain general; W. S. Bourne, pre late; B. H. Begole, senior warden; W. N. Farlow, Junior warden: J. L. Anderson, treasurer; L. S. Sage, recorder. BEATRICE A farewell reception was tendered Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Booth, Jr., Dy me members ot ttie Congregational church. They were presented with a beau tiful upholstered rocking chair as a token of esteem. Mr. Booth recently accepted a call from the Congregational church at Norfolk, Neb., and will assume his new duties May 10. NEBRASKA CITY-Edwln R. Brlggs died at the home of his son, E. D. Brlggs, and was burled Saturday afternoon.. Elder W. M. Self conducting the services. He waa born in Senaca, N. Y., October 1. 1828. He moved to Iowa in 1852 and to this stste In ISM, where he has since made his home. He leaves a son, E. D. Brlggs, and a daughter, Mra. Charles McNamara, both of this city. NEBRASKA CITY-Queen Esther chap ter No. 1, Order of the Eastern Star, has elected the following officers: Mrs. EJ. D. Garrow, worthy matron; Dr. J. E. Bloom Ingdale, worthy patron; Mrs. Anna K. Morgan, associate matron; Miss Jennie Hughey, conductress; Miss Grace Place, associate conductress; Mrs, A. P. Young, secretary; Mrs. Kate Bchmlnke, treasurer. BEATRICE Otto Will was brought here from the vicinity of Clatnnla and pro nounced Insane by the Insanity commission ers. Will hss been terrorising the farmers In that vicinity for the last few days by his peculiar actions. He Imagined hn was being pursued by men who were seeking to take his life. He was a tramp and carried a card showing him a member ot the Syra cuse, N. Y., Boilermakers' union. He was taken to the asylum. BEATRICE-- Judge Pemberton convened court here Friday. Sarah Williams was granted a divorce from Benjamin Williams on tha ground of nonsupport and drunken ness. They live at Wymore. A sensational divorce case, the title of which is Katie Mangus against Charles E. Mangus, was taken up for trial. Twenty witnesses have been subpoenaed In the case. The parties reside at Holmesville. 8. D. Killen wss allowed $100 by the court for assisting 1n the prosecution of the Sparks case. FAIRBURY The annual banquet of the Falrbury Commercial club was held at the Hotel Mary-Etta and was attended by all the members of the club and a number of Invited guests. Those in attendance from outside the city were M. rt. rJatdrige ot Omaha, U. G. Powell of Lincoln, Peter Jansen of Japsen, M. S. Slover of Nelson, E. S. Moore 'and C. E. Fuller of Angus Colonel George E. Jenkins, president of the club, presided as toastmaster. ELGIN The territory adjacent to Elgin will have a good exhibit at the National corn exposition in umana In ueeemDer. The business men of Elgin have subscribed nearly 1500 to be given in prises to the farmers for the best display of corn at the farmers Institute which will be held the first of December. The exhibits wnlch have merit will be taken to the National show. Elgin waa among the first towns In tha state to start such a movement. DAVID CITY-Adolph Mltchle, aged 47 years died at the David City hospital, Wednesday forenoon of cancer of the stomach. Mr. Mltchle was an old resident of the city, being a member of the firm of Hawes & Mltchle, dealers In harness and saddlery. He leaves a grown-up son. funeral services were field in the bt. Mary's church, Friday morning. He was a member of the Mpdern Woodmen of America, which order took charge of the funeral. FULLERTONr-Mr. McKay has purchased Mr. Richardson's interest In the firm of Richardson A McKay. Implement dealers. FULLERTON Kennedy Brothers, the only plumbers or tne city and dealers m wind mills and farm machinery, have sold out their business to Marsh Castle, one of Nance county's well-to-do farmers. The Kennedy Brothers have extensive land In terests near Twin Falls, Idaho, and they will shortly remove there, Intending to en gag In the plumbing business there and aLM to personally look after their lands. Rammaa-e Sale. The responses for material for the rum mage sale to be given by the junch com mittee of the Young Women's Christian association toward the furnishing of the lunch room In the new building have not been what tha committee hoped for. Tha time will be extended and packages will be received during the present week. Any too large for personal delivery at the rooms In the Paxton block will be' called for. Phone Douglas 1248. FISH FLOCK TO HEAR MUSIC Pair of Vocal Soloist Lore the Finny Tribe to the ' Water's .. Hnrfae. "Fish have a great many fine traits about them." remarked the veracious and eru dite disciple of old Isaak ' Walton, as he was talking on that . subject with some friends . one day during tha last week. "You would hardly suppose," he continued, "that a fish la fond of music, but he Is, all tha same, and I myself have had per sonal observation of the fact, and of all the fish that swim, these taylors, that herd by the thousands in the lower Potomac and In - all the rivers about the eastern shore of Virginia, take the cake. They like fin operatic music at that, and none of thla ragtime atuff you can hear a da:ky whistling on the corner ,any day in the week. "I'll give you one Illustration," said the garrulous old gentUman. "You know I was 'born and bred around In old Aocomac, and if there Is any better fish anywhera under th sun I never heard tell of them. Only a year or ao ago a lot of young peo ple came to me to take them nut on a sail ing excursion, and. of course, I was agree able, ao I took them out one beautiful September afternoon In my rigged tugeye,' and a merry time they had of it, those boys and girls. "They had plenty of good things to eat w;th them, and they didn't care to spend ay time fishing, but they danced and sang a-plenty. There was one young woman who could slug like an angel.. She had a guitar with her, and she played on It whlls she sang 'The Last Rose of Summer' and The Harp That One Through Tara'a Halls,' and all auch beautiful things, and I am a red cow If a whole lot of these taylors didn't come to the top of the water and listen. Just a If they were human crea tures. I'll take my solemn oath to that," said the old fisherman. "Then, after a while, there waa a young man who had a A Delicious. Crisp Food, Post ( Toastics NOTICE Tills food will bo pecked In both Elijah' Manna . and Post Toastics cartons while th people are becoming accustomed to the change of name. It la th same food In each. Made by Postum Cereal Co., Limited. Battle Creek. Mlrb. rurnlehra of Hotels, Club. Restaurant, aa Wall aa Privet Home. .rehar d Wtlhelm 414-10-13 South Sixteenth Street. . , Q. r r&ra B 'T n ! 11 rv TmaTkerri For one week commencing tomorroTT, OptLlUl JLlIUIiy rtvUUIIl Monday morning, we place on special .PlirnitUrG S.ale at K1?a.t,y mluced. prices, a large llaiui w wJUiw jjne 0f dinhigroom suits and separate pieces. This will be an excellent time to choose that one or more pieces for the dining room. Weathered, Early English, Fumed and Golden Oak. Here are some of the special bargains: $16.50 Golden Oak Dining Table reduced to $12.00 $26.00 Ooldea Oak Pedestal Dining- Table reduced ,.,. 922 SO $20.00 Golden Oak Dining Table reduced to S15!75 $22.00 Golden Oak Dining Table reduced to $17.75 $38.00 Golden Oak Dining Table reduced to $31.M) $28.00 Golden Oak Dining Table reduced to $21.75 $76.00 Golden Oak Dining Table reduced to $03.00 $32.00 Early English Serving Table reduced t $21.00 $169.00 Fumed Oak Dining Suite, duced to , $191.00 Weathered Oak Suites, 10 chairs, reduced to SfpfjSlI y House cleaning usually means some new curtains. Our Drapery Department is showing moreicompleto line of curtains at a lower price than ever before. Among them are a number : of special priced curtains bought by us at a great saving. Yon reap the benefit. 95 Cross stripe summer Curtains In colors; red, rose, blue, yellow and greens, all cream ground color. Per pair .' . . , . . . , 93 $1.95 Loom Lace Curtains in both white and ecru color. Irish point curtains In white and Arabian color; cluny curtains, white only, at, per pair $1.95 $2.95 "Two tone loom woven lace Curtains, dainty deslKus, Arabian color, hand made cluny and Irish point, 15 designs, all worth $4.00 per pair, special er Palr ' $2.95 $4.65 Wide linen cluny insertion and edge, extra heavy, not made especially for us. Irish point lace curtains, white Arabian and cream color, pair $4.65 Heavy Wool Hrt Squares Made from the best quality of white woo? and specially heavy quality. A beautiful line of Oriental and small tans and grrens suitable for bedrooms. They hare the effect of a body Brussels on the floor. Made In' a large variety of sizes as per the following list: 6x9 Wool Art Square . . 7-6x9 Wool Art Square . . 9x9 Wool Art Square 9x10-6 Wool Art Squart 9x12 Wool Art Square . . , Fancy Net 50-in. Fancy net for curtains. , . . , ..75 Faury Net 4 8-in. Fancy net for curtains. .65 Fancy Net 45-in. Fancy net for curtains 47 Edging to match, all colors, 5c and 10c per yrd! WINbOVV SHADES) We are headquarters for good window shades, 30c to $2.50, according to size. volca Ilka a church organ, an1 he began to alna 'RocKed In the Cradle of the Deep.' and tha fish that had gone away when the flrat mualc stopped came hack In ahoala. If ever fishes were charmed those mere with that young" man's deep-toned melo dies. He sang several, and the fishes stopped, er, rather, kept up with us all tha tlma, and I never heard auch a splash ing in all my days as they did when he ended every song. Of 'course, anybody could, tell that they intended that for ap plause. "Then there's another feature about fish I want to tell you about, their fondness for delicacies such as people have. They love watermelon more than a Georgia darky. Of course. It's all along caused by the change in flavor of the water in the fruit from river water, but they do love a slice of watermelon amaxtngly. Now, 1 got wind of this In about the same way that I did In the fishes' love of music." Wash ington Post. Barlinartoa Changes Time. Effective May '3d the Burlington's popular daylight Chicago special No. wtll leave Omaha at 7:2S a. m.. Instead of 7:40 a. m., and will arrive Chicago 8:15 p. m. Tickets at city ticket office, 150S Farnam street, or at Burlington atation, Tenth and Mason streets. v GHOST WHISPERS SAVE TRAIN Kiadlr Shade Slta Beside LorsmotUe Engineer and Gnards Hint front Danger. No danger lurks In the path of No. 16. Two drivers perch on the same bench In the locomotive's cab and guide lta destiny. One Is Horace L. Beaver, veteran engineer and ht?ro of numerous hairbreadth escapes; the other .s the ghost of a man that was. t'reon, unheard, the specter haa been at the throttle for years, guiding and guarding the Uvea of those sleeping In the darkened coaches behind. No. 15 la the Big Four fast express which runs Into Chicago over the Illinois Central tracks from Kankakee. The train Is pulled by an Illinois Central locomotive, of which Mr. Beaver la the engineer. , For forty three yeara the veteran haa been handling tha throttle of Illinois Central engines. For forty-three yeara Mr. Beaver has been a spiritualist, not one of the table-raising, bell-ringing kind, bu: an Intelligent believer that spirit bodies exist. He says he haa had Innumerable evidences that a spirit hand guided hla engine through fearful dangers and happy escapes. Whenever he climbs up In hla cab he knows that the spectral engineer Is Bitting beside him, ready to extend the hand of warning In time of need. Mr. Beaver was In the cub, gating far out along tli track one dark night, won dering how man more trips he would make before hla good spirit deserted Mm. In the train were more than 1,00 old sol diers going to a reunion at Champaign, III. The throttle was out to the last notch and the speed more than sixty miles an hour. Suddenly the engineer leard a soft voice whispering In his ear: "The bridge Is burned; the bridge Is burned." , As quickly aa possible Mr. Beaver aet the $42.00 Early English China Cabinet reduced to $28.50 $63.00 Early English Buffet reduced to.... $47.50 $29.00 Early English China Cabinet reduced to $19.0Q $28.00 Early English China Cabinet reduced to $18.50 Early English Serving Table reduced to Buffet, China Cabinet, Serving Table. pieces, Buffet, China . Cabinet, Table, BUiTFET like cut. Made of genuine quarter-sawed golden oak, hand polished, has carved claw feet, ornamentally, carved top, one large linen drawer, two small drawers, one lined for silver, two dish cabinets, fancy pattern shaped French beved mirror 34x12 inches. Brackets are support ed by carved foot support, two small drawers,, full swells Top is 20 inches deep by 40 inches long. An especially good bargain at ' $26.00 REFMGERTORS Perfect circulation in a refrigerator is necessary to properly preserve provisions. "We have proven the superiority of the Herrick circulation of dry cold air. Why take chances? HOOSIER KITCHEN CAB INETS The Best of All, $21.00 and up.' Lace Curtains $4.85 $6.15 $7.25 $8.50 $9.85 10-6x12 Wool Art Squart 12x12 Wool Art Square 9x15 Wool Art Squart ,, 9x13-6 Wool Art Square 12x13-6 Wool Art Square , ; . . . .', 12x15 Wool Art Square MAOKAS yard (foods . 40-In. white 4 5-in. white 52-ln. white 40-ln. Colored 48-in. Colored air brakes and stopped the train. In the coaches 1,000 old soldiers were sleeping. The conductor hurried forward to the en gine. "What do you mean by stopping this train out here," he demanded, angrily. "You would better go along the track and find out," said the engineer, quietly. Only a few feet ahead of the engine was the river and over the river hung the charred remnants of the big bridge, which had burned only a short time before. The 1,000 veterans were saved. This happened In IPSO and Mr. 8?aver waa hailed as a hero all over the country. "But it wasn't me that did It," said the engineer, modestly. "It was aomething un seen, something that we do not know anything about. I did not deserve any credit at all, I just heeded the warning that waa given me. There are numerous other Instances where the same voice has given me warning' Just In lime to save the Uvea of my passengers." Chicago Jour nal. , Famllr of Criminals. A grim epitaph, perhaps unexampled, U to be found in the cemetery of lebrenctr, eastern Hungary. It reads aa follows: "Here rest In the Lord Joseph Morltz. sr.. who died in his 62d year. He was shot by hla son. Krau Joseph Morits. who died in her 47th year. Hhe was shot by her daughter. Kllxabelh Morltx, who died by her own hand, in her 17th year, after (.hooting her mother. Joseph Morltx, who died In prison, aged 27. He had aliot his father. May eternal I Qor fell ; Hps . LAWN MOWERS Cadet 12-in.., $2.75; Cadet 14 in., $3.00; Cadet 16-in., $3.25. Then we have the Granite State, Regal, Continental and others. Also Caldwell" Park Horse Mowers in fetoek. Jas. Morton k Son Co. HARDWARE and TOOLS $17.75 1 $11.75 Table and 7 leather eeat Chairs, re $119.00 Serving Table and - 6 leather seat $158. GO $14.00 and Up. 0STERM00R MATTRESS State Agents, each ....$15.00 $3.75 Duchess Lace Curtains in ivory, Arabian; cluuy lace curtains in white and Arabian color with insertion and edge. Brussels lace curtains. Every pair worth $5.00. Special per pair $3.75 $6.45 Cluny Curtains for dining rooms, Irish point and Duchess for library, Brussels curtains for parlors Madras curtains for halls, per pair $6.45 $12.75 Venetian point lace Curtains, Duchess lace curtains, Saxony Brussels lace curtains, pr. ,$12.75 CRETONXF 86-lnch Domestic Cretonne. .. .V. ....... -25s 86-lnch French Taffeta .322 36-lnch English Chtlnti .-55f 511.75 513.25 512.25 811.00 114.85 $16.25 ..40 500 57Vis 85e .9S? and ecru, and ecru, per per yard yard and ecru, per yard Madras, per yard Madras, per yard merry have pity on their poor, ainful souls." ' The lsat of this unfortunate i'amllv left a a-um of 1.600 for the purpose of setting up this memorial. Londen Olobo. Hot Water at Thermopolls. THERMOPOI.I8. Wyo., April SS (Spe cial.) An important discovery waa matlo a few days ago when C. W. Harold, whlln sinking a well for water for drinking purposes, encountered a strong flow of hot water similar to that In the Big Horn hot aprlngs. The water raised to. a height of thirty feet in tha 103-foot well and. although no chemical analysis haa been made, the water la known to be Im pregnated with the same mineral sub stances that are found in the hot spring waters. The striking of this flow of hot water Indicates that the entire town la situated over a lake of boiling water, 'and 'at email expense every family in the place can enjoy medicinal hot water baths. Should other wella tap a similar flow then Ther mopolla wl'l at once become more famous, for capitalists will be able to establish resorts, bath houses, etc., to accommo date thousands of people who are seek ing benefits through bathing in medicinal waters. The watera of the Big Horn hot springa now cure the most obstinate caaes of rheumatism, gout snd other ail ments. When you have anything to sell, adver tise It In The Bee Want Ad Columns. will save your grass- pro viding it tloosn't rain. We mo er.dusive Omaha agents for Goodrich Hose. Tho best hose for the money. The Half Inch 5-ply i ery pop ular with the ladies. Easily handled", never bursts. BKAXDSTHITOX, AHTKSIAX, DUIIGK, CASCAPK, WHIKL IDOL, TIDAL. When you buy Goodrich Hose you buy the best. 1511 Dodge Street J 2333 nsi ijsai-.aanrV r