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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1908)
PERSONAL (Continued.) kin crearrr and f,atm skin powdVr 2Jc - Ui- MAS3AQE :'-n1 hn,h" n7n .ri2v4 arn;un . M l-"lor. H.B"-OVATION AtMY solicits raatnff Slothing; tn furl, enythjrm you do net Iff. wW" "wt- repair and sell Ht 131 N. 11th, St.. for coi .if e,lrttnt to ths worthy ponr. Clt "phone Doug, enj wagen win tM. 18 :m rror. mu. frknth vtta ..ipotTiT will treat all chmij r llie free nn April 25, 2. 17. 2. JM i.Kl )n:trn 0' Bll. . LM-Mia 2x JPRIYATB CONFINEMENT HOHK-Mri ft. Kin. ;324 N. 24th. Tel. Wch. . (ll Ml "JfOTJNf. WOMEN eomtas; Omaha s a'rangers are Invited to vtstt the Youria Women's Christian association rraimi. i;n Famam 8t., whfrt thy will be dlrer-tcl to suitable boarding places or nthrn assisted. . (18) 8Ji MMK1. ZEREFA. Armenian maart, tii Ul Kith. Flat ., Phone Dauelas ssii. (1 844 Allv SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mell; rat prices. Pnnd for free catalogue. Mvere. Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha, 08-t OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Rami; MME. iER8?A, Armenlnn idumii, fc fo. 16th. Flat, I 'Phone limit; las nsti. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE) DEALERS. PAYNK INV. CO.. 1st floor N.4 T. Ufa, Douglas 1781. (1 till QEOROB (XXV 1KB. Fsmsm. . Tal. Doua-las "A mysu BENJIMAN R. E. Co.. 477 Brsndels BMg. (1)-3'!1 CITT PBOPKHTT FOB IALB. IpgTOACTS op tjitlk MroLAyn GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO.. 1714 FARfiAM at., BEE BU U.PINO. JOR BALE Three aewrUI frame booses at norm west corner or tntn brarenwortn Streets. Miwt h") removed from premises at once. Annress mas to i nomas k, Kimball. Architect. EOS McCague ButMIng, (W) M38 RETAIL LOCATION 1608-10-12 IIAKNEY ST. One of the best buildings in the retail center, with 66 feet fronfcago on Harney St 5 stories and basement, over 52,000 sq. jfeettof floor space, steam beat, and i first dasa elevator. If in terested in a smaller space, see jus refrardinc a part of this building. - Necessary alterations and repairs will be made to suit tenant. Leased for about ten years at a very reasonable ren tal ' GEORGE & CO., 160J. Famam Street. (Il 911-24 A BENBON SNAP, J, 159 A dandy new 8-room cottage, rir lor, dining room, kitchen, den or bad. room downstairs; 2 bad rooms and bail) and hall upat&ir; large closets and pantry, li round VDxJJ. ih MocKa from rar. Fruit treen. small fruit, aarden and blue frasa all In. Modern heat. Tills Includes full-length screens at wiivjnw ana uors new.- dohc. qual ity shades, linoleum on kitchen floor; jurge, new rvei range, ail connected also baa burner. Da you know wtien you can duplicate tills offer? Onlv 1500 down, balance HO per month. Lo cated en Halcyon Ave., aeoond house South or Reed bt., east front, where the ownar will b pleased ta show U any time. Vhona Benson 48jt. M1S6 71 X FARMS FOR SALE tBflO buy 1J9 acres, la Keya Jpha' county, tuoo buy 190 acres in Rock county, Ne ro rank a. tt buys 180 acres tn Holt county, Ne braska. l,io buy 10 acres In Boyd county. N't, OrasKa. 1.J0 buys S20 acres in Laramie county, IWyomlna;. Wl We buys t?f) arras one mile from a food NORTH BiASTKHN Nebraska town. 140 area cultivated, 160 acres fenced, 150 acres meadw, W araa of (rove. Very choice nwma larm only ijs.uo per acre, will soon Aoubls In value. Terms to suit, Cut This Out for Reference . . DO IT NOW Call, write, wire at 'phone, Douglas S107, ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, OS Board of Trade Bids;., Omaha, Neb. . !) M14Js . SOUTH OMAHA SNAP Jjeautlful ft-room house, part modern. In elegant snape; spiPndia neighborhood, cloit to car line; walking" dtmanre. t. rellent very large lot, fenced; prrma nent walk; fruit and shade tres, large bam and chUJifn house and chicken yard. Only part cash required and at a price trial will surprise you. i NATIONAL. INVESTMENT CO., M fcrandels Hlds,, Omaha, Neb. t (19I-M1S5 t W w - - - . ... . .i STOR 6AL.K Four ft-nrt lots on car line, west, for 4-fW each. Hunt be sold Monday, ; trustee, room iu MuUague tilts'. 11-M1U tlx START OUT $10 CASH YOUNG OR OLD ATI should awn their horns and waste nn rnore money paying rent The surest, ssfest sr.d beat way Is to begin at onue on I'urrhaae of one of those beautiful Halcyon Sleights lots, the noi sillily and con venient residence tract adjoining the city. Just two blocks south of Military Ave. v:ir line, and llenton business venter: ehurt distance from Country t'lub The lota are tlng sold and Improved rapid) and f-it Increasing In vslue. Present prices 10 te left. Seloct ons or two of these Una at eince, pay lit) cash and Pr month, and If you wish to build at once we can so arrange. Call or phone t. oT. and wa 11 take you to see these lots at any time, Russell & McKitrick Co., . 12) Ramge Bldg. J5lr) and llr.rney. tU-l4J4 Suburban Bargain Tha most beautiful 30 seres Bear Ornish : II acres n bearing fruit, mostly cherries, peaches, grapes and small fruits; balance In alfalfa and pasture; b'llldlnas 4 years old. Price, !&,&; easy terms If desired. Special reason for soiling. An opportunity for a thrifty man with suing iiieiivy la get fine bom that will bring In s good In come and (acrcaae rapidly in value. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Pin na Douglas - 1 Karnam t. (l! l'S H FA IUNMrKHET BARGAIN .! :. fert, only a l:t! east of iih Pt ; (,1.1 Kiouud. 11 ' H post al lcs loan 4:, ( . . i... i and dut,i uur io.ij ; ur k..,V,? I'.v'SilM, lj rAw.A r. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKnTT FOR IALB (Continued ) Safe Business Investment t-ILWO for the SAtill wedt cor ner of Uth and Jntkimn Pts, ttifJl feet, with I story brlrk biilli'lr.g. In first-rUfS repair, n'ttln a Isrite rsc of inter ril. Itensonrhle tfrm. OEOr.OK 4k CO., Wl Karnam Pt. ! lOfl 25 ' New 6-Room Modern DwpUinflr Right in Front of the Field Club, $4,250. Pouth front, nice lawn. House finished In ililte pine: polished flwrs. Reception hall, arge pnntry and rloart. Gas and rlectrlc ihtn; hot and cold water, hath, furnace, ull bricked and cemented cellar. On boul varj. All spetial taxes paid. I). V. Sholea Compam'. Tel. Doujlaa 49. 110 Bonrd of Trade Bldg. (IS) MKW 17 CHEAP IN PRICE ONL? BEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIDENCE. 0r"3 rooms, with two larre lots mrA f:arsge. Owner leaving town and will sell tor so.ini. jubi aonut nait what It cost. Located Just north of Kountza nl- Grounds beautifully arranged with shads ano iruit Trees. House Is finished In handsome hardwnnrta Outside porch screened for use In summer Fine hath room, sewer, water, rss and electric llKht, very hsndsome chandeliers. Extra large furnace. Full cellar, with bil liard room. Must be sold at once. For exact location call. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 111 Board of Trade Building. "Phones Douglas 49; A-iM (19)-M854 25 KOUNTZE PLACE HOME REDUCED FP.OM t.0tV) TO I3.5W. Nine rooms, mniiarn. front and harir iur. lor. library, dining room and kitchen, four rooms upstairs- modern plumbing; two mantels and srates. one up and one down stairs; everything In good order; lot 0xl!M; barn, paved street. W. H. GATES. Room 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. I!9fM (IS) 91 14 TWO of th finest lota In Difndee, aouth front, east slope. Buy direct from owner, save agent's commission. Address O 404, eara Bee. 09) 104 l4x SOUTH OMAHA SNAPS Beautiful new (-room house, part mod ern. In ' elegant shape, splendid neighbor hood, close to rar line, walking distance. Excellent very large lot fenced, permanent walk, frutt and ehariw trees. Barn and chicken house and yard. Owner leaves tha city tonight and property must be sold by the 23th at a sacrifice price; only part casu required. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, eSl-83 Brandela Bldg, Omaha, Neb. (U-Mgi5 25 IN the West Famam district, (-room dwelling on lot SOxlSS, east front, 13 North 8th avenue;-fine lawn, trees, ce. ment walka and paving; house has bees put in first-class condition, new roof, plumbing, electric light, new fixtures, papering, ate. For sala for IS, 100, or for rem ai idv by niuma, RE:D BliOj., i.iO FA UN AM BT. (1) M774 I WANT n offer on the property, 1128 and llitO 8. list Et. j two modern houses and goad barn; well rented. This property Is vwned by an eastern narty who must sell, THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. 1?BAL EBTATH TITL15 TRUST PA u CHA3 B. WILLIAMSON. Pres. VJ, (19) 661 THE REED ABBTP.ACT CC.. sat. 18M. r-rompi svrvice. uel our prices. 1710 Farngm. " (19 4 LIST your property with Carls Boyer. tJd and Cuming gts. (IS 863 NEW location. Benjamin R. E Co.. 47J Brandels Bldg. Both 'phones. fl9i 537 REAL ESTATE FARM AND llANCH LAND FOR f ALB Nsrtla Dakota. OUT TH5T OO On ths new C. M. rit. P. Coast Railway, through Adams county. North Dakota, which Is attracting homeeeekera to an unexcelled farming country. Sunaliina, fixe coal, pure waisr, aura crops, a horns and profitable occupation for you. Land but 110 to UO an acre row. Easy terina. Ws have homestead relinquishments for gala, ben Win. H. Brown Co., Hayaea or Molt. North Dakota, or 131 LaSalls St., Chicago, liU Maps free. Mention this paper. Or writs tmr, North Pa kuia. cXf.ce. (j MS6 EASTERN NORTH DAKOTA. 60,000 acres general farming lands retailing from 814 to UO per acre. Land free from Incum brance and title guaranteed. No equal to thlal proposition in, the - northwest. Owner going to Europe and EXCEPTION ALLY low figure will be quoted to re liable parties to closo out entire tract. For particulars address Box 1J04, 8t. Paul, Minn. ( MU9 2!x auth fJakata. IIA-ACRE Improved larm, Brown county. South Dakota. ti.oo per acre. Two smaller farms at bai'tisln irte;s. bev fral quarters unimproved ;and. All tins iivetluieni i aolj ,t.i autnu -.ost tu apection. Caull vt terms. Box J3. Aher den. b. D. (20) Mlli Ali fOUht choice fanis In esstern South Da kota for sale or excharg. Easy terms. K. J. Kicks, Big E.oue city, o. D. J Mlul Mix Uregoa. OREGON FARM fur sale or exchange, 740 acres tn Linn county, in Willamette val ley, Oregon; choice dairying and stock farm; Ul acrea In cultivation, 4ou acres open pasture, buildings, orchard, etc.; good fences; on niair county road, S miles to town snd railroad; price, .S per acre; will take one-third in trade. Want have you? We have farms In all parts of Orgon for sale. H. W. Oarland Co., M 4th Ml., Portland, Ore. tiui MliJ 2nx NlHdlistsaa. WESTERN LAND, lartie and small tracts, sale and exchange, Nat.onai Invt. Co., Ui Brandsla Bidat. tJU uj REALJW l AI t .LOANS ,i.i tu ,.i..v i..-o i.'o.ui,l1. . U. Wead Wcad .uji., latu uu saitiant. ti s.o t'ttlVATE MONfcX-NO D.LAT. UAKV1N ilHOS.. lw4 FAR.NAit 4iil U liONUlf iO LOAN On Improved city prop. riy; bulhimg loans a vcialty; uu delay, W. Ai. liiouia. cw 1st Nat l uiu. (U-M7l Ail LONS ea liapravsa Omaha property O'acfs it- Ju CCs. 10D1 N. Y. Life Biug. LOWL4T HA3c.ttoinls, Pax tun liicc, (t! Hi HUVATE MONEY CAKH ON HAND-. 0 L-LLAV .', H. JliTHlN. SLi-t lut NAT. UAfU. liLDvi. . ItL JUutli. U.. i&'l ft. V INVESTOHa-Mortgages at psr cent and T -r cent net easi and wost of the Mi aouii river; ample security; So yeare In this line, personal lnsivc Ron. Also lands at bedrock prus. iron Pros, Aber deen, a. p. t-)-o ttx WANTKU-Clty loans snd warrants. W. Ir arufcw biunn A Cy., U- axosm gt. tu-a WoN KY to Imd oa improved ctty property. Hasting ax iidco, A4 arttam fat. t- T4 WAN I L-U-Ll kHMvsV Pslawa True Ce. 0 C-J-4.S THE OMAHA REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) t!4 FKR CENT irtoner te loan en eastern Nebraska farms and good business ptup erty in 0""aha. I ALFKp.D C. KENNEDT. 209 First National Building. Tela. phone Douglas VX. oi-rn llONKY TO LOAN 1 syne Inveatinent Co. . (22) 7 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, cook and healing stoves, rsrpeta, lino leums, offlcs furniture, old clothes, quilts snd sli kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Ths ilshast price raid. Call the right man. Tela, Douglaa 1971. Independent A-2971. (ii MulJ BK.8T price paid f-r 2dhand furniture, car pets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red Htl WANTED TO RENT SMALL, modern, furnished colt site for the summer. Address L-4U, care H-e. C6)-M14J 26s WANTED TO RENT One lsrgs. partly furnished or unfurnished room by young lady employed during day; no objection to distance If near t-sr line and reason able. Address J -41 7, cars Bee. , (2ffl 108 rx WANTED SITUATIONS A DANISH buttermaker desires work as such: 4 years of experience. Nels Heck, ttpannuth. Neb. (27V-MO 2bx SITVATION WANTED By young man with some experience in wholesale house. 2rHJrod" or clothing preferred. Address 1Lf!iJ!?,'- (27) MfMS 2Bx CUMUN3 SU1KT STUD LOST MTWEWW TTWIOW STATION ax a rosTorriCB S1C3.C0 CLVAR3 Foj retnrn to Cackle Bros., 18th sod Capitol Arenac. su tiotSTiogj 1SIED, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Provident Real Estate company to Martin J. Oarnler, middle lot 13, block 17, Bedford place 1 ITS Martin J, Uarnier to Lillian M. Branen, same ax) Hamilton Dickinson to John L. Clark, ta sei section k-14-10 5 000 J. J, Mahoney to Samuel Whlttler, lot 15, block 1, Mahoney & Mlnahan s First addition 275 Julius 'lavemier to Samuel Whlttler, . lots 16 snd Id, block 1, Mahoney St A Uinahan's First addition 1,750 Mary Madden to William K. Beater, lot 4, block 1, Maplo drove addition.. 100 John W. McDonhld and wife to H. 8. McDonald, lot S3, Fairmont "place 1 E. F. Brailey, sheriff, to Charles D. Woodworth. trustee, part lot I, block 1?H, Omaha 1,734 John C. Hague to Carrie Kenyon, lot 10, block ii,. Omaha View extension.. 2,130 George W. Sumner and wife to Will lam Mayfleld and wife, part V wV swv4 ai-15-13 :.......... X County treasurer to A. J. Sesman, lot M. block i. Potter A Cobb's ad dition Sadie Rector to August Engellander, lot 6. block 2S, Kountae place I William H. Crary and husband to Sarah D. Patton, w lot 17, Oak Knoll 3,o County treasurer to John F. Flack, trustee, lot 15, block 82, Florence H. E. Huherman, administrator, to Charles Peterson, part seVt lS-ltt-13. . 1,141 Thomas C. Kennedy and wife to Charles W. Begi, lot 7, block 2, Orammercy park 1 A. C. Foster and wife to J. P. Flnley, lota 12, 13. 14. Windsor place 10,000 Paul F. Nindel to William Nevottt and Alexander Mayewskl, lot 9. block 2. Hastings A Heyden's addition 370 r-atricK u uonneil to James W. Shea han, w4 lot 18. block 4. McOavock A O'Keeffe'a addition 1,000 B. Peterson to Johanna Boyle, lot 1, Omaha Building ft Savings associa tion addition 2,800 Thomas.U. Groggln to August Larson, . part lot 2, Armstrong subdiv 223 Peter Westerberg and wife to Andrew . P. Westerberg. lots It, 15, Id, block 1, Monmouth park 3,000 John F. Flack company to C. Goorga Csrlberg, lot 2, Carlerb's re-plat.... 2 Frank A. Furay. county treasurer, to Eleaier Wnkeley, lot 7, block D, and lot 8, block I, Lowe's addition , John A. Thall arid wife to John Klackner. lota 25 and block 14, Orchard Hill 1.S00 Fred Armbrust to Elisabeth K. Neu mann and husband. s w lot Kountse's Second addition 2,000 Same to John D. Neumann, lot 9, Bar kalow place 4(4 e. j. Huiuvan to Anna l.ow, lots a. 7. I, block 1, Madison Snusre 780 Btella U. Johnson to I. Dillon, lots 15 and 16. block 2, Pnrtlsnd place.... 1 I Dillon to Anna Lowe, same 600 a;. B owies to same, lots I, 2, 8. 4. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 18, 17. 18. 20, 21. 22. 23. 4. block 2. Madison Square 1,000 ftoneer Town gits company to Michael Mueller, lots 4 and 5. block ID. Bennlngston r.' 250 tnitea states to William A. Payne, c!, se'a s-15-10 , South Omaha Land company to John Macek, lot 8, block 328, South Omaha 2D0 Totals .... $39,909 GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QI'ARTEHmIstER S Office, Fort Meade. 6. D., Aprii 20, laos. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 10 a. m., moun tain time. May 25, IH08. and then opanad, for constructing 1 set of commanding of ficers' quarters, l' double set of lieutenants' quarters. 1 set of bachelor officers' quar ters, 1 band barrack and 1 administration building, and for installing plumbing, steam heating, electric wiring and electric light ing fixtures in buildings specified. Plans and specifications may bo- Seen by Intend ii.S bidders at the offices of the chief quar termakter. Department of tha Missouri, Omaha, Neb.; Department of Uie Colorado, lWtiver, Colo.; Department of the Lakes. Chicago, 111.; Department of Dakota, St. Paul. Minn.: Depot Quartermaster, Bt. Louis, Mo., and this office, at which latter piece all information may be obtained upon application. The r ruled Htates reserves me rigni to reject any or all b da. or to sc, tept any part of a bid that mav be ad vantageous to tiie government. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed 'Proposals for Public Buildings, etc.. Fort BCHEREH, Captain and Uuartermaaiee' Fourth Cavalry, Constructing guartermas- vr. Ap---3)-i,-ii5-Maa-il FROPOSALB FOR IMPROVEMENTS, hp. partment of the Interior, Office or Indian Affairs. Washing-ton. D. C, March 27. 1308. Sealed Propotals, plainly marked on the outside of the scaled envelope "Proposals for Improvements at Crow Agency Mon tana," and addressed to the Cominisaloner of Indian Affairs. Washington, I). C.. will be received at the Indian Office until 8 o'clock p. m. of May . l, for furnishing materials and labor for the erection of a huaiiiial at the (Crow Agency, Montana, in strict accordance with the plana, specifica tion snd Instructions to bidders which may be examined at this ulflce. the offices of me jici o-a, iieiena, atom., the "Bee, Omaha. Neb. the "American Contractor Chicago. 111., and the "Improvement Bulle tin," Minneapolis, Minn., the United Slates Indian Warehouses at Chicago, III., 8t. Louis, Mo., a Id Omaha, Neb.; Builders and Traders fcachinges at St. Paul, Mum, Minneapolis, Alum., Omaha, Neu., and at Llisa tljb ' all V . C, F. LAKRABEE. Acting Commissioner. A-7-3-U-14-1S-U 21-23-25 PROPOSALS-!-. 8. DEPARTMENT OF Agriculture, orrics of the Secretary WaslitiiKion, LI. C, Arpil 2U. lifc Sealed proposals will he received at the office of tha disbursing ticrk until 2 p. m., Wednesday, May 27. l!ei. for furnishing supplies for the use of the forest service uurnia tiie rue ml ct ending June 80, as follows: kltstionery snd office aui,llea furniture mmrnts. telephone wire and riX'urea. iJviivery 10 lie made at the forest service supply depot at Oxden. I'tah. Full informalioii furnished on application to the diahursiiig clerk, inds must be sealed and aaareaseo 10 tne secretary ot agriculture, tu accordance with Inst ructions K.-ven tn Schedules. J AM Ed WILSON, Becretsry. A-Mil-l LEGAL NOTICES KflK SALE BON Ii A Village of Sidney iNebraskal water bonds In the sum of ijj.OOu gu, aruig ( per tent Lutaiest, fur sale. Appiy to LtellB KECBAl'EH, Vtllaae Ciets, S.vlaeyt No. McliJr-Waa. DAILY UEEi SATURDAY. L L'.EY IS TAKEN. TO TASK Congressmen Object to Charge of Whitewashing;. aaaassssasassM IETTZB WE.ITTEN BY SECRETARY He Kays If 1)14 Xot See Letter Which Was Pabllsheal Month Ago, hat Is Wllllas ta Wltharaw (ha Charge la It. WASHINGTON, April 24. Interesting developments followed each other in close succession tn tha hearing being conducted by the special committee of ths house of tha charges preferred by Representative Oeorge L. Lllley of Connecticut against ths Electric Boat company. Representative Lllley was severely taken to task by members of the Committee for allowing published criticism of Its actions over Ms slgnsturs to stand for a month without being contradicted. It was at the afternoon session that' ths personal matters csme to the surface. Mr. Olmstesd read a clipping from tha Hartford Courant of March 30, containing a letter signed by Mr. Lllley and addressed to George W. Goff of East Hampton, Conn. This letter, which waa in reply ts ons re ceived by Mr. Lilley from Mr. Goff, con. talned the following: The select committee to Investigate has already demonstrated their intention to apply the whitewash brush wherever they can. Therefore it Is safe to assume that very little will be brought out. They re fused me the privilege of counsel tn cross examine witnesses, and do not allow me to put questions except by submitting them In writing and even then they may throw out those which they may deem improper, which means throwing out all Important questions. I believe, however, that ths press of tha country Is already fully con vinced. Letter Wrlttea by Secretary. Mr. Lllley stated that that latter was written by his secretary, Mr. Webster, and that he had not seen It until It appeared In print. Mr. Webster, ha said, had authority to sign his name to letters. At this point Mr. Webster was called to the stand and admitted that he wrote the letter. Ha fald that he hsd gsdered his Information about the committee from newspaper clippings and from conversations he had had with at man who hsd sttended some of ths hear ings. The tetter waa not suggested by Mr, Lllley, he said. Mr. Lllley then resumed the stand snd was asked If ha had repudiated tha lettsr. He replied that he had not. "Do you repudiate It new?" asked Mr. Olmsted. "I do not perse nally desire to make that charge," answered Mr. Lllley, " an! I am perfectly willing to withdraw It." "It Is not a question of withdrawing ths charge," said Mr. Howard. "We want to locate responsibility for tha suggestions In that letter." "This letter cssts a reflection upon ths character of the houss of representatives and the officers of It, which csnnot go un noticed," Interposed Chairman Boutell. "A month has elapsed since you had knowl edge of Its existence. During that time It wruld certainly have been possible for you to explain It en the floor of the houss or to this committee, but no explanation was forthcoming." "I disclaim tha charge," said Mr. Lllley. Mr. Broussara asked Mr. Lllley If lis hsd reprimanded his secretary for writing such a letter. "I think I reprimanded my secretary," replied Mr. Lllley. "I am very sure I did." "Why hnve you not discharged a man who would abuse your confidence in such a manner?" asked Mr. Broussard. "Well, I have not discharged him." re sponded Mr. Lllley. Lllley Asked for Letters. Mr. Lilley said that he did not know Mr. Goff. and when asked If other letter of a similar character had been written HaUtual Constipation jlay IVpenianenrty orercotney proper personal efforts w.iftirte asMtuoRce ci ihe one truly .beneficial ltxqtwe itilt HjvtiM.ciaI IayaTIw yrup ojbgs ana Kl'ur j Scire) remedy, E tv cnaoteit otwisjorm regular . t$ daily So tkut asdistanct fo na may he gradually cli$nns?4wtiK VfKen no (oner needec) fttKelestof,., when required, are to assist; ttatare arvi hot to supplant the naWJ a) functions, vkicK muot depend uHi totuefy upon proper nouriahtnetu,' proper ejfort,adrigHt living gettera!!. To get its benejtcial effects, alusari buy the genuine ' manufactured oy UV California. Fir Syititp Co. okly. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUCCIVT$ ify, regular tvie 50f rr lJotl , jut tut on - OCEAN STEAMERS r rest, pleasure) ar busiaee-s it pays ta travail aa ina LIME To PABIA, tha City Beautiful. 1 Isaacs tn all Bmnta ea tBa Canttunt 2r,i" Compgnl) Csnortlo irtV-- Transatiantiqii V: iif rsat UmMaS lail SaevMe .Clai Ta -uia in s days iris Rsrre OO gigantic twin-acrew express steamers, sailiug every 1 uuraaay 10 a. m. These wonders of modern invention- have all tha conveaieuce and luxury ot most ftlatiat hotels on a mors inmenae scale, saacnger ei?vatirr root esfe, gymnsatum, elegaat suites sr.d single spa rtments; daily newapapcr. orcheatra, wireless telegrspay, famous eutatne sr.d every piovuuua leg aatety al coinM. la SaTola Asrll t I la Tours las May W La fratnsi Mar fl Ls Saroia Mar U Lt Lorraniv. ... Hr 11 La Provence J UBS 4 Karl? ruaarvatlous recomoiauiled. yor aaer el lllsauaua kooa af traiala sat ratoe apvlr te HAKKl K. MORttS, - - - - ltul yaroaoi CC I B. REITNULllS. - - - - - It'll raraaa L W. B. b'K K. ....... 1124 rrum St. W a. DAV1DSOK. ..... lilt Firaam SC LOC 18 NKKSK. ... ears rtfat Maueaal EUROPE fmVnm A.U Xspaase?. Seal for Booklet. THOO, COOK & OON MS BavO AS WAT. I1W TOIX Traveler s Checks -1- Baggage Dept. Autos Shipped. SCANDWAYUN-AliEklCAN LLM 1S.SU0 Tea T wis Screw Passenger Stsameis Lueat le Norway, Sweden zzi Censirk Sailiag treav Xaw'tarS at aaea. Tela 8 p C TJCTOrM J.M 4. iaaaavaius Ststli Julf ,t ialaea aa1 tu : tootl Pa bis C7 IS. A. B. JOMasCxt h CO., ta IB. aUase ki Cluaw. ZU, "J APRIL 25. 1909. MEIl'S HATS FR EE Rstnrday we will Rive soft or stiff hat frro with every purchase amount ing to $0.75 or oyer in oar men's department. BIG e' Q On Sz.2 Saturdsy, MEtl'S SPRING SUITS Cut in the latest styles and made from this sea son's choicest fabrics, dozens of the latest pat terns to select from, regular $17.50 valued, on r.tu.rd.a.y. CHARGE IT and signed with his name, replied that there might have been others, but hi did not know how many. "Will you let us hsvs these letters?" ssked Mr. Olmsted. This request brought forth ths conflict between Mr. Lilley and the committee. "I do not think It is within ths scope of this committee to examine my private cor respondence," said Mr. Lllley. "This committee does not need a resolu tion to protect its honor," remsrked Chair man Boutell. "We would like to see your letter press book containing a copy of this letter snd similar letters referring to thig Investigation." Mr.' Lllley persisted thst he objected to producing his prlvsts correapondencs. Ills position was fully stated by his counsel. Judge Brown, who said that Mr. Lilley felt that it would be an Injustice to him to be compelled to produce letters he hsd written to friends contslnlng expressions of opin ion of the committee or sny member of It. Ho objected to producing sny letters that are confidential between himself and friends. 1 Mr. Lilley promised to.producs ths letter from Mr. Goff snd a copy of ths reply snd the question as to whether the production of the other letters will bo required will be psssed on by the committee later. This Incident being closed, temporarily at least. Chairman Boutell Introduced an other matter of a personal nature. Ths committee had In Us possession clippings from the Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard of March 25 saying that it was reported around the corridors of the capitol that Messrs. Boutell, Olmsted, Rothermel and Rodenberg had left Washington the day before for New London (Mr. Lllley being there at the time) for ths purpose of bringing political Influence to bear on Mr. Lilley to stop ths submarine Investi gation. Ot tha four persons mentioned, Mr. Boutell snd Mr. Olmsted are mem. bers of the committee and Messrs. Rother mel and Rodenberg are members of ths house. A telegram was also In ths pos session of ths committee dated March 24, sent to Mr. Lllley, on the train return ing from Connecticut, by Ms prlvsts secretary, ststlng that these four con gressmen had bought tickets for New Lon don on ths 4 o'clock train. Mr. Bdtitell said he would like to know ths authority of Mr. Webster for this telegram. . Mr. Olmsted had left on that day for Harnsburg, and ho hsd gone to 8pringfleld, 111., to attend ths stats convention. Mr. Webster replied thst his Information had been furnished htm by two correspondents of Connecticut papers. During ths day a letter from Mr. Lllley to Secretary Metcalf In ths Interest of ths Laks company was read. In this communi cation Mr. Lilley referred to Congressman Roberts of Massachusetts, saying: "Among the well meaning members of congress the Lake people have mors friends because thqy never employ the methods of ths Holland typ people. It is well known ths company Mr. Roberts appears to repre sent ts doing more todsy In tht employ ment of questionable methods to intimidate members of congress and ths naval com mittee than all other corporations in the United States." The commutes will be In session tomor row. EXECUTIONS JN GUATEMALA Elgrhteea Persoas Implicates la Plat to Kill President Shat hy olailera. GUATEMALA CITY. Guatemala, April 21. President Cabrera himself Is suthor- Ity for the statement that eighteen of tho ringleaders in a conspiracy against him already have been shot to death and that probably more executions will follow. President Cabrera, against whose llf an sttempt waa made by students en Mon day last, today received the represents tlves of the various powers and made a lengthy statement to them thst he hsd unearthed an extensive conspiracy against him that led up to his attempted assassination. He declared thst eighteen of ths leaders had been executed by his orders and that the death penalty would be meted out to others at the hands of the military. Among these are the meu who were imprisoned a year ago for hav ing bet-n Implicated In a plot to as-sas-alnate the president. They were sen tenced to death soon after their arrest, but the sentenoe had not been carried out. President Cabrera said thst ha hsd proofs that a majority of these prisoners were Implicated In ths new attempt against his life snd that they would be executed without delay. Although there ta a surface tranquillity here, conditions really ars serious. The military ir ia control of the city and a partial suspension of business has re sulted. The revolutionary feeling Is strong lu many quarters and there are those who will not hesitate to go any length or face any danger In their efforts to make way with the president. Cabrera for this reason has been seen but twice er thrice la publia la tha last three months. Everything Sold on Easy Payments Z-iUA FIj i- f'r -iw 4: ;. gj SALE LADIES' SPRING 9rnvff $15 end $20 Vzluss, fcr only Tomorrow we will place on sale the entire surplus stock of Ladies' SpringxSuits that we purchased from a prominent New York manufacturer These 6uit? must be seen to be appreciated. Lot includes all o! this Reason's latest fabrics. Suits that duplicate under from $15.00 to Q f $20.00 we offer you your choice W of Saturday at one price Cash or Credit MEH'S SHIRTS For dress wear, in a largo as sortment of neat patterns; li.ou ana values; Saturday at souths Men's Linen - 4 for NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qaalnt aaa Carloae Feataroa af Life la a Raolalr Grawlac Stat. Entsr Ico Cream Soda Time The Easter season snd the oyster season ars of ths past. Norfolk News. Rubber or Leather One of the Closter fellows think ha will go to Albion this summer and wear high boots. He must think that they are going to hsvs lots of rain there. Closter . Contents, Madison County Reporter. "Nevermore" When wo are at Lincoln In the sumn er time, we always walk out to ths base ball park to sea the gams, snd take the nickel that we save to buy a cool glass of bear at that thirst emporium Just this aids of the Rock Island track. The exercise gives us a swest, and mskes ths drink hit ths spot. Now Lincoln is going to cut down the number of saloons to twenty-five, and we suppose that special one will be cut out entirely. If it is wa will ride out on ths street car. St. Paul Republican. A Woman's Reason One of our popular young men Is having his troubles. It seems thst a young lady in a town not a thou sand miles from here, who keepa him guess ing most of ths time, proceeded to give him a Jacking up over tb long distance for those things wnicn he ought not to Ssrihirday' Our new line of Torch Furniture has Just arrived, w secured ex cellent values and to Introduce this new stork we will place on sale a fine Hocker, will full reed eat and hack, maple frame, fin fcihed In DataraO, Jus tike O QT cut, Kautarday ouij ...... Mm&il Madras Beautiful imported Madras Curtains, new color effect and artistic designs. Just the thing for dining rooms, libraries, bedrooms and balls. Lot Xo. I at, per pair, Saturday only $2.89 Lot No. a at, per pair, Saturday only $3.09 Lot Xo. 3 at, per pair, Saturday only $0.50 Extra value 1st Msdras by the yard, 80-inches wide, all colors, per yard, Saturday only , , , , , . J5 Large stock of weathered oak Screen', Burlap filled and. nicely finished 8-paael, OO Inches high, Saturday only $2. OS IR.MO High Grade Rigelow Axmlnater Rags, 80x60; never sold for less than $3.AO, all colors, designs, floral. Oriental ajtd two-tuoed, Saturday on,r : 53.5Q We sell the Bisaell'a Carpet Sweepers, Grand rUpidaach t Don't fail to tee our new stock of GAS RAXG1S.jvo hare excluaivo Omaha agency for the I'LCAX GAS ILlGri-tiie.klivd that saves gaa. Miller, Sfeivcri & Osafon 41S-1&-1T South Iftth Street. Tfff-Tmf!,,;","W 1 ' nyp-ii!'i"- A4MM 13 LADIES1 FIIIE WAISTS FREE KAlwrrTay ws will five a IsdW tln lawn waist Crest ssftrfe nrry purchswe C SATrfc r mr la our lasUeV 8ti nBinr at. o you cann I """N Jj Fine Collars 25c SUITS v O itmn a , it. s G90 : 6 Mb W 11 have don. Well, he Informs us that he don't think she hardly meant sll those cruel things she said for she waa break ing in a new palr'of slipper, that day and any body with foot ball sens knows that breaking In new shoes makes one cross. I Now, don't it? Crofton Journal. . Shorts From Fullorton Down In Georgia where prohibition has got such a hold they have what they call tha dry cocktail. It has been analysed and found to be made Of Jamaica ginger, a glucose cherry and real water. They have something similar , in Central City only in severe cases they substitute a dash of chewing tobacco fur the chorry. Waxy Huff came out from Central City on hla wheel last Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday In our bsclt ysrd trying to wrest the championship from the writer in a game of quoits. I must give Waxey credit for being quttu a quoit pitcher and his Inability to con nect with the peg was due to hla lack of practice, giving us an easy victory, Wa will give Waxey a return match at any time he feels he Is In condition. We want him to be in his best for we feel that we can best him st his best. As Waxey Is such an all-around good fellow we could stand for him taking one of Newman's pretty girls to Central City, but the quoit championship, never! Bunrlse. Observer In Fullerton News-Journal. By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returns st a small expense. Specials This Saturday we offer among other specials large stock of ItOCKEKH, finished in Mahog. any, highly polished, Just like cut, 94.0O la very chtiap for this . I Locker, but for Saturday only, w pLec thsnzt tut sale, Cj Curtains -J 4