Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, SPORTING SECTION, Page 4, Image 28

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Champion Team OmahaVCommcrcial Bowling League
lXorieaien Baby Getting Beady fcr the
Pacing P'ascn.
fceepsbrad', f,rveed and Belmont
All "how Rrene tit at PellcM the
Ky Set Blood
KEW YORK, April IS. On Long Island
th horsemen are In the thick of prepara
tion for the big New York rating searon
of. 1308. Bherpshrad Hay, Gravcscnd and
Belmont Park aro the three track where
the tremendous task of preparing a thou
and or more horses for racing I taken up
by the thoroughbred trainer. These
trainers are by no meana just beginning
their work of preparing, for the trainer's
day 1 full of care and trouble from one
year's end to another. He has weathered
the winter atorma, " watched the lender 2-year-old
doing their first preliminary gal
lops and looked carefully over the old
hones In his string to ace the chances of
their going through another season and
training well. The long months of shed
work and Indoor exercise are over and the
busiest time of the year is at hand for
every horsemsn.
It Is doubtful If ths morning scene at
either Bheepshead. Graveaend or Belmont
Park, with Us hundreds of horses exer
cising In ths delightful early morning air,
all ths life and action of a great outdoor
port In Its preliminary trlala, would stir
' ths heart of Governor Hughes or Wilbur
F, Crafts, the reformer, for these have
long since come to be regarded as men
without certain gracious humsn traits that
reflect all the brighter side of life.. At
Bheepshead all the extensive improvements
that were planned last year have been
finished. The new track Is completed in
very detail. The new track has not been
worked over to any great extent, the ma
jority of the training at Bheepshead Bay
being done over the yearling track. The
Improvements In the grandstand have been
completed and popular Bheepshead will ba
Immensely attractive In Us new drcst and
" Onitn Eager at the Tracks.
E. R. Bradley is down at the track al
most every morning and Is a keen watcher
of everything that goes on. David Gideon
is another who for many years has been
one of ' ths . earliest of the rallbirds, and
to this habit he owes much of his success
in the early part of the season. James R.
Keens is a frequent visitor to his stable
and nothing pleases him so much as to
have the t-year-olds brought out to look
, them over for Improvement and commen
dation of Trainer Rowe's efforts. Colli
Is In fine condition and his only blemish,
ths enlarged hock of last season, has al
most disappeared. Ths great string of 1-year-olds
in Rowe's charge is the wonder
and admiration of all the visitors to
Bheepshead Bay. Not many of the Keene
horses will be prepared for early events,
probably the earliest being Restlgouche
and Gretna Green. Over at the big' Whit
ney barns at the end of the Futurity
course A. J. Joyner, the new trainer for
Harry Payne. Whitney, is getting ac
quainted' with ths stable that was left
him by ths late John W. Rogers. Here is
another fine lot of 8-year-olds of royal
breeding, but few of them have been asked
to. do fast work up to the present time.
The big, upstanding youngster Is Right
Guard, by Hamburg, out of Endurance, by
Right; there Is a brown colt by Clifford,
out of Black Venus; a chestnut fltty by
Hamburg, out of Blue Girl, is in ths royal
collection, and another by Hamburg, out
of Irish Reel. Joyner Is greatly pleased
with his new string and they are sure to
do him credit. He will still train the Bel
mont youngsters he had before the death
of Mr. Rogers, but the Keene t-year-olds
have been turned over to .Trainer Rows,
Baby Wolf, the crack sprinter of the late
fall season, is doing finely. - Brookdalo
Nymph, Bar None and Bea Wolf of the
older division are In fine fettle and there
are great things In prospect for the pop
ular '"blue, brown cap", the coming season.
Boms Promtslaar Colts.
Ths old Joiner' stable is In charge of Us
former foreman, J. Schlosser, who Is a care
ful horseman. The 3-year-old Hessian' is
In this lot and is likely to be an early horse
for this year, instead of a late one as last
season. Lady Winifred, who was some
what disappointing. Is also In this string, ss
sr Rlalto, Golden Pearl and several very
promising 2-year-old fillies. .
Ths stabling at Bheepshead Bay is all
taken up for ths big strings that are yet
to come, and these are showing up -daily
from the south and the far west. William
Gerat is settled In his quarters with seven
teen head. Matt Byrnes hss a number yet
to fom. Frank Brown and Ed Heffner
have arrived from New Orleans with the
horses they have raced there during the
wlntar soasonv
At Graveaend the big stsbles hsve had
perfect training conditions -for many weeks
except for a few days of bad weather and
th horses there will be among the most
forward for th early race, meetings. The
big Burlew A O'Neill stable, Tom Welsh,
(Frank Weir, Frank Taylor's formidable
lot. which will race In the Patchogue
If you wear a MaeCarthy-WUson
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Gilbreath. Boord., " . ' Keyt.
Hclnrlchs, Drinkwafeo. Hall.
stable's colors; J. L. McOlnnls' thoroughly
useful looking bunch and many others have
been going along very lively for some
time. '
Notter, the Jockey who rides for the
Keene stable this season, has reported to
James Rows and begun getting acquainted
with the 2-year-olds of that string, exercising-
them In -the mornings and being on
hand at an? time for active duty. He has
the appearance of a very chunky, heavy
youngster, but says that he cam easily ride
at 102. Under these conditions he will be
one of the stable's most valuable assets.
E. Dugan will ride first call for R. T.
Wilson, jr., and the horses of this string
in training at Belmont park already give
promise of being stake class and able to
hold their own in the best company.
Marphy's Bis; Strlns;.
One of the big strings at Gravescnd la
that of M. Murphy, in charge of James
Healey. The Murphy string is twenty
three in number and they have been VP
from Oceanport, N. J., for two weeks and
are swinging ' Into regular training work.
Recent arrivals from the far west at
Gravesend were John, Shields, i Walter Jen
nings' and Frank Regan. Shields has a
promising 3-year-old In Fore ' Guard, by
the famous campaigner. Advance Guard.
John Hynes Is one of the earliest of the
trainers to show In the morning at Grave
send and hla horses have had plenty of
good work. In addition to the string they
already had in training, Burlew & O'Neill
have taken over the Jumpers of Thomas
Hitchcock, jr., including California King,
Bayonet, Judge O'Gln, . Judge Post ' and
Algelone. Angclus, in the Burlew &
O'Neill string, is Jointly owned by them
and Mr. Hitchcock.
Over at Belmont park nothing like the
fast, work has been done as at Gravesend
and Bheepshead Bay, but the trainers there
are getting busy, especially In the last
few . days, and the horsvs are on the bit
and ready to run. One of the . big strings
at Bolniont park is that of Paul Rainey,
In charge of William Garth, twenty-four In
number. Outside of the many promising
I-year-olds, the Jumpers attract a great deal
of . attention. . Perseverance, T. 8. Martin,
Banctus and Vervane all are In tip-top con
dition. Another big string of Jumpers Is
that of Ellas Veltch, In which are Alfar,
Bandy Creeker, Palm, Hayseed, Fallaheen
and others. .
Only Klght Declared Oat..
There have been only eight declarations
from the Excelsior handicap which Will be
run on the opening day of the Jamaica
Spring meeting, to begin on April 29. They
are as follows: Montgomery and Tony
Faust, from the Hildrcth stables; Lawrence
P. Daley and Johnnie Blake, which com
posed, the Cook entry; A. J. Joyncr's well
known campaigner, Cairngorm; Yankee
Girl,, from the barn of C. R. Ellison, which
leaves Tetiiaceo to represent that turfman;
Chalfonte, who was the representative of
P. T. Chlnu, and Transvaal, one of the
three named from the stable, of James R.
Keene. This will leave Gretna Green and
Superman as th bearer of the colors of
the vice chairman of the Jockey, club.
The Patchogue stable entry, Nealon and
Charles Edward, head th list, with 1-U and
I2i pounds, respectively, while Dr. Gardner
is assigned third place with 1Z1 pounds.
Rifleman will carry top weight among the
S-year-olds, being assigned HI pounds, f
Almost 1,000 Aro Km t rrr 4 for the
NlMttitk Renewal.
NEW YORK. April 18. Secretary Horace
Wilson has given out th official list of
mare nominated In the nineteenth renewal
of the V-t.ouO Kentucky futurity, which
closed March It, and the total 1 1,177 mares.
This is not the record erjtry for tha
futurity, as It has bven beaten four times,
yet It probably represvtits th largest per
centage of select trotting matrons ever
gathered together In the history of the
trotting turf. Secretary Wilson Is delighted
with this great littl of nearly mares.
It Is the choicest list ever named.
The largest nominator Is the famous trot
ting nursery. Walnut Hall farm, Dunerail,
Ky., which names sr. even 10U of Its
matrons. In foal to Moko, Walnut Hall,
S OS1, the young Os me and others. A, clone
second Is the big Patchvn Wllks farm of
W. E. D. Slokrs, at Lexington, Ky., with
ninety-two cf Its roat mares, mostly of
OnwarJ blood, bred to futurity winner
Peter th Great; J. J. Audubon, A Hellion,
Mighty Onward, and other fires. Third
on th list la the New England farm of
William Russell Allen, Ptttsfield. Mas.,
with thlrty-fiv marea. The Empir CHy
farm of William Simpson & Son at Cuba.
N. Y.. come next with thirty of Its grand
band of mares, equally divided by between
might McKlnnry and the colt trotting sir.
Axworthy. A Diimbtr of other prominent
t .V i . i
n in
farm throughout the country ,ar Vepre-
serted. Thirty-nine states and territories
are represented In the list, of which four
teen have named but. from one to four
mares each. Kentucky, as usual, Ib the
largest nominator, with 447 mares, with
New York and Massachusetts next in line.
Modern Improvement Made on the
Famoa Old Coarse.
BALTIMORE, Md.. April 18. When the
Maryland Jockey club throws open the
gates of the historic old Plmllco course on
April 22, for Its annual "Spring meeting, it
will present a modern, up-to-date appear
ance that U has not possessed in a score
of years.
Last fall the officials of the Maryland
Jockey club decided to make ; some Im
provements at the track and for the last
two months workmen hRve been busy, at
the course constructing buildings and re
modeling the track, so' that when the meet
ing begins the Plmlico course will be one
of the prettiest south of New York.
A new paddock has been built on the
south side of the grand stsnd, the old pad
dock having adjoined the north side of the
stand. This paddock is a roomy Jid most
comfortable looking place for the saddling
of the runners. It has eighteen large
stalls and ample space for the parade of
the thoroughbreds before they are taken
o the track. Plenty of room Is left for
spectators. v
Adjoining the paddock, toward the grand
fUnd, are the new offices of the club, a
jockeys' room, and rooms for club mem
bers. The offices ore located on the first
floor and the Jockeys' quarters above. A'
gallery has been provided for those boys
who are compelled to remain In the Jock
eys' room when not riding-
In front of the stand the promensde has
been laid with brick, and a new Judges'
stand has taken the place of the old and
unsightly affair which obstructed the view
of so many persons In the stand at former
meetings. Numerou new stables have
boon built and accommodations are now
'provided for upward of 600 , The
track itself has been gteatly Improved. .
Four Hundred Thonsand Dollars ON
frred on . Northern' Tracks. '
TORONTO, Ont. April 18,-Fully, 4O0,00u
will be distributed In prises and stakos
on the Canadian racing circuit this season,
the first meeting being held by the Ontario
Jockey club, which opens . May 23 and
continues to June , Inclusive.
From Toronto th horses will go to Mon
treal and Hamilton, which egaln have con
tacting dates. Kenllworth follows; with
a thirty-day meeting, and then the new
Niagara Jockey clui) opens Us inaugural
meeting fU the reconstructed Fort Frls
track. The purses here, as a the Ontario
and Montreal meetings, will amount to
JTB.OnO, both the stakes and overnight han
dicaps being Increased.
The Improvements at Fort Erie track
are very extensive. Including a rebuilding
of the grand stand, new stables and re
construction of the tracks. A spur from
the Grand Trunk railway is being carried
up to the grand stand to save a half-mlW
walk, and a special train will be run from
Toronto daily, as for the Hamilton meet
ing. '
One BettlnaT Reform In New York
Tome Ont of AsjHation.
NEW YORK, April 18. Having soored the
first knockdown In the battle against the
anll-bettlng crusaders, the racing associa
tions naturally fuel confident of a complete
victory, and have started in already to
strengthen themselves, so to speak, against
any future attack on the sport.
While the fight was being wage4 , at
Albany the rwpresentatlves of tha ju5i.'y
club and the various tracks U. New York
have been discussing reforms hlch they
admitted were necessury. When th fight
waxtd warm these people began to realize
that the betting game has been conducted
too openly. Just what has been planned In
the way of retoims cannot be learned at
this time, but when the announcement Is
mad we can expect to hear that the so
called "dollar field" has been abolished
and the price of aduiUaion raise J so that
only the people who are comfortably ahlu
lo patronise racing will be catered to.
Thu racing associations realize that with
the abolition of the cheap field they will
rut otf a source of revenue that brought
thousands of dollars into the box office
evjy day. But the track owners are ready
to sacrifice even this big Item no as to
silenc tti clamor against the betting
One plan that was suggested early In the
year, and i' Mi is ,very likely to ' be
adopted, Is to fix an even price admission
to all parts of the track. It is argued that
If the general admission was placed at $5
it would keep away the cheap betters, who
made the dollar field their haven.
Then, again, particular attention is to
be given to the people who enter the
course, even though they should want to
put up the Jo. Children and minors are to
be barred entirely, the purpose being to
attract a clintole that can afford to gamble
on a race track.
There, will also be a charge In the betting
ring. It may even go as far as to shut out
the so-called pikers and fix the minimum
bet one can make at 13. This would be
effective. Many people have suggested
doing away with the exchange of money.
To accomplish this the bookmakers would
have to organize and establish a sort of a
clearing house, which would Issue betting
paper to any amount and which could be
used In the ring Just the same as money,
the bettor or bookmaker having a settle
ment every night or the next morning.
But no matter what changes are to be
made, It will be on the lines aforemen
tioned. . There will no longer be that lavish
ttilsplay of money, nor will the rough and
cheap element be catered to.
Arrangement for Display by n com
petitive Organisation.
LONDON, April 18. Tho British Olympic
association calls attention to the fact that
In the gymnastic competitions to be held
at tha Stadium from July 13 to July 25
provision Is made for noncompetitive dis
plays by teams, whether men or women,
and commemorative medals will be given ;
to all who take part In any of these dis-
plays, the rules for which are as follows: ;
The time allotted to any society, Intuitu- j
Hon, gymnasium or club will be a period
of forty-five minutes, except by special I
permission of the British Olympic council.
The director or authorities responsible for
any display must forward to the honorable
secretary of the British Olympic commit
tee a complete program of proposed items,
with the time each Item will take and the
minimum number of workers composing
the team. It Is requested that this draft
program be submitted on quarto paper.
This program must be forwarded to tho
British Olympic committee honorable sec
retary not later than April ). .
Beldame Present Belmont String:
with Important Addition.
NEW YORK, April 18.-An Item of In
terest to thoBe who are fond of the thor
oughbred Is conveyed In the news which
hss )uft reached this city that the famous
mare Beldame has foaled a bay colt by
Imported Bock Sand at the nursery stud
of August Belmont, near Lexington, Ky.
The youngster Is said to be a fine and
welt grown colt and his future will be
watched with a great deal of Interest.
Rock Band cost his owner tUX.000 In Eng
land two years ago, and Beldanvt's foal la
one of the first sired by the famous Eng
lish horse since his arrival In this country.
Rork Sand was a very great race horse
in his native Country, winning among other
races the GngliBh Derby, St. Leger and
the Two Thousand Guinea, lie Is there
fore one of the few winner of the classic
triple event of the English turf.
Oregon gnrlntrr Will Wear the Cherry
NEW YORK. April 18. There Is a persis
tent rumor in athletic circles that Dan
Kelly, th former Oregon sprinter, has
signed an application for athletic member
ship in the New York Athletlo club. If
Kelly should take this will bring
him under th wing of Bernle Wefers,
holder of one of tha records Kelly 1 sup
posed to have tied. It is no set-ret that
Wefers dots not believe that the Oregon
sprinter ever ran 230 yards In .21ty, but It Is
now up to the Georgetown man to do his
best to fit Kelly to do the trick. No matter
what Kelly does In the running line, he
will prove a most valuable man at Travera
Island, as there Is little doubt but that h
is tho greatest broad. Jumper on the con
(crrii with Its First Mates. Kncoar-
in It Promoters.
NEW YORK, April 18. -The National Ath
letlo club, which opened Its fistic, career
with the Wolgaat-Moran bout, will arrange
to bring Abe Attell and Owen Moran to
gether some time next month. Th speedy
draw that these two feathers fought out
on the has whetted the appetites of
eastern sports for a taste of the combina
tion. .
Attell fights Tommy Sullivsn out west at
th end of this month and then he will b
free to sign up with the shifty English
man if h chrMias. UarwtQfora atllt hmA
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held out for a weight above the feather- j
weight limit, but Harvey says he can ad
just that matter to suit all parties con
cerned. '
All Canada Get Behind the Fleet bnt
' "v- . ,
NEW YORK, April 18. If the Amateur
Athletlo union ever doe succeed in having
Tom Longboat, the Canadian Indian run
ner, barred from the Olympic games at
Shepherd s Buhh next July, It will he In the
face of the stlffest kind of opposition. It
has not only to buck against the Canadian
Amateur Athletic union, but, seemingly,
against th Dominion government Itself In
a way. P. J. Mulqueen, one of the three
m'en appointed by the governor general of
Canada a th Olympic committee of that
country, declared recently that the gov
ernor general la backing the discredited
runner and will see to tt that he start in
the Marathon.
Match of Feather at 'Frlaeo for Last
IV lab t In April.
BAN FRANCISCO, Aril 18.-Abe Attell,
the 'little featherweight champion, has
signed articles for another battle to be
fought here on th night of April 30. His
opponent In this scrap will be "Brooklyn
Tommy" Sullivan, who Is the only pugilist
who has a credit of a knockout over him.
They will corns together In a twnty-round
bout at 113 pounds, weigh In at p. m.
The contest will b brought off by the
San Francisuo Athletic club, and Billy
ILnaha will I fare IU
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