Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 14

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Comet Oat Ahead in Contest with
Mn. Bradley Martin.
phlan In roynl spender and ia never tired
of putting hi hand m hi copious pocket
j to ssxist'the "hard-ups" of the English
Cbawltrrlala Rack In rolliles.
Now that Joseph Chamberlain In Retting
along: co nicely, and tome of hla most
anguine friends are Kredlctlnr hla return
GETS SMILES OF KIN3 EDWARD In the near future to the political arena.
where he ia sorely needed by hla party, I
Yer.l Time Mlatal
Meaey, bat ha Goal Is
Finally Woa Loaaloa
. - Gossls.
underatand that there ia grave fear for
the health of his devoted wife.1 This brave
woman who you will remember was Mlsa
Endlcott of Boston, before her marriage
to the most popular man In England, has
never left the side of her stricken husband
durlna the two veara or mora that his
LONDON.-April 26.-Speclal.-There can ,,f h . n n.lrA of. Ever'vhodv de-
be nothing but .supreme Joy Jn the heart PiflT- tht ,h. vf.r. nolitlclan owes hla
of that unrivaled American society grande prwnt glcnce to the splendid nursing
of his wife, hut she, poor creature, has
broken down In the effort. Bhe' hss now
taken to a bath-chair for moat of her
waking hours and continually resorts to
oxygen as a reviver. The doctors have
ordered her from Cannes, where she and
her husband are now stopping, to Switzer
land, but ' Mr. Chamberlain is Inconsolable
at the Idea of being parted from her a
single day snd it Is not likely that his
wife will leave him.
Of course the report that Mr. Chamber
lain will bo seen In public life attain In
the near future must be taken with more
than the customary grain of salt. The
same prediction has been made many tim?s
since he was taken 111. I saw him when he
left England for Cannes and to me he ap
peared to be still a very sick man. y
Every lover of dogs Is envying Mrs.
Lulu Harcourt the exquisite little Chinese
dog, which she has Just purchased for
I7,S0I. It is a half-brother to "Stoessel,"
which the Empress Dowager of Russia
dame, Mrs.-Potter Palmer, theae days. For
in nlsvtn th host to King Edward, as
sha did so recently at Blarrlta. she realised
the greatest ambition of her many years on
the social stage. Bhe has "arrived" and
henceforth the doors to the most exclusive
circles in England are open to her,
We have all watchod Mrs. PaJmer'a ef
forts to capture the king. Bhe has been
at it a long time and most of us were
sure that she would ultimately "win out
as you Americana say. It has been gen
erally recognised that of the many Ameri
can society women In the English Smart
Bet, the Chicago social queen was the ideal
entertainer. Her purse seemed to be bot
tomless and a dinner or a ball at Hamp
den House, her London residence, was
aure to be the very last word In pleasuro
and enjoyment. But try as she might
aha had never been able, to get the king
under her hospitable roof. Mrs. Potter
Palmer made no bones about; admitting
that that was her supreme ambition. It
ia the ambition of every woman here who take bout ,n her e,eeye everywhere, be
makes any pretense to social leadership.
For a long time English society has been
amusing Itself by watching the progress
not only of Mrs. Palmer, but of her fellow
countrywoman. Mrs. Bradley Martin. The
tatter ha not yet had the pleasure of
entertaining his majesty, but you may be
sure that It is not because the late New
Tork woman has not tried. Those who
know the king say that Mrs. Bradley
Martin haa ivordone the thing that her
hospitality 1s much too ostentatious and
gorgeous to please level-headed Edward.
There was considerable speculation as to
whether Mrs. Palmer or Mrs. Bradley
Martin would be the first to win the king's
lievlng It to be her mascot. If those who
are expert in dog-lore are to be believed
the American woman's specimen Is . far
more perfect of Its kind than her imperial
. There are only about five or six of these
dogs In London, but It Is the ambition of
every smart society women to possess one.
They are quite the latest craze.
Telephone Company Gives Advice-
A Signed Statement with
' Statistics.
favor. It was a race between New York
and Chicago with the weatern city a prime To 0ur patron.
favorite. It waa no snort aisiance a... In a half-page advertiaement headed
of a single aeason, out a 01 er.aur- ..Automatlc Telephone and Its Valuable
ance-and considerable .tact-stretching g.,, to Body General." an argu
over many year's. , ment is made for telephone duplication in
Mrs. Palmer .and, the Kins;. Omaha, that, upon casual reading, sounds
Borne very slily gossip has gone th plausible, but which, if accepted as true
rounds 6f the Smart Set regarding Mrs. B calculated, If it is not designed, to pro-
Falmcr's efforts to hob-nob with his ma- juce loss to Innocent Investors and useless
Jesty. One particularly attractive one, expense to telephone users. The promoters
whlcto nobody who knew the American Df the opposition company say that they
widow- believed, credited her with a will- are offering their securities to Omaha In-
lngness to pay the sum of $50,000 outright vestora, not because they need the money
for the privileges of feeding the English out because they want the support and in
ruler with her own hand, figuratively i fuence that local Investors can give them.
speaking. This sum waa to be paid to This la partly true. It is certain that they
Mrs. George Ktppel. ono of the impecuni- do want tne infiuenee 0f ocal investors.
ous favorite of the king, wnose wore is It ia ,,B0 certan tnat tney do want the
more or less law with her sovereign m money for their so-called "securities." It
matters of that kind. Curiously enough furthermore obvious that they want to
Mrs. KepUl is now at Blarrlt with the unloa1 tner exc.gSVfl capitalization on
king and I waa one of the guests at the ,ocal people so that thev can realize the
dinner, which Mrs. Palmer gave In honor promotera' profits and let the purchasers
of hi majesty and incidentally Mr. As- take the neVftable lees, as has been done
qulth. the new prime minister of Great ln mny plaCM. u tne promoter thin
Britain. there is anv reasonable nosslhllltv or male.
But Mrs Palmer Is not the only American ,ng money by Bny ,egUlmBtB operatIon of
wno is dancing attendance upon royaiiy ts piant ai lt ,8 n6?-tmHS$Wn&,.or
the little Trench watering place. In fact ..,, ouid thev . .int .
the American-element JUst about owns the Ioca board an(1 turn pver the property?
piace. oespiw ino. pre-eminence ui v' jf they know anythlng about telephone
usn sovereign. v p jrmjor.y ue operaUon.. they Know, that lbeir capllaliaa
ifmom-ci mmTiMB nuU ... r Uoo ,8 naound fictitious, and that ultimate
hotel, whlltm svasomj -past. wr.Pfe1 loss Is Inevitable. They know that Jhe
or weauny . s.nBii.n ra, x , V" ". company car-not earn the money with
nave ira. year Dn "7 which to pay the necessary expenses and
. Beta Ontshlnea King. . interest on their bonds, and that rates must
Whlte'.aw Held, the American ambassa- DO raiaei if these charges are to be met
dor, has aroused considerable comment in but they prefer that the problems of re
the king a set by his efforts to outsmne nis fmmclng and raising rates be met by local
majesty. 1 ne diplomat surrounoea nimseu directors and local owners.
with all kinds of state ana ceremony ana The promoters say that they are offering
tne great suite or rooms ne engagea on an investment which will produce excellent
the first floor of tne raiace noiei weie returr.e and which is. at the" same time,
far more luxurious man tnose or ma m.j- made abolutely safe by a first mortgage
esiy on me grouna uoor. ri is one iu
seemed to bo to go the king one better. In
on the property of the company. But
first mortgage does not make an issue of
the ambassador's apartments were to be bonjs 8afe ,pM the property wl readiIy
found the most beautiful furniture In a ,e for enoiJgh to pay the bonds and inter-
house renowned for Ha lovely- and historic
furnishings. Among the priceless articles
are many of those which were used by the
Empress Eugenie when the hotel, was a
prlyate house. Mr. Beld offered a large
st. The same thing that Is said about
the safety of these bonds waa said by the
promoters of the now bankrupt United
States Independent Telephone company of
xtocnesier wnen meir Donas were sold un
sum of money for the empress' bed. beau- de fa,ge prospectU8es cnly two y,
tlful. example of the Louts XIV period.
The deal did not come off. however, be
cause the hotel authorities were unwilling
to 'part with their treasures.
Jean Raid, who is a great favorite with
the king, recently had the honor, with her
father, of dining In the private apartments
of his majesty. . That Is ajUnal favor, for
only the mist intimate of Jhn cronies are
ever asked to rivet htr.i thus when he is
not "on his dignity."
Edward's liking for Anthony Drexel seems
to increase every day. When the latter ar
his first callers was his majesty. The two
are constantly seen about together and
some of the gossips have gone ao far as to
predict tht ihe American millionaire will
be knighted In the near future, which, of
course, is absurd. Just what the king sees
413-143-17 South Sixteenth Street
Porclh and Lawn Furniture-
This.wcck s showing of PORCH and LAWN FURNITURE will be a revelation to the prospective
purchaser of OUTDOOR FURNITURE it consists of all that is desirable in style and construction
durable and comfortable as well as moderate, in price
This stock contains all the latest patterns in ROCKERS, CHAIRS and - SWINGS, finished in the ncw
est uptoVdate finish. Don't miss this sight whether you wish to purchase or not.
Porch Settee, slat scat ; ..$1.75 POKCo KUllfe)
Porch Settee, slat seat $2.25 In connection with" our Porch Furniture we offer some
Porch Settee, double reed seat and back $5.50 pleasant surprises in Porch Rugs, direct from China and
Double Porch Rocker ' .$5.75 Japan. Artistic coloring and original design effects, durable
Porch Settee like cut with double
reed seat and back, with flat arms,
finished in light' maple, F CA
Porch Swing, finished
green ...$9.00
Porch Swings, finished
weathered oak..$9.00
Porch Swings, all reed,
at $21.50
Torch Swing, made of
heavy ducking, with
mattress, 3 inch,
think $15.50
These prices include
best quality of chains.
$2.25 v
Porch rocker, reed, gent's size . . .
Porch rocker, reed, ladies' size . . . . $1.95
Large Porch rocker, reed seat and back $3.60
Large Porch rocker, reed seat and back. $2.90
Child's Porch rocker, reed seat ana, back. $1.50
Misses' Porch rocker, reed seat and back .' .$1.80
Porch Arm Chair, reed seat $2.15
Porch Arm Chair, reed seat and back $2.65
Porch Settee, slat seat $1.40
(1 I
r v v ', . ,,. i v i
. -,,
t v v.v; U.-:, ii 'ft' h:
Porch Rocker like cut,
double reed seat and reed
back, large flat arms, best
of construction, finished
light maple, Q Qr
price .....d00
as well as reasonable in price. .
4x7 China Straw Porch Pug. $3.00
4x7 Bnngo Rope Torch Rug........ .....$5.50
4x7 Japanese Straw Torch Rug. ........... .$3.50
Gx9 Moodj Matting Torch Rug. . .$12.00
7-GxlO-G Moodj Matting Torch Rug. .. .$15.00
We are agents for the Bissell Carpet Sweepers, the best sweep
ers, made, Grand Rapids Sweeper, each ......$2.50
Don't fail to visit our Gas Range Department, we "are ex
clusive Omaha Agents for the Well Known Vulcan Gas Ranges, '
Prices, $23.50, $21.75, $19.50, $17.50, $15.75 .......... $12.00 i
Shirt Waist Boxes
The immense 'popularity, as
a piece of furniture as well as
a useful article, has compelled
us to make liberal purchases of
We think we can state truth-'
fully that no store in Omaha
offers such a complete stock
with such a wide range of
TRICKS, $10.50, $9.50, $8.25,
$7.50, $0.00, $4.50 and $2.50
Porctb-tfwing like cut, in solid
oak, finished in green or weath
ered oak with chains, -f Q CA
T3sy,a! JLB'i
Woman Who Furnishes London With the Correct Time
ears ago.
when the flrat mortgage, which was sup.
posed to niako those bonds , "absolutely
safe," was foreclosed, the property was bid
In at a sum equal to only 1 cents on the
dollar Of outstanding bonds, and the stock
holders were completely wined out. The
same thing was doubtless said by i"J pro
moters of the Colonial Telephone company
of Xewburg. N. Y. ; the Orange Telephone
company-of Orange, Texa.; the North
eastern Telephone company of Portland.
Me.; the Austin City Telephone company
t the French resort recently one of n-iepnone
uiuiny ii Aioifm, x. i.; me iuzens
Telephone company of. Sioux Falls. S. D. ;
and a rumber more, which, during 1907,
went to the wall. It Is safe to say that
there are, ln the country, local Investors
holding more than $lP0.Oi,OOO, In face value,
in th American to admlra so greatly Is not of Independent Telephone securities, which
known, but In some quarters li Is said that
the banker Is a great help to Edward In a
business way. At any rate, th Philadel-
(Established Un
"Csm WbUa Yom Si."
Whooplng-Cough, Croup,
' Dronehltls, Cough,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
Confidence can be plaord In a rem-1
edy, which for quarter of a century I
haa earned unqualified praise, iestf ul I
nights are assured at ooce. ' . f
Cvsoico h Baoa toAtthmatlcn
AU Druggist
SmJ tostat for ds-T J""
Urtfftvt kiMltUt.
1 Oeaolene Antiseptic
TbrtMt f w Vbe
lrrt't4 tbioa.1. of
your tl ruagixt or from
us. lOu. ia stamps.
1M Vrpo-Crwfca Co.
ISOKMMSt k. r.
would be gladly sold for 51 cents on the
dollar, or ls. And this vast amount, of
so-called "securities," really fictitious
capitalisation, has been sold to the unsus
pecting public, generally speaking, upon
representations that have turned out to be
It may be true, as claimed In the adver
tisement, that over $250,000 of stock Is held
In Omaha, but this appliea chiefly to pro
motera and speculators, who have not paid
money for their stock.. If they could prove
that after that amount had been actually
sold arid paid for ln money. In Omaha,
the' truth about a large line of local stock
holders would be more reasonable.
Th advertisement aaya that the matter
of rates Is largely responsible for the en
couragement they have received. This
may be true; but after the appalling rec
ord of failures for the year J'.o" no prom
ises of low rales by promoters can be se
riously relied upon. The Lincoln Telephone
company said that it must raise Its rates
to cover depreciation. At Rock Island
HI., the I'nlon Electric Te!ihone and
TelegVaph company eii1 th.t. unless It was
allowed io raise Us rrs. 'it -ould not con
tinue to exist. As Crernshurg. Ind.. the
raii-e ln rate ra, said to bt to meet fixed
charges. At &aKinaw. Micb., it was con
fessed they wera t';rting at a lns. At
Lansing, Mich., it was bemuse of Increased
maintenance and operating expenses. At
Humboldt. Neb., It was because the com
pany could not afford to furnish service
at the old rates. All sorts of reasons are
given for an Increase of rtes. which have
been made, or asked fr. all ever the
LONDON. April 14. 8peclal.) It Is
a curloua circumstance that London, which
la so near to Greenwich, does not get lta
official time from that famous observa
tory but from a woman. Practice ".y "everr
big watch and clockmaker In, this city
pays her a fee once a week to learn the
right time. And, oddly enough, this reg
ulating of the watches of .- London has
been s business of this woman's family
for more than seventy years.
It seems that the father. of the. present
"human1 timepiece" waa a Mr. Beilvllle,
who, In 1835. was assistant to the Astron
omer Royal. He'hlt upon the bright Idea
of taking around to the principal London
watchmakera a corrected chronometer. In
this way he soon built up an Income of
about $2,500 a year. When he died In
1866 his widow was granted the privilege
of having her chronometer corrected at
Greenwich whenever she liked and "ped
dled" the time until 1892, when she
reached the advanced age of V2 and re
tired. This right to a monopoly of the abso
lutely correct time did not leave the
Uellvllle family with the retirement of
the old woman, however, for her daughter
succeeded to, the lucrative Job. Kvery
Monday morning she goes from her noma
ln Maidenhead, on the Thames, to the
Royal observatory at Greenwich, where
she receives from the keeper an official
document saying that her chronometer
differs' from mean time bjr. so and so
many seconds and tenths of ' seconds.
Such a favor Is granted to no other per
son, and armed with this exclusive cre
dential Miss Beilvllle sallies forth to cor
rect the timepieces- of the world.
She has about focly customer in Lon
don, scattered all over the city. To each
she repairs ln turn' and permlta them to
correct their time In accordance with that
of her own chronometer and the official
document. From these- forty customers
of this woman the rest of London gets its
ideas of time.
It is no ordinary chronometer that Mlsa
Beilvllle carrtea about with her. It was
made In 1835 by Arnold, one of the most
famous watchmakers that ever lived, for
the duke of Sussex, a son of George III.
After possessing It a short time the no
ble owner discarded It because It waa
too clumsy, and Mr. Beilvllle bought it
at a fancy price. It was originally In a
gold case, but the assistant to the Astron
omer Royal had a silver one substituted,
hoping that Its unpretentious appearance
would be less likely to excite the cupidity
of the rough characters In the 'bhudy''
11 T N
-4 v y -
If some oneeft you a fortune. You'd
take mighty good care of it too. Do
you ever think your eyea are more valu-'
able than any amount of money? They
are. So don't neglect hem. Come and
let ub examine them and help you pre- -serve
what no money could restore if
H. J. Pehf old & Co.
140S Farnam Street
parts of old London where his buhlness MISS BELI.VII.I.E HAVING HER CHR0 METER CERTIFIED AT THE GREEN,
often took him. WiCH OBSERVATORY.
savings will be made by means of the
automatic switchboard. In tme bond cir
cular It la stated that the automatic sys
tem will cave H 20,'Aio a year in the wages
of operators alone, while In the recent ad
vertisement It Is stated .that the saving
from this source will be from 135.000 to 50,
00 a rear. Neither statement will prove to
be true.
The total number of telephones In the
I'nited States is probably somewhat In
excess of 6.000.CTO, and. of all the different
brr of these actually required has proved
to be far in excels of the number c aimed
to be sufficient by the bultdnis.
Up to tile pretcnt time standardisation
has been impossible and every automatic
plant put into s.rv'ce has varied in a
greater or less degree from all of I'a prede
cerscrs. Each one has claimed to bi I lie
latest device and. as In the case of Omaha,
It has been claimed that all the mechan
ical difficulties have been overcome. The
truth Is, not-uhtaiidir,g these claim, that!
the busy signal on to the line ca'.li.u un
til the switch can be put In ord r agdli.
TIk; claim of aecrecy Is without the
slightest foundation, and the dunger of
"lisienins In" by employes, in either ty
teal. 's not of the eli.tlitest lmto. tance. Any
properly managerf company woulJ Instauit'.y J
dismiss an employe who would bs guilty
of such an aiuse of his or her position.
$3.00 $3.50 $4.
"Queen Quality "Shoes Jiave leertiten years hefors
ike jSuiAc. In that time the sales have hrolen all
records, e factory has he en enlarged till it is now
the largest women's shot factory in the worJJ. Ten
thousand airs are sold everyday. This great growth
Id only come from superior ' merit. Why don t
you wear them orce
This Store has the sole agency.
forms of automatic telephones which have J the automatic system is still In an cxr.erl
Mineral Waters
The mineral water business haa foi
manv t rill vcrva iwuiauy wirh ....
firm. We buy our waters Altect from ths I country. In cities of all classes, not merely
In small cities, but In large cities, like
s prists or If a foreign atr, direct from
tiie Importer. We are thus able to maae
the loweal poesiois price, ana to abso
lutely ruaxantee freshness a4 genuine.
Bess.' Vl aU 0O alalia. Lowest prices
l,y case or aueu. -
Write for Catalogue.
Cor. Itth and Dodge.
owl dido coMFAjrr,
Cvr. loth and Harocy.
Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y. But the
plain truth haa been. In each ' case, that
the ratea first established, and which the
public was led to believe could be main
tained, were so low that the company
could not pay Its expenses, to say nothing
of dividends.
The claim is now made that enormous
been Introduced, there are not to exceed
V50.0u0 subscribers, stations connected, or
about t per cent of the total number of
telephones. This small use of the automatic
device, although the earlier exchanges have
had more than ten years of existence,
shows how little saving Is to be made and
how little interest the public has felt in
the substitution of a machine for an opera
tor who can give Intelligent help.
.The only company using an automatic
system which hs made public any figures which comparison can be drawn be
tween manual and automatic devices, as
to the cuet of operation. Is the Citizens
company of Grand Rapids, Mlctr., and they
show a very small saving few cents
per station per annum in the cost of oper
ating, and the constant and necessary su
pervision by skilled mechanics, which falls
to the maintenance of the plant rather than
the operating, probably more than makes
up for this saving. No company operal nf
mental stage and, after ten ears. Is very
little used, even b the so-called Inde
pendent companies, lt is a novelty, to b?
mie, aud sometimes attracts purchasers of
"securities" who would not take a chancj
In a company which proposed to use s;an
dard apparatus of tried efficiency and
economy because of the alluring claims
Much has alo been said of tho secrecy
of the automatic device as an element of
superlerity over the manually operative
systems; but it is a well known fact. (and
has been repeatedly shown, that the em
ployes at tiie central station of the auto
matic system have ample rue-tins to "l'sten
in" at any time they see fit. on any circuit.
Moreover, the delicate mechanical adjust
ment of the ' switches requires constant
supervision, and, although claims are mads
that they do not get out of order. It is the
constant and necessary practice of (be In
spectors working among the switches,
any large automatta plant haa been able I whenever they hear a sound which Indi
te dispense with operators and the num- I cates that a salicn la out of order, t aluuu
null.. 3
Pointed Paragraphs.
A crank Isn't a crank when he does you
a good turn.
Some men find lt easier to dodge tax s
than automobiles.
Raglime. Alcnzo. ifii t necc8anly the I
time to chew tile rag.
One way to keep from hoarJmaT y
monev Is to be a ' Kuod fellow.
As a rule the bmar.ert :nan finally
bumps up against a gold brick that fouit
A woman looks upon a husliand as either
a convenience or a necessary evil.
, By placing the speaking likeness of a
womun In a locket it tan De mnu up.
lt a the brand of trouble a man ina-
for himself that kecpa liiin iwak" mslr.a.
lt keeps some men s, busy being lni
portsut that t'ney havetVt sny ti :nu left to
acconiplU'ti tilings.
When a man begins to his gjod
deeds from the housetop it is your cue
to look in tiie cellar fur his evil ones.
A woman may be able to conceal the
fact that she has store teeth, but she can't
very Well hide her big feet. Chicago News.
A Bloody Affair
is lung hemorrhiie. Slop it. and cure
weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 80c and ll.CO. For
aaia by Beaton Drug Co.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
K The prices will astonith as well as please you, and if you are looking
for something In pictures, don't mirs this opportunity.
20 per cent discount on framing during this kale
'-It co; t3 you nothing to look, and we shall take pleasure In allowing you
the exhibit. Bring your friends. Visitor welcome.
Sec Window Display 1513 Douglas Street
No Matter What You Want
Bee Want Ads Will Get It