Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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us Omaha Daily Bee.
fed at Dmtbi Postofflca aa second-
mailer. .
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iresa .all complaints of lrregutarHle
ilvary to City Circulation Department.
nha Tha IVe Bulldtrul.
H h Omaha City Hail WllMlng.
iwil Blurfa 16 Brott Etrset.
cago 140 University Hulldlng.
Vork-Room UOX-llug. Ho. M West
v-third Stwt.
shlnTon 72H Fourteenth "treat N. W.
nrntinlratlona relating to nrwi and edl
,1 matter ahould bo addressed, Omaha
s Editorial Deportment.
n!t by draft, express ar poatal ordef
hla to Tha Be Publishing company.
f-cent atampe received In payment of
accounts. Paraonal chcka, except on
or aaatarn exchanges, not accepted.
f of Nebraftka, Douglas1 County, T
res B. Tsachnck. treaaurer of The
i Publishing company,, being duly
i, aaya that the actual number of
: and complete coplna of Tha Dally,
lng, Evening and Sunday Bee printed
k tha montn of March, 190S, wu aa
.fT... 38, ISO
, 35,600
3 TO
i -
1 9
j unsold anil returned copies. . 6.188
t tot I .1.183.W9
average SeHli
1 Treasurer,
scribed In my presence and sworn
ios- m tills 1st day or April, 10
- Notary Putoilo.
; abecrleere Waving th city f eva
rarlly ehool fcavo Th ' Bee
114 to thorn. Aodroaa wilt be
m(e) aftea mm swaac-sto.
J. Pluvlus: Thank, old man;
! all oftener.
ivernor, Johnson' should be given
U for knowing a lot of thing not
)ie supreme court of Oregon hast
led that a clam Is not & wild an-
Th clam la not saying a word.
pngrees might be Influenced if the
'dent could show that battleships
cheaper If bought in wholesale
dge Alton 15. Parker will have an
'rtunlty at Denver ato learn how
Jryan mut have felt at St. Louis
!'04. . , .,, :
'e proposed reduction of interest
!on real estate loans is another
that business is getting on a bet-
asls. ! . -'
is. declared that Tammany may
r Dryan, after all. It is never
to bank on Tammany until it gets
dera and its price.
a anti-Bryan democrats in Illinois
been designated "Occult ' demo
." Doubtless they are in favor
!dark horse candidate. ; '
Diego bombarded the battle
wlth oranges about the time the
at Washington was handing the
ships a few lemons.
mk Gould refers to his suffering
"the curae of money." His wife
claim for alimony that promises
ieve him of a part' of his curse.
?-r piling is indulged in on the
i House lawn every Easter Mon
Up at the capltol congress in
s in a little log-rolling evety day.
. tgresstuan Hobuoa announces
'he will be a candidate for the
lency in 1011. Japan had best
usy with its aaval enlargement
swellir. roll of Missouri River
era Is the best possible proof of
t.i in the movement to re-es tab
he Big Muddy as a highway tor
Kansas woman sold the family
.est in order to get money with
to buy Bkates. This dissipates
:!presslon that it is iuiposible to on in Ksnsas. "
e Fiier hebjtates about going
nver ta a delegate from New
Probably he fears that Borne
enthusiast may recognise him
irea the nomination upon him.
raska bankers are holding their
1 conventions and devoting their
r.i.ius to i.iiiS fur rormlng the
cy. This is very different from
ebrabka tankers' convention of
oy years ago.
Uof "Gum Shoe Bill Btone re
, that an Impersonal campaign
ducted in Missouri this fall. The
t will be ignored. Mitteourian
itber forget uor ignore the per
:y of Senator EtoBft,
tavf never sis ted that money
-hijS used to defeat me." said
1 Bryan in New York, "but the
once has stated that money is
list i to prevent my nomination
ver." It appears that Colonel
lovs not always lot hla voice
Lat Lis riet;aper 1 doing.
United States Senator Charle Wil
liam Fulton of Oregon has fallen a
victim to the sentiment of the voters
Of his state against those who directly
or indirectly have been concerned In
the land fraud cases, whose prosecu
tion was commenced by' Ethan Allen
Hitchcock, when secretary of the in
terior, four yesrs fcgo. In the primary
elections Just held, Henry M. Cake,
president of theTortland- Chamber of
Commerce, ran far ahead of Senator
Fulton and, under the operation of
the primary law in Oregon, will doubt
less be the choice of the legislature
for United Stale senator.
The Oregon fight was a particularly
bitter one, Francis J. Heney, the
United States district attorney who
has been specially active in the graft
prosecutions in San Francisco, taking
the stump against Fulton and riddling
his record. Senator Fulton was a po
litical ally of Senator Mitchell in the
famous deadlock in the Oregon legis
lature, created by a refusal of a quo
rum to qualify. It was admitted that
money was used to secure ttie pres
ence of a quorum. Senator Fulton, in
response to charges made against him
by Heney, published a long statement
in whlca he said:
Everybody knew that Mitchell had suf
flelent votes to elect him If ever a ballot
could be taken, but until the house should
effect a permanent 'organization no. ballot
could be taken. Hence a ftsht was on,
en; the. one hand to net forty members to
qualify, on the other hand to prevent
those member from qualifying. ' It was
a matter of .common knowledge that men
were being paid large sums of money
dally for remaining out and refusing to
Qu&Hfy In order to prevent the assembling
of a quorum in the house, but nothing
could be done to prevent It, for It was
not a violation of liw to my a man not
to accept an office to which he had been
elected. Even if Mitchell had of
fered to pay Smith and did pay him to
qualify and take his seat so as to make
a quorum, even to make . a speech for
him, it would not have been a violation of
law. s.
It can , not be determined whether
Heney's charges or Fulton's admis
sions did the more to arouse the voters
of Oregon to protest. Fulton's defeat
marks a complete change in the per
sonnel of the Oregon delegation in
congress since the land fraud prosecu
tions were started. Senator Mitchell,
convicted of being a party to the
frauds, died before bis case could be
appealed. Binger Hermann, serving
In congress when indicted, was de
feated for renomlnatlon. Congress
man Williams, although accused of
complicity in some of the Questionable
deals, was never prosecuted, but his
constituents failed to return him.
The change is anindicatlon of the
determination of the voters every
where to tolerate no longer the hold
ing of public office by men who are
even strongly suspected of misusing
their publio positions for personal
mils axd tuberculosis:
Dr. Theobold Smith, head of the de
partment of comparative pathology of
the Harvard medical school, has of
fered a welcome and reassuring state
ment to the public to the effect bovine
tuberculosis is not transmissible to
mankind,' either through the meat or
through the milk of the infected ani
mals. Dr. Smith was for many' years
at the head of the bureau of animal
industry of the federal Department of
Agriculture, and his statement Is made
as the result, of most searching in
vestigations that have extended over
a number of years. He declares that
the bovine bacilli and those found in
man are very different and that he
has demonstrated by experiments, to
his complete satisfaction, that the
bovine bacilli is sot transmissible to
man by milk.
Dr. Smith's declaration Is in keep
ing with that of Dr. Robert Koch, tha,
eminent German pathologist and sci
entist, who has been teaching for
years that tuberculosis is not com
municated to mankind from either the
meat or milk of cattle. In spite of
the assertions of thee eminent au
thorities, other physicians and sci
entist have persistently contended
that boyine tuberculosis is transmissi
ble to. mankind -through milkr. One
of the recent bulletins of. a federal
experimental station is' devoted to in
vestigations which show that bovine
bacilli are found in great numbers in
the ordinary butterof commerce, and
the inference is left that the spread
of the white plague is due largely to
the use of milk and butter.
Dr. Koch and Dr. Smith admit the
presence of bovine bacilli in milk and
butter, but both deny that this pres
ence is dangerous to the health of con
sumers. The consumer, who has had
the danger sign placed . by scientists
on about everything good to eat, will
welcome these efforts to furnish the
cow and the churn a clean bill of
The . opening of the automobile
season finds more of these self-propelled
vehicles traversing the streets
of pmaha than ever before and the
promise is held up that the number
will be largely Increased with the ad
vent of the summer months. Despite
reckless disregard of every precaution,
Omaha has been fortunately free, so
far, from aerious automobile accidents,
but that gives no assurance that we
will continue to be so fortunate.
The mut ominous sign of impend
ing mlahaps is the appearance of these
high power machines, driven wildly
through the streets by young boys and
girls, who are being allowed to take
them , out and assume responsibility
tor the safety ct themselves and com
panions without the protecting hand
of an experienced driver. Boys and
girls flora 10 to IS years of age have
not the i.ii strength evwn if they
bad the mental perception to control
these machines In dangerous emer
gencies. It Is criminal carelessness to allow
an automobile to run the danger of
collision in crowded streets undar in
competent drivers snd doubly crimi
nal to endanger life and limb of occu
pants and pedestrians by -Juvenile
amateurs. Unless this is Stopped at
once the first serious automobile acci
dent chargeable to helplessness of
child drivers will raise a storm of pro
test that will put a damper on the au
tomobile business hereabouts for , a
long time to, come.
The export of gold to Europe last
week and the engagements of other
shipments to transfer at least $26,
000,000 In the next month serves to
emphasize the uncertainty of the sire
of what is recognized as the "balance
of trade," which is usually the basis
of gold movements in or ont of the
country. American exports have been
unusually heavy for the last year,
while the Imports have fallen rapidly
since last Soptemner. As a result,
statists have estimated that we have a
favorable "balance of trade, ranging
from $300,000,000 to $600,000,000.
If that were tangible and actual, there
would be no difficulty In -retaining our
present gold supply if not increasing
it on demand. During the financial
depression 'iast fall we imported
about $106,000,000, and the financial
experts Insisted, that it had not been
borrowed, but was in part payment
of Europe's debt to us. Now that the
gold is going back to Europe these
same experts are explaining that it
is going to meet a readjustment In
financial conditions and because there
13 a stronger demand for moneys In
Europe than at home.
As a matter of fact we have no way,
with any degree of accuracy, of deter
mining whether the United States is a
debtor or creditor nation. We sell
abroad very much more than we buy in
foreign countries and have a big bal
ance coming at the end of every year
for merchandise, commodities, manu
factured goods and the products of the
fields and farms, in a direct cash trans
action this balance would soon claim
the bulk "of the world's gold supply.
But there are many offsets. Foreigners
hold an enormous amount of Ameri
can securities in the shape of railroad
stocks and bonds and Industrial
debentures. The - interest on these,
paid annually in gold, makes a big
drain on our surplus trade balance.
American tourists spend millions in
Europe each year and foreign labor
ers in this country send other millions
to their families and friends at home.
The total of these requirements is so
large as to leave the widest play to
the Individual opinion as to the actual
size of the "balance of trade" at any
time to our credit. .
Perhaps the strongest proof that we
have become a creditor nation is
found in the fact that we secured gold
from Europe last fall on demand de
spite the fact that every foreign power
naa a money depression and made
every effort to hold its cold suddIv.
American bankers simply drew on the
banks of Europe, . proving conclu
sively that this nation had a credit
balance abroad. On the same theory
it is claimed that the gold now going
abroad is In the nature of a loan to
European bankers, because of de
msnds abroad which warrant an -inter
est rate higher thSn can be secured
in this country. Our banks now hold
a reserve in excess of usual require
ments, while England and Germany
are both offering premiums for money
with which to float tha new German
loan of $160,000,000. ,
Mr. William J. Bryan's "practical"
newspaper ideas are about on a par
with his practical notions of politics.
A newspaper to be a success must have
Its Individuality as marked and defi
nite aa that of the business man or
politician. Its patrons soon learn
whether they ,can depend upon its
statements, and the newspaper that la
regarded as truthful and reliable re
ceives the support and patronage of
the publle regardless of its partisan
bias. Mr. Bryan's proposed hybridi
zation could scarcely have been jut
forth in good faith to the assembled
publishers, for not one of them present
would fail to recognize the absurdity
of the suggestion.
Colonel Watterson says he is ready
to support Colonel Bryan for the pres
idency because, with a republican con
gress opposed to him, he could da no
harm to the country. Colonel Bryan
must be thoroughly delighted with
Colonel Watterson's support and his
frank reasons for tendering it
General Morton and his staff are
about to be given further evidence of
the friendly feeling of Omaha for the
army. While the frontier has van
ished, the good citizens still remember
the days when the army meant some
thing in Nebraska.
Senator Tillman is rapidly recover
ing from his recent serious illness. He
began to pick up as soon as he learned
that admiring constituents were dis
tributing Indian war bonnets among
members of the senate.
A kflre panic was prevented in a St.
Louis church because the Merry
Widow hats prevented the congrega
tion from crowding the aisle. There
are two sides to every argument.
Railroad magnates have adjusted
the slxteen-hour law with their em
ploye to mutual satisfaction and are
settling with the United States courts
on the twenty-elght-honr law for llv
stock khlpmema. Now, if they will
only adopt some plan whereby ship
ments of merchandise and grain can
be hurried along from origin to desti
nation as It was In the good old days
maybe the business of this country will
get back to Its normal activity. I
JSews that Gives Pl.
Washington Herald.
We rather hate to read of Mr. Carnole's
disapproval of trust. We always did dis
like to see man go back on hla old
friends! r
I. aire at lUai Needs.
Kansas City Journal.
It will be observed that the house did
not refuse the president' demand for four
new battleships until the possibilities In
publio building appropriations had been ex
hausted. Snaked Either Way.
Philadelphia Press.
Borne of the Connecticut democrat ex
plain that they are for Bryan because they
are afraid If be lent nominated he will
bolt and bust up the party. Other demo
crats think It witl bust up the party If he
Is nominated; .so the situation Is a very
pleasant one whichever way you take It
Soarcea mt Wood Palp.
Philadelphia Record.
There Is a' nearby source of wood pulp
In Newfoundland which couTd be drawn
upon by consumers In the United States if
the tariff duty -were abolished without any
danger of reprisal. The Island is covered
with ( forest growth that remains almost
untouched. Transportation hither by water
would be relatively cheap as compared
with other sources of supply. The exports
of forest product from Newfoundland In
1907 barely amounted In value to 9491,910.
Activities ef Mr. Johnson.
Boston Transcript. "
The Johnson campaign for the democratic
presidential nomination Is becoming- In
creasingly active. Headquarters have been
opened In Chicago, with active Minnesotan
In charge. Everybody suspects that John
sons real motive must In wme way be dis
guised, since a democratic nomination now
obtained In opposition to Bryan would be so
clearly worthless. Johnson may want the
vice presidency; he may want to get Into
line for 1911; he may want to go on the lec
ture platform. Other equally good reason
may be suggested.
A Word Bomb.
New York Post.
There is a grim comment on current tend
enclea in the declaration of the supreme
court of the state of Idaho that It Is doubt
ful if any unusual word in the English
language has been more employed by press
and magazine writer during the last four
or five year than the word "gVaft," A
the court say, the promotion, given Uo a
lang word, so a to entitle It to enter the
society of good English, 1 based on It
general use ifi the literature of the country,
on the fact that It is no longep ahunned
by standard writers. But It Is to be feared
that the court has effectively checked the
social progress of the particular little word
In question by holding that its Use Is libel
ous, and that It Is. full of germs which,
when put Into a culture -before a Jury,
must take the form of verdicts for dam-
'e"' '
Power to Kalllfy State Laws Materi
ally Tnra4 - Dows. ,
- - Washington Herald.
The senate ha taken cognizance of the
complaint against nullification of state leg
islation by the federal judiciary through
the passage of a bill regulating the Issu
ance of Injunction restraining," on - the
ground of their unconstitutionality, tha en
forcement of stale' statutes. . It la a mod
erate measure, but significant of the belief
of tha ablest constitutional lawyers ot the
senate, lncluding$fr. Knox, that the power
to enjoin the operation of state legislation
la too extensive to be lodged In a single
Judge ot an inferior 'federal court. The
bill, vwhlch was reported unanimously from
the Judiciary committee and passed In the
senate without a dlssentmg voto, provide
that injunction restraining the enforce
ment of state laws on the ground of un
constitutionality may be Issued only after
hearing before a bench ot three Judges, of
whom at least two shall be circuit Judges,
and only upon the concurrence of at least
two out of the 'three. Five days' notice
plication, but a temporary Injunction may
must be given of the hearing on any ap
be Issued if a majority of tho judges are
convinced that Irreparable loss would re
sult to the applicant unless such Injunction
I granted. An appeal from any order or
decree may be taken directly to the su
preme court of the United Btatea, wlTere
it will have precedence. v
As 'Senator Knox expressed It, "the sole
and simple purpose of this bill Is to pre
vent a single inferior federal judge from
pronouncing a law of m state unconstitu
tional." Senator Overman of North Caro
lina thought the peopl of a state would
be more Inclined to accept the decision
of three judges "than they would of one
subordinate Inferior Judge, who s!mply
upon petition or upon a hearing, should
tie the hands of a state officer from pro
ceeding with the enforcement of the laws
of hi sovereign state. 'VThe requirement
of a hearing before a bench of 'three, after
the lapse of a brief period from the time
of application, Insures greater deliberation
and maturer Judgment, thus doing away
with the midnight injunction, while It
lessens the possibility of undue local or
corporate influences that might be suc
cessfully brought to bear upon a single
judge. The only two objector to the bill
were Senator Burkett and Heyburn, rep
resenting opposite poles ot opinion, the
former desiring that federal judges be de
prived altogether of the power to lssua in
junctions and the latter complaining that
under the provisions of the bill Judges, at
least in the far west, would be unable to
Issue them quick enough to protect liti
gants. Mr. Heyburn's reasons for opposing
the v bill constitute an excellent argument
for its pa&sage, for hasty and ill-considered
Judgments are, precisely whii tha new re
striction on the power ot federal Judge Is
designed to prevent.
Lika all compromise Involving a princi
ple, the senate bill doe not settle the
Important question raised by the opinion
of the supreme court In the Minnesota
case. W quite agree with Senator Bacon
that .these questions will have to be dealt
with In tho near future, for the jurisdic
tion of the federal courts grows steadily.
A federal judge Is now trying to seise, on
behajf of foreign creditors,- moneys be
longing to the state of South Carolina :sj
in the custody of Its officers. In the city
of New York a federal court baa taken
tha street railway system out of tha Juris
diction of the Subllo service commUston
and br a decree has abolished the free
transfer privilege something that tha
street railway corporations themselves
would never have dared to do, for publio
sentiment could have expressed Itself
through local authority. There is some
thing fundamentally wrong. It appears to
the lay mind. In the Judicial trampling on
local Instrumentalities of government. The
senate bill, perhaps, doe not go fsr toward
rectifying tha wrong, but at least It insures
that when the federal Judiciary enjoin
state legialatloD the Injunction shall be
the result of the juict delitxreUoa of dis
interested Judges-
nipples en th-e rarrent ef Life la the
Rivalry amonic New Yorkers to reach
lofty altltudra by artificial means grows
apace. The demand for rarlfled atmosphere
Is such that those who have the price
either doubt the progress In aeronautlca or
are too Impatient to wait for the promised
airship. Skyscraplng towers are the latest
means of getting above, tha crowd. "We
are going to Insure ourselve against com
petition In the tall tower business," sail
an official of a local insurance company,
which Is building st Msdlson square and
Twenty-fourth atreet, the tallest tower In
the world, consisting of fifty stories In
stead of forty-eight aa originally planned.
When completed the distance between tho
sidewalk and the top of the tower will be
693 feet, or elghly-one feet higher than the)
Singer building. The distance froy the
basement, which Is two stories below the
sidewalk, to tha top of the tower will be
728 feet.
Battery Dan Finn, judge of the Tom'bs
police court, celebrated Easter by dis
charging four-rifth of the prisoners
brought before him and lecturing the police
In characteristic style. Among the prisoners
were fifty Chinese arrested In' a raid made
by detective of the second Inspection dis
trict. All were charged with gambling.
"What were they doing?" asked Magis
trate Finn.
"Fantan," aald one of the detectives. .
"Did you get any of the cards?" asked
tha magistrate.
"They don't use cards; they use but
tons," said tha detective.
"Buttons!" cried Battery Dan, "Why, I
used to play fantan, and cards were the
weapons then. Anyhow you have no evi
dence that these prisoners were gambling.
You've no right to enter a 'man' house
without a warrant, and I'm not going to
have this court Imposed upon In this wy.
The prisoner ar dlscharced."
Then another batch of Chinese were
"What the game this time?" asked the
"Domlnoe," replied Detective Curry.
. "Thafa a illy game," said Battery Dan.
disgustedly. "I used to play It a a boy
myself. In fact, I know almost all these
gambling games and sometimes I play
them. Only yesterday I was gambling at
tha race track and they didn't arrest me.
I was Inside the fence."
These prisoner were likewise discharged.
Back In 1K3 John Jacob Astor bought at
foreclosure sale the John Coxln farni
located beyond what wa then a ettied
part of the city, in the vicinity now of
Fifty-fourth treet and Eighth avenue. He
paid 123. 000 for the property, which ha
Just been partitioned into thirty-two part
and divided equally among the eight living
Chanier brother and sisters, heir of
Laura Astor Delano, a granddaughter of
the founder of the Astor fortune, who re
ceived the farm as her wedding portion.
The land altogther makes up over 800 city
lots and I given a present value of 13,
150,000. 'An evening paper-declares that If tha
people of New York knew how their money
ts being squandered In the Catskllls there
would be a public uprising greater than
nas ever resulted in this city from political
Intrigue and iniquity. In an elaborate dia.
cusslon of the finances of the m elect it
declare that at the rata in which the land
damage, commission fee and legal ex
pense are piling us and with the-addl.
tlonal cost of successive alteration of the
plana, the total expenditure to be (addled
onsthe city of New York will be UOO.OOO.OOO,
enough to build the nreaent luhwu !
time over, and predict that higher city
rent will follow what It characterise aj
a "water grab of $300,000,000."
It t pointed out that the schema nt n.
tag to tha Catsklll for water already has
incurred an y expenditure and llahllitte
greater than the net cost of the old Proton
water works and aqueduct, the new Croton
aqueduct and the storage, reservoir which
uinlied New York with 'water sine uoa
and now furnishes 32S.000.000 gallon a day.
and the Catskill expenditure ha only be
gun. '
The declaration la made that the souan-
derlng of these hundreds - of million of
dollars in the Catskllls will so exhaust the
city's borrowing capacity a to prevent
tho municipal construction of new subways
ana compel the giving of the new subwsv
franchises to "private capital." This means
that Thomas F. Ryan will reorsranlae. th
present transportation ' systems, add to
them whatever extension he please and
then, with free transfers abolished win
proceed to recapitalise the nickel of New
i om and loot tho people again. '
Sweeping orders affecting three of the
Important surfs car lines in New York
City are to be Issued by tt.e Publio Bervica
commission.' The reoelvers for th New
York City Railway comDanv. . Adrian it
John and Douglas Robinson, have already
been notified what to exnecl. Tha orders
are to take effect April 37. Briefly stated,
they call for sufficient cars to provide "a
feat for every passenger," except in the
runn nours. ins lines Which will be ef
fected at once are tha Twenty-third street
crosstown line, the Lexington avenue line
and the Grand atreet line. It Is expected
that they will form a model for other or
ders affecting many' other lines to be Is
sued later en. Commissioner Maitbie ts
responsible for the Plan, which will re
quire the operation of all the cars that
can be crowded over a given route, with
due regard for speed and tha condition of
travel. - - -
With the finishing touches helnar tnA
a mammoth building which In the last few
months has been liftlna Its head at Rrnal.
way and Seventy-eighth atreets is nrenar.
lng to open It doors to the New York
puDllc aa the laraest anartment hnuiu. In
the world. Financed by. William Waldorf
Aator at a cost totaling I3.ooa.aoo tha An.
thorp apartments, towering twelve stories
an enure DiacK, mara an era
in modern bulldinir. Curious resMenta In
this fashionable neighborhood have during
the last twenty months marveled at lt di
mensions, hardly bellevinar tha renort that
the building, with Its unusual height for
this section of the city, was not designed
as an uptown skycraper. The Apthorpe ha
110 apartments, varying from six to four
teen rooms each. Jt has every known Im
provement. The rent nf aima nf tha anltoa
per year would pay for a good-siscd house.
rrejadle. f
Baltimore American. .
Perhapa th hardest thing in human ex
perience la to get away from prejudice. In
the last few year w have had extraor
dinary change In America, and It ha not
been easy for some people to readjust their
visions.. When an honest president. In do
ing honest work, disturbed established
evil he necessarily jolted some good people
who were perfectly atneere In believing
that their personal Integrity . wa proof
against th insidious Influence of a wrong
system. So Instead of blaming th system
or of seeing the broader moral purpose of
policy of simple honesty, tUey took the
shorter course of saving Roosevelt did it.
FlarhtlaaJ Shy of l.ara Joh.
St. Louis Times.
Judging from thti gernes with which
tha rear admlrala are-dodging command of
the fleet, it 1 apparent that ipervUion
of tj0.0oR,0Q0 worth of fighting ships and
U.OoO men la something tuure than a pro
cession of pink tea.
.lr Serve Mr. Sjryaa that It Is
Mot for Ilia.
New York Times tlnd. dom ).
The refusal of Instructions is proof posi
tive of the conviction of the party msn
agers that Bryan, if nominated, could not
carry this state. If they had felt that ther
was even a . fighting chance tor Mm to'
carry the state with It thirty-nine electoral
vote, they would hv tumbled over each
other In their anxiety to pledge' th dele
gate, to him.
The New York democrat hav therefor
served notice upon the democrat of other
state that Mr. Bryan cannot carry this
state. The majority against him in 19
was am. 468; In 1900, the . majority against
him was 143.608. In the last eight yr-ar
he has lost, not gslned. in New York. HI
plea for the government ownership of rail
roads finished him with the democracy
here. . (
W'ill anybody attempt to point out how
Mr. Bryan can be elected president, without
the vote of New York? Such an attempt
could proceed only from Irresponsible lun
acy or defiant Ignorance. If the thirty
nine voles of-New York are lost. New
Jersey with twelye and Ilinol with twenty
even, would Just fill the gap In the dem
ocratic column. Ha cannot carry either ot
those state, any more than he can carry
Pennsylvania or Massachusetts.
New Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana to
gether have but thirty-four vote In ihe
electoral college. In a year when New
York goe republican these three state are
abaolutely sure to aupport that party. No
where In the union can compensation be
found for the loss of New York. .
The opponent of Bryn In other states
have now a solid basis for their work. His
supporters might conceivably win over the
New' York delegation at Denver. That
would not win him the state, with its
thirty-nine vote. The highest authoritative
opinion has been given that those votes he
cannot have, and . he , cannot be elected
without them. Hla defeat I demonstrated
three months before the convention meets.
His persistence and th persistence ot his
friends, therefore, can be accounted ; for
only upon the theory of some other motive
than a desire for th triumph ot th demo
cratic psrty.
ntea .
If tha late Jay Gould ha any opinion
about It, ha muat be reflecting that he
Isn't getting th worth of his money.
Charle Evan Hughs, Jr., son of th
governor of New York, ha been elected
business manager of "Th Brown Dally
Herald," which I published by Brown
Thera is a full-blooded priitre of ancient
lineage stranded In New York. This may
be regarded aa corroborative ot .the report
that (team yacht are at a discount among
the society -people of that city.
The member of the orchestra Of tha
Metropolitan opera house. New York, paid
6 tribute to Helnrich Conrled 'by present
ing him last Friday a beautiful album In
closed in a mahogany case, with Illustra
tion of tha principal opera produced by
Mr. Conrled.
Dr. Norman Dltman ha been awarded
the Glbb prise of 134,000, offered by th
New York academy -for the best original
research work on the kidney. Th prise
wa founded to creat an Interest In the
study of Bright disease. , Dr. Dltman'
investigation tried to account ' for the
unnecessary two-thirds of man's meat diet
and to see if this had any close connec
tion with the poison preaeit In th System
of a person afflicted with Bright' dis
ease. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, ' now almost a
npnagenarian, is still moved by living en
thusiasm for the cause she has long sup
ported. To a young southern writer who
wa introduced to her In Boston last near
Mrs. Howe, after due exchange ot conver
sation, said: "And now, my dear, go
home and start a little club for women
any kind of a little club, but make them
meet and read and talk. That is what I
did.. I can't tell you how . many; Jittle
club I've started in my day."
Prof. Jamea Remington Fairlamb, th
musicisn and composer, . Is dead In New
York. He wa a fellow student In mualo
with Christine Nllsson and was appointed
consul to Zurich, Switzerland, In 1861 by
President Lincoln and decorated by the
king of Wurtemberg. He wan . born In
Philadelphia and at the age ot 14 was or
ganist in the Western Methodist church
of that city. In his 20th year he went to
Europe to study music. He wrot about
200 musical compositions, mostly dramatic
and romantic.
The Greatest
4 - a aft gft 1 aft f nt.
aurciy tijs.uu is worm s
e..: tl.i'. ii- 1
saving liisi s ifiisis
Possible Today
For we offer one brand
new, full size, mind you,
4 ft. 10 in. high Brad
ford & Co., New York
Piano, in genuine black
walnut case, with full
duet music desk, double
roll fall board, splendid
mellow tone, latest
double repeating action,
positively regular $275
instrument for; the re
markably little price of
$136, including a hand
some stool and scarf.
C!! TERMS OF S15.C3 OOVIl 5.00 K03TELT
e are closing out our entire stock of Weber, Mehlin,
Henry & S. O. Lindeman, Haines Bros., Foster, Marshall &.
Mendell, etc.: at prices that astonish those who know their
. . 1 ' . .. .
Only 7 F.!orc Days We Quit T.Iay 1st
1513-15 !!:rn:y St i LT::k E::t cf r:r:tfs
Qserr- Feat area of Ttepresea tatlon lit
'atloaal festealions. ,
' ' St. Irfiuls Republic Idem.).
Since our national conventions ers mid
up on the illogical plan of giving equal
representation to states which are certwrn
to be republican and to those which ara
certainly dcmorrntlc. the two-thlrda rule
has erved, upon occasion, to prevent the
nomination ot candidate objectionable to
state which must be looked to for Slectoraj
voles. But since each convention makes
its' own roles each convention may doclda
for Itself whether 1t will nominate by a
two-third vote or by a simple- majority.
- Our state conventions. In which repre--sentation
Is apportioned according to the:
party vote cast In a previous election, are
much more logically mad up - than are
national meeting in which not (inly are,
all the state equally represented lit-prxx
portion to their representation. In congress,,
but delegates are admitted from th Dis
trict of Columbia, the organised territories
and now even from remote territorial pos
sessions, none of which cast a single vote
in presidential election. .......
Thsi 'delegates from Porto Rico, Alaska,
Hawaii and even from the. Philippine
should vote on the nomination ot presi
dential candidate in the conventions ot
both the great political parties, and that
the south should have an Influential voice
In republican conventions,' I a paradox,
of politic which ia likely to be supplanted
at no distant dy by a more logical sys
tem of making nomination.
"Work never hurt anybody," said tb.
Industrious man. 1
"No," answered Plodding Pete, "but It'
moat as bad to be scared aa hurt" Wash
ington Star.
'"I Imagine, that that woman's husband
Is very happy." i
"Yes, 1 guess he Is." '
"Do you know him?"- '. ,
"Bure! I am the lawyer who got htmj
his divorce." Houston Poet,
Mr. Mockaf us Perhaps you wouldn't
mind telling me, Amandahow much dough)
I will .' iv to dig up when tho bill oorae
In for that new spring hat of yours.
Mra, Hockafus Not. at all, Hiram. It
will set you back about half aa much a
that new fishing rod of yours dld.Chll .
cago Tribune,
"There' another thing," said the Senator,
"rendering impossible tho addition ot battle
ships to the navy."
- His oolleaguea listened. ' -'
' "Until we have admitted "soma fnnre
states," he continued, -"there will be no
namea available."
Ot course, the fate of the bill waa IU4
right there. Philadelphia Ledger. : -
"Did you hear anything of a report that'
tho government I going to prohibit tho
wearing of 'Merry Widow' hat at Pan
ama?" , "Why, what ha the government to do
wttn the question of mere fashion?" '
"It Isn't mere fashion. The men down
there must have some room on the Isth
mus to work on th canal." Philadelphia.
Press. k r
Miss Cutting I see by the paper that all .
the sweet set was at the assembly ball last
night. .i
Ulsa McBluff Yes, 1 expected to b there,
but was prevented . .
' Mis Cutting The Idea! I hope th door
keeper wasn't rough - with you, dear.
Cathollo Standard and Times.
Mr. McSwat Bllllrar. how did vna II Ira
the decoration af the church thla morn
ing? .
Mr. McBwat AH tho decorations T-enuM
see. Lobelia, were worn by tb young
woman In front of me. I liked the grand
weep of the brim, th floral display- and
the general arrangement of th ribbon,
but I thought the dead bird looked, out of,
placf .Chicago Tribune. ' i -
Bohemian Magazine. . -
It took one day to make the earth.
It took Just forty daya to drown ltt
. It took Just forty year to down It,
It one hourt to get a loin.' s',""in ?r'v" n'
It took ona hundred year to pay Itj" "
It took four year to write a march. .
It took nine minute, ten to play u. .'.
' '
It took an age to build a town,
- ft took one hour or less to burn itj .
It took one year to apend a aum,
,Jt took four decades' work to earn It.
It took twelve hours to cook a bean,
It took two seconds' time to eat It;
It took a trice to sign a note.
It took full seven years to meet it.
It took five years to build a ship."
It took five hours' time to sink it!-. '
It took an age to age old wine, ' ''.
It took eight seconds straight to drink it.
It took one day to build a trap.
It took one moment more to set ltj
It took one hour to catch a skunk. .'' '
It took one fortnight to regret it.
It took tea year to make a home.
It took ten minutes Just to deed it;
It took a week to write this: "pome,'1 -It
took one E. Z. mark to read iU
Win .mill., uc. 11 I..,.iiy,.ali.iin.....i,.ii..,i.
Piano Soriionf
0 in olio
:; n. :
U.1TIL SCL0 11 Uliii