Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 12

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pathetic Incident! Illumined by the
riamei at Chelsea.
Caaaffear. roreea with a Gm U
Aged Wmm Salrlde ef aa
laknowa Man A Refege
i ' tot Cats. '
Column! and column of newa of the
Chelsea (Mass.) fire have been printed In
'the various pspers since the flames swept
;the city, April 11 but In the crush of reg
'ular news matter many amusing and
'touching- Incident which happened during
rthe fire and which In many caaea Illustrate
forcibly what the situation really waa and
what people there had to go through have
been crowded out and have until now only
'been told by word of mouth.
I-, There are thousand of atorlea (all true
;'torle. too. for there la no cauae for tx
s&ggeration, the truth being atrange and
Inconceivable enough), which are being re
lated of the trials and experiences of the
tiefugees. myit of them being repetitions
i atorlea of tnelr narrow escape, futile at
tempt to aave their property In their
I pockete or In trunka and of then watching
. their houses burn from a distance, power
Se to do anything to help atop the flamea.
Nothing ha been printed of the desperate
unknown man, one who presumably had
IUn humed out of home and who com'
Emitted suicide near Union park, the open
plot near the Chelsea railway station, while
: .L. nl
the fire wa raging it way tcrow ma
' Several person were In or near the park
at the time and witnessed the trageay
The smoke wa pouring all about the
square and the flamea were beginning to
. leat Into the building bordering tne square
.The heat wa Intense and flying ember
.and cinder were falling everywhere. The
air waa yellow and oppressive with the
amoke and heat, and everyone waa hurry
ing to get out of the path of the flames
-aave one man.
He stood on a corner, downcast, sad
mlnrlv unmindful of the onrushtng
xdanger. Several shouted to him to hurry
wway or he would be run down by the fire,
'but he paid attention to no one. At times
( he. waa hidden by a cloud of dense amoke
that the high wind drove down Into the
1 nnar ana when It was cleared away he
waa- seen, still standing there. .. The last
person that were able to get through the
auare before the flamea wept across It
' saw the man raise hla eye to the heat
! wave above him. Slowly he put hi hand
1'into one of hla hip pockete and drew forth
a revolver. A few caught eight of thla
a they were running acrosa the square,
I but none could reach hla aide before he
! placed the revolver at hla forehead and
fired. He fell, and a no one could In
safety atop, the body, lay there until the,
j flame reached and consumed lu
j Force to Rave Wo ma a
! A young man was standing on Arlington
iatreet aupportlng hla aged and lntirm
I mother. They had been driven from their
.home by the flame and he had halt car
rled. half dragsed her as far a he could
,untll hi strength ?ft him. Tongue of fire
'. were' leaping vet their head an-1 the old
'woman waa half unconsclou from the
oppressive heat. Death stared them both
, In the face. An automobile came along
!nd the young man hailed It. The driver
stopped" and the young man asked him' If
ihe would Uke htm and hi mother to
i . . . ... . ... i
place or earety. i nave io w v""-"""-.
my pay received last night, and every cent
I have In the world, but you can nave it
If you will save ua. I would give you 530
If I had It. but 115 U all I have.
The chauffeur calmly announced that he
couldn't accommodate thtm unles he
g1ven $:s.
f Another man who had been hurrying by
had stopped to ee it he could be of help
to the mother nd her son and heard the
,'tfcmand .of the automobile driver. , Whlp
jp'ns out a revolver, which he had taken
jfnm his bureau drawer when the fire
is,- him from hi house, he leveled It
t' - flrlver1 head. Tou take thla young
-ii h! mother wherever they want
I'V-i. and at the eame time directed the
' ; ' ' ' ret Into the machine.-
!'"" with the gun climbed in also,
' -eplng the driver covered with the
., an the time, compelled hint to
- them all ouUlde of the fire limit.
-r- they reached thl safe apot he
V"""1 " th younar man and aald, "Now,
, vni; give that driver a d d cent,"
j-iwi l e didn't. ' -
I a valid Walks a Hilt.'
, fThe impression that roost people living
I'D the path of the fire had that the flamea
i would bo" subdued ' before they reached
them resulted In many narrow escapee, Jn
laamuch a these people didn't leave their
'homei until the last minute. In a house on
Walnut street lived on elderly woman, who
; had been practically bedridden for months.
She mi able to alt In a chair for awhile
leach Hay, but she hadn't walked the lengfa
',of her houae lu. a year.
' It had been the eurtom for her r.ttendanta
Ifo bathe her about noon each day, and Sun
.'rty, about, that hour her .bath waa pre
pared, when It waa noticed that the fire
vhad reached threatening proportions. It
was decided, however, that inasmuch as
i the city had rever been burned up before,
and that all big fire are put out, that the
- house was safe, and the woman waa placed
In the bath. In the midst of the bath It
' was discovered that the house was afire.
." the Invalid was snatched from the bath.
' clad In a night dresa, there being no time
' to clothe her more fully, and the family
hurried from th housed The' eld lady who
9 . U
See the special gas range that w6
offer at the low price f yf C fl
Terms: $1.00 Cash, 50c Weekly.
f2 Direct AcHon
; Gas Ranges
WE A HE ROLE AGENTS. Gnarnntoed to cut four
gun bill fully Direct Action Ga Kangoa, repre
sent the hlgheBt type of ftas ranges, they are the
best efforts of the most skillful maker, they are
not an experiment, but an established fact attested
to by hundreds of Omaha housewives. They are In
reality an Investment not an expense, as they pay
for themselves, over and over again In the cost of
the gas they save. You pay your gas bill 12 times In
one year, you buy a gas range once In 12 years, see
that It la a Direct Action and avoid worry, avoid
trouble, avoid nuisance. Direct Action Gas Ranges
are most sanitary every part being easily cleaned,
they give Instantaneous action the oven being
ready to bake In aa soon as lighted no soot, no
smoke, no odor. Call and have our special demon
strator tell you of all the good points of the Direct
Action Gas Range, and how you can" save mone.y
by purchasing one.
Take Six Months or a Year In Which to ray for
Your Gas Hang.
Three Rooms Fur
nished Complete
Terms: $7 Cash; $5 Per Month.
Our three room outfits are
complete outfits in every 6ense
of the word, they include every
thing necessary for furnishing a
home, they include crockery,
glassware,' silverware, window
shades, etc. Buyers of our out
fits are not compelled to go else
where to 'complete their outfits.
Dig Sale of Rurjs and Carpels
Good Ingrain Carpets, the Good quality of Tapestry Krussels Rugs, size
kind that sell unf- 'IC- Brussels, many ' new de- 9x12 feet, superior quality,
vereally at 35c a yd." JC signs, worth 75c a patterns suitable for par
yard DJC lor, dining room 1 1 7 C
Superior Ingrain Carpets. or bedroom lis ZD
fully 20 new and hand- Heavy Brussels Carpets, pat-
some patterns.- -TO tcrns 8ultable tor any Mussels Rugs. sUe 9x
worth 60cayard...ayC room, worth 85c a f Q standard grade
Extra Ingrain Carpets, the 0JZ n".
pure wool kind, always Extra Brussels Carpets, weel well worth f CA
sold at 75c a Pft' jonh 11.10 a Jol tor 16.50
yard ' VvrnYiv ni-fV . axmixsteu m us.
VELVET CARPETS. iGU.l lit G. High Art Ax minster
Good Velvet Carpets. Orient- Reverslble Ingrain Rugs. hugs, sice 9x12 feet, beau-
al and floral designa tes 912 feet can be used tlful floral design j C(
worth 11.00 a yard. "C ?n ?VJ' A QR wor,n M0...a.JU
Fi rr,t. th- r.O Extra Kldderainster Rugs.
Fine Velvet Carpets, the Flne IngraIn Rugg g)ls 9x ze 9x1 2 ft., patterns sult-
quallty we especially 12 feet, fast colors, excel- able for any room, worth
recommend, worth QQ lent wearing qual- OQ $37.50; ape- rp Ifa
11.25 a yard JOG itles, worth 19.50. O.JO clal
tMmk ,
Pi m
111!" I fei
I l"S3k vflfii-
m mm
Jnst Like Cut.
t A 75 For this Candsoine
nun ti cash, 6oe rss week.
Unquestionably the best value ever
offered in a high grade china closet,
made of solid oak, of a selected
grain, double strength glass doors of (
duat proof construction. Grooved
shelves for plates. A most remark
able value at the above low price.
For this Peoples Store
Collapsible Go-Cart
Terms, tl.0 Cash; 60c Weekly.
(Without Hood.) So easily operated one
move of the hands openB it, another closes
it. The very ' newest type of folding Go
Cart, made of chase leather with steel rods,
steel wheels, and half-inch rubber Urea;
folds flat, so' that it can be carried with
ease. Has an adjustable back tvhlch can be
adjusted to a sitting or sleeping position.
A remarkable value at the low price quoted.
Don't confuse this cart with cheaper carts
that are made of wood, and not of steel.
We Sell Goods Anywhere
t On Easy Payments
Write Us for Full
Special Inducements to Young Folks Just
, Starting Housekeeping
REFRIGERATORS We are sole agents
for the famous Gurney line, the refrigo
rator that is guaranteed to cut your ice
bill fully the most perfectly construct
ed refrigerator made. The most sanitary
refrigerator made, has seven ' distinct
walls and mineral wool filling. The only
refrigerator that has a simple lift out Ice
chamber. Every part of a Gurney refrige
rator is removable. Gurney refrigerators
' pay for themselves. See the special refrige
rator which we offer mm
for the low price 1 1
a t vr
Words ol Truth and Importance to
Prospective Bayers ol iiomelurnisirs.
The Peoples Store makes no desperate efforts and
no desperate promises to get you to trade here.
Every statement in our advertisements are words of
truth, and we not only ask you to verify them, but"
urge you. to do it.
Clip from any Peoples Store advertisement the pic
ture and description of any advertised article, bring
it to our store, and compare it with the original, and
you will always find it exactly the same no exagger
ations. Furthermore the' salesman will take your
order for it as advertised, and at the advertised price
and terms. '
You will not find us "just out" of the advertised
article, nor will you be asked to take something "just
as good.' ' . '
The goods advertised are on display on our floors,
and are for sale, and we always have ample quanti
ties on hand.-
Everything is marked in plain figures for we have
but one price, and one price only, and that the lowest
at which the goods can b sold.
If T
For This
Hall Tree
Terss, 2149 Cask;
80c Ter Werk.
An extra special
value. Made of
solid oak, with a
quarter - a a w e d
grain, hand.iome
bevel plate French
mirror. best of
construction a
regular $12 value.
Just Like - Cut
For this Massive
Terms, f 1.00 t.'ah; 50c Weekly.
A wonderful offer remarkable even for the Peo
ples Store where unequalled values prevail at all
times, and in all departments. Study the illustra
tion carefully, note the style and grace of thla beau
tiful table see bow massively it is constructed
it Is exactly like the illustration and is made of solid
oak, and can be had lu a beautiful Early English
or a golden oak. In style, quality and finish this
table is equal to any $20.00 table offered elsewhere.
We are sole aeents for Gurney Refrigerators,
Direct Action Gas Ranges, Heywood Go-Crt and
many , other standard lines. Vou save money on
every transaction made at the People's Store. .
4 Rooms Furnished
Complete for ....
Terms, $10.00 Cash ;' $7.00 ' per
The best 4-room outfit offer ever
made in this or any other city.
Ask to see them.
5 Rooms Famished
Complete for
Terms. $22 Cash; $8 per month.
Don't miy your outfit until you
have seen this special B-room out
fit offer.
For This Massive
Solid Oak
JUst Like Cut
Tj.mi, $1.1) Cti, J): Wiek'y
The Peoples Furniture and Carpet Co. Established 1887.
175 For Ibis Folding & 1
Reclining Go-Cart
An extra special value in a
subhtantlal Oo-Cart. Easily
worth $4. Folds comractly.
A value that is un
matchable. It la
made of solid oak' of
a carefully selected
stock; has two small
drawers, a large
linen drawer and a
arga .. compartment.
has a ftood size
renoh bevel p,am
mirror. Heavy carvings-
The construc
tion Is of the best.
Others ask $18.
had scarcely touched her fpot to 'the hoor
for months, had to walk a mile before a
lace of safety was reached.
Obs Eyelet TU la Tsa
HXY combine the of tbe pump
with the sue of
tbe exHd. The
one cyel.t rlbboa
t i. kwos tbe shoe
snugly in il.ce
sod yet does Bet
bind th. foot.
Askyeur dealer.
, wrttc fur eur "Style Bctt" oux
Ait Style Book.
C Cioulan & Co. ,
St. tmmU V.. A.
Tits llaa Your rtflat'
How. the. Fire Spread.
The suddenness with ' which the flamea
pread over the city and Jumped about '
from place to place, skipping- some houses
and then spreading- back, waa illustrated
in countless ways. One man on Fourth
street waa doing a. bit of painting about
his bouse, having forgotten, perhaps, that
It was Eunday, and to do the work had clad
himself in a pair of old overalls, a dirty
jumper and a cap. He aaw the fire loom
ing up pretty big from hla window and he
went to the street to have a look at the
When he reached the sidewalk he saw
neighbor a short dlatanee down the
street trying to quench a fire that had
caught on hla piasxa. and the painter ran
down to help him. They wdrked aeveral
minutes, but could not ave the house, and
as it. bad become very hot by that time
the painter hurried back to his house to
get ready to move some things. When
he got there flamea had such a hold on his
house that he couldn't get Inside the door
and he had to run, clad In hla overalla and
Jumper, to save hla life. One pair overalla.
one juniper, one cap, one pair old shoes.
and one suit underwear, are his assets
today. " -
Another man left his house, which waa
then apparently aafe, to go down to see the
fire. He had on a smoklrg Jocket and cap.
He watched the fire Increase for a while
and finally came to the conclusion thai It
was bound to take In moat of the city, and
to he hurried back to hla home, only to
find it In ruins. The blazing brands had
Jumped over hla head and burned ahead
of him. Many men who had left their
homes In this way to go and wtch the
fire were later unable, when they started
back to their homes, to get through the
Are lines to help their families.
tfclldr All Afire.
Another woman had a( most trying ex
perience. She waa doing aome work in
her bedroom upstairs, and dressing, and
didn't know bow rapidly the fire waa
approaching her room. When she had fin
tshed she went down staira and found sis
children that had been left there by a
couple of neighbors. The neighbors had
taken them In there for safe keeping white
they fought the fires In their homes, and
had finally been obliged to run, leaving
the children there. The woman In whose
house the children had been left had to
make her way, unassisted, paat the bla'
ing houses lth tbe six children, all the
while alapping at the flamea that caugli
on her dress and the clothing of the clill
dren. The children were frightoned, and
she waa nearly distracted, but she man
Aged to get to a place of safety with no
more injuries than scorched cheeks and
singed hair.
People In their haste saved everything
but what they really aUhed afterward
they had . saved. Some grabbed picture
from the walls, another grabbed a U!n,
another a book, and so on. Once In , i
while someone took the thing he or sti
realty wanted to aave. Marjurle Sakeman
daughter of Rev. F. W. Bakeman, when
she came to leave her houae, thought -of
her handsome new white dress In whlc
aha waa to appear at a iosi-crt vn.
Thoughts of b'r inevitable disappolDtmen
on the nllit of the concert if she should
not have that white dress loomed in front
of her, and she saved her dress, and noth
ing else. '
A man on Chester avenue was far-sighted
enough to pack three or four trunka, and
in the face of the oncoming tide of fire,
dragged them over Into the Garden ceme
tery and atowed them in the lee of a tomb.
After the fire had swept over the place
he hadn't the slightest hope that his stuff
waa aafe, but when he went to investigate,
there were bis trunks safe and practically
untouched In the ice of the tomb.
Cata and a Con.
Alice Fletcher's Eesearches Among
Nebraska's First Families."
As the fire was enveloping the buildings
on Broadway, near Chelsea square, a police.
man who was standing near by keeping the
crowd back heard a heartrending yell Issu
ing from a bull ling that was about all
gone except the walls and roof. The po
liceman started for the building wondering
all the while how anyone could have lived
so long In that building. Again the shriek
came and just as the policeman waa telling
some one to hurry to the station for a life
net he saw a cat, without a strand of hair,
and with much less of a tall that she had
dragged about previously In the day, leap
from a third-story window of the blazing
building to the street. The cat disappeared
in the crowd, still shrieking in most human
Speaking of cats, there is a whole staff
of thetn in the clerk's office in the court
house building that have sought refuge
One man devoted all his energies and
risked his life to lead his cow from the
flaming city. The cow was his principal
asset and part of his means of support,
and he made no attempt to save anything
except the animal. It was with the great
est difficulty that he managed to get her
out of danger, too, for the poor animal waa
so frightened that ahe refused to move at
timee, and when the man and hia charge
reached the ferry, which was still running.
he was worn out. An immense throng waa
crowding the ferry slip, enough to crowd a
dosen boats, but wheVi the gatea were
opened the man and1 hla cow were pushed
aboard and secured a footing on the boat
under conditions most uncomfortable to
both of them.
The crowd for ihe moat part was good
natured and began to chide the man about
hla cow. They pushed about him and
asked him all aorta of vexing . questions.
The man took all this bantering aeriously
and finally remarked that he "had brought
the cow out of h I. but had sot ber into a
worae place."
A story is being told of a man who waa
staring In amasement from the window of
a H. & M. train that had just stopped at
the Chelsea station. The man waa on hia
way to Boston from some district so re
mote that be had heard nothing of the
Chelsea fire. When the train atopped at
the elation he saw other passengers craD
ing their necks to ace the sight and he
looked out. He bad never seen such a slglit
before and couldn't understand it. Neither
could he understand why an express train
should stop there.
He raised the car nrindow, - stuck hia
head our and asked of a man standing by
the track: "What do you call this bleak,
dirty, burned-up, barren, godforsaken
place, anyway?" The man spoken to had
a sense of humor left even If he had lost
everything else by the f're, and in a for.
iorn tone replied: "Well, that's god
enough; let it go at that." Boston Globe.
Aa Explanation of Endeavors Leading;
I'p to tbe Da we. Bill of 1880
An Iudiaa "Tom Brown
of Ruaby."
advent of the whites. Mies j tho Severalty act of lRS9-known as the
" A volume shortly to be published by the
bureau of ethnology at Washington em
bodying the experiences and researches of
Miss Alice C. Fletcher of Cambridge among
the Omaha tribe of Indians, is certain to be
of very considerable general Interest
throughout the United States, as well as of
particular concern to the region In which
the Omahans have been settled since long.
before the
Fletcher, who several years ago devised the
system of loaning small sums of money to
aid Indians In buying land and building
houses for themselves, haa lived for months
at a time among the Qmahas and haa sue-
(.'jeded in a marked degree in overcoming
the aboriginal reserve and arriving at an
understanding of the poetical and musical
forma of expression that have beeu handled
down from a remote antiquity.
In describing for the first time the condi
tions under which her work began. Miss
Fletcher says:
"When I went among the Omahas for
scientific study I found the shadow of the
fear of removal lurking at every campfire.
The memory of the enforced transportation
of their relatives, the Ponea tribe, from
their home on the Niobrara river to the
then Indian Territory waa very fresh In tha
memory pf the people. So many Poncas
had died from the change of climate,
the Omahas. who had for generations lived
where they were on the banka of the Mis
souri, were In terror lest a like fate might
as suddenly overtake them. .
Anxiety About Removal.
"No one with a touch of humanity could,
probe Into their past history, beliefs, leg
ends and the like, and Ignore the present
anklety. So I temporarily closed my
aclentlflc notebooks and set myself to work
to plan aome way to help the people. J
gathered statistics and tried to show that
the people were entitled to own their land
and home individually. I sent a petition
on to Washington in 1881. Then I waited
and the Indians waited, but no word came.
Incredulous that such an appeal could
pass unheeded, I started for Washington
feeling sure If the facts were known that
the cry of the people for their homes
would be heeded.
"It la a long story. But, after months of
effort, speaking before the committee of
congress, before leading people In the par
lors of friends, before churches and wher
ever I C'Uid carry the plea for the homes
of the Omahas, I secured the passage of a
bill which became a law In August, 18S2,
giving the Omahas their land in severalty.
Having secured their land, . homes were
needed. Hence the plan for small loans,
which did good work In Its time and
place. Then came the matter of education.
The homes secured, I then could pursue my
researches with an undivided mind. Much
of this waa carried on Incidentally, while
I allotted the people under the provisions
of the bill giving them their homes.
"The Omaha bill was tbe forrunner of
an Omahan who had been her collaborator
ince ISM,,, while the cover and frontispiece
were drawn by Apgel de Cora, a Winne
bago girl, who has since won her way as
an illustrator.
First Families of Nebraska.
The habitat of the Omahas. In historical
times, as Is well known, covered the state
cf Nebraska, which waa ceded to the
United States government with the reser
vstion of a certain tract for the use of the
Indiana. At the time of the accne of the
Omaha Indian's atory the members of the
tribe were living near the Missouri river.
In three villages. In those days, as Mr.
La Flesche recalls, the Missouri was the
only highway of commerce up and down
which, laden with supplies for the mission,
came the pufflrrfe little steamboats for tho
"town of the ied-ha!r," as St. Louis was
called by the Indians In memory of the
auturn locks of Oovernor Clark.. i
As showing the wealth of sentiment
among the native people of this region-,
Miss FletcheT quotes Mr. La Flesche'
recollection of the conditions in his boy
hood: "Tho white people speak of the coun
try at this period as a 'wilderness,' ' as
though it was an empty tract without
human Interest or hlstoiy. To us IndlanB
it was as clearly defined as it is today;
we knew tho boundaries of tribal lands,
those of our friends and those of our foe;
we were familiar with every stream, the
oortoUr of every hill, and each peculiar
feature of tne landscape had Its tradition.
It was aur home, the acene of our history,
and we loved It as our country." Boston
If you are too fat just say to the drug
gist the magic word "Marmola." Tako
some and watch youreelf grow slighter and
slighter until you are comfortably 'thin.
Then tell other fat folks about It. It k a
good thing to remember the prescription:
H ounce Marmola, V ounce Fluid Extract
Cascara Aromatic, and 3Vi ounces Syrap
Simplex; dose, one teasroonful after meals
and before bedtime. While you're taking
Muxuioia you can eat and drink aa inuib
aa you liks, do a little hm you wikh In Wi
line of work or ritu io but you 11 keep va
geitlug thin until you etwp taking the
Pawea bill which extended the provision
to other tribes, thus dtvidlrg the common
tribal land Into individual holdings, the
United States holding the patent In trust
for twenty-five years, free from any en
cumbrance. But all this Is history.
"Pnslrtent Cleveland appointed me
among the first five 'special agents' to
tarry out the provisions of the art of
1S87, and under it I allotted two other tribes,
and then having need to get my scientific
work in shape I resigned and devoted my
sef to my wrlt'ng."
Indian rvasle.
The holder of the Thaw fellowship of the
Peaboily Museum of Archaeology and Eth
nolcgy. Harvard university, with which she
has been connected since 1882, Miss
Fletcher has already brought together, in
a popular form, Botne of the results of her
careful study of Indian music in a volume
ahloh unJer the title of "Indian Story and
'Sorg" was published twa or three years
ao, and which has already become a
recognised classic In the literature cf abori
ginal mue'e. The expressive Indian songs,
one calling upon the dauntless club bran
d,l.Mng protagonist of the Omahas in their
troubles with the Sioux, another display
ing the antt-rare suicide sentiments of a
pl.tlosopher who has noted the care with
wl tch a grown sparrow protects the pro.
geny In the nest, a third consisting of the
notes of a yong .lover watching hia In
amorata draw xvater from a spring, these
and the rest, carefully harmonised for the
rlno. have become familiar In many Amer
ican homes. Tbe new volume. Issued under
governm-rt auiplcesr will give more
broadly the facts and cor-cluaiona derived
from the unusually Intimate acquaintance
with th Indian.
Not only lias Miss Fletcher written ex
tensively on American archaeological
topics, but as president of the American
Folk Lore sk:li ty she has been In position
to give enocuragement to the publication
of literature cot cerning the tribes of the
middle and far weat. the has lately taken
(special Interest In the popular success of
the fascinating story cf a little group of
five boys at the Omaha Mission school, the
book called "The Middle Five," and pro
claimed by another enthusiast as an Amer
ican Indian "Tom Brown at Rugby." Thla
book was wiltten by Francis Le Flescbo,
Specials For This Week
Below will be found a list of slightly used Sewing Machines
which will be on sale all this week.
They have all been overhauled and put in first class shape.
for ,,,.,,,.aVZl.JU
NEW HOME. Drep Head, 1200
Drop Head, good as new, lor....;.iOaUU
HOUSEHOLD, good as new, 21 QO
WHITE. Drop Head. 97 AO
shopworn, for
Head. for.... lO.UU
All guaranteed and complete with attachments.
1 Box Top Machines from $3.00 to $10.00. .
We Rent and Repair All Makes of Machines.
334 Broadway 0. B. ' Cor. 13th and Harney Sts., Omaha.
Both Phones 1CG3.
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