Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1908, Image 1

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State Democracy Instructs IU Dele
gates for Nebraskan.
Attempt to S?eure Stronger Worded
Flank Fails.
Chicago Boss Dominated Convention
in Its Every Move.
Majority of (mml(lr for Greatest
Possible Personal Liberty, While .
Minority Winked "abject
Omitted Altogether.
SF RING FIELD. 111 . April 23.The Illi
nois democracy today adopted the unit rule
and instructed It delegates to the national
convention at Denver to vote for W. J.
Hrynn, and "to use all honorable means '
to kccure his nomination. -
After a hot fight In the resolutions com
mittee, which wa carried Into the conven
tion, the parly adopted a platform plank
declaring In favor of. the "greatest possible
personal liberty" to Individuals, provided
such liberty did not Infringe upon the
rights of other people.
Instead of naming the usual four dele
gates and alternates at large to the na
tional convention. It was decided to send
eight, allowing each man one-half of a
vote. Two presidential electors at large
were also chosen.
The resolution endorsing Mr. Bryan was
adopted with enthusiasm and a flattering
demonstration followed the action.
Bryan's Friend Tarned Daws,
For all that, however, it was not worded
entirely to ths satlsfaclon of Mr. Bryan's
most tealous supporters and' In the last
few minutes of the convention Judge Owen
P. Thompson of Jacksonville declaring
that Bryan had beep "sold out" demanded
that a stronger resolution be passed. He
desired to have the Instructions so worded
that Illinois would be bound to support
Bryan as long as his name was before
the convention. His effort was made In the
last few minutes of ths convention and It
nivl with the usual fate of new business
that Is sprung upon hot, weary, hungry
and thirsty delegates who are anxious to
cstch trains fcr their homes. It was
swiftly and overwhelmingly defeated.
Ths convention, however, showed sincere
irnthulafttn for Bryan. When his name
was mentioned, there was Invariably great
applause and ths reading of the resolution
in his favor was greeted with cheers. Tho
applause, It Is true, came more from the
delegates from other counties than Cook
and other cities than Chicago.
Itoger C. SulHx-an. who dominated ths
convention from first to last did not ap
plaud Bryan's name at any time, but
Sullivan is not the kind of a man who Is
given to applauding thing, no matter how
strong Ms approval may be. When the
demonstration , was In progress after th
reading of lh resolution he rose
and stood until the cheers subsided and
then resumed his seat. ' .
VlgBt Otr PerSonul Liberty.
The fight over the "personal liberty'
or liquor plank In the platform waa warn
and long. It delayed the convention nearly
two hours and then a minority of seven
presented report urging that the plank
be entirely omitted. Nineteen members of
the committee favored it and the con
vention sustained tyiem by a vote of S49
tn 6S'i Of ths total in favor of the plank,
KB vote cams from Cook county.
Three quarters of ths country delegations
voted for the minority report, but ths heavy
vote of Chlcsgo was too much for them.
Considerable feeling was manifested during
the roll call, which laid ths minority report
on the table.
The Johnson men war not In evidencs
throughout the convention and no reso
lution bearing his name was offered.
Three Candidates for governor were active
toda,y-Douglas jatlson of Free port and
James Hamilton Lewis and John P. 11c
Ooorty of Chicago. AH of them had open
headquarters and .were busy In bolstering
up their, booms.
Wood Pals TarlsT Relief Bardea of
Drsusd of Publishers of
Veiled States.
WASHINOTON. April 2S.-A1I members
of the house today received telegrams from
the publishers attending the annual meet
ings In New York of the Associated Press
and ths Newspaper Publishers association,
urging action on tho .bill removing the
tariff from print paper and wood pulp,
and. In reply, John Sharp Wllllama. the
democratic leader, sent the following:
"I join tn your protest. Get ths speaker
to recognise me or some on tlae to make
a motion and It will pass. It Is up to
Representative Manner, who is chairman
of ths subcommittee appointed to Investi
gate the paper question, said today that
ths committee was making preparations
to begin its inquiry. He says that ths com
mittee will go Into the subject Impartially.
gpt-akor Cannon said:
The houBe has sppolnted a special com
mittee with the Hon. James H. Mann of
Illinois as chslrman to make a -full investi
gation touching the alleged combinations
..f the print paper com(uuiio. I have no
doubt that tie committee Is ready now to
hear any member of the Publishers' associ
ation or the Associated Press, touching any
facts or suggestions by which facts can be
ascertained that will shed light on - the
alleged combination. I might go further
and say that lam satisfied that if these
gontlemen no not come arid give the facta
on tnelr own motion, they will be repuested
to como snd give such facts as they have
19 eetabllsh their claim.
Tillman .BUI ta Htesnr Pablla La a da
'a Oresea Is Passed.
WASHINGTON, April S3.-By ths over
whelming vots of U, to S th house today,
after several hours' discussion, adopted
without amendment the senste Joint reso
lution authorising the attorney general to
til suits against ths Oregon aV California
Railroad company for the forfeiture of all
or part of M.M acres of land grants in
tho western part of Oregon. It la claimed
by ths government that by reason ot
breaches and violations of the acts Disk
ing tU grants the railroad, company had
forfeited all right to the land In question.
The sentiment of ths house was practically
unanimous that the suits would work no
hardship on bona fids purchasers of home
stsads from ths company. The resolution
sii Introduced In the senata by Senator
TU:man snd has passed that body.
At ill p. nu ths hone took a (aces until
turret"., . .
Friday, April S4, lOS.
1908 &7priis 1908
sex .vat rrz, na nv
-r 2 3 4
5 6 Z 8 9 W JI
H IS S 16 II 18
t 20 21 22 23 24 2d
2Z 28 29 80 - -
1 1.
l .r -Fair and cooler Friday.
Ft. -A5 'BR ASK A Friday, fair and
conle. V
FOf -Partly cloudy, with show
ers. Ir. ,t' portion, and slightly cooler.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
6 a.
S a
7 a,
8 a,
... hi
... 65
... 6
... 7
... 89
... 70
... 73
... 72
... 70
... 76
... 7S
... 79
... 78
... 7
... 74
... 53
... 67
It. m . .
10 a. in..
It a. m..
12 nt
1 p. m..
1 p. m..
t p. m..
4 p. m..
5 p. m..
dp. m. .
p. m..
9 p. m..
Four masked men loot a club house at
Hot 6prlngs, Ark., and carry away 10.
000. Page 1
Democrats of Illinois endorse Bryan
and have principal contention over per
sonal liberty section of ths platform.
Pag 1
Four men In the Ellsworth coilerlos
arc killed by an explosion. . Pag X
Head of the Diamond trust In New York
says the price of sparklers will be main
tained. Vaf 1
"Katy" shopmen have a layoff becauss
of expenditure of appropriation. Pag 1
More lawlessness exists at Pensacola In
spit of federal Injunction. Pag 1
Agent of the Bridge trust of Ohio and
nephew of Qrover Cleveland la sent to
Jail. Pag 1
Milton D. Purdy has been appointed
federal Judge In District of Minnesota.
Pag 1
Senior at Harvard wins Baldwin prize
for essay on municipal government.
Pag 1
W. J. Bryan leaves New York ' for Ne
branka. . . Pag 1
New Indictment declared against II. H.
Tucker, Jr. Pag 1
Joe Simpson lynched at Skidoo, Cal.
Pag 1
Governor Hughes of New York calls
special session of the legislature for
May 11. Pag X
Telegrams of protest over the exactions
of the Paper trust pour In upon the mem
bers of congress from publishers. Pag a
King Manuel will appear In public for
tho first time at memorial services for
his father. Pag 1
Societies to aid priests are forming in
France. Pag" 1
VSMAtlA, '
Lumber dealer of Nebraska lose out
tn the contention they, urged against the
state in th prosecution to enjoin them
from acting In restrain of trade. Pag a
Fatal wind near Pender kills woman
and child and destroy large arrlount of
property there arid at Thurston. Pag 1
Saturday Is registration day In Omaha
for electors who want to. vote on 11.000,
000 court house bonds and other bond
proposition. Pag a
Establishment by Prudential Insurance
company of fiscal agency In Omaha shows
that wind Is blowing more money from
the east to Nebraska In search of farm
and other loans In a solid country.
Pag 5
George D. Melklejohn, former assistant
secretary of war, moves from Fullerton
to Omaha and report is he is to marry
wealthy widow In Bogota. Columbia. Cen
tral America. Pag
County Assessor Shrlver notifies chat
tle mortgage men that he will list for
taxation all chattel mortgages, and a a
result more than 1,000 of them have been
released. Par 5
Base ball aeason opens tn Omaha with
good game between Omaha and Lincoln,
victory going to the latter by the score
of S to 2. - Pag 4
Live stock markets. Par t
Grain market. Paget
Stocks and bonds. . Par
Nebraska, with Family, ' Departs
A titer Many Sneeehe la
the East.
NEW YORK. April J3.-WSHIam 3. Bryan
left New York today for his home In Ne
braska after having completed a lively
round of conferences, lectures, speeches and
dinner In this city. He waa accompanied
on his wsy west by Mrs. Bryan, their
daughter, Mrs Leavltt, and Mrs. Leavltt'
Latheraa Synod at Fremoat.
FREMONT. Neb.. April J3--(Special.)
Th northeastern Nobraska division of the
Missouri synod of th Lutheran church, has
been holding It annual session yesterday
and. today at "Trinity Lutheran church In
thla city, with about forty clergymen In
attendance. The papers and addresses have
been mostly of a theological character, and
though a few afe believers In the "higher
criticism," the animated discussions show
thst th church Is extremely conservative.
Rev. J. Hilgendorf of Arlington 'read an
able paper on the "Creation," briefly out
lining the view of the evolutionists and
th conservatives. Almost every minister
present attacked evolution and higher crit
icism of the Bible, bitterly contending for
theology of the old school.
Father Parts with Children.
, GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April r.-8pc-rlal.
Four children of Mr. Zlmmermaua
have been turned over to the Nebraska
Children's Horns society and thereby hangs
a story ot sorrow. Mr. Zimmermann la a
laboring man who pnly recently arrived
from Germany. On th way over his wlfs
sickened, died and waa burled at sea. leav
ing th father to corns on alone with th
four little ones. . Since he Is unable In tho
new land to provide board for all of his lit
tle ones without the aid of th mother, he
ha contributed to the society all of th
rexldeu of a collection taken on board th
ship for him In order that th society may
not be at a losa In finding good hones. In
Lutheran families if possible, and baa con
tracted with them, voluntarily, to par. no
much, per month to tb society, ( w
Seven Million Dollars Appropriated to
Begin Work on New Ships.
Amendment la Offered Late and
Debate t ns It Is Postponed I'ntll
Today- Prlee of Armor
Plata Dlsenased.
WASHINGTON, 'April .-As the senste
was about to conclude consideration of the
naval . appropriation bill today Senator
Piles of Washington proposed an amend
ment increasing from two to four the num
ber of new battleships to be authorised. As
several senators desired to speak on the
amendment the further consideration of
the bill was postponed until tomorrow. An
amendment to the naval bill was adopted,
appropristlng I7.0iX).t00 to begin construc
tion on the two battleships authorised by
the bill as It was passed by the house.
A spirited debate occurreQ on the amend
ment for the restriction of the purchase
of materials for the construction of the
battleships, ebmarlne boats, etc., to those
of domestic manufacture.
Amendments to remove that restriction
from the bill were defeated. Mr. Hale stat
ing that since the Investigation of the steel
trust some years ago the price of steel
armor had been reduced from 560 and $600
per ton to 1416 per ton and Mr. Beverldge
declared that the United States pays .less
for its armor platae than any other na
tion except Japan.
Senator Raynor of Maryland spoke today
on th constitution rights of states and
executive encroachment. He Insisted that
the commerce act of th constitution had
been Interpreted as applying to the Indus
trial lifs of the country to a far greater
degree than was contemplated by the
framers of the constitution. He regretted
the tendency of democrats to look upon
the president aa their guide and declared
that the president could not be accepted as
his "Messiah."
Debate on Naval Bill.
The house amendments to th naval ap
propriation bill were offered In the Senate
today by Senator Gore of Oklahoma to al
low the building of the new battleships,
submarine, boats, etc., suthorlxed by the
bill at any shipyard In the world and tak
ing away the restriction In favor of domes
tic steel. Mr. Gore had no support In his
first -motion to permit ths building of the
ships abroad and sixty-two votes were
registered against him.
His second motion was to strike out the
provision that all the parts of these ships
and the steel material used In them shall
be of domestic manufacture. On motion
of Mr. Hale that amendment was laid on
the table by a vots of 48 to 9. Mr. Gore
secured the support of Senators Bacon,
Culberson, Davis, Gary, McCreary, Milton,
Money and Simons, al democrats.
In offering these amendments, Mr. Gore
delivered a passionate appeal to th senate
to strike a blow at the Steel trust.
Mr. Gore offered the amendments, he
ssid, to "rescue this country from the toils
of the steel trust." which he regarded aa
"the tapeworm of the treasury."
,Mr. Bacon also spoke In favor of elim
inating the provision requiring matellaia
of domestic manufacture, as he said .It
would by law force the government to buy
of " the trust at extortionate prices. 'He
remembered, he said, hearing the senator
from Maine (Mr. Hale) on a former occa
sion, say the Steel trust "had th oppor
tunity to put the knife Into us." He said
th armor plate could be made by only
two or three concerns In the United States
and the country by law would be at the
mercy of the rust.
"What I want," declared Mr. Gore, "Is
to legislate so that we can get three In
stead of two battleships for the same
Mr. Money offered an amendment pro
viding that material for the new ships
shall be of domestic manufacture, but per
mitting It to be purchased abroad, explain
ing that It was well known that American
goods were sold cheaper abroad than in
this country. He wanted the government
to take advantage of that cheapness.
Mr. Hale said that, as worded, the bill
would permit Just what tho Mississippi
senator contended for and the amendment
was withdrawn.
Mr. .Beveridge insisted that ha had re
liable figures showing that the United
State pays less for Its steel plats for bat
tleships than any other nation of th world
except Japan.
Bacon Amendment Rejeeted.
Mr. Bacon otfered an amendment pro
viding that the president or secretsry of
the navy shall be authorised to purchase
any part of th material used abroad In
any case where th material of domestlo
manufacture. In his Judgment, cannot be
purchased at a reasonable cost, having re
gard to- the cost of manufacture and a
reasonable profit.
Mr. Bacon said this amendment practi
cally was th same provision adopted after
extended debate relating to purchase of
materials for ths Panama canal, and the
yeas and nays being called for it waa re
jected by a vot of M to 85.
Replying to a queatlon. Mr. Hale said
that ths United States was paying $411 per
ton for its' armor, and that Germany paid
$450. France $600 and England $626 per ton.
Mr. Hals Insisted that the Investigation
of the Steel trust some years ago had
brought about a reduction of the prlc of
the armor from $560 and $900 to $411 '
On motion of Mr. Hale, th appropriation
made by the house of $1,000,000 toward th
construction of eight submarine torpedo
boats was increased to $3,000,000, which may
be applied toward the completion of sub
marine boats heretofore authorized. An
amendment appropriating $600,000 for a
"new trunk-ln battleship holst, proposed
by Mr. Hale, waa adopted.
a Million for Battleships.
An amendment appropriating $7,000,000 to
ward th construction, machinery and
armament of th vessels In this bill waa
This action wast taken without comment.
It having been stated yesterday that such
a provision would permit a prompt begin
ning of the construction of the new battle
ships. ,
The pay of the enlisted men in th hos
pital corps of the navy la made th same
as that of seamen of corresponding rating
by a committee amendment which was
adopted. bill had been nearly completed
Senator Piles ot Washington offered an
amendment Increasing th number of bat
tleships from two to four, asking at th
anv time that final consideration of this
measure be postponed until tomorrow. Mr.
Hale believed th senate had mad up it
mind about that matter, but aa two or
three aonator wanted to speak oa th sub
ject he favored postponement ef th con
sideration of th amsAdtnant until tanaor-
row - 1 , X t 11 If
Than of t'alkollea tn Take Over Pran
erty Await l-lln of
the Pope.
PARIS, April 23. The Catholics of France,
especially th clergy, are anxiously await
ing a' decision from the pop regarding the
establishment of mutual Said societies for
priests. These societies.; It Is planned,
would not only take over the property be
longing to certain pension funds for aged
priests, amounting to $4,f0.on0, but. In ac
cordance with a recent amendment to ths
devolution of chuch property bill, they could
accept foundations for masses.
Although no definite decision has been
promulgated from Rome It is unofficially
reported that the pope. In conversation
with certain French priests, lias expressed
himself as disposed to accept the new ar
rangement. ' Fear, however, is 4-xrressvd
thp.t the Intranslgeant element at the Vati
can may frustrate this new proposal to
provide a more secure future for the Catho
lic priests of France.
KIna- of Portaaral Will "how Himself
for First Time for Memorial
LISBON, April 2S. A memorial service
for the late King Carlos and the crown
prince of Portugal, who were assassinated
February 1 last, will be held April 25 at
Jerenymos convent snd will be st tended
by King Manuel and Dowager Queen
Amelie. This will be the king's first public
appearance on the streets and the greatest
precautions have been taken for his safety.
Troops will line the route followed by his
majesty to and from the convent.
Meetlaa Under A aspires of Queen to
i Raise Social Stataa In
KIadom. i
ROME, April 23. Th first national con
gress of Italian women was opened In this
city today. The congress Is held under the
auspices of Queen Helena, Minister ot
Education Rava, and Blgnor Nathan, the
mayor of Rome. The Opening address waa
delivered by Countess Spalettl, who said
that the aim of the gathering was to lift
tho social standing of women rather than
their political status.
Japanese Steamer leaves Sydney
Without Any Chinese Passea
arers or Goods.
SIDNEY, N. S. W. April 23.-The boycott
by Chinese of Japanese goods which orig
inated In China as an outcome of the Tatsu
Maru Incident of last February has reached
Sydney and is practically complete here.
Th Japanese steamer Yawate Maru sailed
yesterday for Japan without any Chinese
passengers or cargo and without the usual
gold shipments destined for Chin.
Poor Are Killed In Explosion tn
Ellsworth Collieries In
Pennsylvania' '
' PITTSBURG, Pa., April . 23. Four men
were killed, 'three sarle(ii Injured s,nA 100
others had a barrow escape from death
early today when an explosion occurred, in
Mine No. 1. of the Ellsworth collieries
company at Ellsworth, Pa., Washington
county. The dead are forelgnera. Their
bodies were mangled and badly burned.
It is supposed the accident resulted from,
an accumulation of gas In a new entry be
coming Ignited In some manner at present
Unusual presence of mind is said to be
responsible for about 100 miners escaping
from the mine. Although the concussion
threw them to the ground all retained their
composure ( and after great difficulty
reached the surface. A thorough Investiga
tion will be begun immediately by state
mine Inspectors.
Joe Simpson, Who Killed Jamea Ar
nold, Meeta Death for
His Crime.
RHYOLITE, Nev.. April 23. A small
band of cltlsens at Skidoo, a camp in Cali
fornia, fifty-five miles south of here last
night overpowered th sheriffs guard in
charge of Joe Simpson, th gamt'er, who
shot and killed Jamea Arnold last Sunday,
and hanged the prisoner to the telegraph
pole to which he waa bound last Sunday
after ha had made an attempt upon the
life of Cashier Dobba of the Southern Cali
fornia bank at Skidoo. ,
Simpson, who bore an unsavory reputa
tion, was Intoxicated and after threatening
Dobbs, shot and killed Arnold. Arnold lo
cated the townslts of Skidoo. Ha was
formerly Justice of th peace there and had
been Instrumental in prosecuting Simpson
on previous occasions.
Ex-Presldeat Forced to Remain at
Hotel After Cloao ef tho '
LAKEWOOD. N. J., April 23. At 11
o'clock this rr.ornlrg It waa learned that
ex-President Cleveland, who Is suffering
from an attack of stomach trouble, was not
quite as well as he was yesterday. - Mr.
Cleveland is at the Lakewood hotel, where
his apartments have been kept open after
the closing of the remainder of the hotel.
He has had similar attacks in th past
and It has always betn his custom to
leave his home at Princeton, for Lakewood,
where hi recovery has been aided by th
mildness of th climate. He Is attended
In his present Illness by Dr. Gaudenler of
Lakewood and Dr. Joseph D. Bryant of
New York. Dr. Bryant has been Mr.
Cleveland's physician for years. Mrs.
Cleveland, who went to Princeton yester
day, has returned to Lakewood.
New System of Soeorina; Snnnllea Led
ta Report of Retara.
WASHINGTON. April 2.-It la erplalned
at ths bureau of supplies and accounts that
th bids to be opened at Santa Barbara on
May 12, are for supplies for any vessels of
th American navy that may touch at that
place during th next fiscal year. They ar
tor fresh provisions and gTocerte. Ttrts
will be th first year that contracts will
be made at Santa Barbara for delivery to
war vessels there.
The system also la to b sxtended this
year to flan Pedro and Ban Diego. In th
moat positive manner it Is stated at ths
bureau ot navigation that the battleships
will not return to Santa Barbara, nor will
the supply ships for the fleet, so far as at
present determined take on cargo at any
place except San Francisco, but will load
and fit out there for th long cruise across
th Papule ocejLu, on th voyag hum.
Senator Will Do All He Can
Further the Flans of Omaha.
Senators Will Be Expected to Look
After Beatrice In Pnbllo Bond
ing; Bill Xorrle Reports
Publicity Bill.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 2$. (Special Tel
egram.) Senator Warren of Wyoming,
one of the largest wool growers In the
country, speaking of the establlbhnient of
a 'primary wool market at Omaha, eaij
that the project ought to have been un
dertaken long ago and that he would lend
the movement his enthusiastic support,
because Omaha was the natural market
for the great Transmlnsourl section.
Montana, he said. Is tributary to Omaha
by way of the Billings ' line, that Wyo
ming and Colorado were Immediately ad
jacent to Omaha and he could see no
reason why the agitation now going on
for a wool market at Omaha should not
eventuate Into a splendid business and
thst by reason of the nearness of such
market the wool manufacturers could not
help but take advantage of the same.
There Is water In plenty for manufactur
ing propositions to say nothing of elec
tricity, and he looked upon It as one of
th best suggestions that has been made
for utilisation of the product he had
heard' of in years.
Senate to Care for Beatrice.
Congressman Hinshaw, realising that
the omnibus public building bill, which
It is expected will be reported to tho
house In the next few days, will carry
no appropriation for Beatrice, has begun
a campaign with the senators from Ne
braska to take care of Beatrice when tho
bill reaches that body. It will be re
called that Senator Burkett had passed
a bill appropriating $50,000 for Beatrice.
Although this measure waa not considered
by the house committee on public build
ings ana grounds In making up of it
bill, Senator Burkett Is of the opinion
that he will have little difficulty In se
curing the appropriation of a sum of
money for Beatrice which will take care
of the needs of that, city. Judca Norri
of the Fifth district, before cutting out
Beatrice rrom the bill, had a conference
with Senator Burkett, with the result that
Burkett agreed to do what ha could for
Beatrice when the bill came to the senate.
Garrison Flag for Fort Omaha.
Army orders todav contain a tiin,r,rh
designating Fort Omaha to display th gar
rison nag in addition to certain other posts
under general orders of the War depart
ment of June 26, 1907. Colonel Henry P.
McCain of the general staff said that Fort
Omaha was so near a large city that a gar
rison flag would be displayed on holldava.
patriotic days and on the visit of the sec
retary or war; that it was a mark of dis
tinction for the post by reason of its loca
tion and as it has become , so Important In
ths signal corps It waa thought but simple
Justice that the order should be made.
Puhllcltr Bill Report.
Representative Norrls today presented a
report, ot . th committee on the publicity
bill... In. making Oils report Judge Morris
said that It was the result ot year of
earnest labor and It was the best bill that
coulo be gotten out of the committee.' Be
hind It was the National Publicity associa
tion, of which the president, William H.
Taft, William J. Bryan, ex-Senator W.' E.
Chandler of New Hampshire and O. H. P.
Belmont are members among hundreds of
-Congressman Hinshaw today presented to
the president Mr. and Mrs. H M. rhiiH.
and B. R Dee of Fairbury.
i Dolllver Starts for Iowa.
Senator Dolllver left for his bom at
Fort Dodge yesterday. He will spent a
day or two In Chicago and then go on to
Iowa to deliver a number of speeches in
behalf ot his colleague. Senator "Allison,
bis most important dates being aa follows:
Tuesday, April 28, Des Moines; Wednesday,
April 28, Mason City; Friday, May 1, Clin
tou; Saturday, May 2. Ottumwa.
Minor Matter nt Capital.
Representative Pollard today appeared
before the subcommittee of the house com
mittee on Indian affair In advocacy of his
bill to authorize the cancellation of trust
patents In certain cases wherein soma of
his constituent are interested. The intent
of Mr. Pollard' bill Is to remove a cloud
which hovers over the title of some lands
purchased by Sam Hudson and Lea Gra
ham, residents of Lincoln, Neb., near Ash
land, Wis.
Postmasters Appointed Nebraska: Ne
braska: Marple, Box Butt county. James
Watson, vice J. F. Wilson, resigned. Iowa:
Canton. Jackson county; R. H. Buchner,
vloe N. L. Button, resigned; . Bondurant,
Polk County ;BenJamin T. Johnson, vice
W. P. Hall, resigned. South Dakota Crow
Creek, Buffalo county; Don V. Moore, vie
C. L. Anderson, resigned.
Dana C. Hlckcox has been appointed
regular, and Charles Summer, substitute
rural carrier, for rout $ at Clarion.
Th application of Joseph J. 8herman of
Bancroft, la., T. C. Sherman, R. M. Bruce,
C. Korslund. and N. P. Johnson to organ
ize ths First National bank of Mcintosh.
S. I)., with $3,000 capital ha been ap
proved by th comptroller of th currency,
Federal Grand Jury Returns Another
Indictment Against Undo Sam
Oil Man.
TOPEKA. Kan April 23.-Th federal
grand jury today returned another indict
ment against H. H.- Tucker, Jr., secretary
of th Unci Sam Oil cempany, charging
him with th use of th mail with intent
to defraud. A new bond of $10,000 was re
Senior Wlna Baldwin Competition tor
Best Eaaar on Municipal
PHILADELPHIA. Aprl 23. Th prls
of th national municipal league for the
best essay on municipal government pre
pared by students in American educational
Institutions, and known as tb Baldwin
prise, has been awarded to A. E. Plnanskl,
senior In Harvard College.
Nephew "of Former President Graver
Cleveland Cornea I'sacr Ban
of th Law.
TOLEDO, O.. April 21 William N.
Cleveland. - nephew of former President
Grover Cleveland and member of the firm
of Huston A Cleveland of Columbus, was
today sentenced as a bridge trust agent
by Judge Quail of Lima, to pay a flea of
M and aerva five day In Jail.
Illinois Sapreme Court Renders Dect
alon on New Art of Lcstla
laturo. '
8FRIXGF1ELD, III.. April .-The su
preme court todsy rendered a decision In
the McBrlde case declaring the new local
option law passed last year constitutional.
Upon this decree depended the effects of
tiirce saloon elrctlona which have been held
under provisions of the present law. Ths
election resulted In thirty-six counties bar
ring out saloons altogether, while thirty
six other counties turned the liquor dis
pensaries out of all but one or two towns
In the county. At least 2.S0O.CW people In
Illinois who have lived In prohibition dis
tricts would perhaps be put back Into sa
loon territory If the supreme court de
clared that law unconstitutional.
The most Important of the assaults on
the law was the claim that the people out
side of a township could not vole the sa
loons out of a village or city lying wholly
within that township.
The court Is unanimous In Its decision.
Ksery point on which the law was attacked
Is pronounced valid by the court. .The
court also holds that the United States
stamp Is prima facio evidence that the man
Is engaged in the sale of liquor; that In
case of elections without notice, for which
it provides, such- elections. If held, would
be Invalid, but that this does not invali
date the act Itself.
The court holds that the legislature may
create districts like a county or township
and that If the voters in the district shall
decide that Intoxicating liquors shall not be
sold In the district, then a village or city
In this district created cannot permit the
sale of liquors. The sale of liquor for me
dicinal purposes by druggists Is never re
garded as the saloon business, says th
court. '
Maasarhnaetta Senator Mentioned to
Wield Gavel at Chlcasto Re
publican Meeting;.
WASHINGTON, April 23. Convention
politics ere slready under discussion at the
capitol and some of the republican leaders,
realizing the possible danger of friction
developing between the rival aspirants for
the nomination In connection with the or
ganization of the convention In Chicago,
are cautiously taking soundings to develop
the attitude and probable course of action
of various ellgibles for th convention of
fices. It Is now learned that a strong effort Is
being made to induce Senator Lodge of
Massachusetts to accept the permanent
chairmanship. His friends are urging that
ha presents In his personality the best
compromise elements, standing In a most
favorable attitude toward each ot the per
sons who have figured In the public prints
as possible candidates for th republican
nomination. The senator himself does not
care to discuss the matter openly, and In
fact it Is prpbabl that It ha not pro
gressed beyond a tentative stage.
Members of Society Will Be Received
at White House Important
WASHINGTON 'April" 23.' Thl was "the
most Important day of the continental con
gress ot th National Society of the Daugh
ter of the American Revolution, not only
because It wss "election day." but because
of the Interest 'attaching to the reception
accorded the daughters by President Roose
velt at th Whit House.
This is an "off year" and the president
general, Mrs. Donald McLean, holds over,
but there were ten vice presidents-general
to be chosen. An editor and a business
manager of th official publication also
were voted for. For vice presidents-general
Mrs. Ira Hobart Evans for Texas, Mrs.
Drayton W. Bushnell for Iowa and Mrs.
William E. Stanley for Kansas were among
ths candidates. The result of the elections
will be announced at tonight's session if
the count of th ballots is completed In
Price ot Carbon to Bo Kept Up la
Splto of the Black
NEW YORK. April 23. Louis Abrahams,
president of the great diamond syndicate
of international fame, which controls 88
per cent ot th diamond output ot th
world, says that there Is to be no shrinkage
In th price ot diamonds despite the fact
that there la now a marked decrease In the
demand for the precious stones.
Mr. ' Abrahams la making his first visit
to America, having arrived recently from
his home In London. '
"In my opinion It will not long be neces
sary to restrict th normal output of the
mines. I believe tho period of financial
depression is not destined to be of long
duration in America or anywhere else and
that within a comparatively brief time
business will resume Its natural equilibrium
and America will move on it destined
career of prosperity."
Greatest Germ Purveyor Known. Is
th Little Pest of the
NEW YORK, April 23. "Death to files
Is th slogan of th water pollution com
mittee of th New York Merchants' asso
ciation. It is hoped that by taking vigor
ous preventive measures early In the sea
son the heavy mortality for typhoid and
other Intestinal disease du to th filth
devouring, germ-carrying habits of th fly
msy be materially diminished. Th expert
of th committee chart 7,660 death from
these diseases annually to the common
house fly. -
Appropriation for Moath Exceeded
and Shops Will Shut
' Down.
, 6EDALIA, Mo., April 21 Flv hundred
employe ot th Missouri, Karma Ac Texas
railroad shops In Bed all will be laid off
tonight until Msy 1, according to a notice
posted at th company headquarter her
today. Th reason given by the railroad
official Is that the monthly appropriation
haa been exceeded. Th shops were shut
down for twelv days tn March.
Mensem- Making Buslneas Criminal
In New York Bendy for
the Governor.
ALBANY, N. Y.. April 23.-Th senate
bill making It a felony to. conduct a bucket
shop waa passed by a party vot In the as
sembly. It now goes to the governor, -
Tornado Tears Thrdug-h Thuriton
County, Doiny Great Damage.
At Least Two Will Die at Kesult cf
Injuries Sustained.
Familiel on Farms Disturbed et
' Dinner by Terrible Storm.
Path of Storm Marked by Complete
Destruction of All.
Twister Passes Within Qnnrter of
Mile, Dropping; Debris of Rnlned
Farm Homes and HaUdlngs
on the Streets.
urpnjrT child or emu. maousoi.
Mrs. Kagnnson, fatally.
Bmll Kagnnson, serious.
Mrs, Bmll Magnnson, ssrions.
Two Kagnnson ehUdrsn, ssrions.
Members of aUohard Walker's family,
Walkr's aired man, seriously,
saber of Clans Rwansoa's family, se
riously. ' 4
Swansoa's hired man, dangerously,
PENDER, Neb., April 23. (Special
Telegram.) A destructive tornado
averaging about thirty rods In width
struck the farm of Rlchrd Wacker,
six miles southwest of here about
12:30 today, completely wrecking the
house, carrying with It seven members
of the family, and the hired man, who
was the only one seriously injured.
A very large barn was also wrecked
besides other building.
A mile north at the home of Emll
Magenson, his wife and two small
children and the aged mother . ot
Magenson were eating dinner. The
house was lifted into the air and
strewn all over the farm. The 1-yeax-old
child was killed, the aged
mother was picked up a quarter of a
mile away among the debris almost
lifeless. She will die. Other mem
bers of the family were bruised almost
beyond recognition, One mile further
the home of John Glover was de
molished, all but the house, which was
badly damaged. The barn was taken
up and some of the bouse was found
'a half mile away. On the next farm
was Henry Gllssm, where two large
barns were completely wrecked and
blown away, mowing his grove down
as if by a sickle.
Following In its path was the farm
of Henry Semar, where lived his
renter, Henry Schaefer. Here the
house was torn Into fragments, hardly
a piece being left whole. The barn
and cribs were all swept away, killing
several horses and other stock. Cross
ing the railroad on Its northeasterl)
direction, the storm passed Pender on
the east, hardly a, quarter of a mile.
It wrecked the home of Dan James on
the resrvatlon.
. Further along the house and barn
ot Jacob Karsp was completely swept
away. : One-half mile further was
Claus Bwanion, whose bouse and othei
buildings were also wrecked. The
next was William Kelly, whose fine
house and barn was taken up the bot
tom. Further over to the north was
the house of Albert Nash, east, of the
Tillage of Thurston. His buildings
were also swept away, where the
whirling billows spent their force.
A farm hand was brought here from
the Claus Swanson home seriously in
jured. Other members of the family
are also badly hurt.
All the physicians are out attending
to the wounded and at this time it is
difficult to forecast the fatal results.
This monster of the air passed
about the noon hour. Hundreds of
people rushed to the cellars and other
places of safety, large and, small, piles
of debris were falling out of the upper
currents of air over the town. From
the dipping points of the tornado to
where it spent Us force every vestige
of vegetation or buildings in its path
was wrecked or ruined. A distance ol
ten miles, the growing grain wat
taken up. The damage to building
and stock will exceed $30,000.
ALLIANCE. Neb., April tt.-(SpVcU
Teltgiam.) The drenching rain that hat
prevailed throughout northern snd fasten
Wyoming all day reached her this after'
noon and haa set In for an all ntglit'ij
steady rain, and thereby dlspelllAf all pros,
pn lot a All Zutdj - r