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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
TEE OMAHA SUNDAY BIT,: APRIL 26. 1903. Fort Omaha the Beautiful Home of a Great Modern Military School f r?7v ; p c '-I - I t ft s . - 1 S 1 f v J I: 3 -- 5 -.TV. i- t ft " ' ft r i.V, .. I ' V . V - - '. ' -' . v V.t.- .v-vv'-'';-.v'-;-r . . GUARD MOUNT AT FORT OMAHA. LIj .Ol;T OMAHA occupies an unlqu VJ 1 nl In.portant place among tha Jj I mnilary efta'ulmtimenui of tha echool and (ml corp ixt ex clusivtly. The Fort Omaha of 1 '?ay U nentilly different from ojd Fort Omaha of historic fame, though oa Iden liraMy the iam- ground. The old fort wal abandoned and diSinanUcd In 139. upon the Cftabltshmrnt of Fort Crook, near Belle Vue, It thenX bring denlRned to do away with Fort Omaha altoirether. So the old Loadings wre ld and the parade, ground and valka ccglected until 19J6, when the Var rlTartmont saw the necessity of the creation of a big elgnal school In the vest, that should become distinctive from the war colifge at Fort Leavenworth, and the rather too far caatem echool at Fort Meyer, rear Washington. After casting about for orae time It was decto'l that Fort Omaha would be the rroper point for auch a achool. An appropriation Of approximately tWO.yn waa aecured from eortfrrese for the rehabili tation of the post and work began at once and has continued since 19"5. until today It fs one of the handsomest military post In the country. Fort Omaha la located on Thirtieth atreet. between Fort street and Fort Omaha ave nue. In the northern part of the city of beat fitted to enter the Signal corps and attain distinction and became experts la some branch of Its electrical work. It will thus be seen at it the outset the recruit tor the signal service must be above the ordinary grade of intelligence required of the average soldier. Once ad mitted as a recruit the first three or four months of his enlistment is devoted to teaching him the duties of a soldier. He must learn the manual of arms, the car of his equipment, drill, guard, skirmish, scout and fatigue duty. He must also undergo a sever training In or "setting up" drill In order to best de velop his physique, and Is gradually made familiar with every line of the duty of a soldier, ready to be placed la any emergency. . . Hla education In signalling begins also In his recruit days. The daily routine of duty for the recruit Is: Company drill, signalling, practice exercise, field practice exercise, squad drill, attending lectures (Wednesday afternoons), general police, and on Thursdays, parade and night sig nalling. Guard duty Is also an incident of his education. VThen the rccrait iwcoiu&s jiivanced to the grade of telegraph student, telegrephy becomes a part of his studies Instead of signalling. Then follows the course of a general student to wbich Is added the f l ' . A - I "'. : - i , . ; . ' r j j " - . . : -; . - ; ) ,V.: , .." .'" . - '.i.i." "I ' . , . - - " ; .t J"T ' - ' -- ' , ' - ' ' ' , f" THH MAIN SCHOOU BtptLDINO AT FORT OMAHA the signal office ri and men, A smaller space for golf links and tennis courts, building Just south of the administration Ths fire, large building to tin north of building la the electric light and power th main east entrance ! Jointly oocupleS station. by the post quartermaster and poet com Tha post exchange. In the past more corn- tnlasary, with a great anantHy of nJacel monly known as the -canteen." Is next laneous supplies that enter hsto th mater south of th electric power houa. It la lal welfare of th command. Immediately most Important In point of Interest to the north of this structure Is th signal eorp men and Is devoted exclusively to their storehouse, which Is filled with an toflnlt welfare. On the basement floor to tb sales- variety of costly electrical material, eleo room containing all manner of articles not trlcat euppHee to be utlllaed In algnal work, furnished by the government as Issue ma- not alone at Fort OmaHa, but throughout terial. which ar. sold to th officers and th ntlr country. It Is mala upp y men a. desired., A lunch counter 1. at- depot for all material which enter, into tached where article, not on th. govern- Jctrt?al Installation, lh tele tnei bill of fare tan be had. The basement Phonic conetruction wort, no only for th also contain, a modern bowling alley, also Cnlted State, proper bu for Alaska and a billiard and pool room. On the first floor th. United Stat- colonial KtoM. is a reading room, which Is supplied with Th two-story bulldln on th north sld periodicals aad other readlr matter. On of th parade ground to th old thls floor also Is the gymnasium. In which Is all th necessary spparatus for athletlo training. In the winter, one a week, the gymnasium floor la used for social gather ings and dancing. On the south side of the parade ground and directly facing It are the new barracks, affording accommodations for two com panies, with separate rooms for non-cor' Hon building, built many years ago, and I on Of tb few buildings toft f th old fort. From It Generals Augur, Brook, Crook and others directed many military opera tions against hostile Indians on th plains. Th building has been remodeled Into tb instruction building for th Signal crops. Its rooms ar devoted to teUgraph alanes. electric Installation and signal engineering It has a Omaha, the reservation embracing 82.S acres. It Is reached by the North Twenty- duties of shop work ild the study of In- fourth street and th Thirty-sixth and stmmencs. and additional signalling In place Amea avenue street car Hnea. with a change of some other duties In which he Is re st Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue garded as sufficiently proficient. Th ad- to the Florence line. Many hundreds of vanced student Is given a cours of lec- mainder running from 23 to W per cent. Trier is now under construction thousands of dollars have been expended tricity and telegraphy practice In addition In th student class were forty-nine. Of gas generating house, an aerodrome i - A hfl instruction 01 "! . . . rack, are large dining rooome and com- atudy room provided with desk wher Met. kitchens. The bament. ar. fitted .1! stud.nU can '!' ' ' . . .. .h., reading and study absolutely without ln- Wllll IIUl nil i , uu ' . tlhnr GUARD AND GUARD .HOUSB AT FORT OMAHA, per cent, fourteen over 60 per cent, the re- for stable guards to be built of frame, tub. . . . . .1 W. . 1 1 .( ! . n . n LCI , ufc.." eam and USht.d br electricity. The bar- - an mm . rack room ,r w1th t-1 chine. tooTs and Instruments for prao Buch storage tubes can be loaded ith an ample and comfortable acconpanl- ,, . 0- th. .rm rooms is a brick onto wagons or cars and the gas thua rnent of clean bedding, with spacious lock- V. t DraoUcal InstrucUoa Wheo th i or bal- carried Into th field for balloon Inflating e for (&h of th men. .7 ti. iaturaa are for th buildings, scientific appliances, ord- to th usual drills. Th specialty student this number, thirty-nine stood above 7 per loon house of steel, th. latter to be eighty purposes. West f the new barracks, on a graded , . .... nance, quartermaster, medical and signal Is advanced to a cours of laboratory cent, fourteen of these standing above SO feet in height by 300 feet in length and 100 On the picturesquely terraced portion of terrace, a continuance of th "Officers " . u of toT(j tb, story stores for th. post, and thee supplies ar work, and signal engineering.. Th Idea per cent- These were passed to th lnstru- feet In width to shelter Signal corps bal- the reservation and on the main driveway now- terrace. Is situate th. post hospital, wireless system of construction a being added to constantly. - to always kept paramount that th algnal ment class. Voona, The hydrogen gas generating house runnir north and south Is what to known WDlch ts modern In every respect, both In Omaha, with a description of th It Is th. theoretical and practical train- corps man is a soldier, and whiia th. At present Fort Omaha consist of thirty- will be equipped with machinery for gen- as -Officers' Row." Thess buildings con- equipment and accommodation of paManta. IV,,, t0Vr of IT feet in htlrht and it. ing echool for th signal corps of th fatlgu duties and squad drills ar eliinJn- three buildings of which five ar frame .rating hydrogen gaa for Inflating pur- Migt of aeVen commodious brick structures, Tne medical oorps of th army provide a ..,,. building Which is located la tb army. It la here that selected men from ated In his higher education, he must stlil and th remainder brick. Aslds from the pone, also a compressor where th hydro- which ar occupied by officers on duty at ,Urgeon and a detachment of trained at- "rthWMtar tpLl of th reservation, civil Hf., or ether branches of th army, attend th company drill, parade and leo- two double Beta of barracks are to be con- gen will be forced into steel tubes at a the post. The commanding officer's quar- tendante educated on th lines of th medl- , OM of th oonspteuooa who hsv. shown an aptitude for this epe- ture. atructed of brie, and si brick bakery, preasur. of 100 atmospheres; In other words tr. ar. In th. center of the row. a littto CBj profession to car. for tb wants of ths f 'aturw. It Omaha, and wlreles communl- ciaity, ar wm xo docot expcir in xnm ai unn uv won ui mm wiucuw iur - - m - lo ina nortn or tn main anreway. . . .... a av. aa a m r a sWrWt Ban if ntt ftmriAfl sMaa. attskKlos at n4 nilaH ar IntA nna 11al tri ftf avnslaaw tn at safrttrlsk receipt and transmuunon or information u a sienai man. i iwrai inuicaw. a uca " - The main entrance to the reservation la sick. very way Its transmission Is possible,. of ability to b developed into a Signal Tnfnrm.ilon 1. transmitted In the tmT. CT m,Ln- discharged out- bet h day and night, by various mesne. Over short distance, by visual means, usually by wigwagging flags by day and lights by night; by bombs, rockets and other pyrotechnics whose colors or shapes right or permitted to enter the regular line sarrlco, being given a preference of the branch of service he would Ilk to serve leu Th eours m telegraphy Include practice Quaint Features of Life h.v. . .limlncanc to th. aisnallst when tnd reading to fit students to become op- rf,.rtn.- dav or dartrneaa. Rars of light " InsrucUons In clufi. th. study of from the sun ar reflected from mirrors at th telegraph, telephone. longer distance when circumstance ar - favorable. The telephone, telegraph and dude a cours in busier, cable Electricity ln- thorclcl electricity. busser. with their attending cables and ,7 I ' ... i., . " ' 1 . . . .. i and recitation to sulUbl. Urt books, in- used to serve at long and short distance. and over any character of country, as doe also the modern wireless. To us the means for transmission of signals twsjwtr a knowledge of th. apparatus and equip ment employed, often Involving much prac tical and technical training; alee of their transport to make their us effective. The echool Is divided Into th recruit, telegraph student, advanced and specialty eluding the subjects of motors, engine, electric lighting, dynamos, electrical test tog, power transmission. transformers, switchboards, aeronautic a, bydrogeo gas generation, fir eontrol Installations, pho tography and topography. Members of thee classes prondent to the regular sub jects win be authorized to follow any spe cial subject on approval of th officer to charg. B Hid His Gold la a Wall. AN ICS might fall and cashiers abscond for all the late "Wil liam H. Wllklna of Whlteetone. I I., cared, according to t'S- on Thirtieth street, over a neatly macada mised roadway. To the left aa one enters the east gate is a convenient and modern structure, th home of the guard, to which the new guard Is marched Immediately after guard mount, a ceremony, by the way, that to i no of th most Impressive of the post m.ies oi roupi, mi.y ru.u m rouun auties. is nere that atrangera protection of property. These comprise the and North Mountain In leas than two and visitors will be cheerfully riven anv ...i. ..t. tn, the timony presented to Suit )gut wagon, the horse hitched oa behind and Noble In Queens county, wher. the bull milled the wagon back to titon hla daughter. Mr Ann Elisabeth Horton in less time thsa he took to ascend trie of Whitestooe, put to an appearance as ex- grade to North Mountain with young Rants cutruc to straighten up her father's es- on his back. tste. In her testimony she stated that her father's estate amounted to about f t 87 and of this amount she found :.S3 in gold and silver coin stored away in a hoi in th wall. She said her father had no faith hours, beating hla father, who was driving information desired concern! tb post or ,heds snd storehouses. a horse, by mere tnsn can an hour. Th bull waa then bameesed. to cation will soon be established through it The single and two double buildings Just with Fort Leavenworth and Riley. Kans, juth of the hospital are occupied hv tb and Fort Des Moines, Is. Tb. grounds of Fort umana ar among th. most beautiful In th country. Trees planted ther thlrty-flv and forty years ago have now grown Into magnificent and stately monarch of the forest and th grounds enjoy an abundance of eooUng and refreshing shad. Th lawns ar kept venly cropped and th grea, valvty swards, intersected her aad there by south higher grades of the non-commUaloned force, as master sigrM electricians and their families. The collection of buildings on th south side of the post are intended to provide space for housing animals and for the l. ' . w 1 1 1 1 a K I et cimi rvuww w ...... Its personnel. - ... ,,1V, .. 0... ,. . .... , . . hi. , a is wan bouiii v w.raw (is iat v w avsaw WwVJJJaat DUV l.l 4Va a flVWaHMf ssi w se vwew Directly south of the guard snd Informs-- ground to a fine base ball area. A small picture of beauty, tion building to post headquarters, wher grandstand ts provided for the accommoda- Tn, prvatlon Is open for tb lnape- will be found the commanding officer during tion of those who wish to witness ths t(oa ot tn public at all times. Th offl- duty hours, with ths adutant of th post tames. Foot ball and other outdoor ath- ceia of thB pot are graUfled to hav th as well as th rooms occupied by th. post letics ars played on these grounds. Once DUblia visit tb a-rounda. When off duty Rants uses ths bull nearly all the time '''l-1 ,orc th t'eraph and telephon each month Is designated as field day. they will cheerfully glv any Information In place of a horse, not only In his farm " nro mm m i"l'n ug w regarding in grAi posx. ana wnnau 70s ...a w.viMdi wuuiiiw jumping, running, puuing in mm, tuse will II Dtl ron uiuu a most miereeunsj the technical library, covering every necet- of war and other tournament stunt ar place to visit, and will at all time during sary professions! subject for the use of carried out. The grounds also afford th day receive cordial welcome ther. work, but In trip to other towns. Woaderfal Twe-Talled Cow. The two-tailed cow owned at the Wal- a . ..-t..., . ,,, .1 , In banks or caahlera, so h'S had a sort of dorf Btory, from near Buffalo. In t alias classes. Th students progress from th tna ,t and ing of th several class aad Tp0lt0ry buUt ,n th wall back of th county, Missouri, has been sold to Baron recruit to th higher class as they com- promotions ar mad from on grade to th kltcben 5ooT casing. After It was ones von Thetssen. a Dutch breeder, at suction, plet th work leading up to them. When oth,r on the basis of 7S per cent or over. Jed UD hd no way of opening hla and probably will be Uken out of the qualified to b useful to th wrk of th bistanc th report for th. month of hom"mmd bnk nd he dropped money In country. The bidding on th. animal was Signal corps they ar sent to where their rebroary shows th standing of th recruit through a small slot from tlm to time, spirited and she was Anally sold at trt, knowledge can be applied. Passing through class studying manual Km t, "Visual From th day he had the place built up Asld from being a freak of nature thli this school will r-t only permit a man to Signaling." Ntoety-on students were to t0 Um" Bl ath, and he lived to cow bas several unususl points. It is sail become proficient lx. a useful calling should class, and foity en of them were be S5 years old. he never disturbed his hole- by th. owners thai during the summer he return to civil Hf but his discipline advanced to th student class, their per- In-tha-wall savings. months, when th cows were being wor and drill will taaci. subordination to con tag STrw1'ng th 71 pwr cent limit. Of rled by file and to consequence gave I U authority, build up his physlqu and pre- this number on recruit showed M and tlveel After Fall ef BOO Poet. little milk, th double-tailed cow main pare tlm for greater usefulness t th na- another per cent Thlrty-on rated be- Tht maB feet and survive tained her average. Ordinarily when a cow tln In time of war. perhaps In th higher twesa 80 and W per cent and twelve over n u"t bn PpoT Bristol, Englsad, switches her tall arojnd on one side the grades. Toung men trained la th gram- 75 per cent and three stood 75 per oent. Of wnr la acap from death to regarded flies assemble on the opposite. This caw mar and high schools of th ountry ar those falling to pas fourteen were over miracle. Twice the man's body truk waa able to switch on both side st the in rocis as ns reu irom that great height same time and this so confused th pests New Clarkson Memorial Hospital Home T HE Clarkson Memorial hospital, a hkh was dedicated yesterday afternoon. Is located at Twenty-first avenue and Howard streets on a large ar.d sightly lot, commanding a fine view of the surrounding country snd liberally sup plied with trees large snd beautiful. The building now being erected will cost I100.0W, exclusivs of rs, and It to so Emil Brandeis Among the Egyptians to the railwsy below Observatory hill and that they erased worrying her. ine second um it Bounced out several ft yards from th rock wall and look to 'cash Grew em Bom Huh. som observers as though It would touch 8re a' months sgo F: ank Mtdlnger. man. many years on Dodge street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. 80 well was the work of Bishop Worthlngton planned that ample funds are now secured for tiie structure which is now being built. The officers of the association ar. Bishop Williama, chairman of th. board, and F. 11. Davis, secretary and treasurer, with the boa"4 of directors consisting of Rev. George F. Bcecher. den of Trinity cathe dral ; Rev. T. J. Mackay, Mrs. A. J. Top pleton, Mrs. F. H. Davis. Mr. Joseph Cudahy, Mrs. Edwsrd P. Peck.. Mr. C. W. Lyman. Mr. R. B. Hall. Mr. H. W. Tate. tienta. and as more room la needed th building will be enlarged. All th Episcopalian charchea of Ne braska ar Interested to th Clarkson Memorial hospital, which Is be ina built under Episcopal auaptcea. but, although th management to under that denomina tion, patients of all creeds will be eared for. Th women of the churches of Omaha and Nebraska hav raised th. greater part of th money for the caw building-, which will b a sou roe of pride to those who hav worked so hard for It construction. Th new building ts near th central part of c. ... J OIjONTX. KMTTV BRANDEIS of andrla to the uttermost limits of th. past Omaha will not b present at In th upper reaches of th. Nil, he has the presentation of a silver pursued his Investigations with more thsa planned that wines may be added from time to time until It will finally be four times aa large as the structure which is sow being built. m i--: r .!. k.--.ift.t - . the pet hobble, ef th. late Rt. Rev. George Mr' C- Powe'1 "nd Mr- ia" B"rker- Omaha. altho-:h far moucAi way t be WonhirMnn hiahnn of Nebraska and he The building Is now nearlng th second removed Srnwn th aoia and dtt of th th carriages that stood on th station line, ager of the John H. Oelts meal market, VOrkod assiduously for yiars that the new floor and work to expected to progress city. Th location Is splendid, oa a sightly A strong wind was blowing, however, and Royeroford. Pa. lost the cakh receipts of building might be erected t house the aa- lively from now on. Th present structure knoll, wher tb.r will ivlways b plenty ot ini oaugni in man and carried him three days' business, lea hla expenditures. ,.iI,li,J. hl.-h has Kren euartred for is desurned to car for seTeolr-flV sa fv ifl ale toward th. rock. Th. result was that in- which he failed to take Into sccount In tell stead of falling among tb. carriages he ing of his loss, which he estimated st 13. fall ImIa W . ... a ... . .... . . service to the batUeshlp N- th ordinary traveler's assiduity, and will ,n" "V"" , I mu. . nooouy was .-..w. w n . t.,. . ... .. .... . . , . master's garden. Th man was picked uo openly accused. braska by Governor Sheldon, be ready to tell a tale to his friends when for th very good reason that he gets baok to Omaha. Befor he lef' he is 00 the other side of th glob. Dur- her he said he waa going for a rest and log the last three months Colonel Bran- wanted to get so far away that th rush dels has been spending his tlm among of th big store could not possibly reach th niegnirtcent relic of tb dead and him. Th photograph shows hlra sur burled greatness of Egypt, From the mod- rounded by such evidences of rest as in tra hotel and other evidence of a new dicate that he ha achieved th object of and virile civilisation aa found at Alex- bis quest. and carried to a hospital. If he survives the shock of such a fall ss that er.e can only say that his Urn had not com. Foresaw Ula Death. ' . " " ' ' " ' 4 - -u . . . - i . ? : A strange story tn regard to th recent death of Aimasra Byrd at hla home near Owtngsville, Ky., has Just been told by bis family. Byrd was occupying an upstairs room ahow how fo7 grew Into ta in a rosebush. While working on his lawn B. I. Latshaw found the roll of money In a and returned it, but Medinger says It is not his. ss the roll contains tC3 and that Ms actual loss was but 1ST. With th. finding ef th money It was thotisht that the matter would come to a hsppy conclusion, but it appears that the matter is simply deepen ing In myntery and another revelation may when, early Saturday morning, April 4. he rushed down Into th family room. and. ta a very excited manner, told his wife that a voice had said to htm: "Byrd, you will die befor. U o'clock today." lira Byrd tried to convince her husband that it was his Imagination, but k. grew more excited, and vehemently protested that the voice was real, snd its prediction only too true. All that could be don did not ycalm him, and his agitation and fear became tntens. aad orx-out reliable, and when finally, almost exhausted, be lay down and suddenly died, almost w'.lhovt a s-trvrs!- It wss in th. room ecupted by Byrd oa th morning of his death that be blew out th brains of hi son with a load of buck shot two or thro year ago. His son had battered dowa th door and wss advancing T's Tree la I ad la. Several papers In India, according to som of thdir London contemporaries, pr'nt the following, written by a native subordi nate In his diary while In a trying post tloa: "Up a tree, wher I adhere wVh much pain and discomposure, while a big tiger is roaring In a very awful manner on th fir line. This to a very Inonsiderat. tiger and causes me great griefs, as I hsv befor reported to your honor. This Is two time ha spoiled my work, coming snd shooting like thunder snd putting in up a tree and making m behave like an Insect. Ii'1 a viy awkward fats to m and th tiger to most Inconsiderate." - .-."y.i ')', - Odd Meaas tiatasTllas: OaT. Bom peopl choose queer ways of leaving this WorM ff trauKl-a A mrnmrnm In K.' 00 his lather with uplift! ax. when th Turk laughed herself to death over aa old fatal shot waa firsfl. Trmtmed BavU Dmbi Ms re a. Elmer KaaU ef Benton townahii Co lumbia county, Pstmsylvania, ha bull U..U he ha trained to do th work of a Jok and a man to Pennsylvania died of heart failure after eating fltteea plate of raw oyster on day aad thirteen more th next. With all the prevailing tashiooabl diseases going around and tb eras for Eifll BRAhTDinS IN PHARAOH S GARJLEV AT M-UaTTHIJ. fll I all llllll it BBaiarn M k.r n-n-u . aa aw bora. Last week th. animal mad a roe- to uusuuU mean of making ord. Raaia red Ui bull vr th ilxtsaa u' quistua. v X CLAREEOif MXMTB.IiI. TaOartTAls BUZLZIN9 RBAPy IO RJECaXVa TUB COBNE& aTCCOTL