Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 15

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Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses
ERE Alexander the Great-alive
today, and In the business of
writing playa, he would have no
occaalon to utter hla lamenta
tion that no other world were
in reach of hla conquering
hand. For here la a very vista of worlds,
almost aa Mmltleaa aa that the Imaginative
astronomer discover in the empyrean
vault, stretching out before him In uch
tempting array that Ma only quandary
would be In deciding which to essay first.
Cometh the president of the National Ile
tall Drug association and suggests to dram
atists or builders of eomlo operas that tho
woes of the pill venders be embalmed In
living language, and that the- same be
played upon the stage.' Could anything be
more tempting or more bulglngly dilated
with Ideas that are fairly rampant for elo
quent expression? How shall It be treated?
Con over the list of manners of dramatic
endeavor furnished by the prolix Polonius
In commending to Hamlet the players at
Elstnore, and add to it the myriad of di
verse ' and Indefinable methods adopted
alnce the day of the Melancholy Prince, and
determine which of the wondrous assort
ment test fits the case. Having made your
choice, toko stock of the material that
cornea to hand Immediately you enter the
drug store.
Do you determine on a comic opera, as
the term has come to be understood? ,What
better background could be desired than
the soda fountain; think of .its possibilities.
with Its syrups and Its fining streams of
surcharged water, Its gewgaws and glm-
cracks In way of ornamentation. Enter the
chorus, chanting a slight modification of a
merry roundelay so popular not a great
many years ago, and even yet occasionally
heard as some sport of the vintage of '9S
(quite a back number, too) gives tongue to
the thoughts that rise within him:
Oh, mix us the Ice cream soda, yes the
Let us have it cold and sweet
Or a dash of cherry phosphate, yes the
Or a nut sundae so neat.
And while the merry merry s swish their
liken skirts about, the rlsz of the praatlcal
fountain Is heard mingling with the dulcet
train of the hero, who Is the tender of
course, and who sings in a barber shop
Oh. ;wlll ye quaff with me, my girls?
Oh, will ye quaff with me?
It is a glass of sliver fits
I offer unto thee.
AH fining in the glass so small
'Twill make you jump for Joy
And drinking it you'll surely call
On me, your soda boy.
This much has been built In about four
minutes by the postoffice clock. It Is
merely , offered to show how easily these
things can be done when properly Inspired,
and to prove that the drug store certainly
affords the right sort of dope for building
a comle opera. '
Do you fancy a society drama? It's as
easy as th comic opera, if you go to the
right drug store. Its greatest difficulty Will
artse from the necessity of discarding ma
terial . In order to reduce the possible
scenario to acting proportions. Let us see:
First and second' acta are used to Introduce
characters and to explain the motive that
leads .to .the substitution of a poisoned
postage stamp for the one the doctor
ordered. Curtain goes up on the third act.
It Is night. The drug store lights shine out
through the darkness, making the place
look like a convocation of Omaha street
cars In the days before the trolley came to
town. . Discovered, the heavy, paring his
finger nails or engaged in some other simi
larly genteel occupation, meantime won
dering If be had better wear the pink four,
ln-hand or the pale blue,. Teck . when, he
goes on parade the next day. Enter tho
heroine, dishevelled, suppressed emotion
oozing from her every pore. Ensueth con
versation something like this: t
Blie Harold Mortimer, vou have did
your worst ; but, ah, thank God, there may
yet he time. - .
, He In God's name, woman, what do you
She You know only too well what I
He I know what you mean?
Bhe Yes, you know what I mean.
. He Well, what do you mean?
She That pontage stamp
He What, that postage stamp?
. Phe Yes. that postage stamp. i
iie iinen ue uray, wnatever I am. you
have made me. I Ion? have loved you, and
you know it. Oh. Helen, let my love for
you excuse me. let your heart plead for me.
Tell me there is yet hope, and for you I
W 1 1 1"
Bhe How dar you. Harold Mnftlmer
when you know I am the fiancee of Archer
wiimoannT xour love for me should have
had power to sava my happlnesss. You
nave wrecKea
He Nay. It shall not be. I am a de.
perate man. That postage stamp will be
the means of clearing away the way for
my grrai mve
Bhe Oh, Harold, do you love me so?
He Surest tllng you know.
And so on. until he finally provides her
with the antidote and relinquishes forever
his hopes of winning her. She rushes
madly out of the drug store and the cur
- tain falls, leaving him contemplating the
row of bottles and wondering If the spirits
frumenti Is still kept In the one'' marked
corrosive sublimate. The fourth act shows
the fair girl administering the potent drug
that overcomes the spell of the poisoned
postage stamp,, and th curtain goes down,
leaving the impression that, all Is well.
This takes a little longer than the comic
opera, but tt Is Just as effective and comes
from th same old drug store.
Maybe your thought turns to tragedy.
Here again comes th drug store with Its
wealth of ready made elements of humsn
sorrow and faith triumphant. Think of
the shipwreck of hopes due to the mis
placing of a pill, or the terrible catastrophe
that follows in the wak of a mistake that
serves Senna when aloes Is prescribed.
Ltvea have been torn asunder by loss than
this, and, oh, the dreariness of an ex
istence Involved In the meshes of the pre
scription reglsterl The. guilty secret. of the
man who mixed the dose could scarcely be
lee than that which ha served to engrave
the nam of Eugene Aram or some other
equally notorious personage on the page
Of literature. One trembles in contempla
tlon of the tragedy that may attach te
the drug store. If the mood ts for a do
mestic drama, the boitle of household am
monia holds forth pleasing prospects, and.
properly manipulated, will easily furnish
the necessary action and most of the In
cidents for four act of Intimate expos!
tlon of th affair of a household equal
at least to se feral that hav lately been
sprung upon the pubjlc. For farqe com
edy, did you ever hear the tale of the fair
' young thing who asked the gallant drug
. gist If he knew of any way of administer
' Ing castor oil .tastelessly? In reply, he
asked her if she would like a drink of
some fancy sort, and, she assenting, he
placed the draught before - her and she
quaffed It. ' Waiting a little, she again
asked for; the castor oil, and he smilingly
said; "You took It In that drink," where
upon she gaspV-d It was Intended for her
aunt. This might properly be listed under
the head of th tragic, but It Is only one
of the Illimitable themes available for dra
matic treatment afforded by the dryg
store. The field Is yet virgin and should
readily attract those dramaturgists who
are looking for material close to the earth.
. Two of the . most successful of recent
plays, at least so far as the verdict of New
York goes, deal directly and Intimately
with some factor of social life. '"Paid In
Full" Is an American drama. It begins
with the affairs of a young couple who are
domiciled In Harlem. The husband I em
ployed as .collector for a ship owner at a
salary that does not serve to gratify his
social ambitions. Many a clerk or mecnanlo
is living on less and rearing hi boys and
girls to become good cltlsens. But this
young chap fs trying to stretch hi $1,600
a year pay to cover a $15,000 ambition. He
does It by stealing from his employer.
Naturally he gets caught. The employer
Is a hard-headed and, so far as exterior
appearance goes, a hard-hearted, old chap,
who lives alone. To him the young thief
sends his wife, telling her to work the old
man Into forgiving him. It Is "Monna
Vanna" reversed. In that here the husband
acqulrtoces In the sacrifice the wife Is
called upon to make. In the big act of the
piece the wife Interview the employer and
Intercede for th unworthy husband. Bhe
declines to pay the extreme price, but it
develop that the old man ha made the
suggestion merely to test her, and he
agree to forgive her husband. But she
has had enough. of the husband and the
curtain goes down leaving her freed through
Operation of the divorce court and about
to wed with a ort of American edition of
William Dobbins, who ha followed her
through the play, taking up some time to
explain to her that his mother was a dance
hall fairy In a western town and his father
a gambler who hadn't troubled himself to
any great extent about getting married.
And so the debt Is paid In full. Tha lesson
Is a trifle obscure.' but .as Captain . Cuttle
so aptly said, "The moral of this here ob-
scrwatlon lies In tha application on It." It
means, probably, that we mustn't steal,
even to get money to gratify a desire to
live smartly; and It probably, also, Illus
trates the general belief that only a cad
sunk to the uttermost depth of caddlshnes
Music and Musical Notes
OW that th rush of the Easter
Nl season I practically over, the
I music critic of The Bee will
wn wcr ma correspondence
somewhat and try to make
amends . for apparent negll
In the first place, In answer to a few re
quests about a poem which appeared re
cently In thl column, and which was un
fortunately printed in a manner somewhat
mixed, the poem Is given below In Its origi
nal shape. It Is the verse on "Lov of the
World" by the English writer of some cen
turies ago, Flavel, by nam.
Judge In thyself! O Christian, is it meet
To set thine heart on what beasts set
their feet?
'TIs no hyperbote If thou be told
You dig for dross with mattock made
of gold:
Affections are too ' costly to bestow i
Upon the fair-faced nothings here below;
Tn9"?le scorns to. fall down from on
The proverb salth To pounce a llly fly:
And can the Christian leave the face of Qod
1o -embrace the earth, and dote upon a
otodT .
A correspondent want to know why
Madame Sembrlch was not criticised, In
The Bee' account of her recent recital,
and suggests that possibly it was due to
the reason that she has a reputation. The
gentle Insinuation Is made that had ah
been an amateur she might not have re
ceived such unqualified praise.
Now, both of these point are -worthy of
The question of reputation surely doe not
enter into the discussion, for Mr. Zadora,
her pianist, was given .the moat liberal,
spontaneous and unstinted quota of appre
ciation which the writer had the power to
put Into print, and yet Mr. Zadora came to
us practically unknown.
And a to the reputation of Mme. Sem
brich. What ha given thl artist her rep
utation? Nothing but excellent work.
Now, oa an actual fact, when Mme. 6em
brich opened the aria "Ah, for e lui," she
did some very unwelcome and Inelegant
"scooping" or "sliding" i up to th tone In
tha word "Estrano" which occurs In the
recitative. But, you who noticed this, did
you not also notice that shs did not make
the lime mistake at any other time during
th evening? And the scales, runs, caden
sas and other displays of vocalisation in
that self-same aria were nigh to perfection.
ana perrectlon Is a very big word.
It Is true that she did not quite giv
some of her upper tones In the duet, when
leaving the stage (Vou remember), the Ade
quate support to keep them strictly where
their should have been; aod It Is equally,.
true mat sne trilled a good dal "with her
chlh.' But th greater number of her tone
wer perfectly produced and the trill was
mighty good In spite of the chin manifesto,
and did' you notice th wonderful legate
he used at all time? .. I
How many linger can go from one tone
to another in a descending scale paaaags
with such absolute surenesa and clarity of
delivery, so that It seems to be utterly
unconscious and unpremeditated?
And how many singers are there who put
such genuine musicianship Into the work of
slngtng? Or did you fall to see that?
Now, nltlcs are Judges," not "detec
tives." Our business Is to Weigh all the
evidence. andrender fair .and. equitable
Judgment. In law the "record" of the one
to b Judged w sentenoed Is always taken
Into consideration. So with criticism. The
critic's business, like the Judge's. Is to ar
rive at a fair conclusion; the detective's
business, as I understand It, is to find
traces of guilt, to look for th bad points,
a a rule. . .
When - Mme. Marcella Sembrlch sings
there are so many great thing done, so
many very rich beauties of tone and nuance
brought out, there ts so much fine must-
claniihlp displayed, that these must neces
sarily be In preponderance In the critic's
mind and the criticism written accordingly.
, When amateurs are criticised t Is be
cause the amateurishness I co constantly
In evidence; when mediocre singer Vr
player are criticised unfavorably. It Is
because the mediocrity is the preponderant
suggestion. When the great artist Is heard,
the on emphatic point of eminence la the
gnat art, and the peccadillo and besetting
sins are so Infrequent In the tnuMpllcity of
good deeds done, that the Inte'llgent critic
Is swayed by th excellence of the general
I will confess "Judgment oi". this one point,
namely, that tb aforesaid deviations from
th straight and narrow path of art should
I-eihup be pointed out by th critic, so that
the student reader nUjft be able to profit
by them. And yet. awl yet. for some in
fcctutable reason thy student render al
ways manages to betble to pick out 'the
flaw In the great "artist anl remember
will offer hla wife a a sacrifice In atone
ment for hi own wretched thievery or sim
ilar shortcoming. As to the vslue of the
recital of th man who ha risen In the
world to that point where he Is able to win
the love of the heroine, it may serve to
how our American contempt for ancestry,
but tt Is a direct contradiction to accepted
and wcTl established Idea concerning the
value of breeding. On the doctrine that
like produce like.' the man from th west
wouldn't very strongly attract th woman
In the case, but he may be the exception
that proves the rule. Yet "Paid In Full"
ha brought Its author from obscurity to
fame and. Instead of sleeping In the park?,
as he was a few months ago, he Is busy
writing new plays to order, while clerks
count hls cash for him and lawyer are
wrangling over which of the numerous New
York "manager" owns him.
The other drama come from England,
and bears on another angle of the per
aonal equation. "The Servant In the
House" uncovers two at least of the many
sides of applied Christianity In England.
One of the three brothers has sunk to the
condition of a laborer, digging in the
ditch; another is rector of a church that Is
built over a crypt that turn out to be a
oesnpool, and the third has but lately come
back from India, where he has risen In the
church to be at least a bishop, and, In the
play. It seems that he comes mighty near
being the reincarnation of Christ. The
worldly station of the three afford the
theme, and the mighty good brother has
the effect of bringing the mighty bad
brother up from the ditch, and helping the
middling good brother to be even better.
The antagonist In the case Is a very
worlAly-mlnded bishop, whose thoughts are
bent on securing for the church as much
of this world's good, as he can. In the
meantime taking precious good care of him
self. At the close of the play he is turned
out and sent about hi business. "The
Servant n the House" is the religious apex
of the triangle of which ''The Man of the
Hour" is at the political and "The Lion
and the Mouse" at tha financial, each
operjy preaching the necessity of reform
and promulgating doctrines that have suf
fered the contempt that comes with famil
iarity. Just why New York should have
refused to listen to Henrietta Crosman In
"The Christian Pilgrim" and flock to hear
Henry Miller' player In "The Servant In
them, and be utterlv nhllvlmia in tha
things done, because they are so artistically
aone mat tny seem a simple and un
avoidable act on the part of the artist,
whereas they, are the very points, possi
bly, on which the said artist haa done the
most industrious work. '
. How remarkable itis that student will
hear a great artist In any line of musia
and will overemphasize their weak points
and strive to copy those, while the "ar
tist" may do really great things, worthy
of the Imitation of all student, and these
will be nonchalantly overlooked.
Again, let an artist accomplish some
"tour de force" (I believe that Is the name,
but we are always open to correction), and
straightway every amateur begins to Imi
tate. Let Caruso, for example, sing a high
C and hold It for two 1 minutes, for the
delectation, of. those who are not educated
In musical taste, and behold every, tenor
trying to hold his highest tones, regard
leu of quality!'' Let Nordica give the "yell"
of the Valkyr, and hearken Atr-the young
sopranos who forsake their teacher, home
and kindred, to "make a tone like that."
Let Schumann-Heink pierce the boundary
line between contralto and soprano, and
emit a high-pitched tone of unnecessary
safeness, and listen to the contraltos try
to follow the eagle In Its flight, when they
might better, be emulating tho flexibility
of the canary.
A to the question of the amateur In
criticism, I know not what other' critics
may say, or write, or do; but this one
thing I do know, and can prove It by the
files of The Bee at the Bee office or th
publlo library, that when an amateur has
been crltlolsed in these columns, if the
bad has been mentioned, it was because it
was In overwhelming evidence; and It has
never, never" been brought to light without
a corresponding setting forth of the good
points displayed.
Think it over and investigate. It only
cost you a little time.
The trouble hereabout I that In most
cases everything Is praised; nothing Is
passed upon; and the average so-called
criticism Is a report - that "a perfectly
lovely time was had by all.'' '
- And again, people flo not want a criti
cism, an analysis, a consideration of Judg
ment, because they are afraid of It. What
Is wanted Is a treatment of vaseline and
honey. '
Another correspondent wants to know if
there is no legal bourse of Injunction to
prevent musicians and prominent muslo
lovers (supposed) from, talking aloud and
whispering vociferously at concert. Name
have been given and Instance (with dates)
quoted, but The Bee, with It usual "un
charltableneaa," will refrain from men
tioning them. However, there ahould be a
heart-aearchlng In thl and a resolve to
do better In future.
Another correspondent wants to know
about membership In the Tuesday Morning
Musicale . club. Answer Send your appli
cation to Mrs. Charles Martin, secretary,
who will furnish you with all desired In
formation. You may telephone if you
It 1 a great pleasure to me to suggest
that you will make no mistake In hearing
Mr. Welptun song recital tomorrow night.
Mrs. Welpton has always something to say
and sing In th true spirit. Mabelle Craw
ford Vfelpton has been a great favorite
with the writer for many year, that la,
lnce sh was a mere child, and he would
walk a mile any time to hear her sing.
Do not miss her recital at th First Metho.
dlst church tomorrow night. If you are
disappointed I will refund your money and
lose my jood opinion of you. To add to
the pleasure of the evening she will have
as ao.oinpanlat Mme. Borglum, whose ac
companiments are always a delight to those
nho can relish an artistic piece of work.
Mas leal Note.
Miss Evelyn Hopper, soprano," announces
a recital to whkh th musical people have
Lh en invited for next Thursday evening at
bchmoller Ac Mueller's uudltorlurn. She will
he asaiinted by Mr.. Havhcek, violinist, and
Miss Corinne Paulbon,. accompanist
The last meeting of the muslo department
ot the Woman's club was held lust Thurs
day, the program "tihakespeare In Music,"
the result a ii.ont pronounced success. Miss
Sorenson will bu the leader again next year.
Mrs. Wagoner, auitint leader; Mis
Marlon Ward, secretary..,
Mr. Max Landow announces hla last re
cital of th season for May 7, Thursday
evening at First Baptist church. Tickets
at Hotpe's- Mr. Landow will play a great
program contesting of the Beethoven U
major Concerto, lirahin'a wonderful varia
tions on an original theme.. "Chopin's Op.
ti and I. last's maaicr piece, th E flat Con
certo. The orclieatral part will be played
by Karl in .Bush pmil o Mr.. Lauiow. ,
the Hour's" cannot be understood. It sim
ply proves the wisdom ot the old lady' re
mark a she kissed the cow.
Elinor Glyn Coming Back Beeisi She
Had Aarh a, Oood Time Here.
LONDON, April IS. (Special Correspond
ence.) Mr. Elinor Olynn sail for Amer
ica today and instead of stopping In New
York, will hurry straight across the con
tinent to Santa Barbara, where she Is to
stay for a little time with friends. Bhe
snatched a few momenta thl morning from
her final preparation for departure to give
the latest new about the play "Three
Week," which she ha dramatised from
her much discussed novel of that name.
She has closed arrangements for It pro
duction In America In the autumn, and ha
put off until then also the English pro
duction. Henry Smith of the Lyceum
theater, one of the most active and success
ful of the new managers, had contracted
with her for the English right of th
play for Instant production, but he and
Mrs. Glyn were both especially desirous of
getting Mme. Slmone Le Bargy from Part
to play the part of the fascinating Rus
sian princess In the play. The Parisian
actress telegraphed, however, that she
would be unable to come until later on, and
stay for only a few weeks, whereas Mr.
Smith, who was planning to put the play
on at the Waldorf theater wa counting
on a run ot many months. So It seemed
best to let the production rest until Mrs.
Olyn can come back from America and
give it the benefit of her personal super
vision. If by that time Le Bargy 1 un
able to come, doubtless some other Parisian
actress will be engaged. It haa been re
ported that the censor ha declined to
license the play, but, ' apparently, the only
truth In the report waa that he had made
some suggestions regarding It which were
quite reasonable and considerate and which
Mrs. Olyn will probably be able to adopt
without any difficulty.
'-$. -
No," said Mr. Glyn. -emphatically. "I
am not going to lecture In ' the United
States pas du tout. I am going over to
enjoy myself thl time, and keep a num
ber of delightful social engagements that
I had to postpone last winter. I am going
solely ' for' pleasure and' because I love
America and want to see more of It than
I could iaat time. Some of your newspapers
did no,t .treat. me .very well and a few of
them reported me as saying things I never
said,- but that didn't put me off America
In the least, for the people are, delightful
even if some' of the 'newspapers are not
altogether truthful.
"I shall, of course, ' gather material on
thl trip for my new book about the 'Visits
of Elizabeth to America,' but I am not
going over to spy out unpleasant things
far from it. I am dying to e the far
west, especially, where the country .gets.
Ha sinews, and so much of its brains and
energy. And I want to see all those mlnee
and thing. Bo good-bye till Jtlne." '
It seems strange that Beerbohm Tree has
never, adventured the role of Shylock
before, but his first publlo appearance In
the part was in his elaborate production ot
"The Merchant of Venice" at hi majesty's
theater last Saturday evening. He gave
us a more Hebralo Shylock than has been
seen by the present generation of theater
goersa Shylock more in accordance with
Shakespeare' evident Intention than with
Henry Irving' dignified and herolo Ideal
of the character. Tree himself explain
hla view by quoting Heine thus:
"Shakespeare intended for the amusement
ot the general public to represent a tor
mented wehr-wolf, a hatefut, fabuloua
oreature that thirst for blood, and, ot
course, loses hi daughter and hi ducal
and Is ridiculed Into the bargain. But the
genlua of the poet, the genlu of humanity
that reigned In him, stood Wer above his
private will, and so It happened that in
Shylock, In spite of all his uncouth grlm
aclngs, the poet vindicates an unfortunate
sect, which fo." mysterious purpose ha
been burden&u by Providence with the hate
of th rabbi both Mgh and low, and ha
teclprocated thl hate not always by love."'
Hesketh Prlchard returned from his
American tour a captain of the M. C. C.
team of English cricketer in such good
form that he set to work on a play and a
novel at the same time, and now the play
of which his famous bandit, Don Q. Is the
hero, I finished all but the last word or
two, and has been approved by one of the
most successful of the West End managers.
Meanwhile Prlchard, while serving in gilt
laden uniform at Dublin castle as alde-de-camp
to th. lord lieutenant of Ireland, ba
been so lucky as to win the hand of the
lovely Lady Elisabeth Grlmsten, daughter
of the earl and countess of Verulam, and
niece of the duchess of Montrose. The
wedding wilt probably take place before
summer. The bride-elect Is maternally a
greatgranddaughter of the celebrated
"Queen of Beauty" at the Egllnton tourna
ment, born Georglna Brinsley Sheridan,
and wife of the twelfth duke of Somerset.
Lord Verulam is one of the few peers pos
sessing both Scotch and Irish peerages, In
addition to his English honors, being
baron forrester in th peerage of Scot
land, and Baron Dunboyne and Viscount
Qrlmston In that of Ireland. The marriage
may Interfere with Prlchard's cricket, but
Instead of Interfering with hi play, nov
el and book of travel. It will give him a
new Inspiration.
There Is especial American Interest In the
Delia Sedle school of singing which has
Just been established here, a three of the
four director come from the United State.
Mme. Eleanor Cleaver-Simon, a contralto,
whose name is as familiar to American
concert-goers ss to those In England, used
to live in Jackson, Mich.; Miss Gertrude
Orlswold comes from New York and Is a
niece of Bret Harte, and Mrs. J. Edgar
Rudge. the managing director, comes from
Ohio. Commendatore . Enrico Delle Bedie,
the famous Parisian singing master, why
died a few weeks ago, was keenly Inter
ested in the success of this undertaking,
and was th honorary president of the
school. Mr. and Mrs. Simon gave another
of their song racltals here last week with
a program made 'up almost entirely of
choice old French,' German and Italian
songs that are practically new to London
audiences, and the American colony turned
out la force to enjoy It. C. B.
, fenlsg Events.
For the second week of the Woodward
Stock company at the Boyd theater ' Di
rector Livingstone has selected Channtng
Pollock's play, built on Miriam Mlchelsou'a
novel, "In the Bishop- Carriage." Thl ia
a most dramatic tale, with a deep psycho
logical study, and i told In such a way
a holds the Interest from thq, very be
ginning. It is an account of hew a young
woman who has been always an associate
of thieves and who ha come to look on
thievery as a perfectly Justifiable proceed
ing, Is accidentally thrown into aa atmos
phere of refinement and made an Inmate
of a home quit ahov anything she has
ever seen. There she meets a man wh"
Influence change her whole aspect of life.
He talks to her as no one else ever haa
and succeeds In bringing her back to a
true way of thinking and living. Mr. Mor
rison, as William Latimer, will have a
role that might have beem written for aim,
calling for quiet, undemonstrative, but
forceful work and giving him, an oppor
tunity for hi very best work. Miss Flem
ing Is cast for the part of Nance Olden,
the girl who didn't think It wrong to steal
and who waa loyal to Tom Dorgan, the
thief who had been her "pal" from her
earliest memories and who had always
treated her as a woman deserving his con
sideration beyond the fact that he believed
In stealing rather than In working. The
others In the company re well placed In
the long cast and Mr. Livingstone haa
prepared a fine scenlo production for the
play, which he will offer with much at
tention to detail.
Edna Earlle Llndon is announced in Row
land eV Clifford's production ot Lem Par
ker' successful drama, "Thorns and
Orange Blossoms," at the Krug theater for
four nights, starting with matinee today,
with the original cast and production aa
first een at the Academy theater, Chicago.
For three night and Saturday matinee,
starting Thursday night, the Frank Bros.
Yiddish Opera company will be the attrac
tion at the Krug theater. This Is the first
western tour, of this company and Is
something out of the usual for a western
city and great credit must be given the
management of the Krug for obtaining a
production of such note. On Thursday
night the offering will be "Ben Shomron,"
an operetta in four acts; Friday night
"Kol Nedra" and Saturday matinee "Shu
lamls" will be the attraction. The company
will close on Saturday night with a massive
production of "Bar Kochba." The com
pany comes here direct from a record
breaking run at the Willis. Wood theater in
Kansas City and comes very highly recom
mended. The usual Krug price jwlll pre
vail. The management wishes It made
plain that anyone having a knowledge of
the German language can thoroughly un
derstand everything that takes place on
th stage.
i "The Three Musketeer," a dramatic ar
rangement of, Dumas' great romantic story
of the Intriguing-court of Louis XIII, will
be seen at thp Burwood the coming week.
The management Is particularly fortunate
In having the services of Lloyd Ingrahsm,
who was not only with the younger Sal
vinl In. this play, but who also staged it
during two successive seasons with Harry
Glasler, who followed Salvlnl In the role.
Mr. Ingraham will personally supervise the
production, This version of "The Three
Musketeers!' follows d'Artagnan from his
humble home in the province, which he
leave with only his sword and his father's
Injunction, "Honor the king and never re
fuse to fight." To the court ot Louis XIII
he goes, where he becomes one ot the
king's guards and the loyal friend of
gentle. Queen Anne of Austria. Wilfrid
Roger will play d'Artagnan. This play will
also Introduce two members ot the com
pany. Miss King, who makes her Initial
bow In the role of Constance, the faithful
maid to Queen Aone and beloved of d'Ar
tagnan and Mr. Tellsh, who. Is to play th
duke of Buckingham. Matinees will be
given on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and
Sunday. Immediately after the Tuesday
matinee, a stage reception will be tendered
Ml King and Mr. Bellalr. The closing
performances of "Secret Service", will be
given this afternoon and evening.
At the Orpheum for the new week, start
ing with tho matlneo today, Willie Pantser
with hi company ot funmaker and gym
nasts, Including a small chap declared a
real wonder, promise something novel In
gymnastic and a mixture of pantomimic
conredy.; Howard Kyle, the well known
leading man, seen here In "Nathan Hale"
and -"Rosemary" and an adequate com
pany, Including Iona Everette, will present
a comedetta entitled "The Joke." by S. G.
Genung, who took the theme from an old
poem by Will Carleton; Charles Prelle'
BIJou circus Is a unique simulation of va
rious animals in makeup end action by
dogs. The Permane brothers, English ec
centric clowns, a recent European impor
tation, will extract laughs with their bur
lesque, "The Nightingale's Courtship," and
some original "stunts" with a huge in
flated rubber pig. Pope Leo XIII, King
Edward of England, President Kooseveit,
William Jennings Brysn. General U. S.
Grant and General Robert Lee are among
the noted ' character Impersonations that
will be shown by Harry Alllster. Some
thing entirely new and unique Is promised
by Mr. and Mrs. Colby In an electrical
musical comedy black art turn. In which
thty Introduce a' number of musical Instru
ments of a patttrn never seen here. James
F. McDonald with his very latest aaylnga
and songs, and a new series of motion
pictures shown with the kinodrome com
plete the list.
Like' other pronounced successes, "The
Merry Widow" has created a vogue, and
not to be outdone In the "waltx music"
crate, vaudeville comes to the front with
a Viennese oper&tia called 'The Love
Welti," which will be seen here before
the close of the season at the Oraheum.
The well known producer, Jesse L. La iky,
who sends out this musical spectacle, will
take It to New York for a long run this
summer. - The company includes twenty
one people and the scenery and costumes
are said to b the most elaborate ever
designed tor a vaudeville production.
Gossip from 8tao;eland.
It was at the close of some function re
cently held at tne Army and Navy club,
W asnliigton, that John Drew turned things
on a would-be Joker, who had offered him
a John Drew cigar, by suavely accepting
the otter with tne remark that "one can't
well look a gift cigar In the mouth."
The first 'Napoleon In 1802 wrote In this
way to the prelect of Lyons: "Government
wishes the theater to be at once useful and
moral and an entertaining establishment.
You are. therefore, to refrain from bringing
forward such pieces as are only remarkable
for their obscenity or the Indecent wit they
contain." I
"I would as lief face the devil as sit
through an Ibsen play," declared Kyrle
Bellew In New York. "Only once In my
life have I seen a single sctress who had
the talent to make them possible at-ail-but
more than that? No thank you. Do
liver me from Ibsen." . , .
Eugene Walter, author of "Paid In Full."
has arranged with Liebler & Co. to write
a play for Viola Allen's use next season.
Toxen Worm was telling about his boss,
Lee Bhubert, st a complimentary dinner In
New York. "Mr. Bhubert began to 'show
them' In the capacity of usher at the Grand
opera house in Syracuse, " he explained.
"He then had the knack of showing people
to their seats with such neatrwess and dis
patch that when the house lights were low
ered and the curtain was up on the first
set he could find seats even for people
that had no coupons. (Laughter). When
the manager of the theater finally began to
learn that more people occupied seats than
the rack In the box-office showed that
tickets were sold (or he turned over the
theater to Lee ami reserved for himself the
coat room privilege and the candy stand."
At the Broad street theater. Philadelphia,
last week a new play. "The Impostor," had
Its premier. The dramatist la the wife of
Gustave Frohman, brother of Charles and
Daniel. The players will be recruited from
Marie Doro's company, as Miss Doro will
not play hply week.
"F. C. Harriott, husband of Clara Morris.
has frequently business occasion to pome
te New York from their home at Rtvsr.
dale-oik-t h-Hud u," writes Hie Matinee
Girl In the Mirror . ''Returning one evening
from hi second interurban trip, he wsa
greeted by Miss Morris with: 'l-ed.' yeu
spend so much time In th subway tint
It will be bo iearure to bury you.' "
K "
, - . i . ...
" j"fip; t-" a rTfCtAi
I Woodward Stock Co.
A Dramatisation of Miriam Klchaelaon'a Novel, by Ohanning Pollock. '
Prices, lOo and SSo. Beats on sale one week In advanoe. Xn ordering1 seats
oall Donglas 1919, Independent A8919. .
Next Week "stAPPtES."
Al x: l
Admission $1.00 and 50c
IVIotoelle Crawford - Welpton
First Methodist Church, Tomorrow Evening April 27
. .'
Schmoller t Mueller Box Office,
Phoneai Doug. 494j In. A-1494
, Hat. 0l!l)2:15-El)r !glt8:15
Week Starting Mai. Today
Europe's Great Novelty.
Presenting "The Joke."
Europe's Latest Original Novelty Act.
England's Eccentric Clowns.
The Celebrated Character -.
Mr. & Urk. Franklin Colby
Presenting an Original Electrical
Mustcai Comedy. Black Art
Songs and Sayings.
Always the Newest in Motion Pictures
PRICKS-IOc. 25c and 50c
APRIL 25, 24. 23, 26
Friday.April 24. Ladles Day
t-fte Oauta Dally bee.
in r th if ai s how . :
Doug. I506;ind. A-1506
a n o o w
Tickets at A. Dospe Co.'s '
75c and SOc
1313 Famam Street
Mnin ft oxirrOKS orraB
A play that sinks deep In the hearts
, of all lovers of the drama. -
3 ftV&rr..; Thur. April 130
nuri BXOI.' ' '
Thursday Hlght BUST BHOaUtOST.
Friday Wight KOXi MB SKA.
atuxday Matinee SHVXiAlCIB.
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