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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
TIIE -OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. APRIL 19, 1908. A Ir3 You have often Mar veled at the Deautjr of the real Irish Come to Brandels Mon day and see Them Hade, See the Unique Window Display of Irish Lace. Tjpoctoaoia p New sLot nononono gnoaoooa D CCOOQODO D o Hew D Patterns n o D o n o a o n Embroidered i j 4 ! 4 ! i h 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4' 4? 5? eries O i n o 4- Fronlings Waistings Sea! Irish Lace Will le lade at feaitos o 18 ' to) 27-inch fine i embroidered flounc v ings,iskirtings and corset cover widths fl t also -wide bands and galloons -ele-Q . gant new Japanese, shadow, filet, Grec ,p X ian and 'blind effects, on beautiful fab j f rics worth up to 75c per yard at, yd., D Very fine French batistes. This is a new shipment in elegant striped effects, spaced to allow for tucking entirely new effects worth as high as $2.50 per yard, at 98c 'a U D) 01 V y Emwmi n o D o D o n o D 8 D o D o a 0 a 0 a 19c-25c-5S)c Embroideries and Wide in Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric many fine insertings and headings all new designs, including a variety of fine hand loom embroideries many to match- worth up to 25o a yard, at 5c-I0c o D o D o D o D o n o a o D o D o D o a o a o D o D o a 8 a o a o D o D o D 4 We announce the engagement of three expert Irish lace makers, who will demon strate the art of making hand made lace at Brandeis' store. Come and see those exquisite hand made laces, made by 3 young Irish girls from County Roscommon These girls achieve the most wonderful results with hand made laces. They work the laces in the beautiful patterns that have made the real Irish laces so much sought after. Pretentious examples of their skill are shown in lace collars collar boleros, etc. Irish Crochet, Irish Point, Carrick Macross, Irish Applique This is by far the most interesting and instructive display of its kind ever seen in Omaha. It is a treat no lover of dainty laces should miss. The demonstration is held under the most favorable conditions. "We devote a large section of our lace aisle to this showing. The scene will be characteristic of the conditions under which these experts work in their home county in Ireland. Father M. O 'Flanagan the young Irish priest who has brought these girls to America will be in attendance. We wish you to regard this a Personal Invitation to come to Brandeis' store Monday and view the making of Real Irish Hand Made Lace. 2 O o D o D o n o a o D o D o D o D o a o D o a o D o a o Laces and Insertings Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertings, in pretty new do signs many to match Hi worth to 12V2C a yard.'at Kayser's Long Silk Gloves 12 and 16-button lengths new. shades of russet, tan, Copenhagen, navy, green and red j also black 2S 49 and white, per pair I 1 5nononononooononononononoD3 Hffftftfttf tttftfffftfttfftPI'tTt 'bnonononononononono n o D o D o a o a o a o 0 o D o D o a o D o D o a o a o ononoD Mats Our millinery business of the week before Easter was so enormous that we disposed of practically every hat in our entire stock. Monday we show, a complete new assemblage of the later spring models displayed now for the first time. A glorloua array of Parte and New York designs as well as our beautiful creations. Exquisite New Spring The later models in spring millinery are actually more beautiful, more' graceful and more becoming than the Easter hats. We have received many of the most delightful styles from' Paris and the most elegant designs from New York, all revealing the very latest and most stunning style ideas. Our luxurious millinery salon is a gallery of new masterpieces. Come Monday while the new designs are still on display. We mention a rich assemblage of new hats. none of which have been shown before- - newest Innovations In trim tninga scores of graceful p iate spring and early sum mer models, at . New Stylos Will Reign Supreme Menday Later Arrivals Show Delightful Novelties W omen's Ready-to-W ear Spring Apparel O D '25 Smart New in Dress II d. The large richly trimmed models predominate in tl i gioup, many dress and evening hats elaborate trim mines of the n effects Two moderate csa m priced groups, 11 1 and I v a jr Many new styles in women's apparel have arrived in , the past few days that we have been unable to show. Monday these beautiful new designs, the choicest and the fetching of the entire season will be shown. An Entirely New Shipment of Imparted Tailored Suits Many of these are sample garments from the hands of French designers oth ers are swagger. New York creations all the latest style features are shown, no two garments.are alike we bought them very cheaply and offer J them at much below their value an one special group pJr , .' . New Fashionseal. Suits, fer Women These aristocrats of spring fashion are more attractive than ever. We add to our showing Monday nearly 100 new ones straight from the famous Fashion seal designers showing later style ideas not seen before this year Here's a Stunning New Tailored Suit fer $19 Very special values in fine "Worsted Prince Chaps, embroidered chiffon pan- ama effects m all colors all have silk lined jackets extra special offer for Monday, at. $19 at Later Styles in our $5 Millinery In all our history we never displayed even one half so many charming hats to sell at this price. The very height of style every newer and still more stunning $ r New Spring Skirts We show many of the fashionable new walk , ing skirts in our gored pleated styles, etc. ' worth up to $10.00. t JJ fg High Grade Frenth Voile Skirts Very finely tailored and actually worth $17.50, if sold in the regular way f Q special at JJO New Braid Coats This is the latest style that is creating such a furore everywhere they are the extreme, novelties of the sea- Q9$ I vf.85 CI Q son, a fine variety, at " I msJ Lingerie Dresses Women's fine lingerie dresses, beautifully made of white1, blue, pink, and hello shades, extremely dressy for summer Q QQ wear, a Bpeclal at iJtJQ Women's Lingerie Dresses In white and the daintier summer shades,' a reigning style favorite for early summer wear, at Silk Dresses In plain Taffetas, plain Mescalines, Shan tungs, etc., Princess and Jumper CA effects, at .14.85 Merry Widow Sailors, at Charming Designs . In Spring, Hats for Misses and Children We devote a separate section to juvenile hats and a separate force of trimmers trim these Btyles exclusively. We show ' prettier and more becoming hats for misses and children than any millinery store west of Chicago. The new poke bonnets and childish Charlotte Cordays are prominent. goonoaoaononoacDomononooononoBoaoaonoaoaoEag -m-i. lw. j-. js- jn. ir.iir-i Three Specials Monday in Dainty Spring Waists Lingerie Waists An entire-; ly new group of these charming styles many of them very elaborate with new Butterfly sleeve and other late 1908 features, very well made . . . , 4.98 Lingerie oid Linen Waists A score of new style fea tures made of fine sheer materials, all the new style ideas of the sum mer are Included a special . . , 2.98 $2.00 Waists at 880 We have never shown such pretty walnts for such a small price long and short sleeves daintily lace and ' embroidered effects, and well aa those smart '( O plain tailored waists f 1 f -very special at. n o D o 8 D O a a D o a o D o a o a o a o n o D o u o a o u o Q o d o D o a o a o D o n o D c n o D o n CJ a u o D o a o a 1E3P0BTED BLAGE VOILES I Special purrchase of 50 pieces of the world's renown RowbaU, ' France black voiles, at a startling reduction. They come in a very close medium and Altman weaves. All Roubaix French voiles are noted for their rich, deep black and crisp quality, 46 to 54 inches wide, divided into three lots at about half price positively worth from k1 .9f tn Jfc'VftO ft vnrrl. at n vnrH o u U o a o a o D o D o a o a o a o a o a o D o D o D u D o n o D o n o D o D o D o D o a o D o a o D o a o D o a o D o a SPECIAL DRESS GOODS NOVELTIES Strictly all wool fancy, shadow, stripes and checks, medium weight ' batistes in small invisible checks and more elaborate JJA barred patterns values up to $1.50 a yard, at J Q DRESS GOODS ON BARGAIN SQUARES Chiffon, Poplinette, Panamas, French and English fancy tailor suit ings, 54-inch costume suitings. French serges newest spring color j ings all go at, yard. .48c and 79c In our basement, special Dress Goods Dept. Novelty Suitings, Henriettas, s s s s s s s Nuns Veiling. Mohair, Jamestown Suitings, etc., worth 60c, 0 at, yard .. In Main Floor Dress Goods Dept. New , High-Class Wash Goods and Fabrics, 3d section-r Pin Stripe Sheer Novelty English Summer Fabrics worth 60c yard, t"7 1 at? yard 1 C By Facf the Most Satisfactory SelectUrt in Omaha. HIGH GRADE RUGS You'll probably need a new rug within a few weeks at least. Let us show you the best and most cpmplete assortment of desirable new , rugs in Omaha. Every rug selected with care for its beauty and its fine wearing qualities. Make a selection at Brandeis' tomorrow and we will hold it until you are ready to have it sent out. . . The Famous Room Size Seamless English Wilton Rug This is the rug that has caused more talk end has won more friends in Omaha than any other rug ever shown here. It is a genuine 9x12 real Wilton rug, all in one piece. The richest, most elegant Persian patterns other stores would sell a rug of this character at $60 our price is n $39.00 Seamless Brussels Rurfs I Axminster Rugs 0t19 Rim nil hrio-lit now nffprna I The Sanford and Smith Axmlnsters in and actually worth $25.00 a beautiful new 1908 CIO line at flO Brussels Rus . 9je12 room size Brussels rugs , in Oriental and floral designs this is a genuine bargain, J g s pnontnoDononononononocjonononononononononoa; S very desirable Oriental geometrical and floral patterns rugs that cannot be surpassed anywhere at the prices. . . . . . We have received our newest patterns in inlaid floor linoleums, plain lin oleums, fibre mattings, oil cloths, etc. The quality ranges from the finest to the least expensive ma terials. Every yard Is re- k liable. S S 22.50-S25 S Seamless Velvet Rugs 9x13 sla;e these rugs are usually priced at $30 a fine line of new pat terns are being aa PA shown, at uuov Monday's Special Silk Bargains Monday we sell $1.00 silks, consisting of fancy silk suitings, fine taf fetas, Paillette de Soie, printed Foulards, rough Pongee silks, in plain and fancy weaves and the very newest colorings, including ZCIn a fine lot of changeable taffetas, at, a yard lZJC Another lot of nearly pure dye dress silks from the Misletoo mills at a big reduction every yard has the wear guarantee woven in the selvage. Our Black Taffeta. Silk SaJes All the 36-lnch mistletoe I All the 27-Inch mistletoe black taffetas, regular I black taffetas, regular price $1.35, yard. -70e I Prt $1.85 yd.. . G9 New Shipment of the Swcllest Reugk Dress Silks Novelties confined to us for Omaha and a grand assortment of patterns rough' Bilks Pongee in plain shadow stripe, ring and dot patterns, rough silk than tuDKS with beautiful borders and satlu stripes especially priced at, -GO. 81. 81.25 n4 81.50 1C3 Visitinrf Cards 39c In any 6tyle type printed in a few minutes. 300 busi ness cards at $1.25. Add 2c for mailing. Free Cooking School in housefurnishing department, basement, old store. Every wo man in Omaha 6hould Bee this ex hibition of scientific cake making come at any time. All the SU-lncn mistletoe black taffetas, regular price 90c yard. 5Q Mall orders filled. Special Demonstration and Sale of the Famous La Vida CORSETS We are pleased to announce that Miss M. E. Nolan, the manufacturer's spe cial corsetlere, will be in attendance through this week, and her services will be at your disposal. The La Vlda corsets are the finest fitting most .hygienic and most scientifically constructed corset that can be bougnt. We are sole agents for these superior corsets In Omaha. La.- Vida corsets aro priced at , 54 to $25 . ?) a ny mfawtfBMSB u o 0 0 D o a o D o a o D o D o D o a o a o a o a o a o D o D o D Q o a o a o n o D o a o D o D o D o n o a o D o a o a o a o a o Exceptional Bargains Monday S IN THE BASEMENT o D 40-inch wide Batiste Suitings, white blue and tan extra heavy f-'D ish and looks just like the real linen suiting that retails 1 p at 85c a yard, at, yard .:.....,. ' o Barnlar WUta Goods Department Q Ask to see the new white material, Flaxon, finer than India linen, S more sheer than imported batiste or Persian lawn the prettiest of 0 all plain white materials new lot just received by express C D s 38 inches wide, at, yard . Rag-ular Whit Goods Department No. 2500 Long Cloth, the kind you all are accustomed to see at 22c a yard. Monday at, IP yard 1JC Xefular wait Goods Department Imported Floral Organdies, lisle finish, 25c value at, Cn yard ......17C Beg-olar WUt Goods Department Beautiful imported voiles, Cl inches wide white, cream and every wanted shade specially priced, at nJ SUralu Walt Goods Department Water shrunk dress linens, the wanted colors our regular 50c quality, Monday, On at, yard JJ Keffula White Goods Department O n o a o Q o D o a o D o a o D n a 0 o n o a o a o a 0 a o D o a SPECIALS IN DRAPERY DEPARTMENT 8 a ON BASEMENT BARGAIN SQUARES 25c mercerized (Jing hams, sold from the bolt, Monday, yd. 5c Regular 15c white and black lace lawns full pieces Bold off the bolt, Monday, yard ...3c All the popular shades, plain dress voiles, also fancy silk em broidered voiles in p a i d s, checks and stripes every yard worth 25c, very special price for Monday at, per f A yard 1UC Desirable lengths India Linons, worth ll)c a yard, will go at, yard GVC All the odd lengths printed ba tiste and dress lawns, accumu lated from the great sales at the regular wash goods section; 15c and 19c values, during the forenoon will be sold 0Zi n at, yard J 2C Muslin curtains, 3 yds. long, worth f 1, at, pair 75tf Tapestry Portieres, 3 yards long, heavy fringe top and bottom, at Snow Flake Curtains new line of col on, worth up to 11.75, pair. . ..98 New line of lace curtains In Cable Net, double Net Nottingham, worth up to $3.80, pair 81.08 Cluny Curtains, in white and Arabian, 4 3 inches wide and 3 yards long, pair , $2.08 Rope Portieres for double doors in all colors, worth $5, special for Monday, pair $2.08 Couch covers all our regular $7.50 Artloom couch covers, at. . . $1.08 Drapery SwIbs all our fine Imported. Swiss, worth as high as 20c yard, at, yard 15 IriBh Point Poor PanelB, worth up to 75c, each 2. Linen window shades 3x0 complete, each 200 O D o a o D o a o D o a QaoDoaoaononononoaonorJononoaononononoaonono "noacDODononononononononononononononaaonono -v -