- "V, mw ..-,.,.,. ,,,.,, 16 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE; RATTTTtTUY, AmTL 2."), 1003. Sire riOM Maker to Wearer ONIMOD . AND . ' . OVER-ALL Fotwer for Men SATURDAY f.ieii's Suits Actual Valuo 012.50 Sale Prico Special Sale oi Hart Schallncr & Marx and 51 Uprlna Bulla Saturday, al "U- J, aj' M4u ft Y ?$ i! Not a special purchase, not discontinued lines, but, just as a big business booster for Saturday. Hun dreds of Suits from our regular Spring Stock to choose from, scores of handsome patterns and dozens of 6tyles, including the new and very pop ular varsity models, $18, $& f a foM f No trouble in getting fitted, the lino of sizes are complete; no question of satisfaction, the suits are guaranteed. Mi $1.00 Rose Bushes at 10c fTM 11 n it 1 -f inese are au .j-year-oia American fff'J Beauty Rose Bushes, all foliaged out, IT J4 full of buds, guaranteed to bloom im mediately. The roots are all covered h i J$7'y r with earth ready to plant in the G garden. These roses are all home grown (! 1 "-r&r and! fully acclimated to Nebraska 1 fk r! &2s weathier. Actually worth $1.00 each, (I liO l jW Saturday, at, each ....... . ....... Ilv Sale of Silk'Hosiery aS v 1,500 Pair of the Finest Pare Silk Ho. i cry s72 at Lees TKa.ii One-Half the Regular Friee All pure thread spun silk, imported and domestic makes silk cob-web and 't silk;gauze,many hand embroidered with silk ;.white,iblack, and all evening shades, a doublet sole .and spliced heel; most extra ti ordmary'bargains in .thread silk hosiery ever offered, pair i.S9c-98c-L39 3 'it Women's 25c Hosiery at ISc Fine cotton and lisle tans, blacks, and fancy colors: spliced neei ana dou 25c, at,. pair neei ana aouoie soies, some extra sizes, worth up to P Si 4 il 8 Men's Silk Finished Mercerized' lies lory Splendid quality plain and em y UlUIUtllfU IHBU B BILK. KKIU lailB, f blacks and fancjr colors with double soles, worth i up to 60c at, 5 pair ISC and 29C s Women's Jmpsrted Hosiery Gauze cotton ingrain lisle and em broidered boot patterns made in Germany full fashioned with high spliced and- double soles heels, medium weights jp worth up to 6.0c, at, . . JjQ SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SEE THE IRISH GIRLS MAKE LACE Come to the Irish cottage in Brandels store Saturday and see the Irish lassies make the genuine Irish lace by hand. It is an inter esting sight and their work is marveloualy beautiful. Saturday la their last day in Omaha. Special sale of real Irish laces all day Saturday. 9 ELBOW LENGTH GLOVES 16-button length, pure silk Milanese and Tricot weaves in all the newest shades of tan, brown, carrot, Copenha gen, green, red, navy, also black and 49 . fl58 white Kayser and Fownes makes, pair.. hi. LONG GLOVES Pure Milan se lisle tan, black and W hi tog aUo pure silk, black only, pair 98c SHORT GLOVES Kayser double tipped, pure silk; whites, blacks and colors, pn. tl all sizes, pair 9VCmtdCml Every Well Dressed Woman in Omaha Should ( Be Interested in thi9 Demonstration and Sale of i ft s f MIbb M. E. Nolan, the manufacturer's special corsetlere is in i d attendance and will fk you with Just the corset your figure re- Vs 4 corseta in every way, but the price is no higher than ordinary I Jl corsets. 9 5? i i summer underwear LA VIDA CORSETS S ill Women's Lisle Thread Union brella knee, lace trimmed and cuff knee, at Suits Um- 49c li Women's Lisle Thread and Verv Pine CottonU y f' m - Vests Hand crocheted yokes, in T C 1! fancy colors, pink, blue, and white. Women's lisle thread and fine cotton vests plain and fancy yokes in white and f . fancy colors special value x!C Women's good quality Cotton Vests, regular and extra sizes I2"C Children's high neck and long sleeve vests, good 12ic 4 p 35c RIBBONS AT I5c YARD ( if VPlaid, striped, checked and plain silk I PHI Ti il 11 1 Ribbons, t worth as widths up to. high as 38c a I at, a yard plaii six inches. ( ENTERTAINMENT! Come to our music department Saturday and hear Gna I Edwards' School Boys and Girls sing the catchy Orpheum il it son? hits 1 ta SrSrt P TVT R-M tn 1 M i . ) ..... COURT AND SALOONS CUSH Tut Caw la to B Mad am Salooa. (irlllna: I.ttiaor ! ' Cklldraa. ' Probatlim pfflcera have warned saloon men that they violate the juvenile law in elllng to minora, but the saloon men have ben renting . ef ure behind the nuprema court decision whereby It la held that liquor cti be sold to a child sent to the saloon by parents or (Hardlan. Two raj ago a case was taken to the i suyrema court wherein it was claimed the fclocumb law was belcg violated by selling , liquor to minora. The supreme bench, I however, held that If the children were I t nt to the saloon by their parents or giiar c!r,i, tlis law was not being violated. though if a child misrepresented the facts and was not sent to the saloon by bis parenU or guardians, then the saloon keeper would be liable. This decision was rendered before the Juvenile law was en acted, says the probation officer. John I Kennedy, chairman of the Doard of Firo and Police commissioners, says he would like to have the probation officers bring the case before the board Monday and this Bernstein says he will do. If the board flids U bas no Jurisdiction, then the probation officer says he will file a com plaint against some child who has been visiting the saloons, as a delinquent. Then If the child Is found guilty, action will be brought against the keeper of the saloon as an accessory, as aiding and abetting a delinquent. OXFORDS 32 All sixes, shapes, styles and leathers, tan, black, brown, russet and all the other leading colors. 0! viumm jr uro jt uou teenier. r. I Rcstauranl on 2d Floor ii Where dalntv mpula pt at moderate prices. 0 ' Open 7 a, m. Closes 7 p.m. $ u y SATUllDAY'S SPECIALS. 0 Finest Creamery Butter, lb... 30c Best Country Butter, lh.....'22cy Lemons, per dozen '. .,15css $ New York Cream Cheese, lb..20c& Fresh Roasted Peanuts, qt... 6ct'j $New Honey, per frame 15c$ y Dahlia Buds, two for 5cU p. 1-lb. Steak Salmon, per tin. . .15c 90o bottles Olives ; . . . BOcy h 1,000 tins Imported Sardines, h each .'.10c$ Diamond C Laundry Soap, 0 Der box t2.7R l Strained Honey, in pint Jars.. 2 5c s Strained Honey, In quart Jars. 4 5c x AKKMiA rrnnrpK Avn tei ty CtP TEA. ti One pound each and a beautifully' $ decorated Japanese Cup and it Saucer, $1.25 value, all for..7Sc;' p. All the Coffees we sell are fresh roasted dally In our Coffee vj department, on Main floor. You yean see It done. H - LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. f One bottle of Port Wine FREEjj! Qwlth every purchase of one quart M 5 of Whiskey at $1.00 or over. S . MEAT DEPARTMENT. 6 JS Pork Roast (shoulder), lb. ... 9cfe y Roast Beef (choice shoulder Q cuts), lb ' :l0c!5 Armour's Star' Hams, lb..,.13cy From 9 to 10 P. M. we will sell fA Lamb Breast and Shoulder at b g Per lb .......4cp, Try Our Home Made Bock w unit, Qoartmy & C3Qg 17th ft Douglas Xts. Pbona Soog. 47 rrlvato nonango oonaeots all Septa. Ct MAIM DO tkmxr frM ",r art f IS. mmmM Ar kMkM frM. Madame Josephine Le Fevre. caiaataiait Sa. rkilaaaw . SaU y BaUoa Store Drag Dest bMloa Drug Co., IMS one toraaa, Tke Booaott Coupujr, laU a4 llaraey. The Boll Drug Hit farnm, Hrr-Dllloo Urug Co., IMS aa4 Faraask J. m. Bcnmiai, mis ana cumins, - . Mitres, iw Kt. MLk. In all latest shades such as browns, oli ves, etc. This Is with out a doubt the big gest suit snap ever offered in Omaha. Gee them our west window GUARANTEE CLOTHING GO. 1519-1521 Douglas St. JJSILM lJMU.IWUW.IMI.TT New Styles Ready ...IN... Doys' Footwear Saturday, as usual, (s boys', day at this great shoe store and for this - Saturday we want to direct your special attention to our Boys Steel Shod Shoes These shoes are the best boys' shoes ever built. Out 'wear any two pairs made In ' America this is a fact and we'll back It up, too. You can get them in different styles, Including the hew low shoes. Sizes and Prices' Range. Little Gents' Sizes 10 to 13 y $2.00. Youths' Sizes 1 to 2.. $2.25. Boys' Sizes 2Vi to 64 $2.50 JjLUV' i-' 7 mm UL rvn 3t I THB RKLIA8LB CT9III will certainly be the Mecca Sat urday for all good dressers with clothinsr needs, for the opportunity to select from such assortment and such values as are shown Saturday in this sale of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits is unquestionably the occurence of unusual interest to all who know. Come Early and Get First Pick of the Lots. Other lines of Suits worth up to $18.00,, at Young Men's Suits bought to sell at $10.00 and $12.50, at Remember and act accordingly. It pays to 10M-125' 750-1000 Try IA Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffner & Marx, BERTS First Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnao Slrccl Misses' Shoes Roses Roses American Beauties and Pink Ramblers. On account of not having sufficient to supply all our customers we wired for 5,000 more and they will be here to go on sale Saturday "Jl n at, each I 2U These are all northern grown stock, not like the southern grown, that will not stand the Nebraska winters. (IAYDEU BROS I as1.,,,' !r,fiHH""lTf ffaMBBwa i-WS S M Willi 7 1 - This low one way rate la In effect EVERY DAY TO APRIL 30, 1908 TO The young lady who wants a shoe that's neat, trim, etyltoh and com fortable can find her Ideals here. Shoes for street or dress occasion Ihe choicest leathern the finest shoe making lace or button models )1.60, $3.00 to 93.60. Oxfords, Ribbon Ties, Pumps and Colonials blnrk or the new s-olden brown tansSl.SO, $3.00 to $8.60. Our mtsiten' shoes are shaped to fit the feet correctly, and we're experts at fitting-. Don't buy poorly constructed shoes because they are a "bargain." It won't pay. FRY SHOE CO. TBS -IBOllI I61 and Douglas Sts. Sheet Music Sale Saturday At 5c a Copy; By Mail Add U Extra Per Copy. " Merry Widow Waltz." "Melody In F." "Maiden's Prayer." 'Star of Hope." "I Love You So." Merry Widow. "The Last Hope." "The Shepherd Boy." "Simple Confession." "Waltz Dream Waltz." "The Storm." "Orange Blossom Waltz." "Waltz Duet" (Waltz Dream). "Dyingf Poet" "Fifth Nocturne." HA YDEN'S "Kiss Duet" (Waltz Dream). "The Flower Song." "Over the Waves." "Lustplel Overture." "Piccolo" (Walt Dream). "Sack Waltz." "Whisperings of Love". 1Qr-PoDularHits19c I ) "THE TFDDY BEARS PICNIC' By John W. Brattan, composer of "Laces ? ' eral other popular numbers. This 1b the greatest charP'iterlstlc two-step since, and Just as big a hit as the famous "Mosquitoes Parade." Another month and the whole country will vbe playing and whistling ,rVtf A v Pa, rfl Plrnln . T.rriiinri Waltaes." bv Holzman. Mama's Frame." I "Come To The Land of Bohemia." "When the Winter Days Are "I'm Starving for One Sight of ' Over." I You." "As Long ar the World Rolls "Time Will Tell My Lota for On." "Ifl- You." "Be Sweet To Me Kid. (Girl I "In Dear ld Colorado," Question). "Just One Word of Consola- "Take Me With You In Your Dreams." "Star of Faith," reverie. "Santiago Flynn." big hit. "Dreaming Love of You." Big Hit "TRUE HEART," ai radettes Ladles Orchestra. Try HAYDEN'S First tlon." "Just To Remind You," high class ballad. "The Man Who Flghta The Fire." "My Rancho Maid." sung at the Orpheum this week, by Best Known YOU WALK-OVER NETTLETON OXFORDS And shoes $3.50, M. $5, $5.59 ana $6 Individual styles and correct fittta. Buy yours at the Walk -Over Shss Store 814 South l&tk BOrast. (Four doors bo. liuaton Lrug Co.) ED. I. THOMPSON. Wsik-Ovsr Mao. a. sw !.,.u.nwajy Union Pacific ITITTICXXT On ICS 13S4 raraajn St. rboas Doue'Ua leas. rr'.'J' 60G POUND BOXES SMART SET CHOCOLATES SATURDAY OXLY. ' H MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Sixteenth and Far nam Sts. Ii-.L 'I'll I IIHIU il II ipip t w Saturday Specials busiSet Real Saving Opportunities You'll Appreciate No sacri tke Prices that others won't duplicate HAWSE'S THE BSUABLK STOHK of quality to price here 12ic lb. CHICKENS, lb., 12ic PORK 1fl1P0RX NUMBER 141 j..lV2t ROAST, lb. HAMS, It.H'- Number I hi I SIRLOIN LOINS, lb. No. 'l CALIF. Ql- HAMS, lb IF MOT ADVERSE TO A SAVING... BAC0W, fc. I "T2W STEAK, lb. SHOULDER 1(' I R0IVD f Ol STEAK, 6. I UC STEAK, Ib.l&l' Try HAYDEN'S First YOU'LL mo IT PAYS lira. WiaslowD CooEiifli Eyrcj"i s Wa WNid for ow BrTTT TIVS VFASfl ! :ni k ittraiMi urn. PfKFKor Hrcx-KiSA it rvmtMlf fur MAKi.HiJEA, 8jM by DruMvita la I . J 7 m ,urw UQ bwsx for M 8M-ttiniff Bvrun. ntr fl C4-uU bottle Gun avatl IN OTIC Xo Bond Holders of the Inde pendent Telephone Company Another payment of interest on the securities of this Company will be payable April 15th. The coupons attached to each bond are equivalent to checks of the Company payable to bearer. Cut off the coupons dated April 15, 1908, and pre sent at our main of Tices, where they will be cashed on or after April 15th. Independent Telephone Co. SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for . TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; 3 doz . GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. ZQc; 50 for . CINNAMON VINE, Extra Large, each tOc; 12 for DAHLIAS. Assorted, each tOc; 12 for ... . $1.00 ii.OO $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 HIE NEBRASKA SEBD CO.. 16(3 Howard fit. si Use Be Want Ads to boeit your business.