Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    tite omaita daily bef.! ratthday. aphtl 2.). 1003
7. . 1
7 . . m
r l r 1 .in
V Ladies' Goves
J Delightful epecial bargains
V here for Saturday buyers.
.1 . ' , V
1 . f
J From 10 Till 11 A. M. A
c purchase of 100 dozen 16
J button length silk gloves;
i also fine lisles, black or
white only, regular values
j to $2.00; all have double
J, finger tips; choice, per pair,
at 40c
Ladies' Short Silk Gloved The
kind the finger tlpg outwear the
glove, splendid values at, per
palr:..0S 75t and 50
Ladles' Short Kid KHves All
colors, best qualities offered any
where, at.. 81.00 and 81.50
Headquarters for Fowne's Guar
I an teed Gloves the Best.
Grocery Prices that Cannot
Be Duplicated for 25 to
. 50 Above the Prices
Granultttd Sugar af Ltst Thin
lobbett' Cost
10 bars beat brands Laundry
Soap .. 25c
10-lb. sacks. best granulated Corn
meal 15c
48-lb. sack beat Fancy High Pat
ent Flour $1.25
Quaker Oats Company Toasted
Wheat Flakes, pkg Be
Harmann's Pure Malt Vinegar,
per bottle 5c
Welch's Grape Juice,-per bot. .10c
011 or Mustard Sardines, can 3 He
&J u nuuu Alv. fVCVA A UlUntUVB
for .... 8sc
I 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
i for ....J... 23c
L 4 cans fancy Wax. Green or Limn
Beans . 25c
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice . . . . 2ftc
The best crisp Pretxels, lb... .Oc
The best crisp Ginger Snaps, per
lb. ..... . . , 5c
The best Soda Crackers, lb.... 6c
1-1 b pkg. best domestic Macaroni
'or .... v 8Wc
The best Tea 8iftings. per lb. .15c
Tb best Golden Santos Coffee.
per lb. lc
Choice Country Butter, per lb. 18c
Fancy Country Butter, per lb 21c
TPnnV rronmarv Dn( fa IK . 0.
"- v- vuuivi j WUVVCI AW VV
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb.15o
Fresh Spinach, per peck. ... . .10c
1 Fresh Asparagus, a bunches. . 10c
Fresh Peas, per quart. .'. 5c
Fresh Wax or String Beans, qt 10c
4 bunches fresh Radishes.'. . . ,5c
2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. . . .Be
1 FreRh Beets or Carrots, bunch, ,5c
I Large Cucumbers, each 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. . . .7J4c
ar a bunches fresh Celery. ..... .5c
8 bunches fresh Onions. ., 5c
4 bunches Pie Plant .5c
Highland Navel Orange Sale
Oranges have advanced over 50c
per case, but we are still selling
them, per dozen
i 15 12 ZO
& ' . g..,,,S.,...
Tapering Waist
R. G. Corsets
Elegance in corset
.tula m A
Av v w nexioimy is su-
7- i perbly demon-
i, etrated In the new
xi. Ac u. moaeia, io
perfectly built
i that they always
maintain their
shape. All the new
aurinv tvieH are
""yV J feet In every de
fjVlJtaili every pair
K.'7 around good cor
fjif set for averaxe
If ngure is snown in
,V illustration. style
,' Y!lf eil very popu
t 1 1 Pi 1 lar model at SI. on
. 1 I'Vm I frnm II In UM
T U VrL'il "o Batiste Cor-
t I it .sets.' lonn or short
J Itf ''J J hlP models, havs
, 1 II II supporters attae'd.
special, at... 49
We ra. ry a complete line of H. &
H. Pneumatic Bust Form, at $160
to 12.00.
1 U M
Special Safr'dy Snaps
A brand new lot of Ladies'
Elastic Belts at Half. . ...
Ladles' Elastic Belts, regular 50c val
t 25
Ladles'. Elastic Belts, regular $1.00 val
t 4J)
Ladles' Elastic Belts, regular 12.00 val
ue. t 08k
Indies' Elastic Belts, regular 13.60 val-
t SI. OS
Ladles Wash Belts, regular 50c valuta,
t 25
Indies' $1.50 Handbags. 85
Ladies' 15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs,
t 7k
20c Tooth Brushes 10
10c Tooth Brushes 34
New Fancy Ruchings, yard. ...... 15
25c quality Fancy Silk Veilings at,
Per yard 10
50c Ribbons at 15c
Saturday morning wo will place on sale
a big line of plain taffeta, fancy plaid
and printed warp ribbons, worth to
60c yard in one great lot at, yd.l5
The greatest bargains in fine Ribbons
ever offered in Omaha.
line of new fancy neckwear, greatly
underprlced Saturday, at, choice J.Q
Book Bargains
That we lead in low prices on
books is conceded by all who
know. Buy now and save.
All the late $1.50 Books 08
All the late $1.00 Books 430
All the 25c Novels, choice 7
Saturday Special Sale, Items
It's just such values as these that have brought continually increasing crowds to our
April sales. There never was a time when the superior bargain-giving power of our great
buying organization was more clearly shown. Come early.
$30 Tailor Suits
X'X, Saturday $12.50
Children's Spring Jackets, worth $5.00 to
$7.50, plain colors, checks and stripes, new
est styles, all sizes, at, choice $2.95
Children's Dresses, worth regularly to $5.00,
newest styles, at 9Sc,'$1.98 and $2.98
Covert Jackets Five different styles, regu
lar $12.50 values; choice Saturday $G.95
Elegant Dress Skirts Taffetas, voiles, Pan
amas, etc., values to $30.00, $4.95, $7.50
and ...$10.00
Over 800 elegant Spring Suits, secured by
our New York resident buyer at a little
over one-third their actual worth, just re
ceived. The shipment includes both silk
and tailor suits in every imaginable new
style and color. Not a suit in the lot worth
less than $25.00 and some worth, up to
$40.00. So great is the stock that we have
decided to postpone the sale of the silk
suits till next week, showing r fji CQ
only the tailor suits in Satur- S '
day's sale at.
Never before was such a delightful op
portunity for profitable buying offered.
Come early.
Manufacturers' Stock of. Waists Silks
chiffons, nets, lace and lingeries, all new
est styles, beautifully trimmed, $6.00 and
$7.50 values; choice Saturday S2.95
1 m
Women's New Butterfly Jackets Silk
braided in Copenhagens, navies, browns,
champagnes and blacks, 100 in the lot, $20
value; Saturday, choice -$12.50
$6.00 Silk Underskirts $3.95
From 8 Till 10 A. M. Women's 50c Lawn
Kimonos 19c
$2.50 Heatherbloom Underskirts $1.45
From 9 Till 11 A. M, $2.00 Percale Wrap
pers ....... t $1.19
In Our Big Candy Department
Tho most delicate confectitans,
pure and fresh, priced less, than
Assorted Full Cream Caramels, nut or
plain; special, lb 1S
After-Dinner Cream Patties, at. lb.15
Tonsted Marshmallows, lb. 1
cnoooiate Dipped caramels, id....
Chocolate Chips, per lb 18
Molasses Kisses, lb 8 Vic
Pure Stick Candy, lb 9
Ice Cold Grape Juk-e Served at our
Soda Fountain, .per bottle. ...... 1Q
Most delicious Sundaes and Ice
Cream Sodas, dainty Luncheons.
Visit the department.
Curtains & Draperies
Rousing Salurday Specials
60-ln. Madras, rich dark colorings that
sold up to $1.25 yard; special Satur
day, yard 75
Cream or White Madras, 45 inches wide;
special bargain at, yard -40
36-inch Madras, cream, white or colors;
special Saturday 25
Roman stripe portieres, 60 inches wide,
suitable tor portieres cr couch covers,
nftP at
$4.60 Couch Covers, 60 Inches wide;
special Saturday at 92.98
Cable Net Lace Curtains, 64 inches wide,
great bargains at, pair 1.08
25 different patterns in Lace Curtains
at. eaca 37 W 4
r 1? 11 .
luuics nosiery t
An immens purchase of I
turerg samples and surplus
stock on sale Saturday. Less
than manufacturers' cost.
Saturday Shoe Specials
J A av "Men's tan or black oxfords and
rtlnrK shoes in all the popular leathers
iggY,J fWffnftf$ and styles, worth up to $4.00 per
(r-..-...,.. ,,vp$z?. pair at $2.50 and $1.98
S-, , 5 Women's tan or black oxfords and
''s. shoes, welts, McKays and turns, in
f'prr """" all the best leathers and styles at,
Xrafe-f '' pair. .$2.50 and $1.98
t 'sCt ' Little gents' and boys' satin calf, kangaroo calf or tiger
WSJ ' ' k,d,n two ,ot" $1.10 and 98
i' P-K Child's red. tan or black shoes, oxfords and slippers
fttt; in two Iou 75 and 49
y)y 600 pairs Zelgler Bros., Philadelphia, Pa., bench made
jh $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 oxfords and court ties spe-
H cialat..... 52.45
ljf Women's chocolate vlcl kid bluchers, a special advertised
U'4 3.50 shoe 32.50
"f ' ' Shinola Outfit, complete with polish. 15
A full line of the Grover shoes in oxfords and house shoes.
The. easiest;-shoe ever put on a woman's foot. Fits like a glove,
easy as the stocking on your foot.
Saturday's Special Bargain Offerings
' 1 In Omaha's Busiest Furnishing Goods Dept. '.
Men's hummer Shirts, values to 2.60, at 49c
600 dozen high grade summer Shirts, in silk and
linen, mohairs, etc., with re-enforced sleeves, all
sizes, in pinks, blues, creams or whites, also about
300 dozen dress shirts in neat black and white
figures, cuffs attached or detached on sale at
one price 49
Griffon Brand Shirts Shown In over 100 pat
terns. They have no equal in fit and durability
choicest fabrics and colorings at $2, $1.50 98
Men's Italbriggau Underwear Plain or fancy
colors, shirts long or short sleeved, drawers knee
or ankle lengths greatly underpriced at, Kar
ment, 39c, 26c and . . . . , i 19
Men's Union Suits An immense purchase from the
Utlca Knitting Mills, made of fine Egyptian cot
ton, come in pink, blue and white stripe, made
to sell at iz.uu sale price Saturday tfU
Men's 4-ply Linen Collars All newest shapes, all
sizes, H w id, jiunareds of dozens to select from,
choice Saturday
Man's Bilk roar-ln-Hand TiM Mad to
Bill up to 60c. on xiilo, Saturday, choir
t loo
Maa's Fancy Half Kos Plain black,
tana and embroidered, value to 60c
Saturday latto-S&o
rvBirxsKuro srxciAxa nr tkd.
Men's Buapenders, worth up to 60c, at,
pair IS
:Tfg 'P
Ladies' Undermuslins
Greatly Underpriced Saturday
...... 5
wen and boy' Hummer Underwear, ali
les, greatly underpriced, at 15c 19c
n1 ISO
Man's and Boys' Bairts, regular toe val
ue, at, choice as0
Man's Bnbbar Collar, regular 15c qual
ity, at. each so
ChUdran's Bompara In good 4 quality
chambraya, all alie, from to
year, 60o quality, on sale at,.. SSo
A great purchase from the
manufacturers at about BOc on the
dollar enables us to offer you
Saturday the biggest bargains of
the entire season.
Handsome Skirts Garments that
would sell regularly up to $5.00,
hundreds of new designs to se
lect from
Prices, si.50 81.98 $2.98
Gowns Worth" regularly up to
$2.00, beautifully trimmed, gen
erously proportioned. You. must
see them to appreciate their
worth ,
Sale prices 50 75 98
Corset Covers and Drawers Im
mense assortment, values up to
I1-00, at 25 39 49
Children's Muslin Drawers Trim
med with tucks, laces and em
broideries; snaps
at 10 15 19 and 25
Best Lot of Values Yet Offered.
tfeiv Millinery Decidedly Underpriced
The Styles Yoa Want at Less Than Elsewhere
A beautiful lino of new style hats, rich
new trimmings, values from $15.00 to
$25.00, on sale at $10.00, $16.50
$3.00 Trimmed Hats at $5.00 A brand
new lot just received from N. Y., well
worth $8.00; choice. .$5.00
300 Trimmed Hats, that would sell re?u-
larly for $5.00 to $6.50, choice $3.95
$5.00 Trimmed Leghorn Hats, all new
beautiful assortment, at $350
Hats for Girls Sailor, and shapes, pom
pon trimmed; special at. . . .$1.98
Children's Hats An immense line to
select from, Leghorns, trimmed with
chiffon and flowers . . .69c
Special Table of Children's Hats at. .. . .
$1.25 Untrimmed Leghorns, large and -small
( L
shapes, Saturday
Bargains in Useful Articles in
Our Crockery Dept. Saturday
Decorated English Porcelain eupa and
Saucers, regular value $1 20 doien,
for thin sale, cup and saucer c .
for only
Decorated Engllah Porcelain
Dinner Plate to match, each
Lare Open Vegetable Dihea,
Stone Bait Boxes,
each (,.,,...
60c Glass Lamps for Satur
day, complete, only
Lindsay Oas Light
complete tor
... i2c
Children's Day Saturday; April 25th
In our new Children's nd Infants' Department on Main Floor. Every
thUd accompanied by its parents will be given FREE A PACKAGE OF
6 MOTHEli GOOSE POST CARDS (all different) and will further bo
entitled to the MOTHER GOOSE PRIZE CONTEST, for which the Min
neapolis Knitting Work offer $00 In prizes. Come Saturday and bring
the children) we will tU them how they can win a 10 prize.
Infants' Bonnets, worth to $2.00, on sale at 23c and
48c A great purchase of over 200 dozen infants'
bonnets, all styles, in silks, Swiss, linens, lawns,
etc., the greatest assortment ever shown In Omaha,
all fresh, clean, high grade goods, worth to $2,
on sale in two lots, at 2548
Children's Dresses, all sizes from 1 to 6 years, ging
hams, madras, etc., values to fl.00, Bpeclal, Sat
urday 49
Roys' Wash Suits and Kilts Worth 12.00, snap
at 98-$1.25
Roys' Blouse Waists, with soft collars or collar
bands, 75c values, Saturday 49
Boys' Shirts, or every possioie description no ma
terial; the most complete line shown In Omaha,
at 98-75-49-25
Boys' and Girls' Ribbed Hose, 2oc values, in heavy
or medium weight, Including Pony, brand, at 15
Infants' 23c Cashmere Hose 15
The largest infants' wear department
in Omaha. Everything for the child
from 1 day to O years old.
Main Floor.
Infants' White Dresses and Slips, val
ues to $1.00. at 25K$9-50
Boys' 15c Four-Ply Linen Collars,
Saturday, at 5
juu wm mn tierngeraior on i in full rolls.' cut onlv . i
earth get the Coldwave, whit enamel- Bell Steel Garden Hoes op Rake. u
a. en part removable, lbok like an
empty room when part are removed.
No dirt can lodge In It, no rust, no
grease, the enamel la like a bath tut)
only H2.75
Cold wave Ice Cheat. tS 81, 17 85, f.5
Tomorow we glv you free the best Hos
Reel made with every hos. Guaranteed
rubber hose, all coupled up, Hc, HHc,
12Hc and lo
Good Garden Ho tc, lc and lo
It pay to get the best alway.
Heavy galvanized poultry wlr per foot
c, in full rolls' only 60o
Beat Fly Screen Wire, per foot . .lo
each . . 16c I9n Mm ..
Union made Parlor Brooms ........ 12 Ho
98c Willow C'lothea Basketa oKo
Large alee, medium and amall heavy gal
vanized Wash Tubs on aale tomorrow
earn 6c, 69c and 4Uc
16 gallon galvanized covered Garbage
Can, tomorrow, only $1.15
Steel Roller ekatea, 11.60 quality, at V8o
With every Lawn Mower tomorrow we
,glv away free tha heat gram catcher
mode, guaranteed Lawn juowera 2. 76,
S3. 76. 14.U8 and I8 60. It's your own
fault if you fail to get a Lawn Mower
8, four and 6 foot strong Rtepladders, at
SAc, 49c and 69c. Get one for house
cleaning. Painted Hcreen Door, extra heavy. 98c
Two gallon zinc Rose Sprinkler, worth
0e for i9c
35c foot Celling Dusters, each ....19c
26c extra heavy Carpet Beater at 12',io
Children' 2So Garden Set, only ....Va
12 quart, 10 quart and 14 quart heavy
galvanized Water Palls on sal tomor
row at ISc, 18c and 20c
Boy' Tricycles tomorrow, large, med
ium and small iz, each $1.25, $1.60
and 1.7 5
$3.60 strong wooden Coaster Wagons,
only J2.4J
Ladles' Lisle Hose? Embroidered,
allover lace and lace boot styles j
also gause lisle, all colors, doublM
sole and garter top, values to
76c at, pair 49
Ladles' Lisle Ho All samples,
lace, gauze or embroidered lisle,
many worth to 76c pair choice,
Ialr 25
Ladies' Lisle Hose Embroidered
or fancy, in all colors, worth up
to 60c at, pair 19
Ladles' embroidered, allover lac
or white foot Maco Hoso, regular
or out sizes, 18c value at. ier
Ialr 12 H
Children's llcwe Kine or heavy
ribbed, double knee, heel and
toe, 25c quality; Saturday. .19
Bargains in Drugs
and Toilet Articles for Saturday
Grand Opening Saturday of
Our New Toilet. Section.
One of the largest and most up-to-date
departments In the west.
Everything nicely arranged and a
large stock to select from.
Hydrogen Peroxide, J5c size. 14
Eastman's Toilet Water, the pop
ular crushed rose odor., on sale
at ,.-50 and 25c
Hubert's Ultra Violet Toilet Water,
at 39
Glycerine Soap, two cakes. . . .;()
Colgate's Shaving Soap -5C
Williams' Shaving Soap 5
Silver Cream (excellent for silver)
at 18
vi vaui "
60c size, 19c; 25c size, 14
A Good Perfume, several odors,
. per ounce .25
Chamois Skins (slightly soiled),
at 3
Bathing Cap 25c
Rubber Gloves, $1.00 kind.. Ji9
Madam Ifllbcll's (the famous face
specialist) Free Offer.
With every purchase of a full sized
package of these famous prepara
tions you are entitled to a ticket .
for either a handsome hand
painted plate (value $1.60). a
trial box of powder or a trial
Jar "of face cream. This offer
holds good as long as the prero-'
iuniB last; 60c size powder Sat
urday go
Another large purchase of water
bottles and syringes at ridiculously
low prices.
2-quart Water Bottle 50
2- quart Syringe 85
2-quart Syringe 48
Yale Famly Bulb Syringe. . .39
Atomizers at bed-rock prices.
Patent Medicines $1.00 size, KOc;
60c size, 4Sc; 25c size, 23c.
Leave your prescriptions with tig
while shopping. , We fill them
tight and our prices are reasonable.
Two Big Specials
Furniture Department
Sanitary Stel Couches, Worth
$4.60. Three carloads secured
at a great bargain; on sale Sat
urday at ....$2.95
fWV!!Biwt V VUIM T'm
nr" 1
V 1:L -' ' j 1':: fi ::!" .n
Woven Wire lied Spring A big
purchase at about half price, reg
ular $1.60 valued, at. ... . 95
fl.fiO Dining C1iairsWood seat,
blgU back, a6h 93
Brown Maa Eefuses Black Man and
Latter Goei to Law.
Xxaukl nestaaraat Serve Per so as
I All Other Colora H In
lata tt Shall trv
. HI.
Kojfra Kloka is a little yellow man, a
former subject el tu mikado. H la pro
prietor of th Nagasaki restaurant, StUi
North Sixteenth street, where, he cater to
th taste of tha white mep of hi adopted
country serving everything from chill con.
came to beans and back again to aplnach
and pumpkin pie.
Vpon a day recently $cott Barbour, col
ored, entered tha Kagaaakl' restaurant,
stated himself at on of th tabU-a and
waited patiently- for c waitress t tak hi
order. But Nr. Barbour waited In vain.
To tha right of Mm. to th left pf him, In
front of him and behind him customer
wer waited upon, at and departed and
other took their place, but the waitresses
rtime not nigh to him. Instead tha ' pro
prietor came and told him he could not
ba served with food In that restaurant.
The main objection to Mr.. Barbour was
hi color. Th Jap served whit, yellow,
red and other colored men, but they drew
the ljr. at bluck. - ,
Mr. Barbour left the-. Inhospitable eating
house then and betook himself to the seat
of law where Justice Allstadt holds the
scale of equality for white and black alike
and there he stated his grievance. A war
rant went forth lor th Japanese restaurant
keeper and lie mi brought before the bar.
The case "will be beard next Wednesday
afternoon. ,
. JJIoloniarr.
A Cleveland man advertised for a stenog
rapher the other. dr. About forty app l
rants for I lie place showed up. 11 turn, d
them all down. . But his purine- nnil:el
thut.tbey all departed flushed and smi.lng.
) he auked .him: "Henry, liow d you
manage to make those itlariointed ghl
all pa away fueling good?".
"tt hv. that's very easy,' Frank." an
swered Henry. "When 1 find I dun't wni
a girl I .iy Ylalnty that she won't dtf. And
eh ask why. and I untie and say, 'Utile
girl, yoli'i too ypuhg, "Cleveland L;adr.
Ask Him
A A ! Wfo a$uf loljng AytJt
WHt-mL-)Jt Scnofnlia. Tift
h'm. tntrl'it ii r.
Lips hit" PCheekrcaW ? Ulood thin ?
Consult your doctor.
Badtkla? XPcak nerve? Leslcf, itth?
Conult your doctor.
No appetite? Poor digestion? DUcoarijed?
v-uiuuii your aocror. .
O. Ayr ft,,
tow.. I, Sm
V hs b m.nratt
lb oruiulu or .:i ,ur
We tiilsw
More Facllltle Added to tka Trade
Kirnriiun Irala front
ft has been decided to Include a dining
car In tha equipment of th apecial train
which will carry the trade boosters on the
western Nebraska. Colorado and Wyoming
trip next month. Tha trad extension com
mittee met In the, rooms of tha Commercial
club Thursday evening and decided to
I lengthen th time of atop In a number of
I town and cltlt and will tak meal en-
route as a mean of saving th time.
I The cost of th ticket for the trip will
1 be 1100 and fli extra will b charged for
apartment in the compartment car, thlr-
teen. having mado reservations, though the
! excursion doe not, start until May 84.
Th following firms have mad reserva
tion on the train, manj of them for two
F. P. Kirkrndall tt Co. (2). C. N. Diets
Lumber company, Lininger Implement com
pany, Oliver Typewriter company. Fair
mont Creamery company, Omaha Orocery
company, leehe ft Runyan. Midland
Ulasa and Paint company, Sunderland
Brother company, Omaha Pruning com
pany, Fred Krug Brewing company,
Nebraska National bank, 'A. Q. Bu
chanan & Bon, Itlchardson Drug com
pany. Clay. Robinson Co., Union Stack
Yard National bank. Standard Bridge com
pany (2), Allen Bros., Voegel A pinning
company, A. F. Bmlth company, P. J.
O'&rl) Co., Paxton Gallagher com
pany, L-01a-Andraaaa Hard war com
pany, William U YetUr Wall Paper com
pany, First National bank, M. K. Bmlth &
Co. (2), Byrne-Hammer Dry Good com
pany (2), King-Graham Manufacturing
company, Omaha Tent and Awning com
pany, Orchard tt Wilheim Corpet company,
Omaha National bank, MoCord-Br&dy com
pany, Wright Wllhelmy company, United
State National bank, E. E. Bruc & Co.,
Nebraska Telephone company (2).
Fortified br the Elixir of Life, Archie
Croswcll Elades Hi .
Archie Croiwell afte making a thorough
personal Investigation of moat of th alco
holto . beveragea for aala in tha saloons
( found himself pursued by ten Strang men
i nuraaay evening. Keeping hi wit about
him h walked a calmly a possible under
the circumstance to th railroad yard.
Arriving ther he dodged in between some
freight cars, thinking to glv tha ten men
tha Blip. But In this ha had not calculated
on their cunning. In a moment they were
upon him and their number bad grown to
nerly fifty.
Croswell ran as fast aa ha could and tha
fifty men pursued him. In and out among
tha freight cara he dodged with tha mob
in pursuit. The crowd waa growing all th
time, la a short time It had reached 200
men aal looking back a moment later he
saw at least l,0u0 men pursuing hint and
Intent upon taking Ms life.
11 redoubled his effort and cried out
a loud a h could. Th mob had grown
to fully i.000 mn who filled the freight
yard, when Cipswell's crle brought a
policeman, who promptly took him Into
cuatody. The mob disappeared aa mys
teriously a It had coma as soon a th po
liceman arrived.
Croswell wa discharged In pollc couil
Friday morning.
Lincoln Poet-Humorist Heads Panel
Drawn for the United
States tonrt.
The federal grand Jury, which convenea
In Lincoln May 11, may return it findings
In poetry, as "Doc" Bixby, th newspaper
poet-humorist of Bait Creek, heads the
list of the men selected aa the panel for
that functionary.
This term of th federal court for the
Lincoln division will tt.k cognizance only
of such offenses against the federal laws
that have occurred since February 28, 1307.
In tha South' Platta district. These will
constitute tha Jury:
A. I Bixby. Lincoln; John D. Burr,
Mission Creek; Ed E. Burr, ijuldfl Rock;
W. I). Pe Walera. Aurora; T. M. Dempiy,
Curtis: diaries A- Krlewine, Grant; Wil
liam V. Horver, Culhertson: Smith Head,
Tec-umseh; Jacob Hetrlok, Wahoo; George
Hammond, Holdregc: Edward Hammond,
Lincoln; Thomas J. Hinds, lav!d City; J.
ii. Joliniiton. Holdrege; N. T. Jones, Tren
ton; Will lain Nye, Kearney; P. C. Klein.
Madrid; Elmer N. Keady, Hare Tenter;
Pamuel Humbaugli, Beatrice; Martin
Ulmer, Dawson; J'hn Underwood. Curtis;
N. J. Waltemire, Ashland; L H. Wymore,
Freedom; V. E. Wilson, fctromshurg.
Alternates L W. Enveart, Haves Cen
ter; J.Hin Gl.-sler. Lincoln; Wallace W
Kendall, Huperlor; Alvln H. Mr.rrla, Bbi
Springs; William T- Overton, Lincoln; WU-
Ham Stoner, McCook; William Zents, Brad
ehaw. These will constitute the petit jurors, to
report at 'Lincoln Tuesday, May 12:
Frank Anderon, Aurora; William T.
Bets, Lincoln; Henry A. Bralnard, Lin
coln; John E. Carlson, Slromsburg; M. II.
Christy, Lincoln; J. H. Conant, Table Rock;
W. A. Carnine, Silver Creek; Israel Car
man, Tecumseh; John W. Colberth, Weep
ing Water; William E. Canfleld, Bradshaw;
James 1. Duff, Pawnee City; 11. W. Polan,
Lincoln; J. Ira Duncan, David City; P. A.
Edgar, Mead; John W. Foster, York; Jo
seph P. Ullllgan, Peru; Joseph E. Glasgow,
Peru; Gilbert E. Hanks, Nebraska City;
John Htnton, Falls City; William K. Hare.
I'nadilla; Robert Henderson, Lushton; N.
Johnson, York: W. H. Jennings, Jr.,
Davenport; A. O. Klminel, Nebraska City;
Sam Kimmel Falls City; Edward Lyons.
Peru; Ray L. Langford, Auburn; John
Llehty, Fall City; J. W. Mitchell, Exeter;
George E. McCann, Aurora; John W. Rea
soner. South, Bend; D. D. Reavi, Fall
City; Frank L Russell, I'nadilla; Jnaeph
Reach, I'nadilla; J. L. Rhodtta, Beatrice;
Murty Sullivan, Fall City; Horace Share,
South Auburn; O.. A. Severe, Palmyra;
William A. Slahl. Liberty; J. T. Tillman,
Ragan; Charle Tanner, Beatrice; W. 8.
Vance, Peru; Henry E. William, Shubert.
Take Every Kind f Booty, from Old
Shoe Chewing Gent I'p
in Cash.
The refreshment emporium of Henry
Tarsi, 1321 Dodga street, wa broken Into
by thieve Thursday night and a miscel
laneous collection pf booty wa taken, in
cluding seven pair of old shoes, four Jar
of candy and chewing gum, twenty pack
age of smoking tobacco and eleven boxe
of cigars.
gomeon brk into a trunk belonging to
Irene Harnady, -2117 Webatrr steret, ant
stole a City Savings bank deposit bos con
tainlng lit 60.
Through the back door of the home o.
M. A. Lehr, 34U2 North Twenty-seven tt
street, burglara entered end atole f i
cash, three rings, two raxora and a hat.
Burglara entered the office of the Hask
lna Bros', establishment. Second and Plerci
streets, and stolx an Oliver typewriter.
Thoaght it Referred to 111 Weigh!
The East End woman who I Inrllned t.
be a Utile, careless about covering up thi
defects In her edueailon was talking ihi
other day with an acquaintance who llkei
to use unusual words.
"Young Mr. Billing I quite a'n Infer
estlng person,, don't you think?" said th
woman. "On th contrary," wa th reply, "h
always strikes me as decldudly fatuous.'
"That's funny," raid the woman. "H.
looka thin to me," Cleveland Ptain Dealer
Coke, PndiTXjjcr'
1 0 cents a pnekagm
Sort) &g
1 f
! i
t I
f i