Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    Fhe Omaha Daily' Be
Dsst th". West
' 1
Once Korc Ta!(c Your Pick oi any ft Eft
S25.C0 Suit or Dress for. . . . .
Omaha women re not slow to go after a good bargain. This
. same offer last Wednesday simply swamped us. Here it
is again, though, for Saturday, with many late arrivals
added to sweeten up the line. Choice of the swellest man
tailor suits, silk dresses and Princess robes ever shown in
town at $25.00, and twenty-five dollars here usually means
about $30.00 or $35.00 in most places. So you can appre
ciate the strength and force of this Saturday 4fV50
offering. Come and select any you like best I fl
The picture shows the character of the styles Included In
this offer. We say emphatically there are no more beau
tiful suits made. Every color In plain and fancy cloths.
Saturday Children's Coat Special
Big lot new popular golf red and
fancy cloth reefers and Jackets.
They are all very nicely made and
' tailored, and are specially at
tractive at this IOC
price tJD
Girls' Dresses of percale and ging
ham, in many styles and colors,
odds and ends of our best selling
lines, six to fourteen year sizes,
none are worth less than 11.00,
closing them out AQ
Saturday at wJC
Men's Shirk A Clean-Up Sale
About 500, including a
small lot we bought up at a
price to help along the sale of
lodd lots from our pre-Easter
selling, coat shirts and regu
lar style; cuffs attached or
detached; plain or pleated,
choice patterns; selling Sat-,
.urday like this: , : ,
11.50 SHIRTS FOR..... i...R9" r
Men's Underwear Light and medium 'weight union
suits, in lisle and balbrlggan, In long or short
sleeves, ankle or knee length, regular and stout
sizes, $3.ftOt $2.00. SI .SO and gl.OO
Men's Shirts and Drawers Fine combed balbrlggan.
nicely finished seams, every size, paaJI
each iiVCta
ij03i ui iuc my udi ruicisiiac
just one more day to clean them up- -soft and
stiff hats In every style and color for all ages.
$2.00 HATS FOR 81.10
3.00 HATS FOR..... 81.49
$4.00 HATS FOR. . . ..$1.08
Biwf h
Silverware on
Bargain Table
Roger's new grape de
sign, $1.60 tea spoon,
set of six for. .GO?
$2.75 Dessert Spoons,
set of six for $1.20
$2.00 Table Spoons,
set of six for $1.20
Hi- i i W
Wl WJJ. it
Black cloth bound albums, capacity two hun
dred curds, for 4Bo
5ame styl". rapacity three hundred .79o
Five hundred frames,
all sizes and styles, on
sale Saturday at re
markably big reduc
tions for quick clear
ing 5 to $1.50
See Harney window.
Every year this sale creates nothing short of a sensation in the store. Over a
.thousand umbrellas go out in a single day. "We have had some wonderful bargains
in ihe past, but this year we have certainly outdone ourselves.
2,000 Umbrellas are in this year's sale. Just the best, most serviceable
plain or twilled Union taffeta umbrellas ever turned out at two, three and
, even four times our price. These umbrellas have silk taped edges; are
mounted on best paragon frames and steel rods. The handles are beauti
ful pearl effects with gold filled, German silver and some Sterling Silver
trimmings. Others are of gun metal, Dresdens and natural
woods. We have both sizes for men and women. Umbrellas
that are actually worth up to $4.00. Positively never any
thing like these values ever in Omaha before, your choice
Saturday ,
Carpets Closing Out
Discontinuing all yard etrptti, prloes ridiculously
out for quick clearing.
Heavy Ingrain Carpets All colors, best of pat
terns, regular 69c carpet for. J59C
Brussels Carpets Has Btalr and border to match
regular 59c kind for 39c
Straw Matting For bed rooms, three patterns
special, yard 11
Brussels Hugs Room sizes, choicest - patterns,
worth $16.50; Saturday at $10.08
Fiber Rugs For bed rooms:
6x9 feet for.'. ....$4.08
9x12 feet for $6.08
Ruffled Swiss Curtains, our entire stock, 25
styles, with lace edge reduction of.... 10
Lace Curtains, Nottingham and Cable Net, beau
tiful allover and dainty effects, 20 patterns,
worth to $2.50, pair $1.50
Cable Net Curtains, handsome $5.00 parlor cur
tains, very serviceable; Saturday, pair. $3. 19
4x6 feet at.. 60 8 8 '81.79
6x8 feet at. .$1.30 810 eet at.. $2.25
Rope Portieres For single and double doors.
Odd lot slightly soiled from displaying, values
to $6.60; will sell them Saturday
Bennett's Best Coffee,
three pounds $1.00 and 100 Stamps
Bennett's Best Coffee, 350 and (0 Stamps
Teas, assorted, lb 680 and tiO Stamps
Tea Slftinss. lb 15o and 19 Stamps
Doien Nutmegs and grater
tor . ...lOo and fi Stamps
Bennett's Capitol Flour.
, .Sl.SO and SO Stamps
Duffy's Apple Juice Vinegar,
.."'jV't'".' 850 n4 10 Stamps
Minute Gelatine, S pkgs. U5o and 10 Stamps
Jersey Butterlne, 2 lbs. 36o and 10 Stamps
Eddy's Mustard, with
spoon, jar 18Ho and 10 Stamps
Ghlrardelll s Cocoa, pound
en .....6O0 and 40 Stamps
New York Cream Cheese,
pound ..... aoo and 10 Stamps
Swiss Cheese, fancy, lb. 83 and 10 Stamps
Hartley's Marmalade, -
Jar BOe and 10 Stamps
Mapellne Crescent, bot 3 So and 10 Stamps
Ulllards Olive Oil,
basket bottle 35o and 20 Stamps
Jell-O. Ice Cream Powder,
two pkgs aoo and 10 Stamps
Nutlet Peanut Butter,
Jar j. ......... , . 15o and 10 Stamps
Worcester Table Salt.
sack lOe and to Stamps
Fresh Country Butter, pound S2o
A big- quantity of . nice Juicy California
Lemons, dozen 10c
Saturday is Children's Day
in the Shoe Department
These are special underprice sales:
Misses' tan goat skin Gibson ties, slies 11 V4 to 2,
regularly $1.75, for $1.25
Misses' patent colt and velvet kid Gibson ties,
light, dressy and durable $1.08
Misses' patent colt and gun metal two-buckle
oxfords, hand sewed, extension soles '
HVfcVto 2 for. .$2.50 to 6 for. .$3.00
Misses' and children's lace and button shoes,
solid leather throughout, no cut .off vamps,
sizes 8ft to 2, $1.75 kind for $1.30
Boys' solid leather laced shoes, calfskin, strong
and durable; special $1.48
Boys' tan calf oxfordB, blucher cut, made on
mannish lasts, all sizes up to 6 .$2.50
Women's patent leather and vlcl kid oxfords,
special clearlng-up sale of odd lots, the last of
some of our best selling styles, $2.50 and $3.00
values-'cut to $1.08
Boys' hand sewed oxfords, odd lot, $3.50 values
clearing at i . . .$1.08
Costumer, Like Cut, 98c
Just for this one day, Saturday
iiipiKi nmiKj, a nanny article
for bed rooms, etc. You must
come early to get one; price
about hair ,
6,000 pounds fresh drssssd Cbloksna,
pound lSHo
Sirloin Steak, of native steers, lb., lSo
Fresh Pork Should r Roast, lb...74o
No. 1 California Hams, lb sSo
Morrell's Iowa Pride Regular Hnnis,
10 to 16 lb. average, lb 13VaO
And 80 Oreen Stamps.
Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, 6 to 7 lb.
strips, by the strip, lh 15o
And 30 Green Stamps.
China Bargains
A bi clearing-up sale of odds
and ends of all kinds of fancy
China and Glass, from the Des
Moines Department Store stock.
One big lot hand painted china plates,
plaques and chops, very beautiful de
signs, price from $1.47 to $6.50
Saturday .HALF PRICR
One lot of Japanese China cups and sau
cers, regularly 26c, while they last, will
go at, each 0o
Intaglio Glass Comports, footed bowls,
and fruit dishes, 11.50 and $2.00 values,
Saturday at 7&o
Roosevelt Plates, usually 10c, each lo
Bohemian Glass Water Sets, 1118 values,
Saturday 9o
BOo Glass Candlesticks, at .s5o
SOe Syrups or Aiolasses Cans .'lSo
10c Sherbet Glasses for So
lOo Glass Prult Saucers for so
$1.00 Fillgrs Vases, choice aso
BOc busts as long as they last lOo
Glorious Spring Millinery
Every new hat that appears seems
to bring out some new style
touch the earlier ones lacked.
New Frenchy Ideas, modified to
meet American tastes and fancies.
Truly It's a season of flowers
roses, lilacs, etc.. in wonderful
profusion a regular riot of
. color. Every new conception In
hats Is introduced big sailors,
high crowns, smart English hats
in the most pleasing stylos.
Every one a marval of millinery
art. Our prices, as usual, are
unmistakably the most reason
able and fair. But come and see.
$5.00 , $7.50 $10.00
and $15.00
All the In-between prices and higher priced ones, too. But these
are our leaders.
Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Etc. Elc.
Special Saturday Offerings, Light Weight, Spring and Summer Styles.
Women's full seamless black
and tnn hosiery, our rerular
. iavo
Women's Vests, low neck and
eleeveness, a fancy lace yoke,
shaped arm and neck; a reg
ular 15c quality, Saturday 10c
Sleeveless Vests, with low neck
and fancy crocheted yoke, h
35c value for aCo
Umbrella Pants, knee length
and lace trlmmej, regular 35c
quality, Saturday for B5o
Women's Union Suits, low cut
neck, wide lace trimmed and
knee lengths, 86c quality, 8 So
Saturday Glovs Specials
Silk and kid gloves, under
. priced as one seldom finds
them. First quality goods in
every Instance.
Elbow length silk glows, with
double tipped lingers, nil col
ors and sizes, usual $1.26
valuea 98c
16-button length silk gloves,
with double tipped fingers,
all colors and sizes, $2.00
kinds for S1.89
Id-button length kid gloves,
three-clasp fasteners at wrist.
strictly high grade quality,
regular $3.6 kind, for..3.Sfl
1 7o lines, at.
Women's Imported full fash
ioned split foot hose, blacks
and tans, values to 86o a pair,
at file
Women's Imported hand em
broidered lisle hose, never
less than BOc, Saturday, three
pairs for 11.00
Children's ribbed stockings,
splendid 15o weights, abso
lutely fast colors and very
durable, one day only at lOo
Boys' and girls' stockings, full
fashioned, in light, medium
and heavy ribbed weights, all
are good 25o values, for.. IBs
Tnas. Sp.olal Handkerchiefs
Women's fancy colored Swlea
handkerchiefs, to match your
suit, in plain or crossed bar
centers ,16o
Pure linen hsndkerchlcfa, for
women. In fancy colored ef-
'fects, very new this season,
each 850
Strictly pure linen laoe trim
med nandkerchlefs, 100 doz-n
on sale, 25o values fot-....lSe
Women's FurnishPgs
Tourist Bucliinf, six yards to the
box. worth 35c, special, boz,...lSo
Aseots, most popular neckwear of the
season, styles to BOc, at lo
I. so. Bows, new Merry Widow style,
25c kind for 18Ho
Telllnr, fancy mesh, all desirable col
ors, 25c kind for lOe
Taffeta Ribbon, all. silk, four and a
half Inches wide, all best shades,
25c ribbons for lHo
Muslin Petticoat Special
Three hundred very attractive and
well made muslin petticoats, with
elaborate flounces, trimmed in
hemstitched, tucks and wide em
broidery ruffles, largo variety of
beautiful designs; In the lot are
many worth up to $3.00; on
Saturday, In one grand sale,
at 81.60
Hardware Everybody Needs These
Laws Mowers Like
Cat, Soperlor Qaallly
Saturday a Special
Crass ' f" T
Catcher' I rM-sEr-i ii
FREE f ';' - fj
With Each SSf
Rubber Hose, 60-foot lengths, com
plete with nozzle
$5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $7.50
And Double Stamps.
Screen Doors, every size
8o, SI. SO, 81. TS
Screen Wire Cloth, best grade, at per
square foot 2J
Elgin Lawn Sprinkler, regular 66c
kind 49
Lawn Rakes, 24-tine 38
And 20 Stamps,
"JAP-A-LAC" Get a
Can FREE Saturday
1,000 samples to the first
1.000 people who call for
them. -
Stairways and stair rails
ought to have a coat of Jap-a-lac
every year.
In that way
you can keep
muni always
friKut and
now and the 1 fl QTyvSTZJ A
exn.nso is hnljLJji9
trifling- be- UK .f
cauaa you V'.J'r!ZS?lk
can da th. f,-f ""C M
work vm 1 1 -
self. Seven.
teen colors, a
hundred uaes for each. AH
sizes ISo to $8.50
Paint Department.
Five Thousand Dollar from Mrs.
Clark for New Building.
Two Happr Surprises Come Through
th Mall to the Yoaiia; Wom.a
Very First Thin la tho
A quasi celebration was held at th.
.fftces of tha Young Woman's Christian
association, Friday morning, when two
ood Items of news wer. brought
in by th. mall man. Th first to
arriv. was a check from Mrs. B.
If. H. Clark of Bt. Louis for IS, 000. Mrs
Clark had promised to furnish th. second
story of th. new building and has redeemed
h.r pledge and more. The cost of the fur
nishings cams to U.400 but. Mrs. Clark
sent her check for an additional 1600 to
provide for extras. She said she wished it
understood that she gave the (5,000 in addi
tion to $2,000 which she had previously
given as a memorial to her two little
daughters who had died in Omaha. She
had given 17,000 to the railroad Young Men's
Christian association at Bt. Louis as a
memorial to her husband, 8. H. H. Clark,
and stated that she wished to give a like
amount in Omaha as a memorial to her
The second good piece of news was the
announcement of the gift of a 11,500 concert
grand Knabe piano by .Hayden Bros, and
th Knabe Piano Manufacturing company.
This Is for use in the large auditorium
which will be used by the Young Woman's
Christ It n association and also for rent for
musical entertainments.
Work la progressing nicely on the new
building and visitors can now aee the
beautiful roof garden which Is planned as
a rest room for the young women, where
hammocks may be swung, flowers grown.
and which will be used as a sort of a play
ground for the young women.
The Veins
Not least In Importance are the veins of the
feet carrying warm blood to every part.
Most poor circulation cases where
the feet won't stay warm are caused '
by shoes that bear on the veins. The
cure is the Crossett and its famous fit.
You will soon realize when you've
put on your Crossetts that your troubles
of this kind have come to an end.
rJaltes Life's ValkEaV
CSIL AN Vmia r.;.. .. ..
I r uj ie a I MADE,
sssst sLm
j No Matter What Elso rails. Prices of
Precioas Stones Will
I tay I'p.
There Is corn in Egypt and likewise Joy
in New York, also rejoicing among the
poor-rich, as It has been officially an
nounced that th price of diamonds will
be upheld. Better also are the precious
stones than the honey of the Gotham bond
market and sweeter also than real estate
investments around the eastern manufac
turing towns or around about New York.
T. I Coombs, secretary of the Nebraska
Retail Jewelera' association, has received
official information from jjr the Jewelers'
Board of Trade explaining that .he price
of diamonds will be maintained In spite of
hard times and giving in detail the exact
reasons why diamonds cannot possibly de
cline In value or price.
Her Is the official confession that the
diamonds are In th hands of a beautiful
Th mining of diamonds for the con
sumption of the entire world Is In the
hands of only two corporations," says Mr.
Coomb's circular. "These are the De Beers
and the Premier Diamond Mining com
panies, the directors of both being men of
unquestioned financial standing and keenly
alive to the Industrial and financial situa
tion both her and abroad. Through a
powerful London syndicate the product (if
these two companies Is aold to the cutters.
I'ablle Bodies Are Invited to Laaeh.
eoat at Y. M, C. A. Rooms
Executive committees of the Commercial
club, the Woman's club. Central Labor
union, the Associated Charities, th Social
Settlement, th. Social Service, and th
entire Park. Library and School boards
hav been invited to the luncheon to be
served by the Omaha Play Grounds asso
ciation t the Young Men's Christian as
sociation Saturday st 12;15. George F.
West will preside and Le F. Hanmer "tot
K.w York, field secretary of th National
Play Ground association, will b. th. guest
of honor. Mr. Hanmer will give an address
and Superintendent Davidson and mmett
Chase will also talk. Afterwards reports
will be received and officers of the asso
ciation elected for another year. th. meet
ing Saturday to be an annual uffalr. Sun
day evening Mr. Hanmer win tuMreii a
mass meeting In the First Met!: churc'i
and the taster musio will be n, ,,. u
First Time One Family Has Been Bep
resented by Two Generations.
Will Take Chair Porta Absence of
Sheldon aad Hopewell aad le
Grooming- Himself for
His Exaltatloa.
For the first time In the history of
Nebraska the same family will be repre
sented In the governor's chair by two
generations, when Charles I Saunders of
Omaha takes his seat aa the chief executive
next Monday morning. As a state, Ne
braska has never had his experience, but
as Nebraska, state and territory, it will
have, for Alvln Saunders, father of the
Omaha state senator, was territorial gov
ernor. The occasion of Senator Saunders'
ascendancy Is the departure of Governor
Sheldon and Lieutenant Governor
Hopewell at the head of the Ne
braska contingency to the Pacific coast
Saturday to witness the presentation to the
battleship' Nebraska of the sliver set ap
propriated foi that purpose by the legis
lature. Senator Saunders being president
pro tern of the senate Is first in line of
succession to the governor's chair in tha
absence of the chief executive and his
Senator Saunders has been grooming him
self for a week in anticipation of his ex
altation, and is firmly entrenched In the
belief that he will be able to guide "the
old ship of state" safely and bring It back
Into port as good aa h. found It when It
comes time for him to surrender his place
at the helm to George L. Sheldon.
The "governor" la already awamped
with applications from various friends for
positions under his administration, and
lawyers are flocking to his office dally
with premature requests for pr.rdons for
their clients at the penitentiary. To all
such governor- Saunders turns a deaf
ear and the front of his right hand, say
ing in that soft, sweet voice of his,
To Ol.solvo th I alo
of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and
cure biliousness and malaria, take Electric
Bitters. Guaranteed. K For sal by
aVtatoa Drug Co.
Omega Oil
Take a bottle
of Omega Oil.
Rob some on
the throat
Then poor
more Oil on a
piece of flan-
Del, and tie
around the
throat. That
is the aim-
pleat and
cure ior X K v
bore ifcroat known to medical science i
today. t ia a treatment pr . scribed by
Vhysiaos and used everywhere.
Arrested for Wearing; Improper A p.
parel and Does Not Want to
Give Them I p.
A pretty girl, petite, brunette and Jaunty,
walked Into the police court escorted by an
officer Friday. She wore a pair of cordu
roy trousers, a man's hat and she had her
hands deep in the pockets of the man's
coat which she wore.
The glri was Net Gray, charged "with
wearing Improper apparel. She was ar
rested Thursday nlgnt at Thirteenth and
Dodge street, whither ah had come from
the Lyons hotel to buy some sandwiches
Later her clothes were sent to the polic.
station and the male attire was demanded
In exchange. She, however, refused to
part with her new garments.
When she walked Into the court room in
her comic opera costume Judge Crawford
quickly clapped a nana over his eyes and
ordered her taken back to the matron's do
partment. Later friends asked that the
case be put over until the girl's parents can
be communicated with In South Dako:a.
when It is said ah will b. sent to a convent.
and In 1906 he bought out Mr. Talbot and
changed the name to the Omaha Ice and
Cold Storage company, of which he was
president at the time of his death. He was
also president of the Council Bluffs Ice and
Coal compary. '
Ha is survived by his wife, Anna F. Doe.
Frank R. Mockler of South Omaha, Is his
brother-in-law, and Mrs. Edwin J. Chls
sell of Omaha, la his sister-in-law.
In health Mr. Doe was one of the hard
cut working iLSlnesa men of Omabs, rising
generally at 4:30 a. m., and working almost
steadily until 10 or 11 p. m.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
President of Omaha lee and Cold
Storage Company Dies mt Homo
Friday Morning.
John A. Doc, for twenty-two years a lead
ing business man of Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs, died Friday at 10 a. m.,
at his home, 1120 South Thirty-first street,
after an illness of a year, during the last
four months Of Which he was confined to
his bed.
Mr. Do was born in Washington, Me.,
February 10, Ui6. He was In business In
Boston first and came to South Omaha
twenty-two years aso to become manager
of the Union Rendering company. He was
the orgsnisvr and for years a director of
the Bouth Omaha Electric light company.
Ma organised the South Omaha Ice company.
of which he was still president at the time
of his death. He organised the South
Omaha Ice and Coal company, an Omaha
t-uncern. He became Interested with David
Talbot in the David Talbot Ic company
I " ' SSi as Mm SSHH 111 , nam, f jjT"
W Why Not Mix
Brains With
Your Eating?
If you
mix brains
with your eating
you will be interested in the
cost and nutritive value of
your food.
Shredded Wheat
contains the greatest amount
of muscle-building, brain
making material in the most
digestible form and at the
least cost. A food for the
outdoor man and the indoor
man for the invalid and the
athlete ,
For breakfast heat the Biscuit in oven,
pour milk over it (hot milk in winter) and
a little cream. If you like the Biscuit for
breakfast you will like toasted TR1SCUIT
(the Shredded Wheat wafer) for luncheon
or any meal with buttt r, cheese or marma
lade. At your grocers.