Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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tM lowt
Davis, drug.
Atockert Mils carpets.
Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. "Phone 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. I3.
For rent, unfurnished raomt, 231 Main 81
Kitchen cabinet from $5 up. Peteren
Bchoenlnf Co.
Easter pout card. Alexander" art atora,
133 Broadway.
Do- tag riveted on free of charge,
Petersen St Schoenlng Co.
FOR RENT Nice large room a, $3.00 and
up per week. Ogden hotel.
F. C. Rlker left laat evening on a ahort
business trip to Peoria. 111.
Wanted Two carrier to carry The. Be.
Omaha Bee, 16 Scott street
BT. 'Phone: Ind. 624 Black; Bell. 623.
We know we have the bent flour. Earo
la the name. Bartell Miller. Phone $f.
A building permit waa Issued yeeterdsy
to D. C. Smith for a $l,noo one-atory frame
cottage at 3618 Avenue B.
Oilcloth, linoleum and matting can b
bought at the lowest possible prloe at D.
W. Keller's, 108 South Mam.
Fine singing and concert by colored
orchestra, at Hunter'a all tliia week, After
noons. Everybody welcome.
You can get better coal for less money
from Wllllom Welch. 16 North Main. The
reason why la because tie sells for cash,
kotli 'phones 128. Yard 'phone. Bell 977.
William Whitney, who has been' on a
protracted spree, waa yesterday Bent to the
county Jail by judge Snyder for ten days
to afford him an opportunity to sober up.
Will Frgley la in trouble age.ln. He waa
arrested lust evening on complaint of hla
slster-lii-law. who charged him with fle
et roving the furniture at her home on Fifth
Father J. M. AValsh. assistant to Rev.
Father Patrick Smyth, pastor of Bt. Franci
Xavier's chinch, line been appointed, parish
trlest of Washington, la. Hla . successor
here has not been named.
Ullle K. fYowl, the young: women resid
ing at im South Twelfth street, who waa
adjudged insane Thursday, waa yesterday
ordered by the commissioners committed
to the state asylum at Clarlnda.
J. J. Hughes, member of the democratic
state central committee from the Ninth
district, returned yesterday from Des
Moines, where he attended a conference of
the party leaders, at which the Btate slate
waa framed up.
The1 Epworth league of Broadway Metho
dist church will hold a eunrlse prayer
meeting at 6 o'clock Easter Sunday morn
ing. Harry Curtis, secretary of the Young
Men'a Christian association, will lead the
meeting, to which all young people of the
city are Invited.
Our aprlng stock of oxfords, black and
tana Is now In. It's to your interest to call.
Our expense being ao low we can under
sell the other fellow and thus give you the
best quality for lesa money, Duncan Shoe
Co.. la B Main St.
- Work on tha basement of the Young
Men'a Christian association building at the
northeast corijer of First avenue and
Seventh street will be begun by Contractor
C. C. Norgaard within a day o two. It
had been Intended to commence work yes
terday, but tha rain interfered.
All membera of Ivanhoe commandery,
Knights Templar, are requested to appear
In full uniform at Masonic temple Sunday
morning at S o'clock to attend In a body
the Eaater services at the First Congrega
tional church. Announcement of arrange,
merits for attending the evening service at
St. Paul's Episcopal church will be made
In due time. All visiting sir knights are
Invited to join with the members of Ivanhoe
commandery In attending the Easter serv
ices. x The funeral of Annies Mary, the Infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oaidles, 13.'1
Twenty-first avenue, waa held yesterday
afternoon. Interment being In Kalrvlew
cemetery. The child's death resulted from
eating the heads itff a number of parlor
Matches, which the Utile one managed to
pet hold of while tie mother was busy
attending to the household duties. As soon
na the mother discovered what the child
had done she called a physician, but his
services were of no avail, as the baby died
alter a few hcuir' suffering.
- We want you to come In and aee our
line of genuine German and English wall
paper. Thla is the finest line of Imported
ualt rape.- ever brought to Council Bluff a.
The bnrdera are hand colored. The de
signs are perfect, of rich, delicate coloring.
One hundred different patterns, with tha
finest possible finixh on the best of paper.
The imitation burlap Is an exceptionally
fine pattern looks like ailk, the borders
are patterned from Alplan, Arabian hunt
ing scenery and flowers. It ta aomething
fine, you must come in and aee it. H.
Borwlck. 211 South Main. The largest wall
paper houae in southwestern Iowa.
BETTER Bi:Y your eggs today do not
wait on the bunnies laying them for you
on Easter morning. We have on sale today
Swift's Premium hams, the kind we always
have, at lihic per pound. Then we have
picnic bams of extra fine quality, only 10
centa pound. We have asparagua, 10 cents
per bunch; wax beana, 20 centa pound; pie
plant, 6 cents per bunch; green onions,
three for 6 cents; lettuce, t cents; radishes,
three bunches for 10 cents: cabbage, 10 and
IS cents a head; strawberries. If you want
to give a Dutch lunch at any time we can
supply you with llmburger. Imported Swiss
and brick and aapssgo cheese. We can
slice dried beef as thin as paper. We also
lice cooked ham. Bartel & Miller. Tele
phone 369.
Satnrday Seed Special.
All So packages flower and garden aeeds,
t package for 6c. J. Zoller Mercantile Co.,
1M-102-1C4-106 Broadway. 'Phones, 320.
Easter lilies. Herman Bros., 10 Pearl
Rt., 'Phones, Ind. U Black. Bell 623.
Real Cstat Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
April 17 by the Pottawattamie County
stract company of Council Bluffs:
A. Tv Fllcklnger and wife to Charles
. E. Price, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 27,
Brown's subdlv., w. d f
County treasurer to William Arnd.
lota It and 20, block 6, Benson's 2d
' add., tx. d
William Barker and wife to M. J. ,
Rlaskl. lot 6. block 31, Evans' 2d
Bridge add., w. d
C. U- Nash company and Guy C. Bar
ton and wife to Albert W. Dillev,
lot , block 36, Baylies St Palmer's
add., w. d
V A. Griffith and wife to H. A. Van
Beck, part lot 1. Aud's subdtv. of
se4 g-76-30. w. d
Iowa Townslte company to Ida K.
Rounds, lots 15. 16. 17 and IN. block
3. town of McClelland, la , w. d....
Thomas K. Casady and wife to John
Lav than., part eV nw4 34-77-43, q
c. d
Albert Cassaday et al. to John Lay
tham, part nw4 34-77-43. q. e. d.
A- T. EI ell and wife to John Lay
tham, part eH nwV 34-77-43, q. c. d.
Nine transfers, total....'
I 1,569
Ta the Ladles.
Buy your curtain stretchers, quilting
frames, clothes props and atepladdera from
us. We manufacture a large per cent of
he above gooda and are In position to make
rou close figures. C. Hafer Lumber com
any. ' .
Picturea and art novelties for Easter
(ltl. C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway.
A. A. CLAUii Cz. CO.
Twenty Years of BuooesnoTul UnalBeoa.
No connection with toe flrta Palling
'IXilU. 'tUOSEA 117.
M. Tot. 48.
Governor Opens Hit Campaign in This
Part of State at Avoca.
Sopoorters Expect ta I a dace Him to
peak In Thla City at Home Later
Rat la the Antl-Prl-mary
Governor Cummins will open his sena
torial campaign In the Ninth congressional
district at Avoca. where he will speak
Wednesday evening. April 29. In all seven
meetings In the district will be held by the
governor. Council Bluffs, however, Is not
in the governor's Ninth district itinerary,
but it Is announced that an effort will be
made to have him speak in this city near
the close of tha campaign.
Governor Cummins' Itinerary for the
Ninth district, aa announced in a letter re
ceived yesterday by Robert B. Wallacs,
president of the Taft-Cummlns. Progressive
Republican league of Pottawattamie
county, is as follows:
Wednesday evening, April 29, at Avoca;
Thursday afternoon, April 30. at Vllllsca;
Thursday evening, April. 30, at Stanton;
Friday afternoon and evening. May 1, open
for Harrison county meetings; Saturday
afternoon, May J. at Oakland; Saturday
evening, May 2, at Neola. Tha places for
the Harrison county meeting have not been
George H. Scott, former judge of the su
perior court, who wa defeated by C. F.
Kimball for the republican nomination for
city solicitor, will be the candidate of the
Cummins faction for the republican nomi
nation for. atate senator in opposition to
Colonel C. G. Saunders. Hla nomination
petition 1 now being circulated.
The Cummin candidate for the repub
lican nominations for representatives will
be R. J. Martin of -Hancock and I. T.
Spangler of Walnut. Wiloughby Dye and
Henry Brandes, the present representatives,
are candidates for renomlnatton, aa Is State
Senator C. G. Baunders.
George Darrlngton of Boomer township
and L. S. White of Oakland will be the
Cummins candidates for nominations for
members of the Board of Supervisors.
Other factional candidates, it Is expected,
will be announced ahortly.
Special for Saturday: The Grand Union
Tea company will give free to each pur
chaser of one can of our famous baking
powder Saturday only a, chased gold sig
net ring, something that cannot be bought
at any store for twice the price we ask
for the baking powder. One pound can
60 centa. See the picture display In our
window; they will be given as a baking
powder special for Saturday. 8peclal pres
ents given with tea. coffee, spices and ex
tracts. Ask to see them. Grand Union Tea
company, 402 Broadway street.
Potted plant, Herman Bros., 10 Pearl
St. 'Phones. Ind. 624 Black, Bell 523. '
We Invite Tost
to our store. ' See the grand display of
flowers and plants. The Easter lilies,
hydrangeas, azaeas, splreas, cinerarias
and other plants are especially nice this
season. Our fancy baskets, filled with
lilies and other plants and trimmed with
ribbon, have attracted a great deal of at
tention and have been greatly admired by
everyone. Fancy arrangements of plants,
with waterproof paper and ribbon, is one
of our specialties. There is nothing finer
or more pleasing for an Easter greeting.
Come to our store for something artistic
ally arranged and beautiful. Visitors al
ways welcome. Glad to have you. J. F.
Wilcox, florist. Telephone Ind. 99.
To save time ana a great deal of trouble
while you are spring housecleanlng, aend
your family washing to the Bluff City
laundry. 'Phone 314. Rough dry So a lb.
All flat pieces Ironed.
Hatarday Grocery Special.
Four-tie carpet broom, 19c; oranges, 20c
up to 50c dozen; bananas, 15c dosen; pine
apples, 20c; 15c can pumpkin, 8c; 10c pack
age date or figs, 7c; new spinach, peck,
20c: wax beana. pound. 20c: new tomatoes.
3 pounds 2oc; green onions. 7 benches for
10c; new radishes, 3 bunches for 10c; as
paragus, bunch ,lf-c; new peaa, quart, tc;
cucumbers, each, 10c; pieplant, per bunch,
6c. We save you money on your grocery
bills, let us prove it. J. Zoller Mercantile
company, 10O-102-1O4-106 Broadway. Four
'phones, all 320.
Odd Fellows ta Celebrate.
The eighty-ninth anniversary of American
Odd Fellowship will be observed by the
Pottawattamie county district association
of Odd Fellows at Avoca on Wedneaday,
April 29. The committees in charge have
made elaborate preparations for the cele
bration and a large attendance of the mem
bers of the order of the triple links are
expected to attend.
Grand Secretary R. I Tllton of Des
Moines will be the speaker of the day.
He will speak on "Odd Fellowehlp." There
wtll be several braaa hands and otlyr en
tertaining features on the day's program.
In the middle of the day there will be a
baaket picnic
Concert and singing, colored orchestra,
every afternoon thla week, at Hunter's.
Everybody welcome.
, Easter Gifts. .
Souvenir spoons. 76c and up; genuine coin
hat-pins, 25c and up; coin atlck-plns, .So
and up: coin fobs, 60c and up; back combs,
1150 and up; lockets, 76c and up; belt pins,
31.00 and up; veil pins. Vc and up; barren,
76c and up; Scarabs or Sacred Beetle, the
new Egyptian fad scarf pin, 50c and up.
O. Manthe, 228 Broadway.
Girl Fonnd la Hospital.
The arrest of Clinton Dewltt in De
Moines, on complaint of Patrick Bryant,
father of Elizabeth Bryant, whom Dewltt
la alleged to have wronged, brought to light
the fact that the young woman, who waa
missing from her home was in a private
hospital in Council Bluffs. A slater and
brother-in-law of tne young woman came
to tht city Thursday and located Misa
Bryant in the Good Samaritan sanitarium.
ttusjiselvaa The Clark Mertrag Co.
a, r. 1LNLL.K, Mgr.
conducted by lr. U. W. Pangle. They re
turned to Dea Moines with the girl yester
day morning, It being understood that De
witt was ready to make amends by mar
rying Miss Bryant.
Board Makes Recommendations to the
City Cooncll.
The Board of Fir and Police Commis
sioners, which Inspected the fire department
houses a few days ago, haa completed lta
report, which embodies tecommendatlons
for repairs and improvements and for the
purchase of new horses and equipment
for the department. In its report, which
will be submitted to the city council at
Its meeting next Monday night, the board
makes the following recommendations:
That at No. 1 fire house, on account of
the now dangerous condition of the floor
In the sleeping rooms, the city furnish
lumber for a new floor, said floor to be
laid by the members of the department
ststioned at that house.
That at No. 3 fire house, the hose cart
in uee there be overhauled and repainted.
and that the stall-room be painted, the
city to furnish the paint and the men em
ployed at that house to do the work, w e
also find the two horses in use at this
house unfit by reason of age to perform
the services required of them, and should
be disposed of and replaced by suitable and
serviceable horses. Both are over 20 years
old and unfit for the hard runs which they
are oompelled to make from thla station.
No. 3 hone houne Is In as good shape
as so old a building in so deplorable a con
dition could possibly be expected to be In,
but we rnoet urgently recommend the ereo
tlon at once of a new central fire station.
Valuable property of the department, es
pecially In connection with the fire alarm
system, Is In constant Jeopardy by reason
of the present condition of this house,
which In liable to be blown down during
any severe storm and should be con
That at No. 4 hose house the bodv of
the hoee wagon be painted snd a Gales
burg block floor be laid back to the second
set of stalls, because the present floor is
worn out.
That a new bath tun re put in thla
house, for the reason that the present one
Is In so dilapidated a condition as to be
That the big truck at this house be dis-
red or. as wen as me Dig stove formerly
use there, as the room is needed.
We find No. 6 hose house In first class
condition and nothing needed at this house
at this time. ,
We also again want to call your honora
ble body' attention to this city's urgent
need of a. -new hook and ladder truck, the
present ladders being entirely too short
for present use of this department.
As the need for the compliance by you
of these recommendations Is Imperative, It
is to be hoped they will receive your early,
careful and favorable consideration.
Cut flowers. Exceptionally fine. Herman
Bros., 10 Pearl St. 'Phones, Ind. 624 Black,
Bell S23.
If rou need any lawn or chicken fence
let us know. We have the largest line of
fence in the city. Let us give you aa es
timate. P. C De Vol Hardware Co.
Palms and ferns. Herman Bres., 10 Pearl
St., 'Phones, , Ind. 624 Black. Bell 623.
Jnatlce and Police Conrts Have a
Grist to Grind.
Jacob Stein and Moaes Saltsman, rival
feed and Junk dealers on West Broadway,
are at outs again. A few days ago they
filed charges of disturbing the peace
against one another, one case being In po
lice court and the other in the court of
Justice Cooper. Neither case has been dis
posed of. Yesterday Stein filed a complaint
In the court of Justice Greene charging
Saltzman with using blasphemous language.
Saltiman gave bonds for his hearing next
The Schmidt and Borner families, living
on First avenue near Thirty-sixth street,
are also at outs and have sought the Jus
tice courts. Yesterday Mrs. Lena Borner
filed an information in Justice Cooper's
court charging Herman Schmidt with at
tempting to kill her. Mrs. Borner alleges
that Schmidt fired a rifle at her and the
bullet tore a hole through her dresa with
out striking any vital place or even wound
ing her. Schmidt la to have a hearing
Monday afternoon. Schmidt In turn filed
an information in the court of Justice
Greene charging Charlea Borner, husband
of Mrs. Lena Borner, with assault with in
tent to kill. Borner's hearing Is set for
Tuesday morning. Both Borner and
Schmidt are out on bonds.
Elmer Sage, living at 2025 Avenue B, waa
In police court yesterday morning on com
plaint of Mrs. Franklin Walkington, a
neighbor living at 2020 Avenue A, who
charged Sage with using loud and profane
language. The trouble started over chil
dren. Sage attempted to drive some chil
dren, whom he said were annoying htm,
out of his yard when Mrs. Sage interfered.
Sage resented" the Interference and used
language which Mrs. Walkington told the
court was "simply fierce." Judge Snyder
fined Sage $5, but later remitted the pen
alty on payment of costs. Mrs. Walking
ton did not escape entirely free, as Judge
Snyder told her she was to blame for
"starting in" on Sage when the latter was
evidently in the heat of anger over the
annoyance from the children. '
Saturday Hardware Specials.
Lawn mowers, $2.19; grass catchers, 43c;
-inch garden hose, per foot, 7c; 3-foot
stepladder, hardwood hose reels, 79c; 14
quart granite dish pans, 19c; lawn fence,
per foot. 12c; gates, 33.50 to $4.00; garden
rakea, 19c; steel spading forks, 49c; shovels
and spades, 4Sc; 24-teeth wire lawn rakes,
29c; gasoline stove ovens, $1.38; 10-quart
granite water pall, 29c; Iron wheel roller
skates, 49c; Iron pumps. $1.90. Everything
In hardware at J. Zoller Mercantile com
pany, 100-102-104-106 Broadway. Four 'phones,
all 320.
. Upholstering.
George W. Klein. 19 South Main street
Both 'phones. Have it done right.
Drink Bidwilwr,
King of all bottled beers, li Rosenfeld
Co.. distributors. Both 'phones 323. '
Failed to Eater Decree.
Albert 'E. Watson was granted in the
diatrict court here a divorce from Nancy
A. Watson on September 6, 1K96. Recently
Mr. Watson deaired documentary evidence
of the divorce, and on applying for a
certified copy of the decree discovered that
through error or oversight the decree had
never been placed on record.
Yesterday Mr. WatBon filed an appll
ration for an order of nunc pro tuno mak
ing the decree aa of the date It waa
originally granted.
N. 7. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night L6M.
Concert and singing, colored orchestra,
every afternoon thla week, at Hunter'.
Everybody welcome.
Arrested for Robbing; Car.
Gordon Bowers, employed as a car
checker In the Rock Island railroad yards,
was yesterday bound over by Judge Snyder
In posjce court to await the action of the
grand jury on a charge of breaking and en
terlng a refrigerator car in the company's
local yards laat Monday night. In default
of ball placed at $300 young Bowers was
committed to the county jail.
The arrest of Bowers was brought about
by G. E. Johnson, night watchman In the
Rock Island yards. Johnson, while making
Ms rounds, heard a noise on the opposite
aids of the car, which was found to have
Make your selection from tho largest stook of Dining Room Furniture ln Omaha. The
styles shown are the very latest and most desirable made, and prices the very lowest
considering the merit and
character of the goods
Two car loads of Dining
Room F u rn it u re awaits
your inspection on our 2d
floor, and our advice to
every one who is in need
of any Dining Rom Furni
turo is to take advantage
of the great assortment and
specially good values
which this stock offers.
Make your selection now
Don't put it off a day.
clearance: sale of Brussels,
velvet (a axminster carpets
Her la nn opportunity to economize. We are offering thousands
of yards of carpeta in quantities ranging from 20 to 100 yards of a
pattern at only a fraction of their real worth
This sale cornea at an opportune time, Just at the beginning of house
cleaning and moving season.
Many of these Carpets with border to match, others without.
All are excellent value and must be sold this week to make room for
new stock arriving.
Many of the new patterns do not equal the ones now on sale, but we can
not duplicate them, therefore they must be closed out.
$1.15 Brussels Carpet, per yard..86o . $1.75 Royal Axmlnster Carpet. .91.00
$1.00 Brussels Carpert. per yarU..70o $1.50 Wilton Velvet Carpet 90o
90e Brussels Carpet, per yard . ...eoo'i $1.35 Wilton Velvet Carpet BOo
80c Brussels Carpet, per yard....60o I $1.25 Wilton Velvet Carpet 76o
been broken Into. Johnson went around
the car, and his testimony was to the ef
fect that he saw a man standing by the
open door of the car with two large pack,
age of merchandise in his arms. Johnson
asked what he was doing, but the fellow
bolted without answering. Subsequent in
vestigation by Johnson brought to light a
hat. which he Identified as belonging to
Bowers. Toung Bowers waa arrested about
halt an hour later in the yard office by
Detective T. B. Richardson. .
Bowers' defense was an alibi and he pro
duced a number of witnesses, among the
number his father, who is night yard
master, who testified that they had seen
Bower in various parts of the yards about
the time the night watchman said he caught
him at the car door.
Extraordinarily Interesting Display
for Easter Season at LenTert's.
One of the prettiest and most attractive
window displays ever seen In Council Bluffs
Is that shown by the Leffert Jewelry store
for the Easter season. In the eaat window
Is ''properly laid the necessary silver and
glass for a ten-course dinner. A rich back
ground of black velvet is touched up with
real Cluny centerpiece and dollies. Bride's
roses, asparagua ferns and pink candle
shades complete the decorations. Place
carda are dainty water color sketches. The
theme of tho whole Is Illustrated by a
water color ketch of "The Girl," "At
Home," "waiting for that little piece of
sliver to add to her collection," with the
hint unobtrusively, tucked away In a cor
ner to "take home a spoon or a fork."
The display Is more than a mere advertise
ment. It Is a lesson In proper table lay
ing. . It is unuaual'.y interesting In Its real
ity. The west window Is purely Easter. A
feature Is a large purple cross on the rich
white background. A chick hitched to a
wagonload of wedding rings gives life to
the scene. It Is understood that this chick
has Just arrived for the aprlng weddings
with Its precious load of golden bonds.
This window exhibits an almost endless
variety of suitable and desirable articles
for Easter gifts.
Marrlasre Licenses.
License to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following: - (
Name and Residence. ! Age.
Oliver C. Kppers. Grand island. Neb.... 30
Ruby Rose Fish, Omaha 19
S. I.. Eusom, Omaha j 21
I. M. Halton, Omaha 21
Railroad Promoters Rosy.
SHENANDOAH, la.. April 18. (8peolal.)
Word has been received here that the
new railroad, which has been talked of
between Rockport, Mo., and this city is
coming to a definite head. The Rockport,
Shenandoah and Dea Molnea Railroad com
pany has Just been organized under the
laws of Maine and it has filed its certifi
cate of organization with the secretary of
state in Augusta. The capital stock au
thorized is $1,000,000 common and $250.ono
preferred, and the company proposes to
own and construct and operate railroads
and other transportation systems with ter
minals, telephones and all other necessary
or desirable auxiliaries. Inasmuch as the
new railroad only costs $7S0,0A it was Im
possible to Incorporate under the . laws
of Iowa, and have any 'watered
stock, . and this Is one of tho reasons
probably why the incorporation went
to Maine, which ' state is so liberal
with these organizations. Liberal dona
tions for this railroad have been made be
tween people living in Missouri and north
of Rockport. $10.CX has been secured by
the people of Rockport and it Is likely that
the people of Shenandoah will be called
on before long to vote on the tax proposi
tion by this new road.
Chancellor Andrews to Speak.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. April 18.-(Spe-clal.)
Dr. E. BrnJamln Andrewa, chancellor
of the University of Nebraska and one of
the prominent educators of the west, has
accepted the invitation of the local school
board to address the graduating class of
the high school on the evening of June 12.
His subject will be "Self Culture."
Meat Department specials.
We cut only the best money and ex
perience can buy. Our Serlals for Sat
urday: Home-made link aausage. pound,
10c; home-madu bulk aausage. pound, sc;
Rex skinned hams, pound. 13V; choice
veal roast, pound, 12Hc; choice cut rib
roast, bone out. pound. 15c; pickled pigs
feet, each IVc- Everything in beef, pork,
veal, mutton, poultry, fish and game. Give
ua your Sunday meat order. J. Zoller Mer
cantile company, luMOi-lOt-lot Broadway.
Four 'phonea, all 820.
413-lO-lT South lOth Street.
Quarter-sawed golden oak buf
fet, like cut, hand-rubbed and
polished, large French plate
beveled mirror, claw feet,
brass trimmings, HLI
for C3 J I
Golden Oak Buffet . .18.00
Early English Buffet. $22.50
Weathered Oak Buffet... $32
Solid Mahogany Buffet... $45
Other Buffets up to . . .$125
Announced Prohibitionists Will Vote
for Him at Primary.
Senator to Be First of Speakers to
Take ike Stamp lm Behalf' of
the Re-Elect Ion of Sena
tor Allison.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, April 18. (Special. ) A. V.
Coates, the Iowa member of the national
committee of the prohibition party, who
was in Des Moines today, said that nearly
all of the prohibitlonlsta of Iowa would ask
for a tepubllcan ballot at the primary elec
tion on June 3 and would vot for John J.
Hamilton for governor, but that they would
vote the prohibition ticket In November.
Mr. Coates returned to Des Moines after
several months' absence from the state with
tils family on his stock ranch in Kansas.
He will remain In Des Moines from thl on
till the campaign 1 over.
The prohibition party has the nomination
paper for it several candidates rea1y
for filing with the secretary of state and
they probably will be filed tomorrow or
Monday, There are three prohibition candi
dates for governor, but Mr. Coates says the
party at the primary will get but a very
few votes. Asked as to Hamilton, who Is
a candidate on the republican ticket, run
ning on a self-made prohibition platform,
he said:
"Mr. Hamilton will get about 15.000 votes
and half of them will be prohibitionists.
Many of the prohibitionists have affiliated
with the republicans more or less for year.
The prohibition party wilt poll but a small
vote at the primary election, but will poll
the full prohibition vote at the November
Asked as to the attitude of the prohibi
tionist on United States senator, he said:
"To vote for Hamilton it will be necessary
for the prohibitionist to ask for republi
can ticket at th prlmarlea. But on the
United Statea aenator quetlon I think they
will be about evenly divided a between
Allison and Cummin."
Dulllver Comes First of May.
It is announced from Washington now
that Senator Dolllver wll) come to Iowa
about the 1st of May to engage in the cam
paign for Senator Allison. At present there
are no speakers In the field for Senator
Nomination Papers Filed.
Owen J. McManus of Council Bluffs to
day filed hla primary election law nom
ination paper a a candidate for atate
uperlntendent of chool. Hla paper con
tained the name of about 14,000 petitioner.
State Superintendent RIgga filed hi pa
per for renomlnatlon to the office yeter
day. Hi petition contained about the same
number of signatures.
Mark J. Waiah filed hla paper as a dem
ocratic candidal for congress from th
Second district.
Nels J. Lee of Emmet county, a progres
sive, and , W. L. Harding of Woodbury
county, a standpatter, two of the membera
of the houae who are auggested as prob
able candidates for speaker at the coming
session of th legislature, today filed their
nomination paper for renomlnatlon at the
June primaries as legislative candidate on
the republican ticket.
Jasper county republicans, who have been
aplit between the standpatters and progres
sives for some years, hsve settled their
differences and compromised. They have
divided the offlcea even, and at the primary
on June $ there will te but one liat of can
didates in the field. A. A. Penqulte of
Colfax will be the legtBlatlve candidate,
Lowers Freight Rates.
The State Railroad cominlaslon today or
dered that from and after May 1 the rate
on triinmlnga and alaba from sawmills be
the same as the soft coal lump rate, which
makes a reduction In the rate of about (0
per cent. A considerable amount of thla
ia shipped for use In box factories and the
t'eatrnetore In Tronhlo.
Parties having contracts for paving on
Dea Moines streets are In trouble and sev
eral carload of creosoted wood blocks for
paving have to go back to the factories
because they contain an insufficient
amount of creosote. Representatives of the
factories were In Des Moines today to seek
to Induce the city to accept the blocks,
but without success.
Drs Melaee Has Big Taak.
To entertain more than 10,000 Duckard
Qusrter-sawed, golden oak
China Cabinet, like cut, full
swell end, full swell door. 1
Isrge mirror back of top
shelf for cut glass, finest
quality finish, for...aa.0O
Golden Oak China Cabinet
for H.B5
Earlv English China Cabi
net for aaa.oo
Weathered Oak China Cab
inet for ttta.OO
Solid Mahogany China Cab
inet for $48.00
Others up to $100.
To stimulate business and reduce our stock to normal, we have
concluded to offer for TI118 WEEK ONLY. BOOM SIZE RUGS at
MarTfoB handred ng offered ta tils sal. Ia consist of all
classes of good and all stses. .
k.Lrii, .am af the nrloM showing ta reductions.
$18 00 Brussels Rug. xl0-. . -gl4-"
$85.00 Brussels Rug. 1 0-xl 2 . .a7.SO
$'J0.7S Brussels Rug, -3xl0-4 . ."1.00
$22.00 Brussels Rug, x12 17.00
$22.00 Brussels Rug, 9-$xll-$. .aW.75
$38.75 Axmlnster Rug. 10-xl-6 S39 60
$35.00 Axmlnster Rug, 10-xl2 .a7.60
$40.00 Axmlnster Rug, 10-xl 2 ."30.00
$29.60 Axmlnster Rug. 8-8x10-. aa.60
at the annual convention which will be
held in thla city June $ to 12 is one of the
biggest convention undertakings Des Moines
has ever had. It Is found that the home
must be opened to the visitors to Insure
them sll resting places.
Cnntmlns' Grandson Sick.
Allen Rawson, the little grandson of Gov
ernor Cummins, is sick with pneumonia
at the governor's house, while its mother
and brother are sick with scarlet fever at
the Rawson home. It Is feared that Allen
Rawson wtll not recover, the physicians
having little hopes. . ; .
Sons of American Revolatloa.
Officers were elected yesterday by the
Iowa society, Bons of the American Revolu
tion, at It meeting at the Bavery, as .fol
low: Dr. E. R. Hutchin of Des Moines,
president; first vice president, George C.
Kennedy of Waterloo; second vice presi
dent, D. C. Mott of Marengo; secretary,
Captain E. D. Hadley; treasurer,' L. E.
Stevens of Ottumwa; registrar, Dr. E. H.
Hazen of Des Moines: chaplain, Rev. J. P.
Burling. Delegates to the national meet
ing, which will be held in Buffalo on April
30 and May 1, are! At large, Willard Seoor
of Forest City; delegates, Julian W, Rich
ards of Waterloo, M. W. Blair of Media
polls, H. B. Hawjey of Dea Moines and
Roger Levitt of Cedar Falls.
Plans for City Beaatlfnl.
Flans for elaborate drives and boulevards
J for the city of Des Moines are to be sub
mitted by architects and landscape gard
ners at a meeting to be held April 23 at the
Commercial club rooms with officers of
the club and city officials. At thla meet
ing it I proposed to organize the various
improvement leagues of the city Into a
central organization' with district and block
organisations, and through these to work
for a thorough renovation of the city and
Improvement in It appearance. The archi
tects and landscape gardeners have . volun
teered their services free. The drives and
boulevards will be planned and then turned
over to the superintendent of parks and
building of the city council to carry Into
execution. ;.:'
New Teachers at Shenandoah.
SHENANDOAH, la,, April 18. (Special.)
At th meeting of the school board held
last night the following teachers wen se
lected for the schools in 8henandoati for
next year; H. H. Wheeler, superintend
ent, at a salary of $1,600; George Brown,
principal, history and civics, $100 per
month; Miss Taylor, mathematics, 1; Miss
Carrie Hunting, Latin and German, 185;
Mis Blanche Stevens, English, $57; Miss
Lamberty, science, $62.60; Miss Sadie Hunt
ing, supervisor of music, $62.60; Miss Gladys
Dunn, supervisor of penmanship and draw
ing, $15. Central building: Mtas Howard,
eighth grade, $57.50; Mis. Martin, seventh
and eighth grade, $55; Miss Culver, seventh
grade, $60; Miss Harriet Nelaon. sixth
grsde, $47.50;. Miss Leila ' Anderson, fifth
and sixth grade, $50; - Miss Davis, fifth
grade, $47.50; Miss McCord, fourth and
fifth grade. So0; Miss Delia Jay, third
grade, $50; Mtsa Schweiser, second grsde,
$52.50; Mias Kittle, first grade, $60. For
est park: Misa Trulllnger, fourth grade,
$47.60; Miss Renstrom, third grade, $30; Miss
Irwin, second grade and principal, $ti0; Miss
Hall, first grade, $60. Broad street: Miss
Grablll, fourth grade, $50; Miss Burton,
third grade, $50: Misa Junk, second grade
and principal, $40; Miss Edith 'Anderson,
first grade, $55.
Monona Connty Conrt News.
ONAWA. la., April 18. Special. )-The
Monona county grand Jurors have con
cluded their labors and adjourned for th
term. No Indictment waa found against
Ben Shaw, late cashier of tha Northwest
ern Railroad company. The ault In tha
district court Oldis against Blotcky St
Popes, damage for injuries alleged to have
been received In an automobile accident
last summer was dismissed.
The Onawa city JaU was condemned by
the grand Jury and ordered placed In more
sanitary condition; the poor farm and
management was approved, but It as sug
gested that some of the Inmstes needed
a bath in the Maple river. G. Peters, the
man wanted in South Dakota by Sheriff
Rawlinga, was indicted by th grand Jury
for bigamy.
Four divorces were granted by ths dis
trict court: J. H. Burks against Mary
Burke, desertion; William Johnson agalnat
Emma Johnaon, cruel and Inhuman treat
ment; Ella A. Norwood from Axel E. Nor
wood, desertion and nonsupport.
Iowa New Notes,
CRE8TON A beautiful polished brass
cross (or the altar of St. Paul's Episcopal
church at this place haa been donated by
Mrs. Sweet of Bridgewatar. The cross la
of handsome design and we manufactured
by a New York art firm.
CRESTON Evangaytst 'Btedsrwolf wrltee
t Cretoa pastor' tttat wlLa aua, ho la
SlltlirO TABLX3.
Quarter-sawed and polished table,
like cut, 4 8-inch diameter. 8-ft.
extension, beautiful designed
pedestal, moulded rim, Q"f
polished leaves, for. . . .mJ&ZJ
Early English Table, 45-ln. 18.00
Weath'ed Oak Table,'45-in. 24.73
Golden Oak Table, 64-in.. .40.00
Solid Mahogany Table, 48-in..50
Others at all prices, from 7.50 up
to 100.00.
Dijrura cxaixs
Dining chairs in full cobbler seat
or In boxed frame, leather seat,
from 95c to $4.50
$30.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 0xl.1-
at $33.00
$SH.0O Wilton Velvet Rugs, 10-x
18- 30.00
$32.75 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 10-6x11
at $36.60
$1 50 Wilton Velvet Rugs, x-
at $14.00
$28.60 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 8-3x10
at $10
$20.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x9. $18.00
bringing to Creston to assist In the revival
meetings, soon to begin, Mr. Paul Gilbert,
the tenor soloist who traveled with Torrey
and Alexander, and la now with Chapman
and Alexander.
CRESTON-Wesley Bryant of thla place
is In receipt of a letter informing him of
his appointment as messenger In the repub
lican national convention at Chicago, held
In June.
ATLANTIC Miss Gladys and Hazel
Burkhalter of Marne were seriously hurt
In a runaway accident. Gladys had her
foot broken and Hazel's face and lips were
so. badly cut that it required five stitches
to repair the damage, besides both being
badly bruised about tha body.
ATLANTIC Mrs. Frank ..txtch died at
the home of her father-in-law here yester
dsy after but a few davs' Illness of peri
tonitis. Deceased waa 27 years of age and
had been married four years. She was a
resident .of Harlan before moving here a
few years sgo. Funeral Saturday at I p. m.
ESTHERVILLE At the home of the
groom's father occurred the marriage nf
Rav Lesher to Miss Rose West of Albert
Lea. Rev A. C. Droy officiating. The
voung people will visit relatives snd
friends at Albert Lea, Owatonna and tiio
Twin Cttlee, after which they will make
their home In Esthervillc. (
SIDNEY Sam Carter, who runs a saw
mill In Sidney, carr.e near being crushed
to-death by a large log which he was try
ing to place on the carrier. A rope broke
and the log rolled back, striking Mr. Car
ter, knocking him down snd breaking hla
leg The cant hook Btruck lilm in the face
and broke hla Jawbone and inflicted other
CRESTON Serious chsrges have been
filed by John Hall against O. W. Fogg,
ticket agent for the Burlington at this
place, charging him with perjury In regard
to atatements made relative to the change
In the name of the company, and which,
as Hall claims, had a bearing on the case
brought by him some time ago against the
railroad company for personsl Injuries.
ONAWA The Harrison and Monona
County Boards of Supervisors have been
in session the last two days here and aro
engaged In looking after the drainage
dltchee. which Involve over $5(10.000. now un
der contract John Cnnyers, a largn
land owner, appeared before the Joint
boards and wanted the county to pay for
a bridge across the ditch. He haa already
been awarded damagea once.
SIOUX CITY Forty Sioux City saloon
keepers have attached their signatures to
a petition addre-aed to Mavor W. O. Sears,
the police and fire commissioners and I o
llce Chief John Dlneen askle that all sa
lns In the citv be rn-"iiei4 to comply
with the mu'ct law. The alnonkef per a-ik
that the law be enforced i;v the H 'v au
thorities rather than by the I
league. Mavor Sears Is out with a state
ment that the petition of the saloon Inter
ests Is In keeping with the Program si
ready mapped out by him for his new term
as mayor. Th mayor will ask the eltr
council to revoke the licenses of all aeai
ers found guilty of violations.
MARSHALLTOWN The Congregatlonal
ists of Union. Hardon county, will on Bun
ds v. Aorll 28, dedicate iner im-w
sr n Will ba
preach tne oeoicuim -- i," rir
aasisica in ms in" - - v. c
T. O. Douglss of Grlnnell and fig'-f.fil
Warner of Eldora and L. B. lllx of una
assisted in the services or u. (V
or,A.rwoMarodFr2:nCyeU.OCtehno f r
Snd feU tc tne lloor, the noise attracting
Member, of th, family to her room. Prompt
medical atlent on saved her life ana i
than herself. .
rival or air . (n Germany.
company ot loriy . . . their
helped them remember the day oi mir
wedding fltty years ago.
ATLANT1 J -Tli Jury in the H. I Ncl-
r.e.dl sued ro',eiV..d.-f.J'wlH mii:
wrVb?! .wife. . but a few day. e.
Jury snd the peop'e
sl,oed their Interest in "V. " o
crowding the court room. I his will prou-
ably lake a wee or ien uj.
CRESTON A monster locomotive ha
been attracting much attention in th local
railroad yards at this place. It was con
structed for use on the lines of the Oreat
Northern road and Is on Its way to lta new
field of work. Because of Its great weight
'1 tens-It Is obliged to lay here until
the strength of the bridges west of here
csn be ascertained. Much delay was also
occasioned at Ottumwa from the same
cause. Th monster engine bss six drive
wheels upon each side, and from the pilot
to the rear end of tsnk la a distance of
rightv-four feet, and there are four lsrg
cvlindera. It ia known as an L-l. and la
one of twenty which the Great Northern I
bav"g built to handle It heavy western
traffic. ,
Br using the various department of The
Bee Want Ad Pa you yet Quick return
it ft small, xpofi '
enurcn. i ne ouuuiuh ha
building blocke. trimmed in stone It has
a seating cspacity of . Dr. Edward A.
.., nrinne II. will
...a-.. tr mm tkl
cob Wise, an oia ana "JYnrtai cele-
coiiDle of Vienna township, today '
b?eied the fiftieth anniversary of their
marriage, which waa l''"""'' waa
veatwdly in favor of the contestant, ftnd
lf fha? th " wife used undue influence and
L fing the mother and al.ter their one-half
Merest in the .0W estate. The case of
V....rn.v B. A Goodspeed. wherein it is
ouxiit to remove mm irom omcc
fh" c isrge of misconduct and mlsappropi l-
V n of funds, is now under way. It took
i Inns time to get the