Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 10

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PACES 1 to e.
Best A West
Buy White Goods Monday
High grade novelty fabric, hand embroidered de
signs, vtry large line of pstttrns, will mnke lip
. very hnndsnmely, for lunnwr dresses, regulnrly
priced at 11.00; Monday, your choice S9o
White Press KabrlCM, checks, stripes, dots and floral
effect. Just the thing for dainty aummrr waist,
regularly 25c, Monday He
Dainty whit materlnla. with embroidery figures-,
floral and conventional designs, slso fine Fhner
stripe and check styles, actually worth 60o and H'.c,
Monday, yard ' . . , .H2o
Table XUnea Special 72-Inch bleached Table Damask,
good heavy quality, strictly new designs, our reg
ularly 6lo grade, Monday 48o
if Monday's Startling Silk Sale
Our buyer, now in the east, sent tbfise lots expressly' for
this day's selling. All are surprisingly under value.
China Silks The regular 27-lnch Silk you aoe-every other
place at 50c and 59c, fifty shades . 03C
Black Jap Silks 27-lnch, fully proof against perspiration and water,
launders well, 89c dreas and walBt Bilks-' $0
Monday, at .eJtC
I51ck Taffeta 27-lnch, best $1.19 oil
Monday, at, yard' .
Black Dress
4 4-lnch Poplinettes, a handsome rich black fabric, and very
serviceable, $1.25 goods for
42-lnch Chiffon Voile Handsome material for skirts; $1.25
and $1.39 values bought greatly under price, Monday. . . .
New Bordered Sailings
Linen finish materials and Bat
istes, either plain or stripe
grounds with a new Grecian or
plain stripe-border for trimming.
Very popular now, makes stun
ning suits or separate skirts, New
Copenhagen and leather shades,
etc., yd.i2tttfi52025
Special Shoe
-- fV m I
"r- V:VVyiL I
"torothy Dodd" low cut jihoes
are worn by women of discrimination-
and.-taste and who know
correct dress. 'All the fashionable
shapes and colors are In stock "
2.50, 3.00, 3.50
. Coo4 Sivloj an Ibe Very flings Yen Art Needing Most
a l" 1
Kew ' Rlectrlu ball bearing Lawn
Mower, 14-tnch slse, fitted with spe
cial ball bearing adjustments and
hardened steel balls, cups and
Cones. The best grade of steel knives,
perfectly ground, frame Is strong
and rigid, warranted against defect
tlve materials and Is very light run
ning, price $9.60
Other machines at $2.98, $3.60,'
, . 14.60. $7.00 and $14.00.
Double stamps with any of
them Monday.
Screen Doors, all sties, painted
Ureen BSo
, Screen Doors. all sizes, var-
X rtljhed - , A.60
S, . Screen Doors, all slses, varnished.
H .' cttrt fancy 1.75
i . Screen - iramei, Knocked oown. to fit
any window, upward from ...,-. B6o
I'.ullrv Win. hunt nuiilllir.ln full
rolls, 100 square feet .......... .60o
Kansfti Mam Becomes General Solid
1 tor of vh$ Union Pacillo.
Ktered Service t the Com plus? 4ar.
() of a Century Ago amd Be-
me I Bel la tt Coattaa
Hnr v- lson Loomls of Toneka, Kan
succeeds th ' John N' Bldwln 8en
era! sollcltc' Ml, nion Pacifio Railroad
company 1 "10- The appointment was
mads by" Cnefal Counsel Lov'ett In New
York. ' Loomls will move his residence
to OmV and ,akB tla offlce ln the gen
eral Ug Jqilrters at Ninth and Farnam
utreajr . .
w'. Loomls has ben In the service' of the
i;,,J n Tapific since 1SS4 continuously and
nJ ih i.ow promoted from the position of
funeral cou-uel for Kansas and MissourL
He is a member of the law firm of Loomls,
' Blair A Scran drett and will. It' la believed,
be succeeded by R. W. Blair, ' his law
partner at Topeka, though this la not con
firmed. - '.
Th new general solicitor "was a close
personal and business friend of his late
predK-aor, Mr, Bajdwln. They were as
sociated In many Important cases involv-
, lug the Interests of the railroad they both
served to long. His appointment caused
little surprise, aa he was by tenure of of
fice .nl character of service in Una of
succession. Lw I ader Jobs p. I'tkcr,
Mr. Loomls i born at Highgate, Vt.,
In J'Jiie. ISOt He came west when young
and entered the law office f Judge. John
P. Colter at Lawrence, Kan, Judge Usher,
wno had srved as secretary ' ot the In
terior iB the cabinets of Lincoln and John
son aa resident of Indiana, had moved
-. to Kaiwas and became one of Its most
distinguished cltlseiis. His Influence ln
politics and business aldd young Loomls
maUriaily In getting started. Loomls en
tered the employ of the Union, Pacifio la
ls&t and worked from one official stage to
another until In 1904 he was appointed gen
eral couracl for Kansaa and Missouri, ln
Uils posit. on he was charged with great re
sponsibilities, looking after the legal and
political Interests of bis company In both
slates, s, lack in these later yu.r ot leg's-
Sale Laces and Embroideries
These are the kind of bargains that never fall to
crowd the department. Thousands of yards of
trln mtng laces, filet bands. Point Gase, Applique
and separable medallions and rose patterns, anil
Venlse medallion and festoon designs, white and
ecru. woth up to $1.25 yard, Monday, ysrd.,,,390
27-Inch flouncing: another entire new lot for Mon
day's selling, beautiful embroideries for petticoats,
fnr dresses and for waists, values up to $1.25, sen
satlonaly priced at S9e
Wide lace nets, 42 Inches In width. In white, cream
and ecru, dotted and figured dfslgns. for waists
and entire dresses, worth to $1.50, at, yard, .... .690
boiled quality,
DoracsSlc Specials
45-inch Pillow Casing, lfec kind,"
Monday 12
36-inch Cambric, 10c quality..
Sheets, bleached, 81x90-inoh. 30
65c Sheets, good and heavy. .48
Shirtings, fancy stripes and checks,
special yard . . 7
Sales Monday
Monday we will have on. sale
several orlrl Inta that w will
out In a day's selling," the values
merit a- ready response. '
31 -pairs of women's $5.00
blood , lace and button
. shoes, clearing at,
Men' work shoes, 291 palri, Good
year sewed, sizes 6 to ' 4 gn
11, regular $3.00 shoes,
500 pairs Japanese .bath slippers.
fine for wear about
home,- 50c quality, :
Boreen ' Wlrn Cloth, In full ro'.ls.
square foot 190
Bmull quantities, square feot to
Wash Boners all kinds, prii.-es tip
ward front . aoo
And 40 Oreen.-Stamps-with each.
Clothes.. Wringers, .fully guaranteed
from ons'.to five, years, prices up
ward from .tt.96
And 80 Green Stamps with each.
Gasoline Stoves, two-hole burner. 8.50
Carpet Beaters, at . . lOo, 16o, fiOo, S6o
Ana iu ureen tanipn.
Carter's- White Lead, 100 pound key
for S7.00
Ready-Mixed Paints, best quality, ut
per gallon .ai.30
Ana trouble Green stamps.
Boys' Base Ball Suits,' regularly
$1.26, special Monday at ...91.00
$1.60 Tennis Rackets, Monday
Roller Skates, at 450, 11.95, 93.00
New line of Dog Collars Just
Croquet Sets 'it 65c, 85c, 91, 91.50
Full line of Fishing Tackle.
New line of Felt Pennants, Hat
Bands, all colors represented In
our line. ,
latlve reform most formidable In ita pro
portions. -
Just, one year ago April 26, 1907, almost
to tne day, the Topeka papers stated that
Mr. Locmls had been offered the position
of Interstate commerce Attorney for the
Harriman lines, but that he declined the
offer. He was a candidate for federal
judge seven years ago, when Judge Hook,
the Judge who recently handed down the
court of appeals decision In the Omaha
Water company case, was appointed. Mr.
and Mrs. Loomls have two sons ' In the
University of Kansas at Lawrence.
fcarlaers Are Iavlted te Attead las
perlal Council at St. Paal
la Mar.
' The sheiks, dervishes, mahouts, mama
lukes and other devotees of Tangier Tem
ple ot the Ancient and Accepted Order ot
the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine expect to
attend a meeting of the Imperial council
of the order In St. Paul In May. in full
state. A special meeting of, the Shrine
was held Friday evening and the sum of
something less than' 2.0U0 backsheesh was
appropriated to defray a portion of the ex
penses. Tangier's Arab Patrol will be given
full leeway to mako their descent on the
Mmnesctan oasis as ' impressive as pos
sible. A special train will accompany the
caravan with Abdullah George West In
charge, with ample supplies to cre for
such of the pilgrims as mattecome sand
blind ln the trip across the desert. The
Patrol Is to be supplied with appropriate
penitential raiment that the)- may kiss the
Abbas stone with due reverence. About
every Shrlrer In Omaha and then ' some,
promised to accompany the caravan to
see that Tshgter temple Is properly recog
nized at St. Paul.
Dea Malaea t earern Will Meve to
This City Alter the First
t Mar.
Commissioner Guild said Saturday hi was
able to confirm the report published In
The ties two weeaa ago mat tne fuck Hnnjt
company of (Hw Moines was contemplating
movine Us plant to Omaha. The manu
facture of soap by company ln lies
Moines 'will be discontinued May 1 and the
oompany will then move Immediately to
Omaha. Arrangements for the plant are
practically complete aad the offices will
be at lull Howard street, where 11 W.
Arthur" Ui lucai representative ot the
PI1TJFI V PFDCftMAI Vow aad than we bsllCT it pardonatls to say a word about
g mvfclil 1 I.H JUlltii onrselTss what we are doing and how we are doing It.
Hot that tt la particularly Important, but that K may be
interesting to know In what direction our efforts lie and aim points. '
Trom day to day we advertise some nnasnal offering so decidedly nnnsnal in
fact, that at times the statements may sesni over-drswn bnt onr word for it, Hever,
Kevtr, ITever do ws ooontenanoe anything of any kind that is not honest, open and
above suspicion, ' .
A well known authority on advertising, in a reoent talk on advertising the suc
cessful store had this to sayi "A store like the man, who succeeds, must give more
than is promised, must have the goods on band, must have the right prices and give
a commendable store service! the trading must be square the kind of square that
has four equal sides ond four right angles."
We believe you'll find this to be that kind of a store. It's our aim In life to
make It such. Eo when you read our daily speoial offerings bear in mind that back
of them honesty of purpose, a store houss full of merchandise that la in every way
reliable and trustworthy and the most liberal store policy that is sure to. appeal to
very patron of the house. .
Unmistakably the Suit Event of Year
There ar sales and aales, but the one
$40.30 .Suit's, for, $23.00. That's. Just what you get. Our entire stock of highest grade suits, without any ' restriction
is ; embodied in this sale; Tbe identical suits you have seen in the windows or in the departnfnt priced $:W.OO, $39.30,
Kikho'anil ' and never1. before offered for a penny less. Now for the first time at Twenty Five Dollars. Do not
le W OTlsu pn v.
confound these suits with the more common place styles. - In artistic designing, In
richness of materials, in. character and tone, they portray the highest ideals of fashion
creator's art. See some of them in the win-dows now and come Monday expecting the
biggest and best bargain It has ever been year good fortune to pick up
Four Days ol
This is the Oo-Cart store all right;
17 styles, something to satisfy every
want or purse. The beautiful cart,
as shown above, la t ' in net
beauty for $5.00. We iy.y?4
offer It Monday at.. I aeU
The New York collapsible Cart,
complete with hood, for
We have them as low aa $t48, then
- upward at eary stages to fa.0O,
$3.00,, $., S7.C0. 910.00 to 30.00
company now has his office. The company
mmnanv n tha. namA 4 m'All Imnntn an. !
because the Tompany already has agents
In most all large oltles of this country.
Fine Stcheaie Pat I'p by Prisoners
Works On Wart bat Falls
the .Other. ...
Henry O'Connor has been sentenced to
ten days In Jdil because he has a kind heart,
because ho unselfishly sought to help a
fellowman, because to a friend ln need he
proved a friend Indeed. This may seem
paradoxical, but It hi true. And though It
is the truth, it affords no argument for
those reformers who declare the present
court and Judicial system Is wrong. It hap
pened this way:
Last Monday Henry was sentenced to
five days In Jail. At the same session of
police court one Pat O'Connor was sen
tenced to thirty laya In JaiV
Now, the O'Connors back In Ireland were
a clan ever noted far the mutual help they
gave each other ln trouble. And the two
descendants of the clan above mentioned
had no sooner been sentenced than the;
put their heads together to see In what
manner they might help each other and
foil the courts, and Jailers, their mutual
foes. Ihey did this by the simple expedient
of swapping names and personalities. Henry
became Pat end Fat became Henry. And
when the time of Henry was up Pat went
forth a tree man. The real Henry lay low
until Pat had time to make his "get away"
and then he arose in righteous wrath and
demanded to know why he was being .de
tained in Jail beyo'nd the five days to which
he had been sentenced. They said he had
been sentenced .to thirty days. But hs
pointed out that his name was Henry
O'Connor and not Tat O'Connor and that
he had served bis time. And he demanded
his rights.
Eo they turned the astute Henry loose,
but before he had gone a block an officer
who followed from the Jail had him In cus
today again. Ha was charred with va
grancy and in police court was sentenced
to ten days.
"And .all because I'm too kind-hearted,
bedad," u.u i-rs Henry.
Johnson's lirsrnu Biscuit ! an Ideal spring
.onl'i. At all dealers.
Uatldlnsc Pvranlts.
Alma Jscksun, Twenty-third avenue and
Gold street, frame dwelling, K.bmt; John A.
Ryan, fcuj Chicago street, flaws cutlaat.
1 fitt ilit
big suit sale Moil day at BKNNKTT'S
Marvelous Furniture Selling
Closing the.month with furniture sales that strike home with telling
ef flfect. From a low price standpoint this bargain breaks all previous
records . You lose' if you fail to- get your, share.- ' ; ,
The purchase of makers' samples; makes, possible bargains never
proached. $8,00 to 120.00 skved on every
Suites for
Suites for-
: $40.00
5 - Alt'
LEATHER COUCHES A genuine leather
1 T . ' couch; solid oak
frames, 78 inches long, 30 Inches wide,
mannot oe duplicated under jsu.uu; a
very comfortable couch and
one that will last a llfo
time. This week
Few Mro Kitchen
A few days more will wind
Monday if you need one.
$25.00 Kitchen Cabinets $16.50
$22.00 Kitchen Cabinets $15.00
Here;s a Bargain
Thlnk--of It! A solid oak Dresser,
like cut, three drawers; brass han
dles; top 39x19; bevel plate minor,
18x20 Inches; golden oak finish,
fitted with casters, won- ft Qfi
derful value ....."
r . j JpSMPiin
k i
Claim to land Knocked'Out by Judge
McPherson'i Decision.
Cload to Title Which Ia Retarded
Improvements , at Mae Lake la
.. r Lifted aad the War la .
Jiw Clear.
Judge Smitli U. McPherson of Council
Bluffs has handsd down a decision in the
East Omaha land case in the United States
circuit court which knocks out the claim
nr f)ia .Int. nr inwn in line IQ ma IKIIU
df the East Omaha Land company, abou:
Sixty landhoider. and land claimed by
r. . j i 1 1 ..I. .......
Crelghton and Redlck estates
The effect of this decision will be far
reaching, aa far as Omaha la concerned, as
the cloud on the title to this land has kept
back many improvements In East Omaha.
James Wiison of Chicago was in Omaha a
short time ago to arrange for the opening
of Courtland Beach, but the question of
title deterred him. Representatives of the
Creighton estate wired him Saturday that
a decision had been rendered clearing the
t'tle and he probably will nalurn to Omaha
andbegln work at once to put the beach
In order for kummer business.
The land occ,Med by tho Omaha Rod ind
Gun club also has been in controversy and
now that a decision has been reached that
club can make better Improvements and
In fact may acquire some land pt Its own.
How tho Warriors Lined I p.
W. D. Mo Hugh represented the Creighton
estate, Arbert gwartslander and O. C. Red
lck the Redlck estate, F. H. Gaines the
Detroit syndicate, which claimed 130 acres
north of tbe Union Pacific shops, and Cro
foot tt Bcott represented the East Omaha
Land company. This company has spent
XjO,O0O In making improvements ln East
Omaha, but the work came to a standstill
some years ago when this suit was started.
Now that the matter la settled the company
is ready to pcceed with Improvements.
The contestants were C- B. Han nan.
Jacob 81mms and George IL Bcott and they
succeeded In having a law enacted by the
Iowa state legislature claiming the title
to the land on the ground that It waa an is
land and giving the right to buy to the
first who applied. An offer waa made of
tl an acre by the people who had the bill
passed and then Just btfore the. law be-
Monday's Sale Sample Hosiery
Importers' sample line of finest 60o lisle embroidered
and- lace hose, Monday 3o
Three pairs for $1.00
500 pairs plain tan and embroidered black hosiery
samples, regularly 35c, for, pa,lr 15o
SILK OI.OTES Elbow length. In brown, black. Inn
and white, double tipped finders, $1.25 quality, 8o
M-button length silk gloves, all colors, $2.00 qunllty
for 1.89
Xirrr VHDIIVEAX Women's low neck sleeveless
vests, taped neck and arm, 15c quality 100
Hoys' Halbrlggnn Rhlrts snd Drawers, well made and
nicely finished, regular 35o quality, for. ....... .860
Batistes Corsets 69c
Monday Special fine white batiste
Corsets, new high bust models,
long hip, and hose supporters on
front and side, lace trimmed top
i and bottom, a corset fully worth
$1.25,- all sizes in
Monday's Sale
We also have a very large line- of
new models, adapted to every kind of
a fugure, In regular and front lace
styles, at prices varying from $1
to $10.
Kxpcrt fittings XBXE.
. overtops them all. Think of buying
before ap-
$45.00 Suites- for
$75.00 Suites forv
MX ASS, BEDS With massive looking two
.;'-.'..' .inch continuous posts,'
six one. inch fillers; lacquered with five
coats," ball bearing casters, regular ' full
size double bed, best $40.0fr
bed made,' ju8t,12 to sell, -
Cabinets Left
up this big sale. By all means come in
$18.00 Kitchen Cabinets $12.20
$15.00 Kitchen Cabinets $ 0.4S
Oak Chiffoniers, Full Size
Five-drawers, brass handles, fTMed
wlth'casters, construction same as
on $20.00 kinds. No need to tell you
this Is a real bargain. Bee it
' and you will buy jjj)
came effective atemporary injunction was
secured which Judge McPherson has now
made permanent: -The state claimed there
waa a channel ln the river Just north of
Locust street which made an Island. When
the clique was knocked out, the slate
stepped ln to claim its right. Another ap
propriation will have to be made before
the caso can be carried up.
Besides the large landholders benefited
by the decision, are about sixty people liv
ing In East Omaha who own their own
homes who will derive the benefit of hav
ing . the cleud removed from their title,
Iowa had passed a law ordering all Islands
In the river to be sold, but It was shown
that the East Omaha land was a accretion
Instead of an Island.
What the Caart Holds.'
Judge McPherson held:
This court' finds that there never was an
island surrounded by navigable waters.
I 1-h . pnnrt Iwima that rhara u a m nA.r
This court Holds tnat there
1 but a mere, sandbar, the location of which
fe?&0?? X
1 ... . m ... '
1 except in limes 01 nign waier, wnen oc-
1 csslonally some large logs would be rafted
through, or rlsnerman paes through ln
skiffs and small boats tq shorten their
route. And the holding of the court Is,
that the state has never had any claim
to the local lull ln tiuestion of any so-called
Island; and of course if there wss no
inland, there could be no accretions to the
north that would pass to the state. And
this court further holds thst any proprie
tory right tho state ever held. If It had
such rlaht, hfcS been losU by acquiescence
for a quarter of a century, and It would
be a grest wrong to take these lands from
plaintiffs, most of whom bought snd paid
for them, and take them against their
will and without compensation.
The equities of the rases are with plain-
and they wilt be given a decree.
Golfer I'ndergors Five Operations aad
Trlnnipha In Drapej-ate Fight
far life. ,
James Allen, the well known golfer and
member of the Country club, will be a
well man within two days, according to
the ststement ot Dr. F. J. Schleier. Mr.
Allen has been ln 8t. Joseph's hospital
since February 20 and has fought a dts
perate fight for his life, with the odds
against him most of the time. He under
went five operatlor.j, esch of them serious,
but ha hung on to life with a grip that
surprised the doctors, and now he Is
nearly well. Is able to sit up dally arid is
practically out of danger.
lashed with a, Hasor
wounded with a gun, or pierced by a
rusty nail; Bucklen's Arnica flve heals
the wound. Ousrsntetd. Xc. For aale
by Btatoa Drug Co.
Tbts Coupon
Worth $1.09
Pleasing Millinery Creations
We cannot speak too emphatically f"".
v. ortoin nnrpnufv of Bennett
Millinery. The woman in search of the
real clever and exclusive styles at an
honest price, comes here. A visit to the
department any day proves this. Such
an Immense business is not built up on
promises. Its the carrying out of our
quality and fair price methods along
well defined lines, that simply com
pels you to come if you would buy
at $5.00. $7.50. $10.00
to $15.00
Are, a feature here. They .touch the very plnnacle-of style. and. good
taste. No other Omaha store combines high art designing, rich mater
lals and the most advanced styles in
see in these.
Boy Odd Pieces of China
Haviland's China, mind you, six
hundred pieces, beautiful decora
tions and gold traced; breakfast,
dinner and tea plates, cups and
saucers, ice relishes, sslad bowls,
sugars and creams, spoon and
. celery trays, ramlklns, Jelly
dishes, roll trays, footed bowltj,
etc. Every piece worth
$1.00 to $3.50.
Monday your pick
Carpet Bargains
These Prices are Good for the
Balance of the Month.
Roxbury Brussels and " Smith's ,
- Seamless Brussels, room rugs,
9x1 1 ft. size, absolutely fast and
very durable, best pattern, $22.50
values .$10.50
Electra and Sanford Axmlnster
Kugs, 9x12 feet, very rich and beau
tiful colorings, rugs that regularly
sell for $30.00 $34.89
Closing out all Carpets by the yard;
reBardlo;s of what they cost:
, 6lc Brussels, for 39e
$1.00 Velvets, for T3o
$1.25 AxmlnBters, for 89
Symrna Rugs, strictly all wool am.
. reversible, two feet six, by five feet
$2.60 quality for ....$1.39
Axmlnster Rugs, Oriental and Floral
. designs, regular $2.60 . Rugs, $1.59
in Canned
Best We Have String Beans, two cans 85o and 10 Oreen Stamps
Itoyaltnn Lima Benns, two cans 86o and 10 Greer Stamps
Bennett's Capitol Wax Beans, two cans 85o and 10 Oreen Stamps
Best We Have Bahie Beets, two cans 83o and 10 Ureen Stamps
Best We Have Hominy, two cons 80o and 20 Green B(.amps.'
Best We Have Blackberries, can .820 and 10 Green Stamps
Best We Have Peaches, Lima cling, can 850 and 10 Oretn stamps
Best We Have Peaches, yellow, can . 85o and 10 Green Stamps
Golden Splke'Plums, can .....5o and 10 Ureen stamps
Strait's Pineapple Cubes, carr- 80o and 10 Green Stamps
Best We Have Raspberries, red. can.' 85c and 10 Green Stamp
Best We Have Raspberries, black, can.... 83c and 10 Green Stamps
Advona Jama, assorted, can 10c and 5 Green Stamps
Batavta Salmon, fancy, can 82c and 10 Green Stamps
Batavla GIosh Starch, 6-lb. box.. ' &c ami 20 Green Stamps
Snlder's Pork and Beans, can 18c and 10 Green Stamps
Corn, Red Clover, can 60 Peas, Morgan & Clark, can eo
String Beans. Genesee, can 80
SEED FECXAXi Several hundred packages seeds beets, squash, cabbage,
watermelon, rhubarb, herbs six-packages
Blue Lodge Holds Large Meeting to
Pay It Tribute.
Flae Oil Fainting; Presented by F. L.
Mailer on Behalf of the Family
aad Cordially Received
br the Lodge.
The, meeting of George W. Linlnger lodge.
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (under
dispensation;, at Masonlo temple Friday
evening was one ot the most notable Blue
lodse gatherings ever held lit Omaha. The
', occasion was the first bestowal of the Mas
degree by the new lodge h'ch
I trim nlaf! I. phrnarv OK Ann named in HOnOr
! " '
of Omaha's distinguished connoisseur and
philanthropist, the late George W. Llnipger.
The meeting brought together many cf the
foremost Masons of the state, including six
of the past grand masters, a deputy grand
master, senior grand warden, grand secre
tary and t;.e grand tyler, all of whom par
tloipatfi in the imprestilve ceremonies.
' Tin! meeting was in Ihe nature of a me-rtior!::-i
to Mr. Linlnger. The work was in
ehar je of Vast Grand Master John J. Mer
ger, who was assisted by a number of the
tfr-iii.1 officers. A sentiment was injected
lnto,t'ie meeting in the fact that the degree
vt conferred upon W. 1. Head, secretary
of the Linnigar compary, who
was for many years the close and Intimate
friend of Mr. Linlnger.
The officers of the new lodge sre: W. T.
Bourke, W. M.; M. A. Hall. B. W.; H. A.
Benter, J. W.; Charles 11. Grattan, treas
urer; L. E. Adams, secretary; M. P. Chum
tea, 8. D.; R. C. Jordan. J. D.. and Jacob
King, tyler.
Tahlo Lodge ln Room.
Following the conferring of the di-gree
a table lodge was held In the banquet room.
After a brief address of welcome by Wor
shipful Master Bourko, Past Grand Master
George 11. . Thummel was announced as
toastmaster of the evening. Responses to
sentiments were made by W. A. DeBord,
deputy grand master for t ie grand lodge.
Letters of regrot were read from all the
past grand masters and other grand lodge
officers who were unable to be present on
acccupl of the dedication of tlw new
Mastnlo temple at Long Pine, at which
they were officiating, Friday evening. Carl
E. Herring responded on behalf of lodge
Optical Department
This department Is In charge of
and expect registered optician. Oi.a
who can diagnose your eye trou-
. 1 . .. .. frr-
onnaiiiiatlim or exnmlnat ion. Tha'p
coupon below Is worth One Dollar,
2 lead:
Good for one dollar when ap
plied to any purchase of eye
glasses costing over one dollar.
Good for 30 days from date.
-4 L r- .
a more marked degree than you.' 11
Sewing Machines: &1 O ftA
"Bennett's Special" $10. 1) J
The usual
Monday sale.
This Is an good
a $20 Machine
as is moie;
guaranteed for
ten years; drop
head; solid oak
OBe; fitted
wilh all attach
ments, has five
drawers. Just like cut.
We have other high (trade machines)
and save you money on any or them.
In the Drapery
Colored Madras, - printed In; beautiful
new CuthHdral design, very large
assortment of color combinations,
inches wide, yard ...16o
Drapory Bilks; In plain rand figured
effects, something to match any
decorative rcolor schema you may
have in your home, - usually' 85c,
special, yard ,. . ......... .69
Ruffled Swiss Curtains,-with lace and
Insertlonh, other with Hattenberg
Insertion, three tucks and hem
stitched ruffle, two and a halt
yards long, forty Inches wide, at
per pair ...88o
Grenadine Curtains, colored cross
stripes in every shade, fast wash
able color,- throe, yards long, forty
Inches .w4d,vp..'juJr . .-. 89o
Nottingham and ('able Net Curtains,
white or ecru, full slxe. many all
over effects, suitable for your "hast
rooms. $2.60 Curtains, for ....$1.89
Cable Net Curtains, full slse, large
variety of new spring patterns, a
$5.00 quality, Monday at pair $3.19
-mtir m - "s$j 1 rsr iii J
No. 25, and A. W. Jofferls, worshipful
master of No. 1, responded for that lodge.
The other features of the program were a
recitation by J. M. Maynard, vocal solos
by Mr. Graham and Mr. Landsberg, and a
bano solo by Mr. Clark.
. Frank L. Hallcr, president of the Lin
lnger Implement company, on behalf of tha
family of Mr. Linlnger, presented to tho
lodge a handsome oil portrait of the latter.
The receipt of the painting was acknowl
edged and It will always be esteemed aa
tha most treasured possession of the lodge.
Prisoner Wants Elevator to Take Hina
Down After Getting;
Thomas Murray, a glgantto fellow with
the true tired look about him which char
acterlzes the knights of the anti-work so
ciety, turned away from tha bar of Justice
after being discharged In police court.
Noting his tired look, Court Clerk Uahoney
facetiously called to him to take the eleva
tor in the hall to go downstairs.
Murray was evidently too tired to detect
the facetious note ln the clerk'a voice. He
shuffled out into the ball. In about flvo
minutes he appeared again within the room,
shuffled up to the desk and looked wearily
"What do you want?" asked City Prose
cutor Daniel.
Murray took a long breath . and raised
enough energy to answer.
"Wher's the elevator?" ha asked.
An officer Jerked the big fellow to tha
do,.- and pointed to tha steps.
Realizing thst there was no elevator,
Murray ri-slgned himself to walking down.
Plnnt Employing. Elarhtr Slen Is to
Move Here from Savan
nab. Mo. '
Another large Industry with a capital
stock of tfAOuo and employing eighty men
has been able to sea tie advantages tit
locatioti ln Omaha and will move Its plant
to this city In ti.e near future. The Howard
Btovu company, of Bavannuh, Mo., manu
facturers of stoves, has for some years
been doing a prosperous business at Savan
nah because the railroads gavs the oom
pany the benefit of the Missouri river rates,
although Savannah was an Inland town.
A recent decision) by the Interstate Com
merce commission lias taken this advantage
away from Savannah and forced the stove
company to seek a new location. After
looking over the Missouri river towns tho
decision waa reached -io locate &t-Omaha.