Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4, Image 32
0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. APRIL 10, 1903. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR 4LB (Continued.) Payne, Bostwick & Company Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. $1,450 SS20 Charles St., S-room cottage, (rood repair, newly painted, good location, louth front,' fin shade, good barn, nice garden. A bargain. tl.ffiO Tf2 N. 28th Ave., 4-room cottage. lolKlxlOO. city water and sewer, pas, rood re pair, noma fruit, life blocks to car. Terma, about half cash, balance monthly. $?.4"0 Near 8t. John's church, i rooms, modern except heat. A coxy home close In. tl,JO 42i Iafayetta Aye., 6-room cottage, city water and gas, fruit, lot 60x180. A bargain. $3,800 M22 N. ZSth Pt., new 8-room and reception hall, two mantel and grate, electrio light, hot water heat, lot 60x122, barn. Terms, about half cash. 13,850 A special bargain, 41fi6 Cuming fit.. rooms, all modern, two mantels and grates, laundry; paved afreet, permanent wilka, fine ahade. This place would accommodate quite a large family. Price for quick aale reduced from $4,000, and la a anap at 3,K4. Immediate possession. Close In Investment , TlO-13 8. 17th Ft., two modern 10-room houses; lot B5xlS5, running through to 17th , Ave., which gives a fine frontage on 17th Are. to build brick houses. Both streeta paved. See ua for further particulars. Building Lots ' About 39 lots In Wilcox's add., near Vinton and. 24th St. car barn, ranging In price from $."( up. t 710 A fine lot in Field Club district, 46x13, south front, nice terrace. A big bar- gain. . I V0in Walnut Hill district, on Cuming St., north front, third tot west of 41st Ave.; ' paving paid; worth $1,200. For quick sale owner has authorised ua to aell at , this low figure. , Douglas County Farm $40 an Acre This, Is the cheapest land within 25 miles of Omaha. An Ideal stock farm. Small house, . . barn and other outbuildings. Plenty of water, timber and pasture. Halt mile , from Elk City. Payne, Bostwick & Company Phone Douglas 1016. JUST COMPLETED 8-room house WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Thla la in that new and rapidly develop ing part of the West Farnam district west of 40th street and north of Dodge street; house number will be 111 North 4 1 at street, a block from either branch of the West Farnam car line; 8 large, airy rooms, large attlo, full basement with laundry room and extra toilet, dull oak flntfih down stairs, columns between re ception hall and living room, oak mantel, birch finish and white enamel up stairs, bedrooms large with windows on two sides and large closets; beautiful fixtures and everything right up-to-date. The lot is 60x126 feet. 4-ff terrace, very sightly. Several renters offer $50 per month, but prefer to aell. Price, 16,200. If not eoisj will lease. Harrison & Morton 8-12-18 N.Y. Life. Tel. D. 314, or A-S144. (1) . Choice Building Lots About one block from 24th St. car line on Evans St., city ' . water, sewer and cement walks will be put In front of these lota thla spring. Future, of neighborhood Is assured bv building restriction. Price, $iW0 ' to $676; 1100 cash, balance $10 fer month. Several lota sold his week. Take advantage of these low prices and buy now. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. (19) MB76 20 FOR BALIS Real estate, two lots each, 05 foot front and 6-room cottage near 83d and California Eta., $2,500 cash. Phone Harney 374. (19)-M-672 20x 1 Beautiful Upland Terraces - This is a new addition of acre tracts on the Florence Boule vard, with thirteen hundred foot frontage on'the street car line, across the-boulevard from Miller Park. Every acre lot fronts on two graded streets and is laid out so that each acre can be sub divided into half acre, quarter acre, or six city lots each 140 feet deep and fronting on a graded street. ,This addition is the most beautiful one now on the market with a commanding view of the river. Florence and Nakom'a lakes, Council Bluffs and Lake Man ama can be seen in the distance. This property overlooks Miller Park and the east part ef Omaha. The addition is now offered for sale for the first time and at attractive prices. Select your choice at once. First come is first served. Apply to us for par ticulars and we will be pleased to show you over the land. Jeff W.: Bedford & Son Phones : Doug. 115; Ind., B1015. $3,500 14i North J5th street, strictly modern, eight-room house with large attlo room, oa floors, full cemented boaement, comulna tion flktures in the house, permanent walk and everything just ready to occupy. 141$ North 34th street is a beautiful corner-lot with atrietly modern eight-room bouse, finished in oak on first floor and hard pine with maple floors on second floor. This Is one of the choicest pieces of prop erty In the Bemls Park district and will be, ready to occupy In about ten days; UXOi. G. W. GARLOCH. 3310 Hamilton St. 09)-T4t 19x , SOUTH OMAHA SNAPS Beautiful new g-room house, part mod ern, lik elegant shape, splendid neighbor hood, cluae to car line, walking distance, l.xccllent very large lot fenoed, permanent walk, fruit and shade trees. Barn and chicken house and yard. Owner leaves the city tonight and property muat be sold by the uth a sacrifice price; only part cash required. , NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6S1-81 B-andels Bldg, Omaha, Neb. - (1S-M 7S7 10 4328 Charles St One-half block weat of Walnut 11111 car, 1 blink from school, south front, ahade, lot U'xlfO. water, gas. electrio light, nine rooms, ily arrange for another family's rent to aid In pytiig for home. PWaae do not uiiurb tenants, but see ua for prices and Urjns. OK EE rK REAU ESTATB COMPANY, loci New York Life Bldg. Both 'phones, Doug, and ArSlbl. (19) For Sale or Trade We have 11 lota In Bedford Place that we will it 11 or trade for I nrle Sam's grn trudtiift atamps In denominations of 110.00 uown an, t-t o x-r month, and for the low t rue of to I'iuGO. JfcrP W BhDPukD t SON, . t'jir.lng ril. 3V),es boktfla U3; Independent. ii-i Uj-4i;4 1 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALR (Continued) (10)- FOR RENT MIDLAND GLASS & PAINT COMPANY BUILDING. NOS. 1G08-10-12 IIARNEY ST. Five stories and a basement, brick building; fronting south on Harney St., just across from the Bennett Department Store, ad joining new Owl Drug Company on the west. One of the best retail locations in Omaha. The building has over 52,000 sq. ft. floor space. Will sub-divide if necessary, and make reasonable alterations and repairs. Rental very low for location. Lease for about ten years. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. OS) 3 Lots Kenwood . .Addition Only 5 blocks from D. A D. car. Corner and lota adjoining. Owner forced to aelL Your time to buy. 1400. , SHIMER 4 CHASE COMPANY, CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. 1909 Farnam. ground floor. - Both phones. (19)- 2306 Cuming Street. WE STILL HAVE A FEW RESIDENCE LOTS In the block east of Slat atreet, between Harney at. and Dewey ave., that we will close out cheap. This location Is fine and la bound to Increase In value and that is the kind of properly to put your money into. It Is close to car line, school and churches, and within easy walking distance from the business district. We make the price so reasonable that you are sure to do well either as a iml-uU. tion or for building purposes. Will sell on easy terms If you wish. L. D. SPAULDING, 'Phone Douglaa 230. Omaha Naft Bk. Bldg, s (IK) ' THREE NORTHS! DE BARGAINS. . 31.400. (-room cottage, partly modern and In splendid condition, good bricked cellar, storm windows, full screens, small hum permanent walk; would easily rent for near inn ana Ames Ave. very eaay terms. i 31.450 INVESTMENT T-room. t-story house, all modern except heat, has new porcelain tub and toilet, hot water boiler, permanent walks, corner lot and rents for 117.60 ter nrftnlh: tukea a little over $500 cash to handle thla If sou inie week. 31.800. 8-room, all modern house, 4 large bed rooms and bath 2d floor, 4 large rooms 1st rioor, mantel ana grate. Tine new furnace. south front 60x136. Owner building and anxious to aell. Near 24th and Templetoit cut. BIRKETT . 423 Bee Building. 'Phones, Douglas 4764 Ind., A-1764. (!)- .YOU WILL HAVE TO ACT. QUICK. Southeast corner of h and Capitol Ave., only two lots left. It has been onlv one wk since this comer was subdivided and thrown on the market. Two of them are sold, the cellars dug and new houses being DUUl. N Buy these lots and let us build you a house iu walking distance. C. P. THAYER, Plnea: Red 4T'.l; Ind , A-1721. 425-8 N. Y ' L Building. (lS-726 1 REAL ESTATE CITY rflOPERTY FOR SALB (Continued.) HOME BARGAINS $900 5 -room cottage, city water, new roof, gouth front. 11,600 5-room cottage in good order, water, newer and gas fixtures, would rent at 116.00. $2,200 8-room, two story house, bath, gas, could be used by two fam ilies, east front lot, 60x81, near 20th and Ohio. ON EASY PAYMENTS. $2,500 6-Toom, modern new house on Ohio near 80th, well bunt, on south front lot. 60x127. $2,500 6-room cottage at 2119 Maple street, modern except furnace, lot 60x122, pared street, a nice loca tion. $2,300 A nice 6-room cottage, all modern with bath, no furnace, In best of order, front and side porch, lot 60x 140 with fruit and shade trees, a good barn, on north 19th street near Kountze Park. $2,400 A good 7-room house on N. 24th St. opposite Redlrk home, modern, bath, lot 40x132 with a good barn, a very cheap place. 2,800 8-room, good house, at 2514 Blnney, partially modern, in good or der, extra well built. $3,200 A 8-room, modem home place, hot water heat, on 2407 North 22d street, lot 40x140, paved street, near two car lines. $2,650 6-room house, modern ex cept furnace. Just north of Bemls park, moat new and in good order, lot 48x 127 with a barn. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Price Reduced from $4,000 to $3,500. " 9-room, all modern, front and back stairway, on first floor and parlor, Bit ting room, library, dining room and kitchen, four bedrooms upstairs, house is in good order, lot 60x124, on paved street. A new, modern, up-to-date home on Wirt street, 28x32, hard wood finish and floors, hot water heat, combina tion fixtures, laundry, stairway to a floored attic, lot 60x124, paved street, $6,200. Nine vacant lots, each 62x124, three blocks from end of Ames Ave. car line, tor $650. 60x167, between 34th and 35th, fronting on Charles and Hamiltfii', for $1,100. W. II. GATES, Room, 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. 19 $500 Cash We Will Build You A Home in . Our Collier Place Addition ' at 30th and Ames Ave. The balance Just the came as rent. Thla addition has more new houses under con struction than any addition north of Kountze Place. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS No house allowed coating less than 11,200. Tills addition has cement sidewalks, water, aewer, gas and electric lights, paved street all the way downtown, only 18 min utes ride on car. Take Amea avenue car and get off at 30th, 81st Ave. or 33d St. Salesman on the ground thla afternoon and every afternoon all week. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. . 09)- For SALE Eight-room modern dwelling, east "front, corner lot, both streets paved, barn, on car line. $7,000 Alfred C. Kennedy 1102 SOUTH 32D STREET 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone, Douglas 722. (!) BARGAINS 66 feet by 160 feet on Cass St., Park Place, 1330, Four 1-acre tracts in New port, each 1250. v Lot on Hamilton 8L, Or chard Hill. $126. Large lot Clifton Hill, track age, 1500. Two full lots, list and Ohio, both, $400. W feet south front, email house, 40th and Charles, $600. South Omaha""1ote on West L St., cheap. ICO sightly lota In Florence, cheap. 1 full acre In South Omaha, $eoa. Several lots, in city Just east of Dundee. Also lots In all parts of city, cheap. Dexter l. thomas, 413 Bee Bldg. (1)-M73S 19 BARGAIN. Lots 8, 8. T and a. block . Dwlght at Ly man'a addition; prlcea to two blocks from ILd Ave. car and oue block sulti of new Crvighton ail.ttttun. where 1 .l sell fur tJ to !.'. Make rash of fer ou the four lota. Address W S'?. ha. REAL ESTATE CITY TROPERTV FOR BALK (Continued.) Choice Xocations FOR Brick Flats or Apartment Houses 2Gth and St. Mary's Ave., 12SV2x392 ft. Choice for large apartment house, $20,000. 150x134 ft. on Farnam St. and 2Gth St. A fine - location for "some bricks. $18,000. v 132x132 ft. S. W. Cor. 27th and Farnam. $13,200. The northeast corner 25th Ave. and Dewey Ave., 70x120 ft. 8-room house, rents for $300 a year. $4,300. The Byron Reed Company Phone, Doug. 297 . 212 South 14th St. Want a Home? 7fl8 North KM. 6-room otage, modern ex cept heat, on Harney car line, a handy home for 12,500. Hanseom Park, (l-ronmi, hsndv, on paved street, modern and only built three years. Price $3, ISO, . 24th and Emmet, square house, 6-rooms, all modern with hot water heat, can be had for 13,100. IjWcst JHarney, 8-rooms, all modern, large Bemls Park, new 7-room, modern, paved street and one block to car, easy worth more than 13,750. 5th and Dodtre, 8-rnnms, all modern, right In town for only $5,300. v.i.. uiih uiii uuuivvira in nemiH pnrK, a larRe, sounre house, new, oak finish, beamed ceilings, etc., lot 53x220, $5,7. Got to be seen. We want an offer for 2025 Dodge St.. fac ing the HlRh school grounds. 12-rooms. all modern, large lot. cost $16,000 to build. orun ana unroin Douievard In Bemls park. coln boulevard, cheapest lot around for C R. Clover & Son 601-2-8 N. Y. Life. FOR SALE Best quarter section In Perkins county, Neb.; N. W. 14 section 15. range 9. town ship 36; without Improvements; 6 miles from railroad town; good loam, no sand. Price, $9 per acre; one-half cash, bal ance 1 year at 7 per cent Will exchange for span of mares or stock cattle. NEL8 A. LUNDQREN, 626 N. Y. Life. (191-1.406 19 NEW location. Benjamin R. E. Co., 47? Brandeis Bldg. Both 'phonea. (19) 637 SPECIAL OF SOME OF THE FINEST LOTS IN THE WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE DISTRICT. These lots are all atgrad; good, solid ground,, affording substantial building sites and juRt far enough from Farnam st to avoid the noise and dust. Asphalt paved street, lined with handsome shade trees, and the opposite side of the street is entirely built up with elegant hoyaes, Insuring a splendid neighborhood. ' ... Houses sell better and rent for more money in this location than In any other part of the city. We can offer these choice lots this week at prices that make them the biggest bargain in the 'upper Farnam district. . If j'ou want to secure one of the most desirable locations In this city. It will pay you to Investigate these lots at once. ' A Few' Other Bargains Five acres choice garden land southwest of city for J 950. Modern 8-room house near 38th and Charles, $2,950 only, f 400 cash, $50 month. " Three lots near 42d and Farnam, good location to build flats $2,500. Fine east front lot in west Farnam district for $1,750. Handsome lot near 31st and Dodge, only $1,850. ' 12 lots on Center street near Ruser's park; fine place for chickens, $1,500. Cheap trackage, 132 feet, close in, for quick sale at $9,500. Elegant residence lpt near 38th and Fa.rnam; paving all paid, for $2,875. New modern 12-room residence In west Farnam district only $14,000.. HICKS 219 Board of 8-Room, West Side, I $2,401V Just listed and positively a big bargain. No. 44JS Capitol Ave.; has hall, parlor with mantel, back parlor, dining room and kitchen on first tloor, four good bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; plumbing In excellent condition and good cistern; house newly painted and papered; has good barn and on lot bux106. Occupied by owner and can be aeen Sun day between and 4. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., ! 132" Farnam Street. Douglas 'PHONES Independent A10M. (19)- For Sale or Trade A large tract of land, com prising 56 city lots, all in one piece, located in the northwest part of South Omaha. Has 800 feet of trackage on the C. & N. W. R. R.. Will sell or trade for Omaha property. Calf "Webster 499 for further information. (19) 587-11 DOES YOUR MONEY EARN TEN PER CENT Invest it is Philadelphia. Pa., homes, al ways rented and earn more. Absolutely safe Investment. New Brick houses. Easy terms, only $tM), cash required. Titles guaranteed by largest Title Company In Philadelphia . Bend for free Illustrated booklet. Interesting proposition to out-of town purchasers. Edgar E. Shafer, Builder and K-al Fatate Operator. 201 h and B(rnur exrerls, Philadelphia, Pa. 0 -2 IPX WHEN writln to advertisers, kindly j mention The Bee. - v REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR Mkt,K (Continued.) The southeast corner 24th and Langdon Court just south of Harney 100x150 ft., $11,000. The southwest corner Georgia Ave. 29th street and Pacific. 54V2xl42 ft., with all specials paid in full. $3,250. Near 27th and St. Mary's Ave. 54x80 ft. Both, streets paved $2,200. The northeast corner 2Gth and Douglas Sts., 50x135 ft., $3,500. Buy in Boulevard , Park BECAUSE you get more for your money than elsewhere. BECAl'8E all public Improvements, sewer, water, gas, electric light, cement waiKs, trees, etc, are in and paid for. liECAl'SE all Improvements in the addl tion Rre new and modern. BECAl'BK the many modern homes are occupied bv owners. HFjCAUSE It has five-minute direct car service, without transfer to the heart of the city and the iOth St, boulevard along the entire west line of the addition. BECAUSE of the natural advantages en joyed in wouievard rark, overlooking as It does the Missouri valley and within easy warning oistance or the lake, with Ita boat' ing, fishing, bathing and huntlno-. BECAUSE every buyer in the addition brings his friends there, which accounU for Its rapid growth. BECAUSE there Is bound to he a sharp advance In prlcea as the result of the build ing activity. BECAUSE" lt'a cheaper to own than rent when lots can be had at such rid'.rulously low pricea lor me next week b76, $u00, $025. Buy. Shimer & Chase Co. Doug. 3S67. 1009 Farnam. A-3S42. (19)- INVEST Not In mlnea 1.000 miles away, but. In your nome ciiy in two wen-Kept cottages, yearly rental $4.12. Located on Walnut Hill, only one block from car with 6-mlnute service. Churches, stores and school so close aa to compel steady rental. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phones D or A-2152. (19) Trade Bulldlne. (19) 803 lOx NEW HOUSE For Sale or Rent. . $7.50 CASH - And the balance the same aa rent, w!,l buy this BRAND NEW MOJVERN DWELLING: haa good furnace, gus, elec tricity, porcelain bath, aewer and city water; three bedrooms and bath on second floor; three rooms and nice reception hall on first floor; nicely pa per e-!; large attic end cemented cellar. A nice east front lo'., with shade and cement walks. Iok at It, 2218 N. lxth St. Price, $3,600. If It Is not sold within a few days we will offer It for rent at $ per month. GARVIN BROS. 1704 Farnam St. (19)- 828 SOUTH 35TII AVE. MODERN HOME Choice 7 rooms, new, up-to-date. Reliable party can buy on small payment down and balance monthly. R. H. LANDERYOU 442 Board of Trade. i Tel. Doug. 2151. (:9) VACANT LOT West Harney St. The last South front lot In this choice location. J. H. DUMONT & SON., 'Phone Douglas 3u, lft Farnam 8.. (lit SALE REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SAtH (Continued.) GARVIN BROS. HOUSES 6o4l5 Dorcaa, s-room cottage; prt terms if desired. $2,S00 Near 24th and Amea, Ave., nearly new 5-room cottage, porcelain bath, electricity, city water, cemented cel lar. LARGE LOT, east front; part terms. , , . $4,2uO 1HI4 Locust St., 10-room modern dwel ling, with lot 100x124 ft., houso alone cost over $5,000. $4.00O-5C.4 Harney Bt. WB WANT JO CLOSE OUT -THIS PROPERTY AND WANT TOU TO MAKE 18 AN OFFER for this 9-rorm modern v house, located in walking distance. $5,000 A nearly new modern dwelling In the West Farnam district near Mr. Yatea residence. It haa 8 rooms, " every modern convenience and paved street, and la a beauty; part terms. $6,760 Will buy one of the best located rropertloa In the West Farnam dla rlct. A very desirable, nearly new, dwelling of i rooms, with choice cor ner lot. both streeta paved and all taxes paid. If you want something choice call ua up about this. VACANT $ 30xl, corner 17th and Ieke: terms. ! 70H-34 X 120, 17th and Lake; easv terms. 75037x140, litth near Spruce; terms. 7."iO 417x140. lxth near Spruce; terms. $ 6SO 4Rxl2C, near !mh and Vinton; terms. $t.GfiO-0 ft.. 24th and Jones; for flata. $2,000100x135; best corner Dundee. . . . INVESTMENTS Price $fi,SO0, rent $7KV-Good double flat In choice location, near 29th and Jackson. Bee us about this. Price $17,o-io, rent $2.100 Good modern flat In west part city and walking distance. Where can you heat this for an Investment?, Price $lti,6u0, re-nt- $2,000 Very choice and nearly new brick houses In choice section of West Farnam district. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. ' , (IS)- REAL ESTATE ' ' FARM AND RANCU LAN D .FOH. SALS ' ' Cvlorndo, ' ' ' ' FOR BALE-;-800 acres, good Colo. soil. Address owner, 1511 6th St., Greeley, Colo. ' .... (2o M4S 21x FIFTEEN TO TWENTY DOLLARS PER ACRE. For best land In Colorado and almost -within alght of Denver; one fine sec- -tlon eight miles from city limits, $7.60. Best Irrigated lands In Colo., $13. R. M. CASH, T. M. C. A., Denver, Colo. (20J-738 19X Missouri. 320 ACRES of good land; 80 acres In culti vation; 2 sets improvements, good timber, near good railroad town; $2.8ihi; terms. L. A. Hudson, Hutton Valley, Mo. (2O1-M504 19x Nebraska. IF YOU WISH TO BUY V"' or trade for ranch property In Nebraska, we have some propositions which it will pay you to Investigate. Also write us for prices of western lands. B. E. BIERER & CO., 411 Bee Bldg. (20)-627 23 , . . '- iN VESTMENT I-fr-ar. ft. Here Is a gilt-edge one. A fine farm of 150 acres; good 10-room house, brick cellar, good barn and granary, corn cribs, chicken and milk house, well and mill. Well fenced and cross-field. Alfalfa .and timothy field, hog pasture, largo grove, living water for atock. Situated in the Cedar Valley, Ne braska, 4 miles from 2 good towns. Thlj place is worth $100 per acre today and If rightly handled will sell for same. Cheapest farm In Boone Co. today by $M) per acre at least. Only for sale until May 1 at $6) per acre. Will demonstrate all the above to your satisfaction. Reasonable terms. Address N care Bee. (20)-etl 19 RELINQUISHMENTS Our western land man Just returned from Kimball Co., Neb., where he InspecteJ three tracts) of 480 acres each. Improved good farming land, close to R. R. towns, adjoining land worth $12.00 an acre. One tract $1,100, the other two a little more. One wheat crop will more than pay for the land. Quick action necessary. . . NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, . 681-582 Brandies Bldg. ' Omaha, Neb. (20)-738 2V FOR BALE 680 acres choice farm land; 360 acres In cultivation; 60 acres alfalfa; 2U) acrea corn; well Irigated; all fenced; has .ll modern In provements. Including ele vator, wltl storage capacity of 12,000 buahels; near railroad; price, $05 per acre If aold this month. This is a great snap. If Interested address Y 420, care Bee. (30) M-670 iOx FOR SALE Three acres, all Incloaeu. Finest location in Benson. Address W. H. Easterday,. Bensou, Neb. (20) 700 19x FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH at Fort Calhoun, the prettiest home near Omaha for Ita size, about 4H acres, JjO peach trees, 73 apple, cherry and plum trees, acre strawberries, raspberries, grapes and other fruit. Small house In good con dition; barn, wagon ehed and corn crib. All fruit young and In bearing condition. I ran offer thla place to you for $3,000 cash. Possession Alay 1. - II. A. STEAVENSON. 332 Board of Trade. Tel. Webster 25S9. . (20)-ft2 19 CHEAP NEBRASKA LAND. 901 acres, large portion ricTl valley land, in Cheyenne County, Neb., will make fing grain and stock farm. Only $7.60 an acre. II1CKB' REAL ESTATE CO., OMAHA. (30)-M(j3 13x INVESTMENTS. . Hertt Is a gilt-edge one. I A farm of 160 acres; good 10-room houe, brick cellar, good barn and granary, corn cribs, chicken er.ri nnlk hunt,, well and mill; well fenced anil croas-fenced; alfalfa and timothy field, hog pasture, :arge grove? living water for stock: situated in the Cedar val ley, Nebraska, 4 miles from 3 good towns. This place in worth $100 per acre totlay and li rightly handled will aell for same. Cheapest farm In Boone Co. today by $-0 per a-re at leavt. Only for aale until May 1 at $30 per acre. Wll: demonstrate all the above to your ssiitfactlon. Reason able terms. AuUrem A 8ti8. care B.-e (20) 561 1$ Ranch and Farm 3,000 acres deeded. 4S0 school land, 10 milea north of AINSWOItTH, BROWN CO., NEB. ; 2.UO acres choice farm land, 1.UA) acres under cultivation, balance fine hay and graas land, black, sandy loam soil, 2 sets of Improvements, 'at mllt-a cf wire fence, plenty of timber, abundance of water. THIS Is one of the test stock and grain farms In the slate. WILL sell cheap on favorable terms or consider In exchange good CITY Income pro)n. OWNER unuble to conduct same, recently crippled for life. J. H. JOHNSON. 843 N. Y. Life. Oli-MIk.! lflx Nertk Oakata. OUT T1IRY OO On the new C M. St. P. Coast Hnllay. throusb Adania county. North Dakuia. which Is attracting hemeeeekers to an unexcelled farming country. Bun&hme, fiee coal, pure water, aure crops, a home and profitable occupation for you. i-aud Lut $10 to $i0 an acre row. Easy teens. We have homestead relinquishments for sale. ei Wm. H. Brown Co., Hayui-s or Molt. North Dakota, or 131 LaSatie L. Chfcago. HL Maps free. Mention this tspr. Or write War klaadau. North lit oia. office. (iui Ubw REAL ESTATE FARM AD RAXCH LAJIO FOR SA.LQ (Continued.) Aew Me a lew. 22,000 ACRES 'j ( Panhandle. Railroad Land At Portales, New Mexico. Two and one-half mile from Santa F R. R.. In tracts of f acres or more. Price from $9 to $14 per acre. Time, from 6 to 10 yeara. Water, from 10 to feet. Boll, rich , black and sandy loam. Buy excursion tickets via Santa, 1 R. R to Portalea. New Mexico, on the 7th and 7th of April. For' particulars address B. II. Talmadge, 804 Commeroe Bldg. Agents wanted. Kansas City, Mv (30)-tS4 19 tat Dakota. 140-ACRB Improved farm. Brown county. South Dakota, $25.00 per a rre. Two smaller farms at bargain prices. Sev eral quarters unimproved land. All fins Investments and win stand closest In spection. Cash or terms. Rox C$. Aber deen, 8. D. ($0) M16 MS BOMB choice farms In eastern South Da kota for sale or exchange. Easy terms. It. J. Kicks. Big Stone City, 8. D. ()-M4ta Mix 2.000 acres of t'tah graxlng land; price $2 per acre; will trade equity $1,000 for Omaha or South Omaha lot; balance long time. HASTINGS aV HEYDEN, LAND DEPT. Bca Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - - ()- Mlaeella WESTERN LAND, large and small tracts; , sale and exchange. National Invt Co 682 Brandela Bldg. (20 a STOCK AND GRAIN FARM 4S0 acres', deeded, with quarter section school land. Improved, with good house and other buildings, windmill, reservoir, only two miles from a postorfice. All kinds of small grnln, potatoes, were raised last year. We'll make attractive terms to a practical farmer. O KEEFE REAL K3TATE COMPANY, Department B. 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha Nrb Long Distance 'Phones Bell and Ind. 2152 ' (20i WANTED Readera of mv booklet, "Land .Values," full of good Information for nil Innd buyers. Free for the asking. Ad dress Wm. J. Mundt, Pierre, s. d. Dept. A .. (20) 3S9 20 FOR SALE 2 farm, SO and 2(0 scieg ad joining town of Eldorado Bprinns. Mo. "-Well Improved. Will aell senarntelv Jointly or subdivide, would consider part trade. Far particulars, adrexs Box ,V 13. Eldorado Springs, Mo. (20) r,:3 l?x TRI'CK gardening In Porto Rico. Finest earthly spot for farming; crops never stop growing; temperate all yenr; partic ulars, Curtis Bond, 17 Battery Place. New . York. fao) 1T lfx REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farms, Ranches and Pasture Lands. FOR RENT At present well ditched farm, 160 acres pasture, 240 acres corn land, unplowed for two years; has raised ninety bushels per acre; renter gots first 25 bushels per acre, I get next 15 bushels, and remainder divided equally; buildings. Lock Box 365. Tekamah, Neb. (21V-MS4S 19k REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,000 made promptly, p. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lath and Farnam. (22) 670 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. ' OARV1N BROS., Iti04 FARNAM. ( a7 UONlflY TO LOAN On Improved city prop. erty; building loans a specialty; no delay. W. J.L Thomas. 603 1st Nat l Bk. Bldg. (22J-M741 ill .MORTGAGES We have Ue following GILT EDGE MORTGAGES. If you want one let ua knows ;.- - ' ". i.i... .i. I 800 one at per cent. $ 8i0 one at 6 per cent. $1,000 one at 6 per cent. : ' ' f 1,2)0 one at 6 per cent. BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. Douglas 6.-5- PHONES Ind. A 15. (23)- LOANS on Improve Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co, 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. .-' m )m LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Bloclc . (22)-g73 PRIVATE MONEY CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. IL MITHEN. 202- 18r NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL DOUG. 1278. (22)-e7 Money to Loan If you have Improved Omaha real estate security and want money quickly and at lowest rate of Interest, you will save time by coming to ua. Garvin Bros. 1601 Farnam. ' (23-i WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnaui Smith & Co.. 10 Farnam St ' ' (22) 86 by PER CENT money to loan on eastern Nebraska farms and good business pion erty in Omaha. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. ' 209 First National Bank Building. Tele phone Douglas 722. ' (22)-71 WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. - (22)-7I MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hastings at Heyden. 1704 Farnam Be - (22)-a74 HONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. ($2 174 6 PER CENT 'loans on eastern Nebraska farms. Inquire of local correspondent of Northwestern Mutual Ins. Co., or E. B. Stephenson, special loan agent, Lincoln, Neb. C?)-M,y2 20 REAL ESTATE' WANTED WANTED Unimproved land or lots; will give mv shares of stock In a reliable In dustrial corporation for same. Describe what you have and atate value. Address F. J. Brown, Rogers Park, III. (23) 718 19x WANT TO BUY. Modern or 7-room cottage, north side, south of Lake and near 24th Bt., prefer red. About $.50). , Also 7 or 8 rooms, modern, reasonably close Also S or 6-room cottsge, with fair alied Int. for $1.W)0 to $2.fi0. Prefer to deal with owners, but will Investigate anything that la offered. Address 8 871, Bee WANTED TO BUY WANTED Tu buy secondhand furniture, cook and healing atoveii. carpela, lino Uuiua. oitice furniture, old ctottMre, quills and all kinds of tools, or will buy lue furniture i your complete. Tin liiKhent price raid. -'all the light man. Tela, iougla 'Mil. Independent A-3V71. (d) Silit BEST price paid for 2dhand furniture, car pets. Hove, clothing, suoos. Tel. Red MuU iio Mais WANTED TO RENT I WANT TO RENT A HOME FROM BUM hi ONE WHO DON'T WANT TO RENT THEIR HOMH ' 'lO LVEKYUNK. I Kant a detached S-room, thoroughly modern hoaae, with tuin, between iuth and 4ith and Iwavenworlh and Cuming Bts.. or In the Kanacoui park district. Will , pay a lair pricu to tho purty who warns their pioptrly well cared lur. , Three in family; no children. Will lake five-year lease on right location and price. (Jive fu'l particulars In first letter Ad drets P 70, care lieu. (I'd): lix- . GENTLEMAN deoirea room with private, fmiiily in wt Farnam district. Addr O , care Bee. - (26) (.Jl) tog, ( MODKRN cottage or flat, reference given. ' K SM. care Bee. (2ti) Mswl Ax WHEN writing to advertiaera, remember It takes but an extra atroke or two of the fta to mention the fact (list you saw the ad In The Bee. ...