CRA15 A5D PRODUCE UAREET Ca tie Camp it ( Gria Values. i EUEI5TS3 DtTEOYITQ imier Xatiela lirraiM la fx t Fle-ar fee Ferelga Peer vb r napee-to. Kraal OMAHA. Apr H 24. ISO. r-..- . - - i . ' ' . . -i v, rrtTivrii slump iuii moni nc ew--.g to disappointing cables and 1m liavei trap j.repects to the northwest, t dry weather has been a bull l jt tor some time. - w-i.irniely light Argentina shipments 4.i rpliy c ex easing of reserve stocks r tfce main features for the bull leaders and were used strongly la checking the d- 4...U. i ht broke early In the pension on weak rabisa and a general desire to taka nrcrti'a cm liie bulge of yesterday. Export btts'.n-- nee improved materially sikI millers ara I .iLia'f.K aa Increased demand for flour. Liey w ueet opened at te and closed at SCr. t Ofira opened steady and unchaneei and lcane eery dull after the frsl o'ferinae ve.-e mj1e and sbaorbed Interest was lack ing and the e1tttrm remained unchanged, la-y corn opened at Sic and closed al VI c. oaU, ruled dull, with the exception of (, li rain, whicn showed soma activity, end, higher. May oats opened at 4c -V' . closed at ffc. B 4rimry wheat receipts were IVS.OOO bush- ; and ahipmenie were 754 00 busheia, agoJnat receipts Isst year of 7SO.vOO bushels f sk! shipments of 21. Cf Jit bushela. Corn receipts were 62. bushels and shipments were 2410 buahels, against r tcpls last year of 4Ai.6jO bushels and ship ments f &67,lt bushels. Clearances were eiOM bushels of corn, E.wiS) bushels of osts and wriest and rijur iual to 1S4.000 bushela Liverpool closed V.Q-kd higher on wheat and t higher on eirn. Local ranga of options: Art:cles. Open. High. Low.. Cics;. Tea y. Wheat I Way... July... Sept... Corn i , Mar... t .luiy... Sept... Oats Way... u a S3 61 M 7g ; 1 r 7 a n i m i M". . Ka UH S7 67 1 67 i7 s7 ! oi yj ant Oatsks Can Price. WHEAT No. 2 hari, WtKv-c; No. t hard. JSSc; No. 4 hard. lc; No. arinc. 4t!i,r. COKN-No. t lV4c: No. . flO-Oc; No. 4. 6"Jtc; No. S white. Slljjj'Slv.c. OAltS-No. a mired. 7fc7c; N. I whlt 7V:'-; No. 4 white. 4747e- r.TE-Xo. TS-uc; No. a. 7iar73c Carlat Baeelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chlrsgo 14 211 130 M ntie pol:s 1 tiinsha 20 t 1 Duluth , i 7 CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Feat ore a of the Tradlma Cleataa; ' frieea an Board at Trade. CHICAGO, April 4. General rains nvfr tha winter wheat section of the t"n:td States cauaed a decline of mere then lc in the price of wheat on the local rxehante todsy. At the close I lie May oellvery was eff leic. Jply was down l,c. July corn wn feo lowar. Oats were off Sc and provisions were down TV to lTujc. Tha wheat market was weak all diy ana closed at almost the lowest point. There wss general veiling at the start ow ing to a weak nwrket at Liverpool and to tha favorable weather conditions In tha country, which caused an opening dechne of to ie compared with yeeterday'a final Quctatlnr.s, During the day there were sev eial ailght rallies on covering by shorts, bjt prices failed to advance above the Opening figures. The statistical situation sgain favorable to the bulla but the bright outlook for the new crip seemed to overshadow all other considerations. The close waa weak.. May opened Hffcc o lS 3lc lower at lie to SV. and clored a I 7Vc July opened from HfriV lower at !V So m,, sold off te tc and clnsed at 8Wc. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to Swl.nw bushela. E-x ports for the we k ss reported by Bradstreeta were equal to S.417.0"(i bushela. Primary receipts were 159.000 bushels, compared with 7M4) bushels lsst year. Minneapolis. Dulutk and Chipago reported reoeipts of Ul Csrs against a holiday last week, and Hi cars cne year ago. The corn market waa weak, because of the break In wheat, local traders generally being Inclined to aelL The market clo-ej weak at glmoat the lowest point. May opened -;s lower at C7V. t 7Vre and then declined to Wle. The close wa at K7e8f57c; July opened lower et 6iTc to f-e. advanced to C3,c, then declined to t H The cloae waa at (L4c. lxcal recelpta were 11 cars with twenty-one cars of contract grade. The feature -of the trade In cats was the tiling of September delivery on favorable reports of the condition of the new crop. 7he market was Inclined to be wesk ail day. Msy opened unchanged, at t.' sold off to &se and closed at Ue. Jury opened Vo lower, at 45c. sold between 4iSo nd 4f.o and closed at 45c. Local receipt were ISO cara. Provisions were weak on selling by com mission houses and locsl packers. An al vanc f loo in live hogs apparently bad little effect. At the close July pork was ITro lower at Ill tT. lrd waa Iq lower t l t'4. Kiba were H lower at I7.1U. En'mated reoelpta for tomorrow are: Wheat, It cars; corn. Hi cars; oata, 3'S can: , Loirs. head. The leading tut urea ranged as fillows: Artklea-I Open. High.) Low. l Close.! Yea'y. Wheat Msy Julv Sept. Corn May July fcept. Osts aMay . bMay ' aJuiy . bJuiy 6e.t Pork May July SpU Tari . May July Be PL PJbs Msy July pt. rr t-H I RRS i i lii ik&W' ai-V SJ' SJ:teibfl.l i4"W "I 7! 6u rev aiv,: 4i. 4iS 4i 4tH 4:H! 4iS II M ' U tKii, 11 0$ 11 4 U 7 ( 1ft it fn 1! (6 U 40 U 72H I W a a a) ?H 7 1 7 4s 13 40 U 7 I is 11 te t r:v a is t 35 to 7 10 7 U i as K f 7 4s M 7 7 K 7 i5 7 4t Xa. 1 aOld. bNew. ' Cash ouotattons wars ac follows: FLOt'R niwadv; winter patents, S4 S1 4 aO: stralghta. 4 0fti4.40; spring patewia a k'Oi.10; stralghta, U.Ou.sG; baliera. U.1S 4)4 Id WHEAT No. S prtr.g. McXiZt ; No 1 red. 7tiS6c. COKN-No: t. re; No. yellow, 47e. OATs-Nn. , fcrtse; No, I white. sti,e6IVe RTE H'-tsiAvc BAM. El" Fair te choice malting, 74&4r, )E.IS Flax, No. 1 oorthweatera. tl 3a. Timothy, prime, 4 2S. jROVlflO.Na-tihort ribs sides Oooae) KbiKu4S7v Mraa pork, prr t.U, ai2suill' I rd. per in ity , 4t tiu. 6 Sort clear aides (bosedl, t'-SLHTM. roliowltg were the receipts and eh lo re o is of Hour and gram: Receipts. Ehlproents. Flour. bbU nn Whtt bu Ht h4w Corn, bu ISHM )b m Oata. feu . ia. ; - 1 a.4 isarley, bu i.?u0 Oa the Product eschange today the but ter mark-t was weak: rreamertea. au5Sc dairiea !;c. Ers. Bteanv: at tnark rases Inrlud-d. KWr: firrts. itc; crime firata. ls. Cheese, easy, liaise " t. t-ais (raaaral Market. T. U)HS. April N WH EAT Lower t'a k. No, t red rssh, H 4J (.i ; jo 1 hard. 7.-iil '. Mav, sv.-yc: Julv. fcijc, L"OHS eak: trrk. Ko. cash Wt No. S white. vHr;7ec; May. s4flwc' JkIv. flVf. "W-ec. OAT-Weak: track. Ka. t cash, 4c No I whtie. iic; May. 4Kic. July, CWc KLOt K-rlrm; red winter pa tent a. 44 fcfjrj 4 feu. ira faory and atratgiit. 4 kiy-t Cl-sre tliiciw. t-r fI-T i.nullir. djll. tln(irja.M. '(,K StKALoleady at si. Tl-.AN Airojig; aataed. east track, tJ.S-i iiAT-r-edv; timothy. HN'I H; w-ai- t!e J I. t H.'.v -..7irtW TTES-tt, ! i ;!.' i - -, 1- r mi' T i N -: ie. I j:!. . .Ns-l uii, lower; ; ltiicg, t.3fc lau-d. lower; prrme ateam. ,.aB. Iry m ui rneaia, siearir; txid ejr. ra sbons. sijw; cj-ar not, 7.X7,; sb-rt Hears. D 74. Itaooa. ateady; Tnsnd ertra aborts. 8.; cl-sr rim. 4 l'S: short clears, tt.aTVfc. PCCLTRT--tr-: cKtckena, He: ajinga, S-42c; turkeys. lHWri; dur ka. e; g-wwj. WC. rtTTKrt-tady: crea tery. IXJOS Unchanged. 1 rase count. Recetpta. Bhlptnenta. nr. tibls na i.oo, Wheat, bu. r.w Is m Com. bv. . Oata. bu . fe.a VKiTREH I- THE GIL It BELT (kswsn, Tben Fair Satwr4ar aad Caaler. OMAHA. April M. 3. The western area of low pr-saure, noted In the preceding report, baa moved slowly eastward and now extends from the Cana dian provinces south over the central val ley a to the west gulf statea, and reaches from the mountains east to the lake region, with Its center over aoutheaatem Nebraska f ho we re were general during Thursday from the mountains east over the central valleys, and continue thia morning in the upper Missouri valley, throughout the Mis sissippi valley and east to the lakes. High winds were general throughout the Mis souri valley and west lact night. The weather will continue unsettled, with show ers, in this vicinity tonight, followed by fair Saturday, with cooler tonight and Sat urday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correspond ing day of the last three years: lfr. 117. r. urs. Minimum temperature.... f a 67 41 Precipitation -fra T .40 .13 Normal temperature for today. 44 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation sine March 1. 1 44 inches. re(iclency corresponding period In 1907, 121 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 14C, X, of an inch. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Carat sal Wheat Reg-lea Balletlm. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a. ra., Toib meridian time, Friday, April 4, 104: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rairv Flattens. Max. M'n. fall. Bkr. Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy PL cloudy Cloudy 1 Minimum Ashland. Neb.... M M .na Auburn. Neb I bi .W Columbus. Neb.. K5 6 T Falrbury. Neb... W Si FairmonL Neb... U 48 ' .09 Or. Island. Neb.. HZ 6rt . Hartington, Net M M .09 Hasttnga, Neb... Kl 60 .14 Oakdala, Neb.... T 45 .'t Omaha, Neb 7 U .44 Tekamah, Neb... 74 0 .41 Alta, la W R7 . Carroll, la 74 S7 .17 Cl-rinda. Ia...... It . eibley. Ia 7 tS .( Eioux City, la.. 74 6C .U t Not Included In averages. temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m, DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. BtaUota. Max, Min. Inches. Chicago, III J Columboe. O U Des Moinea, la.... 14 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 Kansaa City. Mo.. It Louisville. Ky 1 Minneapolis. Minn, 20 Omaha. Neb 14 St. Louis. Mo 10 74 4 .74 80 54 .41 74 M .a 78 40 .14 7 M .04 KJ . 74 60 .a 7 M .14 80 60 l.0 Showers were general throughout the en tire corn and wheat reeion within the last twenty-four hours and were heavy at pointa In the upper lake region and middle Mississippi valley. The weather ia cooler In the western portion. U A. WELSH. Loec Forecaster. Kaaaaa City Grata aael Pravlsiaas. KANSAS CITT. April 24.-WHEAT-t.7n-changed; May. le; July, tlc; Septem ber. Tsc: cash. No. I hard. S4f!c; No, t hard. 92 97c; No. 3 red. cijiLOO; No. a red. 7tJijeVic. CORN Unchanged ; May. f4)Tc; July. 5c; September, 66V: caah. No. I mixed. Ctc; No. a mixed. t'Va3c; No. t white, 63c; No. a white, 26ac OATS fncbanged; Na S white, 49:; No. 2 mined, 4ft4SC RT K 744f 7HC. HAV Eur; cholc- timothy, tll.60l.fi0; choice prsirie. 4 oOtr.M. BUTTER-Weak; creamery, 27c; packing stock, li'-tc. EOGS Steady; fresh extras, lie; current receipts, 13c Recelpta Shipments. Wheat. tu 4. 2l.t Corn, bu 14 J Oats, bu 1S.O0O lt.tal Quotations at Kansas City at reported by Logan A Bryan. No. t Board of Trade: Articles. I Open. J High. Low. 1 Close. Wheat May July September .. Ci-rn May July September .. i nk Sit; Kli,SB 77T 76 WA 62e 7SSI I 1 6S bVi,oV.iA 67 A t-!jg4i l B A asked. B bid. Phtladelpbia rreeeee -farket. PHILADE1LPH 1 A. April 24.-B17TTER rteady: fair demand: extra western cream ery, a"ic; nearby prints. 2c, KJO Firm: good demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firata, free cases, ltftsc at mark; current receipts In cases, 14c; western firata, free case. 16c; cur rents, free cases, 16c. CHEESE Quiet : full creams choice. li CTl6c; fair to good. 14&14c, Mlaaeeaells 4rela Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 24. WHEAT No. 1 hard. Jl.i"5: No. 1 aorthern, rt.: No. 1 northern. 41Hfnli4; No. t northern, Ki trims: May, 1. v6 l.HS I July, tHI3i,4 l.tiV: September. "SiC. P RAN In bulk. .0ft'21. FLOl'R-Unchanged; first patents, H.X9 1ST-: second p tenia. S.2i'8,C first clears, et.20$; second clears. UM&IM. Llverpael Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April 24. WH EAT 8 pot firm: No. t red western winter. 7s 2d; futures barely steady: May, 7a 4d; July, 7s 6V1: September. 7a id' " 'XTiFN 8 pet firm; American mixed, new. kiln dried, 6s M ; American mixed, old. se rd; futures quirt. May. 6s d. Pearla Market. PBORIA. April 24. CORN Higher; No. I yellow, aVadtfr: No. a yellow, Hjljf; No. a, 64c; No. 4. CSc: na grade, &&jJkc OATS Steady; No. I white. 61c; No. 4 White, 6"c. Grata Market. MILWAl'KEE. April 24 WHEAT No. 1 northern, n !gl!l; No. 2 northern. fl.07t if: July. 6bSc. aeked. P ARLET Dull; No. 2. 7c; r-mple. toWc, CORN No. 2 cash, 67.g3c: May, SbTsC, bid, Dalatk Grala .Market. Pl'Ll'TH. April 24 WHEAT No. I northern, ai.tsn.: No. 2 nortnern. (1 C; May. 41 WCs.: July, UtS,; September, ilc OATH 4-c Ferelga FlaaarlaL I5NDON. April 24 Money was com paratively scarce on the market today and discounts were firmer. Trading on tne Slack exchange waa still affected by th nw issues, and although console improve! from (he lowest gilt-edged securities gen era ly were heavy, fkmis selling wss at tributed to the belief that large houeea are anxloua to take up the Pennsylvania bonds, w hich are quoted at IWc to JVe prertiiuni. The Indian stocks were affected by the frontier trouble- Japanese securities were lower on the Chines boycotL ss well ss the uarsvorable financial outlook. Ameri cas securities kept fairly steady la the forenoon, professional support maintaining parity price. New York came strong m the afternoon and supported L'nioa Pacific. Southern Pacific, and Draver and Rio Oranda. Tbia infused a moderate strength and market closed firm. RE.RLIN. AprU 14 Prices on the Bourse otned strong tedsy upon yesterday s ad vice from New York sad the increseed deasssd for coal lo the Easea district. The msrket became weaker later upon unfavor able reports la the American Iron trade. Amencaa railroad securities were strong. PARIS. April k4. Tb tone oa lb Bnurae today waa Quiet and prtcee were steady. Kvagterateel 4sls aa4 Dried Pralta. NEW TORK. AprU 24. EVAPORATED APPLES Market la euieL with taacv at v-a(wic; choice, IVIES'; priaue, 7to71c; common to fair. 6 avc DKILD FRL'ITS prunes are steady, with qubULUuoa rariging from 4 ,4c for Cali fornia, and from Lfa loc for Oregooa. Ap rmeis are unr.anjtd. wit ft cAbfe euoied at IMiLJic; extra CJ uutot, Jjric, sad fancy. Kiii. Peacoes axw dull, but rsiber eut-cy ta I with choice lfn ; extra cltuto. I'-nUe; faacy, UiSc; extra faary, 1 There ia very l icie S ..... fr rw i u,. Lcae auuMaiei are quaid 4 r, eslej rai-aaa. bwjc; Loulba Uj era, j SEW YORK STOCKS AXDEOSDS Vcloice of Suineat llxpuitla tuid Vilafi iae HztrriUlj. EHOETS ALE DSI7EI TO COVZS Failure mt Hewee rltk Large standing- hart Ceatraeta Caws Fteevy- Baylagr 6a4i 'Are Streagc. Owt- NEW TORK. April 24 A firther sub rtsnrial tine In prices occurred In the stock market today, and the volume of business t the same time expanded materially. Most of this was achieved In the first half of the dsy, the sales to noon rising to near 600.000 shares, which la wen above the dally averages of total sales for some time pasL There was some lull In ths latter part of the market, both In the volume of activity and in the rate of the advance. The failure of an Important stock ex change house. annurced at the outeet of the trading, of ." i d no interruption to the rise and in fact trrthered It. owing to the large outstanding shorts contracts which remained to be covered for account of the failed house, which has been noted for He aspousal ct the bear side or the market for many months part- The number of shares bought today for account of the felled firm were said to amount to many thoiaanda, and the susprnsion was pro nounced the most Important bear failure thst has occurred for yeara. This was an Immediate Influence In prompting heavy covering cf short contracts In other quarters and the driving In of the bears became a prominent fsctor in the dey's advance of price. Borne of the heaviest covering waa in TJnited Steel, but tha stock was held back during all the early part of the session and rose fractionally over the last night only late ta the dsy. Many reports continued to be received of unfavorable conditions in the iron and steel trades, of cutting of iron prices and of declining orders for ateel. The rise in the United Steel stocks, though smsil. wss sufficient to establish them st new high levels for the yesr. fnlon Tscifle con tinued the conspicuous leader. In the ad vance and also rose to a new high level. A number of other prominent stocks ap- Sroached or exceeded the high prices of isrch, which were the previous high prices for the year. The lull In the late market came with the publication of the forecasts of the week's cash rhsne-ea. The promise of an acces sion of between a6.0Me and 7.W6.) In the reserves of the banks must be reckoned In connection with the week's outgo of gold, wrlch ran to a5.6to.000. to estimate properly the aignlficance of these figures from the Interior t New York. A rate of retire ment from active circulation and from banking uses in the interior, such aa la disclosed by those figures gives formid able evidence of the shrinkage of business activity. The showing proved momentary damper on the speculative enthusiasm. Prices subsequently advanced again, how ever, and closed general I v near the htgh esL Discussion of the Pennsylvanls bond Issue continued very active and Its in fluence on the stock market was still felL Much interest was shown In the price realised by the railroad company on the sale, after compensation to tankers and expenses had been deducted. Nothing of ficial could be learned on this subject, but reports were current Indicating that a substantial discount from the Issuing price hsd been accepted by the railroad. No additional gold exports were announced and foreign subscription to the Pennsyl vania loan affected the foreign exchange msrkeL Following were the sales and range of prices oa the Stock exchange today: mvii Kxprewi AautlsuMtet Capper Am. C. F Abl C. r. pt4 Aa. Ottoa Oil Am. CMioa Oil aid Aaertrwa Kxprwta Am. R. a U St Astertfwa ire Am. Llsseefl Oil Aa. Umx I Oil era Am. Loeenative Am. Leeamotive sft Am. . k Am. S. k. M Am. guru- Itef lain Am. Tobacro pfd rlf. ... ATiarona kilning Co Ati-Mxin Airfa'.Mm ff4 Attamle Cout Lis Balitntar Ohm tel. Ok fit Brwokira Rapi Tr Caa0!B 7rifie Cestral of New Jeraey... Ohaaaixak V Ohm ft !- Ot. ' rics K. w .. at. v st. P rtilraca T. 4V T Chicago T. a T. r4 C. C. C. St. 1 Cotoraa r. a t Color a a rnlo. r ka. tat Sf4 Col. A . M sfd Coaaol'lUted Go Cora Prodaet , 17a eo.em n, a4 a 4ew 4H 43t (41, tm Mta 4 Kit Law nv, i jt w na4 i Kt4 1.41 S4V4 :i m vh ii i I M 21 t'Vi .7t 4714 414 4', sn 7 S7 st tt.V 71 TI41 1 Tfl ' ! HMV 4" 117 1(4 ItTH h r7' i 6.4".' n 7H J W - tv Ki 1 76 7SH T5, ft 44 M 47 444 47n 1M4. e u 17 ir ten ! l!i xt4 4 fc5 i.a H "0 1M 14f1a UM .o4 m i i: H e, n 14 4 t4S Ml b 4 4- 141, I? e son !. 11, lit I-, ii Cora ProdiKis M mt V cw fci Itolaarar H4aoa 4 M0 !. !! 1 I ml . Li. w u Heaver km OrarMle. ta ia K"il i r. r. 0. sin niMUIen' ecarnie 4 1 4 R ' En 11, it m Ert la f'4 l.M U UK Krta M I4 U M J Ooeeral K-aolrle I t4 14 1U 1M lliltiom femraJ 4 itn rr Intara alloaal Paper - 1,0(10 In l lat. Paper y!4 W 4C4 U4 Ki Int. Pam 2. To iv 4, Int. Pans Pf4 M 7'4 7H 7 livw Central I f" 1ii lt IS. lewa Central eta. 2 404 sr.' K4 MH KBu Citr go 4" t?V 21 t, K. C. So. t4 ... 04 44 ht 44k UhMM e N l a m i-m, vk Mniru CVural J.7t 16 i:.i If. Xlna. ar St U. 1M 44 14 ft U . Rt. P. a . t. U 404 Lt 1UI4 l'i a, su p a . g. at. pro. IB Mtmoorl Pacific lw f 4f-4, 4rS M , K. " t,Sl tM4." H , K A T Me 4 44V, 1 Natloaa) x4 t.7u4 67 it 6H M44 s. k. n. of m. at ri New York Central 4 t1 4 W N. Y , O. a W I ft 44V 44 Kortolk a w 14'4 fct te, n N ft W. pf S Nonk Amarttaa 1 4 M 14 Mv, Fanfw Hall 4J ft 77 raaaarWaai S4 lui t)W4 lie i it Poopie'a Oa Le i4 i p., c . c. a at. L y w t 14 Steel Car t. r7 ti F Pi in 4 S. C. r4 3m l tl 41 Paiimaa rmlao Car 4 U li UT Kaaainf 164.0U4 V IK7 14, Kaaainf pit Bfadint Id r'H ' ftapablK 6'el Republic Start t4,.. Hack l.laaa oa Ratk UUui4 Co. M . at. u a r. it sit. St. Leal . W 61. L 8. W. pi. 6outara Partrie ..... so. raellie prt ka. Kaileay 6o. kallwar - Tessa A PaeKir T., et. 1 a w T . BC L W. pft.. lama Pacific t cioa Pacific pI4 C. 6. Exaeaa V. g. gaallr c. a. rMmr V. gatmer pft ... l e ... 7e ... I.1! a te na 7 4 1 14 V H 14 1S 4-H ii4 M 14V M 74 ... k 77S 4 114V HV 11 tee 14 V. uv ee 4.-4 174 4V 17e 1TV 4 41 ...161 isav irv 1V a"v tv t'4 41 II af H l'"-V II n hn lv "V .. IIS se rv 4?V 4V 47 V 4 4a ti 4i "V lt 64 I'. 4. Steel. Tl e V. 6 Sxerl p!l. t ee iv Va.-Oarolia Ckemlral l.w Vi Caeai. pt - , f V Wabaak 7 1 WaUaak el l i 14 Wail- ara guaeaaa WmoiBiiu Eiootrlc .e 7V Wira fame W ALK WiaiecalB Central ,.. Wia central r KMtMn Par 'no roatral Leaf bar Ceatral LMiiBar r4... ,c.-h-fiwa Steni . Craat NarUMrs p!4.... luvroorvaa Met. .... lal. Mat. Bft 434 41 ate 'iiv a iv 44 Jw 1"H IF JV ee tv X" v , 2w aa 4 2 4 1V K"I 44 1WV l4 . 1"V 1"V t Im 41 ear. 474, aw sharaa 7V tV Itaa ie r Tetal aaj lor 4 Xew Yerk Mlaiaa; teeka. NEW TORK. April 84. Closing quotations en mining stocks were: . 4 Ltale Cka? ... ... 6 ..." ...4 ... 14 ... n ... ... 14 Alio JU Oauute ........ kroaaa 14 Onair kvanalck Oaa 14 Pm4 .., rwni T-aael ... 4 Sara Cea. l. a Va aa Sian. Kva Iraa Silx r 1 Small Bopm.... Utlnia Oaa 6 Treaary taleaaeat. WASHINGTON. April 24 -Today state ment of the treasury balanc!. t-miuaiv of the guld reeerve, snows: Avail abla caah balance, tzJL 4J: gold coin and biilKin. 16.'.6A'; guld certificate. j4.4.1.- ataak trieartaga. OMAHA, April 44. -Rank Uear4i --' - - u iwr iae , m spuaduig date laei year. F.W? til 61 Kew Yerk Maarf Market. NEW TOR1C Attrtl 24,-MOV:Y-4-ra re't IS lr test. rl:i.g rate. 144 p-r oe0,; t, U.g b-4, 1, ptr cuat. etfcxvd at 2 ,r cut Time loan, out, hut rather firmer; slxtv dare, tv. per cent; ninety days. pet cent: s'x mo-tho, f : per cent PRIMK MERCANTILE PAPER 44H PT r-rt BTEKLtVO EXCHANGE-Pteadv, with actual bitf'n-m In barke's' hllia at 44 S7Itt 4 st? a for demsnd aed at t4 6"T-ff4-P4B for irtyiy blils. Commercial billa. ttleie F1LVTR Rar. Me: Mexican dollars. 47c. BONDS Oevernment, stead 7; railroad, strong. The following are the closing quotation V. g. raf . .. ..1L 4V J sal 4 4V, ..! , a. . a 44 . .IS" Wt. rvMral 4a as ..te-V So tat tar ). . .ltvnima. a M. U. .. S ..115V M.. K. a T. 4a 47 -71 o m ata, a, a 4. ,f . ,. e w .. r T. C. . I Ha c .. !. i C g ie, UV .. 47 K. Pacific 4 h4a .. ea a 7H, .. 7H . a w. e 4a rv .. Tivo. . L. rfo. 4a v ,.K4 Pee, ea. v V .. 4&Vttaadia an 4a ..4 Rt L 6 1. M. e. 4a .H- V . k 4a. ea o. a. 4. leg. Am. To a co 4a... 4 At-ktarm re. 4a.. . e adj. a Atiantie C U 4a. Bml. A Ok la 4 ... 4V a k. T e 4a ... Central at Oa. 6a. 4a tat tnc da ti lac 4d Inc L l r. i , 744 M . L. S W r a. u "TTioa. A flat 4V. caieaae A a 4V... i V aeaboar A. U 4a... 4S C . a Q. a. a.... 44 -So Parinc 4a Mv C k. I. P. 4a ... 4V o lat 4a etfa 6 1 eel. 4a 7S 4o. kaltvav aa M om . U 4a. 44 Tmrtm A P. la T Col. In. 6a. ear. A 4KVT.. gt U A W. 4a. 71 Ceio. Mid a ralea Pacific . MV Colo. A Bo. 4a v to pt ta 4:v Onba 6a losv T stael 34 ta rrv " v. v . w -aoaan . im fHatnirr W Sec aa. Krt s I. 4a y V e4 ft 4g S4 Waatara kf. 4a. 4 7V W. A f K 4a M KnV"la. Central 4a I T Au-blaa c. 4a Sk 4 4a rm tHalac Met. 4Vta 4T Horams Val, 4V. Jarea 4a 4 4V etr. a 44 a rf. , Bit otlere4. REPORT OF THE CLEARING HOTSE Traaaaetiaaa af the Aaaerlatea Baaka far the Week. NEW TORK. April 54. Bradstreefs bank cleartnrs report for the week ending April 23, shows sn sgrregate of asf,57.. as agalrrst 62,28742. I) last week snd 4-e.47.-743.Xi0 In the corresponding week last year. The following is a list of the cities: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York Chicago Roston PhUsdelphia ....... St, Louis Pittsburg San Francisco .... Kansas City Baltimore .......... Cincinnati Minneapolis ....... New Orleans Cleveland Detroit Louisville .......... OKA-BLA. Los Angeles Milwaukee Seattle t, Paul Buffalo Denver Indianapolis FjtI Worth Providence Portland. Ore. .... Alhaev ia.P77.67Z 000. xsi.ew.W4ii.. 118.8.Ofioj. M2.646. (. f. 136. (Of.-. 8S,7i,00Oj. ao.ri4.o(oi. at.. .. 4 1 4.630. m. 21.776.K . 16.416.OCK!. Il04a.0nri. 11. a21.0ra;. 12. 07.(X 60. 176. OWl. .s,ooai . ,4.0l) t.OMt.ono: . 7.644.61101.. 7.422.00IH. 7.0t.0lOl. 7.681. 01 Oj 4V!4.0ra . ,761.00O(. ti.W6.0noi. .. 6.16 4i. t.aso.onoi. t-vei.tnm.. 6.2S6.0fiO., 4.r7.0OOi. A.Vfi.Olf. 4.4M.OH. .7.0W. a3.onoi. l4fiS,0rOi. a.6i.vvx.,0flni. a.60,orj S.loi.onoi. 2.740.or.. 2.J76.0IKII. 2 006.0001. l.awi.o'iO'.'.. l.mi.ono;. 1.761 .Oflffl. l.w.ono;. LTCK.OOOi. . 1.441.000. 1.2..0I 0 1.4H7.(Wi;. L13.00(K. 1,04 2.0001. l.SM.OOOi. 1.43. Wa!.. l.e.l.oixx 1,17(1.000!. e77.fl.iOi . 1.106.0W. i.a,otioj. l,!K.ono . 74fi.onfil. Wl.OOH. 87X';.. sHSt.srK rVHOfW. 647.0. 7H7.O0O 67e-0 63.000 . eai.OIIOl 4te.oooi.. U.h (Richmond v ashlngton, D. C. Spokane, Wash. .. Bait Lake City .. Columti.i Bt, Joseph Atlanta Memphis T acorn a 7 Savannah Toledo, O Naahville Rochester Hartford Des Moinea Peoria Norfolk New Hsven Grand Rapida ..... Birmingham Syracuse Bloux City Springfield, Mas. Bvanevme Portland, Me Dayton Little Rock Augusta, Oe ..... Oakland. CaL .... Worcester ......... Mobile . Knoxvtfle Jacksonville. Fla. Chattanooga -. Charleston. S. C. . Lincoln, Neb Wilmington. Del. . Wichita Wilkeabarre Wheeling. W. Va, Fall River Davenport Kalamazoo, Mlcb, Topeka Helena Springfield. IU. .. Youngatown Fort Wayne New Bedford Erie. Pa. Cedar Rapida, Ia. Macon Akron Lexington Rockford. 111. Fargo. N. D Lowell Btngtiamton Chester. Pa Bloux Falls, 8. D. Keuth Rend. Ind... BloomingtoDk 111. Canton, O Quince. I1L Springfield. O. ... Decatur, 111 Mansfield, O. ..... Fremont. Neb. .... Jackaonville, I1L .. Oklahoma, Houston Galveston 12.8 14.6... 14 627,onol.. 613 000!.. 664.0O0.. ess.oooi.. 4M6,t01.. 40,onoi.. asi .... tlH.OI! 421 .Omr.. 4!.0 27i.ono!.. 4Ai.000 1.0no.. rn.oniri : asvi.fiOj . . lrta,(H.. 16.000).. 4 ry H . . .70.fT0.. HM!.m.. Not Included in totals becauae contain, tns other Items than clearings. Beetea Clnaleg gfteeka. BOSTON. AprU M Money, call loang. S f&4 per cent; time loana. !Vr4& per cent. The following were the closing prices en stocks and bonds: Atnhiaoa aJ. 4a.... 4 4a Men. Caauml 4a..... Alraiaoa da pt4 Baaus A Albany. Boaloa A Maine... Pieli.a Stevatet ... Pilchtonrx pf Meiiua Cecira ... N. T . K. H A H. Vnioa raoiric Am. Arc. Cna... 4 Sf4 Am. Paea. Tah.... An mr. Sugar 4 pf Am. T A T Am. Wool 1 v 4 pf4 rV-KLlnio I. A .. Eiiao Elec. ilia. Oonoral Eleotnc ... Ma, glee, pt Maaa. (ia t Bite Pralt Caaei S. M 4a pt r. t Steal do pi .. 4444 A4"twi 1 .. ft Alloa .. Amalsaei la .... 'kV Atlantic . evbinciuua ..ISVCal. A Hwtla ,.13 CenUBBtal IM Copper Kaag ... ..144 twir Warn .. li-V fiottiaiu Coal ..irv rVanah lt-Oraaar .. K law koral . v Mas Mining .... .. vvi aiaaa .IB Mohaak .it Mooi c. A C. ,.11V01 Iwmlalae .. .. 6Oarol , M Parrot ., .. 17 Salary , ,5:?'i fhaaaoe ..1S4V Tamarack ,. 4 Trmrty . alVfalte CVppar ... ,.lVt'. t. Mining . a?v t'tak . 27v '!- .. er ..6 .. 11V .. 4V .. 4V .. a .. .. 4 .. i .. Mt .. M, .. 41 .. 4'l .. MV .. 4S .. l'V .. :: S .. H i . aavw iaena aav w laena 4V 10OV"ilvria U6 Si 4. baata tteek Market. T IVTlTlV Amrll 4 , - . - . e crunises opened flu let and steady today. First prices .' Kh31 ,.km!,. . . JT " , " e jeeieraays New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Canaala. moaay tV Ma.. Ka. A Tax . 4v 4a areeuat 44W-i4N T Cetral tiatanU 1 h'artalk A W rT Atck! t . - Oatarl A W " Mu, a r a? u 1 lUVRan Mute it 41V-aala 4 Sat6era kallvay... Ma 1 se SI it Vati. Pariflc .... ?4V avtako racin imv ,.. :.. J 4 I. g. Suml... KV M 4a s'4 ia? 14W.ti tl2 1- 4. st : J, lm tsaaiak 4a a, Oiaaaaaak A Gl., rtit. Grant Waatcrw.. Cnt. Mil A Sc. P.... tmaanr A 6 O pt En la era , 4a 4 S4 Oraat Trunk IiliaaU Ccatral .... 1 Huaaii A M Amal Cpr a, HLVER Bar. euiet at 24V-MONEf-fv per cent The rste of discount In the opes market for abort bills is la-b.H per cent; for three ineoUis' bill. 2 11-14 per otoL Cee Market. NEW YORK, April 24.-COFFEE-Mar-ket for Mffee futuies ciuerd steady, net un changed to 6 rj..!nts higher, raica were ra- ?rtd of bags Inciuditig May, 6 4 w uly. 6 7?: rMn ir, 6 6ar; Iiecemtr' tfcuc: March. Aouc. fcnot aieyiv K .. -. t. , ' 6c; No. 4 Rantoa. a-yc; riuid. dull; (y. ova. rjc By using the vnoua aWpartrnenU cf Tti Eee Want Ad Pad -a ycu gat aKk rti ai a arail tipcite. OMAHA LIVE STOCE MARKET Light Eon of Cattle, with EYerytiuBg: Etion and Actire. HOGS SELL FIVE TO TEN HIGHXS Hardly Eaeagk gkeea ar Lesabe ta Make Teet af tke Market, wltk 34 e Qeetable Ckaage ta Prices. SOUTH OMAHA. April 21 le. Recelcta were: Cattle. Hon. Bheep. Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .. Officel Wednesday Official Thursday . Estimate Friday ... 1.67 l Kf 6 rl ...r2 6l a.KW Lm 7 631 2.W1 (OM KM 4.014 6.rWl iw i.7 Ftve days this week,...10fi 24 49a 27.674 Bame daya last week.... 11. TIT S9.H77 18.WU Bame daya 2 weeks ago.. 14.176 HIM 24 ', Bame days a weeks ago. .16.61 26.17 2 504 Bame dsys 4 weeks ago.. 17. M .47t 48.BP7 Same da a last year 26.K 42.794 !.( The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hog and sheep st South Omaha for tha year to date, cximpared with last year: ing. i.7. Ind. Dec. tattle Sl,62 SM2E4 74.7JJ Hogs ,'Mi.4im 77.C 17C8&J Sheep 4f.ii.441 66I.7 187.280 The following table shows the average price ot hogs at South Omaha for the last several daya, with comparisons: Data. IX. lilfC.lF6.lM.lJO 16TS.;i01. April 14. April 15. April It. April 17. April IS. April 3. April 20.. April a.. April 22 April 23., AprU 24. 6 Mi I I 4rs a t 27H a 43; I 4?V SS 6 51il i a sol t a mi a Des' a jrsf a aim t to a Mi a 4a! i 24 4 5j 7 22' a 4 t tl 4 69 Tli a k 4 a 9i a 6i! s n a k bi ir a 44i a 27 t 42! t 23 T141 t6 4 7S : 4 2 710 a 4j a 4 6 ! 4 61 a 241 I 4 82 a i t ki 111 l T 07 a 64 IU IM 7081 'Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today bv each road was: Csttle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r'a C. M. St. P. Ry 1 t Wabash R.R. 1 Union Pacific R, R... T C 1 C. At N. W. east 1- .. .. C. ex N. W.. west....U 26 1 .. C. Bt. P. M. O. Ry.. 4 4 C. R. A Q . (east) 1 C. B. & Q. (westl ....U 14 4 C. R. 1. aV P.. (east).. .. C. R I. A P.. (west).. 1 Illinois Central Ry I .. 1 C. O. W. Ry 1 1 Total receipts, i.... 40 85 11 I The disposition of the esy's receipts was as follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle Hogs. Bheep. 17 LOOT M 476 1.244 467 ot 64 63 611 Omaha Packing Co... 124 134 Bwift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Kingan Packing Co.... Bchwartachlld A B ... Lobman A Rothchild.. W. I. Stephen Hill at Son F. P. Lewie J. B. Root A Co Huffman Co.. McCreary AY Carey.... H. F. Hemileon Sulliyan Bros Lehmer Broe Wesmith Packing Co.. Cleveland Packing Co. Haman-Btandieh Blackahlre Other buyers 416 15S 14 .2 10S 21 614 vt 6S7 ToUl LttS 6.747 2,700 CATTLE Aa uaual of late oa Friday the receipts of cattle were very small, there not being enough here to really make a test of the market. The few here, however, sold very readily, practically everything being disposed of by a- o clock in the morn ing or soon after. Packers all seemed to .want a few beef cattle and they were out early cleaning up the offerlnga in short order at good strong cricea gome cattle that Just happened to be wanted sold at prions that looked quite a little better than yeserday. Cattle todny are aafely 2t,fi4ac higher than last week a low time, with handy light rattle of good duality in soma cases showing a good toe advance. The few oows end heifers here met with resdy sale at good strong prices, everything being disposed of very readily. Cows and h'''r did not decline so much last week as did beef steers and thev have not put OB ,,?much thi' eek. the good kinds are KnJilRc higher for the week, while me dium and inferior grades have been very alow sellers most of the time, with com paratively utile change In prices. There were no stockers and feeders here today of any consequence, but the feeling was sbout steady. In fact there has been no noteworthy change In the feeder trade thia week. Both eupply and demand haa been moderate and price have remained about stationary. Quotationa on cattle: Oood to choice corn fed steer. 4fi.2Mi6.76: fair to good corn-fed s'r."4i.5; common to fair corn-fed steers, l4.oVs6.66; good to choice cowa and heifers, M.ait.OO; fair to good cows and belfeas. SJ.MHfc; common te fair rows and heifers. 62.2Mi4.t.; good to choice stockers and feeders. a4.7t.Ti. 60; fair to good stockers and feeders. 64.0.H&4 .75; com mon te fair stockers and feeders, tl.OOtpt 00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Me. 16 14 11 4 II 11 14 I 21 44 4 ao A. Pr. Na 4. Pr 1444 4 14 16 4 4 1H7 4 1M1 4 44 U7J 4 44 IU 4 44 1IXT 4 44 IM 4 S Ib4 4 44 1M t Ul 44 14 4 64 44 4 44 14 i M ion 4 44 T 4 4 1)44 6 44 . 4 44 114 4 14 1147 4 14 474 4 la Hae 6 44 464 4 44 SU 4 64 409 6 64 T74 4 44 74 4 t tt!4 4 44 1117 4 4 luf i tie l'ut 4 16 11 4 4 loot 4 46 44.... 11 ... 14..., 4.... ... 64 ... 14.... 4 ... a.... 34.... 14.... IU ... 1047 4 14 114 1 74 SMI 2 40 444 4 44 7(4 6 44 K04 4 ur t ti u I 11 M IN M t J cowa. ti.... 14.... 24... 4.... T. ... I.... 1... 4.... I.... .. Sn4 4 44 . .64 4 4 ,.Ul4 4 4 .. T42 4 44 HEIFERS. M in 4. , 444 4 44 M 644 6 14 16V4 4 44 14 4 44 U4 4 44 6 44 1474 6 4 ..... if e 144 I H BULLS. 44 44 12W I 44 474 4 44 r.att I 61 1114 4 76 tl!4 4 11 144 4 44 1.7.'.'.'. i 4 as a it STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4ui s I sal 4 M 4 am 4 40 " CALVES. 14 4 4 1 144 6 74 4 4 4 Sl at 4 177 4 44 1 14 4 4 l H4 4 a t , m 6 74 L io a HOGS Speculators started out thia mora, lng picking out trie good kinds of bogs, for which, they paid in many cases 10c higher than Vesierdsv. Par.era t. v.i back and for a time the market wa' pretty alow Later it took on a litie more lite ana tne nogs were finally cleaned up. with the general market fc&lOc higher than ea terd4y. It was very apparent that packers were not avery anxious for the boga at the advance, and they seemed to pay tha prices under protest, aa It were Good, well fin ished, light bogs were free sellers, but co me, heavy pa-ktog boga were diacrimi nated agalnat, Tht bogs sold largely at 6aS7H64iW with good loads selling ea up to e74 The htgs yesterday went largely at 66 aOtjA i:'. Representative salts: Ka. ar. as. Pr. 4 t4 a 4 as 41 ...61 44 6 44 41 141 4 4 41 44 Ik IK 14 14 ill 44 l 4 4 M 44 44 M III 14 IM la 4 17V 44 in 44 4 17V it tit ia i rv 4 1T 6 1-V 71. tl II, 44 1(7 11 4 rv tan ii 4 rv rr ih m in, 74 4 XM 6 rv Tl A7 4 6 rt 4 1.1 4W I l'V 4 444 la a rv 64 S4 4 6 Hv 47 121 4 I 4 V 47 Hi 14 4 rv 14 MM . . n ia a i rv ' ii in it, at i4 . . a a 1.4 st 4 4 t-4 a I a n 4 4 4 j 44 4 U 6 m l 4 I 4 7l Ui aa 4 a 74 1-4 4 a at i im 4 4 Urn I 4 r4 ..) rt rrt a aa 4 4 lai I 44. Pr. a 4 44 m I 4 M ia) ... 4 44 44 4 4 ... 4 44 I 44 44 I 44 ... 6 44 6 44 at I aa Mia Ik MS 4 uV IM 4 4tv ... 6 uv 44 4 ( 44 6 47v ... I 41 44 4 41V 44 6 V ... 4 41 . . HU, 44 4 49V 44 4 4?v . . 4 4i, 44 6 41V ... IS, 144 4 41, . . 4 44 M 4 44 ... 4 a . . 4 44 40 4 44 4.4 4 44 a IM ... H, ... 44, r... ii 14.. 74.. 4a.. 41.. 74., 41 . kJi .114 ..6.1 ..Pt . in ..rm km Hi 61 .l 71. II. tl ttl 4 IM I Ml lal l" II .14 Tl ta W r-i S4 HOT 0I1LY SECURE, BUT AVAILABLE Your money deposited in tbe First National Bank of Omaha will receive absolute protection and is at your instant command TVe know that yon Trill be well pleased with the efficient manner in which your banking busi ness is transacted if you have an account with us, FIRST EJATIOEJAl DANK OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH A!!D FARIIAM STREETS CAFITAL $539,003.03 SURPLUS $503,009.03 heep tr lambs on sale this morning to make a test of the market or establish quotation a The few here sold in about ths same notches aa yesterday, there being comparatively little change in value. Good Mexican lambs sold up to 17.60. A con siderable proportion of the recelpta con sisted ef lambs en the feeder order, hardly good enough for the packer to bid on. The market for the week baa been Blew and dull on most days. PtilU best lamb hsve sold very nearly steady with tbe lees desirable kinds. 104rl6c lower. Shorn atuff. both sheep and lamba. has grsduslly eased off. being around U&26o lower Uiaa last week. Quotations on lambs: 6ood to ehn'ce weoled. 17..87.50; fair te good wooled. a4.7f.Q7.26; good ahearlng lamba earrvlug flesh, K. 504.4.76; good shearing lambs, thin. 6464&0. shorn lamba, toe under wooled stock. . , Quotations on sheep: Oood te choice light yearling, shorn. afOOStBt; fair to good earltnge. shorn, as 7Mi.fl0; good to choice wethers, shorn, 4S.7r.39; fslr to good wethers, shorn. 65 SOfli.TS; good to cboios ewes, sh-rrn. a Ibtfe Mt; fslr to good 7 ewes, shorn. 64. 76426 26; culls ana oucsa shorn. 610(1 4. 50; wooled Sheep, above shorn stock. Representative sales: 104 wwetera) lamba, horn culls.. 4 4l western lamba 74 64 western lambs 74 14 western lambs, culls 86 M western wethers and year lings M 644 western lambe 67 644 Mexican iambs 7 1S4 western lamba, feeder 444 206 western lambs, feeders 70 ( on T ia a 75 s 6 60 T B5 7 M a 7t a 7& CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle 'aad Bheep Ktead y- Heea steady la Tea Ceate Higher. CHICAGO. April 24. "ATTLE Reoeipta, sbout 1.600 besd: msrket stesdyj steers, 6.V0(Sf7.15: cows. n76(fJ4.76; heifers, II MX 675: bulls. M.60ie.a0; calves, ai-W47i.sO; stockers and feeders. t3.26tS6.76. HOGS Receipts about 14.0OT bead; market steadv to 10c higher; choice heavy ehipping, fa.wS47e.76; butchera 66. 606 W; light mixed, IS.- 6; choice llrht, 4o.2see.70; packers, 6A7Hrtiflr.; bulk. ISJixfeoTO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts (ani mated at 4,000 bead: market eteady; sheep, 6T.Wp4.O0; lambs, lo.00-7.70; yearlings. &6 4X.6A Kaaaaa City Live ateel. Market. KANSAS CITT, April 24. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,606 head. Including 106 southerns; market strong to shade higher; choice ex port and dressed beef steers. 66-iOef7.00; fair to good, lf.&0.&6; western steers, 6.00.a0; Blockers snd feeders, 61 S0$i6-t0, southern steers, 64 ff4r-60; southern Cows, 62 7M4 00; native beifera el.60tiia.40; bulls. p.C.b.40; calves. KUkSAOO. HOGS Reoeipts. 4. 000 hesd; market 6Jfl0o higher; top, tt.a; bulk, 66.4606.8); heavy. 6o.6g.a5; packers and butchers, aE.40s.6i; plaa, 64 10.g4.r6 SHEEP AND LAMBS- Reoeipta. l.OnO bead; market steady; lamba 16.00(8.60; ewe and yearling. 6SEi b; western vear lings, aA04w.76; western aheep, li.UOr.2, stockers and. feeders, tt.606.00. St. Lewis Live Steek Market. ST. LOnS, April 24. CATTLE Receipts. L006 head, including 664) Texan; market steady. Native shipping and export steers,; dressed beef and butchers steers. 65 V 26; steers under 1.004 pounds. )4 764 5.i; stockers and feeders, tl00tpo2S: cows snd heifers. as.7i0e.OO; canners, 2.C05a.oj; bulla 6X-64j.2i; calves. S.l:.1.70;. Texss and Indian steers. 15. 204. Ii; cows and heirers, ll.75tr4.00. HOGS Receipts, 1.500 bead; market 10c higher; piga and lights. tj.ot66.70; packera, 64 6i.ift.70; butchsra and best heavy, lo.evfi 6.60. SHEEP AND LAkTBrl-Receipt , 600 bead; market steady; Datives. al.T-04 bit; hxmbs, K6CtfS50; culls and bucks, 6.00. t. Jeeeph Llee Steek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., AprU 24 CATTLE Recelpta 4Z7 head; isrket strong; natives, 6oA6Ji.l; oows amd heifer. 610.njj.00; lockers snd feeders. eS.7&j.2o. HOJ8 Receipts, 1721 head: market sfflOc higher; top. 66 46; bulk, as 4i4j5.56, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.443 hesd; market steady to strong; lamba, 6-a tyi.oO; yearlings and wethera, K. 76.476. Slaax Citr Live Steek Market. SIOITX CITT, Aprtl 24 (Special Tele gram. CArTLE Recelpta. 7d0 head; mar ket atrong; beeves, 65E.li4.7l; cows and heifers, ai.Slra.aO; stockers and feeders. 64 76; calves and yearling. 6 5064 60. HOGS Recelpta, a.60t) bead; market 6c to lOo higher; range. 65.3(ifc6-4i ; bulk. 16 6a .40. Steekt la Slgkt. ' Receipts ef live stock at ths six principal we tern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hora Sheen South Omaha 14 6.011 2.637 Hioux City 709 1.500 Kausss City 1.64) 4 0 l.tna et. IOUls LOT 4.&"9 i"0 St, Joaeph T7 17 1 442 Chicago - 1,604 lLOtiO 6.0j Totals a.7 147 OMAHA WHOLEBALE MARKET. Ceadltiea af Trade aadl QaaCatlaaa aa Staple aad Paaey Pradaww. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled, lie 1J UTTER mnion, W. fay tub and roll. 1M14c; creamery. Sue, CHELdc Kew full rream. Wlaconala twin. l'ic; new full cruam brick, lie; or mesuo new Bwiaa, lac; new Uiaburger, atf lac; young Americans, LI E POULTRK springs. He; roosters, tc; ducks, 11c; geese, c; cofn.ii. 16c HA5 Choiu No. 1 upland, 67.60: mediam. 666vi No. 1 botlom. ttA); off grades, KJ Auk Rye straw 17 V. No. 1 alfalfa, ja lot. -.-. is tj l a. CANNED coji..a torn, standard west ern, 66c. Tomatoea, fancy, 6-pound cana, 11.46: atandard 6-pound cana. tl lu. l ine spples, gated, 2-pound, tt "y.6u; sliced, tL.UpM. Gallon spples. 61 bu. California a pr too la. ti-t3J Pears. 6ii lutu 16. Peach-. L. C. Peaches, 6-1044 a la. Alaaka aalmca. red, 11.4u; fancy Cliinook, flat, 6216; fancy aockeye, fiat, 11.16. fcardinee, ajuarter ell.; three juartra muatard, H.X5. gweel potauxa, tl jiLJi. Baucrkraut. Hoc Pumpkier ' 4)61 vj. Lima bwana. 6-pound. 7U'i bunked peaa. 2-pound. Sac; fancy, tl 2i.tjl.46. FlA 11 Halibut, ivc, trout, lie; pickerel. 7c; pike, sc; wiilte fish. 16c; buffalo, kc; bullheads, skinned and dressed, lie; catfian, dreaeed. 11c; medium croppies and yellow auntiah. 6476c; large croppies, 16c; herring, fieeh froirn, 4-r: parch, 6c; while bee, 14C; blsck basa, 23c. CALIFORNIA tiRIED ERI'ITS-Prune are aeroewhat unsettle by freer offeringa from aecead bands, who seem desirous ef moving supplies ef Immediate gradva Quo tationa range from tc to r- fur California fruit and from 6a to 6c for Oregon, Peaches are very firm, with fancy yeltowa quoted at irv, SL'UAH Oranulated. cane, per seek, 66 64. beet, 640; Cul loaf. Ici ruiiM, Ciut; pow. derwd. I 61c. COrrtK Rossted. Ka. 25. ICc; No. Ml He; Ka. 6. Uc; Na SO. l4c. Metal Market. NEW TORK. April M-METALS-The 1nr.doe l'4 market waaeuiet, wa future- All. !. Locai tne market waa easy, with eueiations rariring from til v'-l 6" Copper w lower, w.'n aj-ot cuuted at AM1 5', i, arl future i jM ', d In ins l.nJon inr kt la! v tte rr.afk t wo quih, wrt at It jr,, v.c. 4t.-, 1 ."-1 5Q 0 Land secured o Bonds'- st par is au-a ef (100. IV and rJ4 In terest paid every atx months at Americas Trast. barings Bask. Chicago, tsseed by ths Denver Reservoir Irrigation Co. Mortgage ea . rrr, elnne te nearer - sre Oepoii4 wirb tb Db.UUj A J above asmed Pank a collateral ecarity to tre rjJCDEIl hoeos la tb rerlo of 125 " teloO. Araealltbepmp TTfp r!T af tbe Coospany, Till. estf-eied worth UUXDS Hullo. Itll.- Coaslstfeg ef Caaala, Kaeerroira, Sites, Water SUgbts, S4B. Maal-lwal B Pli 4 Jf asl Bank ItldA. ur .,,, TravWiHt rl-e Ce. 21 Fire Hatiaa-1 Beak R1A 1-ItH. IU .h "al llrnataa e SawlptlsB t Dwavar kaaarr bngwuea Cm. S-w-si 51 4y For further Information raaantma the above bonds, call on or address' i ' . ' . WAITXB X. UKOSE. j Braadles aUdg. Omasa, See, . MAWK BIFOtm SVAJkAJTTXSX), " Cltiseas Baak ft Treat Csaftay. State TMpoeitory, . kartlerrllls. OUakiaa, tabtts la Ul sank cuNTEg; by tha Srai at Oklo Ouanaty rn4. tC'. state lav . -i4a ABSOLXTIt aajrgTT te ear ean ora. Tb State gaaiwatee ta ret ara at their May a saaa sneer say elrcaawtaaona w any tatereat ea tia 4xelta Mak fiiuwe ta aay lara. TmH Inlon nattaa f-raisba aaea reenaat. l-axgest STUM Bank la Baaterk O-lakoaa, leads Lhleeee, IU. i at- a 4ai asi4aae. rally the market was quiet at n.mt9.1fr. 4pelter declined 2s ad to 3 2s 4d In the London market. Locally the market waa quiet and unchanged at 64 wJ-4 So. iroa was tower in the English market, with standard foundry 60s and Celevland warranta. Urn Locally No. 1 foundry, -northern. a7.6tJri Ak'i No. 2. H7.0O6H7.6O; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, tla.6fi17.2. ST. LOC18. April 25. METATrV Lead, firm, 11. Si, bid. Spelter, strong, Haa. Waal Market. ' BOSTON. Aprtl M.-WOOL-Ths Commer, dal Bulletin of Boston, making lu report on the statistics gathered for the govern ment, will say tomorrow: The wool market Is dull, and oa tbe whole featureless Moat sales reported are email lota of 16 Otjo to 25.000 pounds each. The manufacturing out. look ia dubioua and there la no Indication that wool 1 to rule firmer. The shipments of wool from Boaton to April 21. inclusive .. were 43 600.009 pounds agalnat 7,10j,l pounds the same' time last year. The re oeipta to AprU 28. Inclusive, were 4l.4Wi'4 pounds agalnat 75.3a.6M pounds the aame period last year. BT. LOCIS, Mo., April M. WOOL--Dull; medium grade, combing and clothing, 154 17c; light fine. I$pi6c; heavy fine, UtTUc; tub washed, SOtjr'-ikO. Cattaa Market. NEW TORK. April 64. CO TTO N Vu -turee opened steady; May. B.S&c: June, 4.41c bid; July, 161c; August, .0c; October. .47c; December, .6ur; January. 813c. Stey' ' APrU "-ra- FREE THOUGHT, FREE SCHOOLS Beheiwlaa Editor Delivers . leetara I der Aaspleea af Bakesalaa Clpka. Karel L, Pelant of Prague, Bohemia, ed itor or Free Thought and Free Schools. '. publications of that city, delivered an ad dress Wednesday night st Turner ball en lbs subject of Religion and Their Origin,', and another lecture Thursday night at Na tional hall on the- subject ef "Socialism Snd Its Development. Both of thesa lec ture were given under the a ur picas of ti;e Bohemian clubs of Omaha and South Omaha. This evening he will lecture in South Omaha on tha subject of "Free Schools." A big attendance greeted both of the lectures thus far given, Mr. Pelant Is a fluent speaker and a man. of broad and liberal ideas. He goes from here to Wilson. Kan., where he will lec ture, and from there to Bt. Louis and Ok lahoma. where he la engaged to deliver a series of lectures. ;: Mobile Health dictates the wearLno; of Porosknlt" underwrs r cool ing com fort against Summtr heat demand it. Pcrosknlt " is ft wondrrful fabric, light, elastic endincT kad docidedly a-tis- All ctvles, sa your dealer. Insist opun ths Fo-tc.kjilt " lattl it g j-our jB-otoctija. If yu c-aa t find it wtos us. CHAJUwr-lrC rMTTtKl CfA, . M il t fm r MM . SI r le a i '.if.--rrt tt t-m.r a-a fi I r 1 i.g t 4.4 -v . . L- i ".. el eUl a ua i.w. 1m- s 4