TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, APRIL 2X l'XW. CRAW AISD PRODUCE MARKET j f jnAaa-Ana Uia Eeports Ktkc Crop Expert! Look . r ; - This Way. SOE ' ESOUGin: KEPOBTS COME Reave rta A aTe-et Opeala ( Wheat Muktt (wa Oft Dall litki(r. Wall Oata An flrea with Wheat. , - - , OMAHA. April 22, !. . Wheat continues to worg higher, sup ported strongly by bull leader, while corn weakene sllg nlly n'l oat held firm show ing tendency to Stlvsne and only checked by selling on all buHn hy limty, long holder.. With rains tnrougiiout N-braeaa and Kaoaaa the crop experts arw beginning to turn their attention to the nnrlhwm country r where Intermittent complaint ot drought ere, coming. Wheat wai slightly affected at 'the stun, by selling which w Induced bf vary .vrrarl crop advices Following the tj, ,..-. the market steadied and advanced on runner, offerings and better eupport r n ti.e bull factor. May wheat opened at and cloei at fc. Corn vvenedrl'iil and unchanged, but held steady, ou-nig to atrength In wheat. Caah ri weaken -d slightly, with leae de mand and more literal offering.' May corn opener, at tic and closed at uc Oa' rrm i -ft wheat, and a 'Kid buying by ahorits advance, was checked by selling cn bulge; by l:igs. May oata opened at 4to and rloa-d at 4!-c. lYlmary wheat receipts were $l".0Of) bush els a..d shipments i .'..") bushels, against receipts larl year o( T'.f) bushels' and Hhtpmenta of til,!) bushels Cora receiota were 2,000 bushel and hlpmenta 3,-S,"Y tsushele. aglnat receipt Net year of 4H4.000 buahela and ahlpmenta bf 414. Omo Ptmhrla '. Clearance were 10R.W bushels of corn. S3 brjahels of oata, and wheat and Hour qua) to ill.OjO bushel. Liverpool rKiaed ftWd higher on wheat nd Srl higher m corn. Local rivgm cf options: Artlc,. Open. l!gh. Low. Cloee.l Yesy. W heae j . t May... r , . P4t ft July... U M M 83 W Sept... 78 79 -78 78 78- Corn May... 41 , (rf crs rs 81 July... RS MV. 67 E7 6"4 6wpt... 67 57 87 67 67 Oats Mar... 494 S 9 4JV 49 (lata Cask rrlaaa. WHEAT-NO.- t hard, MHWoi No. I hard. 9annc; No. 4. hard. fc&tjSlc; No. 1 spring. 864ija CORN-No. S. oeie; No. 4. -Qic; No. 6 yellow, Hc; No whit. 4G.wl c, OATB-No. I mixed. 47"4T1r; No. I white, 47V&47: 4 whit. 4747H. RJ&-No. 2, Ti'&c; No. a. ilftTSe. Carta Baeelat. , Wbaat. Corn. Oata. Chlcaa I IS IN 129 Mlnneannlla 1-1 .. Omaha ,i 13 14 10 Puluth. 4 CHICAGO l!f D PBOVISIOXS Frataret at tha Tradlaat Claalac 'Frlcea aa boar 4 at Trade. CHICARO, April 22. Wheat for May de livery advanced pearly Ic on the local e changa today on renewed buying by ahnrta and bull leadera. At the cloee It vhowed a aet gain of . The July delivery eloeed HlSic hlgner. July corn waa down fee. Oat unchanged, and provialona un changed to IWr lower. May or 1 1 very being atrong during the en tire eeanlon and tha mora distant denr erlea quite weak at tlmea. The market waa decidedly etrong the flrat balf hour. owing to an urgent demand for tha May option and to the scarcity of offering of that option, rmal receipts in the north wef and the firmness of European mar ket Were th factors on" which the den-end waa chiefly beKed. Iater in tha e elon sale of the July and cleptember de llvrrte pecerne ti'iite liberal, owing to 4 break h rw en'i to favorable newa re gardlng toe e crop' in the southwest. This tended j a r'Jjer tlna ritrenaaj the .con gestion in bit... The imirket elosed Ir regular May letnK flrtu and July and September bur!)- tedy. ' May or-ened a hade to A'Vc higher at ; Sft'AtK.lie; ad vanced to : - and closed at . '.c. July acid at 8'F and MiC and closed at STic Clearance rf wheat and flour were equal to ia,0) buhla. Primary receipts were 3U.no bushela, compared with 7.10 the iorreepor.1lng day a year ago. Minneapo lis, Imluth and Chicago reported receipt of ri cars, aaralnat 1'J laat week and Au6 a year ago. The corn market was weak almost all day. because of heavy selling of the July and September dllverlea by leading com- mteelon houses. Mar opened unchanged to ViA.c lower at (KV'i ac. sold at 47Hc and then declined to t-.c. The cloae waa at Ht'l''- July Bold between nVic and SJWv.c. an! closed at tno. local r- eiita were laO care, with It of contract giade. data were nulta firm early m tha see' aiotv Th cl" waa ateady. Trade waa e-f light volmnn, Msv opened Vae blRher at US'', advanced to E.:C and then declined to t'Sc- The cloae waa 63c. July ranged between se and 7v and closed at 4Mc. ixcai receipta were lJa cars. Provialona were rather weak at tha start. The market rallied later In tha dajr and cloee4 ateady. The' principal trading waa In the July ana September optlona July closed shade lower at 113.10. I jird was unchanged at tS.U'. Ribs were 2fO lower at i io- Et!;nated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 8 earn: corn, ls4 vara; oata, lis cars; hogs. 18.iio head. Tha leading futures ranged aa follows: Artie lea. Open.) Klgh. Low. Close. I Tey Wheat May July . Pept Corn Mtty Juiv kept, " Ooie a May b May a July b July eot. Pork 'y J.lv Sept. Tard May Jaiy Bept- Fis-; May July H'1" 7o-v! 9B4 I t4 9fi4V4 eS ... "p! HiTl'iviV SlSs-hlia IT! .4 I S3H 62 46 a 4tl4M 44 STH.r'S.ijVil . ...... li 78 ii m U 34 13 11 IS 1! 70 13 on U 33 12 77; II 7TH 13 eo i 12, U 40 Uit, II Kh 7Vs! T :V 7 2U 8 1 8;sl itii 77) irjtx 7 0 7CiI 7 30 7 33 I li s tt 8 25 I 15 S! 75 7 7S1 7 W 1 UV 7 A I eo T a No. t nOld. b.Vew. Cash nuotattona were as follows: FLOt'R Firm: winter ratenta. $4 ?5i!l 44u: strslghts. HOO-t.); spring paienis. $i s;.U( straights. KtX'gi.io; bakers. U14 4f4 1. - - . M1F.AT-No. I aprtag. 4rgn03; No. t rei. ifc-'a 'c. CORJ No. t 4i,c; No. yellow, 6c Al&-No. 2. 6.V; No. I white, iyq HYK No. 2, TtXjWc. BA hl.E V Fair to choice irialtlnr. 7Mit4c 8tb-Xn No. I northwestern, $1 ttHk Prune tlmotl.y. r. 14 . ' PROTSiONS-8hort rib aides (loosel $6'04.rv Pork, mesa, per bM.. $it IS i. Lard, per im li., , ff. go. gnort clear eioa boxed. $7tij;6u. Following were the receipt and h!p tnanta et flour and grain: Recelpta Btltpment. Flour, bbla I9s Vheat. bu. ,. 41 w) 61 ) Corn, bu 5.. i, . Oata. bu. 1 Be. bu i.om j,.,, fcarley. bu 6,, u Oa the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa ateady: creameriea. il.-i.Mc; dairtea. 'ssv -tic Ef.a. firm; at mark. caiea lii.-iuded. We; firata. lc: prune' first. Ltc. Cheese, atsady at UWlIc. - . Mtaaeaavalta Gravis. Market. VIVNEATOLI Minn. ApHI 22. W H t-AT N'-.. 1 hard. $!.(ijil.k, c I nr'.harn, $1 'w ':l.uS.; K 2, $1 tn .li (MV Ko. 1 --; My, 6i.C4; July. aLiWa; fcip'mtf. b. i-rUN-in bulk, rnocsn.3. LiiL'R Cot -hacged: f'r.t patenta. 85 Xj 6f: aectajd paini. SIE:lii: first clears, Kloy4.A. acu.d clears. $a4i.ej. ' PhlladlelhLa Frwaswa Market. PHILAntXPHIA. AprU 21. Bl"TTKR Sleazy, firut dvtuMn.i, western crteamery, 5i : i.art-y pritiia, ii im3-Flnu; xxJ lfiand . Pennsylvania ar t cis.y ,rU fiet. fiee cka, 1. at . nvj , imi-i.t r-n)tii in ini'moi.,, -e4. aA i.. e. wUi'i; f :ii, x-a cseea. lero at mark; current rerelpta, free ie , si mara. t Mf.FK-Full and weik. New TorV full creama. cholre, lac; fair to good. 14HV'14e. M:W YORK SE5ER4L MARKET (aota liens f tke tlr am Varlea CaaaaawelMlea. SBW TORtC. Anrll riXtR Re- ceifta. 8,7 hhla ; eaporta. l bbla. maraei waa mm with talr trade; Mlnne aota petenta, tb on i ib; winter straight. n UBtlo; Minnesota hakera, 44 009 40; winter eitraa, I160io4 1; winter ratenta. 14 0f Ht; winter grades. I.4t 4 00. Rve f'.iiur. firm: fair to aood. t 4fi Hi; choice to fancy, t. 6.16. t ukmmkal Firm: fine white and yel low, ll.iutii.oO; kiln dried. 63 5; coarse, Jl 40 tjl-46. R IE Firm: No. 1 weatern. 83ie f. o. b.. New York. WHEAT Receirta. 11.000 hu.: sales. Z.ioo.ovt) bu. Mpot market firm; No. 1 ft., tl 03V. elevator; No. t red, 1 1 04H. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern iMiluth. tl 16, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter t!.144. f- o. b. afloat. ' Wheat opened easy, owing to unsatisfactory cables, but quickly firmed vp on a renewal of cover ing, strength in Chicago and taiK or a firm caah. situation. Alter showing a net gain of about ic prlcea eaaed off under favorable crop accounts and closed Irregular, He -higher to' 40 net lower. Mav. IL43Vill.0(W. cloeed at I1.03W: July, &4t9S. closed at 5'4c; bep- lemner. l vitie, cioi at fie. CORN Kt-ceipts. 2. io bu.; etporta, ii.- 0a ku.; salea, lc.600 bu. Spot market firm; No. 3, 76Vtri nominal, elevator, and 7,c, r. o. b. arioett P.O. 2 white, iK. ana No. X yellow, nominal, f jy. b. afloat. Option market waa without tranaactions, cloalng irregular and He higher to S lower. May closed at i&'Ac. July cloaca t 71ic. . PATS Receipts, .oo du.; exports, 1.100 bu. f pot market ' barely ateady; mixed oata, 26 to 82 pouada. 64Hc; natu ral white. 24 to 82 pminda, 65$ 67c; clipped white, 32 to 40 pounds. 64 a 62c FEKD Steady; middlings. 3-8. 00. HAY Quiet; good to choice. 6Bt7ifl. HIKES uulet; Bogota, 17c: CentfeJ America, 17c LEATHER steady; acid, 37e. r'ROVISlONS Beef, steady; family. $14.60 4fl7 00; mea. $13,006 13.60 beef hams, $26 0002. 00; packet. 814. 00f 14. bO; city extra India mesa. $24. 4041 25.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled btl.les, 8910c; pickled hama, 8 H U 10c. Lard, ateady; western, $4.169$25; refined, quiet; con tinent, 31 s; toutn America, it.ift; com pound. 8 i. 16CJ8.00. Pork, ateady; family, $17,009 17. 0; short clears, $16.00 17.00; m, $14 50 f 16 .25. TAMOW Hteady; city. 6 He: country, BUTTER Firm; creamery speeiaia, zv; creamery extras. 2MrU29e; held, common to special. injw. CHEEBEe-Bteady full cream specials, l.Vc; state full cream, small, white, fancy, l.Sc: alate full cream,' large and email, col ored fancy, 14V4c; state, fair to prime, llH'. lie; state common, 8Q9tyc; state, winter made. S-o-IOHc. - KtrOS Steady : state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 13MrC; good to choice, lSlStc; brown snd mixed, extra. ic; iirsts to extra nrsta, ntrimcr wmtern first, rreaa gathered, liyrttlic: second. 15WtHc. POl LTRT Alive, steady: fowle. 14c; turkey a, 14c Dressed, easy; turkeys, lii 17c; lowla. 12l4c. WEATHER I.T THE GRAI!V BELT Proaasly ghawers Tkarsday nasi Tease yrratare Akeal tha (aaae. OMAHA. April 22, 19W. Increased cloudiness is ahown In all por tion of the country, except the eatrume upper Mississippi and, upper Missouri val leys, where It continues clear. Light and scattered showers occurred laat night In the lower Mlaaouri valley and rain la fall ing at Kansas City this morning. An area of low pressure, with rainy and generally unsettled weather overlkee the mountain district and conditions are favorable for showera In this vicinity tonight or Thurs day, with not much change In temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the corresponding nay ot Ulo laat three years: - lna. En. 19-. 19C6. Minimum temperature.... 6s 39 43 43 Precipitation .' T ' .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, .&i degree, tieficlency In precipitation ainca March 1. 144 lnchea. Deficiency corresDondlnr nertod In 1W lnchea. Deficiency correabondlna nerlod la m. .11 ot an inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. - ' i- " .... Cra 4 Wheat Regrlast Balletiau For ' the twenty-four hours ending at $ a. rru, ' 75th meridian time, . Wednesday, AprU 22, I: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rein stations. ' Max. M!n. falL ' Sky. Asrland. Neb.... 83 &5 .13 Clear Auburn, Neb S3 6f .01 Clear Columbua, Neb.. 62 63 .06 Clear Fairbury, Neb... Ml :M T PC cloudy Fairmont, Neb... 79 63 .00 Cloudy Or. Island, Neb.. 78 44 .14 Cloudy Hartington. Neb. S6 ' 62 ' .() . IT. cloudy Heatings, Neb... 75 64 .00 Cloudy Oakdale, Neb.... 82 62 .4 Clear Omaha.. Neb 62 60 T , Ft- cloudy Tekamah, Nib... M 64 .00 Clear Alta, la 83 63 ,Ck Ft. cloudy Cat roll. Ia 63 t &u .Ou Pt cloudy Cturlnda, Ia 84 ' 64 .0$ Clear Bihley, Ia.-. 63 44 .04 Pt. cloudy eloi-x ,lty, la., k) 68 .09 -.Cloudy Minimum temperature " for twelve-hour period1 ending at 8 a, m. , ' - -DISTRICT AVERAGES. " . No. ot Twip.-e Rata. Btatlon. 8tatlet.a. Max. Min. Inches. Chk ago. 111......... 84 OS 42 .00 Columbus, 0 18 '38 .00 Dee Molnea. Ia.... 14 . ... 78 . .. 44 .00 Indianapolis, lnd.. 12 4 B 42 .00 K.nsas City, Mo.. 1 80 " 54 .12 Ioulsville, Ky 18- 72 . 4t .00 Minneapoiia. Minn. 2S 84 44 T On aha. Neb 14 62 64 .03 St. Loula. Mo 13 . 74 V 63 T Temperatures are generally higher throughout the corn and wheat region and light and scatteied showers occurred In the extreme weatern districts, being very light except in the Kansaa t-lty aiWrlct. L. A. WELSH, Local i'orecaater. ft. La a Is General Market. ST. LOCI3. April -22.-WHEAT-Higher: track. No. 3 red caah. 89cwl.ouH: No. 2 l,ard. 7c4jtl.01; May, Wac; July, 84HC CORN Firm; track. No. 1 caah, s4Ac; ro. 3 while, sjac; May, HtMc; juiy 1 Ui i OATS Firm; rrack. No. t caah, 4c; No, 2 white. Wc; May. 4aVc: July. 49c. FLOt 'R Dull; red winter pauota, 14 6"(J id. extra taney and atralglit. 84.10)4.40; cie.rs. m o-hiUl BKED Timotny. ateady; $3 2&4.00, COliNMEAL Steady ; ii.f.X BRAN StronH. Backed, east track. 81.20. HAT Steady, tiinothy, $10.rtfi(i.oo; prairie. 1" """'I IRN tXTTON TIES-H.0O. -BAt'iOINO-TV. - . t H KM P TWINB Se." PROV1SIOX-I nchanged; Jobbing, $1525. Ijirj. unctianaed: prime steam. I7.7L-U.ii 7 ii-V Dry sail m-ata, ateady; boxed extra horta, 87.60: clear ribs, $7.3:'; short clears. 87 76. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. Js.5; clear rib. 8i L"; ahort cWara. $a.s,Vi. ItlCLTRY Steady , ct ickena. luc; springs, 2ii(c; turkey. liyUc; ducks, loc; me, 6c. PL'TTER Weak; creamery, 24f2Hc. KOGa Unchanged, 13c, case count. - Receipt a. eblpmenta. Flour, bbla u'i . iouo Wheat, bu ..2K. 31, u 4) Corn. bu..... 82,0i Uaia, bu..... ...6ba) 64.WM Kaaaaa City Grain and Pravlaiaas. KANSAS C1TY Mo .'Aprtl E. WHEAT Unchanged; May. 6Vc; July, .",c; S.-p-tember. 77Sc: caah: No. 2 hard. wt)9:vc No. 3 hard. i6iitc; No. 3 red. 8:ac; No. 2 red, 8j'j6c. ' CORN Unchanged: Mar, Ve; July, tc; September. 6oS-c: cash: No. 2 anixed, kit ; No. 8 mixed, :'"'; No. I White. &.v-jo: No. 8 white. 62V('lSc. OATn I'nchanaed: No. 2 white, - 4hfi 4Sc ; Ko. 2 mixed. 4va2e. KIE-;iVi. HA V Choice timothy, steatv. Ill 6 11.00; Choice prairie, weak. ki50. Bl'TTb.K tay; creaaaery. JTc; lacking atix k. li'T-. l-riTS B'-a.iy; freah extras, 16c; current reveipta, li':. , Raceiv-ts. Shipments. Wheat, bu... ...4-i'XO l.u4 Corn, bu ,' V iuO Oata, bu KuOO U,0u0 tjuotattotia at Kanaaa City aa reported by Logaa A Bryan. No. 1 Board ef Trade: Articles. I Open. High., Iaw. Cloae. Wheat May.... July.... Sept.... Coin May.... July.... tWit.... ,! a'V 771., 41 i s's!r,.A 7"V r.i774HA VV', .: M 67 8 37 j 4e B a.' ao! Su-nj When you hava anyi-.i.-.g to 3 adver tise U 14 TL Jbuw. V, ant, A1 Cv.uius. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sale of rennsylrania Bonds Abroad Strengthens Values. MARKS DAWW OF NEW EE A l a lea Parlge aa4 Calte Statea Steel Lead tha Aa vaare and Rlae ta Eaaal Rerera at tha Year, NEW YORK, April 22 The most prom inent Influence on the stock market todty waa the Pennsylvania bond Issue. Although the official announcement of the detalla of the Issue waa not made until late In the day. enough was known of the transac tion to atamp It aa of first rate Importance In Its bearing on the financial situation, present and prospective. This Importance, wea attached to It primarily because it marks the first sale of a long time security by any railroad corporation In a period of many month, during which recourse has been had - neceaaarily to short term note taeues bearing on rates of Interest, The sale of a long term railroad bond Issue to a ayndlcate of bankers therefore, waa re garded as highly aignlflcant of the definite passing of an era of impaired or suspended credit for railroad corporations which made severe difficulties for them in the earning on of fmpertant activities In Improving and extending their capacities. The feet of a large portion of tse bond having been placed abroad aroused hopes of the opening of a way to tap the great atores of foreign capital to aid in tlj re sumption of profitable activities In thl country. Remembrance were awakened of the Important part played In the finan cial reverse la 1897 hy the successive issues of 86n.0iiO.0iU of bonds by the Lake Shore and of $100,000,000 by the New York Cen tral. These refunding bond Issues bore 3'4i per cent Interest In both eases and their auccessful floating came at an oppor tune time to effect the refunding of large maturing lesuea of high interest bearing bonds of those companies. Much deceptive speculation was Indulged in over the auppoaed new era of cheap espltal which waa dawning for the country without due perception of the large part played by the prolonged' business stagnation in piling up Idle funds in bank reservea and keeping timid capital out of employment. The present $4" ,0i.ni) Pennsylvania iaeue, a first rate security, bearing 4 per cent, sold at a discount of several polnta, show Ina some majrked contrasts with the stag nant money markets wmch faclllated th Vanderbilt refunding In Marcn. lew. i ne day'a market waa dull and reflected no ex pansion of inlereet beyond the narrow professional limits In which It hag been held for some time,. United Btatee steel and Union Pacific were effective leaders In sustaining prices, supplemented effectively by the advance In Reading. The atrength of United States ateel Waa based largely on the personality of the buyers and of the Inferencea of their Influential connections In the steel Industry which were drawn. Union Pacific waa helped by soma rumor, one of which waa that arrangements had already been made for placing a large portion of the Intended bond laaue abroad. These rumors were without any verification. Money on call waa alightly firmer. In fluenced by the Isrge engarements c.f gold for export, which reached $V5rti.0"0 for to morow'a French steamer. The volume of these shipments was not a sumrise and the stock market treatM It with Indif ference. The foreign participation In the Pennsylvania bond laaue la expected to leasen the pressure for remittances abroad and so to clog the gold outflow. Union Pacific sold on a parity with the previoua high price of the year and United States steel within a fraction of the level. Those two stocks were alone In the distinction. The Influence of the Pennsylvania bond Issue on the trading waa ahown in the profit taking by the trader after the late announcement. Bonda were steady. Total sales, par value. $3,508,000. United States bonds were unchanged on calL Following were the salea and range of prices on tha Stock exchange today: Bale, tfita- law. ciosc Acasia EroreM Amalgamates Copter ....... Am. C A P Am. C. A P. P. 1T5 14. in MS 74 Stt, L00 13 t el m ait i : M ..... ..... 10 l.jr) it 14 . 1 l.l :it u M0 . 10 10S 111 X - 5S avt w S MS 1L S I' 10 PaV 6H S 4.1 U7 114 124 0 e rn rr4 3? l.e 7 Tv, 714 e t7S T T'a k 74 74 n4 1X0 A3 u h ' 3 (. S 44 46 j 4.700 lbi 1M 'M 17 PrA 31 3 3H4 7i 4 4 4, ) 104 148 147 I.M iia ut ii&n 6 100 K 644 tan lo mh ?4 r Ten 24 nuj aja. w 17. IT .7 4S 4 41 i" mi iits in 1V 14 14 11 1" (Mt r. at 6M 163a 163 t.M 4-6 10 i4 1X4 i4 ia) H U U l.tta 1214 i i4 4.4" ltV 17V, I tm J4 34 tl 1 IDA 111 111 1)1 3U) U4 1H4 1X4 55 U 4 tOS 13 13 12 4 i. x:. l'tO II al 11 14 le h m it be 1 f iia, ve ZTw X' it M lit 111 HO, va a 44 44 44 ' 21:4 ?m u ins l M U l.e us MS &4H 471k 47S 47S a M : i4 tuj us u us i 7 . i.to us u . A ! . ,: Irs ti't 117 aue . e, s a4 70, 1 34 - 34 . J 7 P IMS IMS . 3. 1'S l'S l"- 10 U !, 7114 i 17S 1'4 17 . Lia e ' aa ass e a us li ti j?S luo us us ( J La. . 74S 'it" 74 )'.4S 114 114S a) 14 1 4 S 17 fl II It K14 1 41 4e4 4S . Tl.tuO 1US 12444 1J4 7 SB 41 le 30 lu ii s , M.Te) J . I. e PS "S s Ht Ur 1S 1S e4 10 S M in US U , I aS 4S a.is 14 II 61 . 0O1, 7 14 I . 4 ffl IMS 1S 1S . i.a a n n 7S 4 U 41 41 . in l.s 12? las . tie us u is . 1.4t X MS ' Hi an ss Am. Cottoa Oil Am. rottim Oil pM Am. Exprvas Am. H AL pis Americas Ice Securities.... Am. Unasea Oil Am. Une4 Oil pt. ....... Am. Leeomot.lv Am, Leeovbftttvs pM Am. . a It Am. S. R. pf Am. Snnr Ret mm Am. Tobaer pfd cits. ...... Antroaaa Mining Co. au-btsoa Atcbleaa pfa AlUntle Oo4 Line Baltimore A Ohio BaL A Ohio pM..... Brook lr Rapid Tr ruxilaa Partfle Central of Mew Jaeiey Cheaapeake afc Ohio. Chicago Ot. W Chlcaso M- W c van. p Chiracs T. A T rhtcago T. A T. pro C , C. C. St. L Colorado p. A I Colorado A Bo Cola. So. lot pfd Colo. so. M pin CoaaolKlate teas Cora Product, rtg Cora Product pfd, rfg Dolaear A Hudaoa Dol.. 1 W txnrvr A Rio erao4e D. A R. 0. pM Dlitltlenf eenirUtes ne Erie 1st pfd Erta sd pfd General Rlortrle Illinois Central Iniornatloaei Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump ...... Int. Pinap pfd. ...... lows Central Iowa Central ptd Kaoaaa Cttr o K. C. So. ptd. LouiaolU, A K atexlcaa Central Mid. A - L St., St. P. A A g. at M., gt. P. A S. g. M. pfd., Mianourl Paclfla M., K. A T....: M., K. A T pfd.lv. National Load N. R. a. ot M pfd Near Tor r antral u N. T . O. A W Korfolk A W M. A W. ptd North Americas Parltl, Mail Pennay tracia Poopla'e ties P.. C . C. A . L Praaaed Steel Car Preeetd f C. pfd Pullmas Paiao Car Kea-Jnif ........ Haa-iins lot pfd Headla td pfd, -div Republic Steal RepuOil Steel pld Rot ,laad f Ruck Inland Co. pfd St. L A P M ptd at. Lout a P. W at. u a. w. ptd So. Paclfla ., So. pedtie ptd Bo. Railoay to. Railway pfd Tea A Paaltlc T . at. L. A w T . t. LAW. pfd Union Paclfle t'nion Paiifl pfd - Spe Realty Rllor Rubber pfd-.... tool pfd Va- -Carolina ChenrX-al Va.-Taro. Cham. ptd... Wabaak ' - Wabaaa pfd Wolla-Parso grpreaa .. Woalliisli'Niao lcino . Weatern t Bit Wheallns A Lake una .... W laconai Central ...... Wla. Central pfd Northern PaMfla Central Loatnwr Central Lraibee pfd... tloaa-ah-Mield Ateel .. Oreat Nortbrn ptd..,.. liuarberou Met. lot. Met. pfd I tea Copper Total sales for ie day, 60.000 ahvea. New Vwrk Mlalapt Staeka. NEW IORK. April K.-Cluaing quotations on mining stock were: Adam Coo t Lull Cktef 5s aikw , 334 tmtarto 4w Rreoc W Opftir M Drnnawlck Con. 14 Pmuel i Cotaaux-k Tnnoal .... aavapn ... 14 Cos. t'al. A Va. 4 Sierra Knra-la W mail H-on 1 LM41IH0 Coo I liva ailvor .. 12$ glanders. laa , . , , . . . . rrl I'laaarUl. PARIS, April ZL TI.e w. v tha Bourse today waa doll and heivv. fctRLIN. April 22 Pikea on the Bourse today acre l-eth-r srrongr Arr.erHan ae tuiulea Imtruvcd up-o tl. a J. let fruuj New Tork. but became weaker later upon reporta from Lond'wt. rw Trk Meaey Market. NKW TORK, April 2!. PRIMK MEJl CNT1LK I'AI'F K-4H4S per rent. BTF.RLIN'e K.C H A NO E Hosier, with actual buslneea in banker' bill at 34 ,V.'i 4 "7 Jo for demand and at 84 -Vy4 4:m (or Ixtv-dey bills; commercial bills, $4 4s. STLVFR-Bar. 64c; Mexican dollars, 47c. BONOS Uovamment. steady; railroada, tesdv. MONET On call, eaay, lV4fM per Cent; ruling rate. 146 per cent; cloalng bid. 1 per cent: offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, dull and eaay; sixty days. 2 per cent; ninety days, 2H,214 per cent; six monlha, 8Vi"S4 per cent. the following are the closing quotatlona on bonda: V. g. fwt , eg inL A N. aal. 4a W do coupon lot Ma, e r 4 I?S C. A J, reg.... ie-1 In. Central 4 do coupon lms do let tnc 17 V. S. new 4a. reg....l:SMin. A at. L 4.. Aa enupna lr?s M., K. A T. 4 PS Am. Tobacco 4 7s do 3 ti do 4a rt !4. R. SL et L . 4 Pli Atrklwn gea. 4a SN. T. C. g. IS 14 do adj. 4a s 'S. J. C. a 6 las Atlantic C. L 4a,,.. .No. Paclfla 4 1S Bal. A Oblo 4 P do la IT'S d IS -- " - A W. c. a Ms Rrk. R.- T. e. 4a 7s o. . U rr. 4 s central of Oa. 4a... r1 Pens, ct.1v,, oeio at tnc 7 Raadlng cn. 4 17 do 3d liw at at. L A I. M. a. k.lWH do Id la M at. L A P. fa 4a ts Chen. A Oht 4S ... M St. L g. W. a .... sis Ckiraan A A. IS t S Seaboard A. L 4.. 4 C, B. A Q. a. 4.... HH!U. Pacific 4.... S C. It. L A P. .... S de lt 4 otfa s do col. 4a US !"o. Rallwar I P7 rv-C. 4 tL L 4.. CSTexaa A P. la KI6S Colo. Ind. to. aer. A. M T.. m. L A W. 4 TO Colo. Mid. 4a rfSl'nloa faclfla ia. iot.14 Colo. A fto. 4a 'do cv. 4 M Ctih la 1'Hii P. 8. Steel 3d 6a..... 7S D. A R. O. 4 4 Wabneh la ..- I'i7 PIk. See, to 7 do deb. B 44 S Erie p. L 4 Weatern Md. 4 44 do sn. 4 TO W. A L. B. 4 U Hock. vl. 4Sa....lo Wt. Central 4 II Japan 4 7S Atchleoa ev. 4 S do 4S etfa Kf. do to pus do 3d aerlea 44 Ink Met. S S Bid. differed. Boatosi Cloataar State ka BOSTON. April 22. Money, call loans. 2 ?4 per cent; time loana, 86 per cent, he following were . the cloalng prices on stocks and bonds: Atchmon adj. 4 M AdTeatar IX do 4a SS Allo'iea 24 Mei. Central 4 7S Amaliaraated 67 Atrhlena ; T Atlantle 1 do pfd 17 S Rtnham ft Boatoa A Albany Cal. A Her la C Boatus A Maine lit Centennial S Rnolon Kle,ald 1M Copper Rmae 44 ritrhkurg pfd 1J' Ialy Weat 6S Meilcaa Central 1S Domlnloa Coal ....... 47 . T N. H. A H....1S Franklla IS t'nloa Paclfle lJSOranbr M Am. Arpi Chora 17s rale Rorale II do pfd 13 Mam. Mlalaa 2S Am. Pneo. Tab I Michienn MS Am. Suar 174 Moaawk 47 do pfd i;f S eMont. C. A C Am. T. A T Ill Old Dominion l:s Am. Wooiea 1 Oeceola II do pfd ft! Parrot lS Pom In Ion I. A 8 IT Quiney 81 Edlaon Rlae. Ill 3111 Shannon 11 General Electric IM Tamarack e Maaa. Electric .... 10 Trinity 11 do pfd 46 1'nlted Copper Mao. Gaa II V. S. Mining I'mted FmH .........111. 17. g. oil ITS United 8. M 4S I'tak u do pfd r Victoria 3 V. A steel ' Wolverine 12S do pfd I its ' Bid. jAkn. Laida Bteek Market. LONDON, April ' 22. American securities opened firm today, with pricea alightly above parity. Later the market became irregular and at noon valuea ranged from H below to 4 above yesterday's New 1'ork cloalng. London closing stock quotations: Console, money 17 Mo.. Kan. A Tax.! 38 da account 17 1-1 New Tork Central. ...lon Anaoonda 7 Norfolk A Westers., s Atcntorm 77 do pfd II da pfd P Ontario A Weatern.. 4 Baltimore A Ohio... .i4 Pennaylvanl Canadi Paclfla 1SS Rand Mine 6 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 17 Reading 54 Chi. Great Weatern. . 6 Boot been Railway ... 14 Thl.. Mil. A BU P. .IK do pfd 4n, D Boor 1B Kotuhern Parlfl .... 7 Denver A Rio Qraade 3S Vnloa Paclfla 181 da ptd It d ptd 81 En ;s Called ta tea Btal... K do let pfd 16 do pfd .....I'll do 3d pfd Wabash i Grand Trenk 14 do pfd I Illlaol Central IM 8panlah 4 K LouliTille A Soak. 1 Amalgamated Copper. SILVER Bar, steady at 23 I-Md per ounce. MONEY-2rtf: per -rent. The rate of discount In the open market for ahort bllle la per cent; for three months' bills, i per cent. T re a nary Steteaaeat. WIRHlWfiTflV AenHI 1nJ.. .. ment of the treasnry balanees In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 31a.OJ0.mi0 gold reserve, showa: Available cash balance, $2f.2,214.510; gold coin and bullion. $22,lo4.5ol; goia cerxuicates, ."i.s)i,4i. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 22.-METALS Spot tin was a little lower at 143 17a d in the London market, but futures were un changed at a. 142 lfia. The local market waa easy at 8J 1.500 31.76. Conner waa un. changed In London, with spot cloalng at aoa ana xuiuree at oB luo. The local market waa easy, but unchanged, with lake at $12.76iU87H: electrolytic, $lt62V 12.75: castings. $L'.3 Wd 12.60. Lead waa 3a 6d lower at 13 7a 6d in the London mar ket. Locally, the market was firm and a shade higher at el.OTHJjj 4.02V. Spelter was unchanged at 21 6a In London and at U-Wt'-SZ !.- the local market. Iron waa unchanged In Che Engltan market, with standard foundry quoted at 6us 4d and Cleveland warrants at 61a ftd. . Locally, the market waa nominally eaay on aouthern gradea; No. 1 northern foundry, tWlb la. 76; No. 2 northern foundry, $17.7518.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, $17.J5&17.78. ST. LOUIS, April 22- M ET ALB Lead, firm at KLS.Vfc. Spelter, firm at $4.56. Cat tea Market. NEW TORK. April 22. COTTON-Fu-tures opened steady; May, 881c; June, S.SKc; July, 8.76c; August, $.71e; September, 6.47c, bid; October. 3.78c; December. 8.76c; Janu ary, 8.74c; March, STbc, bid. Futurea closed easy; April, 8.47c; MT, 8 52c; June, 8.5c; July, 8.66c; August, 8 Bog; September, 8.6c; October, 8.68c; Novem ber. 8.S7c; December, 8.40c; January, a40c; March. 8.440. Spot closed 10 polnta higher; middling up lar.da, W.lOc; middling gulf. 10.36c; no aales. " OALVF.STON. Tex.. April 22.-COTTON-Steady; 10 3-lc. NEW ORLEANS. La., April 22, -COTTON Spot steady; low ordinary, 6 13-loc nominal; ordinary, 6c nominal; good ordi nary, $ 1-loc; low middling. 8 3-loo: middling. l"So; good middling, ltsc; middling, fair. 11 Sc: fair. llc nominal. Salea, l.ttno hairs. Receipts, 6.467 bales; stock. l3.0O3 bales. 6T. LOUI, Mo.. April 22. COTTl )N QuMt; middling, Wc. gales, 1W bales; receipts, 118 bales; ahlpmenta, 156 bale; Block, 28.7t8 belea. Evapsrattd Applea a ad Dried Fruit. NEW YORK. April 22. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is without change, fancy being quoted al l'JVWUc; choice, 8H-'!VVc; prime. is'Hc; common to fair, 6;ic. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged, with quotatlona ranging from 4tJ 14c for California and "from 6fJloc for Oregona. Apitcota ara ateady. with choice quote,! at $:mj3uc; extra choice, l'j21c; fsncy. in-nito. Peaches are ratltcr easy in tone owing to Increased offering, with choice hrilt.Wo, ex tra choice, lliy.ll V. fancy. HHljr; extra fancy. 13tl4c. Raiaina remain dull and nominal, with loose muscatel quoted at 6b4r; aeeded raiaina, - S'(-ec, London layers, $l.66l.7i. 84r aa4 Molaaaea. NEW YORK. April 23. S I'O A R Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3k.', centrilugal. 84 test. 4.4M", molasses suaar, 8.73c. Refined, ateady: No. 4. 4.1c; No. 7, $06c; No. a. 6 t"ic; No. 8, 4Kc; No. 10. 4 8ic; No. U. 4 80c; No. 12. 475o; No. 13, 470c: No. 14. 4.46c. Con fectioners A. 6.3"c: mould A, 6.86c; cut loaf, 43oc; crushed. 2uc; powdered, 6.60c; gran ulated, 3 noc: cubes, 6.75c. MOI-AoSKS Quiet; open kettle. New Or leana, good to choice. Iil42c. ' Llrrrsoal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April 22. WHEAT SVptember. firm; No. t red weatern win ter. 7b Jd; futures, firm: May, 7s 2d; July. 7s 3"d; Berttenrtbor, 7s t,d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 6a 2d; American mixed, old. 6a d. futures, quiet; May, 6a 64ad. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 2?. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern. $1 "sol 10: No. 2 nortnern $107'Slri; July. 87'iiTVo bid. BARLE3 Hifcher; Ko. t She; sample, 46 CORN Firm: No.- 8 cash, 4oCrioc; May, 6be bid. . - - Pearla Market. PEORIA. Aprd . CORN Firm ; No. t vellow. Sf'; No. 3 yellow. 6liYJiftVtc; No. 3. 3''; No. A lc: no grade. 6Jrj5oc. OATS Unci. snged: N I white. 6VV9 51c: No. 4 whit. St6ogc. WHIBKY-4Q.3&. Dalath Grata Market. Dl'LlTH. Minn.. April 22. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 31 .: No. 2 northern. ILiJbVc; N-- northern. $1 'HSc; ki $io.'tac; July, lif'3: rViiteoiber, avr'-,& OAT t!ai OMAflA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Steady, with a Fair Demand. HOGS COJiTEIiTE ON DOWN GEADE Sheep 4 Laaaks ! Moderate rte eclpt, with Price Steady ta Tea Ceats Leaver, dowlas; Slerer and Weak. SOUTH OMAHA, AprU 23, Receipts were: Cattle. Hog, Sheep. Official Monday l.U6 8hul Official Tueaday 471 8.W0 ,14 Estimate Wednesday.... 3.664 7.2M 4,97c Three days thl week.. 1AV 17,)S 543 Same days lent week. ...11.007 28.26 13.K50 Same daya 2 weeka ago.. 10.414 17.1"5 18 30 Same dava 8 weeks ago.. K2t 17.M 3-.W1 Kama days 4 weeka ago. .11.73 18 374 2S.744 Same days last year 18.448 22.W3 24, S 7 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compared with laat year: l. 18"7. Inc. Dee. Cattle i 2K7io 854.137 . Hogs fcW.217 74.iH 17aO Sheep 4&o,410 CS.Tho Ul.r6 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons; Date. ljng. 1907.18O5. 11905.11804. H8H.08. April 10. April U April 12 April 13. I 88 S 72 381 4 42 5 1! $ 43 8 43 $ W 4 8.1 30 Ml 801 6 2S T 261 7 22 5 80 6 84 84 a 84 8 86 6 91 6 86 t 9 ; $ 84 6 IV 6 2K 48 34 S 3i 4 8 I 64l 4 3t i & 4 81 7 19 April 14... 6 64 S42SI 6 37V, S 42 6 2j 4 8 4 89 7 22J April 18.. April 16.. April 17.. April J8.. April 19.. April 20.. April Si.. April 22.. 431 4 891 7 07 8 61 5 23 6 21 4 8" 4 TS 7 U! 6 61 4 61 7,14, aj S 5SV 6 44j ( 271 421 S 23 4 mi 7101 S 42V 8 43 6 H 4 fH 4 HI) 7 17 5 363 S5 6 331 7 7 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by eaeh road was: Oil tie. Hoga Sheep. lira C, M. A SL P. Ry.... 7 Wabash 2 .. .. .. Missouri Pacific 1 I t Union Pacific 27 24 19 2 C. at N. W. (east).... 8 4 C. A N. W. (west).... 27 86 2 3 C, Pt. P., M. & 0 10 8 1 1 C, B. & Q. (east) 1 1 1 C. B. A Q. (weat).... 25 2 $ C, R. I. A P. (east).. 1 3 .. 8 C, R. I. A P. (west) 1 2 1 Illinois Central S Chicago Gt Western 1 3 Total receipts ....110 108 28 The disposition of the aay'e recetptg waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hcgs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co P3 933 IS Swift and Company 179 1.720 7 Cudahy Packing Co 728 i.m 1,M7 Armour Ac Co 2!3 1,278 -62 New York Packing Co... 71 D. A M 26 Cleveland Parking Co... ... 131 Kinsran Packing Co boo Cudahy Pkg. Co. (K. C.) 248 Huff 553 Huffman 215 Ixibman A Rothchlld 13 ... .... W. I. Stephen So Hill ft Son 25 F. P. Lewis 80 Huston A Co 4 ... ... J. B. Root ft Co.. 91 ... ,.. L. F. Hum 11 McCrearv ft Carey 11 H. F. Hamilton 39 F. O. Inghram 1 ... ... Sullivan Bros 32 Latimer Bros 4 ... ... Williama 142 Morrell Packing Co 25 ... Other Buyera 204 ... 478 Totals 1,549 7.K4 "' S.5S7 CATTLE Receipts of cattle continue light, pot only here, but at all other market points. The market today was without any very material change in any direction, the situation being Just about tha same described yesterday and the day before. Buyera of beef steers were out m the yards in good . season In the rooming and tne market opened early ana quite Dylan., especially on the kind of cattle that are selling right around 36.00. The last end of the market drsgged a little, but still most everything sold In very good season in the morning. The prices paid as a rule din not snow much change as compared with yesterday. Here and there could be found a salesman who thought ha got out to a little belter advantage today on cat tle that Just happened to pleaae buyers, but aa a general thing the market could not be quoted otherwise than steady. Right good beef steers sold up to 8H.AS, which was so higher than anything brought yesterday, and the htgheat price paid on thia market since Monday, April 13, but it must be un derstood that they were strictly choice steers. Good cows and heifers seemed to be In very fait demand and they, too, com manded fully ateady prices. As was the rase with beef steers. It waa possible to find salesmen who thought they did a lit tle better than yesterday, but tha general market could hardly be quoted better than steady. Common cows were alow seilera. There were only few scattering loads of stockers and feeders. With so few cattle of that kind In sight everything changed hands very readily at good, firm prices. Quotatlona on cattle: Oood to choice corn fed steer, 6o.lWit.6; fair to good corn-fed steers, $6. 8646 25: common to fair corn- fed steer. $4.76 o $.85: good to choice cows and heifers, $4.763 5.80; fair to good cows and heifers. $3.75 'jj; 4.76 ; common to fair rows and helfera. $2. 8093.76: rood to choice stockers and feeders, $4.75 U 6.30; fair to good stockers and feeder, $4. OA'S 4 76: common to fair stockere and feeders, $3 00 6 4 00. Representative aales: BEEF STEERS. Wo. - Av. Pt. Ma. A. Pr IB AS4I I 00 1411 I IS 15 84 I 40 1U-T t 34 4i 44 i 4 it lrrr I HI I 60 10 le 4 11 Ill I 0 ' PS U3T IS It - I 4i It, ....llo I 1 3 ma is n ii- ik liJ 6 H f. 1171 I M M 1174 I 14 1 11!J II Hll 6 S 17 12S7 I 15 17 HU! I - 30 1181 I B 3 1144 I M 1 1HS4 4 34 11T I II 131' I 44 pn Iv7l 14 W IKi 4 50 tl 1 1ST I IS 43 4 14 17 1JJ I l ... 13M I an Pt. 14 I S II 1,31 44 17... 11M I II IVH I 44 II 11 Si IS 71 44 It... 1'H 4 II lu? 4 44 1151 I 26 COWB. I I 11! 1 11M 4 44 I 23 1 40 4 AM 4 4 t , 3 K I SM 4 4 3 1W4 4 4 '7 3 74 K 93 4 l I are I 00 4 11' tT 4 TS 1 lw I 6 4 IT 4 TS I Ut l 31 H4I 4 tf, 1 l'r I " j,, p 41 W I I IIP 6 14 3 113 4 7 Sri I IS I Sal 4 1 IT llbj S 4S 8 1044 4 IS 6 114 I 4 T ! 4 3 li JJ I al 4 10 HEIFERS. 2....- TPS ! 8.... ri 45 1 4i I is I. w In t ' I AS II 7,1 I at 33 S I 4fl I 14 s ,0 1 SM I S4 3 M 4 6 jxi 1 4 it . an 1 SIS I 44 16 kkj 6 6 IS 490 8 k) BULLS. I sen t 0 1 U4 4 Tj t Ill I 1 two 4 74 3 1U eS I- 11" 4 0 1 1310 8 e I 1T4 4 e 1 14l I Aw 1 147 4 40 1 41 I a 1 14M 4 as 1 4 1 4M 4 l 1 147A 4 0 1 1410 4 1 IMS 4 as i i sp 1 11m 4 a I lvM I M 1 1 0 4 44 1 lie I 1 Ill 4 44 1. 141 I I 1 47 I 40 1 4 I hi 1 um 4 l 1 10 6 M 1 144-) I CALVES. 3 t I 3 71 I Ill 6 44 3 14 C 1 13 I 44 8 M l t K 6 44 4 1"1 4 44 1 13 I 4 1 4-4 4 - 1 12 4 7S 1 464 4 S 1 lol T4 1 1 6 14 - 3 144 I TS I ra 6 3S 1 11-1 ( 8 liv I tS 4 I V) I 4 BTOCK'FUa AND FEEDER& t Sis I rt IT I) I 44 1 4n0 I I TW 40 II I 14 U U-U 4 S 1. 7 4 e 4 4) U t 4 m 11 etl i 7. U 4 ' ' 17 Tl 4 TS I U3tf 4 4-1 I Am 6 a 47 U) IU WFSTERNSl W'J.MANA. 119 steers. ..im 6 Va 1 bull 1600 S 2t 26 steers. ...11J8 4 K6 UTAH. 78 steers... 18 S 65 HOGS A ftw of the beat hoga sold early THE First National Bank of Omaha is ablo to serve its depositors and clients in the most efficient man ner. This is made possible by ex ceptionally good facilities, and by the careful management of all funds en trusted to its care. Your account subject to your.check is cordially invited. , FIRST NATIONAL BAQK- 4 OF OMAHA TI1IHTEEIITII A!!D FARIIAM STREETS OLDEST AllD LARGEST BAIiK III NEBRASKA ' .1 this morning around $S 40a.46 that did not look so very mucn lower, nut the general market opened fully So lower and quite a aood many hoars sold on that baala. The trade, however, waa alow and before very many hoga bad changed bands the market . IT-, I.t. K-f, a m .ul Ur & la.l. around eS.JoWi.is. Tlie close was very weak and at the low point of the day. Today's decline wlpee out all the Improve ment made the latter part of laat week and on Monday of this week, carrying prices to the lowest point touched since March 27. Representative sales: No. At. 8a. Ft. Mo. . tth. Pr. 14 II ... I IS 2.H ICS 11 M 10 34 41 8.16 ... 6 I7ij 17 ...311 11 S K 44 M 4 I I7V Tl 134 13 I M 44 II ... I J7S 40 174 14 6 SO 4 k4 ... 117 4 m I M 45 I ... I I'Vfc ftT W IM 44. M ... 6 37 SO 6 S J7 ... I 1:14 .- 14 10 I 14 17 114 40 6 17' 117 1 IK) SI M ... 6 17V. 44 SV4 10 6 1 14 10 a I 174 M ! ... I 44 41 U ... 6 17V, ii tt so 6 m 4 '- n in IX Ill ... 6 tl4 44 IM T I r4 Tl IM ... 6 I!t4 M 44 ... 6 I74 71 IM 14 6 14 ot to m 6 7V 14 3i ... I 11 7s m ao i ir M ...IM ... 6 W TT .10 ... 4 17 i ru ... s r 4......n ... 6 17 47. ...... .114 ... 6 t! 44 414 6 17 II 11 ... I 11 TO 324 le I 40 74 1-W 304 I IT . 11 I 40 41 33 10 I 12 40 1! 40 6 4d 4 10 40 8I SR., tTl ... 144 It tit 44 6 2 S El M 6 44 T IM ... 8 37 41 337 ... 8 44 S M 11 6 32 SI SM 44 6 40 ii in n 111 so 4 ... 64 3 in 340 I 14 ri...,. ...M7 14 I 44 44. .......12 40 6 IS 74 331 130 6 40 40.. Ill 4 S U 41 14 40 i 40 SS UM 40 I M II 121 ... 4 40 44 371 ... I IS M IM 44 8 4 44 14 ... IH 44 34 ... 60 41 123 IU III TT ... 6 t IS "4 4 I SS SI 17 ... 6 44 41 117 H 11 M 4 I 4 SO 175 300 6 IS IH OT HO I 40 SI 11 ... 8 IS 4 231 10 6 40 11 331 Mil T 13 6 4 4 1? ... 6 IS M 4-4 44 I 41 17 40 4 S 14 44 IM I 41 6.. ......10 M I IS TS 144 ... 6 41 S4..-.....IC3 4 6 IS 74 MS ... 6 42 3H ... 6 IS Tl .337 44 6 41 ) liA ... 6 16 Tl 441 1! I 41 Tl. Ill ... IIS 2 Ill ... 6 4 17 13 ... IIS 73 41 140 I 4S 41 347 SO 6 IS 4 341 ... I 44 S IM M III T to) ... 4S 74 234 144 8 SS M.. ...... 123 ... 6 46 TS tH ... 6 17 30 ... S 44 SHEEP Receipts were only moderate thia morning and part of them were con- signed through without being offered lor sale at this point. The market as a whole waa not Balls factory to the selling inter etta Such stuff as buyers happened to want gold at pricea that were ateady to 10c lower, while leaa dealrabla atuff and even good stuff that did not happen to find favor In buyers eyea waa very hard to move and the feeling very weak. Oood Mexican lamba sold aa high as any time, bringing ' $7 00. Wethers and yearlings, clipped, sold at $S.au, as agalnat $4 on Mon day, but It will be remembered that the market on clipped stuff waa quoted 2tc lower yesterday. , Several loads of lambs were picked up by feeder buyers at and right around $4.80. tjuoiatlon on lambs! Oood to choice wooled, $7.2f4j7.80; fair to good wooled, IS.7Mtf7.2S; good ahearlng lambs carrying flesh, 8. 504) 7.00; good shearing lamba. thin. $4.0t&6.a6; shorn lamba, 60c under wooled stock. Quotations on aheap: Oood to choice light yearlings, - shorn, $rV'o 36; fair to good yearllnga, shorn, $n.75'u.10; good to choice wethera, shorn, 36 7r.i; 0o; fair to j good wethera, ehom. $S.5oCjo.75; good to choice ewes, shorn. $.'1,2646.60; fair to good ewes, shorn, $4.754j6.25; culls and bucks, shorn, $3.0(4.60; wooled sheep, 254oc above shorn stock. Representative aalea: No. Av. P. H Mexican lambs 73 7 50 187 Mexican lamba 73 7 50 16 Mexican yearltngs, broken . fleece 7 8 50 290 Western lamba, feeders 107 4 $0 40 Weatern wethera and year lings shorn 107 S 80 171 Western wether and year- . ling, shorn I08 5 80 498 Colorado lamba 74 7 80 41 Colorado lambs 74 7 M Colorado lamba 74 7 60 172 western ewes and wethers....' 89 8 50 6 western cull ewes 78 3 76 8 weatern ylgs. and lambs 123 7 25 432 weatern ewea loo 5 86 12 Weatern ewes 116 8 25 184 weatern feeder lamba 48 S 25 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, bat Slaw Hears Steaar ta Lwwer. CHICAGO, April 22. CATTLE Receipts. M.Ofei head: market steadv but Blow. Steers, $3 0ti&-7.10: helfera. $3 e.; cows. M.K 4.00; bulls. eJoofttVav; calves. $16Cty6.00; Block ere and feeders, $3.2&a5-60. HOGS Receipts, 24.0OD head; market steady to loo lower. Choice heavy shipping. $5.7l06.u; butchers. $5. 70ra6 .86 : light mixed. $n 5o-(i5.S6; choice .light, 36.6Va6-i&; packing. taaoS 66; plga, $4.X&6.40; built of sates, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15.000 head, market ateady to 10c lower. Sheep. $i 0i4.0u; lambs, $6. 00(6 7A6; . yearling. $6.o0 tjnoO. 4. - Kaasas City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY, April 22. OATTLE Re ceipt. 6.rX) head, Including tM) southerns; market strong to 10c higher; top. : choice export and dressed beef steers. S. ti4.9o: fair to good. $6.50iie.6o; western steers, $5.0rvrJ4.80; Blockers snd feeders, $3.60 i5.5; southern steers, $4.1';ti-36; southern cows. $17ai4.76; native cows. $li.6tK(i6 at); native helf-ra. Riie.SO; bulla. $3.tj0u5.M; calve. 34 OVri A 00. HOGS Receipt a. 11.000 head; market 6;f 10c lower: top, $3 65; bulk of aales. $6.4fp 6 40; heavy, li wWio t6: packers and butcher. pS.etrfrS -il; lights. $6 8006 6; plga, S4.3i5.1u. . BHEEP AND LAMBjI Roceipta. 6,0ti head; market atrong to lor higher: lamba, $S.oW).5o; ewes and yearllnga, $6. 2frji. to; wearern yearllnga, $S.7V;A26: weatern aheep, $4 6i"j.0; stockers and feedera. $3.S'a.OU, Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western snarkalg yesterday: t-'sttie. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha Kansas City .. Sioux City Bu Ixjui St. Joeepb .... Chicago Total 7.2w4 4.VT H.OiO 2 ) $ t7 34.0U0 4,0U s.'ioi 1.5.19 U.uuO 28.591 sAM 32.017 St. Joa am Live Stack Market. BT. JOSEPH. April 22 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.3-17 had; steady: natlvea, $5.aui4.a6; cows and heMer. $U jp6;S. -. HOG44 Receipts, 4.67 head; market lac lower; top.i $&.&: bulk of sale, Sa 4ool 56 SHEEP AND LAM Bt4 Receipt. 1.419 head; market atrong; lamba. $0. 77.45; yearllnga and wethera, $5 Jou4.75. Slows City Live Stack Market. SIOUX CITY, April 2$. Special Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts, gut) head: mar ket weak; beevea. $6 OUsyS.TA; cowa and heif ers, $4 tti6 W, Blocker and feeder. $4 UO 4.7: calves and yearllnga. $3.634. 60. HOGa Receipfa. 2w)Ohead; market 6le lower; range, $fc.tvi6.46; bulk of sales. $o.30 t4 36. St. Lewla Live Slack Market. ST. IX1UIS. April 21 -CATTLE Receipts, t atii head. Including 1 (jo Texas; nurkot fr natives, strong. Texana t.;Jv: nmlve hipping and -export aleero. Si Jo7 1 '. dreoaed beef and butcher steer. $a4tj4, steers uni'rr I "'1 prjunda, $t..i5.26; Blockers and (octicrs, ll'Aji.to, cows and hcu.t. 34A3TK DEWOSITS OTJAJt.AaTTXXD. CI tl sens aaaA ft Trust Coiapaay. State JepewlorT. - xlartJoevlll, Oklahoma. Depwalta la Uila sank OUAKANTSED by the gtat t Oklahoma Ouaeante Pand. New stato law peo vldea ABKiU'TI SarKTT Is ear depolera.. Ta tat suarantoe too re ara of taetr aioaer oa de aiand andee ear clreanaataneo. .w pay lateroot oa tinea d epoetin. Mak reaaituae la aa foraa. FU lnforroatioa fnrnlahed npoa i-eeueat. eeargast State StaaJt la Saetent Oklakoma. $3.504.00; Texas and Indian steers. iS.Si 4.3; cows and helfera. $1.7 HOtlS Receipts. 8.60Q head: market Vf?io lower; plga and lights, $3 7fVfj6.75; packers. $6.2606.75; butcher and beat heavy, $o.St-tf 6.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2V head; market steady: native muttons. $176 fii l; lamba, $6.0ys .50; culls and bucks, $U.1a1i5.S. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltlew Trade 4 Qaetatlaas aa Staple aaal Fancy Prexlacw, EGOS Ftesh selling eggs, candled. 13s. BUTTER Common, loc; fancy tub and rolls, lt-'ulSc; crear.very, 30c. CHELtiE New full eream. Wisconsin twins, 17Vc; new full cream brick. 17c; do mestic new Swiss, lie; new Umburger, 159 loc; young Americana, 17Vc. LIVE POULTRY Springs, 8Hc; rooatera, 6c; ducka, 11c; geeae. 4c; capons. 15c HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $7.50; medium, $A30; No. 1 bottom, $5.00; off grsdes. H.-D-J 6.00. Bya straw. $7.00. No. 1 alfalla. $U.a MISCELLANEOUS. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 46c. Tomatoee, fancy. 8-pound cans, $1.46: standard 8-pound cans, $1.10. Pine apples, gated. 2-pound, $2.ill0; sliced. $l.i5'tfl86. Gallon apples. 83.00. California aprlcota, $2.65-i'3.30. Pears. $10'-3 Im peaches. $1.9t"bS15. L .'. Peaches. Silot $ IS. Alaska aalmon, red, 31 40; fancy Chinook, flat, 32 16; fancy bk keys, flat, $116. Sardines, qusrter oil, $!-); three nuartera mustard.- $3.38. Sweet potatoea. $l.Sil.35. Sauerkraut, 96c. Pumpklna oo tll.oo. Lima beans, 3-pound, 7bcul.-. oaked peas, 2-pound, 6c; fan-y. W-ii-tf t.46. FISH Halibut. 10c; trout, Uc; pickerel. 7c; pike. 8c; white flah, Uc; buffalo, ac; bullheads, akinned and dreaeed, 11c; catfish, dressed, 11c; medium croppies and yellow sunflsh, rV69c; large croppies. 15c; herrins, fresh fmsen, 4Vc: perch. 80; white baao. 14c; blsck baas, 23e. . CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunea are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second handa, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate grades. taUT. tatlons range from c to 8c for California fruit and from 8 to 8c for Oregon. Peaches are very firm, with- fancy yellows quoted at ISHc. - . , SUGAR-Oranulated. cane, per sack, 80.6O; beet. 15A0; cut loaf, 7c; rubes. 4.70c; pow flered, .!V. t- . - COFFEE Roasted, No. 26, 28c; No. 30. He; No. 6. 19c; No. 20. 14c. Waal Market. ' RT T1I-IS. Anrll 22. WOOL Ptlll; me dium grades combing and clothing, 1V 618c: light fine. l.vtilHc; heavy fine, UClic; tub washed, JvtitfUy. BOSTON. ADril 22. WOOL There Is a quiet tone to the wool market and prices are low. Good staple territory wool on the scoured basis Is quoted from 68c to 80e and good clothing slock at 600 to 63c, ac cording to quality. 1 t CeiTee Market. NEW YORK. April 22. COFFEE Market for futurea closed ateady, net unchanged to 6 polnta higher. Salea reported of H4.750 baga. Including April at 5.6Sc; May. 6 Hoc; July. 5.70r; September. 5.8or; December, . 5.9oc: March, c; No. 7 Rio, c; No. 4 San to, 4&9c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 9tjlKc. Oils and Keela. OIL CITY, April 22 OIL Credit bal ances, $1.78: runs. 8C.997 bbla.; average. 1W. 68 bbla.: ahlpmenta. 198.767 bbla; average. 179,795 bbla P ere liar Decree ( Dlvaree. CHEYENNE. Wyo., April 22. (Special.) In the district court today Mrs. Carrie B. Klmrey was granted a divorce from Neaue aaa Klmrey on tha grounds of desertion. The decree is one of the moat peculiar ever laeued by A Wyoming court. Klmrey, who waa part owner In three large wholesale and retail grocery houses hare, left the city suddenly over a yeir ago. ' Hla departure waa shrouded In mys tery, which wag partially explained a f.-w months later when It waa learned that ha had been admitted to a private hospital for the Insane ia Oregon. Ha ia now one of the proprietors In a large hotel In South ' California. . By the terms of tha decree, Mr. Kimrty wilt be permitted to take ipharge of all of Klmrey'g Wyoming property for period of ten years, at the expiration of whirt time same will be turned over to him. In the meantime she will be called upon ti pay alimony, the amount of which la not known, to Mr. Klmrey regularly. Mrs. Klmrey owns her home here and en joys a considerable Income from the busi ness of the three atores. There are threj mall children. Wllllaat Soloaneai Arvwofed. CODY. Wyo, April 22. e-iSpeclal.) Will tans Solomon was arrested yesterday nortb of here by Sheriff F. 8. Bachelder of Re I Lodge, Mont- Solomon la charged with st temptlng to assault Elma Larson, a 15-yar old girt at Belfrey. The attempted iasaul: waa committed in the girl's room at a hotel In which she waa employed. Solomon 1 charged with entering tha room -and at tempting" to choke the , girt. ' Her erlea aroused two boarders who ruhd' Into the room, when the mat) disappeared. Tha girl was not seriously injured. Bolotnon at first refused to return ' without re quisition papers, but later consented. Bay Hast Owe by Trala. HX'ROS". . 8, D., April E.-tSpeclal ) Tueaday afternoon, from tha Baptist church, occurred the funeral services of Jay Berkley, conducted by Rev. V. E. Hud eon. Young Barkey waa, the IS-year-old son of Thomas If. Barkey and wife, and met death Sunday svfiernoon wbea he Jumped from a moving freight car in tha yards of the Chicago ft Northwestern rail way. He fell beneath' the -car, which paaaed over him. severing hla body at the hip.' The funeral waa largely attended and among beautiful floral offerings ware those from hla aaoclat in tha city acboois. C raw far a ta Vtall Hill. HURON. 8. D. AprU fZ -(Special. Gov ernor Crawford left lAnt ' evening for A trio through tha Black mia, . 11a- will tie. liver addireaaea At Dead wood, Ra ptd City. Lead and othor place. ' Th governor did not car to, d lac use tha queetlpri, before the supreme court eotwerning 4k 1 rinury law, but appeared to have no untfusineaa aa to what that body Would d.