Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Grain Value, Advance, Due to Hisb
e e. -
f uDie. ena oood Demand.
Mrowias; Orals tn tae Very Beat mt
I Coadltloa, gar Advices from - ;
Ike Coaatry Featares
of too Day.
OMAIIA. April 23, 1908.
Higher .cables and good demand caused
snoiuer kdvance tn grain values.
Market values ara advanced easily and
further advanca only checked by aoma
profit taking on tha high points. The situa
tion In all grains remains unchanged and
the bull sclera continue to control optional
futurea. Krora country advices that grow
ing eropa are In the very beat of condition
and prospects are very ravorable. .
' Wheat opened firm and higher from the
start off, and waa followed by, an addi
tional advance later owing to the strength
ahnwn abroad and a very good i domestic
d"rtiand. May wheat opened at 84Vo and
cloned at rue. ; ,
Corn showed some advanca with the
strength In wheat. There waa no corn for
rale at the opening, but the advanca waa
lost later on lack of demand.
My corn open at ic and closed t G1C.
Cats remained ateady to unchanged, and
market waa dull and neglected.
May oata opened at Wc and closed tle.
Primary heat receipts were 248,000 bushe
els and shipments were .0J bushels,
aaatnet receipts laat year of 7R3.O0O buahels
and shipments of 230,000 buahels.
Com receipts were ,451.000 ' bushels and
shipments were Wl.oflo bushels, against re
celpta laat year of 3-n.OOO bushels and ship
ments of 6ftl.00O buahela. ' "
Clearances were 147.000 bushels of corn,
none of oats, and wheat and flour equal
to 103.000 buahela. ' '
Liverpool closed Tad to lTsd higher on
Wheat and unchanged on corn.
Local range of options: .
Artlcles.l Open. High.l Low. 1 Cloae. Yesy.
Wheat I
Oaaaha Cash Prices. , .
HEAT-No. i hard. K0W4c: No. 3
hard, 82tiCfic; No. 4 hard, toajsac; No. 8
"coRN-Nos, mw, No. 4.
No. 8 yellow, eilfclVic; No. t wb.Ua, 61
WOa'TS-No. 8 mixed. No. 3
White, 47ig4Sc: No. 4 white, 47HC
KYENo. 2, Banc; No. 8. TlfcTeC.
Carlot Receipts.
; , Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago 8 m itf
Minneapolis 118
Omaha 8 21 , i
Fcatarti of the Tradla and Closing;
. rrlees Boar4 of Trade.
CHICAGO,' April 23. Wheat on the local
exchange advanced XM&Zo today, as a re
sult of the bullish statistical situation. At
the clone the July option showed a net
gain of ic. Corn was tip N't; He. Oats,
o higher. Provisions, 16c30c higher.
Wheat opened atrorfg, with the May de
livery showing a gain of lc, compared with
laat nights closs. There was an active
demand for tha nearby delivery, but the
offerings were very limited. The July and
September options were a trifle higher at
the start In sympathy with May, but later
weakened somewhat because of tha favor
able outlook for the new crop. Firm
cables and continued small receipts In the
northwest were tha bullish Influences early
In the day. An improved demand from
exporters helped to stimulate demand late
in the day and tne market closed strong,
with prices at the top. - May opened 44)lc
higher at 6StS97Hc, advanced to 8980 and
Close" at HtfS8o. July opened '4tto
higher at KMsic, sold off to 87fcc an then
advanced to 8tfc, where. It closed. Clear
ances of wheat and flour were equal to
loJ.TUO bu. Primary receipts were 248.000
bu., Compared with TR3.0U0 bu., the aame
day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and
Chicago reported receipts of 14 cars,
against 117 last week and fc!9 a year ago.
Corn was dull and featureless early in
tha session, but the market closed strong.
May (opened a shade higher at io, sold
off to 6tiV86ftc, and then advanced to
87V4C.J The close waa at 6"c. July opened
unchanged at tCSe. sold at emfic, and
then advanced -to )Hc. The close was at
esvte. Local receipts, 196 cars, with nine
Trade In oats was dull. May opened
ie. higher at 63Hc sold between 63c and
83c, and closed st 630. July opened Vie
higher at 4&H advanced to 46c, and closd
at 46fMMiC Local receipts were K,2 cars.
Provisions were firm tha greater part
of the day. notwithstanding the 8'olOc de
cline in hogs, At the July pork was
' up 80o at 81140, Lard was up 17Hc at 88-30.
Ribs were lfco higher at 87-20.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat,
H cars; corn, 206 cart; oats, 130 cars; hogs,
M.OUO hesd.
Tha leading tuturea ranged fojiowsi
Artlcles.l Open.j Htgu.l Low. Close. Tfes'y.'
1 77Si
13 fO
13 40
7 K
8 V2S
No. 1 aOld. bNew.
Cash nuotatlons were as follows:
FUH'K Firm: winter- patents. 84
4e; etralghts. 84.00S4.4O; spring- patenis,
84 iC tift lO; stralglta, 84.ui.fi4.Eu; bakers, (3.10
C4 W.
WHEAT-No. 8. 6cel 06; No. I red,
COftN-No. I. 7c; No. 8 yellow, Vtc.
OATS No. 1 Mc; No. 8 white, 4962140.
RTF No. t. Wtpaw.
! PARLKY-Falr to choice malting. 7484e.
fcci-.ijo N.. 1 northwestern, 11.22. Prima
timothy, 84 Mi.
PHOVI8IOXS Short ribs aides,
W K.'S'g? .00. Iork.- mesa, bbl., 8J3.05t13.10.
Lard, per ll., v07H. Short clear
Sidea (hcuted), 87.2E.31-50.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments ti flour and grain:
jieceipis. fcnipmenta.
riour, bbls..
Wktat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye. bu
,...1W4 9.K) 1
.... l'"
1' 2 S M)
171 M
Rrly. bu.
.. Sfc.tiUO
29. J0
On the Produce exchange today the but-
i ter market was steady: creameries. 4l1-c;
, dairies. "J2H:. Hg. firm; at mark, cases
Included. Uc; fusts, 14; prime firsts,
li.'na. Cheese, steady at llVfirlo.
St. Loota Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. April 2S.-WH E AT-HlKher;
track. No. 8 red. eaah. 81 OiVo l OlH; No. 2
; herd. 4cl0; May. 74c: July. M-C.
CORN Higher; track. No. I cash, 669
86'tc; No. 8 'White, tn,7c; May, iHV;
July, 6io. . .
OATtt Firm: track. No I cash. 49Hc; No.
"t white. Wo-, May, tc: July, 42c.
; KLOl'R-Firm, but quiet; red winter bat.
ante. 84 &u;4.n; extra tancy and stralfc-lit,
V..t4 rlar. 81 Mi 8. 70.
k;l Tlmothr, dull. 8:1003.78.
1 1 . h: m i.- A L fiiesy : U (A
1 f RAN bu on; sac ked, east track. 8180
' fc I ' '
, HAY Steady; timothy, 89KJjl5.50; pral-
rle III 50"'' is ' 1 '
inns' (Nrrof TiESti.oo.
HAfSOINi't 7'i.c.
p rl-ar rl. 4 ahort clears. 8 KV
i .ULTHY UUioi; chickens, l1."! spring
.fcu-ic; turkeys. UiiulSc; ducks. So;
'Tit'lTtR-Steady: creamery,' 24'42tc.
j. i;0S fnclmntid. 13c case count.
' pttOVIbl' iN.4-l'itk, higher; juhhtng,
fix' Ti-1. higher; prlit.e stram. 8" 7..I
t S.V Drv n,i mta, e'.y; hod extra
x's 'l'.- 87 v;it: shott r'-ire.
7 73 fca-ou, suaJy; ljot4 ulu ihcrta,
ta M 83 w
78 78 " 78 78
WIS 81 ' Vi ,
87 88' H S8H
51 87 87 67
M4 49 40T4 W4
Wf . , 86 . . 6 J ,88V
' July', R7Vt'"i 84 r7H
Bept. ls4o-sii . HW -
8 Mi 1 ... !. ' ' 8 J
Corn I
' May . - -Cni'fXW, 7H
i July 3Hi BUSK
Sept. SlVta S -i oLifc-eLa(uil , 1H
;' bMay hi M 61 B2Mi
,' a July 4 -. 4Mi 4
, bJulyH ' 4sv . 4S ' . 43 4a
Bept,-- WfU'A' 87i'.i;V 8bi,S74t.-S
PMlIy 12 74 18 05 13 08
July 18 18 :y, is ov is 40
( Sept. . IS 80 1 18 72, 18 60 18 72Vi
V T M?y " f 8H 8 W 1 8 10
i July 4 IS- ' 8 82V 8 1-" 8 90
Sept. 8 S2V 8 W 8 S2V 8 50
' Blia
. May 1 7?H K 8 72H 6 92H
-, Jvily' fff-" T02W 7 20
6tpt 780 T48 -T80 746
- Receipts snd shipments of flour and
gram were as follows:
Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbls ..) 7, nun
Wheat, bu rj.ono 87.imO
Corn, bu 44 f0 SO.onO
Oats, bu 42.0UO 46,0u0
teaotatlona of too Doy on Varloae
ceipts. .IS,) bbls.; exports. T.M2 bbla.
Market vu firm with fair trade; Minne
sota patrnts, S.0048 35; winter straights,
84.lSfM.80; Minnesota bakers, $4 00 4
410; winter extras. 88.504. 10; winter
I 00.
patents, 84. 6014. 80; winter grades, 8-40ia
uu. xva riour, firm; fair to gooo,
14 404 SO; choice to fancy, 15 0065 15.
COHNMKAL-Firm; fine white and yel
low, I1.4j1.0O; kiln dried. 83. i; coarse, 11.40
iil 4R. ,
RYFV-Htrone; No. 8 western, 8A390C, f.
o. b. New York.
WHKAT-Keoelpts, 4.000 bu.J sales, 8.000
bu. Spot, marke( strong; No. 8 rod. 81 0$,
elevator; Nn. 8 r1. 8107, f. o. b. afloat.
No. 1 northern Duluth. 81.17, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 1.18a, f. o. b.
afloat. Wheat opened Ho higher and ruled
active on ' cables, better continental de
mand and i continued rapid declines In
American stocks, and closed strong at best
prices of l W.'Hc higher. May, 8108'
1 06, closed il'.os; July, ' WVgtmfcfl, closed
7T4iC: September, 91 a-lfiffflec, closed 98S&
CORN Receipts, 10.760 bu.; exports,
1,850 bu.; , sales, 10,000 bu. Spot, market
firm; No. 2. 75'4c elevator and f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 white, 75c nominal, and No. 8
yellow, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options
opened quiet and ruled better with wheat,
end closed firm at a net advance of KGV
May, 7&VfcS7&c, closed 7&Vc; July closed
at 72t4c.
OAT-Reee1pts, 22,500 hu. Spot market
steady; mixed oats, 26tT32 pounds, MHc;
natural whit:, VttQSi pounds. b&gWc';
Clipped white,. KXM0 pounds. 5Wj2c.
FEED Firm; middlings, 828.0.
HAY Steady; good to choice, 9G0THo.
HIDES-Dull; Bogota, 17c; Central
America. 17c.
LEATHER Steady; acid, 2027.
PROVISIONS Beef, dull; family, 818.50
fm.i; mess, 818.6014.(iO; beef hams,
$atOtg28 00; packet, 814.50& 15.00; city
extra India mess, 8J4.00& 26.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, WflOci
pickled ; hams, OH-iPlOc. Lard, firm;
western, 8S.15C8.26; refined, firm; con
tinent, 8S.W0; South America, 89.75; com-
found. f7.7MjfS.OO. Pork. firm; family.
17. OOif 17.50; short clears, 816.00 17.00;
mean, 814 60(tf 16.25.
TALLOW Steady; city, BHc; country,
5 St5c.
lOCLTRY Alive, steady; fowls. 14c;
turkevs. 14c. Dressed, steady; turkeys, 12$f
17c; fowls 12fJ14Hc.
BUTTER Easier; creamery specials, 2S
2JHc; creamery extras, 2840.
CHEESE Quiet; full cream specials,
154c; state full cream, small, white, fancy,
15c; state full cream, large and small, col
ored fancy, 144o; state, fair to prime, 11
13c; state Common, 89Vic; state, winter
made mriOHe.
KGOS Steady: state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white fancy, .lRVfglSc;
good to choice, 17Hc; fancy brown and
mixed- extraa, 17Hc; firsts to extra firsts,
16Sfr'5.17c; western firsts, fresh gathered,
lti'tj liic; seconds, IMUBMjC.
Cooler Friday After Jr Prob
ably Fair.
OMAHA, April 23. 1908.
An area of low pressure extends from
the extreme northwest south over the east
ern slope of the Rocky mountains, with Its
greatest depression over western Ne
braska. The depression is causing rainy
and unsettled weather throughout the en
tire west, with snows In southern Colo
rado and northern Arizona, and Is pre
ceded by unsettled conditions east to the
Mississippi river. This disturbance will
firobably move east over the central val
ets during the next twenty-four hours and
will be accompanied by thunder showers
In this vicinity this afternoon and-tonight,
probably followed by fair Friday, with
cooler tonight and Friday,
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the correspond
ing day of the last three years:
1&. 1907. 1906, 1906.
Minimum temperature.... 65 44 ' 48 50
Precipitation 14 .00 T T
Normal temperature for today, 64 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation sine March 1,
2.65 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907,
2.19 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period tn 1906,
.23 Inch. L. A. WELSH,
i . , Local Forecaster.
. Cera and Wheat Rogrloa Bnlletla.
For the twenty-four Hours ending at 8
a. m., 75th merlClan time, Thursday, April
23 106'
i. Raln-
dln. fall. Sky.
61 .48 ' Cloudy .
64 .00 Clear
65 .00 Cloudy
AO '.00 Pt. cloudy
57 .10 Cloudy ,
H6 .00 Cloudy
54 .CO Cloudy
67 T Cloudy
60 .00 Pt. cloudy
60 .14 Cloudy
.30 Cloudy
67 .18 Pt. cloudy
67 .00 Clear
68 .00 Cloudy
66 .61 Cloudy
62 T Raining
Stations, Max.
Ashland... Neb'..,. 7
Auburn, Nahi.... 76
Columbus, Neb.. 81
Falrbury, Neb..., SO
Fairmont. Neb... 80
Or. Island, Neb.. 80
Hartlngton, Neb. 83
Haetlnga, Neb.... 80
Oakdale, Neb.... 80
Omaha, Neb 76
Tekamah, Nob... 80
Alta. la..
Carroll, la
Clnrtnda, la
Sibley, - la........
bloux City, la.
'Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period, ending a( 8 a. m. .
No. ot Temp.- Rain.
. Station. - Statloi. Max.. Mln. Inches.
Chicago, 111 26
Columbus, O 18
Des Moines, la.... 14
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12
Kansaa City, Mo.. 16
Louisville, Ky... 19
Minneapolis, Minn. 23,
Omaha, Neb.. 18'
St. Louts, Mo U
75 62 . .10
78 60 T
78 64 .80
78 62 .OV
80 00 " ,li
82 . 62 .01
76 46 .111
80 6J .0
SO 68 -.08
Light ahowers occurred tn all districts of
the corn and wheat region within the laat
twenty-four houra. . Temperatures have
risen slightly In all portions.
1 A, WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Kansas City Grolaj mm Prorlsloas.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 28.-WHEAT--
mihic higher; May, Kic; juiy, r.'jc; Sep.
A w . U lklM BHAWJ r - JQ. . JA
I hard. Wy36Hc; No. 8 red, D?Vwo; No. 2
red. si'ac.
CORN Unchanged; " " May; 614c; Joly,
6SHc; September, 6674)c; casVi, No. 2 mixed,
62vv0fi3c; No. 2 mixed," ⁣ No. 2 white,
6f!iiSc; No. 2 white, 6.'0.
OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, 49c;
tnlxed. 4t747c.' ' ,
RYE 74iij18o.
TfAY-lisy; choice' timothy, , $U.5kffl2.00;
Choice prairie. SSOtxIt 9.D0.
. BUTTKR Weak; crt-amery, 27o; packing
stock, lowc. ,
EXK38 Steady ; fresh extras, 15c; current
receipts, Uc
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 28.0110 40.0HO
Corn, bu .........14.000 2l.0uO
Oats. bu.. 18,010 10,000
Quotations at Ksnsas City as reported by
Logan Bryan, No. I Board of Trade;
Articles.. Opon. Hlgh. Low. Close.
Wheat " j "
May 90 " 9J " 90 2B
July 8""4 i4 824HB
Sept 77H 7iM 771 7Si4B
C.m I
May 604 1 6" 61V4HA
July 6hS toH57HS U
Sept. I I
Minneapolis Grata Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., April 28.
WHEAT-No. 1 hard, 21 Oifil-OMls: No. 1
northern, 81-O7SS'107'1; No. 2 northern,
81. 02 ft 1.05; No. 2 northern. 67cfi1.03;
Mar, 81.06; July, 81 ; SerHember. ilhic.
bRA N In bulk, 8-'lliia.a).
FLOUR Market liic higher for all grades:
first putrnts, 3.46'a6 60: sscond patents, pi U
i6 W: first clears, tt-) 4 !i second clears,
Liverpool Grata Market. '
firm; No. 2 red western, winter, 7s Id. Fu
tures, firm; May, 7s 4'4d; July. 7s 54d;
September, 7 Id.
CORN Bout, firm; American mixed, new,
kiln dried, ta , id,. ; American mixed, old.
It , Vd ( futures, quiet; May, 6s.,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, 111 . April -CORN-Ft: No.
2 yellow, bi niWiC ; No, 8 yellow, sivSsc;
No. 8. ft3c; No. 4, lc; no grade, ttMijCiC.
OATS Unchanged; No. . 8 white. 6wi
sle: jvo. t wnue, ouc
Wool Market.
IkMTON. April 23 WOOI-Thera Is a
quiet tone to the wool market and prices
are low. Good staple territory wool on
the scoured tmxls Is quoted from 66c to Soc
and s.d t'loihing stock at sua to 63c, ac
cording to uaiit. . .
bl'. LollS. April 28. WOOL Steady:
nv .nuTTi im-iri, ciiinl.lng and clotning. ).,4
!M-; l!KM line i.-'Hi; l.tny lutt, lijl.c;
tub killed, 2-.. it -u'j-j.
Prices of Securities Undergo a Com
prehensive Uplift.
Closlagr Prices Aro the Highest, wtta
Some Heavy Baylag; la Prog-
roso Boao Market la
NEW YORK. April 23. Prices of stocks
underwent a comprehensive uplift today.
The movement showed a certain soberness
and restraint which was not without lm
presslvaness, viewed in connection with the
steadiness and persistence ot the advance.
The trading was not animated and the rise
Of prices was not of tha buoyant kind seen
In periods of speculative excitement. Stocks
were absorbed, however, with determina
tion and the bidding up of prices went ag
gressively on through such obstacles as
The Pennsylvsnla bond Issue was tha
main topic of consideration and the re
strained chsracter of the price movement
was probably due to some reservations In
the favorable Interpretation placed on that
transaction. Some of the qualifying con
siderations had to do with the price which
the railroad company Is obliged to accept
for its bonds and the reversion to a high
type of prior lien obligation which has
been found necessary to secure even that
price. It developed today that the price of
96 mentioned .yesterday Is that at which
the bonds are offered for subscription, and
the deduction to be made for bankers'
compensation are understood to bring the
Erlce realised by the railroad company to
elow 96. The premium over the allotment
price Immediately eatabllshed In the out
side market where the bonds, when Issued,
sold as high as 99Vt. was a reflection of
the confidence Inspired by the powerful
auspices under which the Issue Is made.
The selection of a first mortgage bond to
affect the Pennsylvania financing is sig
nificant of tha necessities which are rec
ognised tn the present Investment condi
tions. Early In 1907 Pennsylvania stock
holders authorised 2100.0fV each of com
mon stock and convert Ible bonds, and
large portions of this authorisation remain
unissued. Issues of Pennsylvania stock at
varying premiums above the par value and
of convertible bonds with a privilege of
conversion at prices substantially above'
par tor tne stock have been successfully
resjrted to for all the Pennsylvania financ
ing of lata years up to the stress of the
last year's period, when temporary note Is
sues made their appearance. The present
situation calls for a first mortgage bond
with fixed interest ahead of all stock and
junior bond Issues, in order to attract the
requisite means.
The stock most affected by the Pennsyl
vanlan Incident waa Union Pacific. The
obvious explanation Is that the Union Pa
cifies banking affiliations are the same as
those which have enlisted the powerful
foreign aid which has assured the success
of the Pennsylvania bond transaction. As
authority has been asked already of Union
Pacific stockholders to Issue bonds nn un
mortgaged lines now owned, the bearing
of these facts on the position of the com
pany is clear. Union Pacific rose briskly
to a new high level for the year and led
the whole market In point of activity.
United States Steel was conspicuously lag
gard In the day's rise, the uncheerful view
of the trade situation taken by the leading
organs of the trade being held accountable.
Speculative sentiment apparently was lit
tle disposed to take account of this factor.
The reduction In the Norfolk & Western
dividend also was ignored. Prlcea. ended
at the highest of the day and with some
heavy buying In progress.
The bond market was diversified and
firm In tone. Total sales, par value, 84,2t2.
000. T'nited States bonds were unchanged
on rail.
Following were the -sales and range of
prices on the Stock exchange today:
BslM. His. Low. Close.
Adams Express
' 14.400 t S7U rit
. "0 83 ts a4
00 4V U M'i
1,200 2 . 27 2
100 18i li 11
1.000 M' 14 24s,
100 104 10 1H
l.tOO 4x 46 44
t00 94 94', M
24,400 Tl . . 70ti
ano . as M 5
1,400 13 1M i'.H
. (00 St 'W
l.en 18 17 7
,00 77 7" 77
100 7 7 S7T
1,000 76 75 75
1.400 14 4 t4
4.M 46 45 40
4,400 156 163 156
4,400 J 1 2
lt'l 4.
1.400 141 14 14R
1,700 lit 118 11
1,000 55 (5 65
2,100 24 24 24
, 4,100 10 29 '
1.400 67 6
1,100 60 4 50
117 11 117
, 1.704 14 14 14
1,700 t U
00 154 153 164
400 22 11 11
8,100 lit 11 18
l. S5 ' 14
m il n u
6.W 1S1 180 191
O0 125 124 126
. 1,100 10 . 10
1U) 16 56 66
..... tl
, 49
1.700 14 II 14
, 1.20) 14 12
100 21 ti ts
, 1.KI0 54 6: &i
00 lt 100 10.1 v
, LX) 1 15 1
4O0 l 23 13
BOO I'll 110 111
, I.2M 44 45 46
, l.ltx) g6m U 16
, 6
, 1400 5 66 64
, -47
. 4,100 W 7 DO
500 33 II 13
, 1,00 06 4 Si
lO) . 78 78 80
, 2.700 56 14 64
7V0 ID 26 . 26
, 84 Ut4 117 lie
- 7u to W W
1.4(f) H U 24
l to ftO 71
I0 166 164 164
. 1J0 107 106 lor
, 1.100 17 1 17
,'J 47
i0 U 16 lb
, 4.S4 Co la 2s
, IM K 14 W
l-lO 14 14 14
, 14 S3 14
, 21,000 T6 74 76
1 114 114 114
. l.luO 14 14 14
i 1,60 . IDS) l 1
1 17 17 11
(10 40 40 40
1I70 ill in 131
6O0 10 00 73
100 I4 10 85
10) . .
v it si hih,
, U.100 H 14 14
, 1,"0 lii M14 tv'i
, 00 21- - lu
OS U 1 17
, 100
, 1.000 55 64 . 55
200 II 14 15
tiv M 17 - 17
, S0,M 117 126 127
, 1i it 22S, 22
0 ' W IS la4
TO 46 41 46
, T. U4 123 124
, t.o"0 1" 10 l.rti
7K4 2i U 27
j W A
Am. c. A r
Am. C. A P. (IL
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
American Kxprwtt
Am. H. U pld
American Ice
Am. Llnxied Oil ,
Am. Llnieed Oil ptd....
Am. Locomotive
Am. Locomotive pld
Am. n. A R
Am. S. A R. pt4 ,
Am. Sugar Refining.....
-Am. Tobacco pre etft....
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atchloos pM
Atlantlo Coait Line ,
Baltimore A Ohio
Bal. A Ohio pld
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclflo
Central ot Naw Jaraey..
Cheoapaake A- Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago A 14. W
C , M. A St- r
Chicago T. A T
Chicago T. A T. pld....
C, 0.. C. A Bl. L
Colorado P. A I
Colorado A Bo
Colo. A Bo. lot pld
Colo. so. td pfd
Conanlldatrd Oag
Corn Produots
Corn Products pfd
Delaware A Hadaon....
1MI., L. A W
Denvsr A Rio Orends..
I. A R. O. prd
Dlotlllers" Securities ...
Grl lit prd
Erla Id pfd
General Electlie
Illlnola Central
International Paper ....
InU Paper pfd
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd
lows Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kansas City So
K. C. So. pfd
Loulavllle a N..
Mexican Central
Minn. A St. L
M., St. P. A S I
M., It. P. A S. S.
Mloaourt Pacific
M., K. A T
M., K. A T. pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. pfd...
New York Central
N. Y., O. A W ,
Norfolk A W
N. A W. pfd
North Amerioaa ......
Pacific Mail
People's Oaa
P., C, C. A at. Lv.',
Preeeed Steel Car ,
Preaaed S. C. pfd.....
Pullman Palace Car...
Reading let pfd
Reading Id pfd
Republic Meel
Rpuhlle Steel pfd....
Rock laiand Co
Rock Island Co. pfd..
Bu L. S. P. 8d pfd
St. k. s. w.
St. L B.
W. pfd ...
Bo. raeltls
Bo. Pacific pfd ,
So. Railway v....,,
Bv. Railway pfd
Texae A Paclfie
T , t. L. A W
t , Bt. LAW. std
Inioa Faclfta
Union Paclfio pfd ,
t;. B. Express .
V. S. Realty
I). 8. Rubber ', ,-
V. S. Rubber pfd
V. B. Bteel
I'. 8. Bteel pfd
Va.-Carailns Chemical ....
Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd
Wabaak pfd
Wella-Parso Exprees .,
Weatlnghouae Electrio
vWetprn t'ntoa
Wbeellng A L. T
WiecoDslu Central
Wla. Central old....
Northern Pacific
Central Leather ............
Central Leather pfd
Bloea-Shelflrid Steel
Great Northern pld
Interborough Met
lut. Met. pfd ,.
Utah Conner
Tout aates lor the day, , shares.
Hew York Mtalaar Stocks.
NEW TORK, April 22. -Closing quotations
on mining storks were:
Adams Cos..
Little Chief ...
.... I
.... II
.... ill
.... 14
.... II
ttreece ....f
Brunewlck Cos. .
ComaUx'k Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Vs...
lros Silver
Leadvtlls Co
10 Opeir
1 Poloai
Blerra Nevada .
10 Bmall Hopes....,
t Standard
rerelgs FlaastcUl.
LONDON, April 28 Money wss In good
demand and fair supply on tha market
todsy and discounts were firm. Trading
on the stock exchange continued dull and
uninteresting. tiilt edged securltitss and
home rails made further declines in tits
ahse'tit of Investment buying, while the
approach of the settlement checked specu
lation. Foreigners were Irregular and
Japanese shares were wesk. The dealings
in American seeiMiliea t-w moderate In
the forenoon, the 'markvt awaiting the
rau)t of the Pennsylvania lenue. Values
sioi-d around prit'.'. tl.e inndpent sup
porting til luw pi Iced Secuillies. Laicr
New Tork bntirht Bouthern Faclfle and
Steel. This strengthened the rest of the
lint snd the market closed steady.
B KHL.1V, April 22. -Prices on the Ttoerne
today opened firmer, but became depressed
later In the day upon the Iron Age's re
sume of trade conditions. '
PARIS, April 23. Trading on the Bours
today wss quiet and prices were heavy.
New Yerlc Money Market.
CANTILE PAPER 4-tf44 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at 14
4 "7JW for demand and at 84 K4o&4.S4S6 for
sixty-day btlle; commercial bills, I4.M;.
H1LVER Hnr, 84Sc; Mexican dollars. 47c
HONJjS Government, steady; railroad,
MONET On call, easy; 1W51 per cent;
ruling rate, 1 per cent; closing bid, 14
per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time
losns, very quiet and steady; sixty
days, 2H per cent, ninety days. 28 per
cent; six months, 3Vfc'&.''!, per cent.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds:
(I. S. ref la. res 10! L A N. nnl. 4 H
do coupon n..104 Mia. e. g. 4a II
C. S. la. re 10 Mex. Central 4a 10
do coupes lot do 1st tne 17
V. g. new 4a, ref. ...Ill Minn. A St. L. 4a 10
do coupon 121 M . K. A T. 4a r
Am. Tobaece 4a 71 do Is i
do la II N. R. R. et M. e, 4a ao
Atrhleon gen. 4s. WH. T. C. g. Ia; o
do ad. 4a N. J. C. g. 6a 12-1
Allantto C. L 4....No. Paclfie 4a 11
Bel. A Ohio 4s. do la 72
do I tl N. A W. e. 4a 4
Prk. R. T. . 4S 70 O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s. ...
Central ot Oa. la.. ..lot penn. nr. Ia fM
do let laa M Reeding gen. 4a M
flo 2d Ins... 45 st. L. A I. M. a la.. lot
do Id IIM....I.... 21 Bt. L. A 8. P. fg. 4a. 49
Cries. A Ohio 4a... 8 St. L. 8. W. e. 4a.... S3
Chicago A A. !..,. II Beaboard A. L 4a.. 4
C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... 44 So. Pacific 4a. M
C, R. I. A P. 4a.... S6 do let 4e rtfa Mt
do eol. la 641. Railway 5a St
CCC. A Bt. L. g. 4a. M T-i A P. la KH
Colo. Ind. 6. aer. A. 66 T., Bt. L. A W. 4a 71
Colo. Mid. 4a fnlon Paclfie 4a 100
Cole. A 80. 4a do cv. 4a 17
t ubs la 101 IT. 8. Steel Id (a 17
r. A R. O. 4a i Wabaah la 10
nirtlllera' Dec. 5a.... 70 do deb. B 46
Rrle p. I, 4s , Weetern Md. 4 el
do gen. 4a 70 w. A L. B. 4a M
Hocking Vat. 4a....l0i Wla. Central 4a II
Japan 4a 7 Atchloon cv. 4a 88
do 4s etfe S6 do ev. te
do 2d eerie 16 Int. Mat. 4a te
Bid. ""Offered.
London Stock Market,
LONDON. April 23. American securities
opened dull and fvatureitie today, prices
during the early trading ranged from i
below to above yesterday's New York
closing. Canadian Paclfio declined 1.
Traders were awaiting the result of the
Pennsylvania note issue and speculation
halted. New York buying of Southern Pa
cific and United States Steel strengthened
the rest ot the list and the market closed
London closing stock quotations:
Conaola, money .. 84 11-14 Mo., Kan, A Texas.. 25
do account M New York Central. ...100
Anaconda 7 Norfolk A Westers.. M
Atrbleon 71 do pfd M
do pfd 0 Ontario A Weatera... 14
Baltimore A Ohio... 84 Pennsylvania 0
Canadian Pacific ...158 Rand Mines 5
Cheaapeake A Ohio.. 12 Reeding 54
Chi. Oreat Wettem.. 6 Southern Railway .. 14
Chi., Mil. A Bt. P..I2S do pfd 40
De Beers 10 Southern Pacifla .... 78
Denver A Rio Orande 10 Union Paclfie 132
da pfd 55 do pfd 81
Erie I", United States Bteel... 18
do 1st pfd 16 do pfd 101
do 2d pfd !3Wabaeh 10
Orand Trunk 14 do pfd .8
Illlnola Central 128 Spanish 4s !
Loulavllle A Nath.-l'd Amalgamated Copper. 61
SILVER Bar, quiet at 28 l-16d per ounce.
MONEY 22, per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2tt&2 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2 per cent.
Boston Closing; Stocks.
BOSTON, April 83.-Money, call loans. 2
tsl per cent; time loans, &Wa& per cent.
The fcfflowlng were the closing prices on
stocks and bonds:
Atchison adj. 4a 88 Adventure 1
do 4a Allouea 24
Mex. Central 4s.... , 71 Amalgamated 58
Atchison .' T7 Atlantic 8
do pfd 17 Bingham 50
Boston A Albany 207 Cal. A Heels 0 '
Boeton A Maine. 185 Centennial 21
Boston Elevated 18 Copper Range 16
Pltchburg pfd 130 Daly West 8
Mexican Central 15 Dominion Coal 80
N. Y., N. H. A H... 134 Franklin I
Union Pacific 181 Granby to
Am. Arge. Chem II Isle Royale IV
do pfd 86 Mesa. Mining 2
Am. Pneu. Tuba 5 Michigan 10
Amer. Sugar . 144 Mohawk 47
do pfd , 122Mont. C. A C 45
Am. T A T.. 11011 Dominion 81
Am. Woolen 19 Osceola II
. do pfd 18 Parrot ' 13
Dominion I. A B 10 Quiney ...a 82
Edison Elec. Illu 2103hannos 11
General Electric .....131 Tamarack 51
Masa. Electrio 10 TrlnMy 14
do pfd 45 United Copper S
Maes. Oaa 62 U. S. Mining 18
United Krult Ill U. 8. Oil. J 24
United B. M 60 Utah 18
do pfd PI Victoria 2
U. 8. Bteel J Winona 4
' da pfd Wolverine 125
Aeked. Ex-dlvldend.
Bank of England Statement.
LONDON. April 2S. The weekly state
ment of the Bank of England shows the
following changes: , , v
Total reserve ..' 74,000
Circulation 940.0H0
Bullion lo9,8,".
Other sururltles 178.i0
Other deposits 1.30,00
Public deposits 25,0ii0
Notes reserve 800.O00
Government securities 103,000
The proportion of the bank's reserve to
liability this week Is 60.82 per cent, com
pared with 60.06 per cent last week.
Bank Clearlnsjs.
OMAHA, April 23. Bsnk clearings for to
day were 22.327,672.26, and for the corres
ponding date last year 21.887,691.40.
Metal Market.
London tin market was higher, with spot
quiet at 144 16s and futures 148 10s. The
local market was richer and firm In conse
quence, with quotations ranging from 231. MS
to S2.1?V Copper advanced to 68 6s for
spot and 58 15s for futures In tha London
market. Thfe local market was quiet and
unchanged, with Lake quoted at 21275
12.87H; electrolytic. 1162Hfi 12-78,' and cast
ing, 812.87Wfi.12.SO, Iad waa lower In Lon
don, with spot at 13 6s. The local market
was steady and unchanged at S3.H7Wd4.02H.
Spelter was unchanged at 21 6a In London
and at 84.60(84.66 In the local market. Iron
was lower in the Engllah market, with
standard foundry quoted at 60s 8d and
Cleveland warrants at 61s 6d. The local
market was without change. No. 1 foun
dry northern. fl"?fifl18.76; No. 8 foundry
northern, $17.7542-1 26; No. 1 southern and
No. 1 southern soft. $17 K4T17.76.
ST. LOUIS, April 23 METALS- Lead,
higher, 83 96; spelter, weaker, 84-E2H-
Evaporated Apples and Dried Prnlts.
APPLES Market la practically nominal.
Holdera are firm In their views, but there
Is no business of consequence. Fancy, loV4
lie; choice, Hrf c; prime, 7(&'THe, and
common to fair. 5li6o..
DRIED FRUITS It is said that bad crop
accounts from the esst bsve sttracted some
speculative buying tor California prunea
Quotations range from 4(tl4e for Cali
fornia and from 8ai0c for Oregons. Aori
rots are steady, with choice lxrgacK; extra
choice. mo2lc. and fancy S(k3;'4c. Peaches
are unchanged, with choice quoted st lt
10Wn; eatra choice, llftllWc: fancy, llV4Ue.
and extra fancy 13'14c. Raisins are ne
glected, with loose muscatela quoted at
tV(i;o; aet-ilt-r raisins, 6V4'6c, and London
layers, $1.651. 75
Car and Molasses.
NEW YORK. April 3. SCO A R Raw,
quiet; fair refining, 8 8&c; centrifugal, W
teat, 4 40c; molasses sugar, 8.73c. Refined,
stesdy: No. 6. B1(V; No. T. 6.06c; No. 8,
5 0rtc; No. 8, 4 S6c; No. 10, 4 86c; No. 11, 4 80c;
No. It 4.75c; Nn. 13, 4.70c: No. 14. 4.66c. Con
fectioners A, 6.80c; mould A. 8.86c; cut loaf,
4 80c; crushed, 6 10c; powdered, 6.60c; gran
ulated. 8 6V: cubea. 8.75c.
MOLA88ES-Julet; open kettle, New Or
leans, good to choice, 28 542c.
. Coffee Market.
ket for futurea closed ateady. net un
changed to 6 points lower, bales were re
ported of 62. 7' 0 bales, Including June at
6 66c; September, 6.80c; December. 8.9fo;
March, I.Ouc. Boot, quiet; No. T Rio, 6c;
No. 4 Santos, e-&6,V; pnlld, quiet; Cor
dova, V612,c.
Mllwaakea- CJraln Market.
MILWAl'KEF, Wis.. April 23. WHEAT
lc higher; No. 1 northern, $lWgl.ll; No. 2
northern. 8107-51. 0; July, na,
BARLEY Lower; No. 2, 8Tc; sample, 68
CORN-Firm; No. S cash, 6S366c; May,
t7c. bid.
(Mock la Blcht.
Receipts of live stock at tha six princi
pal western markets yesterdav:
Cattle. Hogg. Sheen.
South Omaha 2.415 6.8-10 4,4 4
Sloua Cltv 4"0 . 2 2"0
Kansas City 3 .fJ 10.0 0 4 &
St. I-ouls... t,2n 6 " 2.KJU
St. Joseph. . 7t 6.167 2144
Cnlcago 6f 17. oil) 12. ox)
Tutsi ....
14,!04 40,v7
Cattle of All . Hindi Strong- and
Sheej and Lasnbs la Moderate Bas!r,
8at Trad Is Dall, with Lambs
' Steadr aad 8ket
SOUTH OMAHA, April 28. 1808. .
Receipts were! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 1.86 . 2.nJ
Official Tuesday 8.6U 4, W0 8.814
Offioal Wednesday 8.5SK) 7,631 .8M
Eatlmate Thuraday 2.416 6.840 4,tu4
Four day s this week... 8.661 23.290 24.e0
Same days last week. ...12.6-8 36.6) 10.VD3
Same days 2 weeks ago.. 13,a7 26.6"6 23.277
8ame das 8 weeks ago,.17,7iS 20.844 27.272
Same days 4 weeks ago.. 16.848 24,6)1 36,0n2
Same days last year 23.408 83, 7M 28.161
Tha following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with last
year: 1908. 1917. Inc. Leo.
Cattle 26,440 269. WO 6,5u0
Hogs 832.2H3 757,i8 174,804
Bheep 4ti2,7l7 646.627 188,810
Tha following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last
several days, with comparisons:
Date, j 1908. lO7.18O6.l06.18O4.l0a.19O2.
April 18..
April 14.
April 15.
April 16.
April 17.
April )8.
April t.
April 20.,
April 21.
April 22.
April 23.
6 t4J 6 421 6 881 8 :
6 64. 6 45 8 I
5 2 4 81
7 19
7 nil 4 (4
1 16 6 86
7 07 6 91
261 4 Ml
6 42-W
$ 89
a SI I 4 tv
6 43 $ 49
f 6V
6 89 6 61
5 23
6 2H
I 27
8 23
7 13 6 H6
7 14i 6 TO
6 61 te,
t M 61
4 8.1
4 76
6 44
6 97
6 84
6 86
6 63
6 42
I 3r
6 85
4 38
4 28
7 101
6 43
i 801
4 8
7 11
7 07
6 33
4 81
6 21te
4 82
7 02'
The official number of cart of stock
brought In today by each road waa:
Cattle. Uogs. Sheep, ll't'i,
C, M. A S. P 1 .. 1
Missouri Pacific 2 1 ' 1
Union Pacific 21 .22 10
C. A N. W., east 2 3 2
CAN. W., west.... 83 87 4 1
C, St. P., M. A O.... 11 6 ..
C, .. & Q., east 3 2 .. 1
C, H. A g., west 80 12 1 ..
C, R. I. & P., east.. 1 1
C, R. I. & P., west 2
C. O. W. Ry 8 .. ..
Totsl receipts 106
The disposition of the aay's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tha cum
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hcgs. Bheep.
Omaha Packing Co
BW1II co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co....,
Cudahy Packing Co. K C
Ionman A Rotnchlld ....
Hill A Son
V. P. Lewis ..,
Huston A Co
J. B. Root A Co.
J. H. Bulla
McCreary A Carey
Sam Werthlmer
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Lehmer Bros
Other buyers
New York butchers ,
Klngan Packing Co
.327 6.0O8 8.675
CATTLE1 Recel pts of cattle this morning
numbered only I16 cars and receipts at
other market points were equally small.
The feeling on the market was fairly good
and the trade on all kinds sufficiently ac
tive to effect an early clearance.
Buyers of beef steers were Out tn the
yards In good season and the offerings of
the desirable killers changed hands quite
readily, the trade generally being summed
up as a good, steady, active market, with
some strength showing here and there.
Thus strictly good heavy cattle sold up to
86.76, which was 10c higher than anything
brought yesterday, and the highest price
paid on this market In two weeks' time.
Cows and heifers commanded steady
prices and the good kinds were free sellers.
Common to medium kinds were a little
slow and unsatisfactory, the same aa they
have been on must days ot late. Still must
everything In the way of cow stuff changed
hands In very fair season In the morning.
There were not enough stockers and
feeders here to talk about, the market be
ing very poorly supplied, ths same as was
the case yesterday. What few there were,
generally Bold at fully steady prlcea.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steers, 8i.25''r16.76; fair to good corn-fed
steers, 85.85(3 6.26: common to fair corn
fed steers, $4.755.85; good to choice cows
and heifers, $4.751 6. HO; fair to good cows
and heifers, JH.754 75; common to fair
cows and heifers, $2.00g8.76; good to
choice stockers and feeders. I4.766.80;
fair to good stockers and feeders', $4.00
4.76: common to fair stockers and feeders,
$3 00.64 00.
Representative sales:
Ho. A v. Pt No. A. P.
4 til ll ' 19.... uni 4 it
16 760 8 10 22 ttO t 16
IS lit 110 1 1240 16
1 106! i 40 - 14.,... 1174 M
9 114 6 40 18 lOel 16
11 64 I 60 10 in ts
11 iM 6 w 11 mo 1 ts
II 1141 8 i to ,.mi 4 16
10 1044 8 76 28 j. lifts 4 10
10 11 I 76 18 1164 4 Id
II 11M 6 10 lt.. 114 4 10
.103 I 68 11 1171 4 IS
14 11 si 17 US 4 IS
11 10 I IS II 114 U
1 1044 B SS II 12l 4 IS
1 11 I IS 10 .....1161 I 40
II 1171 I S II 1141 40
14 .1071 I 00 H.. 11ST I 46
14 11 6 M I , 1104 48
1 lODl 4 00 44 lint U
II 1171 4 M 17 1144 4 M
4 lost 4 00 14 lilt 4 TO
M 14 4 OS ,.1171 78
II ...1191 1 14 Jl 140 4 46
14.. 1171 4 14
I..., 6F.0 8 IS 11 1414 4 46
1 !'"4 1 IS 14 124 4 IS
1 1074 1 IS IS , 1044 1 is
I iw4 t so nro 4 is
6 1S4 1 so 14 mi 4 ao
4 11 I 60 M (.1177 4 to
1 MS I 16 1 1340 6 40
7 4 00 4 ITS I 00
4 HO 4 OS 4t 1074 I on
1 9n0 4 OS 4.. 1171 6 16
1 1014 4 IS 1 1110 I 10
It list 4 98 1 1220 4 IS
T .1000 4 10 tO 941 t 46
T 1014 4 10
I ao I 40 1 M k)
4 S 6 00 I a;o is
to tM IN .- 45 lit 1 40
t 151 I IS I tut M
It 771 I 23 I IS ( 1
1 1 8 II 1 1184 4 To
1 J9"0 $ 45 1 mt 4 71
1 1414 I SO 1 ....Hie 4 so
1 170 I 10 1 N tin
1 1M0 4 0 1 1700 4
1 1710 4 00 1 80 4 4
1 1870 4 00 ' 1 14fA I 04
1 1410 4 00 ' 1 1W) 00
1 1480 4 to 1. l.SM $ 00
I iio 4 : 8 ..imi 6 00
1 U9 4 40 1 1770 11
1 Ue 4 SO 1 760 6 It
1 , HA 4 71 . 1 140 4 00
1 70 8 M 1 110 4 OA
1 10 I n 1 140 4 OS
1 140 6 50 II 140 4 40
1 1M 6 S4 1 110 4 40
4 IK IM 8 134 4 00
3 ISO 8 TS 10 183 4 H
, 401
I 0
I It
I so
4 95
. s 4 40
. ll 4 TO
.in 4 ao
. Kit I 04
,1114) 6 1
I 40
,4 l 18 feeders.. 841
.1026 4 69 T relfcrs.. 781
km 1 bi
18 cows.,
14 cows..
6 cows..
4 mi
t 80
HOQS Hogs sold On an average about 6C
lower than yesterday, or to put it another
way, the markt was about steady with
yesterday's close, most everything going at
t6.3t.y6.i5, the same ss late yesterdsy. Oood
hogs sold up to $5.40, ss against a top of
$6.46 yesterday. The trade was active at
the decline and everything changed hands
srly In the morning.
Today's decline carries the market to
the lowest point touched so far this month.
Representative sales:
Me. Ae. 4b, Pr. No. . fk,
IS 414 4 J to ...
II 117 to ( M SI li 0
to 2;l lie 6 Is II , u 110
T7 110 liO I 26 (7 2,0 el
19 i0 ... 8 M 64 (21 41
41 !: ... I t& 71. 21J IM
11. ......114 14 ItS ' 11 Il ...
as. ivi so i is aa ; ...
71 is W $ ts a 1) ,..
40 1V0 lift I 15 2 tH ...
la 11 fl IK 71 til JuO
44. ...,,..S7 SO 6IT. 7 .t.4) ...
T4 lll) in I 77 114 M
13 .. '..... 1KI 10 117 74 I I no
li. .; i4 t40 1 n ' n ni lto
n 2-i 10 It 60 t.t ...
Hi ao 6 17 Tl........i.i ao
7ti I4 111 IU D 1 I d
at 241 ... 6 0 41 :M ...
T )4 10 I 10 tn 1)1 ...
H . . Si") It f V
1 114 U. $ J J Ill 1J0
6 It
$ II
6 li-e
I It
I r.s
a si
1 u
6 !
I 11
I 12
I k
I 11
I I.
4 I.'
$ U
M $11 40 $ 4 Ill H IK
M I'l $ 10 Tl 40 6 II
l Ill ... I M S Jl ... I IS
a I7i t $ ts tt m li In
44 7T ... 6M Tl t1 ... u
14 f-t ts 4 t st n ttn I is
Tl 4) W is 41 M aa I m
I t l 110 I 14 44 ft 4 I M
TS a tt 47. t ao 1 11
1 HO 10 4 40 TT 1 10 I IS
II ft S IK 44 IM 44 8 M
14 4T ... 6 to 17 14 ... 8 It
TT 114 SO (0 44 .! 124 I 14
n las M IM 41 11 ... I H
10 141 N It) Tl HI ... 6 tt
tl I- 170 I 10 4 tl 44 6 IS
71 IM 10 6 4 . t- ... Its
71 ST ... IS l ... t M
II 231 84 I 10 tt II ... It
4 I 4 44 6 tOO I IS
Tl ITT SO I M Tl iT 4) IN.
74 I'l ... I M ' Ct M ... I 17
41 tl IN IM tt II ... I 17
4 M ... I 14 66 !M 40 4 40
64 I 10 I 44 tt4 ... I 40
41 n ... In
SHEEP The sheep market today was
very slow and weak throughout, there being
no snap or go to the market. Buyers were
very Indifferent, their orders being appar
ently light and far from urgent. At the
same time feeder buyers who have been
taking tha half fat and unfinished stuff
seemed to have lost some of their nervt
and they, too, were hanging hack, lience
It was that while receipts were not very
large It was very slow work disposing of
Buyers went through the yards picking
up hers and there a few of the beet lambs
at prices not very much different from
yesterday, but on anything else the feeling
was not only very slow and weak, but
holders found It very hard work to unload.
Lambs that on a good market would look
pretty fair to buyer were hard to get
bide on on the ground that they were net
ftood enough. Feeder lambs were alow and
What has been said regarding the light
demand for lambs would spply equally well
to sheep, which were slow In addition to
being generally HVal&c lower In most cases.
Oood wooled swes sold up to $6.60, as
sgalnst $6.66 for the same stuff vesterday.
Very good shorn ewes brought $6.86, Wjith
shorn yearlings selling up to 85.78.
The reuse for tha weakness and dullness
prevailing In the market Is to be found In
the poor demand for the muttons at east
ern consuming points, wnicn is causing a
gradual downward movement In values on
sheep at all market point.
Quotations on lambs: tiood to cholea
wooled, $7.2367.60; fair to good wooled,
$.75J7.toi good shearing lambs carrying
flesh, $6.50&6.76; good shearing Ismbs, thin.
WO "ft 6.50; shorn lambs, &uo under wooled
stock. . ,
Quotations on sheep: Oood to choiea
light yearlings shorn, lfl.0tv08.86; fair to
good yearlings, shorn, $5.7:r'ii.00; good to
choice wethers, shorn, 26 76'uflOO; fslr to
good wethers, shorn, 85.604ie.78; good to
choice ewes, hrn, $5 26ijS.li0; fair to good
ewes, shorn, $4.75fi)6.2R: culls and bucks,
shorn, 33.004.60; wooled sheep, 25Q-4W
above shorn stock. ,
Representative sales:
No. Av. Fr.
168 western spring lambs 4 8 23
431 western ewes, shorn 104 I 38
41' western ewes 106 6 86
42 western ewes I08 8 ("6
273 western ewes 84 6 64
14 western spring lambs 22 4 00
40 western lambs 84 60
I western yearling wethers.... 84 8 00
loo western wethers, shorn 106 $ 76
2o0 western wethers, shorn 107 8 76
21 western wethers, shorn 102 6 73
15 western ewes 128 6 On
56 western cull bucks and ewes. 78 2 75
24 western ewes 100 S 25
84 western bucks 118 4 00
128 western wethers, shorn 107 8 75
104 Western ewes, feeders M 5 00
983 Colorado lambs 88 7 50
Cattle and ghee Steady Hogs Fire
to Tea Ce-ats Lower.
' CHrCAOO. April 23-CATTLERecelpts,
about 6,6u0 head. Market steady; steers,
$5 00S7.10; cows, $3.75-94.78; heifers, $3 50
6.76; bulls, . $3.60(i6.30; calves, 82.50&5.&0;
atorkers and feeders. 8J.25tif6.75.
HOGS Receipts, about 17,0fO head. Mar
ket f'lOo lower; choice heavy shipping,
85.6036.70; butchers, 85.6Ofi6.70; light mixed,
85.60.aS.65; choice light, IS.fctjfi4.65; packing,
$48516.60; pigs, 83.755.6; bulk of sale.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti
mated about 12,000 head. Market steady;
aheep, $600(66.00; lamKs, $5.25(87.70; year
lings, 25.bCQ6.50.
Kansas City Me Stock Market.
elpts, 8,000 head, including 100 southerns.
arket strong to 10c higher: top, 17.00:
choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.50
tjXO; ., fait r to , good, 86.40ffi16O;. western
steers, 88.(Xvgfl.80; etoekers and feeders, $3.60
tj5.50; southern steers. 34.5tXgil 60; southern
cows, $2.76t.00; native cows, $3.50476.75; na
tive heifers, 84.2Mj6.t5; bulls, $3.756.&0;
calves. $4.50$Hi.76J! .
HOGS-Recelpts. 10,000 head. Market 50
10c lower; top, $5.56; bulk of sales, $5.35
6.60; heavy, $5.4,rfi6.66; packers and butch
ers. 85.S5i35.k5; light, $5.256.424; pigs, $4.26
Cl4 ).
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,600
head. Market steady; lambs. $8.0(V?77 50;
ewes and yearlings, $5.8Mr6.25; western
rearllngs, $8.50(f6.75; western sheep, $4.00$
26; stockers and feeders, $3.&0SS.OO.
t. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. LOOS, April 23. CATTLE Receipts,
1.200 head. Including 260 Texans. Market
steady. Native export and shipping steers,
$.4.ii7.00; dressed beef snd butcher steers,
$5.40tg(i.26; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4,750
6-26; Blocker and feeders, 83.0tkg6.25: rows
and heifers, $3.766.00: canners, $2.003.00;
bulls, $3.25-86.25; claves, tt.5Wi7.00; Texas
and Indian steers, $3.606.26; cows and
heirers. $1.75(34.25.
HOQS Receipts,-6.600 head: market So
lower. Piga and lights. $3.5185.60; packera,
$460(g6.65; butchers and beat heavy, $5.60(9
BHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeetpts. 1.000
head; market slow. Native muttons, $3.50
tt6.50; lamba. $4.60(08.75: culls and bucks,
$4.0006.00; stockers. $3.0084.25.
St. Joseph LIT Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 23. CATTLE
Receipts, 879 head; market Strong; natives,
$5.6037.00; cows and heifers, $2.0036.00;
Blockers and feeders, $3.7635.25.
HOOfl Receipts, 6,167 head; market VkH
10c lower; top, $5.56: bulk, $5.8"?!4'a.S.45.
suhttto a Mn T.Avrna Du,int, 11a
ead; market steady to 100 lower; iambs,
(ya(-4o; yearlings, wether. $s.7bgre.75.
loax City Live gtock Market.
SIOUX CITY. la., April 28. -(Special
Telegrsm.) CATTLE Receipts. 400 head;
market steady; beeves, $5 on36.76; cows
and heifers $4.A0J6.5O; stockers and feed
ers, 84.0034.76; calves and yearlings, 83.603
HOQS Receipts I X head; market
So lower; range, 85.156.88; bulls, 15.25&5.30.
Coadltlaa at Trad aad (taocatioas mm
Staale an 4 Faatiy frodaaa.
FOOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 13c.
BUTTEH C'ummon, luc; fancy tub and
rolls, lh'aiiie; creamery, 30c.
CHEtbtt Nsw full cream, Wisconsin
twins, 17Vo; new full cream brick, 17o; do
mestic new Swiss, 18c; new llinburger,
lec; young Americans, 17 c.
LIVE POCLTRY-Springs, $e; roosters,
6c; ducks, 11c; geese, 6c; capons, 160.
HAY-Choic No, 1 upland, $7 .60! medium,
$6 60; No. I bottom, 85. w. oft grades, $4.04
(.00. Rye stratv, $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa, $U iu.
CANNED U iOLiJ Corn, standard west
ern. 65c. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-pound can.
$1.46: standard 3-pound cans, $ Pine
apples, gated, t-pound, $2.20412.80: sliced,
$1.7f.U 2 35. Uailon apples, $3 00. California
Bprlcota. I2 66o4i0. Ptars. $i.lou3.15.
Peaches, $1.908.15. L. C. Peaches, U W'tt
$.15. Alaska salmon, red, $1.40; fancy
Chinook, flat, $2 16; fancy sot-keys, flat,
$216. Sardines, quarter oil, $1.00; three
quarters mustard, $3.36. Sweet potatoes,
$1 .264)1.35. Sauerkraut, 06c. Pumpkins. h"0
tjfl.uu. Lima beans, 2-pound, - 7Gcfr$1.25.
Soaked peas, 2-pound, Ifrv; fancy, $1 2641. 46.
F1H 11 Halibut, loc; trout, lie; pickerel,
7c; pike, 8c; white fteh, 13c; buffalo, 80;
bullheads, skinned and dressed, 11c; catfish,
dresaed, 11c; medium croppies and yellow
tunflsh, fruo; large croppies, 16c; herring,
fresh frosen, ihc; perch,- 80; white bass,
14c; black bass. 23c.
are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings
from second hsnds. who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo.
tstlons range from 6c to 8 for California
fruit and from I He to 8c for Oregon.
Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellow
quoted at )3tyo.
SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack, $5 80.
beet, 80.6O; cut loaf. 7c; rubes, 6.70c; pow
dered. 6 5oe.
COFFEE Rossted, No. 88, 2Cc; No, 20,
tic; No. 6, lc; No. 80. 4c.
Cot tea Market.
tures opened easy; May. 6.40c; June, 4.4jc;
July, 863c; August, 8 48c; October. 8.60c;
Lnceniber, $.4wj. January. I.froc; March,
8 64c. ,
Spot cotton closed quiet, I points decline;
middling uplands, 10.(tx-; middling gulf,
10 30c; sales, none.
Futures closed steady: April, 8.28c; May,
822c; June, 841c; July, 8.4!c; August, 8.42c;
8ptember, 8.3i; October, 8 44c; Novtmber,
8 12c: December, 6.45c; January, 6.46c;
Mrrh, 6 4'c
OALVEMTON, Tex.. April 23. COTTON-
6teMHV, 10 S-lfcC
i I .
Ppot clowd easy; low ordinary. 64 e, nom
inal; ordinary, 8 8-16c; good ordinary, kc;
low middling. r: middling, 10 1-lttr; gvxl
middling, 10 -lV-: mlddima fair. 11 l-lc;
talr, II U-lfir. nominal sTnie. Dales;
receipts, C8 hales; stork, 15 ?6 bales.
r. iAt ira, April .v -4. tj 1 1 1 in vuiei :
middling. 1"e. Sales, none; receipts, 7
bales; shipment. 190 bales; stock, 88,8J4)
Dalatk Orala Market.
Pt'LTTTH. Minn.. April .-WHFJT-Nn,
1 northern, 61 OT V No. 2 northern. 81 fvt
May, 11.0104; July, 81.06: Bept ember. nc.
Federal Jodge PaaUhe ' Offeadera
Against t'alteal Statra la
Saatk Dakata.
SIOTJX FALLS. 8. D, April 28. (Special )
Tha regular April term ot Unltetl States
court, after being In session In this elty
for a period of a little over three weeks,
hss coma to an end, all the eases coming
before It having been (lispoted of, either
by being tried or by being continued, to
tha May term of federal court at Dead
The term came' to art end by Judge Car
land pronouncing sentence In the cases of
those who had been tried gnd -convicted; and
those who had during the term pleaded
guilty to Indictment which had been re
turned against them. At the' closing ses
sion thirteen defendant! occupied the
"mourners' " benches In tho court room
and heard what Judge Carland had In store
for them. Judge Carllnd Imposed sen
tences among other as follows:
Moses Cross, tried by Jury and convicted
of Introducing liquor Into the Blaavton res
ervation. Imprisonment for a period of on
year and two' months In tho United States
penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kin., and a
fine of $100 and coats of prosecution. Tha
tame penalty waa given for similar of
fenses. Thomas Jants pleaded guilty to grand lar
ceny on the Pine Rtdge reservation. Im
prisonment at hard labor for one year and
six months In ths Leavenworth peniten
tiary. Maurice Brush Horns, tried and convicted
of assault with a dangerous' weapon upon
the principal ot a government Industrial
school on that portion of ths Standing Rock
reservation which extends Into South Da
kota, Imprisonment for a period of sixty
days In the Brown county Jail at Aberdeen.
Joe Groullx, convicted Of Belling liquor
In Marshall county without tiavlnr paid
the special government tax. Imprisonment
for one year and one month In ths Leaven
worth penitentiary snd a fine of $100.
' Norman Remington, pleaded guilty to an
offense .similar to that charged against
Groullx, Imprisonment for ons year and ono
day in ths Leavenworth penitentiary snd a
fins of $100.
John Hoffman, charged with larceny. Im
prisonment for A period of thirty days In
the Hughes county Jail at Pierre.
The- united states authorities now will
commence preparing for the May term of
federal court st Dead wood, which promises
to be quits an Important term. A grand
Jury has been summoned for ths term snd
will have a number of cases to aot upon.
One of the cases to coma before ths grand
Jury st Deadwood will be that of George
D. Horrss, cashier of ths failed Hot Springs
National bank of Hot Springs, which closed
Its doors the latter part of last November.
Ths former cashier Is charged with era
bessllng fund of the bank to ths amount
of about 128,000. ' '
Preslgeat Roosevelt Appelate Mlaacta
aotaa Wke Aided Deperttaoat
f Jestlee.
WASHINGTON, D. C, April tl.-The
president sent to ths senate today ths fol
lowing nominations: ' ''
To be United States Judge for ths district
of Minnesota, Milton Dwlght Purdy of Min
nesota. , . . . -
Captain, to be rear admiral, Wlll!im 8.
To be postmaster at Indianapolis, -Ind.,
Robert H. Bryson.
Since. Mr. Purdy'g appointment to the
position of assistant to the general attor
ney In July, 1905, on the resignation of
Judge William A. Day, he has had special
charge In the department of Juetloe of all
cases relating to ths enforcement of the
Sherman anti-trust snd ths Interstate com
merce laws. He has argued before the
United States supreme court msny import
ant esses for the government, among his
most recent victories being the two cases
of the Great Northern Railway company
snd the Armour Packing company against
ths United States, In which the government
was successful. Through Mr. Purdy'g
work Important principles of law applicable
to the Interstate commerce act were es
Joka Oatereasnp Crashed te Death at
SHERIDAN. .Wyo., April -Special
Telegram.) Attempting to peex nis way on
a freight train, cost .John Ostercamp Ms
life snd resulted, in Seroous, Injury to his
two coVnpanton. ' The ypund ' men were
hiding In a box car loaded with steel cable
wound on spool. A Jar from the switch
engine In the Sheridan yards ..this morn
ing loosened one of the big spools crushing
ths life out of Ostercamp and seriously
Injuring his two companions who ars In the
hospital here. The men were welt dressed
and were sttemptlng to make their way to
the Pacific coaat. ' r :
Iaetasue Attoraey General VlH File
. Salts Against Bis; Cuaasvaales j
. ' tate., , -.. , ".' , Z
INDIANAPpLIS. Ind... April ta-Baaing
his . aotlon on Information which he baa
been gathering for the lstt six months.
Jamas Bingham, ' attorney general, will
within' the next ten days file tults agalnat
the twenty or more brewing ' eompaaUs In
the states, which have, as will be alleged,
been operating saloon and in 01; her wSys
trtnsaclng a retail liquor -business. This
action, . glso, if .entirely successful, will
put out of business more than 8,500 saloons,
which,' It 1 asserted, out of the 8,000 Sa
loons of the State,, are, bre very-owned.'
. . Aa lasldleas patter.
One Ot the worst features of kidney
troubles Is that It Js . sn insidious disease
end before the victim realise his danger
he -nay have a f atst malady. Take Foley's
Kidney Cure at 'ho first sign' of trouble, as
it corrects irregularities snd - prevsots
Brlght's discs snd diabetes; Tar sal, ky
all druggists.
New Masoate ChSptea. ...
SIOUX FALLS. S.'l.. April S.-8peclal.
The Masons of Bonesteel hsv concluded
srrsngsments for Instituting a . chapter of
Royal Arch Masons st that Mace. The
Bonesteel lodge Is enjoying a constant In
crease In membership and ths lodge Is In
a most flourishing' condition. -"
OA: sxpoarrs ova&aittxxs,
Cittseaa Sank 81 Trust Ccnupaay.
tats Depository, - BartlesvtUe, Oklahoma.
Deposits In tola bank CC AfiaJfl ICtD tr the Siaie
S4 Oalsttaiua Ouaraoty fuud. Jtfew Oiate lav re
eidee AUsoLl Tsi tAKBTV te ear Stvoeltara. 7 e
Slate tuerawet'e toe recurs mi loett ssm ee Se
Iu.n4 ender ear etruameianceai We say latere es
linM Sepuelta. Make remlilaaee la ar IWaa, vt-tl
tulomsiiwa rurnlr4 ep-vs: r-eeeel
targ est SUV Aaak U tvaesers CklaJkeaae,