Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, WANT AD SECTION, Image 29

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mm ao sectio:i
I His
Want - ads
. .. (Continued.) .
' (Continued.)-
Adrertlseateats far tb- waat ad
rolataaa will ba takea aatll IS aa. for
tba areata edltloa aa aatll p. SB.
for tba mrala aa Saaday edltloas.
Cask aaast aeeosspaay all orders fa
wa ads ! adTertlaeaioBt will
bo crryftl for laaa tbaa 10 ccata far
rat lasertloa. '
Na will bo tktr(c
moiaflit ta leaa taaa SO oeata.
Kates apply oltber The Dally a
Saaday Baa.
Always coast all words ta a llaa.
Comblaatloaa at laltlala or Bassbera
aaat aa aaa ward.
laaertloa, aar llaa, lO eeats. Twa ar
aaora eoaeoeatlvo lasertloaa, per llaa,
V orate. Kara laaartlaa aaada aa add
days, 10 ( per llaa. Sl.BO per
llaa par ssoatb) tiNfUag
war a access aa led by eaab, tba rata
will bai Oaa laaartlaa, 4 - eaata
per llaa tbraa ta elx eoaeeeatlvo la
aertloae, S eaata per llaa oaeb laaar
tlaa sevea or anora eoaoocatlro laser
(laaa, a ccata per llaa oacb laaartlaa
CO eaata par llaa per aaoBtb.' -
Waat a da tar Tba Baa aiar ba left
at aay at tba foUowlaaT dra atoroa
aaa ta "year eoraer dro agist" tboy
ra all braach o0toa far Tba Bea aad
rear ad wUl ba laeerted last aa
proaaptly aad aa tba aama rataa aa at
tha mala afflea la Tba Bea Balldlaa;,
aeveateeatb aad Faraaaa Stroeta.
Albach. W. O, 0tb and Farnam,
Beranek. I. A, W . JUth Bt.
Becht Pharmacy. J20 a. 16U Bt.
fcenson Pha iriff, 'Benson. Neb.
fcenite Paik Pharmacy, 83d and Cumlna.
fcla-'o'e Iharmscy, Otlt Sherman Are.
Caughllo, C. R.. ib and Flerco Sta.
Cllfion Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military
Conte. J. B., tut Ave and Farnaia. .
Crlrtcy Pharmacy, 84th and Lake Sla,
Cermsk, EmU, 1204-6 8. 13th SL
Eastman Pharmacy. 2W. Leavenworth.
F oater as Arnold, ill N. 26th St.
Freytag. J'bn J., l14 N. f4tn Si.
Florence Drufc; Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman pharmacy, 20th and Lake Hta.
Urwn i Pbt.anacy. corner Park Ave. ano
Urecnough, O. A-, NTS B. 10th Bt. .
Greenough, a. A., 1(4 Wth St.
11 ay den, Wm. C, i0 Farnam.
lianacom Park Pharmacy, Ul -
Hoist. John, 634 N. 18th 8t,
Huff, A. L., 284 Leavenworth Bt
King. H. B., kSS Farnam Bt. - '
Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8604 V. Mth.
Patrick Drug Co., Iu3 N. 24tlt St.
Lathrop, Charle El. 1324 N. S4th Bt.
Peyton. L- E., 24th tia Ieavenworth.
airatcga Urug Co.. 84tto and Amea Are.
Siliafcr a Cut Price lru Co., Utfl MO
Chicago Eta.
chaefer. Auguat, SCB1 N. lh Bt.
Schmidt, J. H., 14th and Cumlna; St.
Btorm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha bt,;
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming
Walton Pharmacy, aoth and Grace,
Worth. O. 40lh and Hamilton Bta, h
txmu ii i ii in ii nun
tlllPtl , TTM m r m An11 19
Funeral from residence, 401$ Lafayette
. a u . . Tnl uwm unt rnr.
eat Lawn.
CHRISTOPHER Henry D.. April 17, aged
aX yara, at hie residence, 181b Bt. Mary's
Ave. , ' .
Kunaral Sunday at 4:10 D. m. from Dod-
der a chapel, 2Jd and Cuming 6U Friend
Invited. -
BHEETZ Arthur Lewis. April 18. 1908.
BKed 43 years.. . . .
Funeral from residence,' ' 4043 Boward
street, Monday, April 20, at S p. m. Inter
ment, Forest Lawn cemetery.
6TILK3 Mr. Rosle, April It, 1908, aged
to years.
' Funeral from Dodder's chapel, Twenty
third and Cuming streets, Sunday, April
18, at 9 a. m. Interment Forest Lawn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
Births Antony Rubeck, X Paul street,
girl; Ephraim Goldverg, 1H13 Paul atreet,
boy; lsauc Hlmelblum. 2:M South Thir
teenth street, boy; David Shuts, 1464 South
I'hlrteerJh atreet, boy; Dell Wallace, Omaha
General hospital, boy; Max Shamua, 2674
Pierce street, girl; Solomon Olander, 610
North Sixteenth atreet, girl; 'William De
Bord, 1118 Dominion atreet, glrL -
The following marriage licenses have been
Kama and Residence. Age.
Henry Kutscher, South Omaha 11
Emma Chizek, Omaha 2i
Samuel Wells, Omaha 26
Buttle M. Anderson, Omaha.
Edward Flynn, Omaha JJ
Kile Collraln, Omaha. go
Louis B. Steinlger, Omaha , S3
fiaorgla Richards, Omaha. sss
Carl Gerhardt, Omaha ; 2t
fc.ll Kberl. South Omaha 26
Bambler. 190S. H. P. touring car, good
condition; 36.
Ford. 1 model, tour-cylinder runabout,
aauosi new; K76.
Cadillac, runabout, good shape; 1216.
Buick. U-H. P. tounug. good suape; 8600.
bixteen passenger 'bus, latest style; tl.aOO.
Whit eiBumer, 1806 model, aiiuoai new, d-
tachabla closed top; bargain.
8lvens-luryea, two or luur paasenger
- S0.
tchftoie toQntftu. tup, xU4. good ouiiul
llun, 4 snap; IauOl .
Vrti for coinplvi list and descrlpUon OX
mir riaal AJliI gaiVtniH. hanii aasi
U. FKiOliiCKaOM. AM Farnam 8L
6ND for our list of second-hand eulomo-
I . I.' t !1 1J I' : U u. ... -
AUTO, earring. paintlna iods uid r.
pairing, i'tciiiers Carrutge Win., g
FRANK UN four-cylinder auto, 8100 cash,
rlnce, easy. O. i)L Bee, South Omaha.
( MITiS 20
AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade P., v.r
!. IM. C. Kimball. Ogdeo hulel. Council
Oiuua. v :)-MJ MUX
CIVR.PiAi;irvi-iL'D . i , .
looks like new; two-cylinder air-coiled
Tv.T .7 . """' Bear; speexy ana good
-" . . .."m. wiin &oiiau; sjju wnn
ut; all new tires; csr Is to good second
hand shape. C V. Lindsay. Anthon. la
V U t7 19
The Blue Book of automobile Information
Issued by the largest automobile aupply
liouae in America, mailed free on rn,Ji
discounts to every one. Chee. E. Miller
K-te-loi Reade St.. New YoikT n! y.
(2) T 19x
TRAVELERS' goods of quality. Trunk
BUM suit gajiyajugessj.
"W livre Hunts are maiie, "
U08 Faruam tot. Tel. Jjouglaa 49.
U i v Ai
SUN PAIN TINfl-a. H. COLBw 1M Doug
Um- u-vr
jnr.B.i'A atiast-utl waiar filler. 1J)1 Far-
The Union Pacific and every , other rail
road west of Chicago needa telegraphers.
Tha recent act of congress requiring that
no railroad operator who transmits or re
ceives ' train orders shall work to exceed
nine tn twenty-four hours has made It
next to Impossible for the railways to In
crease their forces fast enough.
After several weeks of careful study and
close Investigation tha great officials of
the greatest railway system in the world
has officially designated .
Official Training School N
for Telegraphers.
For the Union Pacific R. R. declares
emphatically and unreservedly that It will
gladly give telegraphy positions to each
and every graduate from our - Telegraphy
College, .thus showing most clearly their
confidence In the ability of ALL, our gradu
ates, thus proving each and every claim
that we make for- our Telegraphy College
and thus guaranteeing to YOU, as a grad
uate from our Telegraphy College, a -sure
position IMMEDIATELY, upon" graduation,
j Now where on earth haa any young per
son any excuse for ' not becoming, a tele
grapher If he really wants to become
Our Special Telegraphy Booklet glvea full
Information In regard to this department
and a copy will be sent to any one imme
diately upon application. 'Address
II. B. BOYLES, President
Boyles Bldg. - Omaha, Neb.
THE CITT GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
. Leavenworth Bta. TeL Douglas 12J7.
Why use.beama for building and concrete
' work when you can use second-hand
steel rails cut to length, at Ieaav4han
half the cost. Write for price. A. B.
' Alplrti. Omaha. ) Mm M14
HARDWARE. Implement, merchandise and
dry goods stocks wanted.' Have owners
'. of good land that want deals at rash
; values. Give full details. In first letter
; or no attention paid. Box 823, Aberdeen,
8. D. - " (8) M16 MS
One of the best little general mdae. stores
In eastern Neb.; Invoice 81.000; want
cash or Omaha property at cash valuo.
821 Neville Blk Omaha Neb.
tl) M770 20
TRADES, TRADES If - you have some
, thing for aale or , trade . write . us; we
match everything.
- 401 Bee' Bldg.
! M888 M7
FARMS, city property, mdse., everywhere.
Stringer Inv. Co., 43S Bee Bldg.,' Omaha.
1 (3)-494 M16
WANT to exchange land, for stock general
. merchauslb; Uf.wo. 'tCarripbert', Merna,
Neb. . ;- . v . 8-MBS9 24x
To Exchange ,
A. splendid 40-room 'modern brick
hotel (steam heated and electric
lighted), doing good business. -Located
In good Illinois town. No op
position. Rates, 82.00 per day.
Price S30.000 furnished complete.-..
(Including 8000 at 8 'per cent 'due
140 Monroe Bt.,
(3)-662 19x
FOR EXCHANGE A finely Improved
rancn in hock county, rueoraaica, about
20 miles south of Bassett, consisting of
W0 acres. Price 830 per acre; encumbrance
86,000. Want Omaha property for equity.
J. K. Adklna. Room 4. First Nat l. Bank
Bldg.. Council Bluffs, Ia. . (3) 7V9 line
I have a good, clean stock of men's and
boy s clothing which I wish to trade for
land. Will Invoice about $4,000.00. Land
must be of about the same value. I will
be pleased to show stock to any one
Intereated or anawer correspondence. Call
on or write O. K. Elder, North Platte.
Neb. . (3) 6S7 19x
CO-ACRE Improved farm In Wheeler Co.,
Neb., price J per acre. Mtge II, Ma
Want hardware or mdse. W. 8. Frank,
821 Neville Blk.. Omaha, Neb.
(3)-M-763 )
FOR EXCHANGE Want a clear Iowa farm
or income properly ior a ,!io atocx OI
iiv-w virn iiMruwara. j. n. Auicins, rvoom
4. First Nat 1. Bank Bldg., Council Rluffs,
Ia. (3)-79 l!x
TO GET In or out of business call on
OAK U EST AD, room 4u Bee Bldg.
19.000 00 stock of good general merchandise
and lb.OcO C-0 telephone system for sale or
trade. Both ma investments. ,
Wm. Coryell. Johnstown. Neb.
(4)-M3ta A30X
MINNESOTA and Wisconsin lee for sale
In car iota. A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluffs,
Iowa. (4-M31
83.000 A YEAR profit for a live man. I own
the patent rights on a hardware specialty
now being aold by hardware dealers all
over this Beet Ion of the I'tilt.H ri.i..
Have aold and delivered about 4.004 this
spring; over ffi.WW sola In the last three
years. Patent Rood for fifteen mn
War -to place this with a live man on a
royalty baala, as other business demands
sll toy time; 81,000 required. X. Omaha
cee, ia ocon ei., council Blurts. Ia.
4M5b 24x .
BUTCHERS and grocers double your buel
ness: 12 handsomely executed wln.i.i-
display signs for 81; sample I0c. Write for
. iuii i,nii uiiri. Dianasrq pign ta . cen
tral building. S West 42d St., N Y
City. ( ta lx
ii tu-liiusiraieo ruiae book and list
of inventions wsnted. free to any address.
Patents secured by us sdvrtld free in
World's Progress; sample copy free.
Evans. Wllkeiis A Co.. bits F 'Bt., Wash-
iiiKiuu. u. v.. (4V
HOW to finance a business enterprise
clearlv shown by descriptive booklets
No. 92) which we forwsrd free. Business
iteveiopmem to.- U7 Naaaau SI . New
VnpW 1 1 . m , r.
DRl'O STORE In ennd ICahr..!,. -
Stock Invtiires 3 Bu. Msv accept lanii
ir ran m u. inqjlre 230 B. 17th bt..
Lilians, ( M. 13
WISH ta learn of rrofltsbl- bwnea for
rnca to-, ivi n y l..
w AlJO 3
MR. MANUFACTURER Your buslneaa
possibly haa been "hard hit" by the busi
ness depreeslon. Even though you may
not have considered removing to another
location, we believe It would repay you
to Investigate the excellent manufactur
ing conditions in the rapidly developing
eouthweet and west. Commercial clubs
give liberal Inducements to secure fac-
. torles, but the chief advantage Is the
very favorable trade conditions. Give de
tails when writing. Send for industrial
book. M. 8chulter,- Ind. Com'r., Rock
Island-Frisco lines, Bt. Louis, Mo.
(4)-7 19
A FEW -DOLLARS will start a proepemua
mail order business; we furnish cata
logues and every thing neceesary; by our
en ny method failure Impossible. Mllbvirn
Hicks. Chicago. (4) 621 18x
GREATEST Invention of the age. Auto
matic Electric Shoe Polishing Machine,
(penny-in-the-slot machine.) 25 per cent
to 100 per cent earned, according to loca
tion. Machlnea and territory for aale.
Agents wanted. Address Western Install
ing Company, not Incorporated. Mr. Wal-
' tor St. John, agent, 422 Equitable Bldg.,
Des Moines. Ia. (4) 7 19x
MONEY easily made trading In wheat If
you know how; I tearh how. I pay all
'losses If traded as taught by me.-pay
no money until satisfied. . Write.- Box (ISO,
; Chicago. . , (4) 711 19x
A FOUNDRY -and machine shop Is badly
needed at a city In .southeastern Kansas.
. Other fine chances exist in the southwest,
not only for v foundries but all 'kinds of
. Industries. Write today for particulars,
mentioning amount of capital you can ln
. vest. Send for literature. M.. Schulter,
; Ind. Com'r,' Rock IsIand-'Frisco Lines,
, St. Louis. Mo. (4 4S 19 .
HOTEL, B2 rooms, centrally located: money
maker, good reson for selling; reason
; able rent;: price. M.600. - Inquire 230 8. 17th
: St., Omaha, Neb. () M748 19
WE guarantee a quick, cash 'profit on In
vestments made through us; any amount.
Full Information , free. R. , D.'. Robinson
Co., Los Angeles, Cnl. (4) 676 l!x .
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric. In
dustrial or rsllwsy company wanted for
: sale; commission basis. - Address, full par
ticulars, Clientele, , P. O. Box 20. New
York. , (4)-93 lx
i If you have money and Intelligence to
appreclato a big proposition,
i If you-want to get In a high class finan
cial proposition. . - . . .
' If you are willing to be convinced on a
high class . proposition, and have Idle
capital. ,
I must' have 'a partner. If you can tell
a gqod thing when you see It, let me hesr
from you if you have capital. Address H
SMi. Bee. . . . (4) 776 i
LARGE PROFITS made In buying puts and
, calls in wheat. Pamphlet fully explaining
i method of dealing In these "indemnities
mailed free. Also tells how an investment
, of 830 In calls alone made over 8700 In
one day. The Mutual Grain Co., 82 Wall
St., New York. . (4)
EARN 8S,000 yearly In the general broker
age Business; we will teach you trior
, oughly by mall, appoint you our special
; representative, provide you with ready
saleable stocks, bonds and real estate.
, secure customers for you and make you
quii-Rif prusperuui; particulars tree, in
terstate Commercial Sales Co., Bcranton,
Pa. (4)-18 19x
WH secure capital for manufacturing en
terprises, building and operating steam
and electric railwaya, electric light, gas,
water- and power plants, meritorious In
ventions, coal, timber and mineral lands,
mining and smelting properties, stocks
and bonds sold on commission basts. Com
panies Incorporated, organized and fi
nanced. Loans negotiated. Metropolitan
Investment company, 131 La Salle St.,
Chicago. . .s (4)-628 19x
WANTED Information ."regardlng'rood
Dumnens tor sate, inoi pamcuiar auoui
character, else of location. Prefer to deal
with owner. Give price and full descrip
tion. Address L.' Derbyshire, box 13. Ro-
: Chester. N. Y. (4)-56 19x
To exchange for merchandise stocks of all
kinds. Bend description.
438, Bee .Building.. Omaha. Neb.
(4-M275 21
FOR SALE A new and up-to-date general
stock of merchandise for cash tn north
east Nebraska: good location, good pros
perous country to draw from. Address
, care Omaha .Bee. (4) M102 zox
Tel. Douglas m&. tu-19 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4) 636-M-S.
FURNITURE, fixtures, lease and good will
of a good hotel in thla city for sale at a
bargain. 6ee us quick.
'phones, 122. Rooms 224-6 Merrtam Blk.
v Council Bluffs, Ia.
(4) M43S 19x ,
WANTED By physician, location for gen
eral practice, Nebraska preferred. Ad
dress, with particulars, Y 408, care Bee.
(4) M5u0 19x .
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you bave, some money ; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dela A Bona, Bankers, 16ih and Douglas
eta. Aasets over SluO.000.
IF YOU have 81. 82, 85. 8i or 850 for a hot.
money making investment, address
t-veryoooy s success, lfcth and Grove,
Kansas City, Mo. (4 719 19x
EXTRAORDINARY opportunity. Bonaflda
in purucipaie in me strongest
and safest New York real estate enter
prlso, backed by men of International
high reputation, on an absolutely ground
floor basis. Investment now returning 6
. per rent, snd additional large profits are
assured. Address Immediately, Alfred ti.
Loyd. 2 W. S3d St., New York.
(4 M734 19x
I have an excellent opening for man with
small capital tn clean, legitimate and well
paying businiss. Opportunity of a lifetime
ror rigm party. Address M-367, rare Bee.
- . (4 MM 2vx
WANTED Reliable man with 8600 and
services ior state manager (Minnesota,
Iowa, Nebraska and Dakotaa reserverii.
to handle the beet money maker on the
market; 8 to !3io per month profits;
foods furnished: you do the same work
am doing here; business permanent;
references required: Mason or Odd Fel
low preierrea. u iia, care Hee.
(4 M766 30x
STEAM laundry plant for sale. Will aell
complete plant at a aacrlfice or each ma.
chine separate cheap. U. F. Llllle, Te-
. kamah. Neb. (4) M7S0 2
PARTNER, with capital, competent to
manage factory; monopoly; wanted, for-
tune-maxer. k d. uin, umana.
. - 4-M771 20x
I MAKE tl 000 a month, atartxt wltK i
will explain how; anyone can do the
work, home. Warn, &33 Washington BH'd.,
i-wrpi. it. viucago. (4)-
FOR SALE Pool room of 11 lablea. Write
for. particulars. E. L. tads, 6U6-11 Edmond
Dl., BU Joseph. MO. (4 6j 19x
CONFECTIONERY and bakery, with all
I',, xv; oesi location in city.
uu ionn zttn. (O-Uwi 19x
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and tools, sll
up-to-date and new, for sale cheap. Josf
wiuuiij', Ayiicn, rivo. .4
8PLENDID opening for live man with 8250
m ui:unj. Aaoreaa B--41. care Omalia
e. v . 18s
LIFE time opportunity. Start a letter
brokerage business. 7H0.0U0 original let
ters procured from different advertisers
8) for entire lot. Mall order men tike
"' rkoorn til, iu jrulton Bt.. Ne
York.. 4)-Ai7 19x
ELETN'ATOR for sale. 20 (no eanacttv n..
In the best agricultural county of the
state. Sanders county. For further par-
"'' "w . null, tsnara. Neb.
t4t-Mirtl 20X
SALE OR TRADE Hotel. Dawson. Neb.
. v iiiyucii, Merna. jeo.
I4 MUO 14 X
85.400, WORTH 87.0O0.:
New-hetel building, all modern. 17 rooms.
All furnished, with a good business estab
lished. THIS Is a SNAP, as owner Is
anxious to sell on account of poor health.
Lot Is 68xl, paved street and on car line.
Terms, half . cash, balance 6. per cent.
Building, ground, furniture and business
423 BEE BLDG..
'Phones Doug. 4754. Ind. A. 1574.
best located grocery and market, South
Bide, Chicago, wishes to remove to Omaha
and will exchange for Improved real es
tate that city; elegant fixtures, large
stock; doing monthly business 86,000; price
about 86,000. Barron A White. -79 Dear
born St.. Chicago. . (4)-27 19x
WILL buy mining storks of all kinds.
Bend for list, ahowlng cash offer. P. W.
Andrews, 184 La Salle St, Chicago.
(41-639 19x
FIFTY new Hllo pehov peanut vending
i macninea. win earn t weekly for you
: and not Interfere with your other work.
xz.340 yearly profit on SO0 Investment.
Beware of unscrupulous imitators. Hllo
. Onm Co.. (Incorporated.)-127 Market St..
J Chicago. 4 652 19x
FOR SALE An cld-establlshed. good pay
1 lug business for the last 30 years of hard
' ware and groceries In one of the best
1 cities of Nebrsks. on the main line of
1 the Union Pacific R. R.; stock 809.000.00;
win sell store building or rent It for a
term of years. For particulars address
Y 421. care of Omaha Bee. (4 MStt 2s
FOB SALE--Cheap; 4 houses, 'must be
moved . wttnin is nays. ii. w. birnum,
' hotisemover, 1124 N. 18th St..' Tel. Web
i ster 8234. " (4)-M4S6 19
win guarantee to sell them for you for
81.10 or better. Leon E. Craig, 'Paxton
Hotel, Omaha. ' (4) 787 19x
DR. "ROT, R. 1, 1505 Farnam St. : Doug. 6497.
(o 787
David Cole Creamery Company (5) M788
Car paa tar I a
FINE nardwodd floors and parquetry; low
price. 10th A Dominion 8ta. Frank Savlck.
(u) M360 Al
MAXTVVELL A SON, contractors and build
ers; repair work a specialty. Tel. Benson
287. l6-6i0 23x
BAILEY 4k MACIL Sd fir., Paxton. D. 1088,
(L 7S8
- DreaaaaaktBg.
IN FAMIXJES-Mlsa Sturdy. TeL Haaney
. 1358. (5) 790
MDOWEIX Dressmaking School, 16Z3 Far
- nam Bt. . '.. (6) 791
MME. WOODRUFF, robea and gowns, 806
14 Neville Blk. Tel., Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind.
A-3750. (8 M885 M7
.'.- , '. lata. t
HESS 4V BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam ' Bt.
U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1268.
w law
J. IL BATH,' 163 Harney.. TeL" Doug. JOOO.
Money 1
RATE In sums to
suit. 810 Bee Bldg.
'Phone Douaiaa
(6) 795
Far Cleaalas; aai llsiags,
15th and. Harney bta.
Fine furs cleaned, stored and repaired.
- .... (6) M7M June!
THE BCHLITZ. European, 16th and Harney.
Jewelers aad Watebaaabera.
N. P. STILLING Watcn. clock, jewelry
repairing, ZS Paxton Block. Tel. 4317.
Leshsmltaa, -
KEYS, etc-, HefUn, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
2?. (t)7
Stasia aad Iaaa;aaa;e.
PIANO lessons. Mrs. Rttchia. TeL Web. 22St
MUSIC lessons free; our booklet tells how
to learn to play Instruments, piano, organ,
violin, etc. Write. American School of
Music, 615 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago.
(6 7 19
HstIbi aad Starlas.
Expressmen's Delivery Co., 'office 214' N.
lain St.; warehouse, 2307-8 Uard fit.
, u 800
GERMAN Iris;' choice variety dug fresh
dar delivered. 84.ii0 per luO. G. H. K.v.
Omaha mgr. Crescent Nursery. Tel. Web
ster 8361. 16 M87 A
FINEST A largest assortment of trees and
shrubs In city. Crescent Nursery sales
ground, Ut at Faxnaio. Tel. Web. 8467.
15) MtQO Ml
TREES, rosea and shrubs. F. R. Martin.
18th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 10t.
Uj M41 M6
full una oi nursery stock; line shade trees.
See us. 'Phone Benson 2UI and 144. f J
Fiynn. Mgr (5 M516 Mltox '
Uttiee Saypllea.
FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, loose
' leaf duvlces and office fixtures and aup
pllea of all kinds. Anchor Publrahlng
V.U.. HI B. .1UI Dk 4 VUU. DO J. InO.
A-1&S2. ( Mju8 A19
new; patented February 4, 18e; absolute
guaraniev iKimv n-Aiaici any
check. Price only 82.60. Pjstal to P n
. box 2j4 Omaha, will Inaurt inspection. No
trouble to show goods. Acme Check Pro
tector kjq. (a) Mist 18x
. Oateapataiy.
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 1MI
BFFORE placing your 1DC5 calendar order
, don't fail to tw our imported line. Lyng-
m jvrvv. piuiiB. ii.a m Capitol Ave.
Paol aad BtUlard Tables.
FOR 3A LE Anti-Trust pool and billiard
tables, supplies and bar fixtus; sold on
easy payments; catalogues free. Charles
lnriOK as kous. riti bu. lith Bt.. Omxhi
Neb. 16 M540 July! Repair!.
woik. HUVs Capitol Ave, 'phone Red
- lt SO 4
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered rree. stauUri enoe Llepalr Co,
! CKTUaiB Bb 1)1 UU (ut(.
' lilJOl
Safes Shatters. Bta.
a specialty oi lire escapee, snutters, ooors
and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 103 8. loth
Wall Paper Cleaaed.
The patent kind, 15c, t-2Bc. at wall paper,
paint, hardware and drug stores.
Aerate aad Salesladies.
AGENTS to sell wonderful kitchen Inven
tion; sells at sight; sgentt making 810 a
day; experience unnecessary. Stetson's
Company, 22 Pine St., New York.
(7)-724 19x
WANTED Experienced saleswoman at pa
per pattern counter. Apply superintend
ent, J. L. Brandels A Sons'.
Clerical aad Office.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer to accept
position In good town In Wyoming, tiO
per month. Apply at once.
TJl-iZi N. 1. Life Bldg.
WANTED Lady bookkeeper, assistant In
wnoiesale house: must be accurate at
figures; state experience. Address A 874,
care Bee. (7) 749 19x
WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers.
cieras, salesmen, ir seeking a position
register with us. NO FILING FEE.
THE CANO AGENCY, 620 Bee Bldg.
(7) 792 19
Hoasekeepere aad Dasseatlea.
1904 Farnam St.
Girl for general housework, two tn fam
ily, o.
Nurse girl. 85.
Housemaid, 85. . '
Cooks and girls for general housework,
o ana ss. . . (7) M7t2 U
WANTED First-class second gn-1. Apply
Mrs. W. H. McCord. 2201 Cass Bt.
WANTED A capable girl or woman for
waitress ana parlor maid. Keterence re
quired. 525 3d St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone
874. (7 M397 M13x
WANTED Girl for general - housework;
good wagea. Mrs. McGilton, 102 N. 38th
Ave. Tel. Harney 3631. (7)-400 20
1904 Farnam St.
Cook, 2 In family, 823.
- Housemaid. 15.
Girls for general housework, 85 to 86.
(7)-M514 19
WANTED Experienced girl for general
2a96. . . (7 4Sa 20
WANTED A girl for general housework
tn family of three; good home. Tele
phone Webster 2414. 2621 Bristol Bt.
(7) 491 19
WANTED Good housemaid; references re
quired. Mrs. L. 8. Crofoot, 122 Bo. 89th St,
- (7)--624
GIRL to help ' with housework" and ' take
care of baby. ' Mrs. G. B. Bondesson, 2437
' Burt street. - 'Phone Red-WJK. (7) M558
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family; good-wages. 60S So. - 5ft th
Ave.- " (7)-466 20
WANTED Good girt for general house
work, 86.00 per week, 804 Bo. 88th Bt. '
-ITMM 20
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Apply 8019 Pacific 8t. Telephone Harney
8539. (7) M727
WANTED A girl for general housework;
small family, good wages. J. G. Kelly,
2211 F St., South Omaha. (7) M763 19x
WANTED First -class girl for general
housework. Mis. Felix J. McShsne, 706
Park Ave. (7)-664 19x
GIRL for general housework; good wages.
1008 So. 80th Ave. (7 M778 5
WANTED A girl for general housework.
, 1U58 Parker Ave. G) 797 19x
WANTED Girl for general housework, or
good nurse girl. 215 N. 26th St.
, t7 805 21x
LADIES, 88 to 820 a week doing fasclnat.
tng work at home, spsre time or steady;
no experience necessary; particulars for
stamp. Woman's National Art Exchange,
Denver, Colo. (7)
WANTED Ladles, 81 a day In spare time
at home. You have no canvassing, ped
dling or publicity; strictly- honest; no de
posit on goods; send stamped envelope
for particulars. Ladles' Aid, 46 Main St.,
Durham, . Conn. (7)
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecesssry; no- canvassing.
Bend for particulars. Press Syndicate,
Lockport. N. Y. (7)
BE GRADUATE NURSE Earn 820 to 835
weekly; we provide home study lectures;
hnspitsl practice when desired; employ,
ment for students, graduates; largest
training school, world. Write. Free cata
logue. American Training School Nu.-es1
119 Crilly Bldg., Chicago. (7) 721 19x
OWING to our success other studios are
copying the Kosv style of photos; avoid
Imitations; get the genuine at the Kozy
Studio, l12 N. 16th; 24 small photos. 25c.
(7) M749 2UX
WANTED In grand new bath house. 8
women ror massage, z bath women and
1 housekeeper. Beat wages to active.
capable, responsible people, willing to
work. Address tne Braun Bath House,
Hot Springs. 8. D. (7) M790 19x
Ageata. gellaltare aad Saleeataa.
IN EVERY city and town lo sell the Acme
, adjustable window shade holder. Omaha
Ehada Holder Co.. 211 8. 12 til BL
WANTED Solicitors, experienced In sub
scription and portrait work preferred.
Address K 3u5. Bee office. (J M3S5
WANTED By local firm three traveling
. salesmen. Single preferred. Give refer
ences. Address F 3.9, care Bee office.
(9) MiSrJ
WANTED A first-class experienced stock
' sslesmsn to sell Portland cement stock;
territory South Dakota, Minnesota and
Iowa; state experience and give refer
ences. Address Postofflue Box No. 5,
Sioux Falls. & D. (i-M538 lOx
825 PER WEEK and traveling expenses
paid by reliable house to salesmen to
visit dealers; exparlence unnecessary.
Purity Co., Chicago. (9
TRAVELING salesman wanted, to sell
temperance drink to dealers: big demsnd
840 per week snd expenses. Red Cross
Vinegar Co., bt. Louis, Mo. (9)
AGENTS to handle biggest money msklng
fire extinguishers; special, startling offer;
exclusive territory; . u tuju per month.
Badger Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
OUR AGENTS are prosperous; fjl to 875
per week csn be msde selling our new
dividend-paying policies; the new fea
tures sell it; experience unnecessary
Write Great Western Accident Associa
tion, Des Moines, Is, (
CAPABLE sslesmsn to rover Nebraska
with staple line. Our liberal commlatun
contract paid five salesmen sn average
yearly Income of 82.100 cash above trav
eling expenses during the last five years.
i'0 monthly sdvance. American Stand
ard Jewelry CQ., Detroit, Mori.
H itJ 1s
Agenta aad Salesmen Contlnaed.
WANTEDSalesman experienced In any
line to sell general trade In Nebraska.
Liberal commlalona. with 3a weekly ad
vance. One salesman earned 81.1!&i53 In
his first two month s work with our line
Cspable men only wsnted. The Continen
tal Jewelry Co., Clevelnnd, O. 9)-664 19x
AGENTS make 85 a day selling gentleman's
nicxei watrn wltn leather fob; sell like hot
cakes at 81.83. United Watch Co., 62 Ful
ton St., New York, Dept. 69.
, (9)-W8 19x
WELL known eastern manufacturer, doing
a national ntislnesa, wants to communi
cate with bright .ambitious young men
who would like to . secure positions as
traveling salesmen: no former experience
required: salsries from ilftl In t'.vi month
) expenses and extra commission; young
mm wun experience as retail clerks pre
ferred, write for particulars. Address Y
410, care Bee. (!)) 44 19x
SALESMEN to sell groceries to clubs.
iiiieiB, .restaurants, stockmen, farmers
and other large consumers: experience
unnecessary; we teach you the business;
high-grade goods; lowest prices; no In
vestment; exclusive territory; commis
sions advanced: liberal income assured:
our goods comply with the pure food laws
of all states; exceptional offer for honest,
energetic men. John Sexton A Co., Im
porters and Wholesale Grocers. Lake snd
Franklin Sts., Chicago. (9)-646 19x
AGENTS and dealers, lust out. Bryan's
v., -"'PiBn song nit, -mar of tne
JNest,- whirlwind seller; snmple 10c.
Montgomery Novelty Co., 1045 W. Van
Buren St., Chicago, III. t9)-661 19x
BALESMEN-Post cards, best side line: not
-....r-u ojr imwih, oig line ana rnmmis
f, "i "lve Particulars. St. Louis Post
Card Company, 709 line St., St. Ixuls, Mo.
(9) 649 19x
WANTED Salesmen to handle as side line
pur monogrammed leather handbags and
leather novelties; very high 6rsde prop
osition. Jos. Kramer A CO., Mm Green
St., Chicago. (9)-660 lx
ASBESTOS Iron holder; always cold; will
"" meume; a live seller for agents;
sample 10c; satisfaction or dime returned.
Espenshade, 84 8. Lime, Lancaster, Pa.
(9i 54 19x
AGENTS Great excitement to get in on
ctiuuiiu iKwir; iirsi in eacn citv and town
answering thla secures secret free. Hull s
to-Operstlve Bureau, 204 Franklin St.,
New York. (9)-4358 19x
WANTED Salesman for souvenir post
, i." on 'gnt: Dig commission;
splendid side line. Roth & Langlev, 160
Nassau. New York. (9) 6S0 19x
8200 A MONTH easy on 810 capital; partlcu-
" man uraer progress. Box 251
Basin, Wyo. )6S 16x
WANTED Experienced salesman, familiar
wun me Doner room, to sell patented
mechanical boiler cleaner; good territory;
easy money for hustler; r.o boozer need
apply. Address Box 6S3, Sioux Falls, 8. D.
(8 M722 20
JUST OUT A medium priced S-lb. mop;
wrings by turning crank: hunrla Ifmn
clean; every woman buys; agents' profit
150 per cent; catalogue free. V. S. Mop
Co., 63 Main St., Lelpslc, Ohio.
' 19) 717 19x
AGENTS WANTED For the most won-
uenui money maker sold today for
agents, street men, distributing agencies,
etc.; biggest success on record; when
operated people stop, look, listen, be
come fascinated, buy; demand world
wide; agenta making 810 to 860 a day; get
"next" quickly. Write Handy Things Co..
Ludlngton, Mich. (9) 716 lDx
PORTRAIT AGENTS 16x20 portraits, 30c;
iree sample, line .new me
morial. - Send for particulars. " Fidelity
Portrait Co., 120 8. Paulina St., Chicago.
(9) 716 lx
AGENTS to sell our large line of toilet
goods, soaps, perfumes, flavors. Icings,
etc., 875 to 8i0 per month agents' profits;
our agents' big success due to our high
claaa goods; outfit free. T. H. Snvder &
Co., 8-10 North St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
(9)-714 19x
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity on Interna-
t inr. .1 w i-tr-r r f . . ! . . .. . i ,
" ... ... inririiLT, lirHl VI 11B Kina
in the English language; 15 vols.; speclnl
plan of sale: exclusive territory, loads
. and other assistance. Oniv ppllcnnt"' of
unquestioned Integrity and frattla-s
references considered. E. Monro, Fine
Arts Bldg.. Chicago. (!-730 19x
BB FIRST; conduct a "teaching by mall
business; enormous profits: small capital;
Immediate returns; experience unneces
sary; either sex. Address American Coin-
merical Bureau, 78 Fifth Ave.. New York.
(9) 723 19X
ENERGETIC men, every city, make 110
a day. Necessity In every office, ranld
seller. Duplicate ordera permanent In
come, Write about exclusive agencv
rights. The Cameron Co., 39-41 Cortland
St., N. Y. City. (9-666 19x
AGENTS WANTED-Men and women to
sell.Whltcomb's "Flexsole" unllned shoe
for women, fa to 8.V) a week easily
made. All orders filled the same dav re
ceived. No tacks, no seams, no lining;
exclusive territory. Eastern Shoe Co.,
Beverly, Mass. (9)
MONET at very house, whon you sell
Ri Fulcrum corkscrew and can opener,
rovel. practical, nrofitable. 25c; snmnle
with terms, 10c. F. Rees Mfg. Co.. Phila
delphia. 9)-706 19x
CIGAR salesman wanted, experience un
necessary. Iioo per month? and expenses.
Peerless Cigar Co., Toledo, O.
x ()-MR3121x
with fresh, reliable names is cheaper than
advertising. I can aupplyims, names and
addresses of women mall order pur
chasers, received from advertising: no
dupllcatea: all parta United States. Write
for particulars. B. C. Lamb, 34 Llpnin
cott Bldg., Philadelphia. ( 6ol lx
GASLIGHT from kerosene lamns by using
our puieni ourner; no cnimneys nor
wicks; description frte; agents make good
Income. Gaslight Mfg. Co., 21 Park Row,
New York. 9-4jij8 19x
Jewelry assortment salesman can eantlv
make ll'OO month with out new pocket side
line. Write for particulars. Give reference
and experience. Room , 108 DearbnrnlSt.,
int ago. () e.'S lx
85 TO D PER DAY selling tireless cook
ers: agents, male or female, wanted
everywhere: ask particulars. Housewife's
Favorite Flreless Cooker Co., 2tl IjiHalle
ft., Chicago. ' (91672 19x
WANTED Agents: legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented: sells on
sight for 81. Particulars, Giaaha Co.. An.
on son, ind. iB i71 19x
AGENTS wanted everywhere; the famous
Zarema diamonds; experts puxzled to Se
lect from genuine; Immense profit for
agents; either sex, young or old; sample
offer, (ring or stud), nnd catalogue free.
.H. M. Shoub St Co., Dept. 78, Star Bldg.,
Chicago, (9) 670 IVx
WB start you selling diamonds. Don't fall
getting our liberal offer; to daily sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. (9 6j0 19x
WANTED Man capihle of earning JS.0I0
r early, to open branch office for Dluso.
he new disinfectant. Your sub agents
. can maks 810 a day. Enormous sites;
atnaslng profits; exclusive territory.
Parker Chemical Co., Chicago.
(9)-632 19x
8ALES MEN Local or traveling, to sell
fire proof safes to business men or farm
ers; experience unnecessary; quirk sales
Mg profits. Alpine Safe Co., Clncinnell,
' O. (9-33 19x
AGENTS Here's your opportunity: 15
dilly and expenses easily made. Klatlron
SIMM'S, Keyleae Doorlock, Wilson t-'klrt
Fastener; all faat sellers. For psrtlculars
sddress Dexter Company, Caxton Bblij.,
Chicago. (9I -4M lax
AGENTS-Something entirely new; simply
can't help making aplenilid Income; com-
I'trt. i-i-mi-.j"., j , iMjitiiiit-ii eiewnere;
l'W priced, but no trssh; Instant de.nsnd;
pralttveiv needed. Particulars free. Ai
ditss Colon!! Mfg.- Co., l-r-t. 8. Jj5
I. . . . . v V . .
Agents aad galeemea t'oatlaaed.
WANTED- Reliable men of good recom
mendation to travel and take subscrip
tions. For live, energetic hustlers we
hsve the best offer to be had. Write or
call on Nebraska Furmer Co., Lincoln,
Neb. . (9)-M7M 19
AGENTS sell original 81 box Native Herb
ior ike. ror terms and governments de
cision, cancelling my competitors regis-,
tercd trade mark. Write I. C. Melrose,
Columbus. O. (9) tiu9 ll'x
WANTED Experienced salesmen; goods
soin on long lime; proposition especially
attractive now on tliHt account; write
for particulars. McAlllster-Coman Co.,
356 Dearborn St., Chicago. (9) 642 19x
WANTED Bright, energetic man to travel
n i-ii-i-Hun.; experience unnecessary;
good chance for advancement; well rated,
reliable manufacturer. McBrady A Co.,
Van Huron 8t.. Chicago. (9) 641 19x
SALESMEN W A NTET We have hundreda
vi iipeinnm. jo lormcr experience re
quired. Salesmen earn from 8WO.0O to
gl.oiio.cio a month. We will teach you to bo
one In eight weeks by mall and secure you
a position with a reliable firm. Write for
free catalog, "A Knight of the Grip." to
day. Address Dept. 634, National Sales
man's Training Ass'n. Offices. Chlcsgo,
III.. Kansas City. Mo., and Minneapolis,
Minn. Write nearest office. 9) 640 19x
BANK SALESMEN We pay highest com
missions for selling our new self-locking
pocket bank to bankers; others cannot
compete; want man In each state; com
mlnlons paid on receipt of order; one
man earning 8500 a month aa side line;
another over 81,000 a month devoting full
time. Security Pocket Bank Co.. 6IO-18S
IX Madison St., Chicago. (9) 615 19x
AGENTS Five years' extensive sales of
our seir-generatlng gas burner for kero
sene lamps tells Its merit; brilliant gas
light; liberal Inducements; Information
free. Eastern Gas Light Co., 2N0 Broad
way, New York. (91617 lx
CIGAR SALESMAN wanted In your local
ity 10 represent us; experience unneces
sary; 6R per mo. and expenses. Write for
particulars. Monroe Cigar Co., Toledo,
Ohio. c l 19x
SALESMAN 8500.00 per month commission
to good man selling assortments staple
notions to grocery trade; fine seller;
prompt remittance. Manager. 810 Buhl
Block, Detroit, Mich. (9) 616 19x
8210.00 MOTOR CYCLE or horse buggy fur-
nianeu our men- ior traveling and XX5.(
per month an de-xpensos to take orders for
the greatest portrait house In the world.
You will receive post-paid a beautiful
16x20 reproduction of oil painting In an
swer to this ad. Wrlto for particulars.
R. D. Martel, Dept. 470, Chlcano.
(9)-606 19k
AGENTS Multo postcard holder; nickel
plated; big profits; sample outfit one
dime. A. J. Fisher A Co., Pittsburg, Pa,
(9) 712 19x
AGENTS to sell quick repairing tire punc
ture outfits. Every automobile owner a
urchs-r. 825 to 840 a week easily made.
Ilchael & Co., Box 241. Chicago.
(9) 711 19x
BIG MONEY In side line selling retail
trade my patent chair aeat; fits any
ehnlr; staple article; tremendous seller..
Clair Munson, Clinton, Ia, (9) 636 19x
THE Kemper-Thomas company of Cincin
nati, O., want side line traveling men;
ran make easily :'6 to 850 per week carry
ing up-to-date advertising fans, our ex
clusive' special designs. Season now open
ing. Apply Fan Dept. (9)631 19x
836 WEEK and expenses to men with rig
to introduce guaranteed poultry com
pound. Grant Co., Dept. 86, Springfield,
, III, (9) 710 lx
WANTED Agent at once; 83 a day cash
for. eight hours' work; man or lady. Re
genf Co.. Willlamsvllle, 111. (9)-673 19x
WANTED Men experienced In selling cal
endars and who control and. can get busi
ness, can secure choice of exclusive ter
ritory for the best exclusive copywrighted
line of - art calendars In the market.
Splendid opporunlty for business pro
ducers who are ambitious to Increase
their earnings. Give three references, ex-
perience and age. All applications strictly
cor-fldential. W. H, Hider, Sale Man
ager, 71 Monroe St., Chicago, III.
C9)-633 19x
BIGGEST money . maker ever preaented ;
new; want general agenta able to get and
handle subagents. Republic Sales Co.,
U. a Express Bldg., New York.
(9)-691 19x
BIG money In side line selling retail trade
my patent chair seat. Fits any , chair.
Staple article. Tremendous seller. Clair
Munron, Clinton, la, (9 636 19x
Clerical aad OfBoe.
SALE8MAN, mist be experlet ced in auto
mobiles, 8100 or better.
Salesman, city, salary and commission.'
Salesman, cigar, 1100.
Salesman, stocks and bonds, $150 per month.
Real estate salesman, rnunt be good city
man, 8126.
Specialty, salesman, 8M) and commission.
Managing foreman, warehouse, 8100.
AsKlstant manager, notions. 875 to 1100,
Office clerk, figuring profits, 8W.
Stock clerk, young man, 840.
Young man to act as assistant shipping
clerk nnd work up to better office posi
tron, 830 to start.
General merchandise clerk.' 800.
Experienced shipping clerk, 875.
Hotel clerk, young man. 820 and expenses.
If you are in need of a position aaa aa at
once. We can place you on shewt Bret toe
if capable of filling any of the- above
ra-72-J.N. Y. Life Bldg.
' (9)
WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers,
clerks, salesmen. If soeklng a position
register with ua without delay, NO FIL
THE CANO AGENCY, 620 Bee Bldg.
- t) 791 1
WANTED Clerk about 17; glvo age, ex
perience and salary wanted. Address P
240. care Bee. (S M5U 19
WANTED A good dry gooda clerk;. one ca
pable of taking charge of' stork; either
lady or gentleman. Addresa J. W. Rogers,
Farnam, Neb. - tf) M473 80
WANTED Young man 20 to 25 years of
age, for office work, who ia a alenogr.-
plier. Give experience and references. Ad
dresa C 376. care Bee. -H M7W) U
Factory aad Trades.
WANTED Two coatmakers or someone to
buy half interest in tailoring business. C,
F. Struts. The Tailor, Atlantic, Ia.
. (9) M406 19x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade,
will equip shop for you or furnish posi
tions, few weeks completes, constant
practice, careful Instructions, tools given,
diplomas granted, Saturday wagea; cata
logues free. Moler Barber College, no
8. 14th St. . ' (9 M544 23 X
WANTEDCoatmaker, 17 up; also pants
and vest maker, 82 and up; steady Work,
J. R. Best, Audubon, la. (9) M542 2ox
plumbing and bricklaying. Pays 85. 0D to
,81.00 pur day after three months' practical
inhtnictlon. I'ositlone secured. Easy
terms. Free catalogue. Original Coyne
Trade School. John F. Wena, Prop., taud
Kaalon, Ht. Louis. (9
WANTED A good all around printer for
country office. State wages expected In
first letter. No l-ooaers. Addrep W 890,
Bee, Omaha, Neb. (9j M7K6 20x
FREI2 Fmployment Buresu. supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men (U'd positions. . Ui N. T. L. Bldg.
WANTED At once, experienced restau.
rant and short order cook; stste wages
and experience; aleu n ual furnish refur
ences; woman preferred. Address T. L.
Clsgirttt, Crelgliton, Neb., the Little Cal
umet. (9JM5-4 II
WANTED An assistant druggist; goo-i
alary. Address Bux ii Rapid Cltv H. D.
W-M',80 a
l-KS 19x