Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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4i. 5
brief an mis
Havs Root Print It.
Kndolph p. woBoda, Accountant-auditor.
Tot CongTssa, Tnos. W. BUeasara. adv
Tote Cnrtort, tx-lmor Cheney. Boyd Trr.
Bowmta, HI N. t(. Douaiaa shoes. I1.S0.
P Bonrk tor Quality clsars. H B. ISth
Blnahart, photographer, lSlh Farnam.
Ylslt Mysrs-Mlloa 112,000 aoda fountain.
At tha Pastom Hotal CaXa For a mod
era mw,', for a modern lunch.
Fsnts to Ordsr, S3 up; coala and panta,
$20 up. MacCarthy-Wllson. 104 8. lth.
lopnlar Prleaa at tha Da Grand Cafs
Whits waiters. Opeo a. m. to II p. ru.
Klrkaadau WU1 Kara lu Parlor F. P.
Klrkendall will build a aun parlor on hta
residence at JT87 Jackson street the con
tract having beeu let to Wallace H. Pariah
for :,ooo.
Oorarsor'a Party Grows The governor's
special train from Lincoln to the Pacific
coast, which leaves Lincoln Saturday evening-,
now has 112 reservations. The cara
now bring fitted specially at Lincoln
and all are looking forward to a florloua
Jos Marts Bound Orer Joe Merts. who
la charged with fontlnn an endorsement on
a check, which he la alleged to have atolen
from tha Waters Printing company, where
ha was employed, waa arraigned In police
court and bound over to tha district court
under SGOO bonds. '
Ornaaans Oo to Premoet Pun eral Sev
eral Omaha friends of the late Mrs. Susan
Welty will go to Fremont Saturday morn
ing to attend her funeral at 2 p. m. Mrs.
Welty. who died at Fremont Thursday
mnrninf, formerly lived In Omaha and had
many friends here.
William SUIl art to Pnt Vp Pin House
Walter Peterson has secured the contract
for the residence of Will Millard at Thirty
ninth and Davenport streets. Mr. Peter
son's work will amount to more than
fj,000 and another contract Is to be let for
the finishing- which, will cost S15,(M0 to
0,000. '
Suit Alain rt Illinois Central The trial
of the case of Benjamin Nelson as admin
istrator of the estate of H. C. Miller against
the Illinois Central Railway company for
15,130 damages waa begun In the United
States circuit court before a Jury Friday
morning. This Is the second case that has
finally been brought to trial at this term.
Bo House from Hew Tork N. V. filnon
ian of New York City haa leased the build
ing at 16094 Farnam atreet for a term of
years and will put in a stock of ruga and
tapestry valued at 175.000. Tha houae main
tained a branch In Pes Moinea. Ia., until
recently, but decided to open In Omaha as
a better and larger market for ftne goods.
Sane for Colonel Su Custer A danca
will be given under the auspices of the
Knights of the Mystio circle at Bartght's
hall. Nineteenth and Farnam! streets, the
night of May 1. In the Interact of Colonel
Dan T. Custer, a member of that fra
ternity. Before tha grand march Howard
H. Baldrige and Louis J. Plattt, knights,
will make addresses
Besertloa and Honaupport Edna Condon
ha applied for a divorce from Charles E.
Condon on chargea of desertion and non
support. She says a few months after she
married Mm he waa indicted by a grand
Jury in Sioux City and ran away, returning
two years later. They lived together for a
while and he left her again. She aska tha
custody of their child..
Brief ia fcaad Cases Assistant Attorney
General 8. R. Rush and District Attorney
Cosa have filed their briefs In the appeal
cases of Bartlett Richard. Will O. Corn
stock. Charlea C. Jamison and Aqullla Trip
lett in the land fraud casea with the United
States court of appeala, The brief com
prises 212 printed pages. Tha caa win be
argued at St. Paul May S.
Wife and Child Are Deserted Wife and
'child abandonment la the charge filed In
police court Friday against Hugo Frals
sinet, a laborer, living at 2911 Amea ave
nue, Mrs. FraJsslnet appeared with her
children, aged 7. 5 and 1. respectively. She
laid her husband had beaten her Sunday,
had taken aome of the furniture away and
haa not been back since.
Driver Pays Pin for -v-s; Traia It
cost Howard Poff 3.50 to get an expreaa
package on a certain train Friday morning.
Poff explained In police court where he
waa charged with fast and reckleaa driving
down Farnam atreet. that tha package Just
had to go on that train and that In order
to get It there he had to drive at a gallop
on a busy thoroughfare. He was assessed
II and costs.
Blpao Patloat Kakea Tsoape Taking ad
vantage of special privileges given him by
the superintendent. George Warner, a dip
somaniac patient at the Lincoln asylum.
Fine Feathers
A bird in the hat is worth
eight or ten in the bush.
Is it? In a period of fifteen
years prior to 1903, bird life
in this country was reduced
fifty per cent. But now we
are giving them more of a
chance; refuges have been
established where the birds' can
breed in safety ; wardens have
been appointed whom the
Federal Government pays the
princely sum of One Dollar
Eer month, their real wages
eing paid by organizations.
Read this article, Harbors
-. for Wild Birds," by Rene
Bache, in The Saturday
Evsvno Post, and learn how
. e are being saved from the
disgrace of a birdless, song
silenced country.
"Vaiti, the Queen," by
. Beatrice Grimshaw, tells how
Vaiti was stranded on a lonely
island, and how it turned out
. to be not quite so lonely as she
thought, and, indeed, not so
r lonely as she might wish.
This' week's issue of Tm
' Saturday Evninq Post U
now on sale
At the Kews-stsads, S cents.
IliO the yr by nail.
. Thb Curtis Publish ino Coup ait
Our Boy Ars Everrwher
Copies will be delivered to any ad
dies by Krlo NcUoo, Ids Capltoi
Vvvuu. Oiuafc
ran away Thursday and came bark to his
home In Omaha. The sheriff s office was
notified at t o'clock Friday morning and
at 10 30 had Warner In custody agaJn.
Warner was aent to the asylum from
Omaha for treatment, but decided he had
been cured before his time wsa up.
Verdict of Pir Dollars Max Wlnthroub
was awarded a verdict of fS by a Jury In
Judge Day'a court Friday morning against
the Omaha Packing company and Jack
Daiible. after the Jury had been out all
Jlght. Wlnthroub claimed Dauble, an em
ploye of the company, had as
saulted him because he commented on the
price of meat The defendant asserted
Wlnthroub had "clawed" over some of the
meat on the counter and denied he had
been injured.
Presbyterian Ken's Cine The Men's club
of the First Presbyterian church will give
a memorial dinner Monday evening at the
church. It will be the tenth anniversary
of the departure of Company Ls First Ne
braska United States volunteers for the
Philippines. Bhort addresses will be deliv
ered by Major B. D. Slaughter, paymaster
United Statea army, and by Messrs. Ber
well, St. Clair and Crook of Camp Lee
Forby and Cadet Taylor. Judge Howard
Kennedy will preside.
Pilgrimage of Sugar Workers The an
nual exodua of sugar beet workers from
Nebraska Is ready to start and three spe
cial trains of these workers, with their
families, will leave Lincoln April 28 and 29
for western Nebraska and eastern Colo
rado. Two other trains have been con
tracted for for the first part of May for
Billings and the Big Horn country. These
Dunkard beet workers spend their winters
in Nebraska and in the aprtng go to all
parte of th country where beets are
Johnson After Bestanrant Ken Under
Instruction from Food Commissioner John
son County Attorney English will file com
plaints sgainst four restaurant keepers for
selling milk containing lees than S per
cent butter fat J. A. Barkhoff, Inspector,
examined samples from all of the places
and found them very deficient The res
taurant keepers who will be prosecuted
and the amount of butter fat round In their
products are Tom Ah. 517 North Sixteenth
street. 1.1 per cent; Joe Lee, 1304 Douglas
street. 1.9 per cent; James Henry, 1517
Capitol avenue. 1.9 per cent; Tom Roy. 1321
Douglas street. l.T per cent.
Banger ia Wire Clotheslines Waldemar
Mlchaelsen, city electrician, calls attention
to the danger of attaching wire clothea lines
from tall trees to the house and advises
the changing of all wires so placed, now
that th season of electrical storma has ar
rived. Th electrician says it is not a
theory but a fact that electricity will fol
low the wire from the tree to the house,
and he says houses have been exploded or
set on fire In this manner In Omaha. Rope
clotheslines are the best, he says, but wire
lines can be used If they are strung from
tree to tree or from a tree to a post, but
they should never be sttached to tha house.
Father OTlasassaa Osres Psrchsas
f I risk Goods as Oat Way to
Ala Irelaad.
Father M. O'Flannaxan of Roscommon
county, Ireland, delivered an address
Thursday evening on the subject of the
"Industrial Revival of Ireland" before a
fairly large audience In Crelghton Institute
hall In spite of the storm that sprang up
about the time the meeting waa to as
semble. Th lecture was given under the
auaplces of the Irish-American club of
Omaha, T. J. Mahoney presiding.
The burden of Father O'Flannagan's ad
dress was the stimulus which has been
noted In Ireland during the last several
years toward manufacturing those pro
ducts for which the land was famous in
past years and which had been crushed out
of existence by, he stated, British com
merclallsm, backed up by parliamentary
legislation unfriendly to Irish trade. Ha
urged that frienda of Ireland In America
contribute to the Industrial revival of Ire.
land by calling for Irish made gooda and
thereby creating a demand for them and
thus Induce American merchants to pro.
cure them for sale.
Samples of Irish made products were now
on exhibition In Bran del a' store and were
being ahown under the direction of a num
ber of young women representing tha Irish
manufacturers. These products consist of
Irish laces and linena and he asked that
friends of Ireland visit the store and ex
amine these products, not necessarily to
buy, but to get acquainted with them.
A ShoeitlaaT Scrap
with both parties wounded, demanda Buck
len's Arnica Salve. Heals wound .
burns or injuries. 25c For sale by Beaton
Drug to.
asaaaaaas vavi.
Th hinch committee of th T. W. C. A.
will have a rummage 'sale, commencing
Monday. April Zl, to raise money for th
furnishing of th lunch room In th new
building. They earnestly request all per
sons who have artlclea which they are
willing to contribute to this- purpose, to
send them to th T. W. C. A. rooms at
th Paxton block on or before Saturday
of this week. Bundles too large to be car
ried will b called for. 'Phone Douglas
Announcements, wedding stationery and
calling cards, blank book and magaaine
binding. 'Phone Doug. 1604. A. L Root, Inc.
Th next musical eves-, will be Mabell
Crawford-Welpton In her public aong re
cital Monday next at the First Methodltt
By using the varloua departments of The
Bee Want Ad Pages you got quick returns
at a small expense.
Mias Alice Fenner, millinery buver for
Thompson, Belden A Co.. left for the east
last iilcht.
Judge Lee Eafelle haa gone to Barer
county to hold court
Mrs. Joseph Shranck and Mrs. A E.
Elthlng of David Cily are at the Schlitx.
A. E. Cady of Bt. Paul. D. E. Tanner of
Battle Creek and W. O. Southwick of
Friend are at the Henahaw.
R. D. Hobhs of the United States secret
service has returned to Omaha after sev
eral weeks' absence in Chicago.
Judge Redick has rone to Excelsior
SprtnKS with Mrs. Redlrk. who will take
treatment for rheumatism. He will return
C. K. Ceroox of Portland. C. E. Adama
?.r ?Vlp.nor' M- r T''r of Norfolk and
w. M. Johnston of Battle Creek are at tha
Her Grand.
A. J. Lysinskl of Hastinvs, F. M. Maberg
of Lincoln. E. Oim, Sj. Hopkins and
. Kngdahl of Oakland and J. A. Drager
of Kiwood are at the Millard.
Dr. J. W. Edwarda of Stamford. M R.
Hopewell of Tekamah. Frank Blancharxl of
Bhelton. J. R. Gore of Elk Creek and T. J
Brow-'leld of Lincoln are at U;e ' Mer
chant. J. B. Walker of Denver. 'A. Perry of
Wahou, Thomaa Brannlgan of Columnus
George Klllsren of Colon and V. E. Wtl
aua ut 6tromsbu7g are at the Murray.
Mr. and Mra. Charlea A. Rand of San
FranriMco. F. N. Shears of lm. J. L.
Iicnahue of Denver. C. W. Slater. George
T. Keisey of Washington and O. P. Hardy
of London. England, are at the Rome.
J. L. Sundean and wife of Wahoo. Wil
liam Fremi. wife and daughter of Fre
mont and Dr. C. Nelson of Excelaior
ftprtnss. ilo.. were luuiiy prominent Scan
dinavians who heard the band at
the Auditorium Thursday evening.
Georx C. Pt.e.1,1 of Ahland, George
Mead-re of R.nky Fold, ft L. Kin f
Kowler. Colo : E. D. O. ui.1 and C
I'ungan of krarnev. J K Prtly uf St"
Paul. H. C M.chelson of Harvard and U.
E. Lyon of Ljoua are at the Paxton.
jEaaV2 J:
We have every new idea In
den's neckwear. Whatever the age
or taste of the man. we are pre
pared to meet his exact require
ments. I lt'a subdued colars and modest
tints we have them. If he prefers
rich colorings and harmonious
blendlngs we have them. If he
likes handsome materials he will
find them here and he can have the
materials he likes made up In
every style from the narrow four-in-hands
to the wide end squares.
He'll also find, strings, tecks. and
bows or any other shapes he wants.
25c 45c 5j.oo
Men's Shirts
fit you out according to your views
of what you like. If you want the
very best we can give you
81.50 $2.00 and $2.50.
These shirts are the pink of perfec
tion, nothing better made.
If you want a "Stunner" at mod
e.ate cost
will fill the bill. It over-tops them
all. We have many other makes
at various prices.
Men's Oxfords
Usually priced at $3.60. on sale
at f2.50.
Newest models, in patent leath
ers, Vicl kid and tans. It would be
hard for you to find better appear
ing oxfords. They will give you
periect satlaractlon.
No others so good at.
El w Serge Suits for Mea
Youm$ Men and Boys
Of It FlflsCfc at r nre rom the best mills in America they; are
11 JLPlllt; UUI Ub strictly all wool and fast, deep, dark blue, ab
solutely nonfadable will look well to the last day they are worn.
These suits are built on the latest models and are", in all respects, thoroughly well made
and will give perfect satisfaction. They are much better values than are commonly off
ered you. You'll subscribe to this statement when you have seen the goods
tww ssisji H ,
f I
ft 1 '1
TV:W:: A VV ! ill
m;w-U 1 minify
I ' v if - ?N
. ri ft:"' f
Men's Blue
Especially well mnde in single
or double breasted styles
34 to 48, extra stzs for men of
stout or slim build. The equals
of any suits ever sold, at
S10 to S25
Splendid fitting suits in single or double
breasted Btyles will be In high request
thU season. Very elegant garments at
$7.50 SV75 $
Boys' Blue
Very neat and dress v, best all
round suits for boys double
breasted stylrs. with plain pants
or knickerbockers for boy a I to It
years old. Beat qualities you'll
find, at
$3-95 $4.95 S7.45
Ars You A Bck Number?
Your Hat.
Tells the Story.
A seedy, antiquated hat marks
the man who has had Ihla day.
Don't wear the badge of tie setting,
un! You carft afford it.
Appropriate, down-to-date head--gear
makes a favorable impression,'
whatever the condition of the
wearer. No other single (article of
apparel will do so mudh toward ,
placing you on the sunny, side t of I
the street ,
We 'flat" 'You I Right.'
No one else is bo well prepared
to do it. We have every'new style
and color In every; grade from good,
to the very best. .
Our immense stock has a range
wide enough to inelude your exact
style at the price jtou wish, to pay
Some of 'Them
(In Soft and Stiff Shape.)
The "Asbury'v- - - $2.50
The "Rutland,"- $3.00
-The "Stetson," ... $3.50
ropnlax Orada.
Crofut & Knapp, - - - $3.00
Mot 3.60 as elsewhere.
Boys' and Youths'
Can't be duplicated for less
than $3.00 to $3.50 on sale at
Stylish new lasts made from
tan, Russia calf and patent corona.
Goodyear weit soles. Best boys' ox
fords in Omaha,
Sizes 1 to S.
In Doubt?
as to what yon want in a spring
Come to us. We will show you
the new shades In browns, greys
and smokes, and advise the proper
Omaha's most expert cutter Is
here to cut and fit your garments.
Tailoring Co.
Neap Southwest Corner 18th
and Farnam Sts.
Phone Douglas 1808.
) 3
"Cake Sccets,,
Ji AT wtt "It.
Pi f r- mar. about cmka K.kln(
suv book or book. I
rtMfel; th. relpM r.
I your taamt. saa w. 11 . aa juu till.
Tkiuable nclpe book FRtE.
Amf eas can make food ease with
Swan's Down
Prepared Cake Flour
Two rents' worth makes a fake.
In packairea. Aftk four rrocer.
Write today for "Cake Secrets."
fikhcart area Serf. . EsaawUlc. b4
It makes the toilet something to be en
joyed. It removes all stains and roughness,
prevents prickly heat and chafing, and
leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. Ia the
bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
uo common soap caa equal, imparting the
vigor and life sensatioa of a mild TnxUas
tatK. All GaoctM jimd Diigoistv
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Seat Favraa sass.
of the
11 iiniii ii coijic
a - '
For the next 8 days we will sell the remainder about 37 Pianos of the great purchase we
made from an Eastern factory in one entire trainload lot at even lower prices than have ever
been quoted. As great an opportunity will never be offered you, so take advantage of our
great offers. New Pianos from the factory will go at prices usually asked for used
Here is the place to get the Biggest and Best Piano Bargains Ever Offered. Just the thing for a graduation present.
We invite yon to see the following Tianos. Each and every one is a real Piano Bargain.
One Linderman Upright; 831.50
One Kurtzman 1 96.RO
One Hallet & Davis 03.00
One Kimball 9112.00
One Vose & Sons $137-10
One Haines Bros. , .$127.00
One Bailey 6.. $133.00
One Kohler & Campbell $138.00
One Schaeffer $148.00
One Kimball ...$130.00
One Schaff, used one year $172.00
One Everett $178.00
One Wegman, used two years $183.00
One Steser, Mahogany $103.oo
One Ebersole, used six months $107.00
One Melville Clark $203.00
One Bordman
One Estey (art style), used 2 years.
One Chlckering ft Sons. (Boston) . . .
One Wegman. (Concert Piano) ...
One Chickering Bros, (used one year
one snerman
One Chickering & Sons, (Boston)
One Estey, (Cottage Piano)
One Knabe, used two years
. $2aa.30
Among the well known makers to be found here
"The World's Best," Chickering Bros.. Sohmer, V
lin and numerous other makes.
here during this. The Greatest Valne-Givlng pjano Hale ever started in the west, are the Knabe.
isher, Wegman, Smith & Barnes, Smith & Aixon, Ebersole, Price A Teeple. tkWrfer. Frank:
Selling Pianoa that come direct from the factory to our warerooms on easy terms and for lew tlian either wholesalers', manufacturer.' or Jobbers' B
9 ynces. - l-
esjstjs, . ,, ",. , ,, . , ,,, ,
There's a
Degree of
Dressing Well
Tou may think $25 enough to pay for a
suit lots of men do. You'll find here at that
prlca the most lavish supply of good clothes
ever shown at such a figure; the smart new
shades tiger and rebra stripes, elephant
grays, browns, tans and olives. New arrivals
In shirts ready for showing, at.$1.00 to $2.30
Traveling Bags In a variety of leathers,
at $10.00 to $30.00
Motor Cycles S Bicycles for Everybody
Thor, Excelsior, Read
ing, Standard and Ra
cycle Motorcycles
AVe sell Raeycle, Gendron, Columbia, Rambler and
Twentieth Century Bicycles.
IVy8 Wheels $18.00 -
Gents Wheels, up-to-date .$25.00 '
Second Hand Bicycles for. . . .$10.00 to $15.00
Tires, up from $2.00 i
Full line of Sundries.
LdeforasKia ycSe o.
Cor. 15th and Harney Streets